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Group 3: Nguyn Thanh T Tn Minh Hiu Trn i Nam Trng Th Kim Kiu Nguyn Thu Phng

Online Buying 1. Many traditional methods of conducting business are disappearing as more and more people use the Internet. Online auctions, such as eBay, are popular means of selling goods. Do you think online auctions will virtually replace the traditional garage sale? Why? Why not? What are the differences between an online auction and a garage sale? Answer: Do you think online auctions will virtually replace the traditional garage sale? Why? Why not? => Online auctions are one of the fastest growing segments of online business today. Millions of people buy and sell all types of goods on consumer auction sites each year. Although the online auction business is changing rapidly as it grows, three broad categories of auction Web sites have emerged: general consumer auctions, specialty consumer auctions, and business-to-business auctions. Some industry analysts consider the two types of consumer auctions to be business-toconsumer electronic commerce. Other analysts believe that a more appropriate term for the electronic commerce that occurs in general consumer auctions is consumer-to-consumer or even consumer-to-business (because the bidders at a general consumer auction might be businesses). Their argument is that manysellers who participate in general consumer auctions are not really businesses; they are ordinary people who use these auctions to sell personal items instead of holding a garage sale, for example. Whether you prefer to think of online auctions as business-toconsumer,consumer-to-consumer, or consumer-to-business, the largest number of transactions occurs on general consumer auction sites. What are the differences between an online auction and a garage sale? -. Auction place
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To start an online auction, you must first rent a place he spends a lot of money. Internet auctions is not entitled to demand such high costs and its just a site owner to suggest items available -. Global Reach The biggest advantage of online auctions is that their product providers a large number of people sell all over the world and not tied to a specific case of the traditional sales limited. Also, the buyer can choose through online auction site, without the limitations of the situation -. Communications communication with customers may be more difficult through an online auction on the face-to face interaction through online auction compared. Its one of the biggest drawbacks of online auctions where you can communicate only by email or phone -. Register When buying from online auctions, you are the first to sign up site, to track the status of your auction, while not one required online now -. Range of products online auctions are a variety of products. If you can not find your desired items in one place, you can go to the next auction. But the garage sale, limited variety because you can not jump from one place to another, often -. You want to buy * garage sale, you take home the winning element itself. tenders online, you must wait for the items, mail or courier to arrive. many online auctions offer free shipping, which is another advantage of online auctions. => You should be familiar with these differences between online auctions and garage sale, in order to better understand the benefits of selling online sales, compared to a physical store. 2. The online service craigslist has local classifieds and forums for more than 500 U.S. cities. These lists are community moderated and largely free. Would you prefer to buy or sell an item using an online auction or craigslist? Give two reasons for your choice. Answer: For the items you would like to sell individually,I would prefer to buy or sell by using craigslist . Because: Craigslist is free to post and sell items online so I prefer to go this route-you put a fixed price you would like for the item versus an online auction at Ebay. You might be able to get more money for your item on Ebay, though you will have to pay an insertion fee, and final value fee. You get one free picture upload with Ebay, and can put additional pictures on for additional fees as well. Secondly if you would prefer to sell a group of items and are looking for a particular group that you feel will benefit from this, join Yahoo! online newsgroups. I have found that a great place to sell used children's clothing and toys are through online newsgroups that are centered
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around children. This is also a great place to find someone to donate items to that are truly in need, and it gets rid of that extra clutter around your house. 3. Would you rather pay a bill online, call a customer service representative, or talk to a customer service support representative in person? Why? Answer: I would rather pay a bill online because of following reasons: The first advantage of the pay bills online that I can think of is that you will be always sure that you are not late with your payment. Moreover, you will be sure that you have forgotten none of your bills. It often happens to me to forget paying my bills not because I don't have the money, but I just have overlooked the deadline. I have so much daily tasks that paying bills is just on of these that I often miss to accomplish. The pay bill online option allows you to make yourself an account where you can check from your home computer whether you have a payment due. If I found that, I have a payment due, I just select the bill, and with the pay bill online feature within a few minutes, my bill is paid. The pay bill online feature allows you to check whenever you want whether you have not overpaid a bill. When I receive my bills with the regular mail, I have noticed that it is sometimes crossed with past mail. If I do not check the date, I will pay a past bill because I am used to write checks according to the total sum on the bill. I have found that I have written payments for bills that I had already paid once. This will be impossible with pay bill online option. It is nice to have a credit on your account. This does not happen to me because my husband and I live from paycheck to paycheck many months. In such cases, every penny is important. We also have found out that the pay bills online feature keeps information about what bills have been sent and what bills have not. This means that with the pay bill online it is impossible that I will pay a bill without knowing that my husband had already paid the same bill. Such misunderstanding happened to us last year. I sent a payment check for our car insurance. Unfortunately, I didn't know that my husband had already sent the same payment in the mail. Our car insurance was paid as well for the next quarter of the year and this is not bad but we had spent money that could have been applied elsewhere. The pay bill online service prevents this from happening. With the pay bill online feature, you can always have the most up to date information about your account. This pay bill online option helps me very much to keep track of my payments. With the pay bill online service, I'm always sure that I'm not late with any payment. . I spend a lot of time online. It just takes me a few minutes to select the pay bill online feature. After I get my payments settled, I am ready to move on to other things.

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4. Do you think there is a correlation between the ease of buying on the Internet and the amount of consumer spending? That is, the easier it is, the more people spend? Explain your reasoning. Answer: I agree with the above opinion. Firstly, we have to pay more on electricity bill for the time we surfed the internet to look for or hunt the thing we want to buy online.

The Internet
1. Internet cookies are used frequently by Web sites collecting information about the user. Are all cookies bad? What type of information do cookies collect? _ As you surf the web, most web sites send cookies to your computer to track your Internet usage. Most cookies are "good" cookies, used for legitimate purposes, such as storing preferences, account information and remembering the choices you have made on the site. But some cookies are "bad". For example, cookies from one site might track your visits to different web sites to know your browsing habits, purchase history, etc. 2. What type of information do you think Web sites should track about their users? Is it ethical to gather information about all users? If so, how should that information be used? If not, what are some ways to prevent information from being gathered? Identify a Web site that uses cookies in a way that is very helpful for its customers. Describe how it does so. - In my opinion, the type of information that websites should monitor the user isdownloading the application software or downloading music, etc.. when users aretracking the sites that also causes many disadvantages to the user. Site owners can set the auto to stop the information that users will have the right to collect and provideconditions for the user. eg search sites or music sites, etc. 3. When a user browses the Internet, many times banner ads appear on sites. One purpose of a banner ad is to entice users to go to the advertisers site. Are banner ads effective? Do you ever follow banner ads to another Web site? How can you prevent pop-up ads? - The banner is often present in many different websites to promote brands or anythingthat introduced the event to the user, such banner also appears necessary for the user.
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- Iused to click the banner to find out which sites have information interesting. if we do notwant the pop - up window appears, we can install some software blocking pop - ups, etc. 4. The Internet is rich with information. However, most information is free to anyone able to browse. This has caused a dilemma because many people cannot afford to maintain Web sites and would like to charge others for access to the information. Would you be willing to pay a fee to access an Internet page? - I think that most people visit a Web page they want without paying a fee at all. but alwayswhen we need to pay to download an antivirus software or a software such as computerapplications,etc. 5. If you decided to create a Web site, how much would you have to pay to have it displayed? Find an example of a service that would host the Web site and register your domain name. What is the average cost of these services? - Online storage service for online VDC - Installation cost free - Domains using charge monthly (basic> max) is 30,000 to 400,000 VND E-Commerce 1. There are three major categories of e-commerce: B2B, B2C, and C2C. Define each of the categories, provide an example of each, and explain the differences among the categories. _Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce involves the use of the Internet by one business to supply the material, services, and/or supplies needed by another business. _Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce is the exchange or trade of goods, services, or information between individual consumers _Business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce provides the same services as a regular store without the physical location and store-hour limitations. Which would account for the largest volume of transactions? C2C. Because you can bargain the prices, the goods with reasonable price. There are many useful things with reasonable on Ebay. Which would account for the largest dollar-amount transactions? B2C. Because shopping online is the most popular trend in this era. And shopping online also help much company earn money through marketing on the Internet.
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2. To conduct any type of business e-commerce, a number of capabilities must be in place. Some examples are login, security, online catalog, payment options, and shopping cart. List two additional capabilities that a company must have in place to do e-commerce. _Firstly, a company needs to provide first-rate customer service. Because every costumer is your god._Secondly, marketing or advertising on many popular webs, social networking the more people know about your brand, your companys activities the more success you get. Finding Information on the Web 1. What is the difference between a search engine and a directory? Search engines use computer programs called Robots to automatically go from page to page through the web, reading content, and adding it to their databases. To speed up the process of getting your site indexed, they usually have a way for you to submit your site for indexing. You usually only have to tell a Search Engine the URL (address) of your site and it takes care of the rest. Directories are run by humans who review web sites and categorize them within their directories. This leads to a more abridged set of sites which can good or bad depending on what you're searching for. Using the same keyword or combination of keywords, do a search using three different search engines and list your results. Keyword: What is the difference between a search engine and a directory? Google, Yahoo, AOL Which search engine provided the best match? Google The worst match? Yahoo 2. To do a focused search on the Web, it is recommended that you enter multiple descriptive keywords. What are some of the other ways to improve your search to get results that are specific to the keywords you typed in? Some techniques are used to have the best match in searching specific keywords: search operators, wildcard symbols, using words such as NOT, OR, AND and parenthese. What symbols can you use to help target your search? There are *, ?, +, - 3. How is instant messaging similar to having a telephone conversation? How is it different?

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By using yahoo messenger, skype you can chat with your friends as having a telephone conversation. But it is different because of typing words to have a conversation or using a microphone through Yahoo messenger and Skype [Skype is better than Yahoo in this case] in order to have a conversation as using telephone. If you had a choice, which type of communication would you prefer? a. b. c. Text messaging on your cell phone Speaking directly to the person on your cell phone Instant messaging on your computer Why did you make your choice?

My choice depends on which cases I need to have a conversation. If nothing is necessary I prefer to using instant messaging on my computer. But if something is really important or need to have a conversation I prefer to talk directly with my friends. Communication through instant message or texting message on cell phone are less communicative and decrease understanding from each other the best way to make misunderstanding as well. 4. Spam continues to be a problem for businesses and individual users. What are some of the ways you can decrease spam on your home computer? By creating an E-mail filter to fight spam mail always is the best solution. What are the costs to a company when it receives too much spam? In 2007, a study estimated that managing spam cost U.S businesses more than $71 billion annually. Its about $712 per employee. Internet History 1. The origin of the Internet is the ARPANET, which was a project sponsored by the government. What government agency sponsored the Internet? ARPANET created by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the United States Department of Defense. What was its purpose at the time? The purpose at that time was intended to allow general communications among computer users. Were there any commercial applications? No, there were not.
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Does ARPANET own the Internet? No, it does not.

2. What was the first major Internet browser software? The first major Internet browser software is display a Web document and enables to access linked document. What was the firm that developed the browser? Who was the lead developer? Mosiac was the first developed the browser. Why was a browser necessary? Its necessary because we need a software in order to recognize information requests, process requests and send the requested documents. In the other hands, there are many information on the Internet and we need a software to evaluate unnecessary information. What type of success did this software enjoy? Another feature that browsers share is enable to cache, or store, Web page files, graphics on your computer and so on. What type of competition did this firm encounter? Both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer enable to keep as home page, and you can change your home page with another abilities I had said. Does this firm exist today, and what is its current situation? Yes, they do. Mozilla Firefox version 3. 6. 3 and Internet Explorer version 8 3. The Internet is a global entity. As the use of the Internet grew, what standards and organizations emerged? The standard of ethics, responsibility and other issue in order to protect both Internet users and government is the most important things at this time.a 4. Some controversy has arisen about the content that is considered acceptable by some countries or groups, but not by others. Do some research and find a recent example of one or more countries trying to restrict access to Web sites that they deem to be inappropriate. What is your opinion about this practice? From my point of views, these argument depend on culture, religion and also politics. For example, Google is not allowed in China, and Facebook cant not access easily without changing your IP. On newspapers, because of some sensitive issue, Facebook is not allowed in Vietnam and Zing appeared later with similar version. At this time, as an responsible Internet user, we should be awared of which we access and use.

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The Internet and the Web 1. Many people still access the Internet from home using a dial-up connection. Why do you think that is? What are the telephone companies and cable companies doing to make it more attractive to use high-speed connections? Many people still access the Internet from home using a dial-up connection. Why do you think that is? - Some home users still connect to the Internet using a dial-up connection, which requires a modem and a telephone line. With this method, your computer is directly connected to the Internet. It appeared for a long time. Until now, there are some places still use it because: + Dial-up connections to the Internet require no. + Dial-up is often the only choice available for areas where broadband installations are not prevalent due to low population and demand. + Dial up method has always been and will remain the cheapest method of connecting to the Internet. + A dial up connection is much safer than any other technology. + It provides the user with the convenience of using his account wherever the service is available. That means, if you are going on a vacation and the service provider is available at that location, you can very much log in to your account and access the internet. This is mostly not the case with the broadband connection. And hence the dial up gets an upper edge when it comes to 'being there', always. What are the telephone companies and cable companies doing to make it more attractive to use high-speed connections? Broadband is often called " high-speed " access to the Internet, because it usually has a high rate of data transmission. In our life, time is very precious. So we find anyways to save time. + The telephone companies and cable companies research the ways to decrease the time but still improve the transmission quality. + They advertise about the speed and benefits of their service. Costumer can choose a reliable supplier. + they earn a huge money from provide network services for large companies, private house, school, . . . 2. Although Internet Explorer is still the most popular Web browser, there are many other options. Find at least two other Web browsers and describe how they differ from Internet Explorer. Which do you prefer? Speed: - Firefox: Pretty fast and even more software and support as faster fox and Fire Tune.
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- Opera: The fastest today. - IE: Has improved somewhat compared to version 6, but also somewhat heavy. Compatibility with the web: - Firefox: Not very good compatibility with pages designed specifically for IE, but IETab add-on for Firefox also has additional remedy this defect is relatively - Opera: Not very good compatibility. Still has to be overcome but some Vietnamese words still appear dilapidated. Not compatible with Gmail. - IE: The most perfect compatibility, virtually no problems. GUI (Graphic User Interface): - Firefox: Whether to upgrade to 2.0 but the interface is almost no change, only the icon is a bit more polished Address bar and toolbars arranged side by side looking quite reasonable. - Opera: The interface is quite nice and "smooth." However, the buttons back, forward a bit small to cause difficulties for users because the buttons are used very frequently. - IE: Interface is extremely nice and characterized Vista. The Back button, Forward is located next to the Address bar is very convenient. The menu is hidden and only displayed when you press the Alt button gives you a more space to manipulate the site. Privacy: - Firefox: Security capabilities of the 1.5 bit flat sides compared with the other two browsers, but Firefox is little error and completely removed the ActiveX. And you always have an open source community support for protecting against security vulnerabilities. However, version 2.0, Firefox has added anti-phishing features except online. - Opera: Quite comprehensive, totally protect you from viruses, spyware, phishing and popup. However, newly released shortly, Opera 9 to roll out 9.01 and 9.02 two patches to fix serious security flaws. - IE: Yet still retain the ActiveX technology, but users can be assured it will only be run under your permission. Incorporates additional anti-phishing filters (AntiPhishing), Anti-phishing feature domain (International Domain Name Spoofing Protection). Not to mention the add-ons with powerful antivirus protection, spyware will make you happy. All three web browsers are able to delete information securely. 3. Google has become a major player in the industry. Besides being a search engine, Google offers a number of varied services, many of which are free. Review the services offered by Google and select at least two that you might want to use. Describe them and explain why they would be helpful to students. Have 2 services offered by Google that I like is: WEB and PICTURES. WEB PICTURES Describe Is a search engine all the Is a search engine all web for all people. Help us the picture for all people. to get what you want to find. Help us see the images on to
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You were taken out to dinner. at a very good place but you dont remember the address. => You just need to goolge type food you ate. Immediately, address will show up for you and you can go there one more time to enjoy your favorite dishes.

find in formation. You are learning English, have a word that you dont understand what it means. => And the best way to remember is a long view on which pictutre.

4. If you want to register a domain, how can you find out if the name is already taken? If it is, is there a way that you can you still use the name? What role does ICANN play in the registration process? Finding out whether a domain name is taken is simple and the task may be performed on numerous sites on the Internet. These sites not only offer a search box in which to place the name you would like to check, but you may also buy the domain name of your choice before somebody else pounces on the special name that you have picked. A personal website usually ends in .ws (.website); an organization website usually ends in .org; and a commercial website usually ends in .com---the most popular

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