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Artculos a/an y the

Qu es un artculo? Bsicamente, un artculo es un adjetivo. Como adjetivos, artculos modificar sustantivos. Ingls tiene dos artculos: el y una /. El se utiliza para referirse a los sustantivos especfica o particular; un / una se utiliza para modificar los sustantivos no especficos o no particular-. Llamamos al artculo definido y el a / an el artculo indefinido. el artculo definido = a / un artculo indefinido = Por ejemplo, si yo digo: "Vamos a leer el libro", me refiero a un libro especfico. Si digo: "Vamos a leer un libro", me refiero a cualquier libro en lugar de un libro especfico. Aqu hay otra manera de explicarlo: La que se utiliza para hacer referencia a un miembro especfico o particular de un grupo. Por ejemplo: "Acabo de ver la pelcula ms popular del ao." Hay muchas pelculas, pero slo una pelcula en particular es el ms popular. Por lo tanto, se utiliza el. "Uno / a" se utiliza para referirse a un miembro no especfica o no-en particular del grupo. Por ejemplo, "Me gustara ir a ver una pelcula." Aqu no estamos hablando de una pelcula especfica. Estamos hablando de una pelcula. Hay muchas pelculas, y quiero ver una pelcula. No tengo uno especfico en mente. What is an article? Basically, an article is an adjective. Like adjectives, articles modify nouns. English has two articles: the and a/an. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the the definite article and a/an the indefinite article. the = definite article a/an = indefinite article For example, if I say, "Let's read the book," I mean a specific book. If I say, "Let's read a book," I mean any book rather than a specific book. Here's another way to explain it: The is used to refer to a specific or particular member of a group. For example, "I just saw the most popular movie of the year." There are many movies, but only one particular movie is the most popular. Therefore, we use the. "A/an" is used to refer to a non-specific or non-particular member of the group. For example, "I would like to go see a movie." Here, we're not talking about a specific movie. We're talking about any movie. There are many movies, and I want to see any movie. I don't have a specific one in mind.
Calle Aldama 23-B, San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, D.F. Tel. 58472575
(El presente compendio de informacin es propiedad de Intelimundo en trminos de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial su uso requiere de autorizacin de la institucin que lo emite, su uso indebido constituye un delito)


Recuerde, utilizando una o una depende del sonido que comienza la siguiente palabra. As que ... a + sustantivo singular comienzo con una consonante: un nio, un coche, una moto, un zoolgico, un perro un comienzo + sustantivo singular con una vocal: un elefante, un huevo, una manzana, un idiota, un hurfano a + sustantivo singular comienzo con un sonido consonante: un usuario (suena como 'yoo-zer ", es decir, comienza con' y 'sonido de una consonante, por lo que' a 'se utiliza), una universidad, un monociclo un + sustantivos que comienzan con silenciosa "h": una hora A + sustantivos que comienzan con un pronunciado "h": un caballo

Remember, using a or an depends on the sound that begins the next word. So... a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy; a car; a bike; a zoo; a dog an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant; an egg; an apple; an idiot; an orphan a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds like 'yoo-zer,' i.e. begins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used); a university; a unicycle an + nouns starting with silent "h": an hour a + nouns starting with a pronounced "h": a horse Ejercicios: Artculos Indeterminados: A o AN? Otro ejercicio para mejorar tu ingls. Elige el artculo correcto: 1. I am going to ________ concert tomorrow. 2. My boyfriend is ________ actor. 3. Her cousin has ________ very good job. 4. That was ________ interesting game. 5. She is ________ honest person. 6. We had ________ really good time yesterday. 7. Bring ________ umbrella. It is going to rain. 8. Tomorrow will be ________ hot day. 9. Mary is ________ good friend. 10. I want to eat ________ apple.

Calle Aldama 23-B, San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, D.F. Tel. 58472575
(El presente compendio de informacin es propiedad de Intelimundo en trminos de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial su uso requiere de autorizacin de la institucin que lo emite, su uso indebido constituye un delito)


Artculos Indeterminados: A o AN? Otro ejercicio para mejorar tu ingls.: 1. I spoke to her for ________ long time yesterday. 2. She was wearing ________ old dress. 3. Sarah is ________ excellent teacher! 4. That's ________ very funny joke. 5. She is ________ really good cook. 6. We have ________ exam tomorrow. 7. I have ________ appointment at 3:00 PM. 8. She wants ________ puppy for her birthday. 9. I waited for ________ hour. 10. The doctor had ________ friendly smile.

Tema: Artculos: Indeterminado (A) o Determinado (THE)? Otro ejercicio para mejorar tu ingls. 1. Did you see ________ man that I told you about? 2. Did you get ________ birthday card that I sent you? 3. He is ________ very good friend. 4. We ate ________ wonderful meal yesterday. 5. ________ meal that we ate yesterday was wonderful. 6. I have ________ test tomorrow morning. 7. Which shirt do you like? ________ blue one? 8. I have three shirts - a yellow one, an orange one, and ________ black one. 9. You must always tell ________ truth! 10. I cannot understand how ________ person like him can become president.

Calle Aldama 23-B, San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, D.F. Tel. 58472575
(El presente compendio de informacin es propiedad de Intelimundo en trminos de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial su uso requiere de autorizacin de la institucin que lo emite, su uso indebido constituye un delito)


tema: Artculos: Indeterminado (A) o Determinado (THE)? Otro ejercicio para mejorar tu ingls. Elige el artculo correcto: 1. John is ________ best teacher in our school. 2. She has ________ very nice cat. 3. My wife is ________ only person I love. 4. My cousin is ________ police officer. 5. Betty is ________ prettiest girl in our class. 6. There is ________ party at Bill's house tonight. 7. What time are we going to ________ party? 8. Yesterday I saw ________ really good movie. 9. Hurry up! ________ movie starts in 15 minutes! 10. I need to buy ________ new car.

Tema: Artculos: Indeterminado (A) o Determinado (THE)? Seleccione el artculo correcto: 1. He's ________ best friend that I have. 2. Let's go to ________ mountains! 3. She has ________ really funny dog. 4. My uncle works as ________ photographer. 5. That is ________ good idea! 6. When I'm older, I want to become ________ doctor. 7. Do you live in ________ USA? 8. I still have ________ little money. 9. I live in ________ house, not an apartment. 10. I waited for ________ hour.

Calle Aldama 23-B, San Antonio Tecomitl, Milpa Alta, D.F. Tel. 58472575
(El presente compendio de informacin es propiedad de Intelimundo en trminos de la Ley de la Propiedad Industrial su uso requiere de autorizacin de la institucin que lo emite, su uso indebido constituye un delito)

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