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1- TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH 1. Este pljaro vuela todos ls das, pero no esth volando abana, ~(go-went-gone : ir) 2.- TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH L.- Ella coge siempre el autobuis. 2g Compraste ayer la revista? No, compré un priédico (magazine: revista) 3.-Fsetichame y no hables 4- (en lacalle) - Donde vas? Voy al colegio. Adios. 5.- ¢ Esté ella estudiando?.- No, ella nunca estudia 6- Yono loro, Der ‘ela Hora todos los di 3.. TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH 1. Maria juega a menudo al tenis. 2.-No hables porque estoy estudiando. 3.- ¢ Cudndo fuiste al cine? No fui al cine. Fui al teatro. 4- (por teléfono)~ {Qué haces? Estoy estudiando Matematicas. 5.-{ Cuando aprendiste inglés? Aprendi inglés el aio pasado. 6g Lee Alfredo revistas? No, Alfredo no lee revistas. El siempre lee periédicos. 4. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FORM. 1- Ruth. (tive) when a I saw her last night 2-He ..( not write) his novel yet. 3.- When my parents were younger, they .. (travel) a lot . They don’t travel now 4. All the children ...... shout) when the headmaster . (come in) (you,see) them? (steal) their money “(sleep), thieves .. 8.-Our president often . 9.-We could get into the theatre because we 10-1 (live) in Madrid since 1984 _-(fly) to Germany. (buy) the tickets two weeks before. 5.- TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH. Con qué frecuencia juegas al tenis? .- Juego al tenis de vez en cuando ‘Cuando la pelicula empez6 yo (ya) habia terminado mis deberes. 3 (en la calle) Donde vas? Voy a la biblioteca. Tengo un examen mafiana, 4- El afio pasado estudiaba todos los dias. ‘Por qué ests cansado?. Estoy cansado porque llevo vo trabajando 12 horas. 6.- Mientras Maria estudiaba Jaime escuchaba mis 7- Juan no trabaja porque ha perdido su trabajo. &.- Noe saludé porque nunca le habia visto antes. 6.- FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FORM. (you, cry) now?. Because my cat ways, cry) when it is hungry. (die) two hours ago. 3.- Diana (study) Maths while Jim. (practise) the piano 4.-I'm still studying because I. (not finish) my exams yet 5.-Jack and Tin: _(play) in the park when it (start) to snow. 7. Mary was very rich because she. (inherit) everything from her parents (inherit-ed-ed: heredar.) some years before. 8. At the age of 6, I 9 She 10D eee (play) with marbles. I don’t play with marbles any more. (never, ride) a horse because she thinks it’s very dangerous. (work) in this company for 10 years. Next year I will retire. 7. TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH. Qué hacias ayer a las doce?.- Estaba viendo la tele. Llevan durmiendo 12 horas porque ayer no durmieron. 3.- Estaba muy iste porque habia suspendido mi examen (fail= suspender) 4 { Qué haces? Estoy bu uscando mis laves. ;, Las has visto? ~ Cuando tenia 10 atios tenia muchos § sranos enla cara. a (Spot sraro) 6. Mientras Sara dormia el cartero trajo una carta. (usualy, study) i inthe library. THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FORM. (not, eat) anything yesterday because we (not,be) hungry (your father, do)? (not, work) at the moment. 3.~ Bob and Alice are married. They. (be) married for 20 years. 4.- The baby doesn’t cry so much now but she 5.-Bill didn’t have his car any more. He ... 6~ You look tired. 7-1 8.- Before she 9.- While Tom. 10- In the past James ... (you, work) hard? wt, drive) very fast when the accident. (buy) this car, she (cook) the dinner, the phone. (not, go out) until he met Jill. Now they go out every day 9.- TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH. 1 Yono comprs el periédivo ayer, por eso no sabia que Salustiano habia muero. 10.- FILL INTHE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT VERB FORM. 1-George didn’t want to come to the cinema because he 2.- don’t know Carol's husband. I... 3. Dennis doesn’t cry any more but he. How often. (see) the film twice. (never, meet) him, ..{smoke) 40 cigarettes a day (she, study) for her exams? . She always, study). 5.- Last year she. ‘not, be) interested in English because she .. (never, need) it before. 6.- Somebody (smoke) all my cigarettes. The packet is empty. We... (see) an accident when we. (wait) for the bus. .- There was a car by the side of the road. It (break down) and the driver was trying to repair it 9.- Last night read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) a scream. 10.- Tom. esse (travel) a lot. These days he doesn’t go away very often. 11, TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH Daniel estaba muy triste porque su pajaro se habia muerto. 2.- Rubén solia estudiar mucho, pero apenas estudia ahora { Cusinto tiempo levas estudiando? Llevo estudiando 2 horas. 4. Via Carolina en la fiesta. Llevaba un maj ‘muy bonito. 8.- Rafa me hizo una foto mientras yo no miraba. (ake a a photograph haceruna foto) 9.- Mafiana habré terminado mi trabajo. 10- ( meses staré viviendo en un gpartamente con mi amigos. 11.- Siempre habr montafias oe escalar pe 005 ue ‘afrontar every day, play) pass) his driving test. . (paint) the ceiling. (finish) already ‘not, eat) when I went to see them because the’ 5.-- Aan is learning Italian, - Really? How long.. (she, learn) Italian? 6 After everybod: (leave) home, we 7.- My bicycle isn’t here any more. Somebody... (go) to bed. We could finally rest. (take) it, (ata party) .. (usually, enjoy) parties but I. (not, enjoy) this one much 9~ Iknow he doesn’t dance these days, but he (dance) a lot when he was younger. 10- She hurt my back while she... (work) in the garden TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH. Pamela ha vivido siempre en Memphis. Nunca ha vivido en otro 5. Llevo llamandole una hora pero todavia no ha regresado (come back= regres) 6. Mis padres veian la tele cuando soné el teléfono 10( bng-ang: ung) 1 Voy aia linteca desde que tenia aos.

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