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January 30, 2013

Dear Parent/Guardian, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am a student from Nevada State College, who is majoring in Elementary Education with an emphasis in bilingual education. I am student teaching in your childs classroom until the beginning of May. At the moment, I am getting to know each of the students and have been working with them one on one. I will be teaching in their classroom full time within a few more weeks and taking full responsibility in the classroom. Mrs. Friedman will be present still during this time, and will be observing me. I will also be observed by my supervisor and by our principal, Dr. McCullough. All of the students have really made me feel so comfortable, and I know that they will help me become a great teacher! Teaching has been a dream that I have had, since I was a child. I believe in helping students achieve success, and to believe in themselves. I look forward to building a relationship with you as time goes by.


Mrs. Grisel Weight

El 30 de Enero del 2013

Queridos Padres, Quiero tomar est oportunidad para introducirme con ustedes. Yo soy una estudiante de el colegio Nevada State y voy a recibirme de maestra de la escuela primaria con un nfasis en educacin bilige. Voy a practicar ser maestra en la clase de su hijo/a hasta el mes de Mayo. Esto es algo mandatorio que tengo que completar para recibir mi licensia un da en este distrito escolar. Por ahora, estoy empezando a conocer a todos los estudiantes y he trabajado con cada uno de ellos. Voy a ensear el tiempo completo en unas semanas ms y todas la responsabilidades de ser maestra van a hacer mas. Seora Friedman todava va a estar presente en el saln, y me va a observar. Tambien me van a observar la directora y m supervisora. Todos los estudiantes me han hecho sentir cmoda, y se que me van a ayudar a ser una buena maestra. Ser maestra ha sido un sueo que yo he tenido desde chica. Yo creo en ayudarles a los nios a tener xito, y quiero ayudarles a que crean en si mismos. Anticipo hacer una buena relacin con ustedes.


Sra. Grisel Weight

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