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What is VHDL?
VHDL stands for

Very High Speed Integrated Circuits Hardware Description Language.

It is a Hardware description Language Digital system design using HDLs is an established methodology in EDA ( Electronic Design Automation).

Features of VHDL
VHDL is the amalgamation of following languages: Concurrent Language Sequential Language Timing Specification Simulation Language

It has all the features that real life hardware has

Test Language

Design Hierarchies to create Modular designs

Facilitates device independent design and Portability


Concurrent Language
Concurrent Statements execute at the same time in parallel, as in Hardware. Z <= C + X; X <= A + B; X <= A + B; Z <= C + X;

Hardware inferred is position independent


Sequential Language
Sequential Statements execute one at a time in sequence. As the case with any conventional language Sequence of statements is important.

Timing Specification

clock waveform
process begin clock <= not clock; wait for 30 ns; end process;







Test Language
Test bench - Is part of a VHDL model that generates a set of test vectors and sends them to the Module being tested. - Collects the responses made by the Module Under Test and compares them against a specification of correct results.

Need To ensure that design is correct. Model is operating as required.

Design Hierarchy
Hierarchy can be represented using VHDL. Consider example of a Full-adder which is the top-level module, being composed of three lower level modules i.e. Half-Adder and OR gate.

History of VHDL
In 1981 the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) had arranged a workshop to study Various Hardware Description methods Need for a standard language Features required by such a standard.

A team of three companies, IBM, Texas Instruments, and Intermetrics were awarded contract by DoD to develop a language.
Version 7.2 of VHDL was released along with Language Reference Manual (LRM) in 1985. Standardized by IEEE in 1987 known as the IEEE Std 1076-1987.




THEREFORE Highest Level of abstraction means Lowest Level Of detail. DETAILS OF WHAT ??

Finally we want to make a Chip, Hence Levels of Abstraction Tell us as too how close is our description to What is required to make a chip.


Levels of Abstraction
Different styles are adopted for writing VHDL code. Abstraction defines how much detail about the design is specified in a particular description. There are four main levels of Abstraction. Layout Level Logic level Register Transfer Level

Behavioral Level


Layout Level
Lowest level of Abstraction. Specifies Actual layout of design on Silicon Contains Detailed timing information, and analog effects.


Logic Level
Design has information about Function Architecture Technology Detailed timings Layout information and analog effects are ignored.


Register Transfer Level

Using HDLs every register in the design, and the logic in between is defined Design contains Architecture information No details of Technology No specification of absolute timing delays.


Register Transfer Level

Entire Design is partitioned between clocked and combinational processes. E.g. up down / synchronous counter

Comb logic


Comb logic



Behavioral Level
Describing function of a design using HDLs, without specifying the architecture of registers. Contains timing information required to represent a function.


Behavioral Level
Behavioral Model of an AND gate. architecture and_gate_arch of and_gate is begin process(a,b) begin if (a = '1' and b = '1') then c <= '1'; else c <= '0'; end if; end process; end and_gate_arch;

Basic Building Blocks

ENTITY A designs interface to the external circuitry. ARCHITECTURE Describes a designs behavior and functionality. CONFIGURATION Binds an entity to an architecture when there are multiple architectures for a single entity. LIBRARY Library should be declared before EACH entity declaration even if it is in the same VHDL file. Is a collection of compiled VHDL units Commonly used functions, procedure and user data types can be compiled into a user-defined library for use in all designs Syntax
library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;

Equivalent to pin configuration of an IC.
entity entity_name is port (port_list) ; end entity_name;

Example : entity and_gate is port ( 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A : in std_logic;

1B, 2B, 3B, 4B : in std_logic;

1Y, 2Y, 3Y, 4Y : out std_logic ); end and_gate ;

VHDL design description must include, ONLY ONE ENTITY Entity Declaration Defines the input and output ports of the design. Each port in the port list must be given, a name data flow direction a type. Can be used as a component in other entities after being compiled into a library.


Proper documentation of the ports in an entity is very important. A specified port should have a self explanatory name that provides information about its function. Ports should be well documented with comments at the end of the line providing additional information about the signal. Consider example of an ALU.


entity ALU is port ( In1 : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); In2 : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); Opsel : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); Cin : in std_logic; Mode : in std_logic; Result : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); Cout : out std_logic; Equal : out std_logic ); end ALU;

-- first operand -- second operand -- operation select -- carry in -- mode arithm/logic -- operation result -- carry out -- Is 1 when In1 = In2


Signal in the port has a Mode which indicates the driver direction. Mode also indicates whether or not the port can be read from within the entity. Four types of Modes are used in VHDL. Mode IN Mode OUT Mode INOUT Mode BUFFER


Mode IN
Value can be read but not assigned. Example: entity driver is port ( A : in std_logic; ); end driver ; Port Signal Entity

Drivers reside outside the entity


Mode OUT
Value can be assigned but not read. Example: entity driver is port ( B : out std_logic; ); end driver ; Drivers reside inside the entity Entity Port Signal


Bi-directional Value can be read and assigned Example: entity driver is port (Data : inout std_logic) ; end driver ; Entity Port signal Data

Drivers may reside both inside and outside the entity

Signal can be read inside the entity.

Always need a control signal to control direction of signal flow.


Entity Output port with Internal read capability Driver reside Inside the entity Example: entity driver is port (Count : buffer std_logic ) ; end driver ;


Signal inside can be read inside the entity

Note does not exists in real life hardware but are included for convenience.


Specifies, Behavior Function Relationship between inputs and outputs of an entity.

architecture architecture_name of entity_name is declarations begin concurrent_statements end [ architecture_name ];

Equivalent to truth table. Example: A L L H B L H L C L L L


Can contain only Concurrent Statements. A design can be described in an Architecture using various Levels of Abstraction. To facilitate faster design Better understanding Lesser complexity. AN ENTITY CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE ARCHITECTURE!!

There can be no architecture without an Entity.


Architecture Bodies
Behavioral Also known as High-level Descriptions. Consists of a set of assignment statements to represent behavior. No need to focus on the gate-level implementation of a design.


Architecture Bodies
Dataflow Use concurrent signal assignment statements.


Architecture Bodies
Structural Components from libraries are connected together. Designs are hierarchical. Each component can be individually simulated. Consists of VHDL netlists.

It is possible to mix the three Modeling styles in a single architecture body.


Comparing Architectural Bodies

A structural design methodology is used to Split a design into manageable units. Silicon vendors provide libraries which can be used to instantiate components that represent device-specific resources and optimized structures. eg. LogiBLOX in Xilinx Tool. Synthesis tools have in-built algorithms that find the optimal solution regardless of the form of description.




Configuration declaration is used to select one of the many architectures that an entity may have. Syntax: configuration configuration_name of entity_name is for architecture_name for instantiation:component_name use library_name.entity_name(architecture_name); end for; end for; end configuration_name;

entity gates is port ( a,b : in STD_LOGIC; c: out STD_LOGIC ); end gates; architecture and2_arch of gates is begin c <= a and b; end and2_arch; architecture or2_arch of gates is begin c <= a or b; end or2_arch; configuration and_or of gates is for and2_arch; end for;


Language Elements
VHDL is a strongly TYPED Language. VHDL is not case sensitive. VHDL supports a variety of data types and operators. OBJECTS OPERATORS AGGREGATES


Objects are used to represent & store the data in the system being described in VHDL.

Object contains a value of a specific type. For ex: object

results in an object called count which holds integer value

SIGNAL COUNT : INTEGER class Data type

The name given to object (also port ) is called as identifier. RESERVED WORDS cannot be used as identifies Each object has a type & class. Class indicates how the object is used in the model & what can be done with the object. Type indicates what type of data the object contains.

Each object belong to one of the following CLASS CONSTANT SIGNAL VARIABLE The set of values that each object can hold is specified by DATA TYPES SCALAR ACCESS FILE COMPOSITE







These are identifiers with fixed value.

The value is assigned only once, when declared.

Value cannot be changed during simulation.

Example: constant Bus_Width : Integer := 16; constant CLK_Period : Time := 15 ns;

Constants makes the design description more readable. Design changes at later time becomes easy.

Scalar data types Enumerated

This declaration defines a set of user-defined values consisting of identifiers & character literals.

User defined enumeration

type micro_op is ( load, store, add, sub, mul, div ) As shown micro_op is enumerated types & supports the values load, store, add & sub. Values of enumeration type has position number associated with them. Compiler encodes these enumeration literals in ascending order.

Predefined enumeration types :

Bit :Supports the values 0 & 1. Boolean : Supports literals FALSE & TRUE is defined as

variable error_flag : boolean := true.

Std_logic_type : Data type defined in the std_logic_1164 package of IEEE library. It is defined as type std_logic is (U, X, 0, 1, Z, W, L, H);


Data type Integer Meaning Example

Has set of values that signal count : integer range 0 follow within specific range to 8 Has a set of values in given range of real numbers. signal real_data : real range 0.0 to 35.5



Used to represent physical Constant set_up : time := 2 ns. quantities such as current, time distance




Composite Data Types represents collection of values. ARRAY - : Consists of the elements that have same type. Vector ( special case of single dimensional array ) Ex signal A : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); Two dimensional array (typical application is a memory device) Ex : type memory_1K4 is array ( 0 to 1023 ) of std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0); signal memory : memory_1K4


Logical Operators Relational Operators Shift Operators Adding Operators Multiplying Operators Miscellaneous Operators Highest priority Lowest priority (except not) ??


Logical Operators

Are defined for Types BIT and BOOLEAN. One dimensional arrays of BIT and BOOLEAN.

Incorrect Examples: port ( a, b, c : bit_vector (3 downto 0); d, e, f, g : bit_vector (1 downto 0); h, i, j, k : bit; l, m, n, o, p : boolean );
h <= i and j or k; l <= m nand n nand o nand p; a <= b and e; h <= i or l; -- parenthesis required; -- parenthesis required; --operands must be of the same size --operands must be of the same type;

Relational ( Conditional ) Operators

Are used to check conditions.






= and /= are predefined for all types. <, <=, >, and >= are predefined for For integer types Enumerated types One-dimensional arrays of enumeration and integer types.


Relational Operators
No numerical meaning is associated with a BIT vector Elements of a vector are just a collection of objects of the same type.

For array types operands are aligned to the left and compared to the right.


Shift Operators VHDL 93

sll srl sla sra rol ror






Shift left logical Shift right logical Shift left arithmetic Shift right arithmetic Rotate left logical Rotate right logical


Shift Operators
Each operator Takes an array of BIT or BOOLEAN as the left operand Integer value as the right operand Ex: A is a bit_vector equal to 10010101 A sll 2 is 01010100 (shift left logical, filled with 0) A srl 3 is 00010010 (shift right logical, filled with 0) A sla 3 is 10101111 (shift left arithmetic, filled with right bit ) A sra 2 is 11100101 (shift right arithmetic, filled with left bit ) A rol 3 is 10101100 (rotate left) A ror 2 is 01100101 (rotate right)


Adding Operators



Concatenation Operator (&) Operands can be one-dimensional array type or element type & Operator works on vectors only. Example: signal a: std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0 ); signal b,c,d: std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 ); begin b <= 0 & c(1) & d(2); a <= c & d; end;

Adding Operators
Do not use Concatenation operator on the left of the assignment symbol. architecture bad of ex is signal a : std_logic_vector ( 2 downto 0 ); signal b : std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0 ); begin 0 & a <= b; -- Error! end bad;


Multiplying Operators
* / mod rem

( * ) and ( / ) are predefined for: Integers, Floating point numbers mod ( modulus ) and rem ( remainder ) are predefined for Integers only. Example: variable A,B : Integer; Variable C : Real; C <= 12.34 * ( 234.4 / 43.89 ); A <= B mod 2;

Miscellaneous Operators
Abs **

The abs operator has only one operand. It allows defining the operands absolute value. The result is of the same type as the operand.
** ( Exponential Operator ) is defined for any integer or floating point number Examples : 2 ** 8 = 256 3.8 ** 3 = 54.872 abs (-1) = 1

Assigns values to the elements of an array. Example : a <= ( others => 0; ) identical to a <= 00000 We can assign values to some bits in a vector and use others clause to assign the remaining bits. Example: a <= ( 1=>1, 3=>1, others =>0 ); signal data_bus : std_logic_vector ( 15 downto 0 ); data_bus <= ( 14 downto 8 => '0', others => '1 );


Elements in a vector can also be assigned values of other signals.

Example : a has a length of 5 bits.

a <= (1=> c(2), 3=> c(1), others => d(0); identical to a <= c(2) & d(0) & c(1) & d(0) & d(0) ; ------( Disadvantage ? )

others choice can be only the last choice in an aggregate.

Each element of the value defined by an aggregate must be represented ONCE AND ONLY ONCE in the aggregate.


Concurrent Statements



Concurrent Statements
Consider X = X+Y; In software: X and Y are register locations The contents of X and Y are added and the result is stored in X.


Concurrent Statements
In concurrent statements, there are no implied registers. Feedback is described around Combinational logic.


Selected Signal Assignment when statement

Z <= A when x = 0' and y = 0' else B when x = 0 and y = 1else C;

A> B>

0 1 2 z



Selected Signal Assignment when statement

Z <= A when x = 0' else B when y = 0' else C;

A >

0 1 z



Selected Signal Assignment when statement

Z <= A when x = 0' else B when y = 0' else C;

A > B> C> 0

0 1 z

1 x


Selected Signal Assignment when statement

Modeling Tri-state buffer

architecture tri_ex_a of tri_ex is

begin out1 <= in1 when control = '1' else 'Z'; end tri_ex_a;


Selected Signal Assignment with statement

Syntax with choice_expression select target <= expression 1 when choice 1; expression 2 when choice 2; expression N when choice N ; statement evaluates choice_expression and compares that value to each choice value. In when statement the matching choice value has its expression assigned to target. Each value in the range of the choice_expression type must be covered by one choice.

Selected Signal Assignment with statement

signal A, B, C, D, Z: std_logic; signal CONTROL: std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); with CONTROL select Z <= A when "00", B when "01", C when "10", D when "11"; 0 when others; Why when others clause?

No two choices can overlap. All possible choices must be enumerated. Each choice can be either a static expression (such as 3) or a static range (such as 1 to 3). 66

Selected Signal Assignment with statement

Modeling multiplexer

architecture with_ex_a of with_ex is

begin with in1 select out1 <= in2 when '1',

'0' when others;

end with_ex_a;


Design Hierarchy
Hierarchy can be implemented using VHDL. Predefined design can be used to model complex functionality. Full adder can be implemented using two half adders as shown below Top level IN1 IN2 IN3 Component carry A U1 B C B S A U2 C S



Design Hierarchy
entity half is port ( A,B : in BIT; S1,Carry : out BIT); end half; architecture add_arch of half is component xor port ( A,B : in BIT; C : out BIT); end component; component nd2 port ( A,B : in BIT; C : out BIT); end component signal s1,c1, c2 : BIT; begin U1: xor port map (A => a, B =>b, S => S1); U2: ND2 port map ( A =>a, B =>b, C=>carry);

Component Instantiation
Component Represents a precompiled Entity- Architecture pair. Instantiation Is selecting a compiled specification in the library and linking it with the architecture where it will be used. Port mapping Assignment of actual signals in the system to the formal ports of the component declaration.


Component Instantiation

instance_name : component_name
port map ( [ port_name => ] expression [port_name => ] expression );

instance_name names this instance of the component type by component_name - WHY? port map connects each port of this instance of component_name to a signal-valued expression in the current entity.


Component Instantiation
entity ND4 IS port ( IN1,IN2,IN3,IN4 : in BIT; Z : out BIT); end ND4; architecture gate_arch of ND4 is component ND2 port ( A, B: in BIT; C : out BIT); end component; signal TEMP_1,TEMP_2 : BIT; begin U1: ND2 port map ( A =>IN1, B =>IN2, C=>TEMP1 ); U2: ND2 port map ( A =>IN3, B =>IN4, C=>TEMP2 ); U3: ND2 port map ( A =>TEMP1, B =>TEMP2, C=>Z );

Component Instantiation
Ports can be mapped to signals by Positional or mixed notation. U1: ND2 port map ( IN1,IN2, TEMP_1 ); U2: ND2 port map (A => X, C => Z, B => Y); U3: ND2 port map (IN1,IN2, C => TEMP1); -- positional -- Named -- Mixed

Named association is preferred because it makes the code more readable and pins can be specified in any order. All positional connections should be placed before any named connections.


Generate Statement
Concurrent statements can be conditionally selected or replicated using generate statement.

Used to create multiple copies of components, processes, or blocks. For ex: Provides a compact description of regular structures such as memories, registers, and counters.

No simulation semantics are associated.


Generate Statement
Two forms of generate statement forgenerate Number of copies is determined by a discrete range ifgenerate Zero or one copy is made, conditionally Syntax: label: if expression generate { concurrent_statement } end generate [ label ];

Syntax: label: for identifier in range generate { concurrent_statement } end generate [ label ] ;

Note: Range must be a computable integer, in either of these forms: integer_expression to integer_expression integer_expression downto integer_expression Each integer_expression evaluates to an integer.

Generate Statement
for.generate Example:


Generate Statement


Generate Statement
ifgenerate Example:


Generate Statement


Are created by signal assignment statements Concurrent signal assignment produces one driver for each signal assignment



As shown Z is assigned two times. Hence has multiple drives


Signals with multiple sources can be found in numerous applications. Ex. : Computer data bus may receive data from the processor, memory, disks, and I/o devices. Each of the above devices drives the bus and each bus signal line may have multiple drivers. Such multiple source signals require a method for determining the resulting value when several sources are concurrently feeding the same signal line. When defining a synthesizable design do not initialize ports or signals.


Resolution Function
VHDL uses a Resolution Function to determine the actual output. For a multiple driven signal, values of all drivers are resolved together to create a single value for the signal. This is known as Resolution Function Examines the values of all of the drivers and returns a single value called the resolved value of the signal. Std_Logic and Std_Logic_Vector are resolved Functions. The de facto industrial standard types.


Resolution Function
Bad Model ENTITY mux IS PORT (i0, i1, i2, i3, a, b : IN std_logic; q : OUT std_logic); END mux; ARCHITECTURE bad OF mux IS BEGIN q <= i0 WHEN a =0' AND b = 0' ELSE 0'; q <= il WHEN a =1 AND b = 0' ELSE 0; q <= i2 WHEN a =0' AND b = 1 ELSE '0; q <= i3 WHEN a =1 AND b = 1 ELSE 0; END BAD; Four assignments Better Model ARCHITECTURE better OF mux IS BEGIN q <= i0 WHEN a =0' AND b = 0' ELSE i1 WHEN a =1' AND b = 0' ELSE i2 WHEN a =0' AND b = 1' ELSE i3 WHEN a =1' AND b = 1' ELSE Z; END better; single statement.




Process Statement characteristics

Are executed one after another, in the order in which they are written. Can appear only in a Process. Only sequential statements can use Variables. Process is the primary concurrent VHDL statement used to describe sequential behavior.

Statements in a process, are executed sequentially in zero time.

All processes in an architecture behave concurrently. Process repeats forever, unless suspended. NOTE : SEQUENTIAL STATEMENTS DO NOT GENERATE SEQUENTIAL HARDWARE

Sensitivity List

Simulator runs a process when any one of the signals in the sensitivity list changes. Process should either have a sensitivity list or a wait statement at the end.

Only static signal names for which reading is permitted may appear in the sensitivity list of a process statement.
The execution of a process statement consists of the repetitive execution of its sequence of statements.

If Statement
if condition1 then Syntax: { sequential_statement }

elsif condition2 then

{ sequential_statement } else

{ sequential_statement }
end if; If Statement evaluates each condition in order.

Statements can be nested.

Generates a priority structure. Corresponds to when-else command in the concurrent part.

if Statement

Avoid using more than three levels of Ifelse statements . When defining the condition, use parentheses to differentiate levels of operations on the condition.

If statement
process (sel, a, b, c, d) begin If sel(2) = 1 then y <= A; elsif sel(1) = 1 then y <= B; elsif sel(0) = 1 then y <= C; else y <= D; end if; end process;

Generates a priority structure. Corresponds to when-else command in the concurrent part.


Case Statement
Syntax: case expression is when choice1 => { statements } when choice2 => { statements } when others => { statements } end case;

Case Statement is a series of parallel checks to check a condition. It selects, for execution one of a number of alternative sequences of statements. Statements following each when clause is evaluated, only if the choice value matches the expression value.


Case statement
process (sel,a,b,c,d) begin case sel is when 0=> y <=a; when 1=> y <=b; when 2=> y <=c; when others => y<=d; end case; end process; Does not result in prioritized logic structure unlike the if statement. Corresponds to in concurrent statements.

Case statement

Every possible value of the case expression must be covered in one and only one when clause. Each choice can be either a static expression ( such as 3 ) or a static range ( such as 1 to 3 ). we cannot have a when condition that changes when it is being evaluated.

Invalid Case Statements

signal VALUE: INTEGER range 0 to 15; signal OUT_1: BIT;
EX1 : case VALUE is
end case; -- Must have at least one when clause EX2: case VALUE is when 0 to 10 => OUT_1 <= 1; when 5 to 15 => OUT_1 <= 0; end case; -- Choices 5 to 10 overlap EX3 : case VALUE is

when 0 =>
OUT_1 <= 1; when 1 => OUT_1 <= 0; end case; -- Values 2 to 15 are not covered by choices

Null Statement
Does not perform any action Can be used to indicate that when some conditions are met no action is to be performed Example:

case a is
when 00 => q1 <= 1; when 01 => q2 <= 1; when 10 => q3 <= 1;

when others <= null;----------------------Why?

end case;

Comparing if and Case Statements

If statement produces priority-encoded logic

Example: process ( s,c,d,e,f ) begin if s = 00 then pout<= c; elsif s = 01 then pout <= d; elsif s= 10 then pout <= e; else pout <= f; end if; end process;


Comparing if and Case Statements

Case statement produces parallel logic Example process ( s, c, d, e, f ) begin case s is when 00 => pout <= c; when 01 => pout <= d; when 10 => pout <= e; when others => pout <= f; end case; end process;

Process statement
Two types of processes: Combinatorial Clocked Combinatorial Process Generates combinational logic All inputs must be present in the sensitivity list. process (a,b,c) begin x <=( a and b) or c; end process;


Process Statement
Clocked Process: Generates synchronous logic.

process (clk) begin if (clk event and clk =1 ) then Q < = D; end if; end process; Any signal assigned under a clkevent generates a Flip-flop.


Process Statement
Clocked processes having an else clause will generate wrong hardware.

process(clk) begin if (clk'event and clk = '1') then out1 <= a and b; else out1 <= c; end if; end process;


Hardware Modeling Examples

Flip-flops should be reset or preset to a value on start-up because: - Initial state of the flip-flop may not be known after power-up. - Initial state of the flip-flop may not be the desired value after power-up. - To place the system into a known state during operation.


Hardware Modeling Examples

Process(CLK) Process(CLK) begin begin Implement a D flipflop with two outputs complemented & uncomplemented If CLK=1 and CLKevent then If CLK=1 and CLKevent then Q <= D; Q <= D; Qbar <= not D; Qbar <= not Q; end if; end if; end process; end process;

Bad coding style infers two flip-flops

Process(CLK) begin If CLK=1 and CLKevent then Q <= D; end if; end process; Qbar <= not D;

Good coding style


Hardware Modeling Examples

Synchronous Reset : Flip-flops are reset on the active edge of the clock when reset is held active.
process (CLK) begin if ( CLK event and CLK = 1) then if ( RST = 1 ) then Q <= 0; else Q <= D; end if; end if; end process;

Hardware Modeling Examples

Asynchronous Reset : Flip-flops are cleared as soon as reset is asserted.

process (CLK, RST) begin if ( RST = 1 ) then Q <= 0; elsif ( CLKevent and CLK = 1) then Q <= D; end if; end process;


Hardware Modeling Examples

Any assignment within clock statement will Generate a Flip-flop and All other combinational circuitry will be created at the D input of the Flip-flop.

process (clk)
begin if (clkevent and clk = '1') then out1 <= a and b;

end if;
end process;

Hardware Modeling Examples

process (clk, reset) begin if (reset = '1' ) then out1 <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then if (in1 = '1' ) then out1 <= a and b; else out1 <= c and d; end if; end if; end process;


Hardware Modeling Examples using integers

ENTITY add IS port (a, b : IN INTEGER range 0 to 7; z : OUT INTEGER range 0 to 15); END add; ARCHITECTURE arithm OF add IS BEGIN z <= a + b;


Hardware Modeling Examples

entity test_14 is port ( a, b, SEL : in std_logic; c : out std_logic ); end test_14; architecture test_14_arch of test_14 is begin C<= A WHEN (SEL=0) ELSE B; end test_14_arch;


Hardware Modeling Examples using integers

entity test_14 is port ( a, b, SEL : in integer ; c : out integer ); end test_14; architecture test_14_arch of test_14 is begin C<= A WHEN (SEL=0) ELSE B; end test_14_arch;

a [31:0] > b [31:0] > Sel [0] Sel [31] c [31:0]


Hardware modeling Examples- Latch

Incompletely specified Conditional expression infers a latch. Latch is a combinational circuit which necessarily has feedback to hold the output to previous value for the unspecified states/conditions.

Avoid the inference of latches in synchronous designs. As latches infer feedback and they cause difficulties in timing analysis and test insertion applications. Most synthesizers provide warnings when latches are inferred.


Hardware modeling Examples Latch

Completely specified Conditional expression. process (en,a) begin if en='1 then out1 <= a; else out1 <='1'; end if; end process; incompletely specified Conditional expression. process (en,a) begin if en='1' then out1<= a; end if; end process;


Process Statement

Process places only one driver on a signal.

Value that the signal is updated with is the last value assigned to it within the process execution.
Signals assigned to within a process are not updated with their new values until the process suspends.


Wait Statement
Wait statement : Suspends the execution of a process or procedure until some conditions are met. Three basic forms: wait on [sensitivity clause] wait until [condition clause] wait for [timeout clause]

Wait statement simulation view.


Wait On Clause
Wait on statement at the end of the process is equivalent to the sensitivity list at the beginning of the process.
A process with a sensitivity clause must not contain an explicit wait statement.

process -- No Sensitivity list begin if ( clk'event and clk = '1') then q <= d; end if; wait on clk; -- Replaces the Sensitivity list end process;

Wait Until Clause

process begin wait until clk = 1; q <= d; end process; flipflop inference

process ( clk ) begin wait until clk = 1; Illegal coding

q <= d; end process;

Processes with a wait statement & Sensitivity list are illegal


Wait for Clause

process begin clock <= 0; wait for 20ns; clock <= 1; wait for 12ns; end process;

Useful in testbenches for generating waveforms.


signal clk : std_logic := '0';

signal clk : std_logic := '0';

signal cnt1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";

clk <= not clk after 10 ns; w1 : process begin cnt1 <= cnt1 + '1'; wait for 22 ns; end process; Time 0 10 20 22 44 50 66 Cnt1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 Cnt2 0 0 0 1 2 2 3

signal cnt2 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";

clk <= not clk after 10 ns; w2 : process begin wait for 22 ns; cnt2 <= cnt2 + '1'; end process w2;

cnt1 & cnt2 are updated each after 22 ns


signal clk : std_logic := '0';

signal clk : std_logic := '0';

signal cnt4 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; clk <= not clk after 10 ns; w4 : process begin wait until clk = 1; cnt4 <= cnt4 + '1'; end process w4;

signal cnt3 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; clk <= not clk after 10 ns; w3 : process begin wait on clk; cnt3 <= cnt3 + '1'; end process w3;

cnt3 changes for any change on clk

Time 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Cnt3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Cnt4 0 1 1 2 2 3 3

cnt4 changes only on positive clk edge


signal clk : std_logic := '0';

signal cnt5 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";

clk <= not clk after 10 ns; w5 : process begin wait until clk = '1' for 7 ns; cnt5 <= cnt5 + '1'; end process w5; Time Cnt5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

cnt5 changes whenever positive edge occurs on clk AND each after 7 ns.

0 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87

Loop statements While loop

Loop statements are used to iterate through a set of sequential statements. Syntax: loop_label: while condition loop sequence_of_statements end loop loop_label Has a Boolean Iteration Scheme. Condition is evaluated before execution.


Loop statements
Loop statements are used to iterate through a set of sequential statements. Syntax: loop_label: while condition loop sequence_of_statements end loop loop_label
process ( Input ) variable i : POSITIVE := 1; begin L1: while i <= 8 loop Output (i) <= Input (i+8) ; i := i + 1; end loop L1; end process;

Has a Boolean Iteration Scheme. Condition is evaluated before execution.

Loop Statements - For Loop

Syntax: loop_label: for loop_parameter in range loop Sequence_of_statements end loop loop_label; Has an Integer Iteration Scheme. Number of repetitions is determined by an Integer range The loop is executed once for each value in the range The loop parameters range is tested at the beginning of the loop, not at the end. Example : factorial := 1; for number in 2 to N loop factorial := factorial * number; end loop;

For Loop Rules

Loop parameter is implicitly defined. Inside the loop, the loop parameter is a constant. Thus, it may be used but not altered. Discrete range of the loop is evaluated before the loop is first executed. Loop counter only exists within the loop. Labels in loop parameters enable better loop control with the next and exit statements. Labels also enhance readability and maintainability.


Loop Statements - For Loop

7 Input_X Bit Reversal 7 Output _X Executes the loop for the Specified input range
Shift_5: process (Input_X) begin L5: for index in Input_X'range loop

what will be the hardware ?

Output_X(index) <= Input_X(7 - index);

end loop L5; end process;

Loop statements Next Statement

Syntax: next loop_label when condition; Skips the remaining statements in the current iteration of the specified loop. Execution resumes with the first statement in the next iteration of the loop. for J in 10 downto 5 loop if sum < total_sum then sum := sum + 2; elsif sum = total_sum then next; else null; end if; k : k+1; end loop;


Loop statements exit Statement

Syntax: exit; exit loop_label when condition; Entirely terminates the execution of the loop in which it is located.

sum := 1; j := 0; L3 : loop J := J + 21; sum := sum * 10; if sum > 100 then exit L3; end if; end loop L3;


Exit : Causes the specified loop to be terminated.

Next :Causes the current loop iteration of the specified loop to be prematurely terminated; execution resumes with the next iteration.


Signals and Variables



Represents wires within a circuit.
architecture and_gt of anding is signal temp : std_logic; begin U1 : AND2 portmap (a,b,temp); U2 : AND2 portmap (temp,a,b); end and_gt;


Thus Signals can be used

To connect design entities together & communicate changes in values within a design. Instead of inout signals.

Each signal has a history of values i.e holds a list of values which include current value of signal & set of possible future values that are to appear on the signal.

These are objects with single current value. Are used to store the intermediate values between the sequential VHDL statements. Variable can be declared & used inside the process statement only. But retain their value throughout the entire simulation. process ( a ) variable a_int : integer := 1; begin

Note : a_int contains the total number of events that occurred on signal a

a_int := a_int + 1;
end process;

Signals vs Variables
Signals or variables are the objects used to store intermediate value in sequential region. A Signal has three properties attached to it Type, Value, Time. Type and Value.

A Variable has only two properties attached to it

Variables are used and declared in a process. A variable cannot be used to communicate between processes.

Signal assignments are done using Variable assignments are done using

<= :=

Use signals as channels of communication between concurrent statements.In non-synthesizable models, avoid using signals to describe storage elements.Use variable instead. Signals occupy about two orders of magnitude more storage than variables during simulation.Signals also cost a performance penalty due to the simulation overhead necessary to maintain the data structures representing signals.

Signals and Variables

CASE 1 : process (clk) If (clkevent and clk = 1) then temp := a and b; y <= c and temp;

CASE 2 : process (clk) If (clkevent and clk = 1) then temp <= a and b; y <= c and temp;

Signals and Variables

CASE 1 : process (clk) If (clkevent and clk = 1) then y <= c and temp; temp <= a and b; CASE 2 : process (clk) If (clkevent and clk = 1) then y <= c and temp; temp := a and b;


Signals and Variables

process ( clk, a,b,c,d) variable y, x, w : std_logic; begin if clk = '1' and clk'event then 1. z1 <= y; -- y is read before it is written implying memory 2. y := x; -- x is read before it is written implying memory 3. x := a and b; 4. w := c and d; 5. z2 <= w; -- w is written before it is read needs no memory end if; end process;


Signals and Variables

Resulting Hardware:

Draw the Hardware for the statement sequence 3, 2,1, 5,4


Signals and Variables

Hardware for the statement sequence 3, 2,1, 5,4


Signals and Variables

architecture var of parity is begin process(a) variable temp : std_logic; begin temp := '0'; for i in 0 to n loop temp:=temp xor a(i); end loop; p<=temp; end process; end var;

Signals and Variables

architecture sig of par is signal temp:std_logic; begin process (a) begin temp <= '0'; for i in 0 to n loop temp <= temp xor a(i); end loop; p<= temp; end process; end sig;

Signals and Variables

tb : process begin wait for 10 ns; sum1 <= sum1 + 1; sum2 <= sum1 + 1; end process;
Time 0 10 10 + 20 20 + 30 30 + Sum1 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 Sum2 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 0 10 10 + 20 20 + 30 30 +

tb : process begin wait for 10 ns; sum1 := sum1 + 1; sum2 := sum1 + 1; end process;
Time Sum1 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 Sum2 0 2 2 3 3 4 4

Using Signals or Variables

Use Variables in combinatorial processes. ( Less Simulation overhead ). Order dependency Signal assignments are order independent. Signals are updated at the end of process. Signals represent physical wires in the circuit. Variable assignments are order dependent, Variables assignments are done immediately and are executed sequentially. Variables may or may not represent physical wires.

Signal assignments under a clocked process are translated into registers.

Variable assignment under a clocked process may or may not be translated into registers. Computed value is assigned to signal after specified delay called delta delay Variable assignment occurs immediately.


Are specified in entities inside the generic clause. Provides information to a block from its environment. Example : Size of interface ports, width of components

Syntax : generic ( [ constant_name : type [ := value ]; constant_name : type [ := value ] );


entity AND_GATE is generic ( N: NATURAL := 3 ); port ( A : in std_logic_vector ( 1 to N ); Z : out bit ); architecture gen_ex of and_gate is begin process (A) variable and_out : bit; begin and_out := 1; for K in 1 to N loop and_out := and_out and A(K); exit when and_out = 0; end loop; Z <= and_out; end process; end gen_ex;


Applications of generics Can be used anywhere in a code where a static value is needed. Use of generics facilitates easy design changes. Used in behavioral modeling of components. For ex. : Timing parameters such as delays, Set-up times, Hold times can be modeled using Generics. Generics Are specified in entities. Hence, any change in the value of a generic affects all architectures associated with that entity. Constants Are specified in architectures. Hence, any change in the value of a constant will be localized to the selected architecture only.

Logic Systems
Need for a multi-valued Logic System In real life, a digital system may need more values than just '0' and '1' to represent the signal value. Conventional Logic systems had only three values I.e. 0 , 1 and Z Consider truth table for AND gate A B Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 For 0 Z ??? "Standard Logic" to allow us to represent logic systems with more than just values of '0' and '1'. This is a multi-valued logic system

Multivalued Logic System

A 9-value package STD_LOGIC_1164 was developed and accepted as IEEE Std 1164-1993. Possible states of signal are represented using the 9 values are given below U : Uninitialized X : Unknown 0 : Logic 0 1 : Logic 1 Z : High impedance W : weak unknown L : weak logic 0 H : weak logic 1 - : Dont care U, X, W, - represent behavior of model itself rather than the behavior of hardware being synthesized.

Multivalued Logic System

Nine values models the behavior of the digital circuit accurately during simulation. Unknown, un-initialized, drive strengths - are necessary to model the simulation. Thus represents behavior of model itself rather than the behavior of hardware being synthesized During synthesis high impedance condition is necessary to describe the circuit with output enables, while the dont care state can be used to optimize the combinational logic requirements of a circuit. It may simplify the logic being synthesized
Unknown [X] Un-initialized [U]

: Value was known, but is not any more. : Value was never known in the first place ! : Handle different output drivers. : Optimizes synthesis implementation.

High impedance [Z] : Net has no driver.

Drive strengths Dont care [-]

Operator Overloading Need

Predefined operators are defined only for the operands of certain predefined types. Example: entity add is port ( a : in bit; b : in bit; c : out bit ); end add; architecture correct of add is c <= a + b; end correct;

Operator Overloading
Arithmetic operations are not predefined in the language to work on vectors. Example: entity add is port ( a : in std_logic_vector; -------- Error! b : in std_logic_vector; c : out std_logic_vector ); end add; architecture wrong of add is begin c <= a + b; end wrong;

Operator Overloading
By using Operator Overloading we can extend the definition of predefined operators. Function bodies are written to define the behavior of overloaded operators.

When the compiler encounters a function declaration in which the function name is an operator enclosed in double quotes, the compiler treats this function as an operator overloading function.


Package : A convenient way to store & share declarations that are common across many design units. Package consists of two parts Package declaration package package_name is Contains a set of declarations declarations Defines interface for package end package_name; package body package_name is Package body declarations; Specifies the actual behavior of the package. end package_name; A Package Declaration can have only one Package body. Package body is optional.

USE WORK.DECLARE.ALL; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; entity AND_4BIT is port ( X, Y, Z : in STD_LOGIC; P :out STD_LOGIC; ); end AND_4BIT; architecture AND_4BIT_arch of AND_4BIT is SIGNAL TEMP1 : STD_LOGIC; begin U1 : and_gt PORT MAP (X,Y,TEMP1); U2 : and_gt PORT MAP (Z,TEMP1,P); end AND_4BIT_arch;

Component stored in package named declare

No Component declaration

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; package declare is

Another example of package declaration package define is

component and_gt port ( a: in STD_LOGIC; b: in STD_LOGIC; c: out STD_LOGIC ); end component; end declare;

constant count : integer := 5; type ALU_OP is (add,sub,mul,div,equ); end define;


Package can also have function declaration. In such case package declaration requires a package body which will describe the behavior of package
package shifting is function shift (data : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector; is end shifting; package body shifting is function shift (data : std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is variable done : std_logic_vector (data'range); begin done := data sll 2; -- return data sll 2 (no need to declare variable) return done; end shift; end shifting;


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