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Agency Name: Steria

Faculty Supervisor Name: Ms. Naomi Lawrence

Trainee: S. Andrews

Agency Profile

Steria India Foundation is the CSR arm of Steria India Limited, the India subsidiary of the French IT major Steria.

Steria India community philosophy is focused on education, for children from impoverished and rural backgrounds, studying in government schools located near our campuses in Chennai, Pune and Noida. Special emphasis is given on computer literacy, English language skills, all round development with emphasis on the education of underprivileged children.

The objective for Steria Community Services are not merely charity, but to make the beneficiaries self-sufficient to the extent possible

Trainees Task

assigned me the task of developing the English language and

Computer Literacy for the children studying in Government High School, Medavakkam.

a part of field work I visited the school weekly twice.


started my training with pronouncing words and tutored them in

writing it with correct spelling so that they get used to it easily


them the basic usage of language for their daily use


them in improving their computer knowledge with theory and

practical classes.


them the basics of computer operation.


them assigning interesting tasks like painting and drawing

Students were engaged in the below given activities to utilize the lessons that they have learnt

Every Student was given a chance to read a paragraph so as to improve

their reading skill

Students were practiced to use the basic usage of English language like

asking excuse when wanted to interrupt during the class.

Simple tests were conducted to do a check on the students improvement

on the lessons thought

Encouraged students by giving small gifts when they performed well in

the assigned tasks.

Case Work-1
Sowmya 11 year old student studying in class 6 of Government High School, Medavakkam was a good studying student. She was lacking in English and Math subjects. She preferred to take private tuition to improve herself in these subjects.

Given her weak financial situation parents were not able to afford for her tuition. This made Sowmya loose her confidence and interest in her

studies. Given this she scored very low marks in her Quarterly exam.

I met the girl in school through her class teacher and encouraged her and arranged for special class with the respective subject teachers itself in which she was given special attention in her weak areas. This improved the girls confidence and she improved in her weak subjects and scored good marks in her half yearly exam.

Case Work-2

Raja is a 12 year old student studying in class 7 of Government High School, Medavakkam. Raja is a bright student who is good at his academics. His father is a drunkard and does not provide any financial support to his family. His mothers income is not sufficient to run the family. Looking at the weak financial situation and the struggle that his mother undergoes to run the family Raja lost interest in his studies and decides to go for work in a car shed.

I met the boy through his school teacher. I counseled the boy by highlighting the importance of education and encouraged him to continue his studies. The counselor also met Rajas mother and provided awareness of re-habitation centre for her husband to get out of the drinking habit. Raja understood the importance of education and started pursuing his studies.

Case Work-3
Roja is a 13 year old student studying in class 7 of Government High School, Medavakkam. Roja is a bright student who is good at her academics. She lost her mother recently. Since there was nobody to take care of her siblings her grandparents forced her to stop her education so that she could take care of them.

I through Rojas class teacher met Rojas father and made him understand about the importance of Rojas education. I also suggested few hostels where Roja and her siblings could join and continue their education so that they will not be a burden for her grandparents.

Rojas father understood the importance of education and allowed Roja and her siblings to continue their education from government hostel. I also did weekly follow ups with Rojas class teacher and ensured that Roja was regular school.

Group Work

Several sessions were conducted for the wellness of the children

Session-1: Health and Hygiene

Expected Outcome: The intention of this session is to provide awareness to the children about the various health problem that they could face due to poor personal hygiene

Resource Person Involved: Science teacher of class 6

Aids Used: We telecasted short films to make the children understand the importance of personal hygiene in a easy and simple way

Evaluation: Children were asked question s to understand how far they have understood the importance of personal hygiene

Session-2: Importance of Education

Expected Outcome: The intention of this session is to make the children understand the importance of education

Resource Person Involved: Principal of Government High School, Medavakkam

Aids Used: We telecasted short films to make the children understand the importance of education

Evaluation: Children were questioned about their future goals to understand the importance that they have given for education

Session-3:Career Planning

Expected Outcome: The intention of this session is to make the children understand the importance of their career and help them set it in right direction.

Resource Person Involved: Class teacher of Class 7

Aids Used: We telecasted short films to make the children understand the importance of a good career

Evaluation: Children were questioned about their future career plans to understand the importance that they have for their career.

Community Organization

Name of the Community: Government High School, Medavakkam Location of the School: Medavakkam Panchayat Board No. of Students in the School: 2500 School started in the year: 1987

Objective: Children of class 6 and class 7 were too stressed with their exam fear. Need: To help the children overcome exam fear Action Plan: Conducted cultural and sports activities to help the children overcome their exam stress and encouraged them to face the exam in a confident way Feedback: Children were happy and gained confidence to face their exams

Introduction & Definition

Steria India community philosophy is focused on education, for children from impoverished and rural backgrounds, studying in government schools located near our campuses in Chennai.

Steria has understood that education is the bridge that can eliminate the social divide the only bridge so that future generations in India will not see this discrimination.

Need For The Study

This study was done in order to understand the CSR activities of Steria and Sterias part in the welfare of students studying in Government High School,


Statement Of The Problem

Though government is concerned that children from week background shouldnt go uneducated, but it still fails to meet the qualities of the schools operated privately. To mention a few drawbacks of the government schools are

Lack Lack

of English Language of adaptability towards the growing technology

Steria has identified fifteen schools and is helping above 1500 students is each school with their education. Also understanding the need of growing technology Steria has set up computer labs in the needed schools to help the students. All these activities are carried out by the CSR department of the Steria Company.

Descriptive research design has been chosen for this study, the aim of this study is to describe the role of Steria in improving the standard of education in government schools.

It is concerned with narration of facts in a detailed and descriptive manner. The main objective of descriptive research study is describing the state of affairs as it prevails at any time of study. Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristic about the phenomenon being studied. The data description is factual, accurate and systematic.

Findings mean something that has been discovered or found. It is a conclusion reached after examination and investigation. During the course of study the researcher was able to find the following findings collected through data from the respondents. The following are the main findings of the research.

Sixty Sixty

five percent of the respondents have gained from the self-development program five percent of the respondents have improved in computer knowledge by the

help provided by Steria


two percent of the respondents self-confidence has improved by the program

conducted by Steria

two percent of the respondents interest level in education has improved after

the intervention of Steria


two percent of the respondents English language has improved after the

intervention of the Steria


two percent of the respondents were satisfied with the education system after

the intervention of Steria


lab set by Steria was helpful for Sixty five percent of the respondents

A suggestion is a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection. Suggestion refers idea or plan that you mention for somebody to think about.


a CSR measure Steria can consider students difficulty without proper lab

facility and can steps to set up a proper lab.


the non-availability of library facility in the school, which is a

mandatory requirement Steria can consider setting up a library facility.


orientation program would make the parents aware of the Steria activities

in the school

classes on social behavior would help the students to make changes in

their lives

would be good to have an interaction session between Steria volunteers and

teachers of the school


classes on important subjects would help the students to score good

marks in the examinations.


would be better to make all the students to participate in the

extracurricular activities

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