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Banker, $600
Keeps records for five students in the class.
This student must be good at arithmetic and a
person of the highest integrity. The banker
takes deposits and checks from the bank
customer and coordinates accounts with the
other bankers. In a class of 30, five bankers
will be needed.
Janitor, $650
A janitor is given a specific area of the room to
keep spotless. One scrubs the sink daily. Two
sweep the room at least twice a day. Others
wax cabinets or scrub desks. They are highly
paid to keep the room dazzling.
Graders, $575
There are two graders for grammar and
spelling. These are objective tests that come
with answer sheets. Teacher is left to check
writing assignments that only he is qualified to
Spelling graders take home Fridays spelling
tests and return them graded on Monday
morning. Grammar graders collect homework
in the morning and return graded assignments
after recess.
Messenger, $575
Two students handle all errands to other
classes or the office. These students must be
able to deliver oral messages accurately and
must know the school staff.
Police Officer, $500
A police officer has several duties. Each one
patrols a selected area of the room. The officer
has a book with the names of all the students
in his jurisdiction. If a student breaks any of the
class rules, the officer keeps a record of the
infraction. The officer collects all the fines that
students pay for breaking rules. There are
usually 3 to 5 police officers.
Video Monitor, $575
The video monitors keep the collection of
videos organized in the class library. They are
responsible for checking these out to students
on Fridays and for collecting video work and
videos Monday morning.
Recycler, $500
Two monitors recycle the class waste. Cans
are taken each day to recycling bin.
Attendance Monitor, $475
This student must have outstanding
attendance. The monitor silently takes
attendance each morning and accepts notes
from returning students to be kept on file.
Clerks, $550
There are usually about three students acting
as official clerks. These students pass out and
collect papers. They also keep materials
organized and know where everything in the
closet is stored.
Librarian, $525
This student is in charge of the class library (of
Newberry Medal winners used for book
reports). Students go to the librarian to return
or check out books.
Seat Rental

Bel-Air Front of the room - $1,000
Beverly Hills Middle of the room - $750
Hollywood Next to the video library - $700
Santa Monica Near the water fountain - $675
Skid Row Back of the room - $550
Seat Rental
Bloomingdales Saks Fifth Avenue
Macys Sears Kmart

Shangri-La - Rustans SM Metropolis -
Bonus Money
Perfect Spelling Test (After 3 in a row, the
amount doubles)
90% on any other test $50
100% on any other test $200
Completing a weekend video assignment $50
Perfect attendance for the month $100
Coming to school early for extra Math $100
Staying after school for Shakespeare $100
Joining the school orchestra $100
Joining the school chorus $100
Playing guitar with the teacher during recess
and lunch
Being complimented by another teacher $200
Tardy (this doubles with each
Missing homework $50
Rudeness, such as not listening
when another student is speaking
Messy desk (discovered in police
Dishonesty $500

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