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Employer Needs & Wants=Requirements Employee Needs & wants= job

Employer Requirements=Employee job When employer requirements/needs/wants sets with employee performance to satisfy and give what is required to be fulfilled there is a job for him. Give him what he wants ( Best policy)

Tell me about (Introduce) Yourself

Waves are my inspiration not because they rises & fall but because they fall & again rises, Myself ________ pursuing/having done my _____ from , completed my graduation from .., (place) in the field of commerce. As interested in ________ & so on.

Tell me what is not in your CV

My passion, My enthu level & willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence. My smile, My way to handle things, My flair to learning and getting work done, i.e. not there in my cv.

Your strengths: Analytical skills Positive attitude Passionate about work & learning things Willingness to walk the extra mile to achieve excellence Honesty & confidence

Your weaknesses : Nobodys perfect, but I had the qualification and motivation level to perform the job well Sometimes bios towards perception Language I push my people too hard, I like to work with a sense of urgency & everyone is not always on the same wavelength I had a real weakness for chocolate.

What do you know about this organization/ Institute?

Annual report, Directors speech, Advertisements, History, Track record, Industry report, News. Good track record, Better quality, innovative and creative, history in management studies which thrive to do better and better

What value addition you will be in my company ? How you would be an asset to this organization ?
My profile match with your needs and requirements for the job, so I wont be working only with the mind but with the heart too, that is where the success lies, a combination of Heart+Mind. That will help a great deal to add on and contribute in a positive way to the organization and will prove myself as an valuable asset.

What are your short term & long term goals ?

Short term goal is acquiring knowledge base to enhance my theoretical skill and put to practicality and growing within and with the organization Long term goal lies in satisfying myself not only possessing physical assets but also mentally satisfied and rendering the services to the organization contributing to the growth.

Why should I select/hire/take you ?

My goals are the same as the company's goals; what demonstrated skills are needed by the company that I have; my past pattern of accomplishments will likely to continue with this company. Finally, stress that I think this will be a great place to work and do so with enthusiasm. competence, professionalism, enthusiasm, and likeability.

Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?

I see myself at a higher cradle in the organization doing my work with excellence & opportunities flowering the path for me and contributing towards the organization.

Why do you want to work at our company/ organization ?

Your opportunity to hit the ball out of the park. skills, interest and want to be associated with one of the biggest/esteemed institute/financial company in the sector. Career growth are immense associated with the institue/company and will go up the ladder (long term goal)

What position (sales/financial analyst) do u prefer on a team working on a project ?

I am comfortable in different roles.

Are you a team player or able to work in a team ?

Yes, being in a team is a good support and we strengthen ourselves as well as others being in a team.

I am concerned you do not have as much experience as we have liked in ? How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience ?
Hard working, quick learner

Match up employer needs with your answer.

How do you feel about working nights and weekends ?

I love my work and do it exceptionally well and am a workaholic and ready to work in flexible timings. What's the norm for your best people here ?

Are u willing to relocate or travel ?

I am fine with traveling and ready to relocate as the position demands for.

How much money/Salary do you want/expect in ?

Money is important to me but is not my main concern, opportunity and growth are far more important I am sure company has already established a salary range for this position, could u tell me what that is? I want an income commensurate with my ability & qualification. what does the position pay ? Whatever you pay to your best employee at this post. Thats a tough question, can u tell me the range for this position

Can you work under pressure ?

Absolutely, as I was the class representative for mba had an experience of working under different conditions.

Proper role/mission of a good manager/executive or leading company in the industry ?

Manager getting work done through & with the help of others. Role of a company to maintain a profit and employees & to add on to it and step towards innovation and growth maintaining relationships.

What motivates you on & off job ?

Challenges, achievements & recognition.

what do you worry about ?

i wont call it worry, but I am strongly goal oriented person. I keep challenging myself that seems to be keeping me away from achieving those goals until I find the solution.

Toughest decision you ever had to made ?

In every stage we make some decisions I didn't feel as any to be tough but the life is to be explored and lot more to be done.

How do u define success ?

Success is the progressive realization of worthy goal.

Who has inspired you in your life ?

My father, his simple living, intelligence and ability to manage things efficiently.

Looking back what would you do differently in your life ?

Its been a good life, rich in learning & experience, and the best is yet to come. Every experience in life is a lesson in its own way. I wouldnt change a thing. I am a happy, fulfilled and optimistic person and wont like to change anything in general.

Do you have any questions for me?

How soon will I be able to be productive What type of project will I be able to assist on

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