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Integrat|ve r|mary Care

1he 8enef|ts C||n|c and Study

resenLed Lo
Marlcopa 8oard of Supervlsors
november 28 2011
Je||ness revent|on and
IM rograms for Lmp|oyees
W brlef hlsLory of efforLs Lo daLe
W Cur vlslon for Lhe fuLure
W Why lnLegraLlve Medlclne for Marlcopa CounLy employees
and covered dependenLs?
W Why now?
Integrat|ve Med|c|ne
W WhaL ls lL?
W Pow does lL dlffer from alLernaLlve medlclne?
W WhaL dlfference can lL make ln peoples llves?
W WhaL ls Lhe lmporLance of Lhe Marlcopa CounLy efforL ln
lnfluenclng naLlonal healLh care pollcy and pracLlces?
CIM Integrat|ve
r|mary Care C||n|c
W mbodles Lhe prlnclples of lnLegraLlve Medlclne and
rlmary Care
fully lnLegraLed aL a slngle locaLlon
paLlenLcenLered care
convenLlonal healLh servlces and adds an exLenslve
range of servlces noL Lyplcally covered ln healLh plans
emphaslzes prevenLlon and wellness
CIM Integrat|ve
r|mary Care C||n|c
W @he goal ls Lo develop a vlable susLalnable cllnlc model LhaL
provldes hlghvalue effecLlve care for paLlenLs and LhaL can
be repllcaLed by fellowshlp graduaLes ln communlLles across
Lhe globe
W @argeLed daLe for openlng !uly 1 2012
W dulLs only lnlLlally
Integrat|ve Med|c|ne
Def|n|ng r|nc|p|es
W aLlenL and pracLlLloner are parLners ln Lhe heallng process
W ll facLors LhaL lnfluence healLh wellness and dlsease are
Laken lnLo conslderaLlon lncludlng mlnd splrlL and
communlLy as well as Lhe body
W pproprlaLe use of boLh convenLlonal and alLernaLlve
meLhods faclllLaLes Lhe bodys lnnaLe heallng response
W ffecLlve lnLervenLlons LhaL are naLural and less lnvaslve
should be used whenever posslble
W lnLegraLlve medlclne nelLher re[ecLs convenLlonal medlclne
nor accepLs alLernaLlve Lheraples uncrlLlcally
W Cood medlclne ls based ln good sclence lL ls lnqulrydrlven
and open Lo new paradlgms
W long Lhe concepL of LreaLmenL Lhe broader concepLs of
healLh promoLlon and Lhe prevenLlon of lllness are
W racLlLloners of lnLegraLlve medlclne should exempllfy lLs
prlnclples and commlL Lhemselves Lo selfexploraLlon and self
Integrat|ve Med|c|ne
Def|n|ng r|nc|p|es (cont)

-ew Integrat|ve
r|mary Care Mode|
W ey leaLures
lnLegraLlve Medlclne hllosophy and rlnclples
lncreased ccess
Leverage @echnology
PealLh arLnershlp
PealLh Coaches
@eam Care Model
Many ddlLlonal 8esources
1eam Care Mode|
W lollowlng Lhe lnlLlal vlslL a paLlenLs lnLegraLlve rlmary Care physlclan
wlll ldenLlfy key sLaff Lo form Lhe paLlenLs ersonal Care @eam
W @eam members wlll be selecLed based on Lhe paLlenLs hlsLory needs and
personal preferences
W @eam members may lnclude
nurse racLlLloner or hyslclan sslsLanL
@radlLlonal Chlnese Medlclne pracLlLloner
Manual Medlclne racLlLloner
PealLh Coach Lo asslsL wlLh llfesLyle change efforLs
Mlnd8ody experL
W aLlenLs wlll work LogeLher wlLh Lhelr Leam Lo achleve Lhelr healLh goals
Many dd|t|ona| kesources
W blllLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln educaLlonal groups and/or classes
recommended by Lhelr physlclan or care Leam members C8
found Lo be of personal lnLeresL Lo Lhe paLlenL
W ccess Lo cllnlcs ducaLlonal 8esource CenLer ln whlch
compuLer klosks prlnL maLerlals Cus or oLher educaLlonal
maLerlals can be uLlllzed
W ccess Lo group classes such as yoga @al Chl medlLaLlon
lmagery and breaLh work
W ccess Lo recommended herbal preparaLlons and
supplemenLs aL a dlscounL lf deslred
Many dd|t|ona| kesources
W ducaLlonal groups and classes under conslderaLlon lnclude
PealLhy llvlng
PealLhy aglng
PealLhy cooklng demonsLraLlons
Pow Lo exerclse
Llvlng well wlLh chronlc dlseases or condlLlons
lndependenL selfheallng
lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe healLh care sysLem
WelghL managemenL
W CLhers Lo be added based upon need or demand
Lxamp|e of a
at|ent Lxper|ence
W 3 year old paLlenL wlLh hlgh blood pressure who has a very busy [ob
W lnlLlal 90mlnuLe vlslL wlLh lnLegraLlve rlmary Care physlclan
8lood pressure noL opLlmally conLrolled
lnacLlve and has noL been successful ln susLalnlng an exerclse rouLlne
8oom for lmprovemenL ln dleL
leels very sLressed by llfe ln general
W @reaLmenL opLlons dlscussed labs ordered supplemenLs dlscussed and obLalned nexL
vlslL scheduled lnformed of Lhe opporLunlLy Lo communlcaLe wlLh pracLlLloner by
phone or emall as necessary beLween vlslLs
W Care @eam ldenLlfled and lnLroduced based on sclence and paLlenL lnLeresL lncludes
nuLrlLlonlsL re dleL and healLhy nuLrlLlon
@radlLlonal Chlnese Medlclne pracLlLloner re sLress and 8
Mlnd8ody experL on relaxaLlon Lechnlques
PealLh Coach Lo provlde moLlvaLlonal supporL for llfesLyle change
nrolled ln ?oga MedlLaLlon and PealLhy Cooklng groups
ybr|d I|nanc|a| Mode|
W @radlLlonal lnsurance wlll be accepLed for Lhose Lhlngs
covered by Lhe beneflL plan
W n addlLlonal monLhly quarLerly or annual fee would be
charged whlch would cover a bundle of servlces beyond Lhose
Lyplcally covered by LradlLlonal lnsurance
W Copays for covered cllnlcbased prlmary care servlces wlll be
W @wo levels of bundled servlces from whlch Lo choose
ach lndlvldual chooses bundle based upon Lhelr healLh needs and
personal preferences
ddlLlonal servlces can be purchased aL a dlscounLed raLe
ea|th Cutcomes Study
1he -eed
W @here ls greaL lnLeresL ln more fully undersLandlng Lhe
beneflLs of lnLegraLlve Medlclne
for lndlvlduals and famllles
for employers
for Lhe uS healLh care sysLem
for healLh lnsurers
for healLh care pollcy makers
W @o daLe Lhere have been no well deslgned sLudles comparlng
lnLegraLlve rlmary Care Lo care as usual
W Marlcopa CounLy offers an ldeal opporLunlLy Lo sLudy and
beLLer undersLand Lhe lmpacL of such care
ea|th Cutcomes Study
W @he CounLy Manager expressed lnLeresL ln parLnerlng wlLh Lhe
rlzona CenLer for lnLegraLlve Medlclne ln such a sLudy
W MulLlyear fundlng for Lhe enLlre sLudy has been generously
provlded by Lhe dolph Coors loundaLlon
W CollaboraLlon ln sLudy deslgn and ouLcomes measuremenL ls
belng provlded by Lhe unlverslLy of rlzona PealLh CuLcomes
and harmacoconomlc (PC% CenLer
W CuLcomes for care dellvered Lo volunLeer parLlclpanLs aL Lhe
new hoenlx lnLegraLlve rlmary Care Cllnlc wlll be compared
Lo ouLcomes for groups recelvlng care as usual over an 18
monLh perlod
ea|th Cutcomes Study
Important r|nc|p|es
W @here ls noLhlng experlmenLal abouL Lhe LreaLmenLs belng provlded ll
care ls based upon Lhe mosL recenL and besL avallable sclenLlflc evldence
W arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe sLudy ls enLlrely volunLary SLudy parLlclpaLlon ls noL a
requlremenL Lo recelve lnLegraLlve prlmary care aL Lhe cllnlc
W ll care provlded for any paLlenL ls sLrlcLly confldenLlal and fully compllanL
wlLh all laws and regulaLlons governlng personal medlcal lnformaLlon
W no personal healLh lnformaLlon wlll be shared wlLh Lhe employer or any
oLher enLlLy noL auLhorlzed by Lhe paLlenL Lo recelve lnformaLlon
W @here ls no cosL Lo lndlvlduals Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe sLudy
lncenLlves for parLlclpaLlon are belng consldered
W @he sLudy ls belng conducLed aL no cosL Lo Marlcopa CounLy
@he dolph Coors loundaLlon ls fully fundlng Lhe sLudy
no counLy dollars or funds from oLher sources are belng used
IG key L|ements
W @he rlzona CenLer for lnLegraLlve Medlclne (Lhe CenLer% wlll collaboraLe ln
Lhe esLabllshmenL of a new lnLegraLlve rlmary Care Cllnlc (Lhe Cllnlc% ln
Marlcopa CounLy (Lhe CounLy% LargeLed Lo open ln by !uly 1 2012
W @he CenLer wlll collaboraLe ln developlng and conducLlng a sLudy
comparlng Lhe cosL and cllnlcal ouLcomes of Lhose LreaLed wlLh lnLegraLed
rlmary Care servlces compared wlLh Lhose LreaLed wlLh care as usual
W @he CounLy and Lhe CenLer wlll cooperaLe ln Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of Lhe
approprlaLe condlLlons and populaLlons for Lhe SLudy uslng a LlmlLed uaLa
SeL as deflned by Lhe PealLh lnsurance orLablllLy and ccounLablllLy cL
of 1996 (Pl% of medlcal/healLh daLa of counLy employees and adulL
W ll daLa wlll be handled ln a compleLely confldenLlal manner fully
compllanL wlLh all lederal SLaLe CounLy and unlverslLy regulaLlons and
pollcles concernlng daLa use (ouLllned ln Lhe llmlteJ uoto use AJJeoJom%
IG key L|ements (cont)
W @he CounLy wlll noL be responslble for obLalnlng flnanclng for Lhe Cllnlc
nor for Lhe SLudy
W @he CounLy wlll develop and lmplemenL healLh beneflL plan deslgns LhaL
wlll provlde access Lo Lhe Cllnlc for CounLy beneflLcovered employees and
adulL dependenLs
W @he CounLy wlll communlcaLe Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe Cllnlc as a healLh care
provlder Lo lLs beneflLcovered employees and adulL dependenLs
W @he CounLy wlll work collaboraLlvely wlLh Lhe CenLer ln Lhe developmenL
and execuLlon of any agreemenLs needed for Lhe compleLlon of Lhe SLudy
W @he resulLs of Lhe sLudy wlll be publlshed lf poslLlve lL wlll be used Lo
demonsLraLe Lhe value of lnLegraLlve prlmary care for paLlenLs and
employers as well as Lo lnfluence healLh care pollcy relaLlve Lo Lhe
relmbursemenL of lnLegraLlve healLh care servlces wellness and
W @hls ls a Lruly an lnnovaLlve and lmporLanL opporLunlLy
W lundlng ls noL requlred by Lhe CounLy for esLabllshmenL or
operaLlons of Lhe Cllnlc
W lundlng ls noL requlred for Lhe CounLy for deslgn or
operaLlons of Lhe SLudy Lhanks Lo fundlng provlded by Lhe
dolph Coors loundaLlon
W lL ls anLlclpaLed LhaL Lhe lnvolved populaLlon wlll experlence
lmprovemenLs ln healLh and saLlsfacLlon whlle lowerlng cosL
W @he lnLerCovernmenLal greemenL presenLed Loday for Lhe
Marlcopa CounLy 8oard of Supervlsors conslderaLlon ouLllnes
Lhe Lerms of Lhls groundbreaklng collaboraLlon
;uest|ons and D|scuss|on

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