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Game Sense Approach for

What is Game Sense?
 Game sense helps students understand and practice
the useful and essential skills, through the form of a
game.(Pill, 2017)

 Game sense directs students to incorporate

communication skills as they must solve problems,
make decisions and look for strategies (Curry, 2011)

 The game sense approach will enhance their physical

education learning, through small games, which help
mimic actual games to help them be ready and have all
the skills for complex games. (Light, 2013)
Game sense
 It is an enjoyable method  Communicating-COS3.3:
Communicates confidently in a
that will be loved by
variety of situations.
students, as it is student-
centered which caters for all  Decision Making-DMS3.2: Makes
students of any age. informed decisions and accepts
responsibility for consequence.
 It involves communication  Interacting-INS3.3: Acts in ways that
and problem-solving skills, enhance the contribution of self and
which can make students be others in a range of cooperative
efficient in thinking quicker
and creating solutions.  Problem Solving-PSS3.5: Suggests,
considers and selects appropriate
 It allows students to socialise alternative when resolving problems
with other people, making  Games and Sports-GSS3.8: Applies
them useful to teamwork movement skills in games and
sports that require communication,
 Students will be able to take cooperation, decision making and
observation of rules.
responsibility of their own
physical education (NESA, 2007)
Game sense categories

 Categorising helps students experiences different types of

sports that require similar skills. It can vary from simple to
difficult, to help students be used to such skills so they are
familiar with it.

 Furthermore, they are able to adapt these skills in different

games to help them have an even better experience in the
chosen game.

1. Invasion- Soccer, rugby, netball

2. Striking- Cricket, t-ball, tennis

3. Target- archery, golf, Oz tag

4. Net and ball- Beach volleyball, squash

Example - Invasion game
 This game is about how students can multitask many movements
within the same time. The invasion game involves students to score
their own goals, while making sure they safeguard their own
respective goal.

 Students will need to be in 2 different teams and must effectively

work on communicating to ensure each team member understands
the rules and format so they are able to win

 The game builds on social skills, as students will need to think of a

strategy with their team members to help them win. This will enhance
communication skills.

 Modifications can be given to this game as the ball can be swapped

with different types of soft balls to increase variation in the game.

 The game can emerge into a different sport like rugby to help
increase the use movement skills such as defending, receiving,
running, dodging and passing.
Advantages of Game sense

 Game sense incorporates student-centered learning, it

also considers the academic ability of different students.

 Students will be emerged into independent learners, as

they will become more mindful of their own learning
methods and guides

 Game sense will help students enhance their

communication and social skills by actively participating in
teamwork and socialising with other students, to help
effective decisions to resolve conflicts

 It strongly enhances the essential importance of

fundamental movement skills and increases the overall
participation and approach of students in sports.
Fundamental Movement skills

 The 12 fundamental movement skills are the basis of

movement. It should be taught from childhood, to help children
build on motor skills.

 When a child is not introduced to such basic skills, they will

struggle on harder movements as they age. Hence, it is
important to teach children the important movements.

 It largely plays a big role in ensuring children reach adequate

physical development.

 Static Balance, Vertical jump, Sprint run, Catch, Hop, Leap, Side
gallop, Kick, Skip, Two hand strike, Overarm throw, Dodge.
(Lecture 1)
  Game sense will strongly be main focus when introducing it to my
activities, as it will enhance student’s cooperation and
participations. I will be introducing game sense into all my activities,
to ensure that students work on their weaknesses and constantly
build on their skills, which will enable them to be more familiar with
games tactics. 

 Game sense generates social skills as the reinforcement of group

work, will enhance student’s communication skills and enable
effective teamwork. They will be independent, hence why they will
be compelled to take their own learning decision’s themselves. The
build of academic skills will help students to grow into taking their
education in their hands, conveying the student-centered approach,
hence it allows students to be responsible of their own learning and
education making them self-governing individuals.

 Inquiry based learning will be the core of my lessons, as it is

beneficial for students to reflect on why they make certain decisions.
The use of evaluation and reflection will strongly help me as a
teacher to know where my students are going wrong or where they
need help.

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