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Agama dan Gangguan Kejiwaan

Jalaluddin Rakhmat
In fact, we found several thousand cases from
1990 to 1999 involving mothers who killed
their children, and we researched over 200 of
them. Approximately 10 percent of these
women had killed more than one child.

Three women quickly come to mind: Melissa

Drexler, aka the New Jersey "prom mom";
Amy Grossberg, who, with her boyfriend,
killed their newborn in a Delaware motel; and
Debora Green, the physician in Kansas City
who attempted to kill her three children and
succeeded in killing two of them. Melissa
Drexler and Amy Grossberg committed
neonaticide, killing a child within 24 hours of
giving birth.
Why moms kill kids not easy to understand
Oakland Tribune, Oct 21, 2005 by Rebecca

Why would a mother kill her own children?

It's a question everyone asks when a mother

does the unthinkable. Andrea Yates drowns
her five children in a bathtub in her Houston
home in 2001. Susan Smith rolls her car into a
South Carolina lake in 1994, her two sons
strapped inside. And now Lashuan Harris of
Oakland throws her three small children off a
San Francisco fishing pier into the Bay,
according to authorities.

Why mothers kill their children is a question mental health experts

are struggling to understand.
Why would a mother kill her own

• Kecelakaan
• Balas dendam
• Neonatisid

• Patologi
Deanna Laney, the Texas woman accused of killing her two older sons (ages 6
and 8) and maiming her youngest in his crib, … arguing that God told her to

Defense attorneys argued that insanity was the only reason why a deeply
religious mother who homeschooled her children would kill two of them and
maim another without so much as a tear. "There was no crying," Curry said.
"She was insane. There is no other answer." Psychiatrists testified that Laney
believed she was divinely chosen by God — just as Mary was chosen to bear
Christ — to kill her children as a test of faith and then serve as a witness after
the world ended. In a videotape played at her trial, Laney said she saw her
youngest son play with a spear, hold a rock and squeeze a frog, and took them
all as signs from God that she should kill her children.
Gangguan Jiwa

Ringan: Neurosis Berat: Psikosis

– Marah • Halusinasi
– Kecewa • Delusi
– Sedih • Disorganized Speech
• Disorganized
– Takut
• Negative Symptoms
Gejala Psikologis Neurosis
• Kecemasan Kronis
• Kekuatiran yang berlebihan
• Sukar mengambil keputusan
• Sukar berpikir jernih
• Kehilangan percaya diri
• Kehilangan harapan
• Sukar konsentrasi
• Mudah tersinggung
• Kehilangan semangat
• Bosan
Gejala Fisik Neurosis
– Jantung berdegup keras
– Bernafas cepat
– Tegangan otot
– Sakit kepala
– Sakit punggung
– Nyeri dan linu
– Sakit persendian
– Sakit otot
– Berkeringat
– Gangguan pencernaan
– Gangguan tidur
– Sakit perut
– Menurunnya sistem
• Halusinasi: persepsi yang keliru dalam
keadaan tidak adanya stimulus indrawi
(melihat yang tidak terlihat, dsb)

• Delusi: keyakinan yang keliru –menurut

Karl Jaspers- ditandai dengan certainty,
incorrigibility, dan impossibility.
– Grandeur, guilt, ill health, jealousy,
passivity, persecution, poverty, reference
• Disorganized speech
– Ngawur, tidak koheren, tidak bisa difahami

• Disorganized behavior
– Aneh, tidak dimengerti, tanpa tujuan yang jelas

• Negative Symptoms
– Tanpa emosi, sulit berbicara, avolisi (hilang gairah).
Agama: universal obsessional neurosis

• “universal obsessional neurosis of humanity;
like the obsessional neurosis of children, it
arose of Oedipus complex, out of the relation
to the father”
» Sigmund Freud
Agama: Gangguan Emosional
• Agama yang dogmatis, ortodoks, dan saleh (atau apa saja
yang disebut sebagai kesalehan) secara signifikan
berkaitan dengan gangguan emosional. Kita umumnya
mengganggu diri kita dengan percaya secara kokoh pada
keharusan (shoulds, oughts, musts) yang absolut dan
kebanyakan orang yang mempercayai agama percaya pada
kemutlakan yang mensabotase kesehatan ini.

• Orang yang sehat secara emosional bersifat fleksibel,

terbuka, toleran, dan siap berubah, sedangkan orang yang
sangat taat beragama cenderung tidak fleksibel, tertutup,
tidak toleran, dan tidak mau berubah. Religiosity,
therefore, is in many respects equivalent to irrational
thinking and emotional disturbance.”
Albert Ellis

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1980

Ellis: Patologi Agama
 Menolak, merendahkan, dan
membenci, menjatuhkan diri

 Mendorong sikap tidak toleran

 Tidak fleksibel

 Tidak sanggup menghadapi


 (karena tawakal) mengabaikan

realitas dan tindakan

 Mengembangkan komitmen fanatik

 Takut mengambil resiko

Paul Pruyser: Negative Uses of

• Mengorbankan akal
• Rasionalisasi kebencian, agresi, dan prasangka
• Kontrol pikiran dan ketergantungan berlebihan
• Kehilangan kontrol diri dan tanggung jawab
• Pembenaran pada penghakiman orang lain
• Penyiksaan diri sebagai pertobatan
• Obsesi (dosa dan kesalahan)
• Peneguhan perilaku buruk
Keberagamaan Ekstrinsik
• Religion as means
– Self-confidence
– Status
– Comfort
– Self-justification
– Defense against reality
– Self-gain at others’ expense

Cf. Keberagamaan Intrinsik:

“Such religion does not exist to serve the person;
rather the person is committed to serve it””
Keberagamaan Otoriter
• Legalistic ethic: “law-oriented”
• Ekslusivisme
• Sikap “holier-than-thou”
• Sacrifice of intellect
• Simplistic quick-fixes for problems
• Kepatuhan mutlak pada lembaga atau

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