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Carlos Duclos

Septiembre 2004 V 1.1


Navegaba en un Catamarn fabricado en Australia y surgi la

necesidad de consultar con el astillero constructor ciertas
dudas sobre el grillete giratorio de la cadena del ancla.

En los diccionarios, en cuanto consultamos temas tcnicos de

cierta profundidad, no encontramos la respuesta y como ya me
haba ocurrido en otras ocasiones, desempolv los apuntes del
viejo profesor de la Facultad y encontr la solucin.

Esto me hizo pensar en la necesidad de contar con ellos a bordo

en un formato ms manejable que el enorme archivador con olor a
rancio y amarillas fotocopias.

Decid armarme de paciencia y empezar a informatizarlos, pero

rpidamente, me di cuenta, que los aos no pasan en vano y menos
en un sector que evoluciona tan rpidamente como el nuestro. Los
apuntes se haban quedado obsoletos ,adems las imgenes tampoco
me servan, por este motivo y por la mala calidad de las

Pens entonces que poda emplear como armazn los apuntes

mencionados y gran parte de sus vocabularios, reemplazar lo
anticuado y ampliar muchos temas, investigando en la biblioteca
mas grande del mundo Internet-.

Me sorprendi nada mas empezara investigar, la cantidad de

artculos interesantes que encontr y la calidad de los
grficos, por lo que, ilusionado, me puse manos a la obra en el
mes de Junio y ahora que acaba septiembre, tengo suficiente
material recopilado como para montar lo que he llamado versin

La primera conclusin que he sacado, es, que de momento, mi

ingles ha mejorado bastante y adems, el objetivo primero de
tener un formato mas manejable, lo he cumplido.

Quiero que se entienda por tanto, que no soy un erudito en

Ingles, si no mas bien alguien muy interesado en aprender y que
mi labor ha sido de recopilacin, montaje y edicin de datos y
de paso, mientras lo hacia he aprendido mucho.

En la portada, esta mi direccin de correo electrnico por si

algn lector encuentra fallos que seguro que los hay, sea tan
amable de comunicrmelo, adems cualquier sugerencia ser
bienvenida, ya que, pretendo hacer versiones mejoradas con mas

Carlos Duclos Ingles nutico

Repartir entre amigos y compaeros, copias en CD de esta
versin, por que uno de los placeres del conocimiento es
compartirlo y con esa nica intencin los regalo, espero que se
hagan de estos muchas copias pues ser seal que han interesado.

Buena proa para todos.

Guadacorte , septiembre de 2004

Carlos Duclos Ingles nutico


13 SEVIMAR 178
25 ESTIBA 364
32 MAREAS 472
35 LA HELICE 516
Anexo I P&O Nedlloyd dictionary 520
Anexo II SMCP Standard marine communication phrases 679
Anexo III USCG Navigation rules 874
Anexo IV ISPS code 1097

Carlos Duclos Ingles nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval


Vocabulary and abbreviators used in draws

Aboard A bordo
Accommodation Acomodacin
Accommodation ladder Escala
Accommodation ladder AL Escala real
Action of rudder Efecto del timn
Adjustable Adj Ajustable
Advance Traslado (curva de evolucin)
Afloat A flote
Aft A popa
After end AE Extremidad posterior
After draught AD
After peak Pique de popa
Alleyway Pasillo
Amidships Cruja
Air tight AT Estanco al aire
Angle bar Angular de hierro
Angle Ang Angulo
Angles Angulares
Apron Contraroda
Arrangement Arrgt Disposicin
Arched Quebranto, arqueado
Archimedess law Principio de Arqumedes
Assembled Assm Montado, ensamblado.
Astern A popa
Athwartships De una banda a otra.
Autogenous welding Soldadura autgena
Balanced rudder Timn compensado
Ballast tank Bal Tk Tk de lastre
Bar Barra ,perfil
Bar keel Quilla maciza
Base line Bl Lnea base
Battens Serretas
Beam Bao
Beam bracket Cartabn de bao
Beam- length ratio Razn manga eslora
Beam-draught ratio Razn manga calado
Bean ends Balance grande
Behavior of a ship in waves Comportamiento de un bq.
entre las olas
Bending moment Momento flector
Bending stress Esfuerzo de flexin
Bilge Pantoque
Bilge blocks Picaderos del pantoque
Bilge keel quilla de balance
Bilge planks Tablazn del pantoque

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Bilge strake Traca de pantoque

Bilges Sentina
Bilgeway Anguila
Block coefficient Coeficiente bloque
Board Tabla tabln
Body plan Plano de formas del casco
Boiler room BR Sala de calderas
Bottom Fondo
Bottom board Palmejar
Bottom plating Planchas del plan
Boundary layer Capa limite
Boundary Bdry Limite
Bow rudder Timn de proa
Bracket Bkt Cartabn
Bracket frame Cuaderna armada
bracket knee Cartabn entre cuadernas y
Bracketless system Construccin sin cartelas
Bulkhead Bhd Mamparo
Bilge keel Bil.K Quilla de balance
Bridge deck B.Dk Cubierta de puente
Break Saltillo
Broaching Atravesarse a la mar
Broadside Costado
Building slip Grada de construccin
Bulb angle Angular con nervio
Bulbous bow Bulbo
Bulkhead Mamparo
Bulkhead stiffeners Refuerzos de mamparo
Bulwark stanchion Barraganete
Bulwarks Amuradas
Bulwarks Regala
Burden Porte, peso muero, tonelaje
Butt welded BW Soldado a tope
Butt strap BS Cubrejuntas
Butt joint Unin a tope
Butt weld Soldadura a tope
Buttock lines Secciones verticales
C. Block C. de bloque
C. Fineness C. de afinamiento
C. midship c. de la cuaderna maestra
Cable locker Caja de cadenas
Camber Brusca del bao
Capacity plan Plano de capacidades
Cargo battens Serreta
Casing Guardacalor
Caulked Calafateado
Ceiling Chapas del plan de bodega

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Cellular double bottom Doble fondo celular

Center girder Quilla vertical
Centre board Orza quilla abatible
Centre Keel Ck Sobrequilla
Centre plate gilder Quilla vertical
Chain locker Caja de cadenas
Chart room Cuarto de derrota
Chart room Derrota
Coal bunker Carbonera
Coaming Brazola
Compressed air Com Aire comprimido
Compartment Comp Compartimiento
Coefficient Coeficiente
Cofferdam Cofferdan
Collision bulkhead Mamparo de colisin
Companion Tambucho
Counter Bovedilla de popa
Cowl ventilator Ventilador
Curve of bending moment Curva de momentos flectores
Cutwater Tajamar
Damping effect Efecto amortiguador
Davit Pescante
Davit Pescante
Deck Dk Cubierta
Deck beam Bao cubierta
Deck head Parte inferior de la cubierta
Deck plating Forro cubierta
Deck stringer Trancanil
Deep tank DT Tanque profundo
Depth Puntal , profundidad
Discharge Disch Descarga
Diameter Dia Dimetro
Derrick Pluma de carga, Puntal
Docking winch Maquinilla
Double bottom DB Doble fondo
Down by the head Aproado
Down by the stern Apopado
Down to her marks Se ha llegado al calado
Drain Drn Drenaje, desague
Draft Calado
Draught Calado
Draught marks Escala de calados
Duct keel Doble quilla
Electric welding Soldadura elctrica
Electrode Electrodo
Endurance Autonoma
Engine and boiler casing E&BC Guarda calor

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Engine room Eng Rm Sala de maquinas

Even keel Aguas iguales
Expansion joint Junta de expansin
Experimental tank Canal de experiencias
Feet Ft Pies
Fine lines Finos de proa
Fitting out Buque en proceso de equipado
y terminacin
Flare Abanico de la amura
Floodable length Eslora inundable
Floor Varenga
Forces acting on turning Fuerzas que actan en la
Fore hold Bodega de proa
Fore peak Pique de proa
Forecastle Castillo
Forefoot Pie de roda
Foremast Palo del trinquete
Frame Fr Cuaderna
Frame spacing Clara entre cuadernas
Framing Cuadernaje, armazn
Freeboard Francobordo
Freeing port Porta
Fresh water allowance Permiso de agua dulce
Fresh water load line Lnea de carga de agua dulce.
Full lines Lneas llenas (del casco)
Funnel Fun Chimenea
Furniture Equipo
Galley Cocina
Gangway G Portaln
Garboard strake Traca de aparadura
Garboard strake Traca de aparadura
Gate valve GV Vlvula de compuerta
Gear Equipo, aparejo
Guards rails Baranda
Generator Gen Generador
Gudgeon Hembra del timn
Gunwale Tapa de regala
Gusset Consola

Half breath plan Plano de las lneas de agua o

Hatch H Escotilla
Hatch coaming Brazola
Hatchway Escotilla
Hawse pipe HP Escoben
Hawsepipe Escoben
H-bar Viga de seccin H
High tensile steel HTS Acero de gran resistencia

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Head ledge Brazola transversal

Hogging strain Esfuerzos de quebranto
Hold Bodega
Hull Casco
I bar I Viga de seccin I
Inclination while turning Inclinacin durante la
Inch In Pulgada
Insulation Insul Aislamiento
Inner bottom Fondo interior del doble
Intercostal plate Plancha intercostal
Jack staff Torrotito
Joggled Jog Aboquillado
Keel K Quilla
Keel blocks Picaderos del centro o de la
Keelson Sobrequilla
Knee Cartabn, Codillo, escuadra,
Angular, curva
Knee bracket Soporte consola
Launch, to Botadura
Launching Botadura
Launching ways Imadas
Law of similitude Relacin de semejanza
Length between LBP Eslora entre perpendiculares
Length overall LOA Eslora total
Length Eslora
Lifeboat Bote salvavidas
Light port Portillo
Light ship Buque vaco
Lightening hole LH Aligeramiento
Lightening Aligeramiento
Limber holes Imbornales de varenga
Load lines Lneas de carga
Load draught LD Calado en carga
Load lines disk Disco de mxima carga
Locker Paol
Longitudinal bulkhead Mamparo longitudinal
Longitudinal strength Resistencia longitudinal
Longitudinal stress Esfuerzo longitudinal
Loss of ship Perdida de buque
Lower deck Cubierta inferior
Main deck Cubierta principal
Main frame Cuaderna maestra
Main mast Palo mayor
Main strength deck Cubierta resistente principal
Make up, to Disposicin

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Margin line Lnea margen

Manhole MH Registro
Margin plate Plancha margen
Margin plate Plancha margen
Mast Palo
Mast step Carlinga del palo
Masthole Fogonadura
Mess Comedor de tripulacin
Middle draught Calado en el medio
Midship frame Cuaderna maestra
Mild steel Acero dulce
Mizzen mast Palo de mesana
Molded breadth MB Manga de trazado
Model experiments Modelo experimental
Molded Depth MD Puntal de trazado
Monkey island Magistral
Mould loft Sala de galibos taller de
Oak Roble
Ocean going vessel Buque de altura
Ordinates Ordenadas
Orlop deck Sollado, segundo entrepuente
Oscillations of ships Oscilaciones de los buques
Overhaul, to Revisar, repasar.
Paint locker Paol de pintura
Panting Pandeo.
Panting beam Angular trasversal de
refuerzo a proa
Pay, to Embrear
Periodical survey Reconocimiento peridico.
Pillar Puntal de bodega
Pillars Puntales
Pine Pino
Pintle Macho del timn
Pitch damping Amortiguacin de las
Pivoting point Punto de giro
Plan Plano
Plank Tabln
Planking Tablazn
Plate Plancha
Platform Plataforma, cubierta sin
Poop Toldilla
Poop deck Cubierta de toldilla
Portholes Portillos
Pounding Pantocazo
Promenade deck Cubierta de paseo
Propeller Hlice

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Propeller frame Paso de la hlice

Propeller thrust Empuje del propulsor
Pup room Cuarto de bombas
Quarter deck Alczar de proa
Quarters Qtrs Alojamientos
Rail Tapa de regala, pasamanos,
Raised quarter deck Saltillo de proa
Rake Lanzamiento o inclinacin
Ratlines Flechaste
Requirements Necesidades
Reversed frame Invertido de cuaderna
Rigging Jarcia
Riveting Remachado
Rudder Rud Timn
Rudder frame Estructura del timn
Rudder post Codaste
Rudder stock R Stk Mecha del timn
Sagging strait Esfuerzo de arrufo
Scantling Escantillones, dimensiones
Scupper Imbornal
Seam Costura
Seaworthiness Estado del bq en condiciones
para navegar
Seaworthy En condiciones para navegar,
Settling tank Tanque de decantacin
Shaft tunnel Sh Tun Tnel del eje
Sheathing Revestimiento (de madera en
la cubierta)
Sheer Shr Arrufo
Sheer line Lnea de Arrufo
Sheer of gunwale Arrufo de regala
Sheer plan Plano longitudinal
Sheer strake Traca de cinta
Shell Sl Forro del casco
Shell plating Planchas de costado
Shelter deck Cubierta de abrigo
Shering stress Esfuerzo cortante o de
Shipyard Astillero
Shoe plate Pie de roda
Side girder Vagra
Sounding tube S T Tubo de sonda
Side lights Luces de costado
Side stringer Palmejar
Skylight Lumbrera
Slamming Pantocazo
Sliding ways Gradas

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Slip Grada
Spar deck Cubierta de construccin
Staging Andamiaje
Stanchion Stanch Candelero
Stations Estaciones u ordenadas
Staunch Estanco
Stay Stay
Stem Roda
Stem Roda
Stern Codaste
Steeering gear St Gr Servomotor
Stern Frame Codaste doble
Stern tube Bocina
Sternframe Codaste doble que incluye el
vano de la hlice y soporte
del timn
stiffener Stiff Endurecer, refuerzo,
Stocks Gradas de construccin,
strakes Tracas
Stress Esfuerzo
Stress panting esfuerzo de pandeo
Stringer Stg Vagra
Stringer plate Stg Pl Trancanil
Stringer Vagra
Strum box Aspiracin de una tubera de
Summer load line Lnea de carga de verano
Summer tanks Tanques de verano en un
Switch-cupboards Cuadros y trasformadores
T bar T Viga de seccin T
Tactical diameter Dimetro tctico
Tail end shaft Eje de cola
Tank Tanque
Thickness Thks Grosor, espesor
To draw Calar
Top sides TS Costado de la obra muerta
Topping lift Amantillo
Transon Estampa, Espejo de popa
Transverse strength Resistencia trasversal
Transverse stress Esfuerzo trasversal
Trim Asiento ,trimado
Tropical fresh water load Lnea de carga tropical de
line agua dulce.
Truck Perilla galleta

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Tunnel Tnel
Turning centre centro del circulo de
Turning circle Curva de evolucin
Turning turtle, to Poner quilla al sol
Tweendeck Entrepuente
Vertical Keel VK quilla vertical
Unseaworthy Que no rene condiciones para
Volume of displacement volumen de desplazamiento
Waist Combes, cubierta en el centro
Water ballast Agua de lastre
Water borne A flote en el agua
Waterline coefficient coeficiente de flotacin
Watertight bulkhead Mamparo estanco
Watertight WT Estanco
Waterways Trancaniles
Weather deck Cubierta de intemperie
Web frame Bulrcama
Well deck Cubierta de pozos
Wetted lenght eslora mojada
Welded Wld Soldado
Wetted surface superficie mojada
Wheelhouse Caseta de gobierno
Whistle Silbato
White head Incandescente
Windlass Molinete
Wing costado
Wireless room Telegrafa
Yawing dar guiadas
Zee bar Z Barra en Z

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval
Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico
Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

The Hull

The hull is the framework of the vessel, together with all deck
houses and plating.

The principal structural part of the hull is the keel, which runs
from from stem at the bow of the ship to the stern post. The keel
is joined to the stem and to the stern post.

First type of keel used in iron ship was the bar keel, but later
was substituted by the flat plate keel. Connected to the flat
plate keel and inner bottom is the centre girder, and if the keel
has two centre gilders is called a duct keel.

Structural parts of the hull

The hull is the main body of the ship below the main outside
deck. The hull consists of an outside covering (or skin) and an
inside framework to which the skin is secured. The skin and
framework are usually made of steel and secured by welding.
However, there may still be some areas where rivets are used. The
steel skin may also be called shell plating.
The main centerline structural part of the hull is the keel,
which runs from the stem at the bow to the sternpost at the
stern. The keel is the backbone of the ship. To the keel are
fastened the frames, which run athwartship. These are the ribs of
the ship and gives shape and strength to the hull. Deck beams and
bulkheads support the decks and gives added strength to resist
the pressure of the water on the sides of the hull.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Skin or shell plating

The skin, or shell plating, provides water-tightness. The plates,
the principal strength members of a ship, have various thickness.
The heaviest plates are put on amidships. The others are put on
so that they taper toward both ends of the ship (from the keel
toward the bilge and from the bilge toward the upper row of
plates). Using plates of various thickness reduces the weight of
the metal used and gives the vessel additional strength at its
broadest part. The plates, put on in rows from bow to stern, are
called strakes. They are lettered consecutively, beginning at the
keel and going upward.
Strake names
The bottom row of strakes on either side of the keel, are called
garboard strakes. The strakes at the turn of the hull, running in
the bilge, are bilge strakes. The strakes running between the
garboard and bilge strakes are called bottom strakes and the
topmost strakes of the hull are sheer strakes. The upper edge of
the sheer strake is the gunwale.

Keelson: The keelson is a longitudinal girder running parallel to

the keel, and attached to the centre girder.

Floors: The floors are vertical plates running athwarship at

intervals on no more than 10 feet. They are between the outer and
inner bottom and usually have holes cut in them for purposes of

Beams: The beams run athwartships from side to side of the vessel
and are fastened to the frame by the beam-knees.

Names of decks
The decks aboard ship are the same as the floors in a house. The
main deck is the first continuous watertight deck that runs from
the bow to the stern. In many instances, the weather deck and the
main deck may be one and the same. Any partial deck above the
main deck is named according to its location on the ship. At the
bow it is called a forecastle deck, amidships it is an upper
deck, and at the stern it is called the poop deck. The term
weather deck includes all parts of the forecastle, main, upper,
and poop decks exposed to the weather. Any structure built above
the weather deck is called superstructure.

The decks of a ship corresponds to the floors of a building,. The

names of decks are:
Main deck: Is the principal deck of the ship, which for
structural reasons is an essential part of the hull.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Second deck, third deck etc. are other decks below the main
deck, numbered in sequence from top side down, or in
passenger ship are lettered.
Boat deck is a deck designed as a promenade for passengers.

Special names for decks are used, aboard special types of ships:

Flush deck is a upper deck extending continuously over the

length of the ship without erection such as forecastle and
Shelter deck is a continuous deck above main deck.


The interior of the ship is divided by the bulkheads and decks

into watertight compartments. A vessel could be made virtually
unsinkable if it were divided into enough small compartments.
However, too many compartments would interfere with the
arrangement of mechanical equipment and the operation of the
ship. Engine rooms must be large enough to accommodate bulky
machinery. Cargo spaces must be large enough to hold large
equipment and containers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Bulkheads are important elements of transverse strength. They

increase the safety of the ship as in case of collision the
damage and flooded may be confined to one compartment.

The names of different bulkheads are as follows:

Collision bulkhead
After peak bulkhead
Fore engine room bulkhead
After engine room bulkhead

Besides these bulkhead, there are additional bulkhead spaced

uniformly and depending its number on the length of the ship.


Cofferdam is the space between bulkheads to prevent leakage in

oil tanks to the engine room.

Names of tanks

Ship have an outer and inner bottom and the space between then is
divided into many tanks used for oil storage, fresh water or

All tanks have pump and drain connections for pumping out and for
transferring fuel or water from one part of the ship to another.

Tanks at the extreme bow and stern used for ballast or trimming
ship fore and aft are called peaks tanks.

The main tanks in a vessel are:

After peak Tanque pique proa

Deep tank Tanque Profundo
Double bottom tank Tanque De doble fondo
Fore peak tank Tanque Del pique de proa
Fresh water tank Tanque De agua dulce
Fuel tank Tanque De fuel
Lubricating oil tank Tanque De aceite lubricante
Oil settling tank Tanque De decantacin
Storage tank Tanque De reserva
Trimming tank Tanque De asiento
Water ballast tank Tanque De lastre
Wing tank Tanque Lateral

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Longitudinal framing system

Basically, the framing consists of two systems of structural

members relatively large number of closely spaced longitudinals
, and relatively small number of widely spaced, but deep and
heavy transverses. The latter are slotted to permit the passage
of the longitudinals consist of inverted angles with the toes of
the angles welded to the plating.

The longitudinal system of framing is well suited to tanker

construction since a double bottom is not fitted in the cargo
spaces of a tanker and the bulk liquids carried can be
accommodated without difficulty. The difficulty of stowing dry
cargo in this maze of framing precludes the use of this framing
system for freighters.

Winch deck houses

Are found on board almost every ship. The desire of having

maximum deck space, led to attempts at having cargo of the main
deck as well as various ventilating shats for the holds, and the
remaining winches for operating the loading gear, installed on a
separated deck, the so called winch deck .These winch decks are
provided on deck housed, each of which is placed between the
hatchways. Generally ,the winch deck is even greater than the
deck house, specially if the hatchways can be closed with steel
hatches, for instance, the Mc Gregor type. Other advantages are
that the winches on such a winch deck house will practically not
be exposed to any deck wash, and that the men in charge of the
loading and unloading will have a good view in the holds and run
considerably less risk than other main deck.

The winch deck house ,generally houses the lockers in which the
various parts of the cargo gear, such as block and runners, can
be stored, while it further contains the switch-cupboards for the
winches. If there is any space left, hence in the case of large
deck houses, a laundry or and office is installed.

Hull plating

The outer surface of the hull is built of steel plates or shell

plate which are welded or riveted to each other and to the main
internal structural members of the hull. The plating covering the
bottom is known as outer bottom plating and that covering the
sides is generally known as the side plating. The thickness of
the plates varies with their position in the hull, the thickest
or heaviest being usually found over the bottom at the deck edges
amidships. In the larger warships armour plating made of thick
slabs of specially toughened and hardened steel is secured to the
side plating of those parts of the hull within which are situated
the more vital items of her equipment, such as the magazines,

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

shell rooms, and propelling machinery; this armour plating

usually runs from a few feet below the waterline to upper-deck
level and across the decks.

The short sides of each plate are

called ends and the long sides the
edges. Plates are joined end to form
a panel of plating which runs forward
and aft and is known as strake . The
joint between the ends of any two
plates in a straker is known as butt,
and that between two strakes is know as
a seam.
The straker near the upper deck is the
sheer strake.

For identification purposes, the strakes are lettered. To the

garboard strake corresponds the letter A. Also the plates in the
same strake are numbered starting aft.

Corrugated Bulkhead

Corrugated or fluted bulkheads are

very commonly used aboard modern
tankers. The purpose of the
corrugations is to eliminate or
reduce the number of bulkhead
stiffeners necessary. This objective
is accomplished by an increase in
effective depth due to corrugations.
However, the latter must be arranged
horizontally in both transverse and
longitudinal bulkheads to coincide
with the direction of more important structural stresses.

The tanker is able to take advantage of these bulkheads, due to

their function as liquid carrier. Freighters would lose more due
to the difficulty to stowage than the saving in weight warrant.

In recent years there has been ,however, a partial swing back to

the use of flat bulkheads in tankers due to two serious
1. Tankers have experienced troubles at the junction of the
bulkheads, resulting in cracks and leakage.
2. These structural hard spots or stress raisers have caused
accelerated local corrosion of a serious nature.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

Bilge keels

Many vessels are provided with bilge-keels, whose function is to

reduce the rolling angle of a
rolling vessel in stormy
weather, and which are
therefore often termed
rolling chocks.

Bilge keels have no influence

on the rolling period, but
owing to their damping effect
sometimes considerably reduce
the rolling angle, in
consequence of which
travelling by sea becomes
less unpleasant to the
passengers, and the riveted
or welded joints of vessels loaded with ballast are severely

The damping effect of the bilge keels is of supreme importance,

particularly in case of warships. It enables the guns to be laid
more effectively, while the possibility of the lower edge of the
armoured part of the hull remaining submerged is increased.

The correct position of the bilge keels is mostly determined in

the experimental tank by observing the lines of the water flowing
past the vessel. The bilge keels are fitted in accordance with
these lines of flow in order to minimise their resistance with
vessel under way. They are nor allowed, however, to project
outside the continued line of the side plating or that of the
flat of the bottom, since in that case they would sustain early

Watertight subdivision

Fundamentally a ship is made seaworthy by virtue of her buoyancy

and stability, and in the event of damage, the preservation of
these properties by adequate subdivision of the ship into a
number of separate watertight compartment is an essential feature

To preserve her buoyancy, a considerable volume of the ship above

the waterline must be watertight, so that loss of buoyancy due to
flooding of compartments below water level is counteracted by a
gain of buoyancy above the original waterline. This watertight
volume above the waterline is termed the reserve of buoyancy
and in war ships it may be as much as the watertight volume below

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Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

The stability of a ship is intimately connected with her buoyancy

but it does not follow that her stability will be preserved
throughout the time during which her buoyancy is maintained. A
loss of buoyancy may well result in a disproportionate loss in
stability, and in the ship becoming unstable before losing all
her reserve of buoyancy. This fact alone, without a detailed
explanation of stability, is sufficient to indicate the essential
importance of proper subdivision in limiting flooding to correct
heel or trim caused by damage.

The load of the transverse members

The transverse members of ships comprise: floors, bilge brackets,

frames, beam-knees and beams, all of which cooperate with the
plating of the shell, inner bottom and decks. These transverse
members partly form a continuous frame, partly a frame whose
continuity is interrupted by hatch ways or casings, the beams
been supported by the coaming-plates. At some individual points
of the length the bulkheads provide a very considerable
transverse strength; they influence in the strength of other
transverse members will be discussed in a subsequent section.

With regard to one portion of the ship, having the length of one
frame space, one of the above mentioned transverse frames will
have to resist various loading forces and the consequent bending

The hull of a ship

In former times, it was customary to build ships entirely of

wood; oak and pine chiefly used for this purpose. In our days
however, seagoing vessels are exclusively constructed of steel,
this material is employed in various shapes such as bars ,angles,
bulb bars, plates, etc, as may be required, and the separate
parts are joined together by riveting or welding.

As the rivets are placed in their positions while in a state of

white head, their consequent cooling , helps to make these
connections all the more rigid.

The framing of a ship may be based on one or other of several

existing methods :

The transverse system, the longitudinal system or some

intermediate system, which is more or less a combination of the
We may say , that the majority of the worlds ocean going
merchant vessels of the present day are built on the transverse
system of framing, with cellular watertight bulkheads to satisfy
the requirements of any classification society.

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Sufficient longitudinal strength is afforded by longitudinal

guiders called deck-stringers, according to their position in the
ship, and also by the rigidity of the double bottom, the
construction of the main strength deck and the shell plating.

As the presence of side stringers in cargo holds is generally

considered undesirable, they may be dispensed, if the shell
plates are given sufficient additional thickness to make up for
the loss in longitudinal strength.

The frames, deck beams and bulkheads are usually made of bulb
angles. In ordinary shipyard practice the frames are joggled, so
as to allow all strakes of the shell plating, inners as well as
outers , to be placed in direct contact with the frames. This
also applies to deck beams and deck plating, and to floors and
plating of the inner bottom. The building of a ship is commenced
with the laying of the flat plate keel.

To the centre line of the flat plate keel is them riveted or

welded a vertical plate called centre girder, which runs the full
length of the ship from stem to stern post.

The centre girder forms part of the cellular double bottom.

Transverse plates called floors are placed at right angles to the
centre guirder to which they are joined at equal distances apart
in both sides. They generally extend as far as the turn of the

In the spaces between the floors are joined longitudinal plates

at regular distances apart.

Large holes have been cut out in floors and intercostals in order
to reduce the weight of material and for communication purposes.
The cellular double bottom is finished by a complete covering of
plates, the outer shell plating or inner bottom and the marginal
plates forming the sloping tanks sides at the bilges.

Are the frames are now erected, the lower end of each frame is
furnished with a large tank knee for the connection to the
marginal plate, while similar deck knee brackets serve for the
connection of the upper ends to the deck beams.

When stem, and stern post, frames, deck beams and bulkheads have
been fixed in position, the ship is said to be in frame and the
putting of the side and deck platings may be started.

Transverse watertight bulkheads extend from the flat plate keel

right up to the deck, thus dividing the hull into separated
compartments, and the double bottom into a number of separate
tanks on either side of the centre girder.

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Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

These tanks are principally intended for the carriage of water

ballast, but some of them may also be available for holding fresh
water or fuel oil.

If required pillars are placed in the centre line of the vessel

or at in the corners of hatch coamings. They serve to support the
deck structure, thereby also contributing to the general strength
of the hull.

Ship may be constructed on various other systems to make them

specially suited for the carrying of some particular kind of bulk
cargo, such as , ore, oil, grain, coal etc, or they may be built
exclusively for general cargo, mostly carried in bags, bales,
cases, casks, etc.

The hull of a screw steamer or motor vessel of ordinary size and

type is divided by transverse watertight bulkheads into seven
separate compartments:

Fore peak and after peak.

Four cargo holds.
Engine rooms.
Boiler rooms.

In general cargo ships a close ceiling formed of planks covers

the bottom of the holds from wing to wing, while large battens
that are fastened to the frames, at some distance apart protect
the cargo from contact with the ships side.

Shell plating is arranged in fore and aft strakes. The joints are
made watertight.

In its passage through the water, the ship imparts motion to
neighbouring fluid particles. The aggregate motion of these
particles constitutes what is known as wake. The wake is
usually regarded as positive when
follows the ship and negative when
moving in the opposite direction.
The wake strength at any point is
equal to the difference between its
speed, indicated by a cuentmeter or
pitot tube carried aboard ship, and
the speed of the ship through
undisturbed water. Thus, if we
denote the speed indicated by the
meter by V1 and the ship speed by
V, the wake speed is V-V1. In
practice it is customary to express the wake speed as a fraction

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of the speed V1 or of the ship speed V. The former method was

introduced by D.W. Taylor and is used in the US and in countries
of continental Europe.

General effects of flooding

If the underwater shell of a ship is torn open by a collision or

other cause ,that portion of the ship to wich the sea as access
will fill with water to the level of the sea outside. This will
have the following two general effects:

a)Sinkege and trim. The ship will settle bodily into the water by
an amount which will depend on the quantity of water which enters
the ship. At the same time, unless the flooded compartments are
near amidships, the ship will trim by the head or by the stern as
the case may be. The effect of both sinkage and trim may be to
reduce the freeboard of the deck to which watertight bulkheads
are carried. If this deck is brought below the level of the sea,
water may enter the undamaged compartments (as the bulkhead deck
is not required to be watertight) and cause a progressive
flooding which will continue until the ship founders through loss
of buoyancy.

b)Effects on transverse stability. The flooding of one or more

compartments will in general change the
transverse stability of the ship. When the
ship is flooded, both KB and BM change. KB
increases because of the increased draft,
and, if the trim is large, there is a
further increase in KB due to trim. BM on
the contrary decreases because of the loss
of the moment of inertia of the flooded
part of the waterplane. Futher ,the remaining BM increases
slightly due to the greater width of the new and higher
waterplane. Lastly, if the trim is considerable, it will further
increase BM, if the trim be by the stern, or reduce it, if by the

External parts of the hull

The waterline is the water-level line on the hull when afloat.
The vertical distance from the waterline to the edge of the
lowest outside deck is called the freeboard. The vertical
distance from the waterline to the bottom of the keel is called
the draft. The waterline, draft, and freeboard will change with
the weight of the cargo and provisions carried by the ship. The
draft of the ship is measured in feet and inches. Numbered scales
are painted on the side of the ship at the bow and stern.
The relationship between the drafts at the bow and stern is the
trim. When a ship is properly balanced fore and aft, she is in

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Capitulo 1 Construccin naval

trim. When a ship is drawing more water forward than aft, she is
down by the head. If the stern is too far down in the water, she
is down by the stern. If the vessel is out of balance laterally
or athwartship (leaning to one side) she has a list. She may be
listing to starboard or listing to port. Both trim and list can
be adjusted by shifting the weight of the cargo or transferring
the ships fuel and water from one tank to another in various
parts of the hull.
The part of the bow structure above the waterline is the prow.
The general area in the forward part of the ship is the
forecastle. Along the edges of the weather deck from bow to stern
are removable stanchions and light wire ropes, called life lines.
Extensions of the shell plating above the deck are called
bulwarks. The small drains on the deck are scuppers. The
uppermost deck running from the bow to the stern is called the
weather deck. The main deck area over the stern is called the
fantail or poop deck. The flat part of the bottom of the ship is
called the bilge. The curved section where the bottom meets the
side is called the turn of the bilge.
Below the waterline are the propellers or screws which drive the
ship through the water. The propellers are attached to and are
turned by the propeller shafts. A ship with only one propeller is
called a single-screw ship. Ships with two propellers are called
twin-screw ships. On some ships (especially landing craft) there
may be metal frames built around the propellers (called propeller
guards) to protect them from damage. The rudder is used to steer
the ship.

Draught marks

Draught marks are the numbered scaled painted on the sides of the
ship at the bow and stern. These marks are marked in feet or
decimetres, and the bottom of each numeral shall indicate the
draught to that line.

The numerals are 6 inches in height, and in this way , it is

possible to estimate by eye any draught. For instance, if the top
of number is exactly at the water, the draught will be the
indicate number and six inches.

Procedure for reading draft marks

Draft marks are numbers marked on each side of the bow and stern
of the vessel. Draft marks show the distance from the bottom of
the keel to the waterline.
The draft numbers shown in are 6 inches high and 6 inches apart.
The bottom of each number shows the foot draft mark.

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Is the difference between the draughts at the bow and stern.

When the ship is properly balanced fore and aft, she is in trm;
when she is out of trim she is said to be: down by the head or
down by the stern.


Freeboard may be broadly defined as the height that the sides of

a floating vessel project above the water. The maximum waterline
to which a ship can load is governed by the freeboard marks which
are permanently marked on the vessels sides at amidships.

The first record of assigned freeboard was an entry in Lloyds

register book of 1.744, and it appears that the draught was
determined by owner as being that which he considered suitable
for his ship for a particular trade. In the year 1.835, the
Committee of Lloyds proposed a freeboard of 3 in. Per foot of
depth of hold as a guide for safe loading. This came to be known
as Lloyds Rule and was widely used.

Eventually, as the results of the efforts of Samuel Plismsoll,

the 1.876 Merchant Shipping Act was introduced. Plimsoll has left
his name on the record of freeboard assignment. He was not a
technical man and produced no proposals as to the method to be
employed in assessing
freeboard. He was a Member
of Parliament and agitated
in parliament that all ship
should be surveyed and that
regulations should be
introduced so that ship and
could not be overloaded.
This Act required that all
British ship and also all
foreign ships leaving a
British port should be
marked at amidships with a
deck line indicating the
position of each deck above
waterline and also a
circular disc 12 in. In
diameter with a horizontal
line 18 in. In length drawn
through this circle. This
disc was to be placed to
indicate the maximum load

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line to which the owner intended to load his ship.

The letters at each side of the disk are the initial letters of
assigning authority ,for example L R means Lloyds Register

Samuel Plimsoll is forever associated with the Load Line - still

often referred to as the Plimsoll Line - which is now marked on
the sides of all ships to indicate the safe level
to which they can be loaded.

In 1876 the marking was made compulsory on

British ships, although it was not until nearly
twenty years later that the actual position of
the Line was fixed by law. What is sometimes
forgotten is the bitter opposition that Plimsoll
aroused within the shipping industry. It is said
that one disgruntled captain, who felt his
freedom to operate his ship unfettered was being
interfered with, showed his contempt by painting
the Plimsoll Line on the funnel of his vessel.

Samuel Plimsoll, a politician and humanitarian, campaigned to

improve the working conditions and safety of seafarers in the
late 19th century. His efforts resulted in the adoption of the

Load Line (sometimes called the Plimsoll mark), which is still

used today to prevent ships from being overloaded.

Until 1871, it was actually illegal for British seamen to refuse

to go to sea even on the grounds that the ship they were sailing
on was unseaworthy. In 1866, four successive crews refused to
serve on a ship called the Harkaway on the understandable grounds
that even at anchor in a calm sea the ship took on more than one
metre of water a day. They were sent to prison.

It was not until the 19th century and the advent of mass
emigration to North America, with a tremendous increase in trans-
Atlantic passenger voyages, that the clamour arose for "something
to be done". One reason for this, certainly, was the fact that
for the first time ordinary people were sailing great distances
in large numbers - and were exposed to the dangers of the sea. In
1841, one of the new breeds of trans-Atlantic steamers, the
President, sailed from New York with 136 people on board, was
seen once and then vanished. Her captain had privately described
her as a "coffin ship" but it is significant that he still
sailed, which exemplifies the fact that after centuries of
unaccountable disappearances, groundings, collisions, founderings
and other disasters, seafarers themselves had become fatalistic.

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During the 19th century, mass emigration, especially from Europe,


meant that more people went to sea than ever before, this time as
passengers rather than as seafarers. Throughout the century there
were numerous disasters involving passenger ships and it was the
fate of the passengers that led to demands for improved safety.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque


Bilging Inundacin
Block coefficient Coeficiente bloque
Buoyancy Flotabilidad
Centre of buoyancy B C Centro de empuje o de carena
Centre of flotation CF Centro de flotacin
Centre of gravity G G Centro de gravedad
Coefficient of fineness Coeficiente de afinamiento
Couple Par
Couple arm GZ Brazo de par
Crank ship Buque con poca estabilidad
Couple moment Momento de par
Density Densidad
Displacement W Desplazamiento
Efficiency of hull Rendimiento del casco
Efficiency of propeller Rendimiento de la hlice
Emersion Eversin
Flooding Inundacin
Free surface SSLL Superficie libre
Fresh water allowance Fa Permiso de agua dulce
Heel Escora
Heeling experiment Experiencia de estabilidad
Heeling moment Momento de escora
Inclining experiment Experiencia de estabilidad
Inch trim moment ITM Momento para variar el
asiento una pulgada
Immersion Inmersin
Metacentre M M Metacentro
Metacentre height GM Altura metacentrica
Permeability permeabilidad
Period of roll Periodo de balance
Pitching cabeceo
Right a ship, to Adrizar un buque
Righting arm Brazo adrizante
Righting lever GZ Palanca o brazo adrizante
Righting moment Momento adrizante
Shift of centre GG Traslacin del centro de
Sag Arrufo
Hog quebranto
Sinkage Inmersin
Stiff ship Buque rgido, duro.
Tender ship Buque falso, blando
Tipping centre Centro de flotacin
Tons per inch inmersion TPI Toneladas por pulgada.
Wake Estela

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Trim Trimado
Waterline Lnea de agua
Waterplane A Superficie de flotacin.
Wedge of emersion Cua de emersion/inmersion

Basic Ship Stability Explained

A ship, if she is not to sink, must remain buoyant, but if she is

to float the right way up, must also have the vital quality of
positive stability. And this characteristic must remain present
in all circumstances, whether the ship is at rest or moving about
in a seaway under the influence of wind and waves. When she is
inclined by wave action, a stable ship will always return to an
upright condition. An unstable ship, when affected by an external
force, would capsize. And it is also important to note that the
volume of the immersed body of the ship will alter as she drives
through successive waves, with her stability constantly in a
state of change. At sea, stability is a dynamic condition.

A ship is designed to remain in a stable condition by such basic

methods as putting the greatest weights low down in the hull and
restricting the amount of top hamper. But it is possible to
provide too much stability, in which case the vessel will tend to
roll so violently that she would be uncomfortable to sail in, and
risk damaging cargo. But the naval architect who is designing the
ship must also bear in mind that the conditions aboard a ship are
constantly changing. The design of the ship and the constant
weights of engines and equipment and structure will remain
unaltered, but as fuel and water is consumed during the voyage,
the positive stability of the ship will gradually decline.
Similarly, on a ship designed to carry cargo, the weight and the
disposition of this will affect the ship's stability at every new
port, and this needs to be constantly monitored.

Also to be considered is the ship's longitudinal stability, not

that the ship is likely to turn end over end, but once again, the
disposition of weights will govern the way the ship sits in the
water - her "trim". If, for instance, there was too much weight
forward, the propellers and rudder would be less than effective.
If trimmed too much aft, then the bow would be too light and the
underside of the bow could be damaged by "slamming" into oncoming
waves. Stability is generally ideal if the lateral motion - the
vessels propensity to roll - is gentle.

Stability is maintained by moving water around the vessel's

ballast tanks, to ensure that the ship stays upright, and does
not adopt a heel to one side or the other if the cargo is loaded
asymmetrically, or if fuel is taken from a tank on one side of
the ship. Water ballast is frequently carried to maintain

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stability in an otherwise empty ship. In a cargo ship loading in

several ports for discharge in several others, after a long sea
passage, the stability has to be computed for all stages of the
voyage so that there is adequate stability at all times, even
with the variable tonnage of cargo and after nearly all the fuel
and other consumables have been used up as the end of the voyage
approaches. Large amounts of deck cargo or heavy lifts could
adversely affect the stability and would require to be
compensated with extra ballast.

Stability is put at risk if there are too many half empty or

"slack" tanks aboard the ship, which allows water surfaces to
slosh to one side. If a ship is holed, loss of stability could
cause the vessel to turn completely over. Modern vessels employ
various cross flooding arrangements so that the ship remains
upright, with positive stability, if water gets aboard.

External Forces.

Ships are inclined by various external forces:

Wave action,
Shifting of onboard weights, and
Addition or removal of weight.
Any inclination of a ship can be termed heel, but inclinations
are broadly defined as heel, list, or roll depending on the
duration and nature of the forces causing the inclination.
Heel - The term heel is specifically applied to noncyclic,
transient inclinations caused by forces that may be removed
or reversed quickly. Such forces include wind pressure,
centrifugal force in high speed turners, large movable
weights, etc.
List - A list is a permanent, or long-term inclination,
caused by forces such as grounding or off center weight
that are not likely to be removed suddenly.
Roll - When an inclining force is suddenly removed, a ship
does not simply return to its upright position, but
inclines to the opposite side and oscillates, or rolls,
about its equilibrium position for some time before coming
to rest. The natural rolling period is a function of weight

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and buoyancy distribution. Rolling is cyclic in nature and

is induced or aggravated by short duration, repetitive or
cyclic forces, such as wave forces.


Stability is the tendency of a floating object to remain at rest

in a certain position. It demands that, when the ship is inclined
by some external force, the vertical through the centre of
buoyancy (normal to the surface of the liquid in which floating)
pass above the centre of gravity of the body. When it does so,
both its weight and the force of buoyancy tend to right the ship
to its original position.

As a first requirements in the practical application of stability

principles by a ships officer, full information concerning his
vessel should be at hand. This should include the following:

1.-A scale or table showing the displacement and deadweight

tonnage , freeboard, tons per inch immersion, and moment to
change trim 1 inch for any draft.

2.-A curve or table of metacentres, showing the height of the

metacentre above the keel at any draft.

3.-A curve of righting levers, the so-called stability curve

for two or three different conditions of lading, or GM values.

4.-Height of the centre of gravity above the keel (KG) in the

light condition, this condition to be particularly defined as to
tanks full or empty, and location and weight of fuel and stores
on board.

5.-Dimensions- length, breadth, depth of hold, etc., and the

docking plan, and the capacity plan.

Stable equilibrium

A ship is said to be in a stable equilibrium when, if she were

inclined by some external force, she would try to return to the
up right. If we consider figure a , we shall see that this
condition will exists when :

1. For small angles of heel, the ship has a positive GM, that is
G below M.
2. For any angle of hell, the righting level, GZ, is on the low
side of the ship.

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Neutral equilibrium:

A ship, if heelded by some external force, would have no tendency

either to return to the upright, or to heel further over is said
to be in neutral equilibrium. We can see fig b that this will
occur when G and M coincide, so that there is no GM or GZ.

Unstable equilibrium

We say that a ship is in unstable equilibrium when, if inclined

by some external force, she would try to heel still further.
Figure c shows that this will occur when.-
1. For small angles of heel, the ship has a negative GM.
2. For any angle of heel, the righting lever, GZ, is on the high
side of the ship.

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Loading Instructions

Specific loading instructions are provided to help operating

personnel avoid loading the ship so that her stability is
dangerously low or the hull girder is overstressed. The most
basic instruction is that ships shall not be loaded so heavily
that their load line (merchant) or limiting draft marks (naval)
are submerged. Detailed loading instructions are given in the
trim and stability booklet for merchant ships or the damage
control book for Navy ships. In certain types of ships, such as
container ships, RO/RO ships, barge carriers, and ferries,
improper loading can easily reduce stability to dangerously low
levels. In other ships, such as tankers and ore carriers,
improper loading can seriously overstress the hull. Transient
conditions created while loading or unloading can also degrade
stability or overstress the hull.


It is the mass per unit of volume. For stability purposes, it can

be regarded as the weight in ounces of one cubic foot of

Specific gravity

This is the ratio between the density of a substance and the

density of fresh water.

Specific gravity= density of substance / density of fresh water.

Coefficients of Form.

Coefficients of form are dimensionless numbers that describe hull

fineness and overall shape characteristics. The coefficients are
ratios of areas or volumes for the actual hull form compared to
prisms or rectangles defined by the ships length, breadth, and
draft. Since length and breadth on the waterline as well as draft
vary with displacement, coefficients of form also vary with
displacement. Tabulated coefficients are usually based on the
molded breadth and draft at designed displacement. Length between
perpendiculars is most often used, although some designers prefer
length on the waterline. Coefficients of form can be used to
simplify area and volume calculations for stability or strength
analyses. As hull form approaches that of a rectangular barge,
the coefficients approach their maximum value of 1.0.
The following paragraphs describe the most commonly used

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Block Coefficient. The block coefficient (CB) is the ratio of the


immersed hull volume at a particular draft to that of a

rectangular prism of the same length, breadth, and draft as the
ship .

Midship Section Coefficient. The midship section coefficient (CM) B B

is the ratio of the area of the immersed midship section (Am) at B B

a particular draft to that of a rectangle of the same draft and

breadth as the ship:

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Waterplane Coefficient. The waterplane coefficient (CWP) is the


ratio of the area of the waterplane (AWP) to that of a rectangle


of the same length and breadth as the ship:


Prismatic Coefficient. The longitudinal prismatic coefficient

(CP) is the ratio of the immersed volume to the volume of a prism

with length equal to the ships and cross-section area identical

to the midship section:


If length between perpendiculars and length on the waterline are

equal (as they are for Navy ships), the prismatic coefficient is
equal to the block coefficient divided by the midships section
coefficient. The prismatic coefficient thus indicates the

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

longitudinal distribution of the underwater volume of a ships

hull. For a given length, breadth, draft, and displacement, a low
(fine) CP indicates a hull with fine ends. A large (full) value

for CP indicates a hull with relatively full ends. For this


reason, the prismatic coefficient is sometimes called the

longitudinal coefficient.

The vertical prismatic coefficient (CVP) is the ratio of the


immersed hull volume to the volume of a prism having a length

equal to the ships draft and a cross section identical to that
of the waterplane:

The vertical prismatic coefficient is equal to the block

coefficient divided by the waterplane coefficient and indicates
the vertical distribution of the underwater volume. A full CVP B B

indicates a concentration of volume near the keel and a fine CVP, B B

a concentration nearer the waterline. Since the longitudinal

distribution of the ship's displacement greatly influences the
resistance at a given speed, the prismatic coefficient is widely
used in resistance and propulsion calculations. Typical values
for the Coefficients of Form of various ship types are shown in

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Hydrostatic curves .

All of the hydrostatic properties to be calculated are derived

from the following fundamental characteristics of the immersed
hull form at each given even keel waterline. Such properties
form the so-called hydrostatic curves and are typically plotted
as a function of the ship's draft as shown in next figure

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Properties of the Waterplane.

The following properties of each waterplane are required:

1. Area of the waterplane (Aw). The waterplane area is

required to determine the change in mean draft when small

weights are loaded or discharged.

2. Center of flotation (CF or F). The CF is the centroid of

the waterplane, also called the center of area of the
waterplane. It is required for the calculation of changes

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in draft at bow and stern as a result of loading,

discharging, or shifting weights aboard the ship. The CF is
located on the centerline because the port/starboard
symmetry of the waterplane. Its longitudinal position with
respect to the midship section or another reference point
must be calculated. This distance is called the
longitudinal center of flotation, or LCF.
3. Longitudinal moment of inertia (IL). This property of the

waterplane is its second moment of area about a transverse

axis passing through the center of flotation. It is
required for longitudinal stability and trim calculations.
4. Transverse moment of inertia (IT). This is the second

moment of area of the waterplane about its centerline. It

is required in the calculation of initial transverse

Properties of the Immersed Volume of the Hull. Quantities

associated with the immersed volume are the following:
1. Volume of displacement (V). This is the immersed volume
itself, called the volume of displacement because it is
a measure of the volume of fluid displaced by the
floating ship. As we will see later, it is a fundamental
property of the hull form because the weight and mass of
the ship are equal respectively to the weight and mass
of the water displaced. The molded volume is calculated
directly from the offsets of the molded form. Volumes of
the shell and appendages like bilge keels, rudder, etc.,
are then added to determine the total displacement at
each draft.
Two more properties of the volume of displacement are required
to locate the center of buoyancy, B, which is the center of
volume of the displaced water. The position of B affects the
stability and trim of a ship in many ways. Since the volume V is
three-dimensional, locating its centroid requires three
coordinates. A ship's symmetry about its centerline puts the
center of buoyancy on centerline when the ship floats upright,
so only two coordinates of B require calculation. These are:
2. Longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB). This is the
distance of B from a specified transverse reference
plane, usually the midship section. As long as the
reference axis is clearly stated, LCB can be measured
from the FP or the AP.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

3. Vertical center of buoyancy (KB). KB is the height of

the center of buoyancy above the baseline or keel.
Properties of the Stations. The last of the fundamental hull
form characteristics required to prepare the hydrostatic curves
are the immersed station areas. The cross-sectional area of each
station shown in the body plan up to the waterline in question
is determined for input into the calculation of the volume of
displacement, this set of curves is also known as the Bonjean
curves. A typical plot of the Bonjean curves. When plotted
against ship length, the immersed station areas form a sectional
area curve, whose shape represents the "fullness" or "fineness"
of the ship form, an important consideration in ship resistance
and powering.
Heights of Centers.

The relative heights of the centers of gravity and buoyancy and

the metacenter govern the magnitude and sense of the moment arms
developed as the ship inclines. They are, therefore, the primary
indicators of a ships initial stability. Nominally, the symbols
KG, KB, and KM indicate the heights of the centers of gravity
and buoyancy and the metacenter above the bottom of the keel,
while the symbols VCG and VCB indicate the vertical positions of
the centers of gravity and buoyancy, measured from the baseline.
In practice, KG/KB and VCG/VCB are used almost interchangeably;
in steel ships with flat plate keels, the difference in height
above baseline and keel for any point is generally less than two
inches and is not significant.
Height of the Center of Gravity.

The height or vertical position of the center of gravity above

the keel (KG or VCG) is defined by weight distribution. KG can
be varied considerably without change of displacement by
shifting weight up or down in the ship. Conversely, it is
possible to add or remove weight without altering KG. In most
ships, the center of gravity lies between six-tenths of the
depth above the keel and the main deck:


The next table gives approximate values for the height of the
center of gravity for several types of merchant ships at
lightship, and for some naval ships at full load. Calculation of
KG can be a laborious and time consuming process, but ignorance
of the height of a ship's center of gravity invites disaster. If

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

the height of the ship's center of gravity is known for any

condition of loading (lightship, for example), and the location
of added or removed weights is known, the new height of the
center of gravity can be calculated:


In the absence of better information, the design estimates shown

in next table can be utilized.

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Height of the Center of Buoyancy.

The height of the center of buoyancy above the keel (KB) is

solely a function of the shape of the underwater volume. As the
centroid of the underwater hull, the center of buoyancy is lower
in flat-bottomed, full-bodied ships, such as tankers and ore
carriers, than in finer lined ships like destroyers or frigates.
Disregarding changes in the shape of the immersed hull due to
trim and heel, KB of any ship is a function of displacement, and
therefore of draft. The height of the center of buoyancy can be
calculated by summing incremental waterplane areas (aWP) B B

multiplied by their heights above the keel (z) and dividing the
result by the displacement volume:

This expression can be evaluated by numerical integration

methods if accurate drawings or offsets are available. In
practice, KB can be approximated with sufficient accuracy for
salvage work as 0.52T for full-bodied ships and 0.58T for fine-
lined ships. At very light drafts, KB is closer to the given
waterline because the lower waterlines are usually much finer

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

than the waterlines in the normal draft range. As a vessels

underwater hull form approaches a rectangular prism (CB = 1.0),
KB approaches 0.5T. The following empirical relationships give
estimates for KB that are very close to calculated values for
merchant vessels of ordinary form at normal drafts:


Metacentric Height.

The transverse metacentric height (GMT), commonly called the

metacentric height, of a ship is the vertical separation of the
center of gravity and the transverse metacenter (see Figure 1-4)
and is a primary indicator of initial stability. A ship with a
positive metacentric height (G below M) will tend to right
itself by developing righting arms as soon as an inclining force
is applied. A ship with a negative metacentric height (G above
M) will list to either port or starboard with equal facility
until the centers of buoyancy and gravity are on the same
vertical line, and thereafter develop positive righting arms.
This condition, known as lolling, is a serious symptom of
impaired initial stability. Metacentric height is calculated by
subtracting the height of the center of gravity from the height
of the metacenter above the keel:

Transverse Metacentric Radius.

The transverse metacentric radius (BMT) is the vertical
distance between the center of buoyancy and the metacenter. This
distance is termed a radius because for small heel angles, the
locus of successive centers of buoyancy approximates a circular
arc, with the transverse metacenter as its center. Metacentric
radius is equal to the moment of inertia of the waterplane about

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

its longitudinal centerline (transverse moment of inertia, IT)

divided by the underwater volume of the hull:

For a rectangular waterplane,



If the waterplane shape can be accurately defined, the moment of

inertia can be determined by numerical integration. If not, the
transverse moment of inertia of most ships' waterplanes can be
approximated by:

where CIT is the transverse inertia coefficient and is

approximated by CWP2/11.7 or 0.125CWP-0.045. These provide

reasonable approximations for ships with CWP<0.9. For ships with


CWP>0.9, LB3/12 is a closer approximation of the transverse


moment of inertia of the waterplane.

Fresh water allowance:

This is the amount that a load line may be submerged when loading
in a water of less density than that of salt water. In the
absence of any other data, is approximately equal to per foot
of summer draft.

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Stability Definitions

A point on the vessel through which all

Centre of Gravity
forces of gravity act vertical downwards

All forces of gravity acting vertically

Forces of Gravity

A point on the vessel through which all

Centre of Buoyancy forces of buoyancy act vertically upwards
equal to the water displaced

A floating body experiences an upward force

Forces of Buoyancy
equal to the water it displaces

A point on the centre-line of a vessel

Metacentre through which all the forces of buoyancy pass
when the vessel is heeled

When the vessel is heeled by an external

force, the centre of buoancy/centre of
gravity are not in the same line, now a
Righting Lever
horizontal distance exists, the buoyancy
pushing the vessel upright (the righting
lever Gz)

The distance from the Centre of Gravity to

Metacentric Height
the Metacentre (G.M.)

Height of the The distance from the Keel to the Metacentre

Metacentre (K.M.)

Is the total weight of the vessel equal to

the water it displaces

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

(Displacement = Lightship + deadweight)

The vertical distance from the Keel to the


The vertical distance from the waterline to

the lowest deck-edge

Under keel
The distance from the keel to the seabed

This is the difference beteween the fore and

aft draughts

This is the forward and aft draft added

Mean Draft
together and divided by the number 2

This is when a vessel has a positive righting

Stable Equilibrium
lever (G below M)

This is when the vessel has no righting lever

Neutral Equilibrium
(G & M together) (Danger of Capsize)

Unstable This is when the vessel has a negative

Equilibrium righting lever (G above M) (Capsizing lever)

This is a vessel with a very large righting

Stiff Vessel
lever (G near the Keel)

This is a vessel with a vessel small righting

Tender Vessel
lever (G very near M)

This is a vessel that is initial unstable but

when heeled has a vessel small righting lever
(Very dangerous condition, get rid of any
weights on deck either by putting it
overboard or down into the hold) (Caution
Angle of Loll watch an angle of loll through ice accretion,
always take the ice off all rigging first the
from the high side and push it towards the
low side giving you a bigger list but your
forces of buoyancy work harder to keep your
vessel upright)

A list is caused by you moving anything on

the vessel to one side

Curve of Statical this is a curve that shows the following :

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Stability (1.) angle of maximum stability

(2.) maximum g.z.
(3.) the righting lever at any angle
(4.) angle of vanishing stability
(5.) the range of stability
(6.) angle where deck-edge immersion begins
(7.) the amount of dynamic stability a vessel
(8.) the point of contraflexure
(9.) the angle of inclination
(10.) the initial g.m.
(11.) the radians for that vessel

Stability This is an act of keeping the vessel stable

Transverse or The vessels ability to return to the upright

Statical Stability position

This is the volume of air trapped in a

Reserve Buoyancy
watertight space above the waterline

Centre of This is the centre of the water-plane area of

Floatation a vessel at any draught

This is the cargo, stores water, fuel that

you've taken aboard

The total weight of the vessel, machinery ect

Light Displacement that stays on the vessel and cannot be moved,
(stores, fuel water ect not included)

The total weight of the vessel, machinery ect

Lightship that stays on the vessel and cannot be moved,
(stores, fuel water ect not included)

A righting moment
or a moment of The total weight X the righting lever (Gz)
statical stability

A moment A moment = weight x distance

Loaded weight
When a weight is loaded onto a vessel the
regarding the
centre of gravity moves towards it
centre of gravity

When a weight is discharged from a vessel the

Discharged weight centre of gravity goes back to where it was
regarding the before the weight came on board (Opposite
centre of gravity direction from where the weight was placed at
on the vessel)

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Capitulo 2 Teoria del buque

Shifted weight When a weight is shifted on a vessel the

regarding the centre of gravity moves from where the weight
centre of gravity was to the weights new position

The amount of work taken to bring a vessel

Dynamic stability
back to its upright position

This is on a curve of statical stability ,

Range of positive where the curve starts on the angle of
stability inclination to where the curve stops at the
point of vanishing stability

This is on the curve of statical stability

Angle of vanishing and where the curve comes down and has no
stability (g.z.) ( + or - ) then this is where
stability vanishes

This is on the curve of statical stability,

on the angle of inclination at 57.3 degrees
there is a radian line , and a tangent line
which starts from 0 degrees and leaves the
Initial GM
first arc of the curve of statical stability
and where the tangent line and the radian
line at 57.3 degrees meet then this is the
initial g.m.

This is on the curve of statical stability,

Angle of Maximum on the curve itself at the top of the curve
stability down to the angle of inclination and this is
the angle of maximum stability

This is on the curve of statical stability,

Maximum GZ (on
at the top of the curve look at the distance
curve of static
on the scale (metres) and this is the maximum

With freeboard raised then this will give you

(1.) a greater range of stability
(2.) a greater range of vanishing stability
Importance of
(3.) a greater maximum g.z.
adequate freeboard
(4.) the maximum g.z. occurs at a greater
(5.) greater dynamic stability

The mass of any object expressed in cubic

Density metres
(i.e.) a dice is length x breadth x width =

Volume of This is where the vessel is equal to the

displacement water displaced and expressed in cubic metres

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 3 Dimensiones, tonelajes y direccion


Abaft Por la popa de

Abeam Al travs
Aboard A bordo
Abreast Al travs
After draught Calado a popa
Ahead Por la proa, delante de
Alongside Al costado
Amidship A cruja
Astern Por la popa a popa
Athwardships De banda a banda
Below Debajo
Bow Amura
Breadth Manga
By the head Aproado
By the stern Apopado
Change of trim Cambio de asiento
Deadweight Peso muerto
Depth Puntal
Draft Calado (USA)
Draught Calado
Extreme breath Manga mxima
Fore En la parte de proa, hacia proa
Foreward Hacia proa
Forward draught Calado a proa
Freeboard deck Cubierta de francobordo
Freeboard length Eslora de francobordo
Gross register ton Tonelada de arqueo
Gross register tonnage Arqueo bruto
Lee side Banda de sotavento
Length Eslora
Light draught Calado en lastre
Load draught Calado en carga
Mean draught Calado medio
Net register ton Tonelada de arqueo neto
Net tonnage Tonelaje neto
On board A bordo
On the bow Por la amura
Port Babor
Port bow Amura de babor
Port quarter Aleta de estribor
Starboard Estribor
Tonnage certificate Certificado de arqueo
Tonnage deck Cubierta de arqueo.
Trim Asiento, trimado
Windward side Banda de barlovento
Wing Banda, costado

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Capitulo 3 Dimensiones, tonelajes y direccion

Shipboard measurements
A ships size and capacity can be described in two ways--linear
dimensions or tonnages. Each is completely different yet
A ships measurement is expressed in feet and inches--linear
dimensions. A ship is a three dimensional structure having
length, width, and depth.

A Ships Dimensions
A ships length is measured in different ways for ships
officers, for architects and designers, and for registry. Terms
used for technical or registry purposes include registered
length, tonnage length, floodable length, and length by ABS
rules. We mention these terms for familiarization only. The more
commonly used length measurements -- length overall, length
between perpendiculars, and length on load waterline are
discussed as follows.
A ships Length Overall [LOA] is measured in feet and inches
from the extreme forward end of the bow to the extreme aft end
of the stern. Watercraft operators must be familiar with this
and similar dimensions to safely manoeuvre the ship. The
dimension is commonly found in lists of ships data for each
A ships length is sometimes given as Length Between
Perpendiculars [LBP]. It is measured in feet and inches from the
forward surface of the stem, or main bow perpendicular member,
to the after surface of the sternpost, or main stern
perpendicular member. On some types of vessels this is, for all
practical purposes, a waterline measurement.

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Capitulo 3 Dimensiones, tonelajes y direccion

A ships Length on Load Waterline [LWL] is an important

dimension because length at the waterline is a key factor in the
complex problem of speed, resistance, and friction. On vessels
with a counter stern, the LWL and LBP can be the same or about
the same. On a ship with a cruiser stern, the LWL is greater
than the LBP, as shown in the top portion of Figure.
A ships width or, more properly, a ships breadth is expressed
in a number of ways and, like length, for a number of reasons.
A ships extreme breadth, commonly called beam, is measured in
feet and inches from the most outboard point on one side to the
most outboard point on the other at the widest point on the
ship. This dimension must include any projections on either side
of the vessel. Like length overall, this measurement is
important to a ships officer in handling the vessel.
The depth of a vessel involves several very important vertical
dimensions. They involve terms like freeboard, draft, draft
marks, and load lines. The vessels depth is measured vertically
from the lowest point of the hull, ordinarily from the bottom of
the keel, to the side of any deck that you may choose as a
reference point. Therefore, it has to be stated in specific
terms such as depth to upper deck amidships. It is impractical
to measure depth in any other way, since it varies considerably
from one point to another on many ships. For example, the depth
is greater at the stern than amidships.
The term "depth" is where the measurement is taken from the
bottom--from the keel upward. Ordinarily, if such a measurement
were being made in a room of a building, taken from the floor to
the ceiling, it would be called height.
Weight tonnage terms
The word "ton" comes from the English "tun" meaning cask or
barrel. To the English, it meant a wine barrel with a capacity
of about 252 gallons. When Parliament imposed duties on the wine
entering England in these barrels, the duty imposed on each tun
eventually led to the use of tonnage in describing a ships
capacity to carry such barrels. The original use of tun meant a
barrel of a particular size, the space that such a barrel would
occupy, and a ships capacity to carry a given number of such
barrels. Tun was originally a figure for space--not weight. By
law, Parliament fixed the tun at 252 gallons. Since this fixed
tun weighed an average of 2,240 pounds, it brought into
existence the weight term "long ton."

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Capitulo 3 Dimensiones, tonelajes y direccion

A long ton is used throughout the shipping business. It is not

to be confused with the familiar ton of 2,000 pounds, the short
ton, used so widely in the US in relation to so many things
other than ships and shipping. The metric ton is 1,000
kilograms, the equivalent of 2,204.6 pounds. Tonnages normally
refer to the long ton of 2,240 pounds.
Displacement, light - The weight of the ship excluding cargo,
fuel, ballast, stores, passengers, crew, but with water in
boilers to steaming level.
Displacement, loaded - The weight of the ship including cargo,
passengers, fuel, water, stores, dunnage and such other items
necessary for use on a voyage, which brings the ship down to her
load draft.
Deadweight - The total lifting capacity of a ship expressed in
tons of 2240 lbs. It is the difference between the displacement
light and the displacement loaded.
Gross tonnage - The entire internal cubic capacity of the ship
expressed in tons of 100 cubic feet to the ton, except certain
spaces which are exempted, such as: (1) peak and other tanks for
water ballast; (2) spaces above the uppermost continuous deck,
such as: open forecastle, bridge and poop, certain light and air
spaces, domes of skylights, condenser, anchor gear, steering
gear, wheel house, galley and cabins for passengers.
net tonnage - The tonnage most frequently used for the
calculation of tonnage taxes and the assessment of charges for
wharfage and other port dues. Net tonnage is obtained by
deducting from the gross tonnage, crew and navigating spaces and
an allowance for the space occupied by the propelling machinery.
Cargo deadweight - Capacity is determined by deducting from
total deadweight the weight of fuel, water, stores, dunnage,
crew passengers, and other items necessary for use on a voyage.
The tonnage of combat ships is expressed in terms of
displacement. The tonnage of cargo ships is typically measured
measured in terms of deadweight [the net cargo capacity].

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Capitulo 3 Dimensiones, tonelajes y direccion

Shipboard directions and locations

The front end of the ship is the bow. When you move toward the
bow, you are going forward, when the vessel is moving forward,
it is going ahead. When facing toward the bow, the front-right
side is the starboard bow and the front-left side is the port
The central or middle area of a ship is amidships. The right
center side is the starboard beam and the left center side is
the port beam.
The rear of a vessel is the stern. When you move in that
direction you are going aft, when the ship moves in that
direction it is going astern. When looking forward, the right-
rear section is called the starboard quarter and the left-rear
section is called the port quarter.
The entire right side of a vessel from bow to stern is the
starboard side and the left side is the port side. A line, or
anything else, running parallel to the longitudinal axis or
centerline of the vessel is said to be fore and aft and its
counterpart, running from side to side, is athwartships.
From the centerline of the ship toward either port or starboard
side is outboard and from either side toward the centerline is
inboard. However, there is a variation in the use of outboard
and inboard when a ship is on berth (moored to a pier). The side
against the pier is referred to as being inboard; the side away
from the pier as outboard.

Locations and Directions Aboard Ship

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes


Beam Manga
Counteract Contrarestar
Gilders Puntales
Even keel Aguas iguales
Flush deck ship Buque de cubierta corrida
T T Comestible
T T Frasco, ampolleta
T T Castillo
Ply Emplear, viajar regularmente en una ruta especifica.
Poop Toldilla
Raw Al natural, en bruto
Raised quarter deck ship Buque de saltillo
Shaft tunnel Tunel del eje
Shelter deck ship Buque de cubierta de abrigo
Single well deck ship Buque de cubierta de abrigo
Three island ship Buque de tres superestructuras.

Types of ships in accordance their hull construction

Ships may be classified according to their hull construction as


Flush deck ship: This type of vessels has no

superstructures above the freeboard deck such
as bridge, forecastle or poop. The main deck
extends the whole length of vessel.

Three island ships: These type of ship

have three superstructures on deck:
forecastle, bridge and poop; heaving two
wells. These type of ships was generally
used as general cargo ships.

Shelter deck ship : This type of vessel

which is considerable built nowadays,
has a continuous shelter deck above
main deck. They are not suitable for
heavy deadweight cargo, but they are
specially suited for light measurement
The space between the main deck and
shelter deck is not included in the net or register tonnage.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

Single well deck ship: this type was

designed to give additional cargo space.
The poop is joined with the bridge. The
space between the forecastle and the
bridge is called well.

Raised quarter deck ship: In this type

of vessel, the upper deck aft has been
raised in order to compensate for the loss of space occupied by
the shaft tunnel.
This construction is only used in small ship as coasters, and are
built with only one deck. These ship are used principally in the
coal and timber trades.

Types of ships in accordance their cargo and services

Bitumen tanker Asfaltero

Bulkcarrier Buque de carga a granel
Cargo liner B. de carga general
Cellular container ship B. Portacontenedores celular
Chemical tanker Quimiquero
Coaster Costero
Collier Carbonero
Container ship Containero
Drill ship B. para perforaciones
Ferry Trasbordador
Cement carrier Cementero
Fruit carrier Frutero
General cargo s.lash SHIP ( Buque lash porta barcazas
Lighter aboard ship)
LGC Liquefied gas carrier Gasero gases lquidos
LNC Liquefied natural gas Gasero gases naturales
Log carrier Trasporte de trozas
LPG Gasero gases del petrleo
Timber vessel Maderero
Multipoposed Multiproposito
OBO (Ore Bulk Oil) Buque OBO
Oil and asphalt carrier Asfaltero
Ore carrier Mineralero
Passenger liner Buque de pasajeros
Reefer Frigorfico
Roll on Roll Off - Rolon Rolon
VLCC ( Very large crude Superpetrolero

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

Classification of ships in accordance their cargo and services

Vessels may be subdivided in two classes: liners and tramps.

Liners included all vessels plying between definite ports and
running on a more or less definite schedule, and tramps are
vessels engaged in carry cargo usually in bulk as grain.
The side of hatches , holds and ballasting arrangements are
important factors for the classification of ships for certain
classes of cargo.

Passenger ship:

A passenger ship is a ship whose primary function is to carry


An ocean liner is the traditional form of passenger ship, apart
from smaller craft used for coastal voyages and as ferries. In
the latter part of the 20th Century ocean liners gave way to
cruise ships as the predominant form of passenger ship.
Although some ships have characteristics of both types, the
design priorities of the two forms are different: ocean liners
value speed and traditional luxury while cruise ships value
amenities (swimming pools, theaters, ball rooms, casinos, sports
courts, etc.) at the expense of speed. These priorities produce
different designs. In addition, ocean liners typically were built
to cross the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and the United States
while cruise ships typically serve shorter routes with more stops
along coastlines or among various islands.
For a long time cruise ships were never
as large as the old ocean liners had
been, but in the 1990s this changed and
several new cruise ships in succession
became the largest passenger ships ever
built, superseding the records held by
old Cunard liners such as the Queen Mary T T

and the Queen Elizabeth.


The Queen Mary 2, which entered service


in 2004, is of hybrid construction. It is marketed as an ocean

liner as it is to dominate the transatlantic crossing market but
with a profile more like a cruise ship than any previous liner
aimed at that market. It supersedes the "Eagle Class" cruise
ships of the Royal Caribbean line as the largest passenger ship
ever built. However, it is not as fast as the Queen Elizabeth 2T T

(QE2) which it replaces on that route, and the QE2 was not as

fast as the old ocean liners before it, such as the Queen Mary, T T

Normandie, or SS United States


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

High Speed Craft

Speed is becoming more and more important in shipping today,
especially on short sea passenger routes.

High-speed craft (HSC) include, among others, air-cushion

vehicles (such as hovercraft) and hydrofoil boats.
With the development of many new types of HSC in the 1980s and
1990s, IMO decided to adopt new international regulations dealing
with the special needs of this type of vessel. In 1994, IMO
adopted the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft
(HSC Code) (resolution MSC.36 (63), which was developed following
a revision of the Code of Safety of Dynamically Supported Craft
(resolution A.373(X)).
Also in 1994, IMO adopted a new SOLAS chapter X - Safety measures
for high-speed craft, which makes the HSC Code mandatory high-
speed craft built on or after 1 January 1996. The Chapter was
adopted in May 1994 and entered
into force on 1 January 1996.
The HSC Code applies to high-speed
craft engaged on international
voyages, including passenger craft
which do not proceed for more than
four hours at operational speed
from a place of refuge when fully
laden and cargo craft of 500 gross
tonnage and above which do not go
more than eight hours from a port
of refuge. The Code requires that
all passengers are provided with a
seat and that no enclosed sleeping berths are provided for
The Code is intended to be a complete set of comprehensive
requirements for high-speed craft, including equipment and
conditions for operation and maintenance. A basic aim is to
provide levels of safety which are equivalent to those contained
in SOLAS and the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
The HSC Code includes very detailed requirements such that a
high-speed craft deemed to be in compliance with the Code is
therefore deemed to be in compliance with SOLAS chapters I to IV
and regulation V(12) (Shipborne navigational equipment). Of
course, HSC must comply with any other applicable requirements in
SOLAS - such as the ISM Code - and other international
Due to rapid pace of development in the HSC sector, in December
2000, the Maritime Safety Committee adopted amendments to SOLAS
chapter X to make mandatory for new ships the High-Speed Craft
Code 2000. The 2000 HSC Code updates the 1994 HSC Code and will

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

apply to all HSC built after the date of entry into force, 1 July
2002. The original Code will continue to apply to existing high-
speed craft.
The changes incorporated in the new Code are intended to bring it
into line with amendments to SOLAS and new recommendations that
have been adopted in the past four years - for example,
requirements covering public address systems and helicopter pick-
up areas.

Are vessels designed for the carriage of liquids in bulks, such
as petrol and its products, wine etc. The cargo space is
subdivided into separate tanks by means of bulkheads, and every
tanks is connected to the punning system for loading and

There are today more than 3,500 (Check)

oil tankers in operation. They include the
worlds largest ships, one of which (the
Jahre Viking) can carry more than half a
million tons of crude oil at a time. Many
other tankers are almost as large.

The Jahre Viking is the world's largest

ship at 564,763 DWT. She was built in 1979
at Oppama Shipyard, Sumitomo, Japan.

Although mineral oil was first used primarily for lighting, the
invention of the Diesel and later, the internal combustion engine
soon increased its demand enormously. The worlds first true oil
tanker is generally accepted to have been the Gluckauf, built in
1886 to carry oil in bulk oil to Europe. The idea of transporting
oil in bulk caught on rapidly. In 1885, 99% of the oil exported
from the United States was carried in barrels. By 1906, 99% of it
was carried in bulk.

Demand for oil was encouraged by the invention in 1897 of the

Diesel engine, which used oil as a fuel rather than coal. .
Within a few years, marine diesel engines were being built-in and
by 1911, the first diesel powered ship crossed the Atlantic. By
1927 some 28% of the world merchant fleet used oil for power.

During the next few decades, oil replaced coal as a source of

energy and tankers soon formed a major portion of the world
fleet. Until 1950, however, most of them were designed to carry
petroleum and other refined products. Refineries were generally
located close to the fields where crude oil was found. But
political and technical developments encouraged the oil industry
to move their refineries closer to the markets and this led to an

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increase in demand for tankers designed to carry crude oil rather

than refined products.

In 1950 the standard sized oil tanker was the T2 tanker, some
620 of which were built in the United States between 1942 and
1946. The tanker equivalent of the famous Liberty ship, many T2
ships were sold after the end of hostilities and formed the
backbone of many fleets. They had a deadweight of 16,00 tons and
many were still being used in the 1960s. However, by then tanker
sizes had begun to grow significantly, a process that was to
continue until the end of the 1960s. In 1959 the 114,356 dwt
Universe Apollo became the first tanker to pass the 100,000-ton
figure: within a decade ships five times that size were being

One reason for this was that tanker owners had discovered how to
make use of economies of scale. Unlike petroleum tankers, crude
carriers were relatively unsophisticated and fairly simple to
build. And, thanks to the square/cube rule, it pays to build them
big. If two boxes are built, one with sides 2 meters long and the
other with side 4 metres long, the surface area of the first will
be 24 square metres and that of the second 96 square metres, or
four times as big. But the volume of the first box will be 8
cubic metres and that of the second 64 cubic metres, or eight
times as great.

Since it is the amount of steel used that basically determines

the cost of constructing the ship it can be seen that using four
times as much steel will enable eight times as much cargo to be
carried. There are other advantages to be gained from building
ships bigger.

One is that crew costs do not rise in proportion to the size of

the ship. In fact, from the 1950s onwards crew sizes steadily
decreased, as owners took advantage of automation and other
technical advances. By the 1980s tankers of 200,000 dwt or more
were operating with crews of 24, compared with the 45 required to
operate a T2 tanker thirty years before. Other personnel costs,
such as shore management, also tended to stay the same, or to
fall, since the number of people required to run a fleet depends
mainly on the number of ships involved rather than their tonnage.

Fuel costs also tend to fall. A 60,000dwt ship might need about
16,000 horse power to operate at 15 knots. A tanker of 260,000
dwt might require 42,500 hp. In other words, 2.7 times as much
energy would enable more than 4.3 times as much cargo to be

In practice, a number of factors helped to prevent tanker sizes

from growing indefinitely. In the first place, there was a limit
to the number of shipyards capable of building them and the
number of ports able to receive them. Secondly, many of the

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worlds most important shipping routes were unable to cope with

very large ships. The Suez Canal, located on what was the most
important shipping route in the world in the 1960s, was limited
to fully laden ships of 70,000 dwt. The Malacca Strait,
separating Malaysia from Indonesia, is too shallow for loaded
tankers greater than 260,000 dwt. Larger ships going from the
Gulf to Japan, for example, have to go via the Lombok Strait,
which adds and extra 1,100 miles to the voyage. Many other
straits, such as the Straits of Dover and the Bosporus, present
navigational difficulties to large ships.

Developments in the late 1960s however encouraged shipowners to

go for big ships. The most important of these was the closure of
the Suez Canal in 1967. This meant that ships going from the Gulf
to Europe and North America had to go around the Cape of Good
Hope instead. At the same time, business and trade were generally
booming and, for the first time, the United States had become a
major oil importer instead of exporter. Freight rates soared and
so did profits. At one time, it was possible for the cost of a
new VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) of more than 200,000 dwt to
be paid off in one year.

It was hardly surprising, therefore that there was a boom in

tanker building. Shipyards in Japan did especially well, but the
traditional shipyards in Europe also expanded their tanker
building capacity. Inevitably, the oil producers also sought to
take advantage of the boom. Between 1970 and 1973 the price of
oil rose from $1.70 a barrel to $5.19 a barrel. But then in
October 1973 war again broke out in the Middle East and freight
rates soared. So did orders for tankers. But then major oil
producers (member of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries) increased the price of oil to $11.65 a
barrel early in 1974. Further increases followed, and the result
was a collapse in demand for oil and for the tankers needed to
transport it. But many shipowners had already contracted to buy
new ships and for the rest of the decade VLCCs and the even-
larger Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCCs) of more than 300,000
dwt were still being delivered. Most of them went straight into
lay-up. It has been estimated that by 1975 the tanker market was
so depressed that there was a surplus of 100 million dwt, or
around 30% of the fleet.

The imbalance between supply and demand lasted until well into
the 1990s. Few new ships were ordered and so the world tanker
fleet became progressively older (as did the fleet of bulk
carriers and other ships). This not only had economic
implications, resulting in many shipping companies and
shipbuilders going out of business, it also had safety
implications. Statistics show quite clearly that older ships are
more at risk than new ones. And by the late 1970s the threat of

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marine pollution from tankers and other ships was causing

considerable international concern.


Are vessels designed for

carrying cargoes in bulk, such
as coal, sugar, oil and ores.
They have longitudinal
bulckheads, and as the bulk
cargoes are usually loaded from
a spout, they have no derricks.
Among the bulk carriers are the
ore ships and colliers.
Bulkcarriers ("bulkers"), are
the great work horses of the shipping world, carrying raw dry
cargoes in huge cavernous holds, such as coal, iron ore, grain,
sulphur, scrap metal. Currently there is a huge demand for these
vessels, driven by the extraordinary expansion of the Chinese
economy. Imports of iron ore into China have boosted the
earnings of bulk carrier owners as freight rates have gone
through the roof into uncharted territory.

Bulkers range from about 25,000 Deadweight tons ("handysize")

through the medium size Panamax vessels of about 75,000 DWT, to
the giant ("capesize") vessels of over 200,000 DWT. Due to the
heavy use that these vessels are put to, their life-expectancy is
less than it would be for say, a container ship. A problem facing
the industry is that with freight rates so high, there is little
incentive for ship owners to scrap the older tonnage when it is
still able to earn very good money. As we have seen, the dangers
of running old bulk carriers can be catastrophic, not only for
the vessels and their insurers, but also for the crew who have to


The Ro-Ro, or more fully the Roll

on - roll off vessel, comes in a
number of shapes and sizes, but
generally in two types; the
passenger ro-ro and the Cargo ro-

Passenger ro-ros have become

common sights wherever people
want to travel over water with

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their vehicles. It is probably the only type of cargo vessel that

most people have travelled on. Usually a rear door (but sometimes
a bow door) allows for vehicles to be driven on and off, stored
on the car deck below the passenger accommodation areas.

The cargo ro-ro is less "plush" than the passenger type, as these
vessels are designed for the carriage of commercial vehicles
where luxurious passenger accommodation is not a primary
consideration. Considerable concerns have been expressed over the
bow-door type of ro-ro design. The HERALD OF FREE ENTERPRISE was
one such vessel, where a practice of sailing before the bow door
was fully closed had been allowed to develop. Tragically, on
leaving Zeebrugge, the folly of this practice led to the disaster
that claimed nearly 200 lives. If water is allowed to enter the
car deck, the stability of the whole vessel can be rapidly
affected. It is estimated that it only needs one centimetre of
water over the whole car deck, for the vessel to become so
unstable that it can overturn. The ESTONIA was another such
vessel where, in a storm, the shield over the bow door was ripped
off. Once water penetrated the car deck the vessel began to turn
over and sink.

Car Carriers

The car carrier could never be described as a beauty of the seas,

yet in it's rectangular design, is purpose built to carry large
numbers of cars.

Manufacturers of cars, mainly in

Japan and Europe, use these vessels
to ship large quantities of their
products around the world. Every
Japanese, Korean, or European car
you see on your roads, may have
been brought across on one of these
car carrier vessels.

Car Carriers are ships designed to

carry a specialized cargo consisting of only automobiles. They are
designed to allow cars to drive on and off the vessel, eliminating
the need for cargo handling gear. The inside of the ship looks
like the inside of the parking garage in a large building.

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Refrigerated Cargo Carrying Vessels

("Reefers") are purpose built to carry
fruit, meat and other food products
across the sea in a fresh and clean

Perhaps the most famous of these types

of vessels are the banana carriers,
trading between the Caribbean and
Europe. They are sleak and fast, as
their trade demands, with cooling
(refrigeration) equipment to keep
their cargoes fresh.

Chemical tankers

Many of the changes in everyday life that have taken place during
the last fifty years have resulted from developments in the
chemical industry. A wide range of ordinary items are in fact
derived from complex chemical processes, and are often derived
from the by-products of the production of energy. Some perfumes
and medicines are derived from coal: from oil and gases we obtain
fertilizers and plastics, weed killers and detergents, clothing
and paints.

The greatest advances made in the chemical industry have been made
in the last 25 years and one result has been a rise in the demand
for raw materials. This in turn has led to a great increase in the
maritime transportation of chemicals and the development of
specialized ships in which to carry them.

The ships that have been built in response to this demand are
among the most complex ever constructed. The cargoes they carry
often present tremendous challenges and difficulties from a safety
point of view and many chemicals are also a far greater pollution
threat than crude oil.

Yet despite this, chemical tankers are among the safest ships
afloat. One reason for this is the action taken by the industry
and governments to adopt and implement stringent regulations
regarding both safety and pollution prevention.

The main chemicals carried in bulk can be divided into the

following groups:

Heavy chemicals include substances that are produced in large

quantities. Among the most common are: sulphuric acid, which is

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among the cheapest of all acids and can be produced from sulphur,
air and water.

Molasses and alcohols: molasses comes from either sugar beet or

sugar cane and can be fermented into alcohols such as rum. Many
alcohols are produced by the petrochemical industry, but some can
also come from the fermentation of starch, such as ethanol.
Vegetable oils and animal fats: edible vegetable oils are derived
from soya beans, groundnuts, cottonseed, sunflowers, olives, rape
and other seeds. Coconut and palm oil can be used for cooking and
also in the production of soap. Industrial oils come from linseed
and castor seed. Some fats are extracted from animals including
lard and fish oils. Oils and fats are in general esters of an
alcohol (glycerol) and a variety of organic acids. Detergents and
inorganics are common commodities which have been traded by sea
for many years.

Petrochemical products form the most complex and probably the most
versatile group of chemicals carried in bulk

Coal tar products: coal tar is derived from the carbonization of

coal. It can be converted into numerous products, many of which
can also be produced from oil

Chemical hazards and problems

As might be expected in a trade where the products are so varied,

the hazards presented by chemicals vary enormously. The
identification and evaluation of these hazards is of vital
importance not only to the operation of chemical tankers but also
to their design and construction.

Hazard evaluation of chemicals is in itself a complex problem

stemming from the combination of the flammability and toxicity
characteristics of the chemicals themselves as well as from design
and operation hazards.
We can distinguish between the overall hazard to the environment and the intrinsic hazards of the chemicals. In respect of the former, the
hazard rating profile developed by the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (GESAMP), based on the release into
the sea of noxious substances, falls into four main categories:
Damage to living resources:

1 Hazards to human health

2 Reduction of amenities
3 Interference with other uses of the sea.

The main hazards and problems are listed below:

1 Cargo density the specific gravity of chemicals carried at

sea varies greatly. Some are lighter than
water. Others are twice as dense. Those
substances which have especially high density
include inorganic acids, caustic soda and some

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halogenated hydrocarbons.
2 High viscosity some lubricating oil additives, molasses and
other products are very viscous, especially at
low temperatures. As a result they are sticky
and move very slowly, causing problems in
cargo-handling and cleaning.
3 Low boiling some chemicals vaporize at a relatively low
point temperature. This can causes containment
problems, since when a liquid turns into a gas
it expands, creating growing pressure. It is
necessary, therefore, to provide either a
cooling system or to carry the chemical in
specially-designed pressure vessels.
4 Reaction to some chemicals react to water, to air or to
other other products. Measures therefore have to be
substances taken to protect them. Apart from the fact
that an accident can lead to a dangerous
reaction (such as the emission of a poisonous
gas) many chemicals can be ruined if they are
contaminated by other substances. Methanol,
lubricating oil additives and alcohols can be
spoiled by even a slight amount of water
contamination. Too much oxygen can lead to a
rapid deterioration in the quality of some
vegetable oils. Other products can change into
a different product completely.
5 Polymerization some substances, such as petrochemicals, do
not need to come into contact with another
chemical before undergoing a chemical change -
they are selfreactive and liable to
polymerization unless protected by an
inhibitor. This is a process whereby the
molecules of a substance combine to produce a
new compound. The process can be accelerated
by catalytic factors such as heat, light and
the presence of rust, acids or other
compounds. Styrene, methyl methacrylate and
vinyl acetate monomer are examples. Propylene
oxide and butylene oxide are also liable to
6 Toxicity many chemicals are highly poisonous, either in
the form of liquid or vapour or both. The
problem is sometimes made worse by the fact
that toxicity can be increased when vapours
from one substance come into contact with
those from another.
7 Solidification some substances have to be kept at a high
temperature, otherwise they solidify or become
so viscous that they cannot easily be moved.
Examples are some petrochemicals, molasses,
waxes and vegetable oils and animal fats.

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8 Pollution while many of the factors listed above present

problems for the ship and crew, a considerable
number of chemicals are extremely dangerous to
marine and other forms of life. Although crude
oil is probably the best-known pollutant of
the sea, many chemicals are in fact far more
poisonous and present a much greater threat -
a threat which can be much more long-lasting,
since some of the chemicals concerned can
enter the food chain and ultimately threaten
humans as well as marine life.

It can be seen from the above list that chemicals present many
difficulties to the shipowners and crew. A further complication
is the fact that most chemicals are transported in relatively
small amounts. The ships which carry them are consequently much
smaller than crude oil carriers but are expected to carry
several different products at the same time. It is probable that
these products will have different and usually incompatible

The development of the chemical tanker

The chemical tanker is basically a development of the last forty

years. The development of the chemical industry in the United
States following the end of World War II led to a demand for
ships in which to carry the industry's products. A number of T2
tankers, mass-produced during the war, were converted by
installing special tanks, double bottoms and suitable structural
and piping arrangements.

Chemical carriers are smaller in size than

crude oil carriers, but are technically far
more complex. These pictures show typical
chemical carriers now in service.

The 3,466 dwt Tina Jakobsen was built in

Germany in 1980. An IMO Class 2 ship, she
is fitted with 17 stainless steel tank.

The Bro Nora is owned by Sweden's Brostroms

Shipping Company. She was built in Spain in
1997. The 5,811 dwt ship has 13 stainless
steel tanks.

Chemical tankers make far greater use of cofferdams, double

bottoms and similar devices than conventional crude oil tankers.
To ensure that incompatible cargoes do not come into contact

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with each other, tanks are usually separated by a cofferdam - a

space between the two tank walls.

Most chemical tankers have their tanks separated from the outer
frame of the ship by a double bottom or double skin. If the ship
is damaged in a collision or a grounding this space should
protect the cargo tanks from damage.

The tanks of a chemical tanker are constructed of special.

materials, all designed to carry certain products. The early
chemical tankers generally had tanks made of stainless steel
which resists corrosion from many products and could be cleaned
relatively easily. But stainless steel is unsuitable for many
chemicals and so different coatings were designed. Typical
coatings in use nowadays include epoxy, phenolic resins, zinc
silicate, polyurethane and rubber. Each one has advantages and
disadvantages and so far no coating has been developed which is
suitable for all chemicals.

The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying

Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)

The new code was applied to ships built on or after 12 April

1972 and its purpose was given in a preamble which states: 'This
Code has been developed to provide an agreed international
standard for the safe carriage by sea of dangerous chemicals in
bulk by prescribing the constructional features of ships
involved in such carriage and the equipment they should carry
with regard to the products involved.'

The Code was not, in its original form, concerned with pollution
aspects. IMO was fully aware of the threat which chemicals posed
to the marine environment, but had decided to consider this
aspect in the context of a new international convention on
marine pollution which was then being prepared. This was
ultimately adopted in 1973 as the International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), Annex II of
which is concerned with the prevention of chemical pollution.

The basic philosophy of the code is to classify each chemical

according to the hazard they present and to relate those hazards
to the type of ship in which they are carried: the more
dangerous the chemical the greater is the degree of cargo
protection and survival capability required.

LNG carrier
The LNG carrier (Liquified Natural Gas) and it's cousin the LPG
carrier (Liquified Petroleum Gas) are products of the late
twentieth century. LNG and LPG are the preferred fuel types of
certain countries for their industrial power needs. Japan is one
such country, and so LNG needs to be transported to Japan, but is

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not the easiest of cargoes to be transported. In its natural

state, LNG is a gas, so to transport it, it needs to be either
pressurised into a liquified form, or
kept as a liquid by reducing the
temperature .

The shape of the LNG Carrier is quite

unmistakable, with the shape of the
Moss tanks (which are like enormous
spherical thermos flasks !) visible
along the deck, which has led to the
nickname of "Dinosaur Eggs Carriers".

Obviously, the carriage of an

explosive gas - kept at below
freezing temperatures as an unstable
liquid presents a very dangerous
cargo, yet it is for this very fact,
that LNG Carriers have about the best
safety record of all maritime vessels. Only the best officers and
crews are employed on these vessels, and the vessels themselves
are maintained meticulously, and renewed frequently. There have
been accidents involving LNG / LPG carriers, but where such
events have occurred, the crews or salvors have so far,
successfully managed to vent off the cargo into the atmosphere,
thus rendering the lethal cargo harmless.

Container ship

These ships carry containers as cargo. The containers are

preloaded with goods for export. In this way the goods can be
locked and sealed before they are loaded onto the ship. With the
use of shore based independent moving gantry cranes, the loading
and unloading work is extremely fast.

All the cargo holds contain guides for the containers, so that it
is easy to slide them in place. The containers are made so that
the corners can be locked in place very easily. Because the
containers are lowered in place precisely and the corners are
matched for interlocking, it is important to keep the ship at
even keel during the cargo work. For this purpose, container
ships have remotely controlled ballast pumps and valves that can
be controlled by deck officers.

In line with the fast cargo handling work, container ships are
usually built for speed, so that cargo can arrive at their
destinations fast. Some ships are fitted with bow-thrusters to
shorten the maneuvering time.

The Containership or "Boxship" is the great success story of the

last 40 years. General cargo was historically carried in dry

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cargo vessels, without any particular specialisation. Cargo

loading and unloading was always a slow, labourious task, due to
the varying shapes, sizes, weights and fragility of the numerous
cargoes being carried on any one vessel. The idea of
standardising the carrying box, or container at 20 feet long was
a breakthrough that allowed for vessels to be designed to carry
these standard sized boxes, and for dockside equipment also to be
designed to lift , stack and store these specific shapes.

Initially, these were small vessels of up to 10,000 DWT,

carrying no more than a few hundred TEU (Twenty foot Equivalent
Units), but have grown in size as the success and economies of
these vessels have become more obvious. Today's container ships
are being built to take 8,000 T.E.U., with plans to build 10 -
12,000 TEU ships.

As well as the Twenty foot container, many goods need larger

boxes, so there is a larger standard sized container, the FEU
(Forty Foot Equivalent Unit). On board a modern containership,
the complex method of loading the TEU and FEU in an order that
will facilitate offloading at the
other end is now largely
computerised. These vessels are built
for speed, and can reach upwards of
28 knots, moving cargoes around the

Through transport or inter-modal

transport, means that these
containers can be offloaded from a
ship, and rapidly loaded onto trains
or onto container lorries for onward
transport to the place of delivery

The containers are usually stowed on

the deck of the ship or inside of it
in long chutes. The containers are
connected together at their corners
by locking devices. Containerized
cargo must be loaded by cranes.
Most containers are either 20 or 40 feet long and 8 feet high.

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Ore ships
The ore ships have several features,
owing to the density of ore and the
way in which it stows, the center of
gravity of the cargo is lower than
in other types of cargoes; to
compensate this, the bottom of the
holds are raised a considerable
distance above the bottom of the
ship, all this makes the rolling
motion of the ship easy and regular.
The machinery is located aft in order to leave a free
uninterrupted space of the cargo holds.
Lumber or timber vessels
This vessels have a broad beam in relation to draught, in order
to compensate for the centre of gravity caused by the carriage of
large deck loads. The holds are as far as possible free
obstructions, such a pillars, deep knees, girders, web frames,
etc. and have ballast tanks carefully subdivided in order to
counteract the weight of deck loads.

OBO :Ore/bulk/oil vessel


A multipurpose ship that can carry ore, heavy dry bulk goods and
oil. Although more expensive to build, they ultimately are more
economical because they can make return journeys with cargo
rather than empty as single-purpose ships often must.

The general cargo ship


Despite being firmly in the container age, with a vast number of


commodities being carried in those ubiquitous boxes, not every

cargo can be handled in such a fashion. "General" cargo
constitutes that myriad of goods which are not liquid or bulk or
containerisable, and there is still a sizeable fleet of ships
that will carry such cargo.
A general cargo ship is designed to carry pretty well every form
of dry cargo that is on offer. Long iron such as railway lines or
constructional steel is a natural for this type of ship, while
rolling stock, agricultural machinery and a whole range of
factory plant will need a capable sort of ship to accommodate
these large, awkward loads. Steel coils are heavy, difficult
cargoes that need special stowage, while the "big bags"
containing dry chemicals and small consignments of bulk are
ideally suited to the modern general cargo ship.

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An older type of general cargo ship is the "tweendecker", which

is a survivor of pre-container days when all dry general cargo
was handled in such vessels on both the liner and tramp trades.
The tweendecker has more than one deck above its lower hold, the
cargo space may be divided into up to six holds so there are a
large number of separate compartments in which cargo may be

General cargo ships will invariably have their own cargo gear,
either cranes or derricks, to enable them to trade into ports
where there is little port equipment. They may even have a heavy
lift derrick to enable large loads of typically up to 70-80
tonnes to be handled, independently of any shore cranes. Self-
sufficiency is the watchword on the general cargo ship.

More modern general cargo carriers tend to have fewer holds, so

that larger and bulkier loads can be handled, and hatches that
are almost as wide as the ship herself, to enable the cargo to be
"spotted" without having to be dragged in and out of the wings,
as was the case with old tweendeckers, where the hatches were
smaller. They also tend to have cranes that are able to work in
tandem, thus doubling the weight that can be carried. Such
facilities are very useful for project cargo, where a whole
factory or large parts of a chemical plant might carried on a
single ship and delivered close to the destination. And if
general cargo is not available, these ships can usually find
employment carrying a load of containers or a consignment of bulk
cargo or bagwork.
Those who sail in general cargo ships speak of the variety of the
work, and of the longer spells in port when cargo has to be
carefully stowed so that there is no lost space, cargo cannot
move and the stability of the ship at all stages of the voyage
needs to be allowed for. There is quite an art to stowing a
general cargo ship for a number of port calls, ensuring that
every item of cargo is identified and that its stowage is
detailed, so that it neither becomes "overstowed" by cargo that
is to be discharged at a later port, nor is squashed by heavier
cargo. The optimum carriage conditions for a whole range of
different goods that may deteriorate on voyage must also be
provided. Those running large fast container ships may look down
their noses at the humble general cargo ships they meet at sea.
But these vessels are vital for world trade, and if they were not
available many of the world's goods would not find their way to

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The last HSC desing : The BGV concept

The BGV is designed around a


central, particularly long,

displacement hull, giving very
low resistance to motion
coupled with good behaviour in
short swell seas.
Transverse stability is
ensured by aft outriggers
whose pseudo-trimaran concept
gives the craft, as opposed to
a catamaran, remarkably stable
behaviour and sea keeping due
to the long rolling period
Roll is controlled by the highly-efficient alternate-acting
stabilizing foils, (only in positive incidence, so always giving
positive lift).
One of the main advantages of
the craft's concept is the lack
of pitching, or when it might
occur, it reduces it to the
lowest possible levels. The
hull's slender v-shape and its
sharp water-entry combine to
make the craft a real "wave

But, the exceptional results of

this protected design are multiplied tenfold by a technologic
concept which is now patented worldwide.

Like an aircraft that generates an air-cushion on take-off and

landing, the BGV benefits from an enhanced "ground effect"
(lift) which overcomes the effects of powerful motorization.
So, five technological features combine and interact
advantageously in the BGV design concept :

Active reduction of hydro and aerodynamic drags

Ground effect and channelling of the air trapped by the
outriggers, acting themselves as stabilisers
Active and always positive lift of the stabilizing foils
Transverse stabilisation by foils and outriggers

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Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

Diagonal stabilisation by the outrigger flaps

These technologies are not piled one on top of another but
combine their actions to provide improved efficiency.

BGV Fast Ferries - The ship owners' benefits

The high Speed Ferries market is now established, but navigation
on the high seas, i.e. in rough conditions remains to be
For the ship-owners profitability means a clear reduction in
costs via operations needing fewer personnel and higher
turnaround from more reliable and higher speeds; however, up to
now fast boat's applications are limited to short hauls, most
frequently in enclosed seas or regions with calm seas
The BGV was designed to take into account all these constraints

offering exclusive advantages :

The BGV has an excellent financial return, with a sailing

speed of 55 knots, 15 knots faster than the current

generation of Fast Ferries in the same conditions of sea
and much more in rough seas
The BGV can operate in all-weather with less than 1 %

cancellation per year, whereas the majority of today's

rapid vessels do not sail in heavy seas - or if they do,
they behave dangerously.
The BGV becomes a true "wave-piercer" in rough seas.

The BGV enjoys a high reliability and safety thanks to the


vessel's shape and structure e.g. the use of plating of

increased thickness over the current construction, with the
elimination of stress reversal and no vibration to prolong
the lasting quality of the motorization and to decrease the
maintenance costs.
The BGV is the only high speed craft which enjoys a great

stability due to the outriggers with the flaps and the

foils, which is an exclusive and very important advantage
to give exceptional conditions of passengers comfort.
Last but not least : even though the BGV has a space shuttle

appearance, the vessel's construction is extremely simple and

one might even call it "basic" which means very low construction

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

BGV 155

As the other BGV 75, 103 and 120, the BGV 155 is conceived
around the specific technicologic concept patended worldwide.
With its central, particularly long, displacement hull and five
technological features which combine and interact in the design
concept, the BGV 155 provides exclusive advantages :
navigation in all-weather
very high speed in rough seas
high reliability and security
great stability offering exceptional conditions for
passengers comfort

Types Length Beam Dspl. Motorization Speed Pax. Cars
A 155M* 155 m 44 m 1950 T. 30'000 kW 40 knots 1104 255
A 155M 155 m 44 m 1950 T. 40'000 kW 45 knots 1104 255

Port facilites - Low Cost Berthing Solutions

While its shallow draught
renders a very high degree of
port and harbour
accessibility, the unique
shape of the BGV calls for
special consideration of
berthing and access
arrangements. Proposed
solutions, however, are low
cost, and BGV's design
emphasis in this respect is on
arrangements which still allow quays to be used by other

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes


Barge Gabarra
Bucket dredge Draga de cangilones
Cable ship Cablero
Diving tender Embarcacin de buzo
Drilling ship Buque de perforaciones
Dredge Draga
Ferry Trasbordador
Floating crane Gra flotante
Garbage lighter Barcaza de basuras
Hopper Gnguil
Hulk Ponton
Ice breaker Rompehielos
Lighter Gabarra
Pilot boat Lancha de prcticos
Scow Lanchn barcaza
Suction dredge Draga de succin
Supply vessel Buque de aprovisionamiento
Tender Buque auxiliar
Tug Remolcador
Towboat Remolcador
Trash boat Buque recoge basuras
Water boat Aljibe

There are a great variety of auxiliary

ships, which include:

Cable ship:
Are ship equipped for laying and
repairing cables. They have at the bow
large wheels to facilitate handling

Are strongly built vessels, of
small tonnage with powerful
engines specially designed for
There are two main types: the
Harbour tug and sea going tug. the
former is used to help other ship
in their manovres within the
arbour, and the sea tug for saving
purposes and towing ship which are
not under command.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

Auxiliary ship

In the life of a busy port, such as San Francisco, New York, or

Singapore, auxiliary ships play a very important role. Indeed
without them a modern port couldnt be operated.

Most obvious are the tow boats, powerful little ships, almost
all engine , that push and pull ship many times their size,
manoeuvring giants in and out of dock. Some are big and powerful
enough to hustle a 200.000 ton tanker into it slip or tow a
disable vessel across thousands of angry ocean.

Others are purely harbour crafts, fussing from dock to dock with
everything from ships to sand scows.

In many large ports cargo is handled from tug draw lighters

and barges, which deliver their loads to ships at anchor or to
the free side of ship at dock. There are open barges for coal
,flat deck barges for oil, chemicals, molasses, and other liquid

A large port supports hundred of barges, and these in turn

provide business for fleets of tugs.

Most harbours are located o rivers that bring silt and mud down
from the interland, so dredges are needed to eliminate shoals
and mud banks and to keep the channels deep enough for over
increasing size of ships.

There are different types of mud-diggers, from small outfit

working around piers and docks, dumping their spoil into barges,
to 10.000 ton suction dredges, which can fill their holds with
thousands of tons of sand and mud before they make it out and
dump it.

Dredges are vital to busy harbours. More than 10 million tons of

mud and silt are removed every year in the port of Liverpool

Trash boats are important auxiliaries of the

harbour too, making regular sweeps of
channels and dock areas; they scoop up
floating debris, such as logs and broads
which are not only unsightly but can become
a fire hazard by soaking up oil from harbour
waters. Large boards and logs can also play
havoc with a ships propellers.

New Yorks trash boat is a 100 foot long

water borne scoop mounted

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

on pontoons . It carries a big net to snare crates barrels,

boards, bottles and other flotsam and delivers it to barges off
the New Jersey shore.

A familiar figure in many ports is the harbour junkie the

waterfront version of the old-time ragman and scrap dealer.
Usually seen in a row boat or motor boat. The junkman goes from
pier to pier and ship to ship hunting old chains, hawsers,
dunnage, and anything else that can be bought from a ship crew.
Fireboats are queens of the service fleet, painted in red and
bristling with nozzles; they are ready to speed to the aid of a
ship on fire or to fight waterfront flames from the water side.
Fireboats were especially needed in the day when most docks were
finger piers that jutted out into the harbour making pier fires
almost inaccessible to shore side apparatus. Such piers are
becoming a sing of the past, but fireboats are still handy for
fighting fires on ships at anchor.

An usual aspect of harbour activity for many years in New York

was the floating elevator ,which transferred grain from barges
to the holds of waiting freighters. First introduced into the
harbour in 1848 the elevators were barges with box-like
structures on them that towered high above in a heavy wind or a
sudden surge sea.

Grain was removed from the barges by scoops affixed to an

endless belt, lifted up through the tower for cleaning and
weighing and then chuted into the ships holds. Only a few of
these elevator are still left.

An essential phase of harbour service is the pilot boat, which

cruises back and forth beyond the harbour entrance, supplying
pilots to incoming vessels and receiving pilots when leave
outward bounders after they pass the harbour bar or the first

Pilots are the harbour guides whose knowledge of every channel

markers and tidal peculiarity is essential to the safe
navigation and docking of ships coming or leaving for sea.

Every port has special kinds of service craft. Almost gone from
London docks now, but a familiar sight for many years are the
low riding tall masted sailing barges, that play the Thames
estuary carrying all kinds of freight between London inner
harbour and its many satellite ports along the Thames.

Another familiar sight in London for many years was London

Mammoth a huge floating crane with arms capable of lifting
locomotives, railway cars, turbines, and another machinery onto
ships deck. Most big ports have similar floating cranes,
although the advent in recent years of large cargo ships with

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

heavy booms and of specialised ships with extra lift equipment

has diminished the need for these Harbour auxiliaries.

A peculiar sight of New York harbour activity are the car-floats

tug drawn barges which ferry railroad cars between New Jersey
terminals and the Brookling waterfront. It is always a
fascinating sight when you are riding New York ferry, to see
what appears to be a floating train
moving across the bay through a
morning mist with a hard working tug
sandwiched amidst a fleet of car-
laden barges almost hidden from
sight except for the tip of its

The Dutch and German ports have

their huge fleets of motorised
barges which bring every conceivable
kind of freight down from the
hinterland for loading on out bound ships and go back into the
interior with goods from overseas. Most of those barges are also
home for their captain-owners and his family, and their
curtained ports and well scrubbed afterdecks betoken the
familys pride in its floating home.

Hong Kong has its hordes of sampans and Singapore

its tongkangs which sometimes ride the harbour so
closely packed together that almost form a bridge
from shore to shore.

In some harbours there are even floating machine

shops that come alongside ships at anchor to make emergency
repairs with complete welding apparatus, lathes drill presses
and another equipment, they are important adjunct to port

To the untrained eye looking for more dramatic sights of sea-

port , the small craft blend into the fascinating kaleidoscope
of marine activity, but they are the indispensable servants of
all the ships that come and go on the sea.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

After deck Toldilla

Barges Barcazas
Crates Embalajes, canastas
Bristling Erizado
Car-float Barcaza trasbordadora de vagones
Chute, to Verter por canaln
Craft Embarcacin
Cruises back and front Navegar de un lado para otro
Debris Escombros, desechos
Digger Excavadora
Disable Sin gobierno
Dredger Draga
Dump, to Verter
Dunnage Madera de estiba
Endless belt Correa sin fin
Floating crane Gra flotante
Flotsam Carga, cargamento, flete
Freighter Carguero
Fussing Trabajando
Hawsers Estachas
Havoc Causar dao
Heavy booms Puntales para cargas pesadas
Hinterland Regin interior
Hustle, to Empujar, moverse
Indeed Por cierto, ciertamente
Junkie Chatarrero
Laden Cargado
Lathes Tornos
Lighters Gabarras
Low riding Poca velocidad
Machine shop Taller de maquinaria
Mist Calima
Mud Fango
Mud-digger Draga
Net Red
Nozzle Tobera, boquilla
Outbound De salida
Outfit Unidad, equipo
Outward bounder Buque de salida
Pier Muelle
Puff, to Resoplar
Ply,to Ir y venir
Ragman Trapero
Row boat Bote a remos
Sadwiched Intercalado
Scoop up, to Recoger
Scrap-dealer Chatarrero
Sea buoy Boya de mar, b. de recalada
Shoals Bajos

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Capitulo 4 Tipos de buques mercantes

Silt Cieno, sedimento

Slip Grada
Snare, to Coger con redes
Soak up ,to Impregnar
Speed ,to Apresurarse
Spoil productos de dragados
Stack Chimenea (de barco)
Suction dredger Draga de succion
Surge Marejada
Tall masted Mastil alto
Tongkamgs Barcazas de Singapur
Topple,to Derribar, volcar
Towboat Remolcador
Trash boat Embarcacion de limpieza de
Tug Remolcador
Waterborne scoop Canguilon flotante
Welding apparatus Equipo de soldadura.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 5 Movimientos, esfuerzos y tensiones


Heaving Movimiento vertical del buque

Hogging Quebranto
Panting Vibraciones a proa producidas
por las olas
Pitching Cabeceo
Punding Pantocazos, dar
Ranking Deformacin a causa del mar
Rolling Balanceo
Sagging Arrufo
Shear, to Cizallar
Stress Esfuerzo (por unidad de
Bending stress Esfuerzo de flexin
Compressive stress Esfuerzo de compresin
Shearing stress Esfuerzo cortante
Tensile stress Esfuerzo de traccin
Surge Movimiento longitudinal del
Sway Movimiento lateral del buque
Yawing Guiada
Strain Esfuerzo

Stress and strain

Stress is load put on a piece of

material or on a structure. If the
stress is excessive, the material
may become permanently deformed and
weakened and it is then said to be

Types of stress:

Tensile stress try to pull the material apart.

Compressive stress : try to crush the material.
Shearing stresses may described as the effect forces to shear
the material across, or to make to the component parts of a
structure slide over each other.
Bending stresses are compound stresses produced by forces when
they try to bend a piece of material.

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Capitulo 5 Movimientos, esfuerzos y tensiones

Stresses in ships

These may be divided into two classes:

Structural: affecting general structure and shape of the
Local: Affecting certain localities only.

Principal structural stresses:

Hogging and sagging.

Effect of water pressure.

Principal local stress:

Panting and pounding; effect of local weight and vibration.

Hogging and sagging

These are longitudinal bending stresses, which may occur when a

ship, is in a seaway ,or which may be caused by a faulty

Sag. A vessel sags when the middle of its structure sinks below
the bow and stern. A loaded tank vessel tends to sag due to the
weight of the cargo in the tank section. It is most noticeable
midship. Sagging may cause excess stress if the weight is
concentrated in the midship cargo tank section. Since sag
reduces freeboard, the amount of cargo that can be carried is
reduced. Sagging can be reduced if more weight is put in the end
tanks and less weight is put in the center tanks. Weight should
not be concentrated in any one section even while tanks are
being loaded.


A vessel hogs when the bow and stern are lower than the midship
section . An empty vessel tends to hog because the bow and stern
sections weigh more than the midship. Hogging causes the center
of the vessel to carry most of the stress. Hogging can be
avoided with proper loading and ballasting. Tables supplied with
each vessel can be used to determine bow-to-stern stress while
the vessel is being loaded and ballasted.

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Capitulo 5 Movimientos, esfuerzos y tensiones

Cargoes such as iron ore are extremely heavy

and can exert tremendous pressure on the
ships hull. Homogenous loading as shown
below, is usually adopted for low density cargoes such as coal
and grain, but may also be permitted for high-density cargoes
under certain conditions. Normally, however, cargoes such as
iron ore are carried in alternate holds. When a ship is
floating in still water, there will be differences in the
forces exerted upon the hull, which have to
be taken into account when the ship is
loaded. Alternate loading can result in
shearing pressures, while uneven loading can cause the ship to
sag or results in hogging



Is the distorting of a ships transverse shape by wave action, or

by rolling in a seaway. The stress comes mainly on the corners of
the ship, that is, on the tank side brackets and beam knees,
which must be strong enough to resist it. Transverse bulkheads
provide very great resistance to this stress.

Effect of water pressure.

Water pressure tends to push-in the sides and bottom of the ship.
It is resisted by bulkheads and by all transverse members.

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Capitulo 5 Movimientos, esfuerzos y tensiones


The ship when drydock and supported by the keel blocks, will
have a tendency to sag at the bilges. In modern ship of normal
size, the cellular double bottom is strong enough to resist
this stress without any further strengthening. It is worth
nothing that if sagging occur, it can always be remedied by
the use of bilge blocks.


Is the in and out motion of the plating in the bows of a ship

due to variation in water pressure as the bow passes through
successive waves. It is particularly noticeable forward when
pitching , and grates in fine bowed ships. Peak tank structure
helps to resist this stress.


Pounding is the heavy falling of a ship into the water after

having been lifted by wave action. It is greatest in full
bowed ships. Cellular double bottoms helps to resist it.

Local weights

Local strengthening is intruded to resist stress set up by local

weight in a ship, such as engines and heavy cargoes.


Vibration from engine, propellers, etc. tends to cause strains in

the after parts of the ships. It is resisted by special
stiffening of cellular double bottom under engine spaces and by
local stiffening in the region of the stern and after peack.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 5 Movimientos, esfuerzos y tensiones

Ship motions

At sea the ships is subjected to six basic motions that have to

be anticipated:

Three about a vessels axis:

1. About the transverse axis :PITCHIN

2. About tho longitudinal axis: ROLLING
3. About the vertical axis: YAWING

Three bodily motions:

1. The vertical movement is called HEAVING
2. The transverse bodily motion is SWAY
3. The longitudinal bodily motion is SURGE

A ship may move in a single motion or in any combination of all

these motions in one instant making it a confusing and extremely
complex action.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 6 Navegacin


Bearing Demora
Bearing clearing Demora de seguridad
Bearing compass Demora de aguja
Bearing DF Demora radiogoniometrica
Bearing magnetic Demora magntica
Bearing relative Demora marcacin
Bearing true Demora verdadera
BST, (British summer time) Hora de verano inglesa
Plotting chart Carta en blanco
Plotting sheet Carta en blanco
Coast piloting Navegacin costera
Coasting Costear
Compass Aguja, comps
Compass correction Correccin total
Compass error Correccin total
Course Rumbo
Course made good Rumbo efectivo
Steered course Rumbo de gobierno
True course Rumbo verdadero
Magnetic course Rumbo verdadero
Shape the course Trazar el rumbo
Drift Deriva
Danger angle Angulo de seguridad
Date line Meridiano 189
Dead reckoning (DR) Estima, navegacin por estima
Deck wach Reloj de bitcora
Departure Apartamiento
Deviation Desvo
DWT Hora de bitcora
EP (estimated position) Posicin estimada
Running fix Situacin por dos demoras
Four point bearing Marcacin a cuatro cuartas
Great circle Circulo mximo
Great circle sailing Navegacin ortodrmica
Great circle track Derrota ortodrmica
Height of eye (HE) Elevacin del observador
Heading Proa, direccin de la proa,
Heavenly body Cuerpo celeste, astro
Heeling adjuster Corrector del desvo de la
Horizon Horizonte
Hour angle Horario, coordenada
Tour circle Circulo horario
Intercept Diferencia de alturas
Leading line Enfilacin

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 6 Navegacin

Leeway Abatimiento
Local mean time LMT Hora civil del lugar
Looming Espejismo
Logging Apuntar en el diario de
Manoeuvring card Rosa de maniobra
Mercator mailing Derrota loxodromica
Moon rise Orto de la luna
Moon set Ocaso de la luna
Milky way Va Lctea
Plane mailing Navegacin por estima
Pilot Derrotero
Position line Lnea de posicin, recta de
Rhumb line Loxodrmica
Run Distancia navegada entre dos
Shoot the sun Tomar alturas del sol
Sight Observacin astronmica
Traverse tables Tablas de estima
Twilight Crepsculo

Astronomical coordinate systems are virtually all spherical
coordinate systems; defined by a great circle and its poles. A
latitude coordinate measures the angle above or below the
circle, a longitude coordinate measures the angle along the
circle from some arbitrarily defined point. An example which is
useful is the terrestrial latitude and longitude system

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 6 Navegacin

Terrestrial (latitude/longitude)

The defining great circle for terrestrial coordinate system is

the Earth's equator. The poles are the north pole and the south
pole. The latitude coordinate is terrestrial latitude, measured
north and south from the equator. The longitude coordinate is
terrestrial longitude, measured from the reference point defined
by the crossing of the prime (Greenwich) meridian and the
equator. The International Astronomical Union has defined
longitude as positive towards the east, negative towards the west
(this is planetocentric longitude).

Horizon (altitude/azimuth)

The horizon system is a "local" system centered at the


individual observer. The great circle is the observer's horizon.

The poles of that circle are the zenith (directly overhead) and

the nadir. The reference point on the horizon is the north


point, defined by a great circle (the meridian) from the zenith


through the north celestial pole to the horizon. Extending the

meridian in the oposite direction establishes the south point. T T

The east and west points are defined by the intersections of the
celestial equator with the horizon.
The latitude coordinate is the altitude (or elevation), measured

from the horizon along a great circle running through the

zenith. The longitude coordinate is azimuth measured either from

the north point increasing towards the east (geographic

definition) or from the south point increasing towards the west
(astronomical definition). Because of this ambiguity in
definition, it is important to determine which form is in use.
The geographic definition is most common, even in use by

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 6 Navegacin

Equatorial (declination/hour angle or declination/right


The Equatorial system is defined by the celestial equator, the

projection of the Earth's equator onto to celestial sphere. The
poles ore the north celestial pole and the south celestial pole.
The reference point is the vernal equinox which is the point
where the ecliptic (the apparent path of the sun) crosses the
celestial equator with the sun moving towards the summer
solstice. The latitude coordinate is declination measured from
the celestial equator. The longitude coordinate is right
ascension (RA) - measured from the vernal equinox increasing in
the direction of the sun's motion; ( 0 <= RA < 24 hours ).

The Equatorial system can be a local system centered on the

observer, in which case the longitude coordinate becomes
hour angle (HA) - measured from the observer's meridian
increasing towards the west ( -12 <= HA <= 12 hours ).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 7 Maniobras


Dock Muelle de atraque

handling Maniobra
Fender Defensa
T T altivo, elevado
T T ensayar, entrenar, practicar,
Midships on A la va
T T lanzamiento
T T Dar vueltas
T T habilidad, amao, apao,
Wharf Muelle en general

Mooring lines

About three or four different mooring lines at each end of the

vessel is the normal number usually carried.
Forward Head line Largo pr
Forward Travs pr
breast line
Forward Esprin pr

Stern line Largo pp

Aft breast Travs pp

Aft spring Esprin pp

Buoy line Cabo de

la boya

Towing line Cabo de


Heaving line Sirga

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 7 Maniobras

Heaving line is a small rope usually 20 fathoms long used in

throwing to or from a vessel a heavier rope.

Single up Ponga en sencillo

Single up forward Ponga en sencillo a proa
Cast off the lines Largar los cabos
Heave away Virar seguido
Heave in stern line Virar seguido el largo de pp
Heave a little Virar un poco
Heave tight Virar hasta tesar
Heave easy Virar despacio
Stop heaving Para de virar
Check on the head line Aguantar el largo de proa
Send off the ... De a tierra el ...
Avast spring Bueno virar el esprin
Stop heaving Bueno virar
Hold on... Aguanta el...
Take turns to the bits Tome vueltas en las bitas
Stand by with the heaving line Preparado con la sirga
Let go Larga
Take in the slack Cobra el seno
Slack spring Lascando el esprin
Slack away Arria en banda
Slack down Arriar en banda
Make fast Haz firme
To haul Cobrar
Pier Muelle de atraque
To tight Tesar

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 7 Maniobras

Ordenes al timonel:

It is most important that all steering orders shall be given

clearly and in standard form. It is equally important that they
should be acknowledged in a standard form. It is equally
important that they should be
acknowledged in a standard form and
obeyed correctly.

Alteration of course: Order for an

alteration of course always start with
the direction and are immediately
followed by the rudder angle. For example

This order shall be repeated by the

helmsman , who puts the wheel over until
the desired rudder angle is obtained.

When the desired rudder angle is obtained, the helmsman should

report this to the officer, for example STARBOARD TWENTY.

As the ships head approaches the new course the rudder angle may
require to be reduced, in which case an order to ease the wheel
may be given, for example : EASE TO FIVE.

The helmsman repeats the order and moves the wheel until the
wheel indicator shows five degrees to starboard.

When the ordered rudder angle is obtained the helmsman report


When the ships head is near the new course, the order MIDSHIPS
is given. The helmsman repeats the order and moves the rudder
until the ruder indicator shows a rudder angle of zero degrees,
when the helmsman reports MIDSHIPS ON.

Usually it is required to counter the swing and the order PORT

FIVE may be given. The helmsman puts the rudder to port after
repeating the order and when the desired rudder angle is obtained
he reports PORT FIVE ON.

When the ships head is within a degree or so from the new course
the order MIDSHIP will be given.

When the ships head is on the required course the order STEADY
immediately followed by the new course, for instance: STEER TWO
FIVE SEVEN is given.

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Capitulo 7 Maniobras

The helmsman repeats and when the ship is heading the new course
the helmsman reports COURSE TWO FIVE SEVEN.

The most frequent orders given to a man at the wheel may be

classified in the following manner:

1st: Questions

Whats her head?........que rumbo lleva?

Whats is your heading?..
Whats is your Cuorse?...

Maark your head by the land..Marque la proa por tierra
Use very little helm.........Use muy poco timon.
Easy the helm................Use poco timon.
Nothing to starboard.........Nada a estribor.
Steer one two five...........Gobierne al 125.

3st:If the alteration is to starboard or port

Port rudder.................Timon a babor.
Port five...................Cinco grados a babor.
Starboard ten...............Diez a estribor.
Port a bit..................Babor un poco
Hard a port.................Todo a babor.
Hard over...................Todo a la banda.
Port easy...................Poco a babor.

4st:Para regresar a la via y derecho.

Midship......................A la via.
Steady ass she goes..........Derecho como va.
Steady as you go.............Derecho como va.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 7 Maniobras

Ordenes a la maquina

The orders to the engine room are

transmitted from the bridge by
means of the telegraph located in
the wheel house .Most modern
ships are equipped with highly
automated engine rooms which
permit direct control of
propeller revolutions from the
bridge and instead the above
mentioned engine orders, the
required numbers of revolutions
ahead or astern may be used.

Combined orders

Midship Helmsman Midship
Half head engine Officer: Half head engine, sir
Starboard a bit Helmsman: Starboard a bit
Starboard more Helmsman: Starboard more
Engine dead slow Officer: Engine dead slow, sir
Hard a port Helmsman: Hard a port
Full astern Officer: Full astern, sir
Stop her Officer: Stop her, sir
Ease the wheel Helmsman: Ease the wheel
Slow ahead Officer: Slow ahead, sir
Steady as she goes Helmsman: Steady as she goes
Steer zero-four-five Helmsman: zero-four-five
Full ahead engine Officer: Full ahead engine, sir
How is her head Helmsman: Right on,sir. Zero four-five.

Ship handling in tight spaces

Watching a large ferry come into its berth in a confined harbour

is a wonderful example of excellent shiphandling skills at work.
The captain, from his lofty perch on the bridge somehow co-
ordinated engines, rudders and lateral thrusters to guide the
ship into its exact position. Bear in mind too that these are
often very large ships - the size of cruise liners , and the
master may have both wind and tide acting against him.

The manoeuvrability of modern ships has greatly improved as a

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Capitulo 7 Maniobras

result of a number of technical developments that have

facilitated ship handling in ships of a size which in an earlier
age would have been dependent upon tugs to guide them in and out
of harbour and on and off the berth. Some ships still do take
tugs , it being a delicate financial balance whether a deep sea
vessel is better off being fitted with her own powerful
thrusters, or whether it is better to rely on at least a stern
tug to help the master and pilot control the ship in confined

Ship handling in rivers where there is a stiff tide or current

requires a good deal of nerve. A ship does not steer like a car,
her steering being dependent on the flow of water over the rudder
. If the ship is travelling with the current, there is the risk
that she will be "overtaken" by the water travelling with her,
and so lose her ability to steer. Speed must be maintained. The
use of engines, rudder and lateral thrusters are all tools of the
modern ship handler, but the master or pilot must always remember
that it may be difficult to stop a sheer or a swing and that huge
damage can be done by those thousands of tonnes if control is

There are a range of modern tools available to help the ship

handler. The rudder has been much refined and some designs have
flaps on the training edge to "bend" the waterflow almost to 90
degrees to the fore and aft line. The steerable propeller is a
new device which sees a propeller being designed to swivel
through a complete circle. Some new cruise ships, which need
enormous horsepower to move their huge hulls into very confined
cruise ports, are being fitted with these devices. Some ships are
fitted with both bow and stern thrusters of huge horsepower and
are able to manoeuvre independently of any external assistance.

Most ships exhibit their own characteristics when being handled

in confined waters and masters have to become familiar with these
foibles. They may handle in a different way when the wind is on
the bow or astern, or when the draught is lighter or deeper.
Pilots, who have to handle a ship a few minutes after boarding,
become adept in ascertaining the handling characteristics of
ships they have never seen before. Ship handling is their

There are some useful new tools for the ship handler in the range
oif computer assisted simulation equipment available for ships'
officers to practice their skills. Some are used aboard ship,
enabling the bridge team to "rehearse" on the computer screen the
manoeuvres that will be used to get the ship in or out of an
unfamiliar port. It is useful preparation.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas


Anchor cable Cadena del ancla

Anchor ring Arganeo del ancla
Arms Brazos
Bills of peaks Picos de loro
Blake slip Boza disparadora
Bower anchor Ancla de leva
Cable stopper Estopor
Crown Cruz
Chain locker Caja de cadenas
Chok Calzo
Common link Eslabn con contrete
Deck clench Cncamo de cubierta
Devils claw Trinca de cadena tipo ua
End link Eslabn sin contrete
Flukes Uas del ancla
Grapnel Rezon
Hawse pipe Escoben
Joining shackle Grillete de unin
Links Eslabones
Lugged joining shackle Grillete de unin
Moor, to Fondear con dos anclas
Mooring swivel grillete giratorio
Mushroom anchor Ancla de hongo o de paraguas
Navel pipe Gatera, bocina de la caja de
Patent anchor Ancla de cadena
Palms Mapas
Pea of bill Pico de loro
Screw slip Boza con tensor
Slip Gancho disparador
Spare anchor Ancla de respeto
Shackle Grillete
Spruling gate Gatera
Stockless anchor Ancla de patente, sin cepo
Studs Contretes
Swivel Grillete giratorio


Anchors are heavy pieces of iron by which a ship becomes

attached to the ground. The length of chain attached to the
anchor is called cable.
All anchors are designed to take hold as quickly as possible

after they hit bottom. They take hold in one of two ways: either

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

by hooking into the ground with one or both of their sharp flukes T T

or by burying themselves completely. T T

When an anchor is let go in fairly deep water, it strikes the T

bottom crown first. From this position, any drag on the chain

causes the flukes, if properly set, to dig into the bottom. As T T

the drag continues, the fluke is forced further into the bottom.

If the proper scope of chain is used, the heavier the drag, the

deeper the fluke will dig in, developing the full holding power T T

of the anchor.

Anchors used in the Navy today are grouped according to


type. The most common types used are stockless anchors, T T

lightweight (LWT) or stock-in- crown anchors, and two-fluke T T

balanced-fluke anchors. Stock anchors (old-fashioned) and T T

mushroom anchors are no longer specified as a part of Navy ship


ground tackle. T T

Stockless or Patent anchors


The stockless anchor consists of a heavy head in which the crown,

tripping palms, and flukes are forged in one piece. This unit is
pivoted on the shank so that it can swing from 45 to either side
of the shank. The flukes are large and long, and projecting
shoulders or tripping palms are cast at the base of the flukes to
make them bite. As the force of the drag exerts itself, the
shoulders catch on the bottom and force the anchor to take hold
by pushing the flukes downward into the bottom. Because an
upward pull on the shank of a stockless anchor has a tendency to
break out the flukes, a long scope of chain must be used to make
sure the shank remains on the bottom when the anchor is set. With
too short a scope, or even under a steady pull with a long scope,
a stockless anchor may still disengage its flukes as a result of
gradually turning over and rolling out. Under this condition, the
anchor can offer no resistance to dragging except by its

Though there are a number of different designs of modern


stockless anchors, all share the same distinguishing T T

feature-they are stockless. Three designs of stockless anchors T T

are in use on naval ships: commercial, standard Navy, and the


Mark 2 (Mk 2). These are shown in views A, B, and C of figure.


The Mk 2, with its long flukes, has the greatest holding power. T T

It is made only in the The stockless feature of these anchors T T

provides 60,000-pound size for use aboard aircraft carriers. The


many advantages, not only in easing handling and stowing, but


also in allowing the anchor to be hoisted short, commercial-type T T

flukes have the least holding power. directly into the hawsepipe T T T T

and secured, ready for letting go. T T T

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

The parts of a patent anchor are:

Anchor ring.
Pea of bill.
Tripping palm.

Lightweight anchors

Two types of lightweight anchors are used on Navy ships: the Mk 2

LWT and the wedge block LWT anchor. These are shown in views D
and F of figure. Lightweight anchors are constructed of
comparatively light metal, but are very strong in tension.
They gain their holding power by digging deep into the
bottom rather than lying as a deadweight. Both the Mk 2 LWT
anchor and the wedge block LWT anchor have high holding power for
their weights. The 30 fluke angle on the wedge block LWT anchor
is most effective in sand bottoms; and the 50 fluke angle,
in mud bottoms. For example, both 10,000-pound LWT anchors
are designed to have a holding power in a sand bottom slightly
higher than the 22,500-pound standard Navy stockless anchor. They
are used as bower and stern anchors and may also be used as
stream or kedge anchors. Anchors less then 150 pounds are
normally used as small boat anchors. The main characteristic of
the LWT anchor is the placement of large flukes at such an angle
that they drive deep into the bottom to ensure good holding
power. The crown is designed to lift the rear of the flukes and
force their points downward into the bottom. Good stability is
also obtained by placing the flukes close to the shank. These
anchors are extremely useful in any situation where
lightweight but good holding power is essential. They have even
been cast up to 3,000 pounds for use as stern anchors on LSTs.
For Navy use, LWT anchors are made in approximate weights from 8
pounds to 13,000 pounds, for the Mk 2 LWT 6,000 pounds and 30,000
pounds for the wedge block LWT. The commercial Danforth anchor,
shown in view E of figure, is used on some Navy craft and small

Two-fluke Balanced-fluke anchors

The two-fluke balanced-fluke anchor (view G of figure) is used

for anchoring some surface ships and the newer submarines and is
normally housed in the bottom of the ship. This anchor is used on
certain combatant-type surface ships in place of a bower anchor,
which could interfere with the ship's sonar dome.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Stock anchors

Old-fashioned, or stock, anchors (view H of figure) have

been abandoned by large merchant and Navy ships because they are
extremely cumbersome and difficult to stow. Because of their
superior holding power, stock anchors are still used on some
boats, and yachtsmen use them for small craft.

Mushroom anchors

Mushroom anchors are shaped like a mushroom with a long narrow

stem serving as the shank. Because of their excellent holding
ability, they are used for permanent moorings and as anchors for
channel buoys and other navigational aids. The mushroom
anchor (view I of figure) is used to anchor buoys and torpedo
testing barges. The rounded part, or crown, strikes the bottom
first, and the upper surface of the mushroom is cupped to provide
a biting surface. As the anchor shifts back and forth under
strain, it digs itself deeper into the bottom, thereby increasing
its holding power. Consequently, it takes a firm hold and remains
fixed under the most adverse conditions. Because the mushroom
anchor has no projecting stock or flukes to foul, the moored
object can swing freely around a mushroom anchor. However,
since a mushroom anchor will break out if the direction of
pull is reversed, it is normally used only in groups of
three or more, surrounding the central mooring point. Certain
older class submarines use this type of anchor.

Plow anchor:

The plow anchor is a light anchor made from light sheet steel,
and has an action similar to a plow. It weights ten to twelve
pounds, and is carry by small craft. This type of anchor is
difficult to tow in a hawsepipe.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Chain and appendages

Present day Navy anchor chain of the flash butt welded type is
the Navy standard for new ship constructions and replaces
die-lock chain as required for back fit. All links are
studded; that is, a piece of steel is placed in the center of the
links. Studs prevent the chain from kinking and the links
from pounding on adjacent links. The Naval Ships' Technical
Manual lists standard sizes from 3/4 inch to 4 3/4 inches, and
details the method of fabrication.

The size of the link is designated by its nominal diameter, which

is called wire diameter. Wire diameter is measured at the end of
the link a little above the center line. The length of a standard
link is 6 times its wire diameter, and its width is 3.6 times its

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

wire diameter. An anchor chain is made up of many parts besides

common links and requires a variety of equipment and fittings to
use and maintain the chain. The following descriptions will
acquaint you with the details of anchor chain and some of the
equipment associated with using and maintaining the chain.

Standard Shot

The lengths of chain that are connected to make up the ship's

anchor chain are called shots and are made up with an odd number
of links. A standard shot is 15 fathoms (90 feet) long. At the
time of its manufacture, each shot of the chain usually bears a
serial number stamped, cut, or cast on the inner side of the end
links of each shot. If an end link is lost or removed from a
shot, this identification should be cut or stamped on the inside
of the new end link of the altered shot.

Detachable Links

Shots of anchor chain are joined by a detachable link, shown in

figure. The Navy-type detachable link consists of a C-shaped link
with two coupling plates that form one side and stud of the link
A taper pin holds the parts together and is locked in place at
the large end by a lead plug. Detachable link parts are not
interchangeable, so matching numbers are stamped on the C-link
and on each coupling plate to ensure its identification and
proper assembly. You will save time and trouble trying to
match these parts if you disassemble only one link at a time
and clean, slush, and reassemble it before disassembling another.
The present day slush, a preservative and lubricant, is a mixture
of 40 percent white lead and 60 percent tallow by volume. Other
slush mixtures are being investigated to replace the white lead.
When you re-assemble a detachable link, make sure the taper pin
is seated securely. This is done by driving it in with a punch
and a hammer before inserting the lead plug over the large end of
the pin. Detachable link toolbox sets contain tools,
including spare taper pins and lead plugs, for assembling and
disassembling links and detachable end links.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Detachable link

Chain Swivels
Chain swivels are furnished as part of the outboard swivel shot.
They reduce kinking or twisting of the anchor chain.

Chain swivel

Bending Shackles Bending shackles are used to attach the

anchor to the chain.

Outboard Swivel Shots

Standard and alternate outboard swivel shots also called bending

shots, consist of common links and fittings as shown in figure.
They are fitted to attach the 15 fathom shots of anchor chain to
the anchor. They also make it possible to stop off the anchor

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

outboard of the swivel and break the chain at the detachable link
inboard of the swivel. This allows the anchor chain to be used as
part of the towing gear. Outboard swivel shots vary in length,
but they usually do not exceed 5 fathoms. The taper pins in the
detachable links in the outboard swivel shot are additionally
secured with a U-shaped, stainless steel wire-locking clip
(sometimes called a hairpin). This hairpin, inserted in holes
drilled through the coupling plates, engages a keyway or groove
on the taper pin and is mandatory.

Outboard swivel shot arrangement

Riding, Housing, and Towing Chain Stoppers.

Riding and housing chain stoppers consist of a turnbuckle

inserted in a couple of links of chain. A pelican hook is
attached to one end of the chain; a shackle is attached at the
other end. The housing stopper is nearest the hawsepipe and must
be installed outboard of the swivel; the riding stopper is
farther inboard. These stoppers are secured by the
shackles to permanent pad eyes on the ship's deck Chain
stoppers are used to hold the anchor taut in the hawsepipes, to

ride to an anchor, or to hold the anchor when the anchor chain is


disconnected for any reason. When in use, a stopper is attached


to the anchor chain by passing the tongue over a link of the


chain and securing it by engaging the bail of the Pelican hook


and passing a toggle pin. When riding to anchor with more than

one stopper on the chain, the strain must be equalized in the T T

stoppers by adjusting the settings of the turnbuckles. Large T T

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

chain stopper wrenches are used for this purpose. Special housing T T

chain stoppers, such as devil's claw or pawl-type stoppers, T T

normally are used with horizontal windlasses and where space


limitations do not permit use of Navy standard stoppers. Although


stoppers alone are more than adequate for holding the anchor,

they should be backed up with the wildcat brake. Upon anchoring, T T

first the wildcat brake band should be set up tight, then the T T

stoppers should be passed. The wildcatT should be

T left
disconnected from the windlass.

Towing chain stoppers are similar to riding chain stoppers and


housing chain stoppers except towing chain stoppers have T T

locking plates added. These locking plates prevent the towing T T

chain stoppers from unscrewing when they are subjected to the


shock and vibration loading of the towing hawser.


Navy standard chain stopper


Mooring Shackles

Forged steel mooring shackles are used to attach the anchor

chain to mooring buoys. All mooring shackles, regardless of size,
have a standard opening of 7 inches. Mooring shackles are not to
be used for any other purpose.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Mooring Swivels

Forged steel swivels, with two links attached at each end, are
used to moor with anchors. They are inserted in the chain
outboard of the hawse and serve to keep the chain from
twisting as the ship swings. Mooring swivels are attached in
the chain with the eye end outboard, or down, to prevent them
from hooking on the outer lip of the hawse when they are heaved
back aboard. However, ships today have large rounded lips on the
hawsepipes, making it unlikely that a reversed swivel will catch.
A mooring swivel is shown in figure.

Chain Cable Jacks Mooring Shackles

Forged steel mooring shackles are used to attach the anchor chain
to mooring buoys. All mooring shackles, regardless of size, have
a standard opening of 7 inches. Mooring shackles are not to be
used for any other purpose. A cable jack , consisting of a
lever mounted on an axle and two wheels, is used to handle
anchor chain of 2 3/4 inches, or larger, in size. It is used to
pick the chain up to pass a chain stopper. A pinch- point crowbar
type of anchor bar is issued for smaller sizes of chain.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Cable jack.

Clear Hawse Pendants

A clear hawse pendant is a wire rope pendant, 5 to 15 fathoms

long, with a thimble at one end and a pelican hook attached to a
length of open-link chain fitted in a thimble at the other end.
This pendant is used to clear a hawse fouled by the anchor chain.
See figure .

Dip Ropes

A dip rope is a fiber or synthetic rope pendant, 14 to 36 fathoms

long, fitted at one end with a thimble and a dip shackle large
enough to engage a link of the anchor chain. A dip rope is used
when mooring or clearing a hawse.

Chafing Chain or Pendant

A short length of chain and/or a wire rope pendant is inserted

between the anchor and the anchor buoy line. This prevents the
anchor buoy line from chafing on the anchor and parting.

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

Vertical shaft anchor windlass.


Anchors, chains, and appendages must be kept in good condition

by the ship's force. The chain is overhauled by the ship's
force whenever necessary, and precautions are taken to see
that the various shots are properly marked and in good order. Two
competent petty officers are detailed to examine the chain as the
chain comes in, when getting underway, from an anchorage. Each
link is examined for cracks and other defects. Once each quarter,
and more often if subjected to normal use, all anchor chains

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

in sizes up to and including 1 1/2 inches are laid on deck

and their entire lengths examined. The deck pad eyes and
chain stoppers are inspected for cracks, deformation,
excessive wear at this time. If necessary, they are scaled and
cleaned of rust and other foreign matters, checked for excessive
wear or corrosion and, where conditions warrant, replaced with
new ones. Disassembly of detachable links in the outboard swivel
shot with hairpins requires removal, and probable
destruction, of the lockwire. The availability of replacement
wire of the same type should be established before removal
for inspection of the detachable link. Replacement hairpins
can be fabricated on board ship from corrosion-resistant steel.

Anchor chain and appendages are carefully examined for

cracks, excessive wear, distortion, or other defects. Parts that
require coating are painted with anchor chain gloss black
paint. Shackles, bolts, locking pins, and swivels are examined
carefully and put in order. The turnbuckles in chain stoppers
require frequent attention to keep them clean, free from rust,
and well lubricated with a graphite grease. Chain of sizes by
more than 1 1/2-inch wire diameter is overhauled, wire
brushed, and placed in a good state of preservation as often as
required. At least once every 18 months all anchor chain,
regardless of size, (including all fittings) is examined,
overhauled, and placed in a good state of preservation (5 years
for carriers). To distribute the wear uniformly throughout the
length of the chain, the shots are shifted to a new position as
necessary during this inspection. If it is not practical to make
immediate replacement, the defective shots are shifted to
the bitter end of the chain.

Anchor windlass

Windlasses are installed on board ships primarily for handling

and securing the anchor and chain used for anchoring the ship and
for handling anchor chain used for towing the ship. Most
windlasses have capstans or gypsy heads for handling line in
mooring and warping operations.

Windlasses can be located on the stern of the ship for stern

anchoring, but are usually located in the bow of the ship for
handling bower anchors.

Two general types of windlasses are installed on naval ships.

They are the vertical shaft and the horizontal shaft types.
See figures. These two types are subdivided into classes,
depending on the power source. These classes are electrohydraulic
drive and electric drive.

The essential parts of a typical windlass, regardless of its type

and class, are the drive motor, wildcat, locking head, hand

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Caoitulo 8 Anclas y cadenas

brake, capstan or gypsy head, and control. Horizontal shaft

windlasses are usually made as a self-contained unit with the
windlass and drive motor mounted on the same bedplate.

Vertical shaft windlasses have their power source located

below deck with only the wildcats and capstans mounted above
deck. The windlass wildcat is a special type of drum or sprocket
constructed to handle the anchor chain links. The outer surface
has flats (or pockets) which engage chain links. At each end of
the pockets, lugs (known as whelps) are provided, which contact
the end of the flat link. A central groove in the outer
surface accommodates the vertical links which are not in contact
with the wildcat at any point. Windlass wildcats have a
locking head for disengaging the wildcat from its power
source. The locking head permits free rotation of the wildcat
when you are paying out the chain. Locking heads usually
consist of two sliding block keys that may be shifted to key
together a drive spider and the wildcat The drive spider is keyed
to the windlass's shaft, while the wildcat

Horizontal shaft anchor windlass.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo



Anchor gear Equipo de fondeo

Anchor ring Arganeo del ancla
A cock bill A la pendura
Aweigh Zarpar (ancla)
Be at anchor, to Estar fondeado
Brought up Virar el ancla
Chain slips Boza de cadena
Chain pipe Gatera
Chain locker Caja de cadenas
Cast anchor ,to Fondear
Clear hawse Cadenas claras
Claw Estopor, garra, tenaza.
Cockbill the anchor Apear el ancla
Dug in
T T Cavado, excavadoT T

Drag Garrear
Dredge Arrastrar el ancla
Drop the anchor Fondear
Foul anchor Ancla encepada
Foul hawse Cadenas encepadas
Grow to Llamar la cadena
Hawse pipe Escoben
Heave in, to Virar
Joining shackle Grillete de unin
Lead, to Llamar la cadena
Lee tide Corriente de marea en la misma
direccin del viento
Lie at anchor Estar fondeado
Open moor Fondear con las dos anclas por
Pelorus Ancla
Pay out, to Filar cadena
T T Plural de radius= radio
Room to swing Espacio de borneo, borneo
T T fondeadero, rada
Running moor Fondear un ancla a la entrante
y otra a la saliente
sheet anchor
T T Ancla de la esperanza, ancla de
Standing moor Fondear a barbas de gato
Veer cable La cadena
Walk back Desvirar
Weather tide Marea contraria al viento

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

Weigh anchor, to Levar ancla

Preparar para fondear

Take the stoppers of the cables Quita las trincas de la cadena

Have both anchors ready Tengan listas las dos anclas
Stand by starboard anchor Tenga lista el ancla de
Hang the starboard anchor off Apee el ancla de estribor
Hang one anchor off Apee un ancla
Put the windlass in gear Engrane el molinete
Put the anchor clear of the Apee el ancla.
See that everything is clear of Compruebe que las cadenas estn
the cables libres.
Keep ready for letting go Este listo para fondear.
Ordenes para fondear

Let go anchor Fondo el ancla

Put three shackles on the water Ponga tres grilletes en el agua
Check the cable Aguantando la cadena
Slack away the port cable Fila seguido la cadena de babor
Pay out on both cables Fila seguido en ambas cadenas
Pay out gently Fila lo que vaya llamando
Ordenes para virar

Heave in anchor Vira el ancla.

Heave in both anchors Vira las dos anclas
Heave in cable Vira la cadena.
Heave in easy Vira despacio
Veer up the cable Virar la cadena
Heave in the slack of the cable Vira el seno del ancla
Take in the slack of cable Vira el seno de la cadena
Heave short Vira el seno
Bring up the anchor Virar el ancla.
Ordenes para aguantar

Hold the chain Aguanta la cadena

Hold heaving Para de virar
Hold slacking Para de filar
Stop heaving in Para de virar
Avast heaving Para de virar
Slack away Arra en banda
Hold on! Aguanta!
How many shackles have you Con cuantos grilletes ha
brought up? fondeado?
Are the anchor ready? Estn preparadas las cadenas?
How much cable have you Cuanta cadena ha fondeado?
brought up?

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

Where shall I anchor? Donde debo fondear?

How does the chain lead? Como llama la cadena?
How does the chain grow? Como llama la cadena?

Terms used in anchor work

Some terms used in anchor works are:

Weigh anchor: To heave in cable until the anchor is broken out of

the ground and clear of the water. The anchor is aweigh
immediately it has broken out of the ground. For weighing anchor
the Mate of the forecastle head should indicate the master the
direction in which the cable grows; when it is up an down, and if
the anchor is clear. Special care is required when the cable
grows around the stem or under the ship.

Lead or grow: The direction in which the cable leads outside the
hawse pipe. It is indicate by the mate on the fore castle
pointing in the direction in which the cable grows. When it grows
vertically it is said to be up and
down .

Short and long stay: The cable is a

short stay if it leads downward and
long stay when it leads well away and
close to the horizontal.

Brought up: Brought up or come-to, is

when the operation of dropping the
anchor has been completed, the cable
has tightened and the anchor is
holding with the cable lying along
the bottom.

Surge: To let the cable run out with the brake without using

A shackle: A shackle of cable is 15 fathoms in length , the

shackles are joined together by joining shackles. The outward end
of the cable is secured to the ring of the anchor by a large
shackle an the inward end is secured to a clench in the bottom
of the cable locker. The cable emerges from the navel pipe of the
forecastle and is passed across the windlass and through claw
before being joined to the anchor in the hawse pipe.

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

Veer: To use power in paying-out the cable and not to let it run.

Snub: To brake sharply.

Clear anchor: When the anchor has not picked up its own cable or
some chain, wire, etc. Otherwise the anchor is foul.

Weather tide: Tide against the wind.

Lee tide: tide with the wind.

A cock bill: anchor hanging outside the hawse-pipe and ready for
letting go.

If it is essential to anchor in a place where room to swing is
limited, it will be necessary to make a running moor or standing

The Runnig moor is carried out by dropping the starboard anchor

first and them paying out about eight shackles while going ahead
against the tide before dropping the port anchor. The vessel is
then allowed to fall back on the tide until she is middle between
the two anchors

The Standing moor is carried out by dropping the port anchor

while steaming against the tide and lay out cable. Stop the ship
and let go the other anchor. Heave in half the first cable and
slack away equally on the second. The vessel will then ride to
five times the depth on the one anchor and when the tides change
she will swing round and ride similarly on the other anchor.

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

Open moor : this moor is different from those described in that

the vessel rides with two anchors lying ahead and angled outward
one from each bow. It is used when it is known that the wind or
current will come strongly from one direction and it is necessary
to use two anchors.

Anchoring equipment (DNV)


Anchoring equipment includes anchor, anchor chain, anchor


chain attachments, chain-stopper and anchor winch (windlass).

The equipment is covered by DNVs class, and is
crucial for the vessels operational safety.
Consequently, DNV requires that all components shall
be delivered from the manufacturers with DNV product
certificates. T

The anchoring equipment required is the minimum

considered necessary for temporary mooring of the vessel in
moderate weather condition when it is awaiting berth, tide,
dock, lock, etc. The anchoring equipment must be certified by
DNV in order to ascertain that it meets the quality requirements
and relevant capacity for use on board a specific vessel. The
capacity requirements are common for all major classification
societies. (Unified IACS Rules).

DNVs process for certification of anchoring equipment normally

Design approval.
Manufacturing survey.
Design approval for anchoring equipment is mostly ordered for
unspecified manufacturing assignments for an agreed time window,
enabling a Type Approval Certificate to be issued. It is,

however, also possible to request a case-by-case design approval

for a specific manufacturing order or number of orders.
Anchors, anchor chains and anchor chain attachment
links/swivels/shackles, etc. may be certified by DNV only by
manufacturers certified for such production.

Anchors and anchoring

Anchors represent a vital part of the ship's equipment, enabling

a vessel to stop safely in one place, riding to an anchor dug in
to the sea bed. It is both operational and safety equipment,
being used in the former role when a ship needs to wait off a
port until a berth is available, or indeed to load cargo in a

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

roadstead where it is not possible to go alongside a quay. The

anchor can be used as a brake as a vessel approaches a berth,
slowing the ship down while the engines are still pushing water
over the rudder and enabling a good control to be kept over

As a safety aid, the anchors might be thought of as the "last

resort" of a broken-down ship being blown onto a coast by an
onshore wind. Anchors have entered our language - we talk of a
reliable friend as our "sheet anchor", our beliefs are "anchored
" by fact. They have been used since ancient times and they
remain just as important in a modern mechanically propelled

A modern ship will conventionally have two anchors in the bow

and often a stern anchor, which is mandatory in the St. Lawrence
Seaway and some other navigations. They are attached to thick
chain cables and raised and lowered by a windlass, which is a
powerful winch capable of handling the anchors and several
tonnes of cable and driven by either an electric motor or steam.

The effectiveness of an anchor depends largely on the material

that constitutes the sea or estuary bottom, normally determined
by the hydrographers who have surveyed the sea and identified it
for the convenience of mariners on the chart. When preparing to
anchor, the ships Master needs to know, besides the water
depth, the "quality of the bottom" whether it is of sand or mud,
or rocky. The Master will try and avoid "foul ground" which may
have underwater hazards that may snag the anchor, and will be
happier where the bottom is of mud or sand, that will enable the
flukes of the anchor to dig in and hold the ship fast. The
holding quality is also helped by having plenty of cable out to
lie on the bottom, which itself acts as a brake on movement.

Tides or winds may affect the safety of an anchorage and the

officers of the watch need to watch the position of the ship
carefully, lest the anchor drags (breaking free from the bottom)
and the ship be washed ashore. Visual compass bearings of shore
marks can provide a good indication of any untoward movement,
although care must be taken not to confuse an anchor dragging
with the normal swinging around the mooring as the tide or wind

While merchant ships tend to use a convention anchor with two

flukes that can be housed in a tubular hawse pipe when recovered
aboard ship, specialist anchors have been devised for different
types of craft. Drilling rigs, for instance, have anchors that
are optimised for the particular sea bottom, and a big semi-
submersible will lie to a pattern of perhaps eight anchors, laid
out by anchor handling supply boats which are in attendance when
the rig is moved. Permanent moorings, for navigational buoys may

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

use screw anchors which are screwed into the sea bottom, while
light vessels often employ very heavy anchors shaped like a

Anchoring: Anchoring is one of the most critical evolutions that

a navigator is involved with; it will draw upon all of their
piloting skills and involve many members of the crew. There are
four stages of this important evolution: 1) selection, 2)
plotting, 3)execution, and 4) post-anchoring procedures.

Selection of an anchorage
An anchorage position in most cases is assigned by higher
authority. Naval ships submit a Port Visit Request (PVST) or
Logistic Requirement (LOGREQ) message requesting an anchorage
assignment which is provided by a local port authority.

In any case the following conditions should always apply to an

anchorage insofar as possible:

The anchorage should be at a position sheltered from the

effects of strong winds and current.

The bottom should be good holding ground, such as mud or sand

vice rocks or reef.
The water depth should be neither too shallow, hazarding the
ship, nor too deep, risking dragging the anchor.
The position should be free from such hazards to the anchor
such as fish traps, buoys and cables.
The position should be free from such hazards to navigation
as shoals and sandbars.
There should be a suitable number of landmarks, daymarks and
lighted navigation aids available for fixing the ships
position both by day and by night.

Plotting the anchorage:

The following terms apply to the anchor plot:

Approach track - This is the track along which the ship must
proceed in order to proceed to the anchorage. Its length will
vary from 2,000 yards or more for a large ship, to 1,000 yards
for a ship the size of a Navy destroyer or smaller. Under most
circumstances, it should never be shorter than 1,000 yards.

Head bearing - If at all possible, the navigator will select

an approach track such that a navigational aid will lie directly
on the approach track if it were extended to the navigational

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

aid selected. This bearing should remain constant if the ship is

on track during the approach.

Letting-go circle - This is a circle drawn around the intended

position of the anchor at the center of the berth with a radius
equal to the horizontal difference from the hawsepipe to the

Letting-go bearing (drop bearing) - This is a predetermined

bearing drawn from the intersection of the letting-go circle
with the approach track to a convenient landmark or navigational
aid, generally selected near the beam.

Range circles - These are preplotted semicircles of varying

radii centered on the center of the anchorage, drawn so the arcs
are centered on the approach track. Each is labelled with the
distance from that arc to the Precise Piloting and Anchoring -
letting-go circle. These arcs are normally drawn at 100 yard
intervals measured outward from the letting-go circle to 1,000
yards, and at ranges of 1,200, 1,500, and 2,000 yards

Swing circle - This is a circle centered at the position of

the anchor, with a radius equal to the sum of the ships length
plus the length of the chain let out.

Drag circle - This is a circle centered at the final

calculated position of the anchor, with a radius equal to the
sum of the hawsepipe to pelorus distance and the final length of
chain let out. All subsequent fixes should fall within the
limits of the drag circle.

Executing the anchorage:

When executing the anchorage, the navigators objectives are to
keep the ship as close to the approach track as possible, and to
have all of the headway off the ship when the hawsepipe is
directly over the center of the anchorage. The navigator will
take constant fixes and make course and speed recommendations
throughout the evolution.

Step One: With 1,000 yards to go, most ships are usually
slowed to a speed of five to seven kts.

Step Two: Depending upon wind and current, the engines should
be stopped when 300 yards from the letting-go circle, and the
anchor detail should be instructed to stand by. As the vessel
draws near the drop circle, engines are normally reversed so as
to have all remaining headway off the ship as it passes over the
letting-go circle.

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Capitulo 9 Faenas de anclas y fondeo

Step Three: When the pelorus is at the letting-go bearing, the

word Let go the anchor is passed to the anchor detail, and the
anchor is dropped.

Step Four: As the anchor is let go, the navigator calls for an
immediate round of bearings and marks the ships head. After the
resulting fix is plotted, a line is extended from it in the
direction of the ships head, and the hawsepipe to pelorus
distance is laid off along the line, thus plotting the position
of the anchor at the moment it was let go. If all goes well, the
anchor will be placed within 50 yards of the center of the

Post-anchoring procedures:

Step One: After the anchor has been let go, chain is let out
or veered until a length or scope of chain five to seven
times the water depth is reached. At this point, the chain is
secured and the engines are backed, causing the flukes of the
anchor to dig into the bottom, thereby setting the anchor.

Step Two: The navigator will take another round of bearings,

record ships head, and note the direction the chain is tending.
With this information, the navigator plots another fix and
recomputes the position of the anchor by laying off the distance
plus the scope of chain in the direction the chain is tending.
This second calculation of the position of the anchor chain is
necessary because the chain may have been dragged during the
process of setting the anchor.

Step Three: After the anchors final position has been

determined, the swing circle is drawn using the anchors
computed position as the center and the sum of the ships length
plus the scope of the chain let out as the radius.

Step Four: If no obstructions are found to be within the swing

circle, the navigator will then draw the drag circle using a
radius equal to the sum of the hawsepipe to the pelorus plus the
scope of the anchor chain let out. All subsequent fixes should
fall within the drag circle; if they do not, the anchor should
be considered to be dragging.

Step Five: After plotting the drag circle, the navigator

selects several lighted aids to navigation that are suitable for
use in obtaining fixes by day or night, and he enters them in
the Bearing Book for use by the anchor bearing watch. This watch
is charged with obtaining and recording in the Bearing Book a
round of bearings to the objects designated by the navigator at
least once every 15 minutes, and plotting the resulting fix on
the chart (the area of the chart where the fixes are plotted
will be covered by a piece of clear plastic in order to save the

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chart from excessive wear). If a fix falls outside the drag

circle, another is taken immediately, and if the second fix
falls outside the drag circle the anchor is considered to be
dragging and all appropriate personnel are notified.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico


Accomplish Lograr, cumplir

Air draft Guinda
Beam destello
Beckon, to Llamar (al trabajo, deber)
Bollard pull Fuerza de tiro
Compulsory pilotage Practicaje obligatorio
Cruising ground Zona de servicio de la embarcacin
del practico
Deceptive Engaoso
Deck pilot Practico del puerto
Dispatches Despachante
Duty Faena, obligacin
Duck, to Zambullir, sumergir
Freighter Carguero
Fulfilling Cumplir, satisfactorio
Goal Objetivo
Harbour pilot Practico del puerto
Horseshoed shaped En forma de herradura
Lumberjack Leador
Licensed pilot Practico titular
Nevertheless A pesar de todo, no obstante
Merging currents Corrientes encontradas
Oversight Vigilancia, supervisin
Pilotage district Distrito de practicaje
Pilotage water Zona de practicaje obligatorio
Pilot boat Embarcacin de practico
Pilot flag Bandera de practico
Pilots ladder Escala de practico
Rugged Rugoso
Roll Balance
Roomy cabin Cabina espaciosa
Shared Compartida
Seafare Navegante
Sea pilot Practico de mar
Scoured out Arrastrados
Slope Bajada ,desnivel
Stranded Encallado, varado
Storing Aprovisionarse
Treacherous Traidor
Thruster Propulsor
Tricky Tramposo, delicado, difcil.
Unduly Excesivamente
U.K.C. Under keel clearance Distancia bajo la quilla
Wasd down Arrastrado
Welfare Bienestar
Relief Alivio

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

Pilot: The maritime pilot's role is to assist the Master of a

vessel during the ship's passage to and from a berth in a given
pilotage area, by providing local knowledge of navigational and
operational matters combined with specialist ship-handling

As a general rule the pilot advises the Master, who remains

responsible for the conduct of the ship.

The pilot is entirely familiar

with the special regulatory
requirements and unique
conditions that exist in his
specific pilotage area, and with
which the Master of the vessel
cannot be expected to be fully
conversant. The pilot is wholly
familiar with all the local
factors that might affect the navigation of the ship. These may
include strong tidal flows, recent shoaling, ferry activity,
dredging operations and other hazards.

The maritime pilot also provides an essential communications link

with the port authorities, maritime traffic services (VTS),
tugboats, boatmen and other ships.

Maritime pilots not only supply pilotage to ships; but also

provide a public service by contributing to the overall safety of
maritime traffic and by ensuring the protection of the

The pilot is responsible for the damages suffered by the vessel

during pilotage, when it is proved that such damages were cause
by inaccurate information supplied by the pilot in shaping the

Before beginning manoeuvre for entering the harbour the captain

must inform the pilot about the draught, and tell the pilot
whether the propeller is right or lefthanded, whether the
steering is good or not, if the engine is ready to start, etc.

Although the Captain is not supposed to interfere with the pilot,

it is duty to see that the regulations for safe navigation are
duly observed.

Should the master see that the pilot is going to make a false
manoeuvre which surely would put in danger the safety of the
vessel, he may, in such a case, intervene and take control out of
the pilots hands.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

Pilots boat lights and shapes

Pilot Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit:
(i) at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical
line, the upper being white and the lower red;
(ii) when underway, in addition, sidelights and a sternlight;
(iii) when
at anchor, in addition to the lights prescribed in
subparagraph (i), the light, lights or shape prescribed in
Rule 30 for vessels at anchor.
(b) Apilot vessel when not engaged on pilotage duty shall
exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed for a similar vessel of
her length.

Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility

In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or

night, the signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as
(a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall
sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged
(b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way
through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2
minutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of
about 2 seconds between them.
(g) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one
minute ring the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. In a vessel of
100 meters or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the
forepart of the vessel and immediately after the ringing of the
bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about 5 seconds in
the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition
sound three blasts in succession, namely one short, one
prolonged and one short blast, to give warning of her position
and of the possibility of collision to an approaching vessel.
(h) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in addition
to the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b) or (g) of this
Rule sound an identity signal consisting of four short blasts.
Pilotage (from IMO www)
Pilots with local knowledge have been employed on board ships
for centuries to guide vessels into or out of port safely - or
wherever navigation may be considered hazardous, particularly
when a shipmaster is unfamiliar with the area.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

In addition to local knowledge and expertise, pilots are able to

provide effective communication with the shore and with tugs,
often in the local language.
Qualified pilots are usually employed by the
local port or maritime administration and
provide their services to ships for a fee,
calculated in relation to the ship's tonnage,
draught or other criteria.
The importance of employing qualified pilots
in approaches to ports and other areas where
specialized local knowledge is required was
formally recognized by IMO in 1968, when the
Organization adopted Assembly resolution
A.159(ES.IV) Recommendation on Pilotage. The
resolution recommends Governments organize
pilotage services where they would be likely
to prove more effective than other measures
and to define the ships and classes of ships for which
employment of a pilot would be mandatory.
One of the problems encountered by pilots is that of getting on
board the ship - particularly when the weather is bad or the
ship is very large. Requirements to make this easier are
contained in Chapter V of the SOLAS Convention, and have also
formed the subject of IMO resolutions covering performance
standards for mechanical pilot hoists (A.275(VIII); arrangements
for embarking and disembarking pilots in very large ships
(A.426(XI); and pilot transfer arrangements (A.667(16)). An MSC
Circular (MSC/Circ.568/Rev.1) covers required boarding
arrangements for pilots.
Pilot training and certification
The IMO Assembly in 2003 adopted resolution A.960(23)
Recommendations on training and certification and operational
procedures for maritime pilots other than deep-sea pilots, which
includes Recommendation on Training and Certification of
Maritime Pilots other than Deep sea Pilots and Recommendation on
Operational Procedures for Maritime Pilots other than Deep sea
IMO Resolutions encouraging the use of pilots on board ships in
certain areas:

Resolution A.480(IX) (adopted in 1975) recommends the use

of qualified deep-sea pilots in the Baltic and Resolution
A.620(15) (adopted 1987) recommends that ships with a
draught of 13 metres or more should use the pilotage
services established by Coastal States in the entrances to
the Baltic Sea

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

A.486(XII) (adopted 1981)

recommends the use of deep-sea
pilots in the North Sea, English
Channel and Skagerrak

A.579(14) (adopted 1985)

recommends that certain oil
tankers, all chemical carriers
and gas carriers and ships
carrying radioactive material
using the Sound (which separates
Sweden and Denmark) should use
pilotage services

A.668(16) (adopted 1989)

recommends the use of pilotage services in the Euro-Channel
and IJ-Channel (in the Netherlands)

A.710(17) (adopted 1991) recommends ships of over 70 metres

in length and all loaded oil tankers, chemical tankers or
liquefied gas carriers, irrespective of size, in the area
of the Torres Strait and Great North East Channel, off
Australia, to use pilotage services

A.827(19) (adopted 1995) on Ships' Routeing includes in

Annex 2 Rules and Recommendations on Navigation through the
Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of Canakkale and the Marmara
Sea the recommendation that "Masters of vessels passing
through the Straits are strongly recommended to avail
themselves of the services of a qualified pilot in order to
comply with the requirements of safe navigation."
How is Maritime Pilotage organized ?
To practice, maritime pilots must show evidence of many years of
professional maritime experience. They may therefore only apply
to practise if they are in possession of a licence and have the
practical experience demanded by the terms and conditions set by
the government.
Pilots may be self-employed, employed by a port, or be
government employees. Generally speaking, the majority of pilots
are self-employed and pilot services are organized into
independent economic entities.
The professional organization of pilots differs according
to country, however for maritime safety reasons, it is
always under the control of the government.
In most EMPA member countries, legislation already
authorizes some exemptions from the obligation of using
pilotage services.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

Self-handling is organized according to very specific criteria,

determined by regulation, and takes into account the experience
of a ship's master, the size of the ship, and the type of cargo
being transported.
European Maritime PilotsAssociation :RECOMMENDATIONS ON
The attention of owners, masters and officers of large
vessels with freeboard in excess of 9 metres is drawn to
the following requirements of the European Maritime
Pilots Association, when it is intended to embark or
disembark a pilot by means of the accommodation ladder
used in conjunction with a conventional pilot ladder:
1. All vessels, where the distance from the sea level
to the point of access of the ship exceeds 9 metres
at any time should carry on each side an accomodation
The ladder is to be so sited that, when in use, the
lower end of the ladder shall rest firmly against the
ships side under all conditions of roll and heel
within the parallel length of the ship and shall be
clear of all discharges.
2. The lower platform should be at the after end of
the accomodation ladder and at a distance of at least
45 metres from the area where the vessels line
begins to fine away under minimum ballast conditions.
3. The accomodation ladder should be of rigid
construction and be so fitted as to be easily and
rapidly rigged.
4. The length of the accomodation ladder should be
sufficient to ensure that its degree of slope under
minimum ballast conditions does not exceed 45
5. All treads and platforms should be self-levelling
and treated with anti-skid material.
6. The ladder and platforms should be equipped on
both sides with stanchions and rigid handrails. If
handropes are used, they must be fully secured and
tight. The space between the outboard handrail or
handrope and the steps of the ladder must be fitted
either with another handrope or a net, or in the case
of accomodation ladders, fitted with permanent
stanchions, a protective bar.
7. Means should be provided to prevent the pilot
craft from under-riding the lower platform.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

8. When a conventional pilot ladder is used in

conjunction with the accomodation ladder, it should
be rigged just abaft the lower platform of the
accomodation ladder. The forepart of the pilot ladder
is to be firmly attached both to the lower platform
and to the inner handrail or handrope to allow safe
access from pilot ladder to accomodation ladder.
9. If a trap door is fitted in the lower platform to
allow access from and to the pilot ladder, it should
be of suitable dimensions and the pilot ladder should
be secured to the lower platform. In this case, the
after part of the lower platform must also be fitted
with handrails. The pilot ladder must be prolonged
above the lower platform up to the upper handrail
with adequate handholds.
10. A competent crew member should always be in
attendance at the bottom of the accomodation ladder
to assist the pilot in embarking or disembarking.

Trinity house (UK Pilots)

Trinity House is a unique maritime organisation which throughout

its long and distinguished history has had as its prime objective
the safety of shipping and the welfare of seafarers.
Constituted under a Royal Charter granted by Henry VIII in 1514,
today the Corporation has three functions: The
General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, The
Channel Islands and Gibraltar, providing aids to
general navigation such as lighthouses,
lighthvessels, buoys and radio navigation systems.
A charitable organisation for the safety, welfare and
training of mariners and relief of those in financial
distress and a Deep Sea Pilotage Authority.

The Corporation is led by a Court of Elder Brethren under the

Master, His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. Power is
delegated from the Court to two separate Boards which control,
respectively the charitable and Deep Sea Pilotage activities of
the Corporation, and the Lighthouse Service.

Trinity House involvement with Pilotage stretches back to 1514
when a Royal Charter from Henry V111 granted Trinity House powers
to regulate pilotage on the River Thames.

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By 1986 Trinity House responsibilities for Pilotage had expanded

so that the Corporation was the Pilotage Authority for London and
over 40 other Districts including Southampton , Milford Haven and

The Corporation licensed 500 Pilots who handled around 60% of the
nations piloted tonnage. The cost of the Pilotage Service, such
as the operation of Pilot Cutters to transfer Pilots to and from
vessels was funded from a levy on Pilots earnings and Pilots
licence fees.
Under legislation contained in the Pilotage Act 1987, Trinity
House responsibilities for District Pilotage were transferred to
various Port and Harbour Authorities from 1 October 1988.
Although no longer responsible for District Pilotage , Trinity
House are authorised by the Secretary of State for Transport to
licence Deep Sea Pilots.
Deep Sea Pilots typically join a vessel off Brixham and stay
onboard the whole time the vessel is trading in the continental
area only leaving when the vessel passes Brixham on its outward
journey. Deep Sea Pilotage is not compulsory but ships Masters
unfamiliar with European waters frequently like to employ the
professional expertise of a Deep Sea Pilot.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 10 El Practico



To Our Valued Customers:

The members of the San Francisco Bar Pilots are charged under
the laws of the State of California with providing a safe and
efficient pilot service. To accomplish these goals, we have
identified certain operational procedures that we ask that you
assist us in adhering to when scheduling our services. For all
movements we request that you provide the following information
when ordering a pilot:
1. date and time the pilot will be required; for arrivals the
request for a pilot should be made a minimum of 24 hours in
advance with an update of ETA 12 and 4 hrs. prior to
arrival. For river transits, the request should be made a
minimum of 8 hours in advance. For all other sailings, the
request should be made a minimum of 4 hours in advance.
2. vessel's arrival draft, and for vessels going above UPRRB,
fresh water draft and air draft;
3. berth(s) and side to;
4. the name of the company and the tug boats that will be
5. length, breadth and air draft of vessel; any reference to
PANAMAX Class means a vessel of about 750' loa and 106'
beam (a vessel's trim can significantly affect the air
draft and masters/agents must be alert to this);
6. availability and HP of an operational bow thruster; and
7. any special requirements or problems affecting the vessel
8. Flat tows/dead ship tows must be provided with a master or
person in charge and riding crew. The San Francisco Bar
Pilots will fax a copy of flat tow policy to anyone
contracting or planning a flat tow as soon as the
dispatcher or Operations Pilot receives an order or a
request for information.
9. Pilot ladders must comply with SOLAS regulations.


These guidelines are intended for planning purposes only. They
have been developed to assist dispatchers and vessel agents in
planning for local vessel movements. These guidelines are not
intended, nor should they be construed, as a representation of
minimum or maximum requirements or a warranty that, if the

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 10 El Practico

recommendations outlined in the guidelines are met, an operation

can be successfully performed.
In each instance, the individual pilot who is assigned to the
vessel will determine whether the planned operation can be
successfully completed with the resources allocated. Please
note that actual conditions may preclude the performance of the
movement as planned. For those reasons, it is the vessel
agent's responsibility to contact the pilot office, the
operations pilots and the pilot assigned to the vessel to
determine whether in his or her opinion the resources provided
will be satisfactory and also to be prepared to assist the pilot
with additional resources if needed.
In addition, each vessel has its own peculiar handling
characteristics. Some vessels, because of their handling
limitations, will need additional tugs or other resources, and
in some instances, will not be able to be moved under all
conditions. The vessel agent should provide complete details to
the pilot office and to the pilot assigned of the vessel's
handling characteristics in order to assist both in planning and
the performance of actual piloting operations.

Recommendations for tug/thruster requirements.

In addition to the tug recommendations noted in these
guidelines, some terminals define power requirements for
tugboats being used to assist vessels moving to or from their
These guidelines are based on typical fair weather conditions.
There may be special circumstances, including conditions of
tide, current, wind and weather or other unusual operating
parameters when the Operations Pilot or assigned pilot may
require additional tugs or particular technology.
In order not to be unduly inflexible regarding tug requirements,
it is impossible to set rigid rules in most cases. Previous
experience and practices should be one of the guidelines. The
Operations Pilot should be consulted in the cases where the
draft is more than usual, in cases of unusual or severe weather
or where strong tidal current may adversely affect the
Tugs within a class are not necessarily the same and,
occasionally, specific tugs may be requested due to their
particular design, type of propulsion, deck machinery or number
of propellers. Bow and stern thrusters should be considered an
aid and do not necessarily replace a tug whether it is due to
lack of horsepower or other inherent limitations.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico

We have set forth a number of recommendations that you should

employ for long term and general planning purposes. Under most
circumstances, any problems with implementing these
recommendations can be resolved by prior consultation with the
Operations Pilot. However, since the pilot to whom the vessel
is assigned is responsible to advise the master of the vessel
and must evaluate each move considering the circumstances at a
particular time, it may be necessary for the Operations Pilot to
refer you to that pilot or another familiar with the area to
respond to your request. In any event, you should notify the
Operations Pilot of any potential problems as soon as possible
to avoid misunderstandings or delays. The final determination
as to the adequacy of the tugs and bow thruster is the
responsibility of the pilot assigned to the job.
Tugs are listed in classes according to bollard pull, as
certified by ABS or other appropriate authority. Bollard pull is
used rather than horsepower because it is the only meaningful
way to rate a tugs efficiency. Additionally, the tugs design
type, such as tractor, twin screw or single screw, and the
addition of kort nozzles and flanking rudders has a definite
effect on the utility and efficiency of a particular tug. Use of
any tug that has not been rated must be cleared by the
Operations Pilot or the assigned pilot.

Tug Class Ratings:


Minimum Bollard Pull [in Pounds]

Class Astern Ahead
A 85,000 55,000
B 60,000 45,000
C 35,000 20,000
D 20,000 10,000

[Designator for tractor tug = At]

Thrusters must meet the following minimum requirement of

available horsepower to substitute for a tug:

Vessels LOA in feet (meters) Available Horsepower

more than 900 (274.3 m.) 2,500
750 - 900 (228.6 m. - 274.3 m.) 2,000
550 - 750 (167.6 m. - 228.6 m.) 1,200
less than 550 (167.6 m.) 750

Note: It is the responsibility of the Vessels Master, Owner or


Agent to notify the Pilots of the available horsepower of the

bow thruster. If this information is not provided, the bow
thruster will be considered inadequate to substitute for a tug.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico


1. General
a. Situations requiring special considerations should be
discussed beforehand with the Operations Pilot, and if
necessary, the pilot involved.
b. As a rule, Down-tide landings are not recommended,
therefore, the vessel's ETA should be adjusted in
order to dock into the current.

c. Negative trim adversely affects vessel handling

and is discouraged. In the event that it is necessary
to move a vessel that has a negative trim the
Operations Pilot or the pilot involved should be
notified in advance as it may be necessary to time the
movement to insure favourable tide/current, etc.

d. Storing underway is not recommended for vessels

arriving or departing. Vessels should proceed to
Anchorage 8 or 9 for storing.

2. Deep Draft Vessels

a. Ships arriving with a draft of over 45 feet should
arrive at the pilot station one hour prior to high
water at the Golden Gate Bridge, any exception must be
cleared by the Operations Pilot to insure necessary
UKC. [Underkeel Clearance]
b. Ships sailing from Anchorage 9 with a draft of over 45
feet should be scheduled to sail two hours before high
water at the Golden Gate Bridge or consult Operations
Pilot for sailing time for proper UKC.
3. Vessels Carrying Hazardous Materials
a. Movements of all vessels carrying hazardous
materials should comply with all applicable Coast Guard
b. .....

The San Francisco Bar Pilots are the oldest continuously
operating private enterprise in California. Captain William
Richardson (for whom Richardson Bay is named) started the Bar
Pilots in 1835. So important was their function that it was
acknowledged by California even before official statehood in
1850. One of the first acts of the first California legislature
of 1849 was to give administrative sanction to bar pilots and
put them under state authority.

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In the very early days, pilots competed for ships out at open
sea - giving some ships priority and leaving others stranded.
In 1853, however, the legislature recognized the dangers of this
situation: the Bar Pilots have operated as a single organization
ever since.
To safeguard the continued environmental and commercial
viability of the Bay, the legislature mandated that inland and
river pilots join with the San Francisco Bar Pilots in 1984,
providing a unified system. This system, encompassing the
entire Bay Area up to and including Stockton and Sacramento,
expanded the number of available pilots, reduced costs to
shippers and created a higher standard of training of all
Today the Bar Pilots work in partnership with government,
industry and environmental organizations to ensure the safety of
our waters while supporting a vigorous maritime industry. The
first pilot organization in the United States to train and
induct a woman pilot into its ranks, the SFBP offers ongoing
support to promising women and minority students through its
scholarship program at California Maritime Academy.
Discipline and oversight for the San Francisco Bar Pilots are
provided by the State Board of Pilot Commissioners and the U.S.
Coast Guard. Both require the Bar Pilots to report any
incidents; both have the responsibility to discipline a pilot,
including the authority to revoke his or her state or federal
pilot license permanently, if necessary.
Regulators around the country look to the State Board of Pilot
Commissioners for the San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun Bays
as a model of leadership, safety and pilot training. The
Commission is charged with oversight of the San Francisco Bar
Pilots in their operation on the multujurisdictional waters of
two federal and five state agencies, nine counties and 41
Other duties of the Commission include setting pilotage fees,
establishing training requirements and selecting candidates for
the trainee program.
The Commission comprises two members of the shipping industry,
three members of the public and two pilots, all appointed by the
Governor. In existence since 1849, the Commission is supported
by tariffs on each ship transit - not by the taxpayers.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico


San Francisco is the only port in the United States which
includes bar, bay and river pilotage. It is rated one of the
most dangerous pilotage areas in the country. Thousands of
vessels travel these waters each year, most of foreign registry
and manned by multinational crews, many carrying hazardous and
toxic cargoes.
With 1,000 miles of shoreline and more than 90 percent of
Californias coastal marshland, these waters are the largest
estuary on the west coast of North and South America. Any
single accident could have a devastating impact on Bay waters,
wildlife and adjacent wetlands. In fulfilling their primary
mission of safe vessel transit, the Bar Pilots protect the
enduring vibrancy of this fragile environment.
Through the years, the pilots have lived up to their
responsibilities. Since the amalgamation to the bar and inland
pilots and the institution of the pilot training program, the
SFBP has maintained its safety record at 99.74% of all vessel
movements in the Bay without pilot error. In the last major
accident on the Bay, when two tankers collided near the Golden
Gate Bridge in 1971, neither vessel had a San Francisco Bar
Pilot on board.
New navigation equipment which penetrates the darkness and fog
is essential to safety. But to guide the massive ships carrying
hazardous cargo, there will never be a substitute for the San
Francisco Bar Pilot - with their seasoned experience,
shiphandling skills and comprehensive local knowledge of our
uniquely challenging waters.
There are currently 62 San Francisco Bar Pilots. At all times,
in all weather, pilots are stationed in a pilot boat near the
SF buoy 12 miles west of the Golden Gate. Between this rugged
spot in the open sea and the mouth of the Golden
Gate lies the enormous, horseshoe-shaped sand
bar which gives the Bar Pilots their name.
Vessels of 300 gross tons or more and all
foreign vessels are required to have a pilot on
board to enter the Golden Gate and navigate the
tricky waters and currents of San Francisco, San
Pablo and Suisun Bays. The Bar Pilots provide service to
vessels of all types, from 100-ft. tugs to 1000-ft.
supertankers, including container and bulk cargo ships, military
vessels and cruise ships.
A pilot boards an arriving ship by climbing a rope ladder which
hangs off the side of the vessel.

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Once on board, the pilot takes navigational control of the ship

as it steams into San Francisco Bay. It is the pilots
responsibility to navigate the ship through the 55-foot-deep bar
channel, through the shipping lanes to the designated port.
Once in port, the pilot maneuvers in tight quarters, directing
tugboats to ease the ship alongside its berth. In rough
weather, the senior pilot has the authority to close the bar -
thereby closing passage to all vessels through the Golden Gate.
San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun Bays are some of our
nations busiest waters. Commercial and recreational fishing
boats, commuter ferries, military and Coast Guard vessels,
pleasure craft and commercial ships and tankers all share these
waters. Through this veritable water-traffic jam, the pilots
guide the biggest ships with the most dangerous cargo.
The San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun Bays. From the Gulf of
the Farallones to the Sacramento Delta, these waters include
nine bridges, twenty ports, two hundred miles of shipping lanes
- and countless hidden dangers.
This is Californias greatest natural harbor - and the West
Coasts most challenging waters. Its the job of the San
Francisco Bar Pilots to know every fathom and every nautical
The Bar Pilots are responsible for the safe passage of more than
8,500 vessels every year. They must navigate ships safely
through thick fog, high winds and winter storms while contending
with shifting currents and tides, treacherous shoals and sand
bars, narrow channels and rivers.
Since the birth of local shipping, the ships have grown larger,
the lanes more crowded and the cargoes more dangerous. But
since 1835, one thing has remained the same - the San Francisco
Bar Pilots have always been on board to protect our Bay.

Since 1986, a comprehensive training program geared specifically


to the exceptional demands of the Bay Area

waterways has been a prerequisite to
becoming a San Francisco Bar Pilot. After
apprenticeship and licensing, every pilot
continues ongoing professional training to
stay current in all vital areas. T

To qualify for the training program, an


applicant must at minimum hold a valid US

Coast Guard Masters license with radar endorsement. He or she
must have at least two years command or piloting experience and
a federal pilotage endorsement. Those who have become apprentice
pilots are already accomplished vessel captains. Training is a

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full-time and lasts up to three years. it takes place in the

classroom, in simulators, and on board vessels of all types.
During their apprenticeships, trainees will typically handle 700
to 1,000 ships before entering the ranks as a Bar Pilot. T

A pilot must have a valid federal license, including the latest


requirements for radar endorsement. Pilots must take a resource

management course every three years and a one-week training at
the internationally renowned port Revel Shiphandling Centre in
France every five years. T

San Francisco Pilots Reading-

In San Francisco, there is a group of men who commute twelve

miles to their jobs by motor launch, then sit in the roomy
cabin of a beautiful two-masted schooner, reading, playing
chess, watching T.V., eating, sometimes sleeping, until it is
time to go to the office.
The office is in the bridge of a ship, freighter, tanker or
liner, headed for the Golden Gate.

These men are the bar pilots, a salty group of mariners who
know the underwater
contours lying off the
city of San Francisco as
well as they know the
palms of their seamed
hands; for, to them is
entrusted the mission of
guiding millions of tons
of shiping safely across
the great, submerged
sand bar that forms a
barrier across the
entrance to San Francisco

Their work is as rugger

as a lumberjacks and at
times as delicate as a watchmakers. Three hundred and sixty
five days, year after year, the bar pilots are always on call.
Shipping, that worldwide artery of commerce which must be kept

For centuries all over the world mariners have had to deal with
a special phase of navigation known as crossing the bar. Usually
the bar is a sand bank lying menacingly a few fathoms below a
defective surface, on silent guard before a safe harbour.

The sand bar off the Golden Gate is formed of materials scoured
out of the gate itself by strong tides and also sediment washed

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down the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and deposited

throughout the eleven mile long semicircle that forms what is
listed on navigation charts as the Great Bar.

Located about nine miles from the Golden Gate , this sand bar is
800 yards wide and is , at is most shallow depth only 22 feet at
mean low tide in an area known as the potato patch so called
because years ago schooners carrying sacks of potatoes lost
their cargoes while crossing it.

Today the main channel, that point where the tides rush through
create a funnel, s kept dredged to a depth of 50 feet by the US
Army engineers. It is through this channel that ocean commerce
moves in and out of San Francisco.

Just what do these men do on the job? Twelve miles west of the
Golden Gate an anchored Coast guard navigational buoy with a
bright red hull tosses in the sea troughs created by merging
currents. When the captain of an inbound vessel sees the
navigational buoy with its welcoming beam circling through the
usual fog, he knows he has almost reached his destination.

Slowly cruising back and forth in sight of the light ship are
two, two masted bar pilots schooners. Together the two vessel
maintain year round vigilance. They cruise steadily back and
forth three miles outside the bar with their pilots ready to
board incoming vessels, and guide them through the channel and
into the Bay.

When called, a pilot is assigned to an outbound ship, or he

takes the twelve mile launch ride out to the lonely pilot
station and boards, the pilot boat on duty at the time.

Day and night, fair weather and foul, four whistle blast summon
him to his job. When this happens, the pilot boat low a small
yawl over the side, and the pilot is taken to his waiting ship.
Here he waits for the down roll of the ship, grasp the pilot
ladder, then quickly climbs upward before the hull can roll
back again and duck him in the sea.. In a moment he is aboard
and ready to go work. Once on the bridge of the incoming vessel
the pilots directs the proper course for the channels crossing
the Great Bar. He proceeds slowly even in clear weather and
watches for buoy marking the channel. He knows the depth at
every point along the way by memory. In fog he looks with his
ears having himself to be alert to the sound of navigation,
the bells and diaphones that are his signals, as he mentally
plots his location and his course.

Once inside the Gate sometimes, another specialist boards the

vessel and takes over until the ship is docked. He is the
harbour pilots. When is relieved he disembarks at the pier when

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the vessel is alongside. His job is done, but the telephone may
beckon him anytime to start the cycle again.

Respective Roles and Responsibilities of the Pilot and the

Navigation of a ship in the United States pilotage waters is a
shared responsibility between the pilot and the master/bridge
crew. The compulsory state pilot directs the navigation of the
ship, subject to the master's overall command of the ship and
ultimate responsibility for it's safety. The master has the
right, and in fact the duty, to intervene or displace the pilot
in circumstances where the pilot is manifestly incompetent or
incapacitated or the ship is in immediate danger ("in extremis")
due to the pilot's actions. With that limited exception,
international law requires the master and/or the officer in
charge of the navigational watch "cooperate closely with the
pilot and maintain an accurate check on the ship's position and
State-licensed pilots expected to act in the public interest and
to maintain a professional judgement that is independent of any
desires that do not comport with the needs of maritime safety.
In addition, licensing and regulatory authorities, state and
federal, require compulsory pilots to take all reasonable
actions to prevent ships under their navigational direction from
engaging in unsafe operations. Because of these duties, a
compulsory pilot is not a member of the bridge "team."
Nevertheless, a pilot is expected to develop and maintain a
cooperative, mutually-supportive working relationship with the
master and the bridge crew in recognition of the respective
responsibility of each for safe navigation

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Pilot Boat Description

The Houston pilots have four boats:
M/V HOUSTON, 62.2 feet long, M/V LONE
STAR, 50 feet long, HOUSTON PILOT
No.1, 54 feet long, and HOUSTON PILOT
No.3, 85 feet long. The boats have
gray and blue hulls and white
superstructures. The pilot boats
display the International Code flag P
by day and the standard pilot lights
by night. The pilot boats motor VHF-
FM channels 14 and 74, continuously;
the pilot office monitors channel 74.
The pilot boats call signs are WYR-8541, WG-6780, and WZR-984.9.
The sound and visual signals are two long and three short blasts
on the whistle or flashes on the signal light. The Houston
pilots serve all ports above Texas city in Harris County.
The pilot boats come out when vessels are expected, and the
pilots board at Galveston Bay Entrance Channel Approach Lighted
Buoy GB. Vessels should maintain steer-age way and offer a good
lee for the pilot to board. The pilots will advise vessels on
the radiotelephone if special procedures are necessary. All
pilots carry portable radiotelephones.

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Capitulo 10 El Practico


Above Arriba
Handhold Asidero
Stanchions Puntal,
Manropes Guardamancebos
Spreaders Prolongadores
Bulkward Amuras

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Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta



The term "ships gear" is used to describe that gear and
equipment aboard ship that is used for cargo transfer activities
and deck operations. Ships gear can be divided into four
Standing rigging.
Running rigging.
Deck fittings.
Deck machinery.

Standing rigging gear includes the rigging that supports masts
or king posts. This gear includes the following:
Shrouds are heavy wire ropes that provide athwartship support
for the mast or king posts. Two or more shrouds are used on
either side of a mast or king post. They are secured to the
outboard side of the deck or to the bulwark to provide maximum
Turnbuckles are internally threaded collars turning on two
screws threaded in opposite directions. They are used to secure
and to take up the slack in the shrouds and stays.
Stays and Backstays are heavy wires similar to shrouds. The
difference is that they will lead in a forward or aft direction.
They are found at the mast where the jumbo boom (heavy lift
boom) is located. When they support the mast from a forward
direction, they are called stays. When they support the mast
from an aft (back) direction, they are called backstays.

Running rigging
This gear includes the moving or movable parts that are used to
hoist or operate gear (such as cargo runners, topping lifts, and
guy tackles).

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Standing Rigging Gear

Deck fittings
These are the devices that are used to secure standing rigging,
running rigging, and mooring lines.
Bitts are heavy metal bed plates with two iron or steel posts.
They are used on ships for securing mooring or towing lines.
Usually there is a set forward and after each chock.
Chocks are heavy fittings secured to the deck. Lines are passed
through them to bollards on the pier. The types of chocks used
are closed, open, roller, and double roller.
Cleats are metal fittings having two projecting horns. They are
used for securing lines.
Pad Eyes are fixtures welded to a deck or bulkhead. They have an
eye to which lines or tackle are fastened and are used for
securing or handling cargo.
A bulwark is the wall around any deck exposed to the elements.
This includes the weather deck, the poop deck, the fore deck,
and any deck on the superstructure. On top of the bulwark is a
flat rail (or plate) called the rail. Pad eyes and cleats are
often welded to the rail.

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Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

Deck Fittings

Deck machinery
The size and shape of the deck machinery may vary depending upon
type of vessel, but the operating principles remain the same.
Cargo Winches are power-driven machines used to lift, lower, or
move cargo. Winches are classified according to their source of
power. Electric winches are standard equipment on most vessels.
An electric winch has a steel base on which the winch drum,
motor, gears, shafts, and brakes are mounted. The drum, which
has cable wound on it, is usually smooth with flanged ends. It
revolves on a horizontal axis and is driven through single or
double reduction gears by an electric motor (usually direct
current). A solenoid brake and a mechanical brake are fitted to
the motor shaft. The winch is located on deck or on a deckhouse.
The winch controls consist of a master controller or switchbox
located on a pedestal at the end of the hatch square and a group
of relays, contactors switches, and resistors located near the
winch motor.

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Electric Winch
The Windlass is a special type of winch used to raise and lower
the anchors and to handle the forward mooring lines. It consists
of a wildcat (a steel casting in the form of a deeply grooved
drum with projecting ribs [whelps]) used to grip the anchor
chain, controls for connecting or disconnecting the wildcat from
the engine, and a friction brake which can be set to stop the
wildcat when disconnected. There are horizontal drums at each
end of the windlass for warping.


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Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

The Capstan is a vertically mounted winch head used aboard ship

when mechanical power is required for raising anchor, lifting
heavy weights, or for any similar work. It is a cast steel drum
mounted on a vertical spindle with the largest diameters at top
and bottom and the smallest in the middle to allow the rope
around it to surge up or down as the number of turns are
increased. The drum is fixed to the spindle by keys.

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Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

Deck harware


"D" Shackles Bow Shackles

Chain Shackles Anchor Shackles

Special "D" Shackle Special Bow

"No-Snag" Shackle
No sharp edges to snag. "No-Snag"
Sang= tropiezo No sharp edges to
Round Pin Chain Shackle Round Pin Anchor
Load Rated - Heavy Duty Shackle
Secures with cotter Pin Load Rated -
cotter Pin=pasador de Heavy Duty
seguridad Secures with
cotter pin.
Bolt Chain Shackle Bolt Anchor
Load Rated - Heavy Duty Shackle
Secures with nut and Load Rated -
cotter pin. Heavy Duty
Nut= tuerca Secures with nut
and cotter pin.
Web Shackle
T T Halyard Shackles
Specially designed for With bar and
use with webbing. captive pins.
Webbing= lona With Lock Pin
Long "D" Shackles Headboard Shackle
With or without captive with captive
pins. pins.

W-i-d-e "D" Shackles Twist Shackles

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Hooks spring & clips

Harness Clips
T T Asymmetrical

Spring Clips

Eye Hook Eye Hooks

Titanium Spring
T Titanium Tether

Clip T

Tether= correa de

sujeccion . T

Stamped Harness
T Mooring Hook Kit
Clip T

Spring Clips Spring Clip

with Wire Lever

Spring Clip Spring Clip

with Screw Lock with Special Gate

Harness Clips. The Mini Clip

The Chain Clip Shock Cord Hooks

Spring Gate Snap Swivel Eye Bolt Snaps

High polish and Single, Double or
strong. Open End snaps.

Trigger Snap Wide Asymmetrical Clip

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Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

Mooring Hook Kit



Pelican "S", "U"


Snap Shackles Titanium Snap Shackles


Grab Hooks Slip Hooks

With Clevis Pin

Clevis Pin=Clavija de
Cabin Hooks
T T Awning & Fender

Door Utility


Bolts, Hex Cap Screws Carriage Bolts

Machine Screws, Machine Screws,

Phillips Slotted

Slotted=hacer una
muestra, acanalado.
Nuts Washers
Cap (Acorn), Hex Finish, ExterTooth,
(Fin.), Hex Fender, Flat,
(Machine), Lock, InterTooth, Lock
Tee, Wing

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Washers = arandela

Self-Tapping Self-Tapping
Screws, Phillips Screws, Slotted

Wood Screws,

Square Drive T Lag Screws

Socket Set Screws

Hanger Bolts
T T .

Clamps Cotters
Pins , Rings and
Abrazadera Heavy Split Rings

Cotters= chaveta
Rivets Rods Solid
Blind "pop rivets" and
Rivets = Remache
Rods= Vastago
Stainless & Monel
Boat Nails
Staples= grapas

Wing &


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Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

The proper fastener

Do you remember Richard III's lament about losing a battle for

lack of a nail? By contrast, use a nail in a fiberglass boat and
it is likely that the boat will be lost. Nails, as well as wood
screws, have few applications on a modern boat. The reason is
simple: Almost any fastener will do a better job than either.
The most practical fastener material is stainless steel. Stain-
less steel is strong, corrosion-resistant, and galvanically the
most passive of fastener materials with the exception of bronze.
Best of all, stainless steel fasteners are commonly
available,even in areas where an anchor is regarded as an odd
example of free-form sculpture.

Let's take a close look at the choice of fasteners available to

the do-it-yourself boatowner:
There is almost nothing aboard a boat that can't be fastened
with the self-tapping screw (also called a sheetmetal screw).
Self-tapping screws are, of course, ideal for screwing into
thin, hard metals or even moderately thick soft metal such as
aluminum. All it takes is a pilot hole drilled to the optimum
Self-tapping screws work almost as well in most woods as they do
in metal. They come in a variety of head configurations in sizes
up to #14, and in lengths from 1/4 inch to 3 inches. Just like a
wood screw, a self-tapper can be countersunk and. bunged, or set
with the head flush.
Where self-tapping screws truly excel is in fastening into
fiberglass laminates, whether cored or solid. They should be
used to carry light loads only, however; they are not a

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substitute for bolts for heavier loads. As with any screw, the
strength of the fastening itself is generally greater than its
holding power (it will pull out before it will break off). As a
rule of thumb, the laminate into which the screw is driven
should be at least equal in thickness to the diameter of the

For all their virtues, self-tapping screws do have some notable

limitations and drawbacks. The number of times they can be
removed and redriven is finite; sooner or later they wear out
the hole, diminishing their holding power. Holding power is also
reduced if the pilot hole is oversized, and they may be
impossible to drive if the pilot hole is undersized. Remember
too that the holding power of the screw is no greater than the
strength of the material into which it is driven. Soft woods,
thin laminates, and thin metals cannot carry much of a load.
Conventional wood screws are superior for fastening wood
joinerwork, but they should never be used to fasten into
fiberglass laminates.
For heavier loads, for pulling two surfaces together, and for
fastenings that may be repetitively tightened and loosened,
bolts are the answer. These functions are in direct contrast to
those that screws perform best. Machine screws come with flat,
round, and oval heads, all slotted for use with a screwdriver.
Other bolts are available with hexagonal and square heads for
use with a wrench; recessed (socket) heads for Allen wrenches;
and rounded, carriage heads. Nuts for use with these bolts are
hexagonal, square, wing (for hand tightening), jam (self-
locking, also called aircraft nuts), and cap (acorn). All are
capable of taking a variety of washers underneath. Machine
screws axe often used in heavier metal without a nut by drilling
and tapping the hole. (To be used in this manner, the metal
should be at least as thick as the diameter of the bolt.)
Nuts are intended to be tightened against a washer. The washer
not only spreads the load on the lower surface of the material
being bolted, but prevents the nut from cutting into that
surface. As many applications aboard a boat involve heavy

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localized loading -- more load than a washer alone can handle --

bolts may need a hard backing block of aluminum or fiberglass in
addition to a washer to better spread that load. A good sealant
should always be used with through-bolts in a hull or deck, as
the bolt holes provide passageways for water.

Pop-Rivet is a brand name, but rightly or wrongly, the term is
becoming generic for the type of blind fastener that expands
when the center pin (mandrel) is extracted and broken off. Such
rivets are commonly used in applications that would call for a
bolt, but where location prevents turning on a nut (in attaching
mast fittings, for example). Since pop rivets are also quicker
to install, they are frequently used instead of bolts in
production applications (such as the hull-to-deck joints on
smaller and cheaper boats).
Pop-rivets are available in both aluminum and stainless steel,
with the stainless steel ones use for heavier loads. The center
pin is pulled, expanding the body of the rivet, until the pin
breaks ("pops"). They may be set up with either a hand tool or a
hydraulic tool. A word of warning: Squeezing the hand tool is a
macho exercise, difficult for the aluminum rivets, herculean for
the stainless steel.
Removing rivets entails drilling them out, a job that must be
done carefully to prevent enlarging the holes in which replace-
ment rivets must fit. In removing rivets (for stripping a mast
for painting, for instance), you may want to plan from the
outset to use the next larger diameter when you replace the
* * *

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Turn= tensorbuckles

Closed Body - Machined Closed Body - Machined

Jaw/Swage Toggle/Quick Attach
(Stainless Steel - UNF)

Closed Body - Machined Forged - Open Body

Jaw/Jaw Eye/Eye
(Stainless Steel - UNC) (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Forged - Open Body Forged - Open Body

Jaw/Jaw Hook/Eye
(Stainless Steel - UNC) (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Forged - Open Body Forged - Open Body

Eye/Jaw no terminals
(Stainless Steel - UNC) (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Cast - Open Body Cast - Open Body

Jaw/Jaw Eye/Eye
(Stainless Steel - UNC) (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Cast - Open Body Cast - Open Body

Hook/Eye Hook/Hook
(Stainless Steel - UNC) (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Forged - Open Body

Wing & Turnbuckle Nuts (Stainless Steel - UNC)

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

Tools & accessories

Rachet and Sockets Folding Stainless

"U-Dig It"

Shovel = pala

Locking Pliers Pliers

Standard 2-Position
Pliers= alicates and 5-Position

Stainless Stainless
Adjustable Wrench Open End Wrench

Wrench= Llave

"L" Hex Keys Pliers

Stainless Allen wrenches
individually or in sets .

Stainless Steel Stainless Scraper

Screwdrivers with Wood Handle .
Flat and Phillips, Long and Short
Espatula, raspador

Wichard "Sailor's Rigging" Knife Wichard "Crewman"

Knife .

Scissors Hand Riveters


Cutting Tools Stainless

Wire Rope and Shackler & Bottle
Bolt & Chain Cutters Opener

Hand Swaging Tool Hand Nicropress Type

forLifeline Fittings . Swaging Tool

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 11 Matrial de cubierta

Retractable Blade Knife Stainless Wire Brush

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros


Anglesmith Herrero de perfiles

Awnings toldos
Basin Drsena
Bending Curvatura
Blasting plant Planta de chorreo
Boat chocks Calzos de botes
Boat yard Talleres de construccin de
Boiler Caldera
Boiler shop Taller de calderera
Bolts Pernos
Boom Puntal de carga
Building dock Dique seco de construccin
Building slip Grada de construccin
Canvas lona
Captivator Captivator
Carening slipway Varadero
Cargo gear Equipo de carga
Carved out Esculpido
Casting Pieza fundida
Casting house Taller de fundicin
Christening Bautizo
Clinch, to afianzar
Conveyor Mecanismo portador
Conveyor belt Correa trasportadora
Cradle Cuna de botadura
Craneage capacity Capacidad de gruas
Cut to shape Cortado a medida
Designing office Oficina tcnica de proyectos
Dock gate Puerta del dique
Drawing office Oficina de delineacin
Dry dock Dique seco
Engine works Taller de maquinaria
Engine workshop Taller de maquinaria
Erecting shop Taller de monturas, taller de
Erection Montaje
Erection yard Parque de refabricacin
Fenders defensas
Fitting-out quay Muelle de armamento
Floating dock Dique flotante
Forge shop Taller de forja
Frame ship yard Grada armada
Furnishing Equipo
Gantry cranes Gras prtico
General office Oficinas generales

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Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Graving dock Dique seco

Gridiron Carenero
Hummer-headed cranes Gras con cabeza de martillo
Hydraulic jack Gato hidrulico
Joints Juntas
Keel-blocks Picaderos
Launching way Imada
Lofted Trazado
Luffing jib cranes Gras oscilantes giratorias
Machine railway Varadero
Machine shop Taller mecnico
Magnetic pickup Electroimn elevador
Mangles Maquina de planchar
Marine railway Varadero
Mold loft (USA) Sala de galibos
Mould loft Sala de galibos
Outfit Armamento
Outfit shop Taller de armamento
Outfitting basin Drsena de armamento
Output Produccin
Pattern shop Taller de modelos
Patterns Plantillas
Piping system Sistema de tuberas
Planing Cepilladora
Plate shop Taller de chapistera
Plate yard Almacn de planchas
Plate yard Deposito de planchas
Puntch Perforar, punzonar.
Repair quay Muelle de reparaciones
Repair quay Muelle de reparaciones
Repairing shop Taller de reparaciones
Rigging loft Taller de jarcia
Rigging loft Taller de jarcia
Running rigging Jarcia de labor
Scaffolds Andamios
Shell expansion plan Plano de desarrollo del forro
Shipchandlery Paol de efectos navales
Shipwright yard Taller de carpinteros de rivera
Shore gangway Planchas de desembarco
Shot blast plant Planta de chorreado
shrouds Obenques
Slipway Grada de lanzamiento
Squad cuadrillas
Staging Andamiaje
Standing rigging Jarcia firme
Stockyard Parque de materiales, parque de
Storeroom Almacn
Sub-assemblies premontaje

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Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Tight Estanco
Tightness estanqueidad
Toolroom Almacn de herramientas
Traveling crane Puente gra
Welding shop Taller de soldaduras
Wire rope alambre
Workshop Taller


A shipyard is an enclosure where ship are

built and repair. Shipyards are located on
the edge of a waterfront, that could be the
sea, a lake or a river, with sufficient
depth to allow ships docking in the piers
and the safe launching of new ships.

Shipyards embrace a big area where are

located all the necessary buildings ,docks,
workshops, etc.

The work in a shipyard starts with the steel

plates entering the yard by rail, sea or vehicles, then is
stacked horizontally in the steel dockyard, from the stockyard
the steel is handled by a large number of electromagnets and
conveyors and passed through plate mangles and them to shot-
blast plant, this is made by means of conveyors and device
called captivator which will automatically feed the input
conveyor to the plate shop via the shot blast plant. The
captivator is remote controlled by the operator at the shot-

Another modern unit is the collocator which does the opposite to

the captivator, it take plates off the conveyor line and shorts
them into piles at the head of the appropriate bay of the plate

The total stockyard operation can be controlled by the

production department from a distant console in a office, from
there the position of every
plate can be seen and

In the plate shop are formed

the plates and bars which are
stored in a bay at the end of
the plate shop, this bay
serves the prefabrication hall
where all the various parts
are welded into prefabricated
sub-assemblies; these are

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

mostly flat or nearly flat panels of plating and stiffeners. The

sub-assemblies are them transported outside the prefabrication
hall to an area between the building docks for making up
prefabricated three dimensional units, and finally the
prefabricated units are positioned on the new construction by
travelling cranes and when they are all erected the ship is

The tendency today is launch ship as near complete as possible

but particularly to install all the main engine room auxiliaries
and most of the hull piping.

The whole operation in a modern shipyard takes place in a

straight line, so depth of site would be preferable to the need
for water frontage.

Slipway or building slip

Slipways are the spaces in a

shipyard occupied by ships
while under construction, They
slope down toward the water with
sufficient declivity to cause the
ship to move under the impulse of
gravity when launching.

The ship in the slipway rest of

keel clocks to make possible the work under the keel and
garboard strakes.

Building docks or building dry docks

Some modern shipyards instead of

slipways have building docks,
which are basins where ship are
built. They are similar to normal
dry-docks provided with dock
gates and pumping plants.

When the hull of the ship has

been constructed they are
flooded, the dock gates opened
and the vessel will be towed out
to the fitting-out quay.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Dry docks or graving docks

Dry docks are basins into which ships are taken for underwater
cleaning and repairing. They are provided with water-tight gates
which when closed permit the deck to be pumped dry.

Some dry-docks instead of hinged gates have caissons which are

flooded and sunk to closed the dock and pumped out to float and
so to open and permit the passage of vessels.

The following are parts of dry docks:

Entrance gate Puerta de entrada

Sill Umbral
Head wall Frente
Side wall Cajera
Floor Solera
Keel bloks Picaderos
Shores Escoras
Altars Escalones laterales, gradas.

Floating docks

A floating dock is a dock which generally consist of a bottom

pontoon or a series of pontoons on which a ship may be lifted
out of the water.

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Capitulo 12 Astilleros

It is submerged by filling the compartments with water, the ship

enters the dock while it is submerged and is raised above the
water by pumping out the compartments.

Keel Laying Ceremony

Largely ceremonial, the laying of the

keel is the point when the first
structure is installed on the
building ways or construction drydock
. In the case of the MV Manukai, it
was the erection of the first grand
block in the graving dock

Mould loft
The mould loft is a large enclosed
space used for laying down the lines
of a vessel to actual size and the
moulds or template made.

In the mould loft the patterns are

made of thin boards to conform
exactly to the shape of frames or
other parts of a ship.

Fitting out quay

The fitting out quay is a quay where
ships are berthed for completing
their installations of machinery,
upper works of hull, equipment etc,
after launching.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

In the fitting out quay are numerous items of equipment waiting

to be fitted on to the ship.

The plating department must complete the superstructure, deck

houses, etc.

The piping and plumbing department has the

responsibility for all the fresh and salt
water services. Hot and cold fresh water
must be piped to all wash basins, showers
and baths, and discharges arranged to the
ships side.

All the various electric services have to

be wired to the main switchboard in the
engine room.

Windlass has to be lifted on to the

forecastle and all the cargo winches are

Air and sounding pipes must be fitted to all double bottom tanks
and peak tanks and air pipes must be provided for ventilation.

When the ship is near completion the shipyard will star a series
of routine test, and everything will be prepared for the trial


The ceremony where the ship is officially

christened, usually by a relative of a
company official or a high-ranking

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Sea trials

When the ship is taking to the sea for the first time, she has
to undergo different trials.

While she is in shallow water the engines will be stopped in

order to carry out anchor heaving
trials on the windlass, after which
the magnetic compass will be adjusted,
also steering trials will be carried
out in order to check the time it
takes for the rudder to be put from
hard over one side to hard over the

Manoeuvring trials may also be carried

out to determine the ships turning
circle and the time and distance from engines full ahead to full
astern. Then the speed trials ,the ship will make several runs
up and down the mile, some at about three-quarter power and some
at full power.

After speed trials on the measured mile, the endurance trial of

several hours duration is carried out in order to determine the
overall fuel consumption of the machinery.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Ship building methods

Except for the brief period of mass produced cargo ship and
smaller craft during World War II in the United States, the
process of shipbuilding has been traditional ,methodical and
conservative. It most cases it was a low, laborious and very
expensive process. It required upwards of two or three years to
build a ship.

In todays technology this consumption of time , use of skilled

labour and employment of expensive facilities is nearly

In order to properly describe the modern shipbuilding methods,

it is of some value to briefly describe the classical and
traditional approach.

The older method: During the latter stages of the design process
and after the building contracts have been signed, the shipyards
begins the building process with the most fundamental elements
of design, the lines drawing and the table of offsets.

The lines of the ship are lofted full size in the mold loft,
bulkheads and frames are located on the mold loft, and the
patterns are made, a shell expansion plan is made, often with
help of a large half-model of the hull called plating model, and
the building and launching ways are prepared. It is literally
some months before the keel is actually laid, and the ship
structure begins to evident, together with the slow growth of
the surrounding cradle and scaffolding which nearly hides the
ship itself.

During the early part of this century when steel welding

techniques where being expanded, welded ship soon proved
stronger and more economical. However, because of the necessity
of welding downward, that is on top of material being joined,
it was necessary to prefabricate large sections of the ships
bottom before placing them in position. This practice led soon,
an was stimulated by the mass production requirements during WW
II, to large subassemblies was here begun. Its application was
largely restricted to ship of a single design in series.

Economic impact of building methods.: Before describing in more

detail the contemporary shipbuilding techniques, it is better at
this point to explain briefly some causes for wide variation in

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

shipbuilding methods today and to note that while some

shipyards are highly automated and streamlined, other employ
interesting composities between automated method and the
traditional employment of skilled labour.

The explanation for this lack of conformity lies almost wholly

in the real of economics and basic shipyard capacities. Briefly
and simply, the most elemental economic factor is the desire and
ability to offer a continuing supply of ship at the most
competitive prices.

It is no obscure economic law that recognises the advantages of

production as well as of extremely high unit cost, there is
introduced a restriction to mass production techniques, and
shipyards must chose between the advantages of diversification
on one hand and specification on the other.

A shipbuilder must decided, based on a type of analysis at what

point his operation can survive financially. In the labyrinths
of cost analysis, he will undoubtedly find frustration when he
compare the amortisation cost of automatic computer operate
plate cutting machines with labour cost of cutting torch
operators, or the expansion cost of numerous subassembly shops
compared to the occupation time of a dock or expensive building

Solution of such problems are mostly transitory and depend the

environment upon estimates of future units to be built; these
decisions do require the involvement of the ship designers and
naval architects, even down the hydrodynamic analysis of ship

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Personal de astillero

Anglesmith Herrero de perfiles

Apprentice Aprendiz
Blacksmith Herrero, forjador
Blaster Chorreador
Bolter Cernedor
Burner Sopleista
Buyer Jefe de compras
Captain of the yard Jefe de servicios generales
Caulker Calafaeador
Certificated officer Oficial titulado
Chief accountant Jefe de contabilidad
Chief draughtsman Jefe de contabilidad
Chief foreman Maestro de taller
Chipper Calafate
Peon de limpieza Cleaner
Coppersmith Calderero
Crane driver Gruista
Crane rigger Enganchador operario de grua
Developer (USA) Trazador de la sala de
Doorkeeper Portero
Draughtsman Delineante
Drill runner Barrenador
Driller Taladrista
Dockmaster Capitan de dique
Electrician Electricista
Engineer Maquinista
Erector Montador de bloques
Fitter Ajustador
Foreman Capataz, jefe de equipo
Foundry worker Fundidor
Furnaceman Operario de perfiles
Headman Encargado

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

Hocker Enganchador
Joiner Ensamblador
Naval architect Ingeniero naval
Outffitter Montador
Oxycutter Soldador
Painter Pintor
Pattern-maker Plantillero, modelista
Pickler Decapista
Plater Chapista
Platers helper Ayudante de chapista
Plumber Fontanero
Rigger Aparejador
Riveter Remachador
Rivet squad Cuadrilla de remachadores
Sailor Marinero
Scaffolder Andamiero
Storekeper Paolero
Timekeper Anotador de tiempos de
Watchman Guarda
Welder soldador

The naval architect

The naval architect is in charge of preparing a design for a

vessel that must carry a certain weight of cargo at a specified
speed. He must estimate the shaft horse power required for the
specific vessel, so he should possess an extensive experience in
the design and construction of various ship types, their
operation and behavior at sea.

The professional training of naval architects differs widely in

the various maritime country, but the academic training must be
supplemented by practical experience in a shipyard.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

The chief draughtsman

Is responsible for the production of all working plans from

which the ship is built. He must posses a detailed knowledge of
the hull construction and outfitting of different types of

Chief accountant

Is the senior executive and administrative head of the companys

internal financial department. He examines statistic prepared by
his sections heads, supervises the financial organisation etc.

Head timekeeper

His job is to record the hours or quantity of work for each man,
making allowances for income tax, holiday pay etc. He must
record the labour charges against each ship and the total
charges for a number of different trades which may contribute to
any one particular job.


An official responsible for supervising the locking in or out of

vessels at the dock gates, directing the movements and berthing
of ship using any dock under his control and dry docking of
ships. Dockmaster are usually Merchant Marine Captains.

Repair list

S/S Sjoa

Repairs to be carried out during vessels drydocking in 1.964.

1) Vessel to be drydocked for examination and underwater

2) Vessels hull to be thoroughly cleaned of all marine growth ,
loose rust and scale, and washed down with fresh water. Two
coats of plate primer to bare spots from keel to light load
line and two coats of red lead to bare spots from light load
line to deep load line. One full coat anticorrosive and one

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

full coat antifoulding from light load line to deep load

line. One coat galvex to strern area.
3) All draft and load line marking forward, amidship and aft to
be repainted and surveyed.(draft marks to 38 feet to be
painted forward)
4) 30 zincplates on stern area to be renewed.
5) Anchors. Vessels two bow anchors to be ranged in dock and
given one coat fish oil. All shots to be marked with seizing
wire and paint. Chain lockers to be cleaned out.
6) Chemist certificates on arrival and as necessary during
7) Garbage tubs to be furnished and garbage to be removed daily.
8) Two crank and connection rod guards to be renewed with 3/16
galv. Steel plate. (starb. mooring winch forecastle)Two crank
guards to be renewed on winch starb. aft deck. Six crank
guards to be repaired on aft mooring winches.
9) Galley funnel to be renewed.
10) Galley atove furnace brickwork to be renewed.
11) Aft peak to be scraped and cement washed.
12) 22 hatch cover stopped plates to be repaired and rubber
bumpers to be renewed where necessary.
13) 9 missing or broken off aluminium mounting feet on
transportable heating coils to be repaired. Craking welding
on 5 aluminium heating coil frames to be rewelded.
14) 4 holes on cargo lines in aft pump room to be repaired.
15) One piece 8 stripping line (10 feet) with several holes to
be piece 8 stripping line with two holes to be
repaired or renewed.
16) Lifeboats n2 and 3: air tanks to be taken out and tested.
17) Two hidraulic jacks to be repaired.
18) Leakages in pipeline tunnels from center tanks to be
repaired. (probabily loose rivets)
19) One loose rivet leaking on deck at bulkhead between n 8
and 9 centre tanks starb. Side.
20) Rudder plug to be removed for examintion of leakage.
Clearance of pintles to be taken and copies of the readings
supplied to owners representative.
21) Tailshaft and stern gland: take weardown of the stern tube
bearing and copie of the reading supplied to owners
representative. Remove all packings from stern tube stuffing
box and fit new 1 beaver metallic packing.
22) Strainers: disconnect and remove in all 5 strainers on sea
chest: For cooling water to main engine S. For provision
refrigerator, for aux motors. Scrape aand clean sea chest
,strainers and zinc plates. Apply one coat of Apexior to the
sea chest and refit strainers. Fixation nuts to be stopped
with tack welding.
23) Sea valves: two bottom valves for main engine cooling water
pumps and two bottom valves for sanitary and hidrofor pumps:
clean all interior surfaces by scraping and wire-brushing,
paint with one coat of Apexior, grind seats and discs, renew

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 12 Astilleros

packing and joints, renew any defective studs and nuts and
reclose in good order.
24) Ballast tank (total volume = 4200 cu. Metr.) No. 1,2,3 and
5 D.B. water ballast tank port and SB to be emptied and
cleaned. After cleaning wave-holes in transverse frames to be
burned according encl. drawing N 474 AIF 1140-70-I


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR


All purpose fire nozzle Repartidor universal

Baler Achicador
Becket Guirnalda
Bench Bancada
Boat hook bichero
Breeches buoy Salvavidas transportador
Bucket Balde
Bulbs Bombillas
Canister Cartucho
Canvas breech Canasta salvavidas
Carbon dioxide extinguisher Extintor de CO2 porttil
Coupling Acoplamiento
Crutches Horquillas
Dry chemical portable Extintor porttil de polvo seco
Even Par
Extinguisher Extintor
Female fitting Acoplamiento hembra
Fire main system Lnea general de
Fire plug Boca de incendios
First aid Primeros auxilios
Flares Bengalas
Foam equipment Equipo de espuma
Fog spray system Sistema de niebla
Grab line Guardamancebos
Gunwale Regala
Hand flares Bengalas de mano
Hand flares Bengalas de mano
Hatchets Hachetas, hacha pequea
Hydrant Hidrante, boca de incendios.
Inflatable life raft Balsa salvavidas inflable
Jack-knife Navaja
Lamp Linterna
Landyard Acollador
Life belt Chaleco salvavidas
Life jacket Chaleco salvavidas
Life line Guirnalda
Life raft Balsa salvavidas
Life ring Aro salvavidas
Life saving appliances Equipo salvavidas
Lifebuoy Aro con rabiza
Line throwing appliances Aparato lanzacabos

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

Locker Compartimento, paol

Male fitting Acoplamiento macho
Manifold Acoplamiento macho
Mask Mascaras
MES (Marine Evacuation System) MES
Nozzles Boquillas
Oars Remos
Odd Impar
Oxygen breathing apparatus Equipo de respiracion autonomo
Painter Boza
Parachute rock signals Cohetes con paracaidas
Plug Espiches
Plug hole Orificio de desague
Pump Bomba
Reel Carretel
Rocket signals Cohetes de seales
Sea anchor Ancla flotante
Set Equipo, juego , grupo
Smoke signals Aparato de seales fumigeras
Smother,to Sofocar
Solid stream of water Chorro solido de agua
Spare Respeto
Sprinkler system Sistema de rociadores
Steering oar Espadilla
Strop Estrobo
Tiller Caa
Toggle Cabilla, tensor, cazonete
Water-tight Estanco

Nomenclature of life saving appliances

Life saving appliances include the materials and accesories used

to assist those person in distress upon the seas.

They include: Life boats, life rafts, life jacket, life rings,
line throwing appliances, smoke signals, flare and rocket

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

Lifeboats are boats specially designed for carrying a certai
number of persons in event of necesity for abandonig ship. They
are provided with means of quickly launching, and are fitted with
water-tight tanks for extra buoyance.

Inflatable life raft

Inflatable liferaft are inflated
by means of CO2 bottles. They vary
in sice, but small ship generally
use the 8 man liferaft whereas
other ships the 20 man liferaft.
They are stowed on deck ,in a
plastic container at convenient
place for launching. When the
container has been launched
overboard, by means of the gas
bottle, the raft is inflated and
burst out of the container.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

Also called lifebelts or life preservers are used to support a
person when in water. In accordance with the SOLAS, they will
comply with the following conditions:
When the wearer is insert, the position of the body shall be as
near the vertical as possible, and his head shall be kept clear
of the water.
Lifeboats, Lifeboat Equipment and Rafts
All articles of equipment for lifeboats must be of good quality,
efficient for the purpose they are intended to serve and kept in
good condition. Lifeboats must be fully equipped before the
vessel leaves port, and the equipment must remain in the boat
throughout the voyage. It is unlawful to stow in any boats
articles other than those required. All loose equipment must be
securely attached to the boat to which it belongs.
Stowage of Boats Aboard Ship
Boats on the starboard side are numbered with odd numbers from
forward to aft (1-3-5-7 etc.). Boats on the port side are
numbered with even numbers from forward to aft (2-4-6-8 etc.).
Boats stowed in nests are numbered from the top down (1, 1A, 1B,
Maintenance of Lifeboat and Equipment
A man or group of men is especially assigned by the chief mate to
take care of and report the
condition of the lifeboats each
day. At drill each crew member
should inspect the boat to which
he is assigned and examine its
condition as far as his own safety
is concerned. In addition to daily
inspection of the lifeboats it is
required by law that once each
year every bit of equipment come
off the lifeboat to be examined
and overhauled. The entire boat must be overhauled and painted
and the equipment must be kept in perfect condition.
Releasing Gear
The purpose of releasing gear is to permit releasing both of the
falls simultaneously as soon as the boat is waterborne, and thus
to avert possible mishap.
It consists of two releasing hooks on bridles, one at each end of
the boat, connected by a chain or rod running from one end of the
boat to the other. The releasing hooks are hinged on pins so that

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

they may be rotated and upset. The chain or rod between the two
hooks is equipped with an operating grip in a convenient location
near the stem. It is fastened to the releasing hooks in such a
manner that a strain on it will cause the hooks to upset and thus
free themselves from the falls.
In operation, a strain is put on the chain by pulling the
operating grip as soon as the boat is waterborne, upsetting both
hooks and freeing them from both falls simultaneously. Releasing
hooks connected to a rod running along the floor of the boat are
operated by means of a lever, functioning through universal
joints, which disengages a pin at each end, releasing the hooks.
Life nets
Life nets are rope nets which hang from the embarkation deck down
to the water line. The purpose of the life net is to let the crew
climb down into the lifeboat after the boat is water-borne.
Man ropes
Man ropes are attached to the spanner guy which runs from one
davit head to the other. On these ropes at three foot intervals
are knots to enable seamen to climb down the man rope and into
the boat. The main use of the man rope is for the men who are in
the boat while it is being lowered, to hold on to, should the
boat capsize when it hits the water, or up end in the process of
Jacobs Ladder
One or more rope or chain ladders are placed near the boat or
embarkation deck so as to be thrown over the side in such a
manner that the lower end reaches the boat.
Sea Painter
The sea painter is a manila line three times the length of the
distance from the boat deck to the ships light load line, not
less than 2 inch in circumference. It is used to sheer the
lifeboat away from the ships side and to keep the lifeboat near
the mother ship to pick up the remaining crew. It is made fast to
the lifeboat usually on the second thwart by means of a strap eye
and toggle. The other end is made fast to the main deck of the
mother ship well forward on the outboard side of everything. It
is released by pulling the toggle.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

Grab Rail
The metal rail extending 2/3 the length of boat below the turn of
the bilge is for survivors to hold on to or for righting an upset
boat, if the boat has been overturned in the water.

General Equipment Of A Lifeboat

Two Boat Hooksone used fore and the other aft for holding or
shoving off, or for fishing a line out of the water.
One Canvas Hood and Spray Curtainused to protect the crew from
the spray of the sea and also to provide shade from the sun.
One Ditty Bagone canvas bag containing sewing palm, needles,
sail twine, marline and marline spike.
One Fishing Kitin good condition with hooks, fishing gear and
booklet of instruction.
Two Hatchetsplaced in the forward and after ends of the boat on
long lanyards for emergency use.
One Life Linewith seine floats, for men in the water to hold
Two Life Preserversfor anyone who cannot get to their own or who
have lost theirs. They may also be thrown to persons in the
One Painter -- 15 fathoms, 2 inch, secured to the stem for
being towed and towing, coiled ready for use.
One Sea Anchorwith a storm oil container to keep the boat headed
into the sea and to spread the oil so that the waves will not
break on the small craft.
One gallon of storm oilto calm the seas.
One bailerusually made of wood or leather to bail the water out
of the boat.
One bilge pumpwhich works by suction and sucks the water out of
the boat below the floor boards.
One two-gallon bucketfor bailing the boat or for other practical
Automatic Plugsused in draining the boat on the davits.

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Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

Twenty-five soft wood plugs -- 3 inches long, inch to inch

taper contained in a canvas bag. These are to plug up bullet
holes or for similar purposes.
Six woolen blanketsto keep the wounded or sick warm or to use
for men who had to get away from the ship without any clothes.
One first-aid kitin a watertight container containing scissors,
bandages, tourniquets, boric lint dressings, absorbent cotton,
adhesive tape, safety pins, iodine with brush, ointment for
burns, supply of splints and instructions in first aid.
30 fathoms of 15 thread manila linefor general use.
Mast and sailsfor sailing the boat and reaching land or keeping
in the sea lanes where rescue is more likely. The sails are red
or yellow in color to make them visible for greater distances.
Oarsa single banked complement of oars, two spare oars, and a
steering or sweep oar (painted a distinguishing color so as to be
quickly recognized).
Hand operated propellersfor extra large lifeboats which operate
by mechanical means hereby everyone pushes together and turns
aver the hand operated propeller.
Rowlocksmust have a full set and a half.
M.E.S. (Marine evacuation system)

Fire main system

The fire main systems are made up of piping, pumps, fire plugs,
valves and control. The systems is designed to supply plenty of

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 13 SEVIMAR

There are two fittings on each length of hose. A female fitting

at one end for coupling to the fire plug, and a male fitting at
the other for connecting another length of hose.

All purpose fire nozzle

The all purpose fire nozzle can produce a chemical foam by mixing
two liquids which react with one another. These liquids are a
solution of bicarbonate of soda and a solution of aluminium

Foam equipment extinguishers

The foam extinguishers produce a chemical foam by mixing two

liquids which react with one another. These liquid are a solution
of bicarbonate of soda and a solution of aluminium sulphate.

Carbon dioxide extinguishers

Carbon dioxide extinguishers are used mainly in putting out

electric fires. They are also effective on any small fire. Its
advantages are that it is quick to use and does not leave the
after effects of water or foam and cam be blow away wind or
draught. It is particularly valuable for electrical equipment
because it will not damage the wiring or delicate parts.

Large cylinders of CO2 are installed on ship. These cylinders are

connected to a manifold and are used with a fixed piping system
for extinguisher fires in engine room, paint lockers etc.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento


Barrel buoy Boya de barril, de barrilete

Beacon Baliza
Ball Bola
Bell buoy Boya de campana
Buoy Boya
Buoyage Balizamiento
Cable buoy Boya de cable submarino
Cardinal system Sistema cardinal
Cone Cono (marca de tope)
Cone downwards Marca de tope cnica con punta
hacia abajo
Cone upwards ...hacia arriba
Conical b B. Cnica
Cylindrical b. B. cilndrica
Dan Buoy B. dan para balizar zonas de
pesca, minas, etc.
Diamond Doble cono unido por la base.
Even number B. B. con numeracin par.
Fairway Mediana del canal, canal
Fixed beacon Baliza fija
Flare Luminosidad
Flash Destello
Gong B. B. de gong
IALA (International Association IALA
of lighthouse authorities)
Isolated danger Peligro aislado
Isophase Isofase
Landfall marks Seales de recalada
Lateral systems Sistema lateral
Leading mark Seal de enfilacin
Inner end buoy Boya de recalada
Lamby- Large automatic Sustituta de los buques faro
navigational buoy
Light beacon Baliza luminosa
Light buoy Boya luminosa
Mid-cannel bouy Boya del centro del canal
Middle buoy ground Boya central
Mooring buoy Boya de amarre, muerto
Nun buoy Boya troncocnica (USA)
Ocean data buoy Boya oceanogrfica
Occulting Ocultacin
Odas Oceanographical date Boya oceanogrfica
Atlantica buoys
Odd-numbered buoy Boya numerada con numero impar

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Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

Outer-end buoy Boya de bifurcacin

Out fall buoy Boya sealando salida de
colectores y canalizaciones
Pillar buoy columna
Point downwards Punta hacia abajo
Port-hand buoy B. de babor
Quarantine buoy Boya sealando fondeadero de
Quick-flashing Destellos rpidos
Radar beacon Baliza radar
Radar reflector buoy Boya con reflector radar
Rhythm Ritmo
Safe water mark Baliza sealando paso navegable
Sea buoy Boya de recalada
Sewer outfall buoy B. sealando salida de un
Shape Forma
Sound buoy Boya sonora
Spar b. Espeque, b. de espeque
Spherical buoy Boya esfrica
Spoil ground buoy Boya indicando vertedero
Starboard hand buoy B. de estribor
Telegraph cable buoy B. balizando cable telegrfico
Topmark Marca de tope
Triangle Triangulo
Unlighted buoy Boya sin luz, boya ciega
Whistling b. B. de silbato
Wreck b. Boya de naufragio


Are floating objects moored over a certain place to serve as an

aid to navigation.

Buoys may be classified according to shape as: Can, conical,


According to the sound system: Bell, gong, whistle.

According to the colour: they can be a single colour or a

combination of colours in bands, stripes or chequeres.

According to location an purpose as: Port hand, middle

ground, spoil ground, quarantine anchorage, danger area,

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

Lighted buoy is one with a light having definite characteristics

for detection and identification during darkness.

Topmarks, the top marks surmounting a buoy or a beacon have the

following shapes:
Ball, cage , diamond ,cone ,triangle ,can sphere.


Iala is a non profit making international technical association.

Established in 1957, it gathers together marine aids to
navigation authorities, manufacturers and consultants from all
parts of the world and offers them the opportunity to compare
their experiences and achievements . IALA is encouraging its
members to work together in a common effort to harmonize aids to
navigation worldwide and to ensure that the movements of vessels
are safe, expeditious and cost effective and at the same time
protect the environment.

Taking into account the needs of mariners, developments in

technology and the requirements and constraints of aids to
navigation authorities, a number of technical committees have
been established bringing together experts
from around the World.
The work of the committees is aimed at
developping common standards workshops
through publications of IALA
Recommendations and Guidelines.
This work ensures that the mariners have
aids to navigation which will meet their
needs both now and in the future. IALA is
therefore contributing to the reduction of marine accidents and
to the increasing safety of life and property at sea, while
protecting the marine environment.
IALA also encourages cooperation between nations to give
developing countries the opportunity to make use of new aids to
navigation techniques.
The purpose of IALA is to ensure that seafarers are provided with
effective and harmonised marine Aids to Navigation services
worldwide to assist in safe navigation of shipping and protection
of the environment.

The system provides the five types of marks described below which
may be used in combination:

The significance of any mark depends upon one or more of the

following features:

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

By nightcolour and rhythm of light.

By daycolour, shape, topmark.

Lateral marks used in conjunction with a conventional direction

of buoyage, generally used for well defined channels. These
marks indicate the port and starboard sides of the route to be
followed. Where a channel divides, a modified lateral mark may
be used to indicate the preferred route. Lateral marks differ
between buoyage regions A and B.
Cardinal marks used in conjunction with the mariner's compass,
indicate where the mariner may find navigable water.
Isolated Danger marks indicate isolated dangers of limited size
that have navigable water all around them.
Safe Water marks indicate that there is navigable water all
around their position, e.g. mid-channel marks.
Special marks not primarily intended to assist navigation but
indicating an area or feature referred to in nautical documents.


The conventional direction of buoyage may be defined in one of
two ways:
The general direction taken by the mariner when approaching a
harbour, river, estuary or other waterway from seaward, or
In other areas it is determined by the appropriate authority. In
principle, it follows a clockwise direction around land masses.
The conventional direction is indicated in appropriate nautical

Port hand Marks Starboard hand Marks

Colour : Red Green
Shape Cylindrical (can), pillar or Conical, pillar or
(Buoys): spar spar
Topmark (if Single green cone,
Single red cylinder (can)
any) : point upward
Red, any other than
Light (when Green, any other than
composite group flashing
fitted) composite
At the point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the
conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel may be

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

indicated by modifying Port or Starboard lateral marks as


Preferred channel to Preferred channel

Starboard : to Port :
Green with one
Red with one broad green
Colour : broad red
horizontal band
horizontal band
Cylindrical (can), pillar Conical, pillar or
Shape (Buoys) :
or spar spar
Single red cylinder Single green cone,
Topmark (if any) :
(can) point upward
Green. Composite
Light (when Red, Composite group
group flashing
fitted) : flashing (2+1)


The four quadrants (North, East, South and West) are bounded by
the true bearings NW-NE, NE-SE, SE-SW, SW-NW, taken from the
point of interest. A cardinal mark is named after the quadrant
in which it is placed. The name of a cardinal mark indicates
that it should be passed to the named side of the mark. It may
be used:
to indicate that the deepest water in that area is on the named
side of the mark to indicate the safe side on which to pass a

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

danger to draw attention to a feature in a channel such as a

bend, a junction, a bifurcation, or the end of a shoal



2 black 2 black
2 black 2 black
cones, one cones, one
cones, one cones, one
above the above the
Topmark: above the above the
other, other,
other, base other, point
points points
to base. to point.
upward. downward.
Black with a Yellow with
single broad a single
Black above Yellow above
Colour : horizontal broad
yellow. black.
yellow horizontal
band. black band.
Pillar or Pillar or Pillar or Pillar or
Shape :
spar. spar. spar. spar.
White, V.Qk.FI.(6) White,
White, V.Qk.FI.(3) + long flash V.Qk.FI.(9)
Light (when
V.Qk.FI. or every 5s or every 10s or every 10s or
fitted) :
Qk.FI. Qk.FI.(3) Qk.Fl.f6) + Qk.Fl.f9)
every 10s long flash every 15s
every 15s

Isolated danger mark

Is a mark over an isolated danger which has navigable water all
around it.

2 black spheres, one above the


Black with one or more broad

horizontal red bands.

Shape Pillar or spar preferred.

Light (when
White, Gp.Fl.t2).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento


Indicate that there is navigable water all round the mark; these
include centre line marks and mid-channel marks. Such a mark may
also be used as an alternative to a cardinal or a lateral mark
to indicate a landfall.

Colour : Red and white vertical stripes.

Spherical, pillar with

Shape :
spherical topmark or spar.

Topmark (if
Single red sphere.
any) :

White, Isophase, occulting, one

Light (when
long flash every 10s or Morse
fitted) :


Marks not primarily intended to assist navigation but which

indicate a special area or feature referred to in appropriate
nautical documents, e.g.
Ocean Data Acquisition Systems (ODAS) marks; Traffic Separation
marks where use of conventional channel marking may cause
confusion; Spoil Ground marks; Military Exercise Zone marks;
Cable or pipe line marks; Recreation Zone marks.

Colour : Yellow

Optional but not conflicting with

navigational marks (e.g. a yellow can buoy
Shape :
will not be used in a 'starboard' situation
in region A).

Topmark (if any) : Single yellow 'X' shape.

Light (when fitted)


Used to describe newly discovered hazards not yet shown on
charts, including naturally occurring obstructions such as
sandbanks or rocks or man-made dangers such as wrecks.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

New Dangers will be marked in accordance with these rules. In

the case of an especially grave danger, one of the marks may be

Any lighted mark used for this purpose shall have an appropriate
cardinal or lateral V.Qk.FI. or Qk.FI. light character.
A duplicate mark will be identical to its partner in all
respects. A duplicate mark may carry a racon, coded Morse D. The
duplicate mark will be removed when the new danger has been
sufficiently promulgated.

IALA maritime buoyage system A

Introduced from April 1977 and normally refereed to as the

combined lateral and cardinal system, System A is also described
as RED TO PORT .This system developed by the IALA is being
introduce initially in North West Europe and implemented
progressively over a period of several years.

Youll find therefore that during implementation and in other

areas of the world youll encounter both the old and the new

Notice of the implementation at the various stages will be

promulgated from time to time in Notice to Mariners as the
occasion arises.

As already mentioned, the system A ,embodies both the lateral

and cardinal conventions. First lets consider lateral marks. The
direction of buoyage is determined by the appropriate authority,
and it does not depend upon the direction of the main stream or

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 14 Balizamiento

flood tide. As far as Europe is concerned the conventional

direction is northward throughout the North Sea, thus reversing
the direction of buoyage of the British coast from Orfordness
to the Shetlands. The direction the voyage in estuaries, harbours
or other waterways will still be direction when approaching from

A new chart symbol will indicate the bouyage direction where is

not obvious.

System A lateral rules associate red light and red day colour
with port hand buoys and beacons. The magenta flares indicating
a lighted buoy on the chart will be north of the base of the buoy
symbol. Radar reflectors will no longer be shown on chart.

A port hand mark shows a flashing isophase or occulting red light

of any character and period; and the can shape also defines a
port hand lateral mark.

If the body of the mark does not make its can shape obviously for
example on a spar or pillar buoy, the can top mark should
identify it.

Green lights and green day colours are allocated to starboard

hand marks. The green light may be flashing, isophase, or
occulting with any character.

There are no longer any special provisions for marking wrecks.

The conical shape is associated with starboard hand lateral
marks. If the body of the mark does not show the shape, the
conical top mark should.

The rules do allow a buoyage authority in exceptional

circumstances to use black body colour for starboard hand marks.
Lateral marks indicate the side of the channel .

Lets now look at the cardinal marks, cardinal marks indicate the
direction of the best navigable water from a danger. The cardinal
marks are named: North, East, South and West, and they should be
passed, for the main side, for example it should pass to the
north of the north mark.

The red and green filters on lateral lights tend to reduce the
intensify of the light, therefore at important places in
channels, Cardinal marks with their white lights would be used.

The North Cardinal mark is placed north of the danger or point of

interest which is marking. Its shows that the best navigable
water lies to the north of the mark. The white light shows
uninterrupted very quick flashing or quick flashing. The north
cardinal mark will normally be a spar or pillar buoy coloured

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

black above yellow and the top mark is most important: two black
cones pointing upwards one above the other.

The west cardinal marks has two black cones with the points
together. If you think of W for wine glass shape and for west,
it may help you to remember. The buoy is yellow with a black
band.The light is white, very quick flashing nine or quick
flashing nine.

Very quick flashing is a rate of a hundred and twenty or a

hundred flashes per minute.

One ease way of remembering the tops marks has already been
suggested; here are some other. North points up, south points
down and is already said west W for wine glass sharp.

To remember the light characteristic consider the face of a watch

with , twelve oclock representing north; east three = three
flashes, south = sis oclock six flashes. West nine and north is
uninterrupted flashing.

Isolated danger marks are placed on or above an isolated danger

of limited extend which has navigable water all-round an isolated
danger mark is a black pillar or spar with one or more red
horizontal bands. The top marks is two black spheres one above
the other. The light is white group flashing two.

Safe water marks include centre line marks and mid channel marks.
Such a mark may also be used as or alternatively to a cardinal or
lateral mark for landfall indication.

The safe water mark is spherical with red and white vertical
stripes, or a pillar or a spar with a single red sphere top mark.
The light is white, isophase , occulting or one long flash every
ten seconds.

Special marks such as cable buoys, ocean data buoy, spoil ground
marks, exercise area marks and so on, which are not primarily to
assist have their own characteristics. The colour is yellow but
the shape is optional, but is must no conflict with navigational
marks. The top marks , if any is a single yellow X shape. The
light is yellow and any rhythm other than those for cardinal,
isolate danger or safe water marks is used.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones


Alignment Alineacin
Alternating light Luz alternativa
Band Bandas horizontales
Beacon Baliza
Candle power Bujia
Clearance light Luz de enfilacion
Chequered Damero,ajedrezado
Concrete Hormign, cemento
Dwelling Casa
Dolphin Duque de Alba, noray
Fixed light Luz fija
Flashing light Luz de destellos
Fog signal Seal de niebla
Front light Luz baja de una enfilacin
Group flashing light Grupo de destellos
Group occulting light Grupo de ocultaciones
Hut Caseta
Lantern Fanal
Leading light Enfilacin
Lighthouse Faro
Lighship Buque faro
Light sector Sector luminoso
Masonry Mampostera
Mast Mastil, palo
Masthead light Luz de tope
Post Poste
Radiobeacon Radiobaliza
Round Redondo, circular
Rear light Luz posterior de una enfilacin
Stripe Franjas verticales
Skeleton Armazn
Whistle Silbato


A light house is a structure exhibiting a light of different

characteristic designed to serve as an aid to navigation.

The type of structure and its colouring assist in daylight

Some are located on land and some in the water, and most capes
are guarded by lighthouses.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

The typical lighthouse structures are: Masonry and cylindrical


All maritime nations have a responsible government department

charged with establishment and maintenance of light houses and
other navigational aids.


Is a distinctively marked vessel anchored or moored at a charter

position to serve as an aid to navigation.

By night it displays a characteristic masthead light and a less

brilliance light at the fore stay.
A light ship may be equipped with certain auxiliary devices,
such as: A fog signal, radiobeacon, etc.

Americas lightship era ends

March 29, 1985, saw the final chapter of Americas lightship era
come to a close with the decommissioning of the Nantucket I. In
a farewell message, Coast Guard Commandant ADM James S. Gracey
said, "Technology has found a way to replace her with a more
cost-effective aid to navigation, but Nantucket Is sailors can
never be replaced."
In many cases lightships were replaced with "Texas Tower" type
offshore light platforms, other fixed structures or large
navigational buoys, all offering considerable savings in
manpower and in construction and maintenance costs.

The last message sent by the

ship read in part, "An
important part of Coast
Guard history ended today.
We must now look somewhere
else to find the stuff that
sea stories are made of."
Most of the decommissioned
lightships are long gone.
Quite a few were sold and
served in coastwise and
harbour roles. Two provided
bonfires at Fourth of July
celebrations and several
were used as target ships by
the Navy. A few were transferred to other countries for use as
lightships, some were used as floating clubhouses by various
organisations, but the majority ended up in a ship breakers

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

yard. However, 19 lightships still survive, the three oldest

built in 1904. Most of these veterans remain afloat, restored
for use as museums or exhibits open to the public. Two serve as
floating restaurants and one is in use in the charter trade.
This cannot end with the traditional look to the future of
lightships, for there is none. However, the vessels themselves,
and certainly all those who served in them, constitute a unique
and proud segment of Americas maritime heritage- one sometimes
overlooked, but never to be forgotten.

Light Towers
In the 1960's the Coast Guard began to replace some lightships
with offshore "Texas" Towers. These towers were originally
manned but over the years have become automated. The towers have
living quarters and a rooftop helo pad for airlifting workcrews
and or supplies to the tower.

Offshore Lighthouse Construction Types -Texas Tower

A relatively recent technological

development in lighthouse construction
was the Texas tower lighthouse type
which replaced exposed lightships
offshore. These so-called Texas towers
were adaptations modeled on the
offshore oil drilling platforms first
employed off the Texas coast. The first
Texas tower lighthouse type in the
United States was the Buzzards Bay
Light, located in Buzzards Bay,
Massachusetts, and commissioned on
November 1, 1961. (It has been
extinguished and may be dismantled.) A
total of six Texas tower lighthouses
have been constructed; the four which
survive are listed below. (Both the
Ambrose, NY, and Savannah, GA, towers
no longer survive.) All are primarily
made of steel

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

Leading lights

Are light arrange to indicate the path to be followed by a ship

at night, entering in a harbour or navigating through a channel.
They are placed at appropriate horizontal distances apart.

If there are two lights the first one is the front line and the
other one is called rear light.

Admiralty list of lights and fog signals

Are 11 Volumes providing a comprehensive listing of all

lighthouses, lightships, lit floating marks (over 8m in height),
fog signals and lights
of navigational
significance. Each
publication lists the
characteristics of
lights and fog
signals, together with
the equivalent foreign
language light
descriptions. Also
included are tables
which can be used to
calculate the
geographical and luminous ranges of lights. Details for all
lights listed include: international number, location and/or
name, geographical co-ordinates, characteristics and intensity,
elevation in metres, range in sea miles and description of

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

Abbreviations used in Admiralty list of lights

English Signify Spanish

AHP Above head of phases
Al Alternating Alt
Bu Blue Azul
bl blast
Dia Diadiaphone Diafono
Dir Direction light
ec Eclipse
Explos Explosive fog signal
F Fixed
FFl Fixed and flashing FD
FFl (..) Fixed and group F.Gp.D.
Fl Flashing D
fl Flash
Fog Det Lt Fog detector light
G Green v
GRP Glass Reinforced
HFPB High focal plane buoy
(hor) Horizontal
I Interrupted
Intens Intensified sector
Irreg Irregular
Iso Isophase
Lamby Large automatic
Navigational Buoy
Lat Latitude
Ldg Lts Leading light
Long Longitude
LFl Long flash
Lt Light ( no details
lt Light (phase)
Lt F Light float
Lt V Light vessel
M Sea miles
m Metres
min Minutes
Mo Morse code digital
light or fog signal
MV Mercury vapour
discharge lamp,
greenish- white in
Oc Oculting
Oc (..) Group occulting GP. Oc

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

Occas Occasional
(P) Provisional,
Q Quick flashing Ct
R Red r
Ra Radio coastal station
Racon Radar responder beacon
Radio Coast radio station
Radiobeacon Radiofaro
Ramark Radio beacon
Ra refl Radar reflector
Rot Rotaing
RC Circular radiobeacon
RD Directional
RG Radio direction
finding station
RT Radiotelephone
RW Rotating lop
s Seconds
SBM Single buo mooring
Si Silence
SIg Stn Signal station
SPM Single Point Mooring
SV Sodium vapour
discharge lamp, orange
in colour
(T) Temporary
TD Fog signal temporarily
TE Light temporarily
unintens Unintensified sector
UQ Ultra quick flashing
(var) Varying
(vert) Vertical
Vi Violet
Vis Visible
VQ Very quick flashing
W White bl
Whis Whistle
Y Yellow, amber or Amarillo

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 15 Faros y enfilaciones

Explanation of Admiralty list of light

Description: Information is tabuled as follow:

Maldive island
0813 ADDOO ATOLL 0 36.7 Fl(2)W 10s 5 7 Framework tower, For light
Kanu Huraa 73 08.9 concrete base northwards see
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Column 1: Contains the number of each light

Column 2: Location, name

Place is printed in CAPITALS
The names of light having a range of 15 miles and
over are printed in blod type; those of less than 15
miles range are printed in roman tipe; those of
light-vessels in ITALIC CAPITALS and those of all
other floating lights in italics.

Column 3: Latitude and Longitude are approximate.

Column 4: Characteristic and intensity.

Column 5: Elevation in metres

Column 6: Range in sea miles, in blod type if of 15 miles or

more, and in roman type if less.

Column 7: Description of structure and its height in metres.

Column 8: Remarks, Phase, Sectors, arcs of visibility. Minor


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros



About Admiralty Sailing Directions

Admiralty Sailing Directions are often referred to as Pilots.
They are designed to assist the merchant marine on all classes
of oceangoing vessel and provide essential information on all
aspects of navigation.

Sailing Directions are complementary to

Admiralty Standard Navigational Charts and
worldwide coverage is provided in 74 volumes.

Each publication contains quality colour


photography and views, as well as information on

navigational hazards and buoyage, meteorological
data, details of pilotage, regulations, port
facilities and guides to major port entry.
Admiralty Sailing Directions (excluding those
which are in Continuous Revision*) are published
every three years.


Explanatory Remarks

Sailing Directions are published by the National Imagery and

Mapping Agency (NIMA), under the authority of Department of
Defense Directive 5105.40, dated 12 December 1988, and pursuant
to the authority contained in U. S. Code Title 10, Sections 2791
and 2792 and Title 44, Section 1336.

Sailing Directions, covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of

the world, provide information that cannot be shown graphically
on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. New
Editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the date of
the publications shown in the preface.In the period between
Editions, important information, which may amend material in the
publication, is published in the weekly Notice to Mariners.

Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and port

approach information which supplements the latest revised print
of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and
Mapping Agency. This publication is divided into geographic
areas called "Sectors''. Sector limits are shown on a chartlet
following the Table of Contents. The standard format of the
Sector is described below.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

Chart Information.A graphic key to the largest scale charts is

included for each Sector. The key has a border scale graduated
to help identify by approximate coordinates, the best scale
chart for a place. Refer also to the Index Gazetteer at the back
of the book.

Coastal Winds, Currents, and Ice. Special graphics that depicted

coastal winds, weather, tides, currents and ice for the Sectors
have been removed. General weather information can now be found
within the text.

Dangers.As a rule outer dangers are fully described, but inner

dangers which are well-charted are, for the most part,omitted.

Numerous offshore dangers, grouped together, are mentioned only

in general terms. Dangers adjacent to a coastal passage or
fairway are described.

Coastal Features.It is assumed that the majority of ships have

radar. Available coastal descriptions and views, useful for
radar and visual piloting are included in geographic sequence in
each Sector.

Ports. directions for entering ports are depicted where

appropriate by means of chartlets, sketches, and photos, which
facilitate positive identification of landmarks and navigational
aids. These chartlets and sketches are not always to scale,
however, and should be used only as a general informational
guide in conjunction with the best scale chart. Specific port
facilities are omitted from the standard format.They are
tabulated in Pub. 150, World Port Index.

Index gazetteer. Navigational features and place-names are

listed alphabetically in the back of the book. The approximate
position, along with the Sector and paragraph numbers (e.g.
1.1), facilitate location in the text. Refer to the Chart
Information graphic for the Sector, where the largest scale
chart showing the feature is depicted.

Geographic Names are generally those used by the nation having

sovereignty. Names in parentheses following another name are
alternate names that may appear on some charts. In general,
alternate names are quoted only in the principal description of
the place. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and
circum.exes, which are related to specific letters in certain
foreign languages, are not used in the interest of typographical
simplicity. Geographic names or their spellings do not
necessarily reject recognition of the political status of an
area by the United States Government.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

Soundings are referred to the datum of the charts and are

expressed in meters.

Heights are referred to the plane of reference used for that

purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters.

Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees from 000 (north)
to 360, measured clockwise. General bearings are expressed by
initial letters of points of the compass (e.g. N,NNE, NE, etc.).
Adjective and adverb endings have been discarded. Wherever
precise bearings are intended degrees are used.

Courses are true, and are expressed in the same manner as

bearings. The directives "steer'' and "make good'' a course
mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of origin along
a track having the identical meridianal angle as the designated
course. Vessels following the directives must allow for every
influence tending to cause deviation from such track, and
navigate so that the designated course is continuously being
made good.

Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1 minute of

latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed in meters,
or tenths of miles
Wind Directions are the true directions from which winds blow.

Current Directions are the true directions toward which currents


Light and Fog Signals are not described, and light sectors are
not usually defined. The Light Lists should be consulted for
complete information.

Radio Navigational Aids are not described in detail.Publication

No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids should be consulted.

Special Warnings. A Special Warning may be in force for the

geographic area covered by this publication. Special Warnings
are printed in the weekly Notice to Mariners upon promulgation
and are reprinted annually in Notice to Mariners No. 1. A
listing of Special Warnings currently in force is printed in
each weekly Notice to Mariners, Section III, Broadcast Warnings,
along with the notice number of promulgation. In force Special
Warnings are also available on the Maritime Safety Information
Division Home Page (http:// under the
heading broadcast Warning Messages.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

Corrective Information. It is requested that the MARITIME SAFETY

AGENCY, 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD, BETHESDA MD 20816-5003, or any of
its branch offices be advised of any inaccuracy found in this
Pub. 131 III publication or of additional navigational
information considered appropriate for insertion. The Sailing
Directions Information and Suggestion Sheet on page IX may be
used for this purpose.


PUB. 131


Prepared and published by the

Bethesda, Maryland



For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of.ce

Internet: Phone: toll free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800
Fax: (202) 512-2250 Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

Pub. 131, Sailing Directions (Enrouter) for Western

Mediterranean, Tenth Edition, 2002, is issued for use in
conjunction with Pub. 140, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide)
North Atlantic Ocean, Baltic Sea, North Sea, and the
Mediterranean Sea. The companion volume is Pub. 132. This
publication has been corrected to 7 December 2002, including
Notice to Mariners No. 49 of 2002.


This sector first describes the N side of the Strait of
Gibraltar from Cabo Trafalgar (3611'N., 602'W.) to Great Europa
Point (3606'N., 521'W.). It then describes the S side of the
strait from Cap Spartel (3537'N., 556'W.) to Punta Almina
(3554'N., 517'W.).

General Remarks
The Strait of Gibraltar is bounded on the N side by the coast of
Spain and Gibraltar, a dependent territory of the United
Kingdom; it is bounded on the S side by the coast of Morocco and
the Spanish towns of Ceuta and Melilla.


In the middle of the strait, the E current commences at about

the time of HW at Gibraltar and the W current about 6 hours
later. As the shores are approached on either side, the times at
which these currents commence becomes progressively earlier as
indicated by the series of dashed lines on the chart. In the
central area of the W part of the strait, the current attains a
rate of 1 knot S of Cabo Trafalgar and 1.7 knots S of Punta
Camarinal (3605'N.,548'W.). In the central and narrower area of
the E part of the strait between Isla de Tarifa (3600'N.,
537'W.) and Europa Point (3606'N., 521'W.), the currents
attain rates up to 2 knots in each direction. Rates increase
from the central areas towards the shores on both sides of the
strait and currents attain rates up to 3 knots in each direction
inshore. In the central area, the currents set in the direction
of the axis of the strait, but near the land they generally
follow the direction of the coast.

Tidal races or overfalls may occur in the deep water within the
strait. Tidal races also occur off most of the salient points
and eddies form in the bays between them. On the N side of the
strait, a tidal race, known as Riza del Cabo, extends SW from
Cabo Trafalgar to Bajo Aceitera, 1.8 miles SW. This race is
always present, whatever the state of tide, and its strength
depends on whether it is springs or neaps. It is reported to be
the most violent race within the strait. During heavy weather
and when the tidal current is running strongly, this race may

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

extend as far SW as Banco del Hoyo.During the strongest period

of the tidal current, a race of considerable violence forms over
nd in the vicinity of Bajo de Los Cabezos (3601'N., 542'W.). In
heavy weather, it may extend entirely across the
strait.Comparatively smaller races also occur off Isla de
Tarifa,Punta de Cala Arenas (3603'N., 527'W.), close E of La
Perla,and Europa Point.

On the S side of the strait, strong tidal races occur off Cap
Spartel and 4 miles E of Pointe Judios. Overfalls, resembling
breakers, occur N of Tanger (3547'N., 548'W.). Small races
occur off Pointe Ciris (3555'N., 529'W.) and all the other
salient points located E of Punta Almina (3554'N., 517'W.)
During the strongest period of the tidal current in each
direction, the most violent races occur off the coast and over
the banks between Pointe Malabata (3549'N., 545'W.) and Hejar
Lesfar (3.2 miles ENE).

Traffic Control.An IMO-adopted Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS),

which may best be seen on the chart, is situated within the
narrows of the strait and in the W approaches.A mandatory Vessel
Traffic Service is in operation in the Strait of Gibraltar,
including the TSS and Inshore Traffic Zones. The following
categories of vessels are required to participate
in the reporting system:

1. All vessels 50m long and over.

2. All vessels, regardless of length, carrying hazardous and/

or potentially polluting cargo.

3. Vessels engaged in towing or pushing another vessel

when the combined length of the vessel and tow or pushed
vessel is over 50m.

4. Any category of vessel less than 50m long and engaged in

fishing in the Traffic Lane or the Separation Zone.

5. Any category of vessel less than 50m long which is using

the appropriate Traffic Lane or Separation zone in order to
avoid immediate danger or engage in fishing.

The reporting system covers the area between longitudes 558'W

and 5 15'W. This area includes the Traffic Separation Scheme in
the Strait of Gibraltar and the designated Inshore Traffic
Zones.The report, called a GIBREP, from the vessel to the Tarifa
VTS Center should contain only information which is essential to
achieve the objectives of the system.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

GIBREP Information

Designator Information required

A Vessel's name and call


B Identifcation Number on

C Position (latitude and

longitude), or

D Range and bearing from a


E Course.
F Speed.

G Last port of call.

I Next port of call.

P Hazardous cargo, IMO class, or UN number and quantity.

Q or R Breakdown; damage and/or deficiencies affecting the

structure, cargo, or equipment of the vessel; or any other
circumstances affecting normal navigation,in accordance with the
provisions of the SOLAS and MARPOL Conventions.IMO

Tarifa VTS broadcasts regular warnings to mariners and

traffic, navigational, and weather conditions, in Spanish and

Tarifa Traffic can also provide a particular vessel with

information regarding the vessel's position, course and speed,
or the identification of traffic in the vicinity. The vessel
should request this information.

Caution.Local magnetic anomalies have been reported in the

approaches to the strait.Several submarine cables lie within the
Strait of Gibraltar and may best be seen on the chart.Tunny nets
may be found at certain seasons of the year extending up to 7
miles seaward from the shores bounding the Strait of Gibraltar.

Submerged tunny nets lying off the coasts of Spain and Africa,
under Spanish jurisdiction, are indicated by the following:
1. By day: white flag, with a black letter A at the center,
displayed from a boat or buoy moored at the center and outer end
of the net.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

2. By night: red light above a white light shown from a boat or

buoy moored at the outer end of the net, and two vertical white
lights shown from a boat or buoy moored at the center of the
net. These lights are visible from about 2 miles.

Strait of GibraltarNorth Side

Banco del Hoyo (3605'N., 615'W.), a sandy bank,has depths of

16 to 22m and lies 14 miles WSW of Cabo Trafalgar. This bank
extends for about 5 miles in an E-W direction and the least
depths lie near its W end. It should be avoided in heavy weather
as the sea is apt to break over it.

Banco de Trafalgar (3608'N., 607'W.), a shoal composed of

stones, has a least depth of 6.6m and lies 5 miles SW of Cabo
Trafalgar. There are overfalls on this shoal and it is
inadvisable to pass over it in heavy weather. At such times, the
water in the vicinity is of a yellowish color.

Placer de Meca (3611'N., 606'W.), a rocky shoal, lies 3.2

miles W of Cabo Trafalgar and has a least depth of 5m near its
SE end. This shoal is covered with a thin layer of sand and the
sea breaks over it in heavy weather.

Bajo Aceitera (3610'N., 604'W.) has a depth of 1.2m and lies

at the outer end of a dangerous rocky ridge which extends up to
1.7 miles SW of Cabo Trafalgar. A passage leads between the
shoal and the cape, but it should not be attempted. Broken water
extends across this shoal and a tidal race in its vicinity is
caused by the unevenness of the bottom. Bajeta de Fuera and Los
Cabezos (3601'N., 543'W.) lie close together, 3.5 miles SSE of
Punta Paloma. Several wrecks, some dangerous, lie in this
vicinity and the sea breaks heavily on these shoals during SW
gales. A wide berth should be given to this area.

La Perla (3604'N., 525'W.), a dangerous group of pinnacle

rocks, lies 1.2 miles S of Punta Carnero and has a least depth
of 4.7m. Las Bajas, a rocky shoal with a minimum depth of 11.6m.
lies close E.1.3 Cabo Trafalgar (3611'N., 602'W.), 20m high,
is formed by a small, sandy, and uneven peninsula which is
connected to the mainland by a low and sandy isthmus. When
seen from the NW or SE, it appears like an island.

Cabo Trafalgar
A main light is shown from a prominent tower, 51m high,standing
on the cape. A radiobeacon is situated at the light.Torre de
Meca, a conspicuous round tower, stands 1.3 miles NE of the
cape.Arrecife del Canaveral, a drying reef, extends up to 0.3
mile offshore, 1.3 miles E of Cabo Trafalgar. Anchorage, with
shelter from N winds, can be obtained by small vessels, in
depths of 14 to 16m, between Arrecife de Canaveral and the cape.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

There is good holding ground, but

the nature of the bottom should
first be ascertained as it is
rocky in places.

Picacho de Barbate (3612'N.,

558'W.), a sharp peak, is very
conspicuous and has a high white
spot which is visible from
seaward. Ensenada de Barbate, a
bay, is entered between Punta del
Tajo (3610'N., 559'W.) and
Punta de Zahara, 6.5 miles SE.The
Rio Barbate enters this bay 3.2 miles E of Punta del Tajo and is
fronted by a shallow bar. The town of Barbate stands on the W
bank of this river. Bajo de Zahara, a shoal, has a least depth
of 8.5m and lies 1 mile S of the mouth of the river. A small
harbor, protected by breakwaters, is situated 1 mile W of the
river mouth. It has shallow depths and is mostly used by fishing
vessels and recreational craft with local knowledge. During
offshore winds, vessels may obtain anchorage within the bay in
any convenient location; however, anchorage is unsafe with winds
from seaward. A light is shown from a tower, 22m high, standing
close NE of the harbor. Between April and August, tunny nets are
laid 1 mile S of the harbor entrance.

Ensenada de Zahara (3607'N., 551'W.), a bight,lies 6 miles SE

of Barbate. Anchorage may be obtained in this bight, sheltered
from Levanters (E winds), but heavy squalls come off the land.
The bottom of the bight is generally sandy,but with some rocks.
Several rocky patches lie close inshore and front the sandy
beach in the N part of the bight.Punta de Gracia is located 2
miles SE of Ensenada de Zahara and is formed by the extremity of
a high spur. A light is shown from a conspicuous tower, 75m
high, standing on this point.

Punta Camarinal (3605'N., 548'W.), located 1 mile SE of Punta

de Gracia, is low, rounded, and prominent. It rises to Sierra de
la Plata, a steep and prominent ridge.

Bay of Gibraltar Entrance

The Bay of Gibraltar (3608'N., 524'W.) is entered between Punta
Carnero and Europa Point, 4.5 miles ENE. It extends N for 5.5
miles and is bordered on the E side by the Rock of Gibraltar.
This bay is entirely open to the S; depths of over 200m extend
up to 4 miles into it. Europa Point, the E entrance point,
presents a cliffy face, 0.3
mile wide.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

Great Europa Point (3607'N., 521'W.) is the SE termination of

this cliffy face. A main light is shown from a prominent tower,
19m high, standing on this point. A conspicuous radar dome is
situated 0.5 mile N of the light.

Punta Carnero (3604'N., 526'W.), the W entrance point,is formed

by the E termination of a range of hills and has
steep SE slope. It is fronted by dangers which
extend up to 0.2 mile offshore. A light is shown
from a tower, 19m high, standing on the point. A
prominent tower stands 0.2 mile W of the light.
A dangerous wreck lies about 0.2 mile offshore, 0.3 mile NNE of
this point.
Caution. Because of a strong NW to NE set caused by tidal
currents along the coastline of Punta Carnero, sailing close to
shore is not recommended. Numerous accidents have occurred here
due to the strong currents. Ensenada de Getares is entered
between Punta Carnero and Punta de San Garcia, 1.8 miles N.
Anchoring is prohibited in the bay as best seen on the chart.A
conspicuous coast guard station stands on Punta de San
Garcia.Punta del Rodeo is located 0.5 mile N of Punta de San
Garcia and is fronted by dangers which extend up to 0.2 mile
offshore.Mar de Isidro, with a least depth of 15.8m, lies about
1 mile ESE of Punta del Rodeo and is marked by a lighted buoy.
Numerous submarine cables, which may best be seen on the chart,
lie in the entrance to the Bay of Gibraltar and in the vicinity
of Ensenada de Getares.

Algeciras (3608'N., 527'W.)

World Port Index No. 38310

Algeciras lies on the W side of the Bay of Gibraltar, 3 miles N

of Punta Carnero. The port is situated SW and NW of Isla Verde,
a former island, which has been connected to the mainland by
extensive reclamation. The port authority also administers
marine installations at the head of the Bay of Gibraltar.

Port of Algeciras Home Page

Tides Currents. Tides rise 1.1m at springs and 0.9m at neaps.

Depths Limitations.Dique Norte, the main outer breakwater,

extends about 1 mile N from the reclaimed land adjoining Isla
Verde. Its inner side has 1,500m of total berthing space, with
depths of 12 to 16m alongside, which is mainly used for
unkering.Other main facilities include the following:

1. Muelle de la Isla Verde, in the S part of the harbor, is

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

used by general cargo, container, and ro-ro vessels. It has 980m

of total berthing space with depths of 9 to 12m alongside.

2. Muelle de la Galera South, in the SW part of the harbor, is

used by ro-ro, ferry, and passenger vessels. It has 640m of
total berthing space, with depths of 6 to 10m alongside.

3. Muelle de la Galera North is mainly used by general cargo and

reefer vessels. It has 280m of total berthing space,with a depth
of 10.5m alongside.

4. Muelle del Navio (Muelle Juan Carlos I), in the central part
of the harbor, is used by container, bulk, and general cargo
vessels. It has 1,900m of total berthing space,with depths of
10.5 to 14m alongside. Terminal 2000, located on the N part of
Muelle del Navio, is 644m long, with a depth alongside of 16m.
A buoyed channel, dredged to a depth of 7m has been established
N of Muelle del Navio. It leads from the causeway connecting
Muelle deL Navio with the mainland into the bay W of Anchorage
Area B.An lighted offshore SBM tanker berth lies in a depth of
60m, 1 mile SSW of Punta del Gallo. Several hoses, 290m long and
marked by orange lights, are attached to the buoy. Three
submarine pipelines extend NNE from the berth to the shore.
Anchorage is prohibited within 550m of the SBM and within 150m
of the pipelines as shown on the chart. Tanker vessels up to
500,000 dwt and 30m draft can be accommodated at this offshore
terminal The buoy is equipped with a radar detector and a racon.
There is also an extensive basin in the W part of the harbor for
the use of fishing vessels.Generally, vessels up to 14m draft
can be accommodated and there are no restrictions for length or
Aspect.A fort and a tank farm are situated on Isla Verde.In
addition, several slipways and workshops stand on the S side of
this former island.Numerous conspicuous white houses stand along
the waterfront of the town. A church, with a prominent tall
steeple,stands in the town.

Pilotage.Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels of over 50

grt entering the Bay of Gibraltar and proceeding to Algeciras.
Pilots can be contacted by VHF channel 13 and board about 2.2
miles SE of the head of Dique Norte. During E storms, pilots
generally wait inside the head of the breakwater. Vessels
proceeding to the refinery or CEPSA monobuoy at the head of the
bay should send an ETA and request for pilot 72 hours, 48 hours,
and 24 hours in advance. If required, pilots may be conveyed by
helicopter and vessels should contact the Helicsa helicopter
Caution.A prohibited anchorage area, the limits of which may be
seen on the chart, E and S of the former Isla Verde.A submarine
pipeline extends 0.4 mile E of former Isla Verde.A shoal area

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

lies close NNW of the harbor entrance and is marked by a lighted


Punta del Rinconcillo (3609'N., 527'W.), surmounted by a

prominent coast guard station, is located 1.6 miles N of Isla
Verde. Torre del Almirante stands on a cliff, 0.3 mile S of the
point. This conspicuous reddish tower is partially in ruins.
Ermita del Baleares, a conspicuous building, is situated 0.3
mile W of Punta del Rinconcilla and is visible from all parts of
the bay.Depths of less than 5m lie up to 0.5 mile SE of Punta
del Rinconcillo.Torre de Entre Rios, a square and dark tower,
stands on a hill, 1.5 miles NNE of Punta del Rinconcillo. The
Rio Palamones flows into the bay close S of this prominent tower
and a conspicuous hotel stands near its mouth.

Puerto Acerinox (3610'N., 525'W.) is situated 0.5 mile E of

Torre de Entre Rios. It consists of a small harbor basin which
is protected by a large L-shaped breakwater. The Muelle de
Levante, used for handling scrap metals, is situated at the E
side of the basin. It is 250m long and has a depth of 9.5m
alongside.A bulk and coal berth, 360m long, extends along the
outer side of the breakwater. It has depths of 23 to 30m
alongside and can accommodate vessels up to 270,000 dwt.

Punta del Gallo (3611'N., 524'W.), fronted by rocks, is

located 1 mile E of Puerto Acerinox. A round fort stands on this
point.San Roque is situated 2 miles NNE of the point. This city
is very prominent as it stands on high ground.A conspicuous oil
refinery, with its associated tanks and prominent chimneys,
stands close N of Punta del Gallo. A power station, with several
conspicuous chimneys, is situated 0.7 mile E of the refinery.

CEPSA Oil Terminals (3611'N., 524'W.) are situated at the head

of the bay.A T-head pier, which extends 400m from the shore, is
situated 0.3 mile E of Punta del Gallo. Its head is 700m long
and has five berths. Tanker vessels up to 315m in length and 20m
draft can be accommodated alongside.Pilotage for the above
terminals is compulsory and is provided at the port of
Algeciras. A mooring master and crew will board vessels in the
vicinity of the SBM.

CEPSA Oil Terminals

Puente Mayorga (3611'N., 523'W.), a town, is situated 1 mile E
of Punta del Gallo. Its conspicuous white houses form a good
landmark when approaching the terminals at the head of the bay.
A prominent shipyard is situated on reclaimed land,0.5 mile SSE
of the town.
Puente Mayorga Water Terminal (3611'N., 523'W.),consisting of
six dolphins, lies 0.2 mile S of the town. A submarine pipeline,
with a .oating connection, extends NNE from the offshore berth

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 16 Derroteros

to the shore. Vessels up to 115,000 dwt and 18m draft can be


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 17 Cartas nauticas


Vocabulary and abbreviation used in Admiralty charts

Anchorage Anch Fondeadero

Bank Bk Banco
Channel Chan Canal
Cliffy coast Costa acantilada
Coarse c Grueso, basto
Coral Co Coral
Creek Cr Cala, caleta, ensenada
Custom house Cus.Ho. Aduana
Dolphin Dol. Duque de Alba
Exiatence ditful ED Existencia dudosa
Fine f Fino, fina
Fixed light F Luz fija
Flashing light Fl Luz de destellos
Gravel G Grava
Group flashing light Gp,Fl. Grupo de destellos
Group occulting light Gp. Occ Grupo de ocultaciones
Gulf G Golfo
Hard h Duro, explanada
High Water HW Pleamar
Island I Isla
Islet It Islote
Low water LW Bajamar
Mean tide level MTL Nivel medio de la marea
Mean sea level MSL Nivel medio de la mar
Mangrove Manglar
Mount Mt Monte
Mud M Fango
Marl Ml marga, greda
Neap tide Np Marea muerta
Occulting light Occ Luz de ocultaciones
Ooze Oz Fango, limo
Pebbles P Guijarros
Position aproximate PA Posicion aproximada
Position doubtful PD Posicion dudosa
Quarantine Quarentena
Rocky coast Csta rocosa
Roads Rds Radas
Reef Rf Arrecife
Sand S Arena
Sanhills Dunas
Sandy shore Orilla arenosa
Shells Sh Conchas
Shingle Sn Arena gruesa

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 17 Cartas nauticas

Shoal Sh Bajo
Soft So Blando
Spring tides Sp Mareas vivas
Sound Sd Estrecho
Steep coast Costa acantilada
Stone Piedra
Strait Estrecho
Stiff Rgido
Warf Whf Muelle

Admiralty paper charts

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worldwide series of over 3,300
paper charts, offering global
coverage at a range of scales.

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Navigational Charts are used by
the Royal Navy and the world's
merchant marine to comply with
SOLAS Regulations and ensure
safe navigation in the ocean.
They have been designed to meet
the needs of commercial and
recreational mariners and can
be used for Passage Planning
and to assist coastal passages,
approaches to ports and secure
berthing in harbours.
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Admiralty Leisure website, click here.
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Admiralty standard navigational charts

The UKHO's global portfolio of paper charts consists of over

3,300 Standard Navigational Charts (SNCs), and provides coverage
at a range of scales to suit the requirements of professional,
commercial and recreational navigators worldwide in accordance
with SOLAS Regulations.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 17 Cartas nauticas

SNCs are printed on durable paper for ease of correction and

chart detail is governed by scale.
Large Scale - charts covering harbours, anchorages and
navigational hazards.
Medium Scale - charts for coastal navigation.
Small Scale - charts for offshore navigation and Passage
To ensure safe navigation, it is recommended that mariners
always use the largest scale chart available. In particularly
busy seaways such as The English Channel, Gulf of Suez and the
Mallaca and Singapore Straits, the Admiralty SNC series is
supplemented by Mariners Routeing Guides which advise on route
planning and all necessary regulations appropriate to the area
of navigation.
Standard Navigational Charts are continually updated by
Admiralty Notices to Mariners and are fully corrected up to date
at time of sale to ensure that they include all safety-critical
navigational information.
The UKHO publishes hundreds of New Editions and New Charts each
year. These are announced in advance in Weekly Notices to
Mariners, available both in booklet format and online via this
website. To view the latest list of all current Standard
Navigational Charts. This list provides brief details of each
chart including title, natural scale, date
of publication and the date of the latest
New Edition. Where the chart contains
plans, data is given for the main area

Publications - Chart 5011: Symbols &

Abbreviations Used On Admiralty Charts
Essential for all mariners using Admiralty
charts (both paper and ARCS), this
publication illustrates Symbols and
Abbreviations in full colour, along with
full explanations. The publication also
contains information on hydrography,
topography and navigational aids and

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Capitulo 18 Avisos a los navegantes


Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NMs)

Admiralty Charts and Publications can be
maintained so that they are completely up
to date for safety-critical SOLAS
navigational information through the
world-renowned Admiralty Notices to
Mariners (NMs) service.
Admiralty NMs contain all the corrections,
alterations and amendments for the UKHO's
worldwide series of Admiralty Charts and
Publications and are published weekly as
booklets, which are despatched directly
from the UKHO.

Weekly notices to mariners

Weekly NMs consists of a complete compilation of all those

Admiralty Chart and Publication updates issued in any one week.
It is divided into six sections:
Section I - Explanatory Notes
Section II - Updates to Standard Navigational Charts
Section III - Reprints of Radio Navigational Warnings
Section IV - Amendments to Admiralty Sailing Directions
Section V - Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog
Section VI - Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals

The Weekly NMs publication is accepted as meeting the Carriage

Requirements on SOLAS registered vessels. Weekly NMs are
available without subscription from appointed Admiralty
Distributors and also through website.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 18 Avisos a los navegantes

This Admiralty Notices to Mariners Bulletin (ANMB) is published

by the UK Hydrographic
Office (UKHO). The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency accepts
that both the paper and digital forms of the ANMB comply with
carriage requirement for Notices to Mariners within Regulation of the revised Chapter V of the Safety of Life at Sea
Convention, and the Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation)
Regulations, both of which, came into force 1 July 2002.

While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided

through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate, the user
needs to be aware of the risks to corruption of data. It is
important that the user should only use the data on suitable
equipment and that, other applications should not be running on
the users machine at the same time. Users should exercise their
professional judgement in the use of data, and also consult the
Mariners Handbook (NP100) for further details.
The user needs to be aware that there is a possibility that data
could be corrupted during transmission, or in the process of
display or printing on the users equipment, or if converted to
other software formats, and is accordingly advised that the UKHO
cannot accept responsibility for any such change, or any
modifications or unauthorised changes, made by licensees, or
other parties.

Weekly Notices are dated for the Thursday appropriate to the
week they are issued and include notices up to the preceding
Saturday, the date of printing.

Charts and Positions

The notices in Section II give instructions for the updating of
standard navigational charts and selected thematic charts in the
Admiralty series. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal
datum of the current edition of each affected chart which is
stated in the notice alongside the appropriate chart number.

Positions are normally given in degrees, minutes and decimals of

a minute, but may occasionally quote seconds for convenience
when plotting from the graduation of some older-style charts.

Where Small Craft Products are referred to different horizontal

datums than the standard navigational charts for that

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geographical area, positions in the notices cannot be plotted

directly on the Small Craft products.

Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000to 359; those

relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are
those shown on chart 5011.

Depths and heights are given in metres or fathoms and/or feet as

appropriate for the chart being updated (abbreviated where
necessary to m, fm and ft respectively).

Blocks and notes accompanying notices in Section II are placed

towards the end of the section.

Temporary and Preliminary Notices

These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number. They
are printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be
cut up and filed and are placed at the end of Section II. To
assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice number
and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from
these notices is not included on charts before issue; charts
should be updated in pencil on receipt.

Original Information
A star adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the
notice is based on original information.

Further guidance
The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) gives a fuller explanation of
the limitations of charts. Annual Notice 9 gives the UKHO policy
for the promulgation and selection of safety-critical
information for charts. Details of chart updating methods can be
found in NP294, How to correct your charts the Admiralty
way, published October 1997. All users are advised to study
these publications.

When a light is affected by a notice its Light List number is
quoted. The detailed amendment to the List of Lights is given in
Section V and may be published in an earlier edition than the
chart-updating notice. The entire entry for each light amended
will be printed (including minor changes) and an asterisk (*)
will denote which column contains a significant amendment. In
the case of a new light, an asterisk (*) will appear under all
columns. New and extensively altered entries are intended to be
pasted in. It is recommended that a manuscript entry is made for
all shorter corrections.

It is emphasised that the List of Lights is the primary source

of information on lights and that many alterations,especially

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those of a temporary but operational nature, are promulgated

only as corrections to the List of Lights.The range of a light
is normally the nominal range, except when the responsible
authority quotes luminous or geographical range.

Radio Signals
When a chart-updating notice is issued for information that is
also included within Admiralty List of Radio Signals, the
appropriate volume reference number is quoted, followed in
parentheses by the number of the Weekly Edition containing (in
Section VI) the corresponding amendment to the service
details.The amendments in Section VI should be cut out and
pasted into the appropriate volumes.

Sailing Directions
Amendments to Sailing Directions are given in Section IV. Those
in force at the end of the year are reprinted in the Annual
Summary of Notices to Mariners. A list of amendments in force is
published in Section IV of the Weekly Edition for the last week
of each month.It is recommended that amendments are kept in a
file with the latest list of amendments in force on top. The
list should then be consulted when using the parent book to see
if any amendments, affecting the area under consideration, are
in force. It is not recommended that amendments be stuck in the
parent book or current supplement,but, if this is done, when a
new supplement is received care must be taken to retain those
amendments issued after the date of the new supplement, which
may be several months before its receipt on board.

Radio Navigational Warnings

See Note at the start of Section III.


The Notice to Mariners is published by the National Geospatial-

Intelligence Agency (NGA), under the authority of Department of
Defense Directive 5105.40, to advise mariners of important
matters affecting navigational safety, including new
hydrographic discoveries, changes in channels and navigational
aids, etc. (U.S. Code Title 10, Sec. 442 and Title 44, Sec.1336
refer). Nothing in the arrangement of information implies
endorsement or acceptance by NGA in matters affecting the status
and boundaries of States and territories. The Notice to Mariners
presents corrective information affecting charts, NGA
Hydrographic Products Catalog, Coast Pilots, Sailing Directions,
Fleet Guides, USCG Light Lists, NGA List of Lights, Radio

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Navigational Aids and other products produced by the National

Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, National Ocean Service and U.S.
Coast Guard.
Information for the Notice to Mariners is contributed by the
following Agencies: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
(NGA) (Department of Defense) for waters outside the territorial
limits of the United States; National Ocean Service
(NOS)(Department of Commerce), which is charged with the surveys
and charting of the coasts and harbors of the United States and
its territories; the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) (Department of
Homeland Security), which is responsible for the safety of life
at sea and the establishment and operation of aids to
navigation; and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Department of
Defense), which is charged with the improvement of rivers and
harbors of the United States. In addition, important
contributions are made by foreign hydrographic offices and
cooperating observers of all nationalities.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO


Aim at Tener en mira, tener como objetivo.

A matter of materia, asunto, cosa, cuestin
Agreed Convenido, acordado
Aware of Conscientes, alertas
Bareboat chartered Fletador, casco desnudo.
On behalves of
T T En nombre de
T T Encargar, confiar, encomendar.
T T Realzar, acentuar.
T T Facultar, dar derecho
T T Adelante, delante
Deal Negociar, contrato
Deal with Tener tratos, tratar con
Demmed Estimar, parecer
Ground Motivo, fundamento
Homing Ir hacia un blanco, ir hacia casa.
Prescribed Prescribir, dictar, formular
Insofar as A tal grado
Involve Implica
Enabling Permitir, facilitar
Hoses Manguera
Holding Sostener, mantener la opinin de..
Life span Periodo de vida
Linked Unirse enlazarse
Owing Deber
Pave the way for Allanar el camino
Panel of expert Grupo de expertos
Pig iron Mineral de hierro
Placarding Pegar carteles
Public concern Inters publico
Prescribed Prescribir, dictar, formular
Raised Levantar, promover.
Related Asociado, relacionado
Reluctance Resistencia, desgana.
Regarded estimar, respetar
Regardless of Sin preocuparse por
Safeguard Bastin, defensa
Shipborne Trasportado por un barco, creado con
ese propsito.
Sloshing Derramarse, salirse del recipiente.
Shortcoming Defecto, deficiencia.
Spate Abundante, chaparrn
State Declarar, aseverar, afirmar.
Strengthen Consolidar, fortalecer
Shift Cambiar
Task trabajo, labor

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Treaties Tratados
Undertakings Empresa, compromiso, tarea
Wheat Trigo
Withstand Resistir, aguantar, soportar

Introduction and history

The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally

regarded as the most important of all international treaties
concerning the safety of merchant ships. The first version was
adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic disaster, the second
in 1929, the third in 1948 and the fourth in 1960.
The 1960 Convention - which was adopted on 17 June 1960 and
entered into force on 26 May 1965 - was the first major task for
IMO after the Organization's creation and it represented a
considerable step forward in modernizing regulations and in
keeping pace with technical developments in the shipping

The intention was to keep the Convention up to date by periodic

amendments but in practice the amendments procedure incorporated
proved to be very slow. It became clear that it would be
impossible to secure the entry into force of amendments within a
reasonable period of time.
As a result, a completely new Convention was adopted in 1974
which included not only the amendments agreed up until that date
but a new amendment procedure - the tacit acceptance procedure -
designed to ensure that changes could be made within a specified
(and acceptably short) period of time.

Instead of requiring that an amendment shall enter into force

after being accepted by, for example, two thirds of the Parties,
the tacit acceptance procedure provides that an amendment shall
enter into force on a specified date unless, before that date,
objections to the amendment are received from an agreed number
of Parties.

As a result the 1974 Convention has been updated and amended on

numerous occasions. The Convention in force today is sometimes
referred to as SOLAS, 1974, as amended.

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Amendment procedure
Article VIII of the SOLAS 1974 Convention states that amendments
can be made either:
After consideration within IMO

Amendments proposed by a Contracting Government are circulated

at least six months before consideration by the Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC) - which may refer discussions to one or more IMO
Sub-Committees - and amendments are adopted by a two-thirds
majority of Contracting Governments present and voting in the
MSC. Contracting Governments of SOLAS, whether or not Members of
IMO are entitled to participate in the consideration of
amendments in the so-called "expanded MSC".

Amendments by a Conference
A Conference of Contracting Governments is called when a
Contracting Government requests the holding of a Conference and
at least one-third of Contracting Governments agree to hold the
Conference. Amendments are adopted by a two-thirds majority of
Contracting Governments present and voting.
In the case of both a Conference and the expanded MSC,
amendments (other than to Chapter I) are deemed to have been
accepted at the end of a set period of time following
communication of the adopted amendments to Contracting
Governments, unless a specified number of Contracting
Governments object. The length of time from communication of
amendments to deemed acceptance is set at two years unless
another period of time - which must not be less than one year -
is determined by two-thirds of Contracting Governments at the
time of adoption.
Amendments to Chapter I are deemed accepted after positive
acceptance by two-thirds of Contracting Governments.
Amendments enter into force six months after their deemed

The minimum length of time from circulation of proposed

amendments through entry into force is 24 months - circulation:
six months, adoption to deemed acceptance date: 12 months
minimum; deemed acceptance to entry into force: six months.

However, a resolution adopted in 1994 makes provision for an

accelerated amendment procedure to be used in exceptional
circumstances - allowing for the length of time from

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communication of amendments to deemed acceptance to be cut to

six months in exceptional circumstances and when this is decided
by a Conference. In practice to date, the expanded MSC has
adopted most amendments to SOLAS, while Conferences have been
held on several occasions - notably to adopt whole new Chapters
to SOLAS or to adopt amendments proposed in response to a
specific incident.
Technical provisions
The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is to specify minimum
standards for the construction, equipment and operation of
ships, compatible with their safety. Flag States are responsible
for ensuring that ships under their flag comply with its
requirements, and a number of certificates are prescribed in the
Convention as proof that this has been done. Control provisions
also allow Contracting Governments to inspect ships of other
Contracting States if there are clear grounds for believing that
the ship and its equipment do not substantially comply with the
requirements of the Convention - this procedure is known as port
State control. The current SOLAS Convention includes Articles
setting out general obligations, amendment procedure and so on,
followed by an Annex divided into 12 Chapters.

Chapter I - General Provisions

Includes regulations concerning the survey of the various types

of ships and the issuing of documents signifying that the ship
meets the requirements of the Convention. The Chapter also
includes provisions for the control of ships in ports of other
Contracting Governments.

Chapter II-1 - Construction - Subdivision and stability,

machinery and electrical installations

The subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments

must be such that after assumed damage to the ship's hull the
vessel will remain afloat and stable. Requirements for
watertight integrity and bilge pumping arrangements for
passenger ships are also laid down as well as stability
requirements for both passenger and cargo ships.

The degree of subdivision - measured by the maximum permissible

distance between two adjacent bulkheads - varies with ship's
length and the service in which it is engaged. The highest
degree of subdivision applies to passenger ships.

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Requirements covering machinery and electrical installations are

designed to ensure that services which are essential for the
safety of the ship, passengers and crew are maintained under
various emergency conditions. The steering gear requirements of
this Chapter are particularly important.

Chapter II-2 - Fire protection, fire detection and fire


Includes detailed fire safety provisions for all ships and

specific measures for passenger ships, cargo ships and tankers.

They include the following principles: division of the ship into

main and vertical zones by thermal and structural boundaries;
separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the
ship by thermal and structural boundaries; restricted use of
combustible materials; detection of any fire in the zone of
origin; containment and extinction of any fire in the space of
origin; protection of the means of escape or of access for fire-
fighting purposes; ready availability of fire-extinguishing
appliances; minimization of the possibility of ignition of
flammable cargo vapour.
A new revised chapter II-2 was adopted in December 2000,
entering into force on 1 July 2002.

Chapter III - Life-saving appliances and arrangements

A revised Chapter was adopted

in 1996 and entered into force
on 1 July 1998. The revisions
took into account changes in
technology since the Chapter
was last revised in 1983. Under
the 1996 revision, specific
technical requirements were
moved to a new International
Life-Saving Appliance (LSA)
Code, made mandatory under
Regulation 34, which states
that all life-saving appliances and arrangements shall comply
with the applicable requirements of the LSA Code.
The Chapter entered into force on 1 July 1998 and applies to all
ships built on or after 1 July 1998, with some new amendments to
the previous Chapter also applying to ships built before that

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The text of the 1996 Chapter takes into account technological

changes, such as the development of marine evacuation systems:
these systems involve the use of slides, similar to those
installed on aircraft. The 1996 revision of Chapter III also
reflects public concern over safety issues, raised by a series
of major accidents in the 1980s and 1990s. Many of the passenger
ship regulations have been made applicable to existing ships,
and extra regulations were introduced specifically for ro-ro
passenger ships.

Chapter IV Radiocomunications
The Chapter was completely revised in 1988 to incorporate
amendments to introduce the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS).
The amendments entered into force on 1 February 1992 with a
phase-in period to 1 February 1999. By that date the Morse Code
was phased out and all passenger ships and all cargo ships of
300 gross tonnage and upwards on international voyages are now
required to carry equipment designed to improve the chances of
rescue following an accident, including satellite emergency
position indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) and search and rescue
transponders (SARTs) for the location of the ship or survival
craft. Chapter IV of SOLAS was previously titled Radiotelegraphy
and radiotelephony, reflecting the forms of radio communication
available prior to the introduction of satellites.
Regulations in Chapter IV cover undertakings by contracting
governments to provide radiocommunciation services as well as
ship requirements for carriage of radiocommunications equipment.
The Chapter is closely linked to the Radio Regulations of the
International Telecommunication Union.

Chapter V - Safety of navigation

Chapter V identifies certain navigation safety services which

should be provided by Contracting Governments and sets forth
provisions of an operational nature applicable in general to all
ships on all voyages. This is in contrast to the Convention as a
whole, which only applies to certain classes of ship engaged on
international voyages.
The subjects covered include the maintenance of meteorological
services for ships; the ice patrol service; routeing of ships;
and the maintenance of search and rescue services.

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This Chapter also includes a general obligation for masters to

proceed to the assistance of those in distress and for
Contracting Governments to ensure that all ships shall be
sufficiently and efficiently manned from a safety point of view.

A new revised chapter V was adopted in December 2000, entering

into force on 1 July 2002. The new chapter makes mandatory the
carriage of voyage data recorders (VDRs) and automatic ship
identification systems (AIS) for certain ships.

Chapter VI - Carriage of Cargoes

The Chapter covers all types of cargo (except liquids and gases
in bulk) "which, owing to their particular hazards to ships or
persons on board, may require special precautions".
The regulations include requirements for stowage and securing of
cargo or cargo units (such as containers).
Before 1991, this Chapter only covered the carriage of grain -
which due to its inherent capability to shift can have
disastrous effects on a ship's stability if not stowed, trimmed
and secured properly. The current Chapter requires cargo ships
carrying grain to comply with the IMO International Grain Code.

Chapter VII - Carriage of dangerous goods

The regulations are contained in three parts:

Part A - Carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form or in

solid form or in bulk - includes provisions for the
classification, packing, marking, labelling and placarding,
documentation and stowage of dangerous goods. Contracting
Governments are required to issue instructions at the national
level and the Chapter refers to International Maritime Dangerous
Goods (IMDG) Code, developed by IMO, which is constantly updated
to accommodate new dangerous goods and to supplement or revise
existing provisions.
Part B Covers Construction and equipment of ships carrying
dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk and requires chemical tankers
built after 1 July 1986 to comply with the International Bulk
Chemical Code (IBC Code).
Part C covers Construction and equipment of ships carrying
liquefied gases in bulk and gas carriers constructed after 1
July 1986 to comply with the requirements of the International
Gas Carrier Code (IGC Code).

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Part D includes special requirements for the carriage of

packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level
radioactive wastes on board ships and requires ships carrying
such products to comply with the International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and
High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code).
From 1 January 2004, the chapter will require carriage of
dangerous goods to be in compliance with the relevant provisions
of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).
This is due to amendments adopted by IMO in 2002, which are
expected to enter into force on 1 January 2004.
The IMDG Code was first adopted by IMO in 1965 and has been kept
up to date by regular amendments, including those needed to keep
it in line with United Nations Recommendations on the Transport
of Dangerous Goods which sets the basic requirements for all the
transport modes
Chapter VIII - Nuclear ships
Gives basic requirements for nuclear-powered ships and is
particularly concerned with radiation hazards. It refers to
detailed and comprehensive Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant
Ships which was adopted by the IMO Assembly in 1981.

Chapter IX - Management for the Safe Operation of Ships

The Chapter makes mandatory the International Safety Management

(ISM) Code, which requires a safety management system to be
established by the shipowner or any person who has assumed
responsibility for the ship (the "Company").
The Chapter was adopted in May 1994 and entered into force on 1
July 1998.

Chapter X - Safety measures for high-speed craft

The Chapter makes mandatory the International Code of Safety for

High-Speed Craft (HSC Code), which applies to high-speed craft
built on or after 1 January 1996. The Chapter was adopted in May
1994 and entered into force on 1 January 1996.
A new HSC Code was adopted in December 2000 and it applies to
ships built on or after 1 July 2002.

Chapter XI - Special measures to enhance maritime safety

The Chapter was adopted in May 1994 and entered into force on 1

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January 1996. The Chapter clarifies requirements relating to

authorization of recognized organizations (responsible for
carrying out surveys and inspections on Administrations'
behalves); enhanced surveys; ship identification number scheme;
and port State control on operational requirements.

Chapter XII - Additional safety measures for bulk carriers

The Chapter was adopted in November 1997 and entered into force
on 1 July 1999. It includes structural requirements for new bulk
carriers over 150 metres in length built after 1 July 1999
carrying cargoes with a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above and
also includes specific structural requirements for existing bulk
carriers carrying cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and
above - these include cargoes such as iron ore, pig iron, steel,
bauxite and cement. Cargoes with a density above 1,000 kg/m3 but
below 1,780 kg/m3 include grains, such as wheat and rice, and

The Protocol of 1978

Adoption: 17 February 1978
Entry into force: 1 May 1981

The 1978 Protocol was adopted at the International Conference on

Tanker Safety and Pollution Prevention, which was convened in
response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-1977.
The conference adopted measures affecting tanker design and
operation, which were incorporated into both the SOLAS Protocol
of 1978 as well as the Protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships (1978 MARPOL Protocol).

The 1978 SOLAS Protocol made a number of important changes to

Chapter I, including the introduction of unscheduled inspections
and/or mandatory annual surveys and the strengthening of port
State control requirements. Chapter II-1, Chapter II-2 and
Chapter V were also improved.
The main amendments included the following:
New crude oil carriers and product carriers of 20,000 dwt and
above are required to be fitted with an inert gas system.

An inert gas system became mandatory for existing crude oil

carriers of 70,000 dwt and above by 1 May 1983, and by 1 May
1985 for ships of 20,000-70,000 dwt.

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In the case of crude oil carriers of 20-40,000 dwt there is

provision for exemption by flag States where it is considered
unreasonable or impracticable to fit an inert gas system and
high-capacity fixed washing machines are not used. But an inert
gas system is always required when crude oil washing is

An inert gas system was required on existing product carriers

from 1 May 1983 and by 1 May 1985 for ships of 40-70,000 dwt and
down to 20,000 dwt which are fitted with high capacity washing

In addition to requiring that all ships of 1,600 grt and above

shall be fitted with radar, the Protocol requires that all ships
of 10,000 grt and above have two radars, each capable of being
operated independently.
All tankers of 10,000 grt and above shall have two remote
steering gear control systems, each operable separately from the
navigating bridge.

The main steering gear of new tankers of 10,000 grt and above
shall comprise two or more identical power units, and shall be
capable of operating the rudder with one or more power units.

The 1981 amendments

Adoption: 20 November 1981

Entry into force: 1 September 1984

Chapters II-1 and II-2 were re-written and updated.

In Chapter II-1, the provisions of resolution A.325(IX)

Recommendation concerning regulations for machinery and
electrical installations in passenger and cargo ships (adopted
in November 1975) were incorporated and made mandatory. Changes
to regulations 29 and 30 on steering gear introduced the concept
of duplication of steering gear control systems in tankers.
These measures were agreed taking into account concerns
following the 1978 Amoco Cadiz disaster and relevant provisions
in the 1978 SOLAS Protocol.
Chapter II-2 was re-arranged to take into account strengthened
fire safety requirements for cargo ships and passenger ships.

The revised Chapter II-2 incorporated the requirements of

resolution A.327(IX) Recommendation concerning fire safety

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requirements for cargo ships, which includes 21 regulations

based on the principles of: separation of accommodation spaces
from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural
boundaries; protection of means of escape; early detection,
containment or extinction of any fire; and restricted use of
combustible materials. Other amendments to Chapter II-2 related
to provisions for halogenated hydrocarbon extinguishing systems,
special requirements for ships carrying dangerous goods, and a
new regulation 62 on inert gas systems.

Some important changes were also made to Chapter V, including

the addition of new requirements concerning the carriage of
shipborne navigational equipment, covering such matters as gyro
and magnetic compasses; the mandatory carriage of two radars and
of automatic radar plotting aids in ships of 10,000 grt and
above; echo-sounders; devices to indicate speed and distance;
rudder angle indicators; propeller revolution indicators; rate
of turn indicators; radio-direction finding apparatus; and
equipment for homing on the radiotelephone distress frequency.

In addition, a few minor changes were made to Chapter III; seven

regulations in Chapter IV were replaced, amended or added and a
number of small changes were made to Chapter VII.

The 1983 amendments

Adoption: 17 June 1983

Entry into force: 1 July 1986

The most extensive changes involved Chapter III, which was
completely rewritten. The Chapter in the 1974 Convention
differed little from the texts which appeared in the 1960 and
1948 SOLAS Conventions and the amendments were designed not only
to take into account the many technical advances which had taken
place since then but also to expedite the evaluation and
introduction of further improvements.

There were also a few minor changes to Chapter II-1 and some
further changes to Chapter II-2 (including improvements to the
1981 amendments) designed particularly to increase the safety of
bulk carriers and passenger ships. Some small changes were made
to Chapter IV.

Amendments to Chapter VII extended its application to chemical

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tankers and liquefied gas carriers by making reference to two

new Codes, the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC
Code) and the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code).
Both apply to ships built on or after 1 July 1986.

The 1988 (April) amendments

Adoption: 21 April 1988

Entry into force: 22 October 1989

In March 1987 the car ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsized

shortly after leaving Zeebrugge in Belgium and sank with the
loss of 193 lives. The United Kingdom proposed a series of
measures designed to prevent a recurrence, the first package of
which was adopted in April 1988.

They included new regulations 23-2 and 42-1 of Chapter II-1

intended to improve monitoring of doors and cargo areas and to
improve emergency lighting. Because of the urgency, the Maritime
Safety Committee agreed the amendments should come into force
only 18 months after their adoption, using the "tacit
acceptance" procedure.

The 1988 (October) amendments

Adoption: 28 October 1988

Entry into force: 29 April 1990

Some of these amendments also resulted from the Herald of Free

Enterprise disaster and included details of how stability of
passenger ships in a damaged condition should be determined and
a requirement for all cargo loading doors to be locked before a
ship leaves the berth.
The amendments also made it compulsory for passenger ships to
have a lightweight survey at least every five years to ensure
their stability has not been adversely affected by the

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accumulation of extra weight or any alterations to the


Other amendments concerning the stability of passenger ships in

the damaged condition were also adopted. These regulations had
been in preparation before the Herald of Free Enterprise
incident and their adoption was brought forward.

The 1988 Protocol (HSSC)

Adoption: 11 November 1988

Entry into force: 3 February 2000

The Protocol introduces a new harmonized system of surveys and

certification (HSSC) to harmonize with two other Conventions,
Load Lines and MARPOL 73/78. The aim is to alleviate problems
caused by the fact that as requirements in the three instruments
vary, ships may be obliged to go into dry-dock for a survey
required by one convention shortly after being surveyed in
connection with another.
By enabling the required surveys to be carried out at the same
time, the system is intended to reduce costs for shipowners and
administrations alike.
The 1988 (GMDSS) amendments

Adoption: 11 November 1988

Entry into force: 1 February 1992

IMO had begun work on the Global Maritime Distress and Safety
System (GMDSS) in the 1970s and its introduction marked the
biggest change to maritime communications since the invention of

The amendments which replaced the existing Chapter IV phased in

the introduction of the GMDSS in stages between 1993 and 1
February 1999. The basic concept of the system is that search
and rescue authorities ashore, as well as ships in the vicinity,
will be rapidly alerted in the event of an emergency.

The GMDSS makes great use of the satellite communications

provided by Inmarsat but also uses terrestrial radio.

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The equipment required by ships varies according to the sea area

in which they operate - ships travelling to the high seas must
carry more communications equipment than those which remain
within reach of specified shore-based radio facilities. In
addition to distress communications, the GMDSS also provides for
the dissemination of general maritime safety information (such
as navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent
information to ships).

The 1989 amendments

Adoption: 11 April 1989
Entry into force: 1 February 1992
The main changes concern Chapter II-1 and II-2 of the Convention
and deal with ships' construction and with fire protection,
detection and extinction.
In Chapter II-1, one of the most important amendments is
designed to reduce the number and size of openings in watertight
bulkheads in passenger ships and to ensure that they are closed
in the event of an emergency.
In Chapter II-2, improvements were made to regulations
concerning fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems, smoke detection
systems, arrangements for fuel and other oils, the location and
separation of spaces and several other regulations.
The International Gas Carrier Code - which is mandatory under
SOLAS - was also amended.
The 1990 amendments
Adoption: May 1990
Entry into force: 1 February 1992
Important changes were made to the way in which the subdivision
and stability of dry cargo ships is determined. They apply to
ships of 100 metres or more in length built on or after 1
February 1992.

The amendments introduced a new part B-1 of Chapter II-1

containing subdivision and damage stability requirements for
cargo ships based upon the so-called "probabilistic" concept of
survival, which was originally developed through study of data
relating to collisions collected by IMO.
This showed a pattern in accidents which could be used in
improving the design of ships: most damage, for example, is
sustained in the forward part of ships and it seemed logical,

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therefore, to improve the standard of subdivision there rather

than towards the stern. Because it is based on statistical
evidence as to what actually happens when ships collide, the
probabilistic concept provides a far more realistic scenario
than the earlier "deterministic" method, whose principles
regarding the subdivision of passenger ships are theoretical
rather than practical in concept.

Amendments were also made to the International Code for the

Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk (IBC Code) and the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (IGC Code).

The 1991 amendments

Adoption: 24 May 1991
Entry into force: 1 January 1994
Chapter VI (Carriage of grain) was completely revised to extend
it to include other cargoes and it was retitled Carriage of
cargoes. The text is shorter, but the Chapter is backed up by
two new Codes. The International Grain Code is mandatory while
the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing is
recommended. The Chapter also refers to the Code of Safe
Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck Cargoes and the Code of
Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes. In Chapter II-2, fire
safety requirements for passenger ships were improved and other
changes were made to Chapter III and Chapter V.

The April 1992 amendments

Adoption: 10 April 1992
Entry into force: 1 October 1994

New standards concerning the stability of existing ro-ro

passenger ships after damage were included in amendments to
Chapter II-1. They were based on measures to improve the damage
stability of new ro-ro passenger ships which came into force on
29 April 1990 but were slightly modified. The measures are
phased in over an 11-year period beginning 1 October 1994.

A number of other amendments to SOLAS were adopted, including

improved fire safety measures for existing passenger ships
carrying more than 36 passengers, including mandatory

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requirements for smoke detection and alarm and sprinkler systems

in accommodation and service spaces, stairway enclosures and
corridors. Other improvements involved the provision of
emergency lighting, general emergency alarm systems and other
means of communication.

Some of these measures became applicable for existing ships on 1

October 1994. Those dealing with smoke detection and alarm
systems and sprinklers applied from 1 October 1997. Requirements
concerning stairways of steel-frame construction, for fire-
extinguishing systems in machinery spaces and for fire doors are
mandatory from 1 October 2000.
The April 1992 amendments are particularly important because
they apply to existing ships. In the past, major changes to
SOLAS had been restricted to new ships by so-called "grandfather
clauses". The reason for this is that major changes involve
expensive modifications to most ships, and there had previously
been a reluctance to make such measures retroactive.

The December 1992 amendments

Adoption: 11 December 1992
Entry into force: 1 October 1994
The most important amendments were concerned with the fire
safety of new passenger ships. They made it mandatory for new
ships (i.e. those built after 1 October 1994) carrying more than
36 passengers to be fitted with automatic sprinklers and a fire
detection and alarm system centralized in a continuously-manned
remote control station. Controls for the remote closing of fire
doors and shutting down of ventilation fans must be located at
the same place.
New standards for the fire integrity of bulkheads and decks were
introduced and improvements made to standards for corridors and
stairways used as a means of escape in case of fire. Emergency
lighting which can be used by passengers to identify escape
routes is required.
Other amendments affect the fire safety of ships carrying 36
passengers or less and also oil tanker fire safety.
Three Codes were also amended. Amendments to the International
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) and the International
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) entered into force on 1 July
1994 and affect ships built after that date.

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Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of

Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) entered
into force on 1 July 1994. The Code is voluntary and applies to
existing ships.
The May 1994 amendments (Conference)
Adoption: 24 May 1994
Entry into force: 1 January 1996 (Chapters X, XI) 1 July 1998
(Chapter IX)
The Conference adopted three new SOLAS Chapters as well as a
resolution on an accelerated amendment procedure.
Accelerated amendment procedure
The Conference adopted a resolution on an accelerated amendment
procedure to be used in exceptional circumstances. It states
that a Conference of Contracting Governments can reduce the
period after which an amendment to the technical Chapters of the
Convention (which excludes the articles and Chapter I) is deemed
to have been accepted from 12 months to six months, in
exceptional circumstances.
Article VIII of SOLAS deals with the procedures for amending the
Convention. The existing text says that proposed amendments have
to be circulated to Governments at least six months prior to
adoption and cannot enter into force until at least 18 months
after adoption. This makes a total of 24 months, from
circulation (six months), through adoption, to deemed acceptance
date (12 months after adoption), to entry into force (six months
after deemed acceptance date).
The resolution adopted by the conference states that the
circulation period will remain at six months as will the period
between the date on which the amendment is deemed to have been
accepted and the date of entry into force. But the period
between adoption and deemed acceptance date can be reduced to
six months from 12. The total period between circulation of an
amendment and its entry into force could thus be reduced from 24
months to 18 - in exceptional circumstances.

Chapter IX: Management for the Safe Operation of Ships

This new Chapter to the Convention was designed to make
mandatory the International Safety Management Code, which was
adopted by IMO in November 1993 (Assembly resolution A.741(18)).

The amendments introducing the new Chapter IX entered into force

under tacit acceptance on 1 July 1998. The Chapter applies to
passenger ships and tankers from that date and to cargo ships

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and mobile drilling units of 500 gross tonnage and above from 1
July 2002.
The Code establishes safety management objectives which are:
- to provide for safe practices in ship operation and a safe
working environment;
- to establish safeguards against all identified risks;

- to continuously improve safety management skills of personnel,

including preparing for emergencies.
The Code requires a safety management system (SMS) to be
established by "the Company", which is defined as the shipowner
or any person, such as the manager or bareboat charterer, who
has assumed responsibility for operating the ship.

The company is then required to establish and implement a policy

for achieving these objectives. This includes providing the
necessary resources and shore-based support. Every company is
expected "to designate a person or persons ashore having direct
access to the highest level of management".
The procedures required by the ISM Code should be documented and
compiled in a Safety Management Manual, a copy of which should
be kept on board.
Chapter X: Safety Measures for High Speed Craft

The new Chapter makes mandatory the International Code of Safety

for High-Speed Craft, which was adopted by the Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC) held concurrently with the Conference.
The Chapter entered into force under tacit acceptance on 1
January 1996 and applies to high-speed craft built on or after
that date.

Chapter XI: Special Measures to Enhance Safety:

The new Chapter entered into force under tacit acceptance on 1

January 1996.
Regulation 1 states that organizations entrusted by an
Administration with the responsibility for carrying out surveys
and inspections shall comply with the guidelines adopted by IMO
in resolution A.739(18) in November 1993.
Regulation 2 extends to bulk carriers aged five years and above,
the enhanced programme of surveys applicable to tankers under
MARPOL 73/78. The enhanced surveys should be carried out during

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the periodical, annual and intermediate surveys prescribed by

the MARPOL and SOLAS Conventions.
The related guidelines on enhanced surveys pay special attention
to corrosion. Coatings and tank corrosion prevention systems
must be thoroughly checked and measurements must also be carried
out to check the thickness of plates.
Regulation 3 provides that all passenger ships of 100 gross
tonnage and above and all cargo ships of 300 gross tonnage and
above shall be provided with an identification number conforming
to the IMO ship identification number scheme, as adopted by
resolution A.600(15) in 1987.

Regulation 4 makes it possible for port State control officers

inspecting foreign ships to check operational requirements "when
there are clear grounds for believing that the master or crew
are not familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to
the safety of ships"
.Reference is made to resolution A.742(18), adopted in November
1993. The resolution acknowledges the need for port States to be
able to monitor not only the way in which foreign ships comply
with IMO standards but also to be able to assess "the ability of
ships' crews in respect of operational requirements relevant to
their duties, especially with regard to passenger ships and
ships which may present a special hazard"

The "clear grounds" referred to are defined in the annex to the

resolution. They include such factors as operational
shortcomings, cargo operations not being conducted properly, the
involvement of the ship in incidents caused by operational
mistakes, absence of an up-to-date muster list and indications
that crew members may not be able to communicate with each

Port State control inspections are normally limited to checking

certificates and documents. But if certificates are not valid or
if there are clear grounds for believing that the condition of
the ship or of its equipment, or its crew, does not
substantially meet the requirements of a relevant instrument, a
more detailed inspection may be carried out.
The operations and procedures selected for special attention
include ascertaining that crew members are aware of their duties
as indicated in the muster list; communications; fire and
abandon ship drills; familiarity with the ship's damage control
and fire control plans; bridge, cargo and machinery operations;
and ability to understand manuals and other instructions.

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The May 1994 amendments (MSC)

Adoption: 25 May 1994
Entry into force: 1 January 1996
Three new regulations were added to Chapter V

.Regulation 15.1 requires all tankers of 20,000 dwt and above

built after 1 January 1996 to be fitted with an emergency towing
arrangement to be fitted at both ends of the ship. Tankers built
before that date had to be fitted with a similar arrangement not
later than 1 January 1999.
Regulation 22 is aimed at improving navigation bridge

Regulation 8.1 makes mandatory the use of ship reporting systems

approved by IMO. General principles for ship reporting systems
were previously adopted by IMO in 1989 as a recommendation. The
systems are used to provide, gather or exchange information
through radio reports.
The regulation makes it mandatory for ships entering areas
covered by ship reporting systems to report in to the coastal
authorities giving details of sailing plans.
In Chapter II-2 improvements were made to regulation 15, which
deals with fire protection arrangements for fuel oil,
lubrication oil and other flammable oils.
Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
and the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gases (Gas Carrier Code) relate to the
filling limits for cargo tanks.
The December 1994 amendments
Adoption: 9 December 1994
Entry into force: 1 July 1996
In Chapter VI (Carriage of Cargoes), the Code of Safe Practice
for Cargo Stowage and Securing is made mandatory. The Code was
adopted as a recommendation in 1991. The amendments make it
mandatory to provide the cargo information required by the Code
and for cargo units, including containers, to be loaded, stowed
and secured in accordance with a manual that must be at least
equivalent to the Code.
The Code is also made mandatory under Chapter VII (Carriage of
dangerous goods).

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

The May 1995 amendments

Adoption: 16 May 1995
Entry into force: 1 January 1997

Regulation 8 of Chapter V was amended to make ships' routeing

systems compulsory. Governments are responsible for submitting
proposals for ships' routeing systems to IMO in accordance with
amendments to the General Provisions on Ships' Routeing, which
were adopted at the same time.

The November 1995 amendments (Conference)

Adopted: 29 November 1995
Entry into force: 1 July 1997
The conference adopted a
series of amendments to
SOLAS, based on proposals put
forward by the Panel of
Experts on the safety of roll
on-roll off passenger ships
which was established in
December 1994 following the
sinking of the ferry Estonia.

The most important changes

relate to the stability of ro-ro passenger ships in Chapter II-

The SOLAS 90 damage stability standard, which had applied to all

ro-ro passenger ships built since 1990, was extended to existing
ships in accordance with an agreed phase-in programme. Ships
that only meet 85% of the standard had to comply fully by 1
October 1998 and those meeting 97.5% or above, by 1 October
2005. (The SOLAS 90 standard refers to the damage stability
standard in the 1988 (October) amendments to SOLAS adopted 28
October 1988 and entering into force on 29 April 1990.)
The conference also adopted a new regulation 8-2, containing
special requirements for ro-ro passenger ships carrying 400
passengers or more. This is intended to phase out ships built to
a one-compartment standard and ensure that they can survive
without capsizing with two main compartments flooded following

Amendments to other Chapters in the SOLAS Convention included

changes to Chapter III, which deals with life saving appliances

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and arrangements, including the addition of a section requiring

ro-ro passenger ships to be fitted with public address systems,
a regulation providing improved requirements for life-saving
appliances and arrangements and a requirement for all passenger
ships to have full information on the details of passengers on
board and requirements for the provision of a helicopter pick-up
or landing area.
Other amendments were made to Chapter IV (radiocommunications);
Chapter V (safety of navigation) - including a requirement that
all ro-ro passenger ships should have an established working
language - and Chapter VI (carriage of cargoes).

The conference also adopted a resolution which permits regional

arrangements to be made on special safety requirements for ro-ro
passenger ships.
The June 1996 amendments
Adoption: 4 June 1996
Entry into force: 1 July 1998
A completely revised Chapter III on life-saving appliances and
arrangements was adopted. The amendments take into account
changes in technology since the Chapter was last re-written in

Many of the technical requirements were transferred to a new

International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code, applicable to
all ships built on or after 1 July 1998. Some of the amendments
apply to existing ships as well as new ones.
Other SOLAS Chapters were also amended.

In Chapter II-1, a new part A-1 dealing with the structure of

ships was added. Regulation 3-1 requires ships to be designed,
constructed and maintained in compliance with structural
requirements of a recognized classification society or with
applicable requirements by the Administration. Regulation 3-2
deals with corrosion prevention of seawater ballast tanks and
other amendments to Chapter II-1 concern the stability of
passenger and cargo ships in the damaged condition.

In Chapter VI, Regulation 7 was replaced by a new text dealing

with the loading, unloading and stowage of bulk cargoes. It is
intended to ensure that no excessive stress is placed on the
ship's structure during such operations. The ship must be
provided with a booklet giving advice on cargo handling
operations and the master and terminal representative must agree
on a plan to ensure that loading and unloading is carried out

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In Chapter XI, an amendment was made regarding authorization of

recognized organizations.
The International Bulk Chemicals (IBC) and Bulk Chemicals (BCH)
Codes were also amended. The IBC Code is mandatory under SOLAS
and applies to ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk that
were built after 1 July 1986. The BCH is recommended and applies
to ships built before that date.

The December 1996 amendments

Adoption: 6 December 1996
Entry into force: 1 July 1998
Chapter II-2 was considerably modified, with changes to the
general introduction, Part B (fire safety measures for passenger
ships), Part C (fire safety measures for cargo ships) and Part D
(fire safety measures for tankers). The changes made mandatory a
new International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures
intended to be used by Administrations when approving products
for installation in ships flying their flag.

Amendments to Chapter II-1 included a requirement for ships to

be fitted with a system to ensure that the equipment necessary
for propulsion and steering are maintained or immediately
restored in the case of loss of any one of the generators in

An amendment to Chapter V aims to ensure that the crew can gain

safe access to the ship's bow, even in severe weather
conditions. Amendments were also made to two regulations in
Chapter VII relating to carriage of dangerous goods and the IBC
Code was also amended.

The June 1997 amendments

Adoption: 4 June 1997
Entry into force: 1 July 1999 (Under tacit acceptance)

The amendments included a new Regulation 8.2 on Vessel Traffic

Services (VTS) in Chapter V. VTS are traffic management systems,
for example those used in busy straits. This Regulation sets out
when VTS can be implemented. It says Vessel Traffic Services
should be designed to contribute to the safety of life at sea,
safety and efficiency of navigation and the protection of the

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marine environment, adjacent shore areas, worksites and offshore

installations from possible adverse effects of maritime traffic.

Governments may establish VTS when, in their opinion, the volume

of traffic or the degree of risk justifies such services. But no
VTS should prejudice the "rights and duties of governments under
international law" and a VTS may only be made mandatory in sea
areas within a State's territorial waters.
In Chapter II-1, a new regulation 8.3 on "Special requirements
for passenger ships, other than ro-ro passenger ships, carrying
400 persons or more" effectively makes these ships comply with
the special requirements for ro-ro passenger ships in Regulation
8.2 which were adopted in November 1995. The special
requirements are aimed at ensuring the ships can survive without
capsizing with two main compartments flooded following damage.

The November 1997 amendments (Conference)

Adoption: 27 November 1997
Entry into force: 1 July 1999
The Conference adopted a Protocol adding a new Chapter XII to
the Convention entitled Additional Safety Measures for Bulk

The regulations state that all new bulk carriers 150 metres or
more in length (built after 1 July 1999) carrying cargoes with a
density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above should have sufficient strength
to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold, taking into account
dynamic effects resulting from presence of water in the hold and
taking into account the recommendations adopted by IMO.
For existing ships (built before 1 July 1999) carrying bulk
cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, the transverse
watertight bulkhead between the two foremost cargo holds and the
double bottom of the foremost cargo hold should have sufficient
strength to withstand flooding and the related dynamic effects
in the foremost cargo hold.

Cargoes with a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above (heavy cargoes)

include iron ore, pig iron, steel, bauxite and cement. Lighter
cargoes, but with a density of more than 1,000 kg/m3, include
grains such as wheat and rice, and timber.

The amendments take into account a study into bulk carrier

survivability carried out by the International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS) at the request of IMO. IACS
found that if a ship is flooded in the forward hold, the

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bulkhead between the two foremost holds may not be able to

withstand the pressure that results from the sloshing mixture of
cargo and water, especially if the ship is loaded in alternate
holds with high density cargoes (such as iron ore). If the
bulkhead between one hold and the next collapses, progressive
flooding could rapidly occur throughout the length of the ship
and the vessel would sink in a matter of minutes.

IACS concluded that the most vulnerable areas are the bulkhead
between numbers one and two holds at the forward end of the
vessel and the double bottom of the ship at this location.
During special surveys of ships, particular attention should be
paid to these areas and, where necessary, reinforcements should
be carried out.
The criteria and formulae used to assess whether a ship
currently meets the new requirements, for example in terms of
the thickness of the steel used for bulkhead structures, or
whether reinforcement is necessary, are laid out in IMO
standards adopted by the 1997 Conference.
Under Chapter XII, surveyors can take into account restrictions
on the cargo carried in considering the need for, and the extent
of, strengthening of the transverse watertight bulkhead or
double bottom. When restrictions on cargoes are imposed, the
bulk carrier should be permanently marked with a solid triangle
on its side shell. The date of application of the new Chapter to
existing bulk carriers depends on their age. Bulk carriers which
are 20 years old and over on 1 July 1999 have to comply by the
date of the first intermediate or periodic survey after that
date, whichever is sooner. Bulk carriers aged 15-20 years must
comply by the first periodical survey after 1 July 1999, but not
later than 1 July 2002. Bulk carriers less than 15 years old
must comply by the date of the first periodical survey after the
ship reaches 15 years of age, but not later than the date on
which the ship reaches 17 years of age.
The May 1998 amendments
Adoption: 18 May 1998
Entry into force: 1 July 2002 (Under tacit acceptance)
Amendments were made to regulation 14 on Construction and
initial testing of watertight bulkheads, etc., in passenger
ships and cargo ships in Chapter II-1. Paragraph 3 is replaced
to allow visual examination of welded connections, where filling
with water or a hose test are not practicable.

In Chapter IV, the amendments included:

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A new regulation 5-1 requiring Contracting Governments to ensure

suitable arrangements are in place for registering Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) identities
(including ship's call sign, Inmarsat identities) and making the
information available 24 hours a day to Rescue Co-ordination
A new paragraph 9 to regulation 15 Maintenance requirements
covering testing intervals for satellite emergency position
indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs);
A new regulation 18 on Position updating requiring automatic
provision of information regarding the ship's position where
two-way communication equipment is capable of providing
automatically the ship's position in the distress alert.

Amendments in Chapter VI to paragraph 6 of regulation 5 Stowage

and securing make it clear that "all cargoes, other than solid
and liquid bulk cargoes" should be loaded, stowed and secured in
accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual. A similar amendment
was adopted for Regulation 6 of Chapter VII, also covering
Stowage and securing.
The May 1999 amendments
Adoption: 27 May 1999
Entry into force: 1 January 2001 (Under tacit acceptance)

Amendments to Chapter VII make the International Code for the

Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and
High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code)

The INF Code sets out how the material covered by the Code
should be carried, including specifications for ships. The
material covered by the code includes:

- Irradiated nuclear fuel - material containing uranium, thorium

and/or plutonium isotopes which has been used to maintain a
self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction.
- Plutonium - the resultant mixture of isotopes of that material
extracted from irradiated nuclear fuel from reprocessing

- High-level radioactive wastes - liquid wastes resulting from

the operation of the first stage extraction system or the
concentrated wastes from subsequent extraction stages, in a
facility for reprocessing irradiated fuel, or solids into which
such liquid wastes have been converted.

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The INF Code applies to all ships regardless of the date of

construction and size, including cargo ships of less than 500
gross tonnage, engaged in the carriage of INF cargo. The INF
Code does not apply to warships, naval auxiliary or other ships
used only on government non-commercial service, although
Administrations are expected to ensure such ships are in
compliance with the Code.

Specific regulations in the Code cover a number of issues,

including: damage stability, fire protection, temperature
control of cargo spaces, structural consideration, cargo
securing arrangements, electrical supplies, radiological
protection equipment and management, training and shipboard
emergency plans.
Ships carrying INF cargo are assigned to one of three classes,
depending on the total radioactivity of INF cargo which is
carried on board, and regulations vary slightly according to the

Class INF 1 ship - Ships which are certified to carry INF cargo
with an aggregate activity less than 4,000 TBq (TeraBecquerel -
measurement of radioactivity).
Class INF 2 ship - Ships which are certified to carry irradiated
nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive wastes with an aggregate
activity less than 2 x 106 TBq and ships which are certified to
carry plutonium with an aggregate activity less than 2 x 105

Class INF 3 ship - Ships which are certified to carry irradiated

nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive wastes and ships which
are certified to carry plutonium with no restriction of the
maximum aggregate activity of the materials.
The INF Code was first adopted as a recommendatory Code by the
eighteenth session of the Assembly on 4 November 1993
(resolution A.748(18)). The twentieth session of the Assembly
adopted amendments to the INF Code to include specific
requirements for shipboard emergency plans and notification in
the event of an incident (resolution A.853(20), adopted on 27
November 1997).
The Maritime Safety Committee also adopted a redrafted text of
the INF Code incorporating amendments reflecting its mandatory

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The May 2000 amendment

Adoption: 26 May 2000
Entry into force: 1 January 2002 (Under tacit acceptance)
SOLAS Chapter III, regulation 28.2 for helicopter landing areas
is amended to require a helicopter landing area only for ro-ro
passenger ships. Regulation 28.1 of SOLAS Chapter III requires
all ro-ro passenger ships to be provided with a helicopter pick-
up area and existing ro-ro passenger ships were required to
comply with this regulation not later than the first periodical
survey after 1 July 1997.
The requirement for a helicopter landing area for all passenger
ships of 130 metres in length and upwards was deferred to 1 July
1999 but it was decided to amend the regulation to make this
requirement applicable to ro-ro passenger ships only.

The December 2000 amendments

Adoption: 6 December 2000
Entry into force: 1 July 2002 (Under tacit acceptance)
A number of amendments were adopted.

A revised SOLAS chapter V (Safety of Navigation) brings in a new

mandatory requirement for voyage data recorders voyage data
recorders (VDRs) to assist in accident investigations.
Regulation 20 requires the following ships to fit VDRs:

- passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002;

- ro-ro passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2002 not later

than the first survey on or after 1 July 2002
- passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships constructed
before 1 July 2002 not later than 1 January 2004; and
- ships, other than passenger ships, of 3,000 gross tonnage and
upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
The new chapter also requires automatic identification systems
(AIS), capable of providing information about the ship to other
ships and to coastal authorities automatically, to be fitted
aboard all ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards engaged on
international voyages, cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and
upwards not engaged on international voyages and passenger ships
irrespective of size built on or after 1 July 2002.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

It also applies to ships engaged on international voyages

constructed before 1 July 2002, according to the following

- passenger ships, not later than 1 July 2003;

- tankers, not later than the first survey for safety equipment
on or after 1 July 2003;
- ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 50,000 gross
tonnage and upwards, not later than 1 July 2004;
- ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 10,000 gross
tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage, not
later than 1 July 2005;
- ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 3,000 gross
tonnage and upwards but less than 10,000 gross tonnage, not
later than 1 July 2006.
- ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 300 gross
tonnage and upwards but less than 3,000 gross tonnage, not later
than 1 July 2007.
Note: the phase-in schedule for AIS on ships 300 gross tonnage
and upwards was amended by the 2002 amendments to a final date
of 2004 (see below).

Amendments to SOLAS chapter X (Safety measures for high-speed

craft) make mandatory for new ships the High-Speed Craft Code
2000. The 2000 HSC Code updates the mandatory High-Speed Craft
Code adopted in 1994. The 2000 HSC will apply to all HSC built
after the date of entry into force, 1 July 2002. The original
HSC Code was adopted by IMO in May 1994, but the rapid pace of
development in this sector of shipping has meant an early
revision of the Code. The original Code will continue to apply
to existing high-speed craft. The changes incorporated in the
new Code are intended to bring it into line with amendments to
SOLAS and new recommendations that have been adopted in the past
four years - for example, requirements covering public address
systems and helicopter pick-up areas.

A revised SOLAS chapter II-2 (Construction, - Fire protection,

fire detection and fire extinction) as well as a new
International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) were
adopted. The revised chapter is intended to be clear, concise
and user-friendly, incorporating the substantial changes
introduced in recent years following a number of serious fire
casualties. The revised chapter includes seven parts, each
including requirements applicable to all or specified ship
types, while the Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code, which is made

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

mandatory under the new chapter, includes detailed

specifications for fire safety systems in 15 Chapters.
A new regulation in SOLAS Chapter II-1 (Construction -
Structure, subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical
installations) prohibits the new installation of materials which
contain asbestos on all ships. The new regulation 3-5 is
included in SOLAS Chapter II-1 (Construction - Structure,
Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical

Amendments to the 1988 SOLAS Protocol include amendments to

reflect the changes to SOLAS chapter V, such as the details of
navigational systems and equipment referred to in the records of
equipment attached to certificates.
Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire
Test Procedures (FTP Code) add new parts 10 and 11 to annex 1 on
Test for fire-restricting material for high-speed craft and test
for fire-resisting divisions of high-speed craft.

Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and

Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC
Code) and the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) relate to cargo
hose requirements, protection of personnel and carriage of
carbon disulphide. Entry into force 1 July 2002 under tacit

Amendments to the International Safety Management Code (ISM

Code) include the replacement of Chapter 13 Certification,
verification and control with chapters 13 Certification; and
adding of chapters 14 Interim Certification; 15 Forms of
Certificate; and 16 Verification; as well as a new appendix
giving forms of documents and certificates.
Amendments to the Code for the Construction and equipment of
ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (BCH Code) relate to
ship's cargo hoses, tank vent systems, safety equipment,
operational requirements; and amendments to the Code for the
construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in
bulk (GC Code) relate to ship's cargo hoses, personnel
protection and operating requirements.
The June 2001 Amendments
Adoption: June 2001
Entry into force: 1 January 2003 (Under tacit acceptance)
Amendments to Chapter VII - Carriage of Dangerous Goods - and to
the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive

Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code) to align them with Amendment 30
to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code.
Also amendments to the International Code of Safety for High-
Speed Craft (1994 HSC Code) to bring the provisions for
navigational equipment of the 1994 HSC Code in line with the
relevant provisions of the 2000 HSC Code (which enters into
force on 1 July 2002 for ships built after that date). In
particular the amendments relate to carriage of voyage data
recorders and carriage of automatic identification systems
The May 2002 amendments
Adoption: 24 May 2002
Entry into force: 1 January 2004
The amendments to chapter SOLAS VII (Carriage of Dangerous
Goods) make the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
(IMDG Code) mandatory. The MSC also adopted the IMDG Code in a
mandatory form.
However, the provisions of the following parts of the Code will
remain recommendatory:
chapter 1.3 (Training);
chapter 2.1 (Explosives, Introductory Notes 1 to 4 only);
chapter 2.3, section 2.3.3 (Determination of flashpoint only);
chapter 3.2 (columns 15 and 17 of the Dangerous Goods List
chapter 3.5 (Transport schedule for Class 7 radioactive
material only),
chapter 5.4, section 5.4.5 (Multimodal dangerous goods form),
insofar as layout of the form is concerned;
chapter 7.3 (Special requirements in the event of an incident
and fire precautions involving dangerous goods only).
In practice, this means that from the legal point of view, the
whole of the IMDG Code is made mandatory, but provisions of
recommendatory nature are editorially expressed in the Code
(e.g. using the word "should" instead of "shall") to clarify
their status.
The mandatory IMDG Code incorporates certain changes relating to
specific products, as well as relevant elements of the
amendments to the UN Recommendations on the Transport of
Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations adopted by the UN Committee

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods at its twenty-

first session in Geneva from 4 to 13 December 2000.
Also, amendments to the 1978 SOLAS Protocol, make changes to the
Record of Equipment for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
(Form P); Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Radio
Certificate (Form R); and Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship
Safety Certificate (Form C).
The December 2002 amendments (Conference) - Measures to enhance
maritime security
Adoption: 13 December 2002
Entry into force: 1 July 2004 (Under tacit acceptance)
The amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention were adopted by a
Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security and are aimed at enhancing
maritime security on board ships and at ship/port interface
areas. Among other things, these amendments create a new SOLAS
chapter dealing specifically with maritime security, which in
turn contains the mandatory requirement for ships to comply with
the the new International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
(ISPS Code). The Code contains detailed security-related
requirements for Governments, port authorities and shipping
companies in a mandatory section (Part A), together with a
series of guidelines about how to meet these requirements in a
second, non-mandatory section (Part B). The Conference also
adopted a series of resolutions designed to add weight to the
amendments, encourage the application of the measures to ships
and port facilities not covered by the Code and pave the way for
future work on the subject..
Modifications to Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) contain a new
timetable for the fitting of Automatic Information Systems
(AIS). Ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 300
gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage,
will be required to fit AIS not later than the first safety
equipment survey after 1 July 2004 or by 31 December 2004,
whichever occurs earlier. Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain
AIS in operation at all times except where international
agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of
navigational information."
The existing SOLAS Chapter XI (Special measures to enhance
maritime safety) has been re-numbered as Chapter XI-1.
Regulation XI-1/3 is modified to require ships' identification
numbers to be permanently marked in a visible place either on
the ship's hull or superstructure. Passenger ships should carry
the marking on a horizontal surface visible from the air. Ships
should also be marked with their ID numbers internally.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

And a new regulation XI-1/5 requires ships to be issued with a

Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) which is intended to provide an
on-board record of the history of the ship. The CSR shall be
issued by the Administration and shall contain information such
as the name of the ship and of the State whose flag the ship is
entitled to fly, the date on which the ship was registered with
that State, the ship's identification number, the port at which
the ship is registered and the name of the registered owner(s)
and their registered address. Any changes shall be recorded in
the CSR so as to provide updated and current information
together with the history of the changes.
New Chapter XI-2 (Special measures to enhance maritime security)
A brand-new Chapter XI-2 (Special measures to enhance maritime
security) is added after the renumbered Chapter XI-1.
This chapter applies to passenger ships and cargo ships of 500
gross tonnage and upwards, including high speed craft, mobile
offshore drilling units and port facilities serving such ships
engaged on international voyages.
Regulation XI-2/3 of the new chapter enshrines the International
Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS Code). Part A of
this Code will become mandatory and part B contains guidance as
to how best to comply with the mandatory requirements.
The regulation requires Administrations to set security levels
and ensure the provision of security level information to ships
entitled to fly their flag. Prior to entering a port, or whilst
in a port, within the territory of a Contracting Government, a
ship shall comply with the requirements for the security level
set by that Contracting Government, if that security level is
higher than the security level set by the Administration for
that ship.
Regulation XI-2/4 confirms the role of the Master in exercising
his professional judgement over decisions necessary to maintain
the security of the ship. It says he shall not be constrained by
the Company, the charterer or any other person in this respect.
Regulation XI-2/4 confirms the role of the Master in exercising
his professional judgement over decisions necessary to maintain
the security of the ship. It says he shall not be constrained by
the Company, the chartered or any other person in this respect.
Regulation XI-2/5 requires all ships to be provided with a ship
security alert system, according to a strict timetable that will
see most vessels fitted by 2004 and the remainder by 2006. When
activated the ship security alert system shall initiate and
transmit a ship-to-shore security alert to a competent authority
designated by the Administration, identifying the ship, its
location and indicating that the security of the ship is under
threat or it has been compromised. The system will not raise any
alarm on-board the ship. The ship security alert system shall be

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

capable of being activated from the navigation bridge and in at

least one other location.
Regulation XI-2/6 covers requirements for port facilities,
providing among other things for Contracting Governments to
ensure that port facility security assessments are carried out
and that port facility security plans are developed, implemented
and reviewed in accordance with the ISPS Code.
Other regulations in this chapter cover the provision of
information to IMO, the control of ships in port, (including
measures such as the delay, detention, restriction of operations
including movement within the port, or expulsion of a ship from
port), and the specific responsibility of Companies.
The December 2002 amendments (by the expanded MSC)
Adoption: 12 December 2002
Entry into force: 1 July 2004 (Under tacit acceptance)
Chapter XII (Additional Safety Measures for Bulk Carriers) -
New regulation XII/12 on Hold, ballast and dry space water
level detectors require the fitting of high level alarms
and level monitoring systems on all bulk carriers, in order
to detect water ingress. The regulation requires the
fitting of such alarms on all bulk carriers regardless of
their date of construction.
New regulation XII/13 on Availability of pumping systems
would require the means for draining and pumping dry space
bilges and ballast tanks any part of which is located
forward of the collision bulkhead to be capable of being
brought into operation from a readily accessible enclosed
SOLAS chapter II-1 (Construction - structure, subdivision and
stability, machinery and electrical installations)-
In Part B (Subdivision and stability), new regulation II-
1/3-6 Access to spaces in cargo areas of oil tankers and
bulk carriers is intended to ensure that vessels can be
properly inspected throughout their lifespan, by designing
and building the ship to provide suitable means for access.
Associated Technical provisions for means of access for
inspections are mandatory under the regulation. Without
adequate access, the structural condition of the vessel can
deteriorate undetected and major structural failure can
arise. The regulation requires each space within the cargo
area to be provided with an appropriate means of access to
enable, throughout the life of a ship, overall and close-up
inspections and thickness measurements of the ship's

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

structures to be carried out by the Administration, the

Company, and the ship's personnel and others as necessary.
In Part C (Machinery Installation), new paragraph added to
regulation 31 - Machinery control, to require automation
systems to be designed in a manner which ensures that
threshold warning of impending or imminent slowdown or
shutdown of the propulsion system is given to the officer
in charge of the navigational watch in time to assess
navigational circumstances in an emergency.
Chapter II-2 (Fire protection, fire detection and fire
extinction) -
The amendments concern references to the IMDG Code and
reflect amendments to SOLAS chapter VII (Carriage of
Dangerous Goods) adopted in May 2002 which make the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)
Chapter III - Life-saving appliances and arrangements -
The amendments to Regulation 26 - Additional requirements
for ro-ro passenger ships, requires liferafts carried on
ro-ro passenger ships to be fitted with a radar transponder
in the ratio of one transponder for every four liferafts.
The regulation is made applicable to existing ships as well
as new ships.
Also adopted, amendments to the International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and
High-Level Radioactive Wastes on
board Ships (INF Code) - The
amendments in the sections on
definitions and application
reflect amendments to SOLAS
chapter VII (Carriage of
Dangerous Goods) adopted in May
2002 which make the IMDG Code

The June 2003 amendments

Adoption: June 2003
Entry into force: 1 July 2006 (Under tacit acceptance)
Chapter V - Safety of Navigation
Amendments to SOLAS regulations V/2 Definitions and V/22
Navigation Bridge Visibility add the definition of "length" to
regulation V/2 and a consequential editorial change is made to

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

regulation V/22. The definition states that "length of a ship

means its length overall".
Amendments to SOLAS regulation V/28 on Records of navigational
activities add a new paragraph on daily reporting. The amendment
will require all ships of 500 gross tonnage and above, engaged
on international voyages exceeding 48 hours, to submit a daily
report to their company, to include ship's position; ship's
course and speed; and details of any external or internal
conditions that are affecting the ship's voyage or the normal
safe operation of the ship. The aim of the amendments is to
address the responsibilities of ship operators to provide
information of benefit to those responsible for mounting rescue

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO


Behaviour Comportamiento
Crowd Gentio, multitud
Dealswith Se trata de
Deadline Fecha tope, cierre de plazo
Duty Deber, faena, Obligacion
Findings Descubrimiento, conclusion
Manning Tripular, dotar de personal
Proficiency Destreza, pericia
Rating Evaluacion, clasificacion
Reject Rechazar
Stringent Riguroso, estricto
Urges Urgir, acuciar

The Convention did not deal with manning

levels: IMO provisions in this area are
covered by regulation 13 of Chapter V of
the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, whose
requirements are backed up by resolution
A.890(21) Principles of safe manning,
adopted by the IMO Assembly in 1999, which
replaced an earlier resolution A.481(XII)
adopted in 1981.

The Articles of the Convention include

requirements relating to issues
surrounding certification and port State

One especially important feature of the Convention is that it

applies to ships of non-party States when visiting ports of
States which are Parties to the Convention. Article X requires
Parties to apply the control measures to ships of all flags to
the extent necessary to ensure that no more favourable treatment
is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State which is
not a Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a
State that is a Party.

The difficulties which could arise for ships of States which are
not Parties to the Convention is one reason why the Convention
has received such wide acceptance. By December 2000, the STCW
Convention had 135 Parties, representing 97.53 percent of world
shipping tonnage.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

The 1978 Convention Chapter I

The technical provisions of the 1978 Convention are contained in

an Annex, divided into six Chapters:

The 1978 Convention - Chapter I:

General provisions
Includes a list of definitions of terms used in the annex.
Regulation I/2 deals with the content of the certificate and
endorsement form. All certificates must include a translation
into English, if that is not the official language of the
issuing country.

The 1978 Convention - Chapter II: Master-deck department

The Chapter establishes basic principles
to be observed in keeping a navigational
watch, covering such matters as watch
arrangements, fitness for duty,
navigation, navigational equipment,
navigational duties and responsibilities,
the duties of the look-out, navigation
with a pilot on board and protection of
the marine environment.

The regulations include mandatory minimum

requirements for certificating masters
and chief mates; for certification of
officers in charge of a navigational
watch; and for certification of deck
ratings forming part of a navigational
watch. The regulations also include basic
principles to be observed in keeping watch in port and mandatory
minimum requirements for a watch in port on ships carrying
hazardous cargo.

The 1978 Convention - Chapter III: Engine department

Includes basic principles to be observed in keeping an

engineering watch; mandatory minimum requirements for
certification of chief engineer officers and second engineer
officers; mandatory minimum requirements for certification of
engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned
engine room or designated duty officers in a periodically
unmanned engine room; requirements to ensure the continued
proficiency and updating of knowledge for engineer officers;
mandatory minimum requirements for ratings forming part of an
engine room watch.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

The 1978 Convention - Chapter IV: Radio department

Notes that mandatory provisions relating to radio watchkeeping

are set forth in the ITU Radio Regulations and safety radio
watchkeeping and maintenance provisions are included in the same
regulations and in SOLAS. The Chapter in STCW includes mandatory
minimum requirements for certification of radio officers;
provisions designed to ensure the continued proficiency and
updating of knowledge of radio officers; and minimum
requirements for certification of radiotelephone operators.

The 1978 Convention - Chapter V: Special requirements for


The Chapter was designed to ensure that officers and ratings who
are to have specific duties related to the cargo and cargo
equipment of tankers shall have completed an appropriate shore-
based fire-fighting course; and have completed either an
appropriate period of shipboard service or an approved
familiarization course. Requirements are more stringent for
masters and senior officers. Attention is paid not only to
safety aspects but also to pollution prevention. The Chapter
contains three regulations dealing with oil tankers, chemical
tankers and liquefied gas tankers, respectively.

The 1978 Convention - Chapter VI: Proficiency in survival craft

The Chapter establishes requirements governing the issuing of
certificates of proficiency in survival craft. An appendix lists
the minimum knowledge required for the issue of certificates of

Resolutions adopted by the 1978 Conference

The 1978 Conference which adopted the STCW Convention also

adopted a number of resolutions designed to back up the
Convention itself. The resolutions, which are recommendatory
rather than mandatory, incorporate more details than some of the
Convention regulations.

Resolution 1 - Basic principles to be observed in keeping a

navigational watch. An annex contains a recommendation on
operational guidance for officers in charge of a navigational

Resolution 2 - Operational guidance for engineer officers in

charge of an engineering watch. An annex to the resolution deals
with engineering watch underway and at an unsheltered anchorage.

Resolution 3 - Principles and operational guidance for deck

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officers in charge of a watch in port. Detailed recommendations

are contained in an annex.

Resolution 4 - Principles and operational guidance for engineer

officers in charge of an engineering watch in port.
Recommendations are in an annex.

Resolution 5 - Basic guidelines and operational guidance

relating to safety radio watchkeeping and maintenance for radio
officers. A comprehensive annex is divided into basic guidelines
and safety radio watchkeeping and maintenance.

Resolution 6 - Basic guidelines and operational guidance

relating to safety radio watchkeeping for radio telephone

Resolution 7 - Radio operators. Four recommendations are

annexed to this resolution
dealing with (i) minimum
requirements for certification of
radio officers; (ii) minimum
requirements to ensure the
continued proficiency and
updating of knowledge for radio
operators; (iii) basic guidelines
and operational guidance relating
to safety radio watchkeeping and
maintenance for radio operators;
and (iv) training for radio

Resolution 8 - Additional training for ratings forming part of a

navigational watch. Recommends that such ratings be trained in
use and operation of appropriate bridge equipment and basic
requirements for the prevention of pollution.

Resolution 9 - Minimum requirements for a rating nominated as

the assistant to the engineer officer in charge of the watch.
Recognizes that suitable training arrangements are not widely
available. Detailed requirements are contained in an annex.

Resolution 10 - Training and qualifications of officers and

ratings of oil tankers. Refers to resolution 8 adopted by the
International Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution
Prevention, 1978 (TSPP), which deals with the improvement of
standards of crews on tankers. Recommendation in annex.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

Resolution 11 - Training and qualifications of officers and

ratings of chemical tankers.

Resolution 12 - Training and qualifications of masters, officers

and ratings of liquefied gas tankers.

Resolution 13 - Training and qualifications of officers and

ratings of ships carrying dangerous and hazardous cargo other
than in bulk.

Resolution 14 - Training for radio officers. Detailed

recommendations in annex.

Resolution 15 - Training for radiotelephone operators

Resolution 16 - Technical assistance for the training and

qualifications of masters and other responsible personnel of
oil, chemical and liquefied gas tankers. Refers to requirements
in several Convention regulations and recognizes that training
facilities may be limited in some countries. Urges Governments
which can provide assistance to do so.

Resolution 17 - Additional training for masters and chief mates

of large ships and of ships with unusual manoeuvring
characteristics. Is designed to assist those moving to ships of
this type from smaller vessels, where characteristics may be
quite different.

Resolution 18 - Radar simulator training. Recommends that such

training be given to all masters and deck officers

Resolution 19 - Training of seafarers in personal survival

techniques. A recommendation is annexed.

Resolution 20 - Training in the use of collision avoidance aids.

Resolution 21 - International Certificate of Competency. Invites

IMO to develop a standard form and title for this certificate.

Resolution 22 - Human relationships. Emphasizes the importance

to safety of good human relationships between seafarers on

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO


Resolution 23 - Promotion of technical co-operation. Records

appreciation of IMO's work in assisting developing countries to
establish maritime training facilities in conformity with global
standards of training and invites the organization to intensify
its efforts with a view to promoting universal acceptance and
implementation of the STCW Convention.

Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the 1978 STCW Convention's technical Annex may be
adopted by a Conference of STCW Parties or by IMO's Maritime
Safety Committee, expanded to include all Contracting Parties,
some of whom may not be members of the Organization.

Amendments to the STCW Annex will normally enter into force one
and a half years after being communicated to all Parties unless,
in the meantime, they are rejected by one-third of the Parties
or by Parties whose combined fleets represent 50 per cent of
world tonnage.

The 1991 amendments

Adoption: 22 May 1991
Entry into force: 1 December 1992

The amendments were mostly concerned with additional

requirements made necessary by the implementation of the Global
Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

The 1994 amendments

Adoption: 25 May 1994
Entry into force: 1 January 1996

The amendments replaced Chapter V on special training for crews

on tankers.

The 1995 amendments

Adoption: 7 July 1995
Entry into force: 1 February 1997
The 1995 amendments, adopted by a Conference, represented a
major revision of the Convention, in response to a recognized
need to bring the Convention up to date and to respond to
critics who pointed out the many vague phrases, such as "to the
satisfaction of the Administration", which resulted in different
interpretations being made.

Others complained that the Convention was never uniformly

applied and did not impose any strict obligations on Parties
regarding implementation. The 1995 amendments entered into force

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on 1 February 1997. However, until 1 February 2002, Parties may

continue to issue, recognize and endorse certificates which
applied before that date in respect of seafarers who began
training or seagoing service before 1 August 1998.

One of the major features of the revision was the division of

the technical annex into regulations, divided into Chapters as
before, and a new STCW Code, to which many technical regulations
have been transferred. Part A of the Code is mandatory while
Part B is recommended.

Dividing the regulations up in this way makes administration

easier and it also makes the task of revising and updating them
more simple: for procedural and legal reasons there is no need
to call a full conference to make changes to Codes.

Some of the most important amendments adopted by the Conference


Chapter I - General Provisions. They include the following:

Ensuring compliance with the Convention

Parties to the Convention are required to provide detailed

information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to
ensure compliance with the Convention. This represented the
first time that IMO had been called upon to act in relation to
compliance and implementation - generally, implementation is
down to the flag States, while port State control also acts to
ensure compliance. Under Chapter I, regulation I/7 of the
revised Convention, Parties are required to provide detailed
information to IMO concerning administrative measures taken to
ensure compliance with the Convention, education and training
courses, certification procedures and other factors relevant to

By 1 August 1998 - the deadline for submission of information

established in section A-I/7 of the STCW Code - 82 out of the
133 STCW Parties had communicated information on compliance with
the requirements of the revised Convention. The 82 Parties which
met the deadline represent well over 90% of the world's ships
and seafarers.

The information is reviewed by panels of competent persons,

nominated by Parties to the STCW Convention, who report on their
findings to the IMO Secretary-General, who, in turn, reports to
the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the Parties which fully
comply. The MSC then produces a list of Parties in compliance
with the 1995 amendments.

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Capitulo 19 Convenios IMO

The first list of countries was approved by the MSC at its 73rd
session held from 27 November to 6 December 2000 it included
71 countries and one Associate Member of IMO.

Port State control

The revised Chapter I includes enhanced procedures concerning

the exercise of port State to allow intervention in the case of
deficiencies deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the
environment (regulation I/4). This can take place if
certificates are not in order or if the ship is involved in a
collision or grounding, if
there is an illegal
discharge of substances
(causing pollution) or if
the ship is manoeuvred in
an erratic or unsafe
manner, etc.

Other regulations in
chapter I include:
Measures are introduced for
watchkeeping personnel to
prevent fatigue.
Parties are required to
establish procedures for investigating acts by persons to whom
they have issued certificates that endanger safety or the
environment. Penalties and other disciplinary measures must be
prescribed and enforced where the Convention is not complied

Technical innovations, such as the use of simulators for

training and assessment purposes have been recognized.
Simulators are mandatory for training in the use of radar and
automatic radar plotting aids (regulation I/12 and section A-
I/12 of the STCW Code).

Parties are required to ensure that training, certification and

other procedures are continuously monitored by means of a
quality standards system (regulation I/8).

Every master, officer and radio operator are required at

intervals not exceeding five years to meet the fitness standards
and the levels of professional competence contained in Section
A-I/11 of the STCW Code. In order to assess the need for
revalidation of certificates after 1 February 2002, Parties must
compare the standards of competence previously required with
those specified in the appropriate certificate in part A of the
STCW Code. If necessary, the holders of certificates may be

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required to undergo training or refresher courses (regulation


Chapter II: Master and deck department

The Chapter was revised and updated.

Chapter III: Engine department

The Chapter was revised and updated.

Chapter IV: Radiocommunication and radio personnel

The Chapter was revised and updated.

Chapter V: Special training requirements for personnel on

certain types of ships
Special requirements were introduced concerning the training and
qualifications of personnel on board ro-ro passenger ships.
Previously the only special requirements in the Convention
concerned crews on tankers. This change was made in response to
proposals made by the Panel of Experts set up to look into ro-ro
safety following the capsize and sinking of the ferry Estonia in
September 1994. Crews on ro-ro ferries have to receive training
in technical aspects and also in crowd and crisis management and
human behaviour.

Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and

survival functions
The Chapter incorporates the previous Chapter
VI: Proficiency in survival craft and includes
mandatory minimum requirements for
familiarization, basic safety training and
instruction for all seafarers; mandatory minimum
requirements for the issue of certificates of
proficiency in survival craft, rescue boats and
fast rescue boats; mandatory minimum
requirements for training in advanced
firefighting; and mandatory minimum requirements
relating to medical first aid and medical care.

Chapter VII: Alternative certification

Regulations regarding alternative certification (also known as

the functional approach) are included in a new Chapter VII. This
involves enabling crews to gain training and certification in
various departments of seafaring rather than being confined to
one branch (such as deck or engine room) for their entire
career.Although it is a relatively new concept, the 1995
Conference was anxious not to prevent its development. At the
same time, the new Chapter is intended to ensure that safety and
the environment are not threatened in any way. The use of

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equivalent educational and training arrangements is permitted

under article IX.

Chapter VIII: Watchkeeping

Measures were introduced for watchkeeping personnel to prevent

fatigue. Administrations are required to establish and enforce
rest periods for watchkeeping personnel and to ensure that watch
systems are so arranged that the efficiency of watchkeeping
personnel is not impaired by fatigue.

The STCW Code

The regulations contained in the Convention are supported by

sections in the STCW Code. Generally speaking, the Convention
contains basic requirements which are then enlarged upon and
explained in the Code.

Part A of the Code is mandatory. The minimum standards of

competence required for seagoing personnel are given in detail
in a series of tables. Chapter II of the Code, for example,
deals with standards regarding the master and deck department.

Part B of the Code contains recommended guidance which is

intended to help Parties implement the Convention. The measures
suggested are not mandatory and the examples given are only
intended to illustrate how certain Convention requirements may
be complied with. However, the recommendations in general
represent an approach that has been harmonized by discussions
within IMO and consultation with other international

The 1997 Amendments

Adoption: June 1997

Entry into force: 1 January 1999

The amendments concern training for personnel on passenger

ships. The amendments include an additional Regulation V/3 in
Chapter V on Mandatory minimum requirements for the training and
qualifications of masters, officers, ratings and other personnel
on passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships. Related
additions are also made to the STCW Code, covering Crowd
management training; Familiarization training; Safety training
for personnel providing direct service to passengers in
passenger spaces; Passenger safety; and Crisis management and
human behaviour training.

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The 1998 Amendments

Adoption: 9 December 1998

Entry into force: 1 January 2003 (under tacit acceptance)

Amendments to the STCW Code are aimed at improving minimum

standards of competence of crews, in particular relating to
cargo securing, loading and unloading on bulk carriers, since
these procedures have the potential to put undue stresses on the
ship's structure. The amendments concern sections A-II/1 and A-
II/2 under "Cargo handling and stowage at the operational and
management levels".

The White List

The first so-called White List of countries deemed to be

giving full and complete effect to the revised STCW Convention
(STCW 95) was published by IMO following the 73rd session of the
Organizations Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), meeting from 27
November to 6 December 2000.

It is expected that ships flying flags of countries that are not

on the White List will be increasingly targeted by Port State
Control inspectors. A Flag state Party that is on the White List
may, as a matter of policy, elect not to accept seafarers with
certificates issued by non White List countries for service on
its ships. If it does accept such seafarers, they will be
required by 1 February 2002 also to have an endorsement, issued
by the flag state, to show that their certificate is recognized
by the flag state.

By 1 February 2002, masters and officers should hold STCW 95

certificates or endorsements issued by the flag State.
Certificates issued and endorsed under the provisions of the
1978 STCW Convention will be valid until their expiry date.

The list will be kept under review and may be added to as other
countries meet the criteria for inclusion.

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International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979

Adoption: 27 April 1979

Entry into force: 22 June 1985

The 1979 Convention, adopted at a
Conference in Hamburg, was aimed at
developing an international SAR plan, so
that, no matter where an accident occurs,
the rescue of persons in distress at sea
will be co-ordinated by a SAR organization
and, when necessary, by co-operation
between neighbouring SAR organizations.

Although the obligation of ships to go to

the assistance of vessels in distress was
enshrined both in tradition and in
international treaties (such as the
International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974), there was,
until the adoption of the SAR Convention,
no international system covering search and
rescue operations. In some areas there was a well-established
organization able to provide assistance promptly and
efficiently, in others there was nothing at all.

The technical requirements of the SAR Convention are contained

in an Annex, which was divided into five Chapters. Parties to
the Convention are required to ensure that arrangements are made
for the provision of adequate SAR services in their coastal

Parties are encouraged to enter into SAR agreements with

neighbouring States involving the establishment of SAR regions,
the pooling of facilities, establishment of common procedures,
training and liaison visits. The Convention states that Parties
should take measures to expedite entry into its territorial
waters of rescue units from other Parties.

The Convention then goes on to establish preparatory measures

which should be taken, including the establishment of rescue co-
ordination centres and subcentres. It outlines operating
procedures to be followed in the event of emergencies or alerts
and during SAR operations. This includes the designation of an
on-scene commander and his duties.

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Parties to the Convention are required to establish ship

reporting systems, under which ships report their position to a
coast radio station. This enables the interval between the loss
of contact with a vessel and the initiation of search operations
to be reduced. It also helps to permit the rapid determination
of vessels which may be called upon to provide assistance
including medical help when required.

Amendment Procedure

The SAR Convention allowed for amendments to the technical Annex

to be adopted by a Conference of STCW Parties or by IMO's
Maritime Safety Committee, expanded to include all Contracting
Parties, some of whom may not be members of the Organization.
Amendments to the SAR Convention enter into force on a specified
date unless objections are received from a required number of

IMO search and rescue areas

Following the adoption of the 1979 SAR Convention, IMO's

Maritime Safety Committee divided the world's oceans into 13
search and rescue areas, in each of which the countries
concerned have delimited search and rescue regions for which
they are responsible.

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Provisional search and rescue plans for all of these areas were
completed when plans for the Indian Ocean were finalized at a
conference held in Fremantle, Western Australia in September

Revision of SAR Convention

The 1979 SAR Convention imposed considerable obligations on

Parties - such as setting up the shore installations required -
and as a result the Convention was not being ratified by as many
countries as some other treaties. Equally important, many of the
world's coastal States had not accepted the Convention and the
obligations it imposed.

It was generally agreed that one reason for the small number of
acceptances and the slow pace of implementation was due to
problems with the SAR Convention itself and that these could
best be overcome by amending the Convention.

At a meeting in October 1995 in Hamburg, Germany, it was agreed

that there were a number of substantial concerns that needed to
be taken into account, including:

-lessons learned from SAR operations;

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- experiences of States which had implemented the Convention;

- questions and concerns posed especially by developing States

which were not yet Party to the Convention;

- need to further harmonize the IMO and International Civil

Aviation Organization (ICAO) SAR provisions;

- inconsistent use of Convention terminology and phraseology.

IMO's Sub-Committee on Radio-Communications and Search and

Rescue (COMSAR) was requested to revise the technical Annex of
the Convention. A draft text was prepared and was approved by
the 68th session of the MSC in May 1997, and was then adopted by
the 69th MSC session in May 1998.

The 1998 amendments

Adopted: 18 May 1998

Entry into force: 1 January 2000

The revised technical Annex of the SAR Convention clarifies the

responsibilities of Governments and puts greater emphasis on the
regional approach and co-ordination between maritime and
aeronautical SAR operations.

The revised Annex includes five Chapters:

Chapter 1 - Terms and Definitions

This Chapter updates the original Chapter 1 of the same name.

Chapter 2 - Organization and Co-ordination

Replaces the 1979 Chapter 2 on Organization. The Chapter has

been re-drafted to make the responsibilities of Governments
clearer. It requires Parties, either individually or in co-
operation with other States, to establish basic elements of a
search and rescue service, to include:

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- Legal framework

- Assignment of a responsible authority

- Organization of available resources

- Communication facilities

- Co-ordination and operational functions

- Processes to improve the service including planning, domestic

and international co-operative relationships and training.

Parties should establish search and rescue regions within each

sea area - with the agreement of the Parties concerned. Parties
then accept responsibility for providing search and rescue
services for a specified area.
The Chapter also describes how SAR services should be arranged
and national capabilities be developed. Parties are required to
establish rescue co-ordination centres and to operate them on a
24-hour basis with trained staff who have a working knowledge of

Parties are also required to "ensure the closest practicable co-

ordination between maritime and aeronautical services".

Chapter 3 - Co-operation between States

Replaces the original Chapter 3 on Co-operation.

Requires Parties to co-ordinate search and rescue organisations,
and, where necessary, search and rescue operations with those of
neighbouring States. The Chapter states that unless otherwise
agreed between the States concerned, a Party should authorize,
subject to applicable national laws, rules and regulations,
immediate entry into or over its territorial sea or territory
for rescue units of other Parties solely for the purpose of
search and rescue.

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Chapter 4 - Operating Procedures

Incorporates the previous Chapters 4 (Preparatory Measures) and
5 (Operating Procedures).
The Chapter says that each RCC (Rescue Co-ordination Centre) and
RSC (Rescue Sub-Centre) should have up-to-date information on
search and rescue facilities and communications in the area and
should have detailed plans for conduct of search and rescue
operations. Parties - individually or in co-operation with
others should be capable of receiving distress alerts on a 24-
hour basis. The regulations include procedures to be followed
during an emergency and state that search and rescue activities
should be co-ordinated on scene for the most effective results.
The Chapter says that "Search and rescue operations shall
continue, when practicable, until all reasonable hope of
rescuing survivors has passed".

Chapter 5 - Ship reporting systems

Includes recommendations on establishing ship reporting systems

for search and rescue purposes, noting that existing ship
reporting systems could provide adequate information for search
and rescue purposes in a given area.


Concurrently with the revision of the SAR Convention, the IMO

and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) jointly
developed the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and
Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual, published in three volumes covering
Organization and Management; Mission Co-ordination; and Mobile

The IAMSAR Manual revises and replaces the

IMO Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual
(MERSAR), first published in 1971, and the
IMO Search and Rescue Manual (IMOSAR),
first published in 1978.

The MERSAR Manual was the first step

towards developing the 1979 SAR Convention
and it provided guidance for those who,
during emergencies at sea, may require
assistance from others or who may be able
to provide assistance themselves. In
particular, it was designed to aid the
master of any vessel who might be called

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upon to conduct SAR operations at sea for persons in distress.

The manual was updated several times with the latest amendments
being adopted in 1992 - they entered into force in 1993.

The second manual, the IMOSAR Manual, was adopted in l978. It

was designed to help Governments to implement the SAR Convention
and provided guidelines rather than requirements for a common
maritime search and rescue policy, encouraging all coastal
States to develop their organizations on similar lines and
enabling adjacent States to co-operate and provide mutual
assistance. It was also updated in 1992, with the amendments
entering into force in 1993.

This manual was aligned as closely as possible with ICAO Search

and Rescue Manual to ensure a common policy and to facilitate
consultation of the two manuals for administrative or
operational reasons. MERSAR was also aligned, where appropriate,
with IMOSAR.

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International Convention on Load Lines, 1966

Adoption: 5 April 1966

Entry into force: 21 July 1968

Aim at Tener como objetivo

Behaviour Comportamiento, conducta.
Behavior Comportamiento, conducta.
Besides Ademas, adicionamente
Below Debajo
Coamings Brazola
Draft Borrador, anteproyecto
Liaison Enlace, vinculacion.
Impaired Deteriorado, arruinado
Improving Mejora, adelanto
Pooling Asociacion
Restraimts Freno, abnegacion.

Introduction and history

It has long been recognized that limitations on the draught to

which a ship may be loaded make a significant contribution to
her safety. These limits
are given in the form of
freeboards, which
constitute, besides
external weathertight and
watertight integrity, the
main objective of the

The first International

Convention on Load Lines,
adopted in 1930, was based
on the principle of
reserve buoyancy, although
it was recognized then
that the freeboard should
also ensure adequate
stability and avoid
excessive stress on the
ship's hull as a result of

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In the 1966 Load Lines convention, adopted by IMO, provisions

are made determining the freeboard of tankers by subdivision and
damage stability calculations.

The regulations take into account the potential hazards present

in different zones and different seasons. The technical annex
contains several additional safety measures concerning doors,
freeing ports, hatchways and other items. The main purpose of
these measures is to ensure the watertight integrity of ships'
hulls below the freeboard deck.

All assigned load lines must be marked amidships on each side of

the ship, together with the deck line. Ships intended for the
carriage of timber deck cargo are assigned a smaller freeboard
as the deck cargo provides protection against the impact of

Load Lines 1966 Annexes

The Convention includes Annex I, divided into four Chapters:

Chapter I - General;

Chapter II - Conditions of assignment of freeboard;

Chapter III - Freeboards;

Chapter IV - Special requirements for ships assigned timber


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Annex II covers Zones, areas and seasonal periods.

Annex III contains certificates, including the International

Load Line Certificate.

Amendments 1971, 1975, 1979, 1983

The 1966 Convention provided for amendments to be made by

positive acceptance. Amendments could be considered by the
Maritime Safety Committee, the IMO Assembly or by a Conference
of Governments. Amendments would then only come into force 12
months after being accepted by two-thirds of Contracting
Parties.In practice, amendments adopted between 1971 and 1983
never received enough acceptances to enter into force. These

the 1971 amendments - to make certain improvements to the text

and to the chart of zones and seasonal areas;

the 1975 amendments - to introduce the principle of 'tacit

acceptance' into the Convention;

the 1979 amendments - to make some alterations to zone

boundaries off the coast of Australia; and

the 1983 amendments - to extend the summer and tropical zones

southward off the coast of Chile.

Adoption of tacit amendment procedure 1988

The 1988 Protocol

Adoption: 11 November 1988

Entry into force: 3 February 2000

The Protocol was primarily adopted in order to harmonize the

Convention's survey and certification requirement with those
contained in SOLAS and MARPOL 73/78.

All three instruments require the issuing of certificates to

show that requirements have been met and this has to be done by
means of a survey which can involve the ship being out of
service for several days.

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The harmonized system alleviates the problems caused by survey

dates and intervals between surveys which do not coincide, so
that a ship should no longer have to go into port or repair yard
for a survey required by one Convention shortly after doing the
same thing in connection with another instrument.

The 1988 Load Lines Protocol revised certain regulations in the

technical Annexes to the Load Lines Convention and introduced
the tacit amendment procedure (which was already applicable to
the 1974 SOLAS Convention).Amendments to the Convention may be
considered either by the Maritime Safety Committee or by a
Conference of Parties.

Amendments must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of Parties

to the Convention present and voting. Amendments enter into
force six months after the deemed date of acceptance - which
must be at least a year after the date of communication of
adoption of amendments unless they are rejected by one-third of
Parties. Usually, the date from adoption to deemed acceptance is
two years.

The 1995 amendments

Adopted: 23 November 1995

Entry into force: 12 months after being accepted by two-thirds

of Contracting Governments.

Status: 7 acceptances have been received. The amendments concern

the southern tropical zone off the coast of Australia and have
been incorporated in the 2003 amendments.

The 2003 amendments

Adopted: June 2003

Entry into force: 1 January 2005 (under tacit acceptance)

The amendments to Annex B to the 1988 Load Lines Protocol (i.e.
the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as modified by
the Protocol of 1988 relating thereto) include a number of
important revisions, in particular to regulations concerning:
strength and intact stability of ships; definitions;
superstructure and bulkheads; doors; position of hatchways,
doorways and ventilators; hatchway coamings; hatch covers;
machinery space openings; miscellaneous openings in freeboard
and superstructure decks; cargo ports and other similar
openings; spurling pipes and cable lockers; side scuttles;
windows and skylights; calculation of freeing ports; protection
of the crew and means of safe passage for crew; calculation of

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freeboard; sheer; minimum bow height and reserve buoyancy; and

The amendments, which amount to a comprehensive revision of the
technical regulations of the original Load Lines Convention,
will not affect the 1966 LL Convention and will only apply to
approximately two-thirds of the world's fleet, i.e., to those
ships flying the flags of States Party to the 1988 LL Protocol.

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International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from

Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating
thereto (MARPOL 73/78)

Achieve Alcanzar, realizar

Ban Prohibir, suprimir
Binding Obligatorio
Despite A pesar de
Hence Por lo tanto
Prime face A primera vista
Overcome Vencer, superar
Ozone layer Capa de ozono
Scrap Desguace, chatarra
Spate of Torrente, cantidad
Slop tank Tanke de decantacion
Suitable Conveniente
The afore said Lo citado antes
Taint Manchar, echar a perder
Whatsoever = Whatever Cualquiera
Whichever Cualquiera que

The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention
covering prevention of pollution of the marine environment by
ships from operational or accidental causes. It is a combination
of two treaties adopted in 1973 and 1978 respectively and
updated by amendments through the years.
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships (MARPOL) was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO and
covered pollution by oil, chemicals, harmful substances in
packaged form, sewage and garbage. The Protocol of 1978 relating
to the 1973 International Convention for
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
(1978 MARPOL Protocol) was adopted at a
Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution
Prevention in February 1978 held in
response to a spate of tanker accidents in
1976-1977. (Measures relating to tanker
design and operation were also incorporated
into a Protocol of 1978 relating to the
1974 Convention on the Safety of Life at
Sea, 1974).
As the 1973 MARPOL Convention had not yet
entered into force, the 1978 MARPOL
Protocol absorbed the parent Convention.

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The combined instrument is referred to as the International

Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships,
1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto
(MARPOL 73/78), and it entered into force on 2 October 1983
(Annexes I and II).
The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and
minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental pollution and
that from routine operations - and currently includes six
technical Annexes:

Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by

Annex Regulations for the Control of Pollution by
II Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Annex Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances
III Carried by Sea in Packaged Form
Annex Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships
IV (entry into force date 27 September 2003)
Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
Annex Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (adopted
VI September 1997 - not yet in force)
States Parties must accept Annexes I and II, but the other
Annexes are voluntary.
History of MARPOL 73/78

Oil pollution of the seas was recognized as a problem in the

first half of the 20th century and various countries introduced

national regulations to control discharges of oil within their

territorial waters. In 1954, the United Kingdom organized a
conference on oil pollution which resulted in the adoption of
the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of
the Sea by Oil (OILPOL), 1954. Following entry into force of the
IMO Convention in 1958, the depository and Secretariat functions
in relation to the Convention were transferred from the United
Kingdom Government to IMO.
OILPOL Convention

The 1954 Convention, which was amended in 1962, 1969 and 1971,
primarily addressed pollution resulting from routine tanker
operations and from the discharge of oily wastes from machinery
spaces - regarded as the major causes of oil pollution from
The 1954 OILPOL Convention, which entered into force on 26 July
1958, attempted to tackle the problem of pollution of the seas
by oil - defined as crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil and
lubricating oil - in two main ways:

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it established "prohibited zones" extending at least 50 miles

from the nearest land in which the discharge of oil or of
mixtures containing more than 100 parts of oil per million was
it required Contracting Parties to take all appropriate steps to
promote the provision of facilities for the reception of oily
water and residues.
In 1962, IMO adopted amendments to the Convention which extended
its application to ships of a lower tonnage and also extended
the "prohibited zones". Amendments adopted in 1969 contained
regulations to further restrict operational discharge of oil
from oil tankers and from machinery spaces of all ships.
Although the 1954 OILPOL Convention went some way in dealing
with oil pollution, growth in oil trade and developments in
industrial practices were beginning to make it clear that
further action, was required. Nonetheless, pollution control was
at the time still a minor concern for IMO, and indeed the world
was only beginning to wake up to the environmental consequences
of an increasingly industrialised society.

Torrey Canyon
In 1967, the tanker Torrey Canyon ran aground while entering the
English Channel and spilled her entire cargo of 120,000 tons of
crude oil into the sea. This resulted in the biggest oil
pollution incident ever recorded up to that time. The incident
raised questions about measures then in place to prevent oil
pollution from ships and also exposed deficiencies in the
existing system for providing
compensation following accidents at sea.
First, IMO called an Extraordinary
session of its Council, which drew up a
plan of action on technical and legal
aspects of the Torrey Canyon incident.
Then, the IMO Assembly decided in 1969
to convene an international conference
in 1973 to prepare a suitable
international agreement for placing
restraints on the contamination of the
sea, land and air by ships.
In the meantime, in 1971, IMO adopted
further amendments to OILPOL 1954 to afford additional
protection to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and also to
limit the size of tanks on oil tankers, thereby minimizing the
amount of oil which could escape in the event of a collision or
1973 Convention

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Finally, an international Conference in 1973 adopted the

International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships. While it was recognized that accidental pollution was
spectacular, the Conference considered that operational
pollution was still the bigger threat. As a result, the 1973
Convention incorporated much of OILPOL 1954 and its amendments
into Annex I, covering oil.
But the Convention was also intended to address other forms of
pollution from ships and therefore other annexes covered
chemicals, harmful substances carried in packaged form, sewage
and garbage. The 1973 Convention also included two Protocols
dealing with Reports on Incidents involving Harmful Substances
and Arbitration.
The 1973 Convention required ratification by 15 States, with a
combined merchant fleet of not less than 50 percent of world
shipping by gross tonnage, to enter into force. By 1976, it had
only received three ratifications - Jordan, Kenya and Tunisia -
representing less than one percent of the world's merchant
shipping fleet. This was despite the fact that States could
become Party to the Convention by only ratifying Annexes I (oil)
and II (chemicals). Annexes III to V, covering harmful goods in
packaged form, sewage and garbage, were optional.
It began to look as though the 1973 Convention might never enter
into force, despite its importance.

1978 Conference

In 1978, in response to a spate of tanker accidents in 1976-

1977, IMO spate a Conference on Tanker Safety and Pollution
Prevention in February 1978. The conference adopted measures
affecting tanker design and operation, which were incorporated
into both the Protocol of 1978 relating to the 1974 Convention
on the Safety of Life at Sea (1978 SOLAS Protocol) and the
Protocol of 1978 relating to the 1973 International Convention
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (1978 MARPOL
Protocol) - adopted on 17 February 1978.
More importantly in terms of achieving the entry into force of
MARPOL, the 1978 MARPOL Protocol allowed States to become Party
to the Convention by first implementing Annex I (oil), as it was
decided that Annex II (chemicals) would not become binding until
three years after the Protocol entered into force.
This gave States time to overcome technical problems in Annex
II, which for some had been a major obstacle in ratifying the

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As the 1973 Convention had not yet entered into force, the 1978
MARPOL Protocol absorbed the parent Convention. The combined
instrument - the International Convention for the Prevention of
Marine Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of
1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) - finally entered into
force on 2 October 1983 (for Annexes I and II).
Annex V, covering garbage, achieved sufficient ratifications to
enter into force on 31 December 1988, while Annex III, covering
harmful substances carried in packaged form, entered into force
on 1 July 1992. Annex IV, covering sewage, enters into force on
27 September 2003. Annex VI, covering air pollution, was adopted
in September 1997 and has also not yet entered into force.

Annex I: Prevention of pollution by oil

Entry into force: 2 October 1983
The 1973 Convention maintained the oil discharge criteria
prescribed in the 1969 amendments to the 1954 Oil Pollution
Convention, without substantial changes, namely:
Operational discharges of oil from tankers are allowed only when
all of the following conditions are met:
1. the total quantity of oil which a tanker may discharge in
any ballast voyage whilst under way must not exceed 1/15,000 of
the total cargo carrying capacity of the vessel;
2. the rate at which oil may be discharged must not exceed 60
litres per mile travelled by the ship; and
3. no discharge of any oil whatsoever must be made from the
cargo spaces of a tanker within 50 miles of the nearest land.
An oil record book is required, in which is recorded the
movement of cargo oil and its residues from loading to
discharging on a tank-to-tank basis.
In addition, in the 1973 Convention, the maximum quantity of oil
permitted to be discharged on a ballast voyage of new oil
tankers was reduced from 1/15,000 of the cargo capacity to
1/30,000 of the amount of cargo carried. These criteria applied
equally both to persistent (black) and non-persistent (white)
As with the 1969 OILPOL amendments, the 1973 Convention
recognized the "load on top" (LOT) system which had been
developed by the oil industry in the 1960s. On a ballast voyage
the tanker takes on ballast water (departure ballast) in dirty
cargo tanks. Other tanks are washed to take on clean ballast.
The tank washings are pumped into a special slop tank. After a
few days, the departure ballast settles and oil flows to the

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top. Clean water beneath is then decanted while new arrival

ballast water is taken on. The upper layer of the departure
ballast is transferred to the slop tanks. After further settling
and decanting, the next cargo is loaded on top of the remaining
oil in the slop tank, hence the term load on top.
A new and important feature of the 1973 Convention was the
concept of "special areas" which are considered to be so
vulnerable to pollution by oil that oil discharges within them
have been completely prohibited, with minor and well-defined
exceptions. The 1973 Convention identified the Mediterranean
Sea, the Black Sea, and the Baltic Sea, the Red Sea and the
Gulfs area as special areas. All oil-carrying ships are required
to be capable of operating the method of retaining oily wastes
on board through the "load on top" system or for discharge to
shore reception facilities.
This involves the fitting of appropriate equipment, including an
oil-discharge monitoring and control system, oily-water
separating equipment and a filtering system, slop tanks, sludge
tanks, piping and pumping arrangements.
New oil tankers (i.e. those for which the building contract was
placed after 31 December 1975) of 70,000 tons deadweight and
above, must be fitted with segregated ballast tanks large enough
to provide adequate operating draught without the need to carry
ballast water in cargo oil tanks.
Secondly, new oil tankers are required to meet certain
subdivision and damage stability requirements so that, in any
loading conditions, they can survive after damage by collision
or stranding.
The Protocol of 1978 made a number of changes to Annex I of the
parent convention. Segregated ballast tanks (SBT) are required
on all new tankers of 20,000 dwt and above (in the parent
convention SBTs were only required on new tankers of 70,000 dwt
and above). The Protocol also required SBTs to be protectively
located - that is, they must be positioned in such a way that
they will help protect the cargo tanks in the event of a
collision or grounding.
Another important innovation concerned crude oil
washing (COW), which had been developed by the
oil industry in the 1970s and offered major
benefits. Under COW, tanks are washed not with
water but with crude oil - the cargo itself.
COW was accepted as an alternative to SBTs on
existing tankers and is an additional
requirement on new tankers.
For existing crude oil tankers (built before entry into force of
the Protocol) a third alternative was permissible for a period

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of two to four years after entry into force of MARPOL 73/78. The
dedicated clean ballast tanks (CBT) system meant that certain
tanks are dedicated solely to the carriage of ballast water.
This was cheaper than a full SBT system since it utilized
existing pumping and piping, but when the period of grace has
expired other systems must be used.
Drainage and discharge arrangements were also altered in the
Protocol, regulations for improved stripping systems were
Some oil tankers operate solely in specific trades between ports
which are provided with adequate reception facilities. Some
others do not use water as ballast. The TSPP Conference
recognized that such ships should not be subject to all MARPOL
requirements and they were consequently exempted from the SBT,
COW and CBT requirements. It is generally recognized that the
effectiveness of international conventions depends upon the
degree to which they are obeyed and this in turn depends largely
upon the extent to which they are enforced. The 1978 Protocol
to MARPOL therefore introduced stricter regulations for the
survey and certification of ships.
The 1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil
tankers to have double hulls and it brought in a phase-in
schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls.

Annex II: Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances

Entry into force: 6 April 1987
Annex II details the discharge criteria and measures for the
control of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in
Some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list
appended to the Convention. The discharge of their residues is
allowed only to reception facilities until certain
concentrations and conditions (which vary with the category of
substances) are complied with.
In any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious
substances is permitted within 12 miles of the nearest land.
More stringent restrictions applied to the Baltic and Black Sea
Annex III: Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in
packaged form
Entry into force: 1 July 1992
The first of the convention's optional annexes. States
ratifying the Convention must accept Annexes I and II but can

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choose not to accept the other three - hence they have taken
much longer to enter into force.
Annex III contains general requirements for the issuing of
detailed standards on packing, marking, labelling,
documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and
notifications for preventing pollution by harmful substances.
The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code has,
since 1991, included marine pollutants.

Annex IV: Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships

Entry into force: 27 September 2003
The second of the optional Annexes, Annex IV contains requirements to control pollution of the
sea by sewage.
Annex V: Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships
Entry into force: 31 December 1988
This deals with different types of garbage and specifies the
distances from land and the manner in which they may be disposed
of. The requirements are much stricter in a number of "special
areas" but perhaps the most important feature of the Annex is
the complete ban imposed on the dumping into the sea of all
forms of plastic.
Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
Adopted September 1997
Entry into force: 12 months after being ratified by 15 States
whose combined fleets of merchant shipping constitute at least
50% of the world fleet.
Status: See status of conventions
The regulations in this annex, when they come into force, will set limits on sulphur oxide and
nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibit deliberate emissions of ozone
depleting substances.

See 1997 amendments

Any violation of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention within the
jurisdiction of any Party to the Convention is punishable either
under the law of that Party or under the law of the flag State.
In this respect, the term "jurisdiction" in the Convention

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should be construed in the light of international law in force

at the time the Convention is applied or interpreted.
With the exception of very small vessels, ships engaged on
international voyages must carry on board valid international
certificates which may be accepted at foreign ports as prima
facie evidence that the ship complies with the requirements of
the Convention.
If, however, there are clear grounds for believing that the
condition of the ship or its equipment does not correspond
substantially with the particulars of the certificate, or if the
ship does not carry a valid certificate, the authority carrying
out the inspection may detain the ship until it is satisfied
that the ship can proceed to sea without presenting unreasonable
threat of harm to the marine environment.
Under Article 17, the Parties to the Convention accept the
obligation to promote, in consultation with other international
bodies and with the assistance of UNEP, support for those
Parties which request technical assistance for various purposes,
such as training, the supply of equipment, research, and
combating pollution.
Amendment Procedure
Amendments to the technical Annexes of MARPOL 73/78 can be
adopted using the "tacit acceptance" procedure, whereby the
amendments enter into force on a specified date unless an agreed
number of States Parties object by an agreed date.
In practice, amendments are usually adopted either by IMO's
Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) or by a
Conference of Parties to MARPOL.

The 1984 amendments

Adoption: 7 September 1984
Entry into force: 7 January 1986
The amendments to Annex I were designed to make implementation
easier and more effective. New requirements were designed to
prevent oily water being discharged in special areas, and other
requirements were strengthened. But in some cases they were
eased, provided that various conditions were met: some
discharges were now permitted below the waterline, for example,
which helps to cut costs by reducing the need for extra piping.

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The 1985 (Annex II) amendments

Adoption: 5 December 1985
Entry into force: 6 April 1987
The amendments to Annex II, which deals with liquid noxious
substances (such as chemicals), were intended to take into
account technological developments since the Annex was drafted
in 1973 and to simplify its implementation. In particular, the
aim was to reduce the need for reception facilities for chemical
wastes and to improve cargo tank stripping efficiencies.
The amendments also made the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk (IBC Code) mandatory for ships built on or after 1 July
1986. This is important because the Annex itself is concerned
only with discharge procedures: the Code contains carriage
requirements. The Code itself was revised to take into account
anti-pollution requirements and therefore make the amended Annex
more effective in reducing accidental pollution

The 1985 (Protocol I) amendments

Adoption: 5 December 1985
Entry into force: 6 April 1987
The amendments made it an explicit requirement to report
incidents involving discharge into the sea of harmful substances
in packaged form.

The 1987 Amendments

Adoption: December 1987
Entry into force: 1 April 1989
The amendments extended Annex I Special Area status to the Gulf
of Aden
The 1989 (March) amendments
Adoption: March 1989
Entry into force: 13 October
The amendments affected the
International Code for the
Construction and Equipment
of Ships Carrying Dangerous

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Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), mandatory under both MARPOL 73/78

and SOLAS and applies to ships built on or after 1 July 1986 and
the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH). In both cases, the
amendments included a revised list of chemicals. The BCH Code
is mandatory under MARPOL 73/78 but voluntary under SOLAS 1974.
Further amendments affected Annex II of MARPOL - updating and
replacing the lists of chemicals in appendices II and III.

The October 1989 amendments

Adoption: 17 October 1989
Entry into force: 18 February 1991
The amendments make the North Sea a "special area" under Annex V
of the convention. This greatly increases the protection of the
sea against the dumping of garbage from ships
The 1990 (HSSC) amendments
Adoption: March 1990
Entry into force: 3 February 2000 (Coinciding with the entry
into force of the 1988 SOLAS and Load Lines Protocols.
The amendments are designed to introduce the harmonized system
of survey and certificates (HSSC) into MARPOL 73/78 at the same
time as it enters into force for the SOLAS and Load Lines
All three instruments require the issuing of certificates to
show that requirements have been met and this has to be done by
means of a survey which can involve the ship being out of
service for several days.
The harmonized system alleviates the problems caused by survey
dates and intervals between surveys which do not coincide, so
that a ship should no longer have to go into port or repair yard
for a survey required by one convention shortly after doing the
same thing in connection with another instrument.
The 1990 (IBC Code) amendments
Adoption: March 1990
Entry into force: On the same date as the March 1990 HSSC
amendments i.e. 3 February 2000.
The amendments introduced the HSSC into the IBC Code
The 1990 (BCH) amendments

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Adoption: March 1990

Entry into force: On the same date as the March 1990 HSSC
amendments i.e. 3 February 2000.
The amendments introduced the HSSC into the BCH Code.
The 1990 (Annexes I and V) amendments
Adoption: November 1990
Entry into force: 17 March 1992
The amendments extended Special Area Status under Annexes I and
V to the Antarctic.
The 1991 amendments
Adoption: 4 July 1991
Entry into force: 4 April 1993
The amendments made the Wider Caribbean a Special Area under
Annex V.
Other amendments added a new chapter IV to Annex I, requiring
ships to carry an oil pollution emergency plan.
The 1992 amendments
Adoption: 6 March 1992
Entry into force: 6 July 1993
The amendments to Annex I of the convention which deals with
pollution by oil brought in the "double hull" requirements for
tankers, applicable to new ships (tankers ordered after 6 July
1993, whose keels were laid on or after 6 January 1994 or which
are delivered on or after 6 July 1996) as well as existing ships
built before that date, with a phase-in period.
New-build tankers are covered by Regulation 13F, while
regulation 13G applies to existing crude oil tankers of 20,000
dwt and product carriers of 30,000 dwt and above. Regulation 13G
came into effect on 6 July 1995.
Regulation 13F requires all new tankers of 5,000 dwt and above
to be fitted with double hulls separated by a space of up to 2
metres (on tankers below 5,000 dwt the space must be at least
As an alternative, tankers may incorporate the "mid-deck"
concept under which the pressure within the cargo tank does not
exceed the external hydrostatic water pressure. Tankers built to
this design have double sides but not a double bottom. Instead,
another deck is installed inside the cargo tank with the venting

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arranged in such a way that there is an upward pressure on the

bottom of the hull.
Other methods of design and construction may be accepted as
alternatives "provided that such methods ensure at least the
same level of protection against oil pollution in the event of a
collision or stranding and are approved in principle by the
Marine Environment Protection Committee based on guidelines
developed by the Organization.
For oil tankers of 20,000 dwt and above new requirements were
introduced concerning subdivision and stability.
The amendments also considerably reduced the amount of oil which
can be discharged into the sea from ships (for example,
following the cleaning of cargo tanks or from engine room
bilges). Originally oil tankers were permitted to discharge oil
or oily mixtures at the rate of 60 litres per nautical mile.
The amendments reduced this to 30 litres. For non-tankers of 400
grt and above the permitted oil content of the effluent which
may be discharged into the sea is cut from 100 parts per million
to 15 parts per million.
Regulation 24(4), which deals with the limitation of size and
arrangement of cargo tanks, was also modified.
Regulation 13G applies to existing crude oil tankers of 20,000
dwt and product carriers of 30,000 dwt and above.
Tankers that are 25 years old and which were not constructed
according to the requirements of the 1978 Protocol to MARPOL
73/78 have to be fitted with double sides and double bottoms.
The Protocol applies to tankers ordered after 1 June 1979, which
were begun after 1 January 1980 or completed after 1 June 1982.
Tankers built according to the standards of the Protocol are
exempt until they reach the age of 30.
Existing tankers are subject to an enhanced programme of
inspections during their periodical, intermediate and annual
surveys. Tankers that are five years old or more must carry on
board a completed file of survey reports together with a
conditional evaluation report endorsed by the flag
Tankers built in the 1970s which are at or past their 25th must
comply with Regulation 13F. If not, their owners must decide
whether to convert them to the standards set out in regulation
13F, or to scrap them.
Another set of tankers built according to the standards of the
1978 protocol will soon be approaching their 30th birthday - and
the same decisions must be taken.

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The 1994 amendments

Adoption: 13 November 1994
Entry into force: 3 March 1996
The amendments affect four of the Convention's five technical
annexes (II III, V, and I) and are all designed to improve the
way it is implemented. They make it possible for ships to be
inspected when in the ports of other Parties to the Convention
to ensure that crews are able to carry out essential shipboard
procedures relating to marine pollution prevention. These are
contained in resolution A.742 (18), which was adopted by the IMO
Assembly in November 1993.
The amendments are similar to those made to SOLAS in May 1994.
Extending port State control to operational requirements is seen
as an important way of improving the efficiency with which
international safety and anti-pollution treaties are
The 1995 amendments
Adoption: 14 September 1995
Entry into force: 1 July 1997
The amendments concern Annex V. They are designed to improve the
way the Convention is implemented. Regulation 2 was clarified
and a new regulation 9 added dealing with placards, garbage
management plans and garbage record keeping.
The 1996 amendments
Adoption: 10 July 1996
Entry into force: 1 January 1998
One set of amendments concerned Protocol I to the Convention
which contains provisions for reporting incidents involving
harmful substances. The amendments included more precise
requirements for the sending of such reports.
Other amendments brought requirements in MARPOL concerning the
IBC and BCH Codes into line with amendments adopted to
The 1997 amendments
Adoption: 23 September 1997
Entry into force: 1 February 1999
Regulation 25A to Annex 1 specifies intact stability criteria
for double hull tankers.

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Another amendment made the North West European waters a "special

area" under Regulation 10 of Annex 1. The waters cover the
North Sea and its approaches, the Irish Sea and its approaches,
the Celtic Sea, the English Channel and its approaches and part
of the North East Atlantic immediately to the West of Ireland.
In special areas, discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture
from any oil tanker and ship over 400 gt is prohibited. Other
special areas already designated under Annex I of MARPOL
include: the Mediterranean Sea area, the Baltic Sea area, the
Red Sea area, the Gulf of Aden area and the Antarctic area.
The Protocol of 1997 (Annex VI - Regulations for the Prevention
of Air Pollution from Ships)
Adoption: 26 September 1997
Entry into force: 19 May 2005
The Protocol was adopted at a Conference held from 15 to 26
September 1997 and adds a new Annex VI on Regulations for the
Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships to the Convention.
The rules, when they come into force, will set limits on sulphur
oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from ship
exhausts and prohibit deliberate emissions of ozone depleting
The new Annex VI includes a global cap of 4.5% m/m on the
sulphur content of fuel oil and calls on IMO to monitor the
worldwide average sulphur content of fuel once the Protocol
comes into force.
Annex VI contains provisions allowing for special "SOx Emission
Control Areas" to be established with more stringent control on
sulphur emissions. In these areas, the sulphur content of fuel
oil used on board ships must not exceed 1.5% m/m. Alternatively,
ships must fit an exhaust gas cleaning system or use any other
technological method to limit SOx emissions.
The Baltic Sea is designated as a SOx Emission Control area in
the Protocol.
Annex VI prohibits deliberate emissions of ozone depleting
substances, which include halons and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
New installations containing ozone-depleting substances are
prohibited on all ships. But new installations containing hydro-
chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) are permitted until 1 January 2020.
The requirements of the IMO Protocol are in accordance with the
Montreal Protocol of 1987, as amended in London in 1990. The
Montreal Protocol is an international environmental treaty,
drawn up under the auspices of the United Nations, under which

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nations agreed to cut CFC consumption and production in order to

protect the ozone layer.
Annex VI sets limits on emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) from
diesel engines. A mandatory NOx Technical Code, developed by
IMO, defines how this is to be done.
The Annex also prohibits the incineration on board ship of
certain products, such as contaminated packaging materials and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Format of Annex VI
Annex VI consists of three Chapters and a number of Appendices:
Chapter 1 - General
Chapter II - Survey, Certification and Means of Control
Chapter III - Requirements for Control of Emissions from Ships
Appendices including the form of the International Air
Pollution Prevention Certificate; criteria and procedures for
designation of SOx emission control areas; information for
inclusion in the bunker delivery note; approval and operating
limits for shipboard incinerators; test cycles and weighting
factors for verification of compliance of marine diesel engines
with the NOx limits; and details of surveys and inspections to
be carried out.
The 1999 amendments
Adoption: 1 July 1999
Entry into force: 1 January 2001 (under tacit acceptance)
Amendments to Regulation 13G of Annex I (Regulations for the
Prevention of Pollution by Oil) make existing oil tankers
between 20,000 and 30,000 tons deadweight carrying persistent
product oil, including heavy diesel oil and fuel oil, subject to
the same construction requirements as crude oil tankers.
Regulation 13G requires, in principle, existing tankers to
comply with requirements for new tankers in Regulation 13F,
including double hull requirements for new tankers or
alternative arrangements, not later than 25 years after date of
The amendments extend the application from applying to crude oil
tankers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above and product carriers
of 30,000 tons deadweight and above, to also apply to tankers
between 20,000 and 30,000 tons deadweight which carry heavy
diesel oil or fuel oil.

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The aim of the amendments is to address concerns that oil

pollution incidents involving persistent oils are as severe as
those involving crude oil, so regulations applicable to crude
oil tankers should also apply to tankers carrying persistent

Related amendments to the Supplement of the IOPP

(International Oil Pollution Prevention) Certificate, covering
in particular oil separating/filtering equipment and retention
and disposal of oil residues were also adopted.
A third MARPOL 73/78 amendment adopted relates to Annex II of
MARPOL Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious
Liquid Substances in Bulk. The amendment adds a new regulation
16 requiring a Shipboard marine pollution emergency plan for
noxious liquid substances.
Amendments were also made to the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk (IBC Code) and the Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH
Code). The amendments address the maintenance of venting
The 2000 amendments
Adoption: 13 March 2000
Entry into force: 1 January 2002 (under tacit acceptance)
The amendment to Annex III (Prevention of Pollution by Harmful
Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form) deletes tainting as
a criterion for marine pollutants from the Guidelines for the
identification of harmful substances in packaged form. Tainting
refers to the ability of a product to be taken up by an organism
and thereby affect the taste or smell of seafood making it
unpalatable. A substance is defined as tainting when it has been
found to taint seafood.
The amendment means that products identified as being marine
pollutants solely on the basis of their tainting properties will
no longer be classified as marine pollutants.

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The 2001 amendments

Adoption: 27 April 2001
Entry into force: 1 September 2002
The amendment to Annex I brings in a new global timetable for
accelerating the phase-out of single-hull oil tankers. The
timetable will see most single-hull oil tankers eliminated by
2015 or earlier. Double-hull tankers offer greater protection of
the environment from pollution in
certain types of accident. All new
oil tankers built since 1996 are
required to have double hulls.

The revised regulation identifies

three categories of tankers, as
"Category 1 oil tanker" means oil
tankers of 20,000 tons deadweight and
above carrying crude oil, fuel oil,
heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil
as cargo, and of 30,000 tons
deadweight and above carrying other
oils, which do not comply with the
requirements for protectively located segregated ballast tanks
(commonly known as Pre-MARPOL tankers).
"Category 2 oil tanker" means oil tankers of 20,000 tons
deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel
oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight
and above carrying other oils, which do comply with the
protectively located segregated ballast tank requirements
(MARPOL tankers), while

"Category 3 oil tanker" means an oil tanker of 5,000 tons

deadweight and above but less than the tonnage specified for
Category 1 and 2 tankers.

Although the new phase-out timetable sets 2015 as the principal

cut-off date for all single-hull tankers, the flag state
administration may allow for some newer single hull ships
registered in its country that conform to certain technical
specifications to continue trading until the 25th anniversary of
their delivery.
However, under the provisions of paragraph 8(b), any Port State
can deny entry of those single hull tankers which are allowed to
operate until their 25th anniversary to ports or offshore

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terminals. They must communicate their intention to do this to

As an additional precautionary measure, a Condition Assessment
Scheme (CAS) will have to be applied to all Category 1 vessels
continuing to trade after 2005 and all Category 2 vessels after
Although the CAS does not specify structural standards in excess
of the provisions of other IMO conventions, codes and
recommendations, its requirements stipulate more stringent and
transparent verification of the reported structural condition of
the ship and that documentary and survey procedures have been
properly carried out and completed.
The requirements of the CAS include enhanced and transparent
verification of the reported structural condition and of the
ship and verification that the documentary and survey procedures
have been properly carried out and completed. The Scheme
requires that compliance with the CAS is assessed during the
Enhanced Survey Programme of Inspections concurrent with
intermediate or renewal surveys currently required by resolution
A.744(18), as amended.
The 2003 Amenedments
Adoption: 4 December 2003
Entry into force: (under tacit acceptance): 5 April 2005
Under a revised regulation 13G of Annex I of MARPOL, the final
phasing-out date for Category 1 tankers (pre-MARPOL tankers) is
brought forward to 2005, from 2007. The final phasing-out date
for category 2 and 3 tankers (MARPOL tankers and smaller
tankers) is brought forward to 2010, from 2015.
The full timetable for the phasing out of single-hull tankers is
as follows:

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Category of
Date or year
oil tanker
Category 1 5 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April
1982 or earlier 2005 for ships delivered after
5 April 1982
Category 2 5 April 2005 for ships delivered on 5 April
and 1977 or earlier
Category 3 2005 for ships delivered after 5 April 1977
but before 1 January 1978
2006 for ships delivered in 1978 and 1979
2007 for ships delivered in 1980 and 1981
2008 for ships delivered in 1982
2009 for ships delivered in 1983
2010 for ships delivered in 1984 or later
Under the revised regulation, the Condition Assessment Scheme
(CAS) is to be made applicable to all single-hull tankers of 15
years, or older. Previously it was applicable to all Category 1
vessels continuing to trade after 2005 and all Category 2
vessels after 2010. Consequential enhancements to the CAS scheme
were also adopted.
The revised regulation allows the Administration (flag State) to
permit continued operation of category 2 or 3 tankers beyond
2010 subject to satisfactory results from the CAS, but the
continued operation must not go beyond the anniversary of the
date of delivery of the ship in 2015 or the date on which the
ship reaches 25 years of age after the date of its delivery,
whichever is earlier.
In the case of certain Category 2 or 3 oil tankers fitted with
only double bottoms or double sides not used for the carriage of
oil and extending to the entire cargo tank length or double hull
spaces, not meeting the minimum distance protection
requirements, which are not used for the carriage of oil and
extend to the entire cargo tank length, the Administration may
allow continued operation beyond 2010, provided that the ship
was in service on 1 July 2001, the Administration is satisfied
by verification of the official records that the ship complied
with the conditions specified and that those conditions remain
unchanged. Again, such continued operation must not go beyond
the date on which the ship reaches 25 years of age after the
date of its delivery.
Carriage of heavy grade oil
A new MARPOL regulation 13H on the prevention of oil pollution
from oil tankers when carrying heavy grade oil (HGO) bans the
carriage of HGO in single-hull tankers of 5,000 tons dwt and
above after the date of entry into force of the regulation (5
April 2005), and in single-hull oil tankers of 600 tons dwt and

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above but less than 5,000 tons dwt, not later than the
anniversary of their delivery date in 2008.
Under the new regulation, HGO means any of the following:
a) crude oils having a density at 15C higher than 900 kg/m3;
b) fuel oils having either a density at 15C higher than 900 kg/
m3 or a kinematic viscosity at 50C higher than 180 mm2/s;
c) bitumen, tar and their emulsions.
In the case of certain Category 2 or 3 tankers carrying heavy
grade oil as cargo, fitted only with double bottoms or double
sides, not used for the carriage of oil and extending to the
entire cargo tank length, or double hull spaces not meeting the
minimum distance protection requirements which are not used for
the carriage of oil and extend to the entire cargo tank length,
the Administration may allow continued operation of such ships
beyond 5 April 2005 until the date on which the ship reaches 25
years of age after the date of its delivery.
Regulation 13(H) also allows for continued operation of oil
tankers of 5,000 tons dwt and above, carrying crude oil with a
density at 15C higher than 900 kg/ m3 but lower than 945 kg/
m3, if satisfactory results of the Condition Assessment Scheme
warrant that, in the opinion of the Administration, the ship is
fit to continue such operation, having regard to the size, age,
operational area and structural conditions of the ship and
provided that the continued operation shall not go beyond the
date on which the ship reaches 25 years after the date of its
The Administration may allow continued operation of a single
hull oil tanker of 600 tons deadweight and above but less than
5,000 tons deadweight, carrying heavy grade oil as cargo, if, in
the opinion of the Administration, the ship is fit to continue
such operation, having regard to the size, age, operational area
and structural conditions of the ship, provided that the
operation shall not go beyond the date on which the ship reaches
25 years after the date of its delivery.
The Administration of a Party to the present Convention may
exempt an oil tanker of 600 tons deadweight and above carrying
heavy grade oil as cargo if the ship is either engaged in
voyages exclusively within an area under the Party's
jurisdiction, or is engaged in voyages exclusively within an
area under the jurisdiction of another Party, provided the Party
within whose jurisdiction the ship will be operating agrees. The
same applies to vessels operating as floating storage units of
heavy grade oil.

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A Party to MARPOL 73/78 shall be
entitled to deny entry of single hull
tankers carrying heavy grade oil
which have been allowed to continue
operation under the exemptions
mentioned above, into the ports or
offshore terminals under its jurisdiction, or deny ship-to-ship
transfer of heavy grade oil in areas under its jurisdiction
except when this is necessary for the purpose of securing the
safety of a ship or saving life at sea.
Resolutions adopted
The amendments to MARPOL regulation 13G, the addition of a new
regulation 13H, consequential amendments to the IOPP Certificate
and the amendments to the Condition Assessment Scheme were
adopted by the Committee as MEPC Resolutions
Among other resolutions adopted by the Committee, another on
early implementation urged Parties to MARPOL 73/78 seriously to
consider the application of the amendments as soon as possible
to ships entitled to fly their flag, without waiting for the
amendments to enter into force and to communicate this action to
the Organization. It also invited the maritime industry to
implement the aforesaid amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78
effectively as soon as possible.

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Capitulo 20 Reglamento de abordajes


Assumptions Suposicin, conjetura

Construing interpretar
Deem Estimar, conceptuar
Namely A saber, particularmente.
Notwithstanding No obstante, a pesar de
Look-out Vigilancia
roadstead Rada
Scanty Escasa, deficiente
Slacken Disminuir, aflojar
Therewith Con eso


The 1972 Convention was designed to update and replace the
Collision Regulations of 1960 which were adopted at the same
time as the 1960 SOLAS Convention.

One of the most important innovations in the

1972 COLREGs was the recognition given to
traffic separation schemes - Rule 10 gives
guidance in determining safe speed, the risk
of collision and the conduct of vessels
operating in or near traffic separation
The first such traffic separation scheme was
established in the Dover Strait in 1967. It
was operated on a voluntary basis at first
but in 1971 the IMO Assembly adopted a resolution stating that
observance of all traffic separation schemes be made mandatory -
and the COLREGs make this obligation clear.

Technical provisions

The COLREGs include 38 rules divided into five sections: Part A

- General; Part B - Steering and Sailing; Part C - Lights and
Shapes; Part D - Sound and Light signals; and Part E -
Exemptions. There are also four Annexes containing technical
requirements concerning lights and shapes and their positioning;
sound signalling appliances; additional signals for fishing

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vessels when operating in close proximity, and international

distress signals.

Rule 1
(a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas
and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing

(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of

special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads,
harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the
high seas and navigable by seagoing vessels. Such special rules
shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.
(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of
any special rules made by the Government of any State with
respect to additional station or signal lights, shapes or
whistle signals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under
convoy, or with respect to additional station or signal lights
or shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet.
These additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle
signals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be
mistaken for any light, shape or signal authorized elsewhere
under these Rules.
(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the
Organization for the purpose of these Rules.
(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that
a vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully
with the provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the
number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or
shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of
sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with such
other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc
of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition
and characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, as her
Government shall have determined to be the closest possible
compliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.

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Rule 2
(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the
owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any
neglect to comply with these Rules or of the neglect of any
precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of
seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case.
(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard
shall be had to all dangers of navigation and collision and to
any special circumstances, including the limitations of the
vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules
necessary to avoid immediate danger
Rule 3
General Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, except where the context
otherwise requires
(a) The word "vessel" includes every description of water craft,
including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable
of being used as a means of transportation on water
(b) The term "power-driven vessel" means any vessel propelled by

(c) The term "sailing vessel" means any vessel under sail
provided that propelling machinery, if fitted, is not being
(d) The term "vessel engaged in fishing" means any vessel
fishing with nets, lines, trawls or other fishing apparatus
which restrict maneuverability, but does not include a vessel
fishing with trolling lines or other fishing apparatus which do
not restrict maneuverability.
(e) The word "seaplane" includes any aircraft designed to
maneuver on the water.
(f) The term "vessel not under command" means a vessel which
through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as
required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of
the way of another vessel.
(g) The term "vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver"
means a vessel which from the nature of her work is restricted
in her ability to maneuver as required by these Rules and is
therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.

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The term vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver shall

include but not be limited to
(i) a vessel engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a
navigation mark, submarine cable or pipeline;
(ii) a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater
(iii) a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,
provisions or cargo while underway;
(iv) a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft;
(v) a vessel engaged in mine clearance operations;
(vi) a vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely
restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to
deviate from their course.
(h) The term "vessel constrained by her draught" means a power-
driven vessel which, because of her draught in relation to the
available depth and width of navigable water, is severely
restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is
(i) The word "underway" means that a vessel is not at anchor, or
made fast to the shore, or aground.
(j) The words "length" and "breadth" of a vessel mean her length
overall and greatest breadth.
(k) Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only
when one can be observed visually from the other
(l) The term "restricted visibility" means any condition in
which visibility is restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy
rainstorms, sandstorms or any other similar causes.


Rule 4
Rules in this Section apply in any condition of visibility.

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Rule 5
Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by
sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate
in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a
full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.
Rule 6
Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that
she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and
be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among
those taken into account
(a) By all vessels
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing
vessels or any other vessels;
(iii) the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference
to stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing

(iv) at night the presence of background light such as from

shore lights or from back scatter of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of
navigational hazards;
(vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water
(b) Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
(i) the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar
(ii) any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use;
(iii) the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather
and other sources of interference.

(vi) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be

possible when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or
other objects in the vicinity.

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Rule 7
Risk of Collision
(a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to
the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk
of collision exists. If there is any doubt such risk shall be
deemed to exist.
(b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and
operational, including long-range scanning to obtain early
warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent
systematic observation of detected objects.
(c) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty
information, especially scanty radar information.
(d) In determining if risk of collision exists the following
considerations shall be among those taken into account:
(I) such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of
an approaching vessel does not appreciably change;
(ii) such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable
bearing change is evident, particularly when approaching a very
large vessel or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close
Rule 8
Action to avoid Collision
(a) Any action to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of
the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due
regard to the observance of good seamanship.
(b) Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision
shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be large enough
to be readily apparent to another vessel observing visually or
by radar; a succession of small alterations of course and/or
speed should be avoided.
(c) If there is sufficient sea-room, alteration of course alone
may be the most effective action to avoid a close-quarters
situation provided that it is made in good time, is substantial
and does not result in another close-quarters situation.
(d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be
such as to result in passing at a safe distance. The
effectiveness of the action shall be carefully checked until the
other vessel is finally past and clean

(e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess

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the situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way
off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.
(f) (i) A vessel which, by any of these Rules, is required not
to impede the passage or safe passage of another vessel shall,
when required by the circumstances of the case, take early
action to allow sufficient sea-room for the safe passage of the
other vessel.
(ii) A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage
of another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if
approaching the other vessel so as to involve risk of collision
and shall, when takimg action, have full regard to the action
which may be required by the Rules of this part.
(iii) A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded remains
fully obliged to comply with the Rules of this part when the two
vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of
Rule 9
Narrow Channels
(a) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of
fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or
fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and
(b) A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing
vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safely
navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of
any other vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
(d) A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such
crossing impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely
navigate only within such channel or fairway. The latter vessel
may use the sound signal prescribed in Rule 34(d) if in doubt as
to the intention of the crossing vessel.
(e) (i) In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take
place only if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to
permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall
indicate her intention by sounding the appropriate signal
prescribed in Rule 34(c)(i). The vessel to be overtaken shall,
if in agreement, sound the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule
34(c)(ii) and take steps to permit safe passing. If in doubt she
may sound the signals prescribed in Rule 34(d).
(ii) This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her
obligation under Rule 13.

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(f) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or

fairway where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening
obstruction shall navigate with particular alertness and caution
and shall sound the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(e).
(g) Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit,
avoid anchoring in a narrow channel.

Rule 10
Traffic Separation Schemes

(a) This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by

the Organization and does not relieve any vessel of her
obligation under any other rule.

(b) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall:

(i) proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general

direction of traffic flow for that lane.

(ii) so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation

line or separation zone;

(iii) normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination

of the lane, but when joining or leaving from either side shall
do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic
flow as practicable.

(c) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing

traffic lanes but if obliged to do so shall cross on a heading
as nearly as practicable at right angles to the general
direction of traffic flow.

(d) (i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when
she can safely use the appropriate traffic lane within the
adjacent traffic separation scheme. However, vessels of less
than 20 metres in length, sailing vessels and vessels engaged in
fishing may use the inshore traffic zone.
(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (d) (i), a vessel may use an
inshore traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore
installation or structure, pilot station or any other place
situated within the inshore traffic zone, or to avoid immediate

(e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or

leaving a lane shall not normally enter a separation zone or
cross a separation line except:

(i) in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger;

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(ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.

(f) A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of

traffic separation schemes shall do so with particular caution.

(g) A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a

traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.

(h) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid

it by as wide a margin as is practicable.

(i) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of

any vessel following a traffic lane.

(j) A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing

vessel shall not impede the safe passage of a power-driven
vessel following a traffic lane.

(k) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when engaged

in an operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a
traffic separation scheme is exempted from complying with this
Rule to the extent necessary to carry out the operation.

(I) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when engaged

in an operation for the laying, servicing or picking up a
submarine cable, within a traffic separation scheme, is exempted
from complying with this Rule to the extent necessary to carry
out the operation.


Rule 11
Rules in this Section apply to vessels in sight of one another.
Rule 12
Sailing Vessels
(a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as
to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the
way of the other as follows:

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(i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which
has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the
(ii) when both have the wind on the same side, the vessel which
is to windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is
to leeward;
(iii)if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to
windward and cannot determine with certainty whether the other
vessel has the wind on the port or on the starboard side, she
shall keep out of the way of the other.
(b) For the purpose of this Rule the windward side shall be
deemed to be the side opposite to that on which the mainsail is
carried or, in the case of a square-rigged vessel, the side
opposite to that on which the largest fore-and-aft sail is
Rule 13
(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B,
Sections I and II, any vessel overtaking any other shall keep
out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
(b) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up
with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees
abaft her beam, that is, in such a position with reference to
the vessel she is overtaking, that at night she would be able to
see only the sternlight of that vessel but neither of her
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is
overtaking another, she shall assume that this is the case and
act accordingly.
(d) Any subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two
vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel
within the meaning of these
Rules or relieve her of the duty
of keeping clear of the
overtaken vessel until she is
finally past and clear.
Rule 14
Head-on Situation
(a) When two power-driven
vessels are meeting on
reciprocal or nearly reciprocal
courses so as to involve risk of

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collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each

shall pass on the port side of the other.

(b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees

the other ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the
masthead lights of the other in a line or nearly in a line
and/or both sidelights and by day she observes the corresponding
aspect of the other vessel.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation
exists she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.

Rule 15
Crossing Situation
When two power-driven vessels are
crossing so as to involve risk of
collision, the vessel which has the
other on her own starboard side
shall keep out of the way and shall,
if the circumstances of the case
admit, avoid crossing ahead of the
other vessel.

Rule 16
Action by Give-way Vessel
Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another
vessel shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial
action to keep well clear.
Rule 17
Action by Stand-on Vessel
(a) (i) Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the
other shall keep her course and speed.
(ii) The latter vessel may however take action to avoid
collision by her manoeuvre alone, as soon as it becomes apparent

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to her that the vessel required to keep out of the way is not
taking appropriate action in compliance with these Rules.
(b) When, from any cause, the vessel required to keep her course
and speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be
avoided by the action of the give-way vessel alone, she shall
take such action as will best aid to avoid collision.

(c) A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing

situation in accordance with subparagraph (a) (ii) of this Rule
to avoid collision with another power-driven vessel shall, if
the circumstances of the case admit, not alter course to port
for a vessel on her own port side.
(d) This Rule does not relieve the give-way vessel of her
obligation to keep out of the way.

Rule 18
Responsibilities between Vessels
Except where Rules 9, 10 and 13 otherwise require:
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre;
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing;
(iv) a sailing vessel.
(b) A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(I) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre;
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall, so far as
possible, keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.
(d) (i) Any vessel other than a vessel not under command or a
vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit, avoid impeding the safe passage
of a vessel constrained by her draught, exhibiting the signals
in Rule 28.

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(ii) A vessel constrained by her draught shall navigate with

particular caution having full regard to her special condition.
(e) A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear
of all vessels and avoid impeding their navigation. In
circumstances, however, where risk of collision exists, she
shall comply with the Rules of this Part.
Rule 19
Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
(a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another
when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
(b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the
prevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted
visibility. A power-driven vessel shall have her engines ready
for immediate manoeuvre.
(c) Every vessel shall have due regard to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility when
complying with the Rules of Section 1 of this Part.
(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of
another vessel shall determine if a close-quarters situation is
developing and/or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall
take avoiding action in ample time, provided that when such
action consists of an alteration of course, so far as possible
the following shall be avoided:
(i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the
beam, other than for a vessel being overtaken;
(ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the
(e) Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision
does not exist, every vessel which hears apparently forward of
her beam the fog signal of another vessel, or which cannot avoid
a close-quarters situation with another vessel forward of her
beam, shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be
kept on her course. She shall if necessary take all her way off
and in any event navigate with extreme caution until danger of
collision is oven

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Rule 20
(a) Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers.
(b) The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from
sunset to sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall
be exhibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the
lights specified in these Rules or do not impair their
visibility or distinctive character, or interfere with the
keeping of a proper look-out.

(c) The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also

be exhibited from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and
may be exhibited in all other circumstances when it is deemed
(d) The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.
(e) The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply
with the provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.
Rule 21
(a) "Masthead light" means a white light placed over the fore
and aft centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over
an arc of the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the
light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either
side of the vessel.
(b) "Sidelights" means a green light on the starboard side and a
red light on the port side each showing an unbroken light over
an arc of the horizon of 112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show
the light from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on its
respective side. In a vessel of less than 20 metres in length
the sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on the
fore and aft centerline of the vessel.
(c) "Stemlight" means a white light placed as nearly as
practicable at the stem showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horizon of 135 degrees and so fixed as to show the light
67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.
(d) "Towing light" means a yellow light having the same
characteristics as the "stemlight" defined in paragraph (c) of
this Rule.
(e) "All-round light" means a light showing an unbroken light
over an arc of the horizon of 360 degrees.

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(C) "Flashing light" means a light flashing at regular intervals

at a frequency of 120 flashes or more per minute.
Rule 22
Visibility of Lights
The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as
specified in Section 8 of Annex I to these Regulations so as to
be visible at the following minumum ranges
(a) In vessels of 50 metres or more in length
- a masthead light, 6 miles;
- a sidelight, 3 miles;
- a stemlight, 3 miles;
- a towing light, 3 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round li~ht, 3 miles.

(b) In vessels of 12 metres or more in length but less than 50

metres in length:

- a masthead light, 5 miles; except that where the length of

the vessel is less
than 20 metres, 3 miles;
- a sidelight, 2 miles;
- a stemlight, 2 miles;
- a towing light, 2 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles.
(c) In vessels of less than 12 metres in length:
- a masthead light, 2 miles;
- a sidelight, 1 miles;
- a stemlight, 2 miles;
- a towing light, 2 miles;
- a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles.
(d) In inconspicious, partly submerged vessels or objects being
- a white all-round light, 3 miles.
Rule 23
Power-driven Vessels underway
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit:
(i) a masthead light forward;
(ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the
forward one; except that a vessel of less than 50 metres in
length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so;
(iii) sidelights;

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(iv) a sternlight.
(b) An air-cushion vessel when operating in the non-displacement
mode shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph
(a) of this Rule, exhibit an all-round flashing yellow light.
(c) (i) a power-driven vessel of less than 12 metres in length
may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this
Rule exhibit an all-round white light and sidelights;
(ii) a power-driven vessel of less than 7 metres in length whose
maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots may in lieu of the lights
prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round
white light and shall, if practicable, also exhibit sidelights;
(iii) the masthead light or all-round white light on a power-
driven vessel of less than 12 metres in length may be displaced
from the fore and aft centreline of the vessel if centreline
fitting is not practicable, provided that the sidelights are
combined in one lantern which shall be carried on the
Rule 24
Rule 29
Pilot Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit
(i) at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical
line, the upper being white and the lower red;
(ii) when underway, in addition, sidelights and a stemlight;
(iii) when at anchor, in addition to the lights prescribed in
subparagraph (i), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule
30 for vessels at anchor
(b) A pilot vessel when not engaged on pilotage duty shall
exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed for a similar vessel of
her length.

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Rule 32
(a) The word "whistle" means any sound signalling appliance
capable of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies
with the specifications in Annex III to these Regulations.
(b) The term "short blast" means a blast of about one second's
(c) The term "prolonged blast" means a blast of from four to six
seconds' duration.

Rule 33
Equipment for Sound Signals
(a) A vessel of 12 metres or more in length shall be provided
with a whistle and a bell and a vessel of 100 metres or more in
length shall, in addition, be provided with a gong, the tone and
sound of which cannot be confused with that of the bell. The
whistle, bell and gong shall comply with the specifications in
Annex III to these Regulations. The bell or gong or both may be
replaced by other equipment having the same respective sound
characteristics, provided that manual sounding of the prescribed
signals shall always be possible.
(b) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be
obliged to carry the sound signalling appliances prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this Rule but if she does not, she shall be
provided with some other means of making an efficient sound
Rule 34
Manoeuvring and Warning Signals
(a) When vessels are in sight of one another, a power-driven
vessel underway, when manoeuvring as authorized or required by
these Rules, shall indicate that manoeuvre by the following
signals on her whistle:
- one short blast to mean "I am altering my course to
- two short blasts to mean "I am altering my course to port";
- three short blasts to mean "I am operating astern propulsion"
(b) Any vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this Rule by light signals, repeated as
appropriate, whilst the manoeuvre is being carried out
(i) these light signals shall have the following significance

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- one flash to mean "I am altering my course to starboard";

- two flashes to mean "I am altering my course to port";
- three flashes to mean "I am operating astern propulsion";
(ii) the duration of each flash shall be about one second, the
interval between flashes shall be about one second, and the
interval between successive signals shall be not less than ten
(iii) the light used for this signal shall, if fitted, be an
all-round white light, visible at a minimum range of 5 miles,
and shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these
(c) When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway
(i) a vessel intending to overtake another shall in compliance
with Rule 9 (e) (i) indicate her intention by the following
signals on her whistle
- two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean "I
intend to overtake you on your starboard side"
- two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean "I
intend to overtake you on your port side";
(ii) the vessel about to be overtaken when acting in accordance
with Rule 9 (e) (i) shall indicate her agreement by tile
following signal on her whistle:
- one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast,
in that order
(d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each
other and from any cause either vessel fails to understand the
intentions or actions of the other, or is in doubt whether
sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid
collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such
doubt by giving at least five short and rapid blasts on the
whistle. Such signal may be supplemented by a light signal of at
least five short and rapid flashes.

(e) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway

where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening
obstruction shall sound one prolonged blast. Such signal shall
be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel
that may be within hearing around the bend or behind the
intervening obstruction.
(f) If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of
more than 100 metres, one whistle only shall be used for giving
manoeuvring and warning signals.

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Capitulo 20 Reglamento de abordajes

Rule 35
Sound Signals in restricted visibility
In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or
night, the signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as
(a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall
sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged
(b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way
through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2
minutes two prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of
about 2 seconds between them.
(c) A vessel not under command, a vessel restricted in her
ability to manoeuvre, a vessel constrained by her draught, a
sailing vessel, a vessel engaged in fishing and a vessel engaged
in towing or pushing another vessel shall, instead of the
signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, sound
at intervals of not more than 2 minutes three blasts in
succession, namely one prolonged followed by two short blasts.
(d) A vessel engaged in fishing, when at anchor, and a vessel
restricted in her ability to manoeuvre when carrying out her
work at anchor, shall instead of the signals prescribed in
paragraph (g) of this Rule sound the signal prescribed in
paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(e) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last
vessel of the tow, if manned, shall at intervals of not more
than 2 minutes sound four blasts in succession, namely one
prolonged followed by three short blasts. When practicable, this
signal shall be made immediately after the signal made by the
towing vessel.
(f) When a pushed vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are
rigidly connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as
a power-driven vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in
paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule.
(g) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one
minute ring the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. In a vessel of
100 metres or more in length the bell shall be sounded in the
forepart of the vessel and immediately after the ringing of the
bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about 5 seconds in
the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition
sound three blasts in succession, namely one short, one
prolonged and one short blast, to give warning of her position
and of the possibility of collision to an approaching vessel.

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Capitulo 20 Reglamento de abordajes

(h) A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required
the gong signal prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule and
shall, in addition, give three separate and distinct strokes on
the bell immediately before and after the rapid ringing of the
bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an appropriate
whistle signal.
(i) A vessel of less than 12 metres in length shall not be
obliged to give the above-mentioned signals but, if she does
not, shall make some other efficient sound signal at intervals
of not more than 2 minutes.
(ii) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in
addition to the signals prescribed in paraghaphs (a), (b) or (g)
of this Rule sound an identity signal consisting of four short
Rule 36
Signals to attract Attention
If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any
vessel may make light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken
for any signal authorized elsewhere in these Rules, or may
direct the beam of her searchlight in the direction of the
danger, in such a way as not to embarrass any vessel. Any light
to attract the attention of another vessel shall be such that it
cannot be mistaken for any aid to navigation. For the purpose of
this Rule the use of light intensity intermittent or revolving
lights, such as strobe lights, shall be avoided.
Rule 37
Distress Signals
When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall
use or exhibit the signals described in Annex IV to these
Rule 38
Any vessel (or class of vessels) provided that she complies with
the requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1960, the keel of which is laid or which is
at a corresponding stage of construction before the entry into

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 20 Reglamento de abordajes

force of these Regulations may be exempted from compliance

therewith as follows:
(a) The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule
22, until four years after the date of entry into force of these
(b) The installation of lights with colour specifications as
prescribed in Section 7 of Annex I to these Regulations, until
four years after the date of entry into force of these
(c) The repositioning of lights as a result of conversion from
Imperial to metric units and rounding off measurement figures,
permanent exemption.

(d) (i) The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of less

than 150 metres in length, resulting from the prescriptions of
Section 3 (a) of Annex I to these Regulations, permanent
(ii) The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of 150
metres or more in length, resulting from the prescriptions of
Section 3(a) of Annex I to these Regulations, until nine years
after the date of entry into force of these Regulations.
(e) The repositioning of masthead lights resulting from the
prescriptions of Section 2(b) of Annex I to these Regulations,
until nine years after the date of entry into force of these
(f) The repositioning of sidelights resulting from the
prescriptions of Sections 2(g) and 3(b) of Annex I to these
Regulations, until nine years after the date of entry into force
of these Regulations.
(g) The requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed in
Annex III to these Regulations, until nine years after the date
of entry into force of these Regulations.
(h) The repositioning of all-round lights resulting from the
prescription of section 9(b) of Annex I to these Regulations,
permanent exemption.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin


T T comportarse, comportarse como
es debido, conducirse,
T T Despachante.
T T objetivo, actual, basado en
hechos, basado en los hechos,
T T pulcramente, aseadamente, con
esmero, limpiamente,
lindamente, ntidamente
T T relativo a, respecto a, tocante
Tallymen apuntador
Shoremen Portuario
Sluices trancanil

The ships log book

The purpose of the LOG BOOK is to record the ships progress so

that her position by dead reckoning may be found at any time. It
is an important book of reference with respect to anything that
occurs on board. There are few documents on the vessel of as much
importance and concern as the official log book. It is required
by the law and must be kept in strict accordance with statutory

Usual daily entries made when at sea:

The ordinary navigation entries are: the courses steered and

distance by log for each watch of four hours. Compass error for
standard and gyro compasses. Direction and force of the wind.
State of the sea and weather information regarding the sky,
visibility, air and sea temperature.

When sailing along the coast:

We must record the time of passing the principal points, and

distance off them abeam, also ships position by cross bearings,
sextant angles, etc.

Entries in heavy weather:

The kind of sea that is running, that is, whether a cross sea or
a very high sea, etc., also how the vessel is behaving, if
labouring heavily and whether shipping heavy seas; if there is
any evidence of straining in any part of the vessel, and if
anything is carried or waned away. How the engine is going, if
the propeller is racing much, hatches inspected, etc.

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Capitulo 21 Documentacin

It is very important to have entries of bad weather in the log

book ,so that in case the cargo gets damage through stress of
weather, the log book may be produced in evidence thereof.

Entries in foggy or thick weather:

The time it came and which fog signal were started, speed of the
vessel. Any others to the engines and times they were given.

Entries after anchoring in a river or harbour:

Depth of water ,time of anchor let go, amount of cable out,

direction of wind and tide, and the bearings of some fixed
objects ashore.

Entries in port:

Hours during which discharging or loading is carried on, and

amount put out or taken in, if possible, also the draught both
aft & forward on arrival and departure. If any delay is caused
by rain, meals, etc., or any other circumstances.

Usual entries in manoeuvre and port:

27/6 1854 End of sea passage.

1906 Pilot aboard.
1912 Let go stb. anchor
1918 V/L brought up. 3 shackles in the water.
1924 Pilot away.
V/L at anchor awaiting berth/tide.
Bearing frequently checked.
28/6 0630 Pilot aboard. Started heaving anchor.
0642 Anchor aweigh. Proceeding to berth.
Proceeding to berth.
0654 First line ashore forward.
0658 Line ashore aft. Vessel brought
0712 V/L secure in position.
0718 Pilot away. Hatches opened up.
0800 Labour aboard. Commence
discharging/loading all holds
1200 Meal time break.
1520 Stopped discharging operations due the
heavy rain.
1545 Resume discharging.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

1800 Complete discharging for this day.

29/6 0800 Started discharging cargo all holds
1130 Completed discharging hold 3
1200 Meal time break.
1412 Shell 2 barge alongside. Started
1524 Ended bunkering.
1718 Completed discharging all cargo this
1745 Steering gear ,telegraph, whistle and
communications tested. Found OK.
1815 Pilot aboard.
1830 Started to single up.
1842 All lines in. V/L proceeding out of
1845 Pilot away
1900 Full ahead on passage.

...Instructions as to keeping this log book...

In addition to the ordinary Navigation Entries the attention of

the Master and mate is specially called to the following

All logs to contain the following careful ,full, and correct

I. Accidents to crew or vessel, damages, and all unusual
II. a)The time each day of commencing to load or discharge.
b)Details and duration of any delays on account of weather,
or otherwise.
c)Time of finishing work each day.
d)Quantity of cargo loaded or discharged each day.
e)Names of each days tallymen.
f)By whom winches have been run, i.e ,crew or shoremen.
III. Receipts and duplicates of receipts for cargo discharged or
loaded to be carefully filed on board, that same may be
forwarded to Owners if called for.

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Capitulo 21 Documentacin

IV. One page in each Log Book is reserved for List of Crew on
board, and must contain date of joining, and in the case of
men leave the ship aboard, the date of their leaving and
V. Sluices, steering gear and windlass to be kept in good
order, and weekly entry to be made.
VI. The regulation lights to be kept burning brightly from
sunset to sunrise, and daily entry made to that effect.
VII. At sea the deck is always to be in charge of a Certificate
Officer, and all courses steered to be entered, as per
standard compass.
VIII. No erasion should ever be made ,and great care should be
taken to avoid having to make any alteration. If any
alteration is necessary, it should be made by ruling a line
through the part required to be altered but not so as to
render it illegible- and the correction should be then made
and must be initialled and dated.


Note: All entries in the Log Book to be examined by Master, and

each day to be signed by him and the Mate: Loog Books to be
forwarded to owners on completion of the voyage ,if instructions
to the contrary have not previously been received.

Evidences in investigations.

Certain items of evidence, such as log books, Masters reports

and notebooks, are fundamental importance in the investigation
of any type of incidents which may occur on board a vessel.

A number of different types of log books will be kept on board

every vessel. These will include the official log, the deck or
mates log, engine room log, rough logs, as well as the radio
log, and sick bay log.

Judges and arbitrators place the great evidential value on these

logs as a contemporaneous record of the vessel. Therefore ,it is
of a paramount importance that all log books are maintained in a
orderly manner and fully and accurately record are relevant
factual information. Movements books, bell books, or any other
type of rough logs are also important items of evidence and
should be maintained in a neat and orderly manner.

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Capitulo 21 Documentacin

The Master should ensure that the officers and crew are aware of
the importance of a log book, and take care in making entries.
Entries in the log book should always be written neatly in ink.
If a mistake is made, a single line should be drawn through the
relevant passage. Words should never be erased, either by
rubbing out, or by painting with erasing fluid. Erasures appear
suspicious when log books are examined by the opposing party to
a dispute, and, in any event, techniques are available whereby
words which have been erased can be read. Furthermore, a judge
or arbitrator examining a log book which has many erasures and
is untidy may draw adverse inferences about the way a vessel is
generally maintained.

Captain Capitn
Chief mate Primer oficial
Deck officer Oficial de cubierta
Cadet Alumno
Chief engineer Jefe de maquinas
Engineer Oficial de maquinas
Able seaman Marinero preferente
Boatswain, bosum Contramaestre
Catering department Departamento de cmara
Cock Cocinero
Steward Camarero
Donkeyman Calderetero
Radio officer Radio
Galley boy Marmitn
Greaser, oilers Engrasador
Helmsman Timonel
Ordinary seaman Mozo
Mate Piloto
Purser Sobrecargo
Ratings Subalternos
Store keeper Paolero
Hostess Azafata

Absconds evadirse, escapar, fugarse,

esconderse, huir
Bill of health Permiso de sanidad
Bill of landing Conocimiento de embarque
T T soportar, aguantar, conllevar,
padecer, sobrellevar, sufrir;
producir, devengar, rendir;
llevar cargando, cargar, dar a
Discharge despido, destitucin

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

T T debidamente, apropiadamente,
como es debido,
Longshoreman Estibador, portuario
Lack falta, ausencia, carecimiento
Perform ejecutar, actuar, desempear
Refused rehusar, declinar
Thereof de eso, de ah, de all
Family name surname, last name
T T apellido
First name first name
T T a condicin que
Pratique Permiso de acceso
Oath Juramento
Steerage Pasajero tercera clase
T T all dentro, en ese lugar, en
ese sentido, en eso, en esto
Regardless of a pesar de, pese a, sin
preocuparse por
T T T visar, refrendar, visar un


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

U.S. Department of Justice

Immigration and Naturalization Service Passenger List Crew List

Prior to arrival in the United States, complete a separate form for a) working crew; and b) passengers and supernumeraries. In
addition to its initial completion, the crew list shall be updated to reflect crew changes and other relevant activity (or lack thereof)
until the vessel departs the United States.

Vessel Name: ________________________ Nationality: ____________________ Official Number: __________________

Last foreign port (Place & Country): ______________________________ Date sailed from foreign: __________________
Date of Arrival in U.S.: _________ Arrival Port: __________ # of Crew (including Master): _____ # of Passengers: _____
Agent at Arrival (Name & Address): _____________________________________________________________________

Will crew perform longshore work while vessel is in the United States?
[ ] NO [ ] YES (Provide applicable INA Section 258 Exemption): __________________


Next U.S.Port(s) Arrival Date Vessel Agent (Name & Address)


List individuals alphabetically. Crew who join the vessel subsequent to its arrival while in the United States must be added to the
original list and the appropriate date recorded in the Date Joined column. The Date Separated column must be used when a
listed crewman deserts, absconds or is separated from the vessel while it is in the United States. Any crewman designated as
REFUSED in the Government Use Only column is to be detained on the vessel at all times.
Family First Name Date of Nationality/ Position/ Date Date Inspection Status
Name & Initial Birth Document # Place Embarked Joined Separated (INS Use Only)
(Crew Only) If crewman joined after Specify DISCHARGED,
vessels arrival in U.S. DESERTED, etc. Checked box indicates subsequent

RECEIPT FOR CREW LIST (INS Use Only). I-418 Receipt Number at right indicates that the Immigration and Naturalization
Service has received the CREW LIST containing the names of all members of crew, including Master, on board said vessel at time
of its arrival.


Vessel Agent (at Departure): Following this vessels departure from the United States, ensure that crew list reflects all crew
additions and separations and is promptly submitted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service office at the port of departure.
Summarize the departure circumstances by providing the following information:

Agent at Departure (Name & Address): ____________________________________________________________

Date of Departure: ________ Port of Departure: _______________Total Added Crew: _____ Total Separated Crew: _____


MASTER: Execute the following oath before a Customs Officer as to all arriving passengers on all vessels, and to a
Customs Officer and an Immigration Officer as to all departing crew on United States Flag Vessels, and before an
Immigration Officer authorized to administer oaths as to all departing passengers on vessels:

I certify that Customs baggage declaration requirements have been made known to incoming passengers, that any
required Customs baggage declarations have been or will simultaneously herewith be filed as required by law and
regulation with the proper Customs officer; and that the responsibilities devolving upon this vessel in connection therewith,
if any, have been or will be discharged as required by law or regulation before the proper Customs officer. I further certify
that there are no steerage passengers on board this vessel (46 U.S.C. 151-163).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

Signature of Master: ______________________________________



PASSENGERS: Deliver one complete alphabetical passenger list, regardless of nationality, to United
States Public Health Service, United States Immigration Service, and two such lists to United States
Customs Bureau on arrival at first port in the United States.

CREW LIST VISA APPLICATION: Submit form in duplicate to U.S. consular officer, specifying each
alien crewman not in possession of a valid individual visa or lawful resident alien card.

ARRIVING CREW: Deliver one complete alphabetical crew list, regardless of nationality, to United
States Public Health Service, United States Immigration Service, and two such lists to United States
Customs Bureau on arrival at first port in the United States. Where a crewman is a returning resident,
show his/her alien registration receipt number where prompted for a document number. Where prompted
for a crewmans position/place embarked, list each crewmans position or title and the place where the
crewman signed on with the vessel.

CHANGES IN CREW: If an alien crewman is separating from the vessel while in the United States (and
will not be returning), discharge authorization must first be obtained from the United States Immigration
Service via Form I-408(Application to Pay Off or Discharge Alien Crewman) and the appropriate date of
separation must be recorded in the Date Separated column of this form for that crew member, along
with the specification DISCHARGED. If a crewman deserts or absconds, the date of the crewmans
departure from the vessel must be recorded in the Date Separated column with the specification
DESERTED or ABSCONDED. If a crew member joins the vessel subsequent to its arrival in the United
States, add the crewmans name and other requested information at the next available blank line of the
list and record the appropriate date in the Date Joined column.

DEPARTING CREW: When the vessel departs the United States, complete the SUMMARY OF
DEPARTURE section and deliver one complete list (whether or not there have been crew changes) to
the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service at the port of departure.

Bill of health
Certificate carried by a ship showing that its last port of call
was free of disease and, therefore, that ship is sanitary and
its crew free of disease; bill must be issued and signed by
designated port authorities; clean bill enables ship to be
granted pratique (use of desired port); developed in 16th
century as part of European quarantine system

The Bill of Health is the certificate issued by local medical

authorities indicating the general health conditions in the port
of departure or in the ports of call. The Bill of Health must
have been visaed before departure by the Consul of the country
of destination.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

When a vessel has free pratique, this means that the vessel has
a clean Bill of Health certifying that there is no question of
contagious disease and that all quarantine regulations have been
complied with, so that people may embark and disembark.

Bill of Lading

Abbreviation: B/L, plural Bs/L

A document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea.

The document has the following functions:
1. A receipt for goods, signed by a duly authorised person on
behalf of the carriers.
2. A document of title to the goods described therein.
3. Evidence of the terms and conditions of carriage agreed
upon between the two parties.
At the moment 3 different models are used:
1. A document for either Combined Transport or Port to Port
shipments depending whether the relevant spaces for place
of receipt and/or place of delivery are indicated on the
face of the document.
2. A classic marine Bill of Lading in which the carrier is
also responsible for the part of the transport actually
performed by himself.
3. Sea Waybill: A non-negotiable document, which can only be
made out to a named consignee. No surrender of the document
by the consignee is required.

Clean Bill of Lading is a Bill of Lading which does not contain

any qualification about the apparent order and condition of the
goods to be transported (it bears no stamped clauses on the
front of the B/L). It bears no superimposed clauses expressly
declaring a defective condition of the goods or packaging
(resolution of the ICS 1951).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

IMO General declaration

1.Name and description of ship 2.Por of arrival / departure 3.Date-time of arraival/departure

4.Nationality of ship 5.Name of master 6.Port arrived from / port destination

7.Certificate of registry (port:date:number) 8.Name and address of shisp agent

9.Gross tonnage 10.Net tonnage

11.Position of ship in the port 8berth or station)

12.Brief particulars of voyage (previous and subsequent ports of call; underline where remaining cargo will nb discharged)

13. Brief description of the cargo

14.Number of crew (inc.master) 15.Numbers of passengers 16.Remarks

Attached documents
(indicate number of copies)
17.Cargo declaratio 18.Ships stores declaration

19.Crew list 20.Passanger list 21.Date and signature by master, authorised

agent or officer

22.Effects declaration(+) 23.Maritime declaration of helth (*)

IMO FAL FORM 1 04-03 (*) Only on arrival.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

Port of Zeebugger

Prearrival info

Health regulations
The master must sign the Maritime Declaration of Health
issued by pilot.
Required documents upon arrival
(Remark : number of copies for each document will soon be
added to this list).
o Declaration of Health
o List of Dangerous Goods
o Crew List
o Passenger List
o Stowaway List
o Cargo Manifest
o Freight List (prepared by agents)
o Customs Provision List (prepared by agents)
o General Declaration (Benelux 20, prepared by agents)
o Personal effects list
o Certificate of Registry
o International Tonnage Certificate (Oslo 69), or
National Tonnage Certificate (if ITC not available)
o Civil Liability Certificate (if more than 2,000 T oil
in bulk)
o International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
o Oil Record Book
o Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
o Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
o Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
o Cargo Ship Radio Construction Certificate of Exemption
o Load Line Certificate of Exemption

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

o International Certificate of Fitness for carriage of

dangerous chemicals in bulk
o International Certificate of Fitness for carriage of
liquified gases in bulk.
Note : all passports or seaman's discharge books must be
kept available.

o Upon arival

The master is required to hand in properly

completed, dated and signed IMO-form crew list
and passenger list in duplicate as soon as
possible - within 12 hours after arrival at the
latest - to the office of the Maritime and River
Police, Veerbootstraat 1, 8380 Zeebrugge, tel.
050 55 76 30 and fax 050 55 76 46. They can do
so themselves or through their agent.

The master is required to report immediately to

the Maritime Commissioner any stowaways should
there be any on board his ship. The master will
be held responsible if stowaways disembark
without permission of the above mentioned

Yachtmen and passengers shall be in possession of

a valid passport (or ID-card), and eventually a
Benelux or Schengen visa.

o During the ship's stay in port

Crew members of seagoing vessels are allowed to

go ashore during the time their ship is berthed
in a Belgian port. The freedom of movement of
seamen on shore-leave, who are not in possession
of a valid travel document is limited to the
municipality where the ship is berthed and the
adjacent municipalities. It is, however,
recommended to be in possession of a document
proving one's identity.

In case crew members travel beyond this area,

they have to be in possession of a valid
passport, eventually with a valid Benelux or
Schengen visa. If the last port of call was in a
non-Schengen country, they have to apply to the
Maritime Commissioner's Office to have their
passport or visa stamped inbound. Before sailing,
they have to apply to the same office to have
their document stamped outbound.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 21 Documentacin

In case a crew member intends to sign off or sign

on, he has to apply to the Maritime
Commissioner's Office with his passport. If
signing off and when necessary, he eventually can
obtain a transit visa at this office (19.80 ).

o Upon departure

The master is to give notice in due time - two

hours before the actual sailing time at the
latest - to the Maritime Commissioner of his
intention to sail. After the departure control by
the Maritime Police, crew members and passengers
are no longer allowed to go ashore.

Non-EU passengers and yachtmen shall apply to the

Maritime Commissioner's Office to have their
documents stamped outbound, only when the next
port of call is in a non-Schengen country.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 22 Sociedades de clasificacin e inspecciones


Draw up, to Redactar

Compulsory Obligatorio
T T conllevar, implicar, traer consigo
T T Pretendido deseado
T T fielmente, lealmente
T T adaptabilidad, aptitud
T T hoy en da, actualmente
T T a condicin que;
Scantlings Escantillones
T T proponer, someter a
Survey Reconocimiento, inspeccin.
T T estatutario, establecido por la ley, reglamentario
T T ellos mismos, se
Underwriters Aseguradores

Classification societies

The primary purpose of this societies is to determine the

structural and mechanical fitness of ships and other marine
structures for their intended purpose. It does this through a
procedure known as classification.

The principal maritime nations have Classification societies

whose purpose is to survey vessels so as to ensure that ship are
properly built, equipped and maintenance. This societies draw up
rules governing the construction of ships. They have surveyors,
who sees that the ships are built in accordance with the rules
and who also survey ships periodically, to make sure that they
are kept in proper condition. Each society also keeps and
publishes a REGISTER BOOK, in which all the important particulars
of each ship are faithfully and accurately recorded.

The scantlings (sizes) of the materials to be used, as well as

certain items of equipment (anchor, cables, and warps) can be
found from Rule book of a Society.

The British society is Lloids Register of Shipping. Other

societies which are recognised by marine underwriters are:
Bureau Veritas France.
American Bureau of Shipping ABS- USA.
Germanisher Lloyd Germany.
Norske Verites-DNV- Norway.
Japanese Marine Corporation Japan.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 22 Sociedades de clasificacin e inspecciones

Registro Espaol Spain.

Apart from, and in addition to official national registration,

the vast majority of ships are classed or registered with one or
other Classification society or Shipping Registers. Such
registration is not compulsory, but is attended with so many
advantages that an unclassified ship is nowadays a comparative
rarity. In the absence of these registers much difficulties
would be experienced by marine underwriters, chartering brokers,
bankers...and other who need a ready access to the latest and
most reliable information regarding the ships in which they are

Lloyds Register of shipping.

Well over ninety per cent of British tonnage and more than a
third of the worlds tonnage is classed in Lloyd, which should
not be confused with corporation of Lloyds underwriters. It is
the latter which is familiarly referred to as Lloyds of
London and the former which gives points to the expression A1
at Lloyds.

Classes of Ships:

Ships built to the satisfaction of the societies are assigned a

class, which they normally retain throughout their life,
provided that they submit themselves for the required surveys
and are properly maintained.

Lloyds Rules quote different classes, in accordance to

following notations an symbols:

Class 100 A 1: Assigned to seagoing ships built in

accordance with the Society Rules and
Regulations for the draught required.

Class 100 A 1: Assigned to sea-going tankers intended to

oil tankers carry oil in bulk.

Class 100 A 1 Ore carried

Liquified gas carrier
Stern trawler
Fishing vessel
Hopper barge

A vessel built to Lloyds Highest Class will be given this

character ? L.M.C. ? 100 A 1

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 22 Sociedades de clasificacin e inspecciones

? Indicates built under survey which means

that all steel was manufactured at an
approved steelworks and that a surveyor
supervised the building. Also ,all the
plans have been submitted and approved.

L.M.C Lloyds Machinery Certificate

100 A Scantlings in accordance with the rules

1 Equipment in accordance with the rules

Periodical Surveys:

All steel ship classed with the Society are subject to survey in
accordance with the requirements of the rules. Ship should be
examined in dry dock or slipway approximately once a year ,and
the intervals between such examinations is not to exceed two

This is done to make sure that a ship is maintained in a fit

condition to maintain her class.

Special surveys:

These surveys become due at four-yearly intervals, the firs four

years from the date of built or date of special survey for
classification , and thereafter 4 years from the date of the
previous special survey.

Surveys of machinery:

Main and auxiliary engines are required to be submitted for

complete survey concurrently with the special hull survey unless
they have been completely surveyed within the previous 12

Certificates of seaworthiness:

If during her voyage a ship sustains an accident to hull or

machinery, or if she ground and refloat, even though the danmage
is so slight that there appears to be no reason why she should
not continue on her voyage, the master should on arrival to the
next port arrange for a survey and obtain a Certificate of
Seaworthiness. An official log book entry should have been made
to record the occurrence and protest should be noted at first

The local Lloyds agent may be consulted for advice and

recommendation as to the surveyor to be employed.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 22 Sociedades de clasificacin e inspecciones

DNV Ship Classification

Currently classify more than 5100 ships totalling more than 100
million grt. This constitutes 16 percent of the world's fleet in
tonnage terms.
Ship Classification is a system for safeguarding life, property
and the environment at sea. It entails verification against a
set of requirements during design, construction and operation of
ships and offshore units. These requirements are based on the
accumulated experience from DNVs large classed fleet, research
and development and almost 140 years of experience. Our
surveyors stationed around the world work with customers to
ensure compliance throughout the lifetime of the classified
Registers in DNV Maritime
DNV Maritime's registers, including up-to-date vessel class and
survey status, Register of Vessels, Class Suspensions and
Withdrawals, Approved Service Suppliers, and Approved
Manufacturers and Products

Statutory Certification
DNV operate a world wide network of survey stations and is
authorised by more than 120 flag administrations to carry out
surveys and, in most cases, issue statutory certificates on
their behalf

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Capitulo 23 Comunicaciones


Acknowledge receipt Acuse de recibo

Attention Atencin
Band Banda
Broadcast Radiodifusin
Call sing Distintivo de llamada
Depth of modulation Profundidad de modulacin
Jam, to Causar interferencias
Listen, to Escuchar
Out Terminacin de conversacin
Over Cambio
Radio log Diario de radio
Read, to Or
Range Alcance
Reply, to Contestar
Replying Contestando
Relay Retrasmitir
Shift frequency Cambiar frecuencia
Calling Llamando
How do you read me? Como me recibe
Understood Entendido
Switch over Cambio de canal

The concept of maritime communications

Maritime Communications are varied as shown below:

i. Emergency and Safety Communications
The Emergency Communication is the communication rendered when
an aircraft or vessel becomes embroided in a dangerous
situation, while the Safety Communication is the communication
rendered when there is a need to prevent navigation accidents.
ii. Navigation Assistance Communication
This is a type of radio communication for navigation utilizing
the radio wave and estimating the aircraft, vessel position or
its direction and distance against a radio wave source point.
iii. Telecommunication Work Communication
This is a radio communication used to provide telecommunications
with a vessel.

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iv. Work Communication

This is a self-sustaining radio communication rendered between a
coast station on land and a ship station, or between ship
stations themselves.
v. Harbor Communication
This is a radio communication rendered within or around a harbor
in order to control the navigation of any nearby ships, move
those ships, and secure their safety as well as human safety in
an emergency.

Maritime Communication System

i. Radio Telegraph and Radio Communication of Medium,

Intermediate, and High Frequencies
This is the oldest Maritime Communication system. (Radio
Telegraph begun between Choshi Coast Station and ships in 1908.)

Distance Range: This depends on the antenna power or whether it

is in the day time or late evening, while a possible distance
can be about 300 km for the Medium Frequency and about 500 km
for the Intermediate Frequency. As for the High Frequency, it's
possible to have a distance from several hundred to several
thousand kilometers, and by selecting the optimized frequency
utilizing ionospheric reflection depending on the season or the
time of day, it can realize worldwide communication.

Modes of transmission: 2 cycle single message transmission mode

or 1 cycle single message transmission mode.
ii. 27 MHz Band Wireless Telephone
1WDSB was institutionalized in July, 1955 as the cordless
telephone system for small fishing vessels, and SSB was
established in November, 1960. After 1965, its popularization
spread rapidly with the miniaturization of the equipment and the
financial aid of the subsidy, etc. WDSB is, in particular,
small-sized and easy to operate, so it spread at the fastest
rate as the cordless telephone system for small fishing vessels.

Distance Range: 1WDSB about 50km, SSB about 90km 1 cycle single
message transmission mode

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iii. 40MHz Band Cordless Telephone

This was institutionalized in June, 1983 for the coastal fishery
and leisure ships with the demand for the wireless
communication, leveraging both the wired and wireless
communication equipment on the coastal station to connect to the
public line, enabling the direct communication between the
vessel and the land-based resources such as search and rescue or
medical institutions.

Distance Range: about 50km; 1 cycle single message transmission

mode or 2 cycle alternate operating mode
iv. International VHF
This was institutionalized in September, 1964 and is called
"International VHF Cordless Telephone" using "the frequency band
between 156MHz and 174MHz" listed in the table of the S18 in RR
appendix, and is utilized for some purposes including harbor
service communication, electrical communication service,
navigation service, and distress safety communication.

Distance Range: about 50km

Depending on the channel, 1 cycle single message transmission

mode or 2 cycle alternate operating mode
v. Marine VHF
This cordless system was institutionalized in December, 1991 to
spread the wireless system to pleasure boats and other types of
vessels navigating only in coastal waters, using a part of the
frequency of the International VHF, whose wireless equipment is
divided into the deferment and portable types.

Marine VHF also enables ship-to-ship communication,

communication with leisure-purpose coastal stations, the receipt
of navigation alerts and weather information, communication with
the Maritime Safety Agency in emergency, and communication with
large vessels.
vi. 400MHz Band Cordless Telephone
This was institutionalized in June, 1986 to spread the wireless
system to pleasure boats including motor boats and yachts, and

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is principally used by the Small Size Safety Association, Inc.

(That is why it's sometimes called "Shouankyou.")

This system is especially effective for vessels which have too

complicated a body structure to be loaded with the wireless
equipment at the 27MHz and 40MHz bands, or vessels whose engine
noise is extreme for the 27MHz band.

Distance Range: about 30km; 1 cycle single message transmission

vii. Marine Community Horn
This was institutionalized in 1988 (official name: Fishery Area
Information System) to be used by such small-sized vessels
operating in the coastal waters that have too complicated a body
structure to be loaded with the wireless equipment or have no
power generator a board. Marine Community Horn uses the
frequency at 400MHz and adopts the MCA mode, securing the call
confidentiality and enabling group calls or general calls in

Distance Range: about 30km Qualification of Radio Operator: Not

required (Portable Station)
viii. Inmarsat Mobile Satellite Communication
The Inmarsat (International Maritime Satellite Organization )
was inaugurated as an international agency in 1979 to ameliorate
maritime radio communication, succeeding the marisat system in
place in the US since 1982, and has been in operation as a
worldwide maritime satellite communication system.

Each of the 4 satellites is distributed over the equator above

the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean
(east and west), so its service area is targeted as the entire
sea area (within the latitude of 70 degrees) except for the
polar regions.

One coastal ground station is made to be the Network

Coordination Station (NCS) according to the sea area and type
out of lots of coastal stations, and completes tasks including
the assignment of the frequency for the communication in the

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appropriate sea area. In Japan, KDDI is providing this service

as a party in the operation agreement.
ix. N-START Mobile Satellite Communication
This service was initiated in March, 1996 to succeed the service
of the coastal cordless telephone ("Ship telephone" which ends
its service on March31, 1999) and expand its service area, and
complement the service area of the ground system portable

There are two categories of the fixed type and the portable type
of terminals: Single Mode (which connects only to the satellite)
and Dual Mode (which is given the priority to connect to the
ground system, otherwise connects to the satellite.) The calling
covers the Japanese mainland and the sorrounding the mailnland
marine area extending approximately 200 nautical miles.
x. Shipboard Communication Equipment
This is small-sized portable wireless equipment that deals only
with the following kinds of communications (40-3, Chapter 2,
Enforcement Regulation):
1. communication essential for the ship navigation tasks
including ship operation and cargo handling, which is
conducted within the vessel body
2. communication for rescue activity or rescue training,
which is conducted between the vessel and the craft in
3. communication for ship-operating assistance, which is
conducted between a towboat and the towed ship.
4. communication for the berthing and mooring of a
vessel, which is conducted between the vessel and the pier,
xi. Radio/Buoy
This is a system that targets a buoy with in-built wireless
equipment to receive radio waves emitted from there and measure
their direction between the ship and other points.

There are the 4 main radio/buoy systems as follows:

1. The system that repeats the emission and the pause of
the radio wave at all times (general radio/buoy)

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2. The system which has an in-built timer and repeats the

emission and the pause of the radio wave for a specified
duration of time initiated from a specified time
(radio/buoy with a timer)
3. The system which emits the radio wave only when it
receives a selection call (sel-call buoy)
4. The system which emits the radio wave only when it
receives the radar radio wave (radar buoy)
3. Navigation Assist Radio System
There are 18 medium frequency radio beacon stations and 4 Loran
C stations, etc. as the navigation assist radio system that
unitarily receives the radio wave emitted from the source point
on the ground. The Differential GPS has been operated since
April, 1999 as a higher-accuracy positioning system.
i. Loran C
This is a kind of the ground radio determination system and one
of the hyperbola navigation systems that determine the point
from the intersection point of the hyperbolas measured by the
difference of the pulse wave arriving time.

Loran C is a system evolved from the A mode (1,750kHz -

1,950kHz: already abolished) put into use in US in the 1940s and
uses the radio wave of the long frequency band.

The effective distance is between 1,500km (daytime) and 4,000km


The measurement accuracy is between several hundred meters and

several thousand meters.

The Loran C in Japanese waters is currently operated under the

Maritime Safety Agency and by Korea after it was transferred
from the US Coast Guard in July, 1993.
ii. Satellite Navigation Equipment (GPS)
This is a system which measures position by receiving the radio
wave from the military navigation positioning satellite NAVSTAR
developed and managed by the Pentagon.

4 GPSs are placed on each circle orbit with the tilt angle of
55'6" at the altitude of about 20,000km. The total number of

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these GPSs is 24. GPS has been operated since December 8, 1993
when the Pentagon submitted the declaration about the official
operation for public welfare.

This is designed so that more than 4 satellites can be within

the visible range all the time and the distance of each
satellite can be measured by selecting 4 satellites randomly and
receiving the time signal from any point on the earth. As the
positions of those 4 satellites can be measured, the time
deviation for the user's 3D position and time can be estimated
with those parameters.
iii. Medium Frequency Radio Beacon
This is a radio beacon targeted at the medium and short
distances utilizing the radio wave at the medium frequency band.

It sends the beacon sign and long sound of its own station at a
regular time interval and the vessel measures the direction by
receiving the corresponding radio wave by the radio direction
finder. Finding multiple directions enables the vessel to
determine its own position.

Some radio stations transmit sound weather information targeted

for the vessel.
iv. RAMARK Beacon
This is a radio beacon to send the sequential pulse received by
the vessel radar (operation initiated in May, 1969).

The position of the emission station is shown as a dashed bright

line from the center towards the station on the vessel radar at

Positioning Distance: about 40km

v. Vessel Radar
This is a radio navigation radar in the vessel.

The vessel radar is a pulse mode radar that uses the radio wave
of the 3GHz, 5GHz, and 9GHz bands to show the relative position
of the other ships or the land coasts by the PPI Display Mode.

Frequency-specific function

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3GHz band: long-distance use without regard to the

weather, but with a low resolution
9GHz band: short-distance use with a high resolution
5GHz band: intermediate performance between 3GHz and
9GHz, while difficult to maintain
4. Maritime Distress Safety System
GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) is a system
in which the alter emitted from the vessel in distress, without
regard to the sea area, can be received with centainly by land
rescue agencies or nearby ships using digital communication
technology or the satellite communication technology, instead of
the past Morse communication, enabling the search rescue
activity which combines the land-based rescue agencies and the
vessel as a rescue unit.

Depending on the navigation area, the vessel scale, and other

factors, the following equipment is to be loaded.
Section Specific Radio Equipment
Communication Equipment Cordless Telephone, Digital Selection
by the Medium Frequency, Call Equipment, Narrow Band Direct
the High Frequency, and Printing Equipment
the Very-High Frequency
Automatic Distress Satellite EPIRB, Search Rescue Radar
Reporting Equipment Transponder
Safety Information NAVTEX Receiver, Insarmat High-
Receiver Performance Group Call Receiver
Other Equipment Bidirectional cordless telephone,
Bidirectional cordless telephone for
the vessel and the aircraft, Digital
selection call-specific receiver for
the medium, high, and very-high
General Communication Inmarsat Vessel Earth Station, N-STAR
Equipment Satellite Vessel Telephone, etc.

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Capitulo 23 Comunicaciones

Frequency of the radio wave used for the maritime communication

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Capitulo 23 Comunicaciones


As navigational and safety communications from ship to shore and
vice versa, from ship to ship,and on board ship must be precise,
simple and unambiguous so as to avoid confusion and error,there
is a need to standardize the language used. This is of particular
importance in the light of the increasing number of
internationally trading vessels with crews speaking many
different languages, since problems of communication may cause
misunderstandings leading to dangers to the vessel, the people on
board and the environment.

In 1973, the Maritime Safety Committee agreed, at its twenty-

seventh session that where language difficulties arise a common
language should be used for navigational purposes, and that
language should be English. In consequence the Standard Marine
Navigational Vocabulary (SMNV) was developed, adopted in 1977 and
amended in 1985.

In 1992, the Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixtieth session,

instructed the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation to develop a
more comprehensive standardized safety language than SMNV 1985,
taking into account the changing conditions in modern seafaring
and covering all major safety-related verbal communications.

At its sixty-eighth session in 1997, the Maritime Safety

Committee adopted the Draft IMO Standard Marine Communication
Phrases (SMCP) developed by the Sub-Committee on Safety of
Navigation. The draft IMO SMCP, following international trials,
was amended at the forty-sixth session of this Sub-Committee, and
was given final consideration by the Maritime Safety Committee at
its seventy-fourth session in the light of remarks received by
the Organization. The IMO SMCP was adopted by the Assembly in
November 2001 as resolution A.918(22).

Under the International Convention on Standards of Training,

Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as revised
1995, the ability to use and understand the IMO SMCP is required
for the certification of officers in charge of a navigational
watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more.

Position of the IMO SMCP in maritime practice

The IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) has been

- to assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the
conduct of the ship,

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- to standardize the language used in communication for

navigation at sea, in port approaches, waterways and harbours,
and on board vessels with multilingual crews,

- to assist maritime training institutions in meeting the

objectives mentioned above.
These phrases are not intended to supplant or contradict the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
or special local rules or recommendations made by IMO concerning
ships'routeing, neither are they intended to supersede the
International Code of Signals, and their use in ships external
communications has to be in strict compliance with the relevant
radiotelephone procedures as set out in the ITU Radio
Regulations. Furthermore, the IMO SMCP, as a collection of
individual phrases, should not be regarded as any kind of
technical manual providing operational instructions.

The IMO SMCP meets the requirements of the STCW Convention,

1978, as revised, and of the SOLAS Convention, 1974, as revised,
regarding verbal communications; moreover, the phrases cover the
relevant communication safety aspects laid down in these

Use of the IMO SMCP should be made as often as possible in

preference to other wording of similar meaning; as a minimum
requirement, users should adhere as closely as possible to them
in relevant situations. In this way they are intended to become
an acceptable safety language, using English for the verbal
interchange of intelligence among individuals of all maritime
nations on the many and varied occasions when precise meanings
and translations are in doubt, as is increasingly evident under
modern conditions at sea.

2 Organization of the IMO SMCP

The IMO SMCP is divided into External Communication Phrases and

On-board Communication Phrases as far as its application is
concerned, and into Part A and Part B as to its status within
the framework of STCW 1978 as revised.

Part A covers phrases applicable in external communications, and

may be regarded as the replacement of the Standard Marine
Navigational Vocabulary 1985, which is required to be used and
understood under the STCW Code, 1995, Table A-II/I. This part is
enriched by essential phrases
concerning ship handling and safety of navigation to be used in
on-board communications,particularly when the Pilot is on the
bridge, as required by Regulation 14(4), Chapter V,SOLAS 1974,
as revised.

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Capitulo 23 Comunicaciones

Part B calls attention to other on-board standard safety-related

phrases which, supplementary to

Part A may also be regarded as useful for maritime English


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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales


Answering pennant Gallardete de inteligencia

Burgee Corneta
Code pennant Gallardete caracteristico
Coding Cifrado
Dash Raya (Morse)
Dot Punto (Morse)
Dressing ship Engalanado del buque
Dip a flag ,to Saludar con la bandera
Ensign Bandera nacional
Flag-staff Asta de bandera
Flag ship Buque insignia
Fly, to Mostrar la bandera
Hoist, to Izar
House flag Bandera de la Cia
Jack Torrotito
Pennant Gallardete
Pilot flag Bandera de practico
Quarantine flag Bandera de cuarentena
Red flag Bandera de m. peligrosas
Staff Asta de bandera
Storm flag Bandera de temporal
Substitutes repetidores

Flag of nationality

The flag of nationality are:

The standard, which is the flag of naval forces, bearing the arms
of the nation.

The ensign, which is the flag indicating nationality.

The jack, which is a flag smaller than ensign usually hoisted on

the jack staff.

Flag of occupation

The flag of occupation are those flags indicating the service or

occupation of the ship flying them. The main are:
Pilot flag, red flag, quarantine flag, etc.

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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

International code of signals

As adopted by the Fourth Assembly of the Inter-Governmental

Maritime Consultative Organization in 1965 For Visual, Sound, and
Radio Communications.


1. The purpose of the International Code of Signals is to provide

ways and means of communication in situations related essentially
to safety of navigation and persons, especially when language
difficulties arise. In the preparation of the Code, account was
taken of the fact that wide application of radiotelephony and
radiotelegraphy can provide simple and effective means of
communication in plain language whenever language difficulties do
not exist.

2. The signals used consist of:

(a) Single-letter signals allocated to significations which are
very urgent, important, or of very common use;

(b) Two-letter signals for General Signal Code, Chapter 2.

(c) Three-letter signals beginning with M for Medical Signal

Code, Chapter 3.

3. The Code follows the basic principle that each signal should
have a complete meaning. This principle is followed throughout
the Code; in certain cases complements are used, where necessary
to supplement the available groups.

4. Complements express:

(a) Variations in the meaning of the basic signal.

CP = I am (or vessel indicated is) proceeding to your

CP 1 = SAR aircraft is coming to your assistance.

(b) Questions concerning the same basic subject or basic signal.

DY = Vessel (name or identity signal) has sunk in lat . . .
long. . . ..
DY 4 = What is the depth of water where vessel sank?
(c) Answers to a question or request made by the basic signal.

HX = Have you received any damage in collision?
HX 1 = I have received serious damage above the waterline.

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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

(d) Supplementary, specific or detailed information.

IN = I require a diver.
IN 1 = I require a diver to clear propeller.

5. Complements appearing in the text more than once have been

grouped in three tables. These tables should be used only as and
when specified in the text of the signals.

6. The material is classified according to subject and meaning.

Extensive cross referencing of the signals in the right-hand
column is used to facilitate coding.

Methods of signalling

1. The methods of signaling which may be used are:

(a) Flag signaling, the flags used being those shown inside the
front cover.

(b) Flashing light signaling, using the Morse symbols shown in

Chapter 1.

(c) Sound signaling, using the Morse symbols.

(d) Voice over a loud hailer.

(e) Radiotelegraphy.

(f) Radiotelephony.

(g) Morse signaling by hand flags or arms.

Flag signaling

2. A set of signal flags consists of twenty-six alphabetical

flags, ten numeral pennants, three substitutes, and the answering

Flashing light and sound signaling

3. The Morse symbols representing letters, numerals, etc., are

expressed by dots and dashes which are signaled either singly or
in combination. The dots and dashes and spaces between them
should be made to bear the following ratio, one to another, as
regards their duration:
(a) A dot is taken as the unit;
(b) A dash is equivalent to three units;
(c) The space of time between any two elements of a symbol is
equivalent to one unit; between two complete symbols it is

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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

equivalent to three units; and between two words or groups it is

equivalent to seven units.

4. In flashing light and sound signaling, while generally obeying

the instructions laid down here, it is best to err on the side of
making the dots rather shorter in their proportion to the dashes
as it then makes the distinction between the elements plainer.

The standard rate of signaling by flashing light is to be

regarded as forty letters per minute.

Voice over a loud hailer

5. Whenever possible plain language should be used but where a

language difficulty exists groups from the International Code of
Signals could be transmitted using the phonetic spelling tables.

Radiotelegraphy and radiotelephony

6. When radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony is used for the

transmission of signals, operators should comply with the Radio
Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union

Although you may never see them displayed except at fleet
parades, around naval installations, and areas with heavy
international shipping traffic, International code flags are used
to signal between two ships or between ship and shore. Also
called signaling flags, they are a set of flags of different
colors, shapes and markings which used singly or in combination
have different meanings. The flags include 26 square flags which
depict the letters of the alphabet, ten numeral pendants, one
answering pendant, and three substituters or repeaters.
Only a few colors can be readily distinguished at sea. These are:
red, blue, yellow, black, and white; and these cannot be mixed
indiscriminately. You will notice, for clarity, the flags shown
are either red and white, yellow and blue, blue and white, or
black and white; besides plain red, white, and blue.

One-flag signals are urgent or very common signals (see

meanings below).

Two-flag signals are mostly distress and maneuvering


Three-flag signals are for points of the compass, relative

bearings, standard times, verbs, punctuation, also general
code and decode signals.

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Four-flags are used for geographical signals, names of

ships, bearings, etc.

Five-flag signals are those relating to time and position.

Six-flag signals are used when necessary to indicate north

or south or east or west in latitude and longitude signals.

Seven-flags are for longitude signals containing more than

one hundred degrees.

Phonetic Navy
International Meaning
Pronunciation Meaning
I have a diver down; keep well
Alfa AL-fah
clear at slow speed.
BRAH- I am taking in, discharging, or
voh carrying dangerous cargo.
Charlie "Yes" or "affirmative".
DELL- I am maneuvering with difficulty;
tah keep clear.
I am directing my course to
Echo ECK-oh
I am disabled; communicate with me.
Foxtrot On aircraft carriers: Flight
Operations underway
Golf GOLF I require a pilot.
Hotel I have a pilot on board.
I am directing
India Coming alongside. my course to
JEW- I am on fire and have dangerous
lee-ett cargo; keep clear.
Kilo KEY-loh I wish to communicate with you.
You should stop your vessel
Lima LEE-mah
My vessel is stopped; making no
November no-VEM- No or negative.

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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

Oscar OSS-kur Man overboard.
All personnel return to ship;
Papa pah-PAH
proceeding to sea (Inport).
Ship meets
Boat recall; all health regs;
Quebec boats return to request
ship. clearance into
Preparing to
ROH-me- replenish (At sea).
Romeo None.
oh Ready duty ship
see- Conducting flag
Sierra Moving astern.
AIR-ah hoist drill.
Keep clear;
Do not pass ahead
Tango TANG-go engaged in
of me.
Uniform nee- You are running into danger.
Victor VIK-tah I require assistance.
Whiskey I require medical assistance.
ECKS- Stop carrying out your intentions
ray and watch for my signals.
Ship has visual
YANG- I am dragging
Yankee communications
kee anchor.
Zulu ZOO-loo I require a tug.
Flag that follows Message is
Code or is from the understood.
Answer International Code Also, numeric
of Signals. decimal point.
Absence of flag Substitute for
First First
officer or unit the first flag
substitute sub
commander (Inport). in this hoist.
Substitute for
Second Second Absence of chief of
the second
substitute sub staff (Inport).
flag in this

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Absence of Substitute for
Third Third
commanding officer the third flag
substitute sub
(Inport). in this hoist.
Absence of civil or
Substitute for
military official
Fourth Fourth the fourth
whose flag is
substitute sub flag in this
flying on this
One WUN Numeral one. None.
Two TOO Numeral two. None.
Three TREE Numeral three. None.
Four FOW-er Numeral four. None.
Five FIFE Numeral five. None.
Six SICKS Numeral six. None.
Seven SEV-en Numeral seven. None.
Eight AIT Numeral eight. None.
Nine NIN-er Numeral nine. None.
Zero ZEE-roh Numeral zero. None.
Pennant one Pennant one. Numeral one.
Pennant two Pennant two. Numeral two.
Pennant three Pennant three. Numeral three.
Pennant four Pennant four. Numeral four.
Pennant five Pennant five. Numeral five.
Pennant six Pennant six. Numeral six.
Pennant seven Pennant seven. Numeral seven.
Pennant eight Pennant eight. Numeral eight
Pennant Nine PEN-ant Pennant nine. Numeral nine

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Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

Pennant zero Pennant zero. Numeral zero

AC - I am
T T LO - I am not
T T T RU - Keep clear

abandoning my in my correct of me; I am

vessel. position: used T maneuvering
by a light with
vessel. T difficulty.

AN - I need a
T T NC - I am in
T T SO - You should

doctor. distress and stop your

require vessel
immediate instantly.

BR - I require
T T PD - Your
T T UM - the

a helicopter. navigation Harbour is

lights are not closed to
visible. traffic.

CD - I require
T T PP - Keep well
T T UP - Permission

immediate clear of me. to enter

assistance. Harbour is
requested. I
have an

DV - I am
T T QD - I am going
T T YU - I am going

drifting. ahead. to communicate

with your
station by
means of the
code of

T T QT - I am going
T T ZD1 - Please

has been astern. report me to

canceled. the Coast
Guard, New York

FA - Will you
T T QQ - I require
T T ZD2 - Please

give me my health report me to

position? clearance. Lloyds, London.

GW - Man
T T QU - Anchoring
T T ZL - Your

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 24 Banderas y seales

overboard. is prohibited. signal has been

Please take received but
action to pick not understood.
him up.

JL - You are
T T QX - I request

running the permission to

risk of going anchor.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba


Bags Sacos
Bales Balas, fardos
Bottles Botellas
Boxes Cajas
Breaking bulk Comenzar la descarga
Bridles Bragas, bridas
Broaching Avera en la carga por robo
Broken stowage Perdida de estiba
Bulck cargo Carga a granel
Bull rope Cabo de retorno
Bundles Atados
Can hook Gafa
Canvas net Red de carga
Carboys Bombonas de cristal para cidos
Cargo draft Izada
Carton Caja de cartn
Case Caja
Cask Barrica
Chain sling Eslinga de cadena
Checker Controlador
Chief stevedore Jefe de estibadores
Container Contenedor
Conveyor belt Correa trasportadora
Crane Gra
Crate Jaula, canasta
Crate Jaula, canasta
Crushing Aplastamiento
Damage from chafing Daos por movimiento
Deck cargo Cubertada
Dock superintendent Superintendente de la carga
Dockers Obrero portuario
Draft Izada, lingada
Drum Bidn
Dunnage Madera de estiba
Dunnage planks Tablones de estiba
Feeder Alimentador
Floating crane Gra flotante
Foodstuffs Productos alimenticios
Foreman Capataz
Forklift truck Carretilla elevadora
Gang Colla , mano
Gangwayman Amantero

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Capitulo 25 Estiba

Gantry crane Gra de prtico

General cargo Carga general
Hand hook Gancho de mano
Heating Calentamiento
Hogshead Bocoy
Hook Gancho
Jib crane Gra de brazo horizontal
Lashing Trincage
Lashing chain Cadena para trincar
Longshoreman Estibador (USA)
Loses from pilferage Perdidas por robo
Magnet crane Gra magntica
Moisture Humedad
Movable belts Correas trasportadoras
Net Red
Overhead crane Puente gra
Package Paquete
Pallet Pallete
Quay crane Gra de muelle
Rope sling Estrobo de cabo
Shed Tinglado
Shore gang Colla, cuadrilla
Sling Eslinga
Sling Eslinga
Slingloads Izadas
Snotter Estrobo Cabo gancho
Stevedores Estibadores
Stowage Estiba
Stowage factor Factor de estiba
Strap Cincha, trinca
Strop Estrobo
Taiting Daos por manchas en la carga
Tally clerk Apuntador, confrontador
Terminal tractor / Roro Mafi
Tier Hilera, tongada
Tins Latas
Tray Plataforma, bandeja
Trimmer Palero
Ullage Merma
Vermin Daos a la carga por insectos o
Web sling Estrobo de cabo con lona
Winchman Maquinillero
Wire sling Estrobo de alambre

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Expresiones usuales en el manejo de la carga

Haul in ! Hala
Slack Arria
Pull away! Cobra
Haul away! Cobra seguido
Heave! Vira
Heave away! Vira seguido
Heave easy! Vira despacio
Heve a little bit! Vira un poco
Stop heaving! Bueno virar
Let go! Larga
Snack away! Arra en banda
Hoist up! Iza
Haul down! Arra
Watch out! Cuidado
Fast Rpido
Slower Mas despacio
Hurry up! Dense prisa
Little by little Poco a poco
Hook on Enganche
Easy easy Despacio
Use no hooks No usar ganchos
Stow away from No estibar cerca de
Avast heaving Bueno virar
Handle with care Manjelo con cuidado
Swing here Eslingas aqu
Use no slings No usar eslingas

Cargo gear: The gear used in the handling of the cargo depends
upon the nature of the goods and consists of:

Rope slings : Are made from a piece of rope about six fathoms
long and three to four inches in circumference. They are used for
lifting general cargo and drafts of boxes, barrels, bales, etc.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

How to measure slings

Chain slings : are made of chain with a hook at one end and a
link at the other, they are used for lifting heavy goods, such as
bundles of iron ,bars, girders, sheet iron etc.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Snotters: The snotter consists of a piece of rope or wire of

about four fathoms in length with an eye spliced at each end.
They are used for lifting packages.

Nets : are made of small hemp rope or wire and used for lifting
small packages.


Trays: are used for lifting small pakages. A tray consists of a

wooden platform to the corners of wich are fastened a bridle made
of a four legs that have one end spliced aroun an iron ring and
at the other on iron hook

Can hooks: are used for lifting barrels, casks and drums. The
hooks fit at the ends of the casks or drums.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Bull ropes: Bull ropes are used for dragging cargo from the ends
Of the cargo holds, they are attached to the cargo falls.

Canvas sling or web sling : are

used for lifting sugar, flour,
coffee and similar merchandise
packed in bags that might be
cut by the pressure of an ordinary rope sling.

Pallets : Is a platform having two decks with a space between

them of several inches into which a fork of a forklift truck
enters. The top deck takes the load and the other deck acts as a
base. Its size is about five or six four square.

Forklift truck : Is a truck which can

pick up a package and can transport it
a certain distance; It is able o lift
it high in the air and piling it for
storage, or it may deposit it on the
ground. The most common has a capacity
of two tons and can lift as high as
seven feet.

Straddle trucks: these carriers were

built to handle stacks of lumber, but
have been useful for a variety of other commodities of
considerable length. They are also used for handling containers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Containers: Containers have a capacity of up to 30 tons, and most

are built in accordance with the standards setting by ISO, this
organisation is responsible for setting standards in the
constructions, and fixtures and methods of handling of

ISO has classified the containers in seven groups which are:

General cargo, thermal , Tank, Bulk, platform, collapsible and
air mode.

The advantages of the containers are: reduced handling cost

eliminating handling of placing and door to door service can be
offered between consignors to consignee.

The international Standards Organisation has a system for coding

containers, and in this way it can be found the name of the
owner, country of origin and other important data.

Container handling and labeling

To gain full advantage of containership operations, the container
must be moved efficiently, speedily, and safely through the
terminal. This is accomplished by using special handling equipment
and proper labelling. The type of handling and lifting equipment
varies from terminal to terminal. The container storage method
used, the modes serving the terminal, and the overall layout of
the terminal storage area all determine the type of equipment
used. The design of a new terminal is often determined by the type
of handling equipment to be used as well

Containers types

Standard containers
Standard containers are also known as general purpose containers.
They are closed containers, i.e. they are closed on all sides. A
distinction may be drawn between the following types of standard
Standard containers with doors at one or both
Standard containers with doors at one or both
end(s) and doors over the entire length of one
or both sides
Standard containers with doors at one or both
end(s) and doors on one or both sides
In addition, the various types of standard container also differ
in dimensions and weight, resulting in a wide range of standard
Standard containers are mainly used as 20' and 40' containers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Containers with smaller dimensions are very seldom used. Indeed,

the trend is towards even longer dimensions, e.g. 45'.
High cube

High-cube containers are similar in structure to

standard containers, but taller. In contrast to
standard containers, which have a maximum height
of 2591 mm (8'6"), high-cube containers are 2896
mm, or 9'6", tall. High-cube containers are for
the most part 40' long, but are sometimes made as
45' containers.

A number of lashing rings, capable of bearing loads of at most

1000 kg, are mounted on the front top end rail and bottom cross
member and the corner posts.

Many 40' containers have a recess in the floor at the front end
which serves to center the containers on so-called gooseneck
chassis. These recesses allow the containers to lie lower and
therefore to be of taller construction.

Hard-top containers

The walls of a hard-top container are generally made of corrugated

steel, while the floor is made of wood.
It has two typical distinguishing structural features. On the one
hand, it is equipped with a removable steel roof. In some types,
this roof has points for accommodating forklift trucks, allowing
the roof to be lifted by forklift truck. The roof weighs approx.
450 kg. In addition, the door header may be swivelled out.

These two structural features greatly simplify the process of

packing and unpacking the container. In particular, it is very
easy to pack and unpack the container from above or through the
doors by crane or crab when the roof is open and the door header
is swivelled out.
In the case of transport of an overheight cargo, the container
roof may be left open and fastened directly to a side wall on the
inside of the container, such that it occupies only very little
stowage space.
Lashing rings, to which the cargo may be
secured, are installed in the upper and lower
side rails, the corner posts and the middle of
the side walls. The lashing rings on the side
rails and corner posts may take loads of up to
2000 kg. The lashing rings in the middle of
the side walls may take loads of up to 500 kg,
provided that the roof is closed.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Usual hard-top container dimensions are 20' and 40'.

Open-top containers
The walls of open-top containers are generally made of corrugated
steel. The floor is made of wood.
It has the following typical distinguishing structural features.
The roof consists of removable bows and a removable tarpaulin. The
door header may be swivelled out.
These two structural features greatly simplify the process of
packing and unpacking the container. In particular, it is very
easy to pack and unpack the container from above or through the
doors by crane or crab when the roof is open and the door header
is swivelled out.

It should be noted, however, that the purpose of the roof bows of

an open-top container is not solely to
support the tarpaulin but also to contribute
to container stability. Flatracks are
therefore more suitable for overheight
Lashing rings, to which the cargo may be
secured, are installed in the upper and
lower side rails and the corner posts. The lashing rings may take
loads of up to 1000 kg.
Usual open-top container dimensions are 20' and 40'.

Flatracks consist of a floor structure with a high loading

capacity composed of a steel frame and a softwood floor and two
end walls, which may either be fixed or collapsible. The end walls
are stable enough to allow cargo securing means to be attached and
several flatracks to be stacked on top of one another. Flatracks
are available in 20' and 40' sizes.
A number of lashing rings, to which the cargo may be secured, are
installed in the side rails, the corner posts and
the floor. The lashing rings may take loads of up
to 2000 kg in the case of 20' flatracks or up to
4000 kg in the case of 40' flatracks.
Some types of 20' flatracks have forklift
40' flatracks have gooseneck tunnels at each end. In addition,
they are sometimes equipped with lashing winches with 2 metric ton
lashing belts.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

For transport of certain cargoes, flatracks may be provided with


Platforms (Plats)
Platforms consist solely of a floor structure with extremely high
loading capacity; they have no side or end walls. This high
loading capacity makes it possible to concentrate heavy weights on
small areas. A platform consists of a steel frame and a wooden
floor structure.
Platforms are available in 20' and 40' sizes. 40'
platforms have a gooseneck tunnel at each end.

Lashing rings, to which the cargo may be secured,

are installed in the side rails. The lashing rings may take loads
of up to 3000 kg.


Ventilated containers are also known as passive (naturally)

ventilated or coffee containers. Ventilation is provided by
ventilation openings in the top and bottom
side rails. The openings do not let in
spray, to prevent depreciation of the cargo
by rain or spray, for example.
If actively ventilated containers are
required, i.e. containers with adjustable
ventilation, "porthole" containers may be
used, which simultaneously act as insulated or refrigerated

Lashing rings, to which the cargo may be secured, are installed in

the upper and lower side rails and the corner posts. The lashing
rings may take loads of up to 1000 kg. The common size for
ventilated containers is 20'.

Refrigerated and insulated containers

Refrigerated and insulated containers are mainly available as
20' and 40' containers. A distinction may be drawn between two
different systems:

Integral Unit (Integrated Unit):

This type of refrigerated container has an integral

refrigeration unit for controlling the temperature inside the

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

container. The refrigeration unit is arranged in such a way that

the external dimensions of the container meet ISO standards and
thus fit into the container ship cell guides, for example. The
presence of an integral refrigeration unit entails a loss of
internal volume and payload.

When being transported by ship, integral units have to be

connected to the on-board power supply system. The number of
refrigerated containers which may be connected depends on the
capacity of the ship's power supply system. If the aforesaid
capacity is too low for the refrigerated containers to be
transported, "power packs" may be used, which are equipped with
relatively large diesel generators and satisfy ISO requirements
with regard to the dimensions of a 20' container. When at the
terminal, the containers are connected to the terminal's power
supply system. For transport by road and rail, most integral
unit refrigeration units are operated by diesel generator. This
may either be a component of the refrigeration unit or connected
to the refrigeration unit as a "clip-on unit

Porthole containers:

This type of container is often referred to not as a

refrigerated container but as an insulated container, as it has
no integral refrigeration unit. The lack of a refrigeration unit
allows such containers to have a larger internal volume and
payload than integral units. On board, the
inside of the container is supplied with cold
air via the ship's central cooling plant. The
air flows through the container in the same
way as in integral units. Cold air is blown in
at the bottom and the "warm" air is removed at
the top.

Off the ship, the temperature is controlled by a terminal

refrigeration system or "clip-on units". After completion of
transport, the "clip-on units" may be returned using special
frameworks, dimensions of which match those of a 20' container.

Bulk (or bulk cargo) containers have three loading hatches in
the roof, each of a diameter of
approx. 455 mm (1 3/4'). The distance
between the hatches (center to
center) is 1.83 m (6'). On the door
side, there are two discharge
hatches, which are sometimes equipped
with short discharge tubes for
guiding the bulk cargo.
Alternatively, two unloading hatches
may be mounted in the doorways, for emptying the containers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Such containers may also be used for general cargo. Lashing

rings are mounted in the top side rails for securing the cargo.
Some bulk containers are equipped with forklift pockets, which
allow handling by forklift trucks.

Tank containers

Tank containers must be at least 80% full, to prevent dangerous

surging of the liquids in transit. On the other hand, they must
not as a rule be over 95% full, or there will not be sufficient
ullage space for thermal expansion. The extent of thermal
expansion may be calculated for each cargo on the basis of the
following formula:

D V = Va * g + D t

D V change in volume
VaB B volume at initial temperature a
g coefficient of cubic (thermal) expansion
D t temperature difference in degrees Celsius

Tank containers intended for transporting foodstuffs must be

labeled "Potable Liquids only".
Some hazardous materials must be transported in tank containers
with no in- or outlet openings
below the surface of the liquid.

Tank containers are generally

designed for an operating pressure
of up to 3 bar (above
atmospheric). The test pressure
used is 4.5 bar (above
If the cargo requires temperature-
controlled transport, tank
containers can be equipped with insulation or heating. The
temperature of the cargo may be precisely controlled using
temperature sensors.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Container Parts
The main components of a container are described below with
accompanying diagram.

1 Corner casting 8 Front top end rail 15 Cam

2 Forklift pocket 9 Front end wall 16 Cam keeper

3 Bottom cross member 10 Roof bows 17 Door gasket

4 Floor 11 Roof panel 18 Door sill

5 Bottom side rail 12 Door header 19

6 Corner post 13 Hinge 20

7 Top side rail 14 Door locking bar

Corner Post: Vertical frame components located at the corners of

freight containers and integral with the corner castings and
floor structures.

Corner Castings: Fittings located at the corner of the freight

container which provide means for lifting, handling, stacking
and securing the container.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Header and Sill: In way of door entrance with overhead

horizontal header frame and similar floor level threshold sill.

Front-End Frame: The structure at the

front end of the container (opposite the
door end) consisting of top and bottom
rails attached to the front corner posts
and the corner castings.

Top Rail: Longitudinal structural members

located at the top edge on either side of
the freight container.

Bottom Rail: Longitudinal structural members located at the

bottom edge on either side of the freight container.

Cross-members: A series of transverse beams at approximately 12

inch centres attached to the bottom side rail and an integral
part of the floor frame support.

Floor: The floor may be hard or soft laminated wood, planks or


Roof: Roof bows are the undermost structure of the roof and are
usually placed at 18 or 24 inch centres. Modern steel GP
containers (except open top containers) are not fitted with roof
bows but will have corrugated or flat steel sheet roofs welded
to the frame members.

Aluminium containers have aluminium sheathing, bonded with

adhesive to the roof bows and riveted to the top rails and
headers. GRP containers have fibreglass reinforced plywood
panels fastened to the rail and headers. The roof is the part of
the container most vulnerable to damage.

Sides & Front: Modern steel GP containers will have corrugated

steel panels. Aluminium containers have aluminium sheathing on
the sides and front of the container which are affixed to
aluminium stringers which are in turn bolted to the top and
bottom rails and also to the front end frame. The stringers may
be on the outside or inside of the sheathing. GRP containers do
not use stringers for supporting the fibreglass reinforced
plywood panels. The side and the front of steel containers are
made of corrugated steel sheets eliminating stringers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Doors: Doors may be ply-metal (plywood core with steel or

aluminium facings), corrugated, or combinations with fibreglass.
The hinged doors have plastic or rubber lined door gaskets as
seals against water ingress.

Security seal: Used in conjunction with locking mechanism in

order to seal the containers for security purposes. These seals
are numbered and often colour coded.

Dockside container cranes or gantry cranes.

Dockside cranes for handling containers are designed for quick
loading and unloading. This greatly reduces the time a
containership must spend in port. By using these cranes, ship
turnaround time has been reduced from 110 to 40 hours in some
instances. There are restrictive limitations peculiar to each
terminal. Therefore, the design of a particular dockside crane
depends on the requirements of the terminal served. Figure,
shows a typical dockside 40-ton capacity container crane,
capable of handling containers at the rate of one per minute.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Straddle cranes. Straddle cranes are self-propelled gantry cranes

which move on rubber tires or rails. They may straddle from one
to six railroad tracks while loading and unloading containers and
piggyback trailers. Both the tire and rail-mounted types are
highly versatile. They are capable
of lifting up to 50 tons, moving
through narrow aisles, and spotting
containers in specific locations
throughout the storage yard. Many
have the capacity for stacking
containers two and three high. The
lifting device used on the straddle
crane is usually a universal lifting
spreader that fits into special
lifting slots at the top of the
container. The spreader may fit
completely underneath the container.
The two straddle cranes shown in
Figure 13-1 are mounted on rubber
tires, although some straddle cranes
are mounted on rails. Both cranes
are shown in a piggyback operation. Each has a skewing trolley
which permits them to move in a straight line or at an angle.

Terminal tractors
Kalmar is the world's leading producer of terminal tractors.
Kalmar has two strong brands which are used at inland terminals
and ports
For heavy roll-on/roll-off handling and industrial applications,
Kalmar has the sturdy 4WD terminal tractor.
The tractor can also be used in MTS-applications as a heavy
pulling tractor.
All our terminal tractors have strong and reliable frame
structures. Excellent driving comfort and ergonomics come with
Kalmar's technologically advanced cabs.
The combination of reliable structures, excellent performance and
top of the line cabs guarantee maximum productivity for all Port
and terminal applications.
The MAFI Trac MT 25 is an industrial
tractor for in-plant use
with hydraulically elevating 5th

wheel.The trac is designed for hauling of

container chassis in ports and switching
operations in port terminals, freight
terminals and distribution centers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 25 Estiba

Roro Tractor

MAFI designed these tractors for

use in RoRo port operation.The MT
30/36 tracs are used wherever
heavy loads need to be moved
within a facility.

As a tractor for the MAFI trailer

system the tracs work with the
detachable goose neck. The goose
neck is the linkage between the truck and the trailer. Up to 120
ts can be moved economically and quickly in an one-man operation.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 26 Bodegas y escotillas


Batten down (hatches) Cerrar las escotillas

Cargo battens Serretas
Ceiling Plan de bodega
Coaming Brazola longitudinal
Cowl ventilator Manguerote de ventilacin
Flush deck cover Tapa de escotilla corrida con
la cubierta
Folding hatch cover Tapa de escotilla plegable
Hatch Escotilla
Hatch bar Barra de escotilla
Hatch beam Galeota
Hatch cleat Galapago
Hatch cover Tapa de escotilla
Hatches Cuarteles
Hatchway Boca de escotilla
Headledge Brazola trasversal
Hinge Bisagras
Hinged hatch cover Tapa articulada de escotilla
Hold Bodega
Hold ladder Escala de bodega
Hold pillar Puntal de bodega
Hold stringer Palmejar
Lower hold Plan de bodega
Pontoon cover Tapa de escotilla de una sola
Rolling cover Tapa de escotilla de corredera
Tarpauling Encerado
Tweendeck Entrepuente
Wedge Cua

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 26 Bodegas y escotillas


Holds are the inner spaces of a ship where cargoes are stowed.
Cargo vessels have at least two tweendecks dividing the hold.
The lower part of the hold is called lower-hold ,and is called
ceiling to the boards on the top of the double bottom fitted as
a flooring for cargo in lower hold.
The natural ventilation of the hold is by means of cowl
ventilators; the windward cowl should be turned back to apparent
wind direction while the leeward cowl should face the direction
of wind.

The hatchway is the access to the hold; it is a large
rectangular opening on deck through which the cargo is hoisted
in or out. They are numberd as the holds.
When the hatches are put into position they are covered with
tarpaulins to make the hatchway water-tight. The tarpaulins are
secured to the hatch coamings by means of battens and wedges
which are driven between the battens and cleats.
Modern cargo vessels have special hatch covering systems ,which
can be operated automatically or by the ships winches, in one
of these systems the hatch covering is divided into two equal
parts connected with hinges: with the winches both parts sliding
through rails fitted along the hatchway coaming are lifted to a
vertical position and coupled against each other.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 26 Bodegas y escotillas

MacGREGOR celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2002, and the
company's history reflects the enterprise and initiative that
are still hallmarks of the Group today

In Whitley Bay on the north-east coast of England,

60 years ago, brothers Robert and Joseph MacGregor
set up MacGREGOR & Company, which concentrated on
promoting and selling Robert's steel hatch covers,
patented in 1929. The brothers' belief in the need
for steel hatch covers stemmed from what they saw
Robert as the unnecessary losses of colliers in the North
MacGregor Sea.

The design was deceptively simple, consisted of

five articulated leaves that stowed neatly at the
end of each hatch. It was revolutionary, but
persuading shipbuilders and owners to change from
the tried and tested wooden covers proved
surprisingly difficult.
This changed in December 1945, when the energetic
Joseph entrepreneur Henri Kummerman was officially
MacGregor appointed as the agent for MacGREGOR & Co (Naval
Architects) Ltd in France. In 1949 Kummerman
formed MacGREGOR-Comarain, which was granted the
licensing rights for the whole world with the
exception of the UK and the British Commonwealth.
This was the start of the International MacGREGOR

Ideas developed further

Henri Kummermanns dynamic approach to selling new and
Kummerman existing MacGREGOR products to shipowners proved
to be extremely productive. A wealth of new ideas
and innovative products flowed from the
enterprising organisation, and the next few years
saw the successful development of flush tweendeck
(1952) and flush weather deck hatch covers (1954);
the first purpose-designed RoRo to enter service,
USNS Comet (1958); the first hydraulically-
operated stern door (1959); mechanised portable
decks for ferries (1961); the first ship to be
fitted with a Magrodome, Oceanic (1963);
mechanised lift and roll hatch covers (1967); and
the slewing stern ramp (1973).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos


Bass (coir rope) Cabo de coco

Belaying Tomar vueltas a bita, cornamuza
Bight Seno de un cabo
Bowline As de gua
Bowline on the bight As de gua doble
Cable Alambre, cable
Cable laid rope Jarcia colchada para calabrote
Caliper Pie de rey,Calibre.
Clear, to Zafar
Coir Coco
Coil, to Adujar
Core Alma
Cotton Algodn
Crown Barrilete
Chafe, to Rozarse (un cabo)
Diamont knot Nudo doble de pia
Eye Gaza
Fibre Fibra
Fishermans knot Nudo de pescador
Flag halliards Driza de bandera
Flexible steel wire rope Cable de acero dulce flexible
Fore stranded rope Cabo de cuatro cordones
Furl, to Aferrar
Galvanized Galvanizado
Granny bend Nudo sucio
Grass rope Cabo de coco
Grummet Estrobo de remo
Half knot Nudo llano
Half hitch Cote o vuelta mordida
Haul,to Halar
Haul down, to Arriar (a mano)
Haul taught, to Tesar
Halyard Driza
Halliard Driza
Heart Alma
Hemp Camo
Hitch Cote, vuelta de cabo
Hoist, to Izar
Hoist away Izar seguido
Jerk Sacudida, tirn de un cabo
Kink Coca, codillo
Knot Nudo
Laid up Colchado
Lanyard Rabiza

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Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

Lashing Ligada, trinca

Left handed rope Cabo colchado a la izquierda
Splice Costura
Manila rope Cabo de Abac, Manila
Marline Merlin
Messeger Viradore
Overhand knot Nudo ordinario
Painter Boza
Parceling Precintar
Reef knot Nudo llano
Reeve, to Laborear
Rib, to Guarnir
Right handle rope Cabo colchado a la derecha
Rope elle splice Gaza
Rope stopper Boza de cabo
Rope yard Filastica
Ropes end Chicote
Round splice Costura redonda
Round seizing Ligada redonda
Seizing Ligada
Sheepshank Margarita
Short splice Costura redonda
Sheer head lashing Ligada portuguesa
Sheets Escotas
Shrink Encogimiento
Single bend Nudo sencillo de escota
Single diamond knot Nudo sencillo de pia
Single wall knot Pia, culo de puerco para abajo
Small stuff Jarcia menuda
Soft lay, to Colchado blando
Splice, to Ayustar, costura
Spin, to Hilar
Spring Elasticidad
Square knot Nudo llano
Standing part Firme, arraigado
Steel wire rope Cable de acero
Strain Tensin
Strand Cordones, trenzado.
stretch Elasticidad
Strop Estrobo
Surge, to Lascar ( sobre vuelta)
Tar, to Alquitranar
Tarred rope Alquitranar
Tarred twine Hilo de vela alquitranado
Thimble Guardacabo
Threads Hilos
Twine Hilo de vela
Twist Torsin, colchado
Twisting the strands Colchado de los cordones

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Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

Veer, to Halar, virar

Wall knot Pia sencilla
Warp Calabrote
Whip, to Falcacear
Whipping Falcacear
White ropes Jarcia blanca
Wirw Cable, alambre
White twine Hilo de vela blanco
Worning Embutir
Worn Usado ,raido


Ropes are made from vegetable fibre ,synthetic fibre or metallic


In the Royal Navy cordage is described by reference to the

circumference of the rope measured in inches and to the the
material from which it is made - for example, 4.5 inch manila. In
some countries, and commercially in Great Britain, cordage is
sometimes measured by its diameter. The size of a strand is that
of the rope from which it was taken; thus a 2 inch strand is one
taken from a 2 inch rope. The length of a rope is measured in
fathoms or metres.

Construction of Fiber.

Figure shows how fiber line is made by twisting fibers into

yarns, yarns into strands, and strands into the finished line.
The fibers are twisted from left to right to spin the yarn. The
yarn is twisted from right to left to form the strands. The
strands are then twisted from left to right to lay or form the

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

General characteristics
The strands tend to unlay unless the end of the rope is whipped
(i.e. firmly bound) with twine.
The rope will stretch under load, but may be expected to regain
its normal length when slack, provided that the load applied is
well within the breaking strength of the rope; a greater load,
however, even if it does not part the rope, will cause a
permanent extension in its length and thereby render it unfit for
service. The older and more worn the rope, the less elasticity it
will possess and the weaker it will become. Rope under load will
tend to twist in the opposite direction to that of its lay and
thereby tend to unlay itself, but it should regain its normal
form when slack.
When wet, rope will usually shrink in length in proportion to the
amount by which it swells in diameter, but it will recover its
original length when dry and after use. Rope which is continually
subjected to heat and damp - when in the tropics, for example -
will lose its elasticity and strength sooner than rope used under
normal conditions of temperature and humidity.

Materials Used
The ropes supplied to the merchant marine are made from various
kinds of vegetable fibre which may differ in strength, weight,
flexibility, hardness or resistance to wear, elasticity,
resistance to weather, or behaviour when wet. The fibre selected,
therefore, depends on the use for which the rope is intended.
When made of manila or sisal, the fibres of the rope are treated
with a rot-proofing solution during the first stage of rope
making, when the fibres are being combed into ribbons. Rot-
proofing neither weakens the rope nor increases its weight, but
makes it watertight to the extent that, when wet, it absorbs
hardly any water and is nearly as light and as easily handled as
when it is dry.

Manila rope
This rope is made from the fibre of the abaca plant, which is
grown extensively in the Philippine Islands and shipped from the
port of Manila (whence its name), and also in Central America,
Sumatra and Borneo. When mature the abaca plant, which grows to a
height of from 10 to 30 ft, is felled and the fibre from the leaf
sheaths is stripped off. The quality of the finished rope depends
upon the thorough cleaning of the fibre during this stripping
process. When new and untreated it is deep golden-brown in
colour. The rope is flexible, durable, strong, and stands up well

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Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

to wear and weather. It is impervious to salt water, and so it is

very suitable for slings, falls, berthing hawsers and tow-ropes.

Sisal rope

This rope is made from the leaves of the Agave sisalana plant,
which is a member of the cactus family. It is grown in Kenya,
Tanganyika, Haiti and Java and, when new and untreated, is hairy
and of a pale straw colour. New sisal rope is as strong as
second-grade manila, but it is less flexible, durable and
resistant to wear and weather. It should therefore be examined
frequently for signs of deterioration. Because it is not so
reliable as manila it is not used for boats' falls, slings or for
any purpose where the parting of the rope may endanger life.

Hemp rope

This rope is made from the fibres of the stems of the hemp plant
which is grown in many parts of the world, but notably in Italy,
Russia, China, U.S.A., New Zealand, St. Helena and India. New
Zealand and St. Helena hemps are not true hemps like Italian, but
produce hard fibres similar to those of sisal. Italian hemp is
the strongest vegetable fibre used in rope-making. Indian hemp is
not reliable for cordage. American hemp is about equal to
European hemp.
Hemp is very much softer than the other fibres described above.
The quality varies greatly with the soil in which it is grown,
and for purposes of Admiralty specification it is graded for
quality in the order Italian, European, New Zealand and St.
Helena, and Indian. New and untreated hemp rope is hard, smooth,
pale grey in colour and of a lighter shade than manila but darker
than sisal. It is marked with a red rogue's yarn in each strand.
Hemp is heavier than manila and the best quality is stronger than
the manila supplied to the Royal Navy. Its wearing qualities are
about the same as those of manila, but it is far more flexible.
It is used in the Royal Navy only for small lines and small

Coir rope

This rope is made from the fibres in the husks of coconuts grown
in Ceylon. It is very hairy, and brown in colour. A Coir rope is
the weakest of all cordage, but it has the advantage of being so
light that it floats on water. It is flexible and very springy,
but soon rots if stowed away wet, and does not stand up well to
chafe or weather. Coir rope is half the weight and one-fifth the
strength of manila or sisal of equal size.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

Polypropylene Rope (PP)

Almost twice as strong as Manila Rope, it does not lose strength
even when wet. With a specific gravity of .91, SUPERMONO is the
lightest of synthetic ropes. It
can float indefinitely. Although
it has only half the stretch
ability of nylon, SUPERMONO has
elastic properties that
approximates that of polyester.
SUPERMONO 911 rope has been
employed effectively as: mooring
or hawser line; anchor line;
towing line; utility pull lines
for tension stringing; fishing
rope; target tow rope; heaving
line; barrier rope; life lines for
rafts and floats; water/snow ski
tows; and as industrial slings. Blue is the standard color.
Twice as strong as Manila Rope, Polyester is about as strong as
Nylon. It retains full strength even when wet, a major
characteristic that makes Polyester
particularly suitable for holding ships
at dockside. While it is slightly
resistant to some alkalis, it is
strongly resistant to acids.
Furthermore, it is not susceptible to
deterioration caused by rot, mildew, or
moisture. Its specific gravity is 1.36
and its abrasion resistance is
approximately the same as that of Manila
Rope. Polyester is a rope for varied
uses. Good for mooring, rigging and
industrial plant use, it is used as fish
net and bolt rope, rope sling, and
alongside towing hawser.
Terypro (PP / Polyester Compound Rope)

Synthetic fibers: polypropylene and polyester. The combined

properties of these two fibers have produced a rope ideal for
marine application and mainly for the fishing industry. Its
polypropylene fibers provide Terypro good creep strength. It is
almost twice as strong as Manila Rope. At the same time, its
polyester content gives it a great capacity to disperse heat.
With Terypro's polyester cover, aside from warding off friction
induced heat, the rope is given a high resistance to acids and
alkalis, rot and mildew, making it suitable for marine use. Its

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Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

abrasion resistance is about the same as that of Manila Rope and


Nylon is one of the strongest of the synthetic fibers used in
rope manufacturing and is considered a "miracle" synthetic fiber.
Nylon is an excellent, high quality rope with wonderful
elasticity. It is far superior to Manila Rope in percentage of
elongation. Nylon is more than twice as strong
as Manila Rope of the same size. Superior
resistance to most acids and alkalis is another
outstanding characteristic of Nylon. Among the
heaviest of natural and synthetic fibers,
Nylon's specific gravity is 1.14. Its abrasive
resistance is good. Nylon is ideal for use as bow-to-stern towing
hawsers; surge lines; mountain climbing ropes; safety lines;
lariat ropes; boat falls; drop hammer ropes; target tow ropes;
fishing ropes; and industrial slings.

Working Loads

Because of the wide range of rope use, rope condition, exposure

to the several factors affecting rope behavior, and the degree of
risk to life and property involved, it is impossible to make
blanket recommendations as to working loads. However, to provide
guidelines, working loads are tabulated for rope in good
condition with appropriate splices, in non-critical applications
and under normal service conditions. In the US specs (CIS), a
general recommendation is mentioned which states a Safe Working
Load factor of 5 to 12 for PP rope. In other words, for a 12
circ. PP rope with a minimum tensile strength of 102,000 kgs, the
working load should be computed by dividing the factor of 5 to
12, to get the safe working load of 24,000 kgs. to 8,500 kgs.
The factor of 12 is used when the application is considered more
critical. Again, this guideline does not cover exceptional
conditions such as shock load, sustained load, etc. and is for
rope in good condition with appropriate splices, in non-critical
applications and under normal service conditions.

Working loads should be exceeded only with expert knowledge of

conditions, and professional estimates of risk. Working loads
should be reduced where life, limb, or valuable property are
involved, or for exceptional service conditions such as shock
loads, sustained loads, etc. A higher working load may be
selected only with expert knowledge of conditions and
professional estimate of risk and if the rope has not been
subject to dynamic loading or other excessive use, has been
inspected and found to be in good condition and is to be used in
the recommended manner, and the application does not involve

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Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

elevated temperatures, extended periods under load, or obvious

dynamic loading.

You should not use a rope at high working loads if it has

previously experienced excessive use, high dynamic loading,
sustains loading for long periods or high temperatures. For all
such applications and for applications involving more severe
exposure conditions, or for recommendations on special
applications, consult an expert in the specific field where the
rope is to be used.

Dynamic loading voids working load. Working loads are not

applicable when rope is subject to significant dynamic loading.
Wherever a load is picked up, stopped, moved or swung there is an
increased force due to dynamic loading. The more rapidly or
suddenly such actions occur, the greater this increase will be.
In extreme cases, the force put on the rope may be two, three, or
even more times the normal load involved. Examples could be
picking up a tow on a slack line or using a rope to stop a
falling object. Therefore, in all such applications as towing
lined, lifelines, safety lines, climbing ropes, etc., working
loads as given do not apply.
The working loads guidelines are not necessarily applied in those
applications where a thorough engineering analysis of all
conditions of use has been made, and that these conditions will
not be exceeded in service. In such cases tensile strength,
elongation, energy absorption, behavior under long term or cyclic
loading and other pertinent properties of a rope may be evaluated
to allow the selection of the rope best suited to the
requirements of the application and an analysis of any risk
involved in its use.
This information is intended as a guide only. As mentioned, a
thorough engineering analysis of all conditions of use should be
made specific to the application to assure that the ropes are
well suited for the job and/or to inspect the current
state/condition of the rope in use.

The Bowline (say Boh-linn) forms a loop that
will not slip in a single end of line. The
Bowline may have been Popeyes favorite next to
spinach as it is the knot best known and used by
sailors. This knot has found a thousand uses in
seafaring and mountaineering adventures. But it
is most indispensable in lifesaving rescues in and out of the

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos


Making knots means working with rope. Here are the basic terms
used to name the various parts of a rope where knots are
formed. The end of a rope is the part with which knots are
tied. The rest of the rope is called the standing part. A rope
forms a bight when the end of the rope is placed alongside the
standing part to form a loop. An overhand loop is made by
crossing the end of the rope over the standing part.


Wire rope is stronger, lasts longer, and is much more resistant


to abrasion than fiber line. Because of these factors, wire T T

rope is used for hoisting tasks that are too heavy for T T

fiber line to handle. Also, many of the movable components on T T

hoisting devices and attachments are moved by wire rope.


Wire rope is an intricate device made up of a number of


precise moving parts. The moving parts of wire rope are T T

designed and manufactured to maintain a definite T T

relationship with one another.

This relationship ensures
T that the wire rope has the T

flexibility and strength crucial to professional and safe


T operations. T

Wire rope is composed of three parts: wires, strands, and


core . A predetermined number of wires of the same or different


size are fabricated in a uniform arrangement of definite lay to


form a strand. The required number of strands is then laid


together symmetrically around the core to form the wire


rope. Wires The basic component of the wire rope is the


wire. The wire may be made of steel, iron, or other metal in


various sizes. The number of wires to a strand varies.


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

Care and use of wire rope.

Wire rope is made of steel except for its core which is likely
to be fiber. The grades of wire rope in descending order of
strength are: Extra improved plow, improved plow, plow, and mild
plow steel. Of these four grades, the Army uses improved plow
steel extensively and plow steel to a lesser extent. The
manufacturer stamps the grade on the reel. Because the grade of

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

wire rope is not visually apparent, it should always be

considered as plow steel when in doubt.

Makeup of wire rope.

The basic unit of wire rope is the individual wire. Wires are
laid together to form strands. The number of wires in a strand
varies according to the purpose for which the rope is intended.
Strands are laid around a core to form the wire rope itself.
With preformed plow steel wire rope, the core may be hemp or
polypropylene, a synthetic fiber. The core is a foundation to
keep the wire rope round, to act as a shock absorber when the
wire rope contracts under strain, and to serve as a reservoir
for lubricant. Figure shows a cross section of wire rope.

Wire rope is classified by the number of strands, number of
wires per strand, strand construction, and type of lay.

Strands and Wires.

Standard wire rope has six strands. The present commercial
classifications group wire ropes according to weight,
flexibility, and strength. The 6 x 19 classification has 6
strands and 19 wires per strand. The 6 x 37 classification has 6
strands and 37 wires in each strand (see Figure 6-7). Rope of
numerous small wires is more flexible, but less resistant to
external abrasion. Wire rope of a smaller number of larger wires
is less flexible but more resistant to abrasion. Two ropes of
the same size have the same strength even though, for example,
one is 6 x 19 and the other is 6 x 37.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 27 Cabos y nudos

Strand Construction.
In most wire rope used today, the wires and strands are
preformed. Preforming means presetting wires in the strands into
a permanent corkscrew form which they will have in the completed
rope. As a result, preformed wire rope does not have the
internal stresses found in nonpreformed wire rope, does not
untwist as readily as nonpreformed wire rope, and is more

Types of Lay.
Lay refers to the direction of winding of the wires in the
strands and the strands in the rope. Both may be wound in the
same direction or in opposite directions.
1.-In regular lay, the strands and wires are wound in opposite
directions. Most common is the right regular lay in which the
strands are wound right and the wires wound left. This lay is
used in marine operations.

2.-In lang lay, the strands and wires are wound in the same
direction. This type of wire rope is used on the blades of
bulldozers and scrapers.

Whatever its grade, wire rope is usually measured by its
diameter. Figure shows the correct method of measuring the
diameter of wire rope. To measure wire rope correctly, personnel
should place it in the caliper so that the outermost points of
the strands will be touching the jaws of the caliper.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia


Backstay Burda
Bpode mast Palo bpode
Cargo block Catalina
Cargo boom Pluma de carga
Cargo fall Amante
Cargo runner Amante
David guys Vientos del pescante
David span Nervio del pescante
Derrick Pluma de carga
Derrick falls Tiras de los botes
Derrick guy pendants Caas de la osta
Derrick head Penol del puntal
Derrick heel Coz del puntal
Derrick topping lift amantillo
Eye bolt Cancamo
Fore mast Palo trinquete
Foremast shrouds Obenques mayores
Forestay Estay del trinquete
Goose neck Cuello de ganso
Guy Osta
Guy fall Tira de la osta
Iron band Zuncho
Jumbo derrick Puntal para carga pesada
King post Postelero
Lower mast Palo macho
Main mast Palo mayor
Married gear method Trabajar a la americana
Mast Palo
Mast head Arbotante del palo
Mizzen mast Palo mesana
Preventer Contraosta
Ratlines Flechaste
Rig a derrick, to Guarnir un puntal
Royal mast Mastelerillo
Safe Working Load (SWL) Carga de seguridad
Shrouds Obenques
Single whip method Trabajar de amante y penol
Standing rigging Jarcia firme
Stays Estays
Tabernacle Meseta
Top mast Mastelero
Topping lift Amantillo
Triatic stay Estay que va del palo de pr al
de pp
Unin purchase Trabajar a la americana
Wreles aerial Antena de radio

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Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

Riggings and deck fittings.

There are two types of riggings: standing and running.
Information on both riggings and deck fittings is as follows:
Standing Rigging.
Standing rigging includes permanent and semipermanent structures
and gear .
The principal function of masts is to support cargo booms. Masts
also support signal lights, antennas, and crow's nests. On most
modern ships, each mast is fitted with a crosstree to which the
topping lift blocks are secured, and a mast house, which
supports the heel of the boom.
King posts are two vertical supports, usually steel, one each
side of the centerline of the ship used to support booms. King
posts are also called Samson posts.
Shrouds provide athwartship support for the mast or king posts.
Two or more shrouds are used on either side of a mast or king
post and are secured to the deck or bulwark in a fore and aft
direction to provide maximum support.

Standing rigging

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

Stays and backstays are heavy wire ropes similar to shrouds,

found at the mast where the jumbo boom is located. When they
support the mast or king posts from a forward direction, they
are called stays; when they support from an aft direction, they
are called backstays. Additional stays and backstays may have to
be rigged when unusually heavy lifts are being loaded and
Turnbuckles are internally threaded collars turning on two
screws threaded in opposite directions. Turnbuckles are used to
take up slack in the shrouds and stays.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

Running Rigging.
Running rigging includes the moving parts of the ship's gear.
A cargo boom is a spar extending from a mast or a king post. It
is used as a derrick arm to handle cargo. Booms are sometimes
referred to as derricks.
The cargo hoisting wire rope or line reeved through the boom
blocks and used for working cargo is the cargo runner. The
runner is also called the cargo fall or whip.

Running rigging

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Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

The tackle that raises and lowers the boom is the topping lift.
Single and multiple topping lifts are used aboard ships.
The single topping lift is a single wire rope 1 1/4 inches or
larger running through a single-sheave topping-lift block at the
crosstree on the mast or at the top of the king post. One end of
the lift is shackled to the head of the boom and the other end
to the bail.
The multiple topping lift is a single wire rope reeved through a
block at the head of the boom and a block at the masthead and
made fast on the topping-lift cleat. The size of the wire
depends on the safe working load of the boom, but 5/8- to 7/8-
inch wire rope is usually used.
The lines or tackle used to steady or swing booms are usually
known as guys. When led to a source of power, however, guys are
called vangs. Guys may be outboard, inboard, or amidship. An
amidships is sometimes called the lay guy or the schooner guy.
Outboard guys are made fast to the outboard side of the head of
the booms and to fittings on the deck or bulwark. These guys are
often referred to as the working guys because they are under
greatest stress. The stress on the guys occurs when the load is
being transferred athwartship or when it is being supported
anywhere between the two boom heads.
Inboard guys are made fast to the inboard side of the head of
the booms and to fittings on the deck or bulwark. Since the load
on the cargo hook is always between the heads of the two booms
or directly under one of them, there is little or no stress on
inboard guys.
Amidship guys serve the same purpose as inboard guys they hold
the booms together. They have the advantage of being up and out
of the way when both booms are being worked together. Amidship
guys consist of a light tackle between the heads of the two
booms. The hauling part of the tackle is usually led through a
lead block on the mast or king post and made fast to a cleat.
The preventer is a wire rope used in addition to the guys to
reinforce against additional strain. The preventer is usually
made of 5/8- or 3/4-inch wire rope.
The bail plate (topping lift) is a triangular steel plate with a
hole in each corner to which are attached to the topping-lift
wire, the bull chain, and the bull rope on a single topping
The bull chain is a heavy-duty chain having links 1 1/4 inches
in diameter or larger. It is used on a single topping lift to
hold the boom in its vertical working position.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

The bull rope is a wire rope used on a single topping lift to

top and lower the boom.
The topping-lift cleat is attached to the mast house or king
post and is used for securing the multiple-topping lift wire.
The head block is the block at the head of the boom through
which the cargo runner is led to the cargo hook.
The heel block is the block at the heel of the boom through
which the cargo runner is led to the winch.
The guy tackle consists of the blocks and tackle used on guys.
The guy pendant is a short wire rope with a thimble or socket on
each end. Guy pendants are used to attach the guy tackle to the
head of the boom and to the deck or bulwark.
The gooseneck is a metallic swivel joint that connects the heel
of the boom with the mast or the mast house.
Topping-lift blocks are blocks at the head of the boom, the
crosstree on the mast, or the top of the king posts through
which the topping-lift wire is reeved.
A fairlead is a block, ring, or strip of plank with holds,
serving as a guide for the running rigging or any rope to keep
it from chafing and as a direct line to a source of power.
The link band is a band around the head of the boom to which the
topping-lift guys and headblocks are secured.
The stopper chain is a piece of close-link chain about six feet
long composed of links 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. It is used
to stop off the multitopping-lift wire when transferring the
wire from the cleat to the winch and vice versa.
Deck Fittings.
Deck Fittings include the devices used to secure standard and
running rigging.
Bitts are used on ship for securing mooring or towing lines.
Chocks are heavy fittings secured to the deck, used for the lead
of lines. Types of chocks are closed, open, and roller.
Cleats are metal fittings having two projecting horns welded to
a vessel's deck and used for securing lines.
Pad eyes are fixtures attached to a deck or bulkhead, having an
integral baseplate and an eye to which lines or tackle may be
fastened for securing or hauling cargo.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

Cleat and pad eyes are often attached to the bulwark. The
bulwark consists of a raised plating along each side of the
vessel above the weather deck. The plating is covered by a
bulwark rail, which serves as a stiffener for the upper edge of
the plating.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 28 Arboladura y jarcia

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico


Block Motn
Cargo block Catalina
Crown Cabeza de motn
Cheeks Quijadas
Double purchase Aparejo real de dos ojos
Fall Tira
Gun tackle Palanqun
Hook Gancho
Luff tackle Aparejo de convs
Watch tackle Aparejo de convs
Metal block Moton metlico
Moving block Moton mvil
Pin Perno
Purchase Aparejo
Shackle Grillete
Sheave Roldana
Shell Caja (moton)
Single whip Lanteon, tecle
Snatch block Pasteca
Standing block Motn fijo
Strop Gaza
Two fold purchase Aparejo real de dos cuadernas
Tackle aparejo
Wooden block Motn de madera
Swivel hook Gancho giratorio


A block is a device made of wood or metal for moving an objects

by means of a rope leaving over the contained sheave or sheaves.

The top of the shell, is called the crown, and the botton the
tail, and the sides the cheeks. Shells are made of wood or

The sheave is a wheel over which the rope runs, sheaves are amde
of phosphor bronce or mild steel.

The pin is made of steel, and on it the sheave runs.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Components of wooden blocks.
A wooden block, as shown in Figure, consists of one or more
sheaves (pulleys). Each block has one or more steel straps which
strengthen the block and support the sheave pin. Personnel may
suspend the block or apply a load by means of a hook or shackle
inserted in the top of the strap. The strap may continue through
the block and form a projection, called the becket, to attach
another line. The becket usually has a thimble to prevent
chafing of the line. The front of the block is called its face
and the sides of the shell are called cheeks. The opening
between the top of the sheave and the block where the line is
passed through the block is called the swallow. The breech is
the opening between the bottom of the sheave and the block and
serves no definite purpose. Line is never passed through the
breech of a block except for a small tail line used to keep the
block from bouncing on the deck. The entire wooden portion of a
block is called the shell; it protects the sheave and line.

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COMPONENTS OF METAL BLOCKS. Metal blocks have basically the same
part as wooden blocks. The metal block has bolts to hold its
cheeks together and a metal shell. The parts of a metal block
are shown in Figure 6-2. This figure shows the diamond and
roller bearing block.

Types of blocks
There are several different types of blocks, each with a
particular use. Wooden and metal blocks are of the same design
except for the head or heel block which is only metal. These
blocks are explained below and illustrated in Figure .
The single-sheave block has only one sheave and may or may
not have a hook or becket.

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The multiple-sheave block contains two or more sheaves. It
also may or may not have a hook or becket.
A fixed-hook block is a single- or multiple-sheave block
with a stationary hook attached to the top of the strap.
A swivel-hook block is a single- or multiple-sheave block
with a swivel hook that allows the lock to move in the
direction of the load.
The snatch block has a hinged
cheek on one side and differs
from all the other blocks. The
advantage of a snatch block
over the other types is that
it can be opened and a bight
of line placed over the sheave
without passing the end of the
line through the swallow. The
snatch block also has a swivel
hook. The primary function of
the snatch block is to change
the direction of the load or

The head or heel block has a

cast metal shell, roller
bearings, and a grease fitting
in the sheave pin. The cargo runner can pass over these
blocks at the head and heel of the cargo boom. These high-
speed blocks must be lubricated every time they are used. A
good winch operator can pass the cargo runner over the
sheaves of these blocks at a rate of 500 feet per minute.
a. Blocks are named according to the purpose for which they
are used, the places they occupy, or from a particular
shape or type of construction. According to the number of
sheaves, blocks are designated as single, double, or
triple. A traveling block is attached to the load being
lifted and moves as lifting occurs. A standing block is
fixed to a stationary object.
b. Every tackle system contains a fixed block attached to
some solid support and may have a traveling block attached
to the load. The single rope leaving the tackle system is
called the fall line. Personnel apply the pulling force to
the fall line which may be led through a leading block.

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Purchase or tackle

A mechanical device which gives

increased power by a combination of a
blocks and ropes. Power gained is
proportionate with the number of
shaves in the blocks.

The parts of a tackle are:

The fall is the rope in the
tackle, one end of it which is
made fast in the stranding end,
the other end is the hauling part
and between is the running part.
The blocks in the tackle are
called standing blocks and moving block.
Pennant, when a tackle is applied to a guy, halyard etc, that
part of the rope which hangs between the blocks is called

TACKLE USES AND TYPES. A block with a line led over the sheave
makes applying power by changing the direction of the pull
easier. Used with line and another block, it becomes a tackle
and increases the power applied on the hauling part. Tackles are
designated according to their uses and the number of sheaves in
the blocks that are used to make the tackle. The various types
of tackle are rove with different size blocks and all have a
limited lifting capacity depending on the number of sheaves, the
size blocks and the size line used. The tackles are named for
their use or from their makeup. The most commonly used tackles
are explained below and illustrated in Figure 6-5.
A single whip tackle consists of a single fixed block
with a line passed over its sheave. This tackle has no
mechanical advantage.
The gun tackle, named for its use on old sailing ships
to haul the cannons back to their gun port after firing,
consists of one single-sheave fixed block and one
single-sheave movable block.
The luff tackle is made up of one double-sheaved block
and one single-sheaved block.
The twofold purchase is made up of two double-sheaved
The double luff tackle is made up of one double-sheaved
block and one triple-sheaved block.
The threefold purchase is made up of two three-sheaved

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Types of tackles

The main types of tackles are:

The gun tackle which consist of two single hooks blocks, one
fix and the other movable. The standing part of the latter is
made fast to the other block.
The single whip which consists of a rope move through a
single block.
Luff tackle. This type has a double end and a single hook
block with the standing part of the fall made fast to the
single block. Power gained is from three to four times.
Two fold purchase has a double luff tackle has two double
hook blocks. The power gained is of four to five.
Three fold purchase is used for lowering and hoisting of
lifeboats and consists of two triple blocks. This gives a
power gain of six or seven times.

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Boat compass Comps de bote

Binnacle Bitcora
Boxing the compass Cuarteo de la rosa
Compass card Rosa
Compass cover Cubichete
Compass bowl Mortero
Corrector spheres Esferas compensadoras
Cross magnets Imanes trasversales
Dry compass Comps de aguja seca
Flinders bar Barra Flinders
Gimbals Suspensin cardan
Gyro compass Girocomps
Hood Cubichete
Heeling magnets Imanes compensadores del desvo de escora
Lubbers line Lnea de fe
Intercardinal points Puntos cuadrantales
Magnets Imanes
Magnetic compass Comps magntico
Point Cuarta
Permanent magnets Imanes permanentes
Repeater Repetidores
Soft Iron Hierro dulce
Standard compass Comps magntico
Steering compass Comps de gobierno
Wheel Rueda de timn

The compass: The compass is an instrument which by means of

magnets indicates the magnetic meridian, or in the case of
gyrocompass by means of a gyroscope indicates the true meridian.

The compasses commonly used by the mariner are:

-Magnetic compass

A compass may be designated to be used as:

-Standard compass.
-Steering compass.
-Boat compass.

Magnetic compass, In the magnetic compass, several magnet are

mounted parallel to each other, to them is attached a compass
card. Both magnets and compass card are enclosed in a bowl
having a glass top, through which the card can be seen.

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The bowl is suspended in gimbals. A mark called lubbers line is

placed in the inner surface of the bowl to indicate the forward
direction parallel to the keel. The gimbals are attached to a
stand called binnacle. A cover or hood is provides to protect
the compass from the elements.
Compass card is composed of light, non magnetic material,
graduated in 360. There are 32 point in the compass.

The binnacle is used to house the compass, it is provided with

magnets, some are cross magnets, other longitudinal magnets, and
there are heeling magnet suspended from a small chain, which the
action of the chain can move up and down as desired.

The Flinders bar is on the fore part of the binnacle and consist
of some pieces sot iron used to neutralise the deviation force
due to induced magnetism in vertical soft iron. Also the
binnacle is provided with the corrector spheres and clinometer.

Boxing the compass: Consist of naming the 32 points of the

compass in proper sequence from the north


Gyro compass: Is a mechanical compass based on the principle of

the gyroscope and when properly adjusted indicates the true
north. Its consist essentially of a freely suspended rotor
driven at high speed by an electric motor. The gyro- compass is
mounted in gimbals and by gyroscope action once aligned on the
meridian will remain in it.

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Arc Limbo
Bubble sextant Sextante de burbuja
Drum Sextant Sextante de tambor
Frame Armadura
Handle Empuadura
Horizon glas Espejo pequeo
Index Arm Alidada
Index mirror Espejo grande
Micrometer drum Tabor micromtrico
Shade glass Modificador
Telescope Anteojo
Vernier Nonius
Vernier sextant Sextante de nonius

The Sextant

The sextant is an instrument of precision used at sea to measure

altitudes of heavenly bodies and measure vertical and horizontal

The parts of a sextant are:

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The frame
The arc
The index arm
The micrometer drum
The vernier
The index mirror
The horizon glas
The shade glasses
The telescope
The handle

The arc is divided into degrees, minutes and by means of a

vernier the angles may be read in tenths of minutes.

There are two types of sextants: The vernier sextant and the
micrometer sextant, but nearly all marine sextants of recent
manufacture are of the last type.

Anther type is the bubble sextant which has an attachment in

which the horizon is indicated in a floating bubble. It is
designed for use when the horizon is obscure.

Adjustment of sextant

The observer should be familiar with the following adjustments

of his sextant:

The index glass and horizon glass must be perpendicular to the

plane of instrument.
The index glass and horizon glass must be parallel when the
index is set to zero.

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To be fast Estar adelantado

To be slow Estar atrasado
Chronometer error Estado absoluto
Daily Rate Movimiento diario
Gimbals Suspension Cardan
Gaining Adelantado
Losing Atrasado
Rate Movimiento

The chronometer is a clock specially made to maintain a nearly

constant rate under ship board conditions. It used to obtain
Greenwich Mean Time ( G.M.T.)

Chronometers are fitted in special boxes.

Chronometer error is the difference between time indicated on

chronometer and G.M.T.. We find the chronometer error by means
of radio time. The chronometer error is labelled F or S as the
chronometer is fast is fast or slow on the correct time.

Daily rate is the amount by which a chronometer gain or loses in

24 hours. It is labelled gaining or losing.

The daily rate provides a means of determining the chronometer

error at any instant between the radio signals are mounted in
gimbals like mariners compass and are

The marine chronometer

The marine chronometer or sea clock was the first precise

instrument used to figure out distance between two locations.
The difference between the time of day anywhere on land or on
the ocean and the time of day at Greenwich, England, was used to
measure distance between the two places. Because the size of the
Earth was already known at that time, the distances between two
places could be measured. For example, if its 6 AM in Winnipeg,
it will be noon in London, England. Therefore theres a quarter
of the day difference between the two cities. The distance
between the cities is 6,300 kilometres, a quarter of the total
distance of the worlds surface. All marine chronometers kept
Greenwich time precisely. This was essential for finding the
exact location when navigating on the Earths oceans.
Explorer James Cook used the very first marine chronometer. He
accurately charted parts of the Pacific Oceans coastline
including the islands of New Zealand and Tahiti. By the end of
the 18th century, accurate charts of the oceans, continents and
islands were produced with the information obtained by naval

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explorers. No navigator using the marine chronometer could have

an excuse for not locating a charted island or for being wrecked
on a charted coastline. This special clock was constructed in
such a way that it could operate upside down or while it was
moving around. All other clocks of that time had to operate on a
flat, level surface. A coiled spring replaced the pendulum; it
allowed this clock to function even in the worst storms at sea.
Built from brass parts, it required no oil and was resistant to
temperature and humidity changes. This clock kept time so well,
it only lost a few seconds in a month.
The marine chronometer was one of the most ingenious inventions
of its time! In the Museums Hudsons Bay Company Gallery, there
is a marine chronometer that looks like an ordinary oversized
pocket watch. Sir John Franklin, a well-known naval explorer,
used this marine chronometer on his second Arctic expedition in
1825. He was searching for a safe route between the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans by travelling through the Arctic waters of North
America. Franklin and his crew went missing from their third
Arctic expedition in 1848. Ironically, a search party looking
for Franklin in 1853 used this same marine chronometer. With the
marine chronometer, many long distance trade routes were

Finding shorter routes to reach the Orient by sea was a

priority. Perfumes, spices, tea and silk were in great demand in
Europe. Thats why Sir John Franklin was assigned by the King of
England to find a quick and safe route through the Arctic waters
of North America. It was discovered later that everyone in
Franklins third Arctic expedition died. The British Admiralty
thought Franklins marine chronometer broke during the mission
and caused the crew to lose their way in the Arctic. By 1850,
all British naval ships were issued three marine chronometers to
make sure the crew had the correct time, should one clock stop
working properly. Eventually radio receivers providing Greenwich
time replaced the marine chronometer. Today, all vessels use a
Global Positioning System or GPS. This pocket-sized instrument
uses satellites orbiting the Earth to determine the exact
location of the user to the nearest square metre. Today, most
people rely on clocks and wristwatches to tell time, to plan
days and organise trips. The development of accurate timepieces
was the result of the invention of the marine chronometer.
Imagine a World without them!

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Contactor Unit Contactor , interruptor

Chromate of silver Cromato de plata
Distance Recorder Indicador de la distancia
Electromagnetic log Corredera elctrica
Governor Regulador
Impeller Helice
Log Corredera
Log register Registrador de la corredera
Master speed indicator Indicador principal de la velocidad
Patent log Corredera mecnica
Pito-static log Corredera de tubo pito
Recorder Registrador
Receiver oscillator Receptor oscilador
Register Registrador
Rodmeter Tubo exterior
Rotator Hlice
Sea valve Vlvula de mar
Ships log Corredera del buque
Sinker Escandallo
Speed indicator Indicador de la velocidad
Taffrail log Corredera mecnica
Transmitter oscillator Oscilador trasmisor
Trident log Corredera de patente

The log

The log is an instrument used to measured the speed of the ship

through the water.

Patent log also called Taffrail log consist of a log line , a

metal rotator towed at the end of the line and recording
mechanism with a dial.

Taffrail logs are generally quite accurate but it is necessary

to check the accuracy from time to time and to find errors by
known distances.

Pit-Static Log not only indicates the speed of the ship, but
also the distance travelled.

It consists of six main components:

Sea valve
Control unit
Rotary distance transmitter
Master speed indicator.

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Chernikeef log . In this log by electrical means the speed and

distance travelled are indicated.

It has an impeller in the lower end of the rodmeter which is

rotated by the flow of water and operates a mechanism which
transmit impulses electrically to a recorder which consist of a
dial. It has also a distance recorder.

Chernikeeff Aquaprobe MK5

The Chernikeeff Aquaprobe MK5 is a

proven, reliable and accurate
speed log of micro-processor
design. The Chernikeeff Aquaprobe
MK5 can be configured with either
single or dual axis speed and
distance measurement utilising one
or two transducers. The
microprocessor calibration control
ensures high accuracy throughout
the vessels entire speed range.

The Chernikeeff Aquaprobe log is Type approved to IMO standards

IEC 0945 and IEC 1023 and has full interface capability for
connection to on-board computers, gyro compass, integrated
bridge systems etc.
Many of the worlds most famous modern merchant ships rely on the
Chernikeeff Aquaprobe MK5 for accurate speed and distance
measurement. The Chernikeeff Aquaprobe log is Type approved to
IMO standards IEC 0945 and IEC 1023 and has full interface
capability for connection to on-board computers, gyro compass,
integrated bridge systems etc.
Many of the worlds most famous modern merchant ships rely on the
Chernikeeff Aquaprobe MK5 for accurate speed and distance


*Single or dual axis speed measurement option

* Single or twin transducer option
* Flush fitting transducer
* Gate valved (retractable transducers) hull fitting or fixed
transducer option
* Built in simulators, digital and analogue (dummy log)
* Microprocessor controlled calibration table providing up to 16
calibration points
* Speed displays to 99.99 knots using red LED's

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* Total and trip distance displays to 99,999.99 nautical miles

* Auxiliary LCD display using 32 characters for menu guided
system set up, calibration, status & test result display
* Sealed membrane keypad controlling: systems set up,
calibration control, transducer selection, speed axis displays,
display brightness, self test function and digital simulation
* Full interfacing capability
* Immune to impressed current cathodic protection systems

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Blue pigeon Sondaleza

Calling the soundings Contar las sondas
Contactor Unit Contactor , interruptor
Chromate of silver Cromato de plata
Deep Profundidad
Echo sounder Sondador ultrasonoro
Fathom Braza
Glass tube Regulador
Governor Regulador
Hand lead Sonda de mano
Lead Escandallo
Leadsman Marinero sondador
Recorder Registrador
Receiver oscillator Receptor oscilador
Rodmeter Tubo exterior
Sea valve Vlvula de mar
Ships log Corredera del buque
Sinker Escandallo
Sounding machine Sondadora mecnica

Soundings: The knowledge of the depth of water under the vessel

is of great importance, and vessel must be fitted with hand
leads, and sounding apparatus.

The lead is one of the most useful instruments on board ship,

particularly in periods of reduced visibility.

The lead is called by seamen blue pigeon. It consist of a lead

weight attached to an end of a marked line. The fathoms marked
on the line are called marks, and the intermediate fathoms are
called deeps

Calling the soundings

The report of the leadsman will be as follows:

At a depth of 3 the mark 3.
At a depth of 6 the deep 6.
At a depth of 6 ........And a quarter 6.
At a depth of 6 ........And a quarter less seven.
At a depth of 7...........By the mark seven

Patent sound machine was developed by Lord Kelvin ; they are

based on the fact that the pressure of the water on an immersed
body increased with the depth to which is immersed.

It consist of a stand holding a reel upon which is wound the

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sounding wire. Attached to the end of the wire is the lead and
above the lead is a cylindrical case containing a glass tube
open at the bottom, the inside of the tube is coated with
chromate of silver. As t he lead sinks , water is forced into
the tube compressing the air and discolouring the chromate, thus
showing how far the water has entered the tube and with a scale
the depth is read.

Echo Sounder : The principle of the echo sounder is based upon

the fact that sound travels at known speed and is reflected from
the sea bed and to the ship where is recorded graphically; and
as the interval between transmission and reception is
proportional to the depth of water, therefore the depth can be

The apparatus consists of:

A transmitter oscillator, called a transducer, to produce a

sound wave under the water.
A receiver oscillator , to pick up the echo reflected from the
sea bed.
A recorder ,from measuring the interval of time between the
sound impulse and the echo sound.
A contactor unit, to produce high voltage electrical impulses.

Furuno sounder

The FE-700 is a result of 50 years of Furuno's vast range of

experience and advanced microelectronics technology fields in
developing echo sounders, sonars, and underwater application
equipment and systems. This echo sounder is a breakthrough over
the conventional paper eating sounders; there are no consumable
items. The purpose of the echo sounder is to provide safe
navigation by detecting the clearance below the ship
(particularly in shallow waters) as required on the SOLAS
Convention ships by the new IMO standards.

The basic system consists of a display unit, a distribution box,

a matching box, and a transducer.

The 6.5" high-brightness TFT color LCD

display offers an easy-to-read depth
sounding in various modes, permitting
optimum representation with respect to
the environment.

Detection range is automatically varied

but there is manual override to select
the required scale. The displayed record

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is visible for 15 min on any range and an instantaneous sounding

is directly shown in large numerals in addition to the graphical
display. Depths, associated time, and position are stored for 24
h in memory. The data can be played back at any time.

Visual and audible alarms are generated when the water depth
below transducer is shallower than a user-preset depth. When the
seabed is lost because of the lowered detection or out of range
setting, the alarm comes on. The receiver sensitivity is
automatically controlled with the tracking depth; manual
override is possible to improve the detection and to reduce the
surface clutter.

The transducer is available in 200 kHz or 50 kHz. The 200 kHz

system is advantageous in rough weather or congested waterways
in shallow waters whereas the 50 kHz system is recommended for
deeper range operation. Depth data can be output in IEC 61162
format to radar, ECDIS, VDR (Voyage Data Recorder), and other
radiocommunication and navigation equipment. Optional software
is available to transfer the sounding data to a personal

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Aerial Antena
Beam Haz
Brilliance Brillo
Clutter Perturbaciones, Reflejo de ecos no
Display Imagen, unidad de presentacin
Focus Enfoque
Gain Ganancia
Heading marker Lnea de proa
Magnetron Magnetron
Plan position indicator Pantalla
Range rings Anillos de distancia
Scanner Antena exploradora
Screen Pantalla
Sea clutter Perturbacin de mar
Short pulse Impulso corto
Target Blanco
Trigger circuit Circuito disparador / indicador
Timebase Base de tiempos
True motion radar Radar de movimientos verdaderos
Tuning Sintona
T/R swich Conmutador de T/R
Wave guide Gua de ondas

The word radar was coined from the initial letters of the phrase
Radio Detection and Ranging

The equipment consist of:

a) Scanner o aerial with turning mechanism.
b) The display or PPI.
c) Transmitter
d) Receiver
e) Power unit

Principle: A special transmitter generates very short pulses of

radio waves. These are radiated in a narrow beam by means of a
directional aerial. When the waves of one of these pulses
encounters an objet , part of the radiated energy is reflected
by this objet in all directions. The reflected pulse constitutes
a radio echo. The echo is received by the aerial and with the
aid of a cathode ray tube (CTR) the time which has elapsed
between radiating the pulse and received the echo is measured.
Since the speed of propagation of the radio waves is known, can
be calculated the distance to the object.

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The receiving aerial collects only a very small part of the

radiated energy, so the transmitter is made to generate very
powerful pulses.
The transmitting aerial is rotated at constant speed.

Generating pulses: In the master oscillator electrical pulses of

very short duration are generated. The number Of these pulses
per second is called "pulse repetition frecuency". The PRF lies
between 500 to 4000 pulses per second. The pulses are passed to
the modulator whose function it is, on being supplied with a to
generate a very high voltage during a short time and to pass it
to the magnetron.

The magnetron is a special type of transmitting valve, it is

equipped with a powerful magnet and generates the very strong
oscillation of extremely high frequency required in radar. In
the magnetron very powerful signals are generated.

The radio energy passes to the aerial by way of the wave guide
via an electronic transmit/receiver switch and is then radiated.

A receiver is connected to the same aerial as the transmitter,

but to protect the receiver from damage due to powerful
transmitter pulse a very fast working transmit/receive switch is
required ,one that automatically blocks the receiver during the
transmission of a pulse. this can accomplished by an electronic
switch known as T-R switch.

The echo produced by the target is converted into an electrical

pulse by the receiver and this is made visible on a cathode ray

The screen of cathode ray tube is coated with a special material

which light up when struck by the electron bean. The material
must possess "afterglow" characteristics, that is the ability to
continue to glow for a short period after the cessation of the
electron beam.

The transmitter send out short ultra short radio waves, these
short pulses travel in a straight line and some of them are
reflected from a solid object (target) which comes in their
path. It consist of a modulator controlled by a trigger circuit
, and the RF transmitter itself, witch is a magnetron controlled
by the modulator.

The receiver picks up and amplifies these reflected waves to a

CTR ,where the time interval between the two measured.

Since we know the speed of radio waves , and now we have a

measurement of time, We can find how far the object is away.

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Time is indicated on the CRT by a spot of light witch moves

backward and forwards by means of the time base.

The syn. lead joins the transmitter to the time base to make
sure that the spot begins to move at the same time as the pulse
leaves the transmitter aerial.

The Scanner or aerial is used for transmitting and receiving.

They are half cheese shaped or parabolic part cylinders, into
which the burst of oscillation from the transmitter are fed
through a wave guide.

As the same aerial is used for transmitting and receiving,

precautions have to be taken to prevent the power radiated by
the transmitter from damaging the receiver. To isolate the
receiver whilst the transmitter is in action, a special
electronic device is used. This circuit contains a valve known
as gas switch or T/R cell.

The power unit consists of a motor alternator driven from the

ships main supply .The power unit produces power at 230 volts,
1000 cycles per second for operating the radar. The power unit
is switched on and off by remote control from a radar / scanner

The display unit contains the main amplifier, the CTR and all
circuits associated with the production of the trace and range
rings. Mounted on the front panel of the unit are the controls
and indicators necessary for operating the equipment.
The picture on the screen of the CTR can br regarded as a chart
of area around the ship. The centre representing the position of
the ship, and the scale of the chart is determined by the
setting of the range switch.

The picture is printed on the screen by a rotating line known as

the trace, which is only faintly visible when the display
correctly adjusted. As the trace passes any particular bearing
ir lights up all the target indication on that bearing.

Ship head is indicated by the heading marker ,a thin bright

radial line which flashes each time the scanner passes through
the dead-ahead position.

Operation and control

All modern sets are entirely automatic in their initial

starting-up or shutting down procedures. It is just enough to
press down the button or knob marked START in the first case
and that marked STOP for the latter. All the intermediate
processes inside the equipment , i.e. , allowing the various

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circuits to heat u before applying high voltage, are entirely


The operator must wait the required time after pressing the star
button until some indication is given that he may proceed.

Controls which are under the supervision of the operator are

those for...

Brilliance: Which is a control for adjusting the picture to a

suitable brightness.

Focus: for adjusting the clarity of the picture.

Gain: This control is used for adjusting the extent of the

signals requires, i.e. , to amplify the signal. It acts as an
amplification control on the receiver.

The other controls are those which are in constant use whilst
navigating by radar.

Anticlutter rain: Used to break up solid masses of echoes so t

hat the target can be distinguished from rain.

Anticlutter sea: to distinguish targets for sea echoes,

effective only at short ranges.

Tuning: used to tune the receiver to give maximum sensitivity.

Range: different positions of this switch corresponding to

maximum ranges of , say, 1,3,6,12,24 nautical miles.

Dimmer: dimmer switch for scale and panel lights.

The radar and the rules of the road

Rule 6 .- Safe speed

Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that
she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision and
be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions.
In determining the safe speed the following factors shall be
among those taken into account:
a) By all vessels:..
b) Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
i) the characteristic ,efficiency and limitations of the radar
ii) Any constraints imposed by the radar range scaled in used;

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iii) the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and
other sources of interference;
iv) The possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating
objets may not be detected by radar at an adequate range;
v) The number, location, and movement of vessels detected by
radar; and
vi) The more exact assessment of the visibility that may be
possible when radar is used to determine the range of
vessels or other objets in the vicinity.

Rule 7 .-Risk of collision.

a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the

prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine If risk
of collision exist. If there is any doubt such risk shall be
deemed to exist.
b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and
operational, including long range scanning to obtain early
warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or equivalent
systematic observation of detected objects.
c) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty
information, specially scanty radar information

Rule 19 .- Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility

(a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another

when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
(b) ...
(c) ...

(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of

another vessel shall determine if a close-quarters situation is
developing and/or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall
take avoiding action in ample time, provided that when such
action consists of an alteration of course, so far as possible
the following shall be avoided:
(i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the
beam, other than for a vessel being overtaken;
(ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the
(e) ...

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 30 Dispositivos del puente


The FAR-2835S/ FAR-2835SW/ FAR-2865SW S-

Band ARPA Radars are are the result of
Furuno's 50 years of experience in the
marine electronics and advanced computer
technology fields. They have been
designed to meet the exacting standards
of the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) for installations on
all classes of vessels on and after
January 1, 1999.
The display unit employs a 28" multi-color CRT. It provides an
effective picture diameter of 360 mm, larger than the IMO
minimum requirement of 340 mm for ships of 10,000 GT and above.
Target detection is enhanced by sophisticated signal processing
techniques such as multi-level quantization (MLQ), echo stretch,
echo averaging, and radar interference rejection. Two
independent guard zones can be set in any sector. Other ship's
movements are assessed by advanced target tracking software
generating CPA/TCPA data readouts. The FAR-2805 series of ARPA's
improves the standard of collision avoidance by producing
various information on multiple targets.
The ARPA functions include automatic acquisition of up to 20
targets plus manual acquisition of up to 20 targets, or manual
acquisition up to 40 targets. Manual acquisition takes
precedence over automatic acquisition; manually acquired targets
are identified by symbols differentiated from automatically
acquired target symbols. Data on up to 3 selected targets can be
shown at one time. The three readouts include target CPA/TCPA,
range/bearing, and bow crossing information.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 30 Dispositivos del puente

GPS is a Satellite Navigation System
GPS is funded by and controlled by the U. S. Department of
Defense (DOD). While there are many thousands of civil users of
GPS world-wide, the system was designed for and is operated by
the U. S. military.
GPS provides specially coded satellite signals that can be
processed in a GPS receiver, enabling the receiver to compute
position, velocity and time.
Four GPS satellite signals are used to compute positions in
three dimensions and the time offset in the receiver clock.

Space Segment
The Space Segment of the system consists of the GPS satellites.
These space vehicles (SVs) send radio signals from space.
The nominal GPS Operational Constellation consists of 24
satellites that orbit the earth in 12 hours. There are often
more than 24 operational satellites as new ones are launched to

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replace older satellites. The satellite orbits repeat almost the

same ground track (as the earth turns beneath them) once each
day. The orbit altitude is such that the satellites repeat the
same track and configuration over any point approximately each
24 hours (4 minutes earlier each day). There are six orbital
planes (with nominally four SVs in each), equally spaced (60
degrees apart), and inclined at about fifty-five degrees with
respect to the equatorial plane. This constellation provides the
user with between five and eight SVs visible from any point on
the earth.
The Master Control facility is located at Schriever Air Force
Base (formerly Falcon AFB) in Colorado. These monitor stations
measure signals from the SVs which are incorporated into orbital
models for each satellites. The models compute precise orbital
data (ephemeris) and SV clock corrections for each satellite.
The Master Control station uploads ephemeris and clock data to
the SVs. The SVs then send subsets of the orbital ephemeris data
to GPS receivers over radio signals.

DGPS: What and Why

Know exactly where you are

by Burnet Landreth
A quick review of a Global Positioning System finds that a GPS
receiver provides us with a means of determining our position on
the earth's surface by means of receiving radio signals from
satellites in outer space. Besides determining a simple
position, a computer can also provide the navigator with good
speed and course information by taking a series of position
fixes while you move. With these three pieces of information, a
computer can compute courses to a waypoint or destination, give
steering information, determine errors, estimate time to go and
much more.
The GPS, sometimes referred to as the NAVSTAR system,
technically replaces the old SATNAV or TRANSIT system that is
scheduled to be shut down in 1995 or 1996. Both systems were
designed and operated by Department of Defense for military
While the Loran system was originally designed by and for the
military, it was not a worldwide system and therefore had
somewhat limited usefulness. Since it was very useful to
civilian users, responsibility for the Loran system was
transferred to the Department of Transportation and only
operation of the system is now handled by the USCG.

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The point of the electronic positioning technologies has always

been to offer navigators greater positioning accuracy. Today
Loran offers, at best, an average of several hundred yards
accuracy. GPS, with the government's policy of intentionally
making the signal less accurate, peaks out at around 300 feet,
give or take a few feet.
Since there are operations that require accuracy greater than
what standard GPS is currently capable of providing in the
coastal area, the USCG has implemented Differential GPS. This is
a method of taking the slightly inaccurate position information
provided by the government's satellites and applying some
corrections to it before you get your readout. Yes, it will cost
a bit more for the greater GPS accuracy and certainly not
everyone will need that exactitude. But with DGPS available, the
Defense Department will no longer feel the need to make GPS more
Some users likely to need higher accuracy are large ships
navigating in hazardous coastal waters who have a greater need
for safety and environmental protection, aviation, vehicle
location systems, survey crews in remote areas, etc.
The differential concept is really quite simple in theory.
Simply stated, it is a matter of determining the error of the
satellites at a given known location, transmitting the
correction to a receivers and letting the GPS receiver correct
itself, resulting in a much more accurate position.
Nonetheless, it is actually more complex enough that, in most
cases, it essentially doubles the cost of the GPS.
The other basic problem is signal availability in many areas.
Presently the areas being covered are the Northeast, Great
Lakes, western Gulf, and the Northwest. Additional areas are
scheduled for 1993 and the entire US coast is tentatively
scheduled for completion in 1996.
There are some private systems in operation on a subscriber
basis today, and the English Channel has a system up and
While there are many reasons for users wanting or needing the
precision accuracy of better than 10 meters (approximately 33
feet), for most pleasure boat operators, the additional cost is
difficult to justify. If you have a specific need, check with
your local dealer for a demostration and determine for yourself
if the extra investment is worthwhile.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 30 Dispositivos del puente

GPS Furuno GP32

Compact in size, waterproof, yet big on power, features and

performance, Furunos GP32 is perfect for a wide range of
smaller fishing boats and pleasure craft.
This advanced unit, based on the popular GP31, provides accurate
and reliable position fixing, thanks to a
super sensitive, 12-channel GPS receiver
combined with integrated WAAS technology.
The unit has a waterproof display and is
built to stand up to tough marine
conditions. This durable casing houses an
impressive memory, capable of storing up
to 1,000 points of ships track, 999
points for marks and waypoints, and 50
routes of up to 30 waypoints each. Vital navigation data is
presented on a 4.5-inch diagonal Silver Bright LCD screen with
adjustable brilliance. Innovative graphic displays include Nav,
Highway, Steering, Track Plotting, and two operator programmable
modes, all extremely easy to use.
The GP32, like all Furuno nav receivers, feature Furunos NMEA
0183 programmable interface system for feeding highly accurate
nav data to your Furuno radar, chart plotter, autopilot or
sounder. It even includes a dedicated RS-232 port for connection
to a PC. And of course, it integrates perfectly with Furuno's
NavNet line of Radar/Chart Plotters.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 30 Dispositivos del puente


Abbreviations Used in radio operations

ADDR Address
DSC Digital selective calling
DUP Duplex
DW Dual Watch
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
LF Low frequency
MEM Memory
MMSI Maritime Ship identification
MSG Message
PTT Push to talk
REG Register
RX Receiver
SQ Squelch
STN Station
TEL Telephony
TX Transmit
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
VHF Very high frequency

Basic Concepts of the GMDSS

Functional requirements
The GMDSS regulations (chapter IV of the International SOLAS
Convention), require that every GMDSS equipped ship shall be
capable of;
transmitting ship-to-shore Distress Alerts by at least two T

separate and independent means, each using a different


radio communication service;

receiving shore-to-ship Distress Alerts; transmitting and
receiving ship-to-ship Distress Alerts;
transmitting and receiving search and rescue co-ordinating
transmitting and receiving on-scene communications;
transmitting and receiving locating signals;
receiving maritime safety information;
transmitting and receiving general radiocommunications
relating to the management and operation of the vessel;

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transmitting and receiving bridge-to-bridge communications.

The GMDSS applies to vessels subject to the SOLAS Convention -
that is:
Commercial vessels of 300 Gross Registered Tons (GRT) and above,

engaged on international voyages. T

The GMDSS became mandatory for such vessels


as at February 1, 1999.

Commercial vessels under 300 GRT, or those above 300 GRT engaged
on domestic voyages only are subject to the requirements of
their Flag State. Some Flag States have incorporated GMDSS
requirements into their domestic marine radio legislation -
however many have not.

Equipment vs Operational requirements

The major difference between the GMDSS and its predecessor
systems is that the radio communications equipment to be fitted T

to a GMDSS ship is determined by the ship's area of operation,

rather than by its size. T

Because the various radio systems used in the GMDSS have

different limitations with regards to range and services
provided, the new system divides the world's oceans into 4
Area A1 lies within range of shore-based VHF coast stations

(20 to 30 nautical miles);

Area A2 lies within range of shore based MF coast stations

(excluding A1 areas) (approximately 100 - 150 nautical

Area A3 lies within the coverage area of Inmarsat

communications satellites (excluding A1 and A2 areas -

approximately latitude 70 degrees north to latitude 70

degrees south); and T

Area A4 comprises the remaining sea areas outside areas A1,


A2 and A3 (the polar regions).


Australia and its surrounding SAR area are declared as Sea Area

A3. There are no A1 or A2 areas in Australia.

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GMDSS communication systems

The GMDSS utilises both satellite and terrestrial (ie:
conventional) radio systems.
Sea Area A1 requires short range radio services - VHF is used to
provide voice and automated distress alerting via Digital
Selective Calling (DSC).
Sea Area A2 requires medium range services - Medium Frequencies
(MF - 2 MHz) are used for voice and DSC.
Sea Areas A3 and A4 require long range alerting - High
Frequencies (HF - 3 to 30 MHz) are used for voice, DSC and
Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP - aka radio telex).
Equipment requirements vary according to the area the ship is
trading to or through. Accordingly, it is quite possible that a
small 300 ton cargo vessel may carry the same amount of
communications equipment as a 300,000 ton oil tanker, if they
are both operating in the same area....this is a marked change
from the pre-GMDSS systems.

Equipment requirements
As discussed above, equipment fit requirements vary according to
the Sea Area(s) a vessel operates in or through.
It should be noted that the requirements are cumulative in
nature - ie: an A4 vessel is also equipped, by definition, with
equipment for A1, A2 and A3 Sea Areas.
In areas where A1 Services are provided, coastal vessels are
only required to fit VHF equipment, provided of course that they
remain within the declared Sea Area - normally within 20 to 30
nautical miles of the coast.
Vessels that trade further from land are required to carry MF
equipment, in addition to VHF.
Ocean going vessels fit VHF, MF, HF and Inmarsat equipment. The
process is depicted below:

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Sea areas
However, it should be noted that the above examples assume a
linear transition from A1 to A4 sea areas - in many areas of the
world, (such as Australia) A3 areas extend right up to the coast
line. GMDSS vessels operating in or through those areas are
required to fit A3 equipment.

Shore Infrastructure
Each of the countries contracting to the SOLAS Convention
(basically, all of the world's major shipping nations) are
required to enforce the equipping of vessels sailing under their
flag with GMDSS and also provide suitable GMDSS shore-based
The shore based infrastructure (ie: Coast Radio Stations) may be
provided in conjunction with neighbouring states.
Let's take a closer look at the Operational Requirements

GMDSS operational requirements

The GMDSS enables a ship in distress to send an alert using
various radio systems. These systems are designed such that the
alert has a very high probability of being received by either
shore rescue authorities and/or other vessels in the area.
Equipment performing GMDSS functions must be simple to operate
and (wherever appropriate) be designed for unattended operation.
Distress Alerts must be able to be initiated from the position
from which the ship is normally navigated (ie; the bridge).
EPIRBs are required to be installed close to, or capable of
remote activation from the position from which the ship is
normally navigated.

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Equipment to be carried
The SOLAS GMDSS regulations are structured such that all GMDSS
ships are required to carry a minimum set of equipment, with
(basically) more equipment being required the further the ship
travels from land.
The SOLAS GMDSS regulations do not make particularly easy
reading - a simplified version of the equipment required to be
carried for each sea area is detailed below.

Minimum requirements
GMDSS ships are required to carry the following minimum
A VHF radio installation capable of transmitting

DSC on channel 70, and radiotelephony on channels

16, 13 and 6. (see Note 1). T

One SART if under 500 GRT, 2 SARTs if over 500



Two portable VHF transceivers for use in survival


craft if under 500 GRT, three if over 500 GRT. T

A NAVTEX receiver, if the ship is engaged on


voyages in any area where a NAVTEX service is


An Inmarsat EGC receiver, if the ship is engaged


on voyages in any area of Inmarsat coverage where

MSI services are not provided by NAVTEX or HF
NBDP (see note 2).T

A 406 MHz or 1.6 GHz EPIRB


Note 1 - Voice watch required on channel 16 until 2005.

Note 2 - in practice, this means that all GMDSS A3 and A4
vessels are required to carry at least one Inmarsat C system.

Radio equipment - Sea area Al

Every ship engaged on voyages exclusively
in sea area A1 shall be provided with the
minimum equipment specified previously,
with the option to replace the 406 EPIRB
GMDSS VHF equipment

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Radio equipment - Sea areas A1 and A2

Every ship engaged on voyages beyond sea area A1, but remaining
within sea area A2, shall be provided with the minimum equipment
specified previously, plus:
An MF radio installation
capable of transmitting and
receiving on the frequencies
2187.5 kHz using DSC and
2182 kHz using
a DSC watchkeeping receiver
operating on 2187.5 kHz
Typical GMDSS A2 station
The ship shall, in addition, be capable of transmitting and
receiving general radiocommunications using radiotelephony or
direct-printing telegraphy by:
A HF radio installation operating on working
frequencies in the (marine) bands between 1,605
kHz and 27,500 kHz. (This requirement is normally
fulfilled by the addition of this capability in
the MF equipment referred to earlier).

Radio equipment - Sea areas A1, A2 and A3

These vessels have two options to satisfy their GMDSS
requirements. The options allow a vessel to choose from the
primary method to be used for ship-shore alerting ;
Every ship engaged on voyages beyond sea areas A1 and A2, but
remaining within sea area A3 shall be provided with the minimum
equipment specified previously, plus either:

An Inmarsat C ship earth station :

An MF radio installation and 2187.5 kHz DSC
watchkeeping receiver;
An MF/HF radio installation capable of
transmitting and receiving on all distress and
safety frequencies in the (marine) bands between

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1,605 kHz and 27,500 kHz: using DSC,

radiotelephony; and NBDP
An MF/HF DSC watchkeeping receiver capable of
maintaining DSC watch on 2,187.5 kHz, 8,414.5 kHz
and on at least one of the distress and safety
DSC frequencies 4,207.5 kHz, 6,312 kHz, 12,577
kHz or 16,804.5 kHz; at any time, it shall be
possible to select any of these DSC distress and
safety frequencies
An Inmarsat ship earth station

Typical GMDSS A3 station

In addition, ships shall be capable of transmitting and
receiving general radiocommunications using radiotelephony or
direct-printing telegraphy by an MF/HF radio installation
operating on working frequencies in the (marine) bands between
1,605 kHz and 27,500 kHz. This requirement is normally fulfilled
by the addition of this capability in the MF/HF equipment
referred to earlier.
In practice, MF only transceivers are not produced - all marine
MF radio equipment is also fitted with HF facilities.

Radio equipment - Sea areas Al, A2, A3 and A4

In addition to carrying the equipment listed previously, every
ship engaged on voyages in all sea areas shall be provided with:
An MF/HF radio installation as described earlier
An MF/HF DSC watchkeeping receiver as described
In addition, ships shall be capable of transmitting and
receiving general radiocommunications using radiotelephony or

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direct-printing telegraphy by an MF/HF radio installation as

described earlier.

Means of ensuring availability of ship station equipment

Regulation 15 of the SOLAS GMDSS regulations defines 3 methods
to ensure availability of GMDSS equipment at sea;
At sea electronic maintenance, requiring the
carriage of a qualified radio/electronic officer
(holding a GMDSS First or Second class Radio-
Electronics Certificate) and adequate spares and
Duplication of certain equipment; or
Shore based maintenance
Ships engaged on voyages in sea areas A1 and A2 are required to
use at least one of the three maintenance methods outlined
above, or a combination as may be approved by their
administration. Ships engaged on voyages in sea areas A3 and A4
are required to use at least two of the methods outlined above.
And of course what all that means is that 99% of A3 GMDSS ships,
along with probably 100% of A1 and A2 GMDSS ships do not opt for
at sea maintenance - they either duplicate the equipment and use
shore based maintenance (for A3 ships), or use shore based
maintenance only (A1 and A2 ships).

Equipment to be duplicated for area A3 vessels

GMDSS ships operating in A3 areas are required to provide the
following duplicated equipment;
Two complete VHF installations (including DSC),
and either;

Two complete Inmarsat C systems and one MF radio

system, or;

One complete Inmarsat C system and one complete

MF/HF radio system (including a scanning DSC
receiver and NBDP equipment).
Many GMDSS ships opt for the latter option (1 Inmarsat C and one
MF/HF DSC system), on cost grounds. Unfortunately, this has
proven to be one of the underlying causes of the present
extremely high false alerting rate on some GMDSS systems.

Power supply requirements

GMDSS equipment is required to be powered from three sources of

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ship's normal alternators/generators;

ship's emergency alternator/generator (if fitted); and
a dedicated radio battery supply.
The batteries are required to have a capacity to power the
equipment for 1 hour on ships with an emergency generator, and 6
hours on ships not fitted with an emergency generator.
The batteries must be charged by an automatic charger, which is
also required to be powered from the main and emergency
Changeover from AC to battery supply must be automatic, and
effected in such a way that any data held by the equipment is
not corrupted (ie: "no break").

Operator qualifications
There are a number of different types of GMDSS qualifications,
as follows:
First Class Radio-Electronic Certificate;
Second Class Radio-Electronic Certificate; and
GMDSS General Operator's Certificate
The First and Second Radio-Electronic Certificates are diploma
and associate diploma level technical qualifications. They are
designed for Ship's Radio-Electronic Officers, who sail on GMDSS
ships which use the option of at-sea electronic maintenance.
The GMDSS General Operator's Certificate is a non-technical
operator qualification, designed for Navigating Officers.
The GMDSS General Operator's Certificate is normally awarded
after a ten day course and examination.

Survival Craft Radio Equipment

So, you have abandoned your sinking GMDSS vessel, and you find
yourself in a lifeboat or liferaft .

What now ?

Well the GMDSS doesn't stop yet - there are specific GMDSS radio
systems developed for operation from survival craft.

These systems are designed to alert rescuers to your plight and

guide them to your location.

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Although SARTs are primarily designed to be used

in lifeboats or liferafts, they can be deployed
on board a ship, or even in the water.
SARTs are powered by integral batteries which are
designed to provide up to 96 hours of operation.
When activated, a SART responds to a searching
radar interrogation by generating a swept frequency signal which
is displayed on a radar screen as a line of 12 dots extending
outward from the SARTs position along its line of bearing.
The spacing between each dot is 0.6 nautical miles.
As the searching vessel approaches the SART, the radar display
will change to wide arcs. These may eventually change to
complete circles as the SART becomes continually triggered by
the searching ship's radar.

Some slight position error will also be caused by the SART

switching from receive to transmit mode.
SARTs will also provide a visual and audible indication to users
when interrogated by a searching radar.
The range achievable from a SART is directly proportional to its
height above the water.
A SART mounted at 1m (ie: in a liferaft) should be able to be
detected at 5 nautical miles by a ship's radar mounted at 15m.
The same SART should be able to be detected at 30 nautical miles
by an aircraft flying at 8000 feet.
clothing of the user
be either a highly visible yellow/orange colour or marked
with a surrounding yellow/orange marking strip
be resistant to deterioration by prolonged exposure to sunlight
GMDSS carriage requirements
GMDSS vessels from 300 to 500 GRT are required to carry 1 SART,
and vessels over 500 GRT are required to carry 2.

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Portable VHF transceivers

These units are designed to allow communications between
searching vessels and survivors in liferafts . They operate on
the VHF marine band in voice mode. DSC capability is not fitted.
Performance standards
The IMO performance standard
requires that the equipment:
operation on
VHF channel 16 (the
distress and
calling channel) and one other channel
be capable of operation by unskilled personnel
be capable of operation by personnel wearing gloves
be capable of single handed operation, except for
channel changing
withstand drops on to a hard surface from a height of
1 metre
be watertight to a depth of 1 metre for at least 5 minutes, and
maintain watertightness when subjected to a thermal shock of 45
degrees Celsius.
not be unduly effected by seawater or oil
have no sharp projections which could damage survival craft
be of small size and weight
be capable of operating in the ambient noise level likely
to be encountered on board survival craft

The NAVTEX system is used for the automatic broadcast of

localised Maritime Safety Information (MSI) using Radio Telex
(also known as Narrow Band Direct Printing, or NBDP).
The system mainly operates in the Medium Frequency radio band
just above and below the old 500 kHz Morse Distress frequency.
System range is generally 300 or so nautical miles from the

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The NAVTEX system is designed to be used in GMDSS Sea Area A2,

and is utilised mainly by those countries with relatively small
areas of coastline and/or sea areas to cover.
Major areas of NAVTEX coverage include the Mediterranean Sea,
the North Sea, coastal areas around Japan and areas around the
North American continent.

Frequency of operation
The NAVTEX system has been allocated three broadcast
518 kHz - the main NAVTEX channel
490 kHz - used for broadcasts in local languages (ie: non-
4209.5 kHz - allocated for NAVTEX broadcasts in tropical areas -
not widely used at the moment.
All broadcasts from stations within the same NAVAREA must be
coordinated on a time sharing basis to eliminate interference.
In addition, power outputs from each station are adjusted to
control the range of each broadcast. This is particularly
important during night-time hours, as Medium Frequencies always
travel further after dark.

NAVTEX message format

NAVTEX messages are transmitted using the following format:

in which
ZCZC defines the end of the phasing period,
the B1 character is a letter (A-Z) identifying the transmitter
coverage area,
the B2 character is a letter (A-Z) for each type of message.

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B3B4 is a two-character serial number for each message, starting

with 01 except in special cases where the serial number 00 is
The transmitter identification character (B1) is a single letter
allocated to each NAVTEX shore station transmitter. NAVTEX
receivers allow the operator to accept or reject messages from
any station, based on this single letter code.
The subject indicator character (B2) is also single letter code
which serves to identify the message subject. NAVTEX receivers
also allow the operator to reject certain messages based on the
subject indicator character. However, messages concerning
Navigational Warnings, Meteorological Warnings, and Search And
Rescue information can not be rejected.

Subject indicator characters assigned to the NAVTEX system are

as follows:
A - Navigational warnings
B - Meteorological warnings
C - Ice reports
D - Search and rescue information
E - Meteorological forecasts
F - Pilot service messages
G - Decca messages
H - Loran messages
I - Omega messages
J - Satnav messages
K - Other electronic navaid messages
L - Additional navigational messages
V - Special services
W - Special services (possible other languages
X - Special services
Y- Special services

Z - No message on hand (QRU)

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A NAVTEX receiver is normally a compact unit, with an integrated
printer, display and keyboard.
Once programmed with appropriate station codes and subject
indicator characters, the unit is left unattended - messages are
received automatically and printed on the integrated printer.

Propagation of MF/HF Radio waves.
MH/HF radiocommunications provide a medium and long range
service. The 1.6 4 MHz marine band is intended primarily for
coastal operation beyond VHF communication range. A reliable
range of more than 150 nm. Can be expected in most areas in the
daytime, more in the nightime. Propagation of the radio waves in
this band is mainly by ground waves i.e. the waves from the
transmitter aerial follow the earths curvature to the receiver
aerial. The high frequency range 4 30 MHz can provide
communication for hundreds or even thousands of nautical miles.
The long range is achieved by sky waves reflected from the
ionosphere. Propagation of the radio waves depends of a numbers
of factors such as frequency, time of day, time of year, and
solar activity. The channels allocated to the maritime mobile
service in the HF range are divided into a number of bands:
4,6,8,12,16,18,22,25 MHz to allow a suitable frequency band to
be selected for communication depend on distance and time of
The mode of emission used for telephony transmissions in the
marine bands is SSB (Single side band, J3E). On the
international distress frequency 2182 KHz compatible AM (
amplitude modulation H3E) may be used in addition for
communications with non-GMDSS ships. AM mode is also used when
receiving broadcasting. The frequencies for radiotelephone

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distress and safety traffic in the HF bands are

4125,6215,8291,12290 and 16420 KHz. Working frequencies for
public correspondences with coast stations are arranged in pairs
for duplex/semiduplex operation. For the HF bands these channels
are allocated numbers by ITU on an international basis. In
addition a number of simplex frequencies are available in each
band for ship-to-ship communication.
DSC (Digital Selective Calling) is an automatic calling system
which allows a specific station to be contacted and made aware
that a station wishes to communicate with it. In addition to
calls to specific stations the system can also be used to call
all ships and groups of ships and this is of significance for
its use for DSC distress alerting.
DSC is an alerting signal only and the communication which
follows the call is made on an appropriate frequency band using
radiotelephony or radiotelex. The frequencies for DSC distress
and safety calling are 2187.5 4207.5 6312 8414.5 12577 and
16804.5 kHz Calling frequencies for public correspondence with
coast station are arranged in pairs , both international and
national frequencies are assigned. In addition the frequency
2177 kHz may be used for ship to ship calling.

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Capitulo 30 Dispositivos del puente

AIS transponders
Regulation 19 of SOLAS Chapter V - Carriage requirements for

shipborne navigational systems and equipment - sets out

navigational equipment to be carried on board ships, according
to ship type. In 2000, IMO adopted a new requirement (as part of
a revised new chapter V) for ships to carry automatic
identification systems (AISs) capable of providing information
about the ship to other ships and to coastal authorities
The regulation requires AIS to be fitted aboard all ships of 300
gross tonnage and upwards engaged on international voyages,
cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards not engaged on
international voyages and passenger ships irrespective of size
built on or after 1 July 2002.
It also applies to ships engaged on international voyages
constructed before 1 July 2002, according to the following
passenger ships, not later than 1 July 2003;
tankers, not later than the first survey for safety
equipment on or after 1 July 2003;
ships, other than passenger ships and tankers, of 50,000
gross tonnage and upwards, not later than 1 July 2004.
An amendment adopted by the Diplomatic Conference on Maritime
Security in December 2002 states that ships, other than
passenger ships and tankers, of 300 gross tonnage and upwards
but less than 50,000 gross tonnage, will be required to fit AIS
not later than the first safety equipment survey after 1 July
2004 or by 31 December 2004, whichever occurs earlier. Ships
fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times
except where international agreements, rules or standards
provide for the protection of navigational information.
A flag State may exempt ships from carrying AISs when ships will
be taken permanently out of service within two years after the
implementation date. Performance standards for AIS were adopted
in 1998.
The regulation requires that AIS shall:
provide information - including the ship's identity, type,
position, course, speed, navigational status and other
safety-related information - automatically to appropriately
equipped shore stations, other ships and aircraft;

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receive automatically such information from similarly

fitted ships; monitor and track ships;
exchange data with shore-based facilities.

AIS has the potential to contribute to the safety of navigation

and improve the monitoring of passing traffic by coastal states,
however it is new equipment and has not yet been evaluated on a
global scale. Mariners should therefore take careful note of the
following notes and the IMO Operational Guidelines which follow
particularly bearing in mind the limitations of the equipment.
AIS has the potential to reduce the work of the watchkeeper by
automatically providing coastal stations with the information
which they require under mandatory or voluntary reporting
schemes as well as for VTS purposes. To this end it is essential
that the Static and Voyage-related information is at all times
correctly programmed and that the Dynamic inputs are functioning
correctly. (See IMO Guidelines, para 12). Additionally the
mariner must consider the following:
a.) The coastal station may not be equipped to monitor AIS.
b.) The ship may be within a reporting system but out of VHF
range of the coastal station.
c.) Reporting requirements may require more information than the
AIS transmits.


AIS is designed to be able to provide additional information to

existing Radar or ECDIS displays. Until the optimum display
modes have been fully evaluated and decided upon internationally
AIS will comprise stand alone units without integration to
other displays.

AIS will provide identification of targets together with the

static and dynamic information listed in the IMO Guidelines
para.12. Mariners should, however, use this information with
caution noting the following important points:
a.) Collision avoidance must be carried out in strict compliance
with the COLREGs. There is no provision in the COLREGs for use
of AIS information therefore decisions should be taken based
primarily on visual and/or radar information.

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b.) The use of VHF to discuss action to take between approaching

ships is fraught with danger and still discouraged. (See MGN 167
Dangers in the use of VHF in collision avoidance) The MCAs
view is that identification of a target by AIS does not remove
the danger. Decisions on collision avoidance should be made
strictly according to the COLREGs
c.) Not all ships will be fitted with AIS, particularly small
craft and fishing boats. Other floating objects which may give a
radar echo will not be detected by AIS.
d.) AIS positions are derived from the targets GNSS position.
(GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite System, usually GPS). This
may not coincide with the radar target.
e.) Faulty data input to AIS could lead to incorrect or
misleading information being displayed on other vessels.
Mariners should remember that information derived from radar
plots relies solely upon the data measured by the own-ships
radar and provides an accurate measurement of the targets
relative course and speed, which is the most important factor in
deciding upon action to avoid collision. Existing ships of less
than 500 gt. Which are not required to fit a gyro compass are
unlikely to transmit heading information.
f.) A future development of AIS is the ability to provide
pseudo navigation marks by enabling coastal authorities to
provide an AIS symbol on the display in any position. Mariners
should bear in mind that this ability could lead to the
appearance of spurious AIS targets and therefore take
particular care when an AIS target is not complemented by a
radar target. It should be noted though that AIS will sometimes
be able to detect targets which are in a radar shadow area.
Dangers in the use of VHF in collision avoidance

Although the use of VHF radio may be justified on occasion in

collision avoidance, the provisions of the Collision Regulations
should remain uppermost, as misunderstandings
can arise even where the language of communication is not a

1 here have been a significant number of collisions where

subsequent investigation has found that at some stage before
impact, one or both parties were using VHF radio in an attempt
to avoid collision. The use of VHF radio in these circumstances
is not always helpful and may even prove to be dangerous.

2. Uncertainties can arise over the identification of vessels

and the interpretation of messages received. At night, in
restricted visibility or when there are more than two vessels in
the vicinity, the need for positive identification is essential

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but this can rarely be guaranteed. Even where positive

identification has been
achieved there is still the possibility of a understanding due
to language difficulties however fluent the parties concerned
might be in the language being used. An imprecise or ambiguously
expressed message could have serious consequences.

3. Valuable time can be wasted whilst mariners on vessels

approaching each other try to make contact on VHF radio instead
of complying with the Collision Regulations. There is the futher
danger that even if contact and identification is achieved and
no difficulties
over the language of communication or message content arise, a
course of action might still be chosen that does not comply with
the Collision Regulations. This may lead to the collision it was
intended to prevent.

4. In 1995, the judge in a collision case said "It is

very probable that the use of VHF radio for conversation between
these ships was a contributory cause of this collision, if only
because it distracted the officers on watch from paying careful
attention to their radar. I must repeat, in the hope that it
will achieve some publicity, what I have said on previous
occasions, that any attempt to use VHF to agree the manner of
passing is fraught with the danger of misunderstanding. Marine
Superintendents would be well advised to prohibit such use of
VHF radio and to instruct their officers to comply with the
Collision Regulations."

5. Although the practice of using VHF radio as a collision

avoidance aid may be resorted to on occasion, especially in
pilotage waters, the risks described in this Note should be
clearly understood and the Collision Regulations
complied with.


The Automatic Identification System (AIS) was originally
developed to aid the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) by use of VHF
transponder working on Digital Selective Call (DSC) at VHF
Channel 70 and is still in use along the UK coastal areas and
others. Afterward the IMO developed a Universal AIS using a new
sophisticated technology called Self-Organized Time Division
Multiple Access (SOTDMA) based on a VHF Data Link (VDL).
This system is synchronized with GPS time to avoid conflict
among multiple users (IMO minimum 2,000 reports per minute and
IEC requires 4,500 reports on two channels).
The system operates in three modes autonomous (continuous
operation in all areas), assigned (data transmission interval

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remotely controlled by authority in traffic monitoring service)

and polled (in response to interrogation from a ship or
authority). The VHF channels 87B and 88B are commonly used and
in addition there are local AIS frequencies. The shipborne AIS
transponders exchange various data as specified by the IMO and
ITU on either frequency automatically set up by the frequency
management telecommand received by the DSC receiver on ship. VHF
transmit power is also set up for 12.5 W or 2 W automatically.

Furuno AIS FA100

The FA100 is a universal shipborne AIS capable of exchanging

navigation and ship data between own ship and other ships or
coastal stations. It complies with IMO MSC.74(69) Annex 3,
A.694(17), ITU-R M.1371-1 and DSC ITU-R M.825. It also complies
with IEC 6199302 (type testing standard), IEC 60945 (EMC and
environmental conditions.)
The FA100 Transponder unit contains a VHF transmitter, two TDMA
receivers on two parallel VHF channels, a DSC channel 70
receiver, interface, communications processor, LCD display, and
an internal GPS receiver. The internal 12-channel all-in-view
GPS receiver, with differential capability, provides UTC
reference for system synchronization
to eliminate a clash among multiple
users. It also gives position, COG and
SOG when the external GPS fails.
The LCD panel displays all required
information about Static data, Dynamic
data, Voyage related data and Short
safety-related messages. The
information and messages are
automatically updated according to the
ITU-R M.1371-1, e.g., static information every 6 min and on
request, dynamic information every 10 s on ships faster than 3
kt and 3.3 s when changing course at 0-14 kt, etc.
The AIS enhances detection of other ships and aids to navigation
(AtoN) on the radar screen.
AIS targets are visible even if they are behind large
ships, islands or points
AIS is not obscured by the sea clutter and rain clutter
Possible to predict course change of large ships by
displaying ROT at tip of COG/SOG vector
The AIS target symbols can be overlaid on the following Furuno
radars when RP radar plotting modules are connected: FAR-28x5
series, FR-21x5 series and FR-15x5 series. The RP radar plotting

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modules provide practically an unlimited number of AIS targets

together with ARPA symbols.
Operation of the modules is the same for all RP models. Place
the cursor on an AIS target of interest and hit the AIS Data
Key, and the relevant data is visible on the data area below the
ARPA data cell. If multiple AIS symbols mask the ARPA and radar
picture, you can place the AIS targets in a sleep mode. The
triangle symbols get smaller for positive observation of ARPA
The AIS target symbols appear as defined by SN/Circ.217 as
follows: AIS COG/SOG vector changes it length with speed and
adjustable in cycle time.
ROT mark is viewable at the COG/SOG vector tip when a target
ship is equipped with a Furuno GPS compass SC60 or SC120.

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Voyage Data Recorders
Passenger ships and ships other than passenger ships of 3000
gross tonnage and upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2002
must carry voyage data recorders (VDRs) to assist in accident
investigations, under regulations adopted in 2000, which entered
into force on 1 July 2002.
The mandatory regulations are contained in chapter V on Safety
of Navigation of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS).
Like the black boxes carried on aircraft,
VDRs enable accident investigators to
review procedures and instructions in the
moments before an incident and help to
identify the cause of any accident.
Until recently, recoverable voyage data
recorders had been known only from
Since July 2002, ships have to be equipped
with such systems as well. In the initial
phase, VDR are mandatory on board all ferries, new passenger
ships, and all new ships of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards. The
internationally recognized BSH testing laboratory is type-
testing prototypes of shipboard VDR (also known as maritime
Black Boxes) before they are allowed to go into series
In their technical specifications, shipborne voyage data
recorders are far superior to aircraft black boxes because they
store a much larger variety of data. Besides the usual voice
recording feature, VDR systems also guarantee loss-free storage
of all important navigational and engine data and record the
radar display four times a minute. Safely stored in a protective
capsule, the data records covering the last 12 hours are
continuously overwritten with latest data. The units must be
capable of withstanding heavy collisions, fires, and pressure
conditions in several thousand metres of water.
Unlike shipborne automatic identification systems (AIS), VDR do
not support safe navigation in the proper sense. The purpose of
Maritime Black Boxes is to act as a reliable data source in the
reconstruction of marine casualties. They will help to avoid
past mistakes and increase the safety of navigation in general.

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VDR requirements
Under regulation 20 of SOLAS chapter V on Voyage data recorders
(VDR), the following ships are required to carry VDRs:
passenger ships constructed on or after 1 July 2002;
ro-ro passenger ships constructed before 1 July 2002 not later
than the first survey on or after 1 July 2002;
passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships constructed
before 1 July 2002 not later than 1 January 2004; and
ships, other than passenger ships, of 3,000 gross tonnage and
upwards constructed on or after 1 July 2002.
VDRs are required to meet performance standards "not inferior to
those adopted by the Organization".
Performance standards for VDRs were adopted in 1997 and give
details on data to be recorded and VDR specifications. They
state that the VDR should continuously maintain sequential
records of preselected data items relating to status and output
of the ship's equipment and command and control of the ship. The
VDR should be installed in a protective capsule that is brightly
coloured and fitted with an appropriate device to aid location.
It should be entirely automatic in normal operation.
Administrations may exempt ships, other than ro-ro passenger
ships, constructed before 1 July 2002, from being fitted with a
VDR where it can be demonstrated that interfacing a VDR with the
existing equipment on the ship is unreasonable and
Regulation18 of SOLAS chapter V on Approval, surveys and
performance standards of navigational systems and equipment and
voyage data recorder states that:
The voyage data recorder (VDR) system, including all sensors,
shall be subjected to an annual performance test. The test shall
be conducted by an approved testing or servicing facility to
verify the accuracy, duration and recoverability of the recorded
data. In addition, tests and inspections shall be conducted to
determine the serviceability of all protective enclosures and
devices fitted to aid location. A copy of a the certificate of
compliance issued by the testing facility, stating the date of
compliance and the applicable performance standards, shall be
retained on board the ship.

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Feasibility study gives green light to simplified VDRs

A study carried out by an IMO correspondence group has concluded
that retrofitting existing cargo ships with Voyage Data
Recorders (VDR) is feasible and desirable and that a simplified
VDR (S-VDR) could be specified for existing cargo ships. The
Organization's Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation (NAV) will
now refer this as a recommendation to the Maritime Safety
Committee (MSC).
Draft amendments to regulation V/20 on a phased-in carriage
requirement for a shipborne simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S-
VDR) have now been agreed by the Sub-Committee for approval by
the MSC and subsequent adoption. The proposed draft regulation
would require a VDR, which may be a simplified voyage data
recorder (S-VDR), to be fitted to cargo ships above 3,000 gross
tonnage. The proposed draft regulation would phase in the
requirement for cargo ships over 20,000 gross tonnage first,
possibly by 2007, to be followed by cargo ships above 3,000
gross tonnage, possibly by 2008.
Draft performance standards for simplified voyage data recorders
(S-VDRs) have also been agreed (subject to comments by the Sub-
Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue) and these
will be put before the MSC for adoption in May 2004.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia


Antitrade Contra alisios

Apparent wind
T T V. Aparente
Backing Cambio de direccin del v. en
sentido anti horario
Beam wind V. de travs
Blizzard Ventisca
Fair wind Viento favorable
Following wind Viento favorable
Freshening Refrescando, aumentando
Gust Racha
Head wind Viento de proa
Land breeze Terral
Lull Calma temporal durante una
Leeward Sotavento
Monsoon Monzn
Periodical wind Viento peridico
Quarter wind Viento largo
Sea breeze Virazon
slackening Calma
Squall Chubasco
Trades Alisios
True wind Viento verdadero
Veering Rolando
Whirlwind Remolino
Windward Barlovento
Windy Ventoso


Is the movement of air set up in the atmosphere by differences in

atmospheric pressure between two localities. The wind blows from
high to low pressure, the greater pressure difference the
stronger blows the wind, a second force acting on the wind is the
rotation of the earth. Wind is measured by anemometers which
record its velocity in knots. The wind is the most important
factor to considered when attempting to assess future weather

Term refering to wind:

Veering, is a clockwise change in the direction of the wind.

Backing, is an anticlockwise change in the direction of the
Freshening, This term indicates an increase in wind speed.
Moderating, term indicates an decrease in wind speed.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Squall is a stong gusty wind, it rises suddenly for only a

few minutes and quickly dies away is caused by atmospheric
Gust is a sudden brief increase in wind speed followed by a
slackening, the contrary is called a lull which is a
momentary decrease in the speed of the wind.
Anticyclonic winds are those associated with a high pressure
Cyclonic winds are winds associated with a low pressure

Beauforts scale of wind velocities

The Beauforts scale forms the base of wind estimation at sea.

It was originally introduced in 1808 by Admiral Beaufort who
defined the numbers of the scale in terms of the effect of wind
in a man of war of his days.

The numbers of scale are:

0 Calm Calma
1 Light Air Ventolina
2 Light breeze Flojito
3 Gentle breeze Flojo
4 Moderate brezze Bonancible
5 Fresh breeze Fresquito
6 Strong breeze Fresco
7 Moderate gale Frecachon
8 Gale Duro
9 Strong gale Muy duro
10 Storm Temporal
11 Violent storm Borrasca
12 Hurricane Huracan

A Wind Scale: Beaufort

The Beaufort Wind Scale categorizes wind speed up to hurricane
The Beaufort Wind Scale categorizes various wind speeds up to
hurricane strength (74 miles per hour) and is used in weather
forecasting. The scale is named after its creator, Admiral Sir
Francis Beaufort of the British Navy, who developed it in the
early 1800's. It is still used heavily today, primarily with
maritime forecasts.
The 13-point scale, from 0 to 12, defines breezes, gales and
hurricane force winds and also gives information on how various
wind speeds affect land and sea.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

The number assigned to a wind speed category is called the

"Beaufort Number". This number also indicates the wind's
characteristics and possible damaging effects.
A Beaufort Number (BN) of "0" means that the wind is blowing at
less than one mile per hour. This is defined as "calm". Smoke
rises vertically and the sea is still.
The Beaufort Number 1 signifies a wind speed of one to three
mph. This is considered a "light air". At sea, you could expect
to see ripples in the water, but no waves large enough to form
foam crests. No significant effects on land occur at this stage.
Smoke slants and is carried by the wind.
BN 2, with winds four to seven mph, defines a light breeze.
Still no significant effects can be noticed on land, but at sea,
the ripples turn into small wavelets.
BN 3 signifies winds of eight to 12 mph. This is a gentle
breeze, creating small whitecaps on the ocean water. The wind is
now strong enough to extend flags.
BN 4 is a moderate breeze, with a wind speed of 13 to 18 mph.
This wind is strong enough to lift small leaves and twigs off
the ground and move small branches on trees. This wind also
creates small waves in the ocean with numerous whitecaps.
BN 5, with winds of 19 to 24 mph, is a fresh breeze. This wind
produces moderate waves out in the ocean with some spray. Small
trees begin to sway.
BN 6, with winds of 25 to 31 mph, is a strong breeze. Large
waves form in the ocean with abundant white caps and a lot of
spray. On land, large branches on trees sway. This type of wind
is also associated with the average thunderstorm or squall line
on land.
BN 7 signifies winds of 32-38 mph. This is defined as a moderate
gale. The wind is strong enough to make entire trees sway and it
begins to become difficult for a person to walk around outside,
against the wind. In the ocean, large waves are splashed around
and the spray is thicker and feels like large raindrops. The
term "gale" is only used in marine meteorology. On land, this
wind speed would be considered a strong wind, the type most
usually associated with severe thunderstorms and tropical
cyclones. This is also the time when a gale warning is put up.
This is done by the posting of a square flag is all black with a
red square in the middle.
BN 8, a fresh gale with winds of 39 to 46 mph, also signifies
tropical storm force winds. Twigs and small branches are broken
off trees. Out on the water, larger and higher waves develop. To
warn sailors of this potentially hazardous wind, a tropical

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

storm flag is put up. This flag is very similar to the gale
warning flag, only the colors are reversed.
BN 9, with winds of 47 to 54 mph, is a strong gale. The sea
begins to roll and dense streaks of foam and spray are blown
about, reducing visibility. On land, slight structural damage
may occur. The wind is strong enough to blow off portions of
slated roofs.
BN 10 is a whole gale, with wins 55 to 63 mph. At this point,
the waves are very high with overhanging crests. The sea begins
to look whiter because of all the foam, and visibility is
reduced even more. On land, the wind is strong enough to break
large branches off trees and knock down small to medium-sized
BN 11 signifies winds 64 to 72 mph. These are storm winds that
create exceptionally high waves. The ocean is now covered with
white foam patched. On land, widespread moderate damage could be
expected. Strong tropical storms with winds of this strength
have been known to create waves of six to 10 feet.
BN 12, with winds above 73 mph, signifies hurricane-force winds.
At sea, the air is filled with foam and the ocean appears
completely white from foam and spray, greatly reducing
visibility. On land, the winds are violent and widespread
destruction can be expected. Trees and power lines are downed.
Twigs and other small, light objects become projectiles, causing
damage to property.
Winds faster than 73 mph, hurricane force, are measured on the
Saffir-Simpson Scale.

Sir Francis Beaufort

The Irish-British hydrographer Rear Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort
(1774 - 1857) was born in Navan in Ireland; his father was a
cleric of Huguenot origin who took an active interest in
geography and topography, publishing in 1792 one of
the earliest detailed maps of Ireland. Beaufort joined
the East India Company in 1789 and enlisted in the
Royal Navy the following year, remaining on active
service until 1812.
He proposed, in 1806, the wind scale named for him.
This was an objective scale ranging from calm (0) up
to storm (13) in which wind strength was correlated with the
amount of sail a full-rigged ship would carry appropriate to the
wind conditions. It was first used officially by Robert Fitzroy
in 1831 and adopted by the British Admiralty in 1838. When sail
gave way to steam the scale was modified by defining levels on
it in terms of the state of the sea or, following George
Simpson, wind speed.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

In 1812 Beaufort surveyed and charted the Turkish coast, later

writing his account of the expedition, Karamania (1817). He was
appointed hydrographer to the Royal Navy in 1829. In this office
Beaufort commissioned voyages to survey and chart areas of the
world, such as those of the Beagle with Charles Darwin and the
Erebus with Joseph Hooker. The sea north of Alaska was named for

Tropical revolving storm

A tropical revolving storm may be defined as a small area of

intense low pressure, below 950 mbs. Around which winds of
hurricane force, more than 10, blow in an anticlokwise direction
in the northern hemisphere an in a clockwise direction in the
Local name of these storm are:

Hurricane North Atlantic Ocean, western side.

Typhoon North Pacific Ocean, Western side.
Willy-Willy South Indian Ocean. Eastern side.
Cyclone South Indian Ocean .Western Side, bay of Bengal
and Arabian sea

These storms, after formation

betweem 5 and 10 latitude moves
westward at 10 to 12 knots until
reaching the tropic, them recurving
eastward and proceeding at 15 to 20
knots to higher latitudes.

Term used in a tropical storm

The term used in a T.S. are:

Eye of storm = Vortice. The center of the storm.

Dangerous semicircle=The alf of the storm which lies to the
right of the path in the Northerm Hemisphere and to the left
of the path in the Souther Hemisphere.
Navigable semicircle = The half of the storm which lies to
the left of the path in the northern Hemisphere and to the
right in the southern hemisphere.
Path = trayectoria. the direction in which the storm is
Vertex or Cod = The furthest westerly point reached by the
storm centre.
Track = The area which the storn centre has traversed.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Phrases about tropical storm

o What is your latest tropical storm information?

o Tropical storm center Leo reported in...
o What is the atmospheric pressure and its change?
o What is the atmospheric pressure at your position?
o The atmospheric pressure is ... and its change is...
o What is the position, direction and speed of the tropical
storm center?

Vocabulary about sea state

Bean sea Mar de travs

Breakers Rompientes
Confused sea Mar confusa
Chopping sea Mar picada
Crest Cresta de una ola
Deep sea Alta mar
Foam Espuma
Following sea Mar de popa
Ground sea Fondo del mar
Head sea Mar de proa
High waves Olas altas
Moderate sea Olas moderadas
Overhanging crests Crestas empenachadas
Quartering sea Mar de aleta
Ripples Mar rizada
Rough sea Mar gruesa
Seaward Hacia el mar
Slight sea Marejadilla
Smooth sea Mar llana
Spray Rocin
Surf Resaca
Swell Mar tendida
Trough Seno de una ola
Wavelet Ola pequea
White horses Borreguillos
White foam Espuma blanca
Wind sea Mar de viento

Is there heavy sea? Hay mucha mar

The sea is improving La mar esta mejorando
How is the sea? Como esta la mar
There is a plenty sea Hay mucha mar
The sea is going down La mar esta amainado
The sea is getting worse La mar esta aumentando
The sea is like a mirror La mar esta como un espejo.

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Partes meteorolgicos, Vocabulario

Air mases Masas de aire

Air temperature Temperatura del aire
Anticiclone Anticicln
Back of the wind Rolar el viento es sentido
Barometer is falling El barmetro esta bajando rising El B. esta subiendo
B. Is steady El b. esta estacionario
B. Is unesteady El B. esta variable
Barometric gradient Gradiente baromtrico
Barometric pressure Presin baromtrica
Barometric tendency Tendencia baromtrica
Blizzar Ventisca
To blow Soplar
Building up Formadose
Cloudiness Nubosidad
Cloudy Nuboso
Col or saddle Collado, montura
Cold sector Sector fro
Deepening Disminucin de la presin
Dew point Punto de roco
Diurnal change Cambio diurno
Doldrums Zona de calmas ecuatoriales
Filling Aumento de la presin
particularmente en rea de
Freezing rain Cellisca
Frost Helada
Funnel cloud Nube de torbellino
Gale Temporal
Gust Rafagas
Gusty wind Viento racheado
Hail Pedrisco
Hail stone Granizo
Heavy rain Lluvia Fuerte
Heavy squall Chubasco fuerte
Hoar frost Escarcha
Horse latitudes Calmas tropicales prximas a
los trpicos.
Ice pellets Granizo
Mist Neblinas
Monsoons Monzones
Occluded fronts Frentes ocluidos
Overcast Cubierto
Polar front Frente polar
To pour Llover fuerte
Saddle or wedge Collado, montura

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Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Scattered showers Chubascos aislados

Showers of rain Chubascos de lluvia
Sleet Aguanieve
Slight Ligero
Snog Combinacin de niebla y humo
Snow flakes Nevada en copos
Squalls Chubascos
Squall line Lnea de turbonada
Sterm tide Marea de huracn
Storm warning Avisos de temporal
Storm wave ola de huracn
Synops Partes sinpticos
Thick fog Niebla densa
Thunderstorm Tormenta
Trade winds Vientos alisios
Tropical disturbance Perturbacin tropical
Unsettle weather Tiempo inseguro
Warm front Frente caliente
Waterspouts Trombas de agua
Weather forecast Prediccin del tiempo
Wedge or ridge Dorsal anticiclnico
Whirl Remolino
Wintry Invernal
Wet and dry bulb thermometer Termometro bola seca
World Meteorological

Weather forecast

A weather forecast is a prediction of the future weather

conditions for a definite period and for a definite area or
region. The times are normally expressed in GMT.

Weather forecast and weather reports have a different meaning.

weather report is a statement of the weather conditions as they
actually exist at some definite place. Weather reports are
prepared by weather observers and are collected at forecast
offices where the reports from basis of the forecasters studies
in the preparation of the weather forecast.

Storm warnings
Storm warnings are given by radio and flag signals.

These warnings can be:

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

o Small craft warnings

o Gale warnings
o Whole gale warnings
o Hurricane warnings

Versos sobre prediccin del tiempo

Backing wind Viento rolando a la derecha

Blow Chubasco de viento
Braces Brazas
Gray Gris claro, canoso
Foul weather Tiempo sucio
Halyards Drizas
Kites Cometas
Mackerel sky Ciclo aborregado
Mind Tener presente
Sheets Escotas
Shepherd Pastor
Veering wind Viento rolando

When the rain is before the wind

Halyards, sheets and braces mind.
When the wind is before the rain
Soon you make sail again.

Evening red and morning gray

Are certain sings on a fine day.

When the glass falls down

Prepare for a blow
When it rises high
Let all your kites fly.

A red sky in the morning

Is the sailors warning
A red sky at night
Is the sailors delight.

Rainbow to windward
Foul fall the day
Rainbow to leeward
Damps runs away

A nackerel sky, twelve hours dry

And Fair weather run.

Evening red and morning gray

Helps the travellers on his way
Evening gray and mooring red

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Bring down rain upon his head.

A red sky in the morning

Is the sheperds warning
A red sky at night
Is the shephers delight

The moon and the weather

May change together
But a change in the moon
Does not change the weather.

A veering wind, fair weather

A backing wind, foul weather

A low morning fog which obscures the sun

Gives premise of clearing and a fair weather run.

From Captain of M/V Tahiten

On a voyage from Moore point to Pirie Port on the basis of

forecast from Washington for the 14th at 0035 and for the 15th

at 0035, we altered course on August 15th at 0136 to pass 200


miles to the rear of the centre of hurricane Cleo.

The positions, the route and the speed of the cyclone agreed and
they seemed consistent. Our position at this time was 2330N
and 4757W.

On the 15th after receiving the 0600 forecast from Washington we


change our course.

During the day of the 15th we discovered that the wind observed

aboard did not agree with the position, track and speed of Cleo.

We change our course many times in approaching East Cape , but

each of our changes must have correponded with a change in
Cleos track, because the wind always blew from the same

About 2000 of the 15th the wind force 8, the swell came from


A 2026 the following observation that the Norwegian Fernleaf

transmitted to us, together with our own observation located the
eye of the cyclone.

The text of the message was:

Position 17-29N 4743W. Wind SE force 9-10. Sea 7 Baro.
1015.2 mb .

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

About 2200 the wind force was 10 , swell from 140. It became
clear that in spite of our efforts the hurricane center was
going to pass over us.

We verified at this time the sequence of phenomena described in

all manuals of meteorology.

The wind increased rapidly, its maximun speed was not measured
with an anemometer, but the observers agreed to an estimation of
force 16.

The air was dense with rain and spray and the visibility did not
exceed 100 metres; the waves were too long for us to estimate
their troughs. The barograph trace approached the vertical.

At 2300 on the 15th we entered the eye. The wind force dropped

abruptly to 2-3. The barograph was at rest for a moment. The

minimum pressure observed simultaneously on two good barometer
checked on August 7th at Algiers was 954 mb. (reduced to sea


We could not see the sky, and heavy rain was falling. The
visibility range was about 150 metres. The waves came from all
directions, their troughs were about 15 metres.

At 2340 we moved out of the eye . After a light squall from the
east sector, the wind shifted between W. and SW.

At 0005 on the 16th the wind was about 240 force 12, the

barometer rising vertically. At 0100 the steady wind of force 9

to 10 abated us very slowly. The cyclone was moving away.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Gale Warning


UNCLAS //N03145//WWIO30 RJTX 050000

AMPN/WWIO31 RJTX 041200//
AUG 04.
FROM THE COAST NEAR 09.0N9 050.7E2, 09.0N9 055.0E0, 10.0N1
060.0E6, .............
15.0N6 087.0E5, ..........
12.0N3 067.0E3, ...........
19.0N0 090.0E9, 17.0N8 087.0E5, 14.0N5 084.0E2, 11.0N2
MAX SEAS 16 FT NEAR 15.0N6 089.0E7....
15.0S6 090.0E9....
MAX SEAS 14 FT NEAR 16.0S7 073.0E0.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

Current High Seas Warnings


This affects ocean area/s: PACIFIC
AT 041800UTC
Low 986hPa near 39S 147W moving southeast 15kt.
In a belt 240 miles wide centred on a line 39S 141W 42S 145W 41S
151W: Clockwise winds 35kt.
Area of gales moving with low.

This warning cancels and replaces warning 049.


AT 041800UTC
Low 995hPa near 40S 165W moving east 10kt.
In a belt 240 miles wide centred on a line 42S 172W 38S 170W 35S
167W: Southwest 35kt.
Area of gales moving eastnortheast 15kt.

This warning cancels and replaces warning 050.


This affects ocean area/s: FORTIES
AT 041800UTC
Low 980hPa near 46S 158E moving southsoutheast 10kt.
Over waters east of 160E: Within 240 miles of low: Clockwise
35kt, easing next 6-12 hours.
Areas of gales moving with low.

This warning cancels and replaces warning 051.


This affects ocean area/s: SUBTROPIC and FORTIES
AT 041800UTC
Front 29S 166E to developing low 35S 165E to 36S 174E moving
eastsoutheast 15kt.
Within 360 miles of low in northeastern semicircle: Clockwise
winds rising to 35kt next 6-12 hours in open waters.
Area of gales moving with low.
This warning cancels and replaces warning 052.

2004 Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia

UK Weather - Shipping Forecast -BBC



















Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 31 Meteorologia






Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 32 Mareas


Bear Soportar, aguantar

Ebb Vaciante
Flood Entrante
High water Pleamar
High water full & change Establecimiento de puerto
Low water Bajamar
Neap tides Mareas muertas
Range Amplitud de la marea
Set of the tide Direccin de la marea
Slack water Parada de la marea
Spring tides Mareas vivas
Stand of the tide Repunte de la marea
Tides Mareas
Tide gauge Maregrafo
Tidal current Corriente de la marea

Tides: Are the periodical rise and fall of the water due to the
gravitation attraction of the moon and sun.

High water: Is the state of the tide when the water reaches the
maximum level.

Range: Is the difference in height between consecutive high and

low water.

Spring tide: Are the highest tides, and occur when the moon and
sun are in line and pulling together as at the time of full or
new moon.

Neap tides: are the lowest tides, and occur when the moon and sun
oppose each other as at quadratures .

High water full and change: The average interval of time between
the transit of the full or new moon and the next high water at a
particular place.

Stand of the tide: The period at high or low water during which
there is no sensible change of level.

Tidal current: Is the periodical horizontal flow of water

accompanying the rise and flow of the tide.

Set of current: Is the direction toward which the current flows.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 32 Mareas

Flood: Is the movement of the tidal current towards shore or up


Slack water: Is the period between ebb and flood where there is
no appreciable movement of the water.

Abbreviations about tides:

H.W High water

H.W.F.&.C High water full and change
L.W. Low water
M.T.L. Mean tide level
M.H.W. Mean high water
M.L.W.S. Mean Low water neaps

Tides and tide tables

The Ocean Tides are due to disturbances caused in the level of

the seas by the varying attraction of the sun and moon. The suns
effect being about 0.445 as compared to that the moon.

The times of high water are found to bear an intimate relation to

the position of the moon and sun.

The period of 12h 25m is half of the moons apparent revolution

round the earth.
The interval of time that elapses between the moons crossing of
the meridian of a place is called lunitidal interval for that
place. This interval takes its average value a day or so after
new and full moon ,and after first and third quarters.

The average value of the lunitidal interval on the days of new or

full moon is known as the establishment of the port.

The range of the tide may be similarly related to the positions

of the moon and sun. In British waters it reaches its maximum a
day or so after the quarters. In these circumstances the maximum
tides are known as spring tides, and the minimum tides are neap

About the time of equinoxes spring tides are generally larger,

and about the time of the solstices generally smaller that usual.

The average interval between new or full moon and the next
following spring tides is known as the age of the tide; in some
waters the variation in the range of the tide is chiefly
associated with the varying distance of the moon from the earth,
in others with the varying declination of the moon.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 32 Mareas

Tide Tables

The tidal prediction contained in ordinary tide tables give the

times and heights of highs and low water at certain ports for
every day through the year.

In calculating these quantities quite a large number of general

factors have to be taken into consideration, as well as the
special local conditions prevailing at one particular port.

As the relative position and distances of the tide producing

agents (the sun, moon, earth) are constantly changing, the tide
wave resulting from their mutual attraction is a composite wave,
made up by the superposition of a series of waves of different
amplitudes and periods.

For the purpose of constructing tables of predicted tides the

amplitude and period of each separate wave is determined from
tidal observations obtained at regular intervals, or from
automatic tide gauge records, and the tables are formed by a
combination of all the waves considered.

As there are about 20 constituent waves of appreciable magnitude,

a very long series of observation is required for the separating
of any wave from the rest. This method of splitting up the tide
wave into a number of constituent waves is called the harmonic
analysis and was first described by Lord Kelvin in 1868.

The Admiralty tide tables

The tidal information necessary for navigation

is to be found in the tables published by the
governments of the principal seafaring nations
and also in local tables published by the
authorities at many of the principal ports.

As these tables are not always readily

accessible to seamen the aim of the Admiralty
tide tables is to give sufficient information
to enable seamen to enter any port in the world
independently of local tables.

The Admiralty Tide Tables consists of three sections as follows:

1. Admiralty tide table for European Waters
2. Admiralty tide Table for The Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Part I of these tables gives prediction of the times and height

of high and low water at standard ports.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 32 Mareas

Part II gives data for prediction at secondary port in European

ports. This in the form of tide and height differences on the
predicted tide at standard ports.

The heights of the tides are given in feet and tenths, and the
zero to which they are referred is the datum of the Admiralty
chart at each port. Generally speaking this datum is the level
at low water of ordinary spring tide ; accordingly, all height
at high water should be added to the depth given on the chart.

The approximate heights of the tide at any time between high and
low water may be found by means of supplementary tables.

Tidal predictions for standard ports, given in Part I may be

regarded as accurate, and those obtained by means of the
harmonic constant in part II, as sufficiently accurate for all
practical purposes.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas


Bendplate Bancada

Bearing cap Tapa del cojinete

Bearing journal Cojinete de bancada
Bearing shell Casquillo del cojinete
Brght spot Punto brillante
Chipping Raspadura, desconchon
Collar Collarin
Connecting rod bearing Cojinete de biela
Connecting rods Biela
Crancking Grietas
Crank axels Muones principales
Crankpins Muones de biela
Crankshaft Cigeal
Crankwebs Brazos del cigeal
Dowel Husillo
Drilled Perforacion
Flange Brida
Flywheel Volante
Gunmetal Bronce de can
High carbon steel Acero de alto carbono
Journal Luchadero
Journals Luchaderos, muones principales
Key chaveta
Line of shafting Lnea de ejes
Liner Camisa
Lower connecting rod bearing Chumacera de biela inferior
Main bearings Cojinetes principales
Main bearings Cojinetes principales
Oil pan Carter, batea, colector de
Overheated Recalentado
Propeller boss Ncleo de la hlice
Scoring Ralladuras
Screw ship Buque de propulsin mecnica
Tail end shaft Eje de cola
Tapped hole Agujero para roscar
Thrust Empuje
Thrust bearing Chumacera de empuje
Thrust block Chumacera de empuje
Thrust block collar Collarn de empuje
Thrust shaft Eje de empuje
Washers Arandelas
Wobling Oscilaciones

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Ship propulsion

The primary function of any marine engineering plant is to


convert the chemical energy of a fuel into useful work and T T

to use that work in the propulsion of the ship. A propulsion unit T T

consists of the machinery, equipment, and controls that are


mechanically, electrically, or hydraulically connected to a T

propulsion shaft.


A ship moves through the water by propelling devices, such as

paddle wheels or propellers. These devices impart velocity T

to a column of water and move it in T the direction


opposite to the direction in which it is desired to move


the ship. A force, called reactive force because it T T

reacts to the force of the column of water, is T T

developed against the velocity- imparting device. This T T

force, also called thrust, is transmitted to the ship and T T

causes the ship to move through the water. T

The screw-type propeller is the propulsion device used in


almost all naval ships. The thrust developed on the propeller is T T

transmitted to the ships structure by the main shaft T T

through the thrust bearing T

The main shaft extends from the main reduction gear shaft

of the reduction gear to the propeller. It is supported and held T T

in alignment by the spring bearings, the stern tube bearings, and


the strut bearing. The thrust, acting on the propulsion shaft as T T

a result of the pushing effect of the propeller, is T T

transmitted to the ships structure by the main thrust T T

bearing. In most ships, the main thrust bearing is located T

at the forward end of the main shaft within the main


reduction gear casing. In some very large ships, however, the


main shaft thrust bearing is located farther aft in a machinery T T

space or a shaft alley. The main reduction gear connects the T T

prime mover
T T (engine) to the shaft. The function of T

the main reduction gear is to reduce the high rotational T

speeds of the engine and allow the propeller to operate at T T

lower rotation speeds. In this way, both the engine and the T T

propeller shaft rotate at their most efficient speeds.


Line of shafting
A line of shafting in a screw ship consist of: the crank shaft,
thrust shaft at one end, and at the other the tail-shaft and
between them the intermediate shaft.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Crank shaft
Crank shaft is a portion of the shafting composed of cranks
rigidly attached to one another. It converts up and down motion
of piston into rotary motion of shaft.
Crankshafts may be either forged or built-up. The built up crank
shaft is composed of a series of crankpins, crank axles, and
crank webs. The crank axles or journals are supported by the
main bearings in the engine bedplate, and the connecting rods
work on the crankpins.
The thrust shaft
The thrust shaft rest in the thrust bearings. It is fitted
inmediately abaft the crankshaft and consists of a shaft with a
number of collarswhich transmits the thrust of the propeller to
the thrust block shoes and so to the ship. The thrust shaft is
supported in bearings. The propeller thrust tends to push
against the face of the thrust shoe and so transmits the thrust
to the block and so to the ship.
Intermediate shaft
The tail end shaft is the shaft to which the propeller is fixed.
The part of it which is inside the stern tube is fitted with a
liner of gun metal which can be renovated when worn .
In the after end of the tail end shaft enters the propeller boss
which is secured to the shaft by a key and large nut which is
screwed tightly on the shaft

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Ship's propulsion layout

All commercial ships have a common thread. Within the ship,

there is a power plant and, generally, a propeller which
converts mechanical energy into motion in turn propelling the
ship through the water. Most casual observers of ships just see
the outside, but like everything else, things on the inside are
pretty much different from one ship to another. On this page we
will graphically see the different types of propulsion packages
commonly used on trading vessels.

Much like a chef in his kitchen, the Naval Architect has several
base ingredient which make up most of his "meals". Let us start
by identifying the various propulsion "ingredients" of a "dish",
huh, ship. The two most common ingredients are the prime mover
and the propeller. Then, things get creative in between.
The Diesel principal engine is currently the preferred choice as
prime mover. In the past steam turbines and boilers (not shown)
previously held a dominant role in ship propulsion and perhaps
gas turbines will in the future.
The clutch allows the engine to be operated independently
of the shafting and gear - an on / off switch.
The marine reduction gear allows the propeller to turn at
it's most efficient speed regardless of the prime mover's
speed. Multiple input gears accept many forms of input but
unites them into a common output.
The thrust block directs the forward propulsive energy of
the shafting into the ship's hull and not into the
The OD box is an essential component of the controllable
pitch propeller (CPP) system. The CPP allows the engine to

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

turn at it's most efficient speed while giving the ability

to the crew to control the motion of the vessel. i.e. The
engine turns clockwise at 500 rpm at all times, during that
time, the ships can go forward ten knots, or 20, and or
The electric motor and "podded" drives are currently the
new developments in the shipping world. They increase the
efficiency and reliability of the propulsion package by
simplifying it (by getting rid of the shafting).
Of course, the most common "ingredient" is still the fixed
pitch propeller. Solid design which has proven itself over

Deep sea vessels

Probably the most common propulsion set up out there. Look
into any harbours, you will most likely see ten ships
(over 10,000 grt), and perhaps nine, if not all of them,
will have this set up. Bulkers, container ships, OBO,
large fishing vessels, tankers and some cruise ships are
some vessels that use this setup.
The engine is generally a slow speed two stroke engine,
such as a B&W or Sulzer. It is directly connected to the
propeller shaft. Forward thrust of the fixed pitch
propeller is channelled to the frames of the ship by the
thrust block. Reverse is obtained by running the engine in
reverse, they are designed with a variable cam which
allows this to happen. This set up is simple, efficient and
"easy" to operate and maintain.

Specialized vessels
This setup is very common on medium size specialized
vessels, such as Stand By Vessels (AHST) Research,
cable ships and such. The CCGS Gordon Reid is a search
and rescue vessel, it features two of this of type of
set up. The four engines and two shaft with CPPs offer
a high degree of redundancy and versatility. In the
case of the Reid, the outside engines also drive fire
pumps feeding water to big fire monitors above the
wheel house; as you would find on a oil rig "stand by"
Two four stroke, medium speed engines are used here
for their low size to power ratio. Having two engines
also offers a level of redundancy. They can be operated
simultaneously or individually because of the clutch. The gear

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

box will compensate for the high speed of the engines and allow
the propeller to turn a more efficient slower speed. In the
power range of typical four stroke Diesels, the thrust bearing
is usually fitted within the gear box, but occasionally it is an
independent fixture. The CPP system provide the quick response
these type of vessels require.

Coastal vessels
This set up is common on larger fishing
boats, coastal freighter, some medium
size tugs (~4000 hp). It is without
mystery; the parts are easily serviceable because there usually
"off the shelf".
One four stroke medium speed Diesel engines which is geared and
can be run without turning the shafting because of the clutch.
The CPP offers a responsive level of control and reverse! The
set up is straight forward and easy to maintain.

Small boats
This is typical set up of small vessels. Yacht, tugs, fishing
boats, small ferries etc. It is very common to see this in
vessels having less than 2000 hp. It is very simple and the
whole package is pretty much "off the
The Diesel engine can be a two stroke
(i.e. Detroit Diesel) or a four stroke
(i.e. Cummins, Caterpillar). It is almost always a high speed
engine which requires the marine gear (i.e. Twin Disc). The gear
has a built in clutch, actually two clutches, one for forward
and one to obtain reverse. The gearbox also has the thrust
bearing built in. The fix pitch propeller is attached to the end
of the shaft. This set up is very manageable and reliable.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Cruise ships
The height of practical modern ship engineering, the
Diesel electric cruise ship. Most of the cruise
ships are relatively new and most of them feature a
propulsion set up much like this one. It offers more
room for paying passengers, it is versatile and has
a high degree of reliability. It is an efficient
system, as you can adapt supply power to your
demand. It is technologically complex but relatively
easy to operate.
The engines are usually four stroke medium speed
engines, this is because of their bigger size to
power ratio, so you don't need a big engine room
space. In the past, you would have two big engines
to drive the vessel and three others to supply the
large electrical hotel load. This would underutilize
the horse power in the vessel. In newer ships, all
the engines are generators and they supply one common electrical
bus. Engineers can then adapt power supply to the demand, making
the whole process a little bit more efficient, much like a power
utility on land.
The propulsion is done via electrical motors which are built
into pods controlled by cyclo-converters (not shown). The pods
hang below the ship hull increasing their efficiency.
Essentially the propulsion becomes just another "load" on the
"power grid". It is a big load that's why there is so many
engines, sometimes of varying size. The QE2 has nine identical
MAN medium speed Diesels generators. Having so many engines
makes it easier to perform maintenance on the fly, reducing down
time and increasing profitability. Another feature, is the
ability to physically isolate the various engines therefore
reduces the chances of a catastrophic failure of the system in
case of a fire or such. The engine room is several compartments
as oppose to the one large compartment that it use to be. It is
my opinion that will we see this type of propulsion system
become more prevalent on many different types of
ships as the price of technology decreases and
the system simplifies.

The cruise ship did not really innovate the idea
of Diesel electric propulsion. It has been
around since the beginning of Diesel application
in ships. Back then there was no way to get
reverse save for a Diesel electric set up.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Submarines were another big consumers of Diesel electric set

ups. But the most accessible consumer was the icebreakers of the
world. They require large horse power but often encounter shock
loading from hitting big pieces of ice and such. Diesel engines
do not appreciate shock loading.
The Diesel electric propulsion allowed the shocks to be
"filtered" by the electrical machinery and pass on to the
engines in more manageable increments. The system illustrated
here is from the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, a Canadian medium
icebreaker. It features three 2200 kW medium speed V16 Alco 251.
The AC generators feeds a common bus at 6600 VAC. The propulsion
system consist of two electrical motors driving two fixed pitch
propellers. Fixed pitch propellers and their simplicity are less
likely to fail in ice conditions as oppose to the more delicate
CPP ones. The motors are controlled by two cyclo-converter.
Cyclo-converters are a web page unto themselves, but basically,
they allow the electric motors to turn, forward or reverse, at
any given power (speed) required.

Naval vessels and tankers

Naval vessels and other military ships have other priorities
than fuel efficiency. Therefore we often see high powered
propulsion set up in these vessels. That amount of power comes
from fuel thirsty gas turbines or steam turbines. The US navy is
an avid consumer of steam plants - a great number of their
vessel obtain steam from nuclear means. Traditional steam plant
are still in operation but over the years the marine gas turbine
has become more prevalent for its power to weigh ratio (no need
for a big boiler and it's systems). In the merchant marine,
steam propulsion plants are relatively rare, as the Diesel
engine can do the same work more efficiently. Large tankers
still use steam plants, this is due to the huge power
requirements that the Diesel engine has not been able to
practically deliver.
Turbine plants are usually compact, "lightweight" high powered,
and turn at a high rate of speed. Their operation is simple but
their maintenance and fuel consumption make sure it is not the
most popular choice for ship's propulsion.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Double ender ferries

The "double ender" ferry is another unique animal. It is quite
common to see this type of vessel in the North American
northwest. BC and Washington state ferries use the double ender
ferries extensively. They carry large quantities of vehicles and
passengers on short runs in calm waters. To save the time of
turning the vessel around at each berth, they just simply make
sure it goes easily one way as it does the other way.
This gives rise to an interesting design; one propeller and
rudder at each end of the vessel. The actual propulsion
equipment is not that complicated. Take for example the BC
Ferries Queen of Cowichan. It has two MAK 550 medium speed four
stroke Diesel engines each producing about 6000 hp. They are
couple to a common gear box by air operated clutches. The shafts
are quite long, as they must go to both ends from the centerline
of the vessel. CPP and the two rudders make this vessel
responsive. The ship has a service speed of 21 knots.

This is, by no means a definitive list of propulsion systems.
There are several "set ups" common to smaller markets. The water
jet, essentially a geared Diesel engine driving a "propeller"
within a housing - impeller in a pump - shooting out water where
directed. Water jets are used extensively for fast ferry
applications as are Harnesson Drives (smaller applications).
There is also tugs which use some specialize propulsion which
allows them to be extremely manoeuvrable - Voight Sneider
Propeller, Z drives and such. There is also exciting new
technology still on the drawing board such as the Magneto Hydro

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Engine order telegraph

On the conning platform, an instrument called the engine order

telegraph communicates speed orders to the engineroom. The
engine order telegraph is circular, with duplicate dials
divided into sectors for flank, full, standard, 2/3, and 1/3
speed ahead; 1/3, 2/3, and full
speed back. A hand lever fitted with
an indicator travels over the
circumference of the circular face
of the instrument. When the handle
is moved to the required speed
sector, the engine room complies
with the order immediately and
notifies the bridge by operating
an answering pointer that follows
into the same sector. A ship with
one engine has a telegraph with a
single handle. Two-engine ships
usually have a handle on the port
side and another on the starboard
side of the telegraph, controlling
the engines on the
corresponding sides, (The engine
order telegraph shown in figure is
equipped with separate handles for
port and starboard engines.) Be sure
you have grasped the handle for the
correct engine before you operate it. If the answering pointer
moves to the wrong sector, does not move at all, or moves to a
line between two sectors so that you are in doubt about the
speed set on the engine, repeat your operation on the lever. If
the pointer does not move to clear up the riddle, report the
situation immediately to the officer of the deck. If a casualty
occurs in the engineroom, the speed may be changed by the
engineroom without orders from the officer of the deck. In such
an event, the answering pointer moves to the speed set in the
engineroom. Report any change in the engine order telegraph to
the officer of the deck at once. Also report to the OOD
immediately if you fail to receive an answer on the pointer when
you indicate a speed. The safety of your own ship and others may
depend on the immediate and correct transmission of orders to
the engines. Before getting underway, the telegraph is
always tested by moving the handle to each sector, and
checking the response on the answering pointer. In the event of
casualty to the telegraph, the engineroom receives orders over
the sound-powered phones.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Engine control room

Engine control room of Matson Navigation's SS Manukai (ex

Hawaiian Enterprise) while "manoeuvring" into port.

Seated is the Chief Engineer, standing at the control console

are (L-R) Junior Engineer, 1st Assistant Engineer, and the
"Watch" Third Assistant Engineer. Normally, when underway, the
engine room watch crew consists of only the Third Assistant and
the Junior Engineer. When arriving or departing a port there are
extra crew assigned to the engine controls to assist with the
many speed and configuration changes.
The Manukai powerplant is a 32,000 HP steam turbine, and drives
the 720 foot long, 38,700 ton displacement ship at speeds up to
22 knots. Automation of nearly all propulsion and electrical
generation functions have allowed management from a "Central
Operating Console" located in an air-conditioned and soundproof
control room.
Matson ships transport large numbers of refrigerated containers
from the "mainland" to Hawaii. To protect this valuable cargo
during the voyage, a computer system located in the engine
control room automatically monitors container temperatures and
alerts the watch engineer in the event of a problem.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The marine Diesel engine : The two stroke

Heat engines are sometimes referred to as being motors.

Actually, a motor converts one form of energy into useful work
without the intentional production of heat, such as an electric
motor. A device which burns fuel creating heat to perform work
is a heat engine. Heat engines can be classified as external
combustion, such as steam boiler, or internal combustion (IC).
They can further be divided into the spark ignited (SI) engine
or the compression ignited engine (CI). The particular heat
engine we are interested about with this title, is the
Compression Ignited heat engine. This style of engine has been
most famously referred to as the Diesel engine, named after its
inventor, Rudolph Diesel.
The compression ignited internal combustion engine has two main
designs: the four stroke cycle, and the two stroke cycle engine.
They are both very common throughout the world because of their
high efficiency - compare with other types of heat engines. They
burn a wide variety of hydrocarbon fuel, which is still common.
Heavy fuel oil, intermediate fuel oil and marine diesel oil are
the most common hydrocarbon fuel. The two stroke and four stroke
titles refers to the mechanical action of the machinery, in
particular the piston within the cylinder, to achieve the
theoretical Carnot heat cycle, as define by the laws of
Diesel engines are furthermore sub-divided into three
categories: slow, medium and high speed. Slow speed are
considered to be up to 300 rpm such as most big two stroke
engines commonly found on ships. Medium speed engines dwell in
the 300 - 900 rpm range. They are most common on smaller ships
and power plants driving electrical generators and / or the
propeller. High speed engines are the most common. Their high
revolutions are ideal for driving vehicles such as busses and
yachts. All Diesel trucks and vehicles on our roads use this
class of Diesels, having an rpm over 900.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The two stroke engine

It takes two strokes to complete a power cycle: one stroke down,

one stroke up, resulting in one turn of the crankshaft. As
oppose to the four stroke which must see the piston perform four
strokes and two crank rotations, in order to achieve one cycle.
The power stroke occurs at every down stroke which would lead us
to believe the two stroke to be twice as efficient. On large
plants, the two stroke is about 1.8:1 more powerful than a four
stroke engine of similar weight. On smaller application, i.e. a
bus, the power/pound gap closes, and the effective horsepower
of similar sized engines will be about the same for the two and
four stroke.
The two stroke is most commonly seen in application demanding a
large power output, such as ships and electric generation
plants. In the world of ships, these engines are large,
especially tall; this is to accommodate the long stroke engine
designers have come up with to increase the efficiency of the
power stroke. Additionally, the large physical size of these
power plants tends to slow them down.
This slow speed, around 100 rpm, has two benefits to an owner of
a ships. The first, probably the most important, allows the
engine to burn heavy fuel oil (HFO) efficiently. Although, the
black, tar like substance can be used as fuel in both the four
stroke and two stroke engine. This fuel is much cheaper,
currently around $150USD/ton, compared to the "ordinary" refined
diesel fuel oil (MDO), with the cost being around $300USD/ton.
Slow speed, also allows a direct coupling of the propeller shaft
to the crankshaft, eliminating the need for gearing and such.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The reduction of associated gear

serves to increase their power
to weight ratio which usually
equates to lower cost.
Additionally, the two stroke
engines have a less complicated
design, namely no intake valves,
this reduce the possibility of
things failing. These attributes
give the two stroke engine
advantages over the four
strokes, making it engine of
choice for almost all large deep
sea ships.
The most prominent builders of
large, slow speed, two stroke
engine are Sulzer of
Switzerland, producer of the
first big two stroke design, and
Burmeister & Wain (B&W) of
Denmark, the pioneers of the
engines application to ship
design. Other manufacturer also
produce these types of engine,
such as Kawasaki (Japan),
Hyundai (Korea) and Fincantieri
Naval (Italy) to name a few.
Most shipbuilder build the
Sulzer or B&W engines under
license. To the land-lubber, the
biggest builder of two stroke engine is the Detroit Diesel
Corporation, now owned by Daimler Chrysler. Gee Mees, as they
are commonly known, can be found extensively in transit busses,
fire trucks and many military applications. EMD, another
division of General Motors, also builds two stroke engine which
are very common on the North American coast and in locomotives.
Two stroke engine have a wide variety of power output from the
353 Detroit Diesel with an output of less than 75 kW to a B&W
RTA96C producing a mind numbing 80,080 kW that's 108,920 bhp
from fourteen cylinders!

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The components
The heart of the two stroke engine comprises of a cylinder liner
with inlet ports about 2/3 of the distance from the top of the
liner. The cylinder head, also know as cylinder cover, contain
the exhaust valve's) (pictured above). The piston within the
cylinder is connected to the crankshaft by the connecting rod.
On the larger engines, the power is transmitted to a cross head
assembly first. The cross head slide up and down with the piston
and transmit power from it to the connecting rod and
The two stroke engine is not a naturally aspirated engine. It
depends a positive charge of air to fill and scavenge the
cylinder. This is provided by a blower which charges the air
box. The blower can be mechanically driven, such as on the Gee
Mees or electric motor driven on the bigger engines. Most
engines nowadays are supercharged (turbocharger) as well.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The chain reaction...

Describing the action of the piston within the cylinder
generally start with the piston in the bottom dead center
position (BDC), at the end of its travel downward before its
travel upwards. With the piston, having covered the intake
ports, travels upwards, compressing the trapped air from its
original volume to a fraction of it, generally anywhere from
17:1 to 23:1 (gas engines are about 9:1) to about 42 bars
(~600psi). The airs volume reduction crushes the air molecule
together and as a result they build up heat.
Slightly before top dead center (TDC), around 10 degrees,
injection of atomized fuel begins, it burns, ignited by the high
temperature from to the air being compressed. Injection last
about 30 degrees, this varies depending on load. The fuel
continues to burn and expands which increases the pressure and
temperature within the cylinder. Around 15 degrees after TDC,
combustion is complete and maximum pressure is reached within
the cylinder, this stage is commonly called Pmax. Pmax is
anywhere between 180 bars to 195 bars (~2500 - 2800 psi); this
is why Diesel engine construction is so robust, it is to
withstand this pressure.

Four stroke
The four stroke is most commonly seen in application demanding a
compact power plant. Ships need a large amount of power to
propel it through the water, this is why the bigger ship, as
previously mentioned, generally have a two stroke power plant.
As illustrated by the pictures on this website, a person can
begin to appreciate the physical size of these plants,
especially the engines height. This height becomes a problem on
many coastal ships, such ferries.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Take the British Columbia Ferry Corporation

(BC Ferries) MV Queen of Cowichan, a double
ender with a GT of 6,551 tons. This ferry,
as do most ferry rely, on their ability to
load and discharge a large amount of cars,
transported on continuous decks. That
creates a problem for the size engine the
ferry needs. The power plant needs to fit
below the main deck and still be able to go
in shallow waters. The engines installed in
the Queen of Cowichan are MAK 550 V16. They are a four stroke,

turbo charged engine producing around 4,500 kW each. These

engine stand less than twenty feet high and serve to illustrate
the ideal application of a four stroke engine.
Four stroke engines are more complicated than the two stroke and
"pack" less horsepower per pound. The two stroke actually
produces more power, around 1.8:1. But the four stroke consumes
less oil and can operate safely at high speeds. The four stroke
Diesel engine is probably the most prevalent engine in all the
world. They can be found producing power for oil rigs in the
North Atlantic or driving Volkswagen's New Beetle DTI.
The Diesel engine uses a light distillate fuel oil, commonly
known as Diesel. This of course, is more expensive than the
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) which is burned more efficiently by the two
stroke engines. Recent engine design development has provided
bigger four stroke power plants with the ability to burn HFO.
This development now makes the four stroke engine an attractive
option to ship owners. The newest shipping market to employ four
stroke engines are the cruise ships. They use four or five
engines driving generators to produce electricity which is used
to power the main driving (electric) motors and the "hotel load"
(lights, heat etc.). With the cruise ship, we can observe the
point made earlier, the need to keep the power plant "small",
this is to make room for paying passengers.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Many companies build four stroke Diesel engines. Caterpillar,

Cummins, Detroit Diesel engines are the most popular engine
manufacturer for highway trucks and smaller applications. Others
like MAN (the company that first developed Rudolph Diesels
engine), MAK, MTU, Wartsila, Deutz - just to name a few, offer a
wide range of power plants often found in marine application.
Four stroke engines have a power range of 2kW to 25,000kW. These
can be found in many V style and inline configurations: V8, V12,
V16, V20; the inline 6 being the more popular one.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The mechanics of it...

The four stroke is outwardly similar to its brother, the two
stroke. But its inner working are quite different. One primary
difference is the cylinder liner does not have the inlet ports
machined into it. Another is the combustion air being drawn into
the cylinder by the piston. This action is controlled by an
inlet valve in the cylinder head, like the one to the right.
With no need for a blower, this becomes the most radical
difference between the four and two strokes engines and as such,
the four strokes are called naturally aspirated engines.
The cycle comprises of: two crankshaft rotation and four change
of direction by the piston. We will start with the inlet stroke
at top dead center (TDC).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Turbine gear drive or gas


In the steam turbine gear drive, the individual propulsion units


consist of the main turbines and the main reduction gear). These

types of turbine drives are used on most types of naval

ships. They provide a high power-to-weight ratio and are

ruggedly constructed. When repairs are needed, they T can

usually be completed without removing the turbines
T from
the ship. Steam turbine gear drives consist of one high-

pressure turbine and one low-pressure turbine. They provide


ahead propulsion. Smaller and simpler turbine elements T T

inside the low-pressure turbine provide astern propulsion .


We can find clutches on most ships with four stroke medium speed
/ high speed engines used for propulsion. The larger two stroke
engines can rotate at much lower speeds, 50 - 110 rpm, and are
therefore directly coupled to the propeller shaft. Medium speed
engines rotate at ~300-900 rpm, and high speed, 900 + rpms.
These speeds are to fast for the complete and efficient
transformation of rotational energy into thrust. Therefore these
engines have a reduction gearbox.
A gearbox is connected to the prime mover by way of a clutch;
an on / off switch if you will. The clutch allows the engine to
run without having to turn the propeller and shafting. Without a
clutch all that inertial load would require a monstrous starter,
or mass amounts of air to start the engine - a waste financially
and mechanically. In a ship with one propeller shaft and two (or
three, four etc) engines, the clutch give flexibility in
operation. The shaft can be run on one engine or two depending
on demand, or as matter of redundancy such as on a rig "stand
by" vessel.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The purpose of a clutch is to connect the propeller to the

engine. A clutch needs to handle large amount of torque with
minimal heat and mechanical losses. They should react quickly
and not absorb to much power to achieve their goal (heat and
mechanical losses). The most common are friction clutches. They
operate on the principle of two surfaces having enough friction
to stick together and not slip. The two most common types are
the cone clutch, and the "plate" or "clutch pack".

The reduction gear

The propeller is match to the vessel, what is it going to take
to overcome the resistance of the vessels in the water due to
its design. The engine is then matched to the propeller. What
power requirements are needed to turn that propeller? At this
stage, reduction gears come into play. The reduction gear allows
the naval architect to have the most efficient propeller
operation while having options on the prime mover.
Diesel engines usually have three general speed in which they
are classified in. The slow speeds diesel, 50-300 rpm, rarely
need gears as they are already suited for optimum propeller
speed. Ships with medium speed, 300-900 rpm, and high speed
diesels, 900 + rpm, generally need reduction gears as do gas
turbine and steam turbines. By slowing down the propeller we
minimizes slippage (waste) which makes the whole power plant
more efficient.
Reduction gears are rather simple, one small gear, driven by the
engine, driving a large gear which is connected to the propeller
shaft. The ratio of teeth between the smaller and larger gears
is the ratio of reduction. Example: take a small gear with 25
teeth and make it turn a big gear with 100 teeth. One revolution
of the big gear means that the small gear has turned four times
which gives us a 4:1 mechanical advantage, also know in gears as
4:1 reduction.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

The larger reduction gears are usually as simple as two gears,

with one input and one output. With the increase use of
controllable pitch propellers, which allows the prime mover to
rotate at a given and steady speed, some features have been
added to the larger marine reduction gears. Taking advantage of
the power already being developed by the main engine. This
allows the whole operation of the ship to be more efficient and
perhaps have less equipment to accomplish the same work as
before. Hydraulics system on large fishing boats are a good
example, also shaft generators are another.
On smaller reduction gears, like those found on tugs, yachts,
fishing vessels, etc. they always had more features than just
two gears. For example many small gears will feature a built in
clutch, they also have reverse and the thrust bearing is built
into the gear. In contrast, a coastal freighter may have an
independent clutch, reduction gear, thrust bearing, and obtain
reverse by using a controllable pitch system.

Gears are generally helical cut gears. This allows for high
power to be transmitted but still maintain low noise levels.
Gears are usually trouble free in their operations as long as
their lubricating oil is sufficient, cool and appropriately
suited for the function of the gear. Some problems can arise
when the built in function such as thrust bearing and clutch
packs deteriorate and their waste contaminates the oil.
Deterioration of the oil cooler - heat exchanger - can also be a
source of oil contamination. These problems can be mitigated by
scheduled preventive maintenance such as daily checks and oil
sampling. Surveys are generally carried out every four years
depending on Classification society.

Ship eelectrical sistems :Generator Rating

The generators form the heart of the electrical design and their
correct sizing is the key to a safe, workable and economical
system. When sizing a marine generator cognisance must be given
to the nature of the load. The generator often works on its own
and is accordingly susceptible to large system load swings,
loads causing distortion, the connection of motors and the
connection of large heater elements for air conditioning
systems. In addition to satisfying the apparent system load
requirements, consideration must be given to the special
requirements of any large loads, unusual operational
requirements, spare capacity requirements and the required
system operating philosophy.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

International maritime regulations (e.g. SOLAS), require at

least two generators for a ship's main electrical power system.
The generators are normally driven from their own dedicated
diesel engine but this can be expensive, taking up additional
space that could be used for other purposes. For ships engaged
on long sea voyages, it can be economical to drive the
generators from the main propulsion plant. International
maritime regulations also require at least one electrical
generator to be independent of the speed and rotation of the
main propellers and associated shafting and accordingly at least
one generator must have its own prime mover.

If a minimum of two generators is provided, one of which is

driven from the propeller shaft, failure of one of the
generators could make the ship non-compliant with the
International regulations. For this reason many owners opt to
provide three generators. One is used for the normal sea load
(e.g. the shaft generator), leaving two available to meet any
unusually high loads or to provide security when maneuvering.
Alternately, the third is retained as a standby set able to
provide power should one set fail in service or require specific
maintenance work.

In some applications such as a generator supplying a large SCR

type load, the generator rating may be increased well beyond its
full load value, in order to account for harmonic heating and
the inductive requirements of the SCR devices.
Main Switchboard

The main elements of a marine distribution system are the main

and emergency switchboards, power panel boards, motor
controllers, lighting and small power panel boards. The system
is generally designed such that under all normal conditions of
operation, power is distributed from the main switchboard. The
distribution system is designed to keep cable costs to a minimum
by distributing to power panels located close to the user

The main switchboard is generally located near the centre of the

distribution system and this is normally the main engine room or
machinery control room. These locations are normally below the
ship's waterline or below the uppermost continuous deck of the
ship i.e. the bulkhead or main deck. Consequently, in the event
of a fire or flooding it is likely that the main generators and
switchboard would be disabled. To ensure that electrical
supplies are available to emergency and safety systems, an
emergency generator and associated emergency switchboard will be

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

located above the main deck in a separate space, completely

isolated from the main machinery spaces.

For shipboard installations specific protective systems are

required to shut down all ventilation systems and all fuel oil
systems in the event of fire. When motor auxiliaries are grouped
together and supplied from a motor control center or a grouped
distribution panel, this can best be achieved by providing the
MCC supply feeder circuit breaker with an undervoltage tripping
device and connecting this to the ventilation or fuel systems
trip unit. When grouped MCC's or grouped distribution panels are
not used, separate cables must be installed for each motor
controller. This leads to increased cable costs and increases
the systems proness to failure.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

Motor Controls

It is often convenient to group motor driven auxiliaries

according to their function, e.g. fuel and lubrication oil
services, accommodation ventilation systems, machinery
ventilation systems, and domestic service systems. The auxiliary
motors would be supplied from grouped motor controllers located
either in the engine room, in a machinery control room or in a
convenient location close to the auxiliary motors. This can
often simplify the machinery control functions and required
protection systems.
On small ships, e.g. tugs, etc., such grouping is not economical
and the major ship's auxiliaries are normally supplied directly
from the main switchboard. In this case the motors would be
provided with individual starters located adjacent to the motor.
For high speed vessels where weight is important, minimum cable
weight may be achieved using a non-distributed distribution

Auxiliary motor controls should be arranged in consideration of

the general control philosophy applied to the machinery control
systems. For ship's that do not have automated machinery
operation, the most economic method of control is to provide
local starters for each auxiliary motor supplied from power
panels located in the same or adjacent spaces. These motors
would be manually controlled (start and stopped), locally at the
motor's controller (starter). This arrangement minimizes cable

When a centralized machinery control system is required, cables

for the motor control functions can be installed back to the
machinery control room and the starter push buttons located on a
centralized machinery control console. Alternatively, the motors
may be grouped together on motor control centres located inside
the control room. The motor control functions can then be left
on the motor's starter at the MCC or again wired back to a
central control desk.
When hard-wired systems are used, the installation is prone to
mechanical problems which may cause loose or broken connections
and the marine environment which may cause corroded connections.
These problems can be eliminated somewhat by using micro-
processors and digital control systems.

When fully automatic machinery control is required, these

techniques are now in common use and micro-processor devices
control the ship's machinery through video display units located
in the machinery control room or on the bridge. The ship's

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 33 Maquinas

auxiliaries are generally controlled with programmable logic

controllers (plc's) installed inside the motor control centres
and linked through a data bus to the machinery control location.
When this type of system is used, the motor control centres can
be located either together in the machinery control room or
alternatively, distributed throughout the ship close to the
motors being controlled. There is little difference in the
cabling requirements of either method, however when motor
control centers are located outside a dry, atmosphere controlled
space such as the machinery control room, a higher degree of
mechanical enclosure is required and consequently adds to the
MCC costs.

Emergency Services

Emergency services would be supplied from the emergency

witchboard using distributed panels for navigation, safety and
emergency lighting services. These distribution panels are also
generally arranged to be above the bulkhead deck. For lighting
it is important to ensure that a fire or flooding in one area
will not cause loss of lighting in other areas or along escape
routes and circuitry must be designed in consideration of the
ships general arrangements.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones


AC current Corriente alterna

Balanced Equilibrado
Bearing Cojinete
Blade Pala
Blade type hydraulic motor Motor hidrulico de paletas
Combined lock and change over Vlvula combinada de cierre y
valve distribucin
DC current Corriente continua
Edge bar Barra del canto
Hanging hole Agujero para suspensin
Helm Caa del timn
Hydraulic constant flow pump Bomba hidrulica de caudal
Hydraulic piston pump Bomba hidrulica de pistones
Lightenings Aligeramientos
Pin Perno o macho
Rudder indicator Indicador de timn
Rudder mother Madre
Rudder post Codaste popel
Rudder post Codaste popel
Rudder stock Mecha del timn
Steering engine Servomotor
Steering motor Servomotor
Telemotor Telemotor
Wheel Rueda del timn
Steering Gears
The direction of the ship is controlled by the steering gear. As
the ship moves through the water, the angle of the rudder at the
stern determines the direction it will move. Modern ships are so
big that moving the rudder necessitates the use of hydraulics or
electrical power.
The steering starts at the Bridge. The required rudder angle is
transmitted hydraulically or electrically from the steering
wheel at the Bridge to the telemotor at the steering gear, just
above the rudder.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

There are a few common arrangements for using hydraulic power.

There are the 4-rams, 2-rams, and rotary vane types. The heart
of these hydraulic systems is the variable delivery pump. This
type of pump can be controlled by just moving a spindle. The
pump is driven by an electrical motor at constant speed. By
moving the control spindle away from the central point, the pump
stroke increases, and the hydraulic fluid is pumped in one
direction. Moving the spindle more from the central point will
cause more fluid to be pumped and consequently more pressure is
generated to drive the rams. Moving the control spindle back to
the original position and then away in the opposite direction
causes the hydraulic fluid to be pumped in the reversed
direction. The rams will also move in the reversed direction.

By using a floating lever feedback mechanism, when the rudder

stock has reached the desired angle, the pump control lever
moves back to the original position, and the pumping action
stops. The rudder is stopped at the required angle. Moving the
steering wheel to the opposite direction will cause the rudder
to come back to the original zero position.

Steering engines

When ships began using steam as a means of propulsion, many


problems were created. Foremost was inadequate hand-powered T T

steering gear. The rapid increase in the size and speed of


steamships resulted in a correspondingly greater

T T turning
effort required at rudder stocks. Consequently, a natural

sequence of events Tled to the introduction of steam-

powered steering gear.

Today, there are two types of steering engines. They are


electromechanical and electrohydraulic. Electromechanical T

steering gear is found on some small ships. Most vessels of T

recent design are equipped with the electrohydraulic mechanism.


A brief discussion of the types of steering gear follows.


Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

Electromechanical steering gear applies power to the rudder


by means of electromotive machinery. Because electromechanical


gear requires large motors and considerable maintenance, it has


been replaced, to a great extent, by electrohydraulic gear.


Naval vessels are equipped with electrohydraulic steering T

gear. Most destroyers use the single-ram steering gear, shown in T T

figure. Aircraft carriers and some other large ships use a


double-ram system.

Single-ram electrohydraulic steering gear system.

For an idea of how the single-ram system works, refer to figure

and note what happens during a starboard turn. From the helm
on the bridge, movement is transferred electrically to the
receiving unit in after steering, where the electrical signal is
converted to a mechanical signal. The receiving unit sends
the mechanical signal to the running pump, and the pump proceeds
to pump oil to the port cylinder. Oil, at the same time, is
taken from the starboard cylinder by the pump's suction. As oil
is pumped into the port cylinder, the ram is moved toward
the starboard side, turning the rudder as it moves. The ram
is forced toward the starboard side until the correct rudder
position is obtained, at which time the follow-up shaft causes
the pumping to cease.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

Emergency Steering Gear

On ships equipped with electromechanical steering gear, the

old-fashioned, hand-operated steering wheel is about the
only recourse if the primary mechanism fails. On some
small ships, a yoke can be fitted over the rudder head, and the
rudder can be turned with a block and tackle. Electrohydraulic
steering gear usually is provided with a standby pumping unit
for emergency use. It is composed of a pump and an electric
motor, identical to those shown in figure 2-6. If the steering
engine being employed has a casualty, the six-way pump transfer
cock is adjusted to align the ram with the standby pumping unit;
the power is turned on in the standby unit; and steering is
transferred over to the standby unit. Emergency steering
for destroyers also uses the trick wheel. If a steering
signal failure occurs between the steering wheel on the
bridge and the receiving unit, the helmsman standing watch
in after steering operates the trick wheel and receives steering
orders on the sound-powered telephone. Should a power failure
occur in steering aft, the rudder is moved by disengaging the
running electric motor, and hand-pumping oil to the ram by
means of a handcrank. This procedure is very slow. The rudder
turns only a small amount for every revolution of the

Steering Engine Cutout

A safety device is installed on every steering engine. This

safety device stops rudder movement when the rudder is brought
against the stops. The limit most rudders can be turned is 35
to either side of center. Full rudder on most ships is 30 right
or left; the extra 5 is applied only in emergencies. Unless you
are ordered to do so, never put the rudder hard over. It is
possible for the rudder to jam against the stops, causing you to
make circles in the ocean. Rudder Every ship is provided with
a rudder located aft. When the rudder is set at an angle on a
moving ship, a high-pressure area builds on the leading surface,
and a low-pressure area forms on the trailing surface. Thus the
water, through this difference in pressure areas, exerts a force
against the leading surface of the rudder, which in turn forces
the stem in the direction opposite that which the rudder is set.
When the helm on an oldtime ship was moved athwartships across
the deck, the rudder motion was in the opposite direction. The
result was that the ship's head would go in the direction
opposite that in which the helm was moved, and this still is
true of any small craft steered with a tiller. On all ships
equipped with steering wheels, however, the wheel, rudder, and
ship's head all move in the same direction. That is, when you
turn the wheel to port, the rudder goes to port, and the ship
makes its turn to port. Remember, though, that the ship begins
its port turn by sending its stem to starboard. The more headway

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

a ship has, the more water piles up against the rudder under the
counter, and the quicker the stem is pushed off. Consequently, a
ship always turns faster and answers its rudder sooner at high
speeds than at low speeds. Also, a greater angle on the rudder
is required to turn a ship moving slow than one moving fast.

Rudder angle indicator

The instrument above and forward of the wheel angle indicator

is the rudder angle order indicator-transmitter. This
instrument has a dual purpose. During normal steering
situations, it shows the actual angle of the rudder, which
usually lags the wheel angle indicator by about 2 because of
the time required for the steering mechanism to operate. For
emergency steering, this instrument becomes useful in
transmitting visual orders to the helmsman in after steering. By
operation of the control knob, the rudder order is displayed on
the instrument when the pointer
marked ORD is moved to the desired rudder angle. The order is
displayed in after steering on another rudder angle order
indicator-transmitter, from which the after helmsman
receives orders. A push switch next to the rudder angle order
indicator-transmitter on the bridge operates a bell in after
steering to call the helmsman's attention to a change in rudder

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones


A rudder allows the ship to turn, simple plates have been

superseded by plates welded to cast or fabricated frame. Rudders
are hollow and so provide for some buoyancy . In order to
minimise the risk of corrosion internal surfaces are provided
with a protective coating and some are even filled with foam. A
drain plug is provided to allow for the drainage of water ,
enable internal inspection to be made using fiber optic device
and even allow for the limited application of a protective
coating. Plates are welded to the frames internally in order to
provide flush fitting , the final closing plate must be welded
externally. A means of lifting is provided taking the form of a
tube as close to the center of gravity as possible. Rudders are
tested to a pressure head 2.4m above the top of the rudder.
If the rudder has its entire area aft of the rudder stock then
it is unbalanced .A rudder with between 20 and 40% of its area
forward of the stock is balanced since there will be some angle
at which the resultant moment on the stock due to the water
force will be zero. Most modern rudders are of the semi-balanced
design. This means that a certain proportion of the water force
acting on the after part of the rudder is counter acted by the
force acting on the for'd half of the rudder; hence, the
steering gear can be lighter and smaller.
A rudder may lift due to the buoyancy effect, the amount of lift
is limited by the jumper bar fitted to the stern frame. The
jumper/rudder clearance must be less than the steering gear
cross head clearance to prevent damage. A rudder is supported by
means of a bearing pintle or a lower bearing depending upon the
design. Where a lower bearing is employed the rudder is actually
supported on split bearing rings fitted on the lower face of the
rudder and the upper face of the sole piece ( the extended lower
section of the stern frame upon which the rudder sits)

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

Semi balanced rudder

Semi balanced rudder with rudder horn

Fully balanced rudder

To reduce the amount of torque required to turn a rudder the
pivot point is moved back from the leading edge. The amount of
torque then varies depending on the angle of attack. Zero torque
leads to instability with rudder moving within its clearances.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

Spade Rudder

The reduced diameter at the upper part is purely to transmit

torque. The lower section must also support bending moments and
hence increased diameter. With twin rudder ships the inner
rudder must turn through a greater angle than the outer. This is
achieved by having the tiller arm at an angle to the centre line
of the rudder.
It is possible to have the blades angled in or out when the
wheel is amid ships to increase propulsive efficiency.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

Special steering devices


Adequate clearance is essential between propeller blade tips and

sternframe in order to minimise the risk of vibration. As blades
rotate water immediately ahead of the blades is compressed and
at the blade tips this compression can be transmitted to the
hull in the form of a series of pulses which set up vibration.
Adequate clearance is necessary or alternatively constant
clearance, this being provided with ducted propellers such as
the Kort nozzle Originally designed to reduce erosion on river
banks the nozzle has proved itself also able to increase thrust
without increase of applied power.
The nozzle consists of a ring of aerofoil section which forms a
nozzle surrounding the propeller. The suction of the propeller
causes an acceleration of flow in the mouth of the nozzle and
hence a drop of pressure in this region. Since the pressure on

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

the outer part of the nozzle remains relatively unchanged, there

is a resulting differential in pressure, which acting on the
projected annulus of the nozzle, gives the additional forward
thrust. This additional thrust is transmitted direct from the
kort nozzle to the hull via the nozzle supports ,so that no
additional force acts on the propeller and shaft thrust block.
There are two types of Kort nozzles. The fixed type has a
conventional rudder behind it, whereas with the swivelling
rudder type , the whole assembly is supported by a carrier
attached to the rudder stock and actuated by the steering gear.
In the case of nozzle rudders ,when helm is applied , the
increased thrust has an athwartship component which has powerful
steering effect, so that hard over angles of 25' ( or 30' in
special cases ) are sufficient to provide effective steering
ahead during a crash stop and ,provided the hull is a reasonable
design , astern.
This device is especially valuable for tugs, trawlers, special
vessels and more recently ,VLCC, which are required to manoeuvre
well , particularly at slow speed , and have the best propulsive
Bollard pull gains between 30 and 50% , equivalent to re-
engining up to 1 3/4 times the original power , have been
obtained in tugs and trawlers and in VLCC gains in propulsive
efficiency between 6 to 13% can be expected. The normal method
of calculating rudder torque's can be applied to nozzle rudders
. The maximum steering effort is required to return the rudder
towards midships and not to move the rudder over from amidships.
Thus , the steering gear must be designed to keep control of the
rudder under these conditions. For diagram and additional notes
see 'method of reducing vibration' and 'increasing propulsive

This diagram shows the flow through the Kort Nozzle which
results in the increased low speed thrust. The cross section of
the nozzle is, in effect, the same shape as an aeroplane wing
but instead of 'lift', a forward thrust is produced. There is no
increased thrust on the shafting, the extra thrust is passed
through into the ship's hull via the nozzle.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

This diagram shows the flow

through the Kort Nozzle which
results in the increased low
speed thrust. The cross section
of the nozzle is, in effect,
the same shape as an aeroplane
wing but instead of 'lift', a
forward thrust is produced.
There is no increased thrust on
the shafting, the extra thrust
is passed through into the
ship's hull via the nozzle.


A normal rudder can only be effective when the ship is moving,

and the torque it exerts varies with the square of the speed ,so
that at very low speeds it can be very ineffective. A Pleuger
rudder incorporates a submersible electrically driven propeller
which can be run when the main propulsion is at rest . In order
to attain maximum effect and manoeuvre the ship at rest the
rudder is able to turn to 90',owing to this normal floating
linkage hunting gear cannot be used, and a special cam hunting
gear used. For normal course keeping the angle is limited to
35',and a warning signal initiated if exceeded.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones


This propeller consists of a series of blades of aerofoil

section which project vertically downwards from the ship's hull
and rotate about a vertical axis. The blades are mounted on axes
on a circle around the central axis and are linked together with
a mechanism which can cause them to oscillate so as to provide
thrust in any direction. The amount of thrust can be varied by
varying the degree of oscillation, thus with the blade assembly
rotating in the same direction, manipulation of the blades can
give ahead or astern thrust, or port and starboard thrust
without an ahead or astern thrust component, or any angle of
port or starboard thrust with ahead or astern thrust.
The cycloid motion of the blades can be made to produce thrust
in any direction round the circle of rotation. This means that
the propeller in addition to providing the main drive for a ship
provides full manoeuvrability without the need to provide a
rudder and steering gear. This unusual degree of control is of
particular value for special craft or floating equipment such as
floating cranes or drilling ships which must be kept in
The location of the propeller depends upon the particular
application and it can be placed where the maximum desired
effect can be achieved.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones


Another device which is being investigated at the N.P.L. is the

jet flap rudder. In the trailing edge of an otherwise
conventional rudder, a fluidic switch is fitted, which can
direct a jet of water to port or starboard. The water is pumped
into the hollow rudder through a hollow rudder stock.
Considerable increase in manoeuvrability is claimed, especially
at low speeds.


This is a device to make a ship equally manoeuvrable at all

speeds and was developed in the U.K by the Ship Division of the
National Physical Laboratory (N.P.L.).

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 34 Timones

A normal rudder is effective up to angles of about 35', after

which the flow over the rudder stalls in a manner similar to
that over an aeroplane wing at high angles of incidence. There
are various methods of preventing this from occurring and they
all involve feeding energy into the stream of fluid adjacent to
the rudder or aerofoil surface. This is called boundary layer
control. One such method is to rotate a cylinder at the leading
edge of the section at such a speed that the rudder can be put
over to 90' without stall, and this is the basic principle of
operation of the rotating cylinder rudder. It is, of course,
necessary to reverse the direction of rotation of the cylinder
depending on whether the rudder is put to port or starboard, and
such a system can be fitted to almost any type of rudder,
balanced or unbalanced.
The major advantage of putting a rudder over to such a high
angle is that the flow from the main engines may be deflected
through a much larger angle than with a conventional rudder, and
static side thrusts of over 50 per cent of the bollard pull have
been measured. Another main advantage is that its effect is
independent of forward speed and it works as effectively at zero
as at full speed.

Schilling Rudder

Becker flap

The flap is attached to the hull. As the

rudder rotates the flap is turned in an same

direction increasing the aerofoil shape and

thereby increasing lift.

This system can be used at very large rudder

angles giving side thrust capabilities

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 35 Helices


Ahead Avante
Blade Pala
Blade flange Base de la pala
Boss Ncleo
Built propeller Hlices de palas independientes
Canal and river trades Buques de rios o canales
Cast iron Hierro fundido
Cast, to Fundir
Cavitation Cavilacin
Controllable pitch propeller Hlice de paso variable
Direction of thrust Direccin de empuje
Hub Cubo
Hud body Cono del ncleo
Key Chaveta
Left handle propeller Hlice de giro izquierda
Pitch Paso
Pitch angle Angulos de paso
Pitch ratio Relacin de paso
Plying Navegando, viajes regulares
Propeller Hlice
Propeller slip Resbalamiento de la hlice
Right handle propeller Hlice de paso derecha
Screwed Roscado
Solid propeller Hlice slida
Studs Esprragos
Tightly Fuertemente
Tip Punta de pala
Torque Torsin
Twin propellers Hlices gemelas
Wake Estela

T screw-type
T T propeller consists of a hub and T

blades all spaced at equal angles about the axis. When

T the T T

blades are integral with the hub, the propeller is known T T

as a solid propeller. When the blades are separately cast and T T

secured to the hub with studs, the propeller is known as a


built-up propeller. Some of the parts of the screw propeller are


identified in figure .

The face (or pressure face) is the afterside of the blade T

when the ship is moving ahead. The back (or suction back) is

the surface opposite the face. As the propeller rotates,


the face of the blade increases pressure on the water to


move it in a positive astern movement. The overall thrust, or T

reaction force ahead, comes from the increased water velocity


moving astern. The tip of the blade is the most distant from the

hub. The root of the blade is the area where the blade joins the T T

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 35 Helices

hub. The leading edge is the edge that first cuts the water T

when the ship is going ahead. The trailing edge (alsoT

called the following edge) is opposite the leading edge.


A rake angle exists when the tip of the propeller blade T

is not precisely perpendicular to the axis (hub). The angle is T T

formed by the distance between where the tip really is (forward


or aft) and where the tip would be if it were in a


perpendicular position. A screw propeller may be broadly


classified as either fixed pitch or controllable pitch.


The pitch of a fixed-pitch propeller cannot be altered during


operation. The pitch of a controllable-pitch propeller can T T

be changed at any time, subject to bridge or engine-room T T

control. The controllable- pitch propeller can reverse the T T

direction of a ship without requiring a change of direction


of the drive shaft. The blades are mounted so that each one can

swivel or turn on a shaft that is mounted in the T T T

Propeller blade.

Controllable-pitch propeller

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 35 Helices

Boat Propeller with Variable Pitch

The Kamewa Ulstein (now Rolls-Royce) controllable pitch, CP,


propeller system, XF5, is designed to be the base-line for the

complete range of controllable pitch propellers.

The system has been structurally optimized by ALFGAM Optimering


to meet demand for all types of installations such as free

running ships, vessels intended for heavy towing and vessels for
the highest ice class, throughout the speed range.

The optimization was formulated to

balance and minimize the stresses and
contact pressures in the different
parts of the propeller system for
maximum performance. In Kamewa
Ulstein controllable pitch propeller
the optimized hub/propeller diameter
ratio has resulted in improved stress
distribution, which has been verified
by full-scale strain gauge
Combined with bigger pitch stroke,
this ensures greater strength and
maximum propeller efficiency.

The modified blade bearing arrangement minimizes wear, a benefit

that has been confirmed by means of full-scale wear tests.
The optimized construction has also successfully been introduced
into full production line.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico

Capitulo 35 Helices

Conclusion: By using
optimization, a major
increase in performances of
the controllable pitch
propeller system was
achieved. The commercial
advantage of the increased
performance is significant.

Carlos Duclos Ingles Nutico


See American Bureau of Shipping.


Acceptance by the carrier of a portion of a joint rate or charge which

is less than the amount which it would receive for the service in the
absence of such joint rate or charge (aircargo).

Acceptance of Goods

The process of receiving a consignment from a consignor, usually

against the issue of a receipt. As from this moment and on this place
the carrier's responsibility for the consignment begins.

Accompanied Transport

The transport of complete road vehicles by another means of transport

(e.g. train, ferry accompanied by the driver).

Accord Relatif aux Transports Internationax de Denres Prissables et

aux Engins Spciaux Utiliser pour ces Transports

Abbreviation: ATP
Agreement on the international carriage of perishable food-stuffs and
on the special equipment to be used for such carriage.


See Approved Continuous Examination Program.

Acknowledgement of receipt

A notification relating to the receipt of e.g. goods, messages and



Air Cargo Process.

A Computer system used at UK airports as an intermediary between
airlines, airports authorities, agents and customs declarations.

Act of God
Accidents of a nature beyond human control such as flood, lightning or
hurricane, usually quoted as 'force majeure'.

Active Inventory

Covers raw material, work in progress, finished products which will be

used or sold within a given period without extra cost or loss. This
term does not cover the so-called reserve inventory.

Actual Demand

Customer orders and often also the allocation of items, ingredients

and/or raw materials to production or distribution.

Actual Voyage Number

A code for identification purposes of the voyage and vessel which

actually transports the container/cargo.

Ad Valorem

In proportion to the value: A phrase applied to certain freight or

customs duties levied on goods, property, etc. set as a percentage of
their value.

Added Value

The value attributed to products, and services as the result of a

particular process (e.g. production process, storage, transport).


See Articles Dangereux de Route.

Advance Arrangement

An agreement between the shipper and the carrier, concerning contacts

between those parties prior to tendering the consignment.

Advanced Amount

Quantity of cash or cash equivalents expressed in a monetary amount

given to a driver to cover expenses during a trip.

Advanced Charge

A charge paid by a carrier to an agent or to another carrier, which the

delivering carrier then collects from the consignee. Such charges are
usually for agents' forwarding fees and incidental expenses paid out of
pocket for account of the shipment by an agent or other carrier
Advanced Interline

An interline carrier that picks up cargo from the shipper and delivers
it to another carrier for shipment to the consignee.

Advice Note

A written piece of information e.g. about the status of the goods.

Aeroquip System

Special accessories in a container consisting of among others the

attachment rails on the inside walls to provide facilities for lashing
and separation of the cargo.


At, near or towards the stern or rear of a vessel or an aircraft.

Agency Fee

Fee payable by a shipowner or ship operator to a port agent.


1. A person or organization authorized to act for or on behalf of

another person or organization.
2. In shipping, an agent is a corporate body with which P&O Nedlloyd
has an agreement to perform particular functions on behalf of P&O
Nedlloyd at an agreed payment. An agent is either a part of the
P&O Nedlloyd organization or an independent body.

The following functions and responsibilities may apply to the

activities of an agent.

1. Sales Marketing, acquisition of cargo, issuing quotations,

concluding contracts in coordination with P&O Nedlloyd. Basically
the agent is the first point of entry into the P&O Nedlloyd
organization for a shipper.
2. Bookings Booking of cargo in accordance with allotments assigned
to the agent for a certain voyage by P&O Nedlloyd.
3. DocumentationResponsible for timeliness and correctness of all
documentation required, regarding the carriage of cargo.
4. Handling Taking care of all procedures connected with physical
handling of cargo.
5. Equipment control Managing of all equipment stock in a particular
6. Issuing Authorized to sign and issue Bills of Lading and other
transport documents.
7. Collecting Authorized to collect freight and charges on behalf of
P&O Nedlloyd.
8. Delivery The agent who releases the cargo and is responsible for
its delivery to the consignee.
9. Handling of cargo claims Handling of cargo claims as per agency
10. Husbanding Handling non cargo related operations of a vessel
as instructed by the master, owner or charterer.

Aggregate Inventory

The inventory for any group of items or products, involving multiple

stock-keeping units. Synonym: Aggregate Stock.


Automated guided vehicle system.


See Automatic Identification Manufacturers.

Air Commuter

A class of airline that generally serves smaller market cities with a

small aircraft.

Air Consignment Note

See Air Waybill.

Air Container

Any unit load device, primarily intended for transport by air, having
an internal volume of 1 m3 or more, incorporating restraint provisions
compatible with an aircraft restraint system, and an entirely flush
base bottom to allow handling on rollerbed cargo handling systems.

Air Waybill

Abbreviation: AWB
A document made out by or on behalf of the carrier(s) confirming
receipt of the goods by the carrier and evidencing the contract between
the shipper and the carrier(s) for the carriage of goods as described
Synonym: Air Consignment Note.

All Cargo Carrier

An air carrier transporting aircargo only.


The process of assigning activities, costs or facilities e.g. space to

a certain organizational units.


A share of the capacity of a means of transport assigned to a certain

party, e.g. a carrier or an agent, for the purpose of the booking of
cargo for a specific voyage.

American Bureau of Shipping

Abbreviation: ABS
American classification society which has established rules and
regulations for the classification of seagoing vessels or equipment.


At or in the middle of a vessel.


1. A vessel's outfit, such as rigging, anchor and life boats.

2. The term used in distribution/transport of clothing for a single
piece of clothing, a garment.

Approved Continuous Examination Program

Abbreviation: ACEP
An agreement between the owners of the equipment and the responsible
governmental body to allow continuous examination of the equipment
(e.g. containers).


See Platform.

Area Code

A code for the area where a container is situated.

Area of Repair

Geographical area where a container is under repair.

Area Off Hire Lease

Geographical area where a leased container becomes off hire.

Area Off Hire Sublease

Geographical area where a subleased container becomes off hire.

Area On Hire Lease

Geographical area where a leased container becomes on hire.

Area On Hire Sublease

Geographical area where a subleased container becomes on hire.

Arrival Notice

A notice sent by a carrier to a nominated notify party advising of the

arrival of a certain shipment.

Articles Dangereux de Route

Abbreviation: ADR
A European agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous
goods by road.


The stage of production in which components are put together into an

end product appropriate to the process concerned.

The transfer of certain rights from one party to another.


1. Behind a vessel or an aircraft.

2. Backward; in a reverse direction.


Across the vessel, that is, from side to side. Said of cargo stowed in
this way, as opposed to lengthwise.


See Accord Relatif aux Transports Internationaux de Denres Prissables

et aux Engins Spciaux Utiliser pour ces Transports.


A methodical examination and review of a situation or condition (as

within a business enterprise) concluding with a detailed report of

Proof by means of a signature or otherwise that a certain document or
certain data is of undisputed origin and genuine.


The commission to a certain person or body to act on behalf of another

person or body. The person or body can be authorized e.g. to issue
Bills of Lading or to collect freight.

Auto Container

Container equipped for the transportation of vehicles.

Automated Guided Vehicle System

Unmanned vehicles equipped with automatic guidance equipment which

follow a prescribed path, stopping at each necessary station for
automatic or manual loading or unloading.

Automatic Identification

A means of identifying an item e.g. a product, parcel or transport unit

by a machine (device) entering the data automatically into a computer.
The most widely used technology at present is bar code; others include
radio frequency, magnetic stripes and optical character recognition.

Automatic Identification Manufacturers

Abbreviation: AIM
International organization of companies and/or associations involved or
interested in automatic identification.


1. In marine insurance: a loss or damage to or in respect of goods or

2. The numerical result obtained by dividing the sum of two or more
quantities by the number of quantities.

Average Adjusters

In general average affairs average adjusters are entrusted with the

task of apportioning the loss and expenditure over the parties
interested in the maritime venture and to determine which expenses are
to be regarded as average or general average.


See Air Waybill.

Back Haul

The return movement of a means of transport which has provided a

transport service in one direction.

Back Letter

Back letters are drawn up in addition to a contract in order to lay

down rights and/or obligations between both contracting parties, which,
for some reason cannot be included in the original contract.
This expression is sometimes used for letters of indemnity which are
drawn up if the condition of the goods loaded gives rise to remarks
and, nevertheless, the shipper insists upon receiving clean Bills of
Lading. Letters of indemnity are only allowed in very exceptional

Back Order

A customer order or commitment, which is unfilled due to insufficient


Back Scheduling

A method of obtaining a production schedule by working backwards from

the required due date in order to predict the latest start date
consistent with meeting that due date.


1. The quantity of goods still to be delivered, received, produced,

issued, etc., for which the planned or agreed date has expired.
2. The total number of customer orders which have been received but
not yet been shipped.

Synonym: Open Order.


See Bunker Adjustment Factor.

The balespace of a vessel is the capacity of cargo spaces under deck
(including hatchways but excluding void spaces behind cargo battens and
beams) expressed in cubic metres or cubic feet.


Materials, solely carried to improve the trim and the stability of the
vessel. In vessels usually water is carried as ballast in tanks,
specially designed for that purpose.

Bank Guarantee

An undertaking by a bank to be answerable for payment of a sum of money

in the event of non performance by the party on whose behalf the
guarantee is issued.

Banking System

For marine purposes the practice of always keeping more than one piece
of cargo on the quay or in the vessel ready for loading or discharging
in order to avoid delays and to obtain optimal use of the loading gear.

Bar Coding

A method of encoding data for fast and accurate electronic readability.

Bar codes are a series of alternating bars and spaces printed or
stamped on products, labels, or other media, representing encoded
information which can be read by electronic readers, used to facilitate
timely and accurate input of data to a computer system. Bar codes
represent letters and/or numbers and special characters like +, /, -,
., etc.

Bare Boat Charter

A charter whereby the charterer leases the bare ship and appoints the
master and crew himself.


Flat bottomed inland cargo vessel for canals and rivers with or without
own propulsion for the purpose of transporting goods.
Synonym: Lighter.


Special devices mounted on container doors to provide a watertight

Synonym: Door lock bars.

Home depot of container or trailer.

Basic Stock

Items of an inventory intended for issue against demand during the

resupply lead time.


A collection of products or data which is treated as one entity with

respect to certain operations e.g. processing and production.

Batch Lot

A definite quantity of some product manufactured or produced under

conditions which are presumed uniform and for production control
purposes passing as a unit through the same series of operations.

Batch Production

The production process where products/components are produced in

batches and where each separate batch consists of a number of the same


Members protruding from the inside walls of a vessel's hold or a

(thermal) container to keep away the cargo from the walls to provide an
air passage. They may be integral with the walls, fastened to the walls
or added during cargo handling.


A vertical division of a vessel from stem to stern, used as a part of

the indication of a stowage place for containers. The numbers run from
stem to stern; odd numbers indicate a 20 foot position, even numbers
indicate a 40 foot position.

Bay Plan

A stowage plan which shows the locations of all the containers on the

BC Code

Safe working practice code for solid bulk cargo.


Abbreviation: B.T. Wagen

A container wagon of the German Railways.

A term applied to the underfloor area of an aircraft.


The measurement and comparison with a standard or others of efforts and

results in the business process for e.g. input, output, reliability,
quality and customer satisfaction.
Note: For P&O Nedlloyd it is the comparative search for the best
practices (processes) that will lead to the superior performance of the
company. It must be seen as a positive and pro-active process to make
the company's operations lean and improve quality and productivity.


Is the result of vertical forces acting on a ship as a result of local

differences between weight and buoyancy.
The total of these forces should be zero, otherwise change of draft
will occur.
At sea the bending moment will change as a result of wave impact which
than periodically changes the buoyancy distribution.
Note: The maximum allowed bending moment of a vessel is restricted by
the class bureau to certain limits which are different under port and
sea conditions.

Berne Gauge

The most restrictive loading gauge (standard measure) or the lowest

common denominator of loading gauges on the railways of continental


A location in a port where a vessel can be moored, often indicated by a

code or name.

Bilateral Transport Agreement

Agreement between two nations concerning their transport relations.

Bill of Health

The Bill of Health is the certificate issued by local medical

authorities indicating the general health conditions in the port of
departure or in the ports of call. The Bill of Health must have been
visaed before departure by the Consul of the country of destination.
When a vessel has free pratique, this means that the vessel has a clean
Bill of Health certifying that there is no question of contagious
disease and that all quarantine regulations have been complied with, so
that people may embark and disembark.
Bill of Lading

Abbreviation: B/L, plural Bs/L.

A document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea.
The document has the following functions:

1. A receipt for goods, signed by a duly authorized person on behalf

of the carriers.
2. A document of title to the goods described therein.
3. Evidence of the terms and conditions of carriage agreed upon
between the two parties.

At the moment 3 different models are used:

B/L R 302 A modern document for either Combined Transport or Port to
Port shipments depending whether the relevant spaces for place of
receipt and/or place of delivery are indicated on the face of the
Synonyms: Combined Transport Bill of Lading or Multimodal Transport
B/L R 300: A classic marine Bill of Lading in which the carrier is also
responsible for the part of the transport actually performed by
Sea Waybill: A non negotiable document, which can only be made out to a
named consignee. No surrender of the document by the consignee is
See: also Service Bill

Bill of Lading Clause

A particular article, stipulation or single proviso in a Bill of

A clause can be standard and can be preprinted on the B/L.

Bill of Material

A list of all parts, sub-assemblies and raw materials that constitute a

particular assembly, showing the quantity of each required item.

Billing Participant

A party who is neither a CASS airline nor a part participant and who
submits, in an electronically readable form, to the Settlement Office
Air Waybill data of transactions made on its behalf by agents

Bimodal Trailer

1. A road semi-trailer with retractable running gear to allow

mounting on a pair of rail boogies. Synonym: Road-Rail trailer
2. A trailer which is able to carry different types of standardized
unit loads, (e.g. a chassis which is appropriate for the carriage
of one FEU or two TEU's).


See Bill of Lading.

Block Train

A number of railway wagons (loaded with containers), departing from a

certain place and running straight to a place of destination, without
marshalling, transshipping or any coupling or decoupling of wagons.


Person who attends to the mooring and unmooring of vessels.


Post, fixed to a quay or a vessel, for securing mooring ropes.


See Container Bolster.

Bona Fide

In good faith; without dishonesty, fraud or deceit.


The storage of certain goods under charge of customs viz. customs seal
until the import duties are paid or until the goods are taken out of
the country.

1. Bonded warehouse (place where goods can be placed under bond).

2. Bonded store (place on a vessel where goods are placed behind seal
until the time that the vessel leaves the port or country again).
3. Bonded goods (dutiable goods upon which duties have not been paid
i.e. goods in transit or warehoused pending customs clearance).


1. The offering by a shipper of cargo for transport and the

acceptance of the offering by the carrier or his agent.
2. For aircargo: synonym: Reservation.

Booking Reference Number

The number assigned to a certain booking by the carrier or his agent.


Document used in road transport, listing the cargo carried on a road

vehicle, often referring to appended copies of the road consignment


A stage in a process which limits performance.

Note: Generally this is interpreted as a facility, function, department
etc. that impedes performance, for example a warehouse or distribution
centre where goods arrive at a faster rate than they can be transported
or stored, thus causing stock-piling at improper moments or in unwanted

Bottom Fittings

Special conical shaped devices inserted between a container and the

permanent floor on the deck of a vessel in order to avoid shifting of
the container during the voyage of this vessel.

Bottom Lift

Handling of containers with equipment attached to the four bottom

corner fittings (castings).

Box Pallet

Pallet with at least three fixed, removable or collapsible, vertical

Branch Warehouse
See Distribution Centre.

Break Bulk

1. To commence discharge.
2. To strip unitized cargo (aircargo).

Break Bulk Cargo

General cargo conventionally stowed as opposed to unitized,

containerized and Roll On-Roll Off cargo.
Synonym: Conventional Cargo.

Break-even Weight

The weight at which it is cheaper to charge the lower rate for the next
higher weight-break multiplied by the minimum weight indicated, than to
charge the higher rate for the actual weight of the shipment
Broken Stowage

The cargo space which is unavoidably lost when stowing cargo. The
percentage of wasted space depends upon e.g. the kind of cargo, the
packing and the used spaces.


Person who acts as an agent or intermediary in negotiating contracts.

Brussels Tariff Nomenclature

Abbreviation: BTN
The old Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature for the classification
of goods. Now replaced by the Harmonized System.

BSI Specification

British Standards Institution Specification for freight containers.

See Brussels Tariff Nomenclature.

B.T. Wagen

See Behltertragwagen.

Buffer Stock

A quantity of goods or articles kept in store to safeguard against

unforeseen shortages or demands.

Bulk Bags

A large polythene liner that can be fitted to a 20'GP as an alternative

to bulk containers.

Bulk Cargo

Unpacked homogeneous cargo poured loose in a certain space of a vessel

or container e.g. oil and grain.

Bulk Carrier

Single deck vessel designed to carry homogeneous unpacked dry cargoes

such as grain, iron ore and coal.

Bulk Container
Shipping container designed for the carriage of free-flowing dry
cargoes, which are loaded through hatchways in the roof of the
container and discharged through hatchways at one end of the container.

Bulk Unitization Charge

Charge which applies to consignments carried from airport of departure

to airport of arrival, entirely in Unit Load Devices (aircargo).


1. Upright partition dividing compartments on board a vessel. The

functions of bulkheads are

-To increase the safety of a vessel by dividing it into

watertight compartments.

-To separate the engine room from the cargo holds.

-To increase the transverse strength of a vessel.

-To reduce the risk of spreading fire to other compartments.

2. A vertically mounted board to provide front wall protection

against shifting cargo and commonly seen on platform trailers
(road cargo).
3. Synonym: Header Board.
4. A partition in a container, providing a plenum chamber and/or air
passage for either return or supply air. It may be an integral
part of the appliance or a separate construction.
5. A vertically mounted wall separating the fore respectively aft
compartment from the rest of the aircraft (aircargo)

Bull rings

Rings for lashing the cargo in containers.


(Tank) spaces on board a vessel to store fuel.

Bunker Adjustment Factor

Abbreviation: BAF
Adjustment applied by shipping lines or liner conferences to offset the
effect of fluctuations in the cost of bunkers.

Quantity of fuel on board a vessel.

Bureau Veritas

French classification society.

Business Logistics

1. Logistics within a business system.

2. The coordinating function of material management and physical
distribution, which executes the integral control of the goods

Buyer's Market

A 'buyer's market' is considered to exist when goods can easily be

secured and when the economic forces of business tend to cause goods to
be priced at the purchaser's estimate of value. In other words, a state
of trade favourable to the buyer, with relatively large supply and low

1. Transport of goods between two ports or places located in the same

2. Transport of cargo in a country other than the country where the
vehicle is registered (roadcargo).
3. The carriage of a container from a surplus area to an area
specified by the owner of that container, in exchange of which and
during which the operator can use this container.


See Cash Against Documents.


See Currency Adjustment Factor.


The visit of a vessel to a port.

Call Sign

A code published by the International Telecommunication Union in its

annual List of Ships' Stations to be used for the information
interchange between vessels, port authorities and other relevant
participants in international trade.
Note: The code structure is based on a three digit designation series
assigned by the ITU and a one digit assigned by the country of
registration. (PGDR P&O Nedlloyd Houtman.)


Slightly arched form of container-floors to strengthen the


CAP - Common Agricultural Policy, PAC - Politique Agricole Commune (Fr)

EC policy in respect of agricultural produce, aiming to maintain prices

for EC farmers and to ensure regular supplies to EC customers. Often
results in levies on agricultural produce imported to the Community and
refunds to producers who export agricultural produce from the

CAP Levy, Prelevement PAC (Fr)

A charge on imported foodstuffs from countries other than the EC.


The ability, in a given time, of a resource measured in quality and

quantity. The quantity of goods which can be stored in or loaded into a
warehouse, store and/or loaded into a means of transport at a
particular time.

Capacity Control

Process of registering and steering of capacity.


1. Goods transported or to be transported, all goods carried on a

ship covered by a B/L.
2. Any goods, wares, merchandise, and articles of every kind
whatsoever carried on a ship, other than mail, ship's stores,
ship's spare parts, ship's equipment, stowage material, crew's
effects and passengers' accompanied baggage (IMO).
3. Any property carried on an aircraft, other than mail, stores and
accompanied or mishandled baggage Also referred to as 'goods'

Cargo Accounts Settlement System

Abbreviation: CASS
A system of accounting and setting accounts between CASS airlines,
Billing Participants and Part Participants, on the one hand and their
appointed IATA cargo agents on the other hand (aircargo).

Cargo Aircraft

Any aircraft other than a passenger aircraft or a combi.

Cargo Assembly

The separate reception of parcels or packages and the holding of them

for later despatch as one consignment (aircargo).

Cargo Disassembly

The separation of one or more of the component parts of a consignment

(from other parts of such consignment) for any purpose other than that
of presenting such part or parts to customs authorities at the specific
request of such authorities (aircargo).

Cargo Handling

All procedures necessary to enable the physical handling of goods.

Cargo IMP

See Cargo Interchange Message Procedures.

Cargo Interchange Message Procedures

Abbreviation: Cargo IMP

Procedures developed by the member airlines of the Air Transport
Association of America (ATA) and the International Air Transport
Association (IATA).

Cargo Restriction Code

A code indicating that the use of a certain container is restricted to

particular cargo.

Cargo Tracer

A document sent by the agent to all relevant parties, stating that

certain cargo is either missing or overlanded.

Cargo Unit

A vehicle, container, pallet, flat, portable tank or any other entity

or any part thereof which belongs to the ship but is not permanently
attached to that ship.


The process of transporting (conveying) cargo, from one point to

Synonym: Transport.

Carriage and Insurance Paid To (...named place of destination)

"Carriage and insurance paid to..." means that the seller has the same
obligations as under CPT but with the addition that the seller has to
procure cargo insurance against the buyer's risk of loss of or damage
to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance
and pays the insurance premium.

The buyer should note that under the CIP term the seller is only
required to obtain insurance on minimum coverage. The CIP term requires
the seller to clear the goods for export. This term may be used for any
mode of transport including multimodal transport.

Carriage Paid To (...named place of destination)

"Carriage paid to... " means that the seller pays the freight for the
carriage of the goods to the named destination. The risk of loss of or
damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events
occurring after the time the goods have been delivered to the carrier,
is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been
delivered into the custody of the carrier.

"Carrier" means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes

to perform or to procure the performance of' carriage, by rail, road,
sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes.

If subsequent carriers are used for the carriage to the agreed

destination, the risk passes when the goods have been delivered to the
first carrier.

The CPT term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.

This term may be used for any mode of transport including multimodal


The party undertaking transport of goods from one point to another.

Carrier Haulage

The inland transport service which is performed by the sea-carrier

under the terms and conditions of the tariff and of the relevant
transport document.
Carriers Bill of Lading Ports
Terminal, Pre-terminal port or Post-terminal Port as per tariff,
indicated on the Bill of Lading and which is not the port physically
called at by Carriers' ocean vessels.
Note: Under normal circumstances in the B/L only ports should be
mentioned which are actually called at.

Carriers' Lien

When the shipper ships goods 'collect', the carrier has a possessory
claim on these goods, which means that the carrier can retain
possession of the goods as security for the charges due.

Carrying Temperature

Required cargo temperature during transport and storage.

See also Setting/Air Delivery Temperature.

See Haulage.

Cash Against Documents

Abbreviation: CAD
Terms of payment: if the buyer of goods pays for the goods against
transfer of the documents, entitling him to obtain delivery of the
goods from the carrier.

Cash On Delivery

Abbreviation: COD
Terms of payment: if the carrier collects a payment from the consignee
and remits the amount to the shipper (aircargo).


See Cargo Accounts Settlement System.

CASS Airline

An airline, fully participating in the CASS.


Location on board of a container vessel where one container can be



Steel bars and rails used to steer containers during loading and
discharging whilst sliding in the ship.

Cell Position

The location of a cell on board of a container vessel identified by a

code for successively the bay, the row and the tier, indicating the
position of a container on that vessel.

Cellular Vessel

A vessel, specially designed and equipped for the carriage of



See Council of European and Japanese National Shipowner's Associations.

Central Warehouse
A warehouse which performs central functions for a number of
warehouses. (e.g. keeping capacity stock).

Centre of Gravity

Point at which the entire weight of a body may be considered as

concentrated so that if supported at this point the body would remain
in equilibrium in any position.


A document by which a fact is formally or officially attested and in

which special requirements and conditions can be stated.

Certificate of Analysis

A document, often required by an importer or governmental authorities,

attesting to the quality or purity of commodities.
The origin of the certification may be a chemist or any other
authorized body such as an inspection firm retained by the exporter or
importer. In some cases the document may be drawn up by the
manufacturer certifying that the merchandise shipped has been tested in
his facility and found conform to the specifications.

Certificate of Classification

A certificate, issued by the classification society and stating the

class under which a vessel is registered.

Certificate of Delivery

A certificate, indicating the condition of a vessel upon delivery for a

charter including ballast, available bunkers and fresh water.

Certificate of Free Sale

A certificate, required by some countries as evidence that the goods

are normally sold on the open market and approved by the regulatory
authorities in the country of origin.

Certificate of Origin

A certificate, showing the country of original production of goods.

Frequently used by customs in ascertaining duties under preferential
tariff programmes or in connection with regulating imports from
specific sources.

Certificate of Redelivery

A certificate, indicating the condition of a vessel upon redelivery

from a charter including ballast, available bunkers and fresh water.

See Cost and Freight (...named port of destination).


See Container Freight Station.

Chain Conveyor

A conveyor consisting of two or more strands of chain running in

parallel tracks with the loads carried directly on the chains.


An amount to be paid for carriage of goods based on the applicable rate

of such carriage, or an amount to be paid for a special or incidental
service in connection with the carriage of goods.

Charge Type

A separate, identifiable element of charges to be used in the

pricing/rating of common services rendered to customers.

Charter Contract

See Charter Party.

Charter Party

1)A contract in which the shipowner agrees to place his vessel or a

part of it at the disposal of a third party, the charterer, for the
carriage of goods for which he receives a freight per ton cargo, or to
let his vessel for a definite period or trip for which a hire is paid.
2)For aircargo: synonym: Charter Contract.


The legal person who has signed a charter party with the owner of a
vessel or an aircraft and thus hires or leases a vessel or an aircraft
or a part of the capacity thereof.


1.A wheeled carriage onto which an ocean container is mounted for

inland conveyance.
2.The part of a motor vehicle that includes the engine, the frame,
suspension system, wheels, steering mechanism etc., but not the body.

"Cost, Insurance and Freight" means that the seller has the same
obligations as under CFR but with the addition that he has to procure
marine insurance against the buyer's risk of loss of or damage to the
goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pays
the insurance premium.

The buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is only
required to obtain insurance on minimum coverage. The CIF term requires
the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can only be used
for sea and inland waterway transport. When the ship's rail serves no
practical purposes such as in the case of roll-on/ roll-off or
container traffic, the CIP term is more appropriate to use.


See Convention Internationale Concernant le Transport des Marchandises

par Chemin de Fer.


See Carriage and Insurance Paid To (...named place of destination).

City Terminal Service

The transport between the relevant city handling station and the
airport of departure or destination (aircargo).


A charge made against a carrier for loss, damage or delay.

Class Rate

A rate applicable to a specifically designated class of goods



Arrangement according to a systematic division of a number of objects

into groups, based on some likenesses or some common traits.

Classification Society

An organization, whose main function is to carry out surveys of

vessels, its purpose being to set and maintain standards of
construction and upkeep for vessels, their engines and their safety
equipment. A classification society also inspects and approves the
construction of shipping containers.

Clean Bill of Lading

A Bill of Lading which does not contain any qualification about the
apparent order and condition of the goods to be transported (it bears
no stamped clauses on the front of the B/L).
It bears no superimposed clauses expressly declaring a defective
condition of the goods or packaging (resolution of the ICS 1951).

Clean on Board

When goods are loaded on board and the document issued in respect to
these goods is clean.
Note: Through the usage of the UCP 500 rules the term has now become

Clearance Terminal

Terminal where Customs facilities for the clearance of goods are


Cleared Without Examination

Abbreviation: CWE
Cleared by customs without inspection.


A party with which a company has a commercial relationship concerning

the transport of e.g. cargo or concerning certain services of the
company concerned, either directly or through an agent.
Synonym: Customer.

Clip on Unit

Abbreviation: COU
Detachable aggregate for a temperature controlled container (Conair).

Closed Ventilated Container

A container of a closed type, similar to a general purpose container,

but specially designed for carriage of cargo where ventilation, either
natural or mechanical (forced), is necessary.


See Container Load Plan


See Convention Relative au Contrat de Transport International de

Marchandises par Route.

See Compagneurs Nationales des Conteneurs.


See Cash On Delivery.


An empty space on board of a vessel between two bulkheads or two decks

separating oil tanks from each other and/or the engine room or other

Collapsible Container

Container which can be easily folded, disassembled and reassembled.


The loading, on the way, of cargo from another shipper, having the same
final destination as the cargo loaded earlier.


The long-term relationship between e.g. a supplier or a carrier and a

customer, on the basis of mutual confidence.
Synonym: Co-shippership.


An aircraft, carrying passengers and cargo upperdeck (aircargo).


The establishment of a rate or charge by addition of sectional rates or

charges (aircargo).

Combination Charge

An amount which is obtained by combining two or more charges.

Combination Chassis

A chassis which can carry either one forty foot or thirty foot
container or a combination of shorter containers e.g. 2 x 20 foot.

Combination Joint Rate

A joint rate which is obtained by combining two or more published rates


Combination of Rate
An amount which is obtained by combining two or more rates (aircargo).

Combined Transport

Intermodal transport where the major part of the journey is by one mode
such as rail, inland waterway or sea and any initial and/or final leg
carried out by another mode such as road.
Synonym: Multimodal Transport

Combined Transport Bill of Lading

See: Bill of Lading R302.

Combined Transport Document

Abbreviation: CTD
Negotiable or non-negotiable document evidencing a contract for the
performance and/or procurement of performance of combined transport of
Synonym: Multi modal transport document.

Combined Transport Operator

Abbreviation: CTO
A party who undertakes to carry goods with different modes of
Synonym: Multimodal Transport Operator.

Commercial Aviation

Transport of persons or cargo via air routes operated as a business

enterprise (aircargo).

Commercial Invoice

A document showing commercial values of the transaction between the

buyer and seller.


Indication of the type of goods. Commodities are coded according to the

harmonized system.

Commodity Box Rate

A rate classified by commodity and quoted per container.

Commodity Code

Code used in the Harmonized System for the classification of goods

which are most commonly produced and traded.
Commodity Item Number

Specific description number required in air transport to indicate that

a specific freight rate applies.

Common Access Reference

A key to relate all subsequent transfers of data to the same business

case or file.

Compagneurs Nationales des Conteneurs

Abbreviation: CNC affiliate of the French National Railways for

Container traffic.


A uniquely identifiable product that is considered indivisible for a

particular planning or control purpose, and/or which cannot be
decomposed without destroying it.
Note: A component for one organizational group may be the final
assembly of another group (e.g. electric motor).


A local advisor or agent employed by a foreign party or company who

acts as an intermediary in transactions with local inhabitants.

Computer Virus

A program that can infect other programs by modifying them to include a

possibly evolved copy of itself.

Conair Container

Thermal container served by an external cooling system (e.g. a vessel's

cooling system or a Clip On Unit), which regulates the temperature of
the cargo.
Note: Conair is a brand name.


1. Anything called for as requirements before the performance or

completion of something else.
2. Contractual stipulations which are printed on a document or
provided separately.

Conditions of Carriage

The general terms and conditions established by a carrier in respect of

the carriage (aircargo).
Conditions of Contract

Terms and conditions shown on the Air Waybill (aircargo).

See: Liner conference.


Devices for facilitating the loading, positioning and lashing of

containers. The cones insert into the bottom castings of the container.
Synonym: Locating pin.


Accumulation of vessels at a port to the extent that vessels arriving

to load or discharge are obliged to wait for a vacant berth.

Connecting Carrier

A carrier to whose services the cargo is to be transferred for onward

connecting transport (aircargo).

Connecting Road Haulage

See Drayage.


The party such as mentioned in the transport document by whom the

goods, cargo or containers are to be received.


A separate identifiable number of goods (available to be) transported

from one consignor to one consignee via one or more than one modes of
transport and specified in one single transport document.
Synonym for the USA: Shipment.

Consignment Instructions

Instructions from either the seller/consignor or the buyer/consignee to

a freight forwarder, carrier or his agent, or other provider of a
service, enabling the movement of goods and associated activities. The
following functions can be covered:

Movement and handling of goods (shipping, forwarding and stowage).

Customs formalities.
Distribution of documents.<
Allocation of documents (freight and charges for the connected
Special instructions (insurance, dangerous goods, goods release,
additional documents required).

Consignment Note

A document prepared by the shipper and comprising a transport contract.

It contains details of the consignment to be carried to the port of
loading and it is signed by the inland carrier as proof of receipt.

Consignment Stock

The stock of goods with an external party (customer) which is still the
property of the supplier. Payment for these goods is made to the
supplier at the moment when they are sold (used) by this party.


See Shipper.


To group and stuff several shipments together in one container.

Consolidated Container

Container stuffed with several shipments (consignments) from different

shippers for delivery to one or more consignees.


The grouping together of smaller consignments of goods into a large

consignment for carriage as a larger unit in order to obtain a reduced

Consolidation Point

Location where consolidation of consignments takes place.


A firm or company which consolidates cargo.


Consortium is a form of cooperation between two or more carriers to

operate in a particular trade.

Constructed Rate

A rate other than a specified rate (aircargo).

Construction Rate
A non-saleable add-on amount for tariff publication purposes, to be
used only in combination with other rates for carriage from, to or
through a specified point (aircargo).

Consular Invoice

An invoice covering shipment of goods certified by a consular official

of the destination country, and used normally by customs or officials
concerned with foreign exchange availability to ascertain the
correctness of commercial invoice values.


An item of equipment as defined by the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) for transport purposes. It must be of:
a)a permanent character and accordingly strong enough to be
suitable for repeated use.
b)specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods, by one
or more modes of transport without intermediate reloading.
c)fitted with devices permitting its ready handling, particularly
from one mode of transport to another.
d)so designed as to be easy to fill and empty.
e)having an internal volume of 1 m3 or more.
The term container includes neither vehicles nor conventional packing.
Synonym: Freight Container.

Container Bolster

A container floor without sides or end walls which does not have the
ISO corner fittings and is generally used for Ro/Ro operations.
Synonym: Bolster.
Note: A bolster cannot be handled either full or empty by a container
spreader without special gear.

Container Chassis

A vehicle specially built for the purpose of transporting a container

so that, when container and chassis are assembled, the produced unit
serves as a road trailer.

Container Check Digit

The 7th digit of the serial number of a container used to check whether
prefix and serial number are correct.

Container Depot

Storage area for empty containers.

Container Freight Station

Abbreviation: CFS
A facility at which (export) LCL cargo is received from merchants for
loading (stuffing) into containers or at which (import) LCL cargo is
unloaded (stripped) from containers and delivered to merchants.

Container Lease

The contract by which the owner of containers (lessor) gives the use of
containers to a lessee for a specified period of time and for fixed

Container Load Plan

A list of items loaded in a specific container and where appropriate

their sequence of loading.

Container Logistics

The controlling and positioning of containers and other equipment.

Container Manifest

The document specifying the contents of particular freight containers

or other transport units, prepared by the party responsible for their
loading into the container or unit.
Synonym: Unit packing list, Container Load Plan.

Container Moves

The number of actions performed by one container crane during a certain


Container Number

Identification number of a container consisting of prefix and serial

number and check digit. (e.g. KNLU 123456-7, see also container serial
number and container prefix.)

Container Owner

A party who has a container at his disposal and who is entitled to

lease or sell the container.

Container Platform

A container floor without sides or end walls which can be loaded by

spreader directly and is generally used for Lo-Lo operations.

Container Pool
A certain stock of containers which is jointly used by several
container carriers and/or leasing companies.

Container Prefix

A four letter code that forms the first part of a container

identification number indicating the owner of a container.
Synonym: Owner's Container Code.

Container Safety Convention

Abbreviation: CSC
International convention for safe containers.

Container Serial Number

A seven digit serial number (6 plus 1 Check Digit) that forms the
second part of a container identification number.

Container Service Charges

Charges to be paid by cargo interests as per tariff.

Container Size Code

An indication of 2 digits of the nominal length and nominal height. See

also Size/Type ISO6346.

Container Size/Type

Description of the size and type of a freight container or similar unit

load device as specified in ISO6346.

Container Stack

Two or more containers, one placed above the other forming a vertical
See also stack.

Container Sublease

Contract by which a carrier gives the use of containers to another

carrier for a specified period of time and for fixed payments.

Container Terminal

Place where loaded and/or empty containers are loaded or discharged

into or from a means of transport.

Container Type Code

Two digits, the first of which indicates the category and the second of
which indicates certain physical characteristics or other attributes.
See also container Size/Type ISO6346.

Container Yard

Abbreviation: CY
A facility at which FCL traffic and empty containers are received from
or delivered to the Merchant by or on behalf of the Carrier.
Note: Often this yard is used to receive goods on behalf of the
merchant and pack these in containers for FCL traffic.
Synonym: Marshalling Yard.


Indication that goods have been stowed in a container.


Goods forbidden by national law to be imported or exported.


An agreement enforceable by law between two or more parties stipulating

their rights and obligations which are required by one or both parties
to acts or forbearance by the other or both.

Contract Logistics

The contracting out of all the warehousing, transport and distribution

activities or a part thereof by manufacturing companies.

Contract of Affreightment

An agreement whereby the shipowner agrees to carry goods by water, or

furnishes a vessel for the purpose of carrying goods by water, in
return for a sum of money called freight. There are two forms: the
charter party and the contract contained in the Bill of Lading.

Contractual Port of Loading

A port at which an ocean vessel does not call, but which is equalized
with the actual port of call and upon which inland haulage services and
inland tariffs are based.
Synonym: Commercial POL/POD.
Note: Generally speaking it is seen as the port to be mentioned on the
B/L from which cargo is accepted (e.g delivered by the consignee for
sea transport).

The registration and check on data and activities as well as
determining supervising procedures and changes related to procedures.

Convention Internationale Concernant le Transport des Marchandises par

Chemin de Fer

Abbreviation: CIM
International agreement, applied by 19 European railway companies,
setting out conditions for international railway transport of goods and
the liabilities of the carrier.

Convention Relative au Contrat de Transport International de

Marchandise par Route

Abbreviation: CMR
Convention for the international carriage of goods by road, setting out
the conditions of carriage and the liabilities of the carrier.
Note: Adherence to this set of regulations reflects a desire to
standardise items such as documentation and rules on the carriers

Conventional Cargo

See Break Bulk Cargo.

Convertor Dolly

An auxiliary undercarriage assembly consisting of a chassis, fifth

wheel and towbar used to convert a semitrailer or a container chassis
to a full trailer.


Transport of goods from one place to another.


A mechanical device in the form of a continuous belt for transporting


Core Competence

The combination of individual skills and use of technologies that

underlay the various products and or services of a business.

Corner Fittings

Fittings located at the corners of containers providing means of

supporting, stacking, handling and securing the container.
Synonym: corner casting.
Corner Post

Vertical structural member at either side of an 'end frame' of a

container joining a top and a bottom corner fitting (and thereby
forming a 'corner structure').

Correction Message

A substitution for what has been wrong in a prior data interchange

between computers in accordance with interchange agreements.


See Co-makership.

Cost and Freight (...named port of destination)

"Cost and Freight" means that the seller must pay the costs and freight
necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination but the
risk of loss of or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs
due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered on
board the vessel, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the
goods pass the ship's rail in the port of shipment.

The CFR term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.

This term can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport. When
the ship's rail serves no practical purpose, such as in the case of
roll-on/roll-off or container traffic, the CPT term is more appropriate
to use.

Cost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of destination)

Abbreviation: CIF


The customer arranges his own transport of the container to and from
the terminal or depot but aggrees to restitute the container back to
the terminal or depot.


See Clip On Unit.

Council of European and Japanese National Shipowner's Associations

Abbreviation: CENSA
The main objectives of this organization are to promote and protect
sound shipping policies in all sectors of shipping, to coordinate and
present the views of its members and to exchange views with other
shipowner groups.

Country of Departure

Country from which a certain means of transport is scheduled to depart

or has departed.

Country of Despatch

Country from which the goods are shipped.

Country of Origin

Country in which the goods have been produced or manufactured,

according to criteria laid down for the purpose of application of the
customs tariff, of quantitative restrictions, or of any other measure
related to trade.

Country of Provenance

The country from which goods or cargo are sent to the importing


See Carriage Paid To (...named place of destination).


A machine designed for moving and lifting weight by means of a movable

projecting arm or a horizontal beam which is able to travel over a
certain distance.

Crew Member

Any person actually employed for duties on board during a voyage in the
working or service of a ship and included in the crew list (IMO).

Critical Path Method

A network planning technique used for planning and controlling the

activities in a project. By showing each of these activities and their
associated times, the 'critical path' can be determined. The critical
path is the series of successive activities which takes up most time
and is therefore decisive for the total lead time of the project.

Cross Trades

Term used in shipping for the services of a vessel between nations

other than the nation in which the vessel is registered (UNCTAD).
Cruise Ship

A ship on an international voyage carrying passengers participating in

a group programme and accommodated on board, for the purpose of making
scheduled temporary tourist visits at one or more different ports, and
which during the voyage does not normally: (a) embark or disembark any
other passengers; (b) load or discharge any cargo.


See Container Safety Convention.


See Combined Transport Document.


See Combined Transport Operator.


A medium of exchange of value, defined by reference to the geographical

location of the authorities responsible for it ISO4217.
In general, the monetary unit, involved in a transaction and
represented by a name or a symbol.

Currency Adjustment Factor

Abbreviation: CAF
Adjustment applied by shipping lines or liner conferences on freight
rates to offset losses or gains for carriers resulting from
fluctuations in exchange rates of tariff currencies.


See Client.

Customer Pick Up

Cargo picked up by a customer at a warehouse.

Customer Service

1. The way in which during a commercial relationship the wishes and

demands of the (prospective) client are catered for.
2. Supporting activities at the customer interface adding value to a
product (CEN273).

Customer Service Level

A performance measure of customer service.
Note: generally this is seen as the degree with which customer orders
can be executed, in accordance with the terms which are generally
accepted in the market.


The department of the Civil Service that deals with the levying of
duties and taxes on imported goods from foreign countries and the
control over the export and import of goods e.g. allowed quota,
prohibited goods.

Customs Broker

An authorized agent specialized in customs clearance procedures on

account of importers/exporters.

Customs Clearance Agent

Customs broker or other agent of the consignee designated to perform

customs clearance services for the consignee (aircargo).

Customs Invoice

Document required by the customs in an importing country in which an

exporter states the invoice or other price (e.g. selling price, price
of identical goods), and specifies costs for freight, insurance and
packing etc., terms of delivery and payment, for the purpose of
determining the customs value in the importing country of goods
consigned to that country.

Customs Value

The worth of an item or group of items expressed in a monetary amount,

within a consignment declared to Customs for duty and statistical


See Cleared Without Examination.


See Container Yard.


Container Yard Charges - Charges at destination

The study of control processes in mechanical, biological, electrical
and information systems.

Cycle Stock

That portion of stock available or planned to be available in a give

period for normal demand, excluding excess stock and safety stock.

See Delivered At Frontier (...named place).

Damage Report

Form on which physical damage is recorded (e.g.containers).

Damaged Cargo Report

Written statement concerning established damages to cargo and/or


Dangerous Goods

Goods are to be considered dangerous if the transport of such goods

might cause harm, risk, peril, or other evil to people, environment,
equipment or any property whatsoever.

Dangerous Goods Declaration

Document issued by a consignor in accordance with applicable

conventions or regulations, describing hazardous goods or materials for
transport purposes, and stating that the latter have been packed and
labelled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant conventions
or regulations.

Dangerous Goods Packing Certificate

A document as part of the dangerous goods declaration in which the

responsible party declares that the cargo has been stowed in accordance
with the rules in a clean container in compliance with the IMDG
regulations and properly secured.

Data Plate

A metal identification plate affixed to a container which displays

among others the gross and tare weights and external dimensions.


"Delivered duty paid" means that the seller fulfils his obligation to
deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in
the country of importation. The seller has to bear the risks and costs,
including duties, taxes and other charges of delivering the goods
thereto, cleared for importation.

If the parties wish to exclude from the seller's obligations some of

the costs payable upon importation of the goods (such as value added
tax (VAT)), this should be made clear by adding words to this effect:
"Delivered duty paid, VAT unpaid (...named place of destination)".

This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport.


See Delivered Duty Unpaid (...named place of destination).


The difference between the actual and calculated ship's draft.


Abbreviation: DWT
The total weight of cargo, cargo equipment, bunkers, provisions, water,
stores and spare parts which a vessel can lift when loaded to her
maximum draught as applicable under the circumstances. The deadweight
is expressed in tons.

Decision Support System

Abbreviation: DSS
An interactive computer-based system which generates a number of
alternatives to solve an unstructured problem. These alternatives are
being interpreted by the manager (decision-maker), whereafter he
decides which alternative is to be used to solve the problem.


Any extended horizontal structure in a vessel or an aircraft, serving

as a floor and structural support, covering, partially or fully, a
portion of the vessel or aircraft.

Declaration of Origin

Appropriate statement as to the origin of the goods, made in connection

with their exportation by the manufacturer, producer, supplier,
exporter or other competent person on the commercial invoice or any
document relating to goods.

Declared Value for Carriage

The value of the goods declared to the carrier by the shipper for the
purpose of determining charges or of establishing the limit of the
carrier's liability for loss, damage or delay. It is also the basis for
possible applicable valuation charges (aircargo).

Decoupling Inventory

A stock retained to make the independent control of two successive

operations possible.

Decoupling Point

The point in the supply chain which provides a buffer between differing
input and output rates.

Dedicated Service

1. A service specially designed for the use by one or more particular

2. A service (e.g. feeder) totally under control of P&O Nedlloyd.

Deep Tank

Tank fitted and equipped for the carriage of vegetable oil (e.g. palm
oil and coconut oil) and other liquids in bulk. By means of oiltight
bulkheads and/or decks it is possible to carry different kinds of
liquid in adjacent tanks. Deep tanks may be equipped with heating
facilities in order to carry and discharge oil at the required
temperature (shipping).

Default Charge

A (standard) charge applicable for a trade, stretch or location.

In the absence of specifics (not otherwise specified/enumerated) a
general amount has been set.


Splitting up shipments into small consignments.

Delivered At Frontier (...named place)

Abbreviation: DAF

Delivered Duty Paid (...named place of destination)

Abbreviation: DDP

Delivered Duty Unpaid (...named place of destination)

Abbreviation: DDU

Delivered Ex Quay (...named port of destination)

Abbreviation: DEQ

Delivered Ex Ship (...named port of destination)

Abbreviation: DES

Delivering Carrier

The carrier who delivers the consignment to the consignee or his agent


The process of delivering the consignment to the consignee at the

agreed place.

Delivery Instruction

Document issued by a buyer giving instructions regarding the details of

the delivery of goods ordered.

Delivery Note

A document recording the delivery of products to a consignee


Delivery Order

1. A document issued by or on behalf of the carrier authorising the

release of import cargo identified thereon and manifested under a
single Bill of Lading (shipping).
2. The authorization of the entitled party for the shipment to a
party other than the consignee showed on the Air Waybill

Delivery Party

The party to which goods are to be delivered.

Delivery Reliability

The proportion of total delivery occasions in which the time, place,

quality and quantity of products delivered accords with the order.

Delivery Schedule

The required and/or agreed time of delivery of goods or services,

purchased for a future period.

Delivery Service
The carriage of inbound consignments from the airport of destination to
the address of the consignee or his designated agent or to the custody
of the appropriate custom department agency when required (aircargo).

Delivery Time

The time between order and delivery.


The quantity of goods required by the market to be delivered in a

particular period or at a specific date.

Demise Charter

A contract whereby the shipowner leases his vessel to the charterer for
a period of time during which the whole use and management of the
vessel passes to the charterer, which involves that the charterer is to
pay all expenses for the operation and maintenance of the vessel.
Officers and crew will become servants of the charterer.
A demise charter whereby the charterer has the right to place his own
master and crew on board of the vessel is also called 'bareboat


1. A variable fee charged to carriers and/or customers for the use of

Unit Load Devices (ULD's) owned by a carrier beyond the free time
of shipment (aircargo).
2. Additional charge imposed for exceeding the free time which is
included in the rate and allowed for the use of a certain
equipment at the terminal.

Density of Commodity

The mass of a commodity to its volume.

Dependent Demand

A demand directly related to or derived from the demand for other items
or end products. Dependent demands are therefore calculated, and need
not and should not be forecast.


The place designated by the carrier where empty containers are kept in
stock and received from or delivered to the container operators or

Depot Location
The geographical place where one or more P&O Nedlloyd depots are


See Delivered Ex Quay (...named port of destination).


Lifting equipment on board a conventional vessel for loading and

discharging cargo, consisting of a post attached to the deck and an
inclined spar.


See Delivered Ex Ship (...named port of destination).


The process of sending goods.

Synonym: Dispatch.

Despatch Advice

Information send by shippers to the recipient of goods informing that

specified goods are sent or ready to be sent advising the detailed
contents of the consignment.
Synonym: Despatch note.

Despatch Days

The days gained if the free time included in the rate and allowed for
the use of a certain equipment is not fully used.

Despatch Note (for post parcels)

Document which, according to the agreement concerning postal parcels,

is to accompany post parcels.


1. Place for which goods or a vehicle is bound.

2. The ultimate stopping place according to the contract of carriage

Det Norske Veritas

Norwegian classification society.

Keeping equipment beyond the time allowed.
See demurrage.

Detention Charge

Charges levied on usage of equipment exceeding free time period as

stipulated in the pertinent inland rules and conditions.


The downgrading of a product due to long storage, damage to packing or

other external influences.


See: Stripping, Unpacking.

Deviation from a Route

A divergence from the agreed or customary route.


Measurements in length, width and height, regarding cargo.

Direct Delivery

1. The conveyance of goods directly from the vendor to the buyer.

Frequently used if a third party acts as intermediary agent
between vendor and buyer.
2. Direct discharge from vessel onto railroad car, road vehicle or
barge with the purpose of immediate transport from the port area
(usually occurs when ports lack adequate storage space or when
ports are not equipped to handle a specific cargo).

Direct Interchange

Transfer of leased equipment from one lessee to another (container).

Direct Route

The shortest operated route between two points (aircargo).


Sums paid out by a ship's agent at a port and recovered from the


1. The unloading of a vehicle, a vessel or an aircraft.

2. The landing of cargo.


Difference between the particulars given and the particulars found.

Discrete Code

A bar code in which the spaces between characters (intercharacter gaps)

are not part of the code as each character begins and ends with a bar.
The spaces can therefore vary in width, specified tolerances.
An example is Code 39.


See Despatch.


The weight of the quantity of water displaced by the vessel. The

displacement of the vessel on her light draft represents the weight of
the vessel ready for use including stores etc.

Disposable Pallet

Pallet intended to be discarded after a single cycle of use.

Synonym: One-way pallet, Expendable pallet.

Disposal Chain

A sequence of events in a goods-flow which gets rid of a specific good.

This may include removal, recycling, waste dumping etc.

Disposal of Goods

The act of getting rid of goods.


All activities relating to the inland movement of empty and or full



The set of activities which ensure the availability of goods in the

desired quality, quantity, place and time for the customer.
See also: physical distribution.

Distribution Centre
A warehouse for the receipt, the storage and the dispersal of goods
among customers.
Synonym: Branch Warehouse.

Distribution Channel

The route by which a company distributes goods.

Distribution Requirements Planning

Abbreviation: DRP-I
The function of determining the need to replenish stock at branch

Distribution Resource Planning

Abbreviation: DRP-II
The set of concepts, procedures and techniques, being an extension of
DRP-I, for the effective planning and control of the physical


A vertically mounted partition in a compartment on board of an aircraft

Synonym: Partition.

Dock Bumpers

Cushioning devices (rubber, plastic, wood, etc.) mounted at the extreme

rear of a chassis or trailer to take the impact when it backs into a
loading dock or platform (road cargo).

Dock Receipt

Document issued by a shipping line acknowledging that goods are

received for shipment.


Anything printed, written, relied upon to record or prove something.

Document Holder

Usually fastened to the door on the front of a container. May contain

e.g. a certificate of approval of the container.

Document of Title

A term to mean that possession of the specified document entitles the

holder to control of the goods listed in that document.
Documentary Credit

The basis of international trade by means of which payment is made

against surrender of the specified documents.

Domestic Carriage

Carriage whereby the place of departure and the place of destination

are situated within one country (aircargo).

Domestic Rate

Rate applicable within a country, and in most cases subject to special

conditions other than those of IATA (aircargo).

Door Lock Bars

See Bars.

Door to Door Transport

See House to House Transport.

Double Banking

Two vessels moored alongside each other on a certain berth.

Double-deck Pallet

Flat pallet with a top and bottom deck.

Double Stack Train

A number of railway wagons, usually a block train, on which containers

can be stacked two-high.

Down Time

The period of time when a machine is not available for production due
to a functional failure or maintenance.


The draft of a vessel is the vertical distance between the waterline

and the underside of the keel of the vessel. During the construction of
a vessel the marks showing the draft are welded on each side of the
vessel near the stem, the stern and amidships.
Synonym: Draught.

See Draft.


Repayment of any part of customs or excise duties previously collected

on imported goods, when those goods are exported again.


1. The hauling of a load by a cart with detachable sides. (dray)

2. Road transportation between the nearest railway terminal and the
stuffing place.

Synonym: Connecting Road Haulage

Drilling Rig

A structure, which drills wells in the bottom in order to search for


Drop off Charge

Charge made by container owner and/or terminal operators for delivery

of a leased, or pool container into depot stock. The dropoff charge may
be a combination of actual handling and storage charges with


See Distribution Requirements Planning.


See Distribution Resource Planning.

Dry Bulk Container

Container consisting of a cargo-carrying structure, firmly secured

within a framework, for the carriage of dry solids in bulk without
Containers of this type have type codes 80 and 81.

Dry Cargo Container

Shipping container which is designed for the carriage of goods other

than liquids.


See Decision Support System.


Stowage material, mainly timber or board, used to prevent damage to

cargo during carriage.

Duty Free Zone

An area where goods or cargo can be stored without paying import

customs duties awaiting further transport or manufacturing.


See Deadweigh.
Econometric Models

A system of simultaneous equations for forecasting, based on mutual

dependency among the variables used.

Economic Speed

That speed of a means of transport which produces the best possible

financial result for the owner. Such speed should not be in excess of
the maximum or minimum output allowed for the engine(s).

Economy of Scale

A phenomenon which encourages the production of larger volumes of a

commodity to reduce its unit cost by distributing fixed costs over a
greater quantity.

ECSI - Export Cargo Shipping Instruction/Preadvice

Instructions from shipper with details of all parties involved and

description of goods.


Europe Combined Terminals (Rotterdam).


See Electronic Data Interchange.


See Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and



See Electronic Data Processing.


See Equipment Damage Report.

EFTA - European Free Trade Association

Comprising Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

EHA (Equipment Handover Agreement), Interchange (Fr)

An agreement acknowledging the condition of the carrier's equipment

when handed over and returned, which includes the terms of contract
under which the equipment was taken over..


See Equipment Interchange Receipt.

Electronic Data Interchange

Abbreviation: EDI
The transfer of structured data, by agreed standards from applications
on the computer of one party to the applications on the computer of
another party by electronic means.

Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport

Abbreviation: EDIFACT
The ISO application level syntax rules for the structuring of user data
and of the associated service data in the interchange of messages in an
open environment.

Electronic Data Processing

Abbreviation: EDP
The computerized handling of information (e.g. business data).


Equipment used to discharge some bulk cargoes such as grain which is

removed from the hold by a continuous line of buckets or by suction and
carried on a conveyor belt to store.


1. A government order prohibiting the entry or departure of

commercial vessels or goods at its ports.
2. The refusal by a carrier, for a limited period, to accept for
transport over any route or segment thereof, and to or from any
area or point, of a connecting carrier, any commodity, type of
class of cargo duly tendered (aircargo).

Emergency Medical Service

Abbreviation: EMS
Medical procedures in case of emergencies on board of vessels.

See Emergency Medical Service.


The transfer of the right to obtain delivery of the goods of the

carrier by means of the consignee's signature on the reverse side of a
bill of lading. If the name of the new consignee (transferee) is not
stated, the endorsement is an open one which means that every holder of
the document is entitled to obtain delivery of the goods.


Document issued by a party interested in the purchase of goods

specified therein and indicating particular, desirable conditions
regarding delivery terms, etc., addressed to a prospective supplier
with a view to obtaining an offer.


An organization created to provide products and/or services to



Material resources necessary to facilitate the transport and handling

of cargo. Transport equipment does under the given circumstances not
have the ability to move by its own propulsion (e.g. sea container,
trailer, unit load device, pallet).

Equipment Damage Report

Abbreviation: EDR
Written statement concerning damage to equipment, based on a physical

Equipment Interchange Receipt

Abbreviation: EIR
Physical inspection and transfer receipt.

Estimated Time of Arrival

Abbreviation: ETA
The expected date and time of arrival in a certain (air)port.
Synonym: Expected time of arrival.

Estimated Time of Departure

Abbreviation: ETD
The expected date and time when a certain (air)port is left.
Synonym: Expected time of departure.


See Estimated Time of Arrival.


See Estimated Time of Departure.

European Article Numbering Association

Abbreviation: EAN
An international body responsible for administering the European
Article Numbering system. It has affiliates in many countries such as:
CCG in West Germany, DCC in Japan, ANA in the United Kingdom.
Note: The North American body responsible for the Uniform Product Code
(UPC) coding is the Uniform Code Council. (UPC is considered a subset
of EAN).

European Pallet Pool

Pool for the exchange of standard size pallets (the so-called

Europallets) in European cargo traffic, formed in 1961 by a number of
European rail administrators.

European Zone Charge

Abbreviation: EZC
A charge for inland haulage transport in case of carrier haulage in

Even Keel

Said of a vessel which is balanced in such a way that the draft forward
and aft is the same as the draft in the midship of the vessel on both


An occurrence.

Ex Works (...named place)

"Ex works" means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when
he has made the goods available at his premises (i.e. works, factory,
warehouse, etc.) to the buyer. In particular, he is not responsible for
loading the goods on the vehicle provided by the buyer or for clearing
the goods for export, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears all
costs and risks involved in taking the goods from the seller's premises
to the desired destination. This term thus represents the minimum
obligation for the seller. This term should not be used when the buyer
cannot carry out directly or indirectly the export formalities. In such
circumstances, the FCA term should be used.

Exceptions Clause

See Exemption Clause.


Going over the prescribed amount or degree e.g. excess luggage is

luggage of which the weight is over the weight for free carriage.

Excess Stock

That portion of stock on hand which is over and above the desired stock

Exchange Rate

The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another, usually
expressed as the value of the one in terms of the other.


The actual act of carrying out a task.

Exemption Clause

A clause in a contract, which relieves the carrier's responsibility for

certain events.
Synonym: Exceptions Clause.


Likely to occur or appear.

Expedite Baggage

Luggage, not accompanied by a passenger and not covered by an Air

Waybill (aircargo).
Synonym: Rush Baggage.


The 'rushing' or 'chasing' of production or purchase orders which are

needed in less than the normal lead time.

Expendable Pallet
See disposable pallet.
Synonym: One Way Pallet.


Costs paid out in connection with booking of cargo and arranging

transport (e.g. commission).


Termination of a certain period.


The process of carrying or sending goods to another country or

countries, especially for purposes of use or sale in the country of
destination. The sale of products to clients abroad.

Export Licence

Document granting permission to export as detailed within a specified


Export Packer

Company, packing goods for export.


The party responsible for the export of goods.


Summary or copy of something written, e.g. used in connection with the

log book.


See Ex Works (...named place).


See European Zone Charge.


A term used to distinguish manufacturing operations for components as

opposed to assembly operations.

Factory Delivery

The delivery of goods by a factory whereby the goods are put at the
disposal of another (internal) party such as a commercial department.


A navigable channel for vessels, often the regular or prescribed track

a vessel will follow in order to avoid dangerous circumstances.


See Freight All Kinds.


Facilitation Committee of the IMO.


Identical to a GP but is fitted with an electric extraction fan for

carriage of cargoes prone to condensation. 20' only


See Free Alongside Ship (...named port of shipment).

Fashion Transport

Transport of clothing and/or garments including shoes, belts and

handbags in dedicated means of transport.


See Free Carrier (...named place).


See Fully Cellular Containership.


See full container load.

Feed Back

The flow of information back into the control system so that actual
performance can be compared with planned performance.


A vessel normally used for local or coastal transport (for carriage of

cargo and/or containers) to and from ports not scheduled to be called
by the main (ocean) vessel, directly connecting these ports to the main
(ocean) vessel.


An appliance made of rubber, timber and/or rope or other materials

normally attached to a dock or quay used to prevent damage to the hull
of a vessel especially during mooring and un-mooring operations.


See Forty Foot Equivalent Unit.


See First In First Out.

Fifth Wheel

Circular or wheel-shaped bearing mechanism, secured on the rear of the

chassis of a truck-tractor that engages the semi-trailer king pin with
a spring lock device and supports the weight of the front end of the


See Free In Liner Out.


See Free In and Out.

First Carrier

The carrier who actually performs the first part of the air transport

First In First Out

Abbreviation: FIFO
The method whereby the goods which have been longest in stock (first
in) are used, delivered (sold) and/or consumed first (first out).

Five Freedoms

A collective term which depicts the five areas of 'rights' for the
airtransportation of passengers or cargo, viz.:
(expressed in terms of an airline of country A)
Freedom 1:the right to overfly a foreign country.
Freedom 2:the right to make a non-traffic stop at a foreign country C
enroute to foreign country B.
Freedom 3:the right to set down (off loading) passengers or cargo in a
foreign country B from home country A.
Freedom 4:the right to pick up (loading) passengers/ cargo from a
foreign country B to country A.
Freedom 5:the right to carry passengers or cargo between two foreign

Fixed Crane

A crane of which the principal structure is mounted on permanent or

semi permanent foundations.

Fixed Height Load-carrying Truck

Truck carrying its load on a non-elevating platform.

Synonym: Fixed platform truck.

Fixed Platform Truck

See Fixed Height Load-carrying Truck.


An indication of the country in which a means of transport is

registered through a reference to the ensign of this country.


Capable to be set on fire under given circumstances.

(Amendment 25 IMO DGS).

Flash Point

The lowest temperature at which a good produces enough vapour to form a

flammable mixture with air.


See Flat Rack.

Flat Bed Trailer

A wheeled trailer or a semi-trailer with a flat cargo carrying surface

or deck and without any superstructure.

Flat Pack

Garments packed in cardboard boxes.

Flat Rack

A flat bed with fixed ends suitable for the carriage of cargo of
excessive width and plated for carriage of heavy loads. 20' and 40'


Any group of means of transport acting together or under one control.


The extent to which and the rate at which adjustments to changed

circumstances are possible.


A large polythene liner which can be fitted inside a 20'GP for the
transportation of non-hazardous liquids

Flight Member

A licensed crew member charged with duties essential to the operation

of an aircraft during flight time.

Flight Number

A combination of two letters, indicating the airline, and three or four

digits indicating the number of the voyage.
Synonym: Line Number.


Freely suspending in water of an object.

Floating Crane

A crane mounted on a barge or pontoon, which can be towed or is self


Floating Dock
A floating structure which can be partially submerged to enable vessels
to enter and to leave and which can be raized for use as a dry dock.

Floating Stock

See Pipeline Inventory.

Flow Chart

A diagram, using symbols and depicting the sequence of events that

should take place in a complex set of tasks.

Flow control

A term often used to describe a specific production control system.

Flow Line

The direction of flow in which e.g. pallets have been positioned and

Flow of materials

The flow of materials and components which goes to and through the
factory for the production process.


Federal Maritime Commission (Control of shipping acts USA)


See Free On Board (...named port of shipment).


See Forecastle.

Force Majeure

Circumstance which is beyond the control of one of the parties to a

contract and which may, according to the terms and conditions, relieve
that party of liability for failing to execute the contract.
Synonym: Act of God.

Fore and Aft Stowage

Stowage from the bow to the stern (lengthwise), as opposed to stowage


1. An estimation or calculation in advance; a prediction.
2. The amount of cargo expected to be booked for a certain sailing of
a vessel.
3. The number of containers expected to be used in a certain area,
for steering purposes.


Abbreviation: Fo'c's'le.
Forward part of a vessel where stores, ropes and anchor chains are

Fork Lift Pockets

See Fork Pockets.

Fork Lift Truck

A three or four wheeled mechanical truck with forks at the front

designed for lifting, carrying and stowing cargo.

Fork Pockets

Openings or recesses in a side of a container for the entry of the

forks of a fork lift truck.
Synonym: Fork Lift Pockets.

Formula of Camp

A mathematical formula on behalf of inventory management for

calculating the optimum order quantity.

Forty Foot Equivalent Unit

Abbreviation: FEU
Unit of measurement equivalent to one forty feet shipping container.


At, near or towards the bow or front of a vessel or an aircraft.


The party arranging the carriage of goods including connected services

and/or associated formalities on behalf of a shipper or consignee.
Synonym: Freight Forwarder.

Forwarding Charge
Charges paid or to be paid for preliminary surface or air transport to
the airport of departure by a forwarder, but not by a carrier under an
Air Waybill (aircargo).

Forwarding Instruction

Document issued to a freight forwarder, giving instructions to the

forwarder for the forwarding of goods described therein.

Four Way Pallet

A pallet of which the frame permits the entry of forks of e.g. a fork
lift truck at all four sides.


Easily breakable. Term denoting that goods should be handled with care.

Franc Poincar

Unit of value in which the limitation of the carrier's liability is

sometimes expressed. One franc poincar consists of 65.5 milligram of
gold with a fineness of nine hundred thousands.


Amount which in case of damage will have to be borne by the assured.

Free Airport

See Free Trade Zone.

Free Alongside Ship (...named port of shipment)

Abbreviation: FAS

Free Carrier (...named place)

"Free Carrier" means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver
when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge
of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no
precise point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose within
the place or range stipulated where the carrier shall take the goods
into his charge. When, according to commercial practice, the seller's
assistance is required in making the contract with the carrier (such as
in rail or air transport) the seller may act at the buyer's risk and

This term may be used for any mode of transport, including multimodal
"Carrier" means any person who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes
to perform or to procure the performance of carriage by rail, road,
sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such modes. If the
buyer instructs the seller to deliver the cargo to a person, e.g. a
freight forwarder who is not a "carrier", the seller is deemed to have
fulfilled his obligation to deliver the goods when they are in the
custody of that person.

Free Circulation, Libre Circulation (Fr)

The movement of goods within the European Community without the need to
pay any duty.

Free House Unclear

Delivered at a certain destination without payment of certain duties or

incurred costs.

Free In and Out

Abbreviation: FIO
Transport condition denoting that the freight rate excludes the costs
of loading and discharging and, if appropriate, stowage and lashing.

Free In Liner Out

Abbreviation: FILO
Transport condition denoting that the freight rate is inclusive of the
sea carriage and the cost of discharging, the latter as per the custom
of the port. It excludes the cost of loading and, if appropriate,
stowage and lashing.

Free Lift

The maximum elevation of the forks of a fork lift truck.

Free On Board (...named port of shipment)

"Free on Board" means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver
when the goods have passed over the ship's rail at the named port of
shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of
loss of or damage to the goods from that point.

The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.

This term can only be used for sea or inland waterway transport. When
the ship's rail serves no practical purpose, such as in the case of
roll-on/roll-off transport, the FCA term is more appropriate to use.

Free Port
An international port or an area within an international port at which,
crew, passengers, baggage, cargo, mail and stores may be disembarked or
unloaded, may remain and may be transhipped, without being subjected to
any customs charges or duties. (Examination is possible for instance to
meet security or narcotics control requirements.) Source: IMO.

Free Pratique

Permission granted by local medical authorities, denoting that the

vessel has a clean Bill of Health so that people may embark and

Free Trade Zone

Abbreviation: FTZ
A part of the territory of a state where any goods introduced are
generally regarded, in so far as import duties and taxes are concerned,
as being exempted (Kyoto Convention).
Synonym: Free Port, Free Airport.

Freeboard of a Vessel

Vertical distance from the main deck to the surface of the water
measured at the middle of the vessel's length.


The amount of money due for the carriage of goods and payable either in
advance or upon delivery.

Freight All Kinds

Abbreviation: FAK
Single freight which is charged irrespective of the commodity.

Freight Collect

Freight and chargesbe paid by the consignee.

Freight Container

See Container.

Freight Costs

Costs incurred by the merchant in moving goods, by whatever means, from

one place to another under the terms of the contract of carriage. In
addition to transport costs this may include such elements as packing,
documentation, loading, unloading and transport insurance.

Freight Forwarder
See Forwarder.

Freight Invoice

An itemized list of goods shipped and services rendered stating fees

and charges.

Freight Manifest

A (cargo) manifest including all freight particulars.

Freight Prepaid

Freight and charges to be paid by the consignor.

Freight Ton

A unit for freighting cargo according to weight and/or cubic

Synonyms: Revenue ton, Bill of Lading ton.


A vessel or an aircraft used for the carriage of cargo.


Full Truck Load, an indication for a truck transporting cargo directly

from supplier to receiver.


See Free Trade Zone.

Full Container Load

Abbreviation: FCL

1. A container stuffed or stripped under risk and for account of the

shipper and/or the consignee.
2. A general reference for identifying container loads of cargo
loaded and/or discharged at merchants' premises.

Full Trailer

A truck trailer constructed in such way that its own weight and that of
the cargo rest upon its own wheels, instead of being supported by e.g.
a tractor.

Fully Cellular Containership

Abbreviation: FCC
A vessel specially designed to carry containers, with cell-guides under
deck and necessary fittings and equipment on deck.


Treating of cargoes with gases to exterminate unwanted life forms.


See General Average.


A number of workmen acting together especially for loading and/or

discharging operations of a vessel in combination with the necessary
gear. (On a vessel for instance 6 gangs can be ordered to discharge or


Bridge laid from an opening in the railing or side of a vessel to the

shore or to a platform with the purpose of giving access to and from
the vessel.

Gantry Crane

A crane or hoisting machine mounted on a frame or structure spanning an

intervening space, which often travels on rails.


1. A point at which cargo is interchanged between carriers or modes

of transport.
2. A means of access, an entry.


See General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade.


See General Cargo Rate and General Commodity Rate.

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

Abbreviation: GATT
Major international agreement on trade and tariffs between many nations
all over the world.

General Average
Abbreviation: G/A
Intentional act or sacrifice which is carried out to safeguard vessel
and cargo. When a vessel is in danger, the master has the right to
sacrifice property and/or to incur reasonable expenditure. Measures
taken for the sole benefit of any particular interest are not
considered general average.

General Average Act (York-Antwerp Rules)

There is a general average act when, and only when any extraordinary
sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or
incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril
the property involved in a common maritime adventure.

General Average Statement

This shows in detail all general average costs and expenses and the
contribution of each interest in the general average in proportion to
its value.

General Cargo

1. Cargo, consisting of goods, unpacked or packed, for example in

cartons, crates, bags or bales, often palletized. General cargo
can be shipped either in breakbulk or containerized.
2. Any consignment other than a consignment containing valuable cargo
and charged for transport at general cargo rates (aircargo).

General Cargo Rate

Abbreviation: GCR
Synonym: General Commodity Rate.
The rate for the carriage of cargo other than a class rate or specific
commodity rate (aircargo).

General Commodity Rate

See General Cargo Rate.

General Purpose Container

A container used for the carriage of general cargo without any special
requirements for the transport and or the conditioning of the goods.


Motor generator set as power source for e.g. thermal containers.

Germanischer Lloyd

German classification society.


A warehouse or cargo shed. This term is often used in the Far East.


1. Common term indicating movable property, merchandise or wares.

2. All materials which can be used to satisfy demands.
3. Whole or part of the cargo received from the shipper, including
any equipment supplied by the shipper.

Goods Control Certificate

Document issued by a competent body evidencing the quality of goods

described therein, in accordance with national or international
standards, or conforming to legislation in the importing country, or as
specified in the contract.

Goods Flow

The direction and path of the movement of goods and sequence of

placement of those goods in a supply chain.

Goods in Transit

The goods which have departed from the initial loading point and not
yet arrived at the final unloading point.
Synonyms: Stock in Transit, In Transit Inventory, Transportation

Goods Item

A separate identifiable quantity of products or articles of a single


Goods Receipt

Document issued by a port, warehouse, shed, or terminal operator

acknowledging receipt of goods specified therein on conditions stated
or referred to in the document.


1. Gooseneck shaped front end of a trailer or chassis.

2. Recess front bottom of a container to reduce the total height of
the chassis plus container.

Grid Number
An indication of the position of a container in a bay plan by means of
a combination of page number, column and line. The page number often
represents the bay number.

Gross Manifest

A manifest containing freight details without any appropriate


Gross Tonnage

Abbreviation: GRT
The measure of the overall size of a vessel determined in accordance
with the provisions of the international convention on measurement of
vessels usually expressed in register ton.

Gross Weight

1. Weight (mass) of goods including packing, but excluding the

carrier's equipment expressed in whole kilograms.
2. The weight of a shipment including materials necessary for
blocking etc. (aircargo).

Gross Weight of Container

Total weight of container including cargo (in kilograms).


The collection of several small consignments and the formation of one

large shipment thereof (road cargo).

Groupage Agent, Groupeur (Fr)

One who consolidates LCL consignments to offer to a carrier as an FCL

Groupage Centre

A location where groupage takes place (roadcargo).

Hague Protocol

Amendment of the Warsaw convention at The Hague, September 28, 1955


Hague Rules

International convention for the unification of certain rules, relating

to Bills of Lading (1924). These Rules include the description of
responsibilities of ocean carriers.

Hague-Visby Rules

Set of rules, published in 1968, amending the Hague Rules.

Half Height

Identical to the open top, but with 4'3" ends and not the standard
8'6". Suitable for the carriage of heavy cargo as the box weight is
considerably less. 20' only

Hamburg Rules

United Nations Convention on the carriage of goods by sea of 1978

adopted in 1992.

Handling Instructions

Indication how cargo is to be handled.

Handling Service

Service concerning the physical handling of cargo.


Place of shelter for vessels. Most of the time used as an indication

for the geographical location.

Harmonized System

Abbreviation: HS
A numeric multi purpose system, developed by the Customs Cooperation
Council, for the classification of goods with its six digits it covers
about 5000 descriptions of the products or groups of products most
commonly produced and traded. It is designed for customs services, but
can also be used for statistics, transport purposes, export, import and

Hatch Cover

Watertight means of closing the hatchway of a vessel.

Hatch Way

Opening in the deck of a vessel through which cargo is loaded into, or

discharged from the hold and which is closed by means of a hatch cover.


The inland carriage of cargo or containers between named

Synonym: Cartage.


Road carrier.

H/C-High Cube

Identical to the GP, but with 9'6" sides and not the standard 8'6". 40'

Header Board

See Bulkhead (roadcargo).

Heated Container

Thermal container served by a heat producing appliance.

Heavy Lift

Single commodity exceeding the capacity of normal loading equipment and

requiring special equipment and rigging methods for handling.

Heavy Lift Vessel

A vessel specially designed and equipped for the carriage of heavy


Buying or selling earlier and more than really needed in order to
protect the company against price increases or shortages of commodities
or components to realize profits when prices fluctuate.


The process of solving problems by evaluating each step in the

progress, searching for satisfactory solutions rather than optimal
solutions. It comprises a form of problem solving where the results are
determined by experience or intuition instead of by optimization.


The inland area served by a certain port.

Hitchment Cargo

An amount of goods which is added to an original consignment as the

owner and the destination are the same as those of the original


Loading condition of a vessel in such a way that the centre of the

vessel is slightly raized (arch-wise in the centre).


The space below the deck of a vessel, used to carry cargo.

Home Port

The port of registration of a vessel.

House Address

Place of receipt respectively delivery (name and address) in case of

carrier haulage.

House to House Transport

The transport of cargo from the premises of the consignor to the

premises of the consignee.
Synonym: Door to Door Transport, Point to Point Transport.
Note: In the United States the term 'Point to Point Transport' is used
instead of the term 'Door to Door Transport', because the term 'house'
may mean 'customs house' or 'brokers house', which are usually located
in the port.

See Harmonized System.


The central transhipment point in a transport structure, serving a

number of consignees and/or consignors by means of spokes. The
stretches between hubs mutually are referred to as trunks.

Huckepack Carriage

See Piggyback.


Outer shell of a vessel, made of steel plates or other suitable

material to keep water outside the vessel.


Taking care of a vessel's non cargo related operations as instructed

the by the master or owner of such vessel.

See International Association of Classification Societies.


See International Air Transport Association.

IATA Cargo Agent

An agent approved by IATA and registered in the IATA Cargo Agency List.
This enables the agent, upon authorization of the IATA carrier, to
receive shipments, to execute Air Waybills and to collect charges

IATA Member

An airline which is a member of IATA (aircargo).


See International Civil Aviation Organization.


See Inland Clearance Depot.


International Cargo Handling Coordinating Association.


See International Chamber of Shipping.


The unique data, e.g. name, number or code, determining a certain

object or person.

Idle Time

The amount of ineffective time whereby the available resources are not
used e.g. a container in a yard.

Setting on fire or catching fire.


See International Labour Organization.


See International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code.


See International Medical Guide for Ships.


See International Maritime Organization.


The party responsible for the import of goods.

For customs purposes it is the party who makes, or on whose behalf an
agent makes, an import declaration. This party may be the party who has
possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.

In Transit

The status of goods or persons between the outwards customs clearance

and inwards customs clearance.


Trade terms in coded form as established by the International Chamber

of Commerce in 1953, whereafter they have been regularly updated. (Last
update 1990).
The terms represent a set of international rules for the interpretation
of the principal terms of delivery used in trade contracts.


Compensation for a loss and/or the expenses incurred.

Independent Demand

A demand which is unrelated to demand for other products. Demand for

finished goods, parts required for destructive testing and service
parts requirements are examples of independent demand.

Indirect Route
Any route other than the direct route (aircargo).


System of roads, waterways, airfields, ports and/or telecommunication

networks in a certain area.

Inland Clearance Depot

Abbreviation: ICD
Inland location where cargo, particulary containerized, may be cleared
by customs.

Inland Waterways Bill of Lading

Transport document made out to a named person, to order or to bearer,

signed by the carrier and handed to the sender after receipt of the

Insulated Container

Thermal container without the use of devices for cooling and/or


Insulated Tank Container

Container frame holding one or more thermal insulated tanks for



A system of protection against loss under which a party agrees to pay a

certain sum (premiums) for a guarantee that they will be compensated
under certain conditions for loss or damage.

Insurance Certificate

Proof of an insurance contract.

Insurance Company

The party covering the risks of the issued goods and/or services that
are insured.

Integrated Logistics Support

The systematic approach applied to simultaneous management and

acquisition of equipment and related logistics support, in order to
provide the customer with a desired level of availability. Resulting in
an optimum life cycle cost and to maintain this level through the
entire life cycle.

Reciprocal exchange of e.g. information between two or more parties.


As opposite to coastal water operations, intercoastal refers to water

transport carried out between coasts (e.g. between pacific and atlantic


A co-operative formed by 19 European Railways, for the management of

international rail container traffic in Europe.

Interim Receipt

A receipt given by a carrier pending execution of an Air Waybill



Two or more road transport companies joining operations to bring cargo

to a certain destination.

Interline Agreement

The cooperation between two or more airlines for the carriage over
particular routes (aircargo).

Interline Carriage

The carriage over the routes of two or more parties of an interline

agreement (aircargo).

Interline Carrier

A carrier with whom another carrier has an interline agreement.

Intermodal Transport

The movement of goods (containers) in one and the same loading unit or
vehicle which uses successively several modes of transport without
handling of the goods themselves in changing modes.

International Air Transport Association

Abbreviation: IATA
An international organization of airlines, founded in 1945, with the
aim of promoting the commercial air traffic. This should be achieved by
cooperation between parties concerned and by performance of certain
rules, procedures and tariffs, regarding both cargo and passengers, by
those parties.

International Association of Classification Societies

Abbreviation: IACS
An organization in which the major classification societies, among
others American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd's Register of Shipping and
Germanischer Lloyd, are joined, whose principal aim is the improvement
of standards concerning safety at sea.

International Carriage

Carriage whereby the place of departure and any place of landing are
situated in more than one country (aircargo).

International Chamber of Shipping

Abbreviation: ICS
A voluntary organization of national shipowner' associations with the
objective to promote interests of its members, primarily in the
technical and legal fields of shipping operations.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Abbreviation: ICAO
An international organization of governments, dealing with search and
rescue in distress, weather information, telecommunications and
navigational requirements.

International Labour Organization

Abbreviation: ILO
An United Nations agency, dealing with employment rights and working
conditions, covering work at sea and in ports.

International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

Abbreviation: IMDG Code

A code, representing the classification of dangerous goods as defined
by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in compliance with
international legal requirements.

International Maritime Organization

Abbreviation: IMO
An United Nations agency concerned with safety at sea. Its work
includes codes and rules relating to tonnage measurement of vessels,
load lines, pollution and the carriage of dangerous goods.
Its previous name was the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative
Organization (IMCO).
International Medical Guide for Ships

Abbreviation: IMGS
'The doctor at sea'.

International Organization for Standardization

Abbreviation: ISO
A worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO member

International Safety Management code

This international standard for the safe management and operation of

ships prescribes rules for the organization of a shipping company
management in the context of safety and pollution prevention and
requires the development and implementation of a safety management

International Transport and Information System

Abbreviation: INTIS
An organization with the aim to improve the position of the port of
Rotterdam by the development, realization and exploitation of a
communication- and information network for computers.


See International Transport and Information System.


1. A detailed list of goods located in a certain space or belonging

to a specified object.
2. Goods available for satisfying certain demands. Inventories may
consist of finished goods ready for sale, they may be parts or
intermediate items, they may be work in process, or they may be
raw materials.

Synonym: Stock.


An account from the supplier, for goods and/or services supplied by



See International Standards Organization.

Issuing Carrier
The carrier whose Air Waybill is issued (aircargo).


Separate article or unit.


The route of a means of transport, indicated by the names of the ports

of call or other locations, often including estimated arrival and
departure dates.

The act of intentionally throwing cargo overboard e.g. with the

objective of lightening a vessel, which has run aground, such for the
common good of all interests: vessel, crew and remaining cargo (see


A mole or breakwater, running out into the sea to protect harbour or

coast. It is sometimes used as a landing-pier.


1. Projecting arm of a crane.

2. Attachment connected to the top of a crane boom.


See Just In Time.


That work which is undertaken to meet a customer or production order

and, for production control purposes, has a unique identification.

Joint Charge

A charge which applies to the carriage over the lines of two or more
carriers and which is published as a single amount (aircargo).

Joint Rate

A rate which applies for carriage over the lines of two or more
carriers and which is published as single amount (aircargo).

Joint Venture

A joint activity of two or more companies, usually performed under a

common name.


Juridical decisions used for explanation and meaning of law.

Just In Time

Abbreviation: JIT
The movement of material/goods at the necessary place at the necessary
The implication is that each operation is closely synchronized with the
subsequent ones to make that possible.
A method of inventory control that brings stock into the production
process, warehouse or to the customer just in time to be used, thus
reducing stock piling.

A method which during storage uses standard units or lot sizes with a
single card attached to each.
A pull system used at a stock point in which a supply batch is ordered
only when a previous batch is withdrawn.
Note: Kanban in Japanese means loosely translated 'card or sign'.


Longitudinal girder at the lowest point of a vessel from which the

framework is built.

Kind of Packing

Description of the packaging material used for goods to be transported.

King pin

The coupling pin, welded or bolted in the centre of the front underside
of a semi-trailer chassis, which couples to the fifth wheel of the
towing tractor or dolly convertor.


Unit of measurement for the speed (of a vessel) equal to a nautical

mile (= 1852 metres) per hour.

Kyoto Convention

The convention for the International Customs Cooperation Council held

in Kyoto in 1973 for the simplification and harmonization of national
customs procedures.

A slip of e.g. paper or metal attached to an object to indicate the

nature, ownership, destination, contents and/or other particulars of
the object.

Laden Vessel

See Loaden Vessel.

Land Bridge

Overland transport between following and/or preceding sea transport of

goods and/or containers.


1. To hold goods in position by the use of e.g. wires, ropes, chains

and straps.
2. See Lighter Aboard Ship.

Lashing Point

Point on a means of transport to which wires, chains, ropes or straps,

which are used to hold goods in position, are attached.

Last Carrier

The participating airline over which air routes the last section of
carriage under the Air Waybill is undertaken or performed (aircargo).

Last In First Out

Abbreviation: LIFO
A method of which the assumption is that the most recently received
(last in) is the first to be used or sold (first out).

Lateral and Front Stacking Truck

High-lift stacking truck capable of stacking and retrieving loads ahead

and on either or both sides of the driving direction.

The angular distance of a position on its meridian north or south from
the equator, measured in degrees ('a vessel at 25 degrees north
Lay Days
The number of days allowed in a charter party for the loading and
discharging of cargo.
Lay days may be indicated in different ways e.g. consecutive days,
working days, weather working days.

Layout Key

See United Nations Layout Key.

Lay Up a Vessel

Temporary cessation of trading of a vessel by the shipowner.


See Letter of Credit.


See Less than Container Load.

Lead Time

1. The amount of time between the request of a service and the actual
provision of this service.
2. A span of time required to perform an activity. In a logistics
context, the time between the initiation of a process and its


A contract by which one party gives to another party the use of

property or equipment, e.g. containers, for a specified time against
fixed payments.

Leasing Company

The company from which property or equipment is taken on lease.

Leasing Contract

A contract for the leasing of property or equipment.

Less than Container Load
Abbreviation: LCL
1. A general reference for identifying cargo in any quantity intended
for carriage in a container, where the Carrier is responsible for
packing and/or unpacking the container.
2. For operational purposes a LCL (Less than full container load)
container is considered a container in which multiple consignments
or parts thereof are shipped.

Less than Truck Load

Abbreviation: LTL
A term used if the quantity or volume of one or more consignment(s)
does not fill a standard truck.


The party to whom the possession of specified property has been

conveyed for a period of time in return for rental payments.


The party who conveys specified property to another for a period of

time in return for the receipt of rent.

Letter of Credit

Abbreviation: L/C
A written undertaking by a bank (issuing bank) given to the seller
(beneficiary) at the request, and on the instructions of the buyer
(applicant) to pay at sight or at a determinable future date up to a
stated sum of money, within a prescribed time limit and against
stipulated documents.

Letter of Indemnity

Written statement in which one party undertakes to compensate another

for the costs and consequences of carrying out a certain act. The issue
of a letter of indemnity is sometimes used for cases when a shipper
likes receiving a clean Bill of Lading while a carrier is not allowed
to do so. Within P&O Nedlloyd the issue of letters of indemnity are
contrary to the company's instructions.


Legal responsibility for the consequences of certain acts or omissions.


A legal claim upon real or personal property to pay a debt or duty.

Life Cycle Cost

Encompasses all costs associated with the product's life cycle. These
include all costs involved in acquisition (research & development,
design, production & construction, and phase-in), operation, support
and disposal of the product.


1. See Last In First Out.

2. See Liner In Free Out.

Lift-On Lift-Off Vessel

Abbreviation: LOLO
Vessel of which the loading and discharging operations are carried out
by cranes and derricks.


See Barge.

Lighter Aboard Ship

Abbreviation: Lash
A vessel which carries barges.


The carriage of goods within a port area by a barge, e.g. from a vessel
to a quay.


Weight of an empty vessel including equipment and outfit, spare parts

required by the regulatory bodies, machinery in working condition and
liquids in the systems, but excluding liquids in the storage tanks,
stores and crew.

Line Item

See order line.

Line Number

See Flight Number.

Linear Programming

A mathematical procedure for minimizing or maximizing a linear function

of several variables, subject to a finite number of linear restrictions
on these variables.
Liner Conference

A group of two or more vessel-operating carriers, which provides

international liner services for the carriage of cargo on a particular
trade route and which has an agreement or arrangement to operate under
uniform or common freight rates and any other agreed conditions (e.g.
FEFC = Far Eastern Freight Conference).

Liner In Free Out

Abbreviation: LIFO
Transport condition denoting that the freight rate is inclusive of the
sea carriage and the cost of loading, the latter as per the custom of
the port. It excludes the cost of discharging.

Liner Shipping Company

A company transporting goods over sea in a regular service.

Liner Terms

Condition of carriage denoting that costs for loading and unloading are
borne by the carrier subject the custom of the port concerned.

Liner Service

The connection through vessels between ports within a trade.

Live Stock

Cargo consisting of live animals, such as horses, cows, sheep and


Lloyd's Register of Shipping

British classification society.


Quantity or nature of what is being carried. This term normally refers

to transport by truck.

Load Factor Management

The process of maximising the utilization of the (slot) capacity of

vessels and or other means of transport.

Loaden Vessel

Vessel where cargo has been put on board.

Synonym: Laden Vessel.

The process of bringing cargo into a means of transport or equipment.

Loading Platform

A flat surface to facilitate loading usually alongside a warehouse.


A loadcalculator designed for a vessel approved by a classification

bureau for the calculation of the vessels stability.

Local Charge

See On-line Charge.

Local Rate

See On-line Rate.

Locating Pin

See Cones.


1. Any named geographical place, recognized by a competent national

body, with permanent facilities used for goods movements
associated with international trade, and used frequently for these
2. Geographical place such as a port, an airport, an inland freight
terminal, a container freight station, a container yard, a
container depot, a terminal or any other place where customs
clearance and/or regular receipt or delivery of goods can take
3. An area ( a warehouse) marked off or designated for a
specific purpose.


For marine purposes: A space, enclosed at the sides by walls and at

each end by gates, by which a vessel can be floated up or down to a
different level.


A compartment, in a shed or on board of a vessel, used as a safekeeping

place to stow valuable goods, which can be secured by means of a lock.

Log Book
The daily report of all events and other relevant particulars of a
vessel and attested by the proper authorities as a true record.

Logistics (CEN)

The planning, execution and control

-of the movement and placement of people and/or goods
-and of the supporting activities related to such movement and
placement within a system organized to achieve specific objectives.

Logistics chain

All successive links involved in the logistic process.


See Lift-On Lift-Off Vessel.


The angular distance of a position on the equator east or west of the

standard Greenwich meridian up to 180o east or west.


Motor truck used for transport of goods.

Note: Motor truck is an American term. British synonym for motor truck
is Heavy Goods Vehicle. This British term means any vehicle exceeding
7.5 metric tons maximum laden weight.


See Less than truck load.

Luffing Crane

A crane with which the load can be moved to or from the crane


Travellers' baggage, suitcases, boxes etc., normally accompanied by a



An agreed sum of money, which is paid in full settlement at one time.

This term is often used in connection with charter parties.

Lump-sum Charter
A voyage charter whereby the shipowner agrees to place the whole or a
part of the vessel's capacity at the charterer's disposal for which a
lump-sum freight is being paid.
Mafi Trailer

German brand name of a roll trailer used for RoRo purposes.

Maiden Trip

First voyage of a vessel or aircraft after delivery from new-building

to her owner(s).

Maintenance Chain

A sequence of events in a goods flow which preserves and/or restores

the value of a specific good. This may include: Repair.

Main-line Operator

Abbreviation: MLO
A carrier employing vessel(s) in the main or principal routes in a
trade but not participating within a consortium.


Document which lists the specifications of goods loaded in a means of

transport or equipment for transportation purposes.
As a rule cargo manifests are drawn up by the agents in the place of
Note: For shipping a manifest represents a cumulation of Bills of
Lading for official and administrative purposes.

Manufacturers Plate

A plate indicating the name and address of the container manufacturer

and particulars of the container.

Manufacturing Process

The producing of goods or wares by manual labour or machinery, often on

a large scale and with division of labour.

Manufacturing Resource Planning

Abbreviation: MRP-II
A method for the effective planning of a manufacturing company, being a
direct out-growth and extension of MRP-I.
Marine Insurance Policy

An insurance policy protecting the insured against loss or damage to

his goods occurred during ocean transport.
Market Analysis
Systematic investigation of the growth and the composition of a market.


The process of organizing and directing all the company activities

which relate to determining the market demand and converting the
customers buying power into an effective demand for a service and
bringing that service to the customer.


See Shipping Marks.

Master Production Schedule

Abbreviation: MPS
A realistic, detailed, manufacturing plan for which all possible
demands upon the manufacturing facilities (such as available personnel,
working hours, (management) policy and goals) have been considered and
are visualized. The MPS is a statement of what the company expects to
produce and purchase expressed in selected items, specific quantities
and dates.

Mate's Receipt

A document signed by the chief officer of a vessel acknowledging the

receipt of a certain consignment on board of that vessel. On this
document, remarks can be made as to the order and condition of the

Material Requirements Planning

Abbreviation: MRP-I
An inventory and purchasing planning system that integrates product
components, lead times and deadlines.

Materials Handling

The activities of loading, unloading, placing and manipulating material

and of in-process movement.

Materials Management

The planning and control of the activities related to the materials

flow from the suppliers up to the end of the conversion/production

See Miscellaneous Charge Order.

Means of Transport

Type of vehicle used for the transport of goods (e.g. aircraft, barge,
truck, vessel or train).

Measurement Ton

A ton of one cubic metre water.

Mechanics Lien

The legal enforceable claim which a person who has performed work or
provided materials is permitted to make against title to the property
or as a preferential person in the event the estate or business is

Medical First Aid Guide

Abbreviation: MFAG
Instructions to be consulted in case of accidents involving dangerous

Memo Bill

See Service Bill of Lading.


For cargo carried under the terms and conditions of the Carrier's Bill
of Lading and of a tariff, it means any trader or persons (e.g.
Shipper, Consignee) and including anyone acting on their behalf, owning
or entitled to possession of the goods.

Merchant Haulage

Inland transport of cargo in shipping containers arranged by the

It includes empty container-moves to and from hand-over points in
respect of containers released by the Carrier to Merchants.
Note: Carrier's responsibility under the Bill of Lading does not
include the inland transport stretch under Merchant Haulage.

Merchant Inspired Carrier Haulage

Carrier haulage by a carrier, which is nominated by the shipper or

receiver of the goods, but paid by the carrier.
Meta-centric Height

The distance between the centre of gravity of a vessel and a fictitious

point. If the metra-centric height is zero or negative, the vessel will
heel or capsize.


See Medical First Aid Guide.

Mileage Proration

Proration on the basis of the applicable local mileage (aircargo).

Minimum Charge

The lowest amount which applies to the transport of a consignment,

irrespective of weight or volume (aircargo, shipping).

Minimum Inventory

The planned minimum allowable inventory for an independent demand item.

Minor Unit

Unit of recorded value (i.e. as recorded by banks) which is a division

of the respective unit of currency.
Examples are the cent being a one hundredth part of the US Dollar.
Note: Some countries have minor units that are used in low-value
coinage within a country or locality, but which are not used by the
international banking system in making formal records of value.
Examples: Belgium, Greece and Spain.

Miscellaneous Charge Order

Abbreviation: MCO
A document issued by a carrier or his agent requesting the issue of an
appropriate passenger ticket and baggage cheque or revision of services
to the person named in such document (aircargo).

Mixed Consignment

A consignment of different commodities, articles or goods, packed or

tied together or contained in separate packages (aircargo).

Mode of Transport

Method of transport used for the conveyance of goods, (e.g. by rail, by

road, by sea).

A representation of a process or system that attempts to relate the
most important variables in the system in such a way that analysis of
the model leads to insights into the system.


A separate and distinct unit of hardware or software that may be used

as a component in a system.


The act or process of changing the position of an object and or people.

Movement Inventory

The inventory during a production process caused by the time required

to move goods from one place to another.


See Multi Purpose Carrier.


See Master Production Schedule.


See Material Requirements Planning.


See Manufacturing Resource Planning.


See Multi Transport Operator/Carrier.

Multiple Sourcing

Selecting of and working with more than two equivalent suppliers for a
certain product.

Multi Purpose Carrier

See Multi Purpose Vessel.

Multi Purpose Vessel

Vessel designed for the carriage of different types of cargo: general,
bulk, heavy and/or containerized cargo.
Synonym: Multi Purpose Carrier (MPC).

Multimodal Transport

The carriage of goods (containers) by at least two different modes of


Multimodal Transport Document

See Combined Transport Document.

Multimodal Transport Operator/Carrier

Abbreviation: MTO/Carrier
The person on whose behalf the transport document or any document
evidencing a contract of multimodal carriage of goods is issued and who
is responsible for the carriage of goods pursuant to the contract of
Narrow Body

An aircraft with one corridor, such as a DC-9 and a Boeing 737.


The act of determining position, location and course to the destination

of an aircraft or a vessel.

Nedlloyd Flowmasterssm

A total transportation service package offered by the Royal Nedlloyd

N.V. to shippers and their customers, encompassing ocean, land and air
logistic services made available in a linked, total comprehensive


Imprudent action or omission which may cause injury, damage or loss.


In terms of documents, 'negotiable' means that e.g. a Bill of Lading is

handed over/transferred in the right manner (viz. proper endorsement)
to another person either endorsed in blank or endorsed to a person and
that person acquires, by this transfer certain rights vis-a-vis the
goods e.g. is entitled to take possession of the goods.

Net Manifest

A manifest containing all freight details including negotiated


Net Tonnage

The measure of the useful capacity of a vessel determined in accordance

with the provisions of the international convention on tonnage
measurement of vessels.

Net Weight

The weight of the goods, excluding all packing.

Network Planning System

A technique for making a time schedule for the implementation of a

Non-IATA Member

An airline company which is not a member of IATA but which may work on
terms of IATA as an interline partner.

Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier

Abbreviation: NVOCC
A party who undertakes to carry goods and issues in his own name a Bill
of Lading for such carriage, without having the availability of any own
means of transport.

Normal Charge

The specified general cargo rate without any quantity discount


Normal General Cargo Rate

The under 45 kgs rate or, if no under 45 kgs rate exists, the under 100
kgs rate (aircargo).
Synonym: Normal Rate.

Normal Rate

See Normal General Cargo Rate.

Notice of Readiness

1. Written document or telex issued by the master of a vessel to the

charterers advising them the moment when a vessel is ready to load
or discharge.
2. Document advising a consignee or his agent that cargo has arrived
and is ready for delivery.

Notify Address

Address of the party other than the consignee to be advized of the

arrival of the goods.

Notify Party

The party to be notified of arrival of goods.

NVOCC See Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier.

Obsolete Stock

The products or materials that cannot be or is unlikely to be used in

future processes and which is to be sold or disposed of through the
usual outlets.


Contracting work carried out at sea (e.g. drilling for oil).

Oil Bulk Ore Vessel

Abbreviation: OBO-Vessel
A vessel, designed for the carriage of either dry or liquid bulk cargo.

On-line Charge

The charge which applies to carriage over the lines of a single carrier
Synonyms: Local Charge, Local Rate, On-line Rate.

On-line Rate

See On-line Charge.


The carriage of goods (containers) by any mode of transport to the

place of delivery after discharge from the ocean vessel (main means of
transport) at the port (place) of discharge.

One Way Pallet

See disposable pallet.

Note: The addition 'One Way' has nothing to do with the number of
pallet sides in which the forks of e.g. a fork lift can enter, as
opposed to the two and four way pallets.

Open Order

See Backlog.

Open Sided Container

Shipping container with frames with wire-mesh at the sides covered by
means of a tarpaulin which can be dropped down to give unrestricted
access to the sides of the container for loading or discharging.

Open Top Container

A freight container similar in all respects to a general purpose

container except that it has no rigid roof but may have a flexible and
movable or removable cover, for example one made of canvas or plastic
or reinforced plastic material normally supported on movable or
removable roof bows.

Operating Efficiency

A ratio of the actual output of a piece of equipment, department, or

plant as compared to the planned or standard output.

Operations Research

The development and application of quantitative techniques to the

solution of problems. More specifically, theory and methodology in
mathematics, statistics, and computing are adapted and applied to the
identification, formulation, solution, validation, implementation, and
control of decision making problems.


The party responsible for the day to day operational management of

certain premises such as ware-houses, terminals and vessels.

Optimal Trim

The best calculated TRIM related to speed engine capacity, fuel

consumption for a specific sailing condition.


Achieving the best possible solution to a problem in terms of a

specified objective function.


One of a limited range of choices or features that is offered to a

customer when purchasing an otherwise basic standard product and that
has to be an integral part of the product (used in commercial trading).

Optional Cargo

Cargo of which the final destination is not known at the moment of

booking but will be indicated during the transport.
Optional Port

A port of which it is not known whether or not it will be called by a

vessel during a voyage.


A request to deliver specified quantities of goods or to render

specific services.

Order line

Each line on a customer's purchase order. An order line always contains

one Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) only, but the number may vary.


An identifiable social unit with a particular responsibility which

endeavour to achieve multiple goals by coordinated activities and
relationships between members and objects.

Out of Gauge Cargo

Cargo which dimensions are exceeding the normal dimensions of a 20 or

40 feet container, e.g. overlength, overwidth, overheight, or
combinations thereof.


A carrier, which operates on a route served by a liner conference but

which is not a member of that conference.

Outturn Report

Written statement by a stevedoring company in which the condition of

cargo discharged from a vessel is noted along with any discrepancies in
the quantity compared with the vessel's manifest.

Outward Handling

The operations to be performed on outgoing goods from a production

unit, both administrative and physical, starting at the moment
forwarding orders can be executed to the moment of actual departure of
the goods.

Over Pivot Rate

The rate per kilogram to be charged for the over pivot weight

Over Pivot Weight

The weight in excess of the pivot weight (aircargo).


A carrier within a consortium who carries cargo beyond the allotment

distributed to him.

Overheight Cargo

Cargo, exceeding the standard height.

Overlength Cargo

Cargo, exceeding the standard length.


A unit used by a single shipper to contain one or more packages and to

form one handling unit for convenience of handling and stowage.
Dangerous goods packages contained in the overpack must be properly
packed, marked, labelled and in proper condition as required by the
Regulations regarding dangerous goods (aircargo).


Work beyond normal established working hours which usually requires a

premium to be paid to the employees concerned.

Overwidth Cargo

Cargo, exceeding the standard width.


The legal owner of cargo, equipment or means of transport.

Owner's container Code

See Container Prefix.
P & I Club

See Protection and Indemnity Club.


1. Any physical piece of cargo in relation to transport consisting of

the contents and its packing for the purpose of ease of handling
by manual or mechanical means.
2. The final product of the packing operation consisting of the
packing and its contents to facilitate manual or mechanical

Synonym: Parcel.


Materials used for the containment, protection, handling, delivery and

presentation of goods and the activities of placing and securing goods
in those materials.


Any container or other covering in which goods are packed.

Packing Instruction

Document issued within an enterprise giving instructions on how goods

are to be packed.

Packing List

Document specifying the contents of each individual package.

Packing Unit

A type of package where a standard quantity of products of a specific

product type can be packed and that requires no additional packaging
for storage and shipment.


A platform on which goods can be stacked in order to facilitate the

movement by a fork lift or sling.
Pallet Convertor

Superstructure which can be applied to a pallet to convert it into

either a box or post pallet.

Pallet Rack

A skeleton framework, of fixed or adjustable design, to support a

number of individual pallet loads.

Pallet Truck

Pedestrian- or rider-controlled non-stacking lift truck fitted with


Panamax Size

The maximum measurements and dimensions of a vessel capable to pass the

Panama Canal.


See Package.


Neither a CASS Airline nor a billing participant, which advices the

Settlement Office of amounts due to it from agents.

Participating Carrier

1. A carrier participating in a tariff and who therefore applies the

rates, charges, routing and regulations of the tariff (aircargo).
2. A carrier over whose air routes one or more sections of carriage
under the Air Waybill is undertaken or performed (aircargo).

Particular Average

A fortuitous partial loss to the subject matter insured, proximately

caused by an insured peril but which is not a general average loss.
Particular average only relates to damage and/or expenses which are
exclusively borne by the owners of a vessel which has sustained damage
as a result of e.g. heavy weather or by the owners of the cargo, which
has been damaged in transit.


See Divider.

Passenger Aircraft
An aircraft which carries any person other than a crew member, an
operator's employee in an official capacity, an authorized
representative of an appropriate national authority or a person
accompanying a consignment (aircargo).


A party to whom a payment is made or owed.


A party who pays or is to pay.


The revenue-producing load carried by a means of transport.


That which discharges a debt.

Payment Against Documents

Instructions given by a seller to a bank to the effect that the buyer

may collect the documents necessary to obtain delivery of the goods
only upon actual payment of the invoice.

Performance Indicator

A variable indicating the effectiveness and/or efficiency of a process.

Performance Measurement

The comparison of the results of business processes with each other or

with standards in order to know the effectiveness of these processes
and/or the supportive actions.

Physical Distribution

Those activities related to the flow of goods from the end of

conversion to the customer.

Physical Distribution Management

The planning execution and control of those activities which are

related to the flow of goods from the end of conversion to the

Pick and Pack

Taking goods out of a stock and packing them according to customer

Pick Order

An order to pick certain quantities of goods out of a stock.

Pick Up and Delivery

A service concerning the collection of cargo from the premises of the

consignor and the delivery to the premises of the consignee.

Pick Up Service

The carriage of outbound consignments from the point of pick up to the

airport of departure (aircargo).


Taking products or components out of a stock.

Picking List

A list used to collect items from stores needed to fulfil an order.

Synonym: Material issue list, Kitting list.


See quay.


The carriage of road vehicles and trailers on railway wagons.

Synonym: Huckepack Carriage.


Petty stealing of goods from a ship's hold, cargo shed or warehouse.


1. Local expert advising a vessel's captain on safe navigation in

those areas where the captain is ignorant of local circumstances
or where it is obligatory to take a pilot.
2. A person qualified to operate the controls of an aircraft

Pilot In Command

The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft
during flight time (aircargo).

1. A line of pipes for conveying liquids and gasses.

2. The physical goods flow from a supplying organization to a
receiving organization.

Pipeline Inventory

The amount of goods in a pipeline: the sum of loading stock, goods in

transit and receiving stock.
Synonym: Floating Stock.

Pivot Weight

Minimum chargeable weight of a Unit Load Device (aircargo).

Place of Acceptance

See place of receipt.

Place of Delivery

The location where a consignment (shipment) is delivered to the

consignee viz. the place where the carrier's liability ends for the
transport venture.

Place of Receipt

The location where a consignment (shipment) is received by the carrier

from the shipper viz. the place where the carrier's liability for
transport venture commences.
Synonym: Place of Acceptance.


The activity of positioning an object or goods in a chosen location or



The setting of goals over a certain time and the determination of how
to achieve these goals and with what resource.

Planning Horizon

The period of time to which a certain particular plan relates.


The bare floor of a container, suitable for the carriage of

uncontainerable cargo, as several platforms can be placed together to
provide a larger base. Plated for the carriage of heavy goods. 20' and


The area on an airport where aircrafts are parked for embarkation

and/or loading and discharging purposes (aircargo).
Synonym: Apron, Ramp.

Platform Body

A truck or trailer without ends, sides or top but with only a floor.

Platform Handling

All activities connecting with an aircraft during the time it is on the

platform (aircargo).
Synonym: Ramp Handling.

Plimsoll Mark

A mark, welded on both sides of the vessel, which gives the limit to
which a vessel may be loaded, depending on the specific gravity of the
water in which the vessel is situated.

Point to Point Transport

See House to House Transport.

Point Value

The point value can be seen as the relative value of an empty container
of a certain size type in a depot location.
The system serves to quantify the imbalance costs resulting from a full
container move and are the result of empty optimization calculations.
Point values are created on forecasted container flows between depot
They are calculated taking into account a.o. the forecasted imbalances
plus repositioning, storage and container costs for empty moves and
expressed in USD.
Note: In the various computer systems point values are used to
calculate the imbalance charge or credit for a particular container
flow. This charge or credit is the difference in point values between
start and end depot location.


A vessel with flat deck and a shallow draft.

The shared use of e.g. equipment by a number of companies, which make
together the investments in the equipment mentioned.


Aft part of a vessel where the steering engine is located.


1. Harbour having facilities for vessels to moor and load or

2. Left side of a vessel when facing towards the front or forward

Port of Call

Place where a vessel actually drops anchor or moors during a certain


Port of Discharge

The port where the cargo is actually discharged (unloaded) from the sea
(ocean) going vessel.

Port of Loading

The port where the cargo is actually loaded on board the sea (ocean)
going vessel.

Portal Crane

A type of gantry crane with vertical legs of sufficient height and

width to permit vehicles or railroad equipment to pass between the


A statement concerning a vessel containing the actual arrival and

departure time used tugs, draft, deadweight, quantity of discharged and
loaded goods/containers and any other important particulars.


The transport of empty equipment from a depot to shipper's premises or

from consignee's premises back to a depot as the empty leg of a carrier
haulage transport.

Postal Code

A national code maintained by the Postal Authorities designed to

indicate areas and accumulated addresses to facilitate sorting and the
delivery of mail and other goods.
Note: The coding system is different in the various countries
throughout the world. In the Netherlands the code consists of 4 figures
and 2 characters.


That what has become customary as a result of repeated acts.


The carriage of goods (containers) by any mode of transport from the

place of receipt to the port (place) of loading into the ocean vessel
(main means of transport).


The carrier by which the goods are moved prior to the main transport.

Prepaid Charge

The charges entered on the Air Waybill for payment in advance by the
shipper (aircargo).

Preshipment Inspection

Abbreviation: PSI
The checking of goods before shipment for the purpose of determining
the quantity and/or quality of said goods by an independent surveyor
(inspection company) for phytosanitary, sanitary and veterinary
Presently there is a tendency by developing countries to use the
inspection also for the purpose of determining whether the price
charged for certain goods is correct.


The act of placing goods in slings which are left in position and used
for loading into and discharging from a conventional vessel.

Pre-trip Inspection

Abbreviation: PTI
A technical inspection of Reefer containers prior to positioning for


Person for whom another acts as agent.

Principal Carrier
See Responsible Carrier.

Principal Corporate Body

The company that owns the various subsidiary companies or branches

acting as customers on their own and is registered as the corporate
customer for statistical purposes.

Priority Order

An order which is identified as taking precedence over other orders to

ensure its completion in the minimum time.
Synonym: Urgent order, Rush order.

Private Warehouse

A warehouse operated by the owner of the goods stored there.

Pro Forma Invoice

Draft invoice sent to an importer by the exporter prior to order

confirmation and shipment to assist in matters relating to obtaining
import licences or foreign exchange allocations, or simply to advise
the value of a consignment so that letters of credit can be opened.


The activities which ensure the availability of the material and or

services in the desired quantity, quality, place and time from the

Procurement Logistics

Control of the flow of materials up to the manufacturing process.


A result, end item or output from a certain process.

Product Chain

All phases in the transformation- or production process of one product.

Product Life Cycle

The period of time between the introduction date and end date of a
product in the market.
Note: Phases are introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline &

1. The conversion of materials and or assembly of components to
manufacture goods, products or services.
2. The total quantity of goods manufactured or to be manufactured in
a particular period of time expressed in quantitative or financial
terms. (The term manufacturing is often used specifically for
physical operations resulting in a product).


Relative measure of output of labour hour or machine hour.

Profit Centre

An organizational unit which will be held responsible for its own

profits and losses.

Project Cargo

Quantity of goods connected to the same project and often carried on

different moments and from various places.

Proof of Delivery

The receipt signed by the consignee upon delivery.

Proper Shipping Name

A name to be used to describe particular goods on all shipping

documents and notifications and, if appropriate, on the goods.

Proportional Rate

A rate which is used in combination with other rates to establish a

through rate (aircargo).


A portion of a joint rate or charge obtained by proration (aircargo).


Division of a joint rate or charge between the carriers concerned on an

agreed basis (aircargo).

Protection and Indemnity Club

Abbreviation: P & I club.

A mutual association of shipowners who provide protection against
liabilities by means of contributions.

A statement drawn up to attest certain events.

Public Authorities

The agencies or officials in a state responsible for the application

and enforcement of the laws and regulations of that state. Source: IMO.

Public Warehouse

A warehouse which is available to all companies and persons who wish to

make use of the services offered.

Published Charge

A charge, the amount of which is specifically set forth in the

carrier's rates tariff (aircargo).
Synonym: Published Rate.

Published Rate

See Published Charge.

Pull Distribution System

A system to provide warehouses with new stock on request of the

warehouse management.

Purchase Order

A definite order for one or more deliveries by the supplier to the

customer of a specific quantity of goods, materials, services or
products under agreed terms of delivery and prices.

Push Distribution System

A system to provide warehouses with new stock upon decision of the

supplier of the goods.

A data element whose value shall be expressed as a code that gives

specific meaning to the function of another data element or a segment.

Quality (ISO8402)

The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service

that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Note: The ISO9000 standards on quality management and quality assurance
consists of 4 standards: 9000 guidelines for selection and use, 9001
model for quality assurance in design/development 9002 model for
quality assurance in production and installation, 9003 model for
quality assurance in final inspection and test, and 9004 guidelines for
quality management and quality system elements, part 2 are guidelines
for services.

Quality Assurance (ISO8402)

All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate

confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements
for quality.

Quality Control (ISO8402)

The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfil

requirements for quality.

Quantity Charge

The unit rate which is lower than the normal rate and applies to
shipments meeting specific weight requirements (aircargo).

Quantity Discount

A proportional reduction of a rate based on quantity (aircargo).


The period during which an arriving vessel, including its equipment,

cargo, crew or passengers, suspected to carry or carrying a contagious
disease is detained in strict isolation to prevent the spread of such a

That part of a wharf which is intended for the mooring of vessels.

Synonym: pier.


A stored arrangement of computer data, programs or messages, waiting to

be processed in the order in which they were submitted.


Timber wedge used to secure drums against movement.


A system of controlling imports, exports or production by specifying a

certain limitation.


Amount stated as the price according to tariff for certain services to

be provided or issued to a customer with specification on conditions
for carriage.

Quotation expiration date

The date as from which a quotation price is no longer valid.

Rail Car

A wheeled wagon used for the carriage of cargo by rail.

Rail Consignment Note

A document evidencing a contract for the transport of goods by rail.


An artificial inclined path, road or track along which wheeled

vehicles, cargo and trailers may pass for the purpose of changing their
elevation and facilitating the loading and unloading operation (e.g. an
entrance way into a Roll-on Roll-off vessel).
For aircargo see Platform.

Ramp Handling

See Platform Handling.


1. The price of a transport service.

2. Quantity, amount or degree measured or applied.

Rate of Calculation

A factor for the calculation of an amount.

Rate of Turn

The figure indicating the speed of a change of course of a means of

transport expressed in degrees per minute.

Rate Proration

Proration on the basis of the applicable local rates (aircargo).


A class to which an article is assigned.

That part of a transport charge which the carrier agrees to return.


A written acknowledgement, that something has been received.

Receiving Carrier

The carrier receiving a consignment on behalf of a carrier, agent or

shipper for onward transport (aircargo).

Receiving Stock

The stock comprising all the goods that have arrived at the door of the
receiving organization and which is not yet available in the stock of
that organization.


All activities connected with restoring and or adjusting the packaging

of a product. In such manner that it can be presented to the customer
in the requested form.

Reconditioning of Garments

The act or process of bringing garments after transport in shop's



1. Return of a shipment to the party who originally delivered it to

the carrier (aircargo).
2. Return of a charter vessel to the owners.

Reefer Cargo

Cargo requiring temperature control.

Reefer Container

A thermal container with refrigerating appliances (mechanical

compressor unit, absorption unit etc.) to control the temperature of

Reforwarding Charge

Charges paid or to be paid for subsequent surface or air transport from

the airport of destination by a forwarder, but not by a carrier under
the Air Waybill (aircargo).

The repayment to the purchaser of the total charge or a portion of that
charge for unused carriage.


Specified geographical area for operational purposes.

Register Ton

The unit of measurement for the internal capacity of a vessel whereby

one register ton equals 100 cubic feet (2.83 cubic meter). The gross
(bruto) tonnage comprises all spaces below the main (tonnage) deck and
the enclosed spaces above the main (tonnage) deck less exempted spaces.
The net tonnage consists of the gross tonnage less exemptions like
ballast tanks, engine room, living quarters etc. The register tonnages
are mentioned on the tonnage certificate.


The process of splitting up shipments into various consignments

(degroupage) and combining these small consignments into other
shipments (groupage).


The procedure whereby goods shipped directly from a supplier to the

customer are invoiced in two stages: at first by the supplier to an
intermediary and subsequently by the intermediary to the customer.


Non-acceptance of e.g. cargo.

Reliability of Delivery

The reliability of a supplier concerning the agreed terms of delivery

with regard to the quality, quantity, delivery time, conditions and


Indicating that a subject is interchangeable with another subject, but

which differs physically from the original subject in that the
installation of the replacement subject requires extra machining or
provisions in addition to the normal application and methods of


Completion of stock.

The route to be followed as altered from the one originally specified

in the Air Waybill (aircargo).


Allotment in advance of space or weight capacity. Also referred to as

'booking' (aircargo).

Reserve Inventory

See Safety Stock.

Responsible Carrier

1. The carrier liable under the terms of a consortium Bill of Lading.

2. Carrier responsible for the transport of goods as indicated in the
transport document (aircargo).

Synonym: Principal Carrier.


Goods returned to their place of acceptance.


Amounts of income stemming from the provision of transport services.

Reverse Distribution

The collection of used, damaged, or outdated products and/or packaging

from end-users.


Certificate issued by the Italian Government for carrying dangerous

goods in Italian Waters.

Road Carrier

Party undertaking transport by road of goods from one point to another

such as indicated in the contract.
Synonym: Haulier.

Road Vehicle

A means of transport capable and allowed to move over public roads and
other landways.
Roll Trailer

Special trailer for terminal haulage and stowage on board of Roll-on

Roll-off vessels.
Also referred to as Mafi Trailer.

Rolling Resistance

The total frictional force that a tire, a set of tires or all the tires
on a vehicle is developing with the road.

Roll-on Roll-off

Abbreviation: RoRo.
System of loading and discharging a vessel whereby the cargo is driven
on and off by means of a ramp.


See Roll-on Roll-off.


Sequence in which a vessel calls at the ports on her itinerary.

Round Trip

A voyage, a journey etc. to a certain place, port or country and back



The track along which goods are (to be) transported.


1. The determination of the most efficient route(s) that people,

goods, materials and or means of transport have to follow.
2. The process of determining how a shipment will be moved between
consignor and consignee or between place of acceptance by the
carrier and place of delivery to the consignee.
3. The process of aiding a vessel's navigation by supplying long
range weather forecasts and indicating the most economic and save
sailing route.


A vertical division of a vessel from starboard to portside, used as a

part of the indication of a stowage place for containers. The numbers
run from midships to both sides.
Rush Baggage

See Expedite Baggage.


See Single Administrative Document.

Safe Working Load

Abbreviation: SWL
The maximum load any lifting appliance may handle.

Safety Stock

1. In general, a quantity of stock planned to be in inventory to

protect against fluctuations in demand and/or supply.
2. In the context of master production scheduling, safety stock can
refer to additional inventory and/or capacity planned as
protection against forecast errors and/or short terms changes in
the backlog. Also referred to as 'overplanning' or a 'market

Synonym: Reserve Inventory.

Said to Contain

Abbreviation: STC
Term in a Bill of Lading signifying that the master and the carrier are
unaware of the nature or quantity of the contents of e.g. a carton,
crate, container or bundle and are relying on the description furnished
by the shipper.


The saving or rescue of a vessel and/or the cargo from loss and/or
damage at sea.

Scale Ton

Freighting measurement used in certain trades for various commodities.


A timetable including arrival/departure times of ocean- and feeder

vessels and also inland transportation.
It refers to named ports in a specific voyage (journey) within a
certain trade indicating the voyage number(s).
In general: The plan of times for starting and/or finishing activities.

SCP Simplified Clearance Procedure

A procedure covering non-restricted goods which enables approved

exporters or agents to export goods on presentation of minimum
information. The full statistical information is supplied within 14
days of shipment.


See Specific Commodity Rate.


See Special Drawing Rights.


A device used for containers, lockers, trucks or lorries to proof

relevant parties that they have remained closed during transport.

Seal Log

A document used to record seal numbers.

Seasonal Inventory

Inventory built up in anticipation of a seasonal peak of demand in

order to smooth production.


Fitness of a vessel to travel in open sea mostly related to a

particular voyage with a particular cargo.

Sectional Rate

The rate established by scheduled air carrier(s) for a section of a

through route (aircargo).


See Shipper's Export Declaration.


Distance required by the rules of IMDG or BC codes between the various

commodities of dangerous and or bulk cargoes.
Seller's Market

A 'seller's market' is considered to exist when goods cannot easily be

secured and when the economic forces of business tend to be priced at
the vendor's estimate of value. In other words, a state of trade
favourable to the seller, with relatively great demand and high prices
of something for sale.

Semi Trailer

A vehicle without motive power and with one or more axles designed to
be drawn by a truck tractor and constructed in such way that a portion
of its weight and that of its load rest upon e.g. the fifth wheel of
the towing vehicle.


See Shipper.

Service Bill

A service Bill (of Lading) is a contract of carriage issued by one

carrier to another for documentary and internal control purposes (e.g.
in case P&O Nedlloyd cargo is carried on a non P&O Nedlloyd vessel.
Synonym Memo Bill of Lading).
-For internal documentary and control purposes a so-called
participating agent in a consortium uses some kind of document which,
depending on the trade, is referred to as 'Memo Bill' which will among
others state:
-Name of Carrier on whose behalf the original document (Way Bill, Bill
of Lading, etc.) was issued.
The original document number.
The agent who issued the original document and his opponent at the
discharging side.
The number of packages, weight and measurement, marks and numbers and
goods description.
Further mandatory details in case of special cargo.
No freight details will be mentioned and the Memo Bill is not a
contract of carriage.
See Bill of Lading.

Service Level

A measure for the extent to which the customer orders can be executed
at delivery conditions normally accepted in the market.

Setting/Air Delivery Temperature

An indication in the documents (B/L) stating the air supply temperature

to the container.
Note: No other details than this temperature shall be included in the
Bill of Lading.

Settlement Office

The institution to issue billing to and receive remittances from agents

and to distribute the monies to CASS airlines, Billing Participants and
Part Participants (aircargo).


See Warehouse.

Shelf Life

The specified length of time prior to use for which items which are
inherently subject to deterioration are deemed to remain fit for use
under prescribed conditions.
Synonym: Storage life.


Part of the work-programm of a stevedoring company (a working day can

have up to 3 shifts (24 hours)).


See Vessel.

Ship Broker

Acts as intermediary between shipowners or carriers by sea on the one

hand and cargo interests on the other. The functions are to act as
forwarding agent or custom broker, fixing of charters, and acting as
chartering agent.

Ship's Protest

Statement of the master of a vessel before (in the presence of)

competent authorities, concerning exceptional events which occurred
during a voyage.


A separately identifiable collection of goods to be carried.

See Consignment.
Note: In the United States of America the word shipment is used instead
of the word consignment.

A ship operator is either the shipowner or the (legal) person
responsible for the actual management of the vessel and its crew.


The (legal) person officially registered as such in the certificate of

registry where the following particulars are contained.
Name of vessel and port of registry.
Details contained in surveyors certificate.
The particulars respecting the origin stated in the declaration of
The name and description of the registered owner, if more than one
owner the proportionate share of each.


The merchant (person) by whom, in whose name or on whose behalf a

contract of carriage of goods has been concluded with a carrier or any
party by whom, in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually
delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage.
Synonym: Consignor, Sender.

Shipper's Export Declaration

Abbreviation: SED
A United States customs form to be completed for all exports to assist
the government in compiling export statistics.

Shipper's Letter of Instruction

Abbreviation: SLI
A document containing instructions given by the shipper or the
shipper's agent for preparing documents and forwarding (aircargo).

Shipping Documents

Documents required for the carriage of goods.

Synonym: Transport Documents.

Shipping Instruction

Document advising details of cargo and exporter's requirements of its

physical movement.

Shipping Label

A label attached to a shipping unit, containing certain data.

Shipping Marks
The identification shown on individual packages in order to help in
moving it without delay or confusion to its final destination and to
enable the checking of cargo against documents.
Synonym: Marks.

Shipping Note

Document provided by the shipper or his agent to the carrier,

multimodal transport operator, terminal or other receiving authority,
giving information about export consignments offered for transport, and
providing for the necessary receipts and declarations of liability.


The negative difference between actual available or delivered quantity

and the required quantity.

Shrink Wrapping

Heat treatment that shrinks an envelope of poly-ethylene or similar

substance around several units, thus forming one unit. It is used e.g.
to secure packages on a pallet.


Containers not carried on intended vessel.

Shuttle Service

The carriage back and forth over an often short route between two


See Standard Industrial Classification.


A short railroad track connected with a main track by a switch to serve

a warehouse or an industrial area.


The imitation of the reality for studying the effect of changing

parameters in a model as a means of preparing a decision.

Single Administrative Document

Abbreviation: SAD
A set of documents, replacing the various (national) forms for customs
declaration within European Community, implemented on January 1st,
1988. The introduction of the SAD constitutes an intermediate stage in
the abolition of all administrative documentation in intra European
Community trade in goods between member states.

Single Market

In which the twelve member states of the European Community form a

Single Market in which there is free movement of goods, persons,
services and capital. Came into being 01 01 1993, when export and
import Custom entries were abolished for intra-community trade.


National organization for the Simplification of International Trade

PROcedures in the United Kingdom (e.g. in The Netherlands SITPRO is
called 'Sitproneth', in France 'Simprofrance' and in Japan 'Jastpro').

Skeleton Trailer

Road trailer consisting of a frame and wheels, specially designed to

carry containers.
See chassis.


Battens fitted underneath frames, boxes or packages to raise them off

the floor and allow easy access for fork lift trucks, slings or other
handling equipment.


See Shipper's Letter of Instruction.

Sliding Tandem

An undercarriage with a subframe having provision for convenient fore

and aft adjustment of its position on the chassis/semi-trailer. The
purpose being to be able to shift part of the load to either the king
pin or the suspension to maximize legally permitted axle loads (road


Special chain, wire rope, synthetic fibre strap or ropes used for cargo
handling purposes.


The space on board a vessel, required by one TEU, mainly used for
administrative purposes.
Slot Charter

A voyage charter whereby the shipowner agrees to place a certain number

of container slots (TEU and/or FEU) at the charterer's disposal.

SOB - Shipped on board

An endorsment on a B/L confirming loading of goods on the vessel. See

also Cell Position.


1. The management on purpose of the various origins of products or

materials on behalf of the recipient of these products or
2. In some industries sourcing is seen as the change from push to
pull delivery for a number of fast moving items.
3. Within P&O Nedlloyd sourcing is specially dedicated to the retail
industry acting as an intermediary between suppliers and the
market with an integrated service for e.g. supermarkets or large
department stores.

Space Charter

A voyage charter whereby the shipowner agrees to place part of the

vessels capacity at the charterers disposal.

Special Drawing Rights

Abbreviation: SDR
Unit of account from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), i.a. used
to express the amount of the limitations of a carrier's liability.

Special Rate

A rate other than a normal rate (aircargo).

Specific Commodity Rate

Abbreviation: SCR
A rate applicable to carriage of specifically designated commodities

Specified Rate

A rate specified in an IATA Cargo Tariff Coordination Conference

resolution (aircargo).

The stretch between a hub and one of the group of consignees and/or
consignors being served by the hub.
Spontaneous Ignition Temperature
The lowest temperature at which a substance will start burning
spontaneously without an external source of ignition.


1. Device used for lifting containers and unitized cargo.

2. Beam or frame that holds the slings vertical when hoisting a load,
to prevent damage to cargo.


The capacity of a vessel to return to its original position after

having been displaced by external forces. The stability of a vessel
depends on the meta-centric height.


An identifiable amount of containers stowed in a orderly way in one

specified place on an (ocean) terminal, container freight station,
container yard or depot (see container stack).


To pile boxes, bags, containers etc. on top of each other.


The total weight of the containers and cargo in a certain row.

Standard Costs

A carefully prepared estimate of the cost of performing a given

operation under specified conditions.
In P&O Nedlloyd, standard costs are determined for operations called
'standard Work Orders'.
Note: A standard work order describes a standard operation for which a
standard cost is to be established.

Standard Industrial Classification

Abbreviation: SIC
A method, used in the United States, to categorize companies into
different industrial groupings.

Standard Product Module

Abbreviation: SPM
The building blocks used by business management to define services
(shipment products) which can be offered to customers. They describe a
more or less isolated set of activities with a standard cost attached
to it. For operations management each module defines a combination of
standard operations that needs to be carried out for a customer.
Note: SPM's can be regarded as the interface between business and
operations management.


Right side of a vessel when facing towards the front or forward end.

State of Origin

The state in the territory in which the cargo was first loaded on board
of an aircraft (aircargo).

State of the Operator

The state in which the operator has his principal place of business or,
if he has no such place of business, his permanent residence


See Said To Contain.

Steering of Containers

The function, with the aid of specific software for tracking and
forecasting (IRMA, MINKA), to direct empty containers to demanding
areas at minimum costs.


The foremost part of a vessel.


The aftermost part of a vessel.


A party running a business of which the functions are loading, stowing

and discharging vessels.


The materials in a supply chain or in a segment of a supply chain,

expressed in quantities, locations and or values.
Synonym: Inventory when used as a generic term, common in the USA and
extensive in the UK.
Stock Control

The systematic administration of stocklevels with respect to quantity

at all times.

Stock Keeping Unit

The description of the unit of measurement by which the stock items are
recorded on the stock record.

Stock Locator System

A system in which all places within a warehouse are named or numbered.

Stock Point

A point in the supply chain meant to keep materials available.

Stock Record

A record of the quantity of stock of a single item, often containing a

history of recent transactions and information for controlling the
replenishment of stock.


The activity of placing goods into a store or the state of being in

store (e.g. a warehouse).

Storage Charge

The fee for keeping goods in a warehouse.


Provisions and supplies on board required for running a vessel.


The placing and securing of cargo or containers on board a vessel or an

aircraft or of cargo in a container.

Stowage Factor

Ratio of a cargo's cubic measurement to its weight, expressed in cubic

feet to the ton or cubic metres to the tonne, used in order to
determine the total quantity of cargo which can be loaded in a certain

Stowage Instructions
Imperative details about the way certain cargo is to be stowed, given
by the shipper or his agent.

Stowage Plan

A plan indicating the locations on the vessel of all the consignments

for the benefit of stevedores and vessel's officers.


An unwanted person who hides on board of a vessel or an aircraft to get

free passage, to evade port officials etc.

Straddle Carrier

Wheeled vehicle designed to lift and carry shipping containers within

its own framework. It is used for moving, and sometimes stacking,
shipping containers at a container terminal.

Straddle Crane

A crane usually running on rails and spanning an open area such as

rail-tracks or roadways.


A band of metal, plastic or other flexible material used to hold cargo

or cases together.


1. P&O Nedlloyd: Part of the total transport chain (trade route)

including overland transport identified by place of receipt, ports
of call and place of delivery i.e. it has one location or an
address as a starting and or ending point.
2. The leg between two points.


The unloading of cargo out of a container.

Synonym: Devanning, Unstuffing, Unpacking.


The loading of cargo into a container.

Synonym: Vanning, Packing.


Striving for optimum performance in one element of an organization

disregarding the effects this may cause to the performance of the other
elements. In other words, a solution for a problem that is best from a
narrow point of view but not from a higher or overall company point of


Part of a stretch. This term is used if it is necessary to distinguish

between a stretch and a part thereof.


Experienced officer assigned by the charterer of a vessel to advise the

management of the vessel and protect the interests of the charterer.

Supply Chain

A sequence of events in a goods flow which adds to the value of a

specific good. These events may include:
-assembling and/or disassembling
-movements and placements

Supply Vessel

Vessel which carries stock and stores to offshore drilling rigs,



An additional charge added to the usual or customary freight.


An inspection of a certain item or object by a recognized specialist.


A specialist who carries out surveys.

Note: A surveyor is quite representing a classification bureau or a
governmental body.


See Safe Working Load.

Swop Body

Separate unit without wheels to carry cargo via road sometimes equipped
with legs to be used to carry cargo intermodal within Europe.
The advantage being that this unit can be left behind to load or
discharge whilst the driver with the truck/chassis can change to
another unit.
These units are not used for sea transport.


The simultaneous joint action of separate parties which, together, have

greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.


A whole body of connected elements which influence each other and have
specific relations with the environment.


Goods that are not in free circulation are assigned the EC Customs code


Goods that are in free circulation are assigned the EC Customs code T2.


A person who records the number of cargo items together with the
condition thereof at the time it is loaded into or discharged from a

Tank Container

A tank, surrounded by a framework with the overall dimensions of a

container for the transport of liquids or gasses in bulk.


A vessel designed for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk.

Tare Mass of Container

See Tare Weight of Container.

Tare Weight of Container

Mass of an empty container including all fittings and appliances

associated with that particular type of container on its normal
operating condition.
Synonym: Tare Mass of Container.


The schedule of rates, charges and related transport conditions.


Waterproof material, e.g. canvas, to spread over cargo to protect it

from getting wet.


See Trade Electronic Data Interchange Systems.


1. P&O Nedlloyd Lines synonym of container terminal.

2. A location on either end of a transportation line including
servicing and handling facilities.

Terms of Delivery

All the conditions agreed upon between trading partners regarding the
delivery of goods and the related services.
Note: Under normal circumstances the INCO terms are used to prevent any

Terms of Freight

All the conditions agreed upon between a carrier and a merchant about
the type of freight and charges due to the carrier and whether these
are prepaid or are to be collected.
Note: The so-called Combi terms based on the INCO terms do make a
distinction what of the freight and related costs is to be paid by the
seller and what by the buyer. In the UN recommendation 23 a coding
system is recommended to recognize the various items.


See Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit.

Thermal Container

A container built with insulating walls, doors, floor and roof by which
heat exchange with the environment is minimized thus limiting
temperature variations of the cargo.

Third Party Logistics

Supply of logistics related operations between traders by an
independent organization.

Through Charge

The total rate from point of departure to point of destination. It may

be a joint rate or a combination of rates (aircargo).
Synonym: Through Rate.

Through Rate

See Through Charge.

Through Route

The total route from point of departure to point of destination



A horizontal division of a vessel from bottom to top. The numbers run

from bottom to deck and from deck upwards and are used as a part of the
indication of a stowage place for containers.

Tilt Transport

Roadtransport whereby the cargo area is protected against the elements

by means of a tilt made of canvas or other pliable material.

Time Charter

A contract whereby a vessel is let to a charterer for a stipulated

period of time or voyage, for a remuneration known as hire, generally a
monthly rate per ton deadweight or a daily rate. The charterer is free
to employ the vessel as he thinks fit within the terms as agreed, but
the shipowner continues to manage his own vessel through the master and
crew who remain his servants.

Time Sheet

Statement, drawn-up by the ship's agent at the loading and discharging

ports, which details the time worked in loading and discharging the
cargo together with the amount of laytime used.


Transport International des Merchandises par la Route.


See Trailer on Flat Car.


1. Unit of weight measurement: 1000 kilograms (metric ton) or 2,240

lbs (long ton).
2. Unit of cubic measurement, mainly used to express the cubic
capacity of a vessel.
3. Unit of weight or measurement used as a basis for the calculation
of freights (freight ton).


1. Cubic capacity of a merchant vessel.

2. Total weight or amount of cargo expressed in tons.


The action of retrieving information concerning the whereabouts of

cargo, cargo items, consignments or equipment.


The function of maintaining status information, including current

location, of cargo, cargo items, consignments or containers either full
or empty.


The power to grip or hold to a surface while moving without slipping.


A powered vehicle designed and used for towing other vehicles.


1. P&O Nedlloyd Lines: A trade is a liner service (e.g. NEFES) or a

cargo flow between two individual markets (e.g. North Atlantic
2. a)The exchange of goods, funds, services or information with value
to the parties involved. This value is either previously agreed or
established during business.
b)A commercial connection between two or more individual markets.


The number of passengers, quantity of cargo etc. carried over a certain


A vehicle without motive power, designed for the carriage of cargo and
to be towed by a motor vehicle.

Trailer on Flat Car

Abbreviation: TOFC
Carriage of piggyback highway trailers on specially equipped railway

Tramp Vessel

A vessel not operating under a regular schedule.

Trans Siberian Landbridge

Overland route from Europe to the Far East via the Trans Siberian
Railway (TSR).

Transfer Cargo

Cargo arriving at a point by one flight and continuing there-from by

another flight (aircargo).

Transferring Carrier

A participating carrier who delivers the consignment to another carrier

at a transfer point (aircargo).


1. P&O Nedlloyd Lines: A shipment under one (P&O Nedlloyd) Bill of

Lading, whereby sea (ocean) transport is 'broken' into two or more
parts. The port where the sea (ocean) transport is 'broken' is the
transhipment port.
2. Transfer of cargo from one means of transport to another for
oncarriage during the course of one transport operation.
3. Customs: Customs procedure under which goods are transferred under
customs control from the importing means of transport to the
exporting means of transport within the area of one customs office
which is the office of both importation and exportation.

Transit Cargo

1. Cargo between outwards customs clearance and inwards customs

2. Cargo arriving at a point and departing there-from by the same
through flight (aircargo).

A device (chip) used for identification, which automatically transmits
certain coded data when actuated by a special signal from an


The assisted movement of people and or goods.

Synonym: Carriage.
Note: Transport is often used as a generic term for various means of
transport, and is distinguished from 'movement' in that it requires
such means.

Transport Documents

See Shipping Documents.

Transport International by Road

Abbreviation: TIR
A set of rules following a customs convention to facilitate the
international, European transport of goods by road with minimal
interference under cover of TIR-carnets.


See Voyage.


Class of automotive vehicles of various sizes and designs for

transporting goods.


The stretch between two hubs mutually.


Movement of containers between terminal and carrier's inland



Brand name of tractor unit used in ports to pull trailers. They are
equipped with a fifth wheel or a gooseneck type of coupling.


Cargo carrying surface below the main deck dividing a hold horizontally
in an upper and a lower compartment.
Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit

Abbreviation: TEU
Unit of measurement equivalent to one twenty foot shipping container.


Device which has to be inserted into the corner fittings of a shipping

container and is turned or twisted, thus locking the container for the
purpose of securing or lifting.

Two Way Pallet

A pallet of which the frame permits the entry of forks of (e.g. a fork
lift at two opposite sides).

Type of Cargo

An indication of the sort of cargo to be transported, (e.g. Break Bulk,

Containerized, RoRo).

Type of Equipment

The type of material used, e.g. 40 feet container, four way pallet or
mafi trailer.

Type of Load indicator

A general reference or a classification of loads of cargo like 'FCL',

'LCL', 'unpacked' and even ship's convenience container, though this is
rarely used nowadays.

Type of Means of Transport

The type of vehicle used in the transport process, e.g. wide-body

aircraft, tank truck or passenger vessel.

Type of Movement

Description of the service for movement of containers.

Note: The following type of movement can be indicated on B/L and
Manifest all combinations of FCL and LCL and break bulk and RoRo.
Whilst only on the manifest combinations of House, Yard and CFS can be

Type of Packing

Description of the packaging material used to wrap, contain and protect

goods to be transported.
Synonym: Kind of Packing, Package Type.
Type of Transport

The indication whether the carrier or the merchant effects and bears
the responsibility for inland transport of cargo in containers i.e. a
differentiation between the logistical and legal responsibility.
Note: Values are Carrier haulage and Merchant haulage, whilst in this
context special cases are carrier-nominated merchant haulage, and
merchant nominated carrier haulage.

Type of Vessel

The sort of vessel used in the transport process e.g. Container, RoRo,
or Multi Purpose.
UCP 500

See Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits.


See Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer.


See Ultra Large Crude Carrier.


See Unit Load Device.


Free space above a liquid contained in a tank, drum or tank-container,

expressed as a percentage of the total capacity. Ullage is often used
to leave room for possible expansion of the liquid.

Ultra Large Crude Carrier

Abbreviation: ULCC
A vessel designed for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk with a
loading capacity from 250.000 till 500.000 DWT.

Unaccompanied Baggage

Luggage not accompanied by a passenger.

Uncon - Uncontainerable goods

Goods which cannot be carried in a container because of their



See United Nations Conference on Trade And Development.


1. A supporting frame or structure of a wheeled vehicle.

2. The landing gear of an aircraft.


A carrier in a conference or consortium who carries less cargo than the

allotment distributed to him.

UNDG Number

See United Nations Dangerous Goods Number.


See United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits

The in 1993 revized rules of the International Chamber of Commerce

(ICC) governing a letter of credit issued in respect of goods shipped
applicable as from 1-1-1994.

Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer

Abbreviation: UIC
International railway union, in which most of the European national
railway companies are united.

Unit Load

A number of individual packages bonded, palletized or strapped together

to form a single unit for more efficient handling by mechanical

Unit Load Device

Abbreviation: ULD

1. Any type of container or pallet, in which a consignment can be

transported by air whether or not such a container is considered
aircraft equipment.
2. Any type of air freight container, aircraft container, aircraft
pallet with a net, or aircraft pallet with a net over an igloo.

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Abbreviation: UNCTAD
A United Nations agency whose work in shipping includes the liner code
involving the sharing of cargoes between the shipping lines of the
importing and exporting countries and third countries in the ratio
United Nations Dangerous Goods Number

Abbreviation: UNDG Number

The four-digit number assigned by the United Nations Committee of
Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods to classify a substance or
a particular groups of substances.
Note: The prefix 'UN' must always be used in conjunction with these

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Abbreviation: UN/ECE
The UN/ECE is one of a number of Economic and Social Commissions
established by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Despite its
name it embraces both Europe and North America. The UN/ECE comprises
twenty nine core member states, as well as any country which is a
member of the United Nations and which applies under Article 11 of the
United Nations constitution for delegate status.
The aim is to advance the economic development of Europe and associated
countries through trade facilitation and common agreements.

United Nations Layout Key

Abbreviation: UNLK
A standard (ISO6422) which lays down the basic principles for the
design of the image area on documents for use in international trade.
Synonym: Layout Key.


See United Nations Layout Key.

United Nations Standard Message

Abbreviation: UNSM
A collection of structured data that is exchanged to convey information
related to a specific transaction between partners engaged in
electronic data interchange. Messages are composed of logically grouped
segments required for the type of message transaction covered.
Note: A set of segments in the order specified in a message directory
starting with the message header and ending with the message trailer


See United Nations Standard Message.

Utilization Rate

The quotient of used capacity and available capacity.

Valuable Cargo

A consignment which contains one or more valuable articles (aircargo).

Valuation Charge

Transport charges for certain goods, based on the value declared for
the carriage of such goods (aircargo).

Value Added Tax

Abbreviation: VAT
A form of indirect sales tax paid on products and services at each
stage of production or distribution, based on the value added at that
stage and included in the cost to the ultimate customer.

Value Surcharge

A surcharge for the carriage of cargo having a value in excess of a

specified amount per kilogram (aircargo).


See Stuffing.


See Value Added Tax.






Identical to the GP, except for the inclusion of full length

ventilation galleries sited along the top and bottom side rails, and
thus ideal for the carriage of coffee, as condesation is prevented from
accumulating. 20' only

Very Large Crude Carrier

Abbreviation: VLCC
A vessel designed for the carriage of liquid cargo in bulk with a
loading capacity from 50.000 till 250.000 DWT.


1. A floating structure designed for the transport of cargo and/or

Synonym: Ship.
2. Boiler, drum.


See Very Large Crude Carrier.

Volatility Allowance

The largest difference in container availability taking into account

past peaks in net demand after having removed the trend in container
demand during the repositioning trade-off period.


Size or measure of anything in three dimensions.

Volume Charge

A charge for carriage of goods based on their volume (aircargo).


A receipt, entry or other document which establish the accounts.


A journey by sea from one port or country to another one or, in case of
a round trip, to the same port.
Synonym: Trip.

Voyage Charter

A contract under which the shipowner agrees to carry an agreed quantity

of cargo from a specified port or ports to another port or ports for a
remuneration called freight, which is calculated according to the
quantity of cargo loaded, or sometimes at a lumpsum freight.

Voyage Number

Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent to the voyage of

the vessel.
Waiting Time

The period of time between the moment at which one is ready for an
activity to start and the moment at which this activity can actually
begin. See also queue time.

Waiver Clause

Clause in a marine insurance policy stating that no acts of the insurer

or insured in recovering, saving or preserving the property insured,
shall be considered a dismissal from or acceptance of abandonment.

War Risk

Perils of war or warlike operations, such as capture, seizure, arrests,

restraints of kings, princesses and people, hostilities, civil war,
mines, torpedo's. War risks are not covered under a policy for marine
perils and must therefore be covered under a separate policy for war


A building specially designed for receipt, storage and handling of

Synonyms: Shed, Store.

Warehouse Keeper

Party who takes responsibility for goods entered into a warehouse.

Warehouse Receipt

Receipt for products deposited in a warehouse.


Those activities of holding and handling goods in a warehouse (store).

Warsaw Convention

The Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to

International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929, or
that Convention as amended by the Hague Protocol, 1955, stipulating
obligations or parties and limitations and/or exonerations of carriers
Waste Disposal

Processing and or removal to final resting place or transfer to a place

for re-use or recovering of waste.

Waste Logistics

The collection of used, damaged, or outdated products and or packaging

from designated users.
Synonym: Reverse Distribution.


Non-negotiable document evidencing the contract for the transport of


Wear and Tear

Loss or deterioration resulting from ordinary use.

Weight Charge

The charge for carriage of goods based on their weight (aircargo).

Weight Ton

A ton of 1000 kilos.


A place for berthing vessels to facilitate loading and discharging of



The fee charged for the use of a wharf for mooring, loading or
discharging a vessel or for storing goods.


See World Health Organization.


An intermediary between manufacturers and retailers in various

activities such as promotion, warehousing, and the arranging of
transport and or distribution.

Wide Body

An aircraft with two corridors, such as a Boeing 747 and a DC-10.

Work Load

The quantity of work ahead assigned to a certain facility such as a

work station, capacity group or a department respectively staff-member.

World Health Organization

Abbreviation: WHO
The global agency linked with the United Nations and cooperating with
other technical agencies relating to health matters at sea and on land.

International standard of the CCITT for packet switching.


A CCITT recommendation designed to facilitate international message and

information exchange between subscribers of computer based store-and-
forward services and office information systems in association with
public and private data networks.


The CCITT now ITU recommendations (ISO9594) for the structure of

directories for the maintenance of addresses used in electronic mail.


High frequency electromagnetic ray of short wave-length, capable of

penetrating most solid substances

Fenced off, outdoor storage and repair area.


1. A vessel's small boat moved by one oar.

Synonym: a jolly-boat.
2. A small sailboat rigged fore-and-aft, with a short mizzenmast
astern of the cockpit; distinguished from ketch.

Yield Bucket

The remaining slot capacity for a trade/voyage in a certain port of

loading after deduction of the allowance for specific contracts.

Yield Management

The process of maximising the contribution of every slot, vessel, trade

and network. Basically it should be seen as the process of allocating
the right type of capacity to the right kind of customer at the right
price as to maximise revenue or yield.
The concept should be used in combination with load factor management.

York-Antwerp Rules

See General Average Act.


See Zone Improvement Plan.


A rubber dinghy. An inflatable craft for the transport of people.


Area, belt or district extending about a certain point defined for

transport and/or charge purpose.

Zone Haulage Rate

The rate for which the carrier will undertake the haulage of goods or
containers between either the place of delivery and the carrier's
appropriate terminal. Such haulage will be undertaken only subject to
the terms and conditions of the tariff and of the carrier's Combined
Transport Bill of Lading.

Zone Improvement Plan

Abbreviation: ZIP
System to simplify sorting and delivery of mail, consisting of a number
of five digits (the so-called ZIP-code) for identification of the
state, city or district, and the postal zone in the U.S.A. delivery


ASSEMBLY A 22/Res.918
22nd session 25 January 2002
Agenda item 9 Original: ENGLISH

Resolution A.918(22)

Adopted on 29 November 2001

(Agenda item 9)



RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization

concerning the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning
maritime safety,

RECALLING ALSO resolution A.380(X) by which it adopted the Standard Marine

Navigational Vocabulary,

RECALLING FURTHER the provisions of regulation V/14.4 of the International

Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, requiring that on all ships to which chapter I
thereof applies, English shall be used on the bridge as the working language for bridge-to-bridge
and bridge-to-shore safety communications as well as for communications on board between the
pilot and bridge watchkeeping personnel unless those directly involved in the communications
speak a common language other than English,

RECOGNIZING that the standardization of language and terminology used in such

communications would assist the safe operation of ships and contribute to greater safety of

RECOGNIZING ALSO the wide use of the English language for international
navigational communications and the need to assist maritime training institutions to meet the
objectives of safe operations of ships and enhanced navigational safety through, inter alia, the
standardization of language and terminology used,

HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations of the Maritime Safety Committee at its

sixty-eighth and seventy-fourth sessions,

1. ADOPTS the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases set out in Annex 1 to the
present resolution;

For reasons of economy, this document is printed in a limited number. Delegates are
kindly asked to bring their copies to meetings and not to request additional copies.
A 22/Res.918 -2-

2. AUTHORIZES the Maritime Safety Committee to keep the IMO Standard Marine
Communication Phrases under review and to amend them when necessary in accordance with the
procedure set out in Annex 2 to the present resolution;

3. RECOMMENDS Governments to give the IMO Standard Marine Communication

Phrases a wide circulation to all prospective users and all maritime education authorities, in order
to support compliance with the standards of competence as required by table A-II/1 of the
STCW Code;

4. REVOKES resolution A.380(X).

-3- A 22/Res.918



As navigational and safety communications from ship to shore and vice versa, from ship to ship,
and on board ship must be precise, simple and unambiguous so as to avoid confusion and error,
there is a need to standardize the language used. This is of particular importance in the light of
the increasing number of internationally trading vessels with crews speaking many different
languages, since problems of communication may cause misunderstandings leading to dangers to
the vessel, the people on board and the environment.

In 1973, the Maritime Safety Committee agreed, at its twenty-seventh session that where
language difficulties arise a common language should be used for navigational purposes, and that
language should be English. In consequence the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary
(SMNV) was developed, adopted in 1977 and amended in 1985.

In 1992, the Maritime Safety Committee, at its sixtieth session, instructed the Sub-Committee
on Safety of Navigation to develop a more comprehensive standardized safety language than
SMNV 1985, taking into account the changing conditions in modern seafaring and covering all
major safety-related verbal communications.

At its sixty-eighth session in 1997, the Maritime Safety Committee adopted the Draft IMO
Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) developed by the Sub-Committee on Safety of
Navigation. The draft IMO SMCP, following international trials, was amended at the forty-sixth
session of this Sub-Committee, and was given final consideration by the Maritime Safety
Committee at its seventy-fourth session in the light of remarks received by the Organization. The
IMO SMCP was adopted by the Assembly in November 2001 as resolution A.918(22).

Under the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping

for Seafarers, 1978, as revised 1995, the ability to use and understand the IMO SMCP is required
for the certification of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage or

A 22/Res.918 -4-





1 Position of the IMO SMCP in maritime practice

2 Organization of the IMO SMCP
3 Position of the IMO SMCP in Maritime Education and Training
4 Basic communicative features
5 Typographical conventions


1 Procedure
2 Spelling
3 Message markers
4 Responses
5 Distress / urgency / safety signals
6 Standard organizational phrases
7 Corrections
8 Readiness
9 Repetition
10 Numbers
11 Positions
12 Bearings
13 Courses
14 Distances
15 Speed
16 Time
17 Geographical names
18 Ambiguous words


1 General terms
2 VTS special terms

-5- A 22/Res.918



A1/1 Distress traffic

A1/1.1 Distress communications

.1 Fire, explosion
.2 Flooding
.3 Collision
.4 Grounding
.5 List, danger of capsizing
.6 Sinking
.7 Disabled and adrift
.8 Armed attack / piracy
.9 Undesignated distress
.10 Abandoning vessel
.11 Person overboard

A1/1.2 Search and Rescue communications

.1 SAR communications (specifying or supplementary to A1/1.1)

.2 Acknowledgement and / or relay of SAR messages
.3 Performing / co-ordinating SAR operations
.4 Finishing with SAR operations

A1/1.3 Requesting Medical Assistance

A1/2 Urgency traffic

Safety of a vessel (other than distress)

.1 Technical failure
.2 Cargo
.3 Ice damage

A1/3 Safety Communications

A1/3.1 Meteorological and hydrological conditions

.1 Winds, storms, tropical storms; sea state

.2 Restricted visibility
.3 Ice
.4 Abnormal tides

A1/3.2 Navigational warnings involving

.1 Land- or seamarks
.2 Drifting objects
.3 Electronic navigational aids
.4 Seabottom characteristics, wrecks

A 22/Res.918 -6-

.5 Miscellaneous
.5.1 Cable, pipe and seismic / hydrographic operations
.5.2 Diving operations, tows, dredging operations
.5.3 Tanker transhipment
.5.4 Off-shore installations, rig moves
.5.5 Defective locks or bridges
.5.6 Military operations
.5.7 Fishery

A1/3.3 Environmental protection communications

A1/4 Pilotage

A1/4.1 Pilot request

A1/4.2 Embarking / disembarking pilot

A1/4.3 Tug request

A1/5 Specials

A1/5.1 Helicopter operations

A1/5.2 Ice-breaker operations

.1 Ice-breaker request
.2 Ice-breaker assistance for convoy
.3 Ice-breaker assistance in close-coupled towing

A1/6 Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases

A1/6.1 Phrases for acquiring and providing data for a traffic image
.1 Acquiring and providing routine traffic data
.2 Acquiring and providing distress traffic data

A1/6.2 Phrases for providing VTS services

.1 Information service
.1.1 Navigational warnings
.1.2 Navigational information
.1.3 Traffic information
.1.4 Route information
.1.5 Hydrographic information
.1.6 Electronic navigational aids information
.1.7 Meteorological warnings
.1.8 Meteorological information
.1.9 Meteorological questions and answers
.2 Navigational assistance service
.2.1 Request and identification
.2.2 Position
.2.3 Course
.3 Traffic organization service
.3.1 Clearance, forward planning
.3.2 Anchoring
.3.3 Arrival, berthing and departure
.3.4 Enforcement

-7- A 22/Res.918

.3.5 Avoiding dangerous situations, providing safe movements

.3.6 Canal and lock operations

A1/6.3 Handing over to another VTS

A1/6.4 Phrases for communication with emergency services and allied services
.1 Emergency services (SAR, fire fighting, pollution fighting)
.2 Tug services
.3 Pilot request
.4 Embarking / disembarking pilot

Appendix to A1 External Communication Phrases

Standard GMDSS Messages

1 Standard Distress Message

.1 Structure
.2 Example

2 Standard Urgency Message

.1 Structure
.2 Example

3 Standard Safety Message

.1 Structure
.2 Example


A2/1 Standard Wheel Orders

A2/2 Standard Engine Orders

A2/3 Pilot on the Bridge

A2/3.1 Propulsion system

A2/3.2 Manoeuvring
A2/3.3 Radar
A2/3.4 Draft and air draft
A2/3.5 Anchoring
.1 Going to anchor
.2 Leaving the anchorage
A2/3.6 Tug assistance
A2/3.7 Berthing and unberthing
.1 General
.2 Berthing
.3 Unberthing

A 22/Res.918 -8-



B1 Operative ship handling

B1/1 Handing over the watch

B1/1.1 Briefing on position, movement and draft

.1 Position
.2 Movements
.3 Draft
B1/1.2 Briefing on traffic situation in the area
B1/1.3 Briefing on navigational aids and equipment status
B1/1.4 Briefing on radiocommunications
B1/1.5 Briefing on meteorological conditions
B1/1.6 Briefing on standing orders and bridge organization
B1/1.7 Briefing on special navigational events
B1/1.8 Briefing on temperatures, pressures and soundings
B1/1.9 Briefing on operation of main engine and auxiliary equipment
B1/1.10 Briefing on pumping of fuel, ballast water, etc.
B1/1.11 Briefing on special machinery events and repairs
B1/1.12 Briefing on record keeping
B1/1.13 Handing and taking over the watch

B1/2 Trim, list and stability

B2 Safety on board

B2/1 General activities

B2/1.1 Raising alarm

B2/1.2 Briefing crew and passengers
B2/1.3 Checking status of escape routes
B2/1.4 Checking status of lifeboats / liferafts
B2/1.5 Ordering evacuation
B2/1.6 Roll call
B2/1.7 Ordering abandon vessel
B2/1.8 In-boat procedures

B2/2 Occupational Safety

B2/2.1 Instruction
B2/2.2 Practical occupational safety
B2/2.3 Occupational accidents

B2/3 Fire protection and fire fighting

-9- A 22/Res.918

B2/3.1 Fire protection

.1 Checking status of equipment

B2/3.2 Fire fighting and drills

.1 Reporting fire
.2 Reporting readiness for action
.3 Orders for fire fighting
.4 Cancellation of alarm

B2/4 Damage control

B2/4.1 Checking equipment status and drills

B2/4.2 Damage control activities

.1 Reporting flooding
.2 Reporting readiness for action
.3 Orders for damage control
.4 Cancellation of alarm

B2/5 Grounding

B2/5.1 Reporting grounding and ordering actions

B2/5.2 Reporting damage
B2/5.3 Orders for refloating
B2/5.4 Checking seaworthiness

B2/6 Search and Rescue on-board Activities

B2/6.1 Checking equipment status

B2/6.2 Person-overboard activities
B2/6.3 Rescue operation - reporting readiness for assistance
B2/6.4 Conducting search
B2/6.5 Rescue activities
B2/6.6 Finishing with search and rescue operations

B3 Cargo and cargo handling

B3/1 Cargo handling

B3/1.1 Loading and unloading

.1 Loading capacities and quantities
.2 Dockside/shipboard cargo handling gear and equipment
.3 Preparing for loading / unloading
.4 Operating cargo handling equipment and hatches
.5 Maintaining/repairing cargo handling equipment
.6 Briefing on stowing and securing

B3/1.2 Handling dangerous goods

.1 Briefing on nature of dangerous goods
.2 Instructions on compatibility and stowage
.3 Reporting incidents
.4 Action in case of incidents

A 22/Res.918 - 10 -

B3/1.3 Handling liquid goods, bunkers and ballast pollution prevention

.1 Preparing safety measures
.2 Operating pumping equipment
.3 Reporting and cleaning up spillage
.4 Ballast handling
.5 Tank cleaning

B3/1.4 Preparing for sea

B3/2 Cargo care

B3/2.1 Operating shipboard equipment for cargo care

B3/2.2 Taking measures for cargo care
.1 Carrying out inspections
.2 Describing damage to the cargo
.3 Taking actions

B4 Passenger care

B4/1 Briefing and instruction

B4/1.1 Conduct of passengers on board

.1 General information on conduct of passengers
.2 Briefing on prohibited areas, decks and spaces

B4/1.2 Briefing on safety regulations, preventive measures and communications

.1 The general emergency alarm
.2 Preventing / reporting fire
.3 PA announcements on emergency
.4 Person overboard
.5 Protective measures for children

B4/2 Evacuation and boat drill

B4/2.1 Allocating/directing to assembly stations, describing how to escape

B4/2.2 Briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations
B4/2.3 Performing roll call
B4/2.4 Briefing on how to put on life-jackets
B4/2.5 Instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats/liferafts
B4/2.6 On-scene measures and actions in lifeboats/liferafts

B4/3 Attending to passengers in an emergency

B4/3.1 Informing on present situation

B4/3.2 Escorting helpless passengers

- 11 - A 22/Res.918


1 Position of the IMO SMCP in maritime practice

The IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) has been compiled:

- to assist in the greater safety of navigation and of the conduct of the ship,
- to standardize the language used in communication for navigation at sea, in port
approaches, waterways and harbours, and on board vessels with multilingual crews,
- to assist maritime training institutions in meeting the objectives mentioned above.

These phrases are not intended to supplant or contradict the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972 or special local rules or recommendations made by IMO concerning ships'
routeing, neither are they intended to supersede the International Code of Signals, and their use in
ships external communications has to be in strict compliance with the relevant radiotelephone
procedures as set out in the ITU Radio Regulations. Furthermore, the IMO SMCP, as a collection of
individual phrases, should not be regarded as any kind of technical manual providing operational

The IMO SMCP meets the requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as revised, and of the
SOLAS Convention, 1974, as revised, regarding verbal communications; moreover, the phrases cover
the relevant communication safety aspects laid down in these Conventions.

Use of the IMO SMCP should be made as often as possible in preference to other wording of similar
meaning; as a minimum requirement, users should adhere as closely as possible to them in relevant
situations. In this way they are intended to become an acceptable safety language, using English for
the verbal interchange of intelligence among individuals of all maritime nations on the many and
varied occasions when precise meanings and translations are in doubt, as is increasingly evident
under modern conditions at sea.

The accompanying CD/Cassette is designed to familiarize users with the pronunciation of the

2 Organization of the IMO SMCP

The IMO SMCP is divided into External Communication Phrases and On-board Communication
Phrases as far as its application is concerned, and into Part A and Part B as to its status within the
framework of STCW 1978 as revised.

Part A covers phrases applicable in external communications, and may be regarded as the
replacement of the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary 1985, which is required to be used and
understood under the STCW Code, 1995, Table A-II/I. This part is enriched by essential phrases
concerning ship handling and safety of navigation to be used in on-board communications,
particularly when the Pilot is on the bridge, as required by Regulation 14(4), Chapter V,
SOLAS 1974, as revised.

Part B calls attention to other on-board standard safety-related phrases which, supplementary to
Part A may also be regarded as useful for maritime English instruction.

A 22/Res.918 - 12 -

3 Position of the IMO SMCP in Maritime Education and Training

The IMO SMCP is not intended to provide a comprehensive maritime English syllabus, which is
expected to cover a far wider range of language skills to be achieved in the fields of vocabulary,
grammar, discourse abilities, etc., than the IMO SMCP could ever manage. However, Part A in
particular should be an indispensable part of any curriculum which is designed to meet the
corresponding requirements of the STCW Convention 1978 as revised. In addition, Part B offers
a rich choice of situations covered by phrases well suited to meet the communication
requirements of the STCW Convention 1978 as revised, which mariners are implicitly expected
to satisfy.

The IMO SMCP should be taught and learned selectively according to users specific needs,
rather than in its entirety. The respective instruction should be based on practice in the maritime
environment, and should be implemented through appropriate modern language teaching

4 Basic communicative features

The IMO SMCP builds on a basic knowledge of the English language. It was drafted
intentionally in a simplified version of maritime English in order to reduce grammatical, lexical
and idiomatic varieties to a tolerable minimum, using standardized structures for the sake of its
function aspects, i.e. reducing misunderstanding in safety-related verbal communications,
thereby endeavouring to reflect present maritime English language usage on board vessels and in
ship-to-shore/ship-to-ship communications.

This means that in phrases offered for use in emergency and other situations developing under
considerable pressure of time or psychological stress, as well as in navigational warnings, a block
language is applied which uses sparingly or omits the function words the, a/an, is/are, as done in
seafaring practice. Users, however, may be flexible in this respect.

Further communicative features may be summarized as follows:

- avoiding synonyms
- avoiding contracted forms
- providing fully worded answers to "yes/no"-questions and basic alternative
answers to sentence questions
- providing one phrase for one event, and
- structuring the corresponding phrases according to the principle: identical
invariable plus variable.

5 Typographical conventions

() brackets indicate that the part of the message enclosed within the brackets
may be added where relevant;
/ oblique strokes indicate that the items on either side of the stroke are
... dots indicate that the relevant information is to be filled in where the dots

(italic letters) indicate the kind of information requested;

~ tildes precede possible words or phrases which can be used after/in

association with the given standard phrase.

- 13 - A 22/Res.918


1 Procedure

When it is necessary to indicate that the IMO SMCP are to be used, the following
message may be sent:

"Please use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases."

"I will use IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases."

2 Spelling

2.1 Spelling of letters

When spelling is necessary, only the following spelling table should be used:

Letter Code Letter Code

A Alfa N November
B Bravo O Oscar
C Charlie P Papa
D Delta Q Quebec
E Echo R Romeo
F Foxtrot S Sierra
G Golf T Tango
H Hotel U Uniform
I India V Victor
J Juliet W Whisky
K Kilo X X-ray
L Lima Y Yankee
M Mike Z Zulu

2.2 Spelling of digits and numbers

A few digits and numbers have a modified pronunciation compared to general English:

Number Spelling Pronunciation

0 zero ZEERO
1 one WUN
2 two TOO
3 three TREE
4 four FOWER
5 five FIFE
6 six SIX
7 seven SEVEN
8 eight AIT
9 nine NINER
1000 thousand TOUSAND

A 22/Res.918 - 14 -

3 Message Markers

In shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication or radio communication in general, the

following eight Message Markers may be used (also see "Application of Message
Markers" given in PART A1/6 "Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases"):

(i) Instruction
(ii) Advice
(iii) Warning
(iv) Information
(v) Question
(vi) Answer
(vii) Request
(viii) Intention

4 Responses

4.1 When the answer to a question is in the affirmative, say:

"Yes .... " followed by the appropriate phrase in full.

4.2 When the answer to a question is in the negative, say:

"No ..." followed by the appropriate phrase in full.

4.3 When the information requested is not immediately available, say:

"Stand by" followed by the time interval within which the information will be

4.4 When the information requested cannot be obtained, say:

"No information."

4.5 When an INSTRUCTION (e.g. by a VTS Station, naval vessel or other fully authorized
personnel ) or an ADVICE is given, respond if in the affirmative:
"I will/can ... " - followed by the instruction or advice in full; and,
if in the negative, respond:
"I will not/cannot ... " - followed by the instruction or advice in full.

Example: "ADVICE. Do not overtake the vessel North of you."

Respond: "I will not overtake the vessel North of me."

4.6 Responses to orders and answers to questions of special importance both in external and
on-board communication are given in wording in the phrases concerned.

5 Distress, urgency and safety signals

5.1 MAYDAY to be used to announce a distress message

5.2 PAN PAN to be used to announce an urgency message

5.3 SECURITE to be used to announce a safety message

- 15 - A 22/Res.918

6 Standard organizational phrases

6.1 "How do you read (me)?"

6.1.1 "I read you ...

bad/one with signal strength one (i.e. barely perceptible)
poor/two with signal strength two (i.e. weak)
fair/three with signal strength three (i.e. fairly good)
good/four with signal strength four (i.e. good)
excellent/five with signal strength five (i.e. very good)

6.2 When it is advisable to remain on a VHF Channel / frequency, say:

"Stand by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... ".

6.2.1 When it is accepted to remain on the VHF channel / frequency indicated, say:
"Standing by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... ".

6.3 When it is advisable to change to another VHF Channel / frequency, say:

"Advise (you) change to VHF Channel ... / frequency ... ."
"Advise(you) try VHF Channel .. / frequency... .".

6.3.1 When the changing of a VHF Channel / frequency is accepted, say:

"Changing to VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .".

7 Corrections

When a mistake is made in a message, say:

"Mistake ..." followed by the word:
"Correction ... " plus the corrected part of the message.

Example: "My present speed is 14 knots - mistake.

Correction, my present speed is 12, one-two, knots."

8 Readiness

"I am/I am not ready to receive your message".

9 Repetition

9.1 If any part of the message is considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding, say:
"Repeat ... " - followed by the corresponding part of the message.

Example: "My draft is 12.6 repeat one-two decimal 6 metres."

"Do not overtake - repeat - do not overtake."

9.2 When a message is not properly heard, say:

"Say again (please)."

A 22/Res.918 - 16 -

10 Numbers

Numbers are to be spoken in separate digits:

"One-five-zero" for 150

"Two decimal five" or
Two point five for 2.5

Note: Attention! When rudder angles, e.g. in wheel orders, are given, say:

"Fifteen" for 15 or
"Twenty" for 20, etc.

11 Positions

11.1 When latitude and longitude are used, these shall be expressed in degrees and minutes (and
decimals of a minute if necessary), North or South of the Equator and East or West of

Example: "WARNING. Dangerous wreck in position 15 degrees 34 minutes North 061

degrees 29 minutes West."

11.2 When the position is related to a mark, the mark shall be a well-defined charted object. The
bearing shall be in the 360 degrees notation from true north and shall be that of the position
FROM the mark.

Example: "Your position bearing 137 degrees from Big Head lighthouse
distance 2.4 nautical miles."

12 Bearings

The bearing of the mark or vessel concerned is the bearing in the 360 degree notation from
north (true north unless otherwise stated), except in the case of relative bearings. Bearings
may be either FROM the mark or FROM the vessel.

Examples: "Pilot boat is bearing 215 degrees from you."

Note: Vessels reporting their position should always quote their bearing FROM the
mark, as described in paragraph 11.2 of this section.

12.1 Relative bearings

Relative bearings can be expressed in degrees relative to the vessel's head. More frequently
this is in relation to the port or starboard bow.

Example: "Buoy 030 degrees on your port bow."

(Relative D/F bearings are more commonly expressed in the 360 degree notation.)

13 Courses

Always to be expressed in 360 degree notation from north (true north unless otherwise
stated). Whether this is to TO or FROM a mark can be stated.

- 17 - A 22/Res.918

14 Distances

To be expressed in nautical miles or cables (tenths of a mile), the unit always to be stated.

15 Speed

To be expressed in knots:

15.1 without further notation, meaning speed through the water; or, "ground speed", meaning speed over the ground.

16 Times

Times should be expressed in the 24 hour UTC notation; if local time will be used in ports or
harbours it should clearly be stated.

17 Geographical names

Place names used should be those on the chart or in Sailing Directions in use.
Should these not be understood, latitude and longitude should be given.

18 Ambiguous words

Some words in English have meanings depending on the context in which they appear.
Misunderstandings frequently occur, especially in VTS communications, and have produced
accidents. Such words are:

18.1 The conditionals "may", "might", "should" and "could"

Do not say: "May I enter the fairway?"
Say: "QUESTION. Do I have permission to enter the fairway?"
Do not say: "You may enter the fairway."
Say: "ANSWER. You have permission to enter the fairway."
Do not say: "I might enter the fairway."
Say: "INTENTION. I will enter the fairway."
Do not say: "You should anchor in anchorage B 3."
Say: "ADVICE. Anchor in anchorage B 3."
Do not say: "You could be running into danger."
Say: "WARNING. You are running into danger."

18.2 The word "can"

The word "can" describes either the possibility or the capability of doing something. In the
IMO SMCP the situations where phrases using the word "can" appear make it clear whether a
possibility is referred to. In an ambiguous context, however, say, for example: "QUESTION.
Do I have permission to use the shallow draft fairway at this time?" Do not say: "Can I use
the shallow draft fairway at this time?" if you are asking for a permission. (The same applies
to the word "may").

Note: In all cases the radiotelephone procedures as set out in the ITU Radio Regulations have to
be observed.
A 22/Res.918 - 18 -


The Glossary includes a limited number of technical terms which do not appear in the text of the
IMO SMCP, but might be useful in case the content of a given standard Phrase requires modification.

1 General terms

Abandon vessel (to) To evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress

Accommodation ladder Ladder attached to platform at vessel's side with flat steps and handrails
enabling persons to embark / disembark from water or shore

Adrift Uncontrolled movement at sea under the influence of current, tide or wind

Air draft The height from the waterline to the highest point of the vessel

Assembly station Place on deck, in mess rooms, etc., assigned to crew and passengers
where they have to meet according to the muster list when the
corresponding alarm is released or announcement made

Backing (of wind) Shift of wind direction in an anticlockwise manner, for example from
north to west (opposite of veering)

Beach (to) To run a vessel up on a beach to prevent its sinking in deep water

Berth .1 A sea room to be kept for safety around a vessel, rock, platform, etc.
.2 The place assigned to a vessel when anchored or lying alongside a
pier, etc.

Blast A whistle signal made by the vessel

Blind sector An area which cannot be scanned by the ships radar because it is shielded
by parts of the superstructure, masts, etc.

Boarding arrangements All equipment, such as pilot ladder, accommodation ladder, hoist, etc.,
necessary for a safe transfer of the pilot

Boarding speed The speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot boat at which the pilot can
safely embark/disembark

Bob-cat A mini-caterpillar with push-blade used for the careful distribution of

loose goods in cargo holds of bulk carriers

Briefing Concise explanatory information to crew and/or passengers

Cable .1 Chain connecting a vessel to the anchor(s)

.2 Wire or rope primarily used for mooring a ship
.3 (Measurement) one hundred fathoms or one tenth of a nautical mile

Capsize (to) To turn over

Cardinal buoy A seamark, i.e. a buoy, indicating the north, east, south or west, i.e. the
cardinal points from a fixed point such as a wreck, shallow water,
banks, etc.
- 19 - A 22/Res.918

Cardinal points The four main points of the compass: north, east, south and west

Casualty Here: case of death in an accident or shipping disaster

Check (to) .1 To make sure that equipment etc. is in proper condition or that
everything is correct and safe
.2 To regulate motion of a cable, rope or wire when it is running out too

Close-coupled towing A method of towing vessels through polar ice by means of icebreaking
tugs with a special stern notch suited to receive and hold the bow of the
vessel to be towed

Close up (to) To decrease the distance to the vessel ahead by increasing ones own

Compatibility (of goods) Indicates whether different goods can be safely stowed together in one
cargo space or in an adjacent hold.

Vessel constrained A vessel severely restricted by her draught in her ability to deviate from
by her draft the course followed in relation to the available depth and width of
navigable water

Convoy A group of vessels which sail together, e.g. through a canal or ice

Course The intended direction of movement of a vessel through the water

Course made good That course which a vessel makes good over ground, after allowing for
the effect of currents, tidal streams, and leeway caused by wind and sea

COW Crude Oil Washing: a system of cleaning the cargo tanks by washing
them with the cargo of crude oil during discharge

CPA/TCPA Closest Point of Approach/Time to Closest Point of Approach: limit as

defined by the observer to give warning when a tracked target or targets
will close to within these limits

Crash-stop An emergency reversal operation of the main engine(s) to avoid a


Damage control team A group of crew members trained for fighting flooding in the vessel

Datum .1 The most probable position of a search target at a given time

.2 The plane of reference to which all data as to the depth on charts are

Derelict Vessel still afloat, abandoned at sea

Destination Port for which a vessel is bound

Disabled A vessel damaged or impaired in such a manner as to be incapable of

proceeding on its voyage

A 22/Res.918 - 20 -

Disembark (to) To go from a vessel

Distress alert (GMDSS) A radio signal from a distressed vessel automatically directed to an
MRCC giving position, identification, course and speed of the vessel as
well as the nature of distress

Distress/ Here: the verbal exchange of information on radio from ship to shore
Urgency traffic and/or ship to ship / aircraft about a distress / urgency situation as defined
in the relevant ITU Radio Regulations

Draught (or draft) Depth in water at which a vessel floats

Dragging (of anchor) Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no
longer preventing the movement of the vessel

Dredging (of anchor) Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the

Drifting Being driven along by the wind, tide or current

Drop back (to) To increase the distance from the vessel ahead by reducing one's own

DSC Digital Selective Calling (in the GMDSS system)

Embark (to) To go aboard a vessel

EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon

Escape route A clearly marked way in the vessel which has to be followed in case of an

Escort Attending a vessel to be available in case of need, e.g. ice-breaker,

tug, etc.

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival

ETD Estimated Time of Departure

Fathom A measure of 6 feet

Fire patrol A member of the watch going around the vessel at certain intervals so that
an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected; mandatory in vessels
carrying more than 36 passengers

Flooding Major uncontrolled flow of seawater into the vessel

Fire monitor Fixed foam/powder/water cannon shooting fire-extinguishing agents on

tank deck, manifold etc.

Foul (of anchor) Anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an obstruction

Foul (of propeller) A line, wire, net, etc., is wound round the propeller

- 21 - A 22/Res.918

Full speed Highest possible speed of a vessel

Fumes Often harmful gas produced by fires, chemicals, fuel, etc.

General emergency alarm A sound signal of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast given with
the vessels sound system

Give way To keep out of the way of another vessel

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

(D) GPS (Differential) Global (satellite) Positioning System

Half cardinal points The four main points lying between the cardinal points: north east,
south east, south west and north west

Hampered vessel A vessel restricted by her ability to manoeuvre by the nature of her work

Hatchrails Ropes supported by stanchions around an open hatch to prevent persons

from falling into a hold

Heading The horizontal direction of the vessel's bows at a given moment

measured in degrees clockwise from north

Hoist Here: a cable used by helicopters for lifting or lowering persons in a

pick-up operation

Icing Coating of ice on an object, e.g. the mast or superstructure of a vessel

IMO Class Group of dangerous or hazardous goods, harmful substances or marine

pollutants in sea transport as classified in the International Maritime
Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code)

Inert (to) To reduce the oxygen in a tank by inert gas to avoid an explosive

Initial course Course directed by the OSC or other authorized person to be steered at the
beginning of a search

Inoperative Not functioning

Jettison (to) (of cargo) To throw goods overboard in order to lighten the vessel or improve its
stability in case of an emergency

Launch (to) To lower, e.g. lifeboats, to the water

Leaking Escape of liquids such as water, oil, etc., out of pipes, boilers, tanks, etc.,
or a minor inflow of seawater into the vessel due to damage to the hull

Leeward On or towards the sheltered side of a ship; opposite of windward

Leeway Vessels sideways drift leeward of the desired course

Let go (to) To set free, let loose, or cast off (of anchors, lines, etc.)
A 22/Res.918 - 22 -

Lifeboat station Place assigned to crew and passengers to muster before being ordered into
the lifeboats

List Here: inclination of the vessel to port side or starboard side

Located In navigational warnings: Position of object confirmed

Make water (to) To have seawater flowing into the vessel due to hull damage, or
hatches awash and not properly closed

MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity number

Moor (to) To secure a vessel in a particular place by means of wires or ropes made
fast to the shore, to anchors, or to anchored mooring buoys, or to ride with
both anchors down

MRCC Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre: land-based authority responsible

for promoting efficient organization of maritime search and rescue and for
co-ordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search
and rescue region

Muster (to) To assemble crew, passengers or both in a special place for purposes of

Muster list List of crew, passengers and others on board and their functions in a distress or

Not under command (abbr. NUC): a vessel which through exceptional circumstances is unable
to manoeuvre as required by the COLREGs

Obstruction An object such as a wreck, net, etc., which blocks a fairway, route, etc.

Off air When the transmissions of a radio station, etc., have broken down, been
switched off or suspended

Off station (of buoys) Not in charted position

Oil clearance Oil skimming from the surface of the water

Operational Ready for immediate use

Ordnance exercise Naval firing practice

OSC On-Scene Co-ordinator: A person designed to co-ordinate search and

rescue operations within a specified area

Overflow Escape of oil or liquid from a tank because of a twofold condition as a

result of overflowing, thermal expansion, change in vessel trim or vessel

Polluter A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea

- 23 - A 22/Res.918

Preventers Ropes or wires attached to derricks to prevent them from swinging during
cargo handling operations

Proceed (to) To sail or head for a certain position or to continue with the voyage

PA-system Public address system: loudspeakers in the vessel's cabins, mess rooms,
etc., and on deck through which important information can be broadcast
from a central point, mostly from the navigation bridge

Recover (to) Here: to pick up shipwrecked persons

Refloat (to) To pull a vessel off after grounding; to set afloat again

Rendez-vous An appointment between vessels normally made on radio to meet in a

certain area or position

Reported In navigational warnings: position of object unconfirmed

Restricted area A deck, space, area, etc., in vessels where, for safety reasons, entry is only
permitted for authorized crew members

Resume (to) Here: to re-start a voyage, service or search

Retreat signal Sound, visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return to its base

Rig move The movement of an oil rig, drilling platform, etc., from one position to

Roll call The act of checking how many passengers and crew members are present,
e.g. at assembly stations, by reading aloud a list of their names

Safe speed That speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under
prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be
stopped within an appropriate distance

SWL Safe working load: maximum working load of lifting equipment that
should not be exceeded

Safe working pressure The maximum permissible pressure in cargo hoses

SAR Search and Rescue

SART Search and Rescue Transponder

Scene The area or location where the event, e.g. an accident, has happened

Search pattern A pattern according to which vessels and/or aircraft may conduct a
co-ordinated search (the IMOSAR offers seven search patterns)

Search speed The speed of searching vessels directed by the OSC

Seamark A navigational aid placed to act as a beacon or warning

A 22/Res.918 - 24 -

Segregation(of goods) Separation of goods which for different reasons must not be stowed

Shackle .1 Length of chain cable measuring 15 fathoms

.2 U-shaped link closed with a pin used for connecting purposes

Shifting cargo Transverse movement of cargo, especially bulk cargo, caused by rolling or a
heavy list

Slings Ropes, nets, and any other means for handling general cargoes

Speed of advance The speed at which a storm centre moves

Spill The accidental escape of oil, etc., from a vessel, container, etc., into the

Spill control gear Anti-pollution equipment for combating accidental spills of oils or

Elongated spreader Here: step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting

Stand by (to) To be in readiness or prepared to execute an order; to be readily available

Stand clear (to) Here: to keep a boat away from the vessel

Standing orders Orders of the Master to the officer of the watch which he/she must comply with

Stand on (to) To maintain course and speed

Station The allotted place or the duties of each person on board

Stripping Final pumping of tanks residues

Survivor A person who continues to live in spite of being in an extremely

dangerous situation, e.g. a shipping disaster.

Take off (to) To lift off from a vessel's deck (helicopter)

Target The echo generated, e.g. by a vessel, on a radar screen

Tension winch A winch which applies tension to mooring lines to keep them tight

TEU Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit (standard container dimension)

Track The path followed, or to be followed, between one position and another

Transit Here: the passage of a vessel through a canal, fairway, etc.

Transit speed Speed of a vessel required for passage through a canal, fairway, etc.

Transhipment (of cargo) Here: the transfer of goods from one vessel to another outside harbours

- 25 - A 22/Res.918

Underway Describes a vessel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or

Union purchase A method of cargo handling by combining two derricks, one of which is
fixed over the hatch, the other over the ships side

Unlit When the light of a buoy or a lighthouse are inoperative

UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated (GMT)

Variable (of winds) A wind that is constantly changing speed and direction

Veering (of winds) Clockwise change in the direction of the wind; opposite of backing

Veer out (to)(of anchors) To let out a greater length of cable

VHF Very High Frequency (30-300 MHz)

Walk out (to) (of anchors) To reverse the action of a windlass to lower the anchor until it is
clear of the hawse pipe and ready for dropping

Walk back (to) To reverse the action of a windlass to ease the cable (of anchors)

Waypoint A position a vessel has to pass or at which she has to alter course
according to her voyage plan

Windward The general direction from which the wind blows; opposite of leeward

Wreck A vessel which has been destroyed, sunk or abandoned at sea

2 VTS special terms

Fairway Navigable part of a waterway

Fairway speed Mandatory speed in a fairway

ITZ Inshore Traffic Zone (of a TSS): A routing measure comprising a

designated area between the landward boundary of a TSS and the adjacent

Manoeuvring speed A vessels reduced speed in circumstances where it may be required to

use the engines at short notice

Receiving point A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry, transit, or
escort procedure

Reference line A line displayed on the radar screens in VTS Centres and/or electronic
sea-charts separating the fairway for inbound and outbound vessels so that
they can safely pass each other

Reporting point A mark or position at which a vessel is required to report to the local VTS
Station to establish its position

A 22/Res.918 - 26 -

Separation zone / line A zone or line separating the traffic lanes in which vessels are proceeding
in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from
the adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular
classes of vessels proceeding in the same direction

Traffic clearance VTS authorization for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified

Traffic lane An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic is established

TSS Traffic Separation Scheme: a routeing measure aimed at the separation of

opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment
of traffic lanes

VTS Vessel Traffic Services: services designed to improve the safety and
efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment

VTS area Area controlled by a VTS Centre or VTS Station

- 27 - A 22/Res.918

A 22/Res.918 - 28 -

- 29 - A 22/Res.918

A 22/Res.918 - 30 -


Part A covers phrases applicable in external communications from ship to shore, shore to ship and
ship to ship as required by STCW 1978, as revised, Table A-II/1, as well as phrases applicable on
board vessels in conversations between Pilots and bridge teams as required by Regulation 14(4) of
Chapter V of SOLAS 1974, as revised.


Attention: The use of Standard Phrases in vessels' external communications does not in any way
exempt from application of the radiotelephone procedures as set out in the ITU Radio Regulations.

A1/1 Distress traffic

The distress traffic controlling station/other stations may impose radio silence on
any interfering stations by using the term Seelonce Mayday/Distress, unless
the latter have messages about the distress.

A1/1.1 Distress communications

Note: A distress traffic always has to commence with stating the position of the vessel
in distress as specified in GENERAL 11 Positions /13 Bearings if it is not included
in the DSC distress alert.

.1 Fire, explosion

.1 I am/MV ... on fire (- after explosion).

.2 Where is the fire?
.2.1 Fire is
~ on deck.
~ in engine-room.
~ in hold(s).
~ in superstructure/accommodation/... .
.3 Are dangerous goods on fire?
.3.1 Yes, dangerous goods are on fire.
.3.2 No, dangerous goods are not on fire.
.4 Is there danger of explosion?
.4.1 Yes, danger of explosion.
.4.2 No danger of explosion.
.5 I am / MV ... not under command.
.6 Is the fire under control?
.6.1 Yes, fire is under control.
.6.2 No, fire is not under control.
.7 What kind of assistance is required?
.7.1 I do not / MV ... does not require assistance.
.7.2 I require / MV ... requires
~ fire fighting assistance.
~ breathing apparatus - smoke is toxic.
~ foam extinguishers/CO2 extinguishers.
~ fire pumps.
~ medical assistance/... .
.8 Report injured persons.
.8.1 No persons injured.
.8.2 Number of injured persons/casualties: ... .

- 31 - A 22/Res.918

.2 Flooding

.1 I am/MV ... is flooding below water line/in the engine room/in the hold(s).
.2 I/MV ... cannot control flooding.
.3 What kind of assistance is required?
.3.1 I require/MV ... requires pumps/divers, ... .
.3.2 I will send pumps/divers/... .
.3.3 I cannot send pumps/divers ... .
.4 I have/MV ... has dangerous list to port side/starboard.
.5 I am/MV ... in critical condition.
.6 Flooding is under control.
.7 I /MV ... can proceed without assistance.
.8 I require/ MV ... requires escort/tug assistance/... .

.3 Collision

.1 I have / MV ... has collided

~ with MV... .
~ with unknown vessel / object / ... .
~ with ...(name) light vessel.
~ with seamark ... (charted name).
~ with iceberg/ ... .
.2 Report damage.
.2.1 I have / MV .. has damage above / below water line.
.2.2 I am / MV ... not under command.
.2.3 I/MV .cannot establish damage.
.2.4 I / MV cannot repair damage.
.2.5 I / MV ... can only proceed at slow speed.
.3 What kind of assistance is required?
.3.1 I require / MV ... requires / escort / tug assistance /... .

.4 Grounding

.1 I am / MV ... aground.
.2 I require / MV ... requires tug assistance / pumps / ... .
.3 What part of your vessel is aground?
.3.1 Aground forward / amidships /aft / full length.
.3.2 I cannot establish which part is aground.
.4 Warning. Uncharted rocks in position ... .
.5 Risk of grounding at low water.
.6 I / MV ... will jettison cargo to refloat.
.6.1 Warning! Do not jettison IMO-Class cargo!
.7 When do you / does MV ... expect to refloat?
.7.1 I expect / MV ... expects to refloat
~ at ... UTC.
~ when tide rises.
~ when weather improves.
~ when draft decreases.
~ with tug assistance / ... .
.8 Can you / can MV ... beach?
.8.1 I / MV ... can / will beach in position ... .
.8.2 I / MV ... cannot beach.

A 22/Res.918 - 32 -

.5 List - danger of capsizing

.1 I have / MV ... has dangerous list to port / starboard.

.2 I / MV ... will
~ transfer cargo / bunkers to stop listing.
~ jettison cargo to stop listing.
.3 I am / MV ... in danger of capsizing (list increasing).

.6 Sinking
.1 I am / MV ... sinking after collision / grounding / flooding / explosion /.
.2 I require / MV ... requires assistance.
.3 I am / MV ... proceeding to your assistance.
.4 ETA at distress position within ... hours / at ... UTC.

.7 Disabled and adrift

.1 I am / MV ...
~ not under command.
~ adrift.
~ drifting at ... knots to ... (cardinal points).
~ drifting into danger.
.2 I require / MV ... requires tug assistance.

.8 Armed attack / piracy

.1 I am / MV ... under attack by pirates.

.1.1 I / MV ... was under attack by pirates.
.2 I require / MV ... requires assistance.
.3 What kind of assistance is required?
.3.1 I require / MV ... requires
~ medical assistance.
~ navigational assistance.
~ military assistance.
~ tug assistance.
~ escort / ... .
.4 Report damage.
.4.1 I have / MV .. has
~ no damage.
~ damage to navigational equipment / ... .
.4.2 I am / MV ... not under command.
.5 Can you / can MV ... proceed?
.5.1 Yes, I / MV ... can proceed.
.5.2 No, I / MV ... cannot proceed.

.9 Undesignated distress

.1 I have / MV ... has problems with cargo / engine(s) / navigation / ... .

.2 I require / MV ... requires ... .

- 33 - A 22/Res.918

.10 Abandoning vessel

.1 I / crew of MV ... must abandon vessel ... after explosion / collision /

grounding / flooding / piracy / armed attack / ... .

.11 Person overboard

.1 I have / MV ... has lost person(s) overboard in position ... .

.2 Assist with search in vicinity of position ... .
.3 All vessels in vicinity of position ... keep sharp lookout and report to ... .
.4 I am / MV is proceeding for assistance. ETA at ... UTC / within ... hours.
.5 Search in vicinity of position ... .
. 5.1 I am / MV ... is searching in vicinity of position ... .
.6 Aircraft ETA at ... UTC / within ... hours to assist in search.
.7 Can you continue search?
. 7.1 Yes, I can continue search.
. 7.2 No, I cannot continue search.
.8 Stop search.
. 8.1 Return to ... .
. 8.2 Proceed with your voyage.
.10 What is the result of search?
.10.1 The result of search is negative.
.11 I / MV ... located / picked up person(s) in position ... .
.12 Person picked up is crew/member / passenger of MV ... .
.13 What is condition of person(s)?
.13.1 Condition of person(s) bad / good.
.13.2 Person(s) dead.

A1/1.2 Search and Rescue communication

.1 SAR communications (specifying or supplementary to 1.1)

.1 I require / MV ... requires assistance.

.2 I am / MV ... proceeding to your assistance.
.3 What is your MMSI number?
. 3.1 My MMSI number is . .
.4 What is your position?
. 4.1 My position ... .
.5 What is your present course and speed?
. 5.1 My present course ... degrees, my speed ... knots.
.6 Report number of persons on board.
. 6.1 Number of persons on board: ... .
.7 Report injured persons.
. 7.1 No person injured
. 7.2 Number of injured persons / casualties: ... .
.8 Will you abandon vessel?
. 8.1 I will not abandon vessel.
. 8.2 I will abandon vessel at ... UTC.
.9 Is your EPIRB/SART transmitting?
. 9.1 Yes, my EPIRB/SART is transmitting.
A 22/Res.918 - 34 -

. 9.2 Yes, my EPIRB/SART is transmitting by mistake.

.10 Did you transmit a DSC distress alert?
.10.1 Yes, I transmitted a DSC alert.
.10.2 Yes, I transmitted a DSC alert by mistake.
.11 How many lifeboats / liferafts (with how many persons) will you launch?
.11.1 I will launch ... lifeboats / liferafts (with ... persons).
.12 How many persons will stay on board?
.12.1 No person will stay on board.
.12.2 ... persons will stay on board.
.13 What is the weather situation in your position?
.13.1 Wind ...( cardinal points) force Beaufort ... .
.13.2 Visibility good/moderate/poor.
.13.3 Smooth/moderate/rough/high sea / slight/moderate/heavy swell (cardinal
.13.4 Current ... knots, to (cardinal points).
.14 Are there dangers to navigation?
.14.1 No dangers to navigation.
.14.2 Warning! Uncharted rocks / ice / abnormally low tides / mines / ... .

.2 Acknowledgement and / or relay of SAR messages

.1 Received MAYDAY from MV ... at UTC on VHF Channel.../ frequency ....

.2 Vessel in position ...
~ on fire
~ had explosion.
~ flooded.
~ in collision (with .. ).
~ listing / in danger of capsizing.
~ sinking.
~ disabled and adrift.
~ abandoned / ... .
.3 Vessel requires assistance.
.4 Received your MAYDAY.
. 4.1 My position ... .
. 4.2 I / MV ... will proceed to your assistance.
. 4.3 ETA at distress position within ... hours / at ... UTC.

.3 Performing / co-ordinating SAR operations

The questions are normally asked and advice given by the On-scene Co-ordinator
For further information see IAMSAR Manual, London/Montreal,1998.

.1 I will act as On-scene Co-ordinator.

. 1.1 I will show following signals / lights: ... .
.2 Can you proceed to distress position?
. 2.1 Yes, I can proceed to distress position.
. 2.2 No, I cannot proceed to distress position.
.3 What is your ETA at distress position?
. 3.1 My ETA at distress position within ... hours / at ... UTC.
.4 MAYDAY position is not correct.
. 4.1 Correct MAYDAY position is ... .
.5 Vessels are advised to proceed to position ... to start rescue.

- 35 - A 22/Res.918

.6 Carry out search pattern ... starting at ... UTC.

.7 Initial course ... degrees, search speed ... knots.
.8 Carry out radar search.
.9 MV ... allocated track number ... .
.10 MV / MVs ... adjust interval between vessels to ...kilometres / nautical miles.
.11 Adjust track spacing to ...kilometres / nautical miles.
.12 Search speed now ... knots.
.13 Alter course
~ to ... degrees (- at ... UTC).
~ for next leg of track now / at ... UTC.
.14 We resume search in position ... .
.15 Crew has abandoned vessel / MV ... .
.16 Keep sharp lookout for lifeboats / liferafts / persons in water / ... .

.4 Finishing with SAR operations

.1 What is the result of search?

.1.1 The result of search is negative.
.2 Sighted
~ vessel in position ... .
~ lifeboats / life rafts in position ... .
~ persons in water / ... in position ... .
.3 Continue search in position ... .
.4 Can you pick up survivors?
.4.1 Yes, I can pick up survivors.
.4.2 No, I cannot pick up survivors.
.5 MV ... / I will proceed to pick up survivors.
.5.1 Stand by lifeboats / liferafts.
.6 Picked up
~ ... survivors in position ... .
~ ... lifeboats / liferafts (with ... persons / casualties) in position ... .
~ ... persons / casualties in lifejackets in position ... .
~ ... in position ... .
.7 Survivors in bad / good condition.
.8 Do you require medical assistance?
.8.1 Yes, I require medical assistance.
.8.2 No, I do not require medical assistance.
.9 Try to obtain information from survivors.
.10 There are
~ still ... lifeboats / liferafts with survivors.
~ no more lifeboats / liferafts.
.11 Total number of persons on board was ... .
.12 All persons / ... persons rescued.
.13 You / MV ... may stop search and proceed with voyage.
.14 There is no hope to rescue more persons.
.15 We finish with SAR operations.

A 22/Res.918 - 36 -

A1/1.3 Requesting medical assistance

.1 I require / MV ... requires medical assistance.

.2 What kind of assistance is required?
. 2.1 I require / MV ... requires
~ boat for hospital transfer.
~ radio medical advice.
~ helicopter with doctor (to pick up person(s)).
.3 I / MV ... will
~ send boat.
~ send helicopter with doctor
~ send helicopter to pick up person(s).
~ arrange for radio medical advice on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .
.4 Boat / helicopter ETA at ... UTC / within ... hours.
.5 Do you have doctor on board?
. 5.1 Yes, I have doctor on board.
. 5.2 No, I have no doctor on board.
.6 Can you make rendezvous in position ... ?
. 6.1 Yes, I can make rendezvous in position at ... UTC / within ... hours.
. 6.2 No, I cannot make rendezvous.
.7 I / MV ... will send boat / helicopter to transfer doctor.
.8 Transfer person(s) to my vessel / to MV ... by boat / helicopter.
.9 Transfer of person(s) not possible.

A1/2 Urgency traffic

Safety of a vessel (other than distress).
Note: An urgency traffic always has to commence with stating the position of the
calling vessel if it is not included in the DSC alert.

.1 Technical failure

.1 I am / MV ... not under command.

.2 What problems do you have / does MV ... have?
. 2.1 I have / MV ... has problems with engine(s) / steering gear / propeller / ... .
.3 I am / MV manoeuvring with difficulty.
.4 Keep clear of me / MV ... .
.5 Navigate with caution.
.6 I require / MV ... requires tug assistance / escort / ... .
.7 I try / MV ... tries to proceed without assistance.
.8 Stand by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .
.8.1 Standing by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .

.2 Cargo

.1 I have / MV has ... lost dangerous goods of IMO-Class ... in position ... .
.2 Containers / barrels / drums / bags / ... with dangerous goods
of IMO-Class ... adrift near position ... .
.3 I am / MV ... is spilling
~ dangerous goods of IMO-Class ... in position ...
~ crude oil / ... in position ... .
.4 I require / MV requires oil clearance assistance - danger of pollution.
.5 I am / MV ... is dangerous source of radiation.

- 37 - A 22/Res.918

.3 Ice damage

.1 I have / MV ... has damage above / below waterline.

.2 What kind of assistance is required?
. 2.1 I require / MV ... requires
~ tug assistance.
~ ice-breaker assistance / escort / ... .
.3 I have / MV ... has stability problems heavy icing.
.4 Can you proceed without assistance?
. 4.1 Yes, I can proceed without assistance.
. 4.2 No, I cannot proceed without assistance.
.5 Stand by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .
. 5.1 Standing by on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... .

A1/3 Safety Communications

A1/3.1 Meteorological and hydrological conditions

.1 Winds, storms, tropical storms, sea state

.1 What is wind direction and force in your position / in position ... ?

. 1.1 Wind direction ...(cardinal points), force Beaufort ... in my position /
in position ... .
.2 What wind is expected in my position / in position ... ?
. 2.1 The wind in your position / in position ... is expected
~ from direction... (cardinal points), force Beaufort ... .
~ to increase / decrease.
~ variable.
.3 What is the latest gale / storm warning?
. 3.1 The latest gale / storm warning is as follows:
Gale / storm warning. Winds at ... UTC in area ... (met.area) from direction
...(cardinal points) and force Beaufort ... backing/veering to ...
(cardinal points).
.4 What is the latest tropical storm warning?
. 4.1 The latest tropical storm warning is as follows:
Tropical storm warning at ... UTC. Hurricane... (name) / tropical cyclone /
tornado / willy-willy / typhoon ... (name) with central pressure of ...
millibars / hectopascals located in position ... Present movement...
(cardinal points) at ... knots. Winds of ... knots within radius of ... miles of
centre. Seas smooth/moderate/rough/high. Further information on VHF
Channel ... / frequency ... .
.5 What is the atmospheric pressure in your position / in position ... ?
. 5.1 The atmospheric pressure in your position / in position ... is ... millibars/hectopascals.
.6 What is the barometric change in your position / in position ... ?
. 6.1 The barometric change in your position / in position ...
is ... millibars / hectopascals per hour / within the last ... hours.
. 6.2 The barometer is steady / dropping (rapidly) / rising (rapidly).
.7 What maximum winds are expected in the storm area?
. 7.1 Maximum winds of ... knots are expected
~ in the storm area.
~ within a radius of ... kilometres / miles of the centre.
~ in the safe / dangerous semicircle.

A 22/Res.918 - 38 -

.8 What is sea state in your position / in position ... ?

.8.1 The smooth/moderate/rough/high sea/ slight/moderate/heavy swell in my
position / in position ... is ... metres from... (cardinal points).

.9 Is the sea state expected to change (within the next hours)?

.9.1 No, the sea state is not expected to change (within the next hours).
.9.2 Yes, a sea / swell of ... metres from ...(cardinal points)
is expected (- within the next hours).
.10 A tsunami / an abnormal wave is expected by ... UTC.

.2 Restricted visibility

.1 What is visibility in your position / in position ... ?

. 1.1 Visibility in my position / in position is ... metres / nautical miles
. 1.2 Visibility is restricted by mist / fog / snow / dust / rain.
. 1.3 Visibility is increasing / decreasing / variable.
.2 Is visibility expected to change in my position / in position ... (within the next hours)?
. 2.1 No, visibility is not expected to change in your position / in position...
(within the next hours).
. 2.2 Yes, visibility is expected to increase / decrease to ... metres / nautical miles
in your position / in position ... (within the next hours).
. 2.3 Visibility is expected to be variable between ... metres / nautical miles
in your position / in position ... (within the next hours).

.3 Ice

.1 What is the latest ice information?

. 1.1 Ice warning. Ice / iceberg(s) located in position ... / reported in area around ...
. 1.2 No ice located in position ... / reported in area around ... .
.2 What ice situation is expected in my position / area around ... ?
. 2.1 Ice situation is
~ not expected to change in your position / area around ... .
~ expected to improve / deteriorate in your position / area around ... .
. 2.2 Thickness of ice is expected to increase / decrease in your position / area
around ... .
.3 Navigation is dangerous in area around ... due to floating ice / pack ice / iceberg(s).
.4 Navigation in area around ... is only possible
~ for high-powered vessels of strong construction .
~ with ice-breaker assistance.
.5 Area around ... temporarily closed for navigation.
.6 Danger of icing in area around ... .

.4 Abnormal tides

.1 The present tide ... is metres above / below datum in position ... .
.2 The tide ... is metres above/below prediction.
.3 The tide is rising / falling.
.4 Wait until high / low water.
.5 Abnormally high / low tides are expected in position ... at about ... UTC / within ...
.6 Is the depth of water sufficient in position ... ?
. 6.1 Yes, the depth of water is sufficient in position ... .
. 6.2 No, the depth of water is not sufficient in position ... .
. 6.3 The depth of water is ... metres in position ... .
- 39 - A 22/Res.918

.7 My draft ... is metres - can I enter / pass ... (charted name of place)?
. 7.1 Yes, you can enter / pass (charted name of place).
. 7.2 No, you cannot enter / pass (charted name of place) - wait until ... UTC.
.8 The charted depth of water is increased / decreased by ... metres due to sea state /

A1/3.2 Navigational warnings involving

.1 Land- or seamarks

.1 ...( charted name of light / buoy) in position ...
~ unlit / unreliable / damaged / destroyed / off station / missing.

.2 ... ( charted name of lightbuoy / buoy) in position ...
~ (temporarily) changed to ...(full characteristics).
~ (temporarily) removed.
~ (temporarily) discontinued.

New and moved

.3 ...( charted name of light / buoy) ...(full characteristics)
~ established in position ... .
~ re-established in position ... .
~ moved ... kilometres / nautical miles in ... (direction) to position ... .
.4 (Note: Only for major fog signal stations).
Fog signal ...( charted name of light / buoy) in position ... inoperative.

.2 Drifting objects

.1 Superbuoy / mine / unlit derelict vessel / ... (number) container(s)

adrift in vicinity ...(position) at ...(date and time if known).

.3 Electronic navigational aids

.1 GPS/GLONASS Satellite ...(number) unusable from ... (date and time) to ...(date and
time).Cancel one hour after time of restoration.
.2 LORAN station ...(name or number of master / secondary) off air from ...(date and
time) to... (date and time). Cancel one hour after time of restoration.
.3 RACON/RAMARK/ERICON ... (name of station) in position ... off air from ...(date
and time) to... (date and time). Cancel one hour after time of restoration.

.4 Seabottom characteristics, wrecks

Use REPORTED when position is unconfirmed, and use LOCATED when position
has been confirmed by survey or other means

.1 Uncharted reef / rock / shoal / dangerous wreck / obstruction

reported / located in position ... .
.2 Dangerous wreck in position... marked by ... (type)buoy ...(distance in
kilometres/nautical miles ) ...(direction).

A 22/Res.918 - 40 -

.5 Miscellaneous

.5.1 Cable, pipeline and seismic / hydrographic operations

.1 Cable / pipeline operations by ... (vessel) in vicinity / along line joining ... (positions)
from ...(date and time)to ...(date and time). Wide berth requested (if requested).
Contact via VHF Channel ... (if requested).
.2 Seismic survey / hydrographic operations by ...(vessel) from ...(date and time) to...
(date and time) in ...(position). Wide berth requested. (if requested). Contact via VHF
Channel ... (if requested).
.3 Survey vessel ...(name) towing ...(length) seismic cable along line joining / in area
bounded by / in vicinity ...(position) from ...(date and time) to ...(date and time).
Wide berth requested (if requested). Contact via VHF Channel ... (if requested).
.4 Hazardous operations by ...(vessel) in area bounded by / in vicinity ... (position) from
... (date and time) to ...(date and time). Wide berth requested (if requested). Contact
via VHF Channel ... (if requested).
.5 Current meters / hydrographic instruments moored in ...(position). Wide berth
requested (if requested).

.5.2 Diving, towing and dredging operations

.1 Diving/dredging operations by vessel ... (name) from ...(date and time) to ...(date and
in position ... . Wide berth requested (if requested).
.2 Difficult tow from ...(port of departure)on ... (date) to ...(destination)on ...(date).
Wide berth requested.

.5.3 Tanker transhipment

.1 Transhipment of ...(kind of cargo) in position... . Wide berth requested.

.2 I am / MT ... spilling oil / chemicals /... in position....Wide berth requested.
.3 I am / LNG-tanker/LPG-tanker ... leaking gas in position.. Avoid passing to leeward.
.4 Oil clearance operations near MT ... in position ... . Wide berth requested.

.5.4 Off-shore installations, rig moves

.1 Platform ...(name/number if available) reported / established in position... at ...

(dateand time).Wide berth requested (if requested).
.2 Platform ...(name/number if available) removed from ...(position) on ... (date).
.3 Pipeline / platform ...(name/number if available) in position ... spilling oil / leaking
gas. Wide berth requested.
.4 Derelict platform ...(name/number if available) being removed from ...(position) at ...
(date and time).Wide berth requested.

.5.5 Defective locks or bridges

.1 Lock ...(name) defective.

.1.1 For entering ...(charted name of place) use lock ...(name).
.2 Lock / bridge ... (name) defective.
.2.1 Avoid this area - no possibility for vessels to turn.

- 41 - A 22/Res.918

.5.6 Military operations

.1 Gunnery / rocket firing / missile / torpedo / underwater ordnance exercises in area

bounded by ... (positions) from ... (date and time) to... (date and time). Wide berth
requested (if requested).
.2 Mine clearing operations from ...(date time) to ...(date and time) in area bounded
by ...(positions).Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF channel ...(number)
(if requested).

.5.7 Fishery

.1 Small fishing boats in area around ... Navigate with caution.

.2 Is fishing gear ahead of me?
.2.1 No fishing gear ahead of you.
.2.2 Yes, fishing gear with buoys / without buoys in position .../ area around ...
Navigate with caution.
.3 Fishing gear has fouled my propeller(s).
.4 You have caught my fishing gear.
.5 Advise you to recover your fishing gear.
.6 Fishing in area ... prohibited.

A1/3.3 Environmental protection communications

.1 Located oil spill in position ... extending ... (length and width in metres)
to ... (cardinal points).
.2 Located oil spill
~ in your wake.
~ in the wake of MV ... .
.3 I have / MV ... has accidental spillage of oil / ... .
.4 Can you / MV ... stop spillage?
.4.1 Yes, I / MV ... can stop spillage.
.4.2 No, I / MV ... cannot stop spillage.
.5 What kind of assistance is required?
.5.1 I require / MV ... requires
~ oil clearance assistance.
~ floating booms / oil dispersants / ... .
.5 Stay in vicinity of pollution and co-operate with oil clearance team.
.6 ... (number) barrels / drums / containers with IMDG Code marks reported adrift
near position..... .
.7 Located a vessel dumping chemicals / waste / ... in position ... .
.7.1 Located a vessel incinerating chemicals / waste / ... in position ... .
.8 Can you identify the polluter?
.8.1 Yes, I can identify the polluter - polluter is MV ... .
.8.2 No, I cannot identify the polluter.
.9 What is course and speed of the polluter?
.9.1 Course of the polluter ... degrees, speed ... knots.
.9.2 The polluter left the scene.

A 22/Res.918 - 42 -

A1/4 Pilotage

A1/4.1 Pilot request

See AI/6 - .4.3 Pilot request

A1/4.2 Embarking / disembarking pilot

.1 Stand by pilot ladder.

.2 Rig the pilot ladder on port side / starboard side/leeside ... metres above water.
.3 The pilot ladder is rigged on port side / starboard side.
.4 You must rig another pilot ladder
.5 The pilot ladder is unsafe.
.6 What is wrong with the pilot ladder?
.7.1 The pilot ladder
~ has broken / loose steps.
~ has broken spreaders.
~ has spreaders too short.
~ is too far aft / forward.
.8 Move the pilot ladder
~ ... metres aft / forward.
~ clear of discharge.
.9 Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder.
.10 Rig the pilot ladder alongside hoist.
.11 Put lights on at the pilot ladder.
.12 Man ropes are required / not required.
.13 Have a heaving line ready at the pilot ladder.
.14 Correct the list of the vessel.
.15 Make a lee on your port side / starboard side.
.16 Steer ... degrees to make a lee.
.17 Keep the sea on your port quarter / starboard quarter.
.18 Make a boarding speed of ... knots.
.19 Stop engine(s) until pilot boat is clear.
.20 Put helm hard to port / starboard.
.21 Alter course to (cardinal points) - the pilot boat cannot clear the vessel.
.22 Put engine(s) ahead / astern.
.23 Embarkation is not possible.
.23.1 Boarding arrangements do not comply with SOLAS Regulations.
.23.2 Vessel is not suited for the pilot ladder.

A1/4.3 Tug request

.1 Must I take tug(s)?

.1.1 Yes, you must take ... tug(s).
.1.2 No, you need not take tug(s).
.2 How many tugs must I take?
.2.1 You must take ... tug(s) according to Port Regulations.
.2.2 You must take ... tug(s) fore and ... tug(s) aft.
.3 I require ... tug(s).
.4 In what position will the tug(s) meet me?
.4.1 The tug(s) will meet you in position ... at ...UTC.
.4.2 Wait for the tug(s) in position ... .

- 43 - A 22/Res.918

.5 Must I use the towing lines of my vessel?

.5.1 Yes, you must use the towing lines.
.5.2 No, you must use the towing lines of the tug.

A1/5 Specials

A1/5.1 Helicopter operations

(H: = from helicopter V: = from vessel )

.1 V: I require a helicopter.
~ to pick up persons.
~ with doctor.
~ with liferaft / ... .
.1.1 MRCC: I will send a helicopter with ... .
.2 H: MV ... , I will drop ... .
.3 H: MV ... , are you ready for the helicopter?
.3.1 V: Yes, I am ready for the helicopter.
.3.2 V: No, I am not ready for the helicopter (yet).
.3.3 V: Ready for the helicopter in ... minutes.
.4 H: MV ... , helicopter is on the way to you.
.5 H: MV ... , what is your position?
.5.1 V: My position is ... .
.6 H: MV ... , what is your present course and speed?
.6.1 V: My present course is ... degrees, speed is ... knots.
.7 H: MV ... , make identification signals.
.8 V: I am making identification signals by smoke (buoy) / search light /
flags / signalling lamp / ... .
.9 H: MV ... , you are identified.
.10 H: MV ... , what is the relative wind direction in degrees and knots?
.10.1 V: The relative wind direction is ... degrees and ... knots.
.11 H: MV ... , keep the wind on port / starboard bow.
.12 H: MV ... , keep the wind on port / starboard quarter.
.13 H: MV ... , indicate the landing / pick-up area.
.13.1 V: The landing / pick-up area is ... .
.14 H: MV ... , can I land on deck?
.14.1 V: Yes, you can land on deck.
.14.2 V: No, you cannot land on deck (yet).
.14.3 V: You can land on deck in ... minutes.
.15 H: MV ... , I will use hoist / rescue sling / rescue basket / rescue net /
rescue litter / rescue seat / double lift.
.16 V: I am ready to receive you.
.17 H: MV ... , I am landing.
.18 H: MV ... , I am starting operation.
.19 H: MV ... , do not fix the hoist cable.
.20 H: MV ... , operation finished.
.21 H: MV ... , I am taking off.

A 22/Res.918 - 44 -

A1/5.2 Ice - breaker operations

.1 Ice - breaker request

.1 I am / MV is ... fast in ice in position ... .

.2 I require / MV ... requires ice-breaker assistance to reach ... .
.3 Ice-breaker assistance
~ will arrive at ... UTC / within ... hours.
~ is not available until ... UTC.
~ is available only up to latitude... longitude....
~ is suspended until...(date and time).
~ is suspended after sunset.
~ is suspended until favourable weather conditions.
~ will be resumed at ... UTC.

.2 Ice - breaker assistance for convoy

Ice-breaker commands applying to all the vessels in a convoy have to be immediately

confirmed consecutively by each vessel in turn and executed according to the pattern given in
GENERAL 4.6. Ice-breaker commands applying to a single vessel are confirmed and
executed only by that vessel, and this applies also to close-coupled towing. When being
assisted by an ice-breaker it is important to maintain a continuous listening watch on the
appropriate VHF Channel and to maintain a proper lookout for sound and visual signals.

.1 Ice-breaker assistance for convoy will start now / at ... UTC.

.2 Your place in convoy is number ... .
.3 MV ... will follow you.
.4 You will follow MV ... .
.5 Go ahead and follow me.
.5.1 Do not follow me.
.6 Proceed along the ice channel.
.7 Increase / reduce your speed.
.8 Reverse your engines.
.9 Stop engines.
.10 Keep a distance of ... metres /cables between vessels.
.11 Increase / reduce the distance between vessels to ... metres / cables.
.12 Stand by for receiving towing line.
.12.1 Stand by for letting go towing line.
.13 Switch on the bow / stern search light.
.14 Stop in present position.
.15 Ice-breaker ... will escort you.
.16 Ice-breaker assistance for convoy finished.
.16.1 Open water / light ice conditions ahead.
.17 Proceed by yourself (to area ...).

- 45 - A 22/Res.918

.3 Ice - breaker assistance in close-coupled towing

.1 Stand by for close-coupled towing.

.2 Slack out your anchors under the hawse-pipes.
.3 Pass heaving lines through the hawse-pipes.
.4 Receive towing line on deck.
.5 Lash together the eyes of the towing line with manila lashing.
.6 Fasten towing line on your bitts.
.7 I start to draw your bow into the stern notch of the ice-breaker.
.8 Stand by for cutting the manila lashing if required.
.9 Keep yourself in the centre-plane of the ice-breaker.

A1/6 Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases

Application of Message Markers

In order to especially facilitate shore-to-ship and ship-to-shore communication or when one of the
IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases will not fit the meaning desired, one of the following
eight message markers may be used to increase the probability of the purpose of the message being
properly understood.

It is at the discretion of the shore personnel or the ships officer whether to use one of the message
markers and if so which of them to apply depending on the users qualified assessment of the
situation. If used, the message marker is to be spoken preceding the message or the corresponding
part of the message. The IMO VTS Guidelines recommend that in any message directed to a vessel it
should be clear whether the message contains information, advice, warning, or instruction and
IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases should be used where practicable.

For further standardized VTS communications, also see other sections of Part A1. For VTS Standard
Reporting Procedures, see IMO resolution A.851(20) on General Principles for Ship Reporting
Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents involving
dangerous goods, harmful substances and / or marine pollutants.

Note: All of the following phrases must come as the culmination (message content) of a radio
message exchange between stations covered by the ITU Radio Regulations, and the relevant
calling procedures have to be observed.

A 22/Res.918 - 46 -

Message Markers


This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others
by a Regulation.

Comment: This means that the sender, e.g. a VTS Station or a naval vessel, must have full
authority to send such a message. The recipient has to follow this legally binding
message unless he/she has contradictory safety reasons which then have to be
reported to the sender.

Example: "INSTRUCTION. Do not cross the fairway.


This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence others
by a Recommendation.

Comment: The decision whether to follow the ADVICE still stays with the recipient. ADVICE
does not necessarily have to be followed but should be considered very carefully.
Example: "ADVICE. (Advise you) stand by on VHF Channel six nine."

This indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to inform others about

Comment: This means that any recipient of a WARNING should pay immediate attention to
the danger mentioned. Consequences of a WARNING will be up to the recipient.

Example: "WARNING. Obstruction in the fairway."


This indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts, situations, etc..

Comment: This marker is preferably used for navigational and traffic information, etc..
Consequences of INFORMATION will be up to the recipient.

Example: "INFORMATION. MV Noname will overtake to the west of you ."


This indicates that the following message is of an interrogative character.

Comment: The use of this marker removes any doubt as to whether a question is being asked or a
statement is being made, especially when interrogatives such as what, where, why,
who, how are additionally used at the beginning of the question. The recipient is
expected to return an answer.

Example: "QUESTION.(What is) your present maximum draft?"

- 47 - A 22/Res.918


This indicates that the following message is the reply to a previous question.

Comment: Note that an answer should not contain another question.

Example: "ANSWER. My present maximum draft is zero seven metres."


This indicates that the following message is asking for action from others with respect to the vessel.

Comment: The use of this marker is to signal: I want something to be arranged or provided,
e.g. ships stores requirements, tugs, permission, etc..

Note: REQUEST must not be used involving navigation, or to modify COLREGS.

Example: "REQUEST. I require two tugs."


This indicates that the following message informs others about immediate navigational action
intended to be taken.

Comment: The use of this message marker is logically restricted to messages announcing
navigational actions by the vessel sending this message.

Example: "INTENTION. I will reduce my speed."

A1/6.1 Phrases for acquiring and providing data for a traffic image

.1 Acquiring and providing routine traffic data

.1 What is the name of your vessel and call sign / identification?

.1.1 The name of my vessel is ... , call sign ... / identification ... .
.1.2 Spell the name of your vessel.
.2 What is your flag State?
.2.1 My flag State is ... .
.3 What is your position?
.3.1 My position is ... .
.4 What is your present course and speed?
.4.1 My present course is ... degrees, my speed is ... knots.
.5 From what direction are you approaching?
.5.1 I am approaching from ... .
.6 What is your port of destination / destination?
.6.1 My port of destination / destination is ... .
.7 What was your last port of call?
.7.1 My last port of call was ... .
.8 What is your ETA in position ... ?
.8.1 My ETA is ... UTC.
.9 What is your ETD from ... ?
.9.1 My ETD from ... is ... UTC.

A 22/Res.918 - 48 -

.10 What is your draft forward / aft?

.10.1 My draft forward / aft is ... metres.
.11 What is your present maximum draft ?
.11.1 My present maximum draft is ... metres.
.12 What is your freeboard?
.12.1 My freeboard is ... metres.
.13 What is your air draft?
.13.1 My air draft is ... metres.
.14 Are you underway?
.14.1 Yes, I am underway.
.14.2 No, I am not underway.
.14.3 I am ready to get underway.
.15 What is your full speed / full manoeuvring speed?
.15.1 My full speed / full manoeuvring speed is ... knots.
.16 What is your cargo?
.16.1 My cargo is ... .
.17 Do you carry any dangerous goods?
.17.1 Yes, I carry the following dangerous goods: ... kilograms / tonnes IMO Class ... .
.17.2 No, I do not carry any dangerous goods.
.18 Do you have any deficiencies / restrictions?
.18.1 No, I have no deficiencies / restrictions.
.18.2 Yes, I have the following deficiencies / restrictions: ... .
.19 I am / MV ... is constrained by draft.
.20 The maximum permitted draft is ... metres.
.21 Do you have any list?
.21.1 Yes, I have a list to port / starboard of ... degrees.
.21.2 No, I have no list.
.22 Are you on even keel?
.22.1 Yes, I am on even keel.
.22.2 No, I am trimmed by the head / stern.

.2 Acquiring and providing distress traffic data

See A1/1.1 Distress communications.

A1/6.2 Phrases for providing VTS services

.1 Information service
These phrases are normally transmitted from the shore.

.1.1 Navigational warnings

.1 Unknown object(s) in position ... .

.2 Ice / iceberg(s) in position ... / area around ... .
.3 Unlit derelict vessel adrift in vicinity ... at ... (date and time).
.4 Dangerous wreck / obstruction located in position ... marked by ... (type) buoy.
.5 Hazardous mine adrift in vicinity ... at ... (date and time).
.6 Uncharted reef / rock / shoal reported in position ... .
.7 Pipeline is leaking gas / oil in position ... Wide berth requested.
.8 Depth of water not sufficient in position ... .
.9 Navigation closed in area ... .

- 49 - A 22/Res.918

.1.2 Navigational information

.1 Oil spill in position ... .

.2 Current meters / hydrographic instruments moored in position ...Wide berth requested.
.3 Platform ...(name / number) reported / established in position ...Wide berth requested.
.4 ...(charted name of light / buoy) in position ...
~ unlit / unreliable / damaged / destroyed / off station / missing.
~ (temporarily) changed to ...(full characteristics).
~ (temporarily) removed.
~ (temporarily) discontinued.
.5 ...(charted name of light / buoy) ...(full characteristics).
~ established in position ... .
~ re-established in position ... .
~ moved ... kilometres / nautical miles in ... (direction) to position ... .
.6 (Note: Only for major fog signal stations).
Fog signal ...(charted name of light / buoy) in position ... inoperative.

.1.3 Traffic information

.1 Gunnery / rocket firing / missile / torpedo / underwater ordnance exercises in area bounded by
...(positions) and ... from ... (date and time) to ... (date and time). Wide berth requested.
.2 Cable / pipeline operations by... (vessel) in vicinity ... / along a line joining ...(position) from
... (date and time) to... (date and time). Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF Channel ...
.3 Salvage operations in position ... from ... (date and time) to ... (date and time).
Wide berth requested. Contact via VHF Channel ... .
.4 Seismic / hydrographic operations by ... (vessel)... from ... (date and time)
to ...(date and time) in position ... Wide berth requested.
Contact via VHF Channel ... .
.5 Oil clearance operations near MT ... in position ... Wide berth requested.
.6 Transhipment of ...(kind of cargo) in position ... Wide berth requested.
.7 Difficult tow from ...(port of departure) to ...(destination) on ...(date).
Wide berth requested.
.8 Vessel not under command in position ... / area ... .
.9 Hampered vessel in position ... area ... (course ... degrees, speed ... knots).
.9.1 Vessel constrained by her draft in position area (course degrees speed
.10 Vessel in position ... on course ... and speed ... is not complying with traffic regulations.
.11 Vessel is crossing ... traffic lane on course ... and speed ... in position ... .
.12 Small fishing boats in area around ... Navigate with caution.
.13 Submarines operating in sea area around ... Surface vessels are in attendance.

.1.4 Route information

.1 Route .../ Traffic Lane ... has been suspended / discontinued / diverted.

.1.5 Hydrographic information

.1 Tidal prediction for ... (name of station(s)) / area ... :

.1.1 A tide of ... metres above / below datum is expected in position ... / area ...
at about ... UTC.
.1.2 Abnormally high / low tides are expected in position ... / area ... at about ... UTC.
.2 The tide is rising:
~ it is ... hours before high water / after low water.
~ it is ... metres below high water / above low water.

A 22/Res.918 - 50 -

.3 The tide is falling:

~ it is ... hours after high water / before low water.
~ it is ... metres below high water / above low water.
.4 The tide is slack.
.5 Present tide is ... metres above / below datum ... in position ... ..
.6 The tide is ... metres above / below prediction.
.7 The tidal stream / current is ... knots in position ... .
.8 The tide is setting in direction ... degrees.
.9 The depth of water is / is not sufficient in position ... .
.12 Charted depth has increased / decreased by ... metres due to winds / sea state.

.1.6 Electronic navigational aids information

.1 GPS Satellite ...(number) unusable from ...(date and time) to ... (date and time).
Cancel one hour after time of restoration.
.2 LORAN station ...(name number of master / secondary )
.3 RACON ... (name of station) in position ... off air ... from ... (date and time)
to ... (date and time).

.1.7 Meteorological warnings

.1 Gale warning / storm warning was issued at ... UTC starting at ... UTC .
.1.1 Gale warning / storm warning. Wind at ... UTC in area ... (met. area) from direction
... (cardinal points) and force Beaufort ... backing / veering to ... (cardinal points).
.2 Tropical storm warning was issued at ... UTC starting at ... UTC.
.2.1 Tropical storm warning at ... UTC. Hurricane ... (name) / tropical cyclone / tornado /
willy-willy / typhoon / ... with central pressure of ... millibars/hectopascals located in
position ... .
Present movement ... (cardinal points) at ... knots. Winds of ... knots within radius
of ... nautical miles of centre. Seas over ... metres.
Further information on VHF Channel ... / frequency ... (at ... UTC).

.1.8 Meteorological information

.1 Position of tropical storm ... (name) ..., path ... (cardinal points),
speed of advance ... knots.
.2 Wind direction ...(cardinal points), force Beaufort ... in position ... .
.3 Wind is backing / veering and increasing / decreasing.
.4 Wind is expected to increase / decrease in position ... to force Beaufort ...
within the next... hours.
.5 Visibility in position ...
~ ... metres / nautical miles.
~ reduced by mist / fog / snow / dust / rain / ... .
~ expected to increase / decrease to ... metres / nautical miles
within the next ... hours.
.6 Sea / swell in position ...
~ ... metres from ...(cardinal points).
~ expected to increase / decrease within the next ... hours.
.7 Icing is expected / not expected in area ... .

.1.9 Meteorological questions and answers

See A1/3.1 Meteorological and hydrological conditions

- 51 - A 22/Res.918

.2 Navigational assistance service

Shore based pilotage by navigational assistance service: see also A1/6.4 .3.18 to .3.21

.2.1 Request and identification

.1 Is shore based radar assistance available?

.1.1 Yes, shore based radar assistance is available.
.1.2 No, shore based radar assistance is not available.
.2 Shore based radar assistance is available from ... to ... UTC.
.3 Do you require navigational assistance to reach ... ?
.3.1 Yes, I require navigational assistance.
.3.2 No, I do not require navigational assistance.
.4 What is your position?
.4.1 My position is bearing ... degrees ..., distance ... kilometres / nautical miles from ... .
.5 How was your position obtained?
.5.1 My position was obtained by GPS / RADAR / cross-bearing /
astronomical observation / ...
.6 Repeat your position for identification.
.7 I have located you on my radar screen.
.7.1 Your position is bearing ... degrees, distance ... kilometres / nautical miles from ... .
.8 I cannot locate you on my radar screen.
.9 What is your present course and speed?
.9.1 My present course is ... degrees, my speed is ... knots.
.10 What is the course to reach you?
.10.1 The course to reach me is ... degrees.
.11 Is your radar in operation?
.11.1 Yes, my radar is in operation.
.11.2 No, my radar is not in operation.
.12 What range scale are you using?
.12.1 I am using ... miles range scale.
.12.2 Change to a larger / smaller range scale.
.13 You are leaving my radar screen.
.14 Change to radar ... (name) VHF Channel ... .
.15 I have lost radar contact.

.2.2 Position

.1 You are entering ... .

.2 Your position is .../ bearing ... degrees, distance ... kilometres / nautical miles from ... .
.4 You are passing ... .
You are
~ in the centre of the fairway.
~ on / not on the radar reference line (of the fairway).
~ on the ... (cardinal points) side of the fairway.
.5 You are approaching the ... (cardinal points) limit of the fairway.
.6 Your position is buoy number ... distance ... metres / cables
to the ... (cardinal points) of the radar reference line.
.7 Your position is distance ... metres / cables from the intersection of radar reference line ...
and radar reference line ... and distance ... metres / cables to the ... (cardinal points)
of radar reference line ... .
.8 MV ... has reported at reporting point ... .
.9 You are getting closer to the vessel (cardinal points) of you.
.10 Vessel on opposite course is passing to the ... (cardinal points) of you.

.11 MV ... is metres / cables ... (cardinal points) of you.

A 22/Res.918 - 52 -

~ is ingoing / outgoing.
~ has stopped.
~ is at anchor.
~ is on a reciprocal course.
~ will overtake to the ... (cardinal points) of you.
.12 Vessel has anchored ... metres / cables ... (cardinal points) of you in position ... .
.13 Vessel ... (cardinal points) of you is obstructing your movements.
.14 You will meet crossing traffic in position ... .
.15 Vessel is entering / leaving the fairway at ... .
.16 Buoy ... distance ... metres / cables ... (cardinal points).
.17 Vessel ... (cardinal points) of you is
~ turning.
~ anchoring.
~ increasing / decreasing speed.
~ overtaking you.
~ not under command.

.2.3 Course
Note: the user of this phrase should be fully aware of the implications of words such
as "track", "heading" and "course made good".

.1 Your track is
~ parallel with the reference line.
~ diverging from the reference line.
~ converging to the reference line.
.2 What is your present course / heading?
.2.1 My present course / heading is ... degrees.
.3 You are steering a dangerous course.
.4 Course to make good is ... degrees.
.5 Vessel ... (cardinal points) of you is on same course ... degrees.
.5.1 Advise you
~ Keep your present course.
~ A new course of degrees.
.6 Have you altered course?
.6.1 Yes, I have altered course - my new course is ... degrees.
.6.2 No, I have not altered course - my course is ... degrees.
.7 You are running into danger -
~ shallow water ... (cardinal points) of you.
~ submerged wreck ... (cardinal points) of you.
~ fog bank ... (cardinal points) of you.
~ risk of collision (with a vessel bearing ... degrees, distance ... kilometres /
nautical miles).
~ bridge is defective / ... .

.3 Traffic organization service

.3.1 Clearance, forward planning

.1 Traffic clearance is required before entering ... .

.2 Do not enter the traffic lane / ... .
.3 Proceed to the emergency anchorage.
.4 Keep clear of .../ avoid ... .

- 53 - A 22/Res.918

.5 You have permission

~ to enter the traffic lane / route - traffic clearance granted.
~ to enter traffic lane / route in position ... at ... UTC.
.6 Do not pass the reporting point ... until ... UTC.
.7 Report at the next waypoint / waypoint ... / at ... UTC.
.8 You must arrive at way point ... at ... UTC - your berth is clear.
.9 Do not arrive in position ... before / after ... UTC.
.10 The tide is with you / against you.

.3.2 Anchoring

.1 You must anchor

~ at ... UTC.
~ until the pilot arrives.
~ in a different position.
~ clear of fairway.
.2 Do not anchor in position ... .
.3 Anchoring is prohibited.
.6 You must heave up anchor.
.7 You are at anchor in a wrong position.
.8 Have your crew on stand by for heaving up anchor when the pilot embarks.
.9 You have permission to anchor (at ... UTC)
~ in position ... .
~ until the pilot arrives.
~ until the tugs arrive.
~ until sufficient water.
.10 You are obstructing the fairway / other traffic.
.11 Are you dragging / dredging anchor?
.11.1 Yes, I am dragging / dredging anchor.
.11.2 No, I am not dragging / dredging anchor.
.12 Do not dredge anchor.

.3.3 Arrival, berthing and departure

.1 Your orders are to berth on ... .

.2 Your orders are changed to proceed to ... .
.3 Proceed to ... for orders.
.4 You have permission to enter / to proceed at ... UTC.
.5 Vessel is turning / manoeuvring in position ... .
.6 MV ...
~ will turn in position ... .
~ will leave ... at ... UTC.
~ is leaving ... .
~ has left ... .
~ entered fairway in position ... .
.7 Your berth is not clear (until ... UTC)
.7.1 Your berth will be clear at ... UTC.
.8 You will berth / dock at ... UTC .
.9 Berthing has been delayed by ... hours.
.10 Be ready to get underway.
.10.1 I am ready to get underway
.11 Get underway.

.12 Are you underway?

A 22/Res.918 - 54 -

.12.1 Yes, I am underway.

.12.2 No, I am not underway.
.13 Move ahead / astern ... metres.
.14 Your vessel is in position - make fast.

.3.4 Enforcement

.1 According to my radar, your course does not comply with Rule 10 of the COLREGs.
.2 Your actions will be reported to the Authorities.
.3 You are
~ not complying with traffic regulations.
~ not keeping to the correct traffic lane.
.4 Have all navigational instruments in operation before entering this area / area ... .
.5 Your navigation lights are not visible.
.6 Recover your fishing gear.
.6.1 You are fishing in the fairway.
.7 Fishing gear is to the ... (cardinal points) of you.
.8 Fishing in area prohibited.
.9 You are approaching a prohibited fishing area.
.10 Fairway speed is... knots.

.3.5 Avoiding dangerous situations, providing safe movements

.1 It is dangerous
~ to anchor in your present position.
~ to remain in your present position.
~ to alter course to ... (cardinal points).
.2 Large vessel is leaving the fairway- keep clear of the fairway approach.
.3 Nets with buoys / without buoys in this area - navigate with caution.
.4 Collision in position ... .
.5 MV ... is aground / on fire / ... in position ... .
.6 Stand by for assistance.
.7 Vessels must
~ keep clear of this area / area ... .
~ avoid this area / area ... .
~ navigate with caution.
.8 Keep clear of ... - search and rescue in progress.
.9 Your present course is too close
~ to ingoing / outgoing vessel.
~ to the vessel that you are overtaking.
~ to the ... (cardinal points) limit of the fairway.
.10 Your course is deviating from the radar reference line.
.11 You are running into danger
~ shallow water .... (cardinal points) of you.
~ submerged wreck ... (cardinal points) of you.
~ fog bank ... (cardinal points) of you.
~ risk of collision (with vessel bearing ... degrees,
distance ... kilometres / nautical miles).
~ bridge is defective.
.12 You are proceeding at a dangerous speed.
.13 You must
~ proceed by the fairway / route ... .
~ keep to the ... (cardinal points) of the fairway line / radar reference line.
~ stay clear of the fairway.
- 55 - A 22/Res.918

.14 You must wait for MV ... to cross ahead of you.

.15 You must wait for MV ... to clear ... before
~ entering the fairway.
~ getting underway.
~ leaving the berth.
.16 Do not
~ overtake.
~ cross the fairway.
.17 Alter course to ...(cardinal points) of you.
.18 Pass ... (cardinal points) of
~ ingoing /outgoing / anchored / disabled vessel.
~ of ... mark / ... .
.19 Stop engines.
.20 MV ...
~ wishes to overtake (cardinal points) of you.
~ agrees / does not agree to be overtaken.
~ is approaching an obscured area ... - approaching vessels acknowledge.

.3.6 Canal and lock operations

.1 You must
~ close up on the vessel ahead of you.
~ drop back from the vessel ahead of you.
~ wait at ... .
~ moor at ... .
~ wait for lock clearance at ... until ... UTC.
.2 Convoy ... must wait / moor at ... .
.3 You will
~ join convoy ... at ... UTC.
~ enter canal / lock at ... UTC.
.4 Transit will begin at ... UTC.
.5 Your place in convoy is number ... .
.6 Transit / convoy speed is ... knots.
.7 Convoys / vessels will pass in area ... .

A1/6.3 Handing over to another VTS

.1 ... VTS this is ... VTS: MV ... position is bearing... degrees, distance ... kilometres / nautical
miles from ... . working frequency is VHF Channel ... . Your target. Please confirm.
.2 ... VTS this is ... VTS: MV ... position bearing is ... degrees, distance ... kilometres / nautical
miles from ... . I confirm. My target.
.3 .... VTS this is ... VTS: MV ... position is bearing... degrees, distance ... kilometres / nautical
miles from ... . I am unable to take over this target.

A1/6.4 Phrases for communication with emergency services and allied services

.1 Emergency services (SAR, fire fighting, pollution fighting)

See A1/1.1 Distress communications

.2 Tug services
Also see A2/3.6 Tug assistance

.1 How many tugs do you require?

A 22/Res.918 - 56 -

.1.1 I require ... tug(s).

.2 You must take
~ ... tug(s) according to port regulations.
~ ... tug(s) fore and ... tug(s) aft.
.3 Wait for the tug(s) in position ... .
.4 The tugs will meet you in position ... at ... UTC.
.6 Tug services have been suspended until ...(date and time) / resumed on...(date and time).

.3 Pilot request

.1 Must I take a pilot?

.1.1 Yes, you must take a pilot - pilotage is compulsory.
.1.2 No, you need not take a pilot.
.2 Do you require a pilot?
.2.1 Yes, I require a pilot.
.2.2 No, I do not require a pilot - I am holder of Pilotage Exemption Certificate (No. ...).
.3 You are exempted from pilotage.
.4 Do you require a pilot at ...(name) Pilot Station?
.4.1 Yes, I require a pilot at ...(name) Pilot Station.
.4.2 No, I do not require a pilot at ...(name) Pilot Station - I require a pilot in position ...
.5 What is your ETA at ...(name) Pilot Station in local time?
.5.1 My ETA at...(name) Pilot Station is ... hours local time.
.6 What is local time?
.6.1 Local time is ... hours.
.7 What is your position?
.7.1 My position is ... .
.8 What is your distance from ...(name) Pilot Station?
.8.1 My distance from ...(name) Pilot Station is ... kilometres / nautical miles.
.9 Is the pilot boat on station?
.9.1 Yes, the pilot boat is on station.
.9.2 No, the pilot boat is not on station.
.9.3 The pilot boat will be on station at ... hours local time.
.10 In what position can I take the pilot?
.10.1 Take the pilot at ...(Pilot Station) / near position.
.11 When will the pilot embark?
.11.1 The pilot will embark at ... hours local time.
.12 The pilot boat is coming to you.
.13 Stop in present position and wait for the pilot.
.14 Keep the pilot boat (cardinal points) of you.
.15 What is your freeboard?
.15.1 My freeboard is ... metres.
.16 Change to VHF Channel ... for pilot transfer.
.17 Stand by on VHF Channel ... until pilot transfer is completed.
.18 Pilotage at ...(name) Pilot Station has been suspended until ... (date and local time).
.19 Pilotage at ...(name) Pilot Station has been resumed.
.20 The pilot cannot embark at ... (name) Pilot Station due to ... .
.21 Do you accept shore-based navigational assistance from VTS Centre?
.21.1 Yes, I accept shore-based navigational assistance.
.21.2 No, I do not accept shore-based navigational assistance.
.21.3 I will stay in position ... until ... .
.22 You have permission to proceed by yourself (or wait for the pilot at ... buoy).
.23 Follow the pilot boat inward where the pilot will embark.

.4 Embarking / disembarking pilot

See A1/4.2 Embarking/disembarking pilot

- 57 - A 22/Res.918

Appendix to A1 - External Communication Phrases

Standard GMDSS Messages
For further details, see ITU Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile
Satellite Services, Geneva.

1 Standard distress message

.1 Structure
Upon receipt of a DSC Distress Alert acknowledgement the vessel in distress should
commence the distress traffic on one of the international distress traffic frequencies such
as VHF Channel 16 or frequency 2182 kHz (if not automatically controlled) as follows:

- the 9-digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity code (MMSI) plus name / call sign
or other identification of the vessel calling
- the position of the vessel
- the nature of distress
- the assistance required
- any other information which might facilitate rescue.

.2 Example


Standard urgency message

.1 Structure
After the transmission of a DSC Urgency Call switch the transmitter to VHF Channel 16 or
frequency 2182 kHz (if not automatically controlled) and commence the urgency traffic as

PAN PAN (repeated three times)

ALL STATIONS (repeated three times)
- the 9-digit MMSI of the vessel plus name / call sign or other identification
- the position of the vessel
- the text of the urgency message.

A 22/Res.918 - 58 -

.2 Example



Standard safety message

.1 Structure
After the transmission of a DSC Safety Call switch the transmitter to VHF Channel 16 or
frequency 2182 kHz (if not automatically controlled) and transmit the safety message as

SCURIT (repeated three times)

ALL STATIONS (or all ships in a specific geographical area, or to a specific station)
(repeated three times)
- the 9-digit MMSI of the vessel plus name / call sign or other identification
- the text of the safety message.

.3 Example



- 59 - A 22/Res.918


A2/1 Standard wheel orders

All wheel orders given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch
should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately. All wheel orders should be
held until countermanded. The helmsman should report immediately if the vessel does not
answer the wheel.
When there is concern that the helmsman is inattentive s/he should be questioned:
"What is your heading ?" And he/she should respond:
"My heading is ... degrees."

Order Meaning

1. Midships Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position.

2. Port / starboard five 5 of port / starboard rudder to be held.
3. Port / starboard ten 10of port / starboard rudder to be held.
4. Port / starboard fifteen 15of port / starboard rudder to be held.
5. Port / starboard twenty 20 of port / starboard rudder to be held.
6. Port / starboard twenty-five 25of port / starboard rudder to be held.
7. Hard -a-port / starboard Rudder to be held fully over to port / starboard.
8. Nothing to port/starboard Avoid allowing the vessels head to go to
9. Meet her Check the swing of the vessels head in a turn.
10. Steady Reduce swing as rapidly as possible.
11. Ease to five / ten Reduce amount of rudder to 5/10/15/20 and hold.
/ fifteen / twenty
12. Steady as she goes Steer a steady course on the compass heading
indicated at the time of the order. The helmsman is to
repeat the order and call out the compass heading on
receiving the order. When the vessel is steady on that
heading, the helmsman is to call out: "Steady on ..."
13. Keep the buoy/ mark/ beacon/ ... on port side / starboard side.
14. Report if she does not answer the wheel.
15. Finished with wheel, no more steering.

When the officer of the watch requires a course to be steered by compass, the direction in which s/he
wants the wheel turned should be stated followed by each numeral being said separately, including
zero, for example:

Order Course to be steered

Port, steer one eight two 182

Starboard, steer zero eight two 082
Port, steer three zero five 305

On receipt of an order to steer, for example, 1820, the helmsman should repeat it and bring the vessel
round steadily to the course ordered. When the vessel is steady on the course ordered, the helmsman
is to call out:
"Steady on one eight two".
The person giving the order should acknowledge the helmsman's reply.

If it is desired to steer on a selected mark the helmsman should be ordered to:

"Steer on ... buoy / ... mark / ... beacon".
The person giving the order should acknowledge the helmsman's reply.

A 22/Res.918 - 60 -

A2/2 Standard engine orders

Any engine order given should be repeated by the person operating the bridge telegraph(s) and the
officer of the watch should ensure the order is carried out correctly and immediately.


1. (Port / starboard engines) Full ahead / astern

2. (Port / starboard engines) Half ahead / astern
3. (Port / starboard engines) Slow ahead / astern
4. (Port / starboard engines) Dead slow ahead / astern
5. Stop (port / starboard) engines
6. Emergency full ahead / astern
7. Stand by engine
(Engine-room personnel fully ready to manoeuvre and bridge manned to relay
engine orders.)
8. Finished with engines no more manoeuvring.
(Operation of engines no longer required.)

In vessels fitted with twin propellers, the word "both" should be added to all orders affecting both
shafts, e.g. "Full ahead both", and "Slow astern both", except that the words "Stop all engines" should
be used, when appropriate. When required to manoeuvre twin propellers independently, this should
be indicated, i.e. "Full ahead starboard", "Half astern port", etc.

Where bow thrusters are used, the following orders are used:

9. Bow thruster full / half to port / starboard.

10. Stern thruster full / half to port / starboard.
11. Bow / stern thruster stop

A2/3 Pilot on the bridge

A2/3.1 Propulsion system

.1 Is the engine a diesel or a turbine?

. 1.1 The engine is a diesel / turbine.
.2 Is the engine-room manned or is the engine on bridge control?
. 2.1 The engine-room is manned.
. 2.2 The engine is on bridge control.
.3 How long does it take to change the engines from ahead to astern?
. 3.1 It takes ... seconds to change the engines (from ahead to astern).
.4 How long does it take to start the engines from stopped?
. 4.1. It takes ... seconds to start the engines (from stopped).
.5 Is extra power available in an emergency?
. 5.1 Yes, extra power is available.
. 5.2 No, extra power is not available.
.6 Do you have a controllable or fixed pitch propeller?
. 6.1 We have a controllable pitch propeller.
. 6.2 We have a fixed pitch propeller.
.7 Do you have a right-hand or left-hand propeller?
. 7.1 We have a right-hand / left-hand propeller.
.8 Do you have a single propeller or twin propellers?
. 8.1 We have a single propeller / twin propellers.
- 61 - A 22/Res.918

.9 Do you have a bow thruster / stern thruster?

. 9.1 We have one /two/.. bow thruster(s) / stern thruster(s).
.10 What is the maximum manoeuvring power ahead / astern?
.10.1 The maximum manoeuvring power ahead / astern is ... kilowatts.
.11 What are the maximum revolutions ahead / astern?
.11.1 The maximum revolutions ahead / astern are ... .
.12 Do the twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?
.12.1 The twin propellers turn inward / outward (when going ahead).

A2/3.2 Manoeuvring

.1 I require the pilot card / manoeuvring data.

.2 What is the diameter of the turning circle?
. 2.1 The diameter of the turning circle is ... metres.
.3 What is the advance and transfer distance in a crash-stop?
. 3.1 The advance distance is ... kilometres / nautical miles,
the transfer distance is ... degrees (in a crash-stop).
.4 How long does it take from hard-a-port to hard-a-starboard?
. 4.1 It takes ... seconds (from hard-a-port to hard-a-starboard).
.5 Is the turning effect of the propeller very strong?
. 5.1 Yes, the turning effect (of the propeller) is very strong.
. 5.2 No, the turning effect (of the propeller) is not very strong.
.6 Where is the whistle control?
. 6.1 The whistle control is on the console / on ... .
.7 What notice is required to reduce from full sea speed to manoeuvring speed?
. 7.1 ... minutes notice is required (to reduce from full sea speed
to manoeuvring speed).
.8 Do you have an automatic pilot?
. 8.1 Yes, we have an automatic pilot.
. 8.2 No, we do not have an automatic pilot.
.9 Give ... short / prolonged blast(s) (on the whistle).
.10 Stand by lookout.
~ on the bridge
~ on the forecastle
~ in the port/starboard wing
.11 Maintain a speed of ... knots.
.12 What is the (manoeuvring) speed at full / half / slow / dead slow ahead?
.12.1 The manoeuvring speed at full / half / slow / dead slow ahead is ... knots.
.13 What is the full sea speed / fairway speed?
.13.1 The full sea speed / fairway speed is knots.

A2/3.3 Radar

.1 Is the radar operational?

.1.1 Yes, the radar is operational.
.1.2 No, the radar is not operational.
.2 Where is the radar antenna?
.2.1 The radar antanna is on .
.3 Does the radar have any blind sectors?
.3.1 Yes, the radar has blind sectors from to degrees and from to degrees.
.3.2 No, the radar does not have any blind sectors.
.4 Change the radar to
~ miles range scale.
~ relative head-up / north-up / course-up.
~ true-motion north-up / course-up.
A 22/Res.918 - 62 -

A2/3.4 Draft and air draft

.1 What is your present maximum draft?

.1.1 My present maximum draft is metres.
.1.2 My draft forward / aft is metres.
.2 What is your air draft?
.2.1 My air draft is metres.

A2/3.5 Anchoring

.1 Going to anchor

.1 Stand by port / starboard / both anchor(s) for letting go.

.2 Walk out the anchor(s).
.3 We are going to anchorage.
.4 We will let go port / starboard / both anchor(s).
.5 Put shackles in the water / in the pipe / on deck.
.6 Walk back port / starboard / both anchor(s) one / one and a half shackle(s).
.7 We will let go port / starboard / both anchor(s) shackle(s) and dredge it / them.
.8 Let go port / starboard / both anchor(s).
.9 Slack out the cable(s).
.9.1 Check the cable(s).
.9.2 Hold on the port / the starboard / both cable(s).
.10 How is the cable leading?
.10.1 The cable is leading
~ ahead / astern.
~ to port / to starboard.
~ round the bow.
~ up and down.
.11 How is the cable growing?
.11.1 The cable is slack / tight / coming tight.
.12 Is / are the anchor(s) holding.
.12.1 Yes, the anchor(s) is / are holding.
.12.2 No, the anchor(s) is / are not holding.
.13 Is she brought up?
.13.1 Yes, she is brought up in position .
.13.2 No, she is not brought up (yet).
.14 Switch on the anchor light(s).
.15 Hoist the anchor ball.
.16 Check the anchor position by bearings / by .
.16.1 The anchor position is bearing degrees,
distance kilometres / nautical miles to .
.16.2 Check the anchor position every minutes.

.2 Leaving the anchorage

.1 How much cable is out?

.1.1 shackle(s) is / are out.
.2 Stand by for heaving up.
.3 Put the windlass in gear.
.3.1 The windlass is in gear.
.4 How is the cable leading?
.4.1 The cable is leading
- 63 - A 22/Res.918

~ ahead / astern.
~ to port / to starboard.
~ round the bow.
~ up and down.
.5 Heave up port / starboard / both cable(s).
.6 How much weight is on the cable?
.6.1 Much / too much weight is on the cable.
.6.2 No weight is on the cable.
.7 Stop heaving.
.8 How many shackles are left (to come in)?
.8.1 ... shackles are left (to come in).
.9 Attention! Turn in cable(s).
.10 The anchor(s) is / are aweigh.
.10.1 The cables are clear.
.11 The anchor(s) is / are clear of the water / home / foul / secured.

A2/3.6 Tug assistance

.1 We will take ... tug(s).

.2 The tug(s) will pull / push.
.3 We use the towing line(s) of your vessel.
.3.1 We use the towing line(s) of the tug(s).
.4 Stand by for making fast the tug(s).
.5 Use the centre lead / panama lead.
.5.1 Use the fairlead
~ on port side / starboard side.
~ amidships.
~ on port bow / starboard bow.
~ on port / starboard quarter.
.6 Send heaving line(s) to the tug(s).
.7 Send two towing line(s) to the tug(s).
.8 Lower towing line(s)
~ to the tug(s).
~ ... metre(s) from the water.
.9 Slack away towing line(s).
.10 Make fast the tug(s).
.10.1 Make fast the tug(s)
~ forward / aft.
~ on port bow / starboard bow.
~ on port quarter / starboard quarter.
.11 Make fast the forward / aft tug(s) alongside on port side / starboard side.
.12 Make fast ... tug(s) on each bow / quarter.
.13 Put the eyes of the towing line(s) on bitts.
.14 The tug(s) is / are fast (on ... ).
.15 Keep clear of towing line(s).
.16 Stand by for letting go the tug(s).
.17 Let go the tug(s).
.18 Towing line(s) is/are broken.

A 22/Res.918 - 64 -

A2/3.7 Berthing and unberthing

.1 General

.1 Is/are the propeller(s) clear?

.1.1 Yes, the propeller(s) is/are clear.
.1.2 No, the propeller(s) is/are not clear.
.1.3 Keep the propeller(s) clear.
.2 Are fenders on the berth?
.2.1 Yes, fenders are on the berth.
.2.2 No, fenders are not on the berth.
.3 Have fenders ready fore and aft.

.2 Berthing

.1 We will berth port side / starboard side alongside.

.2 We will moor
~ to buoy(s) (ahead and astern).
~ alongside.
~ to dolphins.
.3 Send out
~ the head / stern / breast lines.
~ the ... spring(s) forward / aft.
.4 Do you have tension winches?
.4.1 Yes, we have tension winches (forward and aft).
4.2 No, we do not have tension winches.
.5 Have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.
6 Send the heaving / head / stern / breast line(s) ashore.
.7 The linesmen will use shackles / lashings for securing the mooring.
.8 Use
~ the centre lead / panama lead .
~ the bow lead.
~ the port quarter / starboard quarter lead.
.9 Heave on the ... line(s) / ... spring(s)..
.10 Pick up the slack on the ... line(s) / ... spring(s)..
.11 Heave away.
.11.1 Stop heaving.
.12 Slack away / check the ... line(s) / ... spring(s)..
.13 Hold on the ... line(s) / ... spring(s).
.14 Heave in easy.
.14.1 Heave alongside.
.15 Keep the ... line(s) / ... spring(s) tight.
.16 Report the forward / aft distance to ... .
.16.1 The forward / aft distance to ... ... is metres.
.17 We have to move ... metres ahead / astern.
.18 We are in position.
.19 Make fast fore and aft.
.20 Finished with manoeuvring stations.

.3 Unberthing

.1 Stand by engine(s).
.2 Are you ready to get underway?
.2.1 Yes, we are ready (to get underway).
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.2.2 No, we are not ready (yet) ( to get underway).

.2.3 We will be ready to get underway in ... minutes.
.3 Stand by for letting go.
.4 Single up the ... lines and ... springs fore and aft.
.5 Slack away / hold on / heave on the
~ head / stern line.
~ breast line.
~ fore / aft spring.
.6 Let go
~ the head / stern line.
~ the breast line.
~ the fore / aft spring
~ all (forward / aft).
.7 Let go the towing line(s).
.8 Stand by bow anchor(s).
.9 Finished with manoeuvring stations.

A 22/Res.918 - 66 -


Part B covers further on-board standard safety-related phrases which, supplementary to Part A, may
assist mariners in meeting other basic on-board communication requirements and may be regarded
useful for maritime English instruction.


B1 Operative ship handling

B1/1 Handing over the watch

B1/1.1 Briefing on position, movement and draft

The officer of the watch should brief the relieving officer on the following:

.1 Position

.1 The present position is

~ latitude ..., longitude ... .
~ bearing ... degrees, distance ... cables / nautical miles from/to.....
~ buoy ...(charted name).
~ between ... and... .
~ way point / reporting point ... .
~ ... .
.2 The next waypoint / reporting point is ... .
.3 ETA at ... is ... UTC.
.4 We are passing / we passed buoy ...(charted name) on port side / starboard side.
.5 We are approaching buoy ...(charted name) on port side / starboard side.
.6 Buoy ...(charted name) ... is cables / nautical miles ahead.
.7 We are entering / we entered area ... .
.8 We are leaving / we left area ... .

.2 Movements

.1 True course / gyro compass course / magnetic compass course is ... degrees.
.2 Gyro compass error is ... degrees plus / minus.
.2.1 Magnetic compass error is ... degrees east / west.
.3 Speed over ground / through water is ... knots.
.4 Set and drift is ... degrees, ... knots.
.5 We are making ... degrees leeway.
.6 The course board is written up.
.7 The next chart is within .... hours.

.3 Draft

.1 Draft forward / aft is ... metres.

.2 Present maximum draft is ... metres.
.3 Underkeel clearance is ... metres.

- 67 - A 22/Res.918

B1/1.2 Briefing on traffic situation in the area

.1 A vessel is
~ overtaking (cardinal points) of us.
~ on opposite course.
~ passing on port side / starboard side.
.2 A vessel is crossing from port side.
.2.1 The vessel
~ will give way.
~ has given way.
~ has not given way yet.
~ is standing on.
~ need not give way.
.3 A vessel is crossing from starboard side.
.3.1 We
~ need not give way.
~ will stand on.
~ will alter course to give way.
~ have altered course to give way.
.3.2 The vessel will pass ... kilometres / nautical miles ahead / astern.
.3.3 I will complete the manoeuvre.
.4 A vessel (cardinal points) of us is on the same course.
.5 The bearing to the vessel in ... degrees is constant.
.6 There is heavy traffic / ... in the area.
.6.1 There are fishing boats / ... in the area.
.7 There are no dangerous targets on the radar .
.7.1 Attention. There are dangerous targets on the radar .
.8 Call the Master if any vessel passes with a CPA of less than .... miles.
.8.1 Call the Master if ... .

B1/1.3 Briefing on navigational aids and equipment status

.1 Port side / starboard side radar is at ... miles range scale.

.2 The radar is
~ relative head-up / north-up / course-up.
~ true-motion north-up / course-up.
.3 GPS / LORAN is / is not in operation.
.4 Echo sounder is at ... metres range scale.
.4.1 The echo sounder recordings are unreliable.
.5 I changed to manual / automatic steering (at ... UTC).
.6 Navigation lights are switched on / off.

B1/1.4 Briefing on radiocommunications

.1 INMARSAT ...(type of system) is operational / is not operational.

.2 VHF DSC Channel 70 / VHF Channel ... / DSC controller is switched on.
.2.1 DSC frequency 2187.5 kHz is switched on.
.3 NAVTEX is switched on.
.4 Following was received on ... at ... UTC
.5 Shore based radar assistance / VTS / Pilot station is on VHF Channel ... .

A 22/Res.918 - 68 -

.6 The Pilot station / VTS station requires

~ flag State.
~ call sign / identification.
~ draft.
~ gross tonnage.
~ length overall.
~ kind of cargo.
~ ETA at .... .
~ MAREP POSREP / ... .
~ ... .
B1/1.5 Briefing on meteorological conditions
.1 A weak / strong (tidal) current is setting .... degrees.
.1.1 The direction of the (tidal) current will change in ... hours.
.2 Fog / mist / dust / rain / snow / ... is in the area.
.3 Automatic fog signal is switched on.
.4 The wind increased / decreased (within last ... hours).
.4.1 The wind is ... (cardinal points) force Beaufort ... .
.4.2 The wind changed from .... (cardinal points) to .... (cardinal points).
.5 The sea state is expected to change (within .... hours).
.6 A smooth/moderate/rough/heavy sea / slight/moderate/high swell of ... metres from
...(cardinal points) is expected (within .... hours).
.7 A tsunami / an abnormal wave is expected by ... UTC.
.8 Visibility is ... nautical miles.
.9 Visibility is reduced by fog / mist / dust / rain / snow / ... .
.10 Visibility is expected
~ to decrease / increase to ... nautical miles (within ... hours).
~ variable between ... and ... nautical miles (within .... hours).
.11 Next weather report is at ... UTC.
.12 Atmospheric pressure is ... millibars/hectopascal.
.13 Barometric change is ... millibars /hectopascal per hour / within the last ... hours.
.13.1 Barometer is steady / dropping (rapidly) / rising (rapidly).
.14 There was a gale warning / tropical storm warning for the area ... at ... UTC.
B1/1.6 Briefing on standing orders and bridge organization
.1 Standing orders for the period from ... to ... UTC ... are: ... .
.2 Standing orders for the area ... are: ... .
.3 Take notice of changes in the standing orders.
.4 Do you understand the standing orders?
.4.1 Yes, I understand the standing orders.
.4.2 No, I do not understand, please explain.
.5 Read / sign the standing orders.
.6 The latest fire patrol was at ... UTC.
.7 The latest security patrol was at ... UTC.
.7.1 Everything is in order.
.7.2 The following was stated: ... .
.7.3 The following measures were taken: ... .
.7.4 The following requires attention: ... .
.8 The lookout is standing by.
.9 The helmsman is standing by.
.10 Call the Master at ... UTC / in position ... .

- 69 - A 22/Res.918

B1/1.7 Briefing on special events

See also A1/3 Safety communications.

.1 There was an engine alarm at ... UTC due to ......

.2 Speed was reduced at ... UTC due to ......
.3 Engine(s) was / were stopped at ... UTC due to ......
.4 Course was altered at ... UTC due to ....
.5 The Master / Chief Engineer was called at ... UTC due to ... .

B1/1.8 Briefing on temperatures, pressures and soundings

.1 The ...(equipment) temperature minimum/maximum is

~ ... degrees (centigrade) /to maintain.
~ ... above / below normal.
~ critical.
.1.1 Do not exceed a minimum/maximum temperature of degrees.
.2 The ...(equipment) pressure minimum/maximum is
~ ... kiloponds / bars/to maintain.
~ above / below normal.
~ critical.
.2.1 Do not exceed a pressure of kiloponds / bars.
.3 Ballast / fresh water/ fuel / oil /slop sounding is ... metres / cubic metres.
.3.1 Sounding of
~ no ... cargo tank is ... metres / cubic metres.
~ no ... cargo hold is ... centimetres.
~ ... .

B1/1.9 Briefing on operation of main engine and auxiliary equipment

See also B1/1.8.

.1 (present) revolutions of the main engine(s) are ... per minute.

.2 (present) output of the main engine(s) / auxiliary engine(s) are ... kilowatts.
.3 (present) pitch of the propeller(s) is ... degrees.
.4 There are no problems.
.5 There are problems with ... .
~ with the main engine(s) / auxiliary engine(s).
~ with ... .
6 Call the watch engineer (if the problems continue).
.6.1 Call the watch engineer ... minutes before the arrival at ... / at ... UTC.

B1/1.10 Briefing on pumping of fuel, ballast water, etc.

.1 There is no pumping at present.
.2 We are filling / we filled (no.) ... double bottom tank(s) / the ballast tanks /
the ... tank(s).
.2.1 Fill up tonnes/ sounding / ullage / level to the alarm point.
.3 We are discharging / we discharged (no.) ... double bottom tank(s) /
the ballast tanks / the ... tank(s).
.4 We are transferring / we transferred fuel / ballast / fresh water / oil
from (no.) ... tank(s) to (no.) ... tank(s).
.5 We require a further generator to operate an additional pump.

A 22/Res.918 - 70 -

B1/1.11 Briefing on special machinery events and repairs

.1 There was a breakdown of the main engine(s) (at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC).
.1.1 There was a breakdown of ... (at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC).
.2 There was a total blackout (at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC).
.2.1 There was a blackout in ...(at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC) .
.3 Main engine(s) was / were stopped (at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC) due to ... ..
.4 Speed was reduced (at ... UTC / from ... to ... UTC) due to ... .
.5 Call the Master / Chief Engineer if the revolutions of the main engine(s)
are below ... per minute.
.5.1 Call the Master / Chief Engineer / Watch Engineer if ... .

B1/1.12 Briefing on record keeping

.1 The log books / record books are completed and signed.

.1.1 The note book entries will be copied (into the log books / record books)
after the watch.
.2 Change the paper of the data logger / echo sounder / ... recorder.
.2.1 Refill the toner / ink of the data logger / echo sounder / ... recorder

B1/1.13 Handing and taking over the watch/conn

The Master / Chief Engineer or an (engineer) officer handing over the watch should say:
.1 You have the watch now.

.1.1 The relieving officer should confirm and say:

I have the watch now .

The Master/Chief Engineer when called to the bridge/engine (control) room and
formally taking over the watch, should confirm and say:
.2 I have the watch now.

.2.1 The officer of the watch should confirm and say:

You have the watch now.

B1/2 Trim, list and stability

1 The vessel is on even keel (at present).

.1.1 The vessel is ... metres down by the head / stern (at present).
.2 There is no list (at present).
.2.1 (present) list is ... degrees to port / starboard.
.3 Fuel / ballast / fresh water / oil was transferred from (no.) ... tank(s)
to (no.) ... tank(s) to correct the list.
.3.1 We must transfer fuel / ballast / fresh water / oil from (no.) ... tank(s)
to (no.) ... tank(s) to correct the list.
.4 Deck cargo / cargo was restowed (in (no.) ... hold(s)) to correct the list.
.4.1 We must restow cargo in (no.) ... hold(s) to correct the list.
.5 (present) stability is good / poor.
.6 (no.) ... double bottom tank(s) was / were filled to improve the stability.
.7 Fuel / ballast / fresh water / oil was transferred from (no.) ... tank(s)
to (no.) ... tank(s) to improve the stability.
.7.1 We must transfer fuel / ballast / fresh water/ oil from (no.) ... tank(s)
to (no.) ... tank(s) to improve the stability.
.7.2 Fore peak/after peak tank was filled/emptied to change the trim

- 71 - A 22/Res.918

.8 Cargo was restowed in (no.) ... hold(s) / on deck to improve the stability.
.8.1 We must restow cargo in (no.) ... hold(s) / on deck to improve the stability.
.9 Containers were restowed from ... to ... to improve the stability.
.9.1 We must restow containers from ... to ... to improve the stability.

B2 Safety on board

B2/1 General activities

The phrases of this section apply to most of the emergencies covered in this chapter.

B2/1.1 Raising alarm

.1 Operate the general emergency alarm.

.2 Inform the Master / Chief Engineer /... .
.3 Inform the ... coast radio station / vessels in vicinity (on radio).
.4 Request assistance (on radio) from ... and report.
.4.1 Assistance was
~ requested from ... .
~ offered by ... .
~ accepted from ... .
.5 Transmit a SCURIT / PAN-PAN / distress alert / MAYDAY and report.
.5.1 A SCURIT / PAN-PAN / distress alert / MAYDAY was transmitted.
.6 Was the distress alert / MAYDAY acknowledged?
.6.1 Yes, the distress alert / MAYDAY was acknowledged
by ... coast radio station / MRCC / vessel(s) in vicinity.
.6.2 No, the distress alert was not acknowledged (yet).
.6.1.1 Repeat the distress alert.

B2/1.2 Briefing crew and passengers

See also B4 Passenger care.

.1 Make the following announcement (on the PA - system):

.2 This is your Captain speaking.
.2.1 We have grounded / a minor flooding / a minor fire in ... .
.2.2 There is no immediate danger to crew, passengers or vessel, and there is no reason
to be alarmed.
.2.3 For safety reasons I request all crew members to go to their assembly stations.
.2.3.1 All officers to report to the bridge.
.2.3.2 Watchkeepers remain at stations until further order.
.2.4 As soon as I have further information I will make another announcement - there is
no danger at this time.
.2.5 Fire fighting teams / damage control teams are fighting the fire / flooding.
.2.6 We also have radio contact with other vessels / coast radio stations.
.2.7 The fire / flooding is under control.
.3 This is your Captain speaking. I have another announcement:
.3.1 The fire / flooding is not under control yet.
.3.2 Leave the engine room / superstructure / your stations / your cabins / ... immediately.
Close all openings.
.3.3 Take lifejackets with you.
.3.3.1 Take your emergency equipment with you according to the muster list.
.3.4 Stand by fire fighting stations / damage control stations and report.
.3.4.1 Fire fighting stations / damage control stations are standing by.
A 22/Res.918 - 72 -

.3.5 All crew members to assembly stations.

.3.6 Follow the escape routes shown.
.3.7 The route to the assembly station is ... not clear.
.3.7.1 The route to the assembly station will be via ... .
.3.8 Assemble
~ on deck.
~ on the foredeck / afterdeck.
~ on the ... deck on port side / starboard side.
~ on the ... deck forward of ... / aft of ... .
.3.9 Do not
~ go to the lifeboat / liferaft stations before ordered.
~ enter the lifeboats / liferafts - the order to enter will be given
from the bridge / by the officers.
.3.10 The following department(s) / crew members will (temporarily)
disembark for safety reasons.

B2/1.3 Checking status of escape routes

.1 Check the escape routes and report.

.1.1 All escape routes are clear.
.1.2 The escape route(s) from ... (to ...) / via ... is / are blocked / not clear (yet).
.1.3 The escape route(s) from ... (to ...) / via ... will be clear in ... minutes..

B2/1.4 Checking status of lifeboats / liferafts

.1 Check the launching tracks and report.

.1.1 All launching tracks are clear.
.1.2 The launching track(s) of no. ...lifeboat / liferaft is / are not clear (yet).
.1.3 The launching track(s) of no. ... lifeboat / liferaft will be clear in ... minutes.
.2 Check the working parts and report.
.2.1 All working parts are free.
.2.2 The roll(s) / block(s) / rigging / ... of no. ...lifeboat is / are not free (yet).
.2.3 The roll(s) / block(s) / rigging / ... of no. ... lifeboat will be free in ... minutes.
.3 Check the securings of the launching appliances and report.
.3.1 All securings are in the correct position.
.3.2 The securing of no. ... lifeboat / liferaft is not in the correct position.
.3.2.1 Correct the position of the securing .
.3.3 The securing of no. ... lifeboat / liferaft is damaged.
.3.3.1 Replace / repair the securing.
.3.4 The harbour pin(s) of no. ...lifeboat is / are missing.
.3.4.1 Replace the harbour pin(s).
.4 Check the fuel / oil of the lifeboat engine(s) and report.
.4.1 The fuel tank of no. ...lifeboat engine is full / not full.
.4.1.1 Fill up fuel.
.4.2 The oil level of no. ... lifeboat engine is normal / below normal.
.4.2.1 Fill up oil.
.5 Operate the lifeboat engine(s) and report.
.5.1 All lifeboat engines are operational.
.5.2 No. ... lifeboat engine is not operational (yet).
.5.3 No. ... lifeboat engine will be operational in ... minutes.
.6 Check the bilge pumps of the lifeboats and report.
.6.1 All bilge are operational.
.6.2 The bilge pumps of no. ... lifeboat are not operational (yet).
.6.3 The bilge pumps of no. ... lifeboat will be operational in ... minutes.
- 73 - A 22/Res.918

.7 Check the drain plugs and report.

.7.1 All drain plugs are available.
.7.2 The drain plug(s) in no. ... lifeboat is / are missing.
.7.2.1 Replace the drain plug(s).
.8 Check the slip gear in the lifeboats and report.
.8.1 All slip gear is in the correct position and secured.
.8.2 The slip gear of no. ... lifeboat is not in the correct position.
.8.2.1 Correct the position of the slip gear.
.8.3 The slip gear of no. ... lifeboat is not secured.
.8.3.1 Secure the slip gear.
.9 Check the lifeboat equipment and report.
.9.1 All lifeboat equipment is complete and operational.
.9.2 The lifeboat equipment is not complete.
.9.2.1 Complete the lifeboat equipment..
.10 Launch / hoist no. ... lifeboat(s) and report.
.10.1 The launching appliances are operational.
.10.2 The launching appliances are not operational.
.10.3 No. ... winch / davit is not operational (yet).
.10.3.1 No. ... winch / davit will be operational in ... minutes.
.10.4 Hoist no. ... lifeboat(s).
.11 Secure the lifeboat(s) and report.
.11.1 Lifeboat(s) is / are secured .
.12 Check the liferafts and report.
.12.1 All liferafts are in position and operational.
.12.2 No. ... liferaft(s) is / are not operational.
.12.3 The inflation cord of no. ... liferaft is not secured on board.
.12.3.1 Secure the inflation cord.
.12.4 No. ... liferaft container is damaged.
.12.4.1 Replace the liferaft container in the next port.
.12.5 The inspection tag of no. ... liferaft is expired.
.12.5.1 Replace the liferaft in the next port.

B2/1.5 Ordering evacuation

.1 Evacuate all rooms / spaces / decks / ... and report.

.1.1 All rooms / spaces / decks / ... evacuated.
.2 Evacuate engine room and report.
.2.1 Engine room evacuated.
.3 Evacuate no. ... hold(s) / tank(s) and report.
.3.1 No. ... hold(s) / tank(s) evacuated.
.4 Evacuate superstructure and report.
.4.1 Superstructure evacuated.
.5 Evacuate accommodation and report.
.5.1 Accommodation evacuated.
.6 Do not enter ... deck / space / area.
.7 Report missing persons / injured persons / casualties.
.7.1 No persons missing / injured.
.7.2 Number of missing persons / injured persons / casualties is:... .
.7.3 ... deck / space / area not accessible (yet).
.8 Provide first aid (in the vessel's hospital / at a safe place).
.8.1 Request medical assistance from ... (on radio).
.9 All persons are outside the danger area.

A 22/Res.918 - 74 -

B2/1.6 Roll call

.1 Report number of all persons / passengers / crew members at assembly stations.

.1.1 Number of all persons / passengers / crew members at assembly station ... .
.1.2 Number of persons / passengers / crew members
at assembly station ... is complete.
.1.3 Number of persons / passengers / crew members
at assembly station ... is not complete (yet).
.1.4 ... passenger(s) / crew member(s)is / are missing.
.2 Search for missing passenger(s) / crew member(s) and report.
.2.1 Missing passenger(s) / crew member(s) recovered.
.2.2 Missing passenger(s) / crew member(s) not recovered (yet)-(search is continuing).
.3 Watchkeepers to assembly stations.
.4 Lifeboatmen! Check the equipment of the crew at assembly stations and report.
.4.1 Equipment of the crew at assembly station ... is complete.
.4.2 Equipment of the crew at assembly station not complete (yet).
.4.3 Complete the equipment and report.
.4.3.1 Go for blanket / stretcher / ... and report.
.5 Lifeboatmen! Check the outfit of the passengers at assembly stations and report.
.5.1 Outfit of the passengers at assembly station ... is correct.
.5.2 Outfit of the passengers at assembly station ... is not correct (yet).
.5.2.1 Correct the outfit and report.
.5.2.2 Put on warm clothing / long sleeved shirt / long trousers / strong shoes /
head covering / ... and report.
.6 Passengers and crew ! Follow the lifeboatmen
to the lifeboat stations / liferaft stations on the embarkation deck.

B2/1.7 Ordering abandon vessel

.1 Swing out no. ... lifeboat(s) and report.

.1.1 No. ... lifeboat(s) swung out.
.2 Lower no. ... lifeboat(s) alongside the embarkation deck and report.
.2.1 No. ... lifeboat(s) is / are alongside the embarkation deck.
.3 Enter the lifeboat(s) (no. ...) and report.
.3.1 Enter the lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) over the ... deck.
.3.2 Enter the lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) over the ladders / nets / manropes.
.3.3 Jump into the water and enter the lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s).
.3.4 Jump onto the liferaft(s) alongside the vessel.
.3.5 Do not push each other when entering.
.3.6 Assist injured / helpless persons.
.3.7 Clear the entrance of the lifeboat / liferaft.
.3.8 Sit down in the lifeboat / liferaft immediately.
.3.9 Hold on to the ropes or to your seat when launching.
.4 No. ... lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) entered.
.5 Let go no. ... lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) and report.
.5.1 No. ... lifeboat(s) / liveraft(s) is / are let go.
.6 Throw over board no. ... liferaft and report.
.6.1 No. ... liferaft thrown over board.
.7 Inform coast radio stations / vessels in vicinity about the number of lifeboats /
liferafts launched and report.
.7.1 Inform coast radio stations / vessels in vicinity about the number of persons
in each lifeboat / liferaft and report.
.7.2 Inform coast radio stations / vessels in vicinity about the number of
crew members remaining on board.
.7.3 Coast radio station ... / vessels in vicinity informed.
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.8 Stand clear of the vessel and report.

.8.1 No. ... lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) standing clear.
.8.2 No. ... lifeboat(s) / liveraft(s) not standing clear.
.9 Rescue boat / no. ...motor lifeboat!
Assist no. ... lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) and report.
.9.1 Rescue boat / no. ... motor lifeboat is assisting.
.9.2 No. ... lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) standing clear of the vessel now.

B2/1.8 In - boat procedures

See also: B4 Passenger Care 2.5 and 2.6.

.1 Stand by engine / pumps / lookout / entrance and report.

.1.1 Engine/ pumps / lookout / entrance is / are standing by.
.2 Recover persons in water and report.
.2.1 Number of persons recovered is: ... .
.2.2 Keep lookout for further persons in water.
.2.3 Report the total number of persons in lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s).
.2.3.1 The total number of persons is now: ... .
.3 Report the number of injured persons.
.3.1 No persons injured.
.3.2 The number of injured persons is: ... .
.3.3 Provide first aid to injured persons .
.3.4 Secure injured / helpless persons.
.4 Let go sea anchor and report.
.4.1 Sea anchor is let go.
.5 Report the number of lifeboats / liferafts in sight.
.5.1 The number of lifeboats / liferafts in sight is: ... .
.6 Contact the lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) on radio and report.
.6.1 Lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s) contacted.
.6.2 No contact possible.
.7 Give distress signals for identification.
.7.1 Fire rockets for identification.
.7.2 Use glasses / lamps / mirrors for identification.
.7.3 Give sound signals / ... signals for identification.
.8 Start the engine. and report.
.9 Set sail.
.10 Use oars.
.11 Join the other lifeboat(s) / liferaft(s).
.11.1 Connect the lifeboats / liferafts with lines and report.
.11.2 ... lifeboats / liferafts connected.

B2/2 Occupational safety

B2/2.1 Instruction

.1 Prepare a training plan for occupational safety.

.2 When was the last training session on occupational safety?
.2.1 The last training session was on ... (date).
.3 When is the next training session on occupational safety?
.3.1 The next training session is on ... (date).
.4 Are new crew members / passengers instructed on occupational safety?
.4.1 Yes, new crew members / passengers are instructed.
.4.2 No, new crew members / passengers are not instructed (yet).
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.4.3 Instruct new crew members / passengers by ...(time) / on ...(date).

.5 Participation in training sessions on occupational safety is mandatory.

B2/2.2 Practical occupational safety

.1 Instruct crew on occupational safety before departure.

.2 Have special instruction on dangerous goods / heavy lifts/
cargo securing / illumination / ventilation / ... .
.3 Where are dangerous goods carried on board?
.3.1 Dangerous goods of IMO Class ... are carried
~ on deck (in roped-off areas).
~ in no. ... hold(s).
~ in ... /on... .
.4 Prepare an emergency plan.
.5 Brief all crew members / passengers on the symptoms caused by
dangerous substances.
.6 What signals / communications are used in case of emergency ?
.6.1 The following signals / communications are used in case of emergency: ... .
.7 Brief all crew members / passengers
~ about restricted areas.
~ how to report in / out (when entering / leaving bridge / engine room / ... ).
.8 Do not enter the unmanned (engine) room /... space without permission.
.8.1 Report on telephone / radio / ... while in
the (engine) room /... space every ... minutes.
.9 Brief all crew members / passengers on the storm.
.9.1 Attention!
Entering the forecastle / main deck / weather side / ... of the vessel is
prohibited / dangerous (due to storm).
.9.2 Attention!
Make use of hand rails and lifelines in corridors and on deck.
.9.3 Attention!
Close all dead lights and storm doors.
.9.4 Attention!
Secure all loose objects in your cabins / on deck / in ... .
.10 Brief all crew members / passengers on winter conditions / tropical conditions.
.12 Check the completeness and availability of the occupational safety equipment
and report.
.12.1 Occupational safety equipment is complete and available.
.12.2 Following occupational safety equipment is not complete / available: ...
.12.3 Occupational safety equipment will be complete and available in ... hour(s).
.13 Appoint an officer / a crew member in charge of safety before working.
.14 Take additional safety measures for the
~ work on masts.
~ work outboard.
~ work in hold(s) / tank(s).
~ work in extreme weather conditions / ... .

B2/2.3 Occupational accidents

.1 Accident in engine room / in no. ... hold / in no. ... tank / in superstructure/
in accommodation / in ... space / on deck / outboard / on pier / on ... / in ... .
.2 Report injured persons / casualties:
.2.1 No person injured.
.2.2 The number of injured persons / casualties is: ... .
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.3 What happened?
.3.1 Explosion / fire in ... .
.3 .2 Accident with cargo.
.3.3 Fall from .../ into ... .
.3.4 Electrical accident in ... .
.3.5 Leakage of gas / ... .
.3.6 ... .
.4 Take immediate action to recover injured person(s) / casualties.
.4.1 Provide first aid.
.4.2 Take immediate action to control the danger area.
.5 What kind of assistance is required?
.5.1 No assistance is required.
.5.2 Medical / technical assistance is required.
.5.3 Shoreside assistance is required.
.6 Secure the danger area and report.
.6.1 The danger area is secured.
.7 Prepare an accident report.

B2/3 Fire protection and fire fighting

B2/3.1 Fire protection

.1 Checking status of equipment

.1 Have fire patrols ( every ... hour(s) / ... time(s) every watch).
.1.1 Have fire patrols
~ in all spaces.
~ in the engine room / cargo hold(s) / superstructures / accommodation/ ... .
~ on deck.
.1.2 Have a permanent fire watch.
.2 Is everything in order?
.2.1 Yes, everything is in order.
.2.2 No, following is not in order: ... .
.3 Check the fire / smoke alarm(s) and report.
.3.1 All fire / smoke alarms are operational.
.3.2 Fire / smoke alarm(s) in ... is / are not operational (yet).
.3.3 Fire / smoke alarm(s) in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.4 Check the portable extinguishers and report.
.4.1 All portable extinguishers are in position and operational.
.4.2 The portable extinguishers in ...
~ are not in position (yet)..
~ will be in position in ... minutes..
~ are not accessible (yet).
~ will be accessible in ... minutes.
~ are missing.
.4.2.1 Replace the missing portable extinguisher(s).
.4.3 The inspection tag(s) of the portable extinguisher(s) in ... is / are
broken / expired.
.4.3.1 Replace the portable extinguisher(s) with broken / expired inspection tag(s).
.5 Check the fire mains and report.
.5.1 All fire mains are operational.
.5.2 The hydrant(s) in ... is / are not operational (yet)..
.5.2.1 The hydrant(s) will be operational in ... minutes.
.5.3 The hose(s) to hydrant(s) in ... is / are worn / cut.
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.5.3.1 Replace the worn / cut hose(s).

.5.4 The hose(s) / spanner (s) / nozzle(s) to hydrant(s) in ... is / are missing.
.5.4.1 Replace the missing hose(s) / spanner(s) / nozzles(s).
.5.5 The fire pump(s) in ... is / are not operational (yet).
.5.5.1 Fire pump(s) in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.5.6 The water pipe(s) in ... is / are leaking.
.5.6.1 Repair the leaking water pipe(s) in ... .
.5.7 The water pipe(s) in ... is / are blocked.
.5.7.1 Free the blocked water pipe(s) in ... .
.5.8 Pressure in the water pipe(s) in ... is too high / low.
.5.8.1 Reduce / increase pressure in the water pipe(s)in ... .
.6 Check the fixed foam / gas fire extinguishing system and report.
.6.1 The fixed foam / gas system is operational.
.6.2 The fixed foam/gas system is not operational (yet)
.6.2.1 The fixed foam / gas system will be operational in ... minutes.
.7 Check the sprinkler system and report.
.7.1 The sprinkler system is operational.
.7.2 The sprinkler system in ... is not operational (yet).
.7.2.1 The sprinkler system in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.8 Check the ventilation system and report.
.8.1 The ventilation system is operational.
.8.2 The ventilation system is not operational (yet)
.8.2.1 The ventilation system will be operational in ... minutes.
.8.3 The remote control is not operational (yet).
.8.3.1 The remote control will be operational in ... minutes
.8.4 The indicators are not operational (yet).
.8.4.1 The indicators will be operational in ... minutes.
.8.5 The fire dampers in ... are not operational (yet).
.8.5.1 The fire dampers in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.8.6 The fire dampers in ... are painted stuck.
.8.6.1 Clear the fire dampers.
.9 Check the skylights / windows / ... and report.
.9.1 The skylights / windows / ... in / to ... are open.
.9.1.1 Close the skylights / windows / ... in / to ... .
.10 Check the watertight door control and report.
.10.1 The watertight door control is operational.
.10.2 The watertight door control in ... is not operational (yet).
.10.3 The watertight door control in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.11 Check the electrical lighting and report
.11.1 The electrical lighting is operational.
.11.2 The electrical lighting in not operational (yet).
.11.3 The electrical lighting in ... will be operational in ... minutes.
.11.4 Switch on / off the electrical lighting in ... .
.12 Check the emergency power supply and report.
.12.1 The emergency power supply is operational.
.12.2 The emergency power supply is not operational (yet).
.12.3 The emergency power supply will be operational in ... minutes.
.13 Check the firemens outfits and report.
.13.1 All firemens outfits are complete and available.
.13.2 The firemens outfits are not complete.
.13.2.1 Complete the firemens outfits.

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B2/3.2 Fire fighting and drills

.1 Reporting fire

.1 Fire on board!
.1.1 Smoke / fumes / fire / explosion
~ in engine room.
~ in no. ... hold(s) / tank(s).
~ in superstructure / accommodation.
~ in ... space.
~ on deck / ... .
.1.2 Smoke / fumes from ventilator(s).
.1.3 Burnt smell / fumes in .../ from... .
.2 Report injured persons / casualties:
.2.1 No person injured.
.2.2 Number of injured persons / casualties is: ... .
.3 What is on fire?
.3.1 Fuel / cargo / car(s) / truck(s) / waggon(s) /
containers (with dangerous goods) / ... on fire.
.3.6 No information (yet).
.4 Is smoke toxic?
.4.1 No, smoke not toxic.
.4.2 Yes, smoke toxic
.5 Is fire under control?
.5.1 Yes, fire (in ... ) under control.
.5.2 No, fire (in ... ) not under control (yet).
.5.2.1 Fire spreading (to ... ).
.5.2.2 Fire (in ... ) not accessible.
.6 Report damage.
.6.1 No damage.
.6.2 Minor / major damage in .../ to ... .
.6.3 No power supply (in ... ).
.6.4 Making water in ... .
.7 Pressure on fire mains!
.8 Shut down main engine(s) / auxiliary engine(s) / ... and report.
.8.1 Main engine(s) / auxiliary engine(s) / ... shut down.
.9 Stop fuel and report.
.9.1 Fuel stopped.
.10 Close all openings (in ... / in all rooms) and report.
.10.1 All openings ( in ... / in all rooms) closed.
.10.1.1 Openings in ... not accessible.
.11 Switch off ventilator(s) (in ... ) and report.
.11.1 Ventilator(s) (in ... ) switched off.
.12 Turn bow / stern to windward.
.13 Turn port side / starboard side to windward.
.14 Alter course to ... .

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.2 Reporting readiness for action

.1 Stand by fire fighting team / rescue team / first aid team / support team and report.
.1.1 Fire fighting team / rescue team / first aid team / support team standing by.
.2 Stand by main engine and report.
.2.1 Main engine standing by.
.3 Stand by CO2 station / ... station/ emergency generator.
.3.1 CO2 station / ... station / emergency generator standing by.
.4 Close all openings (in ... / in all rooms) and report.
.4.1 All openings (in ... / in all rooms) closed.
.4.1.1 Openings in ... not accessible.

.3 Orders for fire fighting

.1 Start fire fighting.

.1 .1 Take one / two / ... fire fighting teams / ... team(s) to scene.
.2 Go following route:
.2.1 Go through engine room / no. ... hold(s)/tank(s) / superstructure /
accommodation / ... space / manhole(s) to ... space / funnel / ... .
.2.2 Go from
~ outside / inside to ... .
~ port side / starboard side to ... .
~ ... to ... .
.3 Take following (additional) safety measures and report.
.3.1 Have two / ... members in one team.
.3.1.1 Number of members in fire fighting team / ... team is: ... .
.3.2 Have lifeline between each other / to outside.
.3.2.1 ... team members have lifelines to each other.
.3.2.2 ... team has lifelines to outside.
.3.3 Have rescue team on stand-by.
.3.4 Maintain visual contact / radio contact on walkie-talkie.
.4 Fire fighting team must have following outfit:
.4.1 Fire fighting team must have protective clothing /
smoke helmets / breathing apparatus / ... .
.5 Manning of fire fighting team / ... team(s) as follows:
.5.1 Chief Officer / Chief Engineer / ... in command
of fire fighting team / ... team (no. ...).
.5.2 Following officer(s) / crew member(s) in fire fighting team /... team: ...
.6 Restrict action (in .../ on ... ) to ... minutes.
.6.1 Agree on retreat signal and report.
.6.1.1 Retreat signal for fire fighting team / ... team ... is ... .
.7 Use water / foam / powder / CO2 / sand / ... in ... .
.8 Run out fire hoses and report.
.8.1 Fire hoses run out.
.9 Water on!
.9.1 Water is on.
.10 Cool down ... with water and report.
.10.1 ... cooled down.

.4 Cancellation of alarm

.1 Is the fire extinguished?

.1.1 Yes, fire (in ... ) extinguished.
.1.2 No, fire (in ... ) not extinguished (yet).
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.1.3 Fire restricted to ... space / area.

.2 Post a fire watch and report.
.2.1 Fire watch posted ( in / area).
.3 Fire extinguishing systems / means remain on stand-by.
.4 Fire fighting team / ... team remain on stand-by.
.5 Rope off the fire area and report.
.5.1 Fire area roped off.
.6 Check the fire area every ... minutes / hour(s) for re-ignition and report.
.6.1 Fire area checked, no re-ignition.
.6.2 Fire area checked, re-ignition in ... space / area.
.6.2.1 Re-ignition extinguished.
.7 The fire alarm is cancelled (with following restrictions: ... .)

B2/4 Damage Control

See also B2/1 "General Activities".

B2/4.1 Checking equipment status and drills

.1 Check the openings in all spaces / in ... and report

.1.1 All openings in ... are closed.
.1.2 Openings in ... are not closed (yet).
.1.3 Openings in ... are not accessible.
.2 Check the watertight door control and report
.2.1 Watertight door control
~ is operational.
~ (in ...) is not operational (yet).
~ (in ...) will be operational in ... minutes.
.2.2 Watertight door(s) (in ...) is / are not accessible.
.3 Check the pumps / emergency generator and report
.3.1 (Bilge) pump(s) in ... / emergency generator
~ is / are operational.
~ is / are not operational (yet).
~ will be operational in ... minutes.
.4 Check the power supply and report
.4.1 Power ( in / at ... )
~ is available.
~ is not available ( yet).
~ will be available in ... minutes.
.5 Check the damage control equipment and report.
.5.1 All damage control equipment is complete and available.
.5.2 Damage control equipment is not complete.
.5.2.1 Complete the damage control equipment.

B2/4.2 Damage control activities

.1 Reporting flooding

.1 We have collided (with ...) .

.2 We have flooding in ... .
.3 Is flooding under control ?
.3.1 Yes, flooding under control.
.3.2 No, flooding (in ...) not under control (yet).
.4 Is danger imminent ?
A 22/Res.918 - 82 -

.4.1 No, danger not imminent.

.4.2 Yes, danger of (total) blackout (in ...).
.4.3 Yes, danger of heavy listing / capsizing / sinking / ... .

.2 Reporting readiness for action

.1 Muster damage control team and report.

.1.1 Damage control team stand complete and mustered.
.2 Is damage control material available?
.2.1 Yes, damage control material available.
.2.2 No, damage control material not available (yet).
.2.3 Damage control material will be available in ... minutes.
.3 Stand by engine room / ... station and report.
.3.1 Engine room / ... station standing by.
.3.2 Engine room / ... station flooded.
.3.3 Engine room / ... station will be standing by in ... minutes.

.3 Orders for damage control

.1 Close all openings / outlets / valves (in ...) and report.

.1.1 All openings / outlets / valves (in ...) closed.
.1.2 Openings / outlets / valves in ... not accessible / not operational.
.2 Switch on / off power (at / on / in) and report.
.2.1 Power (at / on / in ...) switched on / off.
.2.2 Power supply (at / on / in ...) not operational.
.3 Close watertight door(s) (in ...) (by hand) and report.
.3.1 Watertight door(s) (in ...) closed.
.3.2 Watertight door(s) (in ...) not accessible / not operational.
.4 Switch on (bilge) pump(s) (in ...)and report.
.4.1 (Bilge) pump(s) (in ...) switched on.
.4.2 (Bilge) pump(s) (in ...) not operational.
.5 Switch over (bilge) pump(s) from ... to ... .
.5.1 (Bilge) pump(s) switched over.
.5.2 Switching over (bilge) pump(s) not possible.
.6 Start damage control.
.6.1 Take one / two / ... damage control team(s) to scene.
.7 Go following route: ... .
.7.1 Go through engine room / no. ... hold(s)/tank(s) / superstructure / manhole /
... space / ... deck / ... .
.8 Go from
~ outside / inside to ... .
~ port side / starboard side to ... .
~ ... to ... .
.9 Take following (additional) safety measures and report.
.9.1 Have two / ... members in one damage control team.
.9.2 Have lifeline to each other / to outside.
.9.3 Have rescue team on stand by and report.
.9.3.1 Rescue team standing by.
.9.4 Maintain visual contact / radio contact on walkie-talkie.
.10 Damage control team must have following outfit(s).
.10.1 Damage control team must have
~ protective clothing
~ safety helmets.
~ lifejackets.
- 83 - A 22/Res.918

~ diving equipment / ... .

.11 Manning of damage control team as follows: ... .
.11.1 Chief Officer / Chief Engineer / ... in command of damage control team (no. ...) ...
.11.2 Following officer(s) / crew member(s) in damage control team (no. ...):.. .
.12 Restrict action (in ...) to ... minutes.
.12.1 Agree on retreat signal and report.
.12.1.1 Retreat signal ... .
.13 Stop flooding from inside / outside (... space / area) and report.
.13.1 Flooding stopped
.13.2 Stopping flooding from inside / outside not possible.

.4 Cancellation of alarm

.1 Has flooding stopped ?

.1.1 Yes, flooding (in ...) has stopped.
.1.2 No, flooding (in ...) has not (completely) stopped (yet).
.2 Is flooding under control ?
.2.1 Yes, flooding (in ...) under control.
.2.2 Flooding (in ...) below / above capacity of (bilge) pump(s).
.2.3 Flooding restricted to ... space / area.
.3 Post damage control watch and report.
.3.1 Damage control watch posted (in ...).
.4 How much water is in the vessel ?
.4.1 Quantity of water (in ...) about ... tonnes.
.4.2 Quantity of water (in ...) not dangerous.
.5 (Bilge) pump(s) remain on stand-by.
.6 Engine room remains on stand-by.
.7 Additional emergency generator remains on stand-by.
.8 Damage control team remains on stand-by.
.9 Rope off flooded area.
.10 Check leak every ... minutes / hour(s) and report.
.10.1 Leak checked - no flooding.
.10.2 Leak checked - minor / major flooding (in ...).
.10.2.1 Flooding has stopped.
.11 The alarm is cancelled (with following restrictions: ... ).

B2/5 Grounding

See also B2/1 "General Activities"

B2/5.1 Reporting grounding and ordering actions

.1 We are aground.
.2 Stop engine(s).
.3 Close watertight doors and report.
.3.1 Watertight doors closed.
.4 Is vessel (still) making way?
.4.1 Yes, vessel making way ahead / astern.
.4.2 No, vessel not making way.
.5 Give "vessel aground" signals.
.6 Inform engine room.
.7 What part is aground?
.7.1 Vessel aground forward / amidships / aft / full length.
.8 Stand by forward station and aft station and report.
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.8.1 Forward station / aft station standing by.

.9 Stand by port anchor / starboard anchor.
.10 What is position ?
.10.1 Position ... .

B2/5.2 Reporting damage

.1 Report damage.
.1.1 No damage.
.1.2 Crack(s) in plating / no. ... double bottom / no. ... hold(s) / tank(s) /
main/auxiliary engine(s) foundation / ... .
.1.3 Deformation(s) / indentation(s) to plating / to ... .
.1.4 Deformation(s) / indentation(s) to ... .
.2 Check flooding and report.
.2.1 No flooding.
.2.2 Flooding in ... .
.3 Is danger imminent ?
.3.1 No, danger not imminent.
.3.2 Yes, danger of
~ heavy listing (to port / starboard)
~ decreasing stability.
~ damage by sea.
~ breaking apart.
~ environmental pollution.
~ ... .
.4 What is nature of sea bottom ?
.4.1 Sea bottom rocky.
.4.2 Sea bottom soft.
.5 What is state of tide ?
.5.1 No tide.
.5.2 Tide ... metres / rising / falling / turning at ... UTC / within ... hours.
.6 What is wind force and direction ?
.6.1 Wind force Beaufort... from ...( cardinal points) .
.6.1.1 Wind expected to decrease / increase (within the next ... hours).
.6.1.2 Wind expected to back / veer (within the next ... hours).
.6.1. No change expected (within the next ... hours).
.7 What is sea state ?
.7.1 Sea smooth/moderate/rough/high / swell slight/moderate/heavy... metres from
...(cardinal points) .
.7.2 Sea smooth/moderate/rough/high / swell slight/moderate/heavy ... expected to
decrease / increase (within the next ... hours).
.7.3 No change expected (within the next ... hours).
.8 What is draft ?
.8.1 Draft ... metres (port side / starboard side) forward / aft / amidships.
.9 What is depth of water ?
.9.1 Greatest depth ... metres (port side / starboard side) forward / aft / amidships.

B2/5.3 Orders for refloating

.1 Are (bilge) pumps operational ?

.1.1 Yes, (bilge) pumps operational.
.1.2 No, (bilge) pumps not operational (yet).
.1.3 (Bilge) pumps will be operational in ... minutes.
.2 Is damage control material available ?
- 85 - A 22/Res.918

.2.1 Yes, damage control material available.

.2.2 No, damage control material not available (yet).
.2.3 Damage control material will be available in ... minutes.
.3 Stand by engine room and report.
.3.1 Engine room standing by.
.4 Stand by all anchors for letting go.
.5 Report distribution of cargo.
.5.1 No. ... hold(s) / tank(s) ... tonnes (of ... cargo).
.5.2 Deck cargo forward / aft / amidships ... tonnes (of ...).
.5.3 Forepeak / afterpeak ... tonnes.
.5.4 No. ... double bottom tank(s) ... tonnes (of ballast / ...).
.6 Transfer cargo from no. ... hold(s) / tank(s) to no. ...hold(s) / tank(s) and report.
.6.1 Cargo from no. ... hold(s) / tank(s) transferred to no. ... hold(s) / tank(s).
.7 Transfer deck cargo from ... to ... and report.
.7.1 Deck cargo from ... transferred to ... .
.8 Pump out forepeak / afterpeak and report.
.8.1 Forepeak / afterpeak pumped out.
.9 Transfer ballast / ... from no. ... double bottom tank(s)
to no. ... double bottom tank(s) and report.
.9.1 Ballast / ... from no. ... double bottom tanks transferred to
no. ... double bottom tank(s).
.10 Fill forepeak / afterpeak.
.11 Jettison cargo from ... and report.
.11.1 Cargo from ... jettisoned .
.12 Engine(s) full / ... astern / ahead.
.13 Has vessel refloated?
.13.1 Yes, vessel refloated.
.13.2 No, vessel not refloated (yet).

B2/5.4 Checking seaworthiness

.1 Request a (diving) survey.

.2 Report the result of the (diving) survey.
.2.1 No damage.
.2.2 Following damage to the plating:
.2.2.1 Crack(s) in area of ... .
.2.2.2 Deformation(s) / indentation(s) in area of ... .
.2.3 Following damage to the engine(s) / pipe(s):
.2.3.1 Crack(s) in the main engine(s) / auxiliary engine(s) foundation.
.2.3.2 Deformations / fracture(s) to the pipe(s) in / out ... .
.2.3.3 Fractures / bending of the bolt(s) of ...
.2.4 Following damage to the underwater hull:
(see also: .1.2.2)
.2.4.1 Deformation(s) / indentation(s) to the sea water inlet(s) / outlet(s).
.2.4.2 Deformation(s) / indentation(s) to the stem / bulb.
.2.4.3 Deformation(s) to the propeller(s).
.2.4.4 (Port / starboard) propeller(s) missing.
.2.4.5 Deformation to the rudder / to ... .
.2.5 Dry - docking is recommended / necessary.
.3 Is the vessel seaworthy ?
.3.1 Yes, the vessel is seaworthy
.3.2 No, the vessel is not seaworthy (yet).
.3.2.1 The vessel must be repaired and re-inspected.
.3.3 Request ... tug(s).
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B2/6 Search and rescue on-board activities

For details see also IAMSAR Manual, London/Montreal, 1998.

B2/6.1 Checking equipment status

.1 Check the lifebuoys and report.

.1.1 All lifebuoys are complete.
.1.2 Lifebuoy(s) at ... is / are damaged / missing.
.1.2.1 Replace the damaged / missing lifebuoy(s).
.2 When was the last man overboard drill ?
.2.1 Last man overboard drill was on ...(date) .
.3 Prepare a plan for man overboard drill.
.3.1 Prepare a plan for
~ an announced / not announced drill.
~ a daytime / nighttime drill.
~ a muster (at all stations).
~ a recovering manoeuvre (with dummy / buoy).
.4 Have a drill / manoeuvre / muster on ...(date) .

B2/6.2 Person-overboard activities

.1 Man overboard (on port side / starboard side / astern)!

.2 Drop lifebuoy(s).
.2.1 Sound "man overboard" alarm.
.3 Hoist flag signal "Oscar".
.4 Hard-a-port / hard-a-starboard the wheel.
.5 Is person in water / lifebuoy located ?
.5.1 Yes, person in water / lifebuoy located.
.5.2 Report direction and distance of person in water / lifebuoy.
.5.2.1 Direction at ... points port side / starboard side / ... degrees, distance ... metres.
.5.2.2 Maintain visual contact to person in water / lifebuoy.
.5.3 No, person in water / lifebuoy not located (yet).
.5.3.1 Look out for person in water / lifebuoy and report.
.5.4 Passenger / crew member missing (for ... hours / since ... UTC)
- search in vessel negative.
.5.4.1 Stop engine(s).
.5.4.2 Transmit alarm signal - PAN-PAN / distress alert - MAYDAY to radio coast
station / Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre / vessels in vicinity and
.5.4.3 Alarm signal - PAN-PAN / distress alert - MAYDAY transmitted /
acknowledged by ... / not acknowledged (yet)..
.6 Return manoeuvre ! Port / starboard, steer... degrees.
.7 Report position.
.7.1 Position ... .
.8 Report traffic situation.
.8.1 No vessel in vicinity.
.8.2 Following vessel(s) in vicinity ... .
.9 Report weather situation.
.9.1 Sea smooth/moderate/rough/high swell slight/moderate/heavy from .. (cardinal
.9.2 Winds force Beaufort... from ... (cardinal points).
.9.3 Visibility good/moderate/poor.
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.9.4 Current ... knots to ... (cardinal points).

.10 Have man overboard stations / lookouts at ... manned and report.
.10.1 Man overboard stations / lookouts at ... manned.
.11 Stand by for recovering from shipboard and report.
.11.1 Standing by for recovering from shipboard.
.12 Stand by boat / motor lifeboat no. ... for letting go and report.
.12.1 Rescue boat / motor lifeboat no. ... standing by for letting go.
.13 Let go rescue boat / motor lifeboat.
.14 Use VHF Channel ... / frequency ... for communication.
.14.1 Use light signals / flag signals / whistle for communication.
.15 What is retreat signal for rescue boat / motor lifeboat ?
.15.1 Retreat signal ... .
.16 Stand by one / two crew member(s) for rescue in water and report.
.16.1 One / two crew member(s) standing by for rescue in water.
.17 Person overboard rescued / recovered.
.18 Stand by boat / rescue litter / rescue net / rescue basket / rescue sling and report.
.18.1 Boat / rescue litter / rescue net / rescue basket / rescue sling standing by.
.19 Hoist person and report.
.20 Report condition of survivor.
.20.1 Survivor
~ is in good / bad condition.
~ has hypothermia.
~ is injured.
~ is suffering from shock.
.20.2 Person is dead.

B2/6.3 Rescue operation - reporting readiness for assistance

See also A1/1.2 "Search and rescue communications"

.1 Received an alarm signal / PAN-PAN /

distress alert - MAYDAY at ... UTC on ... (VHF Channel/frequency).
.2 Observed the following distress signal in ... degrees.
.3 Report the distress position.
.3.1 Distress position ... .
.4 Was the alarm signal / PAN-PAN / distress alert - MAYDAY acknowledged?
.4.1 The alarm signal / PAN-PAN / distress alert - MAYDAY was acknowledged
by ... / not acknowledged (yet)..
.4.2.1 Acknowledge the PAN-PAN / distress alert - MAYDAY - RELAY.
.4.3 Transmit a MAYDAY - RELAY to ... (radio station).
.5 Watch the radar.
.6 Have the lookouts manned and report.
.6.1 Lookouts are manned.
.7 Contact vessels in vicinity of the distress and report.
.7.1 We have contact to following vessel(s) in vicinity of the distress: .... .
.7.2 We have no contact (yet).
.8 Request information from the vessel in distress and report.
.8.1 We have following information from the vessel in distress: ... .
.8.2 We have no information (yet).
.9 Stand by lines / lifebuoys / nets / derricks / cranes / ... and report.
.9.1 Lines / lifeboats / nets / derricks / cranes / ... standing by.
.10 Stand by lifeboats / rescue boat and report.
.10.1 Lifeboats / rescue boat standing by.
.11 Stand by liferaft(s) as boarding station(s) and report.
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.11.1 Liferaft(s) standing by as boarding station(s).

.11.2 Let go liferaft(s) as boarding station(s) with ... crew members (each).
.13 Stand by ... crew members for assisting survivors in water and report.
.13.1 ... crew members standing by for assisting survivors in water.
.14 Switch on the deck lighting / outboard lighting / search lights.
.15 Stand by line throwing apparatus and report.
.15.1 Line throwing apparatus standing by.

B2/6.4 Conducting search

.1 We / MV ... will act as On-scene Co-ordinator.

.1.2 Inform radio coast station(s) / MRCC/ vessels in vicinity.
.2 Stand by bridge team / lookouts for information / signals of On-scene Co-ordinator.
.2.1 Following information / signal received from On-scene Co-ordinator:
.3 We carry out search pattern ... / radar search.
.3.1 We start search pattern ... radar search at ... UTC.
.3.1.1 Inform the crew / lookouts / engine room.
.4 Bridge team / lookouts !
Keep sharp lookout for signals / sightings of the vessel in distress and report
every ... minutes.
.4.1 Light signals / smoke signals / sound signals / ... signals in ... degrees.
.4.2 Objects / vessel in distress / lifeboat(s) / life raft(s) / person(s) in water
in ... degrees
.5 Stand by rescue team / boat crews / engine room and report.
.5.1 Rescue team / boat crews / engine room standing by.
.6 Transmit the following information / signals to the searching vessel(s): ... .

B2/6.5 Rescue activities

See also B2/6.2 "Person-overboard activities"

.1 Rescue persons in following order:

- persons in water
- injured / helpless persons
- women and children
- passengers
- crew/members.
.2 Ask the survivor(s) the following information:
.2.1 What was the total number of persons on board the vessel in distress ?
.2.1.1 Total number of persons was: ... .
.2.2 What was the number of casualties ?
.2.2.1 Number of casualties was: ... .
.2.3 What was the number of lifeboats / liferafts launched ?
.2.3.1 Number of lifeboats / liferafts launched was: ... .
.2.4 What was the number of persons in lifeboats / liferafts ?
.2.4.1 Number of persons in lifeboats / liferafts was: ... .
.2.5 What was the number of persons in water ?
.2.5.1 Number of persons in water was: ... .
.3 Inform ... coast radio station about the name(s) / call sign(s) and destination
of the vessel(s) with the survivors.
.3.1 Inform about the number of survivors on (each) vessel.
.3.2 Inform about the condition of the survivors.
.4 Inform ... coast radio station about the condition of the vessel in distress:

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.4.1 The vessel in distress

~ capsized / sunk / adrift (near position ... ) / drifting in ... degrees.
~ grounded (in position: ...).
~ on fire.
~ not under command.
.5 Transmit the following safety message / navigational warning:
Vessel in distress (in position ...) danger to navigation.

B2/6.6 Finishing with search and rescue operations

.1 Search and rescue finished at ... UTC.

.1.1 Inform the crew / lookouts / engine room.
.2 We resume on-board routine at ... UTC.
.3 Inform the coast radio station / searching vessels
about the cancellation of search and rescue.
.4 We proceed with our voyage.

B3 Cargo and cargo handling

B3/1 Cargo handling

B3/1.1 Loading and unloading

.1 Loading capacities and quantities

.1 What is the deadweight of the vessel?

.1.1 The deadweight is ... tonnes.
.2 What is the hold / bale / grain capacity of vessel?
.2.1 The hold / bale / grain capacity is ... cubic metres.
.3 What is the container capacity of the vessel?
.3.1 The container capacity is ... TEU.
.4 How many 20'/ 40' containers will the vessel load?
.4.1 The vessel will load ... 20'/ 40' containers.
.5 How many cubic metres of cargo space are required?
.5.1 ... cubic metres of cargo space are required.
.6 How many tonnes / cubic metres can the vessel still load?
.6.1 The vessel can still load ... tonnes / cubic metres.
.7 How much deck cargo can the vessel load?
.7.1 The vessel can load ... tonnes / cubic metres / ... 20'/40' containers on deck.
.8 How many cars / trailers / trucks / ... can the vessel load?
.8.1 The vessel can load ... cars / trailers / trucks / ... .
.9 What is the size of the hatch openings?
.9.1 The size of the hatch openings is ... by ... metres.
.10 What is the safety load of no. ... hold?
.10.1 The safety load of the ... deck of no. ... hold is ... tonnes per square metre.
.11 The vessel will still bunker ... tonnes of fuel / fresh water/ ... .

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.2 Dockside / shipboard cargo handling gear and equipment

.1 Are dockside / floating cranes available?

.1.1 Yes, dockside / floating cranes are available.
.1.2 No, dockside / floating cranes are not available.
.2 What is the safe working load of the crane?
.2.1 The safe working load of the crane is ... tonnes.
.3 What is the maximum reach of the crane?
.3.1 The maximum reach of the crane is ... metres.
.4 What is the handling capacity of the container crane / gantry?
.4.1 The handling capacity of container crane / gantry is ... containers per hour.
.5 What is the handling capacity of the grain elevator/ore loader/ ... ?
.5.1 The handling capacity of the grain elevator / ore loader / is ... tonnes / cubic
metres per hour.
.6 What is the pumping capacity of the cargo pumps?
.6.1 The pumping capacity of the cargo pumps is ... tonnes per hour.
.7 Are (light) fork-lift trucks for the cargo holds available?
.7.1 Yes, (light) fork-lift trucks are available.
.7.2 No, (light) fork-lift trucks are not available.
.8 Only use electric fork-lift trucks in the holds.
.9 What is the safe working load of the fork-lift truck?
.9.1 The safe working load of the fork-lift truck is ... tonnes.
.10 What is the safe working load of the derricks / cranes of the vessel?
.10.1 The safe working load of the derricks / cranes of the vessel is ... tonnes.
.11 What is the safe working load of the ... slings?
.11.1 The safe working load of the ... slings is ... tonnes.
.12 These slings do not permit safe cargo handling.
.12.1 Replace the slings.
.13 Are bob-cats available for trimming?
.13.1 Yes, bob-cats are available for trimming.
.13.2 No, bob-cats are not available for trimming.

.3 Preparing for loading / unloading

.1 Prepare the vessel for loading / discharging.

.2 Unlock the hatch covers.
.3 Rig the hatchrails in no. ... hold(s).
.4 Give notice of readiness to load/discharging by ... UTC/local time.
.5 Is the cargo list available and complete?
.5.1 Yes, the cargo list is available and complete .
.5.2 No, the cargo list is not available and complete (yet).
.5.3 The cargo list will be available and complete in ... minutes.
.6 Complete the stowage plan.
.7 Make the stability calculation.
.8 Are the holds clean / dry / free of smell ?
.8.1 Yes, the holds are clean / dry / free of smell.
.8.2 No, the holds are not clean / dry / free of smell (yet).
.8.3 The holds will be clean / dry / free of smell in ... minutes / hours.
.8.3.1 Clean the hold(s) / deck(s).
.9 Are the safety arrangements in the hold(s) operational?
.9.1 Yes, the safety arrangements in the hold(s) are operational.
.9.2 No, the safety arrangements in the hold(s) are not operational (yet).
.9.3 The safety arrangements in the hold(s) will be operational in ... minutes.
.10 Fill the double bottom tank(s) / ballast tank(s) before loading the heavy lifts.
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.11 What is the maximum loading rate / discharging rate?

.11.1 The maximum loading rate / discharging rate is ... tonnes per hour.
.11.2 Do not exceed the loading rate / discharging rate of ... tonnes per hour.

.4 Operating cargo handling equipment and hatches

.1 Open all hatches before loading / discharging.

.2 Are the cranes / derricks operational?
.2.1 Yes, the cranes / derricks are operational.
.2.2 No, the cranes / derricks are not operational (yet).
.2.3 The cranes / derricks will be operational in ... minutes.
.3 Rig the derrick(s) / crane(s) of no. ... hold(s).
.4 Check the preventers.
.5 Keep within the safe working load of derrick(s) / crane(s).
.6 Instruct the winchmen / cranemen .
.7 Clean the tween deck(s) before opening lower hold(s).
.8 Switch on / off the hold ventilation.
.9 Switch on / off the hold lights.
.10 Close / open the cargo port(s) to no. ... hold(s).

.5 Maintaining / repairing cargo handling equipment

.1 Check the hold(s) / hatch cover(s) / derrick(s) / ... for damage and report.
.1.1 The hold(s) / hatch cover(s) / derrick(s) / ... is / are in order.
.1.2 The cargo battens are damaged.
.1.3 The rubber seals of the hatch cover(s) are damaged.
.1.4 The preventer(s) of no. ... hold(s) is / are damaged.
.1.5 The (Container) lashings are damaged.
.1.6 ... is / are damaged.
.1.6.1 Replace the damaged ... .
.2 The hold ladder(s) is / are bent.
.2.1 Straighten the hold ladder(s).
.3 Are the hold ventilators operational?
.3.1 Yes, the hold ventilators are operational.
.3.2 No, the hold ventilators are not operational (yet).
.3.3 The hold ventilators will be operational in ... minutes.
.4 Are the winch motors operational?
.4.1 Yes, the winch motors are operational.
.4.2 No, the winch motor of no. ... derrick is not operational (yet).
.4.3 The winch motor of no. ... derrick will be operational in ... minutes.
.5 Check the repair works personally.

.6 Briefing on stowing and securing

.1 Check the
~ careful and safe stowage.
~ complete unloading.
~ proper use of handling gear.
~ careful separation of different lots.
.2 Close the hatches in case of rain / snow / ... .
.3 Refuse damaged / crushed / renailed /wet /torn/ resewn / ...
boxes / cartons / cases /crates / bags / ... .
.4 Do not overstow cartons with other goods.
.5 Do not use hooks for handling bags.
A 22/Res.918 - 92 -

.6 Stow ventilation ducts into the bag cargo.

.7 Place dunnage between the tiers.
.8 Stow the
~ ... into tween deck of no. ... hold.
~ pallets / cartons / ... closely together.
~ ... in reefer hold.
~ empty containers in topmost tiers .
~ container(s) onto hatch cover(s).
~ ... .
.9 Check the
~ containers for damage.
~ correct interlock of the stowpieces.
~ correct fixing of the rope clips.
.10 Secure the heavy lift(s) immediately .
.11 Relash all lashings.

B3/1.2 Handling dangerous goods

See also IMO IMDG Code, London 1994, as revised.

.1 Briefing on nature of dangerous goods

.1 What is the IMO Class of these goods?

.1.1 The IMO Class of these goods is: ... .
.2 This package contains IMO Class ... goods.
.3 These goods are flammable / poisonous / ... .
.3.1 Handle these goods with caution.
.4 These goods emit flammable gases in contact with water.
.4.1 Keep these goods dry.
.5 These goods are liable to spontaneous heating and combustion.
.6 Do not touch ... .

.2 Instructions on compatibility and stowage

.1 Observe the IMDG-Code when loading / stowing.

.2 Check the
~ proper segregation of goods.
~ correct technical names in documents.
~ correct marks / labels.
~ compatibility of IMO Class ... goods.
.3 Stow IMO Class ... goods
~ away from living quarters / away from ... .
~ separated (by one hold) from IMO Class ... goods.
~ under / on deck.
.3.1 Cover IMO Class ... goods on deck with tarpaulins / ... .
.4 Stow
~ flammable goods away from the engine room bulkhead / ... .
~ infectious substances separated by one hold / compartment from foodstuffs.
~ ... drums away from IMO Class ... goods at a minimum of ... metres.
.5 Brief the stevedores on the dangerous goods in number ... hold(s).
.6 Refuse damaged / wet / ... packings with dangerous goods.
.7 Ventilate the hold(s) before entering.
.8 Load / unload IMO Class ... goods first.
.9 No smoking during loading / unloading.
- 93 - A 22/Res.918

.3 Reporting incidents

.1 Sling(s) with bottles / drums / ... of IMO Class ... goods were dropped on deck /
into no. ... hold / on pier ... .
.1.1 Liquid / powder / gas is spilling.
.2 Several drums / barrels / tanks / ... are deformed ( and leaking).
.3 The ... container with IMO Class ... goods is spilling out of the door.
.4 Spilling substances of IMO Class ... escaped into the sea / harbour water.
.4.1 Inform the pollution control.
.5 Temperature in locker / container/ ... with IMO Class ... goods is increasing (rapidly).
.6 Orange / red / ... smoke is developing from IMO Class ... goods (on deck).
.7 Explosion in no. ... hold.
.7.1 Damage to gas tank / container /....
.8 Minor / major fire in number ... hold.
.8.1 Fire extinguished.
.8.2 IMO Class ... goods re-ignited.
.8.3 Fire under control.
.8.4 Fire not under control (yet).
.8.4.1 Operate the general emergency alarm.
.8.4.2 Call the harbour fire brigade / ... .
.9 Report injured persons / casualties.
.9.1 No person injured.
.9.2 Number of injured persons / casualties is ... .

.4 Action in case of incidents

.1 Take actions according to the Emergency Plan.

.2 Turn the vessel out of the wind the spilling gas / smoke is toxic.
.3 Put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus.
.4 Stop the spillage.
.5 Let the spillage evaporate.
.6 Remove the spillage with synthetic scoops.
.6.1 Use absorbents for the spillage.
.6.2 Do not touch the spillage.
.7 Separate contaminated goods from other goods.
.8 Cover contaminated goods with tarpaulins / ... .
.9 Only open the container / hold / locker / ... when smoking is stopped.
.10 Cool down the container/ ... with water.
.11 Ventilate the hold(s) carefully.
.12 Close the hatch - operate the fire extinguishing system.
.13 Fight the fire from a great distance.
.14 Flood no. .. hold(s).
.15 Rescue persons.
.15.1 Take injured persons / casualties to a safe area.
.15.2 Provide first aid to injured persons.
.15.3 Call the ambulance.
.16 Take off and dispose of contaminated clothing.
.17 Alter course for the nearest port (inform on radio).

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B3/1.3 Handling liquid goods, bunkers and ballast pollution prevention

.1 Preparing safety measures

.1 Plug the scuppers / drip-trays and report.

.1.1 All scuppers / drip-trays are plugged.
.2 Close the sea-valves / discharges and report.
.2.1 All sea-valves / discharges are closed.
.3 Stand by absorbent materials and report.
.3.1 Absorbent materials standing by.
.4 Stand by spill control gear and report.
.4.1 Spill control gear standing by.
.5 Stand by emergency fire pump / foam monitor / fire extinguishers and report.
.5.1 Emergency fire pump / foam monitor / fire extinguishers standing by.
.6 Fit bonding wire and report.
.6.1 Bonding wire is fitted.
.7 Maintain contact on VHF Channels ... with the bunker barge / oil terminal.
.8 Is the oil pollution prevention plan available ?
.8.1 Yes, the oil pollution prevention plan is available.
.8.2 No, the oil pollution prevention plan is not available (yet).
.8.3 The oil pollution prevention plan will be available in ... minutes.
.9 Instruct the pumpman / ... and report.
.9.1 Pumpman / ... is instructed.

.2 Operating pumping equipment

(including phrases for communication with bunker barge / oil terminal)

.1 What is the (maximum) loading rate / discharge rate ?

.1.1 The (maximum) loading rate / discharge rate is: ... tonnes per hour.
.2 Is the COW - system / inert gas system operational ?
.2.1 Yes, the COW - system / inert gas system is operational .
.2.2 No, the COW - system / inert gas system is not operational (yet).
.2.3 The COW - system / inert gas will be operational in ... minutes.
.3 When will crude oil washing start ?
.3.1 Crude oil washing will start in ... minutes.
.4 Are your tanks inerted?
.4.1 Yes, my tanks are inerted.
.4.2 No, my tanks are not inerted (yet).
.4.3 My tanks will be inerted in ... minutes.
.5 What is the pressure in the inerted tanks?
.5.1 The pressure in the inerted tanks is ... bar.
.6 What is the pumping pressure ?
.6.1 The pumping pressure is ... bar.
.7 Can we connect the loading arm ?
.7.1 Yes, you can connect the loading arm.
.7.2 No, you cannot connect the loading arm (yet).
.7.3 Connect the loading arm in ... minutes.
.8 Inform ... minutes before loading / discharge will start / finish.
.8.1 Loading / discharge will start / finish in ... minutes.
.9 What is the back pressure for stripping ?
.9.1 The backpressure for stripping is... bars.

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.10 Are the cargo hoses / booms connected ?

.10.1 Yes, the cargo hoses / booms are connected.
.10.2 No, the cargo hoses / booms are not connected (yet).
.10.3 The cargo hoses / booms will be connected in ... minutes.
.11 Are the cargo hoses / booms disconnected ?
.11.1 Yes, the cargo hoses / booms are disconnected.
.11.2 No, the cargo hoses / booms are not disconnected (yet).
.11.3 The cargo hoses / booms will be disconnected in ... minutes.
.12 Are you ready to load /discharge?
.12.1 Yes, I am ready to load / discharge.
.12.2 No, I am not ready to load /discharge (yet).
.12.3 I will be ready to load / discharge in ... minutes.
.13 Keep a safe working pressure.
.14 Open the valve(s) and report.
.14.1 All full open aboard / ashore.
.15 Close the valve(s) and report.
.15.1 All full closed aboard / ashore.
.16 Start pumping (slowly).
.17 Are you pumping / receiving ?
.17.1 Yes, I am pumping / receiving.
.17.2 No, I am not pumping / not receiving.
.18 Increase / decrease pumping rate to ... revolutions / bar..
.19 (Quantity received) - stop pumping.

.3 Reporting and cleaning up spillage

.1 Leak at manifold connection!

.1.1 Overflow at ... !
.2 Stop pumping !
.3 How much is spilled ?
.3.1 Spill is about ... tonne(s).
.4 Treat spill with ... .
.5 Stand by oil clearance team and report.
.5.1 Oil clearance team standing by.
.5.2 All crew assist to remove the spill.
.5.4.1 Spillage stopped.
.5.4.2 Spill cleaned up.
.5.4.3 Spill waste contained in save-all/ .
.6 Oil / ... escaping into sea / harbour water!
.6.1 Inform pollution control!

.4 Ballast handling

.1 Plug the scuppers and report.

.1.1 All scuppers are plugged.
.2 Open / close the sea suction valve / ballast tank valve no. ... and report.
.2.1 Sea suction valve / ballast tank valve no. ... is open / closed.
.3 Start the ballast pump and report.
.3.1 Ballast pump started.
.4 Stop the ballast pump (ballast overflow) and report.
.4.1 Ballast pump stopped.

A 22/Res.918 - 96 -

.5 Pump out ballast tank no. ... and report.

.5.1 Ballast tank no. ... is pumped out.
.5.2 Stop the ballast pump - ballast dirty !

.5 Cleaning tanks

.1 Pump the slops into the slop tank .

.2 Dispose the sludge into the sludge tank.
.3 Order a shore slop tank / slop barge.
.3.1 We have ... tonnes of slops / sludge.
.4 Start / stop pumping slops.
.5 Keep a safe working pressure.

B3/1.4 Preparing for sea

.1 Close and secure the hatch covers for sea and report
.1.1 Hatch covers closed and secured.
.2 Lash and secure the goods for sea and report.
.2.1 Goods lashed and secured.

(In ro/ro-ferries: the execution of instructions 3, 4 and 5 given from the bridge on
radio should be confirmed by the person in charge of the corresponding station using
phrases 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1)

.3 Close and secure the bow door / stern door and report..
.3.1 Bow door / stern door closed and secured.
.4 Fold and secure the bow ramp / stern ramp / side ramp and report.
.4.1 Bow ramp / stern ramp / side ramp folded and secured.
.5 Lash and secure all cars / trucks / wagons / ... and report.
.5.1 All cars / trucks / wagons / ... lashed and secured.
.6 Lower and secure the derricks / cranes and report.
.6.1 Derricks / cranes lowered and secured.
.7 Check the seaworthiness of the holds and report
.7.1 Holds seaworthy.
.8 How much ballast can we take (down to her marks)?
.8.1 We can take ... tonnes of ballast.
.9 Check the trim.
.9.1 Fill the forepeak to decrease the stern trim.
.9.2 Fill the double-bottom tank(s) .
.9.3 Pump fuel from ... tank to ... tank to bring the vessel upright.

B3/2 Cargo care

B3/2.1 Operating shipboard equipment for cargo care

.1 Is the equipment for cargo care operational?

.1.1 Yes, the equipment for cargo care is operational.
.1.2 No, the ... (equipment) is not operational (yet).
.1.3 The ... (equipment) will be operational in ... minutes.
.2 What is the air change rate of the hold ventilators?
.2.1 The air change rate of the hold ventilators is ... -fold.

- 97 - A 22/Res.918

.3 Are the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) operational?

.3.1 Yes, the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) are operational.
.3.2 No, the temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s) are not operational (yet).
.3.3 The temperature / humidity recorders in the hold(s)
will be operational in ... minutes.
.4 Instruct the crew how to connect reefer plugs / clip-on units / ... and report.
.4.1 The crew is instructed how to connect reefer plugs / clip-on units / ... .

B3/2.2 Taking measures for cargo care

.1 Carrying out inspections

.1 The holds must be inspected by the surveyor before loading.

.2 Check the reefer holds for proper loading preparation and report.
.2.1 The reefer holds are ready for loading.
.2.2 The reefer holds are not ready for loading (yet).
.2.3 The reefer holds will be ready for loading in ... minutes.
.3 Are the holds clean (dry and free of smell)?
.3.1 Yes, the holds are clean( dry and free of smell).
.3.2 No, the holdsare not clean (dry and free of smell) (yet).
.3.3 The holds will be clean (dry and free of smell) in ... minutes / hours.
.4 Check the operation of the hold ventilators and report
.4.1 The hold ventilators are operational.
.4.2 The hold ventilators ( in no. ... hold(s)) are not operational (yet).
.4.3 The hold ventilators (in no ... hold(s)) will be operational in ... minutes.
.5 Order a surveyor to check the reefer plugs / cargo securings.
.6 Is the certificate of survey available and complete?
.6.1 Yes, the certificate of survey is available and complete.
.6.2 No, the certificate of survey is not available and complete (yet).
.6.3 The certificate of survey will be available and complete in ... minutes / hours.
.7 Check the lashings and securings every day / ... hours..
.8 Enter all checks into the log-book.
.9 Before unloading open the hatches only when the surveyor is present.

.2 Describing damage to the cargo

See also section B2/1.2.3 "Reporting incidents"

.1 The ...(cargo) is in a bad condition.

.2 The packages of ...(cargo) are
~ wet / damp / mouldy.
~ marked by fresh water / sea water.
.3 The metal of ...(cargo) is rusty.
.4 The bands of ...(cargo) are broken / missing / rusty.
.5 The crates / cases with ...(cargo) are renailed.
.5.1 The boards of crates/cases with ...(cargo) are loose.
.6 The marks / labels on ...(cargo) are unclear / illegible /false.
.7 The contents of drums / barrels / ... are unknown.
.8 The weight of the ...(cargo) is unknown.
.10 The boxes / crates / cases / ... with ...(cargo) are damaged.
.11 The bags / bales with ...(cargo) are torn / resewn / spilling.
.12 The drums / barrels / ... with ...(cargo) are deformed / spilling .
.13 The boxes / cartons / cases/ ... with ...(cargo) are crushed.
.14 The bags / boxes / cartons / ... with ...(cargo) are not full / slack / empty.
A 22/Res.918 - 98 -

.15 The bags / boxes / cartons / ... with ...(cargo) are second-hand.
.16 The boxes/cartons/cases/ ... with bottles of ...(cargo) are (partly) broken.
.17 The ...( cargo) is (partly)
~ eaten by rats /worms.
~ infected by vermin.
~ missing.
.18 ... container(s) are damaged.
.18.1 ... container(s) were damaged
~ before loading.
~ during loading.
~ by shifting on board.
~ by heavy seas.
.19 ... container(s) were washed overboard (inform on radio).
.20 The temperature in no. ... hold is
above normal / below normal / critical / ... degrees Celsius.
.21 The humidity of ...(cargo) is above normal / below normal / critical.

.3 Taking actions

See also section B2/1.2.4 "Action in case of incident"

.1 Switch on the hold ventilation to supply / exhaust air.

.2 Switch off the hold ventilation (in case of shipping seas).
.3 Switch on / off the automatic temperature control / recorder.
.4 Relash the container(s) /car(s) / trucks(s)... in no. ... hold / on ... deck.
.5 Replug the reefer container(s) in no. ... hold/on deck.
.6 Secure the shifting cargo in no. ... hold / on ... deck.
.7 Protect the deck cargo of ...(cargo) against sun / rain / shipping seas.
.8 Keep the deck cargo of ...(cargo) wet / dry.
.9 Check the contents of drum(s) / barrel(s) /container(s) / ... with false labels.

B4 Passenger care
The phrases of this chapter should help Masters, officers and crew members of passenger
vessels and passenger ferries to inform passengers on safety aspects and to manage them in
case of an emergency.

B4/1 Briefing and Instruction

B4/1.1 Conduct of passengers on board

.1 General information on conduct of passengers

.1 Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Captain ... speaking.

I have pleasure in informing you that all safety equipment is in full working order.
The bow / stern doors are closed and secured. The vessel is in all respects ready for sea.
Please listen carefully to the safety instructions which follow. In the unlikely event of an
emergency, please obey the orders given on the public address system.
.2 Passengers are requested to read all notes and leaflets concerning safety regulations.
.3 All regulations concerning the vessel's routine have to be obeyed.

- 99 - A 22/Res.918

.2 Briefing on prohibited areas, decks, and spaces

Safety regulations do not permit passengers to enter the following spaces:

- navigating bridge
- engine room
- manoeuvring areas at the front and back end of the vessel
- cargo rooms and compartments
- service rooms
- all areas and spaces marked "Crew only"
- all closed, sealed or roped off areas, spaces and rooms
- car decks when the vessel is at sea.

B4/1.2 Briefing on safety regulations, preventive measures and communications

.1 Drills

.1 International regulations require all passengers to be assembled in a drill

which has to take place within 24 hours of departure..
.2 A drill will be held to familiarize passengers with their assembly stations,
with their life-saving equipment and with emergency procedures.
.3 All passengers must attend this drill.

.2 The general emergency alarm

.1 In case of emergency seven short blasts and one prolonged blast

will be given with the ship's whistle and the alarm system.
.2 Remain calm when you hear the general emergency alarm.
.3 Passengers will be taught how to act and behave
in cases of emergency .

.3 Preventing / reporting fire

.1 Always remember that fire is the greatest hazard aboard ship.

.2 Always act immediately if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke.
.3 Always inform a member of the crew if you detect fire or smell fumes or smoke.
.4 Be careful to extinguish cigarettes completely.
.5 Put used cigarettes in a container provided.
.6 Never smoke in bed.
.7 Never smoke on deck except in areas labelled as smoking areas.
.8 Never throw a cigarette overboard.
.9 The use of naked light and open fire is strictly prohibited.
.10 Never use lighted candles.
.11 Never hang anything over or near an electric bulb.
.12 Never use an electric iron in a cabin. If you need to iron something
use the ironing room on .... deck. The key may be collected at the information desk.
.13 If you detect a fire or smell fumes or smoke act immediately as follows:
- Call out "Fire !"
- Operate the nearest fire alarm
- Inform a member of the crew
- Telephone the navigating bridge. The number to dial is ....

A 22/Res.918 - 100 -

.4 PA announcements on emergency

.1 Attention please! Attention please!

This is your captain with an important announcement.
I repeat, this is your captain with an important announcement.
.1.1 We have grounded/ a minor flooding (in ... )/ a minor fire (in ... ).
.1.2 There is no immediate danger to our passengers or the ship
and there is no reason to be alarmed.
.1.3 For safety reasons we request all passengers to go to their assembly stations
on deck and wait there for further instructions.
.1.4 Please follow the instructions given by the officers and crew.
.1.5 The ship's fire fighting team / damage control team is fighting the fire / flooding.
.1.6 We also have radio contact with other ships / radio coast stations.
.1.7 The fire / flooding is under control.
.1.8 As soon as I have further information I will make another announcement.
I ask you kindly to remain calm. There is no danger at this time.
.2 This is your Captain speaking. I have another announcement.
The fire / flooding is not under control yet.
.2.1 There is smoke / flooding in ... Access to this area is prohibited..
.2.2 For safety reasons we request all passengers to prepare to go to their assembly
stations. Access to the assembly stations will be via ...... . Do not forget to take your
lifejackets and blankets with you.
.2.3 All passengers of deck no. ..... are requested to follow the crew members who will
escort you to your assembly stations.
.2.4 When you get to your assembly stations put on your lifejackets and wait for further
.2.5 Do not go to the lifeboat stations until you are ordered to do so.
.2.6 Go to your lifeboat stations.
.2.7 Follow the escape routes shown.
.2.8 Do not enter the lifeboats / liferafts. The order to enter the lifeboats / liferafts will be
given from the bridge or by the officers.
.2.9 We have just received a message from shore / other vessels that assistance is on the
way. Assistance should arrive within approximately .... hours.

.5 Person overboard

.1 If you see anybody fall overboard, act as follows:

- call out "Man overboard"
- throw lifebuoys overboard
- keep your eyes on the person in the water
- show / tell an officer / crew the person's position in the water, or telephone the
bridge immediately, the number is .... .

.6 Protective measures for children

.1 Children must be kept under permanent observation.

.2 Never let children climb or sit on the ship's rails.
.3 Special lifejackets for children are available; please ask the steward / stewardess.
.4 You may leave your children under qualified care in the children's playroom / on the
playdeck on .... deck from .... to .... hours.

- 101 - A 22/Res.918

B4/2 Evacuation and Boat Drill

B4/2.1 Allocating / directing to assembly stations, describing how to escape

.1 When the general emergency alarm is sounded, which consists of seven short blasts and
one prolonged blast, all passengers have to go to their assembly station. Take your
lifejackets and blankets with you. Lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds
and at your assembly stations. You are encouraged to try on your lifejacket.
.2 All passengers must put on
- warm clothing
- long trousers, long-sleeved shirts / jackets
- strong shoes and head covering.
.3 All passengers with their lifejackets and blankets are requested to go to their assembly
stations/ the lounge / the ... immediately.
.4 From your assembly stations you will be escorted to your lifeboats / liferafts.
.5 All passengers are requested to carefully study the safety instructions behind their
cabin doors.
.6 All passengers are requested to follow the escape routes shown.
.7 Do not use lifts / elevators.
.8 All passengers are requested to strictly obey the instructions given by the officers or crew.
.9 When you hear the abandon ship alarm, which consists of one prolonged and one short
blast repeated continuously, please act in the same manner as under the general
emergency alarm.
.10 During the voyage you may hear some other sound signals. These are exclusively for the
information of the crew.
Please, act only if you hear the general emergency alarm or the abandon ship alarm.
.11 If you have any questions regarding safety, do not hesitate to ask any of the officers or

B4/2.2 Briefing on how to dress and what to take to assembly stations

.1 Take your lifejacket and a blanket.

You will find your lifejacket under your bed.
.2 Put on warm clothing, long-sleeved shirts, strong shoes and head covering whatever the
weather. No high-heeled shoes.
.3 Do not forget personal documents, your spectacles and medicine if necessary.
.4 Do not return to your cabin to collect your property.

B4/2.3 Performing roll call

.1 At your assembly station one of the officers / crew will perform a roll call.
.2 The officer / crew will say "This is a roll call", and will call out the passengers
individually by their names.
.3 When your name is called out, please answer loudly "Here".
.4 If one of your cabinmates is not able to attend the roll call, please inform the officer/crew

B4/2.4 Briefing on how to put on lifejackets

.1 (dependent on type of lifejacket used)

- pull the lifejacket over your head
- tighten the strings well
- pull the strings around your waist and tie in front.

A 22/Res.918 - 102 -

.2 Follow closely the demonstration given by the officer / crew.

The crew members will help you if necessary.
.3 Carefully study the demonstration in the pictures in your cabins.
.4 Carefully study the demonstration in the diagram at the assembly station.

B4/2.5 Instructions on how to embark and behave in lifeboats / liferafts

.1 Enter the lifeboat / liferaft only when ordered by an officer / lifeboatman.

.2 Clear the entrance of the lifeboat / liferaft immediately after entering.
.3 Do not push each other when entering the lifeboat / liferaft.
.4 Hold on to ropes or to your seat when lowering / hoisting.
.5 Sit down in the lifeboat / liferaft immediately.
.6 Keep your lifejackets on.
.7 Provisions and drinking water will be distributed by an officer / lifeboatman only.
.8 Strictly obey all instructions given by the officer / lifeboatman.
.9 Discipline in the lifeboat / liferaft is of vital importance.

B4/2.6 On-scene measures and actions in lifeboats / liferafts

.1 Keep a sharp lookout for persons in the water.

.2 Have a line / hook / knife / lifebuoy ready.
.3 Do not take off your shirts / long trousers / head covering whatever the weather.
.4 Pump out the water / free the lifeboat / liferaft from water.
.5 Who needs medical first aid?
.6 Everybody will get the same ration of provisions and water.
.7 Warning! Do not drink sea water whatever the situation.
.8 We will send a MAYDAY.
.9 We will fire rockets / use smoke buoys / ..... to attract attention.
.10 We will join the other lifeboats / liferafts.

B4/3 Attending to passengers in an emergency

B4/3.1 Informing on present situation

.1 The vessel was abandoned in position .... due to

fire / grounding / collision / flooding / heavy list / serious damage / ... .
.2 Keep calm. There is no reason to panic.
The officers / lifeboatmen know exactly what to do.
.3 There are enough life-saving appliances for everyone on board.
.4 The Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre/vessels in the vicinity have already been
informed of our situation.
.5 Vessels / helicopters / aircraft are coming to our rescue.
.6 Vessels / helicopters / aircraft will reach us within ...... hours.
.7 We have radio contact with rescue craft.
.8 There are enough provisions and drinking water for 48 hours.
.9 You obtain medicine for seasickness from the lifeboatman.

B4/3.2 Escorting helpless passengers

.1 ...... persons are missing.

.2 Search all cabins / WCs/showers for missing persons.
.3 Assist those who need help.
.4 Help children, elderly, disabled, injured or sick persons with lifejackets.
.5 Give assistance when entering lifeboats / liferafts.
- 103 - A 22/Res.918

.6 We require warm clothing and blankets

for the children / elderly / disabled / injured / sick.
.7 We require a stretcher for the disabled / injured / sick.
.8 All persons, please move closer.
.8.1 The elderly / disabled / injured / sick need room to lie down.
.9 Everyone, please, be quiet. The children / the sick need rest.

A 22/Res.918 - 104 -




1 The Committee should receive and evaluate proposals for amendments and/or additions
to the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases, submitted as appropriate.

2 Such proposals should be examined collectively rather than individually when, in the
Committees judgement, they are sufficient or of such importance as to warrant examination.

3 Amendments to the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases should normally

come into force at intervals of approximately five years. When, however, amendments are of a
very important nature and/or require urgent action, the period may be shortened to three years.
Amendments adopted by the Committee will be notified to all concerned and will come into
force twelve months after the date of notification.




(adopted on 12 December 2002)




HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), concerning special
measures to enhance maritime safety and security,

CONSIDERING that the new chapter XI-2 of the Convention makes a reference to an
International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and requires that ships, companies and
port facilities to comply with the relevant requirements of part A of the International Ship and
Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, as specified in part A of the ISPS Code,

BEING OF THE OPINION that the implementation by Contracting Governments of the

said chapter will greatly contribute to the enhancement of maritime safety and security and
safeguarding those on board and ashore,

HAVING CONSIDERED a draft of the International Code for the Security of Ships and
of Port Facilities prepared by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime
Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization), at its seventy-fifth and seventy-sixth
session, for consideration and adoption by the Conference,

1. ADOPTS the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
(hereinafter referred to as the Code), the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present

2. INVITES Contracting Governments to the Convention to note that the Code will take
effect on 1 July 2004 upon entry into force of the new chapter XI-2 of the Convention;

3. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep the Code under review and amend
it, as appropriate;

4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization to transmit certified copies of the

present resolution and the text of the Code contained in the Annex to all Contracting
Governments to the Convention;

5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and

its Annex to all Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the

Page 2





1 The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security held in London in December 2002

adopted new provisions in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and
this Code* to enhance maritime security. These new requirements form the international
framework through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which
threaten security in the maritime transport sector.

2 Following the tragic events of 11th September 2001, the twenty-second session of the
Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (the Organization), in November 2001,
unanimously agreed to the development of new measures relating to the security of ships and of
port facilities for adoption by a Conference of Contracting Governments to the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (known as the Diplomatic Conference on
Maritime Security) in December 2002. Preparation for the Diplomatic Conference was entrusted
to the Organizations Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the basis of submissions made by
Member States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in
consultative status with the Organization.

3 The MSC, at its first extraordinary session, held also in November 2001, in order to
accelerate the development and the adoption of the appropriate security measures established an
MSC Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security. The first meeting of the
MSC Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security was held in February 2002 and the
outcome of its discussions was reported to, and considered by, the seventy-fifth session of the
MSC in March 2002, when an ad hoc Working Group was established to further develop the
proposals made. The seventy-fifth session of the MSC considered the report of that Working
Group and recommended that work should be taken forward through a further
MSC Intersessional Working Group, which was held in September 2002. The seventy-sixth
session of the MSC considered the outcome of the September 2002 session of the
MSC Intersessional Working Group and the further work undertaken by the MSC Working
Group held in conjunction with the Committee's seventy-sixth session in December 2002,
immediately prior to the Diplomatic Conference and agreed the final version of the proposed
texts to be considered by the Diplomatic Conference.

4 The Diplomatic Conference (9 to 13 December 2002) also adopted amendments to the

existing provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
(SOLAS 74) accelerating the implementation of the requirement to fit Automatic Identification
Systems and adopted new Regulations in Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS 74 covering marking of the
Ships Identification Number and the carriage of a Continuous Synopsis Record. The Diplomatic
Conference also adopted a number of Conference Resolutions including those covering
implementation and revision of this Code, Technical Co-operation, and co-operative work with
the International Labour Organization and World Customs Organization. It was recognized that

The complete name of this Code is the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities. The
abbreviated name of this Code, as referred to in regulation XI-2/1 of SOLAS 74 as amended, is the International
Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code or, in short, the ISPS Code.
Page 3

review and amendment of certain of the new provisions regarding maritime security may be
required on completion of the work of these two Organizations.

5 The provision of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and this Code apply to ships and to port
facilities. The extension of SOLAS 74 to cover port facilities was agreed on the basis that
SOLAS 74 offered the speediest means of ensuring the necessary security measures entered into
force and given effect quickly. However, it was further agreed that the provisions relating to port
facilities should relate solely to the ship/port interface. The wider issue of the security of port
areas will be the subject of further joint work between the International Maritime Organization
and the International Labour Organization. It was also agreed that the provisions should not
extend to the actual response to attacks or to any necessary clear-up activities after such an

6 In drafting the provision care has been taken to ensure compatibility with the provisions
of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping and
Certification for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
and the harmonised system of survey and certification.

7 The provisions represent a significant change in the approach of the international

maritime industries to the issue of security in the maritime transport sector. It is recognized that
they may place a significant additional burden on certain Contracting Governments. The
importance of Technical Co-operation to assist Contracting Governments implement the
provisions is fully recognized.

8 Implementation of the provisions will require continuing effective co-operation and

understanding between all those involved with, or using, ships and port facilities including ships
personnel, port personnel, passengers, cargo interests, ship and port management and those in
National and Local Authorities with security responsibilities. Existing practices and procedures
will have to be reviewed and changed if they do not provide an adequate level of security. In the
interests of enhanced maritime security additional responsibilities will have to be carried by the
shipping and port industries and by National and Local Authorities.

9 The guidance given in part B of this Code should be taken into account when
implementing the security provisions set out in Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and in part A of this
Code. However, it is recognized that the extent to which the guidance applies may vary
depending on the nature of the port facility and of the ship, its trade and/or cargo.

10 Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted or applied in a manner inconsistent with the
proper respect of fundamental rights and freedoms as set out in international instruments,
particularly those relating to maritime workers and refugees including the International Labour
Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as well as international
standards concerning maritime and port workers.

11 Recognizing that the Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Traffic, 1965, as

amended, provides that foreign crew members shall be allowed ashore by the public authorities
while the ship on which they arrive is in port, provided that the formalities on arrival of the ship
have been fulfilled and the public authorities have no reason to refuse permission to come ashore
for reasons of public health, public safety or public order, Contracting Governments when
approving ship and port facility security plans should pay due cognisance to the fact that ship's
personnel live and work on the vessel and need shore leave and access to shore based seafarer
welfare facilities, including medical care.
Page 4





1.1 Introduction

This part of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities contains
mandatory provisions to which reference is made in chapter XI-2 of the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this Code are:

.1 to establish an international framework involving co-operation between

Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the
shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive
measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in
international trade;

.2 to establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the Contracting

Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and
port industries, at the national and international level for ensuring maritime

.3 to ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related


.4 to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and

procedures to react to changing security levels; and

.5 to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures

are in place.

1.3 Functional requirements

In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a number of functional requirements.
These include, but are not limited to:

.1 gathering and assessing information with respect to security threats and

exchanging such information with appropriate Contracting Governments;

.2 requiring the maintenance of communication protocols for ships and port


.3 preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities and their restricted areas;
Page 5

.4 preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or

explosives to ships or port facilities;

.5 providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to security threats or security

.6 requiring ship and port facility security plans based upon security assessments;

.7 requiring training, drills and exercises to ensure familiarity with security plans and


2.1 For the purpose of this part, unless expressly provided otherwise:

.1 Convention means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
as amended.

.2 Regulation means a regulation of the Convention.

.3 Chapter means a chapter of the Convention.

.4 Ship security plan means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures
on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport
units, ships stores or the ship from the risks of a security incident.

.5 Port facility security plan means a plan developed to ensure the application of
measures designed to protect the port facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo
transport units and ships stores within the port facility from the risks of a security

.6 Ship security officer means the person on board the ship, accountable to the
master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship,
including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for
liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers.

.7 Company security officer means the person designated by the Company for
ensuring that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is
developed, submitted for approval, and thereafter implemented and maintained
and for liaison with port facility security officers and the ship security officer.

.8 Port facility security officer means the person designated as responsible for the
development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the port facility
security plan and for liaison with the ship security officers and company security

.9 Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective
security measures shall be maintained at all times.

Page 6

.10 Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective
security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of
heightened risk of a security incident.

.11 Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security
measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident
is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific

2.2 The term ship, when used in this Code, includes mobile offshore drilling units and
high-speed craft as defined in regulation XI-2/1.

2.3 The term Contracting Government in connection with any reference to a port facility,
when used in sections 14 to 18, includes a reference to the Designated Authority.

2.4 Terms not otherwise defined in this part shall have the same meaning as the meaning
attributed to them in chapters I and XI-2.


3.1 This Code applies to:

.1 the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:

.1 passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft;

.2 cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards;

.3 mobile offshore drilling units; and

.2 port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages.

3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3.1.2, Contracting Governments shall decide
the extent of application of this Part of the Code to those port facilities within their territory
which, although used primarily by ships not engaged on international voyages, are required,
occasionally, to serve ships arriving or departing on an international voyage.

3.2.1 Contracting Governments shall base their decisions, under section 3.2, on a port facility
security assessment carried out in accordance with this Part of the Code.

3.2.2 Any decision which a Contracting Government makes, under section 3.2, shall not
compromise the level of security intended to be achieved by chapter XI-2 or by this Part of the

3.3 This Code does not apply to warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated
by a Contracting Government and used only on Government non-commercial service.

3.4 Sections 5 to 13 and 19 of this part apply to Companies and ships as specified in
regulation XI-2/4.

Page 7

3.5 Sections 5 and 14 to 18 of this part apply to port facilities as specified in

regulation XI-2/10.

3.6 Nothing in this Code shall prejudice the rights or obligations of States under international


4.1 Subject to the provisions of regulation XI-2/3 and XI-2/7, Contracting Governments shall
set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents. Higher security
levels indicate greater likelihood of occurrence of a security incident. Factors to be considered in
setting the appropriate security level include:

.1 the degree that the threat information is credible;

.2 the degree that the threat information is corroborated;

.3 the degree that the threat information is specific or imminent; and

.4 the potential consequences of such a security incident.

4.2 Contracting Governments, when they set security level 3, shall issue, as necessary,
appropriate instructions and shall provide security related information to the ships and port
facilities that may be affected.

4.3 Contracting Governments may delegate to a recognized security organization certain of

their security related duties under chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code with the exception of:

.1 setting of the applicable security level;

.2 approving a Port Facility Security Assessment and subsequent amendments to an

approved assessment;

.3 determining the port facilities which will be required to designate a Port Facility
Security Officer;

.4 approving a Port Facility Security Plan and subsequent amendments to an

approved plan;

.5 exercising control and compliance measures pursuant to regulation XI-2/9; and

.6 establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.

4.4 Contracting Governments shall, to the extent they consider appropriate, test the
effectiveness of the Ship or the Port Facility Security Plans, or of amendments to such plans, they
have approved, or, in the case of ships, of plans which have been approved on their behalf.

Page 8


5.1 Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by

assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, property or the

5.2 A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:

.1 the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship
it is interfacing with;

.2 there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security between Contracting

Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on those

.3 there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or
involving the port facility, as applicable;

.4 the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port
facility security plan; or

.5 the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have
and implement an approved ship security plan.

5.3 Requests for the completion of a Declaration of Security, under this section, shall be
acknowledged by the applicable port facility or ship.

5.4 The Declaration of Security shall be completed by:

.1 the master or the ship security officer on behalf of the ship(s); and, if appropriate,

.2 the port facility security officer or, if the Contracting Government determines
otherwise, by any other body responsible for shore-side security, on behalf of the
port facility.

5.5 The Declaration of Security shall address the security requirements that could be shared
between a port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall state the responsibility for each.

5.6 Contracting Governments shall specify, bearing in mind the provisions of

regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by
the port facilities located within their territory.

5.7 Administrations shall specify, bearing in mind the provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the
minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships entitled to fly their


6.1 The Company shall ensure that the ship security plan contains a clear statement
emphasizing the masters authority. The Company shall establish in the ship security plan that
the master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the
Page 9

safety and security of the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any Contracting
Government as may be necessary.

6.2 The Company shall ensure that the company security officer, the master and the ship
security officer are given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities in
accordance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.


7.1 A ship is required to act upon the security levels set by Contracting Governments as set
out below.

7.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be carried out, through appropriate
measures, on all ships, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code, in order to
identify and take preventive measures against security incidents:

.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security duties;

.2 controlling access to the ship;

.3 controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects;

.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

.5 monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that security communication is readily available.

7.3 At security level 2, the additional protective measures, specified in the ship security plan,
shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the guidance
given in part B of this Code.

7.4 At security level 3, further specific protective measures, specified in the ship security
plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

7.5 Whenever security level 2 or 3 is set by the Administration, the ship shall acknowledge
receipt of the instructions on change of the security level.

7.6 Prior to entering a port or whilst in a port within the territory of a Contracting
Government that has set security level 2 or 3, the ship shall acknowledge receipt of this
instruction and shall confirm to the port facility security officer the initiation of the
implementation of the appropriate measures and procedures as detailed in the ship security plan,
and in the case of security level 3, in instructions issued by the Contracting Government which
has set security level 3. The ship shall report any difficulties in implementation. In such cases,
the port facility security officer and ship security officer shall liase and co-ordinate the
appropriate actions.

Page 10

7.7 If a ship is required by the Administration to set, or is already at, a higher security level
than that set for the port it intends to enter or in which it is already located, then the ship shall
advise, without delay, the competent authority of the Contracting Government within whose
territory the port facility is located and the port facility security officer of the situation.

7.7.1 In such cases, the ship security officer shall liaise with the port facility security officer
and co-ordinate appropriate actions, if necessary.

7.8 An Administration requiring ships entitled to fly its flag to set security level 2 or 3 in a
port of another Contracting Government shall inform that Contracting Government without

7.9 When Contracting Governments set security levels and ensure the provision of security
level information to ships operating in their territorial sea, or having communicated an intention
to enter their territorial sea, such ships shall be advised to maintain vigilance and report
immediately to their Administration and any nearby coastal States any information that comes to
their attention that might affect maritime security in the area.

7.9.1 When advising such ships of the applicable security level, a Contracting Government
shall, taking into account the guidance given in the part B of this Code, also advise those ships of
any security measure that they should take and, if appropriate, of measures that have been taken
by the Contracting Government to provide protection against the threat.


8.1 The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing
and updating the ship security plan.

8.2 The company security officer shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out
by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship, in accordance with this
section, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

8.3 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a recognized security organization may carry
out the ship security assessment of a specific ship.

8.4 The ship security assessment shall include an on-scene security survey and, at least, the
following elements:

.1 identification of existing security measures, procedures and operations;

.2 identification and evaluation of key ship board operations that it is important to


.3 identification of possible threats to the key ship board operations and the
likelihood of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security
measures; and

.4 identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,

policies and procedures.

Page 11

8.5 The ship security assessment shall be documented, reviewed, accepted and retained by the


9.1 Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by the Administration. The
plan shall make provisions for the three security levels as defined in this Part of the Code.

9.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a recognized security organization may prepare
the ship security plan for a specific ship.

9.2 The Administration may entrust the review and approval of ship security plans, or of
amendments to a previously approved plan, to recognized security organizations.

9.2.1 In such cases the recognized security organization, undertaking the review and approval
of a ship security plan, or its amendments, for a specific ship shall not have been involved in
either the preparation of the ship security assessment or of the ship security plan, or of the
amendments, under review.

9.3 The submission of a ship security plan, or of amendments to a previously approved plan,
for approval shall be accompanied by the security assessment on the basis of which the plan, or
the amendments, have been developed.

9.4 Such a plan shall be developed, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this
Code and shall be written in the working language or languages of the ship. If the language or
languages used is not English, French or Spanish, a translation into one of these languages shall
be included. The plan shall address, at least, the following:

.1 measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices

intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which is not
authorized from being taken on board the ship;

.2 identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of

unauthorized access to them;

.3 measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship;

.4 procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including

provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port interface;

.5 procedures for responding to any security instructions Contracting Governments

may give at security level 3;

.6 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;

.7 duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other

shipboard personnel on security aspects;

.8 procedures for auditing the security activities;

.9 procedures for training, drills and exercises associated with the plan;
Page 12

.10 procedures for interfacing with port facility security activities;

.11 procedures for the periodic review of the plan and for updating;

.12 procedures for reporting security incidents;

.13 identification of the ship security officer;

.14 identification of the company security officer including 24-hour contact details;

.15 procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of any
security equipment provided on board;

.16 frequency for testing or calibration of any security equipment provided on board;

.17 identification of the locations where the ship security alert system activation
points are provided;1 and

.18 procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of the ship security alert system,
including the testing, activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit false

9.4.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the security activities specified in the plan or
evaluating its implementation shall be independent of the activities being audited unless this is
impracticable due to the size and the nature of the Company or of the ship.

9.5 The Administration shall determine which changes to an approved ship security plan or to
any security equipment specified in an approved plan shall not be implemented unless the
relevant amendments to the plan are approved by the Administration. Any such changes shall be
at least as effective as those measures prescribed in chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.

9.5.1 The nature of the changes to the ship security plan or the security equipment that have
been specifically approved by the Administration, pursuant to section 9.5, shall be documented in
a manner that clearly indicates such approval. This approval shall be available on board and shall
be presented together with the International Ship Security Certificate (or the Interim International
Ship Security Certificate). If these changes are temporary, once the original approved measures
or equipment are reinstated, this documentation no longer needs to be retained by the ship.

9.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, it shall be protected by
procedures aimed at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

9.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

9.8 Ship security plans are not subject to inspection by officers duly authorized by a
Contracting Government to carry out control and compliance measures in accordance with
regulation XI-2/9, save in circumstances specified in section 9.8.1.
Administrations may allow, in order to avoid compromising in any way the objective of providing on board the
ship security alert system, this information to be kept elsewhere on board in a document known to the master, the
ship security officer and other senior shipboard personnel as may be decided by the Company.

Page 13

9.8.1 If the officers duly authorized by a Contracting Government have clear grounds to believe
that the ship is not in compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code,
and the only means to verify or rectify the non-compliance is to review the relevant requirements
of the ship security plan, limited access to the specific sections of the plan relating to the non-
compliance is exceptionally allowed, but only with the consent of the Contracting Government
of, or the master of, the ship concerned. Nevertheless, the provisions in the plan relating to
section 9.4 subsections .2, .4, .5, .7, .15, .17 and .18 of this Part of the Code are considered as
confidential information, and cannot be subject to inspection unless otherwise agreed by the
Contracting Governments concerned.


10.1 Records of the following activities addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on
board for at least the minimum period specified by the Administration, bearing in mind the
provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3:

.1 training, drills and exercises;

.2 security threats and security incidents;

.3 breaches of security;

.4 changes in security level;

.5 communications relating to the direct security of the ship such as specific threats
to the ship or to port facilities the ship is, or has been;

.6 internal audits and reviews of security activities;

.7 periodic review of the ship security assessment;

.8 periodic review of the ship security plan;

.9 implementation of any amendments to the plan; and

.10 maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board
including testing of the ship security alert system.

10.2 The records shall be kept in the working language or languages of the ship. If the
language or languages used are not English, French or Spanish, a translation into one of these
languages shall be included.

10.3 The records may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, they shall be protected
by procedures aimed at preventing their unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

10.4 The records shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Page 14


11.1 The Company shall designate a company security officer. A person designated as the
company security officer may act as the company security officer for one or more ships,
depending on the number or types of ships the Company operates provided it is clearly identified
for which ships this person is responsible. A Company may, depending on the number or types
of ships they operate designate several persons as company security officers provided it is clearly
identified for which ships each person is responsible.

11.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the company security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using appropriate
security assessments and other relevant information;

.2 ensuring that ship security assessments are carried out;

.3 ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the
implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan;

.4 ensuring that the ship security plan is modified, as appropriate, to correct

deficiencies and satisfy the security requirements of the individual ship;

.5 arranging for internal audits and reviews of security activities;

.6 arranging for the initial and subsequent verifications of the ship by the
Administration or the recognized security organization;

.7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits,

periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are
promptly addressed and dealt with;

.8 enhancing security awareness and vigilance;

.9 ensuring adequate training for personnel responsible for the security of the ship;

.10 ensuring effective communication and co-operation between the ship security
officer and the relevant port facility security officers;

.11 ensuring consistency between security requirements and safety requirements;

.12 ensuring that, if sister-ship or fleet security plans are used, the plan for each ship
reflects the ship-specific information accurately; and

.13 ensuring that any alternative or equivalent arrangements approved for a particular
ship or group of ships are implemented and maintained.

Page 15


12.1 A ship security officer shall be designated on each ship.

12.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate

security measures are maintained;

.2 maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan,

including any amendments to the plan;

.3 co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ships stores with
other shipboard personnel and with the relevant port facility security officers;

.4 proposing modifications to the ship security plan;

.5 reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities

identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and
verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;

.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;

.7 ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as


.8 reporting all security incidents;

.9 co-ordinating implementation of the ship security plan with the company security
officer and the relevant port facility security officer; and

.10 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any.


13.1 The company security officer and appropriate shore-based personnel shall have
knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this

13.2 The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into
account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security duties and responsibilities shall understand
their responsibilities for ship security as described in the ship security plan and shall have
sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

Page 16

13.4 To ensure the effective implementation of the ship security plan, drills shall be carried out
at appropriate intervals taking into account the ship type, ship personnel changes, port facilities to
be visited and other relevant circumstances, taking into account the guidance given in part B of
this Code.

13.5 The company security officer shall ensure the effective coordination and implementation
of ship security plans by participating in exercises at appropriate intervals, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.


14.1 A port facility is required to act upon the security levels set by the Contracting
Government within whose territory it is located. Security measures and procedures shall be
applied at the port facility in such a manner as to cause a minimum of interference with, or delay
to, passengers, ship, ships personnel and visitors, goods and services.

14.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be carried out through appropriate
measures in all port facilities, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code, in
order to identify and take preventive measures against security incidents:

.1 ensuring the performance of all port facility security duties;

.2 controlling access to the port facility;

.3 monitoring of the port facility, including anchoring and berthing area(s);

.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

.5 supervising the handling of cargo;

.6 supervising the handling of ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that security communication is readily available.

14.3 At security level 2, the additional protective measures, specified in the port facility
security plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.

14.4 At security level 3, further specific protective measures, specified in the port facility
security plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.

14.4.1 In addition, at security level 3, port facilities are required to respond to and implement
any security instructions given by the Contracting Government within whose territory the port
facility is located.

14.5 When a port facility security officer is advised that a ship encounters difficulties in
complying with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or this part or in implementing the appropriate
measures and procedures as detailed in the ship security plan, and in the case of security level 3
following any security instructions given by the Contracting Government within whose territory
Page 17

the port facility is located, the port facility security officer and ship security officer shall liase and
co-ordinate appropriate actions.

14.6 When a port facility security officer is advised that a ship is at a security level, which is
higher than that of the port facility, the port facility security officer shall report the matter to the
competent authority and shall liase with the ship security officer and co-ordinate appropriate
actions, if necessary.


15.1 The port facility security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of
developing and updating the port facility security plan.

15.2 The port facility security assessment shall be carried out by the Contracting Government
within whose territory the port facility is located. A Contracting Government may authorise a
recognized security organization to carry out the port facility security assessment of a specific
port facility located within its territory.

15.2.1 When the port facility security assessment has been carried out by a recognized security
organization, the security assessment shall be reviewed and approved for compliance with this
section by the Contracting Government within whose territory the port facility is located.

15.3 The persons carrying out the assessment shall have appropriate skills to evaluate the
security of the port facility in accordance with this section, taking into account the guidance
given in part B of this Code.

15.4 The port facility security assessments shall periodically be reviewed and updated, taking
account of changing threats and/or minor changes in the port facility and shall always be
reviewed and updated when major changes to the port facility take place.

15.5 The port facility security assessment shall include, at least, the following elements:

.1 identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure it is important

to protect;

.2 identification of possible threats to the assets and infrastructure and the likelihood
of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritize security measures;

.3 identification, selection and prioritization of counter measures and procedural

changes and their level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability; and

.4 identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,

policies and procedures.

15.6 The Contracting Government may allow a port facility security assessment to cover more
than one port facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment, and design of these port
facilities are similar. Any Contracting Government, which allows such an arrangement shall
communicate to the Organization particulars thereof.

Page 18

15.7 Upon completion of the port facility security assessment, a report shall be prepared,
consisting of a summary of how the assessment was conducted, a description of each
vulnerability found during the assessment and a description of counter measures that could be
used to address each vulnerability. The report shall be protected from unauthorized access or


16.1 A port facility security plan shall be developed and maintained, on the basis of a port
facility security assessment, for each port facility, adequate for the ship/port interface. The plan
shall make provisions for the three security levels, as defined in this Part of the Code.

16.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 16.2, a recognized security organization may prepare
the port facility security plan of a specific port facility.

16.2 The port facility security plan shall be approved by the Contracting Government in whose
territory the port facility is located.

16.3 Such a plan shall be developed taking into account the guidance given in part B of this
Code and shall be in the working language of the port facility. The plan shall address, at least,
the following:

.1 measures designed to prevent weapons or any other dangerous substances and

devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which
is not authorized, from being introduced into the port facility or on board a ship;

.2 measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to the port facility, to ships

moored at the facility, and to restricted areas of the facility;

.3 procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including

provisions for maintaining critical operations of the port facility or ship/port

.4 procedures for responding to any security instructions the Contracting

Government, in whose territory the port facility is located, may give at security
level 3;

.5 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;

.6 duties of port facility personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other

facility personnel on security aspects;

.7 procedures for interfacing with ship security activities;

.8 procedures for the periodic review of the plan and updating;

.9 procedures for reporting security incidents;

.10 identification of the port facility security officer including 24-hour contact details;

.11 measures to ensure the security of the information contained in the plan;
Page 19

.12 measures designed to ensure effective security of cargo and the cargo handling
equipment at the port facility;

.13 procedures for auditing the port facility security plan;

.14 procedures for responding in case the ship security alert system of a ship at the
port facility has been activated; and

.15 procedures for facilitating shore leave for ships personnel or personnel changes,
as well as access of visitors to the ship including representatives of seafarers
welfare and labour organizations.

16.3.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the security activities specified in the plan or
evaluating its implementation shall be independent of the activities being audited unless this is
impracticable due to the size and the nature of the port facility.

16.4 The port facility security plan may be combined with, or be part of, the port security plan
or any other port emergency plan or plans.

16.5 The Contracting Government in whose territory the port facility is located shall determine
which changes to the port facility security plan shall not be implemented unless the relevant
amendments to the plan are approved by them.

16.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, it shall be protected by
procedures aimed at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

16.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

16.8 Contracting Governments may allow a port facility security plan to cover more than one
port facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment, and design of these port facilities are
similar. Any Contracting Government, which allows such an alternative arrangement, shall
communicate to the Organization particulars thereof.


17.1 A port facility security officer shall be designated for each port facility. A person may be
designated as the port facility security officer for one or more port facilities.

17.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the port facility security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of the port facility taking into
account the relevant port facility security assessment;

.2 ensuring the development and maintenance of the port facility security plan;

.3 implementing and exercising the port facility security plan;

.4 undertaking regular security inspections of the port facility to ensure the

continuation of appropriate security measures;
Page 20

.5 recommending and incorporating, as appropriate, modifications to the port facility

security plan in order to correct deficiencies and to update the plan to take into
account of relevant changes to the port facility;

.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance of the port facility personnel;

.7 ensuring adequate training has been provided to personnel responsible for the
security of the port facility;

.8 reporting to the relevant authorities and maintaining records of occurrences which

threaten the security of the port facility;

.9 co-ordinating implementation of the port facility security plan with the appropriate
Company and ship security officer(s);

.10 co-ordinating with security services, as appropriate;

.11 ensuring that standards for personnel responsible for security of the port facility
are met;

.12 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any; and

.13 assisting ship security officers in confirming the identity of those seeking to board
the ship when requested.

17.3 The port facility security officer shall be given the necessary support to fulfil the duties
and responsibilities imposed by chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.


18.1 The port facility security officer and appropriate port facility security personnel shall have
knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this

18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security duties shall understand their duties and
responsibilities for port facility security, as described in the port facility security plan and shall
have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

18.3 To ensure the effective implementation of the port facility security plan, drills shall be
carried out at appropriate intervals taking into account the types of operation of the port facility,
port facility personnel changes, the type of ship the port facility is serving and other relevant
circumstances, taking into account guidance given in part B of this Code.

18.4 The port facility security officer shall ensure the effective coordination and
implementation of the port facility security plan by participating in exercises at appropriate
intervals, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

Page 21


19.1 Verifications

19.1.1 Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies shall be subject to the verifications
specified below:

.1 an initial verification before the ship is put in service or before the certificate
required under section 19.2 is issued for the first time, which shall include a
complete verification of its security system and any associated security equipment
covered by the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2, this Part of the Code and the
approved ship security plan. This verification shall ensure that the security system
and any associated security equipment of the ship fully complies with the
applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code, is in
satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the ship is intended;

.2 a renewal verification at intervals specified by the Administration, but not

exceeding five years, except where section 19.3 is applicable. This verification
shall ensure that the security system and any associated security equipment of the
ship fully complies with the applicable requirements of chapter XI-2, this Part of
the Code and the approved ship security plan, is in satisfactory condition and fit
for the service for which the ship is intended;

.3 at least one intermediate verification. If only one intermediate verification is

carried out it shall take place between the second and third anniversary date of the
certificate as defined in regulation I/2(n). The intermediate verification shall
include inspection of the security system and any associated security equipment of
the ship to ensure that it remains satisfactory for the service for which the ship is
intended. Such intermediate verification shall be endorsed on the certificate;

.4 any additional verifications as determined by the Administration.

19.1.2 The verifications of ships shall be carried out by officers of the Administration. The
Administration may, however, entrust the verifications to a recognized security organization
referred to in regulation XI-2/1.

19.1.3 In every case, the Administration concerned shall fully guarantee the completeness and
efficiency of the verification and shall undertake to ensure the necessary arrangements to satisfy
this obligation.

19.1.4 The security system and any associated security equipment of the ship after verification
shall be maintained to conform with the provisions of regulations XI-2/4.2 and XI-2/6, this Part
of the Code and the approved ship security plan. After any verification under section 19.1.1 has
been completed, no changes shall be made in security system and in any associated security
equipment or the approved ship security plan without the sanction of the Administration.

19.2 Issue or endorsement of certificate

19.2.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued after the initial or renewal
verification in accordance with the provisions of section 19.1.
Page 22

19.2.2 Such certificate shall be issued or endorsed either by the Administration or by a

recognized security organization acting on behalf of the Administration.

19.2.3 Another Contracting Government may, at the request of the Administration, cause the
ship to be verified and, if satisfied that the provisions of section 19.1.1 are complied with, shall
issue or authorize the issue of an International Ship Security Certificate to the ship and, where
appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of that certificate on the ship, in accordance
with this Code. A copy of the certificate and a copy of the verification report shall be transmitted as
soon as possible to the requesting Administration. A certificate so issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been issued at
the request of the Administration and it shall have the same force and receive the same
recognition as the certificate issued under section 19.2.2.

19.2.4 The International Ship Security Certificate shall be drawn up in a form corresponding to
the model given in the appendix to this Code. If the language used is not English, French or
Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.

19.3 Duration and validity of certificate

19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the
Administration which shall not exceed five years.

19.3.2 When the renewal verification is completed within three months before the expiry date of
the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the
renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing
certificate. When the renewal verification is completed after the expiry date of the existing
certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal
verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate. When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry
date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of
the renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the
renewal verification.

19.3.3 If a certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the Administration may
extend the validity of the certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum period specified in
section 19.3.1, provided that the verifications referred to in section 19.1.1 applicable when a
certificate is issued for a period of five years are carried out as appropriate.

19.3.4 If a renewal verification has been completed and a new certificate cannot be issued or
placed on board the ship before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the Administration or
recognized security organization acting on behalf of the Administration may endorse the existing
certificate and such a certificate shall be accepted as valid for a further period which shall not
exceed five months from the expiry date.

Page 23

19.3.5 If a ship at the time when a certificate expires is not in a port in which it is to be verified,
the Administration may extend the period of validity of the certificate but this extension shall be
granted only for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage to the port in which it is
to be verified, and then only in cases where it appears proper and reasonable to do so. No
certificate shall be extended for a period longer than three months, and the ship to which an
extension is granted shall not, on its arrival in the port in which it is to be verified, be entitled by
virtue of such extension to leave that port without having a new certificate. When the renewal
verification is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years
from the expiry date of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.

19.3.6 A certificate issued to a ship engaged on short voyages which has not been extended
under the foregoing provisions of this section may be extended by the Administration for a
period of grace of up to one month from the date of expiry stated on it. When the renewal
verification is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years
from the date of expiry of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.

19.3.7 If an intermediate verification is completed before the period specified in section 19.1.1,

.1 the expiry date shown on the certificate shall be amended by endorsement to a

date which shall not be more than three years later than the date on which the
intermediate verification was completed;

.2 the expiry date may remain unchanged provided one or more additional
verifications are carried out so that the maximum intervals between the
verifications prescribed by section 19.1.1 are not exceeded.

19.3.8 A certificate issued under section 19.2 shall cease to be valid in any of the following

.1 if the relevant verifications are not completed within the periods specified under
section 19.1.1;

.2 if the certificate is not endorsed in accordance with section and,
if applicable;

.3 when a Company assumes the responsibility for the operation of a ship not
previously operated by that Company; and

.4 upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State.

19.3.9 In the case of:

.1 a transfer of a ship to the flag of another Contracting Government, the Contracting

Government whose flag the ship was formerly entitled to fly shall, as soon as
possible, transmit to the receiving Administration copies of, or all information
relating to, the International Ship Security Certificate carried by the ship before
the transfer and copies of available verification reports, or

.2 a Company that assumes responsibility for the operation of a ship not previously
operated by that Company, the previous Company shall as soon as possible,
Page 24

transmit to the receiving Company copies of any information related to the

International Ship Security Certificate or to facilitate the verifications described in
section 19.4.2.

19.4 Interim certification

19.4.1 The certificates specified in section 19.2 shall be issued only when the Administration
issuing the certificate is fully satisfied that the ship complies with the requirements of section
19.1. However, after 1 July 2004, for the purposes of:

.1 a ship without a certificate, on delivery or prior to its entry or re-entry into service;

.2 transfer of a ship from the flag of a Contracting Government to the flag of another
Contracting Government;

.3 transfer of a ship to the flag of a Contracting Government from a State which is

not a Contracting Government; or

.4 when a Company assumes the responsibility for the operation of a ship not
previously operated by that Company;

until the certificate referred to in section 19.2 is issued, the Administration may cause an Interim
International Ship Security Certificate to be issued, in a form corresponding to the model given in
the Appendix to this Part of the Code.

19.4.2 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate shall only be issued when the
Administration or recognized security organization, on behalf of the Administration, has verified

.1 the ship security assessment required by this Part of the Code has been completed,

.2 a copy of the ship security plan meeting the requirements of chapter XI-2 and
part A of this Code is provided on board, has been submitted for review and
approval, and is being implemented on the ship;

.3 the ship is provided with a ship security alert system meeting the requirements of
regulation XI-2/6, if required,

.4 the company security officer:

.1 has ensured:

.1 the review of the ship security plan for compliance with this Part of
the Code,

.2 that the plan has been submitted for approval, and

.3 that the plan is being implemented on the ship, and

Page 25

.2 has established the necessary arrangements, including arrangements for

drills, exercises and internal audits, through which the company security
officer is satisfied that the ship will successfully complete the required
verification in accordance with section, within 6 months;

.5 arrangements have been made for carrying out the required verifications under

.6 the master, the ships security officer and other ships personnel with specific
security duties are familiar with their duties and responsibilities as specified in this
Part of the Code; and with the relevant provisions of the ship security plan placed
on board; and have been provided such information in the working language of
the ships personnel or languages understood by them; and

.7 the ship security officer meets the requirements of this Part of the Code.

19.4.3 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate may be issued by the Administration or
by a recognized security organization authorized to act on its behalf.

19.4.4 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate shall be valid for 6 months, or until the
certificate required by section 19.2 is issued, whichever comes first, and may not be extended.

19.4.5 No Contracting Government shall cause a subsequent, consecutive Interim International

Ship Security Certificate to be issued to a ship if, in the judgment of the Administration or the
recognized security organization, one of the purposes of the ship or a Company in requesting
such certificate is to avoid full compliance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code beyond
the period of the initial interim certificate as specified in section 19.4.4.

19.4.6 For the purposes of regulation XI-2/9, Contracting Governments may, prior to accepting
an Interim International Ship Security Certificate as a valid certificate, ensure that the
requirements of sections to have been met.

Page 26


Form of the International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate Number
Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of ___________________________________________

(name of State)
by __________________________________________________________________________
(persons or organization authorized)
Name of ship :.
Distinctive number or letters :.....
Port of registry :.
Type of ship :.
Gross tonnage :.
IMO Number :....
Name and address of the Company :....


1 that the security system and any associated security equipment of the ship has been
verified in accordance with section 19.1 of part A of the ISPS Code;

2 that the verification showed that the security system and any associated security
equipment of the ship is in all respects satisfactory and that the ship complies with the
applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part A of the ISPS Code;

3 that the ship is provided with an approved Ship Security Plan.

Date of initial / renewal verification on which this certificate is based ....

This Certificate is valid until .

subject to verifications in accordance with section 19.1.1 of part A of the ISPS Code.

Issued at ..
(place of issue of the Certificate)

Date of issue .. ..
(signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Page 27


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an intermediate verification required by section 19.1.1 of part A of

the ISPS Code the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the
Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

Intermediate verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


Additional verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Additional verification Signed .

(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Additional verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

* This part of the certificate shall be adapted by the Administration to indicate whether it has established additional
verifications as provided for in section

Page 28



THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an additional verification required by section of part A of

the ISPS Code the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the
Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate
shall, in accordance with section 19.3.3 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until

(Signature of authorized official)


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate
shall, in accordance with section 19.3.4 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until

(Signature of authorized official)


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Page 29



This Certificate shall, in accordance with section 19.3.5 / 19.3.6* of part A of the ISPS Code, be
accepted as valid until .

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



In accordance with section of part A of the ISPS Code, the new expiry date** is

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Delete as appropriate.
In case of completion of this part of the certificate the expiry date shown on the front of the certificate shall also
be amended accordingly.

Page 30


Form of the Interim International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate No.
Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of _________________________________________

(name of State)
by _________________________________________________________________________
(persons or organization authorized)

Name of ship : .........................................................................

Distinctive number or letters : ................................................................................
Port of registry : .............................................................................
Type of ship : .................................................................
Gross tonnage : .................................................................................
IMO Number : .............................................................................
Name and address of company : .............................................................................
Is this a subsequent, consecutive interim certificate? Yes/ No*
If Yes, date of issue of initial interim certificate.....................................................

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the requirements of section A/19.4.2 of the ISPS Code have been
complied with.

This Certificate is issued pursuant to section A/19.4 of the ISPS Code.

This Certificate is valid until .....................................................

Issued at .......................................................................
(place of issue of the certificate)

Date of issue ................................... ................................... .........................

(signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Delete as appropriate

Page 31






1.1 The preamble of this Code indicates that chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code establish
the new international framework of measures to enhance maritime security and through which
ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which threaten security in the
maritime transport sector.

1.2 This introduction outlines, in a concise manner, the processes envisaged in establishing
and implementing the measures and arrangements needed to achieve and maintain compliance
with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and of part A of this Code and identifies the main elements
on which guidance is offered. The guidance is provided in paragraphs 2 through to 19. It also sets
down essential considerations, which should be taken into account when considering the
application of the guidance relating to ships and port facilities.

1.3 If the readers interest relates to ships alone, it is strongly recommended that this Part of
the Code is still read as a whole, particularly the sections relating to port facilities. The same
applies to those whose primary interest are port facilities; they should also read the sections
relating to ships.

1.4 The guidance provided in the following sections relates primarily to protection of the ship
when it is at a port facility. There could, however, be situations when a ship may pose a threat to
the port facility, e.g. because, once within the port facility, it could be used as a base from which
to launch an attack. When considering the appropriate security measures to respond to
ship-based security threats, those completing the Port Facility Security Assessment or preparing
the Port Facility Security Plan should consider making appropriate adaptations to the guidance
offered in the following sections.

1.5 The reader is advised that nothing in this Part of the Code should be read or interpreted in
conflict with any of the provisions of either chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code and that the
aforesaid provisions always prevail and override any unintended inconsistency which may have
been inadvertently expressed in this Part of the Code. The guidance provided in this Part of the
Code should always be read, interpreted and applied in a manner which is consistent with the
aims, objectives and principles established in chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Responsibilities of Contracting Governments

1.6 Contracting Governments have, under the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this
Code, various responsibilities, which, amongst others, include:

- setting the applicable security level;

Page 32

- approving the Ship Security Plan and relevant amendments to a previously

approved plan;

- verifying the compliance of ships with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code and issuing to ships the International Ship Security Certificate;

- determining which of the port facilities located within their territory are required
to designate a Port Facility Security Officer who will be responsible for the
preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan;

- ensuring completion and approval of the Port Facility Security Assessment and of
any subsequent amendments to a previously approved assessment;

- approving the Port Facility Security Plan and any subsequent amendments to a
previously approved plan; and

- exercising control and compliance measures;

- testing approved plans; and

- communicating information to the International Maritime Organization and to the

shipping and port industries.

1.7 Contracting Governments can designate, or establish, Designated Authorities within

Government to undertake, with respect to port facilities, their security duties under chapter XI-2
and part A of this Code and allow Recognized Security Organizations to carry out certain work
with respect to port facilities but the final decision on the acceptance and approval of this work
should be given by the Contracting Government or the Designated Authority. Administrations
may also delegate the undertaking of certain security duties, relating to ships, to Recognized
Security Organizations. The following duties or activities cannot be delegated to a Recognized
Security Organization:

- setting of the applicable security level;

- determining which of the port facilities located within the territory of a

Contracting Government are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer
and to prepare a Port Facility Security Plan;

- approving a Port Facility Security Assessment or any subsequent amendments to a

previously approved assessment;

- approving a Port Facility Security Plan or any subsequent amendments to a

previously approved plan;

- exercising control and compliance measures; and

- establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.

Setting the security level

1.8 The setting of the security level applying at any particular time is the responsibility of
Contracting Governments and can apply to ships and port facilities. Part A of this Code defines
three security levels for international use. These are:
Page 33

- Security Level 1, normal; the level at which ships and port facilities normally

- Security Level 2, heightened; the level applying for as long as there is a

heightened risk of a security incident; and

- Security Level 3, exceptional, the level applying for the period of time when there
is the probable or imminent risk of a security incident.

The Company and the Ship

1.9 Any Company operating ships to which chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code apply has to
designate a Company Security Officer for the Company and a Ship Security Officer for each of
its ships. The duties, responsibilities and training requirements of these officers and requirements
for drills and exercises are defined in part A of this Code.

1.10 The Company Security Officers responsibilities include, in brief amongst others,
ensuring that a Ship Security Assessment is properly carried out, that a Ship Security Plan is
prepared and submitted for approval by, or on behalf of, the Administration and thereafter is
placed on board each ship to which part A of this Code applies and in respect of which that
person has been appointed as the Company Security Officer.

1.11 The Ship Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical security measures the
ship itself should take to ensure it always operates at security level 1. The plan should also
indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the ship itself can take to move to and
operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should indicate the
possible preparatory actions the ship could take to allow prompt response to the instructions that
may be issued to the ship by those responding at security level 3 to a security incident or threat

1.12 The ships to which the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code apply are
required to have, and operated in accordance with, a Ship Security Plan approved by, or on
behalf of, the Administration. The Company and Ship Security Officer should monitor the
continuing relevance and effectiveness of the plan, including the undertaking of internal audits.
Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, for which the Administration has
determined that approval is required, have to be submitted for review and approval before their
incorporation in the approved plan and their implementation by the ship.

1.13 The ship has to carry an International Ship Security Certificate indicating that it complies
with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. Part A of this Code includes
provisions relating to the verification and certification of the ships compliance with the
requirements on an initial, renewal and intermediate verification basis.

1.14 When a ship is at a port or is proceeding to a port of a Contracting Government, the

Contracting Government has the right, under the provisions of regulation XI-2/9, to exercise
various control and compliance measures with respect to that ship. The ship is subject to port
State control inspections but such inspections will not normally extend to examination of the
Ship Security Plan itself except in specific circumstances. The ship may, also, be subject to
additional control measures if the Contracting Government exercising the control and compliance

Page 34

measures has reason to believe that the security of the ship has, or the port facilities it has served
have, been compromised.

1.15 The ship is also required to have onboard information, to be made available to
Contracting Governments upon request, indicating who is responsible for deciding the
employment of the ships personnel and for deciding various aspects relating to the employment
of the ship.

The port facility

1.16 Each Contracting Government has to ensure completion of a Port Facility Security
Assessment for each of the port facilities, located within its territory, serving ships engaged on
international voyages. The Contracting Government, a Designated Authority or a Recognized
Security Organization may carry out this assessment. The completed Port Facility Security
Assessment has to be approved by the Contracting Government or the Designated Authority
concerned. This approval cannot be delegated. Port Facility Security Assessments should be
periodically reviewed.

1.17 The Port Facility Security Assessment is fundamentally a risk analysis of all aspects of a
port facilitys operation in order to determine which part(s) of it are more susceptible, and/or
more likely, to be the subject of attack. Security risk is a function of the threat of an attack
coupled with the vulnerability of the target and the consequences of an attack.

The assessment must include the following components:

- the perceived threat to port installations and infrastructure must be determined;

- the potential vulnerabilities identified; and

- the consequences of incidents calculated.

On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to produce an overall assessment of the level of
risk. The Port Facility Security Assessment will help determine which port facilities are required
to appoint a Port Facility Security Officer and prepare a Port Facility Security Plan.

1.18 The port facilities which have to comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer. The duties, responsibilities
and training requirements of these officers and requirements for drills and exercises are defined
in part A of this Code.

1.19 The Port Facility Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical security
measures the port facility should take to ensure that it always operates at security level 1. The
plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the port facility can take
to move to and operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should
indicate the possible preparatory actions the port facility could take to allow prompt response to
the instructions that may be issued by those responding at security level 3 to a security incident
or threat thereof.

1.20 The port facilities which have to comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code are required to have, and operate in accordance with, a Port Facility Security Plan
approved by the Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority concerned. The Port
Page 35

Facility Security Officer should implement its provisions and monitor the continuing
effectiveness and relevance of the plan, including commissioning internal audits of the
application of the plan. Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, for which the
Contracting Government or the Designated Authority concerned has determined that approval is
required, have to be submitted for review and approval before their incorporation in the approved
plan and their implementation at the port facility. The Contracting Government or the
Designated Authority concerned may test the effectiveness of the plan. The Port Facility
Security Assessment covering the port facility or on which the development of the plan has been
based should be regularly reviewed. All these activities may lead to amendment of the approved
plan. Any amendments to specified elements of an approved plan will have to be submitted for
approval by the Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority concerned.

1.21 Ships using port facilities may be subject to the port State control inspections and
additional control measures outlined in regulation XI-2/9. The relevant authorities may request
the provision of information regarding the ship, its cargo, passengers and ships personnel prior
to the ships entry into port. There may be circumstances in which entry into port could be

Information and communication

1.22 Chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code require Contracting Governments to provide certain
information to the International Maritime Organization and for information to be made available
to allow effective communication between Contracting Governments and between
Company/Ship Security Officers and the Port Facility Security Officers.


2.1 No guidance is provided with respect to the definitions set out in chapter XI-2 or part A
of this Code.

2.2 For the purpose of this Part of the Code:

.1 section means a section of part A of the Code and is indicated as section

A/<followed by the number of the section>;

.2 paragraph means a paragraph of this Part of the Code and is indicated as

paragraph <followed by the number of the paragraph>; and

.3 Contracting Government, when used in paragraphs 14 to 18, means the

Contracting Government within whose territory the port facility is located and
includes a reference to the Designated Authority.



3.1 The guidance given in this Part of the Code should be taken into account when
implementing the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Page 36

3.2 However, it should be recognized that the extent to which the guidance on ships applies
will depend on the type of ship, its cargoes and/or passengers, its trading pattern and the
characteristics of the port facilities visited by the ship.

3.3 Similarly, in relation to the guidance on port facilities, the extent to which this guidance
applies will depend on the port facilities, the types of ships using the port facility, the types of
cargo and/or passengers and the trading patterns of visiting ships.

3.4 The provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code are not intended to apply to port
facilities designed and used primarily for military purposes.


Security of assessments and plans

4.1 Contracting Governments should ensure that appropriate measures are in place to avoid
unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, security sensitive material relating to Ship Security
Assessments, Ship Security Plans, Port Facility Security Assessments and Port Facility Security
Plans, and to individual assessments or plans.

Designated authorities

4.2 Contracting Governments may identify a Designated Authority within Government to

undertake their security duties relating to port facilities as set out in chapter XI-2 or part A of
this Code.

Recognized Security Organizations

4.3 Contracting Governments may authorize a Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to

undertake certain security related activities, including:

.1 approval of Ship Security Plans, or amendments thereto, on behalf of the


.2 verification and certification of compliance of ships with the requirements of

chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code on behalf of the Administration; and

.3 conducting Port Facility Security Assessments required by the Contracting


4.4 An RSO may also advise or provide assistance to Companies or port facilities on security
matters, including Ship Security Assessments, Ship Security Plans, Port Facility Security
Assessments and Port Facility Security Plans. This can include completion of a Ship Security
Assessment or Plan or Port Facility Security Assessment or Plan. If an RSO has done so in
respect of a ship security assessment or plan that RSO should not be authorized to approve that
ship security plan.

4.5 When authorizing an RSO, Contracting Governments should give consideration to the
competency of such an organization. An RSO should be able to demonstrate:

.1 expertise in relevant aspects of security;

Page 37

.2 appropriate knowledge of ship and port operations, including knowledge of ship

design and construction if providing services in respect of ships and port design
and construction if providing services in respect of port facilities;

.3 their capability to assess the likely security risks that could occur during ship and
port facility operations including the ship/port interface and how to minimise such

.4 their ability to maintain and improve the expertise of their personnel;

.5 their ability to monitor the continuing trustworthiness of their personnel;

.6 their ability to maintain appropriate measures to avoid unauthorized disclosure of,

or access to, security sensitive material;

.7 their knowledge of the requirements chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and
relevant national and international legislation and security requirements;

.8 their knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.9 their knowledge on recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances

and devices;

.10 their knowledge on recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics

and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.11 their knowledge on techniques used to circumvent security measures; and

.12 their knowledge of security and surveillance equipment and systems and their
operational limitations.

When delegating specific duties to a RSO, Contracting Governments, including Administrations,

should ensure that the RSO has the competencies needed to undertake the task.

4.6 A Recognized Organization, as defined in regulation I/6 and fulfilling the requirements of
regulation XI-1/1, may be appointed as a RSO provided it has the appropriate security related
expertise listed in paragraph 4.5.

4.7 A Port or Harbour Authority or Port Facility operator may be appointed as a RSO
provided it has the appropriate security related expertise listed in paragraph 4.5.

Setting the security level

4.8 In setting the security level Contracting Governments should take account of general and
specific threat information. Contracting Governments should set the security level applying to
ships or port facilities at one of three levels:

- Security level 1: normal, the level at which the ship or port facility normally

- Security level 2: heightened, the level applying for as long as there is a heightened
risk of a security incident; and
Page 38

- Security level 3: exceptional, the level applying for the period of time when there
is the probable or imminent risk of a security incident.

4.9 Setting security level 3 should be an exceptional measure applying only when there is
credible information that a security incident is probable or imminent. Security level 3 should
only be set for the duration of the identified security threat or actual security incident. While the
security levels may change from security level 1, through security level 2 to security level 3, it is
also possible that the security levels will change directly from security level 1 to security level 3.

4.10 At all times the Master of a ship has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and security
of the ship. Even at security level 3 a Master may seek clarification or amendment of instructions
issued by those responding to a security incident, or threat thereof, if there are reasons to believe
that compliance with any instruction may imperil the safety of the ship.

4.11 The Company Security Officer (CSO) or the Ship Security Officer (SSO) should liase at
the earliest opportunity with the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) of the port facility the ship
is intended to visit to establish the security level applying for that ship at the port facility.
Having established contact with a ship, the PFSO should advise the ship of any subsequent
change in the port facilitys security level and should provide the ship with any relevant security

4.12 While there may be circumstances when an individual ship may be operating at a higher
security level than the port facility it is visiting, there will be no circumstances when a ship can
have a lower security level than the port facility it is visiting. If a ship has a higher security level
than the port facility it intends to use, the CSO or SSO should advise the PFSO without delay.
The PFSO should undertake an assessment of the particular situation in consultation with the
CSO or SSO and agree on appropriate security measures with the ship, which may include
completion and signing of a Declaration of Security.

4.13 Contracting Governments should consider how information on changes in security levels
should be promulgated rapidly. Administrations may wish to use NAVTEX messages or Notices
to Mariners as the method for notifying such changes in security levels to ship and CSO and
SSO. Or, they may wish to consider other methods of communication that provide equivalent or
better speed and coverage. Contracting Governments should establish means of notifying PFSOs
of changes in security levels. Contracting Governments should compile and maintain the contact
details for a list of those who need to be informed of changes in security levels. Whereas the
security level need not be regarded as being particularly sensitive, the underlying threat
information may be highly sensitive. Contracting Governments should give careful consideration
to the type and detail of the information conveyed and the method by which it is conveyed, to
SSOs, CSOs and PFSOs.

Contact points and information on Port Facility Security Plans

4.14 Where a port facility has a PFSP, that fact has to be communicated to the Organization
and that information must also be made available to Company and Ship Security Officers. No
further details of the PFSP have to be published other than that it is in place. Contracting
Governments should consider establishing either central or regional points of contact, or other
means of providing up to date information on the locations where PFSPs are in place, together
with contact details for the relevant PFSO. The existence of such contact points should be
publicised. They could also provide information on the recognized security organizations
Page 39

appointed to act on behalf of the Contracting Government, together with details of the specific
responsibility and conditions of authority delegated to such recognized security organizations.

4.15 In the case of a port that does not have a PFSP (and therefore does not have a PFSO) the
central or regional point of contact should be able to identify a suitably qualified person ashore
who can arrange for appropriate security measures to be in place, if needed, for the duration of
the ships visit.

4.16 Contracting Governments should also provide the contact details of Government officers
to whom an SSO, a CSO and a PFSO can report security concerns. These Government officers
should assess such reports before taking appropriate action. Such reported concerns may have a
bearing on the security measures falling under the jurisdiction of another Contracting
Government. In that case, the Contracting Governments should consider contacting their
counterpart in the other Contracting Government to discuss whether remedial action is
appropriate. For this purpose, the contact details of the Government officers should be
communicated to the International Maritime Organization.

4.17 Contracting Governments should also make the information indicated in paragraphs 4.14
to 4.16, available to other Contracting Governments on request.

Identification documents

4.18 Contracting Governments are encouraged to issue appropriate identification documents to

Government officials entitled to board ships or enter port facilities when performing their official
duties and to establish procedures whereby the authenticity of such documents might be verified.

Fixed and floating platforms and mobile offshore drilling units on location

4.19 Contracting Governments should consider establishing appropriate security measures for
fixed and floating platforms and mobile offshore drilling units on location to allow interaction
with ships which are required to comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this

Ships which are not required to comply with part A of this Code

4.20 Contracting Governments should consider establishing appropriate security measures to

enhance the security of ships to which this chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code does not apply
and to ensure that any security provisions applying to such ships allow interaction with ships to
which part A of this Code applies.

Threats to ships and other incidents at sea

4.21 Contracting Governments should provide general guidance on the measures considered
appropriate to reduce the security risk to ships flying their flag when at sea. They should provide
specific advice on the action to be taken in accordance with security levels 1 to 3, if:

Refer to Establishment of appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships, port facilities, mobile offshore
drilling units on location and fixed and floating platforms not covered by chapter XI-2 of 1974 SOLAS Convention,
adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 7.

Page 40

.1 there is a change in the security level applying to the ship while it is at sea, e.g.
because of the geographical area in which it is operating or relating to the ship
itself; and

.2 there is a security incident or threat thereof involving the ship while at sea.

Contracting Governments should establish the best methods and procedures for these purposes.
In the case of an imminent attack the ship should seek to establish direct communication with
those responsible in the flag State for responding to security incidents.

4.22 Contracting Governments should also establish a point of contact for advice on security
for any ship:

.1 entitled to fly their flag; or

.2 operating in their territorial sea or having communicated an intention to enter their

territorial sea.

4.23 Contracting Governments should offer advice to ships operating in their territorial sea or
having communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, which could include advice:

.1 to alter or delay their intended passage;

.2 to navigate on a particular course or proceed to a specific location;

.3 on the availability of any personnel or equipment that could be placed on the ship;

.4 to co-ordinate the passage, arrival into port or departure from port, to allow escort
by patrol craft or aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter).

Contracting Governments should remind ships operating in their territorial sea, or having
communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, of any temporary restricted areas that
they have published.

4.24 Contracting Governments should recommend that ships operating in their territorial sea,
or having communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, implement expeditiously, for
the ships protection and for the protection of other ships in the vicinity, any security measure the
Contracting Government may have advised.

4.25 The plans prepared by the Contracting Governments for the purposes given in
paragraph 4.22 should include information on an appropriate point of contact, available on a 24-
hour basis, within the Contracting Government including the Administration. These plans should
also include information on the circumstances in which the Administration considers assistance
should be sought from nearby coastal States, and a procedure for liaison between port facility
security officers and ship security officers.

Alternative security agreements

4.26 Contracting Governments, in considering how to implement chapter XI-2 and part A of
this Code, may conclude one or more agreements with one or more Contracting Governments.
The scope of an agreement is limited to short international voyages on fixed routes between port

Page 41

facilities in the territory of the parties to the agreement. When concluding an agreement, and
thereafter, the Contracting Governments should consult other Contracting Governments and
Administrations with an interest in the effects of the agreement. Ships flying the flag of a State
that is not party to the agreement should only be allowed to operate on the fixed routes covered
by the agreement if their Administration agrees that the ship should comply with the provisions
of the agreement and requires the ship to do so. In no case can such an agreement compromise
the level of security of other ships and port facilities not covered by it, and specifically, all ships
covered by such an agreement may not conduct ship-to-ship activities with ships not so covered.
Any operational interface undertaken by ships covered by the agreement should be covered by it.
The operation of each agreement must be continually monitored and amended when the need
arises and in any event should be reviewed every 5 years.

Equivalent arrangements for port facilities

4.27 For certain specific port facilities with limited or special operations but with more than
occasional traffic, it may be appropriate to ensure compliance by security measures equivalent to
those prescribed in chapter XI-2 and in part A of this Code. This can, in particular, be the case
for terminals such as those attached to factories, or quaysides with no frequent operations.

Manning level

4.28 In establishing the minimum safe manning of a ship the Administration should take into
account2 that the minimum safe manning provisions established by regulation V/143 only address
the safe navigation of the ship. The Administration should also take into account any additional
workload which may result from the implementation of the ships security plan and ensure that
the ship is sufficiently and effectively manned. In doing so the Administration should verify that
ships are able to implement the hours of rest and other measures to address fatigue which have
been promulgated by national law, in the context of all shipboard duties assigned to the various
shipboard personnel.

Control and compliance measures4


4.29 Regulation XI-2/9 describes the control and compliance measures applicable to ships
under chapter XI-2. It is divided into three distinct sections; control of ships already in a port,
control of ships intending to enter a port of another Contracting Government, and additional
provisions applicable to both situations.

4.30 Regulation XI-2/9.1, control of ships in port, implements a system for the control of ships
while in the port of a foreign country where duly authorized officers of the Contracting
Government (duly authorized officers) have the right to go on board the ship to verify that the
required certificates are in proper order. Then if there are clear grounds to believe the ship does

Refer to Further Work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of Maritime
Security, adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
Organization to review Assembly Resolution A.890(21) on Principles of Safe Manning. This review may also lead to
amendments of regulation V/14.
As was in force on the date of adoption of this Code.
Refer to Further Work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of Maritime
Security, adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
Organization to review Assembly Resolutions A.787(19) and A.882(21) on Procedures for Port State Control.
Page 42

not comply, control measures such as additional inspections or detention may be taken. This
reflects current control systems5. Regulation XI-2/9.1 builds on such systems and allows for
additional measures (including expulsion of a ship from a port to be taken as a control measure)
when duly authorized officers have clear grounds for believing that a ship is in non-compliance
with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code. Regulation XI-2/9.3 describes the
safeguards that promote fair and proportionate implementation of these additional measures.

4.31 Regulation XI-2/9.2 applies control measures to ensure compliance to ships intending to
enter a port of another Contracting Government and introduces an entirely different concept of
control within chapter XI-2, applying to security only. Under this regulation measures may be
implemented prior to the ship entering port, to better ensure security. Just as in regulation
XI-2/9.1, this additional control system is based on the concept of clear grounds for believing the
ship does not comply with chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and includes significant
safeguards in regulations XI-2/9.2.2 and XI-2/9.2.5 as well as in regulation XI-2/9.3.

4.32 Clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance means evidence or reliable information
that the ship does not correspond with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code,
taking into account the guidance given in this Part of the Code. Such evidence or reliable
information may arise from the duly authorized officers professional judgement or observations
gained while verifying the ships International Ship Security Certificate or Interim International
Ship Security Certificate issued in accordance with part A of this Code (certificate) or from other
sources. Even if a valid certificate is on board the ship, the duly authorized officers may still have
clear grounds for believing that the ship is not in compliance based on their professional

4.33 Examples of possible clear grounds under regulations XI-2/9.1 and XI-2/9.2 may include,
when relevant:

.1 evidence from a review of the certificate that it is not valid or it has expired;

.2 evidence or reliable information that serious deficiencies exist in the security

equipment, documentation or arrangements required by chapter XI-2 and part A of
this Code;

.3 receipt of a report or complaint which, in the professional judgment of the duly

authorized officer, contains reliable information clearly indicating that the ship
does not comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code;

.4 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized officer using professional

judgment that the master or ships personnel is not familiar with essential
shipboard security procedures or cannot carry out drills related to the security of
the ship or that such procedures or drills have not been carried out;

.5 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized officer using professional

judgment that key members ships personnel are not able to establish proper
communication with any other key members of ships personnel with security
responsibilities on board the ship;
See regulation I/19 and regulation IX/6.2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, article 21 of LOADLINE 66 as modified by
the 1988 LOADLINE Protocol, articles 5 and 6, regulation 8A of Annex I, regulation 15 of Annex II of
MARPOL 73/78 as amended, article X of STCW 78 as amended and IMO Assembly Resolutions A.787(19) and
Page 43

.6 evidence or reliable information that the ship has embarked persons, or loaded
stores or goods at a port facility or from another ship where either the port facility
or the other ship is in violation of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship
in question has not completed a Declaration of Security, nor taken appropriate,
special or additional security measures or has not maintained appropriate ship
security procedures;

.7 evidence or reliable information that the ship has embarked persons, or loaded
stores or goods at a port facility or from another source (e.g., another ship or
helicopter transfer) where either the port facility or the other source is not required
to comply with chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship has not taken
appropriate, special or additional security measures or has not maintained
appropriate security procedures; and

.8 if the ship holds a subsequent, consecutively issued Interim International Ship

Security Certificate as described in section A/19.4, and if, in the professional
judgment of an officer duly authorized, one of the purposes of the ship or a
Company in requesting such a certificate is to avoid full compliance with
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code beyond the period of the initial interim
certificate as described in section A/19.4.4.

4.34 The international law implications of regulation XI-2/9 are particularly relevant, and the
regulation should be implemented with regulation XI-2/2.4 in mind, as the potential exists for
situations where either measures will be taken which fall outside the scope of chapter XI-2, or
where rights of affected ships, outside chapter XI-2, should be considered. Thus, regulation
XI-2/9 does not prejudice the Contracting Government from taking measures having a basis in,
and consistent with, international law, to ensure the safety or security of persons, ships, port
facilities and other property in cases where the ship, although in compliance with chapter XI-2
and part A of this Code, is still considered to present a security risk.

4.35 When a Contracting Government imposes control measures on a ship, the

Administration should, without delay, be contacted with sufficient information to enable the
Administration to fully liaise with the Contracting Government.

Control of ships in port

4.36 Where the non-compliance is either a defective item of equipment or faulty

documentation leading to the ships detention and the non-compliance cannot be remedied in the
port of inspection, the Contracting Government may allow the ship to sail to another port
provided that any conditions agreed between the port States and the Administration or master are

Ships intending to enter the port of another Contracting Government

4.37 Regulation XI-2/9.2.1 lists the information Contracting Governments may require from a
ship as a condition of entry into port. One item of information listed is confirmation of any
special or additional measures taken by the ship during its last ten calls at a port facility.
Examples could include:

Page 44

.1 records of the measures taken while visiting a port facility located in the territory
of a State which is not a Contracting Government especially those measures that
would normally have been provided by port facilities located in the territories of
Contracting Governments; and

.2 any Declarations of Security that were entered into with port facilities or other

4.38 Another item of information listed, that may be required as a condition of entry into port,
is confirmation that appropriate ship security procedures were maintained during ship-to-ship
activity conducted within the period of the last 10 calls at a port facility. It would not normally
be required to include records of transfers of pilots, customs, immigration, security officials nor
bunkering, lightering, loading of supplies and unloading of waste by ship within port facilities as
these would normally fall within the auspices of the Port Facility Security Plan. Examples of
information that might be given include:

.1 records of the measures taken while engaged in a ship to ship activity with a ship
flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government especially those
measures that would normally have been provided by ships flying the flag of
Contracting Governments;

.2 records of the measures taken while engaged in a ship to ship activity with a ship
that is flying the flag of a Contracting Government but is not required to comply
with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code such as a copy of any
security certificate issued to that ship under other provisions; and

.3 in the event that persons or goods rescued at sea are on board, all known
information about such persons or goods, including their identities when known
and the results of any checks run on behalf of the ship to establish the security
status of those rescued. It is not the intention of chapter XI-2 or part A of this
Code to delay or prevent the delivery of those in distress at sea to a place of
safety. It is the sole intention of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code to provide
States with enough appropriate information to maintain their security integrity.

4.39 Examples of other practical security related information that may be required as a
condition of entry into port in order to assist with ensuring the safety and security of persons, port
facilities, ships and other property include:

.1 information contained in the Continuous Synopsis Record;

.2 location of the ship at the time the report is made;

.3 expected time of arrival of the ship in port;

.4 crew list;

.5 general description of cargo aboard the ship;

.6 passenger list; and

.7 information required to be carried under regulation XI-2/5.

Page 45

4.40 Regulation XI-2/9.2.5 allows the master of a ship, upon being informed that the coastal or
port State will implement control measures under regulation XI-2/9.2, to withdraw the intention
for the ship to enter port. If the master withdraws that intention, regulation XI-2/9 no longer
applies, and any other steps that are taken must be based on, and consistent with, international

Additional provisions

4.41 In all cases where a ship is denied entry or expelled from a port, all known facts should be
communicated to the authorities of relevant States. This communication should consist of the
following when known:

.1 name of ship, its flag, the ships identification number, call sign, ship type and

.2 reason for denying entry or expulsion from port or port areas;

.3 if relevant, the nature of any security non-compliance;

.4 if relevant, details of any attempts made to rectify any non-compliance, including

any conditions imposed on the ship for the voyage;

.5 past port(s) of call and next declared port of call;

.6 time of departure and likely estimated time of arrival at those ports;

.7 any instructions given to ship, e.g., reporting on route;

.8 available information on the security level at which the ship is currently operating;

.9 information regarding any communications the port State has had with the

.10 contact point within the port State making the report for the purpose of obtaining
further information;

.11 crew list; and

.12 any other relevant information.

4.42 Relevant States to contact should include those along the ships intended passage to its
next port, particularly if the ship intends to enter the territorial sea of that coastal State. Other
relevant States could include previous ports of call, so that further information might be obtained
and security issues relating to the previous ports resolved.

4.43 In exercising control and compliance measures, the duly authorized officers should ensure
that any measures or steps imposed are proportionate. Such measures or steps should be
reasonable and of the minimum severity and duration necessary to rectify or mitigate the non-

Page 46

4.44 The word delay in regulation XI-2/ also refers to situations where, pursuant to
actions taken under this regulation, the ship is unduly denied entry into port or the ship is unduly
expelled from port.

Non-party ships and ships below convention size

4.45 With respect to ships flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government to
the Convention and not a Party to the 1988 SOLAS Protocol6, Contracting Governments should
not give more favourable treatment to such ships. Accordingly, the requirements of regulation
XI-2/9 and the guidance provided in this Part of the Code should be applied to those ships.

4.46 Ships below Convention size are subject to measures by which States maintain security.
Such measures should be taken with due regard to the requirements in chapter XI-2 and the
guidance provided in this Part of the Code.



5.1 A Declaration of Security (DoS) should be completed when the Contracting Government
of the port facility deems it to be necessary or when a ship deems it necessary.

5.1.1 The need for a DoS may be indicated by the results of the Port Facility Security
Assessment (PFSA) and the reasons and circumstances in which a DoS is required should be set
out in the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP).

5.1.2 The need for a DoS may be indicated by an Administration for ships entitled to fly its flag
or as a result of a ship security assessment and should be set out in the ship security plan.

5.2 It is likely that a DoS will be requested at higher security levels, when a ship has a higher
security level than the port facility, or another ship with which it interfaces, and for ship/port
interface or ship to ship activities that pose a higher risk to persons, property or the environment
for reasons specific to that ship, including its cargo or passengers or the circumstances at the port
facility or a combination of these factors.

5.2.1 In the case that a ship or an Administration, on behalf of ships entitled to fly its flag,
requests completion of a DoS, the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) or Ship Security Officer
(SSO) should acknowledge the request and discuss appropriate security measures.

5.3 A PFSO may also initiate a DoS prior to ship/port interfaces that are identified in the
approved PFSA as being of particular concern. Examples may include the embarking or
disembarking passengers, and the transfer, loading or unloading of dangerous goods or hazardous
substances. The PFSA may also identify facilities at or near highly populated areas or
economically significant operations that warrant a DoS.

5.4 The main purpose of a DoS is to ensure agreement is reached between the ship and the
port facility or with other ships with which it interfaces as to the respective security measures
each will undertake in accordance with the provisions of their respective approved security plans.

Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

Page 47

5.4.1 The agreed DoS should be signed and dated by both the port facility and the ship(s), as
applicable, to indicate compliance with chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and should include
its duration, the relevant security level, or levels and the relevant contact details.

5.4.2 A change in the security level may require that a new or revised DoS be completed.

5.5 The DoS should be completed in English, French or Spanish or in a language common to
both the port facility and the ship or the ships, as applicable.

5.6 A model DoS is included in Appendix 1 to this Part of the Code. This model is for a DoS
between a ship and a port facility. If the DoS is to cover two ships this model should be
appropriately adjusted.



6.1 Regulation XI-2/5 requires the company to provide the master of the ship with
information to meet the requirements of the Company under the provisions of this regulation.
This information should include items such as:

.1 parties responsible for appointing shipboard personnel, such as ship management

companies, manning agents, contractors, concessionaries (for example, retail sales
outlets, casinos, etc.);

.2 parties responsible for deciding the employment of the ship including, time or
bareboat charterer(s) or any other entity acting in such capacity; and

.3 in cases when the ship is employed under the terms of a charter party, the contact
details of those parties including time or voyage charterers.

6.2 In accordance with regulation XI-2/5 the Company is obliged to update and keep this
information current as and when changes occur.

6.3 This information should be in English, French or Spanish language.

6.4 With respect to ships constructed before 1 July 2004, this information should reflect the
actual condition on that date.

6.5 With respect to ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004 and for ships constructed before
1 July 2004 which were out of service on 1 July 2004, the information should be provided as
from the date of entry of the ship into service and should reflect the actual condition on that date.

6.6 After 1 July 2004 when a ship is withdrawn from service the information should be
provided as from the date of re-entry of the ship into service and should reflect the actual
condition on that date.

6.7 Previously provided information that does not relate to the actual condition on that date
need not be retained on board.

Page 48

6.8 When the responsibility for the operation of the ship is assumed by another Company, the
information relating to the Company, which operated the ship, is not required to be left on board.

In addition other relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.


Security assessment

8.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) is responsible for ensuring that a Ship Security
Assessment (SSA) is carried out for each of the ships in the Companys fleet which is required to
comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code for which the CSO is
responsible. While the CSO need not necessarily personally undertake all the duties associated
with the post, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they are properly performed remains
with the individual CSO.

8.2 Prior to commencing the SSA, the CSO should ensure that advantage is taken of
information available on the assessment of threat for the ports at which the ship will call or at
which passengers embark or disembark and about the port facilities and their protective
measures. The CSO should study previous reports on similar security needs. Where feasible, the
CSO should meet with appropriate persons on the ship and in the port facilities to discuss the
purpose and methodology of the assessment. The CSO should follow any specific guidance
offered by the Contracting Governments.

8.3 A SSA should address the following elements on board or within the ship:

.1 physical security;

.2 structural integrity;

.3 personnel protection systems;

.4 procedural policies;

.5 radio and telecommunication systems, including computer systems and networks;


.6 other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit observation, pose a risk to
persons, property, or operations on board the ship or within a port facility.

8.4 Those involved in a SSA should be able to draw upon expert assistance in relation to:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;
Page 49

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 methods used to cause a security incident;

.6 effects of explosives on ships structures and equipment;

.7 ship security;

.8 ship/port interface business practices;

.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and response;

.10 physical security;

.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including computer systems and networks;

.12 marine engineering; and

.13 ship and port operations.

8.5 The CSO should obtain and record the information required to conduct an assessment,

.1 the general layout of the ship;

.2 the location of areas which should have restricted access, such as navigation
bridge, machinery spaces of category A and other control stations as defined in
chapter II-2, etc.;

.3 the location and function of each actual or potential access point to the ship;

.4 changes in the tide which may have an impact on the vulnerability or security of
the ship;

.5 the cargo spaces and stowage arrangements;

.6 the locations where the ships stores and essential maintenance equipment is

.7 the locations where unaccompanied baggage is stored;

.8 the emergency and stand-by equipment available to maintain essential services;

.9 the number of ships personnel, any existing security duties and any existing
training requirement practises of the Company;

.10 existing security and safety equipment for the protection of passengers and ships

.11 escape and evacuation routes and assembly stations which have to be maintained
to ensure the orderly and safe emergency evacuation of the ship;

.12 existing agreements with private security companies providing ship/waterside

security services; and
Page 50

.13 existing security measures and procedures in effect, including inspection and,
control procedures, identification systems, surveillance and monitoring
equipment, personnel identification documents and communication, alarms,
lighting, access control and other appropriate systems.

8.6 The SSA should examine each identified point of access, including open weather decks,
and evaluate its potential for use by individuals who might seek to breach security. This includes
points of access available to individuals having legitimate access as well as those who seek to
obtain unauthorized entry.

8.7 The SSA should consider the continuing relevance of the existing security measures and
guidance, procedures and operations, under both routine and emergency conditions and should
determine security guidance including:

.1 the restricted areas;

.2 the response procedures to fire or other emergency conditions;

.3 the level of supervision of the ships personnel, passengers, visitors, vendors,

repair technicians, dock workers, etc.;

.4 the frequency and effectiveness of security patrols;

.5 the access control systems, including identification systems;

.6 the security communications systems and procedures;

.7 the security doors, barriers and lighting; and

.8 the security and surveillance equipment and systems, if any.

8.8 The SSA should consider the persons, activities, services and operations that it is
important to protect. This includes:

.1 the ships personnel;

.2 passengers, visitors, vendors, repair technicians, port facility personnel, etc;

.3 the capacity to maintain safe navigation and emergency response;

.4 the cargo, particularly dangerous goods or hazardous substances;

.5 the ships stores;

.6 the ship security communication equipment and systems, if any; and

.7 the ships security surveillance equipment and systems, if any.

8.9 The SSA should consider all possible threats, which may include the following types of
security incidents:

.1 damage to, or destruction of, the ship or of a port facility, e.g. by explosive
devices, arson, sabotage or vandalism;
Page 51

.2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons on board;

.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship equipment or systems or ships stores;

.4 unauthorized access or use, including presence of stowaways;

.5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including weapons of mass destruction;

.6 use of the ship to carry those intending to cause a security incident and/or their

.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction;

.8 attacks from seaward whilst at berth or at anchor; and

.9 attacks whilst at sea.

8.10 The SSA should take into account all possible vulnerabilities, which may include:

.1 conflicts between safety and security measures;

.2 conflicts between shipboard duties and security assignments;

.3 watch-keeping duties, number of ships personnel, particularly with implications

on crew fatigue, alertness and performance;

.4 any identified security training deficiencies; and

.5 any security equipment and systems, including communication systems.

8.11 The CSO and SSO should always have regard to the effect that security measures may
have on ships personnel who will remain on the ship for long periods. When developing security
measures, particular consideration should be given to the convenience, comfort and personal
privacy of the ships personnel and their ability to maintain their effectiveness over long periods.

8.12 Upon completion of the SSA, a report shall be prepared, consisting of a summary of how
the assessment was conducted, a description of each vulnerability found during the assessment
and a description of counter measures that could be used to address each vulnerability. The
report shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

8.13 If the SSA has not been carried out by the Company, the report of the SSA should be
reviewed and accepted by the CSO.

On-scene security survey

8.14 The on-scene security survey is an integral part of any SSA. The on-scene security survey
should examine and evaluate existing shipboard protective measures, procedures and operations

.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security duties;

.2 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

Page 52

.3 controlling access to the ship, including any identification systems;

.4 monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;

.5 controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects (accompanied and

unaccompanied baggage and ships personnel personal effects);

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and the delivery of ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that ship security communication, information, and equipment are

readily available.



9.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) has the responsibility of ensuring that a Ship
Security Plan (SSP) is prepared and submitted for approval. The content of each individual SSP
should vary depending on the particular ship it covers. The Ship Security Assessment (SSA) will
have identified the particular features of the ship and the potential threats and vulnerabilities. The
preparation of the SSP will require these features to be addressed in detail. Administrations may
prepare advice on the preparation and content of a SSP.

9.2 All SSPs should:

.1 detail the organizational structure of security for the ship;

.2 detail the ships relationships with the Company, port facilities, other ships and
relevant authorities with security responsibility;

.3 detail the communication systems to allow effective continuous communication

within the ship and between the ship and others, including port facilities;

.4 detail the basic security measures for security level 1, both operational and
physical, that will always be in place;

.5 detail the additional security measures that will allow the ship to progress without
delay to security level 2 and, when necessary, to security level 3;

.6 provide for regular review, or audit, of the SSP and for its amendment in response
to experience or changing circumstances; and

.7 reporting procedures to the appropriate Contracting Governments contact points.

9.3 Preparation of an effective SSP should rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that
relate to the security of the ship, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the physical
and operational characteristics, including the voyage pattern, of the individual ship.

9.4 All SSPs should be approved by, or on behalf of, the Administration. If an
Administration uses a Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to review or approve the SSP the
RSO should not be associated with any other RSO that prepared, or assisted in the preparation of,
the plan.
Page 53

9.5 CSOs and Ship Security Officers (SSOs) should develop procedures to:

.1 assess the continuing effectiveness of the SSP; and

.2 prepare amendments of the plan subsequent to its approval.

9.6 The security measures included in the SSP should be in place when the initial verification
for compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code will be carried out.
Otherwise the process of issue to the ship of the required International Ship Security Certificate
cannot be carried out. If there is any subsequent failure of security equipment or systems, or
suspension of a security measure for whatever reason, equivalent temporary security measures
should be adopted, notified to, and agreed by, the Administration.

Organization and performance of ship security duties

9.7 In addition to the guidance given in section 9.2, the SSP should establish the following
which relate to all security levels:

.1 the duties and responsibilities of all shipboard personnel with a security role;

.2 the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow such continuous communications

to be maintained at all times;

.3 the procedures needed to assess the continuing effectiveness of security

procedures and any security and surveillance equipment and systems, including
procedures for identifying and responding to equipment or systems failure or

.4 the procedures and practices to protect security sensitive information held in paper
or electronic format;

.5 the type and maintenance requirements, of security and surveillance equipment

and systems, if any;

.6 the procedures to ensure the timely submission, and assessment, of reports relating
to possible breaches of security or security concerns; and

.7 procedures to establish, maintain and up-date an inventory of any dangerous

goods or hazardous substances carried on board, including their location.

9.8 The remainder of this section addresses specifically the security measures that could be
taken at each security level covering:

.1 access to the ship by ships personnel, passengers, visitors, etc;

.2 restricted areas on the ship;

.3 handling of cargo;

.4 delivery of ships stores;

Page 54

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and

.6 monitoring the security of the ship.

Access to the ship

9.9 The SSP should establish the security measures covering all means of access to the ship
identified in the SSA. This should include any:

.1 access ladders;

.2 access gangways;

.3 access ramps;

.4 access doors, side scuttles, windows and ports;

.5 mooring lines and anchor chains; and

.6 cranes and hoisting gear.

9.10 For each of these the SSP should identify the appropriate locations where access
restrictions or prohibitions should be applied for each of the security levels. For each security
level the SSP should establish the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the means of
enforcing them.

9.11 The SSP should establish for each security level the means of identification required to
allow access to the ship and for individuals to remain on the ship without challenge, this may
involve developing an appropriate identification system allowing for permanent and temporary
identifications, for ships personnel and visitors respectively. Any ship identification system
should, when it is practicable to do so, be co-ordinated with that applying to the port facility.
Passengers should be able to prove their identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but should not
be permitted access to restricted areas unless supervised. The SSP should establish provisions to
ensure that the identification systems are regularly updated, and that abuse of procedures should
be subject to disciplinary action.

9.12 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their
visit when requested to do so should be denied access to the ship and their attempt to obtain
access should be reported, as appropriate, to the SSOs, the CSOs, the Port Facility Security
Officer (PFSO) and to the national or local authorities with security responsibilities.

9.13 The SSP should establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly
if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis.

Security Level 1

9.14 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to control access to the
ship, where the following may be applied:

.1 checking the identity of all persons seeking to board the ship and confirming their
reasons for doing so by checking, for example, joining instructions, passenger
tickets, boarding passes, work orders etc;
Page 55

.2 in liaison with the port facility the ship should ensure that designated secure areas
are established in which inspections and searching of persons, baggage (including
carry on items), personal effects, vehicles and their contents can take place;

.3 in liaison with the port facility the ship should ensure that vehicles destined to be
loaded on board car carriers, ro-ro and other passenger ships are subjected to
search prior to loading, in accordance with the frequency required in the SSP;

.4 segregating checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked persons
and their personal effects;

.5 segregating embarking from disembarking passengers;

.6 identification of access points that should be secured or attended to prevent

unauthorized access;

.7 securing, by locking or other means, access to unattended spaces adjoining areas

to which passengers and visitors have access; and

.8 providing security briefings to all ship personnel on possible threats, the

procedures for reporting suspicious persons, objects or activities and the need for

9.15 At security level 1, all those seeking to board a ship should be liable to search. The
frequency of such searches, including random searches, should be specified in the approved SSP
and should be specifically approved by the Administration. Such searches may best be
undertaken by the port facility in close co-operation with the ship and in close proximity to it.
Unless there are clear security grounds for doing so, members of the ships personnel should not
be required to search their colleagues or their personal effects. Any such search shall be
undertaken in a manner which fully takes into account the human rights of the individual and
preserves their basic human dignity.

Security Level 2

9.16 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to protect
against a heightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher vigilance and tighter control,
which may include:

.1 assigning additional personnel to patrol deck areas during silent hours to deter
unauthorized access;

.2 limiting the number of access points to the ship, identifying those to be closed and
the means of adequately securing them;

.3 deterring waterside access to the ship, including, for example, in liaison with the
port facility, provision of boat patrols;

.4 establishing a restricted area on the shore-side of the ship, in close co-operation

with the port facility;

.5 increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons, personal effects, and
vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the ship;
Page 56

.6 escorting visitors on the ship;

.7 providing additional specific security briefings to all ship personnel on any

identified threats, re-emphasising the procedures for reporting suspicious persons,
objects, or activities and the stressing the need for increased vigilance; and

.8 carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.

Security Level 3

9.17 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 limiting access to a single, controlled, access point;

.2 granting access only to those responding to the security incident or threat thereof;

.3 directions of persons on board;

.4 suspension of embarkation or disembarkation;

.5 suspension of cargo handling operations, deliveries etc;

.6 evacuation of the ship;

.7 movement of the ship; and

.8 preparing for a full or partial search of the ship.

Restricted areas on the ship

9.18 The SSP should identify the restricted areas to be established on the ship, specify their
extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to them and those
to be taken to control activities within them. The purpose of restricted areas are to:

.1 prevent unauthorized access;

.2 protect passengers, ship's personnel, and personnel from port facilities or other
agencies authorized to be on board the ship;

.3 protect sensitive security areas within the ship; and

.4 protect cargo and ship's stores from tampering.

9.19 The SSP should ensure that there are clearly established policies and practices to control
access to all restricted areas them.

9.20 The SSP should provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that
access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach
of security.

Page 57

9.21 Restricted areas may include:

.1 navigation bridge, machinery spaces of category A and other control stations as

defined in chapter II-2;

.2 spaces containing security and surveillance equipment and systems and their
controls and lighting system controls;

.3 ventilation and air-conditioning systems and other similar spaces;

.4 spaces with access to potable water tanks, pumps, or manifolds;

.5 spaces containing dangerous goods or hazardous substances;

.6 spaces containing cargo pumps and their controls;

.7 cargo spaces and spaces containing ships stores;

.8 crew accommodation; and

.9 any other areas as determined by the CSO, through the SSA to which access must
be restricted to maintain the security of the ship.

Security Level 1

9.22 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
restricted areas, which may include:

.1 locking or securing access points;

.2 using surveillance equipment to monitor the areas;

.3 using guards or patrols; and

.4 using automatic intrusion detection devices to alert the ships personnel of

unauthorized access.

Security Level 2

9.23 At security level 2, the frequency and intensity of the monitoring of, and control of access
to restricted areas should be increased to ensure that only authorized persons have access. The
SSP should establish the additional security measures to be applied, which may include:

.1 establishing restricted areas adjacent to access points;

.2 continuously monitoring surveillance equipment; and

.3 dedicating additional personnel to guard and patrol restricted areas.

Security Level 3

9.24 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
Page 58

which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operations with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas on the ship in proximity to the security

incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is denied;

.2 searching of restricted areas as part of a search of the ship.

Handling of cargo

9.25 The security measures relating to cargo handling should:

.1 prevent tampering; and

.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage from being accepted and stored on
board the ship.

9.26 The security measures, some of which may have to be applied in liaison with the port
facility, should include inventory control procedures at access points to the ship. Once on board
the ship, cargo should be capable of being identified as having been approved for loading onto
the ship. In addition, security measures should be developed to ensure that cargo, once on board,
is not tampered with.

Security Level 1

9.27 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
cargo handling, which may include:

.1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces prior to, and
during, cargo handling operations;

.2 checks to ensure that cargo being loaded matches the cargo documentation;

.3 ensuring, in liaison with the port facility, that vehicles to be loaded on board car-
carriers, ro-ro and passenger ships are subjected to search prior to loading, in
accordance with the frequency required in the SSP; and

.4 checking of seals or other methods used to prevent tampering.

9.28 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs.

9.29 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo movement the CSO or SSO may, in
consultation with the port facility, agree arrangements with shippers or others responsible for
such cargo covering off-site checking, sealing, scheduling, supporting documentation, etc. Such
arrangements should be communicated to and agreed with the PFSO concerned.

Page 59

Security Level 2

9.30 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during cargo handling, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces;

.2 intensified checks to ensure that only the intended cargo is loaded;

.3 intensified searching of vehicles to be loaded on car-carriers, ro-ro and passenger

ships; and

.4 increased frequency and detail in checking of seals or other methods used to

prevent tampering.

9.31 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by the following means:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of visual and physical examination;

.2 increasing the frequency of the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical

devices, or dogs; and

.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures with the shipper or other responsible

party in accordance with an established agreement and procedures.

Security Level 3

9.32 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 suspension of the loading or unloading of cargo; and

.2 verify the inventory of dangerous goods and hazardous substances carried on

board, if any, and their location.

Delivery of ships stores

9.33 The security measures relating to the delivery of ships stores should:

.1 ensure checking of ships stores and package integrity;

.2 prevent ships stores from being accepted without inspection;

.3 prevent tampering; and

.4 prevent ships stores from being accepted unless ordered.

9.34 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be appropriate to establish procedures
involving the ship, its suppliers and the port facility covering notification and timing of deliveries

Page 60

and their documentation. There should always be some way of confirming that stores presented
for delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been ordered by the ship.

Security Level 1

9.35 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 checking to ensure stores match the order prior to being loaded on board; and

.2 ensuring immediate secure stowage of ships stores.

Security Level 2

9.36 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during delivery of ships stores by exercising checks prior to receiving stores on board
and intensifying inspections.

Security Level 3

9.37 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 subjecting ships stores to more extensive checking;

.2 preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of ships stores; and

.3 refusal to accept ships stores on board the ship.

Handling unaccompanied baggage

9.38 The SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the
passenger or member of ships personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and
subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before it is accepted on board the ship. It
is not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to screening by both the ship and the port
facility, and in cases where both are suitably equipped, the responsibility for screening should
rest with the port facility. Close co-operation with the port facility is essential and steps should
be taken to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is handled securely after screening.

Security Level 1

9.39 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched
up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening.

Page 61

Security Level 2

9.40 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied when handling unaccompanied baggage which should include 100 percent x-ray
screening of all unaccompanied baggage.

Security Level 3

9.41 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive screening, for example x-raying it

from at least two different angles;

.2 preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of unaccompanied baggage;


.3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage on board the ship.

Monitoring the Security of the Ship

9.42 The ship should have the capability to monitor the ship, the restricted areas on board and
areas surrounding the ship. Such monitoring capabilities may include use of:

.1 lighting;

.2 watch-keepers, security guards and deck watches including patrols; and

.3 automatic intrusion detection devices and surveillance equipment.

9.43 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices should activate an audible and/or visual
alarm at a location that is continuously attended or monitored.

9.44 The SSP should establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level and
the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually, including
consideration of the possible effects of weather conditions or of power disruptions.

Security Level 1

9.45 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied which
may be a combination of lighting, watch keepers, security guards or use of security and
surveillance equipment to allow ships security personnel to observe the ship in general, and
barriers and restricted areas in particular.

9.46 The ship's deck and access points to the ship should be illuminated during hours of
darkness and periods of low visibility while conducting ship/port interface activities or at a port
facility or anchorage when necessary. While underway, when necessary, ships should use the
maximum lighting available consistent with safe navigation, having regard to the provisions of

Page 62

the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea in force. The following
should be considered when establishing the appropriate level and location of lighting:

.1 the ships personnel should be able to detect activities beyond the ship, on both
the shore side and the waterside;

.2 coverage should include the area on and around the ship;

.3 coverage should facilitate personnel identification at access points; and

.4 coverage may be provided through coordination with the port facility.

Security Level 2

9.47 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capabilities, which may include:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of security patrols;

.2 increasing the coverage and intensity of lighting or the use of security and
surveillance and equipment;

.3 assigning additional personnel as security lookouts; and

.4 ensuring coordination with waterside boat patrols, and foot or vehicle patrols on
the shore-side, when provided.

9.48 Additional lighting may be necessary to protect against a heightened risk of a security
incidents. When necessary, the additional lighting requirements may be accomplished by
coordinating with the port facility to provide additional shore side lighting.

Security Level 3

9.49 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 switching on of all lighting on, or illuminating the vicinity of, the ship;

.2 switching on of all on board surveillance equipment capable of recording

activities on, or in the vicinity of, the ship;

.3 maximising the length of time such surveillance equipment can continue to


.4 preparation for underwater inspection of the hull of the ship; and

.5 initiation of measures, including the slow revolution of the ships propellers, if

practicable, to deter underwater access to the hull of the ship.

Page 63

Differing security levels

9.50 The SSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship could
adopt if the ship is at a higher security level than that applying to a port facility.

Activities not covered by the Code

9.51 The SSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship should
apply when:

.1 it is at a port of a State which is not a Contracting Government;

.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does not apply7;

.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or a mobile drilling unit on

location; or

.4 it is interfacing with a port or port facility which is not required to comply with
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Declarations of security

9.52 The SSP should detail how requests for DoS from a port facility will be handled and the
circumstances under which the ship itself should request a DoS.

Audit and review

9.53 The SSP should establish how the CSO and the SSO intend to audit the continued
effectiveness of the SSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the SSP.



10.1 Records should be available to duly authorized officers of Contracting Governments to

verify that the provisions of ship security plans are being implemented.

10.2 Records may be kept in any format but should be protect from unauthorized access or


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.

Refer to further work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of maritime security
and to Establishment of appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships, port facilities, mobile offshore drilling
units on location and fixed and floating platforms not covered by chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention,
adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolutions 3 and 7 respectively.

Page 64


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.



13.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) and appropriate shore based Company personnel,
and the Ship Security Officer (SSO), should have knowledge of, and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 security administration;

.2 relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations;

.3 relevant Government legislation and regulations;

.4 responsibilities and functions of other security organizations;

.5 methodology of ship security assessment;

.6 methods of ship security surveys and inspections;

.7 ship and port operations and conditions;

.8 ship and port facility security measures;

.9 emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;

.10 instruction techniques for security training and education, including security
measures and procedures;

.11 handling sensitive security related information and security related


.12 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.13 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.15 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.16 security equipment and systems and their operational limitations;

.17 methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring;

.18 methods of physical searches and non-intrusive inspections;

.19 security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with port facilities; and

.20 assessment of security drills and exercises.

Page 65

13.2 In addition the SSO should have adequate knowledge of, and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 the layout of the ship;

.2 the ship security plan and related procedures (including scenario-based training on
how to respond);

.3 crowd management and control techniques;

.4 operations of security equipment and systems; and

.5 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and


13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security duties should have sufficient knowledge and
ability to perform their assigned duties, including, as appropriate:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 crowd management and control techniques;

.6 security related communications;

.7 knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

.8 operations of security equipment and systems;

.9 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and


.10 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and

.11 methods of physical searches of persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and
ships stores.

13.4 All other shipboard personnel should have sufficient knowledge of and be familiar with
relevant provisions of the SSP, including:

.1 the meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security levels;

.2 knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

.3 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

Page 66

.4 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; and

.5 techniques used to circumvent security measures.

Drills and exercises

13.5 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure that shipboard personnel are proficient in
all assigned security duties at all security levels and the identification of any security related
deficiencies, which need to be addressed.

13.6 To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the ship security plan, drills
should be conducted at least once every three months. In addition, in cases where more than
25 percent of the ships personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has not
previously participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3 months, a drill should be
conducted within one week of the change. These drills should test individual elements of the
plan such as those security threats listed in paragraph 8.9.

13.7 Various types of exercises which may include participation of company security officers,
port facility security officers, relevant authorities of Contracting Governments as well as ship
security officers, if available, should be carried out at least once each calendar year with no more
than 18 months between the exercises. These exercises should test communications,
coordination, resource availability, and response. These exercises may be:

.1 full scale or live;

.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or

.3 combined with other exercises held such as search and rescue or emergency
response exercises.

13.8 Company participation in an exercise with another Contracting Government should be

recognized by the Administration.


Relevant guidance is provided under section 15, 16 and 18.



15.1 The Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) may be conducted by a Recognized
Security Organization (RSO). However, approval of a completed PFSA should only be given by
the relevant Contracting Government.

15.2 If a Contracting Government uses a RSO, to review or verify compliance of the PFSA,
the RSO should not be associated with any other RSO that prepared or assisted in the preparation
of that assessment.

Page 67

15.3 A PFSA should address the following elements within a port facility:

.1 physical security;

.2 structural integrity;

.3 personnel protection systems;

.4 procedural policies;

.5 radio and telecommunication systems, including computer systems and networks;

.6 relevant transportation infrastructure;

.7 utilities; and

.8 other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit observation, pose a risk to
persons, property, or operations within the port facility.

15.4 Those involved in a PFSA should be able to draw upon expert assistance in relation to:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 methods used to cause a security incident;

.6 effects of explosives on structures and port facility services;

.7 port facility security;

.8 port business practices;

.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and response;

.10 physical security measures e.g. fences;

.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including computer systems and networks;

.12 transport and civil engineering; and

.13 ship and port operations.

Identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure it is important to


15.5 The identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure is a process
through which the relative importance of structures and installations to the functioning of the port

Page 68

facility can be established. This identification and evaluation process is important because it
provides a basis for focusing mitigation strategies on those assets and structures which it is more
important to protect from a security incident. This process should take into account potential loss
of life, the economic significance of the port, symbolic value, and the presence of Government

15.6 Identification and evaluation of assets and infrastructure should be used to prioritise their
relative importance for protection. The primary concern should be avoidance of death or injury. It
is also important to consider whether the port facility, structure or installation can continue to
function without the asset, and the extent to which rapid re-establishment of normal functioning
is possible.

15.7 Assets and infrastructure that should be considered important to protect may include:

.1 accesses, entrances, approaches, and anchorages, manoeuvring and berthing areas;

.2 cargo facilities, terminals, storage areas, and cargo handling equipment;

.3 systems such as electrical distribution systems, radio and telecommunication

systems and computer systems and networks;

.4 port vessel traffic management systems and aids to navigation;

.5 power plants, cargo transfer piping, and water supplies;

.6 bridges, railways, roads;

.7 port service vessels, including pilot boats, tugs, lighters etc;

.8 security and surveillance equipment and systems; and

.9 the waters adjacent to the port facility.

15.8 The clear identification of assets and infrastructure is essential to the evaluation of the
port facilitys security requirements, the prioritisation of protective measures, and decisions
concerning the allocation of resources to better protect the port facility. The process may involve
consultation with the relevant authorities relating to structures adjacent to the port facility which
could cause damage within the facility or be used for the purpose of causing damage to the
facility or for illicit observation of the facility or for diverting attention.

Identification of the possible threats to the assets and infrastructure and the likelihood of
their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security measures

15.9 Possible acts that could threaten the security of assets and infrastructure, and the methods
of carrying out those acts, should be identified to evaluate the vulnerability of a given asset or
location to a security incident, and to establish and prioritise security requirements to enable
planning and resource allocations. Identification and evaluation of each potential act and its
method should be based on various factors, including threat assessments by Government
agencies. By identifying and assessing threats, those conducting the assessment do not have to
rely on worst-case scenarios to guide planning and resource allocations.

Page 69

15.10 The PFSA should include an assessment undertaken in consultation with the relevant
national security organizations to determine:

.1 any particular aspects of the port facility, including the vessel traffic using the
facility, which make it likely to be the target of an attack;

.2 the likely consequences in terms of loss of life, damage to property, economic

disruption, including disruption to transport systems, of an attack on, or at, the
port facility;

.3 the capability and intent of those likely to mount such an attack; and

.4 the possible type, or types, of attack,

producing an overall assessment of the level of risk against which security measures have to be

15.11 The PFSA should consider all possible threats, which may include the following types of
security incidents:

.1 damage to, or destruction of, the port facility or of the ship, e.g. by explosive
devices, arson, sabotage or vandalism;

.2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons on board;

.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship equipment or systems or ships stores;

.4 unauthorized access or use including presence of stowaways;

.5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including weapons of mass destruction;

.6 use of the ship to carry those intending to cause a security incident and their

.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction;

.8 blockage; of port entrances, locks, approaches etc; and

.9 nuclear, biological and chemical attack.

15.12 The process should involve consultation with the relevant authorities relating to structures
adjacent to the port facility which could cause damage within the facility or be used for the
purpose of causing damage to the facility or for illicit observation of the facility or for diverting

Identification, selection, and prioritisation of countermeasures and procedural changes and

their level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability

15.13 The identification and prioritisation of countermeasures is designed to ensure that the
most effective security measures are employed to reduce the vulnerability of a port facility or
ship/port interface to the possible threats.

Page 70

15.14 Security measures should be selected on the basis of factors such as whether they reduce
the probability of an attack and should be evaluated using information that includes:

.1 security surveys, inspections and audits;

.2 consultation with port facility owners and operators, and owners/operators of

adjacent structures if appropriate;

.3 historical information on security incidents; and

.4 operations within the port facility.

Identification of vulnerabilities

15.15 Identification of vulnerabilities in physical structures, personnel protection systems,

processes, or other areas that may lead to a security incident can be used to establish options to
eliminate or mitigate those vulnerabilities. For example, an analysis might reveal vulnerabilities
in a port facilitys security systems or unprotected infrastructure such as water supplies, bridges
etc that could be resolved through physical measures, e.g. permanent barriers, alarms,
surveillance equipment etc.

15.16 Identification of vulnerabilities should include consideration of:

.1 waterside and shore-side access to the port facility and ships berthing at the

.2 structural integrity of the piers, facilities, and associated structures;

.3 existing security measures and procedures, including identification systems;

.4 existing security measures and procedures relating to port services and utilities;

.5 measures to protect radio and telecommunication equipment, port services and

utilities, including computer systems and networks;

.6 adjacent areas that may be exploited during, or for, an attack;

.7 existing agreements with private security companies providing waterside/shore-

side security services;

.8 any conflicting policies between safety and security measures and procedures;

.9 any conflicting port facility and security duty assignments;

.10 any enforcement and personnel constraints;

.11 any deficiencies identified during training and drills; and

.12 any deficiencies identified during daily operation, following incidents or alerts,
the report of security concerns, the exercise of control measures, audits etc.

Page 71



16.1 Preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) is the responsibility of the Port
Facility Security Officer (PFSO). While the PFSO need not necessarily personally undertake all
the duties associated with the post the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they are properly
performed remains with the individual PFSO.

16.2 The content of each individual PFSP should vary depending on the particular
circumstances of the port facility, or facilities, it covers. The Port Facility Security (PFSA) will
have identified the particular features of the port facility, and of the potential security risks, that
have led to the need to appoint a PFSO and to prepare a PFSP. The preparation of the PFSP will
require these features, and other local or national security considerations, to be addressed in the
PFSP and for appropriate security measures to be established so as to minimise the likelihood of
a breach of security and the consequences of potential risks. Contracting Governments may
prepare advice on the preparation and content of a PFSP.

16.3 All PFSPs should:

.1 detail the security organization of the port facility,

.2 the organizations links with other relevant authorities and the necessary
communication systems to allow the effective continuous operation of the
organization and its links with others, including ships in port;

.3 detail the basic security level 1 measures, both operational and physical, that will
be in place;

.4 detail the additional security measures that will allow the port facility to progress
without delay to security level 2 and, when necessary, to security level 3;

.5 provide for regular review, or audit, of the PFSP and for its amendments in
response to experience or changing circumstances; and

.6 reporting procedures to the appropriate Contracting Governments contact points.

16.4 Preparation of an effective PFSP will rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that
relate to the security of the port facility, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the
physical and operational characteristics of the individual port facility.

16.5 Contracting Government should approve the PFSPs of the port facilities under their
jurisdiction. Contracting Governments should develop procedures to assess the continuing
effectiveness of each PFSP and may require amendment of the PFSP prior to its initial approval
or subsequent to its approval. The PFSP should make provision for the retention of records of
security incidents and threats, reviews, audits, training, drills and exercises as evidence of
compliance with those requirements.

16.6 The security measures included in the PFSP should be in place within a reasonable period
of the PFSPs approval and the PFSP should establish when each measure will be in place. If
there is likely to be any delay in their provision this should be discussed with the Contracting
Government responsible for approval of the PFSP and satisfactory alternative temporary security
Page 72

measures that provide an equivalent level of security should be agreed to cover any interim

16.7 The use of firearms on or near ships and in port facilities may pose particular and
significant safety risks, in particular in connection with certain dangerous or hazardous
substances and should be considered very carefully. In the event that a Contracting Government
decides that it is necessary to use armed personnel in these areas, that Contracting Government
should ensure that these personnel are duly authorized and trained in the use of their weapons and
that they are aware of the specific risks to safety that are present in these areas. If a Contracting
Government authorizes the use of firearms they should issue specific safety guidelines on their
use. The PFSP should contain specific guidance on this matter in particular with regard its
application to ships carrying dangerous goods or hazardous substances.

Organization and performance of port facility security duties

16.8 In addition to the guidance given under section 16.3, the PFSP should establish the
following which relate to all security levels:

.1 the role and structure of the port facility security organization;

.2 the duties, responsibilities and training requirements of all port facility personnel
with a security role and the performance measures needed to allow their individual
effectiveness to be assessed;

.3 the port facility security organizations links with other national or local
authorities with security responsibilities;

.4 the communication systems provided to allow effective and continuous

communication between port facility security personnel, ships in port and, when
appropriate, with national or local authorities with security responsibilities;

.5 the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow such continuous communications

to be maintained at all times;

.6 the procedures and practices to protect security sensitive information held in paper
or electronic format;

.7 the procedures to assess the continuing effectiveness of security measures,

procedures and equipment, including identification of, and response to, equipment
failure or malfunction;

.8 the procedures to allow the submission, and assessment, of reports relating to

possible breaches of security or security concerns;

.9 procedures relating to cargo handling;

.10 procedures covering the delivery of ships stores;

.11 the procedures to maintain, and update, records of dangerous goods and hazardous
substances and their location within the port facility;

Page 73

.12 the means of alerting and obtaining the services of waterside patrols and specialist
search teams, including bomb searches and underwater searches;

.13 the procedures for assisting ship security officers in confirming the identity of
those seeking to board the ship when requested; and

.14 the procedures for facilitating shore leave for ships personnel or personnel
changes, as well as access of visitors to the ship including representatives of
seafarers welfare and labour organizations.

16.9 The remainder of this section addresses specifically the security measures that could be
taken at each security level covering:

.1 access to the port facility;

.2 restricted areas within the port facility;

.3 handling of cargo;

.4 delivery of ships stores;

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and

.6 monitoring the security of the port facility.

Access to the port facility

16.10 The PFSP should establish the security measures covering all means of access to the port
facility identified in the PFSA.

16.11 For each of these the PFSP should identify the appropriate locations where access
restrictions or prohibitions should be applied for each of the security levels. For each security
level the PFSP should specify the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the means of
enforcing them.

16.12 The PFSP should establish for each security level the means of identification required to
allow access to the port facility and for individuals to remain within the port facility without
challenge, this may involve developing an appropriate identification system allowing for
permanent and temporary identifications, for port facility personnel and for visitors respectively.
Any port facility identification system should, when it is practicable to do so, be co-ordinated
with that applying to ships that regularly use the port facility. Passengers should be able to prove
their identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but should not be permitted access to restricted
areas unless supervised. The PFSP should establish provisions to ensure that the identification
systems are regularly updated, and that abuse of procedures should be subject to disciplinary

16.13 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their
visit when requested to do so should be denied access to the port facility and their attempt to
obtain access should be reported to the PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security

Page 74

16.14 The PFSP should identify the locations where persons, personal effects, and vehicle
searches are to be undertaken. Such locations should be covered to facilitate continuous
operation regardless of prevailing weather conditions, in accordance with the frequency laid
down in the PFSP. Once subjected to search persons, personal effects and vehicles should
proceed directly to the restricted holding, embarkation or car loading areas.

16.15 The PFSP should establish separate locations for checked and unchecked persons and
their effects and if possible separate areas for embarking/disembarking passengers, ships
personnel and their effects to ensure that unchecked persons are not able to come in contact with
checked persons.

16.16 The PFSP should establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly
if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis.

Security Level 1

16.17 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the control points where the following
security measures may be applied:

.1 restricted areas which should be bound by fencing or other barriers to a standard

which should be approved by the Contracting Government;

.2 checking identity of all persons seeking entry to the port facility in connection
with a ship, including passengers, ships personnel and visitors and confirming
their reasons for doing so by checking, for example, joining instructions,
passenger tickets, boarding passes, work orders, etc;

.3 checking vehicles used by those seeking entry to the port facility in connection
with a ship;

.4 verification of the identity of port facility personnel and those employed within
the port facility and their vehicles;

.5 restricting access to exclude those not employed by the port facility or working
within it, if they are unable to establish their identity;

.6 undertaking searches of persons, personal effects, vehicles and their contents; and

.7 identification of any access points not in regular use which should be permanently
closed and locked.

16.18 At security level 1, all those seeking access to the port facility should be liable to search.
The frequency of such searches, including random searches, should be specified in the approved
PFSP and should be specifically approved by the Contracting Government. Unless there are
clear security grounds for doing so, members of the ships personnel should not be required to
search their colleagues or their personal effects. Any such search shall be undertaken in a
manner which fully takes into account the human rights of the individual and preserves their
basic human dignity.

Page 75

Security Level 2

16.19 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied, which may include:

.1 assigning additional personnel to guard access points and patrol perimeter


.2 limiting the number of access points to the port facility, and identify those to be
closed and the means of adequately securing them;

.3 providing for means of impeding movement through the remaining access points,
e.g. security barriers;

.4 increasing the frequency of searches of persons, personal effects, and vehicle;

.5 deny access to visitors who are unable to provide a verifiable justification for
seeking access to the port facility; and

.6 using of patrol vessels to enhance waterside security.

Security Level 3

16.20 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 suspension of access to all, or part of, the port facility;

.2 granting access only to those responding to the security incident or threat thereof;

.3 suspension of pedestrian or vehicular movement within all, or part, of the port


.4 increased security patrols within the port facility, if appropriate;

.5 suspension of port operations within all, or part, of the port facility;

.6 direction of vessel movements relating to all, or part, of the port facility; and

.7 evacuation of all, or part of, the port facility.

Restricted areas within the port facility

16.21 The PFSP should identify the restricted areas to be established within the port facility,
specify their extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to
them and those to be taken to control activities within them. This should also include, in
appropriate circumstances, measures to ensure that temporary restricted areas are security swept
both before and after that area is established. The purpose of restricted areas is to:

Page 76

.1 protect passengers, ships personnel, port facility personnel and visitors, including
those visiting in connection with a ship;

.2 protect the port facility;

.3 protect ships using, and serving, the port facility;

.4 protect sensitive security locations and areas within the port facility;

.5 to protect security and surveillance equipment and systems; and

.6 protect cargo and ships stores from tampering.

16.22 The PFSP should ensure that all restricted areas have clearly established security
measures to control:

.1 access by individuals;

.2 the entry, parking, loading and unloading of vehicles;

.3 movement and storage of cargo and ships stores; and

.4 unaccompanied baggage or personal effects.

16.23 The PFSP should provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that
access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach
of security.

16.24 When automatic intrusion detection devices are installed they should alert a control centre
which can respond to the triggering of an alarm.

16.25 Restricted areas may include:

.1 shore and waterside areas immediately adjacent to the ship;

.2 embarkation and disembarkation areas, passenger and ships personnel holding

and processing areas including search points;

.3 areas where loading, unloading or storage of cargo and stores is undertaken;

.4 locations where security sensitive information, including cargo documentation, is


.5 areas where dangerous goods and hazardous substances are held;

.6 vessel traffic management system control rooms, aids to navigation and port
control buildings, including security and surveillance control rooms;

.7 areas where security and surveillance equipment are stored or located;

.8 essential electrical, radio and telecommunication, water and other utility

installations; and

Page 77

.9 other locations in the port facility where access by vessels, vehicles and
individuals should be restricted.

16.26 The security measures may extend, with the agreement of the relevant authorities, to
restrictions on unauthorized access to structures from which the port facility can be observed.

Security Level 1

16.27 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
restricted areas, which may include:

.1 provision of permanent or temporary barriers to surround the restricted area whose

standard should be accepted by the Contracting Government;

.2 provision of access points where access can be controlled by security guards when
in operation and which can be effectively locked or barred when not in use;

.3 providing passes which must be displayed to identify individuals entitlement to be

within the restricted area;

.4 clearly marking vehicles allowed access to restricted areas;

.5 providing guards and patrols;

.6 providing automatic intrusion detection devices, or surveillance equipment or

systems to detect unauthorized access into, or movement within restricted areas;

.7 control of the movement of vessels in the vicinity of ships using the port facility.

Security Level 2

16.28 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the enhancement of the frequency and
intensity of the monitoring of, and control of access to, restricted areas. The PFSP should
establish the additional security measures, which may include:

.1 enhancing the effectiveness of the barriers or fencing surrounding restricted areas,

including the use of patrols or automatic intrusion detection devices;

.2 reducing the number of access points to restricted areas and enhancing the
controls applied at the remaining accesses;

.3 restrictions on parking adjacent to berthed ships;

.4 further restricting access to the restricted areas and movements and storage within

.5 use of continuously monitored and recording surveillance equipment;

.6 enhancing the number and frequency of patrols including waterside patrols

undertaken on the boundaries of the restricted areas and within the areas;

Page 78

.7 establishing and restricting access to areas adjacent to the restricted areas; and

.8 enforcing restrictions on access by unauthorized craft to the waters adjacent to

ships using the port facility.

Security Level 3

16.29 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas within the port facility in proximity to the
security incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is
denied; and

.2 preparing for the searching of restricted areas as part of a search of all, or part, of
the port facility.

Handling of cargo

16.30 The security measures relating to cargo handling should:

.1 prevent tampering; and

.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage from being accepted and stored within
the port facility.

16.31 The security measures should include inventory control procedures at access points to the
port facility. Once within the port facility cargo should be capable of being identified as having
been checked and accepted for loading onto a ship or for temporary storage in a restricted area
while awaiting loading. It may be appropriate to restrict the entry of cargo to the port facility that
does not have a confirmed date for loading.

Security Level 1

16.32 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
cargo handling, which may include:

.1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo storage areas within the
port facility prior to, and during, cargo handling operations;

.2 checks to ensure that cargo entering the port facility matches the delivery note or
equivalent cargo documentation;

.3 searches of vehicles; and

.4 checking of seals and other methods used to prevent tampering upon entering the
port facility and upon storage within the port facility.

Page 79

16.33 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs.

16.34 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo movement the Company Security Officer
(CSO) or the Ship Security Officer (SSO) may, in consultation with the port facility, agree
arrangements with shippers or others responsible for such cargo covering off-site checking,
sealing, scheduling, supporting documentation, etc. Such arrangements should be communicated
to and agreed with the PFSO concerned.

Security Level 2

16.35 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during cargo handling to enhance control, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo storage areas within
the port facility;

.2 intensified checks, as appropriate, to ensure that only the documented cargo enters
the port facility, is temporarily stored there and then loaded onto the ship;

.3 intensified searches of vehicles; and

.4 increased frequency and detail in checking of seals and other methods used to
prevent tampering.

16.36 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of checking of cargo, cargo transport units and
cargo storage areas within the port facility (visual and physical examination);

.2 increasing the frequency of the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical

devices, or dogs; and

.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures with the shipper or other responsible

party in addition to an established agreement and procedures.

Security Level 3

16.37 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 restriction or suspension of cargo movements or operations within all, or part, of

the port facility or specific ships; and

.2 verifying the inventory of dangerous goods and hazardous substances held within
the port facility and their location.
Page 80

Delivery of ships stores

16.38 The security measures relating to the delivery of ships stores should:

.1 ensure checking of ships stores and package integrity;

.2 prevent ships stores from being accepted without inspection;

.3 prevent tampering;

.4 prevent ships stores from being accepted unless ordered;

.5 ensure searching the delivery vehicle; and

.6 ensure escorting delivery vehicles within the port facility.

16.39 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be appropriate to establish procedures
involving the ship, its suppliers and the port facility covering notification and timing of deliveries
and their documentation. There should always be some way of confirming that stores presented
for delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been ordered by the ship.

Security Level 1

16.40 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
control the delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 checking of ships stores;

.2 advance notification as to composition of load, driver details and vehicle

registration; and

.3 searching the delivery vehicle.

16.41 Checking of ships stores may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices or dogs.

Security Level 2

16.42 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the control of the delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of ships stores;

.2 detailed searches of the delivery vehicles;

.3 co-ordination with ship personnel to check the order against the delivery note
prior to entry to the port facility; and

.4 escorting the delivery vehicle within the port facility.

Page 81

16.43 Detailed checking of ships stores may be accomplished by some or all of the following

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of searches of delivery vehicles;

.2 increasing the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs;


.3 restricting, or prohibiting, entry of stores that will not leave the port facility within
a specified period.

Security Level 3

16.44 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility which may include preparation for restriction, or suspension, of
the delivery of ships stores within all, or part, of the port facility.

Handling unaccompanied baggage

16.45 The PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the
passenger or member of ships personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and
subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before is allowed in the port facility and,
depending on the storage arrangements, before it is transferred between the port facility and the
ship. It is not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to screening by both the port facility
and the ship, and in cases where both are suitably equipped, the responsibility for screening
should rest with the port facility. Close co-operation with the ship is essential and steps should
be taken to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is handled securely after screening.

Security Level 1

16.46 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched
up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening.

Security Level 2

16.47 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied when handling unaccompanied baggage which should include 100 percent x-ray
screening of all unaccompanied baggage.

Security Level 3

16.48 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

Page 82

.1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive screening, for example x-raying it

from at least two different angles;

.2 preparations for restriction or suspension of handling or unaccompanied baggage;


.3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage into the port facility.

Monitoring the security of the port facility

16.49 The port facility security organization should have the capability to monitor the port
facility and its nearby approaches, on land and water, at all times, including the night hours and
periods of limited visibility, the restricted areas within the port facility, the ships at the port
facility and areas surrounding ships. Such monitoring can include use of:

.1 lighting;

.2 security guards, including foot, vehicle and waterborne patrols; and

.3 automatic intrusion detection devices and surveillance equipment.

16.50 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices should activate an audible and/or visual
alarm at a location that is continuously attended or monitored.

16.51 The PFSP should establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level
and the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually,
including consideration of the possible effects of weather or of power disruptions.

Security Level 1

16.52 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied which
may be a combination of lighting, security guards or use of security and surveillance equipment
to allow port facility security personnel to:

.1 observe the general port facility area, including shore and water-side accesses
to it;

.2 observe access points, barriers and restricted areas; and

.3 allow port facility security personnel to monitor areas and movements adjacent to
ships using the port facility, including augmentation of lighting provided by the
ship itself.

Security Level 2

16.53 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capability, which may include:

.1 increasing the coverage and intensity of lighting and surveillance equipment,

including the provision of additional lighting and surveillance coverage;

Page 83

.2 increasing the frequency of foot, vehicle or waterborne patrols; and

.3 assigning additional security personnel to monitor and patrol.

Security Level 3

16.54 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 switching on all lighting within, or illuminating the vicinity of, the port facility;

.2 switching on all surveillance equipment capable of recording activities within, or

adjacent to, the port facility; and

.3 maximising the length of time such surveillance equipment can continue to record.

Differing security levels

16.55 The PFSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the port
facility could adopt if the port facility is at a lower security level than that applying to a ship.

Activities not covered by the Code

16.56 The PFSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the port
facility should apply when:

.1 it is interfacing with a ship which has been at a port of a State which not a
Contracting Government;

.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does not apply; and

.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or mobile offshore drilling units

on location.

Declarations of security

16.57 The PFSP should establish the procedures to be followed when on the instructions of the
Contracting Government the PFSO requests a Declaration of Security or when a DoS is requested
by a ship.

Audit, review and amendment

16.58 The PFSP should establish how the PFSO intends to audit the continued effectiveness of
the PFSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the PFSP.

16.59 The PFSP should be reviewed at the discretion of the PFSO. In addition it should be

.1 if the PFSA relating to the port facility is altered;

Page 84

.2 if an independent audit of the PFSP or the Contracting Governments testing of

the port facility security organization identifies failings in the organization or
questions the continuing relevance of significant element of the approved PFSP;

.3 following security incidents or threats thereof involving the port facility; and

.4 following changes in ownership or operational control of the port facility.

16.60 The PFSO can recommend appropriate amendments to the approved plan following any
review of the plan. Amendments to the PFSP relating to:

.1 proposed changes which could fundamentally alter the approach adopted to

maintaining the security of the port facility; and

.2 the removal, alteration or replacement of permanent barriers, security and

surveillance equipment and systems etc., previously considered essential in
maintaining the security of the port facility;

should be submitted to the Contracting Government that approved the original PFSP for their
consideration and approval. Such approval can be given by, or on behalf of, the Contracting
Government with, or without, amendments to the proposed changes. On approval of the PFSP
the Contracting Government should indicate which procedural or physical alterations have to be
submitted to it for approval.

Approval of port facility security plans

16.61 PFSPs have to be approved by the relevant Contracting Government which should
establish appropriate procedures to provide for:

.1 the submission of PFSPs to them;

.2 the consideration of PFSPs;

.3 the approval of PFSPs, with or without amendments;

.4 consideration of amendments submitted after approval; and

.5 procedures for inspecting or auditing the continuing relevance of the approved


At all stages steps should be taken to ensure that the contents of the PFSP remains confidential.

Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility

16.62 The Contracting Government within whose territory a port facility is located may issue an
appropriate Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility (SoCPF) indicating:

.1 the port facility;

.2 that the port facility complies with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of
the Code;
Page 85

.3 the period of validity of the SoCPF which should be specified by the Contracting
Governments but should not exceed five years; and

.4 the subsequent verification arrangements established by the Contracting

Government and a confirmation when these are carried out.

16.63 The Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility should be in the form set out in the
appendix to this Part of the Code. If the language used is not Spanish, French or English, the
Contracting Government, if it considers it appropriate, may also include a translation into one of
these languages.



17.1 In those exceptional instances where the ship security officer has questions about the
validity of identification documents of those seeking to board the ship for official purposes, the
port facility security officer should assist.

17.2 The port facility security officer should not be responsible for routine confirmation of the
identity of those seeking to board the ship.

In addition other relevant guidance is provided under sections 15, 16 and 18.



18.1 The Port Facility Security Officer should have knowledge and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 security administration;

.2 relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations;

.3 relevant Government legislation and regulations;

.4 responsibilities and functions of other security organizations;

.5 methodology of port facility security assessment;

.6 methods of ship and port facility security surveys and inspections;

.7 ship and port operations and conditions;

.8 ship and port facility security measures;

.9 emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;

.10 instruction techniques for security training and education, including security
measures and procedures;
Page 86

.11 handling sensitive security related information and security related


.12 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.13 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten the security;

.15 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.16 security equipment and systems, and their operational limitations;

.17 methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring;

.18 methods of physical searches and non-intrusive inspections;

.19 security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with ships; and

.20 assessment of security drills and exercises.

18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security duties should have knowledge and receive
training, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 crowd management and control techniques;

.6 security related communications;

.7 operations of security equipment and systems;

.8 testing, calibration and maintenance of security equipment and systems;

.9 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and

.10 methods of physical searches of persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and
ships stores.

18.3 All other port facility personnel should have knowledge of and be familiar with relevant
provisions of the PFSP, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 the meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security levels;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

Page 87

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten the security; and

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures.

Drills and exercises

18.4 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure that port facility personnel are proficient
in all assigned security duties, at all security levels, and to identify any security related
deficiencies, which need to be addressed.

18.5 To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the port facility security plan,
drills should be conducted at least every three months unless the specific circumstances dictate
otherwise. These drills should test individual elements of the plan such as those security threats
listed in paragraph 15.11.

18.6 Various types of exercises which may include participation of port facility security
officers, in conjunction with relevant authorities of Contracting Governments, company security
officers, or ship security officers, if available, should be carried out at least once each calendar
year with no more than 18 months between the exercises. Requests for the participation of
company security officers or ships security officers in joint exercises should be made bearing in
mind the security and work implications for the ship. These exercises should test communication,
coordination, resource availability and response. These exercises may be:

.1 full scale or live;

.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or

.3 combined with other exercises held such as emergency response or other port
State authority exercises.


No additional guidance.

Page 88



Form of a Declaration of Security between a ship and a port facility8


Name of Ship:
Port of Registry:
IMO Number:
Name of Port Facility:

This Declaration of Security is valid from .. until , for the

following activities
(list the activities with relevant details)

under the following security levels

Security level(s) for the ship:

Security level(s) for the port facility:

The port facility and ship agree to the following security measures and responsibilities to ensure
compliance with the requirements of Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships
and of Port Facilities.

The affixing of the initials of the SSO or PFSO under

these columns indicates that the activity will be done,
in accordance with relevant approved plan, by

Activity The port facility: The ship:

Ensuring the performance of all security duties

Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only
authorized personnel have access
Controlling access to the port facility
Controlling access to the ship
Monitoring of the port facility, including
berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship
Monitoring of the ship, including berthing
areas and areas surrounding the ship
Handling of cargo
Delivery of ships stores

This form of Declaration of Security is for use between a ship and a port facility. If the Declaration of Security is to
cover two ships this model should be appropriately modified.
Page 89

Handling unaccompanied baggage

Controlling the embarkation of persons and
their effects
Ensuring that security communication is
readily available between the ship and port

The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for both the
port facility and the ship during the specified activities meet the provisions of chapter XI-2 and
Part A of Code that will be implemented in accordance with the provisions already stipulated in
their approved plan or the specific arrangements agreed to and set out in the attached annex.

Dated at ..on the

Signed for and on behalf of

the port facility: the ship:

(Signature of Port Facility Security Officer) (Signature of Master or Ship Security Officer)
Name and title of person who signed
Name: Name:
Title : Title :

Contact Details
(to be completed as appropriate)
(indicate the telephone numbers or the radio channels or frequencies to be used)
for the port facility: for the ship:
Port Facility Master
Port Facility Security Officer Ship Security Officer
Company Security Officer

Page 90


Form of a Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility


(Official seal) (State)

Statement Number

Issued under the provisions of Part B of the


The Government of____________________________________________

(name of the State)

Name of the Port Facility : ...

Address of the Port Facility :

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the compliance of this port facility with the provisions of
chapter XI-2 and part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
(ISPS Code) has been verified and that this port facility operates in accordance with the approved
Port Facility Security Plan. This plan has been approved for the following <specify the types of
operations, types of ship or activities or other relevant information> (delete as appropriate):

Passenger ship
Passenger high speed craft
Cargo high speed craft
Bulk carrier
Oil tanker
Chemical tanker
Gas carrier
Mobile offshore Drilling Units
Cargo ships other than those referred to above

This Statement of Compliance is valid until ................................................................, subject to

verifications (as indicated overleaf)

Issued at....................................... ........................................................................................

(place of issue of the statement)

Date of issue................ .................................................................................

(Signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the document)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Page 91


The Government of <insert name of the State> has established that the validity of this Statement
of Compliance is subject to <insert relevant details of the verifications (e.g. mandatory annual or

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, during a verification carried out in accordance with paragraph
B/16.62.4 of the ISPS Code, the port facility was found to comply with the relevant provisions of
chapter XI-2 of the Convention and Part A of the ISPS Code.

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................


U.S. Department
Of Homeland Security


INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... iv
LEGAL CITATIONS ..................................................................................... vi
CONVERSION TABLE................................................................................ vii
NAVIGATION RULES ................................................................................... 1

PART AGENERAL................................................................................ 2
RULE 1 Application........................................................................... 2
RULE 2 Responsibility ...................................................................... 6
RULE 3 General Definitions.............................................................. 6

PART BSTEERING AND SAILING RULES........................................ 12

Section IConduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility ................. 12
RULE 4 Application......................................................................... 12
RULE 5 Look-out ............................................................................ 12
RULE 6 Safe Speed ....................................................................... 14
RULE 7 Risk of Collision................................................................. 16
RULE 8 Action to Avoid Collision ................................................... 18
RULE 9 Narrow Channels .............................................................. 20
RULE 10 Traffic Separation Schemes............................................ 22
Section IIConduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another ....................... 26
RULE 11 Application....................................................................... 26
RULE 12 Sailing Vessels................................................................ 26
RULE 13 Overtaking....................................................................... 28
RULE 14 Head-on Situation ........................................................... 30
RULE 15 Crossing Situation ........................................................... 30
RULE 16 Action by Give-way Vessel ............................................. 32
RULE 17 Action by Stand-on Vessel.............................................. 32
RULE 18 Responsibilities Between Vessels .................................. 34
Section IIIConduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility......................... 36
RULE 19 Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility...................... 36

PART CLIGHTS AND SHAPES ......................................................... 38

RULE 20 Application....................................................................... 38
RULE 21 Definitions ....................................................................... 40
RULE 22 Visibility of Lights............................................................. 42
RULE 23 Power-driven Vessels Underway .................................... 44
RULE 24 Towing and Pushing ....................................................... 52
RULE 25 Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels
Under Oars ........................................................................ 72
RULE 26 Fishing Vessels ............................................................... 80
RULE 27 Vessels Not Under Command or
Restricted in Their Ability to Maneuver.............................. 88

RULE 28 Vessels Constrained by Their Draft .............................. 102
RULE 29 Pilot Vessels.................................................................. 104
RULE 30 Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground...................... 106
RULE 31 Seaplanes ..................................................................... 112

PART DSOUND AND LIGHT SIGNALS........................................... 114

RULE 32 Definitions ..................................................................... 114
RULE 33 Equipment for Sound Signals ....................................... 114
RULE 34 Maneuvering and Warning Signals ............................... 116
RULE 35 Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility............................ 120
RULE 36 Signals to Attract Attention............................................ 124
RULE 37 Distress Signals ............................................................ 126

PART EEXEMPTIONS ..................................................................... 128

RULE 38 Exemptions ................................................................... 128

ANNEX I - Positioning and Technical Details of Lights

and Shapes ............................................................................. 132
ANNEX II - Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels
Fishing in Close Proximity ....................................................... 150
ANNEX III - Technical Details of Sound Signal
Appliances ............................................................................... 152
ANNEX IV - Distress Signals................................................................ 162
ANNEX V (33 CFR 88) - Pilot Rules .................................................... 167
INTERPRETATIVE RULES....................................................................... 174
COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES ......................................................... 176
PENALTY PROVISIONS........................................................................... 199
Violations of International Navigation Rules and
Regulations.............................................................................. 199
Violations of Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations........................ 199
Penalties for Negligent Operations....................................................... 200
Duties Related to Marine Casualty Assistance and
Information............................................................................... 200
Duty to Provide Assistance at Sea ....................................................... 200
Injunctions............................................................................................. 200
ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE ................................................................ 204
WATERS SPECIFIED BY THE SECRETARY.......................................... 207

International Rules
The International Rules in this book were formalized in the Convention on
the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, and
became effective on July 15, 1977. The Rules (commonly called 72
COLREGS) are part of the Convention, and vessels flying the flags of states
ratifying the treaty are bound to the Rules. The United States has ratified
this treaty and all United States flag vessels must adhere to these Rules
where applicable. President Gerald R. Ford proclaimed 72 COLREGS and
the Congress adopted them as the International Navigational Rules Act of

The 72 COLREGS were developed by the Inter-Governmental Maritime

Consultative Organization (IMCO) which in May 1982 was renamed the
International Maritime Organization (IMO). In November 1981, IMOs
Assembly adopted 55 amendments to the 72 COLREGS which became
effective on June 1, 1983. The IMO also adopted 9 more amendments
which became effective on November 19, 1989. The International Rules in
this book contain these amendments.

These Rules are applicable on waters outside of established navigational

lines of demarcation. The lines are called COLREGS Demarcation Lines
and delineate those waters upon which mariners shall comply with the
Inland and International Rules. COLREGS Demarcation Lines are contained
in this book.

Inland Rules
The Inland Rules in this book replace the old Inland Rules, Western Rivers
Rules, Great Lakes Rules, their respective pilot rules and interpretive rules,
and parts of the Motorboat Act of 1940. Many of the old navigation rules
were originally enacted in the last century. Occasionally, provisions were
added to cope with the increasing complexities of water transportation.
Eventually, the navigation rules for United States inland waterways became
such a confusing patchwork of requirements that in the 1960s several
attempts were made to revise and simplify them. These attempts were not

Following the signing of the Convention on the International Regulations for

Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, a new effort was made to unify and
update the various inland navigation rules. This effort culminated in the
enactment of the Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980. This legislation sets
out Rules 1 through 38 the main body of the Rules. The five Annexes
were published as regulations. It is important to note that with the exception
of Annex V to the Inland Rules, the International and Inland Rules and
Annexes are very similar in both content and format.

The effective date for the Inland Navigation Rules was December 24, 1981,
except for the Great Lakes where the effective date was March 1, 1983.

International Navigational Rules .......................... Public Law 95 - 75;
Act of 1977........................................................... 91 Stat. 308;
........................................................... 33 U.S.C. 1601 - 1608
COLREGS Demarcation Lines ............................ 33 CFR 80
72 COLREGS: Implementing Rules .................... 33 CFR 81
72 COLREGS: Interpretative Rules ..................... 33 CFR 82
Amendments to 72 COLREGS effective ............. 48 FR 28634
June 1, 1983

Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980................ Public Law 96 - 591;
................. 94 Stat. 3415;
................. 33 U.S.C. 2001 - 2038
Annex l: Positioning and Technical
Details of Lights and Shapes ........................ 33 CFR 84
Annex Il: Additional Signals for Fishing ............... 33 CFR 85
in Close Proximity
Annex lIl: Technical Details of Sound .................. 33 CFR 86
Signal Appliances
Annex IV: Distress Signals .................................. 33 CFR 87
Annex V: Pilot Rules ............................................ 33 CFR 88
Inland Navigation Rules: Implementing Rules..... 33 CFR 89
Inland Navigation Rules: Interpretative Rules .... 33 CFR 90


Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act .......... Public Law 92-63;
........... 85 Stat.164;
........... 33 U.S.C. 1201 - 1208
Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone ................ 33 CFR 26
Regulations (Coast Guard regulations)
Radiotelephone Stations Provided for
Compliance With the Vessel Bridge-to
Bridge Radiotelephone Act (Federal
Communications Commission regulations)
Other FCC regulations pertaining to vessel
bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone
communications are contained in various
sections of 47 CFR 80. .................................... 47 CFR 80.1001 - 80.1023
Boundary Lines........................................................ 46 CFR 7

Conversion of Metric to U.S. Customary/Imperial Units

U.S. Customary/
Imperial Measure
Metric Measure (approx.)
1000 Meters (M) ..............................................3280.8 ft.
500 M...............................................................1640.4 ft.
200 M.................................................................656.2 ft.
150 M.................................................................492.1 ft.
100 M.................................................................328.1 ft.
75 M...................................................................246.1 ft.
60 M...................................................................196.8 ft.
50 M...................................................................164.0 ft.
25 M.....................................................................82.0 ft.
20 M.....................................................................65.6 ft.
12 M.....................................................................39.4 ft.
10 M.....................................................................32.8 ft.
8 M.........................................................................6.2 ft.
7 M.......................................................................23.0 ft.
6 M.......................................................................19.7 ft.
5 M.........................................................................6.4 ft.
4.5 M....................................................................14.8 ft.
4.0 M....................................................................13.1 ft.
3.5 M....................................................................11.5 ft.
2.5 M......................................................................8.2 ft.
2.0 M......................................................................6.6 ft.
1.5 M......................................................................4.9 ft.
1 M.........................................................................3.3 ft.
.9 M......................................................................35.4 in.
.6 M......................................................................23.6 in.
.5 M......................................................................19.7 in.
300 Millimeters (mm)...........................................11.8 in.
200 mm..................................................................7.9 in.





(a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all
waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.
(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special
rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes
or inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by
seagoing vessels. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to
these Rules.
(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of any special
rules made by the Government of any State with respect to additional
station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and
vessels proceeding under convoy, with respect to additional station or signal
lights or shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet. These
additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, so far as
possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shape or signal
authorized elsewhere under these Rules1.

Submarines may display, as a distinctive means of identification, an
intermittent flashing amber (yellow) beacon with a sequence of one flash per
second for three (3) seconds followed by a three (3) second off-period.
Other special rules made by the Secretary of the Navy with respect to
additional station and signal lights are found in Part 706 of Title 32, Code of
Federal Regulations (32 CFR 706).




(a) These Rules apply to all vessels upon the inland waters of the United
States, and to vessels of the United States on the Canadian waters of the
Great Lakes to the extent that there is no conflict with Canadian law.
(i) These Rules constitute special rules made by an appropriate
authority within the meaning of Rule 1(b) of the International
(ii) All vessels complying with the construction and equipment
requirements of the International Regulations are considered to be in
compliance with these Rules.
(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of any special
rules made by the Secretary of the Navy with respect to additional station or
signal lights and shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vessels
proceeding under convoy, or by the Secretary with respect to additional
station or signal lights and shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as
a fleet. These additional station or signal lights and shapes or whistle
signals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for
any light, shape, or signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules. Notice
of such special rules shall be published in the Federal Register and, after
the effective date specified in such notice, they shall have effect as if they
were a part of these Rules1.

Submarines may display, as a distinctive means of identification, an
intermittent flashing amber (yellow) beacon with a sequence of one flash per
second for three (3) seconds followed by a three (3) second off-period.
Other special rules made by the Secretary of the Navy with respect to
additional station and signal lights are found in Part 706 of Title 32, Code of
Federal Regulations (32 CFR 706).


(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the Organization for the
purpose of these Rules.
(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that a
vessel of special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the
provisions of any of these Rules with respect to the number, position, range
or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and
characteristics of sound-signaling appliances, such vessel shall comply with
such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of
visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics
of sound-signaling appliances, as her Government shall have determined to
be the closest possible compliance with these Rules in respect to that


(d) Traffic separation schemes may be established for the purposes of
these Rules. Vessel traffic service regulations may be in effect in certain
(e) Whenever the Secretary determines that a vessel or class of vessels of
special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of
any of these Rules with respect to the number, position, range, or arc of
visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics
of sound-signaling appliances, the vessel shall comply with such other
provisions in regard to the number, position, range, or arc of visibility of
lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-
signaling appliances, as the Secretary shall have determined to be the
closest possible compliance with these Rules. The Secretary may issue a
certificate of alternative compliance for a vessel or class of vessels
specifying the closest possible compliance with these Rules. The Secretary
of the Navy shall make these determinations and issue certificates of
alternative compliance for vessels of the Navy.
(f) The Secretary may accept a certificate of alternative compliance issued
by a contracting party to the International Regulations if he determines that
the alternative compliance standards of the contracting party are
substantially the same as those of the United States.


(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner,
master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply
with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required
by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the
(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had
to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances,
including the limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a
departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.

General Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules, except where the context otherwise
(a) The word vessel includes every description of water craft, including
nondisplacement craft, WIG craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being
used as a means of transportation on water.
(b) The term power-driven vessel means any vessel propelled by
(c) The term sailing vessel means any vessel under sail provided that
propelling machinery, if fitted, is not being used.
(d) The term vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishing with
nets, lines, trawls or other fishing apparatus which restrict maneuverability,
but does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing
apparatus which do not restrict maneuverability.
(e) The word seaplane includes any aircraft designed to maneuver on the
(f) The term vessel not under command means a vessel which through
some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by these
Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel.
(g) The term vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver means a vessel
which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to maneuver as
required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of
another vessel.


(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner,
master, or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply
with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution which may be required
by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the
(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had
to all dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances,
including the limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a
departure from these Rules necessary to avoid immediate danger.

General Definitions
For the purpose of these Rules and this Chapter, except where the context
otherwise requires:
(a) The word vessel includes every description of water craft, including
nondisplacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a
means of transportation on water;
(b) The term power-driven vessel means any vessel propelled by
(c) The term sailing vessel means any vessel under sail provided that
propelling machinery, if fitted, is not being used;
(d) The term vessel engaged in fishing means any vessel fishing with
nets, lines, trawls, or other fishing apparatus which restricts maneuverability,
but does not include a vessel fishing with trolling lines or other fishing
apparatus which do not restrict maneuverability;
(e) The word seaplane includes any aircraft designed to maneuver on the
(f) The term vessel not under command means a vessel which through
some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by these
Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of another vessel;
(g) The term vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver means a vessel
which from the nature of her work is restricted in her ability to maneuver as
required by these Rules and is therefore unable to keep out of the way of
another vessel; vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver include, but
are not limited to:


(g) (continued) The term vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver
shall include but not be limited to:
(i) a vessel engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a navigation
mark, submarine cable or pipeline;
(ii) a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations;
(iii) a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,
provisions or cargo while underway;
(iv) a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft;
(v) a vessel engaged in mineclearance operations;
(vi) a vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts
the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their
(h) The term vessel constrained by her draft means a power-driven
vessel which, because of her draft in relation to the available depth and
width of navigable water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from
the course she is following.
(i) The word underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made fast
to the shore, or aground.
(j) The words length and breadth of a vessel means her length overall
and greatest breadth.
(k) Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one
can be observed visually from the other.
(l) The term restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is
restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms or any
other similar causes.
(m) The term Wing-In-Ground (WIG) craft means a multimodal craft
which, in its main operational mode, flies in close proximity to the surface by
utilizing surface-effect action.


(g) (continued)
(i) a vessel engaged in laying, servicing, or picking up a navigation
mark, submarine cable, or pipeline;
(ii) a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying, or underwater operations;
(iii) a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons,
provisions, or cargo while underway;
(iv) a vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft;
(v) a vessel engaged in mineclearance operations; and (vi) a vessel
engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing
vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course.
(h) The word underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, or made
fast to the shore, or aground;
(i) The words length and breadth of a vessel means her length overall
and greatest breadth;
(j) Vessels shall be deemed to be in sight of one another only when one
can be observed visually from the other;
(k) The term restricted visibility means any condition in which visibility is
restricted by fog, mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorms, sandstorms, or any
other similar causes;





(l) Western Rivers means the Mississippi River, its tributaries, South
Pass, and Southwest Pass, to the navigational demarcation lines dividing
the high seas from harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United
States, and the Port Allen-Morgan City Alternate Route, and that part of the
Atchafalaya River above its junction with the Port Allen-Morgan City
Alternate Route including the Old River and the Red River;
(m) Great Lakes means the Great Lakes and their connecting and
tributary waters including the Calumet River as far as the Thomas J.
OBrien Lock and Controlling Works (between mile 326 and 327), the
Chicago River as far as the east side of the Ashland Avenue Bridge
(between mile 321 and 322), and the Saint Lawrence River as far east as
the lower exit of Saint Lambert Lock;
(n) Secretary means the Secretary of the department in which the Coast
Guard is operating;
(o) Inland Waters means the navigable waters of the United States
shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from
harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United States and the waters
of the Great Lakes on the United States side of the International Boundary;
(p) Inland Rules or Rules mean the Inland Navigational Rules and the
annexes thereto, which govern the conduct of vessels and specify the lights,
shapes, and sound signals that apply on inland waters; and
(q) International Regulations means the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, including annexes currently in force for
the United States.

Steering and Sailing Rules


Section IConduct of Vessels in Any

Condition of Visibility

Rules in this Section apply to any condition of visibility.

Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and
hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing
circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation
and of the risk of collision.

Steering and Sailing Rules


Subpart IConduct of Vessels in Any

Condition of Visibility

Rules in this subpart apply in any condition of visibility.

Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and
hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing
circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation
and of the risk of collision.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can
take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a
distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those
taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density including concentrations of fishing vessels or any
other vessels;
(iii) the maneuverability of the vessel with special reference to stopping
distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions;
(iv) at night, the presence of background light such as from shore lights
or from back scatter of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational
(vi) the draft in relation to the available depth of water.
(b) Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
(i) the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment;
(ii) any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use;
(iii) the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other
sources of interference;
(iv) the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may
not be detected by radar at an adequate range;
(v) the number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar;
(vi) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible
when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects
in the vicinity.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can
take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a
distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those
taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density including concentration of fishing vessels or any
other vessels;
(iii) the maneuverability of the vessel with special reference to stopping
distance and turning ability in the prevailing conditions;
(iv) at night, the presence of background light such as from shore lights
or from back scatter of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea, and current, and the proximity of navigational
(vi) the draft in relation to the available depth of water.
(b) Additionally, by vessels with operational radar:
(i) the characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment;
(ii) any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use;
(iii) the effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather, and other
sources of interference;
(iv) the possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may
not be detected by radar at an adequate range;
(v) the number, location, and movement of vessels detected by radar;
(vi) the more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible
when radar is used to determine the range of vessels or other objects
in the vicinity.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Risk of Collision
(a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. If there
is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist.
(b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and operational,
including long-range scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and
radar plotting or equivalent systematic observation of detected objects.
(c) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information,
especially scanty radar information.
(d) In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations
shall be among those taken into account:
(i) such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an
approaching vessel does not appreciably change;
(ii) such risk may sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing
change is evident, particularly when approaching a very large vessel or
a tow or when approaching a vessel at close range.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Risk of Collision
(a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. If there
is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist. (b) Proper use shall be
made of radar equipment if fitted and operational, including long-range
scanning to obtain early warning of risk of collision and radar plotting or
equivalent systematic observation of detected objects.
(b) Assumptions shall not be made on the basis of scanty information,
especially scanty radar information.
(c) In determining if risk of collision exists the following considerations shall
be among those taken into account:
(d) such risk shall be deemed to exist if the compass bearing of an
approaching vessel does not appreciably change; and (ii) such risk may
sometimes exist even when an appreciable bearing change is evident,
particularly when approaching a very large vessel or a tow or when
approaching a vessel at close range.

Steering and Sailing Rules
Action to Avoid Collision
(a) Any action taken to avoid collision shall be taken in accordance with
the Rules of this Part and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be
positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good
(b) Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit, be large enough to be readily apparent to
another vessel observing visually or by radar; a succession of small
alterations of course and/or speed should be avoided.
(c) If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the
most effective action to avoid a close-quarters situation provided that it is
made in good time, is substantial and does not result in another close-
quarters situation.
(d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such as to
result in passing at a safe distance. The effectiveness of the action shall be
carefully checked until the other vessel is finally past and clear.
(e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess the
situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or
reversing her means of propulsion.
(i) A vessel which, by any of these rules, is required not to impede the
passage or safe passage of another vessel shall, when required by the
circumstances of the case, take early action to allow sufficient sea
room for the safe passage of the other vessel.
(ii) A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage of
another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if approaching the other
vessel so as to involve risk of collision and shall, when taking action,
have full regard to the action which may be required by the rules of this
(iii) A vessel, the passage of which is not to be impeded remains fully
obliged to comply with the rules of this part when the two vessels are
approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Action to Avoid Collision
(a) Any action taken to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the
case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the
observance of good seamanship.
(b) Any alteration of course or speed to avoid collision shall, if the
circumstances of the case admit, be large enough to be readily apparent to
another vessel observing visually or by radar; a succession of small
alterations of course or speed should be avoided.
(c) If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of course alone may be the
most effective action to avoid a close-quarters situation provided that it is
made in good time, is substantial and does not result in another close-
quarters situation.
(d) Action taken to avoid collision with another vessel shall be such as to
result in passing at a safe distance. The effectiveness of the action shall be
carefully checked until the other vessel is finally past and clear.
(e) If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to assess the
situation, a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or
reversing her means of propulsion.
(i) A vessel which, by any of these rules, is required not to impede the
passage or safe passage of another vessel shall, when required by the
circumstances of the case, take early action to allow sufficient sea
room for the safe passage of the other vessel.
(ii) A vessel required not to impede the passage or safe passage of
another vessel is not relieved of this obligation if approaching the other
vessel so as to involve risk of collision and shall, when taking action,
have full regard to the action which may be required by the rules of this
(iii) A vessel, the passage of which is not to be impeded remains fully
obliged to comply with the rules of this part when the two vessels are
approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Narrow Channels
(a) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway
shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which Iies on
her starboard side as is safe and practicable.
(b) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not
impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within a
narrow channel or fairway.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other
vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
(d) A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing
impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within such
channel or fairway. The latter vessel may use the sound signal prescribed in
Rule 34(d) if in doubt as to the intention of the crossing vessel.
(i) In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only
if the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing,
the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding
the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(c)(i). The vessel to be
overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound the appropriate signal
prescribed in Rule 34(c)(ii) and take steps to permit safe passing. If in
doubt she may sound the signals prescribed in Rule 34(d).
(ii) This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her obligation
under Rule 13.
(f) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway
where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall
navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall sound the
appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(e).
(g) Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid
anchoring in a narrow channel.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Narrow Channels
(i) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway
shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies
on her starboard side as is safe and practicable.
(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(i) and Rule 14(a), a power-driven
vessel operating in narrow channels or fairways on the Great Lakes,
Western Rivers, or waters specified by the Secretary, and proceeding
downbound with a following current shall have the right-of-way over an
upbound vessel, shall propose the manner and place of passage, and
shall initiate the maneuvering signals prescribed by Rule 34(a)(i), as
appropriate. The vessel proceeding upbound against the current shall
hold as necessary to permit safe passing.
(b) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not
impede the passage of a vessel that can safely navigate only within a
narrow channel or fairway.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other
vessel navigating within a narrow channel or fairway.
(d) A vessel shall not cross a narrow channel or fairway if such crossing
impedes the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within that
channel or fairway. The latter vessel shall use the danger signal prescribed
in Rule 34(d) if in doubt as to the intention of the crossing vessel.
(i) In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking, the power-driven
vessel intending to overtake another power-driven vessel shall indicate
her intention by sounding the appropriate signal prescribed in Rule
34(c) and take steps to permit safe passing. The power-driven vessel
being overtaken, if in agreement, shall sound the same signal and may,
if specifically agreed to take steps to permit safe passing. If in doubt
she shall sound the danger signal prescribed in Rule 34(d).
(ii) This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her obligation
under Rule 13.
(f) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway
where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall
navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall sound the
appropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(e).
(g) Every vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid
anchoring in a narrow channel.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Traffic Separation Schemes
(a) This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by the
Organization and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other
(b) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall:
(i) proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic
flow for that lane;
(ii) so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation
(iii) normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane, but
when joining or leaving from either side shall do so at as small an angle to
the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.
(c) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if
obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles
to the general direction of traffic flow.
(i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use
the appropriate traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme.
However, vessels of less than 20 meters in length, sailing vessels and
vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic zone.
(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (d)(i), a vessel may use an inshore
traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore installation or
structure, pilot station or any other place situated within the inshore traffic
zone, or to avoid immediate danger.
(e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane
shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line except:
(i) in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger;
(ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.
(f) A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation
schemes shall do so with particular caution.
(g) A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a traffic separation
scheme or in areas near its terminations.
(h) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a
margin as is practicable.
(i) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any vessel
following a traffic lane.
(j) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not
impede the safe passage of a power-driven vessel following a traffic lane.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Traffic Separation Schemes
(a) This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes and does not relieve any
vessel of her obligation under any other Rule.
(b) A vessel using a traffic separation scheme shall:
(i) proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general direction of traffic
flow for that lane;
(ii) so far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line or separation
(iii) normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane, but
when joining or leaving from either side shall do so at as small an angle to
the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.
(c) A vessel shall, so far as practicable, avoid crossing traffic lanes but if
obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles
to the general direction of traffic flow.
(i) A vessel shall not use an inshore traffic zone when she can safely use
the appropriate traffic lane within the adjacent traffic separation scheme.
However, vessels of less than 20 meters in length, sailing vessels, and
vessels engaged in fishing may use the inshore traffic zone.
(ii) Notwithstanding subparagraph (d) (i), a vessel may use an inshore
traffic zone when en route to or from a port, offshore installation or
structure, pilot station, or any other place situated within the inshore traffic
zone, or to avoid immediate danger.
(e) A vessel other than a crossing vessel or a vessel joining or leaving a lane
shall not normally enter a separation zone or cross a separation line except:
(i) in cases of emergency to avoid immediate danger; or
(ii) to engage in fishing within a separation zone.
(f) A vessel navigating in areas near the terminations of traffic separation
schemes shall do so with particular caution.
(g) (g)A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a traffic
separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.
(h) A vessel not using a traffic separation scheme shall avoid it by as wide a
margin as is practicable.
(i) A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any vessel
following a traffic lane.
(j) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not
impede the safe passage of a power-driven vessel following a traffic lane.

Steering and Sailing Rules

(k) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged in an
operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a traffic separation
scheme is exempted from complying with this Rule to the extent necessary
to carry out the operation.
(l) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged in an
operation for the laying, servicing or picking up of a submarine cable, within
a traffic separation scheme, is exempted from complying with this Rule to
the extent necessary to carry out the operation.

Steering and Sailing Rules

(k) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged in an
operation for the maintenance of safety of navigation in a traffic separation
scheme is exempted from complying with this Rule to the extent necessary
to carry out the operation.
(l) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver when engaged in an
operation for the laying, servicing, or picking up of a submarine cable, within
a traffic separation scheme, is exempted from complying with this Rule to
the extent necessary to carry out the operation.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Section IIConduct of Vessels in Sight of

One Another

Rules in this section apply to vessels in sight of one another.

Sailing Vessels
(a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to
involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as
(i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the
wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other;
(ii) when both have the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to
windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to leeward;
(iii) if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to windward
and cannot determine with certainty whether the other vessel has the
wind on the port or on the starboard side, she shall keep out of the way
of the other.
(b) For the purposes of this Rule the windward side shall be deemed to be
the side opposite to that on which the mainsail is carried or, in the case of a
square-rigged vessel, the side opposite to that on which the largest fore-
and-aft sail is carried.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Subpart IIConduct of Vessels in Sight of

One Another

Rules in this subpart apply to vessels in sight of one another.

Sailing Vessels
(a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to
involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as
(i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the
wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other;
(ii) when both have the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to
windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to leeward;
and (iii) if a vessel with the wind on the port side sees a vessel to
windward and cannot determine with certainty whether the other vessel
has the wind on the port or on the starboard side, she shall keep out of
the way of the other.
(b) For the purpose of this Rule the windward side shall be deemed to be
the side opposite to that on which the mainsail is carried or, in the case of a
square-rigged vessel, the side opposite to that on which the largest fore-
and-aft sail is carried.

Steering and Sailing Rules

(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I
and II, any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the
vessel being overtaken.
(b) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up with
another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam, that
is, in such a position with reference to the vessel she is overtaking, that at
night she would be able to see only the sternlight of that vessel but neither
of her sidelights.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she if overtaking another,
she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly. (d) Any
subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels shall not
make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these
Rules or relieve her of the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken vessel until
she is finally past and clear.

Steering and Sailing Rules

(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rules 4 through 18, any vessel
overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being
(b) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up with
another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam; that
is, in such a position with reference to the vessel she is overtaking, that at
night she would be able to see only the sternlight of that vessel but neither
of her sidelights.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is overtaking another,
she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly. (d) Any
subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels shall not
make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of these
Rules or relieve her of the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken vessel until
she is finally past and clear.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Head-on Situation
(a) When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly
reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter her
course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other.
(b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other
ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights of
the other in a line or nearly in a line and/or both sidelights and by day she
observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she
shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.

Crossing Situation
When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of
collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall
keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid
crossing ahead of the other vessel.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Head-on Situation
(a) Unless otherwise agreed, when two power-driven vessels are meeting
on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision
each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port
side of the other.
(b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other
ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights of
the other in a line or nearly in a line or both sidelights and by day she
observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she
shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.
(d) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this Rule, a power-driven vessel
operating on the Great Lakes, Western Rivers, or waters specified by the
Secretary, and proceeding downbound with a following current shall have
the right-of-way over an upbound vessel, shall propose the manner of
passage, and shall initiate the maneuvering signals prescribed by Rule
34(a)(i), as appropriate.

Crossing Situation
(a) When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of
collision, the vessel which has the other on her starboard side shall keep out
of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing
ahead of the other vessel.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), on the Great Lakes, Western Rivers, or
water specified by the Secretary, a power-driven vessel crossing a river
shall keep out of the way of a power-driven vessel ascending or descending
the river.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Action by Give-way Vessel
Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel
shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear.

Action by Stand-on Vessel
(i) Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall
keep her course and speed.
(ii) The latter vessel may however take action to avoid collision by her
maneuver alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel
required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action in
compliance with these Rules.
(b) When, from any cause, the vessel required to keep her course and
speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of
the give-way vessel alone, she shall take such action as will best aid to
avoid collision.
(c) A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in
accordance with subparagraph (a)(ii) of this Rule to avoid collision with
another power-driven vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit,
not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side.
(d) This Rule does not relieve the give-way vessel of her obligation to keep
out of the way.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Action by Give-way Vessel
Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel
shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear.

Action by Stand-on Vessel
(i) Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way, the other shall
keep her course and speed.
(ii) The latter vessel may, however, take action to avoid collision by her
maneuver alone, as soon as it becomes apparent to her that the vessel
required to keep out of the way is not taking appropriate action in
compliance with these Rules.
(b) When, from any cause, the vessel required to keep her course and
speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of
the give-way vessel alone, she shall take such action as will best aid to
avoid collision.
(c) A power-driven vessel which takes action in a crossing situation in
accordance with subparagraph (a)(ii) of this Rule to avoid collision with
another power-driven vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit,
not alter course to port for a vessel on her own port side.
(d) This Rule does not relieve the give-way vessel of her obligation to keep
out of the way.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Responsibilities Between Vessels
Except where Rules 9, 10 and 13 otherwise require:
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver;
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing;
(iv) a sailing vessel.
(b) A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver;
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall, so far as possible,
keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
(i) Any vessel other than a vessel not under command or a vessel
restricted in her ability to maneuver shall, if the circumstances of the
case admit, avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel constrained
by her draft, exhibiting the signals in Rule 28.
(ii) A vessel constrained by her draft shall navigate with particular
caution having full regard to her special condition.
(e) A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels
and avoid impeding their navigation. In circumstances, however, where risk
of collision exists, she shall comply with the Rules of this Part.
(i) A WIG craft shall, when taking off, landing and in flight near the
surface, keep well clear of all other vessels and avoid impeding their
(ii) A WIG craft operating on the water surface shall comply with the
Rules of this Part as a power-driven vessel.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Responsibilities Between Vessels
Except where Rules 9, 10, and 13 otherwise require:
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver;
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing; and
(iv) a sailing vessel.
(b) A sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command;
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver; and
(iii) a vessel engaged in fishing.
(c) A vessel engaged in fishing when underway shall, so far as possible,
keep out of the way of:
(i) a vessel not under command; and
(ii) a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.
(d) A seaplane on the water shall, in general, keep well clear of all vessels
and avoid impeding their navigation. In circumstances, however, where risk
of collision exists, she shall comply with the Rules of this Part.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Section IIIConduct of Vessels in Restricted


Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
(a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when
navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
(b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. A power-driven vessel
shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver.
(c) Every vessel shall have due regard to the prevailing circumstances and
conditions of restricted visibility when complying with the Rules of Section I
of this Part.
(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel
shall determine if a close-quarters situation is developing and/or risk of
collision exists. If so, she shall take avoiding action in ample time, provided
that when such action consists of an alteration of course, so far as possible
the following shall be avoided:
(i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam, other
than for a vessel being overtaken;
(ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the beam.
(e) Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision does not
exist, every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam the fog
signal of another vessel, or which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation
with another vessel forward of her beam, shall reduce her speed to the
minimum at which she can be kept on her course. She shall if necessary
take all her way off and in any event navigate with extreme caution until
danger of collision is over.

Steering and Sailing Rules

Subpart IIIConduct of Vessels in Restricted


Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
(a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when
navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
(b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. A power-driven vessel
shall have her engines ready for immediate maneuver.
(c) Every vessel shall have due regard to the prevailing circumstances and
conditions of restricted visibility when complying with Rules 4 through 10.
(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel
shall determine if a close-quarters situation is developing or risk of collision
exists. If so, she shall take avoiding action in ample time, provided that
when such action consists of an alteration of course, so far as possible the
following shall be avoided:
(i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the beam, other
than for a vessel being overtaken; and
(ii) an alteration of course toward a vessel abeam or abaft the beam.
(e) Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision does not
exist, every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam the fog
signal of another vessel, or which cannot avoid a closequarters situation
with another vessel forward of her beam, shall reduce her speed to the
minimum at which she can be kept on course. She shall if necessary take all
her way off and, in any event, navigate with extreme caution until danger of
collision is over.

Lights and Shapes


(a) Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers.
(b) The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to
sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be exhibited, except
such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified in these Rules or
do not impair their visibility or distinctive character, or interfere with the
keeping of a proper look-out.
(c) The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also be exhibited
from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may be exhibited in all other
circumstances when it is deemed necessary.
(d) The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.
(e) The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply with the
provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.

Lights and Shapes


(a) Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers.
(b) The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to
sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be exhibited, except
such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified in these Rules or
do not impair their visibility or distinctive character, or interfere with the
keeping of a proper look-out.
(c) The lights prescribed by these Rules shall, if carried, also be exhibited
from sunrise to sunset in restricted visibility and may be exhibited in all other
circumstances when it is deemed necessary.
(d) The Rules concerning shapes shall be complied with by day.
(e) The lights and shapes specified in these Rules shall comply with the
provisions of Annex I of these Rules.

Lights and Shapes

(a) Masthead light means a white light placed over the fore and aft
centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon
of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel.
(b) Sidelights means a green light on the starboard side and a red light
on the port side each showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon
of 112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on its respective side. In a vessel of less than 20
meters in length the sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on
the fore and aft centerline of the vessel.
(c) Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the
stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees
and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of
the vessel.
(d) Towing light means a yellow light having the same characteristics as
the sternlight defined in paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(e) All-round light means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horizon of 360 degrees.
(f) Flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency
of 120 flashes or more per minute.

Lights and Shapes

(a) Masthead light means a white light placed over the fore and aft
centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon
of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel, except that on a vessel
of less than 12 meters in length the masthead light shall be placed as nearly
as practicable to the fore and aft centerline of the vessel.
(b) Sidelights mean a green light on the starboard side and a red light on
the port side each showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of
112.5 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22.5
degrees abaft the beam on its respective side. On a vessel of less than 20
meters in length the sidelights may be combined in one lantern carried on
the fore and aft centerline of the vessel, except that on a vessel of less than
12 meters in length the sidelights when combined in one lantern shall be
placed as nearly as practicable to the fore and aft centerline of the vessel.
(c) Sternlight means a white light placed as nearly as practicable at the
stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 135 degrees
and so fixed as to show the light 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of
the vessel.
(d) Towing light means a yellow light having the same characteristics as
the sternlight defined in paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(e) All-round light means a light showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horizon of 360 degrees.
(f) Flashing light means a light flashing at regular intervals at a frequency
of 120 flashes or more per minute.
(g) Special flashing light means a yellow light flashing at regular intervals
at a frequency of 50 to 70 flashes per minute, placed as far forward and as
nearly as practicable on the fore and aft centerline of the tow and showing
an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of not less than 180 degrees
nor more than 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right
ahead to abeam and no more than 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on either
side of the vessel.

Lights and Shapes

Visibility of Lights
The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as specified in
Section 8 of Annex I to these Regulations so as to be visible at the following
minimum ranges:
(a) In vessels of 50 meters or more in length:
a masthead light, 6 miles;
a sidelight, 3 miles;
a sternlight, 3 miles;
a towing light, 3 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 3 miles.
(b) In vessels of 12 meters or more in length but less than 50 meters in
a masthead light, 5 miles; except that where the length of the vessel is
less than 20 meters, 3 miles;
a sidelight, 2 miles;
a sternlight, 2 miles;
a towing light, 2 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles.
(c) In vessels of less than 12 meters in length:
a masthead light, 2 miles;
a sidelight, 1 mile;
a sternlight, 2 miles;
a towing light, 2 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles.
(d) In inconspicuous, partly submerged vessels or objects being towed:
(a) a white all-round light, 3 miles.

Lights and Shapes

Visibility of Lights
The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as specified in
Annex I to these Rules, so as to be visible at the following minimum ranges:
(a) In a vessel of 50 meters or more in length:
a masthead light, 6 miles;
a sidelight, 3 miles;
a sternlight, 3 miles;
a towing light, 3 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 3 miles; and
a special flashing light, 2 miles.
(b) In a vessel of 12 meters or more in length but less than 50 meters in
a masthead light, 5 miles; except that where the length of the vessel is
less than 20 meters, 3 miles;
a sidelight, 2 miles;
a sternlight, 2 miles;
a towing light, 2 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles; and
a special flashing light, 2 miles.
(c) In a vessel of less than 12 meters in length:
a masthead light, 2 miles;
a sidelight, 1 mile;
a sternlight, 2 miles;
a towing light, 2 miles;
a white, red, green or yellow all-round light, 2 miles; and
a special flashing light, 2 miles.
(d) In an inconspicuous, partly submerged vessel or object being towed:
a white all-round light, 3 miles.

Lights and Shapes

Power-driven Vessels Underway
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit:
(i) a masthead light forward;
(ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one;
except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be
obliged to exhibit such light but may do so;
(iii) sidelights; and
(iv) a sternlight.

Power-driven vessel underway. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Power-driven Vessels Underway
(a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit:
(i) a masthead light forward;
(ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one;
except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be
obliged to exhibit such light but may do so;
(iii) sidelights; and
(iv) a sternlight.

Power-driven vessel underway - less than 50 meters in length.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(b) An air-cushion vessel when operating in the nondisplacement mode
shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit
an all-round flashing yellow light.

Air-cushion vessel when operating in the nondisplacement mode -

vessel less than 50 meters in length.

Lights and Shapes

(b) An air-cushion vessel when operating in the nondisplacement mode
shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit
an all-round flashing yellow light where it can best be seen.

Air-cushion vessel when operating in the displacement mode -

vessel less than 50 meters in length.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A WIG craft only when taking off, landing and in flight near the surface
shall, in addition to the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit
a high intensity all-round flashing red light.
(i) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may in lieu of
the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round
white light and sidelights;
(ii) a power-driven vessel of less than 7 meters in length whose
maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots may in lieu of the lights
prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round white light
and shall, if practicable, also exhibit sidelights;
(iii) the masthead light or all-round white light on a power-driven vessel
of less than 12 meters in length may be displaced from the fore and aft
centerline of the vessel if centerline fitting is not practicable, provided
that the sidelights are combined in one lantern which shall be carried
on the fore and aft centerline of the vessel or located as nearly as
practicable in the same fore and aft line as the masthead light or the
all-round white light.

Power-driven vessel of less than 7 meters in length whose maximum speed

does not exceed 7 knots.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may, in lieu of
the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit an all-round white
light and sidelights.

Power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length. Same for


Lights and Shapes


Lights and Shapes

(d) A power-driven vessel when operating on the Great Lakes may carry
an all-round white light in lieu of the second masthead light and sternlight
prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule. The light shall be carried in the
position of the second masthead light and be visible at the same minimum

Power-driven vessel on Great Lakes.

Lights and Shapes

Towing and Pushing
(a) A power-driven vessel when towing shall exhibit:
(i) instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23(a)(i) or (a)(ii), two masthead
lights in a vertical line. When the length of the tow, measuring from the
stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200
meters, three such lights in a vertical line;
(ii) sidelights;
(iii) a sternlight;
(iv) a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight; and (v) when
the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters, a diamond shape where it
can best be seen.

Power-driven vessel towing astern - towing vessel less than 50 meters in

length; length of tow exceeds 200 meters. Same for Inland

Lights and Shapes

Towing and Pushing
(a) A power-driven vessel when towing astern shall exhibit:
(i) instead of the light prescribed either in Rule 23(a)(i) or 23(a)(ii), two
masthead lights in a vertical line. When the length of the tow,
measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the
tow exceeds 200 meters, three such lights in a vertical line;
(ii) sidelights;
(iii) a sternlight;
(iv) a towing light in a vertical line above the sternlight; and (v) when
the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters, a diamond shape where it
can best be seen.

Power-driven vessel towing astern - towing vessel less than 50 meters in

length; length of tow 200 meters or less. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(b) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly
connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven
vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 23.

Composite unit underway. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes


(b) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly
connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven
vessel and exhibit the lights prescribed in Rule 23.

Composite unit underway - less than 50 meters in length.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A power-driven vessel when pushing ahead or towing alongside,
except in the case of a composite unit, shall exhibit:
(i) instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23(a)(i) or 23(a)(ii), two
masthead lights in a vertical line;
(ii) sidelights; and
(iii) a sternlight.

Power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongsidetowing vessel

less than 50 meters in length.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A power-driven vessel when pushing ahead or towing alongside,
except as required by paragraphs (b) and (i) of this Rule, shall exhibit:
(i) instead of the light prescribed either in Rule 23(a)(i) or 23(a)(ii), two
masthead lights in a vertical line;
(ii) sidelights; and
(iii) two towing lights in a vertical line.

Power-driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongsidetowing

vessel less than 50 meters in length.

Lights and Shapes

(d) A power-driven vessel to which paragraph (a) or (c) of this Rule apply
shall also comply with Rule 23(a)(ii).

Power-driven vessel towing asternlength of tow 200 meters or less. The after
masthead light is optional for vessel less than 50 meters in length. Same for Inland.

(e) A vessel or object being towed, other than those mentioned in

paragraph (g) of this Rule, shall exhibit:
(i) sidelights;
(ii) a sternlight;
(iii) when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters, a diamond shape
where it can best be seen.

Vessel or object being towed-length of tow exceeds 200 meters. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

A power-driven vessel to which paragraphs (a) or (c) of this Rule apply shall
also comply with Rule 23(a)(i) and 23(a)(ii).

Power-driven vessel towing asternlength of tow 200 meters or less. When

masthead lights for towing or pushing are exhibited aft, a forward masthead light
is required. Same for International.

(d) A vessel or object other than those referred to in paragraph (g) of this Rule
being towed shall exhibit:
(i) sidelights;
(ii) a sternlight; and
(iii) when the length of the tow exceeds 200 meters, a diamond shape
where it can best be seen.

Vessel being towedlength of tow 200 meters or less. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(f) Provided that any number of vessels being towed alongside or pushed
in a group shall be lighted as one vessel:
(i) a vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit,
shall exhibit at the forward end, sidelights;
(ii) a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a sternlight and at the
forward end, sidelights.

Lights and Shapes

(e) Provided that any number of vessels being towed alongside or pushed
in a group shall be lighted as one vessel, except as provided in paragraph
(i) a vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit,
shall exhibit at the forward end sidelights, and a special flashing light;
(ii) a vessel being towed alongside shall exhibit a sternlight and at the
forward end, sidelights and a special flashing light; and
(iii) when vessels are towed alongside on both sides of the towing
vessels a sternlight shall be exhibited on the stern of the outboard
vessel on each side of the towing vessel, and a single set of sidelights
as far forward and as far outboard as is practicable, and a single
special flashing light.

Lights and Shapes


Vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit.

Vessel being towed alongside.

Lights and Shapes


Vessel being pushed ahead, not being part of a composite unit.

Vessel being towed alongside.

Lights and Shapes

(g) An inconspicuous, partly submerged vessel or object, or combination of
such vessels or objects being towed, shall exhibit:
(h) if it is less than 25 meters in breadth, one all-round white light at or
near the forward end and one at or near the after end except that dracones
need not exhibit a light at or near the forward end;
(i) if it is 25 meters or more in breadth, two additional all-round white
lights at or near the extremities of its breadth;
(ii) if it exceeds 100 meters in length, additional all-round white lights
between the lights prescribed in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) so that the
distance between the lights shall not exceed 100 meters;
(iii) a diamond shape at or near the aftermost extremity of the last
vessel or object being towed and if the length of the tow exceeds 200
meters an additional diamond shape where it can best be seen and
located as far forward as is practicable.

Dracone being towed.

Lights and Shapes

(f) An inconspicuous, partly submerged vessel or object being towed shall
(g) if it is less than 25 meters in breadth, one all-round white light at or
near each end;
(i) if it is 25 meters or more in breadth, four all-round white lights to
mark its length and breadth;
(ii) if it exceeds 100 meters in length, additional all-round white lights
between the lights prescribed in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) so that the
distance between the lights shall not exceed 100 meters: Provided,
That any vessels or objects being towed alongside each other shall be
lighted as one vessel or object;
(iii) a diamond shape at or near the aftermost extremity of the last
vessel or object being towed; and (v) the towing vessel may direct a
searchlight in the direction of the tow to indicate its presence to an
approaching vessel.

Lights and Shapes

(h) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel or
object being towed to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in paragraph
(e) or (g) of this Rule, all possible measures shall be taken to light the vessel
or object towed or at least to indicate the presence of such vessel or object.

Lights and Shapes

(h) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel or
object being towed to exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (e) or (g) of
this Rule, all possible measures shall be taken to light the vessel or object
towed or at least to indicate the presence of the unlighted vessel or object.

Lights and Shapes



Lights and Shapes

(i) Notwithstanding paragraph (c), on the Western Rivers (except below
the Huey P. Long Bridge on the Mississippi River) and on waters specified
by the Secretary, a power-driven vessel when pushing ahead or towing
alongside, except as paragraph (b) applies, shall exhibit:
(i) sidelights; and
(ii) two towing lights in a vertical line.

Power-driven vessel pushing ahead on Western Rivers. (above the

Huey P. Long Bridge on the Mississippi River)

Lights and Shapes

(i) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel not
normally engaged in towing operations to display the lights prescribed in
paragraph (a) or (c) of this Rule, such vessel shall not be required to exhibit
those lights when engaged in towing another vessel in distress or otherwise
in need of assistance. All possible measures shall be taken to indicate the
nature of the relationship between the towing vessel and the vessel being
towed as authorized by Rule 36, in particular by illuminating the towline.

Lights and Shapes

(j) Where from any sufficient cause it is impracticable for a vessel not
normally engaged in towing operations to display the lights prescribed by
paragraph (a), (c) or (i) of this Rule, such vessel shall not be required to
exhibit those lights when engaged in towing another vessel in distress or
otherwise in need of assistance. All possible measures shall be taken to
indicate the nature of the relationship between the towing vessel and the
vessel being assisted. The searchlight authorized by Rule 36 may be used
to illuminate the tow.

Lights and Shapes

Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars
(a) A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit:
(i) sidelights;
(ii) a stern light.
(b) In a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in length the lights prescribed
in paragraph (a) of this Rule may be combined in one lantern carried at or
near the top of the mast where it can best be seen.

Sailing vessel underway. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars
(a) A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit:
(i) sidelights; and
(ii) a stern light.
(b) In a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in length the lights prescribed
in paragraph (a) of this Rule may be combined in one lantern carried at or
near the top of the mast where it can best be seen.

Sailing vessel underwayless than 20 meters in length.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A sailing vessel underway may, in addition to the lights prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit at or near the top of the mast, where they
can best be seen, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red
and the lower green, but these lights shall not be exhibited in conjunction
with the combined lantern permitted by paragraph (b) of this Rule.

Sailing vessel underway. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A sailing vessel underway may, in addition to the lights prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit at or near the top of the mast, where they
can best be seen, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red
and the lower green, but these lights shall not be exhibited in conjunction
with the combined lantern permitted by paragraph (b) of this Rule.

Lights and Shapes

(i) A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length shall, if practicable,
exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or (b) of this Rule, but if
she does not, she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted
lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time
to prevent collision.
(ii) A vessel under oars may exhibit the lights prescribed in this Rule for
sailing vessels, but if she does not, she shall have ready at hand an
electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be
exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Sailing vessel underwayless than 7 meters in length.

Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(i) A sailing vessel of less than 7 meters in length shall, if practicable,
exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or (b) of this Rule, but if
she does not, she shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted
lantern showing a white light which shall be exhibited in sufficient time
to prevent collision.
(ii) A vessel under oars may exhibit the lights prescribed in this Rule for
sailing vessels, but if she does not, she shall have ready at hand an
electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light which shall be
exhibited in sufficient time to prevent collision.

Vessel under oars. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(e) A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by
machinery shall exhibit forward where it can best be seen a conical shape,
apex downwards.

Vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by

machinery. Same for Inland except that a vessel of less than
12 meters in length is not required to exhibit the dayshape.

Lights and Shapes

(e) A vessel proceeding under sail when also being propelled by
machinery shall exhibit forward where it can best be seen a conical shape,
apex downward. A vessel of less than 12 meters in length is not required to
exhibit this shape, but may do so.

Lights and Shapes

Fishing Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall
exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule.
(b) A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging
through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a fishing
appliance, shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the
lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes
together in a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) a masthead light abaft of and higher than the all-round green light; a
vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit
such a light but may do so;
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel engaged in trawlingnot making way. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Fishing Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall
exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule.
(b) A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging
through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a fishing
appliance, shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the
lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes
together in a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) a masthead light abaft of and higher than the all-round green light; a
vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit
such a light but may do so; and
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel engaged in trawlingnot making way; vessel less than 50

meters in length. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes


Vessel engaged in trawlingmaking way; vessel less than 50

meters in length. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes


Vessel engaged in trawlingmaking way. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the
lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in
a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 meters
horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone apex
upwards in the direction of the gear;
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawlingmaking way.

Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the
lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in
a vertical line one above the other;
(ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 meters
horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone apex
upward in the direction of the gear; and
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel engaged in fishing other than trawlingnot making way.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(d) The additional signals described in Annex II to these Rules apply to a
vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vessels engaged in
(e) A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lights or
shapes prescribed in this Rule, but only those prescribed for a vessel of her

Lights and Shapes

(d) The additional signals described in Annex II to these Rules apply to a
vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to other vessels engaged in
(e) A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lights or
shapes prescribed in this Rule, but only those prescribed for a vessel of her

Lights and Shapes

Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their
Ability to Maneuver
(a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be
(ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be
(iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights
prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel not under commandnot making way. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their
Ability to Maneuver
(a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit:
(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be
(ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be
seen; and (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the
lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.

Vessel not under commandmaking way. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(b) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, except a vessel engaged
in mineclearance operations, shall exhibit:
(i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen.
The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light
shall be white;
(ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The
highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a
(iii) when making way through the water, a masthead light or lights,
sidelights and a sternlight, in addition to the lights prescribed in
subparagraph (i);
(iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in
subparagraphs (i) and (ii), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule

Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuvermaking way; vessel

less than 50 meters in length. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

RULE 27Continued

(b) A vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver, except a vessel engaged

in mineclearance operations, shall exhibit:
(i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen.
The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light
shall be white;
(ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The
highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a
(iii) when making way through the water, masthead lights, sidelights
and a sternlight, in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph
(b)(i); and
(iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in
subparagraphs (b)(i) and (ii), the light, lights or shapes prescribed in
Rule 30.

Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuverat anchor; vessel less

than 50 meters in length. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(c) A power-driven vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely
restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their
course shall, in addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 24(a),
exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in subparagraphs (b)(i) and (ii) of this

Lights and Shapes

(c) A vessel engaged in a towing operation which severely restricts the
towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course shall, in
addition to the lights or shapes prescribed in subparagraphs (b)(i) and (ii) of
this Rule, exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in Rule 24.

Vessel engaged in towing operation which severely restricts towing

vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their courselength
of tow does not exceed 200 meters; towing vessel less than 50
meters in length. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(d) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations, when
restricted in her ability to maneuver, shall exhibit the lights and shapes
prescribed in subparagraphs (b)(i), (ii) and (iii) of this Rule and shall in
addition, when an obstruction exists, exhibit:
(i) two all-round red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the
side on which the obstruction exists;
(ii) two all-round green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to
indicate the side on which another vessel may pass;
(iii) when at anchor, the lights or shapes prescribed in this paragraph
instead of the lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30.

Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations when

restricted in ability to maneuvermaking way with an obstruction on
the starboard side. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(d) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations, when
restricted in her ability to maneuver, shall exhibit the lights and shapes
prescribed in subparagraphs (b)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this Rule and shall in
addition, when an obstruction exists, exhibit:
(i) two all-round red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the
side on which the obstruction exists;
(ii) two all-round green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to
indicate the side on which another vessel may pass; and
(iii) when at anchor, the lights or shape prescribed by this paragraph,
instead of the lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 30 for anchored

Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations when restricted in

ability to maneuvernot making way with an obstruction on the starboard
side. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(e) Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving operations makes it
impracticable to exhibit all lights and shapes prescribed in paragraph (d) of
this Rule, the following shall be exhibited:
(i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen.
The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light
shall be white;
(ii) a rigid replica of the International Code flag A not less than 1
meter in height. Measures shall be taken to ensure its all-round

Small vessel engaged in diving operations. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(e) Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving operations makes it
impracticable to exhibit all lights and shapes prescribed in paragraph (d) of
this Rule, the following shall instead be exhibited:
(i) Three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen.
The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light
shall be white;
(ii) A rigid replica of the international Code flag A not less than 1
meter in height. Measures shall be taken to insure its all-round visibility.

Small vessel engaged in diving operations. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(f) A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall, in addition to the
lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or
shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 as appropriate, exhibit
three all-round green lights or three balls. One of these lights or shapes
shall be exhibited near the foremast head and one at each end of the fore
yard. These lights or shapes indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel
to approach within 1000 meters of the mineclearance vessel.

Vessel engaged in mineclearance operationsvessel less than 50

meters in length. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(f) A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall, in addition to the
lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or
shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30, as appropriate, exhibit
three all-round green lights or three balls. One of these lights or shapes
shall be exhibited near the foremast head and one at each end of the fore
yard. These lights or shapes indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel
to approach within 1000 meters of the mineclearance vessel.

Vessel engaged in mineclearance operations.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(g) Vessels of less than 12 meters in length, except those engaged in
diving operations, shall not be required to exhibit the lights and shapes
prescribed in this Rule.
(h) The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels in distress
and requiring assistance. Such signals are contained in Annex IV to these

Lights and Shapes

(g) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length, except when engaged in
diving operations, is not required to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in
this Rule.
(h) The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels in distress
and requiring assistance. Such signals are contained in Annex IV to these

Lights and Shapes

Vessels Constrained by Their Draft
A vessel constrained by her draft may, in addition to the lights prescribed for
power-driven vessels in Rule 23, exhibit where they can best be seen three
all-round red lights in a vertical line, or a cylinder. Vessel constrained by her

Vessel constrained by her draft.

Lights and Shapes



Lights and Shapes

Pilot Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit:
(i) at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the
upper being white and the lower red;
(ii) when underway, in addition, sidelights and a sternlight;
(iii) when at anchor, in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph
(i), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30 for vessels at anchor.
(b) A pilot vessel when not engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit the lights
or shapes prescribed for a similar vessel of her length.

Vessel engaged on pilotage dutyunderway. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Pilot Vessels
(a) A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit:
(b) at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper
being white and the lower red;
(i) when underway, in addition, sidelights and a sternlight; and
(ii) when at anchor, in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph
(c) (i), the anchor light, lights, or shape prescribed in Rule 30 for anchored
(d) A pilot vessel when not engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit the lights
or shapes prescribed for a vessel of her length.

Vessel engaged on pilotage dutyat anchor; vessel of less than

50 meters in length. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground
(a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:
(i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball;
(ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in
subparagraph (i), an all-round white light.
(b) A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may exhibit an all-round white
light where it can best be seen instead of the lights prescribed in paragraph
(a) of this Rule.
(c) A vessel at anchor may, and a vessel of 100 meters and more in length
shall, also use the available working or equivalent lights to illuminate her

Vessel at anchorless than 50 meters in length. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground
(a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:
(i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball; and
(ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in
subparagraph (i), an all-round white light.
(b) A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may exhibit an all-round white
light where it can best be seen instead of the lights prescribed in paragraph
(a) of this Rule.
(c) A vessel at anchor may, and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length
shall, also use the available working or equivalent lights to illuminate her

Vessel at anchor with deck illumination. Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(d) A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or
(b) of this Rule and in addition, where they can best be seen:
(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line;
(ii) three balls in a vertical line.

Vessel aground. Same for Inland.

Lights and Shapes

(d) A vessel aground shall exhibit the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) or
(b) of this Rule and in addition, if practicable, where they can best be seen:
(i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line; and
(ii) three balls in a vertical line.

Vessel agroundless than 50 meters in length.

Same for International.

Lights and Shapes

(e) A vessel of less than 7 meters in length, when at anchor, not in or near
a narrow channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally
navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule. (f) A vessel of less than 12 meters in
length, when aground, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shapes
prescribed in subparagraphs (d)(i) and (ii) of this Rule.

Lights and Shapes

(e) A vessel of less than 7 meters in length, when at anchor, not in or near
a narrow channel, fairway, anchorage, or where other vessels normally
navigate, shall not be required to exhibit the lights or shape prescribed in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule.
(f) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length when aground shall not be
required to exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in subparagraphs (d)(i)
and (ii) of this Rule.
(g) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length, when at anchor in a special
anchorage area designated by the Secretary, shall not be required to exhibit
the anchor lights and shapes required by this Rule.

Lights and Shapes

Where it is impracticable for a seaplane or a WIG craft to exhibit lights and
shapes of the characteristics or in the positions prescribed in the Rules of
this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar in
characteristics and position as is possible.

Lights and Shapes

Where it is impracticable for a seaplane to exhibit lights and shapes of the
characteristics or in the positions prescribed in the Rules of this Part she
shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar in characteristics and
position as is possible.

Sound and Light Signals


(a) The word whistle means any sound signaling appliance capable of
producing the prescribed blasts and which complies with the specifications
in Annex Ill to these Regulations.
(b) The term short blast means a blast of about one seconds duration.
(c) The term prolonged blast means a blast of from four to six seconds

Equipment for Sound Signals
(a) A vessel of 12 meters or more in length shall be provided with a
whistle, a vessel of 20 meters or more in length shall be provided with a bell
in addition to a whistle, and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length shall,
in addition, be provided with a gong, the tone and sound of which cannot be
confused with that of the bell. The whistle, bell and gong shall comply with
the specifications in Annex lIl to these Regulations. The bell or gong or both
may be replaced by other equipment having the same respective sound
characteristics, provided that manual sounding of the prescribed signals
shall always be possible.
(b) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged to carry
the sound signaling appliances prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule but if
she does not, she shall be provided with some other means of making an
efficient sound signal.

Sound and Light Signals


(a) The word whistle means any sound signaling appliance capable of
producing the prescribed blasts and which complies with specifications in
Annex lIl to these Rules.
(b) The term short blast means a blast of about 1 seconds duration.
(c) The term prolonged blast means a blast of from 4 to 6 seconds

Equipment for Sound Signals
(a) A vessel of 12 meters or more in length shall be provided with a whistle
and a bell and a vessel of 100 meters or more in length shall, in addition, be
provided with a gong, the tone and sound of which cannot be confused with
that of the bell. The whistle, bell and gong shall comply with the
specifications in Annex lII to these Rules. The bell or gong or both may be
replaced by other equipment having the same respective sound
characteristics, provided that manual sounding of the prescribed signals
shall always be possible.
(b) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged to carry
the sound signaling appliances prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule but
if she does not, she shall be provided with some other means of making an
efficient sound signal.

Sound and Light Signals

Maneuvering and Warning Signals
(a) When vessels are in sight of one another, a power-driven vessel
underway, when maneuvering as authorized or required by these Rules,
shall indicate that maneuver by the following signals on her whistle:
one short blast to mean I am altering my course to starboard;
two short blasts to mean I am altering my course to port;
three short blasts to mean I am operating astern propulsion.
(b) Any vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed in
paragraph (a) of this Rule by light signals, repeated as appropriate, while
the maneuver is being carried out:
(i) these light signals shall have the following significance:
one flash to mean I am altering my course to starboard;
two flashes to mean I am altering my course to port;
three flashes to mean I am operating astern propulsion;
(ii) the duration of each flash shall be about one second, the interval
between flashes shall be about one second, and the interval between
successive signals shall be not less than ten seconds;
(iii) the light used for this signal shall, if fitted, be an all-round white
light, visible at a minimum range of 5 miles, and shall comply with the
provisions of Annex I to these Regulations.

Sound and Light Signals

Maneuvering and Warning Signals
(a) When power-driven vessels are in sight of one another and meeting or
crossing at a distance within half a mile of each other, each vessel
underway, when maneuvering as authorized or required by these Rules:
(i) shall indicate that maneuver by the following signals on her whistle:
one short blast to mean I intend to leave you on my port side; two
short blasts to mean I intend to leave you on my starboard side; and
three short blasts to mean I am operating astern propulsion.
(ii) upon hearing the one or two blast signal of the other shall, if in
agreement, sound the same whistle signal and take the steps
necessary to effect a safe passing. If, however, from any cause, the
vessel doubts the safety of the proposed maneuver, she shall sound
the danger signal specified in paragraph (d) of this Rule and each
vessel shall take appropriate precautionary action until a safe passing
agreement is made.
(b) A vessel may supplement the whistle signals prescribed in paragraph
(a) of this Rule by light signals:
(i) These signals shall have the following significance: one flash to
mean I intend to leave you on my port side; two flashes to mean I
intend to leave you on my starboard side; three flashes to mean I am
operating astern propulsion;
(ii) The duration of each flash shall be about 1 second; and
(iii) The light used for this signal shall, if fitted, be one all-round white or
yellow light, visible at a minimum range of 2 miles, synchronized with
the whistle, and shall comply with the provisions of Annex I to these

Sound and Light Signals

(c) When in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway:
(i) a vessel intending to overtake another shall in compliance with Rule
9(e)(i) indicate her intention by the following signals on her whistle:
two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast to mean I intend
to overtake you on your starboard side;
two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts to mean I
intend to overtake you on your port side.
(ii) the vessel about to be overtaken when acting in accordance with
Rule 9(e)(i) shall indicate her agreement by the following signal on her
one prolonged, one short, one prolonged and one short blast, in
that order.
(d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each other and
from any cause either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of
the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other
to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt
by giving at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Such signal may
be supplemented by a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes.
(e) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other
vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall sound one
prolonged blast. Such signal shall be answered with a prolonged blast by
any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or
behind the intervening obstruction.
(f) If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100
meters, one whistle only shall be used for giving maneuvering and warning

Sound and Light Signals

(c) When in sight of one another:
(i) a power-driven vessel intending to overtake another power-driven
vessel shall indicate her intention by the following signals on her
whistle: one short blast to mean I intend to overtake you on your
starboard side; two short blasts to mean I intend to overtake you on
your port side; and
(ii) the power-driven vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in
agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt she shall sound
the danger signal prescribed in paragraph (d).
(d) When vessels in sight of one another are approaching each other and
from any cause either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of
the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other
to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt shall immediately indicate such doubt
by giving at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. This signal may
be supplemented by a light signal of at least five short and rapid flashes.
(e) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other
vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall sound one
prolonged blast. This signal shall be answered with a prolonged blast by any
approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind
the intervening obstruction.
(f) If whistles are fitted on a vessel at a distance apart of more than 100
meters, one whistle only shall be used for giving maneuvering and warning
(g) When a power-driven vessel is leaving a dock or berth, she shall sound
one prolonged blast.
(h) A vessel that reaches agreement with another vessel in a headon,
crossing, or overtaking situation, as for example, by using the
radiotelephone as prescribed by the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge
Radiotelephone Act (85 Stat. 164; 33 U.S.C. 1201 et seq.), is not obliged to
sound the whistle signals prescribed by this Rule, but may do so. If
agreement is not reached, then whistle signals shall be exchanged in a
timely manner and shall prevail.

Sound and Light Signals

Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility
In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or night, the signals
prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows:
(a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at
intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast.
(b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way
through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes two
prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about 2 seconds between
(c) A vessel not under command, a vessel restricted in her ability to
maneuver, a vessel constrained by her draft, a sailing vessel, a vessel
engaged in fishing and a vessel engaged in towing or pushing another
vessel shall, instead of the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this
Rule, sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes three blasts in
succession, namely one prolonged followed by two short blasts.
(d) A vessel engaged in fishing, when at anchor, and a vessel restricted in
her ability to maneuver when carrying out her work at anchor, shall instead
of the signals prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule sound the signal
prescribed in paragraph (c) of this Rule.
(e) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last vessel of
the tow, if manned, shall at intervals of not more than 2 minutes sound four
blasts in succession, namely one prolonged followed by three short blasts.
When practicable, this signal shall be made immediately after the signal
made by the towing vessel.
(f) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly
connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven
vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this

Sound and Light Signals
Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility
In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or night, the signals
prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows:
(a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at
intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast.
(b) A power-driven vessel underway but stopped and making no way
through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes two
prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of about 2 seconds between
(c) A vessel not under command; a vessel restricted in her ability to
maneuver, whether underway or at anchor; a sailing vessel; a vessel
engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor; and a vessel engaged
in towing or pushing another vessel shall, instead of the signals prescribed
in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this Rule, sound at intervals of not more than 2
minutes, three blasts in succession; namely, one prolonged followed by two
short blasts.
(d) A vessel towed or if more than one vessel is towed the last vessel of
the tow, if manned, shall at intervals of not more than 2 minutes sound four
blasts in succession; namely, one prolonged followed by three short blasts.
When practicable, this signal shall be made immediately after the signal
made by the towing vessel.
(e) When a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly
connected in a composite unit they shall be regarded as a power-driven
vessel and shall give the signals prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this

Sound and Light Signals

(g) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than one minute ring
the bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. In a vessel of 100 meters or more in
length the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vessel and
immediately after the ringing of the bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly
for about 5 seconds in the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in
addition sound three blasts in succession, namely one short, one prolonged
and one short blast, to give warning of her position and of the possibility of
collision to an approaching vessel.
(h) A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required the gong
signal prescribed in paragraph (g) of this Rule and shall, in addition, give
three separate and distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after
the rapid ringing of the bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an
appropriate whistle signal.
(i) A vessel of 12 meters or more but less than 20 meters in length shall
not be obliged to give the bell signals prescribed in paragraphs (g) and (h) of
this Rule. However, if she does not, she shall make some other efficient
sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
(j) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged to give the
above-mentioned signals but, if she does not, shall make some other
efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
(k) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in addition to the
signals prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b) or (g) of this Rule sound an identity
signal consisting of four short blasts.

Sound and Light Signals

(f) A vessel at anchor shall at intervals of not more than 1 minute ring the
bell rapidly for about 5 seconds. In a vessel of 100 meters or more in length
the bell shall be sounded in the forepart of the vessel and immediately after
the ringing of the bell the gong shall be sounded rapidly for about 5 seconds
in the after part of the vessel. A vessel at anchor may in addition sound
three blasts in succession; namely, one short, one prolonged and one short
blast, to give warning of her position and of the possibility of collision to an
approaching vessel.
(g) A vessel aground shall give the bell signal and if required the gong
signal prescribed in paragraph (f) of this Rule and shall, in addition, give
three separate and distinct strokes on the bell immediately before and after
the rapid ringing of the bell. A vessel aground may in addition sound an
appropriate whistle signal.
(h) A vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall not be obliged to give
the above-mentioned signals but, if she does not, shall make some other
efficient sound signal at intervals of not more than 2 minutes.
(i) A pilot vessel when engaged on pilotage duty may in addition to the
signals prescribed in paragraphs (a), (b) or (f) of this Rule sound an identity
signal consisting of four short blasts.
(j) The following vessels shall not be required to sound signals as
prescribed in paragraph (f) of this Rule when anchored in a special
anchorage area designated by the Secretary:
(i) a vessel of less than 20 meters in length; and
(ii) a barge, canal boat, scow, or other nondescript craft.

Sound and Light Signals

Signals to Attract Attention
If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel, any vessel may make
light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized
elsewhere in these Rules, or may direct the beam of her searchlight in the
direction of the danger, in such a way as not to embarrass any vessel. Any
light to attract the attention of another vessel shall be such that it cannot be
mistaken for any aid to navigation. For the purpose of this Rule the use of
high intensity intermittent or revolving lights, such as strobe lights, shall be

Sound and Light Signals

Signals to Attract Attention
If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel, any vessel may make
light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized
elsewhere in these Rules, or may direct the beam of her searchlight in the
direction of the danger, in such a way as not to embarrass any vessel.

Sound and Light Signals

Distress Signals
When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall use or exhibit
the signals described in Annex IV to these Regulations.


Sound and Light Signals

Distress Signals
When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance she shall use or exhibit
the signals described in Annex IV to these Rules.

The distress signals for inland waters are the same as those displayed on the facing page for
international waters with the following additional signal described:

A high intensity white light flashing at regular intervals

from 50 to 70 times per minute.



Any vessel (or class of vessels) provided that she complies with the
requirements of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea, 1960, the keel of which is laid or which is at a corresponding stage of
construction before the entry into force of these Regulations may be
exempted from compliance therewith as follows:
(a) The installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22, until four
years after the date of entry into force of these Regulations.
(b) The installation of lights with color specifications as prescribed in
Section 7 of Annex I to these Regulations, until four years after the date of
entry into force of these Regulations.
(c) The repositioning of lights as a result of conversion from Imperial to
metric units and rounding off measurement figures, permanent exemption.



Any vessel or class of vessels, the keel of which is laid or which is at a
corresponding stage of construction before December 24, 1980, provided
that she complies with the requirements of
(a) The Act of June 7, 1897 (30 Stat. 96), as amended (33 U.S.C. 154-
232) for vessels navigating the waters subject to that statute;
(b) Section 4233 of the Revised Statutes (33 U.S.C. 301-356) for vessels
navigating the waters subject to that statute;
(c) The Act of February 8, 1895 (28 Stat. 645), as amended (33 U.S.C.
241-295) for vessels navigating the waters subject to that statute; or
(d) Sections 3, 4, and 5 of the Act of April 25, 1940 (54 Stat. 163), as
amended (46 U.S.C. 526 b, c, and d) for motorboats navigating the waters
subject to that statute; shall be exempted from compliance with the technical
Annexes to these Rules as follows:
(i) the installation of lights with ranges prescribed in Rule 22, until 4
years after the effective date of these Rules, except that vessels of less
than 20 meters in length are permanently exempt;
(ii) the installation of lights with color specifications as prescribed in
Annex I to these Rules, until 4 years after the effective date of these
Rules, except that vessels of less than 20 meters in length are
permanently exempt;
(iii) the repositioning of lights as a result of conversion to metric units
and rounding off measurement figures, are permanently exempt; and


(i) The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of less than 150
meters in length, resulting from the prescriptions of Section 3(a) of
Annex I to these Regulations, permanent exemption.
(ii) The repositioning of masthead lights on vessels of 150 meters or
more in length, resulting from the prescriptions of Section 3(a) of Annex
I to these Regulations, until 9 years after the date of entry into force of
these Regulations.
(e) The repositioning of masthead lights resulting from the prescriptions of
Section 2(b) of Annex I to these Regulations, until 9 years after the date of
entry into force of these Regulations.
(f) The repositioning of sidelights resulting from the prescriptions of
(g) Sections 2(g) and 3(b) of Annex I to these Regulations, until 9 years
after the date of entry into force of these Regulations.
(h) The requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed in Annex lIl to
these Regulations, until 9 years after the date of entry into force of these
(i) The repositioning of all-round lights resulting from the prescription of
Section 9(b) of Annex I to these Regulations, permanent exemption.


(d) (continued)
(iv) the horizontal repositioning of masthead lights prescribed by Annex
I to these Rules:
(1) on vessels of less than 150 meters in length, permanent
(2) on vessels of 150 meters or more in length, until 9 years after
the effective date of these Rules.
(v) the restructuring or repositioning of all lights to meet the
prescriptions of Annex I to these Rules, until 9 years after the effective
date of these Rules;
(vi) power-driven vessels of 12 meters or more but less than 20 meters
in length are permanently exempt from the provisions of Rule 23(a)(i)
and 23(a)(iv) provided that, in place of these lights, the vessel exhibits
a white light aft visible all round the horizon; and
(vii) the requirements for sound signal appliances prescribed in Annex
lIl to these Rules, until 9 years after the effective date of these Rules.

Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes
1. Definition
The term height above the hull means height above the uppermost
continuous deck. This height shall be measured from the position vertically
beneath the location of the light.

2. Vertical positioning and spacing of lights

(a) On a power-driven vessel of 20 meters or more in length the masthead
lights shall be placed as follows:
(i) the forward masthead light, or if only one masthead light is carried,
then that light, at a height above the hull of not less than 6 meters,
and, if the breadth of the vessel exceeds 6 meters, then at a height
above the hull not less than such breadth, so however that the light
need not be placed at a greater height above the hull than 12
(ii) when two masthead lights are carried the after one shall be at least
4.5 meters vertically higher than the forward one.
(b) The vertical separation of masthead lights of power-driven vessels shall
be such that in all normal conditions of trim the after light will be seen
over and separate from the forward light at a distance of 1000 meters
from the stem when viewed from sea level.
(c) The masthead light of a power-driven vessel of 12 meters but less than
20 meters in length shall be placed at a height above the gunwale of not
less than 2.5 meters.

33 CFR 84
Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes
84.01 Definitions
(a) The term height above the hull means height above the uppermost
continuous deck. This height shall be measured from the position
vertically beneath the location of the light.
(b) High-speed craft means a craft capable of maximum speed in meters
per second (m/s) equal to or exceeding: 3.70.1667; where =
displacement corresponding to the design waterline (meters3).
(c) The term practical cut-off means, for vessels 20 meters or more in
length, 12.5 percent of the minimum luminous intensity (Table 84.15(b))
corresponding to the greatest range of visibility for which the
requirements of Annex I are met.
(d) The term Rule or Rules means the Inland Navigation Rules
contained in Sec. 2 of the Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980 (Pub. L.
96-591, 94 Stat. 3415, 33 U.S.C. 2001, December 24, 1980) as

NOTE to paragraph (b): The same formula expressed in pounds and knots is
maximum speed in knots (kts) equal to or exceeding 1.98 (lbs) 3.70.1667; where =
displacement corresponding to design waterline in pounds.

84.03 Vertical positioning and spacing of lights

(a) On a power-driven vessel of 20 meters or more in length the masthead
lights shall be placed as follows:
(1) The forward masthead light, or if only one masthead light is carried,
then that light, at a height above the hull of not less than 5 meters,
and, if the breadth of the vessel exceeds 5 meters, then at a height
above the hull not less than such breadth, so however that the light
need not be placed at a greater height above the hull than 8 meters;
(2) When two masthead lights are carried the after one shall be at least
2 meters vertically higher than the forward one.
(b) The vertical separation of the masthead lights of power-driven vessels
shall be such that in all normal conditions of trim the after light will be
seen over and separate from the forward light at a distance of 1000
meters from the stem when viewed from water level.
(c) The masthead light of a power-driven vessel of 12 meters but less than
20 meters in length shall be placed at a height above the gunwale of not
less than 2.5 meters.

ANNEX IContinued

(d) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may carry the
uppermost light at a height of less than 2.5 meters above the gunwale.
When, however, a masthead light is carried in addition to sidelights and
a sternlight or the all-round light prescribed in rule 23(c)(i) is carried in
addition to sidelights, then such masthead light or allround light shall be
carried at least 1 meter higher than the sidelights.
(e) One of the two or three masthead lights prescribed for a power-driven
vessel when engaged in towing or pushing another vessel shall be
placed in the same position as either the forward masthead light or the
after masthead light; provided that, if carried on the aftermast, the
lowest after masthead light shall be at least 4.5 meters vertically higher
than the forward masthead light.
(i) The masthead light or lights prescribed in Rule 23(a) shall be so
placed as to be above and clear of all other lights and obstructions
except as described in subparagraph (ii).
(ii) When it is impracticable to carry the all-round lights prescribed by
Rule 27(b)(i) or Rule 28 below the masthead lights, they may be
carried above the after masthead light(s) or vertically in between
the forward masthead light(s) and after masthead light(s), provided
that in the latter case the requirement of Section 3(c) of this Annex
shall be complied with.
(g) The sidelights of a power-driven vessel shall be placed at a height
above the hull not greater than three quarters of that of the forward
masthead light. They shall not be so low as to be interfered with by deck
(h) The sidelights, if in a combined lantern and carried on a power-driven
vessel of less than 20 meters in length, shall be placed not less than 1
meter below the masthead light.
(i) When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in a vertical
line, they shall be spaced as follows:
(i) on a vessel of 20 meters in length or more such lights shall be
spaced not less than 2 meters apart, and the lowest of these lights
shall, except where a towing light is required, be placed at a height
of not less than 4 meters above the hull;
(ii) on a vessel of less than 20 meters in length such lights shall be
spaced not less than 1 meter apart and the lowest of these lights
shall, except where a towing light is required, be placed at a height
of not less than 2 meters above the gunwale;
(iii) when three lights are carried they shall be equally spaced.

ANNEX IContinued

(d) The masthead light, or the all-round light described in Rule 23(c), of a
power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length shall be carried at
least one meter higher than the sidelights.
(e) One of the two or three masthead lights prescribed for a power-driven
vessel when engaged in towing or pushing another vessel shall be
placed in the same position as either the forward masthead light or the
after masthead light, provided that the lowest after masthead light shall
be at least 2 meters vertically higher than the highest forward masthead
(f) (f)
(1) The masthead light or lights prescribed in Rule 23(a) shall be so
placed as to be above and clear of all other lights and obstructions
except as described in paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(2) When it is impracticable to carry the all-round lights prescribed in
Rule 27(b)(i) below the masthead lights, they may be carried above
the after masthead light(s) or vertically in between the forward
masthead light(s) and after masthead light(s), provided that in the
latter case the requirement of 84.05(d) shall be complied with.
(g) The sidelights of a power-driven vessel shall be placed at least one
meter lower than the forward masthead light. They shall not be so low
as to be interfered with by deck lights.
(h) [Reserved]
(i) When the Rules prescribe two or three lights to be carried in a vertical
line, they shall be spaced as follows:
(1) On a vessel of 20 meters in length or more such lights shall be
spaced not less than 1 meter apart, and the lowest of these lights
shall, except where a towing light is required, be placed at a height
of not less than 4 meters above the hull;
(2) On a vessel of less than 20 meters in length such lights shall be
spaced not less than 1 meter apart and the lowest of these lights
shall, except where a towing light is required, be placed at a height
of not less than 2 meters above the gunwale;
(3) When three lights are carried they shall be equally spaced.

ANNEX IContinued

(j) The lower of the two all-round lights prescribed for a vessel when
engaged in fishing shall be at a height above the sidelights not less than
twice the distance between the two vertical lights.
(k) The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30(a)(i), when two are
carried, shall not be less than 4.5 meters above the after one. On a
vessel of 50 meters or more in length this forward anchor light shall be
placed at a height of not less than 6 meters above the hull.

3. Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights

(a) When two masthead lights are prescribed for a power-driven vessel, the
horizontal distance between them shall not be less than one half of the
length of the vessel but need not be more than 100 meters. The forward
light shall be placed not more than one quarter of the length of the
vessel from the stem.
(b) On a power-driven vessel of 20 meters or more in length the sidelights
shall not be placed in front of the forward masthead lights. They shall
be placed at or near the side of the vessel (c) When the lights
prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i) or Rule 28 are placed vertically between the
forward masthead light(s) and the after masthead light(s) these all-round
lights shall be placed at a horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters
from the fore and aft centerline of the vessel in the athwartship direction.
(c) When only one masthead light is prescribed for a power-driven vessel,
this light shall be exhibited forward of amidships; except that a vessel of
less then 20 meters in length need not exhibit this light forward of
amidships but shall exhibit it as far forward as is practicable.

ANNEX IContinued

(j) The lower of the two all-round lights prescribed for a vessel when
engaged in fishing shall be at a height above the sidelights not less than
twice the distance between the two vertical lights.
(k) The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30(a)(i), when two are
carried, shall not be less than 4.5 meters above the after one. On a
vessel of 50 meters or more in length this forward anchor light shall be
placed at a height of not less than 6 meters above the hull.

84.05 Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights

(a) Except as specified in paragraph (e) of this section, when two masthead
lights are prescribed for a power-driven vessel, the horizontal distance
between them must not be less than one quarter of the length of the
vessel but need not be more than 50 meters. The forward light shall be
placed not more than one half of the length of the vessel from the stem.
(b) On a power-driven vessel of 20 meters or more in length the sidelights
shall not be placed in front of the forward masthead lights. They shall
be placed at or near the side of the vessel.
(c) When the lights prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i) are placed vertically between
the forward masthead light(s) and the after masthead light(s) these all-
round lights shall be placed at a horizontal distance of not less than 2
meters from the fore and aft centerline of the vessel in the athwartship
(d) When only one masthead light is prescribed for a power-driven vessel,
this light must be exhibited forward of amidships. For a vessel of less
than 20 meters in length, the vessel shall exhibit one masthead light as
far forward as is practicable.
(e) On power-driven vessels 50 meters but less than 60 meters in length
operated on the Western Rivers, and those waters specified in 89.25,
the horizontal distance between masthead lights shall not be less than
10 meters.

ANNEX IContinued

4. Details of location of direction-indicating lights for fishing

vessels, dredgers and vessels engaged in underwater operations
(a) The light indicating the direction of the outlying gear from a vessel
engaged in fishing as prescribed in Rule 26(c)(ii) shall be placed at a
horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters and not more than 6
meters away from the two all-round red and white lights. This light shall
be placed not higher than the all-round white light prescribed in Rule
26(c)(i) and not lower than the sidelights.
(b) The lights and shapes on a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater
operations to indicate the obstructed side and/or the side on which it is
safe to pass, as prescribed in Rule 27(d)(i) and (ii), shall be placed at
the maximum practical horizontal distance, but in no case less than 2
meters, from the lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i) and (ii). In
no case shall the upper of these lights or shapes be at a greater height
than the lower of the three lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i)
and (ii).

ANNEX I Continued

84.07 Details of location of direction-indicating lights for

fishing vessels, dredgers and vessels engaged in underwater
(a) The light indicating the direction of the outlying gear from a vessel
engaged in fishing as prescribed in Rule 26(c)(ii) shall be placed at a
horizontal distance of not less than 2 meters and not more than 6
meters away from the two all-round red and white lights. This light shall
be placed not higher than the all-round white light prescribed in Rule
26(c)(i) and not lower than the sidelights.
(b) The lights and shapes on a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater
operations to indicate the obstructed side and/or the side on which it is
safe to pass, as prescribed in Rule 27(d)(i) and (ii), shall be placed at
the maximum practical horizontal distance, but in no case less than 2
meters, from the lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i) and (ii). In
no case shall the upper of these lights or shapes be at a greater height
than the lower of the three lights or shapes prescribed in Rule 27(b)(i)
and (ii).

ANNEX IContinued

5. Screens for sidelights

The sidelights of vessels of 20 meters or more in length shall be fitted with
inboard screens painted matt black, and meeting the requirements of
Section 9 of this Annex. On vessels of less than 20 meters in length the
sidelights, if necessary to meet the requirements of Section 9 of this Annex,
shall be fitted with inboard matt black screens. With a combined lantern,
using a single vertical filament and a very narrow division between the green
and red sections, external screens need not be fitted.

6. Shapes
(a) Shapes shall be black and of the following sizes:
(i) a ball shall have a diameter of not less than 0.6 meter;
(ii) a cone shall have a base diameter of not less than 0.6 meter and a
height equal to its diameter;
(iii) a cylinder shall have a diameter of at least 0.6 meter and a height
of twice its diameter;
(iv) a diamond shape shall consist of two cones as defined in (ii) above
having a common base.
(b) The vertical distance between shapes shall be at least 1.5 meter.
(c) In a vessel of less than 20 meters in length shapes of lesser dimensions
but commensurate with the size of the vessel may be used and the
distance apart may be correspondingly reduced.

ANNEX I Continued

84.09 Screens
(a) The sidelights of vessels of 20 meters or more in length shall be fitted
with mat black inboard screens and meet the requirements of 84.17.
On vessels of less than 20 meters in length, the sidelights, if necessary
to meet the requirements of 84.17, shall be fitted with mat black
inboard screens. With a combined lantern, using a single vertical
filament and a very narrow division between the green and red sections,
external screens need not be fitted.
(b) On power-driven vessels less than 12 meters in length constructed after
July 31, 1983, the masthead light, or the all-round light described in
Rule 23(c) shall be screened to prevent direct illumination of the vessel
forward of the operators position.

84.11 Shapes
(a) Shapes shall be black and of the following sizes:
(1) A ball shall have a diameter of not less than 0.6 meter;
(2) A cone shall have a base diameter of not less than 0.6 meter and a
height equal to its diameter;
(3) A diamond shape shall consist of two cones (as defined in
Paragraph (a)(2) of this section) having a common base.
(b) The vertical distance between shapes shall be at least 1.5 meter.
(c) In a vessel of less than 20 meters in length shapes of lesser dimensions
but commensurate with the size of the vessel may be used and the
distance apart may be correspondingly reduced.

ANNEX IContinued

7. Color specification of lights

(a) The chromaticity of all navigation lights shall conform to the following
standards, which lie within the boundaries of the area of the diagram
specified for each color by the International Commission on Illumination

The boundaries of the area for each color are given by indicating the
corner coordinates, which are as follows:
(i) White:
x 0.525 0.525 0.452 0.310 0.310 0.443
y 0.382 0.440 0.440 0.348 0.283 0.382
(ii) Green:
x 0.028 0.009 0.300 0.203
y 0.385 0.723 0.511 0.356
(iii) Red:
x 0.680 0.660 0.735 0.721
y 0.320 0.320 0.265 0.259
(iv) Yellow:
x 0.612 0.618 0.575 0.575
y 0.382 0.382 0.425 0.406

8. Intensity of lights
(a) The minimum luminous intensity of lights shall be calculated by using
the formula:
I = 3.43 x 106 x T x D2 x K-D
I is luminous intensity in candelas under service conditions.
T is threshold factor 2 x 10-7 lux.
D is range of visibility (luminous range) of the light in nautical miles,
K is atmospheric transmissivity. For prescribed lights the value of K
shall be 0.8, corresponding to a meteorological visibility of
approximately 13 nautical miles.

ANNEX IContinued

84.13 Color specification of lights

(a) The chromaticity of all navigation lights shall conform to the following
standards, which lie within the boundaries of the area of the diagram
specified for each color by the International Commission on Illumination
(CIE), in the Colors of Light Signals, which is incorporated by
reference. It is Publication CIE No. 2.2. (TC-1.6), 1975, and is available
from the Illumination Engineering Society, 345 East 47th Street, New
York, NY 10017. It is also available for inspection at the Office of the
Federal Register, Room 8401, 1100 L Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
20408. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of
the Federal Register.
(b) The boundaries of the area for each color are given by indicating the
corner coordinates, which are as follows:
(1) White:
x 0.525 0.525 0.452 0.310 0.310 0.443
y 0.382 0.440 0.440 0.348 0.283 0.382
(2) Green:
x 0.028 0.009 0.300 0.203
y 0.385 0.723 0.511 0.356
(3) Red:
x 0.680 0.660 0.735 0.721
y 0.320 0.320 0.265 0.259
(4) Yellow:
x 0.612 0.618 0.575 0.575
y 0.382 0.382 0.425 0.406

84.15 Intensity of lights

(a) The minimum luminous intensity of lights shall be calculated by using
the formula:
l = 3.43 x 106 x T x D2 x K-D
I is luminous intensity in candelas under service conditions,
T is threshold factor 2 x 10-7 lux,
D is range of visibility (luminous range) of the light in nautical miles,
K is atmospheric transmissivity. For prescribed lights the value of K
shall be 0.8, corresponding to a meteorological visibility of
approximately 13 nautical miles.

ANNEX IContinued

(b) A selection of figures derived from the formula is given in the following
Range of visibility Minimum luminous
(luminous range) of light intensity of light in
in nautical miles candelas for K = 0.8
1 0.9
2 4.3
3 12
4 27
5 52
6 94

Note: The maximum luminous intensity of navigation lights should be limited to avoid
undue glare. This shall not be achieved by a variable control of the luminous

9. Horizontal sectors
(i) In the forward direction, sidelights as fitted on the vessel shall show
the minimum required intensities. The intensities shall decrease to
reach practical cut-off between 1 degree and 3 degrees outside the
prescribed sectors.
(ii) For sternlights and masthead lights and at 22.5 degrees abaft the
beam for sidelights, the minimum required intensities shall be
maintained over the arc of the horizon up to 5 degrees within the
limits of the sectors prescribed in Rule 21. From 5 degrees within
the prescribed sectors the intensity may decrease by 50 percent up
to the prescribed limits; it shall decrease steadily to reach practical
cut-off at not more than 5 degrees outside the prescribed sectors.
(i) All-round lights shall be so located as not to be obscured by masts,
topmasts or structures within angular sectors of more than 6
degrees, except anchor lights prescribed in Rule 30, which need
not be placed at an impracticable height above the hull.
(ii) If it is impracticable to comply with paragraph (b)(i) of this section
by exhibiting only one all-round light, two all-round lights shall be
used suitably positioned or screened so that they appear, as far as
practicable, as one light at a distance of one mile.

ANNEX IContinued

(b) A selection of figures derived from the formula is given in Table 84.15(b).

Table 84.15(b)
Range of visibility Minimum luminous
(luminous range) of light intensity of light in
in nautical miles candelas for K = 0.8
1 0.9
2 4.3
3 12
4 27
5 52
6 94

84.17 Horizontal sectors

(1) In the forward direction, sidelights as fitted on the vessel shall show
the minimum required intensities. The intensities shall decrease to
reach practical cut-off between 1 and 3 degrees outside the
prescribed sectors.
(2) For sternlights and masthead lights and at 22.5 degrees abaft the
beam for sidelights, the minimum required intensities shall be
maintained over the arc of the horizon up to 5 degrees within the
limits of the sectors prescribed in Rule 21. From 5 degrees within
the prescribed sectors the intensity may decrease by 50 percent up
to the prescribed limits; it shall decrease steadily to reach practical
cutoff at not more than 5 degrees outside the prescribed sectors.
(b) All-round lights shall be so located as not to be obscured by masts,
topmasts or structures within angular sectors of more than 6 degrees,
except anchor lights prescribed in Rule 30, which need not be placed at
an impracticable height above the hull, and the all-round white light
described in Rule 23(d), which may not be obscured at all.
(c) If it is impracticable to comply with paragraph (b) of this section by
exhibiting only one all-round light, two all-round lights shall be used
suitably positioned or screened to appear, as far as practicable, as one
light at a minimum distance of one nautical mile.

NOTE to paragraph (c): Two unscreened all-round lights that are 1.28 meters apart
or less will appear as one light to the naked eye at a distance of one nautical mile.

ANNEX IContinued

10. Vertical sectors

(a) The vertical sectors of electric lights as fitted, with the exception of lights
on sailing vessels underway shall ensure that:
(i) at least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles
from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizontal;
(ii) at least 60 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained
from 7.5 degrees above to 7.5 degrees below the horizontal.
(b) In the case of sailing vessels underway the vertical sectors of electric
lights as fitted shall ensure that:
(i) at least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles
from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizontal;
(ii) at least 50 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained
from 25 degrees above to 25 degrees below the horizontal.
(c) In the case of lights other than electric these specifications shall be met
as closely as possible.

11. Intensity of non-electric lights

Non-electric lights shall so far as practicable comply with the minimum
intensities, as specified in the Table given in Section 8 of this Annex.

ANNEX IContinued

84.19 Vertical sectors

(a) The vertical sectors of electric lights as fitted, with the exception of lights
on sailing vessels underway and on unmanned barges, shall ensure
(1) At least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles
from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizontal;
(2) At least 60 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained
from 7.5 degrees above to 7.5 degrees below the horizontal.
(b) In the case of sailing vessels underway the vertical sectors of electric
lights as fitted shall ensure that:
(1) At least the required minimum intensity is maintained at all angles
from 5 degrees above to 5 degrees below the horizontal;
(2) At least 50 percent of the required minimum intensity is maintained
from 25 degrees above to 25 degrees below the horizontal.
(c) In the case of unmanned barges the minimum required intensity of
electric lights as fitted shall be maintained on the horizontal.
(d) In the case of lights other than electric lights these specifications shall
be met as closely as possible.

84.21 Intensity of non-electric lights

Non-electric lights shall so far as practicable comply with the minimum
intensities, as specified in the Table given in 84.15.

ANNEX IContinued

12. Maneuvering light

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2(f) of this Annex the
maneuvering light described in Rule 34(b) shall be placed in the same fore
and aft vertical plane as the masthead light or lights and, where practicable,
at a minimum height of 2 meters vertically above the forward masthead light,
provided that it shall be carried not less than 2 meters vertically above or
below the after masthead light. On a vessel where only one masthead light
is carried the maneuvering light, if fitted, shall be carried where it can best
be seen, not less than 2 meters vertically apart from the masthead light.

13. High Speed Craft*

(a) The masthead light of high speed craft may be placed at a height
related to the breadth of the craft lower than that prescribed in paragraph
2(a)(i) of this annex, provided that the base angle of the isosceles triangles
formed by the sidelights and masthead light, when seen in end elevation, is
not less than 27.
(b) On high-speed craft of 50 meters or more in length, the vertical
separation between foremast and mainmast light of 4.5 meters is required
by paragraph 29(a)(ii) of this annex and may be modified provided that such
distance shall not be less than the value determined by the following

(a + 17 )C
y= +2
where: y is the height of the mainmast light above the foremast light in
a is the height of the foremast light above the water surface in
service condition in meters;
is the trim in service conditions in degrees;
C is the horizontal separation of masthead lights in meters.

14. Approval
The construction of lights and shapes and the installation of lights on board
the vessel shall be to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority of the
State whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly.

Refers to the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 1994 and the
International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000.

ANNEX IContinued

84.23 Maneuvering light

Notwithstanding the provisions of 84.03(f), the maneuvering light
described in Rule 34(b) shall be placed approximately in the same fore and
aft vertical plane as the masthead light or lights and, where practicable, at a
minimum height of one-half meter vertically above the forward masthead
light, provided that it shall be carried not less than one-half meter vertically
above or below the after masthead light. On a vessel where only one
masthead light is carried the maneuvering light, if fitted, shall be carried
where it can best be seen, not less than one-half meter vertically apart from
the masthead light.

84.24 High Speed Craft

(a) The masthead light of high speed craft with a length to breadth ratio of
less than 3.0 may be placed at a height related to the breadth lower
than that precribed in Sec. 84.03(a)(1), provided that the base angle of
the isosceles triangle formed by the sidelights and masthead light when
seen in end elevation is not less than 27 degrees as determined by the
formula in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The minimum height of masthead light above sidelights is to be
determined by the following formula: Tan 27=x/y; where Y is the
horizontal distance between the sidelights and X is the height of the
forward masthead light.

84.25 Approval [Reserved]

Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels
Fishing in Close Proximity
1. General
The lights mentioned herein shall, if exhibited in pursuance of Rule 26(d), be
placed where they can best be seen. They shall be at least 0.9 meter apart
but at a lower level than lights prescribed in Rule 26(b)(i) and (c)(i). The
lights shall be visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least 1 mile
but at a lesser distance than the lights prescribed by these Rules for fishing

2. Signals for trawlers

(a) Vessels of 20 meters or more in length when engaged in trawling,
whether using demersal or pelagic gear, shall exhibit:
(i) when shooting their nets: two white lights in a vertical line;
(ii) when hauling their nets: one white light over one red light in a
vertical line;
(iii) when the net has come fast upon an obstruction: two red lights in a
vertical line.
(b) Each vessel of 20 meters or more in length engaged in pair trawling
shall exhibit:
(i) by night, a searchlight directed forward and in the direction of the
other vessel of the pair;
(ii) when shooting or hauling their nets or when their nets have come
fast upon an obstruction, the lights prescribed in 2(a) above.
(c) A vessel of less than 20 meters in length engaged in trawling, whether
using demersal or pelagic gear, or engaged in pair trawling, may exhibit
the lights prescribed in paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section, as

3. Signals for purse seiners

Vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear may exhibit two yellow
lights in a vertical line. These lights shall flash alternately every second and
with equal light and occultation duration. These lights may be exhibited only
when the vessel is hampered by its fishing gear.

33 CFR 85
Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels
Fishing in Close Proximity
85.1. General
The lights mentioned herein shall, if exhibited in pursuance of Rule 26(d), be
placed where they can best be seen. They shall be at least 0.9 meter apart
but at a lower level than lights prescribed in Rule 26(b)(i) and (c)(i)
contained in the Inland Navigational Rules Act of 1980. The lights shall be
visible all around the horizon at a distance of at least 1 mile but at a lesser
distance from the lights prescribed by these Rules for fishing vessels.

85.3 Signals for trawlers

(a) Vessels when engaged in trawling, whether using demersal or pelagic
gear, may exhibit:
(1) When shooting their nets: two white lights in a vertical line;
(2) When hauling their nets: one white light over one red light in a
vertical line;
(3) When the net has come fast upon an obstruction: two red lights in a
vertical line.
(b) Each vessel engaged in pair trawling may exhibit:
(1) By night, a searchlight directed forward and in the direction of the
other vessel of the pair;
(2) When shooting or hauling their nets or when their nets have come
fast upon an obstruction, the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of
this section.

85.5 Signals for purse seiners

Vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear may exhibit two yellow
lights in a vertical line. These lights shall flash alternately every second and
with equal light and occultation duration. These lights may be exhibited only
when the vessel is hampered by its fishing gear.

Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances

1. Whistles
(a) Frequencies and range of audibility
The fundamental frequency of the signal shall lie within the range 70-700
Hz. The range of audibility of the signal from a whistle shall be determined
by those frequencies, which may include the fundamental and/or one or
more higher frequencies, which lie within the range 180-700 Hz (+/- 1%) for
a vessel of 20 meters or more in length, or 180-2100Hz (+/- 1%) for a vessel
of less than 20 meters in length and which provide the sound pressure
levels specified in paragraph 1(c) below.

(b) Limits of fundamental frequencies

To ensure a wide variety of whistle characteristics, the fundamental
frequency of a whistle shall be between the following limits:
(i) 70-200 Hz, for a vessel 200 meters or more in length;
(ii) 130-350 Hz, for a vessel 75 meters but less than 200 meters in
(iii) 250-700 Hz, for a vessel less than 75 meters in length.

33 CFR 86
Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances

86.01 Frequencies and range of audibility
The fundamental frequency of the signal shall lie within the range 70-525
Hz. The range of audibility of the signal from a whistle shall be determined
by those frequencies, which may include the fundamental and/or one or
more higher frequencies, which lie within the frequency ranges and provide
the sound pressure levels specified in 86.05.

86.03 Limits of fundamental frequencies

To ensure a wide variety of whistle characteristics, the fundamental
frequency of a whistle shall be between the following limits:
(a) 70-200 Hz, for a vessel 200 meters or more in length;
(b) 130-350 Hz, for a vessel 75 meters but less than 200 meters in length;
(c) 250-525 Hz, for a vessel less than 75 meters in length.

ANNEX IIIContinued

(c) Sound signal intensity and range of audibility

A whistle fitted in a vessel shall provide, in the direction of
maximum intensity of the whistle and at a distance of 1 meter from it, a
sound pressure level in at least one 1/3-octave band within the range of
frequencies 180-700 Hz (+/- 1%) for a vessel of 20 meters or more in length,
or 180-2100Hz (+/- 1%) for a vessel of less than 20 meters in length, of not
less than the appropriate figure given in the table below.

1/3-octave band level

Length of vessel in at 1 meter in dB Audibility range in nautical
meters referred to 2x10-5 miles
200 or more 143 2
75 but less than 200 138 1.5
20 but less than 75 130 1
Less than 20 120*1
115*2 0.5

NOTE: The range of audibility in the table above is for information and is
approximately the range at which a whistle may be heard on its forward axis with 90
percent probability in conditions of still air on board a vessel having average
background noise level at the listening posts (taken to be 68 dB in the octave band
centered on 250 Hz and 63 dB in the octave band centered on 500 Hz). In practice
the range at which a whistle may be heard is extremely variable and depends
critically on weather conditions; the values given can be regarded as typical but
under conditions of strong wind or high ambient noise level at the listening post the
range may be much reduced.

*1 When the measured frequencies lie within the range 180-450Hz

*2 When the measured frequencies lie within the range 450-800Hz
*3 When the measured frequencies lie within the range 800-2100Hz

ANNEX IIIContinued

86.05 Sound signal intensity and range of audibility

A whistle on a vessel shall provide, in the direction of the forward axis of the
whistle and at a distance of 1 meter from it, a sound pressure level in at
least one 1/3-octave band of not less than the appropriate figure given in
Table 86.05 within the following frequency ranges ( 1 percent):
(a) 130-1200 Hz, for a vessel 75 meters or more in length;
(b) 250-1600 Hz, for a vessel 20 meters but less than 75 meters in length;
(c) 250-2100 Hz, for a vessel 12 meters but less than 20 meters in length.

Table 86.05

For 1/3 octave band Audibility

Length of vessel in measured level at 1 meter in range in
meters frequencies dB referred to 2x10- nautical
range (Hz) 5
(Hz) N/m2 miles
130-180 145
200 or more 70-200 180-250 143 2
250-1200 140
130-180 140
75 but less than 200 130-350 180-250 138 1.5
250-1200 134
250-450 130
20 but less than 75 250-525 450-800 125 1.0
800-1600 121
250-450 120
12 but less than 20 250-525 450-800 115 0.5
800-2100 111

NOTE: The range of audibility in the table above is for information and is
approximately the range at which a whistle may usually be heard on its forward axis
in conditions of still air on board a vessel having average background noise level at
the listening posts (taken to be 68 dB in the octave band centered on 250 Hz and 63
dB in the octave band centered on 500 Hz). In practice the range at which a whistle
may be heard is extremely variable and depends critically on weather conditions; the
values given can be regarded as typical but under conditions of strong wind or high
ambient noise level at the listening post the range may be much reduced.

ANNEX IIIContinued

(d) Directional properties

The sound pressure level of a directional whistle shall be not more than 4
dB below the prescribed sound pressure level on the axis at any direction in
the horizontal plane within 45 degrees of the axis. The sound pressure
level at any other direction in the horizontal plane shall be not more than 10
dB below the prescribed sound pressure level on the axis, so that the range
in any direction will be at least half the range on the forward axis. The sound
pressure level shall be measured in that one-third octave band which
determines the audibility range.

(e) Positioning of whistles

When a directional whistle is to be used as the only whistle on a vessel,
it shall be installed with its maximum intensity directed straight ahead.
A whistle shall be placed as high as practicable on a vessel, in order to
reduce interception of the emitted sound by obstructions and also to
minimize hearing damage risk to personnel. The sound pressure level of the
vessels own signal at listening posts shall not exceed 110 dB(A) and so far
as practicable should not exceed 100 dB(A).

ANNEX IIIContinued

86.07 Directional properties

The sound pressure level of a directional whistle shall be not more than 4
dB below the sound pressure level specified in 86.05 in any direction in
the horizontal plane within + 45 degrees of the forward axis. The sound
pressure level of the whistle in any other direction in the horizontal plane
shall not be more than 10 dB less than the sound pressure level specified
for the forward axis, so that the range of audibility in any direction will be at
least half the range required on the forward axis. The sound pressure level
shall be measured in that one-third octave band which determines the
audibility range.

86.09 Positioning of whistles

(a) When a directional whistle is to be used as the only whistle on the
vessel and is permanently installed, it shall be installed with its forward
axis directed forward.
(b) A whistle shall be placed as high as practicable on a vessel, in order to
reduce interception of the emitted sound by obstructions and also to
minimize hearing damage risk to personnel. The sound pressure level of
the vessels own signal at listening posts shall not exceed 110 dB(A)
and so far as practicable should not exceed 100 dB(A).

ANNEX IIIContinued

(f) Fitting of more than one whistle

If whistles are fitted at a distance apart of more than 100 meters, it shall
be so arranged that they are not sounded simultaneously.

(g) Combined whistle systems

If due to the presence of obstructions the sound field of a single whistle
or of one of the whistles referred to in paragraph 1(f) above is likely to have
a zone of greatly reduced signal level, it is recommended that a combined
whistle system be fitted so as to overcome this reduction. For the purposes
of the Rules a combined whistle system is to be regarded as a single
whistle. The whistles of a combined system shall be located at a distance
apart of not more than 100 meters and arranged to be sounded
simultaneously. The frequency of any one whistle shall differ from those of
the others by at least 10 Hz.

ANNEX IIIContinued

86.11 Fitting of more than one whistle

If whistles are fitted at a distance apart of more than 100 meters, they shall
not be sounded simultaneously.

86.13 Combined whistle systems

(a) A combined whistle system is a number of whistles (sound emitting
sources) operated together. For the purposes of the Rules a combined
whistle system is to be regarded as a single whistle. (b) The whistles of
a combined system shall:
(1) Be located at a distance apart of not more than 100 meters,
(2) Be sounded simultaneously,
(3) Each have a fundamental frequency different from those of the
others by at least 10 Hz, and
(4) Have a tonal characteristic appropriate for the length of vessel
which shall be evidenced by at least two-thirds of the whistles in the
combined system having fundamental frequencies falling within the
limits prescribed in 86.03, or if there are only two whistles in the
combined system, by the higher fundamental frequency falling
within the limits prescribed 86.03.

NOTE: If due to the presence of obstructions the sound field of a single whistle or of
one of the whistles referred to in 86.11 is likely to have a zone of greatly reduced
signal level a combined whistle system should be fitted so as to overcome this

ANNEX IIIContinued

2. Bell or gong
(a) Intensity of signal
A bell or gong, or other device having similar sound characteristics shall
produce a sound pressure level of not less than 110 dB at a distance of 1
meter from it.

(b) Construction
Bells and gongs shall be made of corrosion-resistant material and
designed to give a clear tone. The diameter of the mouth of the bell shall be
not less than 300 mm for vessels of 20 meters or more in length. Where
practicable, a power-driven bell striker is recommended to ensure constant
force but manual operation shall be possible. The mass of the striker shall
be not less than 3 percent of the mass of the bell.

3. Approval
The construction of sound signal appliances, their performance and their
installation on board the vessel shall be to the satisfaction of the appropriate
authority of the State whose flag the vessel is entitled to fly.

ANNEX IIIContinued

86.15 Towing vessel whistles

A power-driven vessel normally engaged in pushing ahead or towing
alongside may, at all times, use a whistle whose characteristic falls within
the limits prescribed by 86.03 for the longest customary composite length
of the vessel and its tow.

Subpart BBell or gong

86.21 Intensity of signal
A bell or gong, or other device having similar sound characteristics shall
produce a sound pressure level of not less than 110 dB at 1 meter.

86.23 Construction
Bells and gongs shall be made of corrosion-resistant material and designed
to give a clear tone. The diameter of the mouth of the bell shall be not less
than 300 mm for vessels of more than 20 meters in length, and shall be not
less than 200 mm for vessels of 12 to 20 meters in length. The mass of the
striker shall be not less than 3 percent of the mass of the bell. The striker
shall be capable of manual operation.

NOTE: When practicable, a power-driven bell striker is recommended to ensure

constant force.

Subpart CApproval
86.31 Approval [Reserved]

Distress Signals

1. The following signals, used or exhibited either together or separately,

indicate distress and need of assistance:
(a) a gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute;
(b) a continuous sounding with any fog-signaling apparatus;
(c) rockets or shells, throwing red stars fired one at a time at short
(d) a signal made by radiotelegraphy or by any other signaling method
consisting of the group . . . . . . (SOS) in the Morse Code;
(e) a signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word
(f) the International Code Signal of distress indicated by N.C.;
(g) a signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball
or anything resembling a ball;
(h) flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.);
(i) a rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light;
(j) a smoke signal giving off orange-colored smoke;
(k) slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to
each side;
(l) the radiotelegraph alarm signal;
(m) the radiotelephone alarm signal;
(n) signals transmitted by emergency position-indicating radio beacons;
(o) approved signals transmitted by radiocommunication systems,
including survival craft radar transponders.

33 CFR 87
Distress Signals

87.1 Need of assistance

The following signals, used or exhibited either together or separately,
indicate distress and need of assistance:
(a) A gun or other explosive signal fired at intervals of about a minute;
(b) A continuous sounding with any fog-signaling apparatus;
(c) Rockets or shells, throwing red stars fired one at a time at short
(d) A signal made by radiotelegraphy or by any other signaling method
consisting of the group . . . . . . (SOS) in the Morse Code;
(e) A signal sent by radiotelephony consisting of the spoken word
(f) The International Code Signal of distress indicated by N.C.;
(g) A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or
anything resembling a ball;
(h) Flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.);
(i) A rocket parachute flare or a hand flare showing a red light;
(j) A smoke signal giving off orange-colored smoke;
(k) Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each
(l) The radiotelegraph alarm signal;
(m) The radiotelephone alarm signal;
(n) Signals transmitted by emergency position-indicating radio beacons;
(o) Signals transmitted by radiocommunication systems, including survival
craft radar transponders meeting the requirements of 47 CFR 80.1095.
(p) A high intensity white light flashing at regular intervals from 50 to 70
times per minute.

ANNEX IVContinued

2. The use or exhibition of any of the foregoing signals except for the
purpose of indicating distress and need of assistance and the use of
other signals which may be confused with any of the above signals is
3. Attention is drawn to the relevant sections of the International Code of
Signals, the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual and the
following signals:
(a) a piece of orange-colored canvas with either a black square and
circle or other appropriate symbol (for identification from the air);
(b) a dye marker.

ANNEX IVContinued

87.3 Exclusive use

The use or exhibition of any of the foregoing signals except for the purpose
of indicating distress and need of assistance and the use of other signals
which may be confused with any of the above signals is prohibited.

87.5 Supplemental signals

Attention is drawn to the relevant sections of the International Code of
Signals, the Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual, the International
Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations, and the following signals:
(a) A piece of orange-colored canvas with either a black square and circle
or other appropriate symbol (for identification from the air);
(b) A dye marker.



(33 CFR 88) - Pilot Rules

88.01 Purpose and applicability

This Part applies to all vessels operating on United States inland waters and
to United States vessels operating on the Canadian waters of the Great
Lakes to the extent there is no conflict with Canadian law.

88.03 Definitions
The terms used in this part have the same meaning as defined in the Inland
Navigational Rules Act of 1980.

88.05 Copy of Rules

After January 1, 1983, the operator of each self-propelled vessel 12
meters or more in length shall carry on board and maintain for ready
reference a copy of the Inland Navigation Rules.

88.09 Temporary exemption from light and shape requirements

when operating under bridges
A vessels navigation lights and shapes may be lowered if necessary to
pass under a bridge.

88.11 Law enforcement vessels

(a) Law enforcement vessels may display a flashing blue light when
engaged in direct law enforcement or public safety activities. This light must
be located so that it does not interfere with the visibility of the vessels
navigation lights.
(b) The blue light described in this section may be displayed by law
enforcement vessels of the United States and the States and their political

88.12 Public Safety Activities

(a) Vessels engaged in government sanctioned public safety activities, and
commercial vessels performing similar functions, may display an alternately
flashing red and yellow light signal. This identification light signal must be
located so that it does not interfere with the visibility of the vessels
navigation lights. The identification light signal may be used only as an
identification signal and conveys no special privilege. Vessels using the
identification light signal during public safety activities must abide by the
Inland Navigation Rules, and must not presume that the light or the
exigency gives them precedence or right of way.



ANNEX VContinued

(b) Public safety activities include but are not limited to patrolling marine
parades, regattas, or special water celebrations; traffic control; salvage;
firefighting; medical assistance; assisting disabled vessels; and search and

88.13 Lights on moored barges

(a) The following barges shall display at night and if practicable in periods
of restricted visibility the lights described in paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) Every barge projecting into a buoyed or restricted channel. (2)
Every barge so moored that it reduces the available navigable width of
any channel to less than 80 meters.
(2) Barges moored in groups more than two barges wide or to a
maximum width of over 25 meters.
(3) Every barge not moored parallel to the bank or dock.
(b) Barges described in paragraph (a) of this section shall carry two
unobstructed all-round white lights of an intensity to be visible for at least
one nautical mile and meeting the technical requirements as prescribed in
84.15 of this chapter.
(c) A barge or a group of barges at anchor or made fast to one or more
mooring bouys or other similar device, in lieu of the provisions of Inland
Navigation Rule 30, may carry unobstructed all-round white lights of an
intensity to be visible for at least one nautical mile that meet the
requirements of 84.15 of this chapter and shall be arranged as follows:
(1) Any barge that projects from a group formation, shall be lighted on
its outboard corners.
(2) On a single barge moored in water where other vessels normally
navigate on both sides of the barge, lights shall be placed to mark the
corner extremities of the barge.
(3) On barges moored in group formation, moored in water where other
vessels normally navigate on both sides of the group, lights shall be
placed to mark the corner extremities of the group.
(d) The following are exempt from the requirements of this section:
(1) A barge or group of barges moored in a slip or slough used
primarily for mooring purposes.
(2) A barge or group of barges moored behind a pierhead.
(3) A barge less than 20 meters in length when moored in a special
anchorage area designated in accordance with 109.10 of this



ANNEX VContinued

(e) Barges moored in well-illuminated areas are exempt from the lighting
requirements of this section. These areas are as follows:


(1) Mile 293.2 to 293.9 (47) Mile 320.6
(3) Mile 295.2 to 296.1 (49) Mile 322.3 to 322.4
(5) Mile 297.5 to 297.8 (51) Mile 322.8
(7) Mile 298 to 298.2 (53) Mile 322.9 to 327.2
(9) Mile 298.6 to 298.8
(11) Mile 299.3 to 299.4 CALUMET SAG CHANNEL
(13) Mile 299.8 to 300.5 (61) Mile 316.5
(15) Mile 303 to 303.2
(17) Mile 303.7 to 303.9 LITTLE CALUMET RIVER
(19) Mile 305.7 to 305.8 (71) Mile 321.2
(21) Mile 310.7 to 310.9 (73) Mile 322.3
(23) Mile 311 to 311.2
(25) Mile 312.5 to 312.6 CALUMET RIVER
(27) Mile 313.8 to 314.2 (81) Mile 328.5 to 328.7
(29) Mile 314.6 (83) Mile 329.2 to 329.4
(31) Mile 314.8 to 315.3 (85) Mile 330 west bank to 330.2
(33) Mile 315.7 to 316 (87) Mile 331.4 to 331.6
(35) Mile 316.8 (89) Mile 332.2 to 332.4
(37) Mile 316.85 to 317.05 (91) Mile 332.6 to 332.8
(39) Mile 317.5
(41) Mile 318.4 to 318.9 CUMBERLAND RIVER
(43) Mile 318.7 to 318.8 (101) Mile 126.8
(45) Mile 320 to 320.3 (103) Mile 191



ANNEX VContinued

88.15 Lights on dredge pipelines

Dredge pipelines that are floating or supported on trestles shall display the
following lights at night and in periods of restricted visibility.
(a) One row of yellow lights. The lights must be:
(1) Flashing 50 to 70 times per minute,
(2) Visible all around the horizon,
(3) Visible for at least 2 miles on a clear dark night,
(4) Not less than 1 and not more than 3.5 meters above the water,
(5) Approximately equally spaced, and
(6) Not more than 10 meters apart where the pipeline crosses a
navigable channel. Where the pipeline does not cross a navigable
channel the lights must be sufficient in number to clearly show the
pipelines length and course.
(b) Two red lights at each end of the pipeline, including the ends in a
channel where the pipeline is separated to allow vessels to pass (whether
open or closed). The lights must be:
(1) Visible all around the horizon, and
(2) Visible for at least 2 miles on a clear dark night, and
(3) One meter apart in a vertical line with the lower light at the same
height above the water as the flashing yellow light.

33 CFR 82

82.1 Purpose
This part contains the interpretative rules concerning the 72 COLREGS that
are adopted by the Coast Guard for the guidance of the public.

82.3 Pushing vessel and vessel being pushed: Composite unit

Rule 24(b) of the 72 COLREGS states that when a pushing vessel and a
vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a composite unit, they
are regarded as a power-driven vessel and must exhibit the lights under
Rule 23. A composite unit is interpreted to be a pushing vessel that is
rigidly connected by mechanical means to a vessel being pushed so they
react to sea and swell as one vessel.
Mechanical means does not include the following:
(a) Lines.
(b) Hawsers.
(c) Wires.
(d) Chains.

82.5 Lights for moored vessels

For the purposes of Rule 30 of the 72 COLREGS, a vessel at anchor
includes a barge made fast to one or more mooring buoys or other similar
device attached to the sea or river floor. Such a barge may be lighted as a
vessel at anchor in accordance with Rule 30, or may be lighted on the
corners in accordance with 33 CFR 88.13.

82.7 Sidelights for unmanned barges

An unmanned barge being towed may use the exception of COLREG Rule
24(h). However, this exception only applies to the vertical sector

33 CFR 90

90.1 Purpose
This part contains the interpretative rules for the Inland Rules. These
interpretative rules are intended as a guide to assist the public and promote
compliance with the Inland Rules.

90.3 Pushing vessel and vessel being pushed: Composite unit

Rule 24(b) of the Inland Rules states that when a pushing vessel and a
vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a composite unit, they
are regarded as a power-driven vessel and must exhibit the lights
prescribed in Rule 23. A composite unit is interpreted to be the
combination of a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead that are
rigidly connected by mechanical means so they react to sea and swell as
one vessel. Mechanical means does not include lines, wires, hawsers, or

90.5 Lights for moored vessels

A vessel at anchor includes a vessel made fast to one or more mooring
buoys or other similar device attached to the ocean floor. Such vessels may
be lighted as a vessel at anchor in accordance with Rule 30, or may be
lighted on the corners in accordance with 33 CFR 88.13.

90.7 Sidelights for unmanned barges

An unmanned barge being towed may use the exception of COLREG Rule
24(h). However, this exception only applies to the vertical sector

33 CFR 80

80.01 General basis and purpose of 80.525 Cape Lookout, NC to Cape
demarcation lines. Fear, NC.
80.530 Cape Fear, NC to New River
80.105 Calais, ME to Cape Small,
ME. 80.703 Little River Inlet, SC to Cape
80.110 Casco Bay, ME. Romain, SC.
80.115 Portland Head, ME to Cape 80.707 Cape Romain, SC to Sullivans
Ann, MA. Island, SC.
80.120 Cape Ann, MA to Marblehead 80.710 Charleston Harbor, SC.
Neck, MA. 80.712 Morris Island, SC to Hilton
80.125 Marblehead Neck, MA to Head Island, SC.
Nahant, MA. 80.715 Savannah River.
80.130 Boston Harbor entrance. 80.717 Tybee Island, GA to St.
80.135 Hull, MA to Race Point, MA. Simons Island, GA.
80.145 Race Point, MA to Watch Hill, 80.720 St. Simons Island, GA to
Rl. Amelia Island, FL.
80.150 Block Island, Rl. 80.723 Amelia Island, FL to Cape
80.155 Watch Hill, Rl to Montauk Canaveral, FL.
Point, NY. 80.727 Cape Canaveral, FL to Miami
80.160 Montauk Point, NY to Atlantic Beach, FL.
Beach, NY. 80.730 Miami Harbor, FL.
80.165 New York Harbor. 80.735 Miami, FL to Long Key, FL.
80.170 Sandy Hook, NJ to Toms
80.501 Toms River N.J. to Cape 80.738 Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
May, NJ.
80.503 Delaware Bay.
80.505 Cape Henlopen, DE to Cape
Charles, VA.
80.510 Chesapeake Bay Entrance,
80.515 Cape Henry, VA to Cape
Hatteras, NC
80,520 Cape Hatteras, NC to Cape
Lookout, NC.


Sec. Sec.
80.740 Long Key, FL to Cape Sable, 80.1102 Santa Catalina Island, CA.
FL. 80.1104 San Diego Harbor, CA.
80.745 Cape Sable, FL to Cape 80.1106 Mission Bay, CA.
Romano, FL. 80.1108 Oceanside Harbor, CA.
80.748 Cape Romano, FL to Sanibel 80.1110 Dana Point Harbor, CA.
Island, FL. 80.1112 Newport Bay, CA.
80.750 Sanibel Island, FL to St. 80.1114 San Pedro Bay-Anaheim
Petersburg, FL. Bay, CA.
80.753 St. Petersburg, FL to Anclote, 80.1116 Redondo Harbor, CA.
FL. 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA.
80.755 Anclote, FL to the Suncoast 80.1120 Port Hueneme, CA.
Keys, FL. 80.1122 Channel Islands Harbor, CA.
80.757 Suncoast Keys, FL to 80.1124 Ventura Marina, CA.
Horseshoe Point, FL. 80.1126 Santa Barbara Harbor, CA.
80.760 Horseshoe Point, FL to Rock 80.1130 San Luis Obispo Bay, CA.
Island, FL. 80.1132 Estero-Morro Bay, CA.
80.1134 Monterey Harbor, CA.
EIGHTH DISTRICT 80.1136 Moss Landing Harbor, CA.
80.1138 Santa Cruz Harbor, CA.
80.805 Rock Island,FL to Cape San 80.1140 Pillar Point Harbor, CA.
Blas, FL. 80.1142 San Francisco Harbor, CA.
80.810 Cape San Blas, FL to Perdido 80.1144 Bodega and Tomales Bay,
Bay, FL. CA.
80.815 Mobile Bay, AL to the 80.1146 Albion River, CA.
Chandeleur Island, LA. 80.1148 Noyo River, CA.
80.825 Mississippi Passes, LA. 80.1150 Arcato-Humboldt Bay, CA.
80.830 Mississippi Passes, LA to 80.1152 Crescent City Harbor, CA.
Point Au Fer, LA.
80.835 Point Au Fer, LA to Calcasieu
Pass, LA.
80.840 Sabine Pass, TX to
Galveston, TX.
80.845 Galveston, TX to Freeport,
80.850 Brazos River, TX to the Rio
Grande, TX.

Sec. 80.01 General basis and
80.1305 Chetco River, OR. purpose of demarcation
80.1310 Rogue River, OR.
80.1315 Coquille River, OR.
80.1320 Coos Bay, OR. (a) The regulations in this part
80.1325 Umpqua River, OR. establish the lines of demarcation
80.1330 Siuslaw River, OR. delineating those waters upon
80.1335 Alsea Bay, OR. which mariners shall comply with
80.1340 Yaquina Bay, OR. the International Regulations for
80.1345 Depoe Bay, OR. Preventing Collisions at Sea,
80.1350 Netarts Bay, OR. 1972 (72 COLREGS) and those
80.1355 Tillamook Bay, OR. waters upon which mariners shall
80.1360 Nehalem River, OR.
80.1365 Columbia River Entrance,
comply with the Inland Navigation
OR/WA. Rules.
80.1370 Willapa Bay, WA. (b) The waters inside of the
80.1375 Grays Harbor, WA. lines are Inland Rules Waters.
80.1380 Quillayute River, WA. The waters outside the lines are
80.1385 Strait of Juan de Fuca. COLREGS Waters.
80.1390 Haro Strait and Strait of
80.1395 Puget Sound and adjacent FIRST DISTRICT

PACIFIC ISLANDS 80.105 Calais, ME to Cape

The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
80.1410 Hawaiian Island Exemption the harbors, bays, and inlets on
from General Rule. the east coast of Maine from
80.1420 Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hl. International Bridge at Calais,
80.1430 Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hl. ME to the southwesternmost
80.1440 Port Allen, Kauai, HI. extremity of Bald Head at Cape
80.1450 Nawiliwili Harbor, Kauai, Hl. Small.
80.1460 Kahului Harbor, Maui, Hl.
80.1470 Kawaihae Harbor, Hawaii,
Hl. 80.110 Casco Bay, ME.
80.1480 Hilo Harbor, Hawaii, Hl. (a) A line drawn from the
80.1490 Apra Harbor, U.S. Territory southwesternmost extremity of
of Guam. Bald Head at Cape Small to the
80.1495 U.S. Pacific Island southeasternmost extremity of
Possessions. Ragged Island; thence to the
southern tangent of Jaquish
ALASKA Island thence to Little Mark Island
SEVENTEENTH DISTRICT Monument Light; thence to the
80.1705 Alaska.
northernmost extremity of Jewell

(b) A line drawn from the tower on Harbor Breakwater Light to the
Jewell Island charted in twin towers charted in approximate
approximate position latitude 43 position latitude 4235.1 N.
40.6 N. longitude 70 05.9W. to longitude 7041.6W.
the northeasternmost extremity of (c) A line drawn from the
Outer Green Island. westernmost extremity of Gales
(c) A line drawn from the Point to the easternmost extremity
southwesternmost extremity of of House Island; thence to Bakers
Outer Green Island to Ram Island Island Light; thence to Marblehead
Ledge Light; thence to Portland Light.
Head Light.
80.125 Marblehead Neck, MA
80.115 Portland Head, ME to to Nahant, MA.
Cape Ann, MA. The 72 COLREGS apply on the
(a) Except inside lines specifically harbors, bays, and inlets on the
described in this section, the 72 east coast of Massachusetts
COLREGS shall apply on the from Marblehead Neck to the
harbors, bays, and inlets on the easternmost tower at Nahant,
east coast of Maine, New charted in approximate position
Hampshire, and Massachusetts latitude 4225.4 N., longitude
from Portland Head to Halibut Point 7054.6 W.
at Cape Ann.
(b) A line drawn from the 80.130 Boston Harbor
southernmost tower on Gerrish entrance.
Island charted in approximate A line drawn from the easternmost
position latitude 4304.0 N. tower at Nahant, charted in
longitude 7041.2 W. to Whaleback approximate position latitude 42
Light; thence to Jeffrey Point Light 25.4 N., longitude 7054.6 W.,
2A; thence to the northeasternmost to Boston Lighted Horn Buoy
extremity of Frost Point. B; thence to the easternmost
(c) A line drawn from the radio tower at Hull, charted in
northernmost extremity of Farm approximate position latitude
Point to Annisquam Harbor Light. 4216.7 N., longitude 7052.6
80.120 Cape Ann, MA to
Marblehead Neck, MA. 80.135 Hull, MA to Race Point,
(a) Except inside lines specifically MA.
described in this section, the 72 (a) Except inside lines described
COLREGS shall apply on the in this section, the 72 COLREGS
harbors, bays and inlets on the east apply on the harbors, bays, and
coast of Massachusetts from inlets on the east coast of
Halibut Point at Cape Ann to Massachusetts from the
Marblehead Neck. easternmost radio tower at Hull,
(b) A line drawn from Gloucester charted in approximate position

latitude 4216.7 N., longitude
7052.6 W., to Race Point on Cape
Cod. 80.150 Block Island, Rl.
(b) A line drawn from Canal The 72 COLREGS shall apply
Breakwater Light 4 south to the on the harbors of Block Island.
80.155 Watch Hill, Rl to
80.145 Race Point, MA to Montauk Point, NY.
Watch Hill, Rl. (a) A line drawn from Watch Hill
(a) Except inside lines specifically Light to East Point on Fishers
described in this section, the 72 Island.
COLREGS shall apply on the (b) A line drawn from Race Point
sounds, bays, harbors and inlets to Race Rock Light; thence to Little
along the coast of Cape Cod and Gull Island Light thence to East
the southern coasts of Point on Plum Island.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island (c) A line drawn from Plum Island
from Race Point to Watch Hill. Harbor East Dolphin Light to Plum
(b) A line drawn from Nobska Island Harbor West Dolphin Light.
Point Light to Tarpaulin Cove Light (d) A line drawn from Plum Island
on the southeastern side of Light to Orient Point Light; thence
Naushon Island; thence from the to Orient Point.
southernmost tangent of Naushon (e) A line drawn from the
Island to the easternmost extremity lighthouse ruins at the
of Nashawena Island; thence from southwestern end of Long Beach
the southwestern most extremity of Point to Cornelius Point.
Nashawena Island to the (f) A line drawn from Coec!es
easternmost extremity of Cuttyhunk Harbor Entrance Light to Sungic
Island; thence from the Point.
southwestern tangent of Cuttyhunk (g) A line drawn from Nicoll Point
Island to the tower on Gooseberry to Cedar Island Light.
Neck charted in approximate (h) A line drawn from Threemile
position latitude 4129.1 N. Harbor West Breakwater Light to
longitude 7102.3W. Three Mile Harbor East
(c) A line drawn from Sakonnet Breakwater Light.
Breakwater Light 2 tangent to the (i) A line drawn from Montauk
southernmost part of Sachuest West Jetty Light 1 to Montauk East
Point charted in approximate Jetty Light 2.
position latitude 41 28.5 N.
longitude 7114.8 W. 80.160 Montauk Point, NY to
(d) An east-west line drawn Atlantic Beach, NY.
through Beavertail Light between (a) A line drawn from Shinnecock
Brenton Point and the Boston Neck Inlet East Breakwater Light to
shoreline. Shinnecock Inlet West Breakwater
Light 1.

(b) A line drawn from Moriches Inlet seaward tangent of Brigantine Island
East Breakwater Light to Moriches across Brigantine Inlet.
Inlet West Breakwater Light. (c) A line drawn from the seaward
(c) A line drawn from Fire Island extremity of Absecon Inlet North
Inlet Breakwater Light 348 true to Jetty to Atlantic City Light.
the southernmost extremity of the spit (d) A line drawn from the
of land at the western end of Oak southernmost point of Longport at
Beach. latitude 3918.2 N. Iongitude
(d) A line drawn from Jones Inlet 7433.1W. to the northeasternmost
Light 322 true across the southwest point of Ocean City at latitude
tangent of the island on the north side 3917.6 N. longitude 74 33.1 W.
of Jones Inlet to the shoreline. across Great Egg Harbor Inlet.
(e) A line drawn parallel with the
80.165 New York Harbor. general trend of highwater shoreline
A line drawn from East Rockaway across Corson Inlet.
Inlet Breakwater Light to Sandy (f) A line formed by the centerline
Hook Light. of the Townsend Inlet Highway
80.170 Sandy Hook, NJ to Toms (g) A line formed by the shoreline
River, NJ. of Seven Mile Beach and Hereford
(a) A line drawn from Shark River Inlet Light.
Inlet North Breakwater Light 2 to (h) A line drawn from Cape May
Shark River Inlet South Breakwater Inlet East Jetty Light to Cape May
Light 1. Inlet West Jetty Light.
(b) A line drawn from Manasquan
Inlet North Breakwater Light 4 to 80.503 Delaware Bay.
Manasquan Inlet South Breakwater A line drawn from Cape May Light to
Light 3. Harbor of Refuge Light; thence to
(c) A line drawn from Barnegat Inlet the northernmost extremity of
North Breakwater Light 4A to the Cape Henlopen.
seaward extremity of the submerged
Barnegat Inlet South Breakwater; 80.505 Cape Henlopen, DE to
thence along the submerged Cape Charles, VA.
breakwater to the shoreline. (a) A line drawn from the seaward
extremity of Indian River Inlet North
FIFTH DISTRICT Jetty to Indian River Inlet South Jetty
80.501 Toms River, NJ to Cape (b) A line drawn from Ocean City
May, NJ. Inlet Light 6 225 true across Ocean
(a) A line drawn from the seaward City Inlet to the submerged south
tangent of Long Beach Island to the breakwater.
seaward tangent to Pullen Island
across Beach Haven and Little Egg
(b) A line drawn from the seaward
tangent of Pullen Island to the

(c) A line drawn from Assateague (a) A line drawn from Hatteras
Beach Tower Light to the tower Inlet Lookout Tower at latitude
charted at latitude 3752.6 N. 3511.8 N 7544.9 W 255 true to
longitude 7526.7W. the eastern end of Ocracoke
(d) A line formed by the range of Island.
Wachapreague Inlet Light 3 and (b) A line drawn from the
Parramore Beach Lookout Tower westernmost extremity of
drawn across Wachapreague Inlet. Ocracoke Island at latitude 35
(e) A line drawn from the lookout 04.0 N. longitude 7600.8 W. to
tower charted on the northern end the northeastern extremity of
of Hog Island to the seaward Portsmouth Island at latitude
tangent of Parramore Beach. 3503.7 N. longitude 76 02.3W.
(f) A Line drawn 207 true from (c) A line drawn across Drum
the lookout tower charted on the Inlet parallel with the general trend
southern end of Hog Island across of the highwater shoreline.
Great Machipongo Inlet.
(g) A line formed by the range of 80.525 Cape Lookout, NC to
the two cupolas charted on the Cape Fear, NC.
southern end of Cobb Island drawn (a) A line drawn from Cape
across Sand Shoal Inlet. Lookout Light to the seaward
(h) Except as provided elsewhere tangent of the southeastern end of
in this section from Cape Henlopen Shackleford Banks.
to Cape Charles, lines drawn (b) A line drawn from Morehead
parallel with the general trend of the City Channel Range Front Light to
highwater shoreline across the the seaward extremity of the
entrances to small bays and inlets. Beaufort Inlet west jetty.
(c) A line drawn from the
80.510 Chesapeake Bay southernmost extremity of Bogue
Entrance, VA. Banks at latitude 3438.7 N.
A line drawn from Cape Charles longitude 7706.0W. across
Light to Cape Henry Light. Bogue Inlet to the northernmost
extremity of Bear Beach at latitude
80.515 Cape Henry, VA to Cape 34 38.5 N. longitude 7707.1 W.
Hatteras, NC. (d) A line drawn from the tower
(a) A line drawn from Rudee Inlet charted in approximate position
Jetty Light 2 to Rudee Inlet Jetty latitude 3431.5 N. longitude 77
Light 1. 208 W. to the seaward tangent of
(b) A line formed by the centerline the shoreline on the northeast side
of the highway bridge across of New River Inlet.
Oregon Inlet. (e) A line drawn across New
Topsail Inlet between the closest
80.520 Cape Hatteras, NC to
Cape Lookout, NC.

extremities of the shore on either across Hog Inlet; thence a line
side of the inlet from latitude 34 drawn from Murrels Inlet Light 2 to
20.8 N. longitude 7739.2 W. to Murrels Inlet Light 1; thence a line
latitude 3420.6 N. longitude 77 drawn parallel with the general
39.6 W. trend of the highwater shoreline
(f) A line drawn from the seaward across Midway Inlet, Pawleys Inlet
extremity of the jetty on the and North Inlet.
northeast side of Masonboro Inlet (c) A line drawn from the charted
to the seaward extremity of the jetty position of Winyah Bay North Jetty
on the southeast side of the Inlet. End Buoy 2N south to the Winyah
(g) Except as provided elsewhere Bay South Jetty.
in this section from Cape Lookout (d) A line drawn from Santee
to Cape Fear, lines drawn parallel Point to the seaward tangent of
with the general trend of the Cedar Island.
highwater shoreline across the (e) A line drawn from Cedar
entrance of small bays and inlets. Island Point west to Murphy Island.
(f) A north-south line (longitude
80.530 Cape Fear, NC to Little 7920.3 W.) drawn from Murphy
River Inlet, NC. Island to the northernmost
(a) A line drawn from the extremity of Cape Island Point.
abandoned lighthouse charted in
approximate position latitude 33 80.707 Cape Romain, SC to
52.4N. longitude 7800.1W. across Sullivans Island, SC.
the Cape Fear River Entrance to (a) A line drawn from the western
Oak Island Light. extremity of Cape Romain 292
(b) Except as provided elsewhere true to Racoon Key on the west
in this section from Cape Fear to side of Racoon Creek.
Little River Inlet, lines drawn (b) A line drawn from the
parallel with the general trend of the westernmost extremity of Sandy
highwater shoreline across the Point across Bull Bay to the
entrance to small inlets. northernmost extremity of
Northeast Point.
SEVENTH DISTRICT (c) A line drawn from the
southernmost extremity of Bull
80.703 Little River Inlet, SC to Island to the easternmost
Cape Romain, SC. extremity of Capers Island.
(a) A line drawn from the (d) A line formed by the overhead
westernmost extremity of the sand power cable from Capers Island to
spit on Bird Island to the Dewees Island.
easternmost extremity of Waties
Island across Little River Inlet.
(b) From Little River Inlet, a line
drawn parallel with the general
trend of the highwater shoreline

(e) A line formed by the overhead longitude 8019.2 W. across St.
power cable from Dewees Island to Helena Sound to the abandoned
Isle of Palms. lighthouse tower on Hunting
(f) A line formed by the centerline Island.
of the highway bridge between Isle (e) A line formed by the
of Palms and Sullivans Island over centerline of the highway bridge
Breach Inlet. between Hunting Island and Fripp
80.710 Charleston Harbor, SC. (f) A line drawn from the
(a) A line formed by the westernmost extremity of Bull
submerged north jetty from the Point on Capers Island to Port
shore to the west end of the north Royal Sound Channel Range Rear
jetty. Light, latitude 3213.7 N.
(b) A line drawn from across the longitude 8036.0 W.; thence 259
seaward extremity of the true to the easternmost extremity
Charleston Harbor Jetties. of Hilton Head at latitude 3213.7
(c) A line drawn from the west end N. longitude 8040.1W.
of the South Jetty across the South
Entrance to Charleston Harbor to 80.715 Savannah River.
shore on a line formed by the A line drawn from the
submerged south jetty. southernmost tank on Hilton
Head Island charted in
80.712 Morris Island, SC to approximate position latitude
Hilton Head Island, SC. 3206.7 N . longitude 8049.3
(a) A line drawn from the W. to Bloody Point Range Rear
easternmost tip of Folly Island to Light; thence to Tybee (Range
the abandoned lighthouse tower on Rear) Light.
the northside of Lighthouse Inlet;
thence west to the shoreline of 80.717 Tybee Island, GA to St.
Morris Island. Simons Island, GA.
(b) A straight line drawn from the (a) A line drawn from the
seaward tangent of Folly Island southernmost extremity of
through Folly River Daybeacon 10 Savannah Beach on Tybee Island
across Stono River to the shoreline 255 true across Tybee Inlet to the
of Sandy Point. shore of Little Tybee Island south
(c) A line drawn from the of the entrance to Buck Hammock
southernmost extremity of Creek.
Seabrook Island 257 true across (b) A straight line drawn from the
the North Edisto River Entrance to northeasternmost extremity of
the shore of Botany Bay Island. Wassaw Island 031 true through
(d) A line drawn from the Tybee River Daybeacon 1 to the
microwave antenna tower on Edisto shore of Little Tybee Island.
Beach charted in approximate
position latitude 3229.3 N.

(c) A line drawn approximately (b) A line drawn from the
parallel with the general trend of the southernmost tank on Jekyll Island
highwater shorelines from the charted in approximate position
seaward tangent of Wassau Island latitude 3101.6 N. Iongitude
to the seaward tangent of Bradley 8125.2 W. to coordinate latitude
Point on Ossabaw Island. 3059.4N. Iongitude 8123.7 W.
(d) A north-south line (longitude (0.5 nautical mile east of the
8108.4W.) drawn from the charted position of St. Andrew
southernmost extremity of Sound Lighted Buoy 32); thence to
Ossabaw Island to St. Catherines the abandoned lighthouse tower
Island. on the north end of Little
(e) A north-south line (longitude Cumberland Island charted in
8110.6W.) drawn from the approximate position latitude
southernmost extremity of St. 3058.5N. Iongitude 8124.8 W.
Catherines Island to North-east (c) A line drawn across the
Point on Blackbeard Island. seaward extremity of the St. Marys
(f) A line following the general Entrance Jetties.
trend of the seaward highwater
shoreline across Cabretta Inlet. 80.723 Amelia Island, FL to
(g) A north-south line (longitude Cape Canaveral, FL.
8116.9W.) drawn from the (a) A line drawn from the
southwesternmost point on Sapelo southernmost extremity of Amelia
Island to Wolf Island. Island to the northeasternmost
(h) A north-south line (longitude extremity of Little Talbot Island.
8117.1W.) drawn from the (b) A line formed by the
southeasternmost point of Wolf centerline of the highway bridge
Island to the northeasternmost from Little Talbot Island to Fort
point on Little St. Simons Island. George Island.
(i) A line drawn from the (c) A line drawn across the
northeasternmost extremity of Sea seaward extremity of the St. Johns
Island 045 true to Little St. Simons River Entrance Jetties.
Island. (d) A line drawn across the
(j) An east-west line from the seaward extremity of the St.
southernmost extremity of Sea Augustine Inlet Jetties.
Island across Goulds Inlet to St. (e) A line formed by the
Simons Island. centerline of the highway bridge
over Matanzas Inlet.
80.720 St. Simons Island, GA to (f) A line drawn across the
Amelia Island, FL. seaward extremity of the Ponce de
(a) A line drawn from St. Simons Leon Inlet Jetties.
Light to the northernmost tank on
Jekyll Island charted in approximate
position latitude 3105.9 N.
Iongitude 81 24.5 W.

80.727 Cape Canaveral, FL to Government Cut Jetties.
Miami Beach, FL.
(a) A line drawn across the 80.735 Miami, FL to Long Key,
seaward extremity of the Port FL.
Canaveral Entrance Channel (a) A line drawn from the
Jetties. southernmost extremity of Fisher
(b) A line drawn across the Island 212 true to the point
seaward extremity of the Sebastian latitude 2545.0 N. longitude 80
Inlet Jetties. 08.6 W. on Virginia Key.
(c) A line drawn across the (b) A line formed by the
seaward extremity of the Fort centerline of the highway bridge
Pierce Inlet Jetties. between Virginia Key and Key
(d) A north-south line (longitude Biscayne.
80 09.7 W.) drawn across St. (c) A line drawn from Cape
Lucie Inlet. Florida Light to the northern most
(e) A line drawn from the seaward extremity on Soldier Key.
extremity of Jupiter Inlet North Jetty (d) A line drawn from the
to the northeast extremity of the southernmost extremity on Soldier
concrete apron on the south side of Key to the northernmost extremity
Jupiter inlet. of the Ragged Keys.
(f) A line drawn across the (e) A line drawn from the Ragged
seaward extremity of the Lake Keys to the southernmost
Worth Inlet Jetties. extremity of Angelfish Key
(g) A line drawn across the following the general trend of the
seaward extremity of the Boynton seaward shoreline.
Inlet Jetties. (f) A line drawn on the centerline
(h) A line drawn from Boca Raton of the Overseas Highway (U.S. 1)
Inlet North Jetty Light 2 to Boca and bridges from latitude 2519.3
Raton Inlet South Jetty Light 1. N. longitude 80 16.0 W. at Little
(i) A line drawn from Hillsboro Inlet Angelfish Creek to the radar dome
Light to Hillsboro Inlet Entrance charted on Long Key at
Light 2; thence to Hillsboro Inlet approximate position latitude
Entrance Light 1; thence west to 2449.3 N. longitude 8049.2 W.
the shoreline.
(j) A line drawn across the PUERTO RICO AND VIRGIN
seaward extremity of the Port ISLANDS
Everglades Entrance Jetties. SEVENTH DISTRICT
(k) A line formed by the centerline
of the highway bridge over Bakers 80.738 Puerto Rico and
Haulover Inlet. Virgin Islands.
(a) Except inside lines specifically
80.730 Miami Harbor, FL. described in this section, the 72
A line drawn across the seaward COLREGS shall apply on
extremity of the Miami Harbor

all other bays, harbors and lagoons creeks, inlets, and rivers between
of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Chatham Bend and Marco Island
Islands. except inside lines specifically
(b) A line drawn from Puerto San described in this part.
Juan Light to Cabras Light across (c) A north-south line drawn at
the entrance of San Juan Harbor. longitude 8120.2 W. across the
entrance to Lopez River.
GULF COAST (d) A line drawn across the
SEVENTH DISTRICT entrance to Turner River parallel to
the general trend of the shoreline.
80.740 Long Key, FL to Cape (e) A line formed by the
Sable, FL. centerline of Highway 92 Bridge at
A line drawn from the microwave Goodland.
tower charted on Long Key at
approximate position latitude 24 80.748 Cape Romano, FL to
48.8 N. longitude 80 49.6 W. to Sanibel Island, FL.
Long Key Light 1; thence to (a) A line drawn across Big
Arsenic Bank Light 2; thence to Marco Pass parallel to the general
Sprigger Bank Light 5; thence to trend of the seaward, highwater
Schooner Bank Light 6; thence to shoreline.
Oxfoot Bank Light 10; thence to (b) A line drawn from the
East Cape Light 2; thence northwesternmost extremity of
through East Cape Daybeacon Coconut Island 000T across
1A to the shoreline at East Cape. Capri Pass.
(c) Lines drawn across Hurricane
80.745 Cape Sable, FL to Cape and Little Marco Passes parallel to
Romano, FL. the general trend of the seaward,
(a) A line drawn following the highwater shoreline. (
general trend of the mainland, (d) A line from the seaward
highwater shoreline from Cape extremity of Gordon Pass South
Sable at East Cape to Little Shark Jetty 014 true to the shoreline at
River Light 1; thence to approximate coordinate latitude
westernmost extremity of Shark 2605.7 N. Iongitude 8148.1 W.
Point; thence following the general (e) A line drawn across the
trend of the mainland, highwater seaward extremity of Doctors Pass
shoreline crossing the entrances of Jetties.
Harney River, Broad Creek, Broad (f) Lines drawn across Wiggins,
River, Rodgers River First Bay, Big Hickory, New, and
Chatham River, Huston River, to
the shoreline at coordinate latitude
2541.8 N. longitude 8117.9W.
(b) The 72 COLREGS shall apply
to the waters surrounding the Ten
Thousand Islands and the bays,

Big Carlos Passes parallel to the Channel Range Rear Light to the
general trend of the seaward shoreline on Mullet Key.
highwater shoreland. (k) A line drawn from the
(g) A straight line drawn from northernmost extremity of Mullet
Sanibel Island Light through Key across Bunces Pass and
Matanzas Pass Channel Light 2 to South Channel to Pass-a-Grille
the shore of Estero Island. Channel Light 8; thence to Pass-a-
Grille Channel Daybeacon 9;
80.750 Sanibel Island, FL to St. thence to the southwesternmost
Petersburg, FL. extremity of Long Key.
(a) A line formed by the centerline
of the highway bridge over Blind 80.753 St. Petersburg, FL to
Pass, between Captiva Island and the Anclote, FL.
Sanibel Island, and lines drawn (a) A line drawn across Blind
across Redfish and Captiva Passes Pass, between Treasure Island
parallel to the general trend of the and Long Key, parallel with the
seaward, highwater shorelines. general trend of the seaward,
(b) A line drawn from La Costa highwater shoreline.
Test Pile North Light to Port Boca (b) Lines formed by the centerline
Grande Light. of the highway bridges over Johns
(c) Lines drawn across Gasparilla and Clearwater Passes.
and Stump Passes parallel to the (c) A line drawn across Dunedin
general trend of the seaward, and Hurricane Passes parallel with
highwater shorelines. the general trend of the seaward,
(d) A line across the seaward highwater shoreline.
extremity of Venice Inlet Jetties. (d) A line drawn from the
(e) A line drawn across Midnight northernmost extremity of
Pass parallel to the general trend of Honeymoon Island to Anclote
the seaward, highwater shoreline. Anchorage South Entrance Light
(f) A line drawn from Big Sarasota 7; thence to Anclote Key 28 10.0
Pass Light 14 to the southernmost N 8250.6 W; thence a straight
extremity of Lido Key. line through Anclote River Cut B
(g) A line drawn across New Pass Range Rear Light to the shoreline.
tangent to the seaward, highwater
shoreline of Longboat Key. 80.755 Anclote, FL to the
(h) A line drawn across Longboat Suncoast Keys, FL.
Pass parallel to the seaward, (a) Except inside lines specifically
highwater shoreline. described in this section,
(i) A line drawn from the
northwesternmost extremity of
Bean Point to the southeasternmost
extremity of Egmont Key.
(j) A straight line drawn from
Egmont Key Light through Egmont

the 72 COLREGS shall apply on Rock Islands, FL.
the bays, bayous, creeks, marinas, (a) Except inside lines specifically
and rivers from Anclote to the described provided in this section,
Suncoast Kevs. the 72 COLREGS shall apply on
(b) A north-south line drawn at the bays, bayous, creeks, marinas,
longitude 8238.3 W. across the and rivers from Horseshoe Point to
Chassahowitzka River Entrance. the Rock Islands.
(b) A north-south line drawn
80.757 Suncoast Keys, FL to through Steinhatchee River Light
Horseshoe Point, FL. 21.
(a) Except inside lines specifically (c) A line drawn from
described in this section, the 72 Fenholloway River Approach Light
COLREGS shall apply on the bays, FR east across the entrance to
bayous, creeks, and marinas from Fenholloway River.
the Suncoast Keys to Horseshoe
(b) A line formed by the centerline
of Highway 44 Bridge over the Salt 80.805 Rock Island, FL to Cape
River. San Blas, FL.
(c) A north-south line drawn (a) A north-south line drawn from
through Crystal River Entrance the Econfina River Light to the
Daybeacon 25 across the river opposite shore.
entrance. (b) A line drawn from Gamble
(d) A north-south line drawn Point Light to the southernmost
through the Cross Florida Barge extremity of Cabell Point.
Canal Daybeacon 48 across the (c) A line drawn from St. Marks
canal. (Range Rear) Light to St. Marks
(e) A north-south line drawn Channel Light 11; thence to the
through Withlacoochee River southernmost extremity of Live
Daybeacon 40 across the river. Oak Point; thence in a straight line
(f) A line drawn from the through Shell Point Light to the
westernmost extremity of South southernmost extremity of
Point north to the shoreline across Ochlockonee Point; thence to Bald
the Waccasassa River Entrance. Point along longitude 84 20.5 W.
(g) A line drawn from position (d) A line drawn from the south
latitude 2916.6 N. longitude shore of Southwest Cape at
8306.7 W. 300 true to the longitude 8422.7 W. to Dog
shoreline of Hog Island. Island Reef East Light 1; thence to
(h) A north-south line drawn Turkey Point Light 2; thence to the
through Suwannee River Wadley easternmost extremity of Dog
Pass Channel Daybeacons 30 and Island.
31 across the Suwannee River.

80.760 Horseshoe Point, FL to

(e) A line drawn from the Fort McRee Leading Light across
westernmost extremity of Dog the Pensacola Bay Entrance along
Island to the easternmost extremity latitude 3019.5 N.
of St. George Island. (h) A line drawn between the
(f) A line drawn across the seaward end of the Perdido Pass
seaward extremity of the St. Jetties.
George Island Channel Jetties.
(g) A line drawn from the 80.815 Mobile Bay, AL to the
northwesternmost extremity of Chandeleur Islands, LA.
Sand Island to West Pass Light 7. (a) A line drawn across the in lets
(h) A line drawn from the to Little Lagoon as an extension of
westernmost extremity of St. the general trend of the shoreline.
Vincent Island to the southeast, (b) A line drawn from Mobile
highwater shoreline of Indian Point Light to Dauphin Island
Peninsula at longitude 8513.5 W. Channel Light No. 1 to the eastern
corner of Fort Gaines at Pelican
80.810 Cape San Blas, FL to Point.
Perdido Bay, FL. (c) A line drawn from the
(a) A line drawn from St. Joseph westernmost extremity of Dauphin
Bay Entrance Range A Rear Light Island to the easternmost
through St. Joseph Bay Entrance extremity of Petit Bois Island.
Range B Front Light to St. Joseph (d) A line drawn from Horn Island
Point. Pass Entrance Range Front Light
(b) A line drawn across the mouth on Petit Bois Island to the
of Salt Creek as an extension of the easternmost extremity of Horn
general trend of the shoreline to Island.
continue across the inlet to St. (e) A east-west line (latitude
Andrews Sound in the middle of 3014.7 N.) drawn between the
Crooked Island. westernmost extremity of Horn
(c) A line drawn from the Island to the easternmost
northernmost extremity of Crooked extremity of Ship Island.
Island 000T. to the mainland. (f) A curved line drawn following
(d) A line drawn from the the general trend of the seaward,
easternmost extremity of Shell highwater shoreline of Ship Island.
Island 120 true to the shoreline (g) A line drawn from Ship Island
across the east entrance to St. Light to Chandeleur Light; thence
Andrews Bay. in a curved line following the
(e) A line drawn between the general trend of the seaward,
seaward end of the St. Andrews highwater shorelines of the
Bay Entrance Jetties. Chandeleur Islands to the island at
(f) A line drawn between the latitude 2944.1 N. longitude
seaward end of the Choctawatchee 8853.0 W.; thence to
Bay Entrance Jetties.
(g) A east-west line drawn from

latitude 2926.5N. longitude 88 coordinate latitude 2903.4N.
55.6W. longitude 8913.0W.; thence west
to coordinate latitude 2903.5N.,
80.825 Mississippi Passes, LA. longitude 8915.5W., thence
(a) A line drawn from latitude following the general trend of the
2926.5N., longitude 8855.6W. to seaward, highwater shoreline in a
latidude 2910.6N., longitude southwesterly direction to
8859.8W.; thence to latitude Mississippi River Southwest Pass
2903.5N., longitude 8903.7 W.; Entrance Light.
thence to latitude 2858.8N., (e) A line drawn from Mississippi
longitude 8904.3W. River Southwest Pass Entrance
(b) A line drawn from latitude Light; thence to the seaward
2858.8N., longitude 8904.3W.; to extremity of the Southwest Pass
latitude 2857.3N., longitude West Jetty located at coordinate
8905.3W.; thence to latitude latitude 2854.5N. Iongitude
2856.95N., longitude 8905.6W.; 8926.1W.
thence to latitude 2900.4N.,
longitude 8909.8W.; thence 80.830 Mississippi Passes, LA
following the general trend of the to Point Au Fer, LA.
seaward highwater shoreline in a (a) A line drawn from the
northwesterly direction to latitude seaward extremity of the
2903.4N., longitude 8913.0W.; Southwest Pass West Jetty
thence west to latitude 2903.5N., located at coordinate latitude
longitude 8915.5W.; thence 2854.5N. longitude 8926.1W.;
following the general trend of the thence following the general trend
seaward high water shoreline in a of the seaward, highwater jetty and
southwesterly direction to latitude shoreline in a north, northeasterly
2857.7N., longitude 89 22.3W. direction to Old Tower latitude
(c) A line drawn from latitude 2858.8N. longitude 8923.3W.;
2857.7N., longitude 8922.3W.; to thence to West Bay Light; thence
latitude 2851.4N., longitude to coordinate latitude 2905.2N.
8924.5W.; thence to latitude longitude 8924.3W.; thence a
2852.65N., longitude 8927.1 W.; curved line following the general
thence to the seaward extremity of trend of the highwater shoreline to
the Southwest Pass West Jetty Point Au Fer Island except as
located at latitude 2854.5N., otherwise described in this section.
longitude 8926.1W. (b) A line drawn across the
(d) A line drawn from Mississippi seaward extremity of the Empire
River South Pass East Jetty Light 4 Waterway (Bayou Fontanelle)
to Mississippi River South Pass entrance jetties.
West Jetty Light; thence following (c) An east-west line drawn from
the general trend of the seaward the westernmost extremity
highwater shoreline in a
northwesterly direction to

(d) of Grand Terre Islands in the true through Southwest Pass
direction of 194 true to the Grand Vermillion Bay Light 4 across
Isle Fishing Jetty Light. Southwest Pass.
(e) A line drawn between the (d) A line drawn across the
seaward extremity of the Belle Pass seaward extremity of the
Jetties. Freshwater Bayou Canal Entrance
(f) A line drawn from the Jetties.
westernmost extremity of the (e) A line drawn from Mermentau
Timbalier Island to the easternmost Channel East Jetty Light 6 to
extremity of Isles Dernieres. Mermentau Channel West Jetty
(g) A north-south line drawn from Light 7.
Caillou Bay Light 13 across Caillou (f) A line drawn from the radio
Boca. tower charted in approximate
(h) A line drawn 107 true from position latitude 2945.7N.
Caillou Bay Boat Landing Light longitude 9306.3W. 115 true
across the entrances to Grand across Mermentau Pass.
Bayou du Large and Bayou Grand (g) A line drawn across the
Caillou. seaward extremity of the
(i) A line drawn on an axis of 103 Calcasieu Pass Jetties.
true through Taylors Bayou
Entrance Light 2 across the 80.840 Sabine Pass, TX to
entrances to Jack Stout Bayou, Galveston, TX.
Taylors Bayou, Pelican Pass, and (a) A line drawn from the Sabine
Bayou de West. Pass East Jetty Light to the
seaward end of the Sabine Pass
80.835 Point Au Fer, LA to West Jetty.
Calcasieu Pass, LA. (b) A line drawn across the small
(a) A line drawn from Point Au Fer boat passes through the Sabine
to Atchafalaya Channel Light 34; Pass East and West Jetties.
thence to Point Au Fer Reef Light (c) A line formed by the
33; thence to Atchafalaya Bay centerline of the highway bridge
Pipeline Light D latitude 2925.0N. over Rollover Pass at Gilchrist.
longitude 9131.7W.; thence to
Atchafalaya Bay Light 1 latitude 80.845 Galveston, TX to
2925.3N. longitude 9135.8W.; Freeport, TX.
thence to South Point. (a) A line drawn from Galveston
(b) Lines following the general North Jetty Light 6A to Galveston
trend of the highwater shoreline South Jetty Light 5A.
drawn across the bayou and canal (b) A line formed by the
inlets from the Gulf of Mexico centerline of the highway bridge
between South Point and Calcasieu over San Luis Pass.
Pass except as otherwise
described in this section.
(c) A line drawn on an axis of 140

(c) Lines formed by the PACIFIC COAST
centerlines of the highway bridges ELEVENTH DISTRICT
over the inlets to Christmas Bay
(Cedar Cut) and Drum Bay. 80.1102 Santa Catalina Island,
(d) A line drawn from the seaward CA.
extremity of the Freeport North The 72 COLREGS shall apply to
Jetty to Freeport Entrance Light 6; the harbors on Santa Catalina
thence to Freeport Entrance Light Island.
7; thence to the seaward extremity
of Freeport South Jetty. 80.1104 San Diego Harbor, CA.
A line drawn from Zuniga Jetty
80.850 Brazos River, TX to the Light V to Zuniga Jetty Light
Rio Grande, TX. Z; thence to Point Loma Light.
(a) Except as otherwise described
in this section lines drawn 80.1106 Mlssion Bay, CA.
continuing the general trend of the A line drawn from Mission Bay
seaward, highwater shorelines South Jetty Light 2 to Mission
across the inlets to Brazos River Bay North Jetty Light 1.
Diversion Channel, San Bernard
River, Cedar Lakes, Brown Cedar 80.1108 Oceanside Harbor,
Cut, Colorado River, Matagorda CA.
Bay, Cedar Bayou, Corpus Christi A line drawn from Oceanside
Bay, and Laguna Madre. South Jetty Light 4 to Oceanside
(b) A line drawn across the Breakwater Light 3.
seaward extremity of Matagorda
Ship Channel North Jetties. 80.1110 Dana Point Harbor,
(c) A line drawn from the seaward CA.
tangent of Matagorda Peninsula at A line drawn from Dana Point Jetty
Decros Point to Matagorda Light. Light 6 to Dana Point
(d) A line drawn across the Breakwater Light 5.
seaward extremity of the Aransas
Pass Jetties. 80.1112 Newport Bay, CA.
(e) A line drawn across the A line drawn from Newport Bay
seaward extremity of the Port East Jetty Light 4 to Newport
Mansfield Entrance Jetties. Bay West Jetty Light 3.
(f) A line drawn across the
seaward extremity of the Brazos 80.1114 San Pedro Bay-
Santiago Pass Jetties. Anaheim Bay, CA.
(a) A line drawn across the
seaward extremities of the
Anaheim Bay Entrance East
Jetties; thence to Long Beach
Breakwater East End Light 1.

(b) A line drawn from Long Beach thence to Ventura Marina North
Channel Entrance Light 2 to Long Jetty Light 7.
Beach Light. 80.1126 Santa Barbara Harbor,
(c) A line drawn from Los Angeles CA.
Main Entrance Channel Light 2 to
Los Angeles Light. A line drawn from Santa Barbara
Harbor Light 4 to Santa Barbara
80.1116 Redondo Harbor, CA. Harbor Breakwater Light.
A line drawn from Redondo Beach
East Jetty Light 2 to Redondo 80.1130 San Luis Obispo Bay,
Beach West Jetty Light 3. CA.
A line drawn from the
80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. southernmost extremity of Fossil
(a) A line drawn from Marina Del Point to the seaward extremity of
Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Whaler Island Breakwater.
Marina Del Rey Light 4.
(b) A line drawn from Marina Del 80.1132 Estero-Morro Bay, CA.
Rey Breakwater North Light 2 to A line drawn from the seaward
Marina Del Rey Light 3. extremity of the Morro Bay East
(c) A line drawn from Marina Del Breakwater to the Morro Bay
Rey Light 4 to the seaward West Breakwater Light.
extremity of the Ballona Creek
South Jetty. 80.1134 Monterey Harbor, CA.
A line drawn from Monterey
80.1120 Port Hueneme, CA. Harbor Light 6 to the northern
A line drawn from Port Hueneme extremity of Monterey Municipal
East Jetty Light 4 to Port Wharf 2.
Hueneme West Jetty Light 3.
80.1136 Moss Landing Harbor,
80.1122 Channel Islands CA.
Harbor, CA. A line drawn from the seaward
(a) A line drawn from Channel extremity of the pier located 0.3
Islands Harbor South Jetty Light 2 mile south of Moss Landing
to Channel Islands Harbor Harbor Entrance to the seaward
Breakwater South Light 1. extremity of the Moss Landing
(b) A line drawn from Channel Harbor North Breakwater.
Islands Harbor Breakwater North
Light to Channel Islands Harbor
North Jetty Light 5.

80.1124 Ventura Marina, CA.

A line drawn from Ventura Marina
South Jetty Light 6 to Ventura
Marina Breakwater South Light 3;

80.1138 Santa Cruz Harbor, CA. CA.
A line drawn from the seaward A line drawn from Crescent City
extremity of the Santa Cruz Entrance Light to the
Harbor East Breakwater to Santa southeasternmost extremity of
Cruz Harbor West Breakwater Whaler Island.
Light; thence to Santa Cruz Light.
80.1140 Pillar Point Harbor, CA. 80.1305 Chetco River, OR.
A line drawn from Pillar Point A line drawn across the seaward
Harbor Light 6 to Pillar Point extremities of the Chetco River
Harbor Entrance Light. Entrance Jetties.

80.1142 San Francisco Harbor, 80.1310 Rogue River, OR.

CA. A line drawn across the seaward
A straight line drawn from Point extremities of the Rogue River
Bonita Light through Mile Rocks Entrance Jetties.
Light to the shore.
80.1315 Coquille River, OR.
80.1144 Bodega and Tomales A line drawn across the seaward
Bay, CA. extremities of the Coquille River
(a) An east-west line drawn from Entrance Jetties.
Sand Point to Avalis Beach. 80.1320 Coos Bay, OR.
(b) A line drawn from the seaward A line drawn across the seaward
extremity of Bodega Harbor North extremities of the Coos Bay
Breakwater to Bodega Harbor Entrance Jetties.
Entrance Light 1.
80.1325 Umpqua River, OR.
80.1146 Albion River, CA. A line drawn across the seaward
A line drawn on an axis of 030 true extremities of the Umpqua
through Albion River Light 1 Entrance Jetties.
across Albion Cove.
80.1330 Siuslaw River, OR.
80.1148 Noyo River, CA. A line drawn across the seaward
A line drawn from Noyo River extremities of the Siuslaw River
Entrance Daybeacon 4 to Noyo Entrance Jetties.
River Entrance Light 5.
80.1335 Alsea Bay, OR.
80.1150 Arcata-Humboldt Bay, A line drawn from the seaward
CA. shoreline on the north of the
A line drawn from Humboldt Bay Alsea Bay Entrance 165 true
Entrance Light 4 to Humboldt Bay across the channel entrance.
Entrance Light 3.

80.1152 Crescent City Harbor,

80.1340 Yaquina Bay, OR. A line drawn across the seaward
A line drawn across the seaward extremities (above water) of the
extremities of Yaquina Bay Grays Harbor Entrance Jetties.
Entrance Jetties.
80.1380 Quillayute River, WA.
80.1345 Depoe Bay, OR. A line drawn from the seaward
A line drawn across the Depoe Bay extremity of the Quillayute River
Channel entrance parallel with Entrance East Jetty to the
the general trend of the highwater overhead power cable tower
shoreline. charted on James Island; thence
a straight line through Quillayute
80.1350 Netarts Bay, OR. River Entrance Light 3 to the
A line drawn from the northernmost shoreline.
extremity of the shore on the
south side of Netarts Bay north to 80.1385 Strait of Juan de Fuca.
the opposite shoreline. The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
all waters of the Strait of Juan de
80.1355 Tillamook Bay, OR. Fuca.
A line drawn across the seaward
extremities of the Tillamook Bay 80.1390 Haro Strait and Strait
Entrance Jetties. of Georgia.
The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
80.1360 Nehalem River, OR. all waters of the Haro Strait and
A line drawn approximately parallel the Strait of Georgia.
with the general trend of the
highwater shoreline across the 80.1395 Puget Sound and
Nehalem River Entrance. Adjacent Waters.
The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
80.1365 Columbia River all waters of Puget Sound and
Entrance, OR/WA. adjacent waters, including Lake
A line drawn from the seaward Union, Lake Washington, Hood
extremity of the Columbia River Canal, and all tributaries.
North Jetty (above water) 155
true to the seaward extremity of
the Columbia River South Jetty
(above water).

80.1370 Willapa Bay, WA.

A line drawn from Willapa Bay Light
169.8 true to the westernmost
tripod charted 1.6 miles south of
Leadbetter Point.

80.1375 Grays Harbor, WA.

FOURTEENTH DISTRICT 80.1470 Kawaihae Harbor,
Hawaii, Hl.
80.1410 Hawaiian Island A line drawn from Kawaihae Light
Exemption from General Rule. to the seaward extremity of the
Except as provided elsewhere in Kawaihae South Breakwater.
this part for Mamala Bay and
Kaneohe Bay on Oahu; Port Allen 80.1480 Hilo Harbor, Hawaii,
and Nawiliwili Bay on Kauai; Hl.
Kahului Harbor on Maui; and A line drawn from the seaward
Kawailae and Hilo Harbors on extremity of the Hilo Breakwater
Hawaii, the 72 COLREGS shall 265 true (as an extension of the
apply on all other bays, harbors, seaward side of the breakwater)
and lagoons of the Hawaiian to the shoreline 0.2 nautical mile
Island (including Midway). north of Alealea Point.

80.1420 Mamala Bay, Oahu, Hl. 80.1490 Apra Harbor, U.S.

A line drawn from Barbers Point Territory of Guam.
Light to Diamond Head Light. A line drawn from the westernmost
extremity of Orote Island to the
80.1430 Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, westernmost extremity of Glass
Hl. Breakwater.
A straight line drawn from Pyramid
Rock Light across Kaneohe Bay 80.1495 U.S. Pacific Island
through the center of Mokolii Possessions.
Island to the shoreline. The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
the bays, harbors, lagoons, and
80.1440 Port Allen, Kauai, Hl. waters surrounding the U.S.
A line drawn from Hanapepe Light Pacific Island Possessions of
to Hanapepe Bay Breakwater American Samoa, Baker,
Light. Howland, Jarvis, Johnson,
Palmyra, Swains and Wake
80.1450 Nawiliwili Harbor, Island.
Kauai, Hl.
A line drawn from Nawiliwili Harbor
Breakwater Light to Kukii Point

80.1460 Kahului Harbor, Maui,

A line drawn from Kahului Harbor
Entrance East Breakwater Light
to Kahului Harbor Entrance West
Breakwater Light.


80.1705 Alaska
The 72 COLREGS shall apply on
all the sounds, bays, harbors, and
inlets of Alaska.

Violations of International Navigation Rules and Regulations
(33 U.S.C. 1608)

(a) Whoever operates a vessel, subject to the provisions of this Chapter, in

violation of this Chapter or of any regulation promulgated pursuant to section
1607 of this title, shall be liable to a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for
each such violation.
(b) Every vessel subject to the provisions of this Chapter, other than a public
vessel being used for noncommercial purposes, which is operated in violation
of this Chapter or of any regulation promulgated pursuant to section 1607 of
this title, shall be liable to a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each
such violation, for which penalty the vessel may be seized and proceeded
against in the district court of the United States of any district within which
such vessel may be found.
(c) The Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating
may assess any civil penalty authorized by this section. No such penalty may
be assessed until the person charged, or the owner of the vessel charged, as
appropriate, shall have been given notice of the violation involved and an
opportunity for a hearing. For good cause shown, the Secretary may remit,
mitigate, or compromise any penalty assessed. Upon the failure of the person
charged, or the owner of the vessel charged, to pay an assessed penalty, as
it may have been mitigated or compromised, the Secretary may request the
Attorney General to commence an action in the appropriate district court of
the United States for collection of the penalty as assessed, without regard to
the amount involved, together with such other relief as may be appropriate.

Violations of Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations

(33 U.S.C. 2072)

(a) Whoever operates a vessel in violation of this Chapter, or of any

regulation issued thereunder, or in violation of a certificate of alternative
compliance issued under Rule 1 is liable to a civil penalty of not more than
$5,000 for each violation.
(b) Every vessel subject to this Chapter, other than a public vessel being
used for noncommercial purposes, that is operated in violation of this
Chapter, or of any regulation issued thereunder, or in violation of a certificate
of alternative compliance issued under Rule 1 is liable to a civil penalty of not
more than $5,000 for each violation, for which

penalty the vessel may be seized and proceeded against in the district court
of the United States of any district within which the vessel may be found.
(c) The Secretary may assess any civil penalty authorized by this section.
No such penalty may be assessed until the person charged, or the owner of
the vessel charged, as appropriate, shall have been given notice of the
violation involved and an opportunity for a hearing. For good cause shown,
the Secretary may remit, mitigate, or compromise any penalty assessed.
Upon the failure of the person charged, or the owner of the vessel charged, to
pay an assessed penalty, as it may have been mitigated or compromised, the
Secretary may request the Attorney General to commence an action in the
appropriate district court of the United States for collection of the penalty as
assessed, without regard to the amount involved, together with such other
relief as may be appropriate.
(1) If any owner, operator, or individual in charge of a vessel is liable for
a penalty under this section, or if reasonable cause exists to believe that
the owner, operator, or individual in charge may be subject to a penalty
under this section, the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the request of the
Secretary, shall with respect to such vessel refuse or revoke any
clearance required by section 4197 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States (46 App. U.S.C. 91).
(2) Clearance or a permit refused or revoked under this subsection may
be granted upon filing of a bond or other surety satisfactory to the

Penalties for Negligent Operations

Duties Related to Marine Casualty Assistance
and Information
Duty to Provide Assistance at Sea
(46 U.S.C. 2301-2305)



[Enacted on August 26,1983]

2301 Application
2302 Penalties for negligent operations.
2303 Duties related to marine casualty assistance.
2304 Duty to provide assistance at sea.
2305 Injunctions.
2306 Vessel reporting requirements.

2301 Application
This chapter applies to a vessel operated on waters subject to the jurisdiction
of the United States and, for a vessel owned in the United States, on the high

2302 Penalties for negligent operations

(a) A person operating a vessel in a negligent manner that endangers the
life, limb, or property of a person is liable to the United States Government for
a civil penalty of not more than $1,000.
(b) A person operating a vessel in a grossly negligent manner that
endangers the life, limb, or property of a person shall be fined not more than
$5,000, imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.
(c) An individual who is under the influence of alcohol, or a dangerous drug
in violation of a law of the United States when operating a vessel, as
determined under standards prescribed by the Secretary by regulation
(1) is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not
more than $1,000 for a first violation and not more than $5,000 for a
subsequent violation; or
(2) commits a class A misdemeanor.
(d) For a penalty imposed under this section, the vessel also is liable in rem
unless the vessel is
(1) owned by a State or a political subdivision of a State;
(2) operated principally for governmental purposes; and
(3) identified clearly as a vessel of that State or subdivision.

2303 Duties related to marine casualty assistance and

(a) The master or individual in charge of a vessel involved in a marine
casualty shall
(1) render necessary assistance to each individual affected to save that
affected individual from danger caused by the marine casualty, so far as
the master or individual in charge can do so without serious danger to
the masters or individuals vessel or to individuals on board; and
(2) give the masters or individuals name and address and identification
of the vessel to the master or individual in charge of any other vessel
involved in the casualty, to any individual injured, and to the owner of any
property damaged.
(b) An individual violating this section or a regulation prescribed under this
section shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 2
years. The vessel also is liable in rem to the United States Government for
the fine.

(c) An individual complying with subsection (a) of this section or gratuitously
and in good faith rendering assistance at the scene of a marine casualty
without objection by an individual assisted, is not liable for damages as a
result of rendering assistance or for an act or omission in providing or
arranging salvage, towage, medical treatment, or other assistance when the
individual acts as an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent individual would have
acted under the circumstances.

2304 Duty to provide assistance at sea

(a) A master or individual in charge of a vessel shall render assistance to
any individual found at sea in danger of being lost, so far as the master or
individual in charge can do so without serious danger to the masters or
individuals vessel or individuals on board.
(b) A master or individual violating this section shall be fined not more than
$1,000, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both.

2305 Injunctions
(a) The district courts of the United States have jurisdiction to enjoin the
negligent operation of vessels prohibited by this chapter on the petition of the
Attorney General for the United States Government.
(b) When practicable, the Secretary shall
(1) give notice to any person against whom an action for in junctive relief
is considered under this section an opportunity to present that persons
views; and
(2) except for a knowing and willful violation, give the person a
reasonable opportunity to achieve compliance.
(c) The failure to give notice and opportunity to present views under
subsection (b) of this section does not preclude the court from granting
appropriate relief.

2306 Vessel Reporting Requirements

(1) An owner, charterer, managing operator, or agent of a vessel of the
United States, having reason to believe (because of lack of
communication with or nonappearance of a vessel or any other incident)
that the vessel may have been lost or imperiled, immediately shall
(A) notify the Coast Guard; and
(B) use all available means to determine the status of the vessel.
(2) When more than 48 hours have passed since the owner, charterer,
managing operator, or agent of a vessel required to report to the United
States Flag Merchant Vessel Location Filing

System under authority of section 212 (A) of the Merchant Marine Act,
1936 (46 App. U.S. C. 1122a), has received a communication from the
vessel, the owner, charterer, managing operator, or agent immediately
(A) notify the Coast Guard; and
(B) use all available means to determine the status of the vessel.
(3) A person notifying the Coast Guard under paragraph (1) or (2) of this
subsection shall provide the name and identification number of the
vessel, the names of individuals on board, and other information that
may be requested by the Coast Guard. The owner, charterer, managing
operator, or agent also shall submit written confirmation to the Coast
Guard 24 hours after nonwritten notification to the Coast Guard under
those paragraphs.
(4) An owner, charterer, managing operator, or agent violating this
subsection is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of
not more than $5,000 for each day during which the violation occurs.
(1) The master of a vessel of the United States required to report to the
System shall report to the owner, charterer, managing operator, or agent
at least once every 48 hours.
(2) A master violating this subsection is liable to the Government for a
civil penalty of not more than $1,000 for each day during which the
violation occurs.
(c) The Secretary may prescribe regulations to carry out this section.

The alternative compliance procedures for the International Rules and the
Inland Rules are the same, although they appear both in the International
Rules section of the Code of Federal Regulations (33 CFR Part 81) and in the
Inland Rules section (33 CFR Part 89).

1. Definitions. 4. Certificate of Alternative Compliance: Contents.
2. General. 5. Certificate of Alternative Compliance: Termination.
3. Application for a Certificate of 6. Record of certification of vessels of special of.
Alternative Compliance construction or purpose.

1. Definitions.
As used in this part:
72 COLREGS refers to the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972, done at London, October 20, 1972, as rectified by
the Proces-Verbal of December 1, 1973, as amended.
Inland Rules refers to the Inland Navigation Rules contained in the Inland
Navigational Rules Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96-591) and the technical annexes
established under that Act.
A vessel of special construction or purpose means a vessel designed or
modified to perform a special function and whose arrangement is thereby
made relatively inflexible.
Interference with the special function of the vessel occurs when installation
or use of lights, shapes, or sound-signaling appliances under the 72
COLREGS/Inland Rules prevents or significantly hinders the operation in
which the vessel is usually engaged.

2. General.
Vessels of special construction or purpose which cannot fully comply with
the light, shape, and sound signal provisions of the 72 COLREGS / Inland
Rules without interfering with their special function may instead meet
alternative requirements. The Chief of the Marine Safety Division in each
Coast Guard District Office makes this determination and requires that
alternative compliance be as close as possible with the 72 COLREGS / Inland
Rules. These regulations set out the procedure by which a vessel may be
certified for alternative compliance.

3. Application for a Certificate of Alternative Compliance.

(a) The owner, builder, operator, or agent of a vessel of special construction
or purpose who believes the vessel cannot fully comply with

the 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules light, shape, or sound signal provisions
without interference with its special function may apply for a determination
that alternative compliance is justified. The application must be in writing,
submitted to the Chief of the Marine Safety Division of the Coast Guard
District in which the vessel is being built or operated, and include the following
(1) The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
(2) The identification of the vessel by its:
(i) Official number;
(ii) Shipyard hull number;
(iii) Hull identification number; or
(iv) State number, if the vessel does not have an official number or
hull identification number.
(3) Vessel name and home port, if known.
(4) A description of the vessels area of operation.
(5) A description of the provision for which the Certificate of Alternative
Compliance is sought, including:
(i) The 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules Rule or Annex section number for
which the Certificate of Alternative Compliance is sought;
(ii) A description of the special function of the vessel that would be
interfered with by full compliance with the provision of that Rule or
Annex section; and (iii) A statement of how full compliance would
interfere with the special function of the vessel.
(6) A description of the alternative installation that is in closest possible
compliance with the applicable 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules Rule or
Annex section.
(7) A copy of the vessels plans or an accurate scale drawing that clearly
(i) The required installation of the equipment under the 72
COLREGS/Inland Rules,
(ii) The proposed installation of the equipment for which certification is
being sought, and
(iii) Any obstructions that may interfere with the equipment when
installed in:
(A) The required location; and
(B) The proposed location.
(b) The Coast Guard may request from the applicant additional information
concerning the application.

4. Certificate of Alternative Compliance: Contents.
The Chief of the Marine Safety Division issues the Certificate of Alternative
Compliance to the vessel based on a determination that it cannot comply fully
with 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules light, shape, and sound signal provisions
without interference with its special function.
This Certificate includes:
(a) Identification of the vessel as supplied in the application;
(b) The provision of the 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules for which the Certificate
authorizes alternative compliance;
(c) A certification that the vessel is unable to comply fully with the 72
COLREGS/Inland Rules light, shape, and sound signal requirements without
interference with its special function;
(d) A statement of why full compliance would interfere with the special
function of the vessel;
(e) The required alternative installation;
(f) A statement that the required alternative installation is in the closest
possible compliance with the 72 COLREGS/Inland Rules without interfering
with the special function of the vessel;
(g) The date of issuance;
(h) A statement that the Certificate of Alternative Compliance terminates
when the vessel ceases to be usually engaged in the operation for which the
certificate is issued.

5. Certificate of Alterative Compliance: Termination.

The Certificate of Alternative Compliance terminates if the information
supplied under 3.(a) or the Certificate issued under 4 is no longer applicable
to the vessel.

6. Record of certification of vessels of special construction or purpose.

(a) Copies of Certificates of Alternative Compliance and documentation
concerning Coast Guard vessels are available for inspection at the offices of
Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety and Environmental Protection, U.S.
Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.
(b) The owner or operator of a vessel issued a certificate shall ensure that
the vessel does not operate unless the Certificate of Alternative Compliance
or a certified copy of that certificate is on board the vessel and available for
inspection by Coast Guard personnel.

33 CFR 89.25 Waters upon which Inland Rules 9(a)(ii), 14(d),
and 15(b) apply.
Inland Rules 9(a)(ii), 14(d), and 15(b) apply on the Great Lakes, the Western
Rivers, and the following specified waters:

(1) Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway;

(2) Tombigbee River;
(3) Black Warrior River;
(4) Alabama River;
(5) Coosa River
(6) Mobile River above the Cochrane Bridge at St Louis Point;
(7) Flint River;
(8) Chattahoochee River, and
(9) The Apalachicola River above its confluence with the Jackson River.

33 CFR 89.27 Waters upon which Inland Rule 24(i) applies.

(a) Inland Rule 24(i) applies on the Western Rivers and the specified waters
listed in 89.25 (a) through (i).
(b) Inland Rule 24(i) applies on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway from St.
Marks, Florida, to the Rio Grande, Texas, including the Morgan City-Port
Allen Alternate Route and the Galveston-Freeport Cutoff, except that a power-
driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside shall exhibit the lights
required by Inland Rule 24(c), while transiting within the following areas:
(1) St. Andrews Bay from the Hathaway Fixed Bridge at Mile 284.6 East of Harvey Locks (EHL) to
the DuPont Fixed Badge at Mile 295.4 EHL.
(2) Pensacola Bay, Santa Rosa Sound and Big Lagoon from the Light 10 off of Trout Point at
Mile 176.9 EHL to the Pensacola Fixed Bridge at Mile 189.1 EHL
(3) Mobile Bay and Bon Secour Bay from the Dauphin Island Causeway Fixed Bridge at Mile
127.7 EHL to Little Point Clear at Mile 140 EHL.
(4) Mississippi Sound from Grand Island Waterway Light 1 at Mile 53.8 EHL to Light 40 off the
West Point of Dauphin Island at Mile 118.7 EHL
(5) The Mississippi River at New Orleans, Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal and the Inner
Harbor Navigation Canal from the junction of the Harvey Canal and the Algiers Alternate Route at
Mile 6.5 West of Harvey Locks (WHL) to the Michoud Canal at Mile 18 EHL.
(6) The Calcasieu River from the Calcasieu Lock at Mile 238.6 WHL to the Ellender Lift Bridge at
Mile 243.6 WHL.
(7) The Sabine Neches Canal from Mile 262.5 WHL to Mile 291.5 WHL.
(8) Bolivar Roads from the Bolivar Assembling Basin at Mile 346 WHL to the Galveston
Causeway Bridge at Mile 357.3 WHL.
(9) Freeport Harbor from Surfside Beach Fixed Bridge at Mile 393.8 WHL to the Bryan Beach
Pontoon Bridge at Mile 397.6 WHL.
(10) Matagorda Ship Channel area of Matagorda Bay from Range K Front Light at Mile 468.7
WHL to the Port OConnor Jetty at Mile 472.2 WHL.
(11) Corpus Christi Bay from Redfish Bay Day Beacon 55 at Mile 537.4 WHL when in the Gulf
Intracoastal Waterway main route or from the north end of Lydia Ann Island Mile 531.1A when in
the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway Alternate Route to Corpus Christi Bay LT 76 at Mile 543.7 WHL.
(12) Port Isabel and Brownsville Ship Channel south of the Padre Island Causeway Fixed Bridge
at Mile 665.1 WHL.

33 CFR 26
The Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act is applicable on navigable
waters of the United States inside the boundary lines established in 46 CFR
7. In all cases, the Act applies on waters subject to the Inland Rules. The Act
applies out to the three mile limit. In no instance does the Act apply beyond
the three mile limit.

Sec. Sec.
26.01 Purpose. 26.06 Maintenance of radiotelephone;
26.02 Definitions. failure of radiotelephone.
26.03 Radiotelephone required. 26.07 Communications.
26.04 Use of the designated frequency. 26.08 Exemption procedures.
26.05 Use of radiotelephone. 26.09 List of exemptions.

26.01 Purpose.
(a) The purpose of this part is to implement the provisions of the Vessel
Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act. This part:
(1) Requires the use of the vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone;
(2) Provides the Coast Guards interpretation of the meaning of important
terms in the Act;
(3) Prescribes the procedures for applying for an exemption from the Act
and the regulations issued under the Act and a listing of exemptions.
(b) Nothing in this part relieves any person from the obligation of complying
with the rules of the road and the applicable pilot rules.

26.02 Definitions.
For the purpose of this part and interpreting the Act:
Secretary means the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard
is operating;
Act means the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act, 33 U.S.C.
sections 1201-1208;
Length is measured from end to end over the deck excluding sheer;
Power-driven vessel means any vessel propelled by machinery;
Towing vessel means any commercial vessel engaged in towing another
vessel astern, alongside, or by pushing ahead;
Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) means a service implemented under Part 161
of this chapter by the United States Coast Guard designed to improve the
safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the environment.
The VTS has the capability to interact with marine traffic and respond to traffic
situations developing in the VTS area; and
Vessel Traffic Service Area or VTS Area means the geographical area
encompassing a specific VTS area of service as described in Part 161 of
this chapter. This area of service may be subdivided into

sectors for the purpose of allocating responsibility to individual Vessel
Traffic Centers or to identify different operating requirements.

Note: Although regulatory jurisdiction is limited to the navigable waters of the United
States, certain vessels will be encouraged or may be required, as a condition of port
entry, to report beyond this area to facilitate traffic management within the VTS area.

26.03 Radiotelephone required.

(a) Unless an exemption is granted under 26.09 and except as provided in
paragraph (a) (4) of this section, this part applies to:
(i) Every power-driven vessel of 20 meters or over in length while
(ii) Every vessel of 100 gross tons and upward carrying one or more
passengers for hire while navigating;
(iii) Every towing vessel of 26 feet or over in length while navigating;
(iv) Every dredge and floating plant engaged in or near a channel or
fairway in operations likely to restrict or affect navigation of other
vessels except for an unmanned or intermittently manned floating
plant under the control of a dredge.
(b) Every vessel, dredge, or floating plant described in paragraph (a) of this
section must have a radiotelephone on board capable of operation from its
navigational bridge, or in the case of a dredge, from its main control station,
and capable of transmitting and receiving on the frequency or frequencies
within the 156-162 Mega-Hertz band using the classes of emissions
designated by the Federal Communications Commission for the exchange of
navigational information.
(c) The radiotelephone required by paragraph (b) of this section must be
carried on board the described vessels, dredges, and floating plants upon the
navigable waters of the United States.
(d) The radiotelephone required by paragraph (b) of this section must be
capable of transmitting and receiving on VHF FM channel 22A (157.1 MHz).
(e) While transiting any of the following waters, each vessel described in
paragraph (a) of this section also must have on board a radiotelephone
capable of transmitting and receiving on VHF FM channel 67 (156.375 MHz):
(1) The lower Mississippi River from the territorial sea boundary, and
within either the Southwest Pass safety fairway or the South Pass safety
fairway specified in 33 CFR 166.200, to mile 242.4 AHP (Above Head of
Passes) near Baton Rouge;
(2) The Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet from the territorial sea boundary,
and within the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Safety Fairway specified in
33 CFR 166.200, to that channels junction with the Inner Harbor
Navigation Canal; and

(3) The full length of the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal from its junction
with the Mississippi River to that canals entry to Lake Pontchartrain at
the New Seabrook vehicular bridge.
(f) In addition to the radiotelephone required by paragraph (b) of this section,
each vessel described in paragraph (a) of this section while transiting any
waters within a Vessel Traffic Service Area, must have on board a
radiotelephone capable of transmitting and receiving on the VTS designated
frequency in Table 26.03(f) (VTS Call Signs, Designated Frequencies, and
Monitoring Areas) . (Located on pages 214 and 215.)

Note: A single VHF FM radio capable of scanning or sequential monitoring (often

referred to as dual watch capability) will not meet the requirements for two radios.

26.04 Use of the designated frequency.

(a) No person may use the frequency designated by the Federal
Communications Commission under section 8 of the Act, 33 U.S.C. 1207(a),
to transmit any information other than information necessary for the safe
navigation of vessels or necessary tests.
(b) Each person who is required to maintain a listening watch under section
5 of the Act shall, when necessary, transmit and confirm, on the designated
frequency, the intentions of his vessel and any other information necessary
for the safe navigation of vessels.
(c) Nothing in these regulations may be construed as prohibiting the use of
the designated frequency to communicate with shore stations to obtain or
furnish information necessary for the safe navigation of vessels.
(d) On the navigable waters of the United States, channel 13 (156.65 MHz)
is the designated frequency required to be monitored in accordance with
26.05(a) except that in the area prescribed in 26.03(e), channel 67
(156.375 MHz) is an additional frequency.
(e) On those navigable waters of the United States within a VTS area, the
designated VTS frequency is the designated frequency required to be
monitored in accordance with 26.05.

Note: As stated in 47 CFR 80.148(b), a VHF watch on Channel 16 (156.800Mhz) is not

required on vessels subject to the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act and
participating in a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system when the watch is maintained on
both the vessel bridge-to-bridge frequency and a designated VTS frequency.

26.05 Use of Radiotelephone.

Section 5 of the Act states that the radiotelephone required by this
Act is for the exclusive use of the master or person in charge of the vessel, or
the person designated by the master or person in charge

to pilot or direct the movement of the vessel, who shall maintain a listening
watch on the designated frequency. Nothing herein shall be interpreted as
precluding the use of portable radiotelephone equipment to satisfy the
requirements of this Act.

26.06 Maintenance of radiotelephone; failure of radiotelephone.

Section 6 of the Act states that whenever radiotelephone capability is
required by this Act, a vessels radiotelephone equipment shall be maintained
in effective operating condition. If the radiotelephone equipment carried
aboard a vessel ceases to operate, the master shall exercise due diligence to
restore it or cause it to be restored to effective operating condition at the
earliest practicable time. The failure of a vessels radiotelephone equipment
shall not, in itself, constitute a violation of this Act, nor shall it obligate the
master of any vessel to moor or anchor his vessel; however, the loss of
radiotelephone capability shall be given consideration in the navigation of the

26.07 Communications.
No person may use the services of, and no person may serve as, a person
required to maintain a listening watch under section 5 of the Act, 33 U.S.C.
1204, unless the person can communicate in the English language.

26.08 Exemption procedures.

(a) The Commandant has redelegated to the Assistant Commandant for
Marine Safety and Environmental Protection, U.S. Coast Guard
Headquarters, with the reservation that this authority shall not be further
redelegated, the authority to grant exemptions from provisions of the Vessel
Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act and this part.
(b) Any person may petition for an exemption from any provision of the Act
or this part;
(c) Each petition must be submitted in writing to U.S. Coast Guard, Marine
Safety and Environmental Protection, 2100 Second Street, S.W., Washington,
D.C. 20593-0001, and must state:
(1) The provisions of the Act or this part from which an exemption is
requested; and
(2) The reasons why marine navigation will not be adversely affected if
the exemption is granted and if the exemption relates to a local
communication system how that system would fully comply with the
intent of the concept of the Act but would not conform in detail if the
exemption is granted.

26.09 List of Exemptions.
(a) All vessels navigating on those waters governed by the navigation rules
for the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters (33 U.S.C. 241
et seq.) are exempt from the requirements of the Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge
Radiotelephone Act and this part until May 6, 1975.
(b) Each vessel navigating on the Great Lakes as defined in the Inland
Navigation Rules Act of 1980 (33 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.) and to which the
Vessel Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act (33 U.S.C. 1201-1208) applies
is exempt from the requirements in 33 U.S.C. 1203, 1204, and 1205 and the
regulations under 26.03, 26.04, 26.05, 26.06, and 26.07. Each of these
vessels and each person to whom 33 U.S.C. 1208(a) applies must comply
with Articles Vll, X, Xl, Xll, XlIl, XV, and XVI and Technical Regulations 1-9 of
The Agreement Between the United States of America and Canada for
Promotion of Safety on the Great Lakes by Means of Radio, 1973.


Call Sign (Channel designation)

NEW YORK3 156.550 MHz (Ch. 11 ) & The navigable waters of the Lower New York Harbor bounded on the east by a line drawn from Norton
New York Traffic4 156.700 MHz (Ch. 14) Point to Breezy Point; on the south by a line connecting the entrance buoys at the Ambrose Channel,
Swash Channel and Sandy Hook Channel to Sandy Hook Point; and on the southeast including the
waters of the Sandy Hook Ba y south to a line drawn at latitude 40 25
N.; then west into waters of the Raritan Bay to the Raritan River Rail Road Bridge; and then north
including the waters of the Arthur Kill and Newark Bay to the Lehigh Valley Draw Bridge at latitude 40
41.95 N.; and then east including the waters of the Kill Van Kull and Upper New York Bay north to a line
drawn east-west from the Holland Tunnel Ventilator Shaft at latitude 40 43.7 N.; longitude 74 01.6 W.
in the Hudson River; and continuing east including the waters of the East River to the Throgs Neck
Bridge, excluding the Harlem River.

156.600 MHz (Ch. 12) Each vessel at anchor within the above areas.

HOUSTON 3 The navigable waters north of 29 N., west of 94 20 W., south of 29 49 N., and east of 95 20 W.
Houston Traffic
The navigable waters north of a line extending due west from the southern most end of Exxon Dock
156.550 MHz (Ch. 11) #1 (29 43.37 N., 95 01.27 W.).

The navigable waters south of a line extending due west from the southern most end of Exxon Dock

156.600 MHz (Ch. 12) #1 (29 43.37 N., 95 01.27 W.).

BERWICK BAY 156.550 MHz (Ch. 11) The navigable waters south of 29 45 N., west of 91 10 W., north of 29 37 N., and east of 91 18
Berwick Traffic W.

ST. MARYS RIVER 156.600 MHz (Ch. 12) The navigable waters of the St. Marys River between 45 57 N. (De Tour Reef Light) and 46 38.7
Soo Control N. (lle Parisienne Light), except the St. Marys Falls Canal and those navigable waters east of a line
from 46 04.16N. and 46 01.57 N. (La Pointe to Sims Point in Patagannissing Bay and Worsley

SAN FRANCISCO 3 156.600 MHz (Ch. 12) The waters within a 38 nautical mile radius of Mount Tamalpais (37 55.8 N., 122 34.6 W.)
San Francisco Offshore Vessel excluding the San Francisco Offshore Precautionary Area.

Movement Reporting Service

San Francisco Traffic 156.700 MHz (Ch. 14) The waters of the San Francisco Offshore Precautionary Area eastward to San Francisco Bay
including its tributaries extending to the ports of Stockton, Sacramento and Redwood City.

north of a line connecting Marrowstone Point and Lagoon Point and all waters east of Whidbey Island north of
Georgia east of 122 52 W.; the San Juan Island Archipelago, Rosario Strait, Bellingham Bay; Admiralty Inlet

The navigable waters of the Strait of Georgia west of 122 52 W., the navigable waters of the central Strait of
Juan de Fuca north and east of Race Rocks, Including the Gulf Island Archipelago, Boundary Pass and Haro
The waters west of 124 40 W. within 50 nautical miles of the coast of Vancouver Island including the waters
1. VTS regulations are denoted in 33 CFR

The navigable waters of the Ohio River between McAlpine Locks (Mile 606) and Twelve Mile Island (Mile
The navigable waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca east of 124 40 W. excluding the waters in the central

The navigable waters south of 61 05 N., east of 147 20 W., north of 60 N., and west of 146 30 W.;
Part 161. All geographic coordinates (latitude

a line drawn due east from the southernmost tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shoreline.
portion of the Strait of Juan de Fuca north and east of Race Rocks; the navigable waters of the Strait of
and longitude) are expressed in North
American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).
Marrowstone Point and Lagoon Point in Admiralty inlet and south of a line drawn due east from the
The navigable waters of Puget Sound, Hood Canal and adjacent waters south of a line connecting

2. In the event of a communication failure

either by the vessel traffic center or the vessel
or radio congestion on a designated VTS

593), only when the McAlpine upper pool gauge is at approximately 13.0 feet or above.
frequency, communications may be
established on an alternate VTS frequency.
The bridge-to-bridge navigational frequency
156.650 MHz (Channel 13), is monitored in
each VTS area; and it may be used as an
alternate frequency, however, only to the
southernmost tip of Possession Point on Whidbey Island to the shoreline.

extent that doing so provides a level of safety

beyond that provided by other means.

3. Designated frequency monitoring is

required within U.S. navigable waters. In areas
which are outside the U.S. navigable waters,
designated frequency monitoring is voluntary.
However, prospective VTS Users are
encouraged to monitor the designated

4. VMRS participants shall make their initial

and, all navigable waters in Port Valdez.

report (Sail Plan) to New York Traffic on

Channel 11 (156.550 MHz). All other reports,
north of 48 N ., and east of 127 W.

including the Final Report, shall be made on

Channel 14 (156.700 MHz.). VMRS and other
VTS Users shall monitor Channel 14 (156.700
MHz) while transiting the VTS area. New York

Traffic may direct a vessel to monitor and

report on either primary frequency depending
on traffic density, weather conditions, or other
safety factors. This does not require a vessel
to monitor both primary frequencies.

5. A Cooperative Vessel Traffic Service was

established by the United States and Canada

within adjoining waters. The appropriate

vessel traffic center administers the rules
issued by both nations; however, it will enforce
only its own set of rules within its jurisdiction.

6. Seattle Traffic may direct a vessel to


monitor the other primary VTS frequency

156.250 MHz or 156.700 MHz (Channel 5A or
14) depending on traffic density, weather
(Channel designation)

conditions, or other safety factors, rather than

156.650 MHz (Ch. 13)

156.650 MHz (Ch. 13)

strictly adhering to the designated frequency

156.250 MHz (Ch. 5A)
156.700 MHz (Ch. 14)

156.725 MHz (Ch. 74)

156.550 MHz (Ch. 11)

required for each monitoring area as defined

above. This does not require a vessel to
monitor both primary frequencies.

7. A portion of Tofino Sectors monitoring

area extends beyond the defined CVTS area.
Designated frequency monitoring is voluntary
in these portions outside of VTS jurisdiction,
however, prospective VTS Users are
encouraged to monitor the designated

8. The bridge-to-bridge navigational

frequency, 156.650 MHz (Channel 13), is used
in these VTSs because the level of radio-
Louisville Traffic

telephone transmissions does not warrant a

Seattle Traffic 6

Vancouver Traffic

Valdez Traffic

designated VTS frequency. The listening

Tofino Traffic7

watch required by 26.05 of this chapter is not

Call Sign

limited to the monitoring area.




(adopted on 12 December 2002)




HAVING ADOPTED amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea, 1974, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), concerning special
measures to enhance maritime safety and security,

CONSIDERING that the new chapter XI-2 of the Convention makes a reference to an
International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and requires that ships, companies and
port facilities to comply with the relevant requirements of part A of the International Ship and
Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, as specified in part A of the ISPS Code,

BEING OF THE OPINION that the implementation by Contracting Governments of the

said chapter will greatly contribute to the enhancement of maritime safety and security and
safeguarding those on board and ashore,

HAVING CONSIDERED a draft of the International Code for the Security of Ships and
of Port Facilities prepared by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime
Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Organization), at its seventy-fifth and seventy-sixth
session, for consideration and adoption by the Conference,

1. ADOPTS the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
(hereinafter referred to as the Code), the text of which is set out in the Annex to the present

2. INVITES Contracting Governments to the Convention to note that the Code will take
effect on 1 July 2004 upon entry into force of the new chapter XI-2 of the Convention;

3. REQUESTS the Maritime Safety Committee to keep the Code under review and amend
it, as appropriate;

4. REQUESTS the Secretary-General of the Organization to transmit certified copies of the

present resolution and the text of the Code contained in the Annex to all Contracting
Governments to the Convention;

5. FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General to transmit copies of this resolution and

its Annex to all Members of the Organization, which are not Contracting Governments to the

Page 2





1 The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security held in London in December 2002

adopted new provisions in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and
this Code* to enhance maritime security. These new requirements form the international
framework through which ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which
threaten security in the maritime transport sector.

2 Following the tragic events of 11th September 2001, the twenty-second session of the
Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (the Organization), in November 2001,
unanimously agreed to the development of new measures relating to the security of ships and of
port facilities for adoption by a Conference of Contracting Governments to the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (known as the Diplomatic Conference on
Maritime Security) in December 2002. Preparation for the Diplomatic Conference was entrusted
to the Organizations Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) on the basis of submissions made by
Member States, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations in
consultative status with the Organization.

3 The MSC, at its first extraordinary session, held also in November 2001, in order to
accelerate the development and the adoption of the appropriate security measures established an
MSC Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security. The first meeting of the
MSC Intersessional Working Group on Maritime Security was held in February 2002 and the
outcome of its discussions was reported to, and considered by, the seventy-fifth session of the
MSC in March 2002, when an ad hoc Working Group was established to further develop the
proposals made. The seventy-fifth session of the MSC considered the report of that Working
Group and recommended that work should be taken forward through a further
MSC Intersessional Working Group, which was held in September 2002. The seventy-sixth
session of the MSC considered the outcome of the September 2002 session of the
MSC Intersessional Working Group and the further work undertaken by the MSC Working
Group held in conjunction with the Committee's seventy-sixth session in December 2002,
immediately prior to the Diplomatic Conference and agreed the final version of the proposed
texts to be considered by the Diplomatic Conference.

4 The Diplomatic Conference (9 to 13 December 2002) also adopted amendments to the

existing provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
(SOLAS 74) accelerating the implementation of the requirement to fit Automatic Identification
Systems and adopted new Regulations in Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS 74 covering marking of the
Ships Identification Number and the carriage of a Continuous Synopsis Record. The Diplomatic
Conference also adopted a number of Conference Resolutions including those covering
implementation and revision of this Code, Technical Co-operation, and co-operative work with
the International Labour Organization and World Customs Organization. It was recognized that

The complete name of this Code is the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities. The
abbreviated name of this Code, as referred to in regulation XI-2/1 of SOLAS 74 as amended, is the International
Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code or, in short, the ISPS Code.
Page 3

review and amendment of certain of the new provisions regarding maritime security may be
required on completion of the work of these two Organizations.

5 The provision of Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and this Code apply to ships and to port
facilities. The extension of SOLAS 74 to cover port facilities was agreed on the basis that
SOLAS 74 offered the speediest means of ensuring the necessary security measures entered into
force and given effect quickly. However, it was further agreed that the provisions relating to port
facilities should relate solely to the ship/port interface. The wider issue of the security of port
areas will be the subject of further joint work between the International Maritime Organization
and the International Labour Organization. It was also agreed that the provisions should not
extend to the actual response to attacks or to any necessary clear-up activities after such an

6 In drafting the provision care has been taken to ensure compatibility with the provisions
of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping and
Certification for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, the International Safety Management (ISM) Code
and the harmonised system of survey and certification.

7 The provisions represent a significant change in the approach of the international

maritime industries to the issue of security in the maritime transport sector. It is recognized that
they may place a significant additional burden on certain Contracting Governments. The
importance of Technical Co-operation to assist Contracting Governments implement the
provisions is fully recognized.

8 Implementation of the provisions will require continuing effective co-operation and

understanding between all those involved with, or using, ships and port facilities including ships
personnel, port personnel, passengers, cargo interests, ship and port management and those in
National and Local Authorities with security responsibilities. Existing practices and procedures
will have to be reviewed and changed if they do not provide an adequate level of security. In the
interests of enhanced maritime security additional responsibilities will have to be carried by the
shipping and port industries and by National and Local Authorities.

9 The guidance given in part B of this Code should be taken into account when
implementing the security provisions set out in Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 and in part A of this
Code. However, it is recognized that the extent to which the guidance applies may vary
depending on the nature of the port facility and of the ship, its trade and/or cargo.

10 Nothing in this Code shall be interpreted or applied in a manner inconsistent with the
proper respect of fundamental rights and freedoms as set out in international instruments,
particularly those relating to maritime workers and refugees including the International Labour
Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as well as international
standards concerning maritime and port workers.

11 Recognizing that the Convention on the Facilitation of Maritime Traffic, 1965, as

amended, provides that foreign crew members shall be allowed ashore by the public authorities
while the ship on which they arrive is in port, provided that the formalities on arrival of the ship
have been fulfilled and the public authorities have no reason to refuse permission to come ashore
for reasons of public health, public safety or public order, Contracting Governments when
approving ship and port facility security plans should pay due cognisance to the fact that ship's
personnel live and work on the vessel and need shore leave and access to shore based seafarer
welfare facilities, including medical care.
Page 4





1.1 Introduction

This part of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities contains
mandatory provisions to which reference is made in chapter XI-2 of the International Convention
for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended.

1.2 Objectives

The objectives of this Code are:

.1 to establish an international framework involving co-operation between

Contracting Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the
shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive
measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in
international trade;

.2 to establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the Contracting

Governments, Government agencies, local administrations and the shipping and
port industries, at the national and international level for ensuring maritime

.3 to ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related


.4 to provide a methodology for security assessments so as to have in place plans and

procedures to react to changing security levels; and

.5 to ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures

are in place.

1.3 Functional requirements

In order to achieve its objectives, this Code embodies a number of functional requirements.
These include, but are not limited to:

.1 gathering and assessing information with respect to security threats and

exchanging such information with appropriate Contracting Governments;

.2 requiring the maintenance of communication protocols for ships and port


.3 preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities and their restricted areas;
Page 5

.4 preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or

explosives to ships or port facilities;

.5 providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to security threats or security

.6 requiring ship and port facility security plans based upon security assessments;

.7 requiring training, drills and exercises to ensure familiarity with security plans and


2.1 For the purpose of this part, unless expressly provided otherwise:

.1 Convention means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
as amended.

.2 Regulation means a regulation of the Convention.

.3 Chapter means a chapter of the Convention.

.4 Ship security plan means a plan developed to ensure the application of measures
on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport
units, ships stores or the ship from the risks of a security incident.

.5 Port facility security plan means a plan developed to ensure the application of
measures designed to protect the port facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo
transport units and ships stores within the port facility from the risks of a security

.6 Ship security officer means the person on board the ship, accountable to the
master, designated by the Company as responsible for the security of the ship,
including implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan and for
liaison with the company security officer and port facility security officers.

.7 Company security officer means the person designated by the Company for
ensuring that a ship security assessment is carried out; that a ship security plan is
developed, submitted for approval, and thereafter implemented and maintained
and for liaison with port facility security officers and the ship security officer.

.8 Port facility security officer means the person designated as responsible for the
development, implementation, revision and maintenance of the port facility
security plan and for liaison with the ship security officers and company security

.9 Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective
security measures shall be maintained at all times.

Page 6

.10 Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective
security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of
heightened risk of a security incident.

.11 Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security
measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident
is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific

2.2 The term ship, when used in this Code, includes mobile offshore drilling units and
high-speed craft as defined in regulation XI-2/1.

2.3 The term Contracting Government in connection with any reference to a port facility,
when used in sections 14 to 18, includes a reference to the Designated Authority.

2.4 Terms not otherwise defined in this part shall have the same meaning as the meaning
attributed to them in chapters I and XI-2.


3.1 This Code applies to:

.1 the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:

.1 passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft;

.2 cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards;

.3 mobile offshore drilling units; and

.2 port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages.

3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of section 3.1.2, Contracting Governments shall decide
the extent of application of this Part of the Code to those port facilities within their territory
which, although used primarily by ships not engaged on international voyages, are required,
occasionally, to serve ships arriving or departing on an international voyage.

3.2.1 Contracting Governments shall base their decisions, under section 3.2, on a port facility
security assessment carried out in accordance with this Part of the Code.

3.2.2 Any decision which a Contracting Government makes, under section 3.2, shall not
compromise the level of security intended to be achieved by chapter XI-2 or by this Part of the

3.3 This Code does not apply to warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated
by a Contracting Government and used only on Government non-commercial service.

3.4 Sections 5 to 13 and 19 of this part apply to Companies and ships as specified in
regulation XI-2/4.

Page 7

3.5 Sections 5 and 14 to 18 of this part apply to port facilities as specified in

regulation XI-2/10.

3.6 Nothing in this Code shall prejudice the rights or obligations of States under international


4.1 Subject to the provisions of regulation XI-2/3 and XI-2/7, Contracting Governments shall
set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents. Higher security
levels indicate greater likelihood of occurrence of a security incident. Factors to be considered in
setting the appropriate security level include:

.1 the degree that the threat information is credible;

.2 the degree that the threat information is corroborated;

.3 the degree that the threat information is specific or imminent; and

.4 the potential consequences of such a security incident.

4.2 Contracting Governments, when they set security level 3, shall issue, as necessary,
appropriate instructions and shall provide security related information to the ships and port
facilities that may be affected.

4.3 Contracting Governments may delegate to a recognized security organization certain of

their security related duties under chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code with the exception of:

.1 setting of the applicable security level;

.2 approving a Port Facility Security Assessment and subsequent amendments to an

approved assessment;

.3 determining the port facilities which will be required to designate a Port Facility
Security Officer;

.4 approving a Port Facility Security Plan and subsequent amendments to an

approved plan;

.5 exercising control and compliance measures pursuant to regulation XI-2/9; and

.6 establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.

4.4 Contracting Governments shall, to the extent they consider appropriate, test the
effectiveness of the Ship or the Port Facility Security Plans, or of amendments to such plans, they
have approved, or, in the case of ships, of plans which have been approved on their behalf.

Page 8


5.1 Contracting Governments shall determine when a Declaration of Security is required by

assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, property or the

5.2 A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:

.1 the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship
it is interfacing with;

.2 there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security between Contracting

Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on those

.3 there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or
involving the port facility, as applicable;

.4 the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port
facility security plan; or

.5 the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have
and implement an approved ship security plan.

5.3 Requests for the completion of a Declaration of Security, under this section, shall be
acknowledged by the applicable port facility or ship.

5.4 The Declaration of Security shall be completed by:

.1 the master or the ship security officer on behalf of the ship(s); and, if appropriate,

.2 the port facility security officer or, if the Contracting Government determines
otherwise, by any other body responsible for shore-side security, on behalf of the
port facility.

5.5 The Declaration of Security shall address the security requirements that could be shared
between a port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall state the responsibility for each.

5.6 Contracting Governments shall specify, bearing in mind the provisions of

regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by
the port facilities located within their territory.

5.7 Administrations shall specify, bearing in mind the provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3, the
minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships entitled to fly their


6.1 The Company shall ensure that the ship security plan contains a clear statement
emphasizing the masters authority. The Company shall establish in the ship security plan that
the master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the
Page 9

safety and security of the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any Contracting
Government as may be necessary.

6.2 The Company shall ensure that the company security officer, the master and the ship
security officer are given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities in
accordance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.


7.1 A ship is required to act upon the security levels set by Contracting Governments as set
out below.

7.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be carried out, through appropriate
measures, on all ships, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code, in order to
identify and take preventive measures against security incidents:

.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security duties;

.2 controlling access to the ship;

.3 controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects;

.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

.5 monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that security communication is readily available.

7.3 At security level 2, the additional protective measures, specified in the ship security plan,
shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the guidance
given in part B of this Code.

7.4 At security level 3, further specific protective measures, specified in the ship security
plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

7.5 Whenever security level 2 or 3 is set by the Administration, the ship shall acknowledge
receipt of the instructions on change of the security level.

7.6 Prior to entering a port or whilst in a port within the territory of a Contracting
Government that has set security level 2 or 3, the ship shall acknowledge receipt of this
instruction and shall confirm to the port facility security officer the initiation of the
implementation of the appropriate measures and procedures as detailed in the ship security plan,
and in the case of security level 3, in instructions issued by the Contracting Government which
has set security level 3. The ship shall report any difficulties in implementation. In such cases,
the port facility security officer and ship security officer shall liase and co-ordinate the
appropriate actions.

Page 10

7.7 If a ship is required by the Administration to set, or is already at, a higher security level
than that set for the port it intends to enter or in which it is already located, then the ship shall
advise, without delay, the competent authority of the Contracting Government within whose
territory the port facility is located and the port facility security officer of the situation.

7.7.1 In such cases, the ship security officer shall liaise with the port facility security officer
and co-ordinate appropriate actions, if necessary.

7.8 An Administration requiring ships entitled to fly its flag to set security level 2 or 3 in a
port of another Contracting Government shall inform that Contracting Government without

7.9 When Contracting Governments set security levels and ensure the provision of security
level information to ships operating in their territorial sea, or having communicated an intention
to enter their territorial sea, such ships shall be advised to maintain vigilance and report
immediately to their Administration and any nearby coastal States any information that comes to
their attention that might affect maritime security in the area.

7.9.1 When advising such ships of the applicable security level, a Contracting Government
shall, taking into account the guidance given in the part B of this Code, also advise those ships of
any security measure that they should take and, if appropriate, of measures that have been taken
by the Contracting Government to provide protection against the threat.


8.1 The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing
and updating the ship security plan.

8.2 The company security officer shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out
by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship, in accordance with this
section, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

8.3 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a recognized security organization may carry
out the ship security assessment of a specific ship.

8.4 The ship security assessment shall include an on-scene security survey and, at least, the
following elements:

.1 identification of existing security measures, procedures and operations;

.2 identification and evaluation of key ship board operations that it is important to


.3 identification of possible threats to the key ship board operations and the
likelihood of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security
measures; and

.4 identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,

policies and procedures.

Page 11

8.5 The ship security assessment shall be documented, reviewed, accepted and retained by the


9.1 Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by the Administration. The
plan shall make provisions for the three security levels as defined in this Part of the Code.

9.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 9.2.1, a recognized security organization may prepare
the ship security plan for a specific ship.

9.2 The Administration may entrust the review and approval of ship security plans, or of
amendments to a previously approved plan, to recognized security organizations.

9.2.1 In such cases the recognized security organization, undertaking the review and approval
of a ship security plan, or its amendments, for a specific ship shall not have been involved in
either the preparation of the ship security assessment or of the ship security plan, or of the
amendments, under review.

9.3 The submission of a ship security plan, or of amendments to a previously approved plan,
for approval shall be accompanied by the security assessment on the basis of which the plan, or
the amendments, have been developed.

9.4 Such a plan shall be developed, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this
Code and shall be written in the working language or languages of the ship. If the language or
languages used is not English, French or Spanish, a translation into one of these languages shall
be included. The plan shall address, at least, the following:

.1 measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices

intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which is not
authorized from being taken on board the ship;

.2 identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of

unauthorized access to them;

.3 measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship;

.4 procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including

provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port interface;

.5 procedures for responding to any security instructions Contracting Governments

may give at security level 3;

.6 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;

.7 duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other

shipboard personnel on security aspects;

.8 procedures for auditing the security activities;

.9 procedures for training, drills and exercises associated with the plan;
Page 12

.10 procedures for interfacing with port facility security activities;

.11 procedures for the periodic review of the plan and for updating;

.12 procedures for reporting security incidents;

.13 identification of the ship security officer;

.14 identification of the company security officer including 24-hour contact details;

.15 procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of any
security equipment provided on board;

.16 frequency for testing or calibration of any security equipment provided on board;

.17 identification of the locations where the ship security alert system activation
points are provided;1 and

.18 procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of the ship security alert system,
including the testing, activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit false

9.4.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the security activities specified in the plan or
evaluating its implementation shall be independent of the activities being audited unless this is
impracticable due to the size and the nature of the Company or of the ship.

9.5 The Administration shall determine which changes to an approved ship security plan or to
any security equipment specified in an approved plan shall not be implemented unless the
relevant amendments to the plan are approved by the Administration. Any such changes shall be
at least as effective as those measures prescribed in chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.

9.5.1 The nature of the changes to the ship security plan or the security equipment that have
been specifically approved by the Administration, pursuant to section 9.5, shall be documented in
a manner that clearly indicates such approval. This approval shall be available on board and shall
be presented together with the International Ship Security Certificate (or the Interim International
Ship Security Certificate). If these changes are temporary, once the original approved measures
or equipment are reinstated, this documentation no longer needs to be retained by the ship.

9.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, it shall be protected by
procedures aimed at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

9.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

9.8 Ship security plans are not subject to inspection by officers duly authorized by a
Contracting Government to carry out control and compliance measures in accordance with
regulation XI-2/9, save in circumstances specified in section 9.8.1.
Administrations may allow, in order to avoid compromising in any way the objective of providing on board the
ship security alert system, this information to be kept elsewhere on board in a document known to the master, the
ship security officer and other senior shipboard personnel as may be decided by the Company.

Page 13

9.8.1 If the officers duly authorized by a Contracting Government have clear grounds to believe
that the ship is not in compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code,
and the only means to verify or rectify the non-compliance is to review the relevant requirements
of the ship security plan, limited access to the specific sections of the plan relating to the non-
compliance is exceptionally allowed, but only with the consent of the Contracting Government
of, or the master of, the ship concerned. Nevertheless, the provisions in the plan relating to
section 9.4 subsections .2, .4, .5, .7, .15, .17 and .18 of this Part of the Code are considered as
confidential information, and cannot be subject to inspection unless otherwise agreed by the
Contracting Governments concerned.


10.1 Records of the following activities addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on
board for at least the minimum period specified by the Administration, bearing in mind the
provisions of regulation XI-2/9.2.3:

.1 training, drills and exercises;

.2 security threats and security incidents;

.3 breaches of security;

.4 changes in security level;

.5 communications relating to the direct security of the ship such as specific threats
to the ship or to port facilities the ship is, or has been;

.6 internal audits and reviews of security activities;

.7 periodic review of the ship security assessment;

.8 periodic review of the ship security plan;

.9 implementation of any amendments to the plan; and

.10 maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board
including testing of the ship security alert system.

10.2 The records shall be kept in the working language or languages of the ship. If the
language or languages used are not English, French or Spanish, a translation into one of these
languages shall be included.

10.3 The records may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, they shall be protected
by procedures aimed at preventing their unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

10.4 The records shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Page 14


11.1 The Company shall designate a company security officer. A person designated as the
company security officer may act as the company security officer for one or more ships,
depending on the number or types of ships the Company operates provided it is clearly identified
for which ships this person is responsible. A Company may, depending on the number or types
of ships they operate designate several persons as company security officers provided it is clearly
identified for which ships each person is responsible.

11.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the company security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using appropriate
security assessments and other relevant information;

.2 ensuring that ship security assessments are carried out;

.3 ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the
implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan;

.4 ensuring that the ship security plan is modified, as appropriate, to correct

deficiencies and satisfy the security requirements of the individual ship;

.5 arranging for internal audits and reviews of security activities;

.6 arranging for the initial and subsequent verifications of the ship by the
Administration or the recognized security organization;

.7 ensuring that deficiencies and non-conformities identified during internal audits,

periodic reviews, security inspections and verifications of compliance are
promptly addressed and dealt with;

.8 enhancing security awareness and vigilance;

.9 ensuring adequate training for personnel responsible for the security of the ship;

.10 ensuring effective communication and co-operation between the ship security
officer and the relevant port facility security officers;

.11 ensuring consistency between security requirements and safety requirements;

.12 ensuring that, if sister-ship or fleet security plans are used, the plan for each ship
reflects the ship-specific information accurately; and

.13 ensuring that any alternative or equivalent arrangements approved for a particular
ship or group of ships are implemented and maintained.

Page 15


12.1 A ship security officer shall be designated on each ship.

12.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate

security measures are maintained;

.2 maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan,

including any amendments to the plan;

.3 co-ordinating the security aspects of the handling of cargo and ships stores with
other shipboard personnel and with the relevant port facility security officers;

.4 proposing modifications to the ship security plan;

.5 reporting to the company security officer any deficiencies and non-conformities

identified during internal audits, periodic reviews, security inspections and
verifications of compliance and implementing any corrective actions;

.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;

.7 ensuring that adequate training has been provided to shipboard personnel, as


.8 reporting all security incidents;

.9 co-ordinating implementation of the ship security plan with the company security
officer and the relevant port facility security officer; and

.10 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any.


13.1 The company security officer and appropriate shore-based personnel shall have
knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this

13.2 The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into
account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security duties and responsibilities shall understand
their responsibilities for ship security as described in the ship security plan and shall have
sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

Page 16

13.4 To ensure the effective implementation of the ship security plan, drills shall be carried out
at appropriate intervals taking into account the ship type, ship personnel changes, port facilities to
be visited and other relevant circumstances, taking into account the guidance given in part B of
this Code.

13.5 The company security officer shall ensure the effective coordination and implementation
of ship security plans by participating in exercises at appropriate intervals, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.


14.1 A port facility is required to act upon the security levels set by the Contracting
Government within whose territory it is located. Security measures and procedures shall be
applied at the port facility in such a manner as to cause a minimum of interference with, or delay
to, passengers, ship, ships personnel and visitors, goods and services.

14.2 At security level 1, the following activities shall be carried out through appropriate
measures in all port facilities, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code, in
order to identify and take preventive measures against security incidents:

.1 ensuring the performance of all port facility security duties;

.2 controlling access to the port facility;

.3 monitoring of the port facility, including anchoring and berthing area(s);

.4 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

.5 supervising the handling of cargo;

.6 supervising the handling of ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that security communication is readily available.

14.3 At security level 2, the additional protective measures, specified in the port facility
security plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.

14.4 At security level 3, further specific protective measures, specified in the port facility
security plan, shall be implemented for each activity detailed in section 14.2, taking into account
the guidance given in part B of this Code.

14.4.1 In addition, at security level 3, port facilities are required to respond to and implement
any security instructions given by the Contracting Government within whose territory the port
facility is located.

14.5 When a port facility security officer is advised that a ship encounters difficulties in
complying with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or this part or in implementing the appropriate
measures and procedures as detailed in the ship security plan, and in the case of security level 3
following any security instructions given by the Contracting Government within whose territory
Page 17

the port facility is located, the port facility security officer and ship security officer shall liase and
co-ordinate appropriate actions.

14.6 When a port facility security officer is advised that a ship is at a security level, which is
higher than that of the port facility, the port facility security officer shall report the matter to the
competent authority and shall liase with the ship security officer and co-ordinate appropriate
actions, if necessary.


15.1 The port facility security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of
developing and updating the port facility security plan.

15.2 The port facility security assessment shall be carried out by the Contracting Government
within whose territory the port facility is located. A Contracting Government may authorise a
recognized security organization to carry out the port facility security assessment of a specific
port facility located within its territory.

15.2.1 When the port facility security assessment has been carried out by a recognized security
organization, the security assessment shall be reviewed and approved for compliance with this
section by the Contracting Government within whose territory the port facility is located.

15.3 The persons carrying out the assessment shall have appropriate skills to evaluate the
security of the port facility in accordance with this section, taking into account the guidance
given in part B of this Code.

15.4 The port facility security assessments shall periodically be reviewed and updated, taking
account of changing threats and/or minor changes in the port facility and shall always be
reviewed and updated when major changes to the port facility take place.

15.5 The port facility security assessment shall include, at least, the following elements:

.1 identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure it is important

to protect;

.2 identification of possible threats to the assets and infrastructure and the likelihood
of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritize security measures;

.3 identification, selection and prioritization of counter measures and procedural

changes and their level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability; and

.4 identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,

policies and procedures.

15.6 The Contracting Government may allow a port facility security assessment to cover more
than one port facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment, and design of these port
facilities are similar. Any Contracting Government, which allows such an arrangement shall
communicate to the Organization particulars thereof.

Page 18

15.7 Upon completion of the port facility security assessment, a report shall be prepared,
consisting of a summary of how the assessment was conducted, a description of each
vulnerability found during the assessment and a description of counter measures that could be
used to address each vulnerability. The report shall be protected from unauthorized access or


16.1 A port facility security plan shall be developed and maintained, on the basis of a port
facility security assessment, for each port facility, adequate for the ship/port interface. The plan
shall make provisions for the three security levels, as defined in this Part of the Code.

16.1.1 Subject to the provisions of section 16.2, a recognized security organization may prepare
the port facility security plan of a specific port facility.

16.2 The port facility security plan shall be approved by the Contracting Government in whose
territory the port facility is located.

16.3 Such a plan shall be developed taking into account the guidance given in part B of this
Code and shall be in the working language of the port facility. The plan shall address, at least,
the following:

.1 measures designed to prevent weapons or any other dangerous substances and

devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which
is not authorized, from being introduced into the port facility or on board a ship;

.2 measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to the port facility, to ships

moored at the facility, and to restricted areas of the facility;

.3 procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including

provisions for maintaining critical operations of the port facility or ship/port

.4 procedures for responding to any security instructions the Contracting

Government, in whose territory the port facility is located, may give at security
level 3;

.5 procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;

.6 duties of port facility personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other

facility personnel on security aspects;

.7 procedures for interfacing with ship security activities;

.8 procedures for the periodic review of the plan and updating;

.9 procedures for reporting security incidents;

.10 identification of the port facility security officer including 24-hour contact details;

.11 measures to ensure the security of the information contained in the plan;
Page 19

.12 measures designed to ensure effective security of cargo and the cargo handling
equipment at the port facility;

.13 procedures for auditing the port facility security plan;

.14 procedures for responding in case the ship security alert system of a ship at the
port facility has been activated; and

.15 procedures for facilitating shore leave for ships personnel or personnel changes,
as well as access of visitors to the ship including representatives of seafarers
welfare and labour organizations.

16.3.1 Personnel conducting internal audits of the security activities specified in the plan or
evaluating its implementation shall be independent of the activities being audited unless this is
impracticable due to the size and the nature of the port facility.

16.4 The port facility security plan may be combined with, or be part of, the port security plan
or any other port emergency plan or plans.

16.5 The Contracting Government in whose territory the port facility is located shall determine
which changes to the port facility security plan shall not be implemented unless the relevant
amendments to the plan are approved by them.

16.6 The plan may be kept in an electronic format. In such a case, it shall be protected by
procedures aimed at preventing its unauthorized deletion, destruction or amendment.

16.7 The plan shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

16.8 Contracting Governments may allow a port facility security plan to cover more than one
port facility if the operator, location, operation, equipment, and design of these port facilities are
similar. Any Contracting Government, which allows such an alternative arrangement, shall
communicate to the Organization particulars thereof.


17.1 A port facility security officer shall be designated for each port facility. A person may be
designated as the port facility security officer for one or more port facilities.

17.2 In addition to those specified elsewhere in this Part of the Code, the duties and
responsibilities of the port facility security officer shall include, but are not limited to:

.1 conducting an initial comprehensive security survey of the port facility taking into
account the relevant port facility security assessment;

.2 ensuring the development and maintenance of the port facility security plan;

.3 implementing and exercising the port facility security plan;

.4 undertaking regular security inspections of the port facility to ensure the

continuation of appropriate security measures;
Page 20

.5 recommending and incorporating, as appropriate, modifications to the port facility

security plan in order to correct deficiencies and to update the plan to take into
account of relevant changes to the port facility;

.6 enhancing security awareness and vigilance of the port facility personnel;

.7 ensuring adequate training has been provided to personnel responsible for the
security of the port facility;

.8 reporting to the relevant authorities and maintaining records of occurrences which

threaten the security of the port facility;

.9 co-ordinating implementation of the port facility security plan with the appropriate
Company and ship security officer(s);

.10 co-ordinating with security services, as appropriate;

.11 ensuring that standards for personnel responsible for security of the port facility
are met;

.12 ensuring that security equipment is properly operated, tested, calibrated and
maintained, if any; and

.13 assisting ship security officers in confirming the identity of those seeking to board
the ship when requested.

17.3 The port facility security officer shall be given the necessary support to fulfil the duties
and responsibilities imposed by chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.


18.1 The port facility security officer and appropriate port facility security personnel shall have
knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this

18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security duties shall understand their duties and
responsibilities for port facility security, as described in the port facility security plan and shall
have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties, taking into account the
guidance given in part B of this Code.

18.3 To ensure the effective implementation of the port facility security plan, drills shall be
carried out at appropriate intervals taking into account the types of operation of the port facility,
port facility personnel changes, the type of ship the port facility is serving and other relevant
circumstances, taking into account guidance given in part B of this Code.

18.4 The port facility security officer shall ensure the effective coordination and
implementation of the port facility security plan by participating in exercises at appropriate
intervals, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.

Page 21


19.1 Verifications

19.1.1 Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies shall be subject to the verifications
specified below:

.1 an initial verification before the ship is put in service or before the certificate
required under section 19.2 is issued for the first time, which shall include a
complete verification of its security system and any associated security equipment
covered by the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2, this Part of the Code and the
approved ship security plan. This verification shall ensure that the security system
and any associated security equipment of the ship fully complies with the
applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code, is in
satisfactory condition and fit for the service for which the ship is intended;

.2 a renewal verification at intervals specified by the Administration, but not

exceeding five years, except where section 19.3 is applicable. This verification
shall ensure that the security system and any associated security equipment of the
ship fully complies with the applicable requirements of chapter XI-2, this Part of
the Code and the approved ship security plan, is in satisfactory condition and fit
for the service for which the ship is intended;

.3 at least one intermediate verification. If only one intermediate verification is

carried out it shall take place between the second and third anniversary date of the
certificate as defined in regulation I/2(n). The intermediate verification shall
include inspection of the security system and any associated security equipment of
the ship to ensure that it remains satisfactory for the service for which the ship is
intended. Such intermediate verification shall be endorsed on the certificate;

.4 any additional verifications as determined by the Administration.

19.1.2 The verifications of ships shall be carried out by officers of the Administration. The
Administration may, however, entrust the verifications to a recognized security organization
referred to in regulation XI-2/1.

19.1.3 In every case, the Administration concerned shall fully guarantee the completeness and
efficiency of the verification and shall undertake to ensure the necessary arrangements to satisfy
this obligation.

19.1.4 The security system and any associated security equipment of the ship after verification
shall be maintained to conform with the provisions of regulations XI-2/4.2 and XI-2/6, this Part
of the Code and the approved ship security plan. After any verification under section 19.1.1 has
been completed, no changes shall be made in security system and in any associated security
equipment or the approved ship security plan without the sanction of the Administration.

19.2 Issue or endorsement of certificate

19.2.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued after the initial or renewal
verification in accordance with the provisions of section 19.1.
Page 22

19.2.2 Such certificate shall be issued or endorsed either by the Administration or by a

recognized security organization acting on behalf of the Administration.

19.2.3 Another Contracting Government may, at the request of the Administration, cause the
ship to be verified and, if satisfied that the provisions of section 19.1.1 are complied with, shall
issue or authorize the issue of an International Ship Security Certificate to the ship and, where
appropriate, endorse or authorize the endorsement of that certificate on the ship, in accordance
with this Code. A copy of the certificate and a copy of the verification report shall be transmitted as
soon as possible to the requesting Administration. A certificate so issued shall contain a statement to the effect that it has been issued at
the request of the Administration and it shall have the same force and receive the same
recognition as the certificate issued under section 19.2.2.

19.2.4 The International Ship Security Certificate shall be drawn up in a form corresponding to
the model given in the appendix to this Code. If the language used is not English, French or
Spanish, the text shall include a translation into one of these languages.

19.3 Duration and validity of certificate

19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the
Administration which shall not exceed five years.

19.3.2 When the renewal verification is completed within three months before the expiry date of
the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the
renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing
certificate. When the renewal verification is completed after the expiry date of the existing
certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of the renewal
verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of expiry of the existing certificate. When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry
date of the existing certificate, the new certificate shall be valid from the date of completion of
the renewal verification to a date not exceeding five years from the date of completion of the
renewal verification.

19.3.3 If a certificate is issued for a period of less than five years, the Administration may
extend the validity of the certificate beyond the expiry date to the maximum period specified in
section 19.3.1, provided that the verifications referred to in section 19.1.1 applicable when a
certificate is issued for a period of five years are carried out as appropriate.

19.3.4 If a renewal verification has been completed and a new certificate cannot be issued or
placed on board the ship before the expiry date of the existing certificate, the Administration or
recognized security organization acting on behalf of the Administration may endorse the existing
certificate and such a certificate shall be accepted as valid for a further period which shall not
exceed five months from the expiry date.

Page 23

19.3.5 If a ship at the time when a certificate expires is not in a port in which it is to be verified,
the Administration may extend the period of validity of the certificate but this extension shall be
granted only for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage to the port in which it is
to be verified, and then only in cases where it appears proper and reasonable to do so. No
certificate shall be extended for a period longer than three months, and the ship to which an
extension is granted shall not, on its arrival in the port in which it is to be verified, be entitled by
virtue of such extension to leave that port without having a new certificate. When the renewal
verification is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years
from the expiry date of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.

19.3.6 A certificate issued to a ship engaged on short voyages which has not been extended
under the foregoing provisions of this section may be extended by the Administration for a
period of grace of up to one month from the date of expiry stated on it. When the renewal
verification is completed, the new certificate shall be valid to a date not exceeding five years
from the date of expiry of the existing certificate before the extension was granted.

19.3.7 If an intermediate verification is completed before the period specified in section 19.1.1,

.1 the expiry date shown on the certificate shall be amended by endorsement to a

date which shall not be more than three years later than the date on which the
intermediate verification was completed;

.2 the expiry date may remain unchanged provided one or more additional
verifications are carried out so that the maximum intervals between the
verifications prescribed by section 19.1.1 are not exceeded.

19.3.8 A certificate issued under section 19.2 shall cease to be valid in any of the following

.1 if the relevant verifications are not completed within the periods specified under
section 19.1.1;

.2 if the certificate is not endorsed in accordance with section and,
if applicable;

.3 when a Company assumes the responsibility for the operation of a ship not
previously operated by that Company; and

.4 upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State.

19.3.9 In the case of:

.1 a transfer of a ship to the flag of another Contracting Government, the Contracting

Government whose flag the ship was formerly entitled to fly shall, as soon as
possible, transmit to the receiving Administration copies of, or all information
relating to, the International Ship Security Certificate carried by the ship before
the transfer and copies of available verification reports, or

.2 a Company that assumes responsibility for the operation of a ship not previously
operated by that Company, the previous Company shall as soon as possible,
Page 24

transmit to the receiving Company copies of any information related to the

International Ship Security Certificate or to facilitate the verifications described in
section 19.4.2.

19.4 Interim certification

19.4.1 The certificates specified in section 19.2 shall be issued only when the Administration
issuing the certificate is fully satisfied that the ship complies with the requirements of section
19.1. However, after 1 July 2004, for the purposes of:

.1 a ship without a certificate, on delivery or prior to its entry or re-entry into service;

.2 transfer of a ship from the flag of a Contracting Government to the flag of another
Contracting Government;

.3 transfer of a ship to the flag of a Contracting Government from a State which is

not a Contracting Government; or

.4 when a Company assumes the responsibility for the operation of a ship not
previously operated by that Company;

until the certificate referred to in section 19.2 is issued, the Administration may cause an Interim
International Ship Security Certificate to be issued, in a form corresponding to the model given in
the Appendix to this Part of the Code.

19.4.2 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate shall only be issued when the
Administration or recognized security organization, on behalf of the Administration, has verified

.1 the ship security assessment required by this Part of the Code has been completed,

.2 a copy of the ship security plan meeting the requirements of chapter XI-2 and
part A of this Code is provided on board, has been submitted for review and
approval, and is being implemented on the ship;

.3 the ship is provided with a ship security alert system meeting the requirements of
regulation XI-2/6, if required,

.4 the company security officer:

.1 has ensured:

.1 the review of the ship security plan for compliance with this Part of
the Code,

.2 that the plan has been submitted for approval, and

.3 that the plan is being implemented on the ship, and

Page 25

.2 has established the necessary arrangements, including arrangements for

drills, exercises and internal audits, through which the company security
officer is satisfied that the ship will successfully complete the required
verification in accordance with section, within 6 months;

.5 arrangements have been made for carrying out the required verifications under

.6 the master, the ships security officer and other ships personnel with specific
security duties are familiar with their duties and responsibilities as specified in this
Part of the Code; and with the relevant provisions of the ship security plan placed
on board; and have been provided such information in the working language of
the ships personnel or languages understood by them; and

.7 the ship security officer meets the requirements of this Part of the Code.

19.4.3 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate may be issued by the Administration or
by a recognized security organization authorized to act on its behalf.

19.4.4 An Interim International Ship Security Certificate shall be valid for 6 months, or until the
certificate required by section 19.2 is issued, whichever comes first, and may not be extended.

19.4.5 No Contracting Government shall cause a subsequent, consecutive Interim International

Ship Security Certificate to be issued to a ship if, in the judgment of the Administration or the
recognized security organization, one of the purposes of the ship or a Company in requesting
such certificate is to avoid full compliance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code beyond
the period of the initial interim certificate as specified in section 19.4.4.

19.4.6 For the purposes of regulation XI-2/9, Contracting Governments may, prior to accepting
an Interim International Ship Security Certificate as a valid certificate, ensure that the
requirements of sections to have been met.

Page 26


Form of the International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate Number
Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of ___________________________________________

(name of State)
by __________________________________________________________________________
(persons or organization authorized)
Name of ship :.
Distinctive number or letters :.....
Port of registry :.
Type of ship :.
Gross tonnage :.
IMO Number :....
Name and address of the Company :....


1 that the security system and any associated security equipment of the ship has been
verified in accordance with section 19.1 of part A of the ISPS Code;

2 that the verification showed that the security system and any associated security
equipment of the ship is in all respects satisfactory and that the ship complies with the
applicable requirements of chapter XI-2 of the Convention and part A of the ISPS Code;

3 that the ship is provided with an approved Ship Security Plan.

Date of initial / renewal verification on which this certificate is based ....

This Certificate is valid until .

subject to verifications in accordance with section 19.1.1 of part A of the ISPS Code.

Issued at ..
(place of issue of the Certificate)

Date of issue .. ..
(signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Page 27


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an intermediate verification required by section 19.1.1 of part A of

the ISPS Code the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the
Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

Intermediate verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


Additional verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Additional verification Signed .

(Signature of authorized official)
Place ..


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Additional verification Signed

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

* This part of the certificate shall be adapted by the Administration to indicate whether it has established additional
verifications as provided for in section

Page 28



THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at an additional verification required by section of part A of

the ISPS Code the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of chapter XI-2 of the
Convention and part A of the ISPS Code.

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate
shall, in accordance with section 19.3.3 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until

(Signature of authorized official)


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



The ship complies with the relevant provisions of part A of the ISPS Code, and the Certificate
shall, in accordance with section 19.3.4 of part A of the ISPS Code, be accepted as valid until

(Signature of authorized official)


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Page 29



This Certificate shall, in accordance with section 19.3.5 / 19.3.6* of part A of the ISPS Code, be
accepted as valid until .

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)



In accordance with section of part A of the ISPS Code, the new expiry date** is

(Signature of authorized official)
Place .


(Seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Delete as appropriate.
In case of completion of this part of the certificate the expiry date shown on the front of the certificate shall also
be amended accordingly.

Page 30


Form of the Interim International Ship Security Certificate


(official seal) (State)

Certificate No.
Issued under the provisions of the



Under the authority of the Government of _________________________________________

(name of State)
by _________________________________________________________________________
(persons or organization authorized)

Name of ship : .........................................................................

Distinctive number or letters : ................................................................................
Port of registry : .............................................................................
Type of ship : .................................................................
Gross tonnage : .................................................................................
IMO Number : .............................................................................
Name and address of company : .............................................................................
Is this a subsequent, consecutive interim certificate? Yes/ No*
If Yes, date of issue of initial interim certificate.....................................................

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the requirements of section A/19.4.2 of the ISPS Code have been
complied with.

This Certificate is issued pursuant to section A/19.4 of the ISPS Code.

This Certificate is valid until .....................................................

Issued at .......................................................................
(place of issue of the certificate)

Date of issue ................................... ................................... .........................

(signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the Certificate)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Delete as appropriate

Page 31






1.1 The preamble of this Code indicates that chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code establish
the new international framework of measures to enhance maritime security and through which
ships and port facilities can co-operate to detect and deter acts which threaten security in the
maritime transport sector.

1.2 This introduction outlines, in a concise manner, the processes envisaged in establishing
and implementing the measures and arrangements needed to achieve and maintain compliance
with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and of part A of this Code and identifies the main elements
on which guidance is offered. The guidance is provided in paragraphs 2 through to 19. It also sets
down essential considerations, which should be taken into account when considering the
application of the guidance relating to ships and port facilities.

1.3 If the readers interest relates to ships alone, it is strongly recommended that this Part of
the Code is still read as a whole, particularly the sections relating to port facilities. The same
applies to those whose primary interest are port facilities; they should also read the sections
relating to ships.

1.4 The guidance provided in the following sections relates primarily to protection of the ship
when it is at a port facility. There could, however, be situations when a ship may pose a threat to
the port facility, e.g. because, once within the port facility, it could be used as a base from which
to launch an attack. When considering the appropriate security measures to respond to
ship-based security threats, those completing the Port Facility Security Assessment or preparing
the Port Facility Security Plan should consider making appropriate adaptations to the guidance
offered in the following sections.

1.5 The reader is advised that nothing in this Part of the Code should be read or interpreted in
conflict with any of the provisions of either chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code and that the
aforesaid provisions always prevail and override any unintended inconsistency which may have
been inadvertently expressed in this Part of the Code. The guidance provided in this Part of the
Code should always be read, interpreted and applied in a manner which is consistent with the
aims, objectives and principles established in chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Responsibilities of Contracting Governments

1.6 Contracting Governments have, under the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this
Code, various responsibilities, which, amongst others, include:

- setting the applicable security level;

Page 32

- approving the Ship Security Plan and relevant amendments to a previously

approved plan;

- verifying the compliance of ships with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code and issuing to ships the International Ship Security Certificate;

- determining which of the port facilities located within their territory are required
to designate a Port Facility Security Officer who will be responsible for the
preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan;

- ensuring completion and approval of the Port Facility Security Assessment and of
any subsequent amendments to a previously approved assessment;

- approving the Port Facility Security Plan and any subsequent amendments to a
previously approved plan; and

- exercising control and compliance measures;

- testing approved plans; and

- communicating information to the International Maritime Organization and to the

shipping and port industries.

1.7 Contracting Governments can designate, or establish, Designated Authorities within

Government to undertake, with respect to port facilities, their security duties under chapter XI-2
and part A of this Code and allow Recognized Security Organizations to carry out certain work
with respect to port facilities but the final decision on the acceptance and approval of this work
should be given by the Contracting Government or the Designated Authority. Administrations
may also delegate the undertaking of certain security duties, relating to ships, to Recognized
Security Organizations. The following duties or activities cannot be delegated to a Recognized
Security Organization:

- setting of the applicable security level;

- determining which of the port facilities located within the territory of a

Contracting Government are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer
and to prepare a Port Facility Security Plan;

- approving a Port Facility Security Assessment or any subsequent amendments to a

previously approved assessment;

- approving a Port Facility Security Plan or any subsequent amendments to a

previously approved plan;

- exercising control and compliance measures; and

- establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.

Setting the security level

1.8 The setting of the security level applying at any particular time is the responsibility of
Contracting Governments and can apply to ships and port facilities. Part A of this Code defines
three security levels for international use. These are:
Page 33

- Security Level 1, normal; the level at which ships and port facilities normally

- Security Level 2, heightened; the level applying for as long as there is a

heightened risk of a security incident; and

- Security Level 3, exceptional, the level applying for the period of time when there
is the probable or imminent risk of a security incident.

The Company and the Ship

1.9 Any Company operating ships to which chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code apply has to
designate a Company Security Officer for the Company and a Ship Security Officer for each of
its ships. The duties, responsibilities and training requirements of these officers and requirements
for drills and exercises are defined in part A of this Code.

1.10 The Company Security Officers responsibilities include, in brief amongst others,
ensuring that a Ship Security Assessment is properly carried out, that a Ship Security Plan is
prepared and submitted for approval by, or on behalf of, the Administration and thereafter is
placed on board each ship to which part A of this Code applies and in respect of which that
person has been appointed as the Company Security Officer.

1.11 The Ship Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical security measures the
ship itself should take to ensure it always operates at security level 1. The plan should also
indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the ship itself can take to move to and
operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should indicate the
possible preparatory actions the ship could take to allow prompt response to the instructions that
may be issued to the ship by those responding at security level 3 to a security incident or threat

1.12 The ships to which the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code apply are
required to have, and operated in accordance with, a Ship Security Plan approved by, or on
behalf of, the Administration. The Company and Ship Security Officer should monitor the
continuing relevance and effectiveness of the plan, including the undertaking of internal audits.
Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, for which the Administration has
determined that approval is required, have to be submitted for review and approval before their
incorporation in the approved plan and their implementation by the ship.

1.13 The ship has to carry an International Ship Security Certificate indicating that it complies
with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code. Part A of this Code includes
provisions relating to the verification and certification of the ships compliance with the
requirements on an initial, renewal and intermediate verification basis.

1.14 When a ship is at a port or is proceeding to a port of a Contracting Government, the

Contracting Government has the right, under the provisions of regulation XI-2/9, to exercise
various control and compliance measures with respect to that ship. The ship is subject to port
State control inspections but such inspections will not normally extend to examination of the
Ship Security Plan itself except in specific circumstances. The ship may, also, be subject to
additional control measures if the Contracting Government exercising the control and compliance

Page 34

measures has reason to believe that the security of the ship has, or the port facilities it has served
have, been compromised.

1.15 The ship is also required to have onboard information, to be made available to
Contracting Governments upon request, indicating who is responsible for deciding the
employment of the ships personnel and for deciding various aspects relating to the employment
of the ship.

The port facility

1.16 Each Contracting Government has to ensure completion of a Port Facility Security
Assessment for each of the port facilities, located within its territory, serving ships engaged on
international voyages. The Contracting Government, a Designated Authority or a Recognized
Security Organization may carry out this assessment. The completed Port Facility Security
Assessment has to be approved by the Contracting Government or the Designated Authority
concerned. This approval cannot be delegated. Port Facility Security Assessments should be
periodically reviewed.

1.17 The Port Facility Security Assessment is fundamentally a risk analysis of all aspects of a
port facilitys operation in order to determine which part(s) of it are more susceptible, and/or
more likely, to be the subject of attack. Security risk is a function of the threat of an attack
coupled with the vulnerability of the target and the consequences of an attack.

The assessment must include the following components:

- the perceived threat to port installations and infrastructure must be determined;

- the potential vulnerabilities identified; and

- the consequences of incidents calculated.

On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to produce an overall assessment of the level of
risk. The Port Facility Security Assessment will help determine which port facilities are required
to appoint a Port Facility Security Officer and prepare a Port Facility Security Plan.

1.18 The port facilities which have to comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer. The duties, responsibilities
and training requirements of these officers and requirements for drills and exercises are defined
in part A of this Code.

1.19 The Port Facility Security Plan should indicate the operational and physical security
measures the port facility should take to ensure that it always operates at security level 1. The
plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the port facility can take
to move to and operate at security level 2 when instructed to do so. Furthermore, the plan should
indicate the possible preparatory actions the port facility could take to allow prompt response to
the instructions that may be issued by those responding at security level 3 to a security incident
or threat thereof.

1.20 The port facilities which have to comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A
of this Code are required to have, and operate in accordance with, a Port Facility Security Plan
approved by the Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority concerned. The Port
Page 35

Facility Security Officer should implement its provisions and monitor the continuing
effectiveness and relevance of the plan, including commissioning internal audits of the
application of the plan. Amendments to any of the elements of an approved plan, for which the
Contracting Government or the Designated Authority concerned has determined that approval is
required, have to be submitted for review and approval before their incorporation in the approved
plan and their implementation at the port facility. The Contracting Government or the
Designated Authority concerned may test the effectiveness of the plan. The Port Facility
Security Assessment covering the port facility or on which the development of the plan has been
based should be regularly reviewed. All these activities may lead to amendment of the approved
plan. Any amendments to specified elements of an approved plan will have to be submitted for
approval by the Contracting Government or by the Designated Authority concerned.

1.21 Ships using port facilities may be subject to the port State control inspections and
additional control measures outlined in regulation XI-2/9. The relevant authorities may request
the provision of information regarding the ship, its cargo, passengers and ships personnel prior
to the ships entry into port. There may be circumstances in which entry into port could be

Information and communication

1.22 Chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code require Contracting Governments to provide certain
information to the International Maritime Organization and for information to be made available
to allow effective communication between Contracting Governments and between
Company/Ship Security Officers and the Port Facility Security Officers.


2.1 No guidance is provided with respect to the definitions set out in chapter XI-2 or part A
of this Code.

2.2 For the purpose of this Part of the Code:

.1 section means a section of part A of the Code and is indicated as section

A/<followed by the number of the section>;

.2 paragraph means a paragraph of this Part of the Code and is indicated as

paragraph <followed by the number of the paragraph>; and

.3 Contracting Government, when used in paragraphs 14 to 18, means the

Contracting Government within whose territory the port facility is located and
includes a reference to the Designated Authority.



3.1 The guidance given in this Part of the Code should be taken into account when
implementing the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Page 36

3.2 However, it should be recognized that the extent to which the guidance on ships applies
will depend on the type of ship, its cargoes and/or passengers, its trading pattern and the
characteristics of the port facilities visited by the ship.

3.3 Similarly, in relation to the guidance on port facilities, the extent to which this guidance
applies will depend on the port facilities, the types of ships using the port facility, the types of
cargo and/or passengers and the trading patterns of visiting ships.

3.4 The provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code are not intended to apply to port
facilities designed and used primarily for military purposes.


Security of assessments and plans

4.1 Contracting Governments should ensure that appropriate measures are in place to avoid
unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, security sensitive material relating to Ship Security
Assessments, Ship Security Plans, Port Facility Security Assessments and Port Facility Security
Plans, and to individual assessments or plans.

Designated authorities

4.2 Contracting Governments may identify a Designated Authority within Government to

undertake their security duties relating to port facilities as set out in chapter XI-2 or part A of
this Code.

Recognized Security Organizations

4.3 Contracting Governments may authorize a Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to

undertake certain security related activities, including:

.1 approval of Ship Security Plans, or amendments thereto, on behalf of the


.2 verification and certification of compliance of ships with the requirements of

chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code on behalf of the Administration; and

.3 conducting Port Facility Security Assessments required by the Contracting


4.4 An RSO may also advise or provide assistance to Companies or port facilities on security
matters, including Ship Security Assessments, Ship Security Plans, Port Facility Security
Assessments and Port Facility Security Plans. This can include completion of a Ship Security
Assessment or Plan or Port Facility Security Assessment or Plan. If an RSO has done so in
respect of a ship security assessment or plan that RSO should not be authorized to approve that
ship security plan.

4.5 When authorizing an RSO, Contracting Governments should give consideration to the
competency of such an organization. An RSO should be able to demonstrate:

.1 expertise in relevant aspects of security;

Page 37

.2 appropriate knowledge of ship and port operations, including knowledge of ship

design and construction if providing services in respect of ships and port design
and construction if providing services in respect of port facilities;

.3 their capability to assess the likely security risks that could occur during ship and
port facility operations including the ship/port interface and how to minimise such

.4 their ability to maintain and improve the expertise of their personnel;

.5 their ability to monitor the continuing trustworthiness of their personnel;

.6 their ability to maintain appropriate measures to avoid unauthorized disclosure of,

or access to, security sensitive material;

.7 their knowledge of the requirements chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and
relevant national and international legislation and security requirements;

.8 their knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.9 their knowledge on recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances

and devices;

.10 their knowledge on recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics

and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.11 their knowledge on techniques used to circumvent security measures; and

.12 their knowledge of security and surveillance equipment and systems and their
operational limitations.

When delegating specific duties to a RSO, Contracting Governments, including Administrations,

should ensure that the RSO has the competencies needed to undertake the task.

4.6 A Recognized Organization, as defined in regulation I/6 and fulfilling the requirements of
regulation XI-1/1, may be appointed as a RSO provided it has the appropriate security related
expertise listed in paragraph 4.5.

4.7 A Port or Harbour Authority or Port Facility operator may be appointed as a RSO
provided it has the appropriate security related expertise listed in paragraph 4.5.

Setting the security level

4.8 In setting the security level Contracting Governments should take account of general and
specific threat information. Contracting Governments should set the security level applying to
ships or port facilities at one of three levels:

- Security level 1: normal, the level at which the ship or port facility normally

- Security level 2: heightened, the level applying for as long as there is a heightened
risk of a security incident; and
Page 38

- Security level 3: exceptional, the level applying for the period of time when there
is the probable or imminent risk of a security incident.

4.9 Setting security level 3 should be an exceptional measure applying only when there is
credible information that a security incident is probable or imminent. Security level 3 should
only be set for the duration of the identified security threat or actual security incident. While the
security levels may change from security level 1, through security level 2 to security level 3, it is
also possible that the security levels will change directly from security level 1 to security level 3.

4.10 At all times the Master of a ship has the ultimate responsibility for the safety and security
of the ship. Even at security level 3 a Master may seek clarification or amendment of instructions
issued by those responding to a security incident, or threat thereof, if there are reasons to believe
that compliance with any instruction may imperil the safety of the ship.

4.11 The Company Security Officer (CSO) or the Ship Security Officer (SSO) should liase at
the earliest opportunity with the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) of the port facility the ship
is intended to visit to establish the security level applying for that ship at the port facility.
Having established contact with a ship, the PFSO should advise the ship of any subsequent
change in the port facilitys security level and should provide the ship with any relevant security

4.12 While there may be circumstances when an individual ship may be operating at a higher
security level than the port facility it is visiting, there will be no circumstances when a ship can
have a lower security level than the port facility it is visiting. If a ship has a higher security level
than the port facility it intends to use, the CSO or SSO should advise the PFSO without delay.
The PFSO should undertake an assessment of the particular situation in consultation with the
CSO or SSO and agree on appropriate security measures with the ship, which may include
completion and signing of a Declaration of Security.

4.13 Contracting Governments should consider how information on changes in security levels
should be promulgated rapidly. Administrations may wish to use NAVTEX messages or Notices
to Mariners as the method for notifying such changes in security levels to ship and CSO and
SSO. Or, they may wish to consider other methods of communication that provide equivalent or
better speed and coverage. Contracting Governments should establish means of notifying PFSOs
of changes in security levels. Contracting Governments should compile and maintain the contact
details for a list of those who need to be informed of changes in security levels. Whereas the
security level need not be regarded as being particularly sensitive, the underlying threat
information may be highly sensitive. Contracting Governments should give careful consideration
to the type and detail of the information conveyed and the method by which it is conveyed, to
SSOs, CSOs and PFSOs.

Contact points and information on Port Facility Security Plans

4.14 Where a port facility has a PFSP, that fact has to be communicated to the Organization
and that information must also be made available to Company and Ship Security Officers. No
further details of the PFSP have to be published other than that it is in place. Contracting
Governments should consider establishing either central or regional points of contact, or other
means of providing up to date information on the locations where PFSPs are in place, together
with contact details for the relevant PFSO. The existence of such contact points should be
publicised. They could also provide information on the recognized security organizations
Page 39

appointed to act on behalf of the Contracting Government, together with details of the specific
responsibility and conditions of authority delegated to such recognized security organizations.

4.15 In the case of a port that does not have a PFSP (and therefore does not have a PFSO) the
central or regional point of contact should be able to identify a suitably qualified person ashore
who can arrange for appropriate security measures to be in place, if needed, for the duration of
the ships visit.

4.16 Contracting Governments should also provide the contact details of Government officers
to whom an SSO, a CSO and a PFSO can report security concerns. These Government officers
should assess such reports before taking appropriate action. Such reported concerns may have a
bearing on the security measures falling under the jurisdiction of another Contracting
Government. In that case, the Contracting Governments should consider contacting their
counterpart in the other Contracting Government to discuss whether remedial action is
appropriate. For this purpose, the contact details of the Government officers should be
communicated to the International Maritime Organization.

4.17 Contracting Governments should also make the information indicated in paragraphs 4.14
to 4.16, available to other Contracting Governments on request.

Identification documents

4.18 Contracting Governments are encouraged to issue appropriate identification documents to

Government officials entitled to board ships or enter port facilities when performing their official
duties and to establish procedures whereby the authenticity of such documents might be verified.

Fixed and floating platforms and mobile offshore drilling units on location

4.19 Contracting Governments should consider establishing appropriate security measures for
fixed and floating platforms and mobile offshore drilling units on location to allow interaction
with ships which are required to comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this

Ships which are not required to comply with part A of this Code

4.20 Contracting Governments should consider establishing appropriate security measures to

enhance the security of ships to which this chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code does not apply
and to ensure that any security provisions applying to such ships allow interaction with ships to
which part A of this Code applies.

Threats to ships and other incidents at sea

4.21 Contracting Governments should provide general guidance on the measures considered
appropriate to reduce the security risk to ships flying their flag when at sea. They should provide
specific advice on the action to be taken in accordance with security levels 1 to 3, if:

Refer to Establishment of appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships, port facilities, mobile offshore
drilling units on location and fixed and floating platforms not covered by chapter XI-2 of 1974 SOLAS Convention,
adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 7.

Page 40

.1 there is a change in the security level applying to the ship while it is at sea, e.g.
because of the geographical area in which it is operating or relating to the ship
itself; and

.2 there is a security incident or threat thereof involving the ship while at sea.

Contracting Governments should establish the best methods and procedures for these purposes.
In the case of an imminent attack the ship should seek to establish direct communication with
those responsible in the flag State for responding to security incidents.

4.22 Contracting Governments should also establish a point of contact for advice on security
for any ship:

.1 entitled to fly their flag; or

.2 operating in their territorial sea or having communicated an intention to enter their

territorial sea.

4.23 Contracting Governments should offer advice to ships operating in their territorial sea or
having communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, which could include advice:

.1 to alter or delay their intended passage;

.2 to navigate on a particular course or proceed to a specific location;

.3 on the availability of any personnel or equipment that could be placed on the ship;

.4 to co-ordinate the passage, arrival into port or departure from port, to allow escort
by patrol craft or aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter).

Contracting Governments should remind ships operating in their territorial sea, or having
communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, of any temporary restricted areas that
they have published.

4.24 Contracting Governments should recommend that ships operating in their territorial sea,
or having communicated an intention to enter their territorial sea, implement expeditiously, for
the ships protection and for the protection of other ships in the vicinity, any security measure the
Contracting Government may have advised.

4.25 The plans prepared by the Contracting Governments for the purposes given in
paragraph 4.22 should include information on an appropriate point of contact, available on a 24-
hour basis, within the Contracting Government including the Administration. These plans should
also include information on the circumstances in which the Administration considers assistance
should be sought from nearby coastal States, and a procedure for liaison between port facility
security officers and ship security officers.

Alternative security agreements

4.26 Contracting Governments, in considering how to implement chapter XI-2 and part A of
this Code, may conclude one or more agreements with one or more Contracting Governments.
The scope of an agreement is limited to short international voyages on fixed routes between port

Page 41

facilities in the territory of the parties to the agreement. When concluding an agreement, and
thereafter, the Contracting Governments should consult other Contracting Governments and
Administrations with an interest in the effects of the agreement. Ships flying the flag of a State
that is not party to the agreement should only be allowed to operate on the fixed routes covered
by the agreement if their Administration agrees that the ship should comply with the provisions
of the agreement and requires the ship to do so. In no case can such an agreement compromise
the level of security of other ships and port facilities not covered by it, and specifically, all ships
covered by such an agreement may not conduct ship-to-ship activities with ships not so covered.
Any operational interface undertaken by ships covered by the agreement should be covered by it.
The operation of each agreement must be continually monitored and amended when the need
arises and in any event should be reviewed every 5 years.

Equivalent arrangements for port facilities

4.27 For certain specific port facilities with limited or special operations but with more than
occasional traffic, it may be appropriate to ensure compliance by security measures equivalent to
those prescribed in chapter XI-2 and in part A of this Code. This can, in particular, be the case
for terminals such as those attached to factories, or quaysides with no frequent operations.

Manning level

4.28 In establishing the minimum safe manning of a ship the Administration should take into
account2 that the minimum safe manning provisions established by regulation V/143 only address
the safe navigation of the ship. The Administration should also take into account any additional
workload which may result from the implementation of the ships security plan and ensure that
the ship is sufficiently and effectively manned. In doing so the Administration should verify that
ships are able to implement the hours of rest and other measures to address fatigue which have
been promulgated by national law, in the context of all shipboard duties assigned to the various
shipboard personnel.

Control and compliance measures4


4.29 Regulation XI-2/9 describes the control and compliance measures applicable to ships
under chapter XI-2. It is divided into three distinct sections; control of ships already in a port,
control of ships intending to enter a port of another Contracting Government, and additional
provisions applicable to both situations.

4.30 Regulation XI-2/9.1, control of ships in port, implements a system for the control of ships
while in the port of a foreign country where duly authorized officers of the Contracting
Government (duly authorized officers) have the right to go on board the ship to verify that the
required certificates are in proper order. Then if there are clear grounds to believe the ship does

Refer to Further Work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of Maritime
Security, adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
Organization to review Assembly Resolution A.890(21) on Principles of Safe Manning. This review may also lead to
amendments of regulation V/14.
As was in force on the date of adoption of this Code.
Refer to Further Work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of Maritime
Security, adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolution 3, inviting, amongst others, the
Organization to review Assembly Resolutions A.787(19) and A.882(21) on Procedures for Port State Control.
Page 42

not comply, control measures such as additional inspections or detention may be taken. This
reflects current control systems5. Regulation XI-2/9.1 builds on such systems and allows for
additional measures (including expulsion of a ship from a port to be taken as a control measure)
when duly authorized officers have clear grounds for believing that a ship is in non-compliance
with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code. Regulation XI-2/9.3 describes the
safeguards that promote fair and proportionate implementation of these additional measures.

4.31 Regulation XI-2/9.2 applies control measures to ensure compliance to ships intending to
enter a port of another Contracting Government and introduces an entirely different concept of
control within chapter XI-2, applying to security only. Under this regulation measures may be
implemented prior to the ship entering port, to better ensure security. Just as in regulation
XI-2/9.1, this additional control system is based on the concept of clear grounds for believing the
ship does not comply with chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and includes significant
safeguards in regulations XI-2/9.2.2 and XI-2/9.2.5 as well as in regulation XI-2/9.3.

4.32 Clear grounds that the ship is not in compliance means evidence or reliable information
that the ship does not correspond with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code,
taking into account the guidance given in this Part of the Code. Such evidence or reliable
information may arise from the duly authorized officers professional judgement or observations
gained while verifying the ships International Ship Security Certificate or Interim International
Ship Security Certificate issued in accordance with part A of this Code (certificate) or from other
sources. Even if a valid certificate is on board the ship, the duly authorized officers may still have
clear grounds for believing that the ship is not in compliance based on their professional

4.33 Examples of possible clear grounds under regulations XI-2/9.1 and XI-2/9.2 may include,
when relevant:

.1 evidence from a review of the certificate that it is not valid or it has expired;

.2 evidence or reliable information that serious deficiencies exist in the security

equipment, documentation or arrangements required by chapter XI-2 and part A of
this Code;

.3 receipt of a report or complaint which, in the professional judgment of the duly

authorized officer, contains reliable information clearly indicating that the ship
does not comply with the requirements of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code;

.4 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized officer using professional

judgment that the master or ships personnel is not familiar with essential
shipboard security procedures or cannot carry out drills related to the security of
the ship or that such procedures or drills have not been carried out;

.5 evidence or observation gained by a duly authorized officer using professional

judgment that key members ships personnel are not able to establish proper
communication with any other key members of ships personnel with security
responsibilities on board the ship;
See regulation I/19 and regulation IX/6.2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, article 21 of LOADLINE 66 as modified by
the 1988 LOADLINE Protocol, articles 5 and 6, regulation 8A of Annex I, regulation 15 of Annex II of
MARPOL 73/78 as amended, article X of STCW 78 as amended and IMO Assembly Resolutions A.787(19) and
Page 43

.6 evidence or reliable information that the ship has embarked persons, or loaded
stores or goods at a port facility or from another ship where either the port facility
or the other ship is in violation of chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship
in question has not completed a Declaration of Security, nor taken appropriate,
special or additional security measures or has not maintained appropriate ship
security procedures;

.7 evidence or reliable information that the ship has embarked persons, or loaded
stores or goods at a port facility or from another source (e.g., another ship or
helicopter transfer) where either the port facility or the other source is not required
to comply with chapter XI-2 or part A of this Code, and the ship has not taken
appropriate, special or additional security measures or has not maintained
appropriate security procedures; and

.8 if the ship holds a subsequent, consecutively issued Interim International Ship

Security Certificate as described in section A/19.4, and if, in the professional
judgment of an officer duly authorized, one of the purposes of the ship or a
Company in requesting such a certificate is to avoid full compliance with
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code beyond the period of the initial interim
certificate as described in section A/19.4.4.

4.34 The international law implications of regulation XI-2/9 are particularly relevant, and the
regulation should be implemented with regulation XI-2/2.4 in mind, as the potential exists for
situations where either measures will be taken which fall outside the scope of chapter XI-2, or
where rights of affected ships, outside chapter XI-2, should be considered. Thus, regulation
XI-2/9 does not prejudice the Contracting Government from taking measures having a basis in,
and consistent with, international law, to ensure the safety or security of persons, ships, port
facilities and other property in cases where the ship, although in compliance with chapter XI-2
and part A of this Code, is still considered to present a security risk.

4.35 When a Contracting Government imposes control measures on a ship, the

Administration should, without delay, be contacted with sufficient information to enable the
Administration to fully liaise with the Contracting Government.

Control of ships in port

4.36 Where the non-compliance is either a defective item of equipment or faulty

documentation leading to the ships detention and the non-compliance cannot be remedied in the
port of inspection, the Contracting Government may allow the ship to sail to another port
provided that any conditions agreed between the port States and the Administration or master are

Ships intending to enter the port of another Contracting Government

4.37 Regulation XI-2/9.2.1 lists the information Contracting Governments may require from a
ship as a condition of entry into port. One item of information listed is confirmation of any
special or additional measures taken by the ship during its last ten calls at a port facility.
Examples could include:

Page 44

.1 records of the measures taken while visiting a port facility located in the territory
of a State which is not a Contracting Government especially those measures that
would normally have been provided by port facilities located in the territories of
Contracting Governments; and

.2 any Declarations of Security that were entered into with port facilities or other

4.38 Another item of information listed, that may be required as a condition of entry into port,
is confirmation that appropriate ship security procedures were maintained during ship-to-ship
activity conducted within the period of the last 10 calls at a port facility. It would not normally
be required to include records of transfers of pilots, customs, immigration, security officials nor
bunkering, lightering, loading of supplies and unloading of waste by ship within port facilities as
these would normally fall within the auspices of the Port Facility Security Plan. Examples of
information that might be given include:

.1 records of the measures taken while engaged in a ship to ship activity with a ship
flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government especially those
measures that would normally have been provided by ships flying the flag of
Contracting Governments;

.2 records of the measures taken while engaged in a ship to ship activity with a ship
that is flying the flag of a Contracting Government but is not required to comply
with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code such as a copy of any
security certificate issued to that ship under other provisions; and

.3 in the event that persons or goods rescued at sea are on board, all known
information about such persons or goods, including their identities when known
and the results of any checks run on behalf of the ship to establish the security
status of those rescued. It is not the intention of chapter XI-2 or part A of this
Code to delay or prevent the delivery of those in distress at sea to a place of
safety. It is the sole intention of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code to provide
States with enough appropriate information to maintain their security integrity.

4.39 Examples of other practical security related information that may be required as a
condition of entry into port in order to assist with ensuring the safety and security of persons, port
facilities, ships and other property include:

.1 information contained in the Continuous Synopsis Record;

.2 location of the ship at the time the report is made;

.3 expected time of arrival of the ship in port;

.4 crew list;

.5 general description of cargo aboard the ship;

.6 passenger list; and

.7 information required to be carried under regulation XI-2/5.

Page 45

4.40 Regulation XI-2/9.2.5 allows the master of a ship, upon being informed that the coastal or
port State will implement control measures under regulation XI-2/9.2, to withdraw the intention
for the ship to enter port. If the master withdraws that intention, regulation XI-2/9 no longer
applies, and any other steps that are taken must be based on, and consistent with, international

Additional provisions

4.41 In all cases where a ship is denied entry or expelled from a port, all known facts should be
communicated to the authorities of relevant States. This communication should consist of the
following when known:

.1 name of ship, its flag, the ships identification number, call sign, ship type and

.2 reason for denying entry or expulsion from port or port areas;

.3 if relevant, the nature of any security non-compliance;

.4 if relevant, details of any attempts made to rectify any non-compliance, including

any conditions imposed on the ship for the voyage;

.5 past port(s) of call and next declared port of call;

.6 time of departure and likely estimated time of arrival at those ports;

.7 any instructions given to ship, e.g., reporting on route;

.8 available information on the security level at which the ship is currently operating;

.9 information regarding any communications the port State has had with the

.10 contact point within the port State making the report for the purpose of obtaining
further information;

.11 crew list; and

.12 any other relevant information.

4.42 Relevant States to contact should include those along the ships intended passage to its
next port, particularly if the ship intends to enter the territorial sea of that coastal State. Other
relevant States could include previous ports of call, so that further information might be obtained
and security issues relating to the previous ports resolved.

4.43 In exercising control and compliance measures, the duly authorized officers should ensure
that any measures or steps imposed are proportionate. Such measures or steps should be
reasonable and of the minimum severity and duration necessary to rectify or mitigate the non-

Page 46

4.44 The word delay in regulation XI-2/ also refers to situations where, pursuant to
actions taken under this regulation, the ship is unduly denied entry into port or the ship is unduly
expelled from port.

Non-party ships and ships below convention size

4.45 With respect to ships flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government to
the Convention and not a Party to the 1988 SOLAS Protocol6, Contracting Governments should
not give more favourable treatment to such ships. Accordingly, the requirements of regulation
XI-2/9 and the guidance provided in this Part of the Code should be applied to those ships.

4.46 Ships below Convention size are subject to measures by which States maintain security.
Such measures should be taken with due regard to the requirements in chapter XI-2 and the
guidance provided in this Part of the Code.



5.1 A Declaration of Security (DoS) should be completed when the Contracting Government
of the port facility deems it to be necessary or when a ship deems it necessary.

5.1.1 The need for a DoS may be indicated by the results of the Port Facility Security
Assessment (PFSA) and the reasons and circumstances in which a DoS is required should be set
out in the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP).

5.1.2 The need for a DoS may be indicated by an Administration for ships entitled to fly its flag
or as a result of a ship security assessment and should be set out in the ship security plan.

5.2 It is likely that a DoS will be requested at higher security levels, when a ship has a higher
security level than the port facility, or another ship with which it interfaces, and for ship/port
interface or ship to ship activities that pose a higher risk to persons, property or the environment
for reasons specific to that ship, including its cargo or passengers or the circumstances at the port
facility or a combination of these factors.

5.2.1 In the case that a ship or an Administration, on behalf of ships entitled to fly its flag,
requests completion of a DoS, the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) or Ship Security Officer
(SSO) should acknowledge the request and discuss appropriate security measures.

5.3 A PFSO may also initiate a DoS prior to ship/port interfaces that are identified in the
approved PFSA as being of particular concern. Examples may include the embarking or
disembarking passengers, and the transfer, loading or unloading of dangerous goods or hazardous
substances. The PFSA may also identify facilities at or near highly populated areas or
economically significant operations that warrant a DoS.

5.4 The main purpose of a DoS is to ensure agreement is reached between the ship and the
port facility or with other ships with which it interfaces as to the respective security measures
each will undertake in accordance with the provisions of their respective approved security plans.

Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

Page 47

5.4.1 The agreed DoS should be signed and dated by both the port facility and the ship(s), as
applicable, to indicate compliance with chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code and should include
its duration, the relevant security level, or levels and the relevant contact details.

5.4.2 A change in the security level may require that a new or revised DoS be completed.

5.5 The DoS should be completed in English, French or Spanish or in a language common to
both the port facility and the ship or the ships, as applicable.

5.6 A model DoS is included in Appendix 1 to this Part of the Code. This model is for a DoS
between a ship and a port facility. If the DoS is to cover two ships this model should be
appropriately adjusted.



6.1 Regulation XI-2/5 requires the company to provide the master of the ship with
information to meet the requirements of the Company under the provisions of this regulation.
This information should include items such as:

.1 parties responsible for appointing shipboard personnel, such as ship management

companies, manning agents, contractors, concessionaries (for example, retail sales
outlets, casinos, etc.);

.2 parties responsible for deciding the employment of the ship including, time or
bareboat charterer(s) or any other entity acting in such capacity; and

.3 in cases when the ship is employed under the terms of a charter party, the contact
details of those parties including time or voyage charterers.

6.2 In accordance with regulation XI-2/5 the Company is obliged to update and keep this
information current as and when changes occur.

6.3 This information should be in English, French or Spanish language.

6.4 With respect to ships constructed before 1 July 2004, this information should reflect the
actual condition on that date.

6.5 With respect to ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004 and for ships constructed before
1 July 2004 which were out of service on 1 July 2004, the information should be provided as
from the date of entry of the ship into service and should reflect the actual condition on that date.

6.6 After 1 July 2004 when a ship is withdrawn from service the information should be
provided as from the date of re-entry of the ship into service and should reflect the actual
condition on that date.

6.7 Previously provided information that does not relate to the actual condition on that date
need not be retained on board.

Page 48

6.8 When the responsibility for the operation of the ship is assumed by another Company, the
information relating to the Company, which operated the ship, is not required to be left on board.

In addition other relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.


Security assessment

8.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) is responsible for ensuring that a Ship Security
Assessment (SSA) is carried out for each of the ships in the Companys fleet which is required to
comply with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code for which the CSO is
responsible. While the CSO need not necessarily personally undertake all the duties associated
with the post, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they are properly performed remains
with the individual CSO.

8.2 Prior to commencing the SSA, the CSO should ensure that advantage is taken of
information available on the assessment of threat for the ports at which the ship will call or at
which passengers embark or disembark and about the port facilities and their protective
measures. The CSO should study previous reports on similar security needs. Where feasible, the
CSO should meet with appropriate persons on the ship and in the port facilities to discuss the
purpose and methodology of the assessment. The CSO should follow any specific guidance
offered by the Contracting Governments.

8.3 A SSA should address the following elements on board or within the ship:

.1 physical security;

.2 structural integrity;

.3 personnel protection systems;

.4 procedural policies;

.5 radio and telecommunication systems, including computer systems and networks;


.6 other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit observation, pose a risk to
persons, property, or operations on board the ship or within a port facility.

8.4 Those involved in a SSA should be able to draw upon expert assistance in relation to:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;
Page 49

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 methods used to cause a security incident;

.6 effects of explosives on ships structures and equipment;

.7 ship security;

.8 ship/port interface business practices;

.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and response;

.10 physical security;

.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including computer systems and networks;

.12 marine engineering; and

.13 ship and port operations.

8.5 The CSO should obtain and record the information required to conduct an assessment,

.1 the general layout of the ship;

.2 the location of areas which should have restricted access, such as navigation
bridge, machinery spaces of category A and other control stations as defined in
chapter II-2, etc.;

.3 the location and function of each actual or potential access point to the ship;

.4 changes in the tide which may have an impact on the vulnerability or security of
the ship;

.5 the cargo spaces and stowage arrangements;

.6 the locations where the ships stores and essential maintenance equipment is

.7 the locations where unaccompanied baggage is stored;

.8 the emergency and stand-by equipment available to maintain essential services;

.9 the number of ships personnel, any existing security duties and any existing
training requirement practises of the Company;

.10 existing security and safety equipment for the protection of passengers and ships

.11 escape and evacuation routes and assembly stations which have to be maintained
to ensure the orderly and safe emergency evacuation of the ship;

.12 existing agreements with private security companies providing ship/waterside

security services; and
Page 50

.13 existing security measures and procedures in effect, including inspection and,
control procedures, identification systems, surveillance and monitoring
equipment, personnel identification documents and communication, alarms,
lighting, access control and other appropriate systems.

8.6 The SSA should examine each identified point of access, including open weather decks,
and evaluate its potential for use by individuals who might seek to breach security. This includes
points of access available to individuals having legitimate access as well as those who seek to
obtain unauthorized entry.

8.7 The SSA should consider the continuing relevance of the existing security measures and
guidance, procedures and operations, under both routine and emergency conditions and should
determine security guidance including:

.1 the restricted areas;

.2 the response procedures to fire or other emergency conditions;

.3 the level of supervision of the ships personnel, passengers, visitors, vendors,

repair technicians, dock workers, etc.;

.4 the frequency and effectiveness of security patrols;

.5 the access control systems, including identification systems;

.6 the security communications systems and procedures;

.7 the security doors, barriers and lighting; and

.8 the security and surveillance equipment and systems, if any.

8.8 The SSA should consider the persons, activities, services and operations that it is
important to protect. This includes:

.1 the ships personnel;

.2 passengers, visitors, vendors, repair technicians, port facility personnel, etc;

.3 the capacity to maintain safe navigation and emergency response;

.4 the cargo, particularly dangerous goods or hazardous substances;

.5 the ships stores;

.6 the ship security communication equipment and systems, if any; and

.7 the ships security surveillance equipment and systems, if any.

8.9 The SSA should consider all possible threats, which may include the following types of
security incidents:

.1 damage to, or destruction of, the ship or of a port facility, e.g. by explosive
devices, arson, sabotage or vandalism;
Page 51

.2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons on board;

.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship equipment or systems or ships stores;

.4 unauthorized access or use, including presence of stowaways;

.5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including weapons of mass destruction;

.6 use of the ship to carry those intending to cause a security incident and/or their

.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction;

.8 attacks from seaward whilst at berth or at anchor; and

.9 attacks whilst at sea.

8.10 The SSA should take into account all possible vulnerabilities, which may include:

.1 conflicts between safety and security measures;

.2 conflicts between shipboard duties and security assignments;

.3 watch-keeping duties, number of ships personnel, particularly with implications

on crew fatigue, alertness and performance;

.4 any identified security training deficiencies; and

.5 any security equipment and systems, including communication systems.

8.11 The CSO and SSO should always have regard to the effect that security measures may
have on ships personnel who will remain on the ship for long periods. When developing security
measures, particular consideration should be given to the convenience, comfort and personal
privacy of the ships personnel and their ability to maintain their effectiveness over long periods.

8.12 Upon completion of the SSA, a report shall be prepared, consisting of a summary of how
the assessment was conducted, a description of each vulnerability found during the assessment
and a description of counter measures that could be used to address each vulnerability. The
report shall be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

8.13 If the SSA has not been carried out by the Company, the report of the SSA should be
reviewed and accepted by the CSO.

On-scene security survey

8.14 The on-scene security survey is an integral part of any SSA. The on-scene security survey
should examine and evaluate existing shipboard protective measures, procedures and operations

.1 ensuring the performance of all ship security duties;

.2 monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only authorized persons have access;

Page 52

.3 controlling access to the ship, including any identification systems;

.4 monitoring of deck areas and areas surrounding the ship;

.5 controlling the embarkation of persons and their effects (accompanied and

unaccompanied baggage and ships personnel personal effects);

.6 supervising the handling of cargo and the delivery of ships stores; and

.7 ensuring that ship security communication, information, and equipment are

readily available.



9.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) has the responsibility of ensuring that a Ship
Security Plan (SSP) is prepared and submitted for approval. The content of each individual SSP
should vary depending on the particular ship it covers. The Ship Security Assessment (SSA) will
have identified the particular features of the ship and the potential threats and vulnerabilities. The
preparation of the SSP will require these features to be addressed in detail. Administrations may
prepare advice on the preparation and content of a SSP.

9.2 All SSPs should:

.1 detail the organizational structure of security for the ship;

.2 detail the ships relationships with the Company, port facilities, other ships and
relevant authorities with security responsibility;

.3 detail the communication systems to allow effective continuous communication

within the ship and between the ship and others, including port facilities;

.4 detail the basic security measures for security level 1, both operational and
physical, that will always be in place;

.5 detail the additional security measures that will allow the ship to progress without
delay to security level 2 and, when necessary, to security level 3;

.6 provide for regular review, or audit, of the SSP and for its amendment in response
to experience or changing circumstances; and

.7 reporting procedures to the appropriate Contracting Governments contact points.

9.3 Preparation of an effective SSP should rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that
relate to the security of the ship, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the physical
and operational characteristics, including the voyage pattern, of the individual ship.

9.4 All SSPs should be approved by, or on behalf of, the Administration. If an
Administration uses a Recognized Security Organization (RSO) to review or approve the SSP the
RSO should not be associated with any other RSO that prepared, or assisted in the preparation of,
the plan.
Page 53

9.5 CSOs and Ship Security Officers (SSOs) should develop procedures to:

.1 assess the continuing effectiveness of the SSP; and

.2 prepare amendments of the plan subsequent to its approval.

9.6 The security measures included in the SSP should be in place when the initial verification
for compliance with the requirements of chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code will be carried out.
Otherwise the process of issue to the ship of the required International Ship Security Certificate
cannot be carried out. If there is any subsequent failure of security equipment or systems, or
suspension of a security measure for whatever reason, equivalent temporary security measures
should be adopted, notified to, and agreed by, the Administration.

Organization and performance of ship security duties

9.7 In addition to the guidance given in section 9.2, the SSP should establish the following
which relate to all security levels:

.1 the duties and responsibilities of all shipboard personnel with a security role;

.2 the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow such continuous communications

to be maintained at all times;

.3 the procedures needed to assess the continuing effectiveness of security

procedures and any security and surveillance equipment and systems, including
procedures for identifying and responding to equipment or systems failure or

.4 the procedures and practices to protect security sensitive information held in paper
or electronic format;

.5 the type and maintenance requirements, of security and surveillance equipment

and systems, if any;

.6 the procedures to ensure the timely submission, and assessment, of reports relating
to possible breaches of security or security concerns; and

.7 procedures to establish, maintain and up-date an inventory of any dangerous

goods or hazardous substances carried on board, including their location.

9.8 The remainder of this section addresses specifically the security measures that could be
taken at each security level covering:

.1 access to the ship by ships personnel, passengers, visitors, etc;

.2 restricted areas on the ship;

.3 handling of cargo;

.4 delivery of ships stores;

Page 54

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and

.6 monitoring the security of the ship.

Access to the ship

9.9 The SSP should establish the security measures covering all means of access to the ship
identified in the SSA. This should include any:

.1 access ladders;

.2 access gangways;

.3 access ramps;

.4 access doors, side scuttles, windows and ports;

.5 mooring lines and anchor chains; and

.6 cranes and hoisting gear.

9.10 For each of these the SSP should identify the appropriate locations where access
restrictions or prohibitions should be applied for each of the security levels. For each security
level the SSP should establish the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the means of
enforcing them.

9.11 The SSP should establish for each security level the means of identification required to
allow access to the ship and for individuals to remain on the ship without challenge, this may
involve developing an appropriate identification system allowing for permanent and temporary
identifications, for ships personnel and visitors respectively. Any ship identification system
should, when it is practicable to do so, be co-ordinated with that applying to the port facility.
Passengers should be able to prove their identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but should not
be permitted access to restricted areas unless supervised. The SSP should establish provisions to
ensure that the identification systems are regularly updated, and that abuse of procedures should
be subject to disciplinary action.

9.12 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their
visit when requested to do so should be denied access to the ship and their attempt to obtain
access should be reported, as appropriate, to the SSOs, the CSOs, the Port Facility Security
Officer (PFSO) and to the national or local authorities with security responsibilities.

9.13 The SSP should establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly
if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis.

Security Level 1

9.14 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to control access to the
ship, where the following may be applied:

.1 checking the identity of all persons seeking to board the ship and confirming their
reasons for doing so by checking, for example, joining instructions, passenger
tickets, boarding passes, work orders etc;
Page 55

.2 in liaison with the port facility the ship should ensure that designated secure areas
are established in which inspections and searching of persons, baggage (including
carry on items), personal effects, vehicles and their contents can take place;

.3 in liaison with the port facility the ship should ensure that vehicles destined to be
loaded on board car carriers, ro-ro and other passenger ships are subjected to
search prior to loading, in accordance with the frequency required in the SSP;

.4 segregating checked persons and their personal effects from unchecked persons
and their personal effects;

.5 segregating embarking from disembarking passengers;

.6 identification of access points that should be secured or attended to prevent

unauthorized access;

.7 securing, by locking or other means, access to unattended spaces adjoining areas

to which passengers and visitors have access; and

.8 providing security briefings to all ship personnel on possible threats, the

procedures for reporting suspicious persons, objects or activities and the need for

9.15 At security level 1, all those seeking to board a ship should be liable to search. The
frequency of such searches, including random searches, should be specified in the approved SSP
and should be specifically approved by the Administration. Such searches may best be
undertaken by the port facility in close co-operation with the ship and in close proximity to it.
Unless there are clear security grounds for doing so, members of the ships personnel should not
be required to search their colleagues or their personal effects. Any such search shall be
undertaken in a manner which fully takes into account the human rights of the individual and
preserves their basic human dignity.

Security Level 2

9.16 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to protect
against a heightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher vigilance and tighter control,
which may include:

.1 assigning additional personnel to patrol deck areas during silent hours to deter
unauthorized access;

.2 limiting the number of access points to the ship, identifying those to be closed and
the means of adequately securing them;

.3 deterring waterside access to the ship, including, for example, in liaison with the
port facility, provision of boat patrols;

.4 establishing a restricted area on the shore-side of the ship, in close co-operation

with the port facility;

.5 increasing the frequency and detail of searches of persons, personal effects, and
vehicles being embarked or loaded onto the ship;
Page 56

.6 escorting visitors on the ship;

.7 providing additional specific security briefings to all ship personnel on any

identified threats, re-emphasising the procedures for reporting suspicious persons,
objects, or activities and the stressing the need for increased vigilance; and

.8 carrying out a full or partial search of the ship.

Security Level 3

9.17 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 limiting access to a single, controlled, access point;

.2 granting access only to those responding to the security incident or threat thereof;

.3 directions of persons on board;

.4 suspension of embarkation or disembarkation;

.5 suspension of cargo handling operations, deliveries etc;

.6 evacuation of the ship;

.7 movement of the ship; and

.8 preparing for a full or partial search of the ship.

Restricted areas on the ship

9.18 The SSP should identify the restricted areas to be established on the ship, specify their
extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to them and those
to be taken to control activities within them. The purpose of restricted areas are to:

.1 prevent unauthorized access;

.2 protect passengers, ship's personnel, and personnel from port facilities or other
agencies authorized to be on board the ship;

.3 protect sensitive security areas within the ship; and

.4 protect cargo and ship's stores from tampering.

9.19 The SSP should ensure that there are clearly established policies and practices to control
access to all restricted areas them.

9.20 The SSP should provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that
access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach
of security.

Page 57

9.21 Restricted areas may include:

.1 navigation bridge, machinery spaces of category A and other control stations as

defined in chapter II-2;

.2 spaces containing security and surveillance equipment and systems and their
controls and lighting system controls;

.3 ventilation and air-conditioning systems and other similar spaces;

.4 spaces with access to potable water tanks, pumps, or manifolds;

.5 spaces containing dangerous goods or hazardous substances;

.6 spaces containing cargo pumps and their controls;

.7 cargo spaces and spaces containing ships stores;

.8 crew accommodation; and

.9 any other areas as determined by the CSO, through the SSA to which access must
be restricted to maintain the security of the ship.

Security Level 1

9.22 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
restricted areas, which may include:

.1 locking or securing access points;

.2 using surveillance equipment to monitor the areas;

.3 using guards or patrols; and

.4 using automatic intrusion detection devices to alert the ships personnel of

unauthorized access.

Security Level 2

9.23 At security level 2, the frequency and intensity of the monitoring of, and control of access
to restricted areas should be increased to ensure that only authorized persons have access. The
SSP should establish the additional security measures to be applied, which may include:

.1 establishing restricted areas adjacent to access points;

.2 continuously monitoring surveillance equipment; and

.3 dedicating additional personnel to guard and patrol restricted areas.

Security Level 3

9.24 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
Page 58

which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operations with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas on the ship in proximity to the security

incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is denied;

.2 searching of restricted areas as part of a search of the ship.

Handling of cargo

9.25 The security measures relating to cargo handling should:

.1 prevent tampering; and

.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage from being accepted and stored on
board the ship.

9.26 The security measures, some of which may have to be applied in liaison with the port
facility, should include inventory control procedures at access points to the ship. Once on board
the ship, cargo should be capable of being identified as having been approved for loading onto
the ship. In addition, security measures should be developed to ensure that cargo, once on board,
is not tampered with.

Security Level 1

9.27 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
cargo handling, which may include:

.1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces prior to, and
during, cargo handling operations;

.2 checks to ensure that cargo being loaded matches the cargo documentation;

.3 ensuring, in liaison with the port facility, that vehicles to be loaded on board car-
carriers, ro-ro and passenger ships are subjected to search prior to loading, in
accordance with the frequency required in the SSP; and

.4 checking of seals or other methods used to prevent tampering.

9.28 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs.

9.29 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo movement the CSO or SSO may, in
consultation with the port facility, agree arrangements with shippers or others responsible for
such cargo covering off-site checking, sealing, scheduling, supporting documentation, etc. Such
arrangements should be communicated to and agreed with the PFSO concerned.

Page 59

Security Level 2

9.30 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during cargo handling, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo spaces;

.2 intensified checks to ensure that only the intended cargo is loaded;

.3 intensified searching of vehicles to be loaded on car-carriers, ro-ro and passenger

ships; and

.4 increased frequency and detail in checking of seals or other methods used to

prevent tampering.

9.31 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by the following means:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of visual and physical examination;

.2 increasing the frequency of the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical

devices, or dogs; and

.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures with the shipper or other responsible

party in accordance with an established agreement and procedures.

Security Level 3

9.32 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 suspension of the loading or unloading of cargo; and

.2 verify the inventory of dangerous goods and hazardous substances carried on

board, if any, and their location.

Delivery of ships stores

9.33 The security measures relating to the delivery of ships stores should:

.1 ensure checking of ships stores and package integrity;

.2 prevent ships stores from being accepted without inspection;

.3 prevent tampering; and

.4 prevent ships stores from being accepted unless ordered.

9.34 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be appropriate to establish procedures
involving the ship, its suppliers and the port facility covering notification and timing of deliveries

Page 60

and their documentation. There should always be some way of confirming that stores presented
for delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been ordered by the ship.

Security Level 1

9.35 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 checking to ensure stores match the order prior to being loaded on board; and

.2 ensuring immediate secure stowage of ships stores.

Security Level 2

9.36 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during delivery of ships stores by exercising checks prior to receiving stores on board
and intensifying inspections.

Security Level 3

9.37 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 subjecting ships stores to more extensive checking;

.2 preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of ships stores; and

.3 refusal to accept ships stores on board the ship.

Handling unaccompanied baggage

9.38 The SSP should establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the
passenger or member of ships personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and
subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before it is accepted on board the ship. It
is not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to screening by both the ship and the port
facility, and in cases where both are suitably equipped, the responsibility for screening should
rest with the port facility. Close co-operation with the port facility is essential and steps should
be taken to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is handled securely after screening.

Security Level 1

9.39 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched
up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening.

Page 61

Security Level 2

9.40 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied when handling unaccompanied baggage which should include 100 percent x-ray
screening of all unaccompanied baggage.

Security Level 3

9.41 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive screening, for example x-raying it

from at least two different angles;

.2 preparation for restriction or suspension of handling of unaccompanied baggage;


.3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage on board the ship.

Monitoring the Security of the Ship

9.42 The ship should have the capability to monitor the ship, the restricted areas on board and
areas surrounding the ship. Such monitoring capabilities may include use of:

.1 lighting;

.2 watch-keepers, security guards and deck watches including patrols; and

.3 automatic intrusion detection devices and surveillance equipment.

9.43 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices should activate an audible and/or visual
alarm at a location that is continuously attended or monitored.

9.44 The SSP should establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level and
the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually, including
consideration of the possible effects of weather conditions or of power disruptions.

Security Level 1

9.45 At security level 1, the SSP should establish the security measures to be applied which
may be a combination of lighting, watch keepers, security guards or use of security and
surveillance equipment to allow ships security personnel to observe the ship in general, and
barriers and restricted areas in particular.

9.46 The ship's deck and access points to the ship should be illuminated during hours of
darkness and periods of low visibility while conducting ship/port interface activities or at a port
facility or anchorage when necessary. While underway, when necessary, ships should use the
maximum lighting available consistent with safe navigation, having regard to the provisions of

Page 62

the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea in force. The following
should be considered when establishing the appropriate level and location of lighting:

.1 the ships personnel should be able to detect activities beyond the ship, on both
the shore side and the waterside;

.2 coverage should include the area on and around the ship;

.3 coverage should facilitate personnel identification at access points; and

.4 coverage may be provided through coordination with the port facility.

Security Level 2

9.47 At security level 2, the SSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capabilities, which may include:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of security patrols;

.2 increasing the coverage and intensity of lighting or the use of security and
surveillance and equipment;

.3 assigning additional personnel as security lookouts; and

.4 ensuring coordination with waterside boat patrols, and foot or vehicle patrols on
the shore-side, when provided.

9.48 Additional lighting may be necessary to protect against a heightened risk of a security
incidents. When necessary, the additional lighting requirements may be accomplished by
coordinating with the port facility to provide additional shore side lighting.

Security Level 3

9.49 At security level 3, the ship should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The SSP should detail the security measures
which could be taken by the ship, in close co-operation with those responding and the port
facility, which may include:

.1 switching on of all lighting on, or illuminating the vicinity of, the ship;

.2 switching on of all on board surveillance equipment capable of recording

activities on, or in the vicinity of, the ship;

.3 maximising the length of time such surveillance equipment can continue to


.4 preparation for underwater inspection of the hull of the ship; and

.5 initiation of measures, including the slow revolution of the ships propellers, if

practicable, to deter underwater access to the hull of the ship.

Page 63

Differing security levels

9.50 The SSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship could
adopt if the ship is at a higher security level than that applying to a port facility.

Activities not covered by the Code

9.51 The SSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship should
apply when:

.1 it is at a port of a State which is not a Contracting Government;

.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does not apply7;

.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or a mobile drilling unit on

location; or

.4 it is interfacing with a port or port facility which is not required to comply with
chapter XI-2 and part A of this Code.

Declarations of security

9.52 The SSP should detail how requests for DoS from a port facility will be handled and the
circumstances under which the ship itself should request a DoS.

Audit and review

9.53 The SSP should establish how the CSO and the SSO intend to audit the continued
effectiveness of the SSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the SSP.



10.1 Records should be available to duly authorized officers of Contracting Governments to

verify that the provisions of ship security plans are being implemented.

10.2 Records may be kept in any format but should be protect from unauthorized access or


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.

Refer to further work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to Enhancement of maritime security
and to Establishment of appropriate measures to enhance the security of ships, port facilities, mobile offshore drilling
units on location and fixed and floating platforms not covered by chapter XI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention,
adopted by the Conference on Maritime Security by resolutions 3 and 7 respectively.

Page 64


Relevant guidance is provided under sections 8, 9 and 13.



13.1 The Company Security Officer (CSO) and appropriate shore based Company personnel,
and the Ship Security Officer (SSO), should have knowledge of, and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 security administration;

.2 relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations;

.3 relevant Government legislation and regulations;

.4 responsibilities and functions of other security organizations;

.5 methodology of ship security assessment;

.6 methods of ship security surveys and inspections;

.7 ship and port operations and conditions;

.8 ship and port facility security measures;

.9 emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;

.10 instruction techniques for security training and education, including security
measures and procedures;

.11 handling sensitive security related information and security related


.12 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.13 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.15 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.16 security equipment and systems and their operational limitations;

.17 methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring;

.18 methods of physical searches and non-intrusive inspections;

.19 security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with port facilities; and

.20 assessment of security drills and exercises.

Page 65

13.2 In addition the SSO should have adequate knowledge of, and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 the layout of the ship;

.2 the ship security plan and related procedures (including scenario-based training on
how to respond);

.3 crowd management and control techniques;

.4 operations of security equipment and systems; and

.5 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and


13.3 Shipboard personnel having specific security duties should have sufficient knowledge and
ability to perform their assigned duties, including, as appropriate:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 crowd management and control techniques;

.6 security related communications;

.7 knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

.8 operations of security equipment and systems;

.9 testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and


.10 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and

.11 methods of physical searches of persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and
ships stores.

13.4 All other shipboard personnel should have sufficient knowledge of and be familiar with
relevant provisions of the SSP, including:

.1 the meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security levels;

.2 knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

.3 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

Page 66

.4 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; and

.5 techniques used to circumvent security measures.

Drills and exercises

13.5 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure that shipboard personnel are proficient in
all assigned security duties at all security levels and the identification of any security related
deficiencies, which need to be addressed.

13.6 To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the ship security plan, drills
should be conducted at least once every three months. In addition, in cases where more than
25 percent of the ships personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has not
previously participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3 months, a drill should be
conducted within one week of the change. These drills should test individual elements of the
plan such as those security threats listed in paragraph 8.9.

13.7 Various types of exercises which may include participation of company security officers,
port facility security officers, relevant authorities of Contracting Governments as well as ship
security officers, if available, should be carried out at least once each calendar year with no more
than 18 months between the exercises. These exercises should test communications,
coordination, resource availability, and response. These exercises may be:

.1 full scale or live;

.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or

.3 combined with other exercises held such as search and rescue or emergency
response exercises.

13.8 Company participation in an exercise with another Contracting Government should be

recognized by the Administration.


Relevant guidance is provided under section 15, 16 and 18.



15.1 The Port Facility Security Assessment (PFSA) may be conducted by a Recognized
Security Organization (RSO). However, approval of a completed PFSA should only be given by
the relevant Contracting Government.

15.2 If a Contracting Government uses a RSO, to review or verify compliance of the PFSA,
the RSO should not be associated with any other RSO that prepared or assisted in the preparation
of that assessment.

Page 67

15.3 A PFSA should address the following elements within a port facility:

.1 physical security;

.2 structural integrity;

.3 personnel protection systems;

.4 procedural policies;

.5 radio and telecommunication systems, including computer systems and networks;

.6 relevant transportation infrastructure;

.7 utilities; and

.8 other areas that may, if damaged or used for illicit observation, pose a risk to
persons, property, or operations within the port facility.

15.4 Those involved in a PFSA should be able to draw upon expert assistance in relation to:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition, on a non-discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 methods used to cause a security incident;

.6 effects of explosives on structures and port facility services;

.7 port facility security;

.8 port business practices;

.9 contingency planning, emergency preparedness and response;

.10 physical security measures e.g. fences;

.11 radio and telecommunications systems, including computer systems and networks;

.12 transport and civil engineering; and

.13 ship and port operations.

Identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure it is important to


15.5 The identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure is a process
through which the relative importance of structures and installations to the functioning of the port

Page 68

facility can be established. This identification and evaluation process is important because it
provides a basis for focusing mitigation strategies on those assets and structures which it is more
important to protect from a security incident. This process should take into account potential loss
of life, the economic significance of the port, symbolic value, and the presence of Government

15.6 Identification and evaluation of assets and infrastructure should be used to prioritise their
relative importance for protection. The primary concern should be avoidance of death or injury. It
is also important to consider whether the port facility, structure or installation can continue to
function without the asset, and the extent to which rapid re-establishment of normal functioning
is possible.

15.7 Assets and infrastructure that should be considered important to protect may include:

.1 accesses, entrances, approaches, and anchorages, manoeuvring and berthing areas;

.2 cargo facilities, terminals, storage areas, and cargo handling equipment;

.3 systems such as electrical distribution systems, radio and telecommunication

systems and computer systems and networks;

.4 port vessel traffic management systems and aids to navigation;

.5 power plants, cargo transfer piping, and water supplies;

.6 bridges, railways, roads;

.7 port service vessels, including pilot boats, tugs, lighters etc;

.8 security and surveillance equipment and systems; and

.9 the waters adjacent to the port facility.

15.8 The clear identification of assets and infrastructure is essential to the evaluation of the
port facilitys security requirements, the prioritisation of protective measures, and decisions
concerning the allocation of resources to better protect the port facility. The process may involve
consultation with the relevant authorities relating to structures adjacent to the port facility which
could cause damage within the facility or be used for the purpose of causing damage to the
facility or for illicit observation of the facility or for diverting attention.

Identification of the possible threats to the assets and infrastructure and the likelihood of
their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security measures

15.9 Possible acts that could threaten the security of assets and infrastructure, and the methods
of carrying out those acts, should be identified to evaluate the vulnerability of a given asset or
location to a security incident, and to establish and prioritise security requirements to enable
planning and resource allocations. Identification and evaluation of each potential act and its
method should be based on various factors, including threat assessments by Government
agencies. By identifying and assessing threats, those conducting the assessment do not have to
rely on worst-case scenarios to guide planning and resource allocations.

Page 69

15.10 The PFSA should include an assessment undertaken in consultation with the relevant
national security organizations to determine:

.1 any particular aspects of the port facility, including the vessel traffic using the
facility, which make it likely to be the target of an attack;

.2 the likely consequences in terms of loss of life, damage to property, economic

disruption, including disruption to transport systems, of an attack on, or at, the
port facility;

.3 the capability and intent of those likely to mount such an attack; and

.4 the possible type, or types, of attack,

producing an overall assessment of the level of risk against which security measures have to be

15.11 The PFSA should consider all possible threats, which may include the following types of
security incidents:

.1 damage to, or destruction of, the port facility or of the ship, e.g. by explosive
devices, arson, sabotage or vandalism;

.2 hijacking or seizure of the ship or of persons on board;

.3 tampering with cargo, essential ship equipment or systems or ships stores;

.4 unauthorized access or use including presence of stowaways;

.5 smuggling weapons or equipment, including weapons of mass destruction;

.6 use of the ship to carry those intending to cause a security incident and their

.7 use of the ship itself as a weapon or as a means to cause damage or destruction;

.8 blockage; of port entrances, locks, approaches etc; and

.9 nuclear, biological and chemical attack.

15.12 The process should involve consultation with the relevant authorities relating to structures
adjacent to the port facility which could cause damage within the facility or be used for the
purpose of causing damage to the facility or for illicit observation of the facility or for diverting

Identification, selection, and prioritisation of countermeasures and procedural changes and

their level of effectiveness in reducing vulnerability

15.13 The identification and prioritisation of countermeasures is designed to ensure that the
most effective security measures are employed to reduce the vulnerability of a port facility or
ship/port interface to the possible threats.

Page 70

15.14 Security measures should be selected on the basis of factors such as whether they reduce
the probability of an attack and should be evaluated using information that includes:

.1 security surveys, inspections and audits;

.2 consultation with port facility owners and operators, and owners/operators of

adjacent structures if appropriate;

.3 historical information on security incidents; and

.4 operations within the port facility.

Identification of vulnerabilities

15.15 Identification of vulnerabilities in physical structures, personnel protection systems,

processes, or other areas that may lead to a security incident can be used to establish options to
eliminate or mitigate those vulnerabilities. For example, an analysis might reveal vulnerabilities
in a port facilitys security systems or unprotected infrastructure such as water supplies, bridges
etc that could be resolved through physical measures, e.g. permanent barriers, alarms,
surveillance equipment etc.

15.16 Identification of vulnerabilities should include consideration of:

.1 waterside and shore-side access to the port facility and ships berthing at the

.2 structural integrity of the piers, facilities, and associated structures;

.3 existing security measures and procedures, including identification systems;

.4 existing security measures and procedures relating to port services and utilities;

.5 measures to protect radio and telecommunication equipment, port services and

utilities, including computer systems and networks;

.6 adjacent areas that may be exploited during, or for, an attack;

.7 existing agreements with private security companies providing waterside/shore-

side security services;

.8 any conflicting policies between safety and security measures and procedures;

.9 any conflicting port facility and security duty assignments;

.10 any enforcement and personnel constraints;

.11 any deficiencies identified during training and drills; and

.12 any deficiencies identified during daily operation, following incidents or alerts,
the report of security concerns, the exercise of control measures, audits etc.

Page 71



16.1 Preparation of the Port Facility Security Plan (PFSP) is the responsibility of the Port
Facility Security Officer (PFSO). While the PFSO need not necessarily personally undertake all
the duties associated with the post the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that they are properly
performed remains with the individual PFSO.

16.2 The content of each individual PFSP should vary depending on the particular
circumstances of the port facility, or facilities, it covers. The Port Facility Security (PFSA) will
have identified the particular features of the port facility, and of the potential security risks, that
have led to the need to appoint a PFSO and to prepare a PFSP. The preparation of the PFSP will
require these features, and other local or national security considerations, to be addressed in the
PFSP and for appropriate security measures to be established so as to minimise the likelihood of
a breach of security and the consequences of potential risks. Contracting Governments may
prepare advice on the preparation and content of a PFSP.

16.3 All PFSPs should:

.1 detail the security organization of the port facility,

.2 the organizations links with other relevant authorities and the necessary
communication systems to allow the effective continuous operation of the
organization and its links with others, including ships in port;

.3 detail the basic security level 1 measures, both operational and physical, that will
be in place;

.4 detail the additional security measures that will allow the port facility to progress
without delay to security level 2 and, when necessary, to security level 3;

.5 provide for regular review, or audit, of the PFSP and for its amendments in
response to experience or changing circumstances; and

.6 reporting procedures to the appropriate Contracting Governments contact points.

16.4 Preparation of an effective PFSP will rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that
relate to the security of the port facility, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the
physical and operational characteristics of the individual port facility.

16.5 Contracting Government should approve the PFSPs of the port facilities under their
jurisdiction. Contracting Governments should develop procedures to assess the continuing
effectiveness of each PFSP and may require amendment of the PFSP prior to its initial approval
or subsequent to its approval. The PFSP should make provision for the retention of records of
security incidents and threats, reviews, audits, training, drills and exercises as evidence of
compliance with those requirements.

16.6 The security measures included in the PFSP should be in place within a reasonable period
of the PFSPs approval and the PFSP should establish when each measure will be in place. If
there is likely to be any delay in their provision this should be discussed with the Contracting
Government responsible for approval of the PFSP and satisfactory alternative temporary security
Page 72

measures that provide an equivalent level of security should be agreed to cover any interim

16.7 The use of firearms on or near ships and in port facilities may pose particular and
significant safety risks, in particular in connection with certain dangerous or hazardous
substances and should be considered very carefully. In the event that a Contracting Government
decides that it is necessary to use armed personnel in these areas, that Contracting Government
should ensure that these personnel are duly authorized and trained in the use of their weapons and
that they are aware of the specific risks to safety that are present in these areas. If a Contracting
Government authorizes the use of firearms they should issue specific safety guidelines on their
use. The PFSP should contain specific guidance on this matter in particular with regard its
application to ships carrying dangerous goods or hazardous substances.

Organization and performance of port facility security duties

16.8 In addition to the guidance given under section 16.3, the PFSP should establish the
following which relate to all security levels:

.1 the role and structure of the port facility security organization;

.2 the duties, responsibilities and training requirements of all port facility personnel
with a security role and the performance measures needed to allow their individual
effectiveness to be assessed;

.3 the port facility security organizations links with other national or local
authorities with security responsibilities;

.4 the communication systems provided to allow effective and continuous

communication between port facility security personnel, ships in port and, when
appropriate, with national or local authorities with security responsibilities;

.5 the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow such continuous communications

to be maintained at all times;

.6 the procedures and practices to protect security sensitive information held in paper
or electronic format;

.7 the procedures to assess the continuing effectiveness of security measures,

procedures and equipment, including identification of, and response to, equipment
failure or malfunction;

.8 the procedures to allow the submission, and assessment, of reports relating to

possible breaches of security or security concerns;

.9 procedures relating to cargo handling;

.10 procedures covering the delivery of ships stores;

.11 the procedures to maintain, and update, records of dangerous goods and hazardous
substances and their location within the port facility;

Page 73

.12 the means of alerting and obtaining the services of waterside patrols and specialist
search teams, including bomb searches and underwater searches;

.13 the procedures for assisting ship security officers in confirming the identity of
those seeking to board the ship when requested; and

.14 the procedures for facilitating shore leave for ships personnel or personnel
changes, as well as access of visitors to the ship including representatives of
seafarers welfare and labour organizations.

16.9 The remainder of this section addresses specifically the security measures that could be
taken at each security level covering:

.1 access to the port facility;

.2 restricted areas within the port facility;

.3 handling of cargo;

.4 delivery of ships stores;

.5 handling unaccompanied baggage; and

.6 monitoring the security of the port facility.

Access to the port facility

16.10 The PFSP should establish the security measures covering all means of access to the port
facility identified in the PFSA.

16.11 For each of these the PFSP should identify the appropriate locations where access
restrictions or prohibitions should be applied for each of the security levels. For each security
level the PFSP should specify the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the means of
enforcing them.

16.12 The PFSP should establish for each security level the means of identification required to
allow access to the port facility and for individuals to remain within the port facility without
challenge, this may involve developing an appropriate identification system allowing for
permanent and temporary identifications, for port facility personnel and for visitors respectively.
Any port facility identification system should, when it is practicable to do so, be co-ordinated
with that applying to ships that regularly use the port facility. Passengers should be able to prove
their identity by boarding passes, tickets, etc., but should not be permitted access to restricted
areas unless supervised. The PFSP should establish provisions to ensure that the identification
systems are regularly updated, and that abuse of procedures should be subject to disciplinary

16.13 Those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their
visit when requested to do so should be denied access to the port facility and their attempt to
obtain access should be reported to the PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security

Page 74

16.14 The PFSP should identify the locations where persons, personal effects, and vehicle
searches are to be undertaken. Such locations should be covered to facilitate continuous
operation regardless of prevailing weather conditions, in accordance with the frequency laid
down in the PFSP. Once subjected to search persons, personal effects and vehicles should
proceed directly to the restricted holding, embarkation or car loading areas.

16.15 The PFSP should establish separate locations for checked and unchecked persons and
their effects and if possible separate areas for embarking/disembarking passengers, ships
personnel and their effects to ensure that unchecked persons are not able to come in contact with
checked persons.

16.16 The PFSP should establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly
if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis.

Security Level 1

16.17 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the control points where the following
security measures may be applied:

.1 restricted areas which should be bound by fencing or other barriers to a standard

which should be approved by the Contracting Government;

.2 checking identity of all persons seeking entry to the port facility in connection
with a ship, including passengers, ships personnel and visitors and confirming
their reasons for doing so by checking, for example, joining instructions,
passenger tickets, boarding passes, work orders, etc;

.3 checking vehicles used by those seeking entry to the port facility in connection
with a ship;

.4 verification of the identity of port facility personnel and those employed within
the port facility and their vehicles;

.5 restricting access to exclude those not employed by the port facility or working
within it, if they are unable to establish their identity;

.6 undertaking searches of persons, personal effects, vehicles and their contents; and

.7 identification of any access points not in regular use which should be permanently
closed and locked.

16.18 At security level 1, all those seeking access to the port facility should be liable to search.
The frequency of such searches, including random searches, should be specified in the approved
PFSP and should be specifically approved by the Contracting Government. Unless there are
clear security grounds for doing so, members of the ships personnel should not be required to
search their colleagues or their personal effects. Any such search shall be undertaken in a
manner which fully takes into account the human rights of the individual and preserves their
basic human dignity.

Page 75

Security Level 2

16.19 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied, which may include:

.1 assigning additional personnel to guard access points and patrol perimeter


.2 limiting the number of access points to the port facility, and identify those to be
closed and the means of adequately securing them;

.3 providing for means of impeding movement through the remaining access points,
e.g. security barriers;

.4 increasing the frequency of searches of persons, personal effects, and vehicle;

.5 deny access to visitors who are unable to provide a verifiable justification for
seeking access to the port facility; and

.6 using of patrol vessels to enhance waterside security.

Security Level 3

16.20 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 suspension of access to all, or part of, the port facility;

.2 granting access only to those responding to the security incident or threat thereof;

.3 suspension of pedestrian or vehicular movement within all, or part, of the port


.4 increased security patrols within the port facility, if appropriate;

.5 suspension of port operations within all, or part, of the port facility;

.6 direction of vessel movements relating to all, or part, of the port facility; and

.7 evacuation of all, or part of, the port facility.

Restricted areas within the port facility

16.21 The PFSP should identify the restricted areas to be established within the port facility,
specify their extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to
them and those to be taken to control activities within them. This should also include, in
appropriate circumstances, measures to ensure that temporary restricted areas are security swept
both before and after that area is established. The purpose of restricted areas is to:

Page 76

.1 protect passengers, ships personnel, port facility personnel and visitors, including
those visiting in connection with a ship;

.2 protect the port facility;

.3 protect ships using, and serving, the port facility;

.4 protect sensitive security locations and areas within the port facility;

.5 to protect security and surveillance equipment and systems; and

.6 protect cargo and ships stores from tampering.

16.22 The PFSP should ensure that all restricted areas have clearly established security
measures to control:

.1 access by individuals;

.2 the entry, parking, loading and unloading of vehicles;

.3 movement and storage of cargo and ships stores; and

.4 unaccompanied baggage or personal effects.

16.23 The PFSP should provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that
access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach
of security.

16.24 When automatic intrusion detection devices are installed they should alert a control centre
which can respond to the triggering of an alarm.

16.25 Restricted areas may include:

.1 shore and waterside areas immediately adjacent to the ship;

.2 embarkation and disembarkation areas, passenger and ships personnel holding

and processing areas including search points;

.3 areas where loading, unloading or storage of cargo and stores is undertaken;

.4 locations where security sensitive information, including cargo documentation, is


.5 areas where dangerous goods and hazardous substances are held;

.6 vessel traffic management system control rooms, aids to navigation and port
control buildings, including security and surveillance control rooms;

.7 areas where security and surveillance equipment are stored or located;

.8 essential electrical, radio and telecommunication, water and other utility

installations; and

Page 77

.9 other locations in the port facility where access by vessels, vehicles and
individuals should be restricted.

16.26 The security measures may extend, with the agreement of the relevant authorities, to
restrictions on unauthorized access to structures from which the port facility can be observed.

Security Level 1

16.27 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
restricted areas, which may include:

.1 provision of permanent or temporary barriers to surround the restricted area whose

standard should be accepted by the Contracting Government;

.2 provision of access points where access can be controlled by security guards when
in operation and which can be effectively locked or barred when not in use;

.3 providing passes which must be displayed to identify individuals entitlement to be

within the restricted area;

.4 clearly marking vehicles allowed access to restricted areas;

.5 providing guards and patrols;

.6 providing automatic intrusion detection devices, or surveillance equipment or

systems to detect unauthorized access into, or movement within restricted areas;

.7 control of the movement of vessels in the vicinity of ships using the port facility.

Security Level 2

16.28 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the enhancement of the frequency and
intensity of the monitoring of, and control of access to, restricted areas. The PFSP should
establish the additional security measures, which may include:

.1 enhancing the effectiveness of the barriers or fencing surrounding restricted areas,

including the use of patrols or automatic intrusion detection devices;

.2 reducing the number of access points to restricted areas and enhancing the
controls applied at the remaining accesses;

.3 restrictions on parking adjacent to berthed ships;

.4 further restricting access to the restricted areas and movements and storage within

.5 use of continuously monitored and recording surveillance equipment;

.6 enhancing the number and frequency of patrols including waterside patrols

undertaken on the boundaries of the restricted areas and within the areas;

Page 78

.7 establishing and restricting access to areas adjacent to the restricted areas; and

.8 enforcing restrictions on access by unauthorized craft to the waters adjacent to

ships using the port facility.

Security Level 3

16.29 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 setting up of additional restricted areas within the port facility in proximity to the
security incident, or the believed location of the security threat, to which access is
denied; and

.2 preparing for the searching of restricted areas as part of a search of all, or part, of
the port facility.

Handling of cargo

16.30 The security measures relating to cargo handling should:

.1 prevent tampering; and

.2 prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage from being accepted and stored within
the port facility.

16.31 The security measures should include inventory control procedures at access points to the
port facility. Once within the port facility cargo should be capable of being identified as having
been checked and accepted for loading onto a ship or for temporary storage in a restricted area
while awaiting loading. It may be appropriate to restrict the entry of cargo to the port facility that
does not have a confirmed date for loading.

Security Level 1

16.32 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied during
cargo handling, which may include:

.1 routine checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo storage areas within the
port facility prior to, and during, cargo handling operations;

.2 checks to ensure that cargo entering the port facility matches the delivery note or
equivalent cargo documentation;

.3 searches of vehicles; and

.4 checking of seals and other methods used to prevent tampering upon entering the
port facility and upon storage within the port facility.

Page 79

16.33 Checking of cargo may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs.

16.34 When there are regular, or repeated, cargo movement the Company Security Officer
(CSO) or the Ship Security Officer (SSO) may, in consultation with the port facility, agree
arrangements with shippers or others responsible for such cargo covering off-site checking,
sealing, scheduling, supporting documentation, etc. Such arrangements should be communicated
to and agreed with the PFSO concerned.

Security Level 2

16.35 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied during cargo handling to enhance control, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of cargo, cargo transport units and cargo storage areas within
the port facility;

.2 intensified checks, as appropriate, to ensure that only the documented cargo enters
the port facility, is temporarily stored there and then loaded onto the ship;

.3 intensified searches of vehicles; and

.4 increased frequency and detail in checking of seals and other methods used to
prevent tampering.

16.36 Detailed checking of cargo may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of checking of cargo, cargo transport units and
cargo storage areas within the port facility (visual and physical examination);

.2 increasing the frequency of the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical

devices, or dogs; and

.3 co-ordinating enhanced security measures with the shipper or other responsible

party in addition to an established agreement and procedures.

Security Level 3

16.37 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 restriction or suspension of cargo movements or operations within all, or part, of

the port facility or specific ships; and

.2 verifying the inventory of dangerous goods and hazardous substances held within
the port facility and their location.
Page 80

Delivery of ships stores

16.38 The security measures relating to the delivery of ships stores should:

.1 ensure checking of ships stores and package integrity;

.2 prevent ships stores from being accepted without inspection;

.3 prevent tampering;

.4 prevent ships stores from being accepted unless ordered;

.5 ensure searching the delivery vehicle; and

.6 ensure escorting delivery vehicles within the port facility.

16.39 For ships regularly using the port facility it may be appropriate to establish procedures
involving the ship, its suppliers and the port facility covering notification and timing of deliveries
and their documentation. There should always be some way of confirming that stores presented
for delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been ordered by the ship.

Security Level 1

16.40 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to
control the delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 checking of ships stores;

.2 advance notification as to composition of load, driver details and vehicle

registration; and

.3 searching the delivery vehicle.

16.41 Checking of ships stores may be accomplished by some or all of the following means:

.1 visual and physical examination; and

.2 using scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices or dogs.

Security Level 2

16.42 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the control of the delivery of ships stores, which may include:

.1 detailed checking of ships stores;

.2 detailed searches of the delivery vehicles;

.3 co-ordination with ship personnel to check the order against the delivery note
prior to entry to the port facility; and

.4 escorting the delivery vehicle within the port facility.

Page 81

16.43 Detailed checking of ships stores may be accomplished by some or all of the following

.1 increasing the frequency and detail of searches of delivery vehicles;

.2 increasing the use of scanning/detection equipment, mechanical devices, or dogs;


.3 restricting, or prohibiting, entry of stores that will not leave the port facility within
a specified period.

Security Level 3

16.44 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility which may include preparation for restriction, or suspension, of
the delivery of ships stores within all, or part, of the port facility.

Handling unaccompanied baggage

16.45 The PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that
unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the
passenger or member of ships personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and
subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before is allowed in the port facility and,
depending on the storage arrangements, before it is transferred between the port facility and the
ship. It is not envisaged that such baggage will be subjected to screening by both the port facility
and the ship, and in cases where both are suitably equipped, the responsibility for screening
should rest with the port facility. Close co-operation with the ship is essential and steps should
be taken to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is handled securely after screening.

Security Level 1

16.46 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied when
handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched
up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening.

Security Level 2

16.47 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied when handling unaccompanied baggage which should include 100 percent x-ray
screening of all unaccompanied baggage.

Security Level 3

16.48 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

Page 82

.1 subjecting such baggage to more extensive screening, for example x-raying it

from at least two different angles;

.2 preparations for restriction or suspension of handling or unaccompanied baggage;


.3 refusal to accept unaccompanied baggage into the port facility.

Monitoring the security of the port facility

16.49 The port facility security organization should have the capability to monitor the port
facility and its nearby approaches, on land and water, at all times, including the night hours and
periods of limited visibility, the restricted areas within the port facility, the ships at the port
facility and areas surrounding ships. Such monitoring can include use of:

.1 lighting;

.2 security guards, including foot, vehicle and waterborne patrols; and

.3 automatic intrusion detection devices and surveillance equipment.

16.50 When used, automatic intrusion detection devices should activate an audible and/or visual
alarm at a location that is continuously attended or monitored.

16.51 The PFSP should establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level
and the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually,
including consideration of the possible effects of weather or of power disruptions.

Security Level 1

16.52 At security level 1, the PFSP should establish the security measures to be applied which
may be a combination of lighting, security guards or use of security and surveillance equipment
to allow port facility security personnel to:

.1 observe the general port facility area, including shore and water-side accesses
to it;

.2 observe access points, barriers and restricted areas; and

.3 allow port facility security personnel to monitor areas and movements adjacent to
ships using the port facility, including augmentation of lighting provided by the
ship itself.

Security Level 2

16.53 At security level 2, the PFSP should establish the additional security measures to be
applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capability, which may include:

.1 increasing the coverage and intensity of lighting and surveillance equipment,

including the provision of additional lighting and surveillance coverage;

Page 83

.2 increasing the frequency of foot, vehicle or waterborne patrols; and

.3 assigning additional security personnel to monitor and patrol.

Security Level 3

16.54 At security level 3, the port facility should comply with the instructions issued by those
responding to the security incident or threat thereof. The PFSP should detail the security
measures which could be taken by the port facility, in close co-operation with those responding
and the ships at the port facility, which may include:

.1 switching on all lighting within, or illuminating the vicinity of, the port facility;

.2 switching on all surveillance equipment capable of recording activities within, or

adjacent to, the port facility; and

.3 maximising the length of time such surveillance equipment can continue to record.

Differing security levels

16.55 The PFSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the port
facility could adopt if the port facility is at a lower security level than that applying to a ship.

Activities not covered by the Code

16.56 The PFSP should establish details of the procedures and security measures the port
facility should apply when:

.1 it is interfacing with a ship which has been at a port of a State which not a
Contracting Government;

.2 it is interfacing with a ship to which this Code does not apply; and

.3 it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or mobile offshore drilling units

on location.

Declarations of security

16.57 The PFSP should establish the procedures to be followed when on the instructions of the
Contracting Government the PFSO requests a Declaration of Security or when a DoS is requested
by a ship.

Audit, review and amendment

16.58 The PFSP should establish how the PFSO intends to audit the continued effectiveness of
the PFSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the PFSP.

16.59 The PFSP should be reviewed at the discretion of the PFSO. In addition it should be

.1 if the PFSA relating to the port facility is altered;

Page 84

.2 if an independent audit of the PFSP or the Contracting Governments testing of

the port facility security organization identifies failings in the organization or
questions the continuing relevance of significant element of the approved PFSP;

.3 following security incidents or threats thereof involving the port facility; and

.4 following changes in ownership or operational control of the port facility.

16.60 The PFSO can recommend appropriate amendments to the approved plan following any
review of the plan. Amendments to the PFSP relating to:

.1 proposed changes which could fundamentally alter the approach adopted to

maintaining the security of the port facility; and

.2 the removal, alteration or replacement of permanent barriers, security and

surveillance equipment and systems etc., previously considered essential in
maintaining the security of the port facility;

should be submitted to the Contracting Government that approved the original PFSP for their
consideration and approval. Such approval can be given by, or on behalf of, the Contracting
Government with, or without, amendments to the proposed changes. On approval of the PFSP
the Contracting Government should indicate which procedural or physical alterations have to be
submitted to it for approval.

Approval of port facility security plans

16.61 PFSPs have to be approved by the relevant Contracting Government which should
establish appropriate procedures to provide for:

.1 the submission of PFSPs to them;

.2 the consideration of PFSPs;

.3 the approval of PFSPs, with or without amendments;

.4 consideration of amendments submitted after approval; and

.5 procedures for inspecting or auditing the continuing relevance of the approved


At all stages steps should be taken to ensure that the contents of the PFSP remains confidential.

Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility

16.62 The Contracting Government within whose territory a port facility is located may issue an
appropriate Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility (SoCPF) indicating:

.1 the port facility;

.2 that the port facility complies with the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of
the Code;
Page 85

.3 the period of validity of the SoCPF which should be specified by the Contracting
Governments but should not exceed five years; and

.4 the subsequent verification arrangements established by the Contracting

Government and a confirmation when these are carried out.

16.63 The Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility should be in the form set out in the
appendix to this Part of the Code. If the language used is not Spanish, French or English, the
Contracting Government, if it considers it appropriate, may also include a translation into one of
these languages.



17.1 In those exceptional instances where the ship security officer has questions about the
validity of identification documents of those seeking to board the ship for official purposes, the
port facility security officer should assist.

17.2 The port facility security officer should not be responsible for routine confirmation of the
identity of those seeking to board the ship.

In addition other relevant guidance is provided under sections 15, 16 and 18.



18.1 The Port Facility Security Officer should have knowledge and receive training, in some or
all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 security administration;

.2 relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations;

.3 relevant Government legislation and regulations;

.4 responsibilities and functions of other security organizations;

.5 methodology of port facility security assessment;

.6 methods of ship and port facility security surveys and inspections;

.7 ship and port operations and conditions;

.8 ship and port facility security measures;

.9 emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;

.10 instruction techniques for security training and education, including security
measures and procedures;
Page 86

.11 handling sensitive security related information and security related


.12 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.13 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.14 recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioural

patterns of persons who are likely to threaten the security;

.15 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.16 security equipment and systems, and their operational limitations;

.17 methods of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring;

.18 methods of physical searches and non-intrusive inspections;

.19 security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with ships; and

.20 assessment of security drills and exercises.

18.2 Port facility personnel having specific security duties should have knowledge and receive
training, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten security;

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures;

.5 crowd management and control techniques;

.6 security related communications;

.7 operations of security equipment and systems;

.8 testing, calibration and maintenance of security equipment and systems;

.9 inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and

.10 methods of physical searches of persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and
ships stores.

18.3 All other port facility personnel should have knowledge of and be familiar with relevant
provisions of the PFSP, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

.1 the meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security levels;

.2 recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

Page 87

.3 recognition of characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to

threaten the security; and

.4 techniques used to circumvent security measures.

Drills and exercises

18.4 The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure that port facility personnel are proficient
in all assigned security duties, at all security levels, and to identify any security related
deficiencies, which need to be addressed.

18.5 To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the port facility security plan,
drills should be conducted at least every three months unless the specific circumstances dictate
otherwise. These drills should test individual elements of the plan such as those security threats
listed in paragraph 15.11.

18.6 Various types of exercises which may include participation of port facility security
officers, in conjunction with relevant authorities of Contracting Governments, company security
officers, or ship security officers, if available, should be carried out at least once each calendar
year with no more than 18 months between the exercises. Requests for the participation of
company security officers or ships security officers in joint exercises should be made bearing in
mind the security and work implications for the ship. These exercises should test communication,
coordination, resource availability and response. These exercises may be:

.1 full scale or live;

.2 tabletop simulation or seminar; or

.3 combined with other exercises held such as emergency response or other port
State authority exercises.


No additional guidance.

Page 88



Form of a Declaration of Security between a ship and a port facility8


Name of Ship:
Port of Registry:
IMO Number:
Name of Port Facility:

This Declaration of Security is valid from .. until , for the

following activities
(list the activities with relevant details)

under the following security levels

Security level(s) for the ship:

Security level(s) for the port facility:

The port facility and ship agree to the following security measures and responsibilities to ensure
compliance with the requirements of Part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships
and of Port Facilities.

The affixing of the initials of the SSO or PFSO under

these columns indicates that the activity will be done,
in accordance with relevant approved plan, by

Activity The port facility: The ship:

Ensuring the performance of all security duties

Monitoring restricted areas to ensure that only
authorized personnel have access
Controlling access to the port facility
Controlling access to the ship
Monitoring of the port facility, including
berthing areas and areas surrounding the ship
Monitoring of the ship, including berthing
areas and areas surrounding the ship
Handling of cargo
Delivery of ships stores

This form of Declaration of Security is for use between a ship and a port facility. If the Declaration of Security is to
cover two ships this model should be appropriately modified.
Page 89

Handling unaccompanied baggage

Controlling the embarkation of persons and
their effects
Ensuring that security communication is
readily available between the ship and port

The signatories to this agreement certify that security measures and arrangements for both the
port facility and the ship during the specified activities meet the provisions of chapter XI-2 and
Part A of Code that will be implemented in accordance with the provisions already stipulated in
their approved plan or the specific arrangements agreed to and set out in the attached annex.

Dated at ..on the

Signed for and on behalf of

the port facility: the ship:

(Signature of Port Facility Security Officer) (Signature of Master or Ship Security Officer)
Name and title of person who signed
Name: Name:
Title : Title :

Contact Details
(to be completed as appropriate)
(indicate the telephone numbers or the radio channels or frequencies to be used)
for the port facility: for the ship:
Port Facility Master
Port Facility Security Officer Ship Security Officer
Company Security Officer

Page 90


Form of a Statement of Compliance of a Port Facility


(Official seal) (State)

Statement Number

Issued under the provisions of Part B of the


The Government of____________________________________________

(name of the State)

Name of the Port Facility : ...

Address of the Port Facility :

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the compliance of this port facility with the provisions of
chapter XI-2 and part A of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
(ISPS Code) has been verified and that this port facility operates in accordance with the approved
Port Facility Security Plan. This plan has been approved for the following <specify the types of
operations, types of ship or activities or other relevant information> (delete as appropriate):

Passenger ship
Passenger high speed craft
Cargo high speed craft
Bulk carrier
Oil tanker
Chemical tanker
Gas carrier
Mobile offshore Drilling Units
Cargo ships other than those referred to above

This Statement of Compliance is valid until ................................................................, subject to

verifications (as indicated overleaf)

Issued at....................................... ........................................................................................

(place of issue of the statement)

Date of issue................ .................................................................................

(Signature of the duly authorized official
issuing the document)

(Seal or stamp of issuing authority, as appropriate)

Page 91


The Government of <insert name of the State> has established that the validity of this Statement
of Compliance is subject to <insert relevant details of the verifications (e.g. mandatory annual or

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, during a verification carried out in accordance with paragraph
B/16.62.4 of the ISPS Code, the port facility was found to comply with the relevant provisions of
chapter XI-2 of the Convention and Part A of the ISPS Code.

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................

Signed: ....................................................
(Signature of authorized official)
Place: ........................................................
Date: .................................................



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