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Beyond Academic English,

Changing Expectations
Ideas to fight fear of the unknown and
> in students of
build a solid foundation
all levels

Basic Overview
. All human languages are not the same
Changing your perception and broadening the
Cultural appreciation and intellectual honesty,
fitting it together, making sense out of it all
The power of believing in your students, the
secret form of love, believing it is already

Why is this type of tutorial important?

If we dont know where we are going we will
not know how to get there and what to expect
along the way.
All knowledge is relational to previous
acquired understanding, starting with your
own reality which is I am. I exist
Before we can effectively start the journey to
gaining a second language we must first know
where we are at; in a Spanish, Castillano

Rethinking the starting point

No one believes all cars or cell phones or houses
are the same, so why do people think all
languages are the same? They are not.
If I ask where the rest room is, the directions I get
will depend on where I am at in the building. The
place we start teaching is Castillano and if it were
Chinese the tutorial would be VERY DIFFERENT.
This type of orientation is seldom done in
language teaching, and as a result, we end up
with DEAD FROGS, figuratively speaking of course

Dead Frogs = Dissected Language

Frogs are popular laboratory animals used to
cut into pieces to learn Biology and Anatomy
Once a frog has been dissected it is obviously
no longer alive and at some point resembles
nothing even remotely alive.
I like my frogs alive, as nature intended them
I am a whole language teacher, I keep the frog
intended to be. A NATURAL FUNCTION

The Mystery
What seems impossible is possible
How? By changing our minds, from cognitive to the
subconscious (inconciente)and disbelief for belief
To do this we have to keep our metaphorical language frog
alive and a functional organism.
That is done by using the perfectly recorded passive
accumulated English music, movies exposure as well as all
the life time accumulated dialogue in English, Its all there in
the subconscious part of our minds waiting to be used.
Reality based conversation is the key to harvest this
massive vocabulary and grammatical structure gold mine.
This is a whole subject in itself but you need to know it
exists for the time being to make the rest of the
information make better sense.

Basics of the basics

Castillano = 90% Latin, 10% Arab, Greek etc.

50% of the highest level of English is Latin based
Latin is common and cognate adaptation is key
Castillano is a closed singular inflexible system
English is dualistic; Latin add on to the high side with a
Germanic metaphorically based abstract thought through
imagery at its heart in daily usage
English with its two systems working together is the natural
platform to develop ideas, in the fluid metaphoric side and
then establish conclusions in the Latin side, that dominate
analytical, rather than abstract function
Thinking is the primary function of language,
communication with others is actually a secondary function

Language is the embodiment of

ALL THOUGHT is embedded, encapsulated in or encoded
into a natural human language,
Not only is language learning a unique form of learning but
it matters HOW YOU LEARN IT
This is why Academic English, taught in the traditional
method, is dysfunctional, leaving the student disconnected
from active natural flowing language use. This is because
the connection to thought and language was never made.
On the other hand Reality Based Personalized
Conversational English creates a natural function
It is your task to adapt your style and method of teaching to
compensate for these realities

Some Seemingly Strange Ideas

If learning is interactive, we should learn as much from our
students as they learn from us
Consider divorcing yourself from being an academic with its
cold dark affiliation with the sickening attachments with
Behavioral Science and criminals like Pavlov and Skinner,
who were abusive to animals and children. Return to
Dare to love and dare to make mistakes, be human, it
produces wonderful results. Children understand truth and
love and respond to both, dare to believe in humanity
Education has become a dehumanizing mind control
experience for many, if not most. Change.

Whats next?
Thats up to you, you have to decide.
Am I going to become a person and a teacher that
loves learning and thinking and inspires my students or
will I maintain my uninvolved machine like habits to
guarantee professional burn out before my time ?
Perhaps, it begins with the understanding that your
own education is not complete, we all should learn and
love the experience.
Study less and experience more. Observe the world
around you and know that you have the power to think
Experiment with life, love and touching other lives, it
will revolutionize your teaching

Dare to Believe
Learning has been my life, but I can not tell you the top five things I
learned from university. They are not important.
Teaching is my passion and have spent hundreds of hours doing it at
most every level, size and description. My success has been wildly
phenomenal. My private students do in hours what other teachers
and programs take months to do, or perhaps never accomplish.
The final frontier is my belief in the success of my students and this
incalculable component may transcend the method and the means
Dare to believe in yourself and your students, love never fails.
Humility in front of a child is our greatest gift to humanity. Dont
waste any academic arrogance on them, they dont need it or want
it. Both simplicity and love are divine, share them both often
Thank you for the opportunity to share these ideas with you
Dale Hemme

Several Respected Researchers

John Taylor Gatto, Teacher of the Year
Charlotte Iserbyt, Head of Department of
Education in the United States under Reagan
Rupert Sheldrake, Biologist University of
Cambridge, author of The Science Delusion
Sugra Mitra, Educational Researcher, in You
Tube Kids can teach themselves
All can be found on You Tube

A humorous perspective from

Mark Twain, Americas Beloved
I have never let my school interfere with my
education. Mark Twain, pen name of Samuel
Clemens, who wrote of childhood adventures of
life on the Mississippi River near where I grew up
in the U.S. Perhaps, true education is not an
institution, but what we strive to become.
Advice of Albert Einstein to his students
Question everything.

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