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El artista

rase una vez un rey que amaba las elegantes curvas del gallo. Le pidi al artista de la corte para
pintar un cuadro de un gallo para l.
Durante un ao se esperaba y todava esta orden no se cumpli. Con rabia, se dirigi al estudio y
pidi ver al artista.
Rpido el artista sac papel, pintura y pincel en cinco minutos una perfecta imagen de un gallo
sali de su pincel diestro. El rey se puso morado con una clera, diciendo. "Si se puede pintar un
cuadro perfecto de un gallo en cinco minutos, por qu me hagas esperar ms de un ao?"
"Ven conmigo", le rog al artista, llev al rey a su almacn. El papel fue llenado desde el suelo
hasta el techo. En cada hoja era una pintura de un gallo.
"Su Majestad", explica el artista, "me tom ms de un ao para aprender a pintar un gallo
perfecto en cinco minutos.

The artist
There once was a king, who loved the graceful curves of the rooster. He asked the court artist to
paint a picture of a rooster for him.
For one year he waited and still this order was not fulfilled. In a rage, he marched into the studio
and demanded to see the artist.
Quick the artist brought out paper, paint, and brush in five minutes a perfect picture of a rooster
emerged from his skilful brush. The king turned purple with an anger, saying. "If you can paint a
perfect picture of a rooster in five minutes, why did you keep me waiting for over a year?"
"Come with me", Begged the artist, he led the king to his storage room. Paper was piled from the
floor to the ceiling. On every sheet was a painting of a rooster.
"Your Majesty, " explained the artist, "it took me more than one year to learn how to paint a
perfect rooster in five minutes.

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