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Lessening Ones Karmic Retribution

Great Hardships Lead to the Attainment of Buddhahood

Encountering great hardship (not punishment) for the sake of the Lotus Sutra is the path that leads directly to attaining Buddhahood

The Significance of Hardships

First, Nichiren Daishonin presents the principle of lessening ones karmic retribution. Second, he cites examples from the past to clarify that those who spread the correct teaching of Buddhism will inevitably experience persecution. Third, he cites various sutra passages to indicate that his having come under harsh attack for propagating the Law signifies that he has read and lived the Lotus Sutra.

The Significance of Hardships

There is no such thing as a life free of hardships. . . Unless we are aware of our inner strength to withstand hardships, we will find one difficulty giving rise to another, and we will ultimately be crushed by their weight . . . It is of utmost importance to teach them (people in the Latter Day of the Law) about their inner power to triumph over suffering. This is the teaching of Nichiren Buddhism. (LB, p. 73)

Lessening Ones Karmic Retribution Equals Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime

A person could expiate even the heaviest negative karma from past lifetimes through receiving retribution in a lighter form in this present existence.

Lessening Ones Karmic Retribution Equals Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime

The first point is in regard to Nichirens declaration that the suffering of hell will vanish instantly. The second point is that lessening karmic retribution is also the gateway to attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime.

The Benefit of the Purification of the Six Sense Organs

Despite being abused and vilified, Bodhisattva Never Disparaging ceaselessly tried to convey the fundamental tenet of the Lotus Sutra. As a result, he received the benefit of purifying of the six senses.

Nine Consciousness
1-5 Five Senses 6 Mind 7 Sub-Conscious 8 Storehouse 9 Buddha Nature


The Benefit of Protecting the Law

In an evil age, the practice of shakubuku serves to protect the law clarifying the correct teaching of Buddhism. Shakubuku is the driving force for lessening karmic retribution and transforming karma.

Action is the Direct Path to Changing Our Karma

In Nichiren Buddhism, action is of key importance. Nichiren selflessly strove to open the path to Buddhahood for all people.

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