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Con frecuencia me preguntan en qu me baso para sostener mis afirmaciones sobre polticas educativas.

Ya varias veces he contestado con esta bibliografa, que ir ampliando con el tiempo. Esta vez las pongo en una nota para no tener que citarla una y otra vez. Referencias Balarn, M. (2012). El gobierno de la educacin en Inglaterra y Per: una mirada comparada desde la economa poltica. Lima, Per: Grade. Barber, M. & Mourshed, M. (2008). Cmo hicieron los sistemas educativos con mejor desempeo para alcanzar sus objetivos. Buenos Aires: PREAL. Blhmark, A. & Lindhal, M. (2008). Does School Privatization Improve Educational Achievement? Evidence from Sweden Voucher Reform. Bonn: Institute for the Study of Labor. Cowen, R. (2005). El sistema educativo ingls. En Prats, J. & Ravents, F. eds. Los sistemas educativos europeos. Crisis o transformacin? Barcelona: Fundacin La Caixa, 66-87. DOrio, W. (2008). Whats Up with Finland? Schol@stic Administrator, 8 (1) 43-45. Lawton, D. (1996). Education Reforms in England since 1979. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1 (12) 7-10. Machine, S. & Vignoles, A. (2006). Education Policy in the UK. London: Center for the Economics of Education. McKinsey & Company (2007). Cmo hicieron los sistemas educativos con mayor desempeo en el mundo para alcanzar sus objetivos. McKinsey & Company Publishing. Ng, P. T. (2007). Educational reform in Singapur. From quantity to quality. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 7. 5-11. Ng, P. T. (2011). Singapores War for Talent: Politics and Education. International Journal of Education Development, 31. 262-268. OECD (2011). Lesson from PISA for the United States, Strong Performers and Successful Performers in Education. OECD Publishing. Ravents, F. (2005). La crisis de los sistemas educativos europeos. En Prats, J. & Ravents, F. eds. Los sistemas educativos europeos. Crisis o transformacin? Barcelona: Fundacin La Caixa. 12-28. Salhberg, P. (2011). Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn From Educational Change in Finland? New York: Teachers College Press. Simola, H. (2005). The Finnish Miracle of PISA: Historical and Sociological Remarks on Teaching and Teacher Education. Comparative Education, 4 (41) 455-470. Stoll, L. & Stobart, G. (2005). Implementing Middle Years Reform in England. Orbit, 1 (35) 41-44. Vlijrvi, J., Linnakyl, P., Kupari, P., Reinikainen, P. & Arfman, I. (2003). The Finnish Success in PISA and Some Reasons Behind it. Jyvskyl: Institute for Educational Research. Webb, R., Vulliamy, G., Hmlinen, S., Sarja, A., Kimonen, E. & Nevalainen, R. (2004). Pressures, rewards and Teacher Retention: A Comparative Study of Primary Teaching in England and Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 2 (48) 169-188. Whitty, G. & Power, S. (2000). Marketization and Privatization in Mass Education Systems. International Journal of Educational Development, 20. 93-107.

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