Está en la página 1de 33


W 1o show you how serlously plaglarlsm ls LreaLed abroad here ls a llsL of

posslble punlshmenLs for plaglarlzlng aL Lhe unlverslLy of noLLlngham ln
Lhe uk
W Where a c|ear case of p|ag|ar|sm has been estab||shed these
pun|shments may app|y
W awardlng a mark of zero for Lhe plece of work examlnaLlon or examlnaLlon
W wlLhholdlng of credlLs
W a flne of up Lo any amounL
W suspenslon from Lhe unlverslLy
W 3 expulslon from Lhe unlverslLy
W Source MSc SLudenL Pandbook" CurrenL osLgraduaLes School of
MaLhemaLlcal Sclences 20062007 1he unlverslLy of noLLlngham School
of MaLhemaLlcal Sclences 22 Mar 2007
W hLLp//wwwmaLhsnoLLlnghamacuk/posLgraduaLe/msc/msc
W lollow Lhese sLeps when creaLlng a 8lblloqtopby or wotks clteJ
secLlon aL Lhe end of your essay
W egln Lhe flrsL llne of an enLry flushed lefL agalnsL Lhe margln
Lhen lndenL Lhe nexL llnes
W one Lab space
W 2 LlsL all Lhe enLrles by lasL name Lhen flrsL name whenever your
source can be Lraced Lo
W an lndlvldual auLhor uL Lhe enLlre llsL ln alphabeLlcal order
W lLallclze or underllne Lhe names of books magazlnes Cu
8CMS fllms or webslLes uL
W puL arLlcle shorL sLory and song LlLles ln quoLaLlon marks
W 4 SeparaLe Lhe auLhor LlLle and publlcaLlon lnformaLlon wlLh
a perlod followed by space
W 3 noLe Lhe page numbers lf you are referrlng Lo Lhe chapLer
of book or an arLlcle ln a
W newspaper or magazlne
W 1 S|ng|e author
W Le Carre !ohn @be kosslo noose new ?ork knopf
W 2 A new ed|t|on
W 8lchards !ack tetcboqe tto 5toJets 8ook
ed Cambrldge Cambrldge
W ress 2003
W 3 A trans|at|on
W Chekhov AnLon @be lloys of Ato cbekbov 1rans aul SchmldL new ?ork
W erennlal
W 4 A Iapanese reference wr|tten |n roma[| so that |t can be accessed
W kurosawa Aklra ome wo tesol Je oto 1okyo kenkyusha
W S An ed|ted book
W urquarL !ane @be leqol 8ook of cooJlo 5bott 5totles1oronLo enguln 200
W 6 A chapter |n an ed|ted book
W SLrong Cregory Currlculum ueslgn lurnlLure for a College LSL rogram"
eveloplq o New
W cottlcolom fot AJolt leotets Ld M Carroll Alexandrla vlrglnla 1eachers of
W Lo Speakers of CLher Languages 2007 376
W 7 A book w|th severa| authors
W ueonler 8lchard C Slmon 1avare and Mlchael S WaLerman compototlool
W Aolysls A ttoJoctlo new ?ork Sprlngerverlag 2003
W 8 An anonymous newspaper or per|od|ca| art|c|e
W %alphabeLlze by LlLle lgnore any arLlcles le a" an" or Lhe" ln Lhe
W aLLle over ooh ear ,ocleos 6 lebruary 3
W 9 A per|od|ca| art|c|e w|th more than one author
W rown AnLhony and hlllp Wlllan uocLors lurlous aL aby Clone" @be Iopo
@lmes 7
W Mar 200 sec 2
W 12 An art|c|e from a per|od|ca| w|th a s|ng|e author
W Cramer aul M Llvlng Lhe Plgh Llfe" JepeJet @tovelletSaLurday 2 leb
W 13 kad|o or 1V programs
W cbeevet A llfe WAMu 3 Amerlcan unlverslLy 8adlo WashlngLon uC
0 Mar 200
W 14 Mus|c CDkCM
W !ackson Mlchael nomo Notote Cu8CM 1okyo Sony lnLernaLlonal
W 1S 8roadcasted Documentary
W 1he lceman" @be llftb stote CC1v 1oronLo nov 2006
W 16 Ieature I||m or V|deo
W @be @wo @owets ulr eLer !ackson WlLh Lll[ah Wood lan Mckellen Llv
1yler vlgglo
W MorLensen Alllance ALlanLls 200
W 17 An art|c|e |n a reference database
W Women ln Amerlcan PlsLory" 8tltolco Olle vers nov 7
W 0 Mar hLLp//wwwbrlLannlcacom
W 18 A ersona| S|te
W radley !off Pome page led Cow unlverslLy 0 Mar 2004
W 19 An Art|c|e |n an on||ne magaz|ne
W ?okoLa Sakle SplrlLed Away" @okyo ,ettopolls !an 200 4 Mar 200
W hLLp//meLropollsco[p/Lokyo/772/feaLureasp
W 20 A keport on the Web
W WachbrolL 8oberL CeneLlc Lncores 1he LLhlcs of Puman Clonlng" 8eporL
from Lhe lnsLlLuLe
W for hllosophy and ubllc ollcy lall 7
W Cenerally references ln Lhe boJy of your essay as opposed Lo Lhe blblloqtopby aL Lhe end
are llmlLed Lo Lhe auLhor's name and Lhe page number lf you have menLloned Lhe name
earller Lhen you only need Lo lndlcaLe Lhe page number 1hese references are usually
enclosed ln parenLheses 1he full reference Lo Lhe auLhor and publlcaLlon lnformaLlon wlll be
llsLed ln your blbllography
If the author's name has been ment|oned |n the text
W ln her descrlpLlon of Lhe clLy of CLLawa ln 2 Sandra Cwyn clalms ln
W @opestty of wot LhaL some people already sensed a Lerrlble ordeal lay ahead %4443)
W When we flrsL encounLer 8askolnlkov ln ctlme oJ lolsbmet uosLoevskl presenLs
W us wlLh a man conslderlng murder buL Lerrlfled of meeLlng hls LalkaLlve landlady on
W Lhe sLalrs %)
Author's name and page number |n parentheses after a quotat|on
W Cne hlsLorlan offers Lhls commenL on Lhe War of 2 llnanclng Lhe war was very
W dlfflculL aL Lhe Llme arlng roLhers handled rouLlne accounLs for Lhe unlLed SLaLes
overseas buL Lhe flrm would Lake no loans" %Mahon 3)
A reference to a webs|te |s made (the year rather than page number |s used)
W 1he debaLe on geneLlcs and human clonlng ls besL ouLllned by 8oberL WachbrolL
W *1he full reference lncludlng Lhe u8L wlll be presenLed ln Lhe blbllography
W Lssays are a Lype of wrlLLen argumenL so Lhey
rely on evldence Lo make a case for someLhlng
1haL evldence may Lake Lhe form of sLaLlsLlcs
hlsLorlcal facLs experL commenLs and
quoLaLlons from wlLnesses or people
oLherwlse relaLed Lo Lhe sub[ecL 1he evldence
can be shown Lhrough potopbtoses or by
lJltect or Jltect poototlos
W SomeLlmes your evldence may come from
whaL you learned ln readlng or aL leasL
sklmmlng an enLlre book ?ou wlll presenL Lhe
lnformaLlon LhaL's relevanL Lo your essay ln
summary from ?ou can summarlze news
arLlcles by ldenLlfylng key lnformaLlon 1haL
Lechnlque can be used when summarlzlng
lnformaLlon for an essay 1hlnk of Lhe arLlcle
or plece of lnformaLlon ln Lerms of Lhe 3Ws
and P who whaL where when why and
W 1 Look at the fo||ow|ng paragraph and try to answer the
SWs and 1n about |t
W An Cregon man ended a 2000 kllomeLre swlm on 1uesday
afLer spendlng monLhs ln Lhe lcy waLers of Lhe Columbla
8lver bravlng Loxlns and bacLerla Lo ralse awareness abouL lLs
polluLlon ChrlsLopher Swaln 3 a llfelong lover of waLer
sporLs began Lhe [ourney more Lhan a year ago Pe puL aslde
hls plans Lo sLarL a career ln medlclne Lo make Lhe Lrlp and
help clean up Lhe rlver Pe llved on donaLlons from LshlrL
sales Lvery day he swam abouL 0 mlles Lhen wenL home Lo
resL reLurnlng Lhe followlng day Lo Lhe same spoL Lo conLlnue
hls [ourney
W 3Ws and P who whaL where when why and how
W 2 uL Lhls lnformaLlon lnLo 2 or more
senLences use your own words uo noL copy
any of Lhe orlglnal senLences lf you copy Lhem
you are commlLLlng ploqlotlsm sLeallng ldeas
WrlLe your senLences below and compare
Lhem wlLh a parLner 1hls ls a summary
W 1he followlng senLences deal wlLh Lhe same
ldeas LhaL rown %7) presenLed ln her flnal
W ?our [ob ls Lo declde wheLher any of Lhe
sLudenLs has plaglarlzed rowns paper
W 8otboto
W rown %7) argued lf we declare our
lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo Mars before 200
we wlll be affordlng Lhe human race Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo reallze an anclenL dream"
W no arbara has noL plaglarlzed She has
properly quoLed Lhe sLaLemenL and properly
aLLrlbuLed lL Lo Lhe auLhor 1he aLLrlbuLlon
sLyle used here ls Lhe mosL commonly used
sLyle ln Lhe sclences
W @ollsbo
W kn rown sLaLed lf we declare our lnLenLlon
Lo send a man Lo Mars before 200 we wlll be
affordlng Lhe human race Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
reallze an anclenL dream" %)
W Lxample 2 %1allsha)
W no 1allsha has noL plaglarlzed 1allsha has
properly quoLed Lhe sLaLemenL and properly
aLLrlbuLed lL Lo Lhe auLhor 1he aLLrlbuLlon
used here ls Lhe second Lype generally used ln
Lhe sclences %prlmarlly nonuS [ournals)
whlch uses a number ln brackeLs whlch
corresponds Lo a number ln Lhe reference llsL
W ,elole
W A manned Mars mlsslon Lhls decade wlll glve
people a worLhwhlle goal Lo achleve
W Lxample %Melanle)
W ?es Melanle has plaglarlzed because she dld
noL glve rown credlL for ldeas
W ,otlo
W rown %7) Lhlnks LhaL lf we declare our
lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo Mars before 200
people wlll have a worLhwhlle goal Lo achleve
W Lxample 3 %Marla)
W ?es Marla has plaglarlzed 1he sLrlng of words
lf we declare our lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo
Mars before 200 should be ln quoLaLlon
marks because lL was Laken verbaLlm from
rowns paper Agaln a Leacher mlghL
dlsapprove of Marla puLLlng a verbaLlm
quoLaLlon ln her paper buL LhaL would be a
dlfferenL lssue from plaglarlsm
W JootJo
W rown Lhlnks LhaL lf we declare our
lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo Mars before
200" people wlll have a worLhwhlle goal Lo
achleve %)
W Lxample 4 %Lduardo)
W no Lduardo has noL plaglarlzed 1he clause
Laken from rown's orlglnal senLence ls
properly quoLed by Lduardo and Lhe
aLLrlbuLlon Lo rown %7) ls correcL A
Leacher mlghL dlsapprove of a Lduardo puLLlng
a verbaLlm quoLaLlon ln hls paper buL LhaL
would be a dlfferenL lssue from plaglarlsm
W AmoJo
W lf we declare our lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo
Mars before 200 we wlll be affordlng Lhe
human race Lhe opporLunlLy Lo fulflll an
anclenL dream
W Lxample 7 %Amanda)
W ?es Amanda has plaglarlzed ln facL Lhls ls
flagranL plaglarlsm Amanda has llfLed an
enLlre senLence from rown %7) and dld
noL enclose lL ln quoLaLlon marks nor glve
rown credlL We musL assume LhaL Amanda
lnLends us Lo Lhlnk LhaL Lhe words and ldeas
are hers 1he severesL punlshmenL should be
admlnlsLered for flagranL dellberaLe
W evl
W lf we declare our lnLenLlon Lo send a man Lo
Mars before 200 we wlll be affordlng Lhe
human race Lhe opporLunlLy Lo fulflll an
anclenL dream"
W Lxample 6 %kevln)
W ?es kevln has plaglarlzed AlLhough he has properly used
quoLaLlon marks Lhe vlolaLlon arlses because he dld noL
lndlcaLe Lhe source of Lhe quoLed maLerlal %ln oLher words
we don'L know LhaL Lhe passage came from rown
7) Powever Lhe quoLaLlon marks presumably lndlcaLe
kevln's lnLenLlon Lo glve credlL and Lhe lack of aLLrlbuLlon ls
probably an overslghL 1hls ls generally noL a sLrong reason Lo
flunk kevln buL he should sLlll be marked off and glven a
sLrong warnlng Avoldlng plaglarlsm requlres careful aLLenLlon
Lo ones work
W Iljoy
W rown %7) Lhlnks LhaL a manned Mars
mlsslon Lhls decade wlll glve people a
worLhwhlle goal Lo achleve
W Lxample %vl[ay)
W no vl[ay has noL plaglarlzed 1he ldea ln
vl[ay's senLence correcLly reflecLs rown's ldea
and ls properly aLLrlbuLed Lo rown
%7) no quoLaLlon marks are needed
because Lhe wordlng has noL been Laken
verbaLlm from rown

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