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Duty report

August 8th , 2016

Zainal, Male, 33yo

Chief complaint
diarrhea since 1 day ago
Present illness history
diarrhea since 1 day ago. With volume -
cup, and with a frequency > 10x per day.
Mucus (-), blood (-)
Naussea accompanied by vomiting since 1
day ago, frequency 4 times, containing food.
Fever since 1 day ago. Continuously, high
fever, no chills, and no sweating a lot.
Short of breathness since 3 hours ago
Cough (-)
Patient had been known suffer CKD since 2,5
years ago ang fet routine HD
History of Hypertension since 2,5 years ago
Physical Examination

Consciousness level: CMC

BP : 170 / 80 mmHg

HR : 1 x/minute

RR : 26 x/minute

T: 38,5 C
Conjunctiva anemic -/-
Sclera icteric -/-

JVP 5 - 2 cmH20

Inspection: simetris sinistra = dextra
Palpation: fremitus sinistra = dextra
Percussion : sonor
Auscultation: Vesicular, Rh - /-, wh - /-
Inspection: ictus is not seen.
Palpation: ictus is palpated at 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
Left border: 1 finger medial LMCS ICS V
Right border: linea sternalis dextra
Upper border: RIC II
Auscultation: pure rhythm, murmur (-)
Hb 10,3 gr/dl
Leukosit 12100 mm3
Ht 33 %

Platelets 191000mm3
RBG 95
Ur/cr 53/6,7
Na/k 141/4
GEA type choleriform without
CKD stage V cb hypertension
kidney disease on routine HD

Rest/ low salt II protein 50 gr low
fibre / O2 3 L/i
IVFD nacl 0.9% 8 hours/kolf
Folic acid 1x 5mg
Bicnat 3x 500 mg
Amlodipine 1x 10 mg
Candesartan 1x 16 mg
Cotrimoxazole 2x 960 mg


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