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Quantum Computing
Quantum Computing
Brief Flow Of The Presentation
 History
 Quantum Computing
 How does a Quantum Computer works
 How to produce Quantum bits
 Applications of Quantum Computing
 Problems in Quantum Computing
 Quantum Computer Models
 Conclusion
1982-Feynman proposed idea of creating machines based on the
laws Of Quantum Mechanics instead of the laws of classical physics
1985-David Deutsch developed the Quantum Turing machine,
showing that Quantum circuits are universal
1994-Peter Shor came up with the Quantum algorithm to factor very
large numbers in polynomial time
1997-Lov Grover develops a Quantum search algorithm with
O(\/’’n’’’) complexity
 2009 researchers at “Yale University created the first solid-
state Quantum processor

2011, D-WAVE solutions announced the first

commercial Quantum Computer ,The D-WAVE 1
claiming a 128 Qbit processor
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Why Quantum Computing

“The No.of Transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately

double every 24 months.”—Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder

By 2020 to 2050, Transistors will be so small and will generate so much
Heat that standard silicon technology may eventually collapse

If scale becomes too small ,Electrons tunnel through micro-thin barriers
Between wires corrupting signals
A Quantum computer is a machine that performs calculations based
on the laws of Quantum Mechanics
Limitations in classical computing
Representation of qbits

Quantum computer with n qbits can be in an arbitrary superposition of

up to 2^n different states simultaneously.
How does a Quantum Computer works
Quantum computational operations were executed on a very
Small no.of bits Qubits
A Single Qubit can represent a one, a zero ,or crucially any quantum
superposition of these
Output will not be calculated easily we get the superposition's to get
the final result we need to design the logic operations
The reason why Quantum computers are not replacement for
classical computer , because they only faster for special
type of calculations
 If you just want to watch a HD-video or browsing internet they will
not give any particular improvement and need to use classical
 but it’s a computer where the no.of operations required to arrive of
the result is exponential
How to produce Quantum bits
To find the prime factors of a 2048 bit no. a classical computer takes
millions of years but a Quantum computer do it in just minutes
This device take the advantage of Quantum superposition principle
Super conducting magnet is used to produce strong magnitude this
results in up and down motion of the electron
To write into qbits move the electron into spin-up state
Transistors are used to readout the information's
Applications of Quantum Computer
 Simulations (Chemistry)
Exact first principles calculations of molecular properties of are currently
intractable because their computational cost grows exponentially with both
the no.of atoms and basis set size . A solutions is move to radically different
model of computing by building a Quantum computer ,Which is a device
that uses quantum system themselves to store and process data.

 Data encryption
RSA(cryptosystem) is one of the first practical public-key-cryptosystems and
is widely used for secure data transmission. In such a cryptosystem. The
encryption is key is public and different from the decryption key which is
kept secret(private).in RSA this asymmetry is based on the practical
difficulty of factoring the product of two large prime no.s , factoring
Impact of Quantum computing in daily-life
Nitrogen from the in the air is absorbed by some bacteria in the soil
After some chemical process nitrogen is converted to ammonia ,detail
of this process how nitrogen is converted to ammonia is unknown ,
and why it is important to find the answer for that because we can
learn from bacteria how cheaply and efficiently produce ammonia
from nitrogen
conversion of nitrogen-ammonia

Security of Data Encryption depends upon the prime factor of a large no.

If someone knows prime factor key it is very easy to decode the information

To decode a RSA 768 (it is a 768 bit no.) it takes 3 years by using a powerful
classical computer

To decode a 1024 bit no. it will takes a 3000 years by using a powerful
classical computer
Problems in Quantum computing

Interference - During the computation phase of a quantum calculation, the

slightest disturbance in a quantum system (say a stray photon or wave of EM
radiation) causes the quantum computation to collapse, a process known as de-
coherence. A quantum computer must be totally isolated from all external interference
during the computation phase. Some success has been achieved with the use of
qbits in intense magnetic fields, with the use of ions.

Error correction - Because truly isolating a quantum system has proven so difficult,
error correction systems for quantum computations have been developed. Qubits are
not digital bits of data, thus they cannot use conventional (and very effective) error
correction, such as the triple redundant method. Given the nature of quantum
computing, error correction is ultra critical - even a single error in a calculation can
cause the validity of the entire computation to collapse. There has been considerable
progress in this area, with an error correction algorithm developed that utilizes 9
qubits (1 computational and 8 correctional).
Output observance - Closely related to the above two, retrieving output data
after a quantum calculation is complete risks corrupting the data. In an example
of a quantum computer with 500 qubits, we have a 1 in 2^500 chance of
observing the right output if we quantify the output. Thus, what is needed is a
method to ensure that, as soon as all calculations are made and the act of
observation takes place, the observed value will correspond to the correct
answer. How can this be done? It has been achieved by Grover with his
database search algorithm, that relies on the special "wave" shape of the
probability curve inherent in quantum computers, that ensures, once all
calculations are done, the act of measurement will see the quantum state
decohere into the correct answer.
Quantum computers

D-Wave Systems, Inc. is a quantum computing company, based in

British Columbia, Canada

D-Wave is the first company in the world to sell quantum computers

Different Quantum computers

D-Wave One

D-Wave Two

D-Wave 2X
D-wave 1
On May 11, 2011, D-Wave Systems announced the D-Wave
One, an integrated quantum computer system running on a
128-qubit processor. The processor used in the D-Wave
One code-named "Rainier", performs a single mathematical
operation, discrete optimization. Rainier uses quantum
annealing to solve optimization problems. The D-Wave One
is claimed to be the world's first commercially available
quantum computer system. The price will be approximately
D-Wave Two

In early 2012, D-Wave Systems revealed a 512-qubit

quantum computer, code-named Vesuvius , which was
launched as a production processor in 2013.
Comparison of D-WAVE SYSTEMS

If we build this computer then it would revolutionzed our human


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