Creado por juanitanaidoo

In Africa's womb

She is dying and re-birthing in Africa's womb, this child of Africa, India, the UK, the Philippines and simply the whole Earth. I have lived here, in Africa's heart and in her womb everywhere I have journeyed. Listening to her song, her heartbeat, her warrior cries, her expansions and contractions as she surrenders to the birth pains that bring new life. I came home to die more parts of my self. Any part of me that sees any part of you as separate to the part of the whole that is just a whole of many parts that one is part, and one path and one breath chooses to submit itself to its own death, and in so doing, offers an invitation to any part of you, that sees any part of me being separate to the whole that you are, and that I am, as one whole and one part and one path and one breath. In Africa's womb much is dying and giving birth to itself anew. The New Earth awakens in every moment we surrender to the source. In Africa's womb. I surrender.