Creado por Karen Hansen

Vedanta: The "Inner" Tecahings of Hinduism

Every Religious tradition, including Hinduism in its plenitude of variations, suited for every temperament and stage of life, has a "hidden," "inner," or "mystical" set of teachings at its core. Such teachings are passed on from Teacher to student (Guru to initiate, or Sheikh to dervish; the names differ, but the roles are the same). A set of practices are prescribed to the student, and at times direct spiritual transmissions given, to prepare the spiritual student to receive the gift of Enlightment- that is, the direct, unmediated experience of the Divine. Priests and books and intermediaries are not central to the mystical traditions, such as Vedanta. All is focused on personal, direct, unmediated experience. "To thine own self be True" could well be a motto for these "inner" teachings that run through all of the world's organized Religions. Not governed by rules, but by a set of time-tested practices, these teachings are open to all who are willing to devote themselves fully to the sustained effort that is required to reach Self-Realization. Swami Vivekananda was the first Teacher to bring Vedanta to the West, at the first World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago, in 1893. He brought the audience to their feet. This was back in the day when Americans called a man dressed as he was, wearing a white turban wrapped around his head, and a white robe, a "Hindoo." The collection of "Inspired Talks" found here include many given at that very event. He was a Lion of a man.