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Guide of Centenary Shops of Madrid (IV)

Gua de Comercios

La cuarta entrega de la Gua de Comercios Centenarios de Madrid encierra entre sus pginas una nueva muestra de los comercios tradicionales de la ciudad, donde el sabor clsico se entremezcla con el trato individualizado al cliente, esa deferencia extraa, que tanto nos reconforta, y que tanto aoramos en los negocios modernos, un tanto deshumanizados por el signo de los tiempos que corren. Pero sa es otra historia; en sta nos quedamos con el trato cordial y atento de los dependientes de siempre, que es el verdadero producto estrella del establecimiento, uno ms de los motivos por los que el Ayuntamiento de Madrid agradece sus servicios a la ciudad con una placa diseada por Antonio Mingote. A travs de esta gua invitamos a los lectores a introducirse, una vez ms, en el misterio de estos comercios donde el inquebrantable paso del tiempo se detiene momentneamente para transportarnos, como si de un viaje al pasado se tratase, a los olores y sabores de otras pocas que forman parte fundamental de la cultura y la historia madrileas. The fourth edition of Madrids Centenary Business Guide presents a new selection of the citys historic establishments, where classic style is combined with individualized attention to the customer. These unique locations offer a special kind of service that puts the customer at ease, and which can be so lacking in many businesses today. The polite, attentive treatment offered in these establishments is just one reason why the Madrid City Council has decided to celebrate their services to the city with a commemorative plaque, designed by Antonio Mingote. With this guide, we invite readers to reacquaint themselves with the mystique of these traditional businesses, where the passage of time has been halted momentarily, transporting visitors on a voyage to the past, back to the aromas and flavours of other times, which form an unmistakable part of Madrids history and culture.


Aldao lvarez Gmez Antigua Casa Talavera Antigua Casa Crespo Bentez-Monn Cafs La Mexicana Calvo y Munar Calzados Carballo Carlos Dal Re Casa Pedro Celada Curtidos Villaverde Joyera Durn Joyera Sanz Joyera Yanes El Arca de No Farmacia Cea Farmacia El guila Farmacia La Salud 10 Farmacia Mayor 13 Filatelia Glvez Fbrica de Guantes Luque La Moda La Nueva Parisien Los Galayos Lotera Doa Manolita M. Guiseris Sastrera Palomeque Rejillera Lpez. Sobrino de J. Mart Prats Urbano Peluqueros Villasante

Plano C , pgina 3 7 Plano E , pgina 6 7 Plano B , pgina 2 1 Plano A , pgina 9 Plano E , pgina 6 9 Plano B , pgina 2 3 Plano A , pgina 11 Plano D , pgina 4 5 Plano C , pgina 3 9 Plano G , pgina 8 3 Plano D , pgina 47 Plano D , pgina 4 9 Plano E , pgina 7 1 Plano C , pgina 41 Plano E , pgina 7 3 Plano F, pgina 8 1 Plano B , pgina 2 5 Plano A , pgina 13 Plano B , pgina 2 7 Plano D , pgina 5 1 Plano D , pgina 5 3 Plano D , pgina 5 5 Plano A , pgina 15 Plano E , pgina 7 5 Plano D , pgina 5 7 Plano B , pgina 2 9 Plano B , pgina 3 1 Plano D , pgina 5 9 Plano B , pgina 3 3 Plano D , pgina 6 1 Plano A , pgina 17 Plano D , pgina 6 3

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C. Manuela Malasaa

Gta. de Bilbao BILBAO

Gallego C. Nicasio


C. Daoiz


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S. Pablo


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Antigua Casa Crespo

C/ Divino Pastor, 29

Calvo y Munar

C/ Juan de Austria, 3

Farmacia El guila
C/ Fuencarral, 108

La Moda
C/ Pez, 30

Urbano Peluqueros
C/ Coln, 10


Especializada en la fabricacin y venta de alpargatas de yute, fue pionera en la comercializacin de alpargatas de colores. Specialists in the making and sale of jute espadrilles, the firm pioneered the sale of coloured espadrilles.

Situado en el cntrico barrio de Malasaa, en este comercio centenario todava es reconocible el olor a esparto, a campo y a madera encerada. El establecimiento conserva las antiguas sillas de coser alpargatas que hoy estn a disposicin del pblico para que se pueda probar cmodamente el calzado. La fbrica de Casa Crespo es anterior a la tienda. Aunque dedicado principalmente a espartera, all se fabricaba y venda todo tipo de materiales de construccin y alpargatas de camo y esparto en blanco y negro para el trabajo. A finales de los aos sesenta Martn Garbayo y su esposa Josefina, introdujeron en el negocio una gran variedad de colores y modelos de alpargatas, con tal xito que la propia Reina Doa Sofa se cuenta entre sus clientes. Hoy Maxi, cuarta generacin de la familia, es quien contina con el negocio.

Located in the central neighbourhood of Malasaa, this centenary business still contains the aromas of esparto grass, of the countryside and of polished wood. The establishment also maintains the antique chairs once used for sewing espadrilles, although today these are mainly used by customers wishing to try on a pair of shoes in comfort. Casa Crespos factory is in front of the shop. Although dedicated mainly to working with esparto grass, all sorts of construction materials have been sold here, as well as black and white espadrilles made of hemp and esparto grass, for use as work shoes. At the end of the 1970s, Martn Garbayo and his wife Josefina introduced a wide variety of new espadrille colours and models, with such success that they can now even count the Queen, Doa Sofa, among their customers. Today Maxi, a fourth-generation member of the family, is the one managing the business.

9 9

Siempre a la vanguardia de su sector, es una de las firmas espaolas que ms inventos ha aportado al mundo del bao. Always at the forefront in its sector, this is one of the Spanish firms which have contributed most to new developments in baths and bathroom accessories.


El comienzo de la firma se remonta a 1902, cuando Mauricio Bravo Hidalgo abre un negocio de venta de plomo y saneamientos de loza sanitaria. Entonces el cuarto de bao no era usual en las casas. Fueron viviendas del barrio de Salamanca las que comenzaron a introducirlo, como un artculo de lujo. En 1927 se hacen cargo del negocio tres socios: Villaverde, Calvo y Munar. En 1932 la empresa pasa a denominarse Calvo y Munar. El comercio destaca pronto por su innovacin; es una de las firmas espaolas que ms inventos ha aportado al bao. Por ejemplo, Munar invent y patent el baoaseo (baera con asiento) o el polibn (especie de plato de ducha, pero ms profundo, que se usaba a modo de bid). En los aos 40 la empresa emprende su diversificacin. Hoy es lder en distribucin de cuartos de bao, muebles de cocina, azulejos y gres, calefaccin y materiales de fontanera.

This business origins reach back to 1902, when Mauricio Bravo Hidalgo opened a store selling lead and porcelain bathroom fixtures. In those days indoor bathrooms were uncommon, but there were homes in the Salamanca district which had begun to introduce them as a new type of luxury. In 1927, three partners took over the business: Villaverde, Calvo and Munar, and in 1932 it was renamed Calvo y Munar. The company soon became known for its innovation, and it is one of the Spanish companies best known for its bathroom design. For example, Munar invented and patented the seat-bath (a bathtub with a seat), and the polyban, (a sort of shower dish, though deeper, which was used as a bidet). In the 1940s the company began to diversify. Today they are leaders in the distribution of bathroom items, kitchen furnishings, tiles and ceramics, and heating and plumbing materials.

11 11

Las paredes forradas de anaqueles de madera y cristal recuerdan al cliente la trayectoria centenaria de esta farmacia. The walls lined with wooden and glass shelves echo the pharmacys hundred-year history.


En esta calle bulliciosa permanece la farmacia El guila en la misma ubicacin desde su fundacin. Poco es lo que se conoce de su historia: probablemente su fundador fue Salvador Roa y Abela, y en 1887 pas a manos de Mariano Passapera Campdera, farmacutico y socio numerario de la Real Academia de Historia Natural. En 1943 Dolores Soriano compr la botica a la viuda de Rivas Hoder. En 1981 la actual farmacutica, ngeles Jimnez Guerra, adquiri el establecimiento. A la farmacopea espaola contribuye con sus famosos preparados contra los sabaones. A comienzos del siglo XX venda un remedio llamado Frilax contra el reumatismo a cinco pesetas. Personajes ilustres como el filsofo Zubiri o el alcalde de Madrid, Enrique Tierno Galvn, frecuentaban el establecimiento. El guila de la fachada da paso a un local con un largo mostrador y paredes forradas de anaqueles de madera y cristal.
13 13

Since its founding, the El guila pharmacy has remained in its original location on this busy street, though not much is known of its history. Its founder was likely Salvador Roa y Abela, and in 1887 the business was passed to Mariano Passapera Campdera, a pharmacist and full member of the Royal Academy of Natural History. In 1943, Dolores Soriano purchased the store from the widow of Rovas Hoder. Finally, in 1981, the current pharmacist, ngeles Jimnez Guerra, acquired the establishment. The business has contributed to the field of Spanish pharmacy through the creation of its famous preparations to treat chilblains. At the beginning of the 20th century, it also sold a remedy for rheumatism for five pesetas, known as Frilax. Illustrious characters including the philosopher Zubiri and the Mayor of Madrid Enrique Tierno Galvn are known to have frequented this establishment. The eagle on the faade watches over the entrance to this unique locale, with its long counter and walls lined with glass and wooden shelves.

Desde sus inicios la tienda se dedica a la venta de moda infantil. The shop has specialised in childrens clothing since it was founded.


La Moda est dedicada a la venta de ropa infantil desde sus inicios. Su escaparate, aunque remozado, conserva todava un figurn de antao y en el interior se observan las tpicas columnas en medio de la tienda y un mostrador de madera. La tienda fue fundada en diciembre de 1896 por Bienvenido Viales, natural de Zaragoza. Contina siendo un negocio familiar que actualmente va por la cuarta generacin. Cuenta entre sus premios con el Diploma de la Cmara de Comercio y el Diploma de la Feria Internacional de la Moda Infantil y Juvenil. ngel Viales, su actual propietario, conserva una coleccin de anuncios de la poca de rifas de balones y muecas que regalaban a los clientes, as como una larga lista de artculos de moda: canastillas, envolturas, trajes para bautizo, ropa blanca, delantales para colegiales, trajes de pantaln, gorritas e incluso lotes de ropa para limosnas.
15 15

From its beginnings, La Moda has been dedicated to childrens clothing. Its otherwise up-to-date shop window contains an antique fashion plate, with the stores picturesque interior columns and wooden counter visible in the drawing. The shop was founded in December of 1896 by Bienvenido Viales of Zaragoza. It has remained a family business and today is run by members of the familys fourth generation. Among its accolades are a certificate from the Chamber of Commerce and another from the International Childrens and Youth Fashion Fair. The current owner, ngel Viales, maintains a collection of period advertisements which tell of raffles for balloons and dolls which were given to the customers as well as a long list of fashionrelated articles: baskets, wrappers, baptism dresses, linens, school pinafores, trouser suits, hats and even clothes for charity.

Ofrece desde un corte actual hasta el afeitado clsico. Everything from a classic shave to the latest hairstyle.


En 1903 se contabilizaban en Madrid 449 peluqueras y barberas. En este momento de auge del sector es cuando Manuel Felipe Berejano el 13 de febrero de 1907 instala su peluquera de caballeros en un edificio construido en 1856, en el cntrico barrio de Chueca. Hasta que fue reemplazado por el sistema elctrico, la iluminacin de la tienda se llevaba a cabo con carburo o gas acetileno, al que se le ponan enfrente espejos para que el reflejo, fuese mayor. En 1951 se hace con el negocio un peletero del barrio, Jess Gutirrez Sevillano, en cuya licencia figura permiso para cinco sillones. De la peluquera se ocuparon tres peluqueros, los hermanos Ortega, que eran cuados de Jess, y un oficial, Agustn Urbano, que con el tiempo se qued con la peluquera en la que an continan trabajando sus dos hijos, Miguel ngel y Jos Luis.

In 1903, there were 449 hairdressers and barbershops in Madrid. It was at this crowded moment in the sector, on February 13th, 1907, that Manuel Felipe Berejano opened his mens barbershop. It was located in the central neighbourhood of Chueca, in a building constructed in 1856. Until it was replaced with an electrical system, the shops lighting scheme was based on the use of carbide or acetylene gas lamps, placed in front of mirrors to enhance their glow. In 1951, a neighbourhood furrier, Jess Gutirrez Sevillano, took over the business, with a license granting him permission to operate five chairs. Three barbers were employed at the shop: Jess in-laws the Ortega brothers and Agustn Urbano. Urbano eventually took over the barbershop, and can still be found working there today along with his two sons, Miguel ngel and Jos Luis.

17 17

C. del P C. M . Je C ez

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Pl. del Carmen

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C. Mayor

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C. Valverde Calle Fuenc arral Cal le Ho r



Lun a




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Ma de ra ue

C. Coln

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C. Espar te ros

uchilleros C. C

Antigua Casa Talavera

C/ Isabel La Catlica, 2 C/ Preciados, 24 C/ Preciados, 14 C/ La Salud, 10

Cafs La Mexicana Farmacia Cea Farmacia La Salud 10 Doa Manolita

C/ Gran Va, 31

M. Guiseris

C/ Montera, 39

Rejillera Lpez

C/ Isabel La Catlica, 7



Caracterstica fachada del local, decorada con azulejos de derribos de palacios e iglesias. This building has a highly distinctive faade, decorated with tiles recovered from the ruins of palaces and churches.


Se trata de una tienda de tradicin familiar cuyo origen es una ebanistera en donde se vendan muebles de estilo sevillano. A stos se van aadiendo paulatinamente otros productos, como la cermica, forja artstica y esparto. El padre del dueo actual, Marcelino Arjona, se acab decantando por la venta de cermica artesanal. De los antiguos productos quedan vestigios en la tienda: mesas, anaqueles y sillas, ruedos de esparto donde se apoyaban las jarras de cermica, o los hierros de forja artsticos para sujetar platos, maceteros y farolillos. Son artesanos especialistas en cermicas de muchas zonas de Espaa, principalmente de Talavera, Toledo, Alcora, Sevilla, Puente del Arzobispo, Manises, Granada, Onda y Ribesalbes. La tienda conserva una fachada muy curiosa, ya que est realizada con azulejos procedentes de derribos de palacios e iglesias.

This is a family business with its roots in cabinet making, which initially sold furniture in the style of Seville. Gradually, other products were introduced as well, including pottery, artistic ironwork and various items made of woven esparto grass. The father of the current owner, Marcelino Arjona, eventually expanded the business into the sale of handcrafted ceramics. Remnants of the oldest products remain in the shop: tables, shelves and chairs, esparto grass mats to place beneath ceramic jars, as well as artistic ironwork plate holders, planters and lamps. The family members are true artisans, specializing in ceramics from all over Spain, but especially in pieces from Talavera, Toledo, Alcora, Seville, Puente del Arzobispo, Manises, Granada, Onda and Ribesalbes. The store features a rather curious faade as well, covered with tiles recovered from the ruins of palaces and churches.


Desde hace ms de 100 aos dedicada a trasladar a sus clientes el placer que supone disfrutar de los diferentes orgenes y formas de elaboracin del caf. Over 100 years passing on the pleasure of coffee from all parts of the world made in a wide variety of ways.


A finales del siglo XIX, Dolores Levil Biel, una mexicana hija de espaoles, viaja a Madrid para conocer la tierra de sus padres. Seducida por la ciudad, decide instalarse y abrir una pequea tienda de caf en la calle Preciados, que terminara por ser conocida como la de La Mexicana. El caf se lo proporcionaba Jos Rodrguez, abuelo del actual director de La Mexicana, que haba comenzado tostando caf en el patio de su casa. Ambos emprendedores colaboraron durante muchos aos hasta que Jos se hizo cargo del negocio que hoy ocupa la tercera generacin familiar. En los aos 70, Juan Carlos, el hijo de Jos, inici la expansin del negocio. Fue tal el xito que era habitual ver largas colas de gente frente a la aromtica tienda roja de Preciados. De hecho, en 1990 fue reconocida en el Guinness de los Records como la tienda que ms caf vende en el mundo.

At the end of the 19th century, Dolores Levil Biel, a Mexican daughter of Spanish parents, travelled to Madrid to learn about the land of her ancestors. Seduced by the city, she decided to move there and opened a small coffee shop on Calle Preciados, which ended up being known simply as La Mexicana. The coffee was supplied by Jos Rodrguez, grandfather of La Mexicanas current director, who had begun roasting coffee in the courtyard of his home. The two entrepreneurs collaborated for many years, until Jos eventually took over the business. Today it is run by members of the third generation of his family. In the 1970s, Joss son Juan Carlos undertook the expansion of the business. It was such a success that it became commonplace to see long queues of customers in front of the aromatic red shop on Preciados. In 1990 the business was even recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the shop which sells the most coffee in the world.


Conserva el ambiente decimonnico en su decoracin. Maintains an authentic nineteenth-century decor.


Julio Luis Delgado-Cea abre su primera botica en Valladolid, en 1877. Se traslada a Madrid en 1880, instalando su farmacia en la calle Preciados, primero en el nmero 28 y luego en el 26. Cuando ambos edificios son derribados, se traslada al nmero 14, donde permanece hasta la actualidad. Tanto Julio como su hijo Jos son farmacuticos de la beneficencia municipal. De Jos pasa la farmacia a su sobrino, y nieto del fundador, y es su viuda quien traspasa la farmacia a su actual dueo. Don Julio era conocido por su constante actualizacin profesional: se especializ en esterilizados secos, vendajes antispticos y en alquilar equipos para partos y operaciones a domicilio. Se le considera el padre de la ampolla de suero HAYEM con vlvula flotante, autoinyectable. Del local, con sabor decimonnico, destaca la pintura alegrica que adorna su techo, restaurada por el actual boticario.

Julio Luis Delgado-Cea opened his first drugstore in Valladolid in 1877. He moved to Madrid in 1880, locating his pharmacy on Calle Preciados, first at number 28 and later at number 26. After both buildings were destroyed, he moved to number 14, where his shop remains today. Both Julio and his son Jos were pharmacists for the municipal beneficial society. The pharmacy was later passed to Joss nephew the grandson of the founder and later his widow passed it down to the current owner. Don Julio was known for staying up-to-date in his profession. He specialized in dry bandages, antiseptic dressings and the rental of equipment for birthing and home operations. He is considered the father of the self-injectable HAYEM intravenous vials with floating valves. Of special interest in the store, which maintains its 19th-century flavour, is the allegorical painting on the ceiling, which has been restored by the current owner.


Su servicio de nodrizas garantizado tuvo enorme xito en su momento entre las familias acomodadas madrileas. The pharmacy provided a guaranteed wet-nurse service, which was very successful at one time among the well-off families of Madrid.


Casimiro Cenarro se establece en la calle Abada en una botica de decoracin modernista. Durante la guerra civil espaola una bomba derrumb el edificio, excepto la farmacia. Al finalizar la guerra, termina siendo trasladada, a su ubicacin actual. La Farmacia Cenarro adquiri prestigio gracias a sus innovaciones en el campo farmacutico, como el despacho de oxgeno a domicilio, que trasladaban en balones de caucho, o los tratamientos homeopticos, realizados en un despacho anejo a la botica. Sus caramelos pectorales Cenarro eran muy conocidos en Madrid. Tambin su novedoso servicio de nodrizas garantizado, con un fichero que almacenaba las caractersticas de las muchachas pasiegas, incluyendo un anlisis de la leche de cada una, alcanz gran xito entre las familias acomodadas madrileas.

On Calle Abada, Casimiro Cenarro set up his pharmaceutical store decorated in the Modernist style. During the Spanish Civil War, a bomb destroyed part of the building, but the pharmacy was saved. At the end of the war, the business was moved to its current location. Farmacia Cenarro acquired a certain prestige thanks to its innovations in the pharmaceutical field, such as providing oxygen for home treatment, supplied in rubber bottles, as well as the development of homoeopathic treatments created in a shop adjacent to the store. The companys Cenarro chest sweets were also very well known in Madrid. Another innovation was the novel guaranteed wet-nurse system, which involved a file that stored information regarding various local wet nurses, including an analysis of their milk. This system was a great success among the welloff families of Madrid.


Lotera de renombre universal debido a la gran cantidad de premios repartidos. Well-known lottery store, famous for the many winning tickets it has sold.


La popular Doa Manolita comienza su andadura como lotera a los veinticinco aos, cuando instala su despacho de billetes en la calle Ancha de San Bernardo, concretamente en la administracin nmero cinco de Madrid, donde vende sus dcimos sobre todo a los estudiantes de la cercana Universidad. La clientela aument con rapidez debido a que muy pronto empez a repartir premios y adquirir gran fama. En 1910 se contaban solamente cincuenta y tres despachos de lotera en Madrid. En 1931 se traslada a la Gran Va, en aquel momento Avenida de Jos Antonio, y es aqu donde contina en la actualidad, en la administracin de loteras nmero 67 de Madrid. La familia entera se dedicaba al despacho de billetes, ya que su hermana tambin era lotera y su marido colg la garrocha de picador de toros por la venta de Lotera Nacional. Doa Manolita falleci en 1951 con ms de setenta aos.

The beloved Doa Manolita started out selling lottery tickets at the age of twenty-five, when she opened her booth on Calle Ancha de San Bernardo in Madrids district five. She sold her tickets there mostly to students from the nearby university. She soon began to give out prizes and thus became very well known, with her clientele increasing rapidly. In 1910 there were only fifty-three lottery ticket sellers in Madrid. She moved her operation to the Gran Va in 1931, then known as Avenida de Jos Antonio, and it is there that her legacy remains today: Madrids number 67 lottery administration. In fact, Doa Manolitas entire family was dedicated to the lottery, as her sister was a ticket seller as well and her husband carried the picadors pike, selling tickets for the National Lottery. Doa Manolita passed away in 1951 at over seventy years of age.

Elaboran sellos de caucho y grabaciones en metal. Makers of rubber stamps and metal engravings.


En la calle Montera el grabador artstico Marcelino Guiseris establece su taller, con vivienda en el piso de arriba, el diecisis de julio del ao 1883. Famoso por sus trabajos para clubs y sociedades sportivas, contaba con un catlogo de diferentes velocpedos y realizaba chapas para bicicletas a dos pesetas en 1895. Se convirti en proveedor de La Unin Velocpeda Espaola (U.V.E.) desde la fundacin de sta, en 1896. Tambin se dedicaba a la realizacin de sellos de bronce, caucho y a todo lo referente a grabados, en especial medallas y esmaltes. El negocio ha ido pasando de padres a hijos, y todos, curiosamente, se han llamado Marcelino. El oficio lo han aprendido de su padre y de los oficiales que trabajaban en la tienda y el taller contiguo. Actualmente Teresa, cuarta generacin de la familia, contina trabajando los sellos de caucho y las grabaciones en metal.

The artistic engraver Marcelino Guiseris established his workshop on Calle Montera on July 16th, 1883, with his living quarters on the upper floor. Famous for his work for clubs and sporting societies, by 1895 he had a catalogue of various velocipedes and created bicycle plates which he sold for two pesetas. He became the supplier for the Spanish Velocipede Union (U.V.E.) from the time of its founding in 1896. Guiseris also made stamps in bronze and rubber and worked in all things related to engraving, particularly medals and enamels. The business has been passed down several times from fathers to sons, all of whom, interestingly, have been named Marcelino. The trade has always been taught by the fathers and by others employed in the store and its adjoining workshop. These days Teresa, from the familys fourth generation, carries on the work of making rubber stamps and metal engravings.


Familia de artesanos dedicados al oficio de poner rejilla y anea en sillas y muebles. A family of craftsmen specialising in the use of reeds and wickerwork for chairs and other items of furniture.


No existe ningn rtulo exterior que indique que existe esta rejillera artesanal, pero a travs de los cristales de la puerta de madera se puede ver a Jos Luis Lpez, cuarta generacin de esta familia de artesanos dedicados al oficio de poner rejilla y anea en sillas y muebles. El padre de Jos Luis, Fidel, naci en 1910 en la casa familiar que ocupaba la trastienda del comercio, cosa habitual en la poca, ya que ahorraba alquileres de vivienda y desplazamientos. A los oficiales, especialistas en las diversas partes de la fabricacin, se les ofreca sueldo y una cama en el stano o en la cueva. Fidel comienza su aprendizaje a los doce aos, su hermana Juana a los once. Entre sus clientes ilustres podemos nombrar trabajos realizados para el Palacio Real, la Torre de Madrid, los Reyes de Blgica, el Casino de Madrid, el Museo del Prado, el Hotel Palace o los restaurantes Hollywood.

There is no outward sign advertising this wickerwork shops existence, but through the glass panels in the wooden door Jos Luis Lpez can be seen at work. He is a fourthgeneration member of a family of artisans, devoted to the craft of weaving wicker and reeds into chairs and other furnishings. Jos Luis father, Fidel, was born in 1910 in the family home located in the rear of the shop. This was a common arrangement at the time, since it saved rent money and travel time. The workers, specialists in various aspects of production, were offered a salary and a bed in the basement or cellar. Fidel began his apprenticeship at the age of twelve, and his sister Juana at eleven. They maintained some notable high-profile clients, creating work for the Royal Palace, Torre de Madrid, the Belgian Royal Family, Madrid Casino, the Prado Museum, the Palace Hotel and Hollywood restaurant franchise.


Calle Fuenc arral Cal le Ho r tale za

C. S . Ba rtolo m

Pl. de Cibeles

CHUECA C. Gravina C. A ugus t o Figueroa

C. Prim

C. In fanta


Vir. Peligros

GRA N V A A C. Caball ero de Gracia . Jardines

C. R



C. M arqu s de Cubas


C. Adua


C. V. de la Vega

a de San Jernimo C. Echegaray

C. Principe

C. P ra

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Pl. de Murillo





C. Almirante

C. Ba rbieri

C. La Libertad

Calle Barquillo

C. Colmenares

C. Ruiz

de Alarcn

C. Jess

C. Alameda


C. To


C/ Gran Va, 15

Carlos Dal Re
C/ Barquillo, 11 C/ Gran Va, 7

Joyera Sanz



Joyera y relojera de alta seleccin, diseo y calidad. Jewellers and watchmakers offering a fine selection of beautifully designed, high quality pieces.


Este establecimiento de alta joyera se funda el 15 de mayo de 1911 en la calle de la Sal, trasladndose a la Gran Va en 1920, eje comercial y financiero de la ciudad en esos momentos. El negocio lo inici Manuel Fernndez Aldao Balbis, que desde los 11 aos aprendi el oficio trabajando con su padre, un joyero de La Corua. Manuel sigui trabajando en Galicia hasta que decidi establecerse en Madrid. En 1931 comenz a colaborar con l su hija Antonia, una novedad en un negocio de tradicin ms bien masculina. En la dcada de los cincuenta ampliaron el negocio con un local en la cercana calle Caballero de Gracia. Por estas fechas tambin se dedican a la distribucin de piezas de relojera de las ms exclusivas firmas. Desde sus orgenes se dedica a la joyera de calidad y la alta relojera, con piezas exclusivas realizadas con materiales como platino, oro, diamantes o esmeraldas.

This distinguished jewellery shop was founded on May 15, 1911, on Calle de la Sal. In 1920 it moved to the Gran Va, the citys commercial and financial hub at the time. The business was started by Manuel Fernndez Aldao Balbis, who from the age of eleven learned the trade by working with his father, a jeweller from La Corua. Manuel continued to work in Galicia until he decided to establish himself in Madrid. In 1931 his daughter Antonia began collaborating with him something of a novelty in a tradition which was overwhelmingly male-dominated. In the 1950s the business expanded, with a new location on nearby Calle Caballero de Gracia. By that time the company had also become a distributor of watchmaking parts made by the most exclusive suppliers. From its beginnings, the store has been dedicated to quality jewellery and fine watchmaking, with exclusive pieces made from materials including platinum, gold, diamonds and emeralds.

Tienda especializada en bombas de agua y electricidad. Store specialising in water pumps and electrical supplies.


Ya desde el siglo XVII la calle de Barquillo alcanz gran fama por especializarse en el trabajo de los metales. Por este motivo se conoca el barrio como el de la chispera debido a las chispas que saltaban de las forjas y que llenaban a los obreros de suciedad y quemaduras. Se trata de los famosos chisperos que andaban siempre peleando con los Manolos del barrio de Lavapis. Probablemente fue por tener cerca las piezas metlicas para sus mquinas por lo que el Ingeniero Carlos Dal-Re se instal en el nmero 5 de la calle Barquillo para dedicar el negocio a material de maquinaria, minera, electricidad y construccin. Ernesto Ovejero comenz a trabajar en esta empresa en el ao 1961, terminando por adquirirla con el paso del tiempo. La tienda sigue manteniendo su estilo tradicional, dedicada fundamentalmente a las bombas de agua y la electricidad.

As far back as the 17th century, Calle Barquillo was famous for its metalwork shops. The neighbourhood was even known as the chispera because of the sparks (chispas) which flew from the forges and covered the workers with soot and burns. These were the famous chisperos, who carried on a perpetual feud with the Manolos from the Lavapis district. It was likely because of his desire to have all of the metal pieces needed for his machines close at hand that the engineer Carlos Dal-Re chose number 5 Calle Barquillo for the location of his business dedicated to equipment for machinery, mining, electrical supplies and construction. Ernesto Ovejero began working for the company in 1961 and eventually acquired the business. The store continues to maintain its traditional style, and is dedicated for the most part today to water pumps and electrical supplies.


Especialistas en el diseo y creacin de piezas nicas de joyera, orfebrera y objetos joya. Specialists in designing and making unique items of jewellery, gold and silver work, and precious objects.


En sus inicios fue un modesto negocio de compra-venta de joyas fundado por Felipe Sanz de Madrid y del Valle en un piso del nmero 36 de calle Montera. Sus hijos, Juan y Luis, inician una nueva etapa al trasladarse en 1912 a un local en el nmero 29. Los hermanos se separan en 1918. Luis monta una refinada joyera en la Red de San Luis y Juan se queda con el nombre de Sanz y la tienda de Montera. Sanz tiene tal xito que se convierten en proveedores de la Casa Real. Como ejemplo de su trabajo, Sanz mont un collar corto con siete esmeraldas colombinas a la reina Victoria Eugenia. Las esmeraldas pertenecan a una corona realizada por el joyero Fontenney para Eugenia de Montijo en 1858. En su exilio desmont las siete esmeraldas, que leg, al fallecer en 1920, a la reina Victoria Eugenia. En 1945 se abri la actual tienda de Gran Va 7, en la antigua Casa Hispano Suiza.

This shop began as a modest buyer-seller of jewellery, founded by Felipe Sanz del Madrid y del Valle and located at number 36 Calle Montera. Felipes sons Juan and Luis took the company a step forward in 1912, when they moved to a new location at number 29. The brothers went their separate ways in 1918. Luis opened a prestigious jewellery shop in the Red de San Luis, and Juan kept the Sanz name and the store in Montera. Sanz went on to become so successful that he became a supplier to the royal household. As an example of his work, Sanz created a short necklace with seven Colombian emeralds for Queen, Victoria Eugenia. The emeralds came from a crown made by the jeweller Fontenney for Eugenia de Montijo in 1858, who removed the seven stones as she went into exile. Upon her death in 1920, the emeralds were left to Queen Victoria Eugenia. In 1945 the current store was opened at Gran Va 7, in the former Casa Hispano Suiza.

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Calzados Carballo
C/ Toledo, 38


C/ Mayor, 21

Curtidos Villaverde
C/ Colegiata, 14 C/ Mayor, 13

Farmacia Mayor 13 Filatelia Glvez

Puerta del Sol, 4 C/ Mayor, 13

Fbrica de Guantes Luque Los Galayos

C/ Botoneras, 5 Plaza Mayor, 1

Sastrera Palomeque
C/ Duque de Alba, 5 C/ Atocha, 8 y 10

Sobrino de J. Mart Prats Villasante

C/ Postas, 14



Establecimiento especializado en zapatillas, alpargatas y zapatos para pies delicados. Specialists in slippers, espadrilles and shoes for delicate feet.


Abre sus puertas con el nombre de La Moda Prctica y cambia al nombre actual debido al apellido de un familiar de los dueos que trabaja con ellos y que, finalmente, se hizo con la tienda, ngel Carballo. De ste pasa a sus hijas Rosa Mara y Mara Victoria, que an atienden en esta zapatera de la madrilea calle de Toledo. Dedicada inicialmente a zapatera y proveedores de uniformes de la Guardia Civil, est especializada en todo tipo de zapatillas, alpargatas y zapatos para pies delicados. La tienda, protagonista de un anuncio de la Fundacin ONCE, contina manteniendo la esttica de su apertura, incluyendo la cueva que sirve de almacn y que se utiliz como refugio durante los bombardeos de 1936. Entre sus clientes han contado con alumnos ilustres del cercano Instituto San Isidro, caso de Camilo Jos Cela, actores y productoras como la de Pedro Almodvar.

Known as Practical Fashion when it first opened, this shoe stores name was changed to its current one by ngel Carballo, a relative of the owners who worked with them and eventually took over the store. Ownership later passed to his daughters, Rosa Mara and Mara Victoria, who still work in this shop on Calle de Toledo. Initially dedicated to shoemaking and supplying uniforms for the Guardia Civil, the shop now specializes in the sale of a variety of types of shoes, including espadrilles and special shoes for delicate feet. The store, featured in an advertisement for the ONCE Foundation, maintains the same aesthetic as the day it opened, including the cave which now serves as a storeroom but was used as a shelter during the bombings of 1936. Its customers have counted students from the illustrious San Isidro Institute located nearby, including Camilo Jos Cela, as well as actors and producers such as Pedro Almodvar.

El interior y exterior de la tienda apenas han cambiado su imagen desde sus orgenes. A store which has preserved its internal and external appearance almost unchanged since it first opened.


La historia de Celada comienza en la calle del Rollo, donde se ubicaba su fbrica de cintas y galones realizados a mano. Con el tiempo el negocio se traslada a la calle Mayor, donde hoy contina el negocio a cargo de la tercera generacin de la familia, representada por Delfn Celada. La tienda apenas ha cambiado desde sus inicios: conserva el escaparate donde se exponen las medallas y efectos militares, y al atravesar la puerta acristalada del local nos encontramos con un pequeo mostrador en el que se presenta el gnero. En Celada podemos encontrar todo tipo galones, efectos militares y condecoraciones, no solo militares sino tambin civiles y universitarias, realizadas en esmalte y materiales nobles. Tambin podemos hallar otro tipo de objetos, como espadera, bastones de mando, emblemas, placas de homenaje y herldica, as como un gran surtido de banderas y estandartes.

The history of Celada begins in Calle del Rollo, where the original handmade belt and galloon workshop was first located. Over time the business was moved to Calle Mayor, where it remains today under the management of the familys third generation of owners, headed by Delfn Celada. The store has scarcely changed since its beginnings. It maintains the display case where medals and military regalia are exhibited, and just behind the glass entry door a small counter is found where the establishments finest goods are displayed. All sorts of galloons and military regalia can be found at Celada. These include decorative braids and ornaments, not only military but civil and academic as well, fashioned from enamel and other fine materials. There are other types of objects to be discovered too: swords, batons, emblems, dedicatory plaques and items of heraldry, as well as a wide selection of flags and standards.


Venden fornituras, remaches, hebillas, y material relacionado con la piel. Purveyors of trimmings, studs, buckles and other items related to leatherwork.


Tiene su origen en la asociacin entre Cesreo del Cerro y Fernando Villaverde, bisabuelo ste del actual gerente. La sociedad se estableci en una tienda en la calle Concepcin Jernima, dedicada al almacn de curtidos y fbrica de cortes para zapatera, marroquinera y confeccin. Esta asociacin llega hasta 1903, momento en que fallece Fernando Villaverde y se hace cargo su viuda, que contina con el negocio en la calle Colegiata. Actualmente la empresa la lleva la cuarta generacin de la familia. Se dedican a la venta de fornituras, como remaches y hebillas, y material relacionado con el trabajo de la piel. En algunos casos siguen realizando un trabajo artesanal, aunque tambin utilizan piezas realizadas de forma industrial. Sus artculos son singulares y especializados. Sus clientes son empresas y particulares que compran directamente en la tienda o a travs de Internet.

This shops origins lie in the partnership formed between Cesreo del Cerro and Fernando Villaverde, grandfather of the current manager. The business was first established on Calle Concepcin Jernima, and was dedicated to the sale of leather and its use for shoemaking, handcrafted leatherwork and other decorative uses. The partnership continued until 1903, when Fernando Villaverde passed away. His widow took over and continued running the business on Calle Colegiata which prospered until today, when the fourth generation of the family is in charge. The business now specializes in the sale of ornaments, including all kinds of fasteners and buckles, as well as other materials related to leatherwork. In some cases, the work remains artisanal, though some manufactured pieces are also now employed. In any case, the articles produced are unique and highly specialized. The stores customers include businesses and individuals who buy either directly from the store or through the internet.

En la actualidad esta centenaria farmacia ofrece todo tipo de artculos de belleza, parafarmacia y medicamentos. Today this hundred-year-old pharmacy supplies all kinds of medicines, beauty and parapharmaceutical products.


La primera nocin que tenemos de esta botica es su peticin de licencia de apertura, el 18 de agosto de 1897, por Pedro Canalejo Hernndez para la farmacia que acababa de comprar en Mayor 23, por diez mil pesetas, a Manuel Rodrguez Hernndez, que se haba instalado all como boticario en 1870. Pedro Canalejo permaneci en la farmacia hasta 1902, vendindola a Francisco Orozco y Cremades. En 1911 el nuevo dueo es Eugenio Pierua lvarez, profesor de Qumica en la Universidad Central y autor de varios tratados de qumica. Finalmente, en 1921, la familia Mateo se hace con el negocio, permaneciendo ms de sesenta aos en sus manos. En la actualidad, Teresa Guijarro es la boticaria al mando de esta cntrica farmacia que ofrece todo tipo de artculos de belleza, parafarmacia y medicamentos.

The first record of this shop is a request for an opening license dated August 18th, 1897. It was submitted by Pedro Canalejo Hernndez for the pharmacy he had just purchased for ten thousand pesetas, at Calle Mayor 23. The business had been previously owned by Manuel Rodrguez Hernndez, who had opened the store in 1870. Pedro Canalejo kept the pharmacy until 1902, when he sold it to Francisco Orozco y Cremades. The next owner, in 1911, was Eugenio Pierua lvarez, a professor of chemistry at the Universidad Central and author of various volumes on the subject. Finally, in 1921, the Mateo family purchased the business, which remained in their hands for over sixty years. Currently, Teresa Guijarro is in charge of this centrallylocated pharmacy, which offers beauty products, over-the-counter items and medicines.


Cita obligada para coleccionistas y amantes de la filatelia, tanto por su faceta comercial como por su especial dedicacin al estudio y difusin de la aficin a la filatelia. A must for all stamp collectors and philately enthusiasts, both for its retail shop and its devotion to the study and promotion of philately.


El primer establecimiento filatlico de Madrid lo fund Leopoldo Lpez en la calle de la Cruz en 1868. El negocio de sellos pasa a la familia Glvez en 1895, convirtindose en dueos de la posiblemente filatelia ms antigua de Espaa. El negocio pronto se ampliara con nuevas oficinas en la calle del Prncipe y que lleg a contar con una sucursal en Barcelona y otra en Bruselas. Sus publicaciones de catlogos filatlicos como los Catlogos de Espaa y Colonias o su primer Catlogo Universal son famosas. En la Exposicin Universal de Pars de 1900 recibieron nueve medallas, por el Catlogo General de Sellos, la revista Madrid Filatlico y la coleccin expuesta de sellos de Espaa. Su hijo Manuel se dedica a la difusin del sello espaol y a la realizacin de catlogos. Como curiosidad, cabe citar que atendi personalmente a Alfonso XIII, que era un gran coleccionista de sellos.

Madrids first philatelic establishment was founded in 1868 by Leopoldo Lpez on Calle de la Cruz. This stamp collecting shop was passed to the Glvez family in 1985, and with this they became the owners of what was possibly the oldest business of its kind in Spain. The company quickly expanded, with new offices opening on Calle del Prncipe, and later additional stores in Barcelona and Brussels. Its publications of philatelic catalogues are famous, including the Spain and Colonies Catalogues and the first Universal Catalogue. At the Paris World Expo in 1900, the store received nine medals for its General Catalogue of Stamps, the journal Madrid Filatlico, and the collection of Spanish stamps exhibited. The son, Manuel, is dedicated to promoting Spanish stamp collecting and catalogue production. Interestingly, it may be mentioned that he waited personally on Alfonso XIII, who was an enthusiastic stamp collector.


Fabrican y venden todo tipo de guantes realizados de forma artesanal. All types of traditionally made gloves manufactured and sold.


La fbrica de guantes comienza con el nombre de Federico Gely en la Puerta del Sol, trasladndose a las calles Espoz y Mina y San Sebastin ms tarde. En 1912 Juan Antonio Luque se queda con el negocio. Luque registra la marca de sus guantes en 1927, incluyendo un lema que habla del gran surtido en guantes de sport, corte ingls, especialidad en guantes de Suecia y antlope. La tienda la heredan su hijo Carlos y su esposa Matilde. En la dcada de los 30 la organizacin de Miss Espaa complement los vestidos de sus misses con unos sofisticados guantes fabricados por Luque. Desde hace unos aos lvaro, el sobrino de Matilde, est al frente del negocio. Fabrican y venden todo tipo de guantes realizados de forma artesanal, destacando la variedad de estilos, materiales y colores, aunque especialmente trabajan guantes en diferentes tipos de pieles.

This glove factory began with the original name Federico Gely in the Puerta del Sol, later moving to Espoz y Mina and then to Calle San Sebastin. In 1912, Juan Antonio Luque took over the business. Luque registered the gloves brand name in 1927, including a description of the companys large selection of sports gloves, English-style gloves, and its specialization in Swedish and antelope gloves. The store was inherited by Luques son Carlos and his wife Matilde. In the 1930s, the Miss Spain contest complemented its contestants dresses with sophisticated gloves made by Luque. In recent years lvaro, Matildes nephew, has been in charge of the business. Luque makes and sells all sorts of hand-made gloves, with an outstanding selection of styles, materials and colours. However, the creation of gloves using a variety of types of leather remains the companys specialty.


La madera es la protagonista de la decoracin de este local, siendo especialmente destacables los frisos de madera de la barra de la entrada principal. The decor of this famous old restaurant includes many details in wood, with the wooden friezes in the bar by the main entrance being a particularly noticeable feature.


En el corazn madrileo que es la Plaza Mayor, se encuentra este restaurante centenario que nace como Casa Rojo, llamado as por su fundador Urbano Rojo, del que hasta hoy llega la cuarta generacin de su familia. Comienza como lugar de tapas y aperitivos, evolucionando hasta el actual restaurante donde se mezcla la cocina castellana con la cocina actual. En el local se reuna para sus tertulias la Generacin del 27. De aqullas ha quedado constancia fotogrfica en el homenaje a Luis Cernuda, celebrado con un banquete con motivo de la publicacin de su obra La realidad y el deseo, justo antes de la Guerra Civil. Fue en este lugar donde coma Tierno Galvn, o donde la pluma de Prez Reverte imagin la figura del conocido Capitn Alatristre. Tres salones en su interior se complementan con dos barras y dos terrazas desde las que se puede contemplar una parte de la historia de Madrid.

This centenary restaurant is found in the Plaza Mayor, the heart of Madrid. It was born as Casa Roja, named for its founder Urbano Rojo, and is run these days by members of the familys fourth generation. It started out serving tapas and aperitifs, but later evolved into the current restaurant, where traditional Castilian cuisine is blended with contemporary tastes. This is where the Generation of 27 used to meet for their literary discussions. There is still a photographic reminder of this in the form of a tribute to Luis Cernuda, who is seen celebrating the publication of his work La realidad y el deseo with a banquet just before the start of the Civil War. It was also here that Tierno Galvn dined, and where the pen of Prez Reverte dreamed up the famous character Capitn Alatristre. Three dining rooms inside are complemented by two bars and two terraces, perfect locations to ponder these chapters from Madrids rich history.

Sastrera centenaria especializada en confeccin, tejidos y camisera. Century-old outfitters specialising in tailoring and dressmaking, fabrics and shirts.


Probablemente Primitivo Palomeque puso su primer negocio de sastrera en 1892, pero es en 1901 cuando, tras pagar cincuenta pesetas por los derechos de la licencia, se asienta en la calle Duque de Alba. Es de las pocas tiendas centenarias dedicadas al sector en la actualidad. Los hijos de Primitivo, Isidoro y Primitivo, continan su labor e inician el proceso de apertura comercial de la venta al detalle en los aos treinta. En las dcadas de los cuarenta y cincuenta amplan el abanico de posibilidades con la venta al mayor. En los setenta, Luis y Mariano, nietos del fundador y aprendices del negocio desde los diecisiete aos, siguen ampliando el campo de accin del negocio, esta vez con una seccin de uniformes y con el desarrollo de la seccin de seoras. Actualmente, Sara, Luis y Mariano, la cuarta generacin del fundador, siguen manteniendo la labor de Palomeque.

Primitivo Palomeque likely established his first tailor shop in 1892, but it was in 1901 that, after paying fifty pesetas for his license, he settled on Calle Duque de Alba. This location is still home to one of the few remaining centenary shops of this sort. Primitivos sons, Isidoro and Primitivo, continued his work and began the process of establishing commercial sales in the 1930s. During the 1940s and 1950s they expanded their prospects further by adding wholesale operations. In the 1970s, Luis and Mariano, grandsons of the founder and apprentices in the shop since the age of sixteen, continued to expand the companys range of operations, this time by adding uniforms to their offerings and by developing a womens section. Currently, Sara, Luis and Mariano, fourth-generation members of the founding family, continue to carry on Palomeques work.


Cinco generaciones de la misma familia han dirigido este negocio textil. A fabric business which has been in the hands of the same family for five generations.


Desde que Jos Mart Prats abre su establecimiento de tejidos en la calle Mayor para trasladarse posteriormente a la de Atocha han pasado por ella cinco generaciones de la misma familia, con la curiosidad de que siempre han sido tos los que han pasado el relevo a sus sobrinos. El establecimiento de la calle Atocha ya se dedicaba a los tejidos antes de que la familia Mart Prats se hiciese con l. El comercio cuenta con una amplia portada y una nave con varios mostradores de madera donde se muestra el gnero, gran variedad de artculos para el hogar, sbanas cortadas a medida, tapices, etc. Sobrino de J. Mart Prats forma parte de la historia de los duros aos de la posguerra espaola, ya que era uno de los comercios donde estaban disponibles los tejidos de algodn de tipo tcnicamente nico, slo disponibles con cartilla de abastecimiento.

Since the time that Jos Mart Prats first opened his fabric shop on Calle Mayor, the establishment has passed down through five generations of the same family. Interestingly, uncles in the family have always passed the business on to their nephews. The later location on Calle Antocha had specialized in fabrics even before the Mart Prats family took over. The current building has a broad doorway and an entrance space with various wooden counters. It is here that the goods for sale are on display: a wide variety of items for the home, made-to-measure bedclothes, carpets, etc. Sobrino de J. Mart Prats played a special role in Spains difficult post-war years, being one of the only businesses where cotton fabric of the technically unique sort could be obtained, a material available only to those with the proper ration cards.


Establecimiento especializado en la venta de artculos de gnero religioso. Specialists in the sale of religious articles.


Salvador Villasante y Rivas, consigue el 18 de octubre de 1889 el traspaso de un comercio en Madrid dedicado a la venta de tejidos, incluyendo gnero y mobiliario, por 15.099 pesetas. Salvador ya trabajaba en una tienda de telas, y cuando decidi independizarse, se uni a otro aprendiz para abrir este comercio. En la calle Postas se siguen encontrando varios comercios de artculos religiosos que en principio no estaban especializados en ellos, pero que han terminado por vender gnero religioso, como es el caso que nos ocupa. Las telas, de buena calidad, sirven para hbitos y para cualquier otra confeccin. Destacan los colores morados del Cristo de Medinaceli, el negro de la Virgen de la Paloma y el blanco de Nuestra Seora de Atocha. Adems tienen gran cantidad de artculos para los hogares cristianos: figuras de santos, Cristos y Vrgenes, rosarios, medallas, capillitas, etc.

On 18 October 1889, Salvador Villasante y Rivas purchased a Madrid business specializing in fabrics, with its stock of material and furnishings included, for a price of 15,099 pesetas. Salvador had already been working in a fabric shop, and when he decided to strike out on his own, he formed a partnership with another apprentice, and this business was born. There are still several shops on Calle Postas specialized in the sale of religious articles. Like Villasante, they did not necessarily start out with this focus in mind, but eventually ended up selling religious stock to meet local demand. High-quality fabrics have been used to make nuns habits and other articles of clothing. Most notable among the colours available are the purples of the Christ of Medinaceli, the black of the Virgin of the Paloma and the white of Our Lady of Atocha. The shop also carries a large variety of articles for Christian homes: statuettes of saints, Christ and the Virgin Mary, rosaries, medals, shrines, etc.

Calle Fortuny

Jos Ortega y Gasset

C. Don Ramn de la Cruz




Calle Ayala


Calle Hermosilla
Pl. de Coln


Calle Lagasca







Calle Jorge Jua



Calle Serra

C. R


let o s



Calle C. Conde de Aranda C. Columela



Calle Nez de Balb

C. Claudio C oello

Calle Velzquez


S. O



Pl. de la Independencia




lvarez Gmez
C/ Serrano, 14

C/ Serrano, 72 C/ Goya, 19

Joyera Durn Joyera Yanes

C/ Goya, 27

La Nueva Parisin
C/ Claudio Coello, 23



Perfumistas reconocidos por sus cremas de belleza, perfumes y aguas de colonia. Perfume store well-known for its beauty creams, perfumes and colognes.


La firma es conocida por su etiqueta amarilla con el escudo de Len, recuerdo de los orgenes de los fundadores, los primos Herminio, Belarmino y Emilio, que vinieron a la capital en busca de fortuna. Comenzaron en una droguera de la calle Peligros, donde trabajaban de da como aprendices y pernoctaban en ella como parte del salario. Al jubilarse el dueo del comercio se encargaron del negocio, momento en que comenz la historia de sus aromas naturales a base de limn, bergamota, romero y geranio. En esta poca los perfumistas elaboraban de forma artesanal algunos de sus reconocidos productos: cremas de belleza, tnicos para el cabello, elixires antispticos, perfumes y aguas de colonia, como la famosa Agua de Colonia Concentrada lvarez Gmez. Hoy en da se conserva y utiliza la frmula original de su colonia, autntico xito de ventas desde su creacin en 1912.

This companys products are known by their yellow label featuring the Len coat of arms. Its a reminder of the origins of its founders, the cousins Belarmino and Emilio Herminio, who first came to the capital to seek their fortune. They began in a drugstore on Calle Peligros, where they were apprenticed during the day and were also allowed to sleep at night, as part of their salary. Upon the owners retirement, they took over the business, and thus began the story of their natural fragrances, based on lemon, bergamot, rosemary and geraniums. Back then, these artisanal perfumers made many of their bestknown products themselves: beauty creams, hair tonics, antiseptic elixirs, and perfumes and eau de cologne, including the famous Agua de Colonia Concentrada lvarez Gmez. Today this product lives on, made with the same original formula a true sales success since its creation in 1912.

Peluquera centenaria y siempre innovadora, ha ido incorporando nuevos servicios para sus clientes, como el masaje o la siesta. An innovative salon with a hundred-year history, which has introduced new services such as massages and siestas for its customers.


Cristbal Navarro es quien abre las puertas de esta centenaria peluquera para hombres en un barrio que consista bsicamente en palacetes y hotelitos. En el momento de fundacin del establecimiento los peluqueros pertenecan al gremio de Artes y Oficios de tarifa 4 segn el reglamento de la contribucin industrial de 1896. Este comercio fue uno de los primeros en instalar telfono en el local como un medio de servicio a domicilio. A fines de la primera dcada del siglo veinte, el cinco de noviembre de 1909, Adolfo Bentez Jurado se hace cargo de la barbera y de su clientela. Como peluquero y barbero de la aristocracia durante el verano se trasladaba con ella a San Sebastin. En 1956 el negocio pasa a su hija M Jess Bentez, y actualmente es su nieta, Carlota Monn, quien regenta la peluquera, dndole un aire moderno e introduciendo servicios como el masaje o la siesta.

It was Cristbal Navarro who first opened the doors of this centenary mens barber shop, in a neighbourhood which at the time consisted mainly of small hotels, some of them playfully designed in the style of small palaces. At the time the establishment was founded, barbers belonged to the Tariff 4 Arts and Trades union, in keeping with the 1896 industrial taxation regulations. This business was one of the first to install a telephone in the shop, in order to receive calls for home services. At the end of the first decade of the twentieth century, on 5 November 1909, Adolfo Bentez Jurado took over the barbershop and its clientele. As a hairdresser and barber to the aristocracy, he moved during the summer to San Sebastian, following in the wake of his wealthy customers. In 1956, the salon was passed on to his daughter Mara Jess Bentez, and today his granddaughter Carlota Monn is in charge. She has updated the business by giving it a modern air and introducing new services including massages and siestas.

Esta centenaria joyera destaca por sus colecciones de joyas, los relojes y las piedras preciosas. This hundred-year-old jewellers is notable for its collections of jewels, watches and precious stones.


Pedro Durn y Muoz comienza su trayectoria profesional madrilea en la platera Los Meneses. Despus de viajar a Pars decide montar, junto con su socio Carlos Muoz, un taller de platera y cincelado en la calle de Alfonso XII. Su primer encargo fue una silla tallada para el Marqus de Castrillo. Pedro Durn se separa de su socio en 1891, comenzando su andadura en solitario. En 1899 se convierte en Proveedor de la Casa Real, a la que proporcionara cubertera, vajilla, artculos de escritorio y un largo etctera. Su hijo Pedro se casa con Susana Bailly-Bailliere de la prestigiosa editorial que llevaba su apellido. Durante la Guerra Civil espaola se les incautan hasta 900 kilos de plata y el taller se utiliza para la fabricacin de clavos de herraduras y varillas para balas. En la actualidad trabaja en esta firma la cuarta generacin de la familia.

Pedro Durn y Muoz began his professional journey in Madrid at Los Meneses silversmiths. After a trip to Paris, he decided to open his own silversmithing and engraving workshop on Calle Alfonso XII, along with his partner Carlos Muoz. The pairs first order was an engraved chair commissioned by the Marqus de Castrillo. Pedro Durn left the partnership in 1891 to follow his own path. In 1899 he became a supplier for Spains royal household, which he provided with cutlery, dinnerware, writing implements and many other necessities. His son Pedro married Susana Bailly-Bailliere, of the prestigious publishing house that bore her name. During the Spanish Civil War, over 900 kilos of silver were confiscated along with the workshop itself, to be used for the manufacture of horseshoe nails and bullet casings. Currently, members of the fourth generation of the family work for the company.


Destacan por la exclusividad de sus diseos especiales y por sus colecciones de joyas. Famous for its exclusive special designs and collections of jewels.


Claudio Yanes monta su primera joyera en la calle del Carmen. Desde los inicios se observa en sus diseos una clara influencia de sus orgenes toledanos, dando el nombre de su pueblo, Malpica del Tajo, a una de sus colecciones, Malpica. Su hijo Esteban ampla horizontes con una tienda en la Carrera de San Jernimo, destacando con sus diseos especiales de joyas realizadas para los invitados de la Boda Real entre Alfonso XIII y Victoria Eugenia. A su vez, su hijo es el creador de la coleccin Alhambra. En los 70 llega la cuarta generacin con Jess y su esposa Manuela y actualmente trabaja la quinta generacin. Yanes cuenta hoy en da con sucursales dentro y fuera de Espaa. Entre sus colecciones destacan Palacio Real, con un nmero limitado de reproducciones de la Coleccin de Plata del Palacio Real de Madrid y Tartesos, que reproduce el sevillano Tesoro del Carambolo.

Claudio Yanes opened his first jewellery store on Calle del Carmen. From the start, his designs clearly showed the influence of his Toledo roots. He even borrowed from the name of his hometown, Malpica de Tajo, to name his Malpica collection. His son Esteban expanded the companys horizons with a store on the Carrera de San Jernimo, which became renowned for the special designs created for guests at the Royal Wedding of Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia. Esteban gained further acclaim by creating the Alhambra collection. In the 1970s, Jess and his wife Manuela from the familys fourth generation joined the company, and today the fifth generation works in the business too. Currently Yanes has a chain of stores in Spain and internationally. Among the companys outstanding collections are the Palacio Real, with a limited number of reproductions from the Palacio Real de Madrid Silver Collection, and Tartesos, which reproduces Sevilles Carambolo Treasure.

Reconocida mercera dedicada a los accesorios de alta costura. Famous haberdashery devoted to haute couture accessories.


El origen del nombre de esta mercera, especializada en botones y accesorios de alta costura, debe buscarse en la moda parisina, que en esta poca era un indicador de calidad y glamour y de la que su fundador, Federico Garca, nutra sus escaparates y alacenas. La tienda se dedica a los accesorios de alta costura: botones, cinturones, sombreros, tocados, flores, guantes, pasamaneras y encargos especiales. Realizados con diseos propios, sus botones brillan con luz propia junto a primeras marcas como Balenciaga o Pertegaz. La licencia municipal se remonta al 30 de Julio de 1896 para las tiendas de la calle del Barquillo y la Montera. En 1945, un joven Rafael Garca lvarez, nieto del fundador, comienza como aprendiz y se convierte en un experto del botn, realizando sus propios diseos y abriendo, en 1969, la sucursal que hoy contina con sus hijas, M. Paz y Beln Garca.

The name of this haberdashery finds its origins in the inspiration that founder Federico Garca took from the Parisian fashion of his day, which at the time set the standards for quality and glamour, and which informed the design of his shop windows and shelf displays. The shop specializes in all kinds of fashion design accessories: buttons, belts, hats, headdresses, flowers, gloves, passementerie and other special-order items. Made from in-house designs, the shops buttons shine with the same radiance as those made by the best brands, including Balenciaga and Pertegaz. The shops municipal license, for stores on Calle del Barquillo and Calle la Montera, dates back to July 30th, 1896. In 1945 the young Rafael Garca lvarez, grandson of the founder, began his apprenticeship. He eventually went on to become an expert in buttons and create his own designs. In 1969, along with his daughters Mara Paz and Beln Garca, he founded the shop location which is still open for business today.

Pl. Virgen de Guadalupe Pl. de Arriba Espaa


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Mercera tradicional donde prima la atencin familiar. Traditional haberdashery with friendly family service.


Esta mercera se fund el 13 de octubre de 1908 por Hernando Corts Moro, oriundo de Villaln de Campos (Valladolid). Se inicia en el comercio madrileo como aprendiz y con los aos logra instalarse en un comercio propio en la calle Toledo. Ms tarde se traslad a la Corredera Baja para finalmente llegar a su ubicacin actual, en la que trabajan la tercera y cuarta generacin de la familia Corts, continuando un negocio familiar donde prima la atencin y el criterio de pdanos lo que necesite, que si no lo tenemos se lo buscamos o le decimos donde puede encontrarlo. La tienda ofreca mltiples gneros ya que era zapatera, alpargatera, ferretera, droguera y mercera; venda toda clase de confecciones, etc. Su cartel anunciador llevaba el eslogan Ferretera la sin rival Arca de No. El edificio se rehizo en 1967. En el local se venda desde un alfiler hasta un elefante.

This haberdashery was founded on October 13, 1908, by Hernando Corts Moro, a native of Villaln de Campos (Valladolid). He began his work in Madrid as an apprentice, and after many years succeeded in opening his own business on Calle Toledo. He later moved to the Corredera Baja before finally settling in the current location, where the third and fourth generations of the Corts family now work. The family business continues to prioritize service and stands by its slogan: ask us for what you need, because if we dont have it, we will find it, or tell you where you can find it. The store has sold just about everything, having been a shoe store, espadrille shop, hardware store, drug store and haberdashery. It has sold all kinds of clothing too. Its outdoor sign has featured the description The Unrivalled Arca de No Hardware Store. The building which houses this one-of-a-kind store selling anything from razors to elephants was refurbished in 1967.


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Casa Pedro

C/ Nuestra Seora de Valverde, 119



Ubicada en Fuencarral, su carta es especialmente reconocida por sus guisos caseros, su conejo al ajillo y sus asados de cordero. This restaurant in Fuencarral is famous for its homemade stews, rabbit with garlic, and roast lamb.


Su origen, como fonda y casa de comidas, est vinculado al pueblo de Fuencarral, donde el mesn atenda a los viajeros de la carretera de Francia y a los que llegaban a Madrid. Fuencarral viva de las labores del campo, la agricultura y ganadera, adems era zona de caza real y, por tanto, alojaba a los Monteros Reales. Siempre en manos de la familia Guiales, el mesn fue conocido por diferentes nombres segn la poca. As encontramos referencias al Mesn Nuevo, Casa de la Silvestra o Casa de La Pascuala. En su carta destacan los guisos caseros, el conejo al ajillo y los asados de cordero en horno de lea, regados con los caldos de su propia bodega. Entre sus clientes podemos nombrar al propio Rey Juan Carlos I y a personajes ilustres de las artes, los deportes y el espectculo.

This establishments origins as an inn and restaurant are linked to the town of Fuencarral, where the original guesthouse served travellers on the road from France and new arrivals to Madrid. Fuencarral made a living with farm work; agriculture and cattle. It was also a hunting area for the crown and therefore housed the Royal Huntsmen. Property of the Guiales family, the inn was known by various names during different periods. References can therefore be found to the Mesn Nuevo, Casa de la Silvestra and Casa de La Pascuala. The menu features specialities including homemade stews, rabbit with garlic sauce, and lamb roasted in a wood-burning oven, basted with the houses special broth. This establishments clientele has included King Juan Carlos I, and numerous well-known sports figures, artists and celebrities.

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