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Rules for active in to passive

See what is subject , verb , object Subject becomes object Object becomes subject New object is preceded by by Tense of the sentences does no change

Read the sentences

He writes a letter A letter is written by him

I eat an apple An apple is eaten by me

The lady manages the office The office is managed by the lady

He grows corn in his field Corn is grown in his field

What do you see? What is seen by you?

He writes a letter A letter is written by him I eat an apple An apple is eaten by me The lady manages the office The office is managed by the lady He grows corn in his field Corn is grown in his field What do you see? What is seen by you?

Change into passive voice

She helps the poor

The poor are helped by her

Great job!!!

I know him

He is known to him
Excellent !!!

What do you hear?

What is heard by you ?

Well done !!!!

Active to passive
Simple past tense Av- subject +verb+ object PV= subjects +was/were + verb past participle + object

He wrote a letter A letter was written by him

I ate an apple An apple was eaten by me

They refused him admission in the school Admission in the school was refused to him He was refused admission in the school by them.

His parents forgave him He was forgiven by his parents

Did she ask him anything ? Was anything asked to him by her ?

Change into passive voice

He kept us waiting

We were kept waiting by him

Great job!!!

The hunter did not aim at the deer

The deer was not aimed by the hunter

Excellent !!!

Did she give him anything ?

Was anything given to him by her ?

Well done !!!!

Hari gave rishabh a tough fight

A tough fight was given to Rishabh by Hari

Great job!!!

I shall buy this car This car will be bought by me

She will do her job Her job will be done by her

Will they not mend their ways Will their ways not be mend by them

Change into passive voice

The police will look into the matter

The matter will be looked by the police

Excellent !!!

The teacher will teach us a lesson

A lesson will be taught by the teacher

Great job!!!

He is writing a letter A letter is being written by him

I am eating an apple An apple is being eaten by me

The gardener is planting a flowers Flowers are being planted by the gardener

Children are playing cards Cards are being played by the children

Were they learning the lesson ? Was the lesson being learnt by them

The president was giving away the awards The awards were being given away by the president

The boys were playing football The football was being played by the boys.

She was not solving the sums The sums were not being solved by her

We were planting trees in the compound Trees were being planted by us in the compound.

He has written a letter A letter has been written by her .

I have eaten an apple An apple has been eaten by me

She has done her duty Her duty ahs been done by her

She has sold her house Her house has been sold by her

Has he ever seen a cheetah ? Has cheetah ever been seen by him ?

I have mailed the letter A letter has been mailed by me

I have learnt a lesson A lesson has been learnt by me

The farmers have reaped the harvest The harvest has been reaped by the farmers

We have seen all the sights

All the sights has been seen by us.

I have not eaten lunch

The lunch has not been eaten by us

They had already seen the film The film had already been seen by them

He had written a letter A letter had been written by him

I had eaten an apple An apple had been eaten by me

They had never visited simla before Simla had never been visited by them before

Who had invited you to the party ? By whom had been invited to the party ?

They had already missed the flight The flight had already missed by them

She had received your mail when I met her Your mail had been received by them when I met her

Our team had won two matches by the first week Two matches had been won by our team.

Ranjan had met my sister earlier too My sister had been met by Ranjan

Who had swept the hallway ? By whom had the hallway been swept ?

He will have written a letter A letter will have been writen by him

I will have written a letter A letter will have been written by me

I shall have baked a cake The cake shall have been baked by me .

He will have painted his house The house will have been painted by him.

Will she have written a note ? Will note have been written by her ?

Change into passive

He will have bought some cakes Some cakes will have been bought by him.

The soldiers will have captured the capital The capital will have been captured by the soldiers.

She will have captured the capital The capital will have been captured by her.

She will have cleared her examination The examination will have been declared by her

Will she have written a note ? Will a note have been written by her ?

He will have bought some cakes Some cakes will have been bought by him.

The soldiers will have captured the capital The capital will have been captured by the soldiers.

She will have cleared her examination The examination will have been cleared by her .

I shall have finished this project by Monday This project will have been finished by her .

The jury will have sentenced him to jail He w ill have been sentenced to jail by the jury

Shut the gate Let the gate by shut

Obey the rules Let the rules be obyed

Take it home Let it be taken home

Let him see the match Let the match be seen by him

Please bring me a glass of water Let a glass of water be brought

Drop this knife at once Let this knife be dropped at once.

Pleas help her to cross the road Let she be helped to cross the road.

Lower the life boats Let the life boats be lowered .

Send him to his room Let she be sent to his room .

Tell him to keep it safe let it be kept safe

Do not hurt the beast Let the beast be not hurt

Dont disturb him Let he be not disturbed.

I can enlist other people in my her 'campaign I have made that taxi drivers day We saw him talking to the station master Give me your fathers name and address Rakesh gave it a sprinkling and circled it with a pebble Plant it in that shaddy corner where it wont be disturbed

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