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Ch 6
• Remember…
• ATP is cellular energy
• Energy from the chemical
bonds of ATP is released
when the bond between
the 2nd and 3rd phosphate
groups is broken.
• It then becomes adenosine
DIphosphate – ADP
• ATP is then recharged! It
uses energy to gain an extra
P and become ATP again
• Anabolism: metabolic reactions that build
molecules [endergonic reaction]
• Catabolism: metabolic reactions that break
down molecules [exergonic reaction]
• Life is sustained by inputs of energy, however not
all forms of energy can sustain life.
• The sun is abundant, but cannot directly power
protein synthesis or energy-requiring reactions, it
must first be converted to chemical bond energy
• Energy flow through ecosystems
begins when photosynthesizers
[plants] capture sunlight and
convert it to chemical energy
• This chemical energy can power
the reactions of life, and can be
stored for use at a later time
• Autotrophs are producers
• Make food using energy
from environment and
carbon from inorganic
• Heterotrophs are consumers
• Obtain carbon from organic
compounds assembled by
other organisms
• Photosynthesis: Metabolic pathway that uses light
energy to turn carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
(H2O) into carbohydrates (sugar)
• Also creates OXYGEN!
• The process is cyclical, the products from one
reaction are the reactants for the next reaction
• Photosynthesis has 2 parts
• Light-dependent: converts
light energy into chemical
energy; produces oxygen
and ATP to be used in light-
independent reaction

• Light-independent: does
not require light energy,
uses CO2 and H2O to build
sugars; powered by ATP,
also called the CALVIN
• Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast
• The chloroplast is a plastid that carries out
• Plastids are double membrane organelles that
contain pigment
• Chloroplasts resemble the photosynthetic
bacteria they evolved from, so photosynthesis
in eukaryotic cells is similar to bacterial
• Thylakoid membrane: Highly folded into stacks of
interconnected thylakoids [Light-dependent
• Folds in this membrane form disks called thylakoids
• The membrane encloses a single, continuous internal
• Stroma: Cytoplasm-like fluid inside the chloroplast
[Light-independent reactions]
• thylakoid membrane, ribosomes, and chloroplast’s
DNA are suspended in the stroma
• Pigment: organic molecule that
selectively absorbs certain
wavelengths of light
• If a wavelength is not absorbed, it
is reflected, and that gives the
pigment its color
• Chlorophyll a is the most common
pigment in plants
• It absorbs violet, red, and orange
light, but reflects green!
• Most photosynthetic cells
have accessory pigments
that capture other
wavelengths of light
• Other functions (attract
pollinators; antioxidants)
• Disassembly of chlorophylls
during autumn reveals
accessory pigments
Phase 1: Light Reaction
1. Light hits a leaf, causing an electron in chlorophyll to enter
an excited state (higher energy level) within the chloroplast’s
thylakoid membrane.
2. The excited electrons leaves the chlorophyll and an
enzyme splits a water molecule to replace the electron lost by
the chlorophyll.
• Oxygen gas is formed and exits through the membrane and into
the atmosphere. H+ ions accumulate inside the thylakoid space.

H2O H+
3. The released electron goes through electron transport chain.
The electron is bounced from between proteins in the
thylakoid membrane. Note: Energy lost along electron
transport chain
4. The electron is eventually passed to another chlorophyll
molecule and then on to the final electron acceptor
(ferredoxin NADP+ reductase) where the electron transport
chain ends.
5. Ferredoxin NADP+ reductase then gives the electron to an
electron carrier NADP which turns it into NADPH. NADPH
carriers the electron to the next phase.


H+ H+ H+
6. As more copies of steps 1 through 5 occur,
more and more H+ ions from step 2 begin to
build up in the thylakoid space. H+ ions
begin to pass from an area of higher
concertation (thylakoid space) to an area
of lower concentration (stroma) through an
enzyme called ATP synthase. This process
called, chemiosmosis, creates ATP. H+




H+ H+
H+ H+ H+ H+
Phase 1: Light Reaction
• Lost energy used to recharge ATP from ADP
• NADPH produced from e- transport chain
• Stores energy until transfer to stroma
• Plays important role in light-independent
reaction (LIR)
• Total byproducts: ATP (Used in LIR), NADPH
(Used in LIR), O2 (Exits plant)
Phase 2: Dark Reaction (Light-
• In the second phase, also
called the Calvin-Benson
Cycle, carbon dioxide,
ATP and NADPH are used
to make sugar (glucose)
in the stroma.
• The “synthesis” part
• Plants must make glucose
to store energy long term.
ATP is only short term
Phase 2: Dark Reaction
1. In the stroma, an enzyme called RUBISCO takes a few
molecules of carbon dioxide and connects it to a
molecule called RuBP and turns it into a 3 carbon
molecule called PGA
2. Then more enzymes use ATP and NADPH from the light
reactions to rearrange the molecules in PGA to store
energy and create a few molecules called G3P.
3. NOTE: When ATP and NADPH are used as energy it
they become ADP and NADP respectively. The NADP
and ADP are sent back to the light reactions to get
4. Some G3P’s are sent into the cytoplasm to make
glucose. Some G3P molecules are used to make RuBP
that are needed to restart the dark reactions.

Light ATP Calvin

Reactions Cycle

O2 (Glucose)
Alternative Pathways
• Plants in some climates have alternative
ways of doing photosynthesis to help
them survive better.
Alternative Pathways

Rate of Photosynthesis
• Light intensity, carbon dioxide
levels, and temperature effect the
rate of photosynthesis
• As light increases, rate of
photosynthesis increases
• As CO2 increases, rate of
photosynthesis increases
• Temperature Low = Rate of
photosynthesis low
• Temperature Increases = Rate of
photosynthesis increases
• If temperature too hot, rate drops
• The synthesis of organic compounds
by bacteria or other living organisms
using energy from reactions involving
inorganic chemicals, typically in the
absence of sunlight.
• They use chemicals instead of water as
an electron donor before the electron
transport chain.
• They generally don’t produce oxygen.
• Example: Hydrogen sulfide eating
bacteria in deep ocean vents.
Light-Independent Reactions
• The Calvin–Benson cycle
• Builds sugars in the stroma of chloroplasts
• Not powered by light energy
• Driving force is ATP and NADPH formed by the light-
dependent reactions
• Uses carbon atoms from CO2 to make sugars

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