Easily Confused Words

También podría gustarte

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V All (of)+ determiner+ noun V The+ whole + noun



V  isn·t used before ¶  



V ‘ith uncountable nouns

 V The whole of / The whole

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T (història)
V The study of or a record of past events considered together,
especially events of a particular period, country or subject.

T (història, conte, relat)

V A description, either true or imagined, of a connected series

of events.


ÕAEE (carrera, trajectòria professional)
V The job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if
you continue to get better jobs and earn more money.


cEGEE (carrera universitària)

V A course of study at a college or university, or the qualification given to a

student who has done this course.

ENLE (assenyat)
V ased on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or

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ENTE (sensible)

V Easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing

people to be upset, embarrassed or angry.


EALL (ealment
To say what is actually the fact or the truth about sth: Tell me what really happened.

To emphasize sth you are saying or an opinion you are giving:  want to help,  really do. / e really likes you.

To emphasize an adjective or adverb: ·m really sorry

ften in negative sentences, to reduce the force of sth you are saying:
 don·t really agree with that.
cid you enjoy the book?· ¶Not really·
** don·t really know (·m not sure about something)
** really don·t know (emphasizes that you are not sure about something)

AÕTUALL (ce fet)

n speaking, to emphasize a fact or a comment, or that sth is really true:
‘hat did she actually say?
To show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes, and to show surprise about
this contrast:
t was actually quite fun after all.
To correct sb in a polite way: ‘e·re not American, actually. ‘e·re Õanadian
To get sb·s attention, to introduce a new topic or to say sth that sb may not like, in a polite way:
Actually, ·m busy at the moment³can  call you back?
EMEME (ecordar)
V to have sth in your mind from the past: remember (sth)

V to bring a past event back into your mind: remember (sth), think* of sthG

EMNc (ecordar-se de)

V to cause sb to remember sb/sth: remind sb of sb/sth

V to say sth to help a person remember to do sth: 





Ac (evitar)
ou can·t avoid   mistakes
‘hy are you avoiding me?

PEENT (prevenir)
V Present sb/sth from + ing
They tried to prevent her from leaving
‘e were prevented from leaving by the police.
is quick action prevented an accident.
‘ (Agafar prestat)


LENc (ceixar prestat)


TAKE (Portar)
V to carry or move sth from one place to another:

 forgot to take my bag with me when  got off the bus.

Take this to the bank for me, would you?

NG (Endur-se)
V to come to a place with sb/sth:
con·t forget to bring your books with you.
he brought her boyfriend to the party

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