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Our generation is suffering from a depression

wherein an individual becomes insecure about good

characteristics, like intelligence and wealth, or attractive
physiques, like body appearance and beauty, that his
peers or idols possesses but he himself doesn’t have. As
we can say, it is a must on our generation to have those
“good characteristics” and “attractive physiques” to be
popular or at least have some friends or a squad where one
can say that he really belongs there. Sometimes, an
individual tries to imitate those as hard as he can, but
when he fails, those insecurities become obsessions, and
there is where our problem comes because that obsession
can soon turn to depression (Greenber, 2015).
When a person became depressed, his
confidence losses, he overthinks even about
simple situations, he doubts on himself, he
becomes more self-conscious, he’s feeling down
and he thinks that everything he do has a mistake
with it. He then soon becomes shy to talk even to
his parents or his trusted friends, which leaves his
problem insides himself and himself tormented.
He will soon become more depressed and may
even think of committing suicide.
If we are the ones being depressed because of
insecurities, we should accept what we have and be
contented with it. Remember that God gave us and
will give us what He thinks is enough and good for
own our sakes. Moreover, we can pray to Him to
guide us and give us clarity and we can also seek
attention, listening ears and advice from our trusted
friends or our family, no matter how shy are we, to
at least make our burdens a little lighter. We can also
consult help from councillors and psychologists who
can give professional advices for our better mind-
If we are a friend or a family of those we
think are suffering from depression, we should
know how to show empathy for their feelings
and ask them on how they are doing or how
they are feeling. Give them some attention, be
a listening ear and give them advices to what
they can do, but also remember that
sometimes listening only is the best comfort
that we can offer them.
Facebook is the world’s largest online
community and through this, many people can
be reached by a Facebook post if only so many
people cooperated in sharing it. We can use
Facebook to post information about the
depression caused by insecurities and
encourage many people to pay even a little
time to read and share that post.
Messenger is a coordinate platform of
Facebook where people can send messages to
other people via group message or private
message. We can use Messenger to send a useful
chain message to people that asks if someone is
depressed or not. If someone is depressed then he
can just send a private message to his trusted
friend who sent him the chain message. This way,
shyness can be reduced because Messenger
contents are more secured and private compared
to Facebook posts and comment sections.
 Greenbirg, M. Ph. D. (2015, December 6). The
Most Common Causes of Insecurity and How
to Beat Them.
 Regents of University of California (2019).
Depression and Suicide

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