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Menstruation is a normal periodic flow of blood from the uterus. It is sometimes called the period.

The periodic cycle is a succession of changes going on in the female body that involves menstruation. Each cycle starts at the beginning of a menstrual period. Ordinarily each cycle takes about 28 days.

Amenorrhea - absence of flow Oligomenorrhea- cyclic bleeding at abnormally long intervals Hypomenorrhea- reduced amount and duration of the monthly flow Menorrhagia- profuse or prolonged bleeding which appears cyclically at intervals of approximately 28 days

Polymenorrhea-normal or refuse bleeding at regular intervals of 21 days or less

Dysmennorhea- cases where abdominal pain is experiences just before or during flow; It is also is the so-called painful menstruation.

1. 2.

Cessation of menstruation Nausea, vomiting with general malaise in the morning

Changes in the breast, such as tenderness and congestion like feeling without apparent increase in size, blue discoloration of the skin, darker areola and him watery secretion

Frequent duration Perversion of taste, unusual craving for certain foods or non-edible articles like chalk, clay etc. Change in disposition, usually more irritable and temperamental

Gradual increase in size of abdomen Palpable uterus Movement of fetus ) quickening during the fourth month ) Fetus heartbeat heard by means of stethoscope Clinical tests

Morning sickness in the form of nausea accompanied by vomiting, general malaise, dizziness and headache is a disturbance of the digestive systems.

Beriberi is a deficiency disease caused by eating few varieties of foods which are non vitamin containing, specially vitamin B (thiamine hydrochloride)

Vaginal Bleeding during conception is a serious indication of premature termination of pregnancy.

Abortion is the expulsion of the fetus

during the first three months of pregnancy Miscarriage is the expulsion of the fetus during the next three months Premature delivery is the expulsion of the fetus during the seventh & eight moths

Toxemia of Pregnancy is one of the most important complications of pregnancy. It may cause stillbirth or premature birth, or render the baby feeble and poorly developed after birth. It is most prevalent during the late months of pregnancy and apparently caused by poison which accumulates in the blood.

Toxemia cause:
high blood pressure Headache blurred vision Vomiting presence of albumin in the urine

swelling due to water in the tissue and

other symptoms.

Convulsion of pregnancy this is also known medically as eclampsia.

Constipation is bound to be prevalent due to the pressure of the fetus on the alimentary tract, thus preventing the easy and unmolested discharge of fecal matter.

Varicose veins are enlarged and nutty veins on the thighs and lower of legs due to the pressure of the enlarged fetus whereby the return flow of blood up is impeded.

Hemorrhoids or pill are dilated and distended portion of the veins of the rectum which appear in the later months of pregnancy when the uterus is interfering with proper local blood circulation.

Cramps are characterized by painful contraction of the muscles around the leg area which is generally felt at night or early in the morning.

Rhythmic contractions of the uterus which are regular and frequent in intervals, say every three or five minutes, usually accompanied by pain at the lower portion of the abdomen and across the back, and by the contraction of abdominal muscles.

Thick mucoid vaginal discharge which later is tinted or mixed with fresh blood Rupture of the Bag of water as manifested by vaginal flow of thin watery fluid in quite a good amount

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