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Maestra en Gestin de Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicacin Curso: Ingeniera de requerimientos

(Requirement Engineering) Febrero-Marzo 2010

Sesin 2 (4/02/2010)

Requerimientos como una red de elementos vinculadosdetalles!

Tienen un rol en

Es propiedad de


Ocurren en

Tienen importancia


Satisfacen Conectan con




Definen un trmino en


Son justificados por


Razones (Rationale)

Tienen subtipos



Quin tiene un vlido inters en el producto/servicio? Cmo involucramos y manejamos el contacto con estas personas? Que requerimiento viene de cul stakeholder? ----------------------------------------------------------------Son ms que los desarrolladores o usuarios. Piensen en beneficiarios, operadores, involucrados indirectos, involucrados negativos, reguladores, etc.


Qu trata de conseguir/hacer? Para qu es esto? ------------------------------------------------------Pueden ser metas que no son totalmente alcanzables (visin), pueden ser difusas (sin mediciones), pueden se conflictivas (no cundo se expresan en los requerimientos). Se mejoran y refinan eventualmente!!!

Cmo se sabr que este requerimiento se ha logrado satisfactoriamente? Cmo puedes medir la entrega de este requerimiento? Cmo sabremos que el producto/sistema hace lo que dice que hace? Cmo sabremos que los suplidores han hecho lo que han dicho que harn? ------------------------------------------------La experiencia indica que cundo no se puede contestar algunas de estas preguntasquizs hay requerimientos ms simples (medibles) que estn includos en el que se est analizando

Interfaces (contexto y foco)

Qu debe ser includo, y qu debe ser dejado fuera del producto/servicio? Donde est la frontera del producto/servicio? Qu estrategias necesito para definir el foco del producto/servicio? ------------------------------------------No es fcil! Se necesita de iteraciones y refinamiento. Se inicia dnde se tenga informacin!!!

Caractersticas de un buen requerimiento

Characteristic Unitary (Cohesive) Complete Consistent Non-Conjugated (Atomic) Traceable Current Explanation The requirement addresses one and only one thing. The requirement is fully stated in one place with no missing information. The requirement does not contradict any other requirement and is fully consistent with all authoritative external documentation. The requirement is atomic, i.e., it does not contain conjunctions. E.g., "The postal code field must validate American and Canadian postal codes" should be written as two separate requirements: (1) "The postal code field must validate American postal codes" and (2) "The postal code field must validate Canadian postal codes". The requirement meets all or part of a business need as stated by stakeholders and authoritatively documented. The requirement has not been made obsolete by the passage of time.



Caractersticas de un buen requerimiento

Feasible The requirement can be implemented within the constraints of the project. The requirement is concisely stated without recourse to technical jargon, acronyms (unless defined elsewhere in the Requirements document), or other esoteric verbiage. It expresses objective facts, not subjective opinions. It is subject to one and only one interpretation. Vague subjects, adjectives, prepositions, verbs and subjective phrases are avoided. Negative statements and compound statements are prohibited. The requirement represents a stakeholder-defined characteristic the absence of which will result in a deficiency that cannot be ameliorated. An optional requirement is a contradiction in terms. The implementation of the requirement can be determined through one of four possible methods: inspection, demonstration, test or analysis.






Una herramienta para definir requerimientos



Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall be available for use by all HR representatives at each company facility (Production process requirement > ?) The SATURN system shall be developed to provide company-wide access to employee skills and training information to all HR representatives (Process Functional Requirement > ?) Managers need access to timely and accurate data on personnel in order to meet operational needs. (Business Requirements > ?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall complete all retrievals and display the requested information, within one minute of the user entering the query (Performance > ?) The SATURN system shall return all available skillsets to the user within one minute of initiating a search (Performance Requirements > ?) Up to 20 concurrent users may use the SATURN system without any degradation of response time (Performance > ?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall retrieve basic identifying information for all employees meeting the specified criteria
(Functional Requirement >?)

The SATURN system shall retrieve basic identifying information for all employees who meet the pre-determined skills and training criteria
(Product Requirement >?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
Data formats shall be translated across legacy system boundaries into the format supported by the local users system (Product Requirements >?) The SATURN system will have the same look and feel at each company location that users of the system at that location are familiar with, and therefore shall require no training (Operational Process Requirement > ?) The SATURN systems look and feel shall be identical to each local legacy system (Product Interface Requirement >?) There shall be no operational impact to any user other than the impact on information retrieval caused by larger population of employees from which to select (Environmental Requirements >?)



Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall retrieve basic identifying information for all employees meeting the specified criteria (Functional Requirement >?) The SATURN system shall retrieve basic identifying information for all employees who meet the pre-determined skills and training criteria (Product Requirement >?) Skills and training information from all company locations will be available to all other company locations (Process Interface Requirement >?) To ensure complete skills and training information are captured among the legacy systems, a data model shall be created (Process Specialty Requirement > ?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The HR user shall be able to retrieve employee skills and training data by predefined categories (Product Functional Requirement >?) The user needs the capability to search on personnel across the entire company by pre-defined skill sets (User Requirements >?) The local user shall be able to search all legacy systems in a predefined local, regional, or national geographical area for personnel meeting a specified skill-set (Functional Requirements > ?)



Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall operate through a commercially available browser such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla (Interface Requirement >?) The SATURN system shall run on commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware using the Microsoft Windows Operating System (Specialty Engineering Requirement >?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall operate on single phase commercially available power with a line voltage in the range of 110 volts plus or minus 20 volts AC (Environmental Requirement >?)



Ejemplos de requerimientos
Test HR records for verifying the SATURN system will consist of a special set of personnel records at each company location specifically created with artificial data (Test Process Requirement >?) The SATURN system will generate error messages when a query fails to run to completion or a legacy system is not responding within the allotted time (Non-Functional Requirement >??)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall maintain cross- references for information types contained in the legacy systems. For example the field called education_level in one system is the same as education in another
(High-Level (or System Level) Requirements >?)

The SATURN system shall convert data from each legacy system to the data expected by the local user. For example a masters degree in one system might be reflected in another system as Grade 17.
(High-Level (or System Level) Requirements > ?)



Ejemplos de requerimientos
SATURN shall be developed using Joint Application Development teams (JAD) composed of users (HR representatives), developers, and system testers
(Process Environmental Requirement >?)

The SATURN system shall use relational database technology (Product Specialty Requirement >?)


Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall be ready for system acceptance testing within 180 days of project inception (Process Performance Requirement >?) The SATURN system shall operate with 97% reliability, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Product Performance Requirement > ?)



Ejemplos de requerimientos
The SATURN system shall make use of the public switched network (PSN) and not require dedicated lines of communication (Functional RequirementsNonfunctional Requirements >?) The SATURN system shall use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) communications security (Derived (or Design) Requirements and Design Constraints >?)


Gracias por su atencin, a los que no se durmieron!



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