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Objectives: At the end of the program the participants will be able to define basic acceptable attitudes and behaviors

in a business set up state standard Global Corporate Etiquette's implement Business Communication practices.


Perceptions ..

What we believe ourselves to be What we believe others to be ...

Realities ..

What others perceive us to be What image we want to project

The Balan

cing Act is

never easy

You cannot talk yourself out of what you behave into !


Actions are determined by our attitude . On the streets, in my office - at home In the cafeteria At my workstation, with my computer When nobody is watching Towards my self, my clothes, my time .. While speaking to friends & foes, subordinates, colleagues & boss and those who help me drivers, pantry boys... While on the telephone In meetings, training programs ..

Am I e gressiv ag " ve asserti " e missiv sub "

Your attitude speaks so loudly I cant hear what you say Emerson

It's okay not to have an opinion at times.

Relationships which work are not a problem. It does not take perfect people skills to deal with people who naturally get along with others. The challenge is with those who dont. The starting point is..

Ask yourself ..

Are you a villain or a victim? Do you bully other people? Do you bully yourself?

How not to be a victim victimize

Accept responsibility Be in control of your feelings Broaden your horizon Get your ego on your side Be goal oriented Learn to relax

How does positive attitude help us?

Stay ahead in the competitive world Helps to gain goodwill Promotes fruitful and rewarding relationships Promotes business Draws respect and consideration from others

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Alliance Image How does it benefit you?


It makes you proud of where you study It makes your family feel happy about you It gives credibility to your abilities and competencies


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Simple, smart, sophisticated .. Articulate Vibrant Elegant, eloquent Comfortable, classy, courteous .

Messa ge we can s that even b give ef we spe ore ak

I had learned early in life that pride in personal appearance is not a superficial thing

Does boundaryless translate to mannerless?

Boundaryles s behavior
Respecting roles and responsibi lities
Treating all conce rned as eq uals mes helpful at all ti Being y ge freel d knowle Sharing
Being suppor tive

Rude behavior

Taking advantage of your position

Making fun of others

ions s and regulat ng rule Disregardi

Trespassing on peop les personal and work space

rk o tW A

Choices you can make ... Greet and smile generously Speak but not shout Keep business floors clean Use washrooms well Use corridors for walking only Use speaker phones with discretion


tings mee In

Making meetings matter

Meet with an Agenda Be prepared Stay focused. Allow for sufficient time. Capture outcomes and follow

Your Role in the meetings Support your ideas with facts Be open to others ideas Dont dominate or take all available time Be committed and act on decisions taken, no matter whose ideas

Interrupting Becoming defensive Belittling opposing ideas Leaving with a negative attitude

Punctuality reflects Professionalism


Making a pact with deadlines Promptly reverting to phone calls and e-mails Starting the day on time everyday ! Reaching meetings on time If delayed, inform immediately

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Responsibilities Cleanliness and neatness Equipment - PC & Telephone Furnishings Stationary

Workstation is a reflection of the person

Sharing Norms Leave on time Clean up food stains Share space fairly Be tidy and Organized Respect their things Leave the PC as you found it

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