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Pengantar Bioteknologi

Dr. Donny Widianto
Dr. Irfan D. Prijambada
Dr. Jaka Widada
Rencana Perkuliahan
No. Topik Kuliah Tanggal Dosen
1. Pendahuluan 07-07- Dr.Ir. Donny Widianto
- Definisi Bioteknologi 2005
- Sejarah Perkembangan
- Peranan Bioteknologi

2. DNA sebagai bahan genetik 11-07- Dr. Donny Widianto

- Sejarah penemuan DNA 2005
- Struktur DNA
- Replikasi, transkripsi, dan

3. Struktur gen dan ekspresinya 14-07- Dr.Ir. Donny Widianto

- Gen pada sel prokariot 2005
- Gen pada sel eukariot
4. Dasar-dasar kloning gen 18-07-2005 Dr.Ir. Donny Widianto
-Definisi kloning gen
-Enzym restriksi, vector, dan inang
-Isolasi, pemotongan, dan
penyambungan DNA
-Transformasi dan seleksi

5. Metode Perakitan Mikroba 21-07-2005 Dr. Irfan D. Prijambada

6. Perbanyakan Mikroba Rekombinan 25-07-2005 Dr. Irfan D. Prijambada
-Fermentasi substrat cait
-Fermentasi substrat padat

7. Ujian Sisipan 28-07-2005

8. Perbanyakan tanaman secara in- 01-08-2005 Dr. Irfan D. Prijambada

-Bahan perbanyakan
-Teknik perbanyakan
-Variasi somaklonal
-Fusi protoplas dan hibridisasi
9. Metode perakitan tanaman 04-08- Dr. Irfan D.
transgenik 2005 Prijambada
10. Bioteknologi Perlindungan 08-08- Dr. Jaka Widada
Tanaman 2005
11. Bioteknologi Pemuliaan 11-08- Dr. Jaka Widada
Tanaman 2005
12. Bioteknologi Lingkungan 15-08- Dr. Jaka Widada
13. Keamanan, Pengaturan, 18-08- Dr. Jaka Widada
dan HaKI organisme 2005
terekayasa secara genetik
14. Ujian Akhir Jadual
Pustaka Acuan
 Glick, B.R. and J.J. Pasternak. 1994. Molecular
Biotechnology: Principles and application of recombinant
DNA. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
 Watson, J.D., M. Gilman, J. Witkowski, and M. Zoller. 1992.
Recombinant DNA. Scientific American Books, New York,
 Mantell, S.H., J.A. Matthews, and R.A. McKee. 1985.
Principles of Plant Biotechnology: an introduction to genetic
engineering in plants. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Oxford, UK.
 Brown, C.M., I. Campbell, and F.G. Friest. 1987. Introduction
to Biotechnology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford,
 Smith, J.E. 1985. Biotechnology Principles. Van Nostrand
Reinhold Co Ltd., Berkshire, UK.
 Drlica, K. 1984. Understanding DNA and Gene Cloning. John
Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, USA.
The Latest Biotech News

Monsanto halts GM wheat (May 10, 2004)

• Responding to lack of market support, Monsanto
halts their Roundup Ready wheat program
• Will wait until sentiment changes

EU Approves New Biotech Corn Product (May 19, 2004)

• Syngenta allowed to market products containing
Bt-11 insect resistant corn
• First new biotech product approved in EU in five years
• But company decides not to market the product
because of user concerns
What is biotechnology?
 Any commercial use or alteration of
organisms, cells and biological molecules to
achieve specific, practical goals.
 Examples (in long use)
 Selective breeding
 Use of yeast to make wine
 Current techniques
 Genetic engineering: modification of genetic material
to achieve specific goals
What is Biotechnology?
How about some definitions

General Definition
The application of technology to improve
a biological organism

Detailed Definition
The application of the technology to modify
the biological function of an organism
by adding genes from another organisms

Penggunaan mahluk hidup atau

bagian-bagiannya untuk
menghasilkan barang atau jasa
secara industri
Biologi Molekular Biokimia

Genetika Molekular Biologi Sel Rekayasa Proses


Diagnosa Kesehatan Industri Kimia

Industri Fermentasi
Industri Farmasi Lingkungan dan Energi

Industri Pangan dan Pakan

Goals of Biotechnology
 To understand more about the processes of
inheritance and gene expression
 To provide better understanding & treatment
of various diseases, particularly genetic
 To generate economic benefits, including
improved plants and animals for agriculture
and efficient production of valuable
biological molecules
 Example: Vitamin A fortified engineered rice
(Chapter-opening case study)
Sejarah Perkembangan
 1750: B.C. Sumerians Brew Beer
 1944: DNA confirmed as genetic material
 1967: First protein synthesized by automation
 1973: First recombinant DNA experiment by Cohen and Boyer
 1973: Voluntary moratorium on certain cloning experiments
 1974: Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee founded at NIH
 1976: NIH Guidelines established
 1980: Boyer Cohen patent issued (shared equally between Boyer,
UCSF, Cohen, and Stanford)
 1982: 1st animal vaccine made by DNA recombinant technology
 1985: DNA Finger printing by Alec Jeffreys
 1987: First authorized field test of a GMO-Frostban, Adv.
Genetic Sciences
 1988: PCR developed by K. Mullis
 1990: 1st Gene Therapy Trials in U.S.
 1994: Flavr Savr Tamato- Calgene
 1995: 1st DNA sequences of free-living organism completed
 1996: Human Genome Project under way
 1997:Dolly-First cloned mammal
 2000: Human Genome sequence is complete 3 billion bases,
2 yrs ahead of schedule
 2001: Copy Cat, Cloning pets for profit.
 2002: First Human Clone?
 2003: Dolly is put down, Final version of Human DNA
Sequence published.
 Jaman sebelum Louis Pasteur:
Minuman beralkohol, makanan fermentasi
 Jaman Louis Pasteur:
Alkohol, asam organik, pengolahan limbah
 Jaman antibiotika:
Antibiotika, vaksin, transformasi obat
 Jaman pasca antibiotika:
Asam amino, protein sel tunggal, imobilisasi
 Jaman bioteknologi modern:
Antibodi monoklonal, rekayasa genetika

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