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Helping Young Children Become Better Listener lectured by Dr. Hasbi Sjamsir, M.

Hum Group 3 Miftahul Maulidha Enny Miliyanti Rohmawati Fitriani

Fact on listening
Forgotten language art (Tomkins, 2002)

2% of population learn any formal education

experience with listening.

Using Children Names to Foster language Development

Research suggest that childrens effort to write their

names as useful indicator of their literacy acquisition. In the classroom children are motivated to recognize their friends name. Research that childrens efforts to write their names is a useful indicator of their literacy acquisition (Bloodgood, 1999) Reading simple sentence which childs name inserted by using these procedure : (Denton, Parker, and Jasbrouck 2003) - introduction - teach the sight word - read the sentence - evaluate individual progress

What is effective listening?

A workable definition of listening includes these three elements:
Hearing Listening Comprehending

Active listeners get involved both intellectually and emotionally with messages (Jacob, 1990) They focus attention, filter out distraction, process information, make pertinent comments, and ask relevant questions (Brent & Anderson , 1983)

Collaborating with family and professionals

Gerardo case

Contribution and Consequences

Contribution of the teacher
Contribution of family Contribution of other professional

Consequences of collaboration

Standard guide professional practice: When to make referrals for hearing assessment
Indicators of tested for hearing loss Physical indicators, child breaths through the mouth (a sign of congestion, has frequent cold and earaches, complains of buzzing or ringing in the ear, has discharge from the ears. Behavioral indicators, child speaks or vocalize loudly or in unusual way, doesnt seem to understand simple direction, fail to respond when spoken to, requests frequent word and sentence repetition, shake or inclines head when attempting to listen, seem inattentive during stories, has articulation difficulty, high/low

Why is listening important?

Listening is the foundation for speaking, reading and

writing in children without hearing impairments (Jalongo, 1991) Popular wisdom Listen and learn Listening is on of the primary methods by which children acquire the beliefs, norms, and knowledge bases of their society (McDevitt, 1990, p.571) Listening is a way of communicating respect Stages in Phonological and Phonemic Academic awareness Newborns Early preschoolers Kindergarten/first graders First grade to third grades




Phonological awareness is sensitivity to the rhythm and sounds of language Listening behavior is influenced by; 1. Capacity includes physiological influences such as auditory

acuity (the ability to hear) and auditory perception (the ability

to discriminate among sound in memory), attentional disorders, emotional disturbances, prenatal drug exposure,

and language proficiency.

2. Motivation

3. Habits







watching the speaker, striving to understand, formulating question, identifying and summarizing main ideas, and

responding to what is heard. 4. Contextual learning

In kindergarten there are some significant listening skills, such as

learning to use and respond to the signals speakers give to

listeners, connecting what they hear with what they see, and relating what they hear to their own experiences. They also learned to use prestarts (word or phrases that have little substance but that indicate to listeners that speaker is about

to take conversational turn).

Example; Young children wants to continue talking (and, uh, I mean) Acknowledge or affirm (Yeah, Um-hmm, Me too)

Move the conversation forward by commenting on a previous

statement (Yes, but You say Well, I think ) Another listening ability of children is connecting aural input (what they hear) to visual input (what they see) Another basic type of listening skill is the childrens ability to connect what they hear with their own experience.




Adults teach children to listen, first and foremost, by being good listeners themselves (Malaguzzi, 1994). Young children are active and relatively inexperienced as group members, so they seldom function well in large groups that leave them waiting to participate. They will have better chance to succeed as listeners if the teacher keeps the group small and makes sure that they stay involved.

Managing Classroom The teacher needs to establish some inviting, comfortable routines that get students focused, such as with a real object, a brainteaser, a song, choral speaking or creative dramatics.

Whatever routine as a teacher we choose, select something that attracts the childrens attention and requires their attentive listening in order to participate. The most important step in getting children to listen to directions is to make the directions very clear in the first place.

If teachers communicate more clearly and check for understanding periodically, childrens apparent inability to follow instructions will diminish.

Classroom activities to support listening

Play a variety of Translate sounds Compare / contrast Summarize information

musical selection Make a picture book and music connection Explain how something function Tell a story Sound effect Play the police officer game Use story song I tell, you do Story line

(how to make ant farm) Story map Participtory listening Cause / effect Audiotape recipe Directed Learning/Thinking Activity (DLTA) Childrens literature

Listening skill cannot occur automatically, it can

be taught Young children need to participate in meaningful activities to develop their listening ability. To be a good listener before teach listening Think that listening as a foundation for language development in order to avoid the neglected language art.

Research-Based Literacy Strategies

What is Audiobooks?

Books on tape
Professionally recorded, un-abridge versions of

fiction and nonfiction books. Available on audiocassettes or CDs.

The Use of Audiobooks

Helpful for teachers in their listening section and

develop students reading interest. Many students with visual or physical disabilities can experience literature by listening to audiobooks(Holum & Gahala,2001) For the primary students, audiobooks give significant support in developing their reading ability, they can listen the book better than they read it.

The advantages
There are so many advantages by using

audiobooks but we have to realize that reading has its own importance. Audiobooks is available in certain times or place that impossible for us to open an ordinary books. Audiobooks can be very inspiring for the children

Word Families: Onsets and Rimes

In learning phonics, children can develop their ability through understanding Onsets and Rimes Onsets An onset is the letter or letters at the beginning of the word. How ? A teacher might ask what letter would need to be added to e to make the word me and then guide the children in forming other words by changing the onset, such as he, we, or she.

Rimes A rime is the pattern at the end of the word For example: -in, -et, -op, -oat, -ight,-all, -ope, -eal, and so on. The idea is that if phonics elements are taught directly, children will recognize them when they hear and see them(Moseley & Poole, 2001)

A five step process in how to teach onsets and rimes according to Gunning(1995,p.486)

3. 4. 5.

Build words by adding the onset. Build words by adding the rime. Select another model word. Provide guided practice. Apply the onset/rime strategy to a book that features a word family

Directed Listening/Thinking Activity (DLTA) and Discussion Web

Teaching children to actively visualize

information during listening and reading is common strategy to develop and improve comprehension and memory (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000) The directed listening/ thinking activity (DLTA) is way to promote childrens listening comprehension and ability to make inferences(Stauffer, 1975) Alverman, 1991, point out that we can combine the DLTA with discussion web to gain better result.

The procedure of combining according to Headly & Dunston, (2000) :


2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Prior reading a book aloud to the children, the teacher identifies the gist or underlying message of the story and writes single question to focus the childrens listening comprehension. Students respond to the discussion web statement by working with their partners for approximately five minutes. When time is up, students form groups of four by having one pair join another, and then they present each members opinion and justification. A spokesperson from each group presents the group views. After discussion, students respond to additional questions. Upon completion, comparisons are drawn between the ending of the story and the students predictions.

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