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Edita: CEIP San Andrs - ALMARAZ

(January 14) Failed assassination attemp.

Felice Ornisis and his accomplices fail to assassinate Napoleon III, in Paris, but their bombs kill 8 and wound 142 people. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was born on 20 April 1808. He was the president of the French second republic and as Napoleon III, the ruler of the Second Empire.

William I becomes King

William I of Russia becomes regent for his brother, Frederiek William IVI who suffered a stroke. The future kings and Emperor was born William Frederiek Louis of Russia.

(November 17) Denver is discovered

The city of Denver, Colorado, is founded. Denver is the capital and the most populous city of the U.S. State of Colorado.

La pequea Dorrit, por Charles Dickens.

En 1856, Charles Dickens adquiri la casa dnde haba transcurrido su infancia como residencia definitiva. Hacia este mismo ao, Charles estuvo trabajando en una obra de teatro, haba una actriz llamada Ellen, de la que poco tiempo despus se enamor, pero decidi mantenerlo en secreto. En el ao 1857, Charles Dickens termin de escribir la obra La pequea Dorrit. En el 1858, Charles se separa oficialmente de su esposa Catherine, pero an as, sigui preocupndose por sus hijos.

BIRTHS: April 14; Princess Beatrice (youngest child of Queen Victoria) DEATH: May 2; Alfred de Mosset, French poet. May2_ Alfred de Mosset, French poet.


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