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2. Historical reasons: you have to explain the causes of the Nazis triumph in Germanny. Historical reasons

Despus de que Adolf Hitler desviase fuerzas de la imparable Fall Blau hacia Stanlingrado, se libraron dentro de la ciudad intensos combates urbanos, sin que ningn bando se hiciese con el control total de las ruinas. En noviembre de 1942, una contraofensiva sovitica atrapara al 6 Ejrcito Alemn, que sera aniquilado cien das despus. La negativa de Hitler a renunciar a la importantsima ciudad, punto de entrada a la rica regin petrolera del Cucaso , signific la muerte de cientos de miles de soldados de ambos bandos, y ms de un milln de civiles rusos. Stalingrado signific el fin de las esperanzas alemanas de capturar el Cucaso y el Volga. Adems, muchos oficiales del ejrcito Alemn se convencieron definitivamentede que Hitler estaba llevando a Alemania al desastre, participando luego en el atentado contra Hitler de 1944. Stalingrado confirm lo que muchos expertos militares sospechaban: las fuerzas alemanas no eran lo suficientemente poderosas como para mantener una ofensiva en un frente que se extenda desde el mar Negro hasta el mar Bltico. La batalla signific, adems, un punto de inflexin en la guerra, ya que, tras Stalingrado, las fuerzas alemanas no volvieron a conseguir victoria alguna en el Este.
After Adolf Hitler diverted the unstoppable forces Stanlingrado FallBlau to be fought within the city urban heavy fighting, but neither sidehad been done in full control of the ruins. In November 1942, aSoviet counteroffensive would trap the German 6th Army, which would be destroyed after one hundred days. Hitler's refusal to give up the very important city, point of entry to the rich Caucasus oil region, it meant the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides, and more than a millionRussian civilians. Stalingrad marked the end to German hopes of capturing the Caucasus and the Volga. In addition, many Germanarmy officers were convinced that Hitler was leadingdefinitivamentede Germany to disaster, then participating in the attack on Hitler, 1944. Stalingrad confirmed what many military experts suspected: the German forces were not powerful enough to maintain an offensiveon a front stretching from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea. The battle was also a turning point in the war, since, after Stalingrad, German forces did not return to get a victory in the East.

3. Investiga y elabora un informe: INFORME

Las caractersticas que Nietzsche atribuye al superhombre y que pudieron dar pie a esta interpretacin son las siguientes: Nietzsche fue contrario al igualitarismo, hay hombres inferiores y hombres superiores, el superhombre pertenece a este segundo grupo; los dbiles y malogrados deben perecer: artculo primero de nuestro amor a los hombres. Y adems se debe ayudarlos a perecer (El Anticristo). Moral de la violencia: en muchos textos Nietzsche atribuye al superhombre rasgos para los que los nazis fueron particularmente competentes: la falta de compasin, la crueldad, la fuerza, el gusto por la accin, el combate y la guerra, el desprecio por los dbiles; decs que es la bondad de la causa la que

santifica la guerra; yo digo: es la bondad de la guerra lo que santifica toda causa. Quin alcanzar algo grande si no tiene la fuerza y la voluntad de infligir grandes sufrimientos? El hombre superior se distingue del inferior por la intrepidez con que provoca la desgracia. Tambin tiene textos en los que reivindica la ferocidad y empuje de los pueblos germnicos. Adems, en alguna obra de este gran filsofo, como La genealoga de la moral, podemos observar que los judos son acusados de haber impuesto una moral errnea, la de los esclavos (hombres inferiores), posible causa, entre otras (aqu cabe destacar el famoso libro de los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sin), de la dura represin de stos por parte de los nazis (aunque en ocasiones Nietzsche apareciera como defensor del pueblo judo). Por todo ello se comprende que los nazis pudieran hacer uso de la filosofa nietzscheana para la defensa de su punto de vista poltico. Sin embargo, en la filosofa de Nietzsche encontramos tambin elementos muy importantes que no parecen favorecer esta interpretacin: Manifest expresamente su hostilidad ante los alemanes y la cultura alemana (abandon la ciudadana alemana y se hizo suizo). La figura del superhombre no se puede separar de la consideracin general nietzscheriana relativa al platonismo y la muerte de Dios; implica una concepcin filosfica y una teora de la historia ajena por completo a las ideas nazis. El superhombre slo es posible cuando se prescinda absolutamente de la creencia en Dios, cuando se realice hasta el final la muerte de Dios. El nazismo defiende el culto a la raza y al Estado, predica la superioridad del grupo sobre el individuo. Nietzsche no cree en realidades universales, para l no existe la Humanidad, ni la Raza, ni la Nacin. Estas nociones, en las que cree el nazismo, son diversas mscaras bajo las que se oculta lo Absoluto. Nietzsche consider al Estado como una de las mayores perversiones creadas por el hombre, la conducta del Estado es conducta despersonalizada, trata a los individuos de un modo indiscriminado, y el individuo, cuando se somete a l y se preocupa por l, pierde su individualidad, creatividad y libertad. El superhombre no se puede identificar con una clase social con privilegios que le puedan venir por la tradicin o que descansen en su poder social (con la aristocracia, por ejemplo), ni con un grupo definido biolgicamente (con una raza) pues los genes no son una garanta de excelencia.

RAZA: es

un concepto cuya aceptacin alcanz su auge en el siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX. Vino inspirado por el descubrimiento de la familia de lengua indoeuropeas. Los etnlogos del siglo XIX propusieron que todos los pueblos europeos de raza blanca eran descendientes del antiguo pueblo de los arios. Varios movimientos europeos de carcter colonialista y nacionalista de la poca abrazaron esta idea, en especial el nazismo alemn, que emple el concepto de raza aria (reinterpretado como una raza de seores de pueblos de linaje noreuropeo) para dar justificacin a sus postulados racialistas y militaristas


en el siglo XIX, desde que los judos fueron equiparados al resto de los ciudadanos (desde 1.791 en Francia), ciertos sectores catlicos y de la derecha reprocharon a los judos su excesiva fidelidad a la Repblica. Varios peridicos antisemitas vieron la luz en esta poca, en particular los publicados por Drumont. Hitler retom el antiguo antisemitismo y le aadi oscuras teoras autodenominadas "cientficas" que probaban la superioridad de la autotitulada "raza aria" (y con ella, de todos los alemanes) sobre la "raza juda". Para ello se apoyaba en las teoras, bastante confusas, enunciadas en particular por el francs Gobineau, en el siglo XIX. Hitler entr en contacto con el antisemitismo existente en Viena cuando era joven: Hitler, sin oficio, sin alojamiento, vagabundo, deber en aquellos tiempos refugiarse en un asilo para transentes. Es en esta poca cuando entrar en contacto con peridicos antisemitas. Todo su odio se proyectar desde entonces contra los judos. En "Mein Kampf" ("Mi lucha"), Hitler compara continuamente a los judos con "parsitos" de los que hay que desembarazarse. Afirma que hay una "sangre alemana" y una "sangre juda" (lo que cientficamente es absurdo) y que es necesario purificar a Alemania del judasmo. La persecucin y exterminacin de los judos de la Europa Central (especialmente alemanes) a manos del nazismo, provocar ms tarde la implantacin del Estado de Israel, en tierras confiscada a los Palestinos. Comienza con ello un sangriento conflicto que dura ya ms de medio siglo, y que est poniendo sobre el tapete una realidad que nadie quiere ver.
REPORT The characteristics attributed to Nietzsche superman and could lead to this interpretation are: Nietzsche was opposed to egalitarianism, men are inferior and superior men, Superman belongs to this second group, "the weak and wastage shall perish: first article of our love for men. And it should help to die "(The Antichrist). Moral of violence: in many texts attributed to Nietzsche superman traits for which the Nazis were particularly relevant: the lack of compassion, cruelty, strength, love of action, fighting and war, contempt for the weak, "you say it is the goodness of the cause that makes the war, I say, is the goodness of the war that hallows every cause." "Who will achieve something great if you have the strength and will to inflict great suffering? "The superior man is distinguished from the bottom by the boldness with which leads to troubles." You also have texts that claimed the ferocity and drive of the Germanic peoples. In addition, any work of this great philosopher, as "The Genealogy of Morals", we see that the Jews are accused of having imposed a moral wrong, the slaves ("inferior men"), possible causes, including(here include the famous book of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion") of their harsh repression by the Nazis (although Nietzsche sometimes appeared as a defender of the Jewish people). Therefore it is understood that the Nazis could make use of Nietzschean philosophy to defend their political viewpoint. However, in the philosophy of Nietzsche are also very important elements that do not seem to favor this interpretation: explicitly expressed their hostility to the Germans and German culture (German citizenship and left the Swiss made). The Superman figure can not be separated from the general consideration nietzscheriana on Platonism and the death of God implies a philosophical and a theory of history has no commitment to Nazi ideas. Superman is only possible when dispensing absolutely of the belief in God, when tested to the end the "death of God." The Nazi defends the cult of race and the state, preaching the superiority of group over the individual. Nietzsche does not believe in universal realities for him there is no humanity, nor Breed, nor the nation. These notions, which believes the Nazis, are different masks that hide under the Absolute. Nietzsche regarded the state as one of the largest man-made perversions, the State's conduct is conduct depersonalized, treated individuals so indiscriminately, and the individual, when subjected to him and cares for him, he loses his individuality, creativity and freedom.

Superman can not be identified with a privileged social class that may come by tradition or they rest in their social power (with the aristocracy, for example), or a biologically defined group (a race) as the genes are not a guarantee of excellence.

RACE is a concept whose acceptance reached its height in the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century. Wine inspired by the discovery of the Indo-European language family.Nineteenth-century ethnologists suggested that all white European peoples were descendants of the ancient people of the Aryans. Several European colonialist movements and nationalist of the time embraced this idea, especially Nazi Germany, who used the concept of the Aryan race (reinterpreted as a master race of Northern European ancestry villages) to justify their postulates racialist, militarist

Anti-Semitism in the nineteenth century, since the Jews were matched to other citizens (from 1,791 in France), certain sectors of Catholics and Jews right reproached his excessive loyalty to the Republic. Several anti-Semitic newspapers were published in this period, particularly those published by Drumont. Hitler took over the old anti-Semitism and added dark theories themselves "scientific" that proved the superiority of the self-described "Aryan race" (and with it, of all Germans) on the "Jewish race". This was based on the theories, quite confusing, expressed in particular by the Frenchman Gobineau in the nineteenth century.Hitler came into contact with the antiSemitism in Vienna when he was young: Hitler, without office, without housing, homeless, in those days must take refuge in a shelter for travelers. It is at this time come into contact with anti-Semitic newspapers. All their hatred will be screened against the Jews ever since. In "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle"), Hitler continually compares Jews to "parasites" of which must be rid. Claims a "German blood" and "Jewish blood" (which is scientifically absurd) and which must be purified to Germany Judaism. The persecution and extermination of the Jews of Central Europe (especially Germany) at the hands of the Nazis, later lead to the implementation of the State of Israel on land confiscated from Palestinians. It begins with a bloody conflict that has lasted over half a century, and that is putting on the table a reality that nobody wants to see.

4. Can you write the biography of: HITLER Mximo dirigente de la Alemania nazi (Braunau, Bohemia, 1889 - Berln, 1945). Hijo de un aduanero austriaco, su infancia transcurri en Linz y su juventud en Viena. La formacin de Adolf Hitler fue escasa y autodidacta, pues apenas recibi educacin. En Viena (1907-13) fracas en su vocacin de pintor, malvivi como vagabundo y vio crecer sus prejuicios racistas ante el espectculo de una ciudad cosmopolita, cuya vitalidad intelectual y multicultural le era por completo incomprensible. De esa poca data su conversin al nacionalismo germnico y al antisemitismo. En 1913 Adolf Hitler huy del Imperio Austro-Hngaro para no prestar servicio militar; se refugi en Mnich y se enrol en el ejrcito alemn durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18). La derrota le hizo pasar a la poltica, enarbolando un ideario de reaccin nacionalista, marcado por el rechazo del nuevo rgimen democrtico de la Repblica de Weimar, a cuyos polticos acusaba de haber traicionado a Alemania aceptando las humillantes condiciones de paz del Tratado de Versalles (1918). De vuelta a Mnich, Hitler ingres en un pequeo partido ultraderechista, del que pronto se convertira en dirigente principal, rebautizndolo como Partido Nacionalsocialista de los Trabajadores Alemanes (NSDAP). Dicho partido se declaraba nacionalista, antisemita, anticomunista, antisocialista, antiliberal, antidemcrata, antipacifista y anticapitalista, aunque este ltimo componente revolucionario de carcter social quedara pronto en el olvido; este abigarrado

conglomerado ideolgico, fundamentalmente negativo, se alimentaba de los temores de las clases medias alemanas ante las incertidumbres del mundo moderno. Influenciado por el fascismo de Mussolini, este movimiento, adverso tanto a lo existente como a toda tendencia de progreso, representaba la respuesta reaccionaria a la crisis del Estado liberal que la guerra haba acelerado. Sin embargo, Hitler tardara en hacer or su propaganda. En 1923 fracas en un primer intento de tomar el poder desde Mnich, apoyndose en las milicias armadas de Ludendorff (Putsch de la Cervecera). Fue detenido, juzgado y encarcelado, aunque tan slo pas en la crcel un ao y medio, tiempo que aprovech para plasmar sus estrafalarias ideas polticas en un libro que titul Mi lucha y que diseaba las grandes lneas de su actuacin posterior. De nuevo en libertad desde 1925, Hitler reconstituy el NSDAP expulsando a los posibles rivales y se rode de un grupo de colaboradores fieles como Goering, Hitler y Goebbels. La profunda crisis econmica desatada desde 1929 y las dificultades polticas de la Repblica de Weimar le proporcionaron una audiencia creciente entre las legiones de parados y descontentos dispuestos a escuchar su propaganda demaggica, envuelta en una parafernalia de desfiles, banderas, himnos y uniformes. Combinando hbilmente la lucha poltica legal con el uso ilegtimo de la violencia en las calles, los nacionalsocialistas o nazis fueron ganando peso electoral hasta que Hitler -que nunca haba obtenido mayora- se hizo confiar el gobierno por el presidente Hindenburg en 1933. Desde la Cancillera, Hitler destruy el rgimen constitucional y lo sustituy por una dictadura de partido nico basada en su poder personal. El Tercer Reich as creado fue un rgimen totalitario basado en un nacionalismo exacerbado y en un complejo de superioridad racial sin fundamento cientfico alguno (basado en estereotipos que contrastaban con la ridcula figura del propio Hitler). Tras la muerte de Hidenburg, Hitler se hizo nombrar Fhrer o caudillo de Alemania y se hizo prestar juramento por el ejrcito. La sangrienta represin contra los disidentes culmin en la purga de las propias filas nazis durante la Noche de los Cuchillos Largos (1934) y la instauracin de un control policial total de la sociedad, mientras que la persecucin contra los judos, iniciada con las racistas Leyes de Nremberg (1935) y con el pogromo conocido como la Noche de los Cristales Rotos (1938) culmin con el exterminio sistemtico de los judos europeos a partir de 1939 (la Solucin Final). La poltica internacional de Hitler fue la clave de su prometida reconstitucin de Alemania, basada en desviar la atencin de los conflictos internos hacia una accin exterior agresiva. Se aline con la dictadura fascista italiana, con la que intervino en auxilio de Franco en la Guerra Civil espaola (1936-39), ensayo general para la posterior contienda mundial; y complet sus alianzas con la incorporacin del Japn en una alianza antisovitica (Pacto Antikomintern, 1936) hasta formar el Eje BerlnRoma-Tokyo (1937). Militarista convencido, Hitler empez por rearmar al pas para hacer respetar sus demandas por la fuerza (restauracin del servicio militar obligatorio en 1935, remilitarizacin de Renania en 1936); con ello reactiv la industria alemana, redujo el paro y prcticamente super la depresin econmica que le haba llevado al poder. Luego, apoyndose en el ideal pangermanista, reclam la unin de todos los territorios de habla alemana: primero se retir de la Sociedad de Naciones, rechazando sus mtodos de arbitraje pacfico (1933); luego forz el asesinato de Dollfuss (1934) y el Anschluss o anexin de Austria (1938); a continuacin invadi la regin checa de los Sudetes y, tras engaar a la diplomacia occidental prometiendo no

tener ms ambiciones (Conferencia de Mnich, 1938), ocup el resto de Checoslovaquia, la dividi en dos y la someti a un protectorado; an se permiti arrebatar a Lituania el territorio de Memel (1939). Pero, cuando el conflicto en torno a la ciudad libre de Danzig le llev a invadir Polonia, Francia y Gran Bretaa reaccionaron y estall la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-45). Hitler haba preparado sus fuerzas para esta gran confrontacin, que segn l habra de permitir la expansin de Alemania hasta lograr la hegemona mundial (Protocolo Hossbach, 1937); en previsin del estallido blico haba reforzado su alianza con Italia (Pacto de Acero, 1939) y, sobre todo, haba concluido un Pacto de no-agresin con la Unin Sovitica (1939), acordando con Stalin el reparto de Polonia. El moderno ejrcito que haba preparado obtuvo brillantes victorias en todos los frentes durante los primeros aos de la guerra, haciendo a Hitler dueo de casi toda Europa mediante una guerra relmpago: ocup Dinamarca, Noruega, Holanda, Blgica, Luxemburgo, Francia, Yugoslavia, Grecia. (mientras que Italia, Espaa, Hungra, Rumania, Bulgaria y Finlandia eran sus aliadas, y pases como Suecia y Suiza declaraban una neutralidad benvola). Slo Gran Bretaa resisti el intento de invasin (batalla area de Inglaterra, 194041); pero la suerte de Hitler empez a cambiar cuando lanz la invasin de Rusia, respondiendo tanto al ideal anticomunista bsico del nazismo como al proyecto de arrebatar a la inferior raza eslava del este el espacio vital que soaba para engrandecer a Alemania (1941). A partir de la batalla de Stalingrado (1943), el curso de la guerra se invirti y las fuerzas soviticas comenzaron una contraofensiva que no se detendra hasta tomar Berln en 1945; simultneamente se reabri el frente occidental con el aporte masivo en hombres y armas procedente de Estados Unidos (involucrados en la guerra desde 1941), que permiti el desembarco de Normanda (1944). Derrotado y fracasados todos sus proyectos, Hitler vio cmo empezaban a abandonarle sus colaboradores y la propia Alemania era arrasada por los ejrcitos aliados; en su limitada visin del mundo no haba sitio para el compromiso o la rendicin, de manera que arrastr a su pas hasta la catstrofe y finalmente se suicid en el bnker de la Cancillera de Berln donde se haba refugiado, despus de haber sacudido al mundo con su sueo de hegemona mundial de la raza alemana, que provoc una guerra total a escala planetaria y un genocidio sin precedentes en los campos de concentracin.

GOERING Dirigente de la Alemania nazi (Rosenheim, Baviera, 1893 - Nremberg, 1946). Haba destacado como aviador en la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-18). En 1922 se uni al Partido Nacionalsocialista de Hitler, quien le puso al frente de su brazo armado, las Secciones de Asalto (SA). Particip en el fracasado golpe de Estado nazi de Mnich (1923), en el que result herido. Huy entonces de Alemania, adonde regres en 1927, para ser elegido diputado (1928) y presidente de la cmara baja del Parlamento (1932). Ayud eficazmente a Hitler en su acceso al poder, tras el cual fue nombrado ministro sin cartera del Gobierno alemn y ministro del Interior de Prusia (1933). Se ocup de crear la polica secreta del Estado nazi (la Gestapo) y los primeros campos de concentracin, poniendo en marcha el mecanismo brutal de represin contra judos y

disidentes, que sin embargo no qued bajo su control. Nombrado en aquel mismo ao ministro del Aire, se encarg de construir y dirigir el arma area del ejrcito alemn (Lutwafe), que tan eficaz resultara en los primeros momentos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-45). Ms all de sus cometidos nominales, Goering dirigi el rearme de su pas desde 1936, sometiendo a toda la industria alemana a una especie de dictadura bajo la lgica de la economa de guerra. Durante la guerra dirigi igualmente la explotacin econmica de los territorios ocupados al servicio de Alemania, sin descuidar en esa tarea su enriquecimiento personal. Particip en la decisin de aplicar la solucin final del exterminio de los judos de Europa. Pero su prestigio declin con los fracasos areos de las batallas de Inglaterra y Stalingrado, perdiendo gradualmente influencia en el Estado y en el partido. Mariscal desde 1940, sucesor in pectore de Hitler, ste acab por expulsarle del partido en los ltimos momentos de la guerra, como respuesta a un intento de sustituirle en el mando (1944). Derrotada Alemania, fue hecho prisionero por el ejrcito americano y juzgado por el Tribunal de Nremberg, que le conden a muerte; se suicid la noche antes de ejecutarse la sentencia. GEBELS (Rheydt, Alemania, 1897-Berln, 1945) Poltico alemn. Hijo de una familia catlica acomodada, recibi una educacin esmerada y pronto destac por su brillante inteligencia. Un defecto fsico en las piernas le eximi de incorporarse a filas en la Primera Guerra Mundial. En 1921 se gradu en filologa germnica por la Universidad de Heidelberg y trat de vivir como escritor y periodista, pero tuvo escaso xito. Paralelamente, sus puntos de vista fueron derivando hacia planteamientos cada vez ms cercanos al nacionalsocialismo, hasta que acab por ingresar en el partido nazi en 1923. Tras una rpida ascensin hacia la cpula del poder, en 1926 fue nombrado Gauleiter de Berln, puesto en el cual empez a dar muestras de su habilidad como orador provocativo y hbil propagandista en una serie d e campaas locales. En 1930 se convirti en el jefe de la Divisin de Propaganda, traslad su estrategia regional a un nivel nacional y sent los principios de la manipulacin de las masas a travs de la propaganda. Con la llegada al poder de Hitler, fue nombrado ministro de Ilustracin Popular y Propaganda, cargo desde el que trat de ganar la voluntad de los alemanes en favor del partido nazi. Con el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, su actividad propagandstica se increment considerablemente, en un esfuerzo por mantener alta la moral del ejrcito y el pueblo alemn a lo largo del conflicto, al tiempo que justificaba las atrocidades cometidas por el rgimen.
4. Can you write the biography of: HITLER Leader of Nazi Germany (Braunau, Bohemia, 1889 - Berlin, 1945).The son of an Austrian customs, his childhood was spent in his youth in Linz and Vienna. The formation of Adolf Hitler was self-limited and therefore received little education. In Vienna (1907-13) failed in his vocation as a painter, as a vagrant malvivi and saw its racial prejudice at the sight of a cosmopolitan, multicultural whose intellectual vitality and it was completely incomprehensible. From this period dates his conversion Germanic nationalism and anti-Semitism. In 1913 Adolf Hitler fled the Austro-Hungarian Empire to avoid military service, took refuge in Munich and joined the German army during World War I (1914-18). The defeat made him go into politics, upholding an ideology of nationalist reaction, marked by the rejection of the new democratic

system of the Weimar Republic, whose politicians accused of having betrayed Germany to accept the humiliating peace terms of the Treaty of Versailles ( 1918). Back in Munich, Hitler joined a small far-right party, which soon became the main leader and renamed as National Socialist Party German Workers Party (NSDAP). The party was declared nationalist, anti-Semitic, anti, anti-socialist, anti-liberal, antidemocratic, and anticapitalist antipacifista, although the latter component of a social revolutionary would soon be forgotten, this motley conglomerate ideological, mainly negative, fed on the fears of the classes German middle to the uncertainties of the modern world. Influenced by the fascism of Mussolini, this movement adverse to both the existing and any tendency to progress, represented the reactionary response to the crisis of the liberal state that the war had accelerated. But Hitler soon to hear their propaganda. In 1923 a first failed attempt to seize power from Munich, supported by armed militia of Ludendorff ("Beer Hall Putsch"). He was arrested, tried and imprisoned, but spent only one year in jail and a half, took time to translate its bizarre political ideas in a book called Mein Kampf and who designed the outline of its future action. Re-released since 1925, Hitler reconstituted the NSDAP driving potential rivals and was surrounded by a group of faithful collaborators as Goering, Hitler and Goebbels. The deep economic crisis unleashed in 1929 and the political difficulties of the Weimar Republic gave him a growing audience among the legions of unemployed and discontented willing to listen to his demagogic propaganda, wrapped in a parade paraphernalia, flags, anthems and uniforms. Skillfully combining legal political struggle with the unlawful use of violence in the streets, the National Socialists or Nazis were gaining weight-election until Hitler had never obtained a majority, the government was trusted by President Hindenburg in 1933. From the Chancellery, Hitler destroyed the constitutional regime and replaced it with a oneparty dictatorship based on his personal power. Thus created the Third Reich was a totalitarian regime based on extreme nationalism and racial superiority complex without any scientific basis (based on stereotypes that contrasted with the ridiculous figure of Hitler). After the death of Hidenburg, Hitler was appointed Fhrer or "leader" of Germany and was sworn in by the army. The bloody repression of dissidents led to the purging of the ranks Nazis during the "Night of the Long Knives" (1934) and the establishment of a police control all of society, while the persecution of Jews, which began with the racist Nuremberg Laws (1935) and the pogrom known as the "Night of Broken Glass" (1938) culminated in the systematic extermination of European Jews from 1939 (the "Final Solution"). Hitler's foreign policy was the key to its promised restoration of Germany, based on diverting attention from internal conflict to an aggressive foreign action. He aligned himself with the Italian fascist dictatorship, with the aid of speaking Franco in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), rehearsal for the subsequent world war, and completed his alliances with the addition of antiSoviet alliance in Japan (Pact Antikomintern, 1936) to form the Axis Berlin-Rome-Tokyo (1937). Militaristic convinced Hitler to rearm the country began to enforce their demands by force (restoration of compulsory military service in 1935, remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936), and with it revived the German industry, reduced unemployment and almost beat the economic depression had brought him to power. Then, based on the ideal Pangerman, claimed the union of all German-speaking territories, first withdrew from the League of Nations, their methods of peaceful arbitration (1933), then forced the assassination of Dollfuss (1934) and the Anschluss or annexation of Austria (1938), and then invaded the Czech Sudetenland region and, after deceiving the Western diplomacy promising not to have more ambitions (Munich Conference, 1938), occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia, divided in two and underwent a protectorate still allowed to take the territory of Memel Lithuania (1939). But when the conflict over the Free City of Danzig led him to invade Poland, France and Britain reacted by World War II broke out (1939-45). Hitler had prepared their forces for this big confrontation, which he said would allow the expansion of Germany to achieve world hegemony (Hossbach Protocol, 1937), in anticipation of the outbreak of war had strengthened its alliance with Italy (Pact of Steel, 1939) and, above all, had concluded a nonaggression pact with the Soviet Union (1939), agreeing with Stalin the partition of Poland. The modern army that had prepared was brilliant victories on all fronts during the early years of the war by Hitler owner of most of Europe through a 'blitzkrieg' occupied Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Yugoslavia , Greece. (While Italy, Spain, Hungary,

Romania, Bulgaria and Finland were his allies, and countries like Sweden and Switzerland declared a benevolent neutrality). Only Britain resisted the attempted invasion (air battle of England, 1940-41), but the fate of Hitler began to change when it launched the invasion of Russia, responding both to the ideal basic anti-Nazism and the draft to snatch " inferior "Slavic race this the" vital space "who dreamed to aggrandize Germany (1941). From the Battle of Stalingrad (1943), the course of the war was reversed and the Soviet forces began a counteroffensive that would not stop to take Berlin in 1945, simultaneously reopened the western front with the massive contribution in men and arms from United States (involved in the war since 1941), which allowed the Normandy invasion (1944). Defeated and all his projects failed, Hitler saw his collaborators began to abandon him and Germany itself was destroyed by the allied armies, in their limited world view there was no room for compromise or surrender, so he dragged his country to catastrophe and eventually committed suicide in the Chancellery bunker in Berlin where he had taken refuge, after having shaken the world with his dream of world hegemony 'race' in Germany, which triggered a planetary-scale war and genocide without unprecedented in the concentration camps.

GOERING Leader of Nazi Germany (Rosenheim, Bavaria, 1893 - Nuremberg, 1946). There was prominent as an aviator in World War I (1914-18).In 1922 he joined the Nazi Party of Hitler, who took charge of its armed wing, the "Assault Sections" (SA). Participated in the failed Nazi coup in Munich (1923), which was injured. He fled to Germany, where he returned in 1927 to be elected (1928) and president of the lower house of Parliament (1932). Effectively helped Hitler's rise to power, after which he was appointed minister without portfolio of the German Government and Interior Minister of Prussia (1933). Was engaged in creating the Nazi secret state police (Gestapo) and the first concentration camps, setting in motion the brutal repression against Jews and dissidents, which however was not under his control. Named in the same year the Air Minister, was responsible for building and running the air arm of the German army (Lutwafe), which would be as effective in the early days of World War II (1939-45). Beyond his nominal duties, Goering directed the rearmament of the country since 1936, subjecting the entire German industry to a kind of dictatorship under the logic of war economy. During the war also led the economic exploitation of occupied territories in the service of Germany, without neglecting in doing their personal enrichment.He participated in the decision to implement the "Final Solution" to exterminate the Jews of Europe. But his reputation declined with the failures aerial battles of Stalingrad and England, gradually losing influence in the state and the party. Marshal since 1940, Hitler's successor in pectore, it eventually expel the party in the last moments of the war, in response to an attempt to replace him in command (1944).Defeated Germany, was taken prisoner by the U.S. military and tried by the Nuremberg Tribunal, which sentenced him to death, committed suicide the night before executing the statement. Goebels (Rheydt, Germany, 1897-Berlin, 1945) German Politician. The son of a wealthy Catholic family, received a careful education and soon noted for his brilliance. A physical defect in her legs exempted from joining the army in the First World War. In 1921 he graduated in Germanic philology from the University of Heidelberg and tried to live as a writer and journalist, but had little success. Similarly, their views were veering towards ever closer approach to National Socialism, until they finally join the Nazi party in 1923. After a rapid ascent to the halls of power in 1926 was appointed Gauleiter of Berlin, a post which began to show his skill as an orator and skillful propagandist provocative in a number of local campaigns. In 1930 he became the head of the Propaganda Division, moved its regional strategy on a national level and set the principles of manipulating the masses through propaganda. With the coming to power of Hitler, was appointed Minister of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, a position from which he tried to win the will of the Germans for the Nazi party. With the outbreak of World War II propaganda activity increased considerably, in an effort to

maintain the morale of the army and the German people during the conflict, while justifying the atrocities committed by the regime

5. Can you write the film summary? You have to explain the history of shindlers list. Oskar Schindler was a German who just wanted money, and to get it he just used the Jewish people as an instrument. He used them as cheap workers for his factory. Then he realized how bad were the Nazis treating them and he decided to help them by taking them under his protection, first working on his factory as an essential worker then, buying their freedom. He spent all his money on saving Jews life. He made a list with the names of the people e wanted to save, thats why the film is called the Schindler list, because being in that list meant the difference between being dead or alive 6.Describe the main characters. Schindler: At first he only wants money and success in his business, but then he realized how bad the situation was for Jews and he decided to help them even if it meant putting his own life in risk The Jewish secretary: Very good man who tries to save all his jews friends by making they be essential workers Amonn Goetz: he is mad and he enjoys killing people(but most of all he enjoys killing Jews). He is in love with a Jewish servant and he hates himself because of that. 7. Give your personal opinion about the consequences of having xenophobic ideas in our current society.
I think if nowadays you have xenophobic ideas you get discriminated by society. 8. Can you analyze the good values and the bad ones that you observe in the story? Good values: try to help people Bad values: kill people, enjoy the suffer of other people 9. At the begining, the film is in color, but later it changes to black and white. Can you analyze the reasons for this change? That change to black and white symbolizes that people have lost all the faith they had, that they started thinking negatively, they started having black thoughts, so the movie changed from color to black and white 10. What is the scene that shocked you the most? The scene in which Amonn starts killing people without a reason he chosed the ones that were going to be murdered randomly.

11. Search for other people who fought against nazism in order to save lives. The Budapest Angel was a Spanish man that worked on the Spanish (embajada) and he saved thousands of Jews because, Hitler and Franco made an arrangement saying that franco could save all the Spanish-descendent Jews, so Franco put The Budapest angel in charge of that business. At first he just took the real Spanish descendent-Jews, but then he started saving the others without a reason.

12. Why do you think it is important to honor and not forget those victims? Because if we forget about the past mistakes, well probably repeat them in a future, so is important to remember them. Its important to honor the victims because they actually were innocents who died because of a countrys fascist ideas. 13. Give your personal opinion about the film. I liked it because it shows the cruelty of the nazi regime and how bad were the jews trated, they were (tratados) like you trait your rubbish

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