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La Familia Baden-Powell viva en una tranquila calle de Hyde Park, Londres y all el 22 de
Febrero de 1857 naci su doceavo hijo, a quien bautizaron con el nombre de Robert
Stephenson Smith, quien con el correr de los aos fundara la agrupacin juvenil mas
importante del mundo: los SCOUTS. Es de hacer notar que el Jefe de esta familia era un
distinguido cientfico, pastor y profesor en la Universidad de Oxford.
Los padres de Robert prestaron gran inters en su hijo y la Sra. Baden-Powell le dio las
primeras lecciones en su propia casa cuando aun era muy pequeo. Era un alumno apto
para el arte y pronto aprendi a dibujar utilizando ambas manos. John Ruskin uno de los
muchos alumnos, escritores y artistas que era amigo de la familia, se impresiono por esto y
aconsejo a la madre de Robert, que deba dejarlo usar las dos manos para lo que el nio
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (1)
Baden-Powell Fam
ily lived in a quiet street in Hyde Park, London, and there on February 22, 1857 gave birth to
her twelfth child, whom they named Robert Stephenson Smith, who with the passage of
time the youth group founded most important of the world: SCOUTS. It should be noted that
the head of this family was a distinguished scientist, pastor and professor at the University
of Oxford.
Robert's parents paid a lot of interest in his son and Mrs. Baden-Powell gave the first lessons
at home when he was still very small. He was a capable student art and soon learned to
draw using both hands. John Ruskin one of many students, writers and artists who was a
friend of the family, was impressed by this and advise the mother of Robert, who had let
him use both hands to what the child wanted.


De pequeo era muy curioso y le gustaba investigar cualquier cosa nueva y poco usual. Una
noche que haba una reunin en su casa despert al or voces de discusin y bajo las
escaleras con ropa de dormir. Uno de los invitados tuvo que explicarle todo para poder
convencerlo de volver a su cama.
Cuando tenia tres aos muri su padre y la vida fue una lucha muy fuerte para esta
numerosa familia. De su madre, Robert dijo aos despus fue maravilloso como esa mujer
supo criar a todos sus hijos y ninguno le sali malo.
Robert y sus hermanos no tenan dinero para comprar sus regalos, aprendieron por lo tanto
a ser hbiles y tuvieron mucha satisfaccin en fabricar sus propias canoas para pescar y

navegar. Sin embargo Robert estaba muy interesado en los trenes y despus de ayudar a su
mam haciendo los mandados y otros trabajos de la casa pasaba horas mirando trenes y
preguntando sobre ellos, en aquel entonces quera
ser maquinista.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (2)
As a child he was very curious and liked to investigate anything new and unusual. One night
we had a meeting at his house when he heard voices raised for discussion under the stairs
and sleepwear. One of the guests had to explain everything to convince him to return to his
When I was three years his father died and life was a struggle very hard for this large family.
From his mother, Robert said years later "was wonderful as the woman he knew to raise all
her children and none of them went bad.
Robert and his brothers had no money to buy gifts, they learned to be so clever and had
great satisfaction in making their own canoes for fishing and sailing. But Robert was very
interested in trains and after helping her mother running errands and other housework
spent hours watching trains and asking about them, at that time wanted to be a machinist.


Lo bien que la madre de Robert educo, visti y sostuvo a su numerosa familia, quedo
reflejado en el libro llamado Leyes para mi cuando sea viejo, que Robert escribi cuando
tenia 8 aos y 4 das. El libro terminaba as: Debes rezar a Dios cada vez que puedas, pero
no puedes ser bueno con solo rezar, 28 de Febrero de 1865.
Su primera escuela fue Tumbridge Wells, y la dejo a los 11 aos de edad. Animado por su
madre Robert se inscribi para obtener beca en una escuela pblica cuando tenia 13 aos y
tuvo que luchar mucho durante varios meses para vencer el examen. Tuvo xito, gano dos
becas, una para el colegio Fettes en Edimburgo y la otra para Charterhouse de Londres,
eligi ingresar a este ltimo. En su primer da el director del coro descubri que tena buena
voz y estimul sus dotes musicales.
Exista enemistad entre los muchachos de Charterhouse y los muchachos de los
carniceros del mercado ve
cino de Smithfield. Durante una de las batallas, el Director del colegio di a Robert y a otros
muchachos la llave de la puerta lateral de tal manera que hicieran por ella una salida
sorpresa y as pusieron en fuga a los muchachos carniceros que estaban atacando a los
alumnos mayores.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (3)
How well educated Robert's mother, dressed and said his large family, I am reflected in the
book called "Laws for me when I get old," Robert wrote when I was 8 years and 4 days. The
book ended: "You must pray to God whenever you can, but you can not be good to just
pray," February 28, 1865.
His first school was "Tunbridge Wells", and leave it at 11 years old, encouraged by his
mother Robert scholarship for enrolled in public school when I was 13 and had to fight hard
for months to beat the test. He succeeded, won two scholarships, one for school, "Fettes" in
Edinburgh and the other for "Charterhouse" in London, chose to join the latter. On his first
day the choir director found to have a good voice and encouraged his musical gifts.
There was animosity between the boys of "Charterhouse" and the boys of the butchers of
Smithfield neighboring market during one of the battles, the Director of the school gave to
Robert and other key guys on the side door so that it do for output and thus surprise, drove
the boys butchers who were attacking the older students.


Durante sus aos escolares Robert y sus hermanos viajaban mucho y a muy poco costo.
Como ya se dijo construan sus propias embarcaciones y aprendieron a navegar a vela y as
pasaban la mayor parte de sus vacaciones navegando.
Navegaban rio arriba, escogan un lugar apropiado y en el construan chozas con ramas,
pescaban, cogan conejos y pjaros y as se provean de alimentos. Roberto como su
hermano menor deba tomar parte en el trabajo pescando y cogiendo conejos, haciendo
algo de comida y bastante del lavado de los trastos. Sus primeros ensayos de cocina no
tuvieron mucho xito. Cierta vez la sopa que el preparo estaba tan mala, que sus hermanos
le obligaron a tomrsela toda.
De regreso a Charterhouse para un nuevo ao escolar, Robert fue escogido por el Dr. Hasig
Brown para que representara el papel principal de una pieza teatral del colegio. Este
nombramiento lo sorprendi y tuvo miedo de ser un fracaso,
pero se dedico al asunto con entusiasmo y tuvo un xito clamoroso. Despus, siempre tuvo
inters en las representaciones y desarrollo una gran habilidad como actor.
Robert no fue un estudiante brillante; sus calificaciones eran de una mezcla extraa de
alabanza y crtica: Regular, podra portarse mejor, Satisfactorio en todo aspecto, Se ha
vuelto muy flojo, con frecuencia se queda dormido en clase.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (4)
During his school years Robert and his brothers traveled a lot and very little cost. As
mentioned built their own boats and learned to sail and so spent most of their sailing
They sailed up the river, and chose a suitable place in huts built of branches, fished, caught
rabbits and birds and thus provided food. Robert and his younger brother should take part in
the work fishing and catching rabbits, with some food and enough of washing the dishes.
His first attempts were not very successful kitchen. One time the soup that arrangement
was so bad that his brothers forced him to take it all.
Back to Charterhouse for a new school year, Robert was chosen by Dr. Hasig Brown to
represent the lead role in a play school. The appointment surprised him and he was afraid of
failing, but was devoted to the subject with enthusiasm and was a huge success. Then,
always had an interest in the representations and developed a great skill as an actor.
Robert was not a brilliant student, his grades were a strange mixture of praise and criticism:
"Regular, could do better", "satisfactory in every respect", "It has become very lazy, often
falls asleep in class."


Robert se inscribi en el cuerpo de cadetes de la escuela y tomaba inters en los ejercicios,
en las maniobras y en el tiro al blanco, adems se convirti en corneta y tocaba ese
instrumento en la banda de cadetes. Tambin tocaba violn en la orquesta de la escuela y
por algn tiempo fue su director.
En 1872 la escuela Charterhouse se cambio a Godalming Surrey. Cerca de all haba un
matorral, un tramo bastante grande de bosque, era una ladera muy inclinada, estaba fuera
de los linderos, pero atraia como un imn.
En el matorral de Charterhouse se convirti en un montero, sola trepar por el
cautelosamente, buscando seales, observando la vida silvestre, poniendo trampas y
cuando coga un conejo o una liebre, lo desollaba y coca en un pequeo fuego sin humo,
pues los profesores solan pasear por el bosque y buscaban a los muchachos que
traspasaban sus linderos.
Aprendi valiosas lecciones: como acechar, a
quedarse inmvil como una estatua para no llamar la atencin y cuando sus profesores
aparecan, el trepaba rpidamente a los arboles sin hacer ruido, pues sabia que el comn
de la gente, rara vez busca hacia arriba, nunca lograron descubrirlo.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (5)
Robert enrolled in the cadet corps of the school and took interest in the exercises,
maneuvers and target shooting, also became the instrument and played cornet in the band
of cadets. He also played violin in the school orchestra and for a time was its director.
In 1872 the school was changed to Charterhouse Godalming - Surrey. Nearby was a thicket,
a rather large stretch of forest, was a very steep slope, was out of bounds, but attracted like
a magnet.
In the thicket of Charterhouse became a hunter, I used to climb the cautiously, looking for
signs, observing wildlife, setting traps and when she picked up a rabbit or a hare, skinned it
and cooked in a small fire without smoke, as teachers used to walk through the woods and
looked for the guys that passed through its boundaries.
He learned valuable lessons: how to stalk, to stay still as a statue to avoid attention as their
teachers showed up, the trees quickly climbed quietly because he knew that ordinary
people, rarely looking up, never managed to find out.


Fue pasando el tiempo y durante sus vacaciones Robert y sus hermanos se dedicaban con
mas ahnco a las aventuras. Lograron comprarse un pequeo bote plegadizo y con el
hicieron excursiones mas largas, recorriendo desde Londres hasta Gales.
Remontaron el Tmesis hasta su nacimiento, excursionaron por los cerros de Avon,
navegaron a vela hasta Bristol y atravesaron el estuario de Sazvern, que tiene trece
kilmetros y corrientes peligrosas y as llegaron hasta el rio Wye. Mas tarde compraron un
barco de diez toneladas, en el que navegaron por las costas de Inglaterra y Escocia,
enfrentndose a mayores peligros, pues pensaron que si encontraban un barco en peligro y
lo salvaban, ganaran con ello una fortuna.
Robert, en la escuela jugaba futbol, aunque no con mayor xito que el que tena en sus
clases. Era individualista y le gustaba experimentar. Se quitaba los zapatos en la mitad del
juego para sentir los pie
s ms a su gusto, y cuando jugaba en el arco, lanzaba fuertes y terrorficos alaridos de
A pesar de todo, los das que paso en la escuela, los aprovecho adiestrndose para la vida
que le esperaba y el Dr. Haig Brown le dijo al despedirlo: Su habilidad es mayor que la que
aparece en el resultado de su trabajo formal y yo estoy satisfecho con su conducta. Estas
palabras fueron para el un gran estimulo.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (6)
Time went on holiday and Robert and his brothers were engaged with more zeal to the
adventures. They managed to buy a small boat made folding and the longest trips, traveling
from London to Wales.
Sailed up the Thames to its source, excursionaron through the hills of Avon, sailed to sail to
Bristol and across the estuary Sazvern, which is thirteen miles and dangerous currents and
thus came to the river Wye. Later bought a ten-ton ship, which sailed along the coasts of
England and Scotland, facing greater dangers, they thought that if they found a ship in
danger and saved, it would gain a fortune.
Robert, played football at school, though no more successful than he had in his classes. Was

individualistic and liked to experiment. He removed his shoes in the middle of the game to
feel my feet more to your liking, and when he played in goal, threw strong and terrifying
screams of war.
Nevertheless, the days I spend in school, I take Through training for the life that awaited
him and Dr. Haig Brown told him off: "His ability is greater than the one in the formal result
of their work and I am satisfied with your conduct. "These words were to a large stimulus.


Postulo para el ejrcito y sus calificaciones fueron tan altas, que inmediatamente se le
otorg una comisin como subteniente en el 13 Regimiento de Husares, acantonado en la
india y se embarco para darse de alta en Bombay, el 16 de diciembre de 1876. Sus
primeros ocho meses en la India los pas en Lucknow, donde tomo un curso intensivo de
topografa aprobando con las mejores calificaciones y otorgndole un certificado especial.
Era gran amigo de los nios, a ellos les gustaba su espritu alegre, su buen humor, su
manera de divertirse, les haca marchar al son de su armnica y les estimulaba para que
fueran observadores y se fijasen en todo, desarrollando juegos y competencia entre ellos.
Pero los otros oficiales no siempre estaban de acuerdo con l. Robert Baden Powell era un
magnifico soldado, pronto se gano el respeto de sus subordinados, quienes se dieron cuenta
que era tan buen observador al que nada se
le escapaba.
Aprovechaba todas las oportunidades que se le presentaban para irse a la selva y all
acechar a los animales salvajes, escondindose con frecuencia cerca de algn chaco
tranquilo, desde donde poda observar a los venados, chacales, tigres y elefantes que se
acercaban a beber. Biography of Robert Baden Powell (7)
Running for the army and its ratings were so high that immediately was given a commission
as second lieutenant in the 13th Hussars Regiment, stationed in India and embarked to sign
up in Bombay, December 16, 1876. His first eight months in India were spent in Lucknow,
where he took a crash course in surveying approved with the best grades and giving a
special certificate. It was a great friend of children, they liked his cheerful spirit, his humor,

his way of having fun, I did go to the sound of his harmonica and encouraged them to be
observers and were fixed at all, developing games and competition between them. But the
other officers did not always agree with him. Robert Baden Powell was a magnificent soldier,
he soon won the respect of his subordinates, who realized it was so good observer whom
nothing escaped him.
Took advantage of every opportunity presented to him to go to the jungle and there stalking
wild animals, often hiding near a tranquil Chaco, where he could watch the deer, jackals,
tigers and elephants who came to drink.


Baden-Powell amaba a los caballos, y no tenia dinero suficiente para comprar un caballo
amaestrado, por lo que sala a lugares apartados donde hacia tratos ventajosos con los
indios y regresaba con dos o tres potros casi salvajes y los amaestraba. Esto no era una
tarea fcil, pero le sirvi para aprender mucho acerca de los caballos, ademas obtuvo su
caballo para jugar polo a bajo costo y tenia excelente caballos, a los que el conoca y los
que le obedecan en la caza del jabal. Los jabales de la India con sus colmillos salvajes, son
animales peligrosos y si no son muertos con un tiro de lanza certero, pueden herir y algunas
veces matar un caballo e inutilizar a su jinete por toda la vida. Baden-Powell tambin venda
muchos de sus caballos amaestrados a los dems oficiales.
Despus de dos aos de servicio en su regimiento en la India, cayo enfermo y esto
preocupo al medico y Baden-Powell fue licenciado po
r enfermedad y regreso Inglaterra. Aprovecho esta licencia para tomar un curso de fusilera,
el que aprob no solamente con las calificaciones mas altas, sino tambin con marcas
extraordinarias. Regreso a la India en 1880, su regimiento se haba trasladado a la frontera
noroeste, donde la situacin era sumamente peligrosa.
Baden-Powell se puso a adiestrar a sus soldados en el escultismo militar, que demostr ser
valiossimo en esa regin de la frontera.
Biography of Robert Baden Powell (8)

Baden-Powell loved horses, and did not have enough money to buy a horse trained, so they
went out to remote places where advantageous deals with the Indians and returned with
two or three colts almost wild and tamed. This was not an easy task, but it served to learn a
lot about horses, also got his horse to play polo at low cost and had excellent horses, which
he knew and who obeyed him in hunting the boar. The wild boar of India with their tusks
wild animals are dangerous and if not shot dead with a spear accurate, can injure and
sometimes kill a horse and its rider cripple for life. Baden-Powell also sold many of his
horses trained to the other officers.
After two years of service with his regiment in India, fell ill and this worried the doctor and
Baden-Powell was discharged due to illness and return England. I take this license to take a
course of musketry, which passed not only with the highest scores, but also with
extraordinary brands. Returning to India in 1880, his regiment had moved to the
northwestern border, where the situation was extremely dangerous.
Baden-Powell began to train their soldiers in military scouting, which proved invaluable in
that border region.

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