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Cancer And Diet


Dietary is often referred to as eating to get an ideal body

weight, or to get an ideal body shape. Whereas, based on
the origin, the meaning of this saying origin which is
actually set the pattern of eating. Of course, still many
people misapply the meaning of its own weight. Therefore
it needs to be straightened out regarding the meaning of
the actual weight loss. Dietary can be define as someone's
efforts in regulating diet and eating to get the ideal
Type Dietary
Dietary Based On Food

Low-calorie Diet low-carb (Dietary Atkins)

High protein low calorie Diets (Dietary Dukan)

Low fat low calorie diet (Dietary Paleo)

low-calorie Diet high in fat and protein

Food Combining
Dietary Based On
Blood Type

Blood Type O Dietary

Blood Type A Dietary

Blood Type B Dietary

Blood Type AB Dietary

The Benefits Of Dietary
1. Diet can lower and raise the weight.
2. Diet can increase your body's metabolism
useful for balancing Diet diet a day – day
3. Diet can strengthen bones
Facilitate digestion

4. Diet can nourish the skin

5. Diet can protect your teeth

6.Diet can prevent many diseases

The Effect Of Dietary

 Cellulite
Cellulite is a condition of the skin's surface that looks
perforated and occur at the area of the abdomen,
thighs, buttocks and hips. Increase or decrease in
weight dramatically, becoming one of the main causes
of cellulite. The other thing is it could lead to the white
line on the skin.
The Effect Of Dietary

 Body fat is easier to pile up again

When doing a very strict diet, your weight will
probably come down drastically in a short time. But as
a result, the body will naturally try to accumulate
calories due to lack of vitamins and minerals. The way
is by activating hormone that triggers excessive
appetite. So you'll get the uncontrollable appetite.
The Effect Of Dietary

 Malnutrition
The effect of the most common and obvious to people
doing the strict diet is balanced and no body will
experience a shortage of nutrients, which can cause
fatigue, easily fainting or even death. The body
requires amino acids derived from proteins, either
animal or vegetable to get power or regenerate cells.
Or iron are badly needed to carry oxygen throughout
the body, and fat for fuel. If the body is deficient, it is
definitely going to be weak and experiencing the
conditions already mentioned.
The Effect Of Dietary

 The Hunger
If you eat less in a long time, the body will feel hungry
and tends to induce the desire to eat savory
makananyang, such as fried foods and fatty foods. This
is what precisely can trigger weight gain back the
The Effect Of Dietary

Hair Loss
All parts in our body is also in dire need of nutrients,
can even vary. Lack of protein and other essential
nutrients can also cause hair loss. The body needs a
healthy diet for the regeneration of the cells. Including
the regeneration of skin cells and hair.
The Effect Of Dietary

 Depression
Depression, lack of sex and passion is emotional
disorders anxiety often experienced due to lack of
nutrition. This could be due to the weakening of the
function of the hormone that is supposed to work with
supported by essential vitamins and minerals that can
be obtained from food. Dieting to lose weight for good
and healthy it's not instant. There are specific
instructions for a healthy diet, so that the body
remains unfulfilled needs its nutrition value and keep it
under control. Sport is one of the good parts in order
to lose weight.
Healthy Foods For A Dietary

You can fill your stomach with eating a bowl of cereal with
a sprinkling of raisins and fat-free milk. After that, a small
banana fruit and one sheet of bread from whole-grains with
the brand of margarine and jelly jam you can eat.

Other healthy breakfast options i.e. oatmeal raisin

are blended and cooked with margarine. To drink, you can
chug orange juice (250 ml) milk without fat (120 ml).
Can you make a sandwich of bread from whole-
grains, chicken, lettuce, sautéed mushrooms, sauce and
mustard. Finish your lunch with boiled potatoes 200 grams.

Capcay tofu with vegetables and peppers, a bowl of red rice

and a cup of iced tea lemon around 250 ml. other dinner Variations
you can try IE 140 grams of grilled salmon is sprinkled celery, onion,
and bread crumbs. Serve with rice, 125 grams of steamed broccoli, and
almonds. Round off dinner with lean milk (250 ml).
Snacks. Sample snacks that you can consume each day
consists of 245 grams low-fat yogurt mixed fruits.

Cancer is a disease resulting from abnormal growth of

the cells of the body's tissues are turns into cancer cells.
In the process, these cancer cells can spread to other
parts of the body so that it can cause death.
Nutritional Relationship With Cancer
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in many countries. About 70-90%
of these cancers are related to lifestyle and environment (life style). From all cancers
caused by environmental factors, about 40-60% related to nutritional factors.

Vitamins And Minerals
Dietary Fiber
Processed Foods
Relationship Of Cancer And Diet

food consumed by a woman might affect estrogen levels

in his body. The granting of a diet that is low in fat and
high in fiber can reduce the estrogen levels in the body. In
contrast the diet high in fat and low in fiber may increase
the risk of breast cancer that is directly related to
increased levels of estrogen and are not directly related to
the occurrence of obesity. Obesity can increase the risk of
breast cancer in women post menopause.
The Impact of cancer and
nutritional status
Cancer can affect a person's nutritional status, as well as patients
suffering from cancer undergo some treatment e.g. chemotherapy.
The influence of the treatment of chemotherapy in the form of
nausea and vomiting that can affect the intake of energy and
protein so that it can indirectly affect the nutritional status of cancer
patients. Cancer itself can cause adverse effects to the nutritional
status. Cancer cells especially in the advanced stages of cancer can
take up nutrients from the body of the patient, the physiological
consequences of cancer also can interfere with nutrient sufficiency in
Maintaining a fixed ideal weight

Preferred healthy food

Take some time to work out

Stop the habit of smoking for whatever reason

Limit alcoholic drinks

Feeding the baby on a regular basis

Limit hormone therapy Avoid exposed to

radiation exposure

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