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Change Management & Business Improvement

Delivering large scale business change

Case Study: Department of Human Services - Service Delivery Reform Planning and designing large scale business transformation

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Introduction Key challenges Business Atlas approach Conclusions

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Critical factors in managing successful change

Stakeholder driven results

Capability based change

Best practice

Initiative alignment

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Outcome mapping
Outcome map (top-down)

Starts with an end-state outcome and identifies the interim performance results (stakeholder benefits) to be achieved,. The map also identifies the high level capability change and initiative deliverable requirements. Highlights the overall scope of change required to meet the outcome. Starts with a change initiative and identifies the deliverables, capability changes and performance results related to the initiative. Demonstrates the alignment to outcomes through the benefits attributed to the initiative. Re-uses the same information as on the outcome maps.


Benefit map (bottom-up)

Profile catalogue

A catalogue of all the items identified in the outcome and benefit maps. Each profile briefly describes the item and lists the collective interdependencies. Also includes stakeholder accountabilities and involvement, risks, issues and assumptions where identified.

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Designing the change

Strategic Design Summary

Summarises the high level scope of capabilities to be changed in order to address a given performance outcome. This summary is based on the following collection of stakeholder specific maps. Identifies issues with capabilities with respect to a particular stakeholder performance outcome to be addressed. The stakeholder journey is used to explore the service delivery issues that exist and related performance impacts.

Self-Service - Newstart Strategic Design Summary
This diagram outlines how the Self-Service strategy will achieve the SDR strategic outcomes through changes to Human Services Operational Capabilities. STR ATEGIC OU TC OMES C H AN GES TO BU SIN ESS C APABIL ITY R EQU IR ED PR OJEC T D EL IVER Y

Channel Management

[COA] Single user ID and password for online services

Providing customers with online access to human services

New channel strategies and action plans in place Existing online customer accounts transitioned to single account

[SDR] 1.1 Increase in proportion of people satisfied with the accessibility of services [SDR] 1.2 Increase in people rating DHS experience equal or better than other organisations
[SDR] 2.1 Increase in people who are satisfied with the overall quality of service [SDR] MoS 3.1 - Increase in proportion of people using their preferred way to access services [SDR] MoS 3.2 Increase in proportion of transactions completed at first point of contact [SDR] Customers shift to the use of self service

[COA] Common registration, validation and authentication capability and processes

New online customers registered through single account Consent management capability allowing customer consent to be stored

Customers access consistent information through both authenticated & unauthenticated enviroments

[COA] Customer consent model

[COA] 'Tell us Once' capability

Online registration and enrolment provided w ithin the authenticated space

Customer Education

Customers access information about relevant services

Information presented from a personal circumstance view Single online front door for customers Information is easy to find and easy to search Consistent expectations for customers

[PAS] Single Portfolio Website

Improved information material that targets customer segments

[COM] One Web - implementation (content)

[COM] Departmental Brand Identity Customers update and share details w ith consent. Registration and Enrolment [COM] Customer Publications and Productions
Increase in forms available online More electronic correspondence Registration to become a nominee can be completed online

[SDR] 7.1 Transactions able to be fully completed through self service

[SAA] Forms simplified and moved online

[SDR] MoS 7.2 - Increase in transactions completed electronically

Customer Profile Management

[SAA] Simplified and reduced letters [SAA] Streamlined administrative processes for nominees Customer service interactions are completed online [SAA] Update contact and accommodation services

Customers are able to update details online

[SDR] 8.1 - Total savings re-invested in improved service delivery
Improved online and other electronic self-service options for contact details updates Increase in forms available online More electronic correspondence Direct nominee access to DHS data to update information when changes occur Easier access for staff and customers to access and edit records

Payment & Services

Customers access information about relevant services

More electronic correspondence

[CRM] Single view of Customer (SVoC) for customers

Self-Service - Newstart Capability Issues Map

1 I am self sufficient

Capability Issues Map

DRAFT - Work in Progress

2 My circumstances change 3 I am trying to find a home "Before, you dealt with people at an office. Now you deal with a job network provider. Centrelink won't deal with you until you are a client" "That's ok if you're in good health and you've got 100% mobility. 4 I need some purpose & meaning to my life 5 I am trying to find work 6 I need and want to get some normality back to my life I am forced to go online. There are a lot of steps. Passwords! Online and paper forms different - confusing.. "They cut me off for twelve weeks because I didn't keep a diary."

This capability improvement map describes the issues and opportunities for improving take up of online services for the Newstart Allowance program. The current percentage of customers accessing Newstart services online is shown to the right. Issues and opportunities to improve online take up are highlight below against the service continuum and Human Services business capabilities.

Enquiry Customer Service Touchpoints



Appointment Referral




Online reporting increased to 73% after removing limitations. Online access is denied to non-compliant customers Natural Connection Self-Service Assisted Managed

Natural Connection Self-Service Assisted Managed

Co-location of services

Channel Managem ent

Providing customers with online access to human services Seamless entry to the authenticated space

Operational Capabilities Delivering Services

Custom er Education
Customers access information about relevant services Information is easily discoverable Information is consistent with other channels

Registration and Enrolm ent

Customers are registered and enrolled in services Required services are understood Customers only need to register once

Custom er Profile Managem ent

Customers are able to update details on line Update details across multiple programs with customer consent

Service Delivery
Customers receive payments and services they require within allocated timeframes View progress of claims online Receive notification of changes to services online Receive statements online

Custom er Com pliance

Aspects of service delivery are assessed to ensure correctness and compliance TBC



Website focuses on directing customers to a shop front to apply for the New start allow ance

Applications for New start can be initiated online but must be completed in the face to face channel to submit documentation and sign the application Completing applications online only reduces Call & Face to Face effort

All notifications can be completed online. How ever If a payment or debt results then the CSC w ill intervene and issue a letter or call out. Further information may also be requested to complete associated transactions.

Assessment business rules require extra documentation - this is often outstanding requiring follow up calls Connections to associated services such as age or disability pension force customers off-line because they are not online Preliminary payments are made before all paper w ork is completed letter is issued if these are stopped due to incomplete information for assessment Self Service take up not a priority for Lean Six Sigma process improvement Online reporting increased to 73% after removing limitations Online access is denied to non-compliant customers



Natural connections should be maximised to communicate information on the New start Allow ance program through third sector w ebsites

Need to establish more natural connections to gather information from third parties such as: - Separation certificate from the employer - Tax Returns from ATO (if self employed) - Bank Details

Confirmation of updates only provided electronically if the customer is registered for electronic letters

Electronic messaging is limited. Customers have limited ability to email the department. CSC's are unable to email or message customers Electronic reporting and income statements are provided online if customers have registered for secure online mail. Otherw ise paper letters are sent.


Information about the New start program is not w ell structured Website offers limited information about online access to the New start program

Potential to gather information directly from third party sources e.g. - Separation certificate from the employer - Tax Returns from ATO (if self employed) - Bank Details

Information required to complete assessments should be gathered using natural connections to AVO, ATO etc. This w ill reduce call outs due to outstanding information.

Data identifying debts incurred by customers is maintained for each channel - customer access to the channel is limited or more controls implemented if fraud is identified



Capability Improvement Map

Service delivery sequence

Describes the high level capability (service, process, organisation, technology and information) change requirements to address stakeholder capability issues. Provides a sub-set of the scope of the overall performance outcome.
A process based view that details the changes that deliver improved stakeholder outcomes for a particular scenario. Identifies specific forms, systems, etc. that are part of the design.

Self-Service - Newstart Capability Improvement Map

1 I am self sufficient

DRAFT - Work in Progress

2 My circumstances change 3 I am trying to find a home "Before, you dealt with people at an office. Now you deal with a job network provider. Centrelink won't deal with you until you are a client" "That's ok if you're in good health and you've got 100% mobility. 4 I need some purpose & meaning to my life 5 I am trying to find work 6 I need and want to get some normality back to my life I am forced to go online. There are a lot of steps. Passwords! Online and paper forms different - confusing.. "They cut me off for twelve weeks because I didn't keep a diary."

This capability improvement map describes the issues and opportunities for improving take up of online services for the Newstart Allowance program. The current percentage of customers accessing Newstart services online is shown to the right. Issues and opportunities to improve online take up are highlight below against the service continuum and Human Services business capabilities.

Enquiry Customer Service Touchpoints



Appointment Referral




Online reporting increased to 73% after removing limitations. Online access is denied to non-compliant customers Natural Connection Self-Service Assisted Managed

Natural Connection Self-Service Assisted Managed

Co-location of services

Channel Managem ent

Providing customers with online access to human services Seamless entry to the authenticated space

Operational Capabilities Delivering Services

Custom er Education
Customers access information about relevant services Information is easily discoverable Information is consistent with other channels

Registration and Enrolm ent

Customers are registered and enrolled in services Required services are understood Customers only need to register once

Custom er Profile Managem ent

Customers are able to update details on line Update details across multiple programs with customer consent

Service Delivery
Customers receive payments and services they require within allocated timeframes View progress of claims online Receive notification of changes to services online Receive statements online

Custom er Com pliance

Aspects of service delivery are assessed to ensure correctness and compliance TBC

Single online front door for customers providing Newstart program


Information presented from a personal circumstance view supporting Consistent expectations for customers

New online customers registered through single account and

Improved online and other electronic self-service options for contact details updates Large amounts of information, including supporting documentation, required to support assessments with an Increase in forms available online allows an increase in the amount of is gathered through an Increase in forms available online with outstanding information and follow ups completed through More electronic correspondence . Statements and associated enquires is also supported by More electronic correspondence .

No improvements identified

Existing online customer accounts transitioned to single account customer circumstance information able to be updated through self service. to increase online access to Newstart and associated programs. Applications Notification of changes made to customer details and associated impacts to for Newstart are completed online from registration the through to initial payments are supported through More electronic correspondence rather than payment through an Increase in forms available online and More electronic correspondence providing customers with information about the status of their application. issuing a paper letter or call out to the customer.

No improvements identified

Self-service through customer representatives completing applications is supported by Registration to become a nominee can be completed online

Registration to become a nominee can be completed online allowing Direct nominee access to DHS data to update information when changes occur . Easier access for staff and customers to access and edit records will ensure more accurate payments and improved service delivery leading to fewer customer interactions.

No improvements identified

No improvements identified



No improvements identified

Improved online and other electronic self-service options for contact details updates More electronic correspondence means that customers should receive all enables more natural connections to gather information from third parties such notifications electronically by default unless that require managed or as: intensive support. - Separation certificate from the employer - Tax Returns from ATO (if self employed) - Bank Details

More electronic correspondence across a variety of mediums increases communications supporting self service delivery to the customer throughout service and payment delivery.

No improvements identified

New channel strategies and action plans in place to ensure that Information about the Newstart program is available through all channels in a consistent manner. Newstart program Information is easy to find and easy to search through the implementation of an information architecture.

Consent management capability allowing customer consent to be stored allowing reuse of customer information across multiple programs and payment types.

No improvements identified

Improved online and other electronic self-service options for contact details updates enables collection of Information required to complete assessments should using natural connections to AVO, ATO etc. This will reduce call outs due to outstanding information.

No improvements identified

predicate partners

Aligning initiatives
Initiative portal

A high level model of the initiatives proposed or running in the organisation. Each initiative is mapped to the strategy and business capabilities. Key information from the initiative plan can be included, as well as status updates. Customisable one-page profile of an initiative or deliverable that identifies the strategic alignment, benefits, related business capability changes, risks, etc.


Deliverable Profile

Impact analysis

Dynamic analysis of proposed or actual changes based on interdependencies. Top-down (required performance targets change), middle-out (design of capabilities change), or bottom-up (based on re-scoping or delays in initiatives).

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Implementing best-practice Customise Tailor processes to suit Keep core information in model Build capability

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Conclusions Engagement of stakeholders Less duplication of effort Reduced analysis timeframes Staff capability building

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Further information

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Contact: 0401 953 993

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