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Eclogos y mega-minera, reflexiones sobre por qu y cmo involucrarse en el conflicto minero-ambiental Emiliano Donadio RESUMEN. La minera a gran escala (mega-minera) est recibiendo un impulso importante en Argentina. Esta actividad, cuyo desarrollo requiere el sacrificio de reas extensas y la utilizacin de sustancias toxicas, ha generado conflictos socio-ambientales de diversa magnitud, sobre los que diferentes sujetos sociales han hecho pblica su postura. Por el contrario, algunas asociaciones profesionales (i.e., Asociacin Argentina de Ecologa [ASAE] y Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamferos [SAREM]), con participacin activa de Eclogos, se han mantenido al margen de ese debate. En este trabajo sostengo que la ASAE y la SAREM deben involucrarse en el debate minero-ambiental no slo para cumplir con sus objetivos de creacin (contribuir a la proteccin y conservacin del patrimonio natural del pas) sino tambin por el carcter cientfico-tcnico con el que se presentan los informes desarrollados por las empresas mineras (e.g., estudios de impacto ambiental [EIA], planes e informes de monitoreo). En este sentido, propongo una serie de mecanismos posibles que permitan a los eclogos involucrarse en el debate. Estos mecanismos incluyen: la participacin en las evaluaciones de informes mineros, la difusin de estas evaluaciones, el apoyo a los tcnicos estatales responsables de evaluar los EIA y los planes de monitoreo, el inicio de acciones legales contra profesionales y funcionarios que avalen informes de baja calidad y la promocin de conductas ticas dentro del campo de la Ecologa. Palabras clave: Estudios de impacto ambiental; Mega-minera; tica; Asociaciones profesionales. ABSTRACT. Ecologists and large-scale mining operations, thoughts about why and how become involved in the mining-environmental conflict: The number of large scale mining operations has been increasing greatly in Argentina during the last decade. Because large scale mining demands the surrender of large natural areas and the extensive use of toxic substances (e.g., cyanide), it has resulted in social and environmental conflicts of diverse magnitude. An array of different social subjects has publicly stated their support or opposition to mining activities. Conversely, professional societies (i.e., Asociacin Argentina de Ecologa [ASAE] and Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamferos [SAREM]) with active participation of ecologists have been absent from the debate. Here I argue that both ASAE and SAREM should become publicly involved the mining-environmental conflict not only to fulfill their foundational objectives (contributing to the protection and conservation of Argentina's natural heritage) but also because of the scientifictechnical character assumed by the documents developed and presented by

mining companies (e.g., environmental impact assessments [EIA], monitoring plans and reports). Potential mechanisms for involvement include: active participation in the evaluation of documents produced by mining companies, public dissemination of these evaluations, collaboration with state agents responsible for evaluating EIAs and monitoring programs, planning and implementation of legal action against those professionals and public officers who endorse low quality technical documents, and promotion of ethical behavior within the field of Ecology. Keywords: Environmental impact assessments; Mining; Ethics; Professional societies. BIBLIOGRAFIA. AIZEN, MA; LA GARIBALDI & M DONDO. 2009. Expansin de la soja y diversidad de la agricultura argentina. Ecol. Austral, 19:45-54. ALLEN, T; S SAUNDERS & P CHATTERJEE. 2007. Barrick's dirty secrets: communities respond to gold mining's impacts worldwide. Informe de Corpwatch (, (visitado el 30/08 de 2009). ALTESOR, A; G EGUREN; N MAZZEO; D PANARIO & C RODRGUEZ. 2008. La industria de la celulosa y sus efectos: certezas e incertidumbres. Ecol. Austral, 18:291-303. BBC NEWS. 2009. Norway sells 'unethical' shares. (visitado el 30/08 de 2009). BARIYO, N. 2009. Tanzania government probes North Mara Gold Mine over river pollution. Dow Jones Newswire, (visitado el 30/08 de 2009). BARRICK EXPLORACIONES ARGENTINA SA. 2004. Proyecto Pascua-Lama, IIA (actualizacin y compendio), Etapa de Explotacin. Noviembre de 2004. BURKS, BK. 2007. Al Gore dumps Barrick Gold sponsorship for Chile visit. The Santiago Times, (visitado el 30/08 de 2009). CASSINI, MH. 2006. La revista Ecologa Austral como producto de la ecologa argentina actual. Ecol. Austral, 16:101-103.

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surgen preguntas obvias: Es nuestra nica funcin generar conocimiento para que -eventualmente- otros lo utilicen? Tenemos mayor capacidad de cambio que otros actores sociales? Debemos proponer, o participar, en la formulacin de polticas ambientales? Debemos participar en la gestin de los recursos naturales? Es posible que muchos eclogos ya se hayan hecho estas preguntas, y acten conforme a sus respuestas. No obstante, queda claro que como comunidad cientfica nos debemos una discusin profunda. Consideramos indispensable que los eclogos desempeen un papel ms activo en la gestin de los recursos naturales del pas y creemos que la coordinacin en el nivel de la comunidad cientfica (e.g., universidades, asociaciones, etc.) permitira acciones ms eficientes de nuestra parte. Palabras clave: Comunidad cientfica; Problemas ambientales; Polticas ambientales; Ciencia ecolgica. ABSTRACT. The ecologist role in the global environmental crisis: Global, human-induced changes are affecting a variety of processes ranging from biological evolution to human economy and well being, and Argentina is not an exception. Societies face new challenges, and researchers should rethink their role in our society. Particularly, ecologists should play an especially important role in designing strategies to mitigate global changes. However, when environmental problems appear in the media, Argentine ecologists have a very limited participation, both as individuals, or as members of a scientific community. In this context, we ask: is it our only role to generate scientific knowledge to be used by other professionals? Do we have a higher capacity to generate change than other stakeholders? Should we propose, or participate, in the formulation of environmental policies? Should we participate in the management of natural resources? Possibly, many ecologists have already asked themselves these questions and perform their work accordingly, but it is clear that as an Argentine scientific community, we need a deep discussion of these issues. We consider it necessary that ecologists play a much more active role in the management of natural resources, and believe that the coordination at the level of the scientific community (e.g., universities, associations, etc.) would allow much more efficient actions. Keywords: Scientific community; Environmental problems; Environmental policies; Ecological science.


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El inters cientfico y poltico en los glaciares rocosos andinos ha aumentado fuertemente en los ltimos aos debido al creciente reconocimiento de su importancia hidrolgica y las recientes intervenciones mineras en ellos. Se presenta un resumen de los conocimientos cientficos y el marco poltico-legal de las intervenciones pasadas y actuales en glaciares rocosos en Chile y, en forma preliminar, en Argentina y Per. En estos pases, 26 faenas mineras han afectado glaciares rocosos o podran posiblemente intervenirlos en el futuro. Hasta la fecha, el rea afectada de glaciares rocosos en Chile es de aproximadamente 3,3 km2. Se recomienda ampliar el actual debate sobre intervenciones en glaciares rocosos, basado en la actualidad principalmente en argumentos hidrolgicos, para tomar en cuenta peligros ambientales en el largo plazo -como la posible inestabilidad de glaciares rocosos con depsitos mineros- como tambin la amplia gama de servicios ambientales brindados por los glaciares rocosos.

Palabras clave: Glaciar rocoso, minera, recursos hdricos, estabilidad de ladera, servicios ambientales.

ABSTRACT The scientific and political interest in Andean rock glaciers has strongly grown in recent years due to the increasing recognition of their hydrological importance and recent impacts of mining on rock glaciers. We present a review of the scientific knowledge and political and legal context of past and current impacts on rock glaciers in Chile and, in a preliminary form, in Argentina and Peru. In these countries, 26 mining projects have already affected rock glaciers or may possibly do so in the future. Until now, the affected rock glacier area in Chile is approximately 3.3 square kilometres. We recommend broadening the current discussion about interventions of rock glaciers, which is mainly based on hydrological arguments, to take into account both long-term environmenta hazards such as the possible instability of rock glaciers with waste rock dumps, and the broad set of environmental services provided by rock glaciers.

Key words: Rock glacier, mining, water resources, slope stability, environmental services.

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