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Genes of God

Brother William Marrion Branham.

Query: Genes


10-3 031 Now, remember, you say, "Well, we believe this, but we
don't believe that." If you're married to Christ, Christ is the Word of
God. In St. John the 1st chapter said, "In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." And
the same was made flesh and dwelled among us. Christ was the
living Word. He always was the Word; He's still the Word; He
always will be the Word.

He was only the manifestation of the attributes of God, for He was

the Son of God, and any son is the attributes of his father. And just
as you were in the genes of your father, in the body of your father
when he was a young boy... You were in him, yet he could not
have fellowship with you, because he didn't know you. But then
through the bedding grounds of a mother, you were brought forth
into the earth and become in the image of your father; then he
could fellowship with you. And so were you sons of God and
daughters of God before there even was a moon, stars, or a
molecule; you were sons and daughters of God. For you are only
the physical manifestation of the attributes that was in God at the
beginning. For there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that was
you before... You don't know nothing about it; neither did you know
when you were in your earthly father. But you're manifested in His
image; in the image of God you are made, and you were
manifested for the glory and the fellowship of God.

And therefore, as sure as your genes had to be in your father

before your natural birth, your spiritual genes had to be in God,
because you're an expression of the attributes of His thoughts
before the foundation of the world. That's right. No way around it.
That's right.

11-2 032 Now, now, we notice: then that Life being in you, God's
Life being in you from the foundation of the world...
2 The Spoken Word


128 056 When I stood yonder Los Angeles at Forest Lawn, one
day, and my heart jumped. How many's ever been in Forest Lawn?
There is a--the statue of Moses by--by--angelo, I believe it is
Michelangelo. And it's a perfect statue, all but on the right knee;
there is a nick about a half inch deep. And the guide... I was
looking, and he pointed it out to me. He said, "Michelangelo had
spent a lifetime of trying to--to make... He was a sculptor, and he
was trying to make the image of Moses. Back in his mind he had in
mind what Moses should look like. He had that in his heart what
Moses should look like. And then he spent his lifetime; chisel a
little here, and rub it, stand back and look at it. Year after year after
year he worked on it. Finally when it was completed, and he
stepped back, and laid down his rag and his hammer, he looked at
the statue. It was so perfect the image of Moses that he had in his
heart, till he got so beside himself, he grabbed the hammer and
struck it, hollered, 'Speak!'" It's called Michelangelo's Masterpiece.

129 057 That great something in that sculptor, that vision that he
had of what Moses ought to be with, was only portraying in type of
the great Father God. He had in His heart before the foundation of
the world, a Son, because He is a Father. But it was still in the
genes of His Word. And He created a man, and He had to put him
on free moral agency, but that man fell. But the great Sculptor,
God, Who made man from the dust of the earth, He didn't settle for
that; He started making man again. And He made a Noah, he died
drunk. He made a Moses that failed to keep His Word. He made
prophets that run in the time of trouble. And He kept building and
molding, until after while He wanted a--a Masterpiece to reflect
Him, His nature, what was in His heart what a son should be.

130 058 One day, down on Jordan, after that Masterpiece had
been formed and made, here He come sending down in a--on the
wings of a Dove, and said, "This is Him." He was so enthused with
this Masterpiece until He struck Him on Calvary, that He'd die for
the rest of us was imperfect; that through the shedding of His
Blood, He might bring many masterpieces (being a Bride) to His
Son. Masterpiece is scarred because the enthusiasm of God to
see such a Masterpiece; He struck Him for us all. See? There He
died to perfect we who are imperfect. The Masterpiece...
Genes of God 3


227 097 But by one Spirit we're all baptized into one Body, and
that Body is a family, the family of God. And that's the house of
God, and the house of God is the Name of Jesus Christ. "The
Name of the Lord is a mighty tower; the righteous run into It and
are safe."

Now, how you going to come in by a title? How's your check going
to be received by saying, "Pay to the order of--of Reverend,
Doctor, Minister"? See, see? You might be a reverend, doctor,
minister. But the Name of the Lord is Jesus Christ. See?

"I have chose to put My Name at the Door of the house of My

worship, for My family will be gathered in there under the Blood
like it was in Egypt; anything outside died. And in there there's no
leavened bread. There's no denominational mixture in It anywhere.
"In My house, My children, born of My genes..." Amen. Glory to
God! "My genes are in them. My... I put My Word in them. I'll write
them upon the tables of their heart. That's My family, the family of
the Body of Jesus Christ: the family. And this door you'll come in,
not Methodist, Baptist, or Pentecostal, but in the Door where I put
My Name." It isn’t Methodist. God's Name isn’t Methodist. God's
Name isn’t Pentecostal. God's Name isn’t Baptist. God's Name
isn’t Catholic. Stay out of the doors then. See, see? See?


256 107 Sometime the Capstone will return, the Head of all of it,
and receive the Bride unto Himself; which the woman is took from
the man, a part of the man. Every... Genes of the man is in the
woman, what makes the woman. And that's the way the Word of
God is in the church, what makes the church the Bride. Not a
denomination, that's of the Devil, every one of them. I am not
calling the people in there that; there are poor deceived people,
like Jesus said, "Blind leading the blind." And He could not call
them out…


31 022 See, you were all preplanned by God. Nothing happens by
chance with God. He knows all about it. It's all preplanned,
planned for many generations back so that you could be here
4 The Spoken Word
tonight. Did you know that? Just think, that you, at one time... (I'll
repeat this again.) You at one time was in your father, in the gene
of your father. Now, he didn't know you at that time; neither did you
know him at that time. But you see, then you were put in the
bedding ground, in the womb of mother through holy wedlock, and
then you become a person expressed in the image like your father.
Then there's fellowship.

32 023 Now, the only way that you can be a son or daughter of
God... Because you have to be the--have to have Eternal Life...
And there's only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life.
Only one form of Eternal Life, that was God. There to be a son of
God, you had to be in Him always. The gene of your life, spiritual
life tonight, was in God the Father before there was even a
molecule. See? And you are nothing but the manifestation of the
gene of Life that was in God as a son of God. Now, you're
expressed, after His Word has come in you to light up this age.

You are the--expressing God's Life in you, because you are a son
or a daughter of God. Therefore... You get what I mean? See? You
are in--you are now made... You're setting in this church tonight,
because your duty is to express God to this nation, and this
people, and this neighborhood where you associate. Wherever you
are, God knew that you would be here, because you have to be
one of His genes or His attributes. You had to be. If you ever--if
you've got Eternal Life, then it always was Eternal Life. And God
before there was a foundation of the world knew that you would be
here. And when the Word--or the water, the washing of the water
of the Word fell upon you, you--it was expressed in a being. Now,
you have fellowship with your Father, God, just as you have with
you earthly father. See? You are citizens of the King, not citizens,
but you are children, sons and daughters of the living God if it be
that the Eternal Life dwells in you.

32a 024 Now, then if it was, Jesus was the Fullness of God
manifested. He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily; therefore,
when He came to the earth and was manifested in flesh, you were
here in Him then, because He was the Word.

In the beginning was the Word,... the Word was with God, and the
Word was God.
Genes of God 5

And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us,...

The Word was made flesh; therefore, you walked with Him, when...
You were in Him when He was on earth. You suffered with Him,
and you died with Him; you was buried with Him, and now you're
risen with Him and manifested attributes of God, setting in
heavenly places, already raised, resurrected to new life and setting
in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh, that means so much
nowdays, church. That means so much to us to see ourselves
positionally placed in Jesus Christ.

33 025 Now, if we are those attributes of God, we cannot live by

creeds; we cannot live by denominationalism; we must live by the
Word, because the Bride is a part of the Bridegroom like any wife
is a part of her husband; therefore, we must be that Word Bride.
And what is that Word Bride? The manifestation of this hour, the
Bride, not a creed or denomination, but a living article of God, a
living attribute of God displaying to the world the attributes of God
in the formation of the Bride that's to be expressed in this hour that
we're now living…

136 044 The first corn of wheat, the Bridegroom, had to fall into the
earth in order to rise again. So did the first Bride that was born at
Pentecost had to go through that Dark Ages like any other seed,
be buried. They had to die. They must do it. But it started sprouting
again in Luther in the first reformation. It didn't look like the seed
that went in, but it was the Light of that day. The...?... stalk then
went on into the tassel, Wesley. And from the tassel it went into
Pentecost, the shuck.

When you see into the wheat, when it comes forth, the corn of
wheat, a man that's raised wheat, you go out and see that wheat
form in there, it looks just exactly like the grain. But if you'll take a
tweezers and set down and take that wheat and open it up, there's
no grain there at all. It's just a shuck. And then what? It's--it's
formed there to hold the grain. See? And then, the first thing you
know, the life left the--the--the stalk to go into the tassel, left the
tassel go into the shuck; it leaves the shuck and goes into the
wheat: three stages (See?) of it. And then forms the Wheat outside
6 The Spoken Word
of the three stages: Luther, Wesley, Pentecost. Just exactly. See,
no doubt... You can't interrupt nature.

138 045 Now, look, every three years after a message has went
forth sent from God, they organize. This has been twenty years,
and there's no organization. It won't. See? Now, the shuck has to
pull away, give the Wheat a chance to lay before the Son to ripen
on the Message, coming right back into the church again, forming
the Body of Jesus Christ just like the first original One that went
into the ground. Now, to see the--the Eternal Life.

139 046 The Life, sure the---the stalk back here carried the Life.
Certainly, it did. But, you see, when it become the stalk and it was
finished, the organization, the Life went right on into Wesley; come
right out, went... And watch each one of them. Why, a big blade
don't look like the grain. But when the little pollen comes, like the--
on the--the shuck--or on the stalk, the pollen of the tassel, it looks
a whole lot like the grain. But when it comes down to that shuck,
it's almost there.

Didn't Jesus say in the last days (Matthew 24:24) the two would be
so close it would deceive the very genes, predestinated, the
Elected One, if it was possible? Almost like the real thing (See?),
so in the last days... Now, you see, it's wheat time now. It's getting
harvest time. This is not Luther's age; this is not Pentecost age;
this is the Bride age.

As Moses called a nation out of a nation, Christ today is calling a

church out of a church (You see?), the same thing in type, taking
them to the glorious eternal promised land.

185 067 One young fellow there with his chest out, and his chin
up, you didn't have to whip him. He was right up, and he kept the
morals of the rest of them up.

The broker said, "I'll buy him."

He said, "He's not for sale. No, sir. You ain't going to buy him,
because he's not for sale."
He said, "Well, what makes him so much different?" Said, "Is he
the boss over the rest of them?"
Genes of God 7
Said, "No."
Said, "Do you feed him different?"
Said, "No. Yeah, he's a slave; he eats out there in the galley with
the rest of them."
Said, "What makes him so much difference?"

He said, "I wondered myself, till I found out. Over in Africa (where
they come from, where the Boers bought them, and brought them
over here and sold them for slaves), over there his father is a king
of the tribe. And yet, an alien, away from home, he knows he's the
son of a king. So he conducts himself that way."

190 068 What a rebuke to Christianity. We're supposed to

represent God and Eternal Life. There's only one form of Eternal
Life, and that's God. He alone has Eternal Life. And we are
products of His, because we're genes of His Spirit. Then we should
conduct ourselves, women and men, like the Bible said for us to
do, not Jezebels of the street, and Rickies of the organization; but
Christian gentlemen, sons and daughters of God, born of the Spirit
of God, manifesting the Light in our days and scattering It. That's
exactly right.

COMMUNION. 65-1212
47 017 I used to remember as a little boy... (I hope I'm not holding
you too long. But knowing...) Setting out in the--on--on the creek
bank, and I'd set there and look around at nighttime. Pop and
mom, they're gone on now to their rest. And them days they were
sinners; there was no Christianity in our homes at all. And, oh, my,
drinking, and parties, and carrying on; it made me sick. I'd take
my--my lantern and my dog and go to the woods to stay all night.
In the wintertime I'd hunt till the party was over, maybe daylight in
the morning. Come home, wouldn't be over, I've laid on top of a
shed and sleep, waiting for daylight to break.

Then I'd think of how that times, then being out there in the
summertime, get my sticks and put them down for a little
windbreak, where if it rained; lay there and have the poles sticking
in the water, fishing; my old coon dog laying there, I'd say, "Looky
here. You know, last winter I camped right here one night; I built a
fire right here when I was waiting for my old dog here to tree, and I
had a fire here. It was froze five inches deep in the ground. That
8 The Spoken Word
little flower, where did you come from? See? Where--where--
where'd you come from? Who come out here and planted you?
And what hothouse did they bring you out of? Or--or what about it,
where'd you come from?" See? That little flower, I'd say, "Why, it
was froze, and everything, and I built a fire on top here. Besides
the freezing element, there was a heat element laying here on a
big old log where I burned here. And yet here you are; you're alive.
Where'd you come from?"

49 018 What was it? There was another William Branham. See? A
little spot of Eternal Life down there, from the--the--the genes of
God, the Word of God that was placed in there. Each one of you
can think of similar things. See? It was working.

Then I looked up to the trees and I'd think, "Leaf, I seen you fall off
last year, and what are you back there again? Where'd you come
from? What brought you here?" See? It was that Eternal Life
working in the body.

Now, then one day as I walked on, that Voice talking, "Don't never
smoke, drink, so forth." And the young fellows and all, I got older.
See, there was Something moving.

But yet all at once I looked up, and I said, "I'm not the son of
Charles and Ella Branham. There's Something calling." Like my
little eagle, "I'm not a chicken. There's Something up yonder,
somewhere. O great Jehovah, Whoever You are, open it up. I want
to come home. There's Something in me, calling."

Then I was born again. That little Life was laying there; the life of
water was poured upon It, then It begin to grow. Now, that old life
was forgiven, put in the sea of God's forgetfulness, to never be
remembered against me no more. See? Now, we stand justified,
as though we never had sinned in the Presence of God.

Query: Gene, Attribute


146 101 Now, Father God, I ask You, as Your servant, I pray that
You will take all the iniquity away from Your people: "iniquity,"
"something that we know we should do and don't do it." David
Genes of God 9
said, "If I conceive iniquity in my heart, God will not answer my
prayer." I pray, God, that You'll take our iniquity, 'cause the Word is
Your looking glass that shows us up, how short we are of being
sons and daughters of the King. Father, I pray that You'll do it

And make that an altar, 'cause the altar's setting full of people. And
make that altar there in the chair where they're setting, make that
heart of theirs the altar. May the world move off from every brother,
sister in here. And may that little Germ of Life, that Gene of God
that we just talked of, that attribute that come down from God and
has been manifested here to honor and glorify God... God, move
the world from them.

The others, I cannot pray, Lord, because the sickness is unto

death, and there's nothing there that causes them to move. But
those who can move and know that it's wrong, clean their hearts
and their souls tonight, Father, and may they be filled with Your
Spirit, and walk in Your Light.


169 062 Moses went down with the commandments of God to
deliver Israel; and when he did, he performed some miracles. The
impersonators followed him. If they had been first, he would been
the impersonator. See? he had the Word of the Lord, and the Lord
vindicated; he just set still.

And, you know, that same thing's promised in the last days? "As
Jambres and Jannes withstood Moses, so will these men of
reprobate mind concerning the truth." When a organization keeps
a--takes a man right down through that organization, it showed it
did not come from God; because God does those things to attract
the people's mind, and then the message follows it. If it isn't, then
it's not God. It's not God. God always does that.

Judas couldn't understand it. He walked right with Him; he didn't

see it.

172 063 But the real, ordained of God, that real gene, that real
germ, a soul of God that was in God before the foundation of the
world... Remember, you that's really got the Spirit of God in you
10 The Spoken Word
tonight, you were here in Christ, because He was the Fullness of
the Word. He was the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. God was in
Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Do you believe that? Look,
He was in Christ. Then if you were in God, a gene, a word, a
attribute from the beginning, then you walked with Him here on
earth; you talked with Him on earth, you suffered with Him on
earth; you died with Him at Calvary; and you rose with Him again;
and now you're setting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,
communing with Him, the Word, as It feeds into your soul, that,
"Man shall live by ever Word that proceedeth..."

Not the Methodist word, the Baptist word; remember, if there was
any left over in the sacrifice, it must be burned before morning,
'cause tomorrow's another church age. That right? Exodus, it's
true. A symbol, type of the sacrifice...

174 064 The Door... Said, "I will make one place. Don't... You won't
worship Me in every door that I've give you; but there's one Door,
and in that Door I'll put My Name." And where the Lord puts His
Name, that's the place that God will receive your sacrifice. We've
made all kinds of doors, but God made a Door. God made a Door,
and that Door was... St. John the 10th chapter, Jesus said, "I am
that Door."

God put His Name in Jesus. Do you believe that? He was the Son
of God. Every son comes in his father's name. He said, "I come in
My Father's Name; you receive Me not." I come in my father's
name; you come in your father's name. Jesus come in His Father's
Name, so His Father's Name's Jesus (It's exactly), 'cause He
came in His Father's Name. "And you receive Me not. Another will
come, and him you will receive." You'll take your denominations
and go on with them. Just go ahead, the Bible says, "They were
raised up to fulfill this place. Blind, naked, and don't know it."
Church, religion, oh, very pious, just the same as Cain was; make
a sacrifice, make everything just the same as Abel did. But by
revelation it was revealed to him what the sacrament was, not
fruits of the field and something to do with your hand.

The believer can see the Word made flesh; the others cannot do it.
Genes of God 11
Query: Gene, Attributes


61 043 Now, we find this life holds all kinds of evils; so therefore,
the life that is to come won't have it. This one has lust, and
sickness, death, because what is it? It's not the house that He's
gone to prepare. This is a pesthouse. How many knows what a
pesthouse is? Sure. Well, that's what you're living in. A pesthouse
is where they put all the diseased people. Well, that's just what sin
done to us: put us in a earthly pesthouse. We're the--you--they
wouldn't let anyone else come in the pesthouse, because there
was all kinds of germs flying around in there; and--and the people
will take these germs and--and be sick themselves. And sin
brought us into the devil's pesthouse.

62 044 Oh, but the other one is called my Father's house. "I'll go
and prepare a place for you, take you out of this pesthouse and
deliver you unto My Father's house." Amen. There you are. Take
you out of this old earthly pesthouse...

He's gone to prepare a place, a perfect place, where no evil exist,

no sickness exists, no old age exists, no death exists. It's a perfect
place calling you to that perfection, and you have to be perfect to
get there. The Bible said so. Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect
even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And it's a perfect
Kingdom, so it must be a perfect people come; because you have
to stand and be married to a perfect Son of God; and you must be
a perfect Bride. So how can you do it through anything else but the
perfect Word of God, which is the Waters of separation that
washes us from our sins. Amen. That's right. The Blood of Jesus
Christ... Think of it. The dripping, bloody Word (Amen.), the Blood,
the--the Word of God bleeding Blood to wash the Bride in. Amen.
Yes, sir. She stands perfect, virgin, unadulterated; She never
sinned in the first place. Amen. She was trapped into it. See?
There's the Father's house that He's gone to prepare.

63 045 This one come by sex and from the fall and must fall with
the fall. No matter how much you patch the old thing up, she's
going to fall anyhow. She's done, because she's doomed; because
God said so. She's finished. God is going to destroy it. He said so.
There'll be a renovation of the whole thing. You believe that? In the
12 The Spoken Word
beginning when the world had it's birth, when God pulled back the
water first off the earth, like He did the water from the mother's
womb, there was a world born. Yes. And peoples begin to live on it
when God put them on there. And then they begin to sin. And it
was baptized by immersing in the days of Noah. Then it was
sanctified by the Blood of the Creator dropping upon it. And now,
that's the way you come: through justification to believe God. You
were baptized unto repentance or to--for the remission of your
sins. You confessed your sins before God, and He forgive you for
it. And you was baptized to show that you had been--you'd been
forgiven, confessing to the people and showing to the world that
you believe that Jesus Christ died for you, and you--He took your
place, and now you stand in His place. He become you that you
might become Him. Then the sanctifying power of God cleansed
all the habits out of your life. You used to smoke, drink, do things
that wasn't right, tell lies, everything. Then the sanctifying power of
the Blood of Jesus Christ comes into your life; it takes all the things
away from you. If you happen to say, something's got wrong,
quickly you say, "Wait a minute; pardon me, I didn't mean to say it
like that." See? The devil got a trap setting there, but you've got
grace to come back if you're a real Christian, say, "I was wrong."
Yes. So therefore...

64 046 Now, the--now the next thing you receive was the baptism
of the Holy Ghost and Fire. Now, God, when this millennium is
over, God's going to give the world a baptism of fire. It's going to
blow the whole thing up. The heavens and earth will be on fire.
Peter said so. And the thing will have a baptism of fire, renovation
of the whole thing, and then there'll be a new heavens and a new
earth. That's when--where dwelleth righteousness. That's where
we are... We have become from mortal beings, from time beings to
eternal beings when the Word of God lit our souls and we become
sons and daughters of God with the attributes, the gene of God in
us to be sons and daughters of the Father God in heaven, crying,
"Abba, Father: my God, my God." In My Father's house..."

…We've got to be real, genuine Christians, and the only way we
can do that is confront it with this question here of Eternal Life.
Genes of God 13
119 037 There's only one form of Eternal Life, and that comes from
God. And He foreordained every creature that would ever have it.
Just as you were the gene in your father, you was a gene in God,
one of His attributes to begin with, or you'll never be There. You
come forth in the bedding ground of your mother; your father didn't
know you; you were in his loins. And when you come forth in the
bedding ground of the mother, then you become a human being
and are made in the image of your father, now you can fellowship
with him. And the same thing by God, if you got Eternal Life.

The life that you come in, the natural life, physical life, that was by
your father. And the only way you can come born again is the only
way, is it has to be from your heavenly Father, His attributes. "All
the Father has given Me will come to Me." See?

You are here because your name were placed on the Lamb's Book
of Life before there was even a foundation of the world. That's
exactly right. You're a gene, a spiritual gene out of your heavenly
Father, a part of God's Word. That be so, as I've said, then you
was with Jesus when He was here because He was the Word: you
suffered with Him, died with Him, buried with Him, and rose with
Him, and now setting in heavenly places in Him.

Query: Gene, Zoe


73 032 That's right. The Word always comes to His prophet. So we
can't expect It to come to theologians. We can't expect It to come
to denominations. It's got to come God's channeled route that He
foretold us about, and that's the only way It'll ever come. It'll be
hated, despised, rejected. When It does come, It'll be threw out to
one side and everything, but God will do it anyhow. It was rejected
in Jesus Christ; it was rejected in John; it was rejected by
Jeremiah; it was rejected by Moses. It's always that way. But God
moves right on in the way that He promised He would do it. Yes,
sir. He never does fail to do it the same way.

74 033 The man who's seen the vision or heard His voice, never
altogether understood it. In many cases he didn't know, because
he's just a instrument of God. It's God's thoughts expressed
through man's lips. A "thought," 'course is "a word expressed. God
14 The Spoken Word
does His own choosing by His predestinated choosing. He done it
in every age; He set forth the men for each age. Like with Moses,
when he was to fulfill what He told to Abraham...

Moses was born a proper child, he couldn't help being that way. He
was born that way, because he was born for that purpose.

And so we find out that God does that in every age. God does His
own choosing by His own predestinated choosing, choose His
prophets and things for the age. Fixes his--fixes his nature, the
man's nature, the man's style of preaching to honor the gift, and all
that He does is to meet the challenge of that day. God creates that
man and sent him.

And in His own mind, as I preached on last night, we are a germ of

the gene of God. He knew that man would be there at that age
before there ever was a molecule, or a light, or anything else in the

76 034 For you're a gene of your father, and you were in your
father, yet your father had no fellowship with you, because he...
You was in there, but you knew it not and he knew it not, but you
was manifested that you might--that he might fellowship with you.
And you being born again, you're born of Eternal Life. And that's
the only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Life, Zoe, the
Greek word is "Zoe," only one form of Eternal Life.

Then if you are a son of God or a daughter of God, you were in

God all the time. but He knew what bed and time that you'd be
planted. So now you're made a creature, a son of God, manifested
son or a daughter of God to meet the challenge of this hour to
vindicate the true and living God of this hour, the Message that's
coming forth in this time. Right. It was done there before the
foundation of the world. If it wasn't... If you wasn't chose that way,
no matter how much you try to impersonate it, you'll never make it.
How can you get blood from a turnip when there's no blood in

78 035 That's the reason I try to say about... The people thinking
we--we are hollering at women about short hair and people telling
me about saying those things, "You're going to ruin your ministry."
Genes of God 15
Ruin a ministry that God Himself ordained? Far be it. When people
hear the Word of God...

When a baby is conceived in the womb of a mother, when that one

cell goes in there, another cell builds on top of that. It's not one cell
of a human, the next of a dog, and the next of a cat, and the next
of something else; it's absolutely, straightly, human being. And
when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he don't inject anything
into his life; It's unadulterated Word of God vindicated for that hour.
He takes the full Word of God; he don't put no creeds, nothing else
into It. It's purely unadulterated God's Word made manifest among

79 036 Look in the Bible, you see where, what age we're living in
then, when you see these great things being made manifest. When
God promised to do it, He always does it. At the end of each age
when the church is come to the turning place, and is turned from
the Word back to sin and worldliness... Worldliness is sin. The
Bible said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, the love
of God's not even in you."

Speaking last night, I was speaking about the--the sacrifice that

was offered: the Lamb. It was to be seven days, representing the
seven church ages. There was to be no leaven found amongst the
people, no leaven for seven days. That means that there's nothing
mixed with it; it's unleavened, constantly. And we don't want no
creeds, leavens and things mixed with it. We don't want world
mixed with us. It's got to be the unleavened Bread of God, the
Word of God, the unadulterated Word of God, which, "Man shall
live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."

81 037 Our denominational systems, and differences, and things,

has put leaven in us, and this and that and world and fashion. And,
oh, it's got so it's almost Hollywood everywhere. It'll finally come till
it'll be like England, and a altar call will be ashamed. My. As
brother said, "How can you get the fish in the boat?" That's right.

We've got to have the Gospel preached in its fullness, with the
power of God to vindicate that according to the promise of that age
and prove that that's exactly God's will. Outside of That you're just
a church member, no matter how much you try, you try to do God a
16 The Spoken Word
service. You might go to the stitch-and-sew party; you might be
ever so faithful to church; but unless that germ of Eternal Life was
foreordained in you to be a son or daughter of God, you'll grow up
a deformed something; but never be a real, true son or daughter of

Query: Gene, Son

RAPTURE THE. 65-1204

81 047 Now, the rapture is only, this rapture that we're talking
about is only for the Bride. Remember, the Bible said, "And the
rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years." This great
rapture... If there's not a rapture, friends, where are we at? What
are we going to do? What age are we living in? What promise do
we have? There is going to be a rapture. The Bible says there will
be; and it'll be only for the Elected, the elected Lady, the Bride in
this day that's pulled out, the church.

The very word "church" means "called out of." As Moses called a
nation out of a nation, the Holy Spirit is calling a Bride out of a
church. A church out of a church, members from every
denomination making up a Bride, Bride Tree, it's in the--in the tape,
the Bride Tree, a Bride coming out called... And that's the one that
the Bride Tree is the--the Bride, rather, is the one that's going to be
in the rapture, that alone, nothing but the Bride, the elected one
foreknown by God from the beginning, the Father's spiritual gene.

Let me just stop here a minute, it... I keep getting nervous thinking
I'm going to hold--going to hold you too long.

83 048 But notice; look. Each one of you people, do you know
years before you were born you were in your father as a gene?
That's right. A germ of seed was in your father, comes from the
male sex, not the female. See? Female furnishes the egg, a
bedding ground, but the germ come from the...

Now, say in my father or my son setting here... When I was sixteen

years old, my son was in me. I didn't know him, but he was there.
Now, through a bedding ground, through holy wedlock, he
becomes in the image of me. I know him; I can fellowship with him.
And he come just at the time when it's a right time.
Genes of God 17

85 049 Now, so were you in... If you've got Eternal Life, you were
a--in God before there ever was a world. You are a part, a son of
God, an attribute of God. He knew the very age you were coming.
He predestinated you to that age to take that place, and no one
else can take it. Care how many impersonations and things, you've
got to be there, because He knew you'd be there. Now, you are
made manifest; now you can fellowship with Him, and that's what
He wants. He's longing for fellowship, to be worshipped. But in--if
your life did not always was as an attribute in God, you're just a
mimic of Christianity. See? There'll be millions and billions of them
that'll just be mimics of Christianity.

86 050 A remark that I made just recently. I was watching Brother

Demos Shakarian over there when they was having a--hybreeding
cattle, watched the test tubes and so forth being taken in by the
doctors and watching these things.

In the literal discharge of the male there's somewhat a million

germs comes forth from the male at each time. And somewhat a
million eggs comes from the female at a--a same time. But did you
know in all them little germs moving around, a million of them,
there's only one of them ordained to life, and there's only one egg
fertile? And that little germ will crawl right up through everyone of
them other little germs, right over the top of every little germ
looking just like him, and come over the top of that and come over
here and find that fertile egg and crawl into it. And then all the rest
of them die. Why, talk about the virgin birth, why, it's not half as
mysterious as a--as a physical birth, how it's foreordained,
predestinated by God.

Now, in the beginning, way back, way years ago before there was
a time begin, you, if you are a born again Christian tonight, you
were in God then, your Father. And that's why when you come into
this life here and profess Christianity, everything going wrong,
you've wondered why this is and all of this. If... You wondered at it.
But one day something struck you. What was it? That life that was
down in there from the beginning. And if...?...

Query: Gene, Sons

18 The Spoken Word
260 108 Let's hurry now, right quick, so you can go eat. Notice.
Now, then, you are a son of God in the house of God; you are a
part of God's economy. Romans 8:1, "Then there is no
condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." For they are
dead to the world, alive in Him, and living in this present day,
making the Word that God has used them for, foreordained them,
placing their names in this Bride Book. And when the Waters
comes upon that seed that's in the heart, raises it up to the Bride
of Christ. Oh, my. Just perfect as it can be. In every age it's been
that way

262 109 The Lutherans, under justification, the feet, raised it like
that; Wesley, under sanctification. The Pentecostals under the
arms, the works and deeds and so forth, had to be Calvinists... or
had to be Armenian, had to be legalists. But now we come to the
head, the capstone. "Grace. Grace." the capstone cried.

The headstone crying what? "Grace. Grace." Passed from death

and creed into a living Word of the living God. God's only provided
plan for His age, His sons in the Word age quickened by the Spirit
like a spark that's lit off of something to make it alive; and seated
now in heavenly places in present tense, already alive and subject
to every promise in the Word. Then what does that do? You being
a part of God's gene, a part of the Word, other men a part of God's
Word, seated together, manifest the entire Body of Christ, because
there's no leaven among you. (See what He's talking about,
Brother Brown?) No leaven among you, just the Word only, seated
in heavenly places in the door where He put His Name: Christ

264 110 No leaven among you, that brings the entire Fullness of
the Godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age,
couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age;
but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed,
brought back the church together with the entire Deity of God
amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting
Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on
earth in a form of a Prophet God (Oh, Glory.) promised by Malachi
4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at?
The house of God, seated, in present tense.
Genes of God 19

Query: Spiritual Gene

162 057 The choice of your conduct, you could... You can't mix it
now. You're either for God or against God, and the outward
expressions shows exactly what's on the inside. See? The
cocklebur, many of you think, "I got the baptism of the Holy Ghost;
I'm going to heaven." That don't mean one thing that you're going
to heaven. No, sir. You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost
every hour in your life and still be lost and go to hell. The Bible
says so. See? It's exactly right.

163 058 Look here, you are a outside person. You have five
senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses;
not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and

Then you have a spirit on the inside of that, and it has five outlets:
conscience, and love, and so forth. Five outlets that you contact
the spirit world with that, but with your spirit.

Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual contacts the

spiritual. But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that
gene that come from God.

166 059 And like a baby formed in its mother's womb, when the
baby comes into the--to the mother's womb, by the little germ, it
crawls into the egg. It doesn't form one cell a human, the next a
dog, and the next a cat, and the next a horse. It's all human cells
because it's building off of an original human cell.

And when a man has been born again by the Word of God,
predestinated to Eternal Life, called the Elected, it'll be Word of
God on top of Word, Word on Word. Not a denominational creed
and then a Word, and a creed; and it won't work. You can't have
that leaven in It. Only one Eternal Life, Jesus Christ the Word. "In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled
among us."

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