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Exceptional was first used by the French Political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville in the 1830 s in his land!

!ark study "#e!ocracy in A!erica$ % Exceptionalism& the idea that the 'nited (tates is a unique society) that its *eo*le inhabit a unique *lace in the world) and that its values *olitical) econo!ic and social

The idea of A! erican exce*tionalis! is controversial and is su,,ested that it "enco! *asses obnoxious su*eriority) irritatin, *aternalis! ) u,ly undertones of racis! and i! *erialis! ) and has been linked to the excessive nationalis! of a chosen *eo*le$ % -ohn .inthro* /overnor of the 0assachusetts 1ay 2olony that the Puritans should create "a city u*on a hill$ that would ! ark a clear break fro! the corru*t

3t is a re*ublic+ 3t is a federation+ There is a se*aration of *owers+ A syste! of checks and balances divides *owers and res*onsibilities and obli,es the key institutions to work to,ether to !ake and i!*le!ent *olicy+

The 2onstitution of the 'nited (tates was the first docu! ent of its kind in the world and has been the ! odel for ! ost of the constitutions+ % Four things that the Constitution does: 1+ 3t outlines the structure of the ,overn! ent) which is based around three branches of the ,overn! ent within a federal syste! + 4+ 3t distributes *owers a! on, the different ele! ents of ,overn! ent+

The 2onstitution can be a! ended to ! eet chan,ed circu! stances in a two6sta,ed *rocess+ % Other ways in which the Constitution can be changed without a formal amendment. 1+ The (u*re! e 2ourt can issue decisions on whether or not laws and the actions of ,overn! ent are constitutional+ 4+ 0any of the details of the structure of ,overn! ent have been chan,ed by laws *assed by

The *residency of the 'nited (tates is often described as one of the stron,est ,overn!ent offices in the world+ % The *resident is often ha!strun,& he is li!ited by ter!s of the 2onsititution) his *olicy o*tions are li!ited by 2on,ress and !any of the i!*ortant decisions about the ,overn!ent and *olicy are taken outside the .hite 7ouse+

The *ower of the *resident !ainly boils down to his ability to *ersuade and his ability to build coalitions of su**ort inside and outside 2on,ress+ % 2on,ress do!inated and few *residents were able to exert substantial leadershi*+ % Franklin #elano 8oosevelt was the first *resident to fully exert the *owers of the office rather

Five main reasons why the power and inf luence of the presidency has changed. 1+ As the *o*ulation of the 'nited (tates has ,rown) so have *eo*le s needs+ 4+ The *resident is better *laced to res*ond quickly to *olicy needs than 2on,ress+ 3+ The e! er,ence of the 'nited (tates as a su*er*ower has ,iven ! ore influence to the *resident+ 5+ Presidents are ! ore newsworthy than 2on,ress and have

The constitution says that anyone who is a natural6born citi:en) is older than 39 years of a,e) and has been a '+(+ resident for at least 15 years can be *resident+ % Constitutional powers of the president 1+ 1ein, co! ! ander6in6chief 4+ Power to ,rant *ardons 3+ Power to ! ake treaties ;with the (enate s a**roval< 5+ Power to no! inate a! bassadors and (u*re! e 2ourt =ud,es 9+ Power to veto con,ressional bills

10 different spheres of the powers of the presidency: 1+ 7ead of the (tate 4+ 7ead of the /overn! ent 3+ 2o! ! ander6in6chief 5+ 2hief >xecutive 9+ A,enda setter ?+ Forei,n *olicy! aker @+ >cono! ic Aeader 8+ 0oral Aeader B+ 2risis 0ana,er 10+ Party Aeader % President have beco! e de*endent on an ex*andin, body of *eo*le and institutions that have collectively

2on,ress is the least *o*ular of the three branches of the ,overn!ent+ 2on,ress was desi,ned by the fra!ers of the 2onstitution to be the !ost *owerful branch of the ,overn!ent+ The ,rowth of *residential *owers !ade decision !akin, within the 2on,ress decentrali:ed+

2on,ress is the least *o*ular of the three branches of the ,overn!ent+ 2on,ress was desi,ned by the fra!ers of the 2onstitution to be the !ost *owerful branch of the ,overn!ent+ The ,rowth of *residential *owers !ade decision !akin, within the 2on,ress decentrali:ed+

1+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 9+ ?+ @+ %

ome of the powers of the Congress according to the Constitution Authority to levy taxes 1orrow ! oney 2oin ! oney #eclare war 8aise ar! ies #eter! ine the nature of the federal =udiciary 8e,ulate co! ! erce with forei,n ,overn! ents and a! on, states

!owers of Congress in actual practice 8+ Aaw! akin,

1+ The (enate is desi,ned to re*resent the states with equal re*resentation for all the 90 states no !atter the si:e+ 4+ They serve six year renewable ter!s and elections are sta,,ered so that one6third of !e!bers stand for reelection every two years+ 3+ The ex6officio *resident of the (enate is the vice

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