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The Story



In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The Prophet


Narrate stories about the Tribe of Israel and there is no harm in that.
I present the following Story to show the way of Shaytan in his attempt to mislead mankind. The story warns humans about Shaytans sincere advice. One must oppose the thing that Shaytan is calling to. One thing more importantly is that from the following Story the great lesson to be taken is that Shaytan will always lead mankind astray by his Step by Strategy. Some of his early steps to oppose mankind can be quite sincere but see the End Result. Barsisa was a very pious worshipper from the Bani Israel. He was the most pious person of his time, in a narration it is mentioned that he worshipped sixty years. Shaytan exerted himself to seduce him, but could not. During his time, there were three brothers who had a sister. She was a virgin. And they had no sister other than her. They were all about to leave the town to go to war. They did not know with whom to leave their sister and who they could trust to look after her. They all agreed to leave her with that pious person. They all trusted him. They went to him and asked if they could leave her with him. She would be in the building next to him until they return from the fighting. He refused their request and sought refuge in Allah from them and their sister. They persisted until he finally acquiesced. He said, Put her in the house next to my place of worship. So they put her in that house and they left, leaving her there. She remained living next to that pious person for some time. He would put food for her in front of his building of worship. Then he would lock the door and return to his place of worship.He would then tell her to come out of her house and take the food.

Then Shaytan approached him softly. He encouraged him to treat her kindly. He told him that it was not good to make the woman come out of her house during the day as someone may come upon her. If he took the food directly to her door that would mean a greater reward for him, He continued for some time to go to her door and place the food at the front of her door without speaking to her. Then Iblees came again and encouraged him to do good and get more reward. He said, If you took her the food and placed it in the house for her, you would get a greater reward. He continued to encourage him. So he started to take the food into her house. He continued like that for some time Then Iblees came again and again encouraged him to do good. He said, If you talk to her for a while she will be put to ease by your conversation as she is in a state of fear and she is all alone. He then started talking to her from atop his place of worship. Then Iblees came again. He said, If you were to come down and talk to her while she sits at her door and talks to you, that would be even more comforting for her. He continued to encourage him until he came down and sat at his door and would talk to her. The girl would come out of her building and sit at her door and they would talk for a while. Then Iblees came again and encouraged him to get great rewards for treating her well. He said, If you were to go from the door of your place of worship and sit close to her door, that would be even more comforting for her. He continued exhorting him until he did so. He continued that act for a while. Then Iblees came again. This time he said, If you enter her house and talk to her, and not make her show her face in public it would be even better for you. He continued exhorting him until he entered her house and spent the whole day talking to her. Then when night fell, he returned to his place of worship.

Then Iblees came to him after that and continued to make her more appealing to him. Until the worshipper got upon her and kissed her. And Iblees continued to make her look nice in his eyes and desire her until he finally had sexual intercourse with her. She got pregnant and gave birth to a boy. Then Iblees came and told the worshipper, Do you not realize what the brothers of the girl will do to you when they see she has given birth to your son? You will not be safe if your matter becomes clear. You should go to the boy and kill it and bury it, that way you can conceal your affair and they will not do anything to you for what you did to her. Then he said to him, Do you think she will conceal from her brothers what you did to her and your killing of her son. Take her, kill her and bury her with her son. He continued spurring him on until he killed her and threw her in the ditch with her son. Then he put a large rock over them and leveled it. Then he returned to his place of worship and worshipped therein. He stayed in that state for as long as Allah willed until the brothers came back from the fighting. They came to him and asked him about their sister. He mourned her loss and started to cry. He said, She was the best of women and that is her grave. The brothers came to the grave and cried over their sister and asked Allah to have mercy on her. They stayed at her grave for a few days and then went to their families. When the night overtook them and they went to their beds, Shaytan came to them in their sleep in the form of a traveler. He started with the eldest and asked him about their sister. The brother told him what the pious man had stated and how they were shown her grave. Shaytan told him that the pious man had lied. He aid, He did not tell you the truth about your sister. He got her pregnant and she had his son and then he killed and buried her out of fear of you. Then he threw them in a ditch he dug behind the door of the house she was staying in, to the right of the entrance. Go and enter the house in which she stayed and on the right of the entrance you will find

everything I told you about. Then he went to the middle brother and did the same. Then he went to the youngest brother and did the same. When they woke, they were all surprised at what they had seen. When they met each other, they all said, I saw an amazing thing last night and they informed each other of what they had seen. The eldest said, That dream has nothing to it so just ignore it The youngest said, I will not leave it until I go and look at that place. They all went until they reached the door of the place where there sister stayed. They opened the door and looked for the place that was described to them in their dreams. They found their sister and her son buried in a ditch, as they were told. They asked the worshipper about it and he confirmed what Iblees had told them. They then took him and were about to crucify him.

The Story didnt end yet

When they had him on the wooden cross, Shaytan said to him, You know that I am your companion who tempted you by the woman until you got her pregnant and you killed her and her son. If you obey me today and deny Allah ,who formed and shaped you , and prostrate to me [do sujdah to Shaytan], I will rescue you from your predicament. The worshipper then belied Allah, and made Sajdah to Shaytan .When he belied Allah, Shaytan left from being between him and the others and they were able to crucify him. What was the Last thing Barsisa did in his life? It was Shirk , and not only Shirk, it was the highest type of Shirk. All his Good deeds were lost and he got into Hell fire for ETERNITY !

A Lesson from this Story

Shaytan uses a step-by-step approach to misguide mankind
From the previous story we can note one of the methods that Shaytan uses to mislead mankind. He takes the human step by step, not all at one time, to misguidance. He neither over does it nor does he bore the person. Every time the person is pleased by a step, he takes the human to a greater act of disobedience. This continues until he can take him to the greatest sin and the persons destruction. This is Allahs pattern with respect to His slaves. If they deviate from Allahs path, He allows Shaytan to gain control over them. If Shaytan came to Barsisa on the first day and asked him to do Zina or Shirk, Barsisa wouldnt do itBut Shaytan used the STEP by STEP Strategy. Since Adam many thousands years have passed and Billions of people came, Shaytan has also gained much experience and he knows how to Delude mankind of different personalities.

O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islam, follow not the footsteps of Shaytan (Satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy. (Surah Al-Baqarah, 208)

The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever guides anyone to goodness, his reward shall be the same as those who follow his guidance without lessening a bit of their reward. [Saheeh Muslim]

Dawah is Dawah
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To get a copy of the Reward

The Messenger of Allah said : Is one of you so weak that he cannot acquire a thousand good deeds everyday? So a questioner from amongst those sitting there asked him : How can anyone of us gain a thousand rewards? He said, say :
Far is Allaah from imperfection


a hundred times, so a thousand good deeds are written for him or a thousand sins are cancelled for him.
[Related by Muslim]

The Messenger of Allah Whoever says :

said :

Far is Allaah from imperfection and praise is for Him

SubhanAllaahi wa bihamdihi

one hundred times in one day, then his mistakes / sins are cancelled out, even if they are like the foam on the ocean.
[Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

The Messenger of Allah said : There are two words which are gentle on the tongue, heavy on the scales , and beloved to Ar-Rahmaan:

Far is Allaah from imperfection and praise is for Him, Far is Allaah The Sublime from imperfection

SubhanAllaahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllaahil adheem

[Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

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