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1. Jonathan Swift : Gullivers Travels, A Tale of the Tub, A Journal of Stella, Drapiers Letter 2. Samuel Johnson : Rasselas, The Rambler, The Vanity of Human Wishes, The Idler, 3. Daniel Defoe : Robinson Crusoe
4. Joseph Addison : Rosamond, The Drummer 5. Richard Steele : The Reader, The Plebian, The Funeral, The Mistake


1. Alexander Pope : Essay on Criticism, Essay on Man, The Rape of The Lock
2. James Thomson : The Season, The Tragedy of Sophonisba 3. Edward Young : Night Thoughts 4. Tobias Smollett : The Tears of Scotland, The Regicide 5. Ambrose Philips : The Thousand and One Day


1. George Lillo : The Londons Merchant, Silvia, The Country Burial, The Christian Hero

2. John Gay : The Begars Opera, Three Hours After Marriage

3. John Home : The Tragedy of Douglas, Agis: Tragedy 4. Ambrose Philips : The Distrest Mother, The Briton, 5. Henry Fielding : Joseph Andrews

II. PRE-ROMANTIC A. POET 1. William Cowper : The Task 2. William Blake : Song of Innocence, Song of Experience 3. Robert Burns : To A Mouse, I Love My Jean 4. James Macpherson : Temora 5. Thomas Percy : The Nut Brown Mayde, Battle of Otterburn

1. Stevenson : Treasure Island

2. Walter Scott : Iranhoe 3. Samuel Richardson : The History of Young Lady

C. DRAMA 1. Brinsley Sheridan : The Rival, The School of Scandal

2. James Thomson : The Season 3. Joseph Addison : Cato, The Drummer

III. ROMANTIC PERIOD A. POET 1. William Wordsworth : Tintern Abbey, The Rainbow, Ode to Duty 2. Samuel Taylor Coloridge : Ode to France, Ode on Destruction of Bastille 3. Robert Southey : Well of St.Keyne, The Battle of Blenheim, The Scholar, The Inchcape Rock
4. Lord Byron : Hours of Idleness, Childe Harolds Pigrimage

5. John Keats : To a Skylark, Ode to The West Wind

B. PROSE 1. Charles Lamb : Essays on Elia, Tales of Shakespeare 2. Walter Scott : Guy Mannering, The Calisman, The Bride of Lammermoon 3. Jane Ausien : Anne Rascliffe, Emma, Persuasion,North Hanger Abbey
4. Maria Edgeworth : An Essay on The Noble Science of Self-Justification, The Parents

5. Susan Ferier : Marriage, Inheritance, Destiny

C. DRAMA 1. Percy Bysshe Shelley : Prometheus Unbound 2. Lord Byron : Manfred 3. Oliver Gold Smith : The Good Nature Man, She Stoops to the Conquer

IV. VICTORIAN PERIOD A. POET 1. Tennyson : The Princess, In Memoriam, The Brook 2. Robert Browning : Men and Women. The Ring and The Book 3. Elizabeth Barret : The Cry of Children, Caro Guidi Windows 4. Matthew Arnold : Dovar Beach 5. Dante Gabriel Rosselti : The Blessed Damozel, The Earthly Paradise

B. PROSE 1. Charles Dickens : Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickeby, Great Expectation 2. William Makepeace Thackeray : Henry Esmond, Vanity Fair, Pendennis, The Virginians 3. George Elliot : The Million on the Floss 4. Charles Reade : A Terrible Temptation 5. Charles Kingsley : Yeast 6. Elizabeth Gaskell : Mary Barton, North and South

C. DRAMA 1. Thomas William Robertson : David Garrick 2. Oscar Wilde : A Woman of No Importance


A. POET 1. Rudyard Kipling : The White Man is Burden, Barrack Room Ballads, The Five Nations 2. Robert Bridge : The Testament of Beauty 3. John Masefield : Dauber, The Everlasting Mercy 4. Rupert Brooke : Poems, Other Poems 5. Alfred Edward Housman : Last Poem, More Pomes, 6. Siegfried Sassoon : Counter Attack, Picture Show 7. Aldington : Image of Desire, A Foll in The Forest

B. PROSE 1. Thomas Love Peacock : Nightmare Abbey 2. Rudyard Klipling : Kim, Captains Courageous 3. Joseph Lonrad : Lord Jim, Youth, The Nigger of The Narcissus 4. Herbert George Wells : The Time Machines The Invisible Man

C. DRAMA 1. John Galsworthly : The Man of Poverty, In Chancery 2. George Benard Shaw : John Bulls Other Land, Pygmalion 3. John Millington Synge : The Well of Saints, The Shadow of Glen 4. Sean OCasey : The Shadow of Gunman, Juno and The Paycock 5. T.S. Eliot : The Cocktail Party

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