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Group 2

First Generation Language

It was introduced by John Atanasoff who built a prototype of machine that has capable of computing and uses electricity to process the human instructions.

The computer determined a specific structure of switches that are on (flow of electricity is present) or off (no flow of electricity has been made.

For programmers, on and off represents 1 and 0 that is based on a machine language which is essentially a series of ones and zeros Originally, no translator was used to compile or assemble the firstgeneration language.

The code using first generation language can run very fast and efficient since it is directly executed by the computer. It is difficult for humans to read, write, and debug.

A: 01000001 B: 01000010 C: 01000011 D: 01000100 E: 01000101 F: 01000110 G: 01000111 H: 01001000 I: 01001001 J: 01001010 K: 01001011 L: 01001100

Second Generation Language

The second Programming Language is also called Assembly Language or low-level programming language. Assembler translates into machine code.

Assembly Language uses mnemonic instructions. Each assembly language is specific to a particular processor and cannot be used in different machines.

// compile with: /doc:DocFileName.xml
/// text for class TestClass public class TestClass { /// <summary>DoWork is a method in the TestClass class. /// <para>Here's how you could make a second paragraph in a description. <see cref="System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)"/> for information about output statements.</para> /// <seealso cref="TestClass.Main"/> /// </summary> public static void DoWork(int Int1) { } /// text for Main static void Main() { } }

1.What is used by John Atanasoff's prototype of machine?

2. What is used to execute the first generation language?

3. What is the utility program that converts a language into executable machine code?

4. What does assembly language use to represent an operation?

5. Why can't assembly languages be used in different machines?


1. Electricity 2. CPU 3. Assembler 4. Mnemonic 5.Because each assembly language is specific to a particular processor

- Alyssa Belda - Leader; questions - Christian Borromeo - say questions - Rainier Coronado - reporter - Gallen Felicen - 2nd Programming Language - Mary Danielle Julo - reporter - Johannah Morata - powerpoint - Rafael Salvania -1st programming language - Angelo Suzara - reporter - Renzo Wagan - powerpoint

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