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Chemical reactions

¦  are hydrocarbons that have at

least one triple bond,
bond, |Ł| with the
formula | .

¦ ºisubstituted alkynes, R-
R-|Ł|-R', are
"R  "
described as "R " alkynes;
¦ Donosubstituted alkynes, R-
are described as "R
"R "
" alkynes.

u  u u  u u  u u

m m m 
mm   m  m

u  u


¦ [ecause of its linear configuration, ten

membered carbon ring is the smallest that
can contain the alkyne function without
excessive strain.
] m
¦ Classify each of the following as an internal or
a terminal alkyne:
a) 1-
1-hexyne b) 3-
c) cyclooctyne d) propyne

¦ Akynes are named by general rules similar

to those used for alkanes and alkenes.
¦ The suffix Œ  is used in the paren
hydrocarbon name to denote an alkyne,
and the position of the triple bond is
indicated by its number in the chain.
¦ Numbering begin at the chain end near the
triple bond so that the triple bond as low a
number as possible.
| | | | ||| |  [  




¦ Compounds containing both double and

triple bonds are called  .
¦ Numbering of the hydrocarbon chain starts
from the end nearer the first multiple
bond, whether double or triple.
¦ Ifthere is a choice in numbering, double
bonds receive lower numbers than triple
bonds. For example,

u  u u u u u u  u u u u u u u

 3 3  
Preparation of Alkynes

¦ Alkynes are generally prepared by

* ºehydrohalogenation of either geminal
(1,1--) or vicinal (1,2
(1,1 (1,2--)alkyl dihalides
(usually [r or Cl), using a strong base,
usually NaNH2.
¦ Thesereactions are typically E2 reactions
and occur via an alkenyl halide.
* The reaction of metal acetylides with
primary alkyl halides.

| |     | | 
] m
¦ §hat is the alkyne product from the reactions
of the following with NaNH2:

a) 2,2-
b) 1,2-
c) 1,1-
d) 2,3
Structure and Reactivity
¦ The alkyne functional group consists of two
 hybridised C atoms bonded to each other
via one ı and two ü bonds.
¦ The 22ü
ü bonds are produced by the —R
 of the two pairs of -orbitals
not utilised in the hybrids.
¦ The diagram shows the heats of hydrogenation
of 2-
2-butyne (in the slide: blue in units of kcal/mole)
¦ It indicates that alkynes are thermodynamically
less stable than alkenes
to a greater degree than
alkenes are less stable
than alkanes.

¦ The "extra" ü bond in an alkyne is weaker that

an alkene ü bond:
2 x 28.3 (C=C) ± 65 (C
ŁC)= 8.4 kcal
¦ The 2 C of the || and the 2 atoms
attached directly to the || are R  so
they cannot exist as R—
R—/ —
— isomers.

ı ü

Two separate perpendicular molecular orbitals
¦ The ü bonds are a region of high electron
density;; so it allows an acetylinic carbon
to have a greater amount of
electronegative character.
]As a result, alkynes are typically
] Terminal alkynes, R-
R-|Î|-H, are quite
acidic (pKa = 26).
¦ Reacting with a strong base such as
sodium,, sodium amide,
sodium amide, -butyllithium or a
Grignard reagent,
reagent, a terminal alkyne gives
the anion of the terminal alkyne (a ©


| | 
|  |
The acetylide ion is a good nucleophile and
can be alkylated to give higher alkynes.
 Like alkenes (||
(||),), the alkyne ||
undergoes a variety of addition reactions in
which one or both of the ü bonds are
converted to new ı bonds.
Alkylation of Alkynes

¦ The acetylide carbanion, RCŁC , is a good
|-nucleophile and can undergo
nucleophilic substitution reactions (usually
SN2) with 1o or 2o alkyl halides (Cl, [r or I)
to produce an internal alkyne.
¦ `neor both of the terminal H atoms in
ethyne (acetylene) H-
H-|Ł|-H can be
susbtituted providing monosubstituted (R-
|Ł|-H) and symmetrical (R=R') or
unsymmetrical (R  R') disubstituted
alkynes R-
|Ł |-R'

¦  The amide ion acts as a

base removing the acidic terminal
H to generate the acetylide ion,
a carbon nucleophile.
¦  The carbanion reacts
with the electrophilic carbon in the
alkyl halide with loss of the leaving
group, forming a new || bond.
] ×× !"

¦ §  


¦        !

Addition Reactions of Alkynes

¦ lkynesundergo addition reactions in an

analogous fashion to those of alkenes.
¦ Two factors influence the relative
reactivity of alkynes compared to alkenes:
 increased nucleophilicity of the starting ü
system (|
(|Ł| vs ||
||), ), and
 stability of any intermediates
(for example, carbocations).

¦ Since alkynes are thermodynamically less

stable than alkenes, we might expect
addition reactions of alkynes to be more
exothermic and relatively faster than
equivalent reactions of the alkenes.

¦ Alkynes can be partially reduced to R—

alkenes with H2 in the presence of poisoned
] er Pd / CaC`3/ quinoline which is also
known as R 's
's catalyst.
¦ Alkynes can be reduced to alkanes with H2
in the presence of catalysts (Pt,
(Pt, Pd, Ni etc.)
¦ Thereaction is — — RR
giving only the —

product since the new C-
C-H ı
bonds is formed simultaneously
from H atoms absorbed onto the
metal surface.

¦ Thereaction of Na in NH3(l) with alkynes

occurs — — RR giving only the
—alkene via an  R-
¦ The reaction proceeds via single
electron transfer from the Na with
H coming from the NH3.

¦ These reaction conditions do not

reduce alkenes.

¦ §hen treated with HX alkynes form vinyl


¦ Hydrogen halide reactivity order :

(paralleling acidity order).
¦ Inthe presence of excess HX, a second
addition can occur to the product alkene
giving a geminal dihalide.

¦ Regioselectivity
predicted by
Darkovnikov's rule with the H adding to
the C with the most H already present.
¦ Reactionproceeds via protonation to give
the more stable carbocation intermediate.

¦ Notstereoselective since reaction

proceeds via planar carbocation
(CH3C=CH2 & CH3C[rCH3).
] m
¦ §hat would be the product from the
reaction of 2-
2-butyne with excess H[r ?
¦ For%, in the presence of radicals
(compounds such as peroxides) the
radical addition occurs with —R

rR R—:
rR R—:

] m §hy does this reaction have the

opposite regiochemistry ?
¦ |!  !

|'() * ||()+ |()* ||()

Dethyl 1°-Vinyl
1° 1°
1° 2°-Vinyl

< |()* |||()+

*| +||,|() *
2° 1°-Allyl 1°
1°-[enzyl 3°


¦ Alkynes
can be hydrated to form enols that
immediately  R— to ketones.

¦ Reagents
aq. acid, most commonly
H2S`4, with a mercury salt.
¦ Regioselectivity predicted by
D R —

¦ Reactionproceeds via protonation to give
the more stable carbocation intermediate.
|'|| ? |'||
¦ Not stereoselective since reactions proceeds
via planar carbocation.


¦ `verall transformation: || to --||

(and potentially to -||-).

¦ Reagent: normally the halogen (

Reagent: ( r [r2) in an
inert solvent like methylene chloride, CH2Cl2.
¦ Reaction proceeds via cyclic
halonium ion.
¦ Stereoselectivity :  R since
the two |- bonds form in
separate steps one from X2,
the other X-.

¦ `verall transformation : || to 2 x |.

¦ `zonolysis implies that ozone causes the
alkyne to break (-
¦ Reagents : ozone followed by aqueous
¦ Note
that each of the || bonds in the |/|
becomes a |. bond.

¦ Classify each of the following as an internal or a terminal
alkyne (from the slide 4)
a) 1-
1-hexyne b) 3-
c) cyclooctyne d) propyne

¦ §hat is the alkyne product from the reactions of the

following with NaNH2: (from the slide 10)
a) 2,2-
b) 1,2-
c) 1,1-
d) 2,3
¦ §  
      (from the slide 20)




¦ §  
¦   "
ü #

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