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Beter Homes and Gardens

Recipe& for
Peach Crepes is a spectacular dessert that's sure to impress
guests. Prepare the mixture in a chafng dish, then spon
servings onto dessert plates before watchful eyes.
On the cover: This appetizer bufet for 20 features Tomat
Tidbits, Shrimp Dip, Sweet-Sour Franks, and Smoky Cheese
Ball, plus the delicious beverage, Lemon-Apple Sparkle.
Editorial Director: Don Dooley
Managing Editor: Malcolm E. Robinson Art Director: John Berg
Food Editor: Nancy Morton
Senior Food Editor: Joyce Trollope
Associate Editors: Nancy Byal, Lorene Mundhenke
Assistant Editors: Sharyl Heiken,
Sandra Mosley, Pat Olson
Copy Editor: Lawrence Clayton
Designers: Harijs Priekulis, Julie Zesch
Meredith Corporation, 1972. All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the United States of America. First Edition. First Printing.
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-189380
SBN: 696-00580-8
LET'S HAVE A PARTY.............................................. 4
PARTIES FOR 4 TO 8 PEOPLE .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 6
Easy-to-follow recipes for elegant frst courses, main dishes, salads,
vegetables, breads, ad desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Twelve exciting menus for entertaining smaller groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
ENTERTAINING 10 TO 16 GUESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Appealing recipes to serve, from meal-beginning appetizers to fancy desserts.. . . . . . . 48
Impressive menus for brunch, luncheon, dinner, and supper, plus teen
and children's parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
RECIPES AND MENUS FOR LARGE GATHERINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enticing main dish and side dish recipes to serve a crowd ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Guest-pleasing menus for an open house, bufet, and shower to serve
18 or more guests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
APPETIZERS, SNACKS, AND BEVERAGES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Tempting dip, spread, pte, hors d'oeuvre, and nibble recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Thirst-quenching beverages, plus information on wines and afer-dinner drinks ...... 104
PARTY HINTS ....................................................... 112
Being a good hostess features how to plan a party from beginning to end ........... 114
Special helps include information on table settings and centerpieces, plus
handy charts of equivalents and helpful terminology ........................... 118
INDEX ............................................................... 124
Our seal assures you that every recipe in Recipes For Entertaining
is endorsed by the Better Homes and Gardens Test Kitchen. Each
recipe is tested for family appeal, practicality, and deliciousness.


"Let's have a party!" is an invitation to have fun with
friends or new acquaintances. Both you and your
guests will enjoy yourselves if you take the time to plan
and execute the party well. Sound hard? It's not.
Not if you take advantage of the many recipes, menus, and
the sound advice given in Recipes for Entertaining.
If you want to entertain friends, but can't think of a
reason for doing so, remember: Any reason is a good
one. If there are no special occasions listed on your
calendar, make up something. Celebrate the first
day of Spring, a moon landing, your child's first step, a
pay raise, anything.
Once you've settled this, pull Recipes for Entertaining
down off the shelf and start browsing through it.
One of the first things you'll notice about the book is
that it is divided in such a way that regardless
of the size of your gathering-that's within reason, of
course-there are menus and recipes to accommodate
your plans. Quite an advantage over most cook books.
You'll also notice that a vast number of serving occasions
are covered in the book-breakfast, brunch, luncheon,
fondue party, semiformal dinner, holiday family dinner,
buffet dinner, teen party, make-a-pizza party, potluck
supper, after-the-game supper, picnic, appetizer buffet,
shower, and many others. This large selection
is helpful to you in two ways: It makes the book versatile;
and it gives you a good idea of the many entertain-
ing opportunities at your fingertips.
Recipes for Entertaining will answer many questions for
you, too. It will tell you how to plan a party from
beginning to end, how to set the table properly, and what
table appointments to use. There are also pointers
on etiquette. In addition, it will tell you how to be an
organized, well-prepared host or hostess.
In short, Recipes for Entertaining tells you everything
you have to know about entertaining to have a
successful gathering. That's a promise.
Partes .r
1 f 8
If the invitation list for your next party
includes only a few guests, remember
that a small gathering has several
advantages. For one thing, serving dinner
to a small group permits you to splurge
a bit by pteparing lobster, steak,
or other individual foods without ruining
your food budget.
Another advantage is that you will
probably have enough seating space,
china, glassware, and flatware for a
sit-down dinner. A meal of this kind
allows you to display your cooking
prowess by preparing part of the meal
at the table in a chafing dish, an
electric ski I let, or a wok.
So, stop worrying about what to serve,
look at the recipes in this section,
and heed the information given. Sound
easy? It is! Happy party-giving.
Cook Chicken-Steak Almond at the
table in a wok or an electric skillet
for an intimate dinner for four.
Accompany with crispy chow mein
noodles, steamed rice, Cucumber
Radish Plate, and warm sake.
(For appetizer and snack recipes see pages 98 to
103. Recipes especially suited for small goups
include Yogurt-Cuke Dip, Smoked Oyster Dip,
Notches, and Smoked Salmon Rolls.)
Christmas Onion Soup
1% large onions
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 tablespoon all-purpose four
1 quart milk
2 beaten egg yolks
Parmesan cheese
French bread slices
Thi nl y s lice oni ons and separate i nto ri ngs
(3 cups) ; cook in butter ti l l tender but not
brown, about 10 mi nutes . Sprinkle wi th four;
cook and st i r over low heat till blended. Add
mi l k; cover and simmer 20 mi nutes . Add 1 tea
spoon salt and dash pepper. Stir smal l amount
hot mixture i nto yol ks. Return to hot mixture,
sti rri ng ti l l blended. Season to taste. Spri nkl e
each servi ng with cheese ; serve hot with bread.
Makes 8 frst-course servi ngs .
Oysters en Brochette
1 pint shucked oysters ( 24)
12 slices partially cooked bacon
1 6-ounce can whole mushrooms,
drained ( about 1 cup)
1 large green pepper, cut in squares
% cup butter or margarine, melted
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Dash garlic powder
Drain oysters ; halve bacon. Wrap each oyster
with bacon. Thread on 6 short skewers , alter
nati ng with mushrooms and green pepper.
Place i n shal low baki ng pan. Combi ne remai n
i ng i ngredi ents, \ teaspoon sal t, and dash pep
per; brush over oysters and vegetables . Bake at
450 for 1 mi nutes ; brush with butter mixture.
Makes 6 frst-course servi ngs .
Fruit Cup Starter
Chi l l and drai n one 1 6-ounce can orange and
grapefrui t secti ons and one 8-ounce can seed
l ess grapes . Spoon frui t into 4 sherbet di shes.
Blend together Y cup pi neapple yogurt and 1
tablespoon sugar. Dri zzl e yogurt over frui t.
Makes 4 frst-course servi ngs .
Clam-Baked Lobster
2 large or 4 small live lobsters
2 beaten eggs
1 10%-ounce can condensed cream
of celery soup
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
l teaspoon onion s alt
2 7%-ounce cans minced clams
4 cups plain croutons
% cup butter or margarine, melted
Select active l obsters ; pl unge headfrst i nto
enough boi l i ng, sal ted water to cover. Cook 2
mi nutes . Place l obsters , on thei r backs , on cut
ti ng board. Wi th s harp kni fe spl i t soft under
shel l l engthwi se from head to tai l ( remove
head, if desi red) . Usi ng shears, sni p out under
shell membrane on tail secti on. Di scard all
organs i n body section except liver and red
coral roe. Remove black vei n that runs down
tai l . Crack claws. Pl ace, cut side up, i n shall ow
baki ng pan. Combi ne next 4 i ngredients and
dash pepper. (Add l iver and roe, i f desired. )
Drain clams, reservi ng \ cup l i qui d. Stir cl ams
and reserved liquid i nto soup mixture. Add
croutons ; toss to coat. Spoon i nto lobsters .
Bake at 350 for 30 to 35 mi nutes . Drizzle with
butter duri ng baki ng. Serves 4.
Seafood fare
Entice your guests with one of these special -
dishes: Clam-Baked Lobster, Oysters en Bro
chette, or Land and Sea Salad (see page 10).
10 main dishes
Land and Sea Salad
4 cups torn mixed salad greens
1% pounds frozen king crab legs,
thawed and shelled, or 1 6-ounce
package fozen crab meat, thawed,
or 1 7-ounce can crab meat,
drained and cartilage removed
1 pound shrimp, cooked, peeled, and
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons sliced green onion
1 large avocado
Curry Dressing
In salad bowl top greens with crab meat,
shri mp, cherry tomato halves , and green
onion; chill. Just before servi ng, peel and slice
avocado; add to salad. Toss with chi l led Curry
Dressing. Makes 6 servi ngs.
Curry Dressing: Sti r together l cup mayon
naise or salad dressing; cup mi l k; l clove
garlic, mi nced; 2 teaspoons curry powder;
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce; and 6 to 8
drops bottled hot pepper sauce. Chi l l .
Deviled Lamb Chops
2 tablespoons all-purpose four
% teaspoon garlic salt
% teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
4 lamb shoulder chops, l inch thick
2 tablespoons salad oil
Prepared mustard
% cup chicken broth
1 medium onion, sliced
4 green pepper rings
4 thin slices lemon
% teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon all-purpose four
Combine frst 3 ingredients; use to coat chops .
In skillet brown the chops in hot oi l . Spread
each chop with mustard; add broth and onion.
Cover; si mmer 25 mi nutes. Add green pepper,
l emon, and salt. Cover; cook till meat is tender,
about l O mi nutes more. Remove chops , onion,
lemon, and pepper to warm platter. Combine
cup water and l tablespoon four; stir i nto
pan drippings. Cook and stir ti ll thickened;
pour over chops. Makes 4 servi ngs.
Artichokes a Ia Ham Curry
4 artichokes
2 cups ground fully cooked ham
% cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons salad oil
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
2 beaten eggs
% cup s nipped parsley
Curry Sauce
Wash artichokes; cut one i nch from entire top.
Cut stem close t o base. Pul l of dry, loose
l eaves. Si mmer artichokes, covered, in boi l i ng,
salted water ti l l stal k can be easi l y pierced and
a l eaf pul l ed out readi l y, 25 to 30 mi nutes .
Drain upside down. Sni p of sharp l eaf tips .
Remove center leaves and chokes .
I n ski l let cook ham and onion i n hot oi l ti l l
onion is tender. Add crumbs , eggs , parsley,
and teaspoon pepper; mix wel l . Spread
artichoke leaves apart sl i ghtl y; fll center of
each artichoke wi th ham mixture. Place i n
a 9x9x2-i nch baki ng pan. Pour hot water
around artichokes to a depth of l inch. Bake,
uncovered, at 375 about 30 mi nutes . Serve
with Curry Sauce. Makes 4 servi ngs .
Curry Sauce: I n smal l saucepan combine 1
cup dairy sour cream, Y3 cup mi l k, l teaspoon
curry powder, and teaspoon salt. Heat,
stirri ng occasional l y. Do not boi l .
Pork Loin with Orange Stufng
1 5-pound pork loin
1, cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons fozen orange juice
concentate, thawed
1 cup herb-seasoned stufng mix
% teaspoon ground sage
Have meatman loosen backbone of pork l oi n
and cut pockets between chops. Cook onion i n
butter till tender. Add cup water and juice
concentrate; mix well. Toss with stufng mix
imd sage. Spoon 2 tablespoons stufng between
each chop. Place on rack in shal low roasting
pan. Roast at 325 till meat thermometer
registers 1 70, about 2 Y to 3 hours. Remove
backbone before serving. Serves 8.
Ham-Rice Bake
Double recipe and bake in 13 lx8%x1% -inch
baking dish about 30 minutes for 12 servings -
3 cups cubed fully cooked ham
2 cup long grain rice, cooked
1 tablespoon snipped parsley
l cup chopped onion
4 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose four
2 cups milk
3 beaten eggs
1 tablespoon prepared
% cup sof bread crumbs
Combine ham, hot rice, and parsley. Cook
onion i n 3 tablespoons butter; bl end i n four, Y
teaspoon salt, and Y teaspoon pepper. Add
milk all at once. Cook and stir ti ll thickened
and bubbly. Stir half the hot mixture i nto eggs ;
return to saucepan and cook 1 mi nute more.
Blend in mustard. Stir sauce i nto ham mixture.
Pour i nto a 1 0x6xl %-i nch baki ng di s h. Mel t
remai ni ng butter; stir i n crumbs. Spri nkle
atop casserole. Bake at 350 for 25 to 30
minutes. Let stand 5 mi nutes. Serves 6.
Corn-Stufed Pork Chops
8 pork loin chops, % inch thick
1 cup chopped celery
Y2 cup chopped onion
% cup butter or margarine
4 cups sof bread crumbs
1 8%-ounce can whole kernel
corn, drained
% teaspoon rubbed sage
Season the chops with salt and pepper. Cook
celery and onion i n butter till tender but not
brown. Combine cooked vegetabl es , crumbs ,
corn, Y teaspoon salt , sage, and dash pepper.
Place hal the chops on rack i n shallow roasti ng
pan. Spoon about % cup stufng onto each;
top with remai ning chops. Cover pan with foi l ;
bake at 325 for 45 mi nutes . Remove foi l and
bake ti l l meat i s tender, about 30 mi nutes
more. Sprinkle wi th papri ka. Makes 4 servi ngs .
main dishes 11
Cranberry Pork Chops
' cur/

8 pork rib chops , % inch thick
2 tablespoons shortening l cu"'
1 8-ounce can whole cranberry s auce
% cup bottled barbecue sauce
4 teaspoons cornstarch
Hot cooked rice
I n a skillet brown the chops i n hot shorteni ng.
Season wi th salt and pepper. Drai n of excess
fat. Combine cranberry sauce, barbecue sauce,
and l cup water; pour over chops. Cover and
si mmer til l chops are tender, 45 to 55 mi nutes .
Remove the chops to warm platter; keep hot.
Combi ne cornstarch and 2 tablespoons col d
water. Stir i nto sauce i n s ki llet. Cook and stir
til l thickened and bubbly. Spoon some sauce
over chops ; pass addi tional sauce. Serve with
hot cooked rice. Makes 8 servings.
Sausage-Filled Crepes
Crepes can be made ahead and refrigerated-
3 beaten eggs
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon salad oil
1 cup sifed all-purpose four
Sausage Filling
% cup butter or margarine, sofened
% cup dairy sour cream
Combi ne frst 3 i ngredi ents. Add four and Y
teaspoon sal t; beat ti l l smooth. Pour 2 table
spns batter i nto greased 6-inch ski l l et; tilt
to cover bottom. Cook till browned; i nvert on
paper toweli ng. Repeat to make 16 crepes.
Place 2 tablespoons Sausage Fi l l i ng down
center of each crepe; rol l . Arrange in 1 1 %x
7 Ix1 %-i nch baki ng di sh. Combine butter and
sour cream; spread on crepes. Bake, covered,
at 375 for 20 mi nutes . Makes 6 to 8 servi ngs .
Sausage Filling: I n a skillet cook l pound
bul k pork sausage and l cup chopped oni on
till browned; drai n. Sti r i n 2 ounces process
American cheese, shredded ( I cup) ; one 3-
ounce package cream cheese, softened; l tea
spoon celery sal t; and l teaspoon dried
marjoram, crushed. Remove from heat; stir i n
% cup dairy sour cream and 1 tablespoon mi l k.
12 main dishes
Beef Fondue
Let guests cook their own meat at the table -
Salad oil
1 teaspoon salt
1 pounds trimmed beef tenderloin,
cut in %-inch cubes
Wi ne Sauce
Mushroom Sauce
Pour salad oi l i nto metal fondue cooker to no
more than Y capacity or to a depth of 2 i nches .
Heat over range to 425. Add sal t. Transfer
cooker to fondue burner. Have beef at room
temperature. Spear meat cube with fondue
fork; fry i n hot oi l to desired doneness. Trans
fer hot meat to di nner fork; di p i n Wi ne Sauce
or Mushroom Sauce. Makes 4 servi ngs.
Arrange mozzarella cheese triangles atop
Sicilian Meat Roll (made of favorful ground
Fondue Sauces
Wine Sauce: I n saucepan sti r % cup sautere
i nto Y cup catsup. Bri ng to boi l . Si mmer,
uncovered, 5 mi nutes. Blend 2 tablespoons
col d water and 4 teaspoons cornstarch; sti r i nto
wi ne mixture. Cook and stir til l thickened and
bubbl y. Add l tablespoon butter; cook l
mi nute more. Serve hot. Makes % cup.
Mushroom Sauce: Drai n one 3-ounce can
chopped mushrooms; chop mushrooms more
fi nel y. Dissolve l beef boui l l on cube i n % cup
boi l i ng water. I n saucepan melt 2 tablespoons
butter. Blend i n 2 tabl espoons al l -purpose
four. Add boui l l on al l at once; mi x well . Cook
and sti r till thi ckened and bubbly. Stir in Y
cup dairy sour cream, the mushrooms , and 2
teaspoons Worcestershire sauce; heat through.
Serve hot. Makes l Y3 cups.
beef rolled around ham and more cheese). No
tice the pinwheel appearance when it is sliced.
Sicilian Meat Roll
A flavorful dish of gound beef, ham, and cheese -
2 beaten eggs
% cup sof bread crumbs (1 slice)
% cup tomato juice
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
% teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
% teaspoon each salt and pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
2 pounds lean ground beef
8 thin slices boiled ham
6 ounces mozzarella cheese,
shredded (I% cups)
3 slices mozzarella cheese, halved
Combine eggs, crumbs,juice, parsley, oregano,
salt, pepper, and garli c. Add beef; mix well .
On waxed paper or foi l, pat meat to a 1 2xl 0-
inch rectangle. Arrange ham atop meat, leav
ing a smal l margi n around edges. Spri nkl e
shredded cheese over ham. Starti ng from short
end, carefully roll up meat, using paper to
l i ft ; seal edges and ends . Place roll, seam side
down, i n 1 3x9x2-inch baking pan. Bake at
350 till done, 1 hours. (Center of roll wi l l
be pi nk due to ham. ) Place cheese wedges over
top of rol l ; return to oven till cheese melts,
about 5 mi nutes . Makes 8 servi ngs.
When making Sicilian Meat Roll, pat the
meat mixture into a rectangle on waxed paper,
ten use the paper to aid in rolling meat.
main dishes 13
Veal Steak Alaska
1 pound veal round steak
1 envelope mushroom gravy mix
1 3-ounce can sliced mushrooms ,
1 beaten egg
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
% cup butter or margarine
1 7%-ounce can crab meat, drained,
faked, and cartilage removed
4 slices process Swiss cheese,
. halved (4 ounces)
Cut steak i nto servi ng-sized pieces ; pound to
-i nch thi ckness. Prepare gravy mi x accordi ng
to package di rections; add mushrooms and
keep warm. Di p steaks i n egg, then i n bread
crumbs. In ski l let brown steaks i n butter; re
move from heat. Pile of the crab meat atop
each steak; top with cheese. Return to heat;
cook, covered, over medium heat till hot and
cheese i s mel ted. Pour gravy i nto platter; place
steaks atop. Makes 4 servi ngs .
Saucy Steak Rolls
l1h pounds beef round steak, % inch
% cup fnely chopped onion
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
% teaspoon dried basil, crushed
2 tablespoons all-purpose four
2 tablespoons shortening
1 10%-ounce can condensed cream
of mushroom soup
% cup catsup
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
Pound meat till very thi n; cut i nto 8 rectan
gular pieces. Spri nkl e l i ghtl y with sal t and
pepper. Di vi de oni on, parsley, and basil be
tween the meat pieces. Roll up jel ly-roll fashion,
tucki ng edges in around stufng. Tie or skewer
securely. Coat the meat with four. In 10-inch
skillet brown the meat slowly in hot shorteni ng.
Combi ne soup, catsup, and Worcestershire.
Pour over meat. Cover and si mmer ti l l meat i s
tender, about I hours. Remove cord or
skewers before servi ng. Pass sauce wi th steak
rol l s. Makes 4 servi'ngs.
14 main dishes
Poached Eggs a Ia King
A perfect dih for a brunch or a luncheon-
% cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 10%-ounce can condensed cream of
chicken soup
cup milk
6 eggs
3 English mufns, split,
toasted, and buttered
Snipped parsley
Cook onion i n butter till tender. Stir i n soup
and dash pepper. Blend in mi l k. Bring to
boili ng; reduce heat and sl i p eggs i nto sauce.
Si mmer, covered, till eggs are set, 15 mi nutes .
Place each egg on mufn half; top with sauce.
Sprinkle with parsley. Serves 6.
Liberally spon the creamy mushroom sauce
over each serving of Chicken Vol-au-Vent. The
Chicken and Spaghetti
4 small chicken breasts, split
2 tablespoons shortening
1 1 1/2-ounce envelope spaghetti
sauce mix
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
1 3-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
1 cup dry red wine
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
6 ounces spaghetti, cooked and
Brown the chi cken i n shorteni ng. Season with
salt. Spoon of fat. Combine next 5 i ngredients
and 1 cup water. Pour over chi cken. Cover;
si mmer 30 mi nutes. Uncover; si mmer ti l l ten
der, 15 mi nutes. Serve chicken and sauce over
spaghetti. Pass Parmesan, i f desired. Serves 4.
. sauce complements the delightful favor of
boned chicken thighs and sausages.
Chicken Vol-au-Vent
6 chicken thighs (about 1 pounds)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 chicken bouillon cube
3 tablespoons all-purpose four
% teaspoon paprika
1 cup light cream
1 6-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
% cup dry white wine
6 brown-and-serve sausages
1 10-ounce package fozen patty
shells, thawed (6 shells)
Brown the chicken i n butter. Dissolve bouillon
i n Y cup hot water; add to chi cken. Cover and
si mmer till tender, 20 to 30 mi nutes . Remove
chicken from broth; cool and remove bones
carefully. Measure broth; add water to equal
1 cup liqui d. Return to ski l l et. Combine four,
papri ka, \ teaspoon salt, and dash pepper;
sti r i n cream. Add to broth; cook and stir till
thickened and bubbly. Stir i n mushrooms and
wi ne. Place a sausage i n bone cavity of each
thigh. On foured surface, roll each patty shell
to a 6-inch square. Place thigh i n center of
each and top wi th 2 tablespoons sauce. Fold
pastry over and seal ; fold ends to center and
seal . Place, seam side down, i n 13 Yx8%x1 %
i nch baking di sh. Brush with additional cream;
bake at 400 till golden, 30 minutes. Heat
remaini ng sauce; pass. Serves 6.
Roll thawed patty shells t 6-inch squares,
then carefully wrap pastry around chicken
and seal edges for Chicken Vol-au-Vent.
main dishes 15
Chicken Liver-Sauced Pasta
Double the recipe and simmer the sauce in a Dutch
oven to make 10 to 12 servings -
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 small clove garlic, minced
4 tablespoons salad oil
1 29-ounce can tomatoes, cut up
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
1 3-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoons sugar
teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
1 bay leaf
Spaghetti or noodles
1 pound chicken livers, cut up
I n large saucepan cook oni on and garlic i n 2
tablespoons oi l ti ll tender. Drain of fat. Stir i n
tomatoes , next 6 i ngredients , % cup water,
% teaspoon sal t, and Y teaspoon pepper.
Si mmer sauce, uncovered, for 45 mi nutes ,
stirri ng the mixture occasionally.
Meanwhi l e, cook s paghetti or noodles i n
boiling, sal ted water just till tender; drain.
Cook livers i n remai ni ng oi l about 5 mi nutes ,
stirri ng gentl y; drai n. Add livers to sauce;
bri ng to boi l i ng. Remove bay leaf. Spoon sauce
atop each servi ng of pasta. Serves 5 or 6.
Wine-Glazed Hens
Cook and sti r \ cup chopped oni on and 2
tablespoons sl ivered almonds in 2 tablespoons
butter or margari ne about 5 mi nutes. Toss with
4 cups dry bread cubes; 2 medi um oranges ,
peeled and diced; \ cup l i ght raisi ns ; and Y
teaspoon sal t. Ri nse six 1 -pound ready-to-cook
Rock Cornish game hens ; pat dry. Season with
salt and pepper. Lightly stuf birds with bread
mixture. Skewer shut. Place hens , breast up,
on rack i n shallow roasting pan. Brush with
salad oi l ; cover loosel y. Roast at 375 for 30
mi nutes . Uncover; baste wi th Wi ne Glaze.
Roast ti l l done, about 1 hour more, basti ng
frequently with glaze. (When done, drumstick
can be twisted easily. ) Makes 6 servings .
Wine Glaze: Mi x Y cup Burgundy; \ cup
butter, mel ted; and 2 tabl espoons orange juice.
16 salads
Layered Cherry-Cheese Mold
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 3-ounce package cherry-favored
% cup boiling water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 21-ounce can cherry pie flling
1 2-ounce package dess ert topping mix
2 3-ounce packages cream cheese,
In saucepan soften unfavored gelati n in 1 cup
cold water. Heat and stir till dissolved. Stir
i n I t abl espoon lemon juice. Cool .
Meanwhi le, dissolve cherry-favored gelati n
in the boi l i ng water. Stir in the 1 tablespoon
lemon juice and pie fil li ng. Pour about of
the cherry mixture i nto a 6Y-cup mold. Chi l l
till almost frm. Leave remainder of cherry
mixture at room temperature.
Prepare dessert toppi ng mix accordi ng to
package directions. Beat i n cream cheese.
Fold in cooled unfavored gelati n. Spoon about
Y of white mixture over almost frm cherry
layer. Chill till almost frm. Leave rest of whi te
mixture at room temperature.
Top al most frm white l ayer with another \
of the cherry mixture. Chi l l till almost frm.
(To hasten chilling, place i n freezer for about
l mi nutes. Watch carefully so that gelati n does
not become too frm. ) Repeat with remai ni ng
whi te and cherry mixtures , chi l l i ng after each
layer and ending with cherry layer. Chill till
frm. Makes 8 servings.
Creamy Fruit Salad
1 16-ounce can pear halves, chilled
1 8%-ounce can pineapple tidbits,
1 8%-ounce can peach slices , chilled
Lettuce cups
l cup orange yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
I teaspoon ground allspice
Drain fruits wel l ; arrange i n lettuce cups .
Mix together yogurt, honey, and all spice.
Serve over chilled frui ts. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Molded Cheese Ring
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
11 cups cream-style cottage cheese
1 3-ounce package cream cheese,
l cup chopped celery
1 tablespoon fnely chopped green
l cup milk
Fruit (grapefuit and orange sections,
apricots, or plums )
Soften gelati n in \ cup cold water; place over
hot water and stir to dissolve. Beat together
cottage cheese and cream cheese til l fufy.
(Some small l umps will remain. ) Stir i n celery,
onion, and teaspoon salt. Stir in gelatin.
Add mi l k; mi x well . Chi l l ti ll partially set.
Turn i nto a 3-cup ri ng mold. Chi l l till frm.
Unmold onto lettuce; pi l e frui t i n center.
Makes 4 to 6 servi ngs.
Hearts of Palm Salad
% cup s alad oil
1 tablespoon fnely chopped onion
1 tablespoon snipped parsley
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
I teaspoon dry mustard
1 hard-cooked egg, fnely chopped
1 tablespoon chopped canned pimiento
1 14-ounce can hearts of palm, chilled,
drained, and cut in strips
In screw-top jar combine frst 6 i ngredients
and \ teaspoon sal t. Cover; shake vigorousl y.
Add chopped egg and pi mi ento; sti r well .
Line salad plates wi th lettuce; top with hearts
of pal m. Pour on dressi ng. Serves 4.
An elegant, layered beauty
Choose your prettiest 6l-cup mold for this -
Layered Cherry-Cheese Mold. Serve the salad
on lettuce leaves for a colorful accent.
18 vegetables
Zucchini Sweet-Sour Medley
A pretty red and geen vegetable combo -
2 tablespoons salad oil
4 teaspoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon instant minced onion
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
% teaspoon salt
teaspoon garlic salt
Dash pepper
l cup water
% cup vinegar

4 cups bias-sliced zucchini
1 cup bias-sliced celery
2 tomatoes, quartered
In medium skillet stir together the frst 8
i ngredients. Add water and vi negar; cook and
stir till thickened and bubbly. Add zucchi ni
and celery. Cook, covered, ti ll vegetables are
crisp-tender, 7 to 8 mi nutes ; stir occasionally.
Add tomatoes ; cook
covered, ti ll heated
through, 2 to 3 minutes . Serves 6.
Herbed Potato Fluf
Gourmet fare using instant mashed potatoes -
Packaged instant mashed potatoes
(enough for 4 servings)
1 cup small curd cream-style cottage
cup dairy sour cream
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons snipped chives
teaspoon celery s alt
3 egg whites
2 tablespoons fnely snipped parsley
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
Prepare mashed potatoes accordi ng to package
di recti ons. Beat in cottage cheese, sour cream,
egg yolks , chives, and celery sal t. Beat egg
whites till stif peaks form; fol d i nto potato
mixture along with the parsley. Turn i nto a 2-
quart casserole; dot with butter or margari ne.
Bake at 350 ti l l top is l i ghtly browned, about
1 hour. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
Special Broccoli Casserole
Double the recipe and bake in a 13x9x2-inch
baking pan about 3 5 minutes for 12 servings -
1 10-ounce package fozen
broccoli cuts
1 102-ounce can condensed cream of
mushroom soup
2 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (% cup)
1 cup milk
% cup mayonnai se
1 beaten egg
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
1 tablespoon butter, melted
Cook broccoli accordi ng to package directions ,
omitting salt called for; drain thoroughl y.
Place broccoli i n 1 0x6xl %-i nch baki ng dish.
Sti r together soup and cheese; gradually add
mi l k, mayonnaise, and egg, stirring to bl end.
Pour over broccoli. Combi ne crumbs and
melted butter; spri nkl e over soup mixture.
Bake at 350 till heated and crumbs are lightly
browned, about 35 mi nutes. Serves
Corn-Stuffed Onions
6 medium onions
1 12-ounce can whole kernel com,
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons all-purpose four
2 teaspoon s alt
Dash pepper
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons chopped canned pimiento
4 ounces process American cheese,
shredded (1 cup)
Hollow the oni ons ; chop centers to make I cup.
Fi l l oni ons wi th corn; set aside remai ni ng corn.
Place onions in 9x9x2-i nch baki ng pan. Add 2
tablespoons water; cover. Bake at 400 for 1
hour. Cook chopped oni on i n butter; stir i n
four, sal t, and pepper. Add mi l k; cook and
stir till thi ckened. Add reserved corn and
pi mi ento. Return to bubbling; sti r i n cheese
till melted. Place onions i n servi ng dis h;
spoon sauce over. Makes 6 servi ngs.
Combine two vegetable favorites in one dish
by serving Corn-Stuffed Onions. Bake the
Asparagus Divan
2 pounds asparagus spears, cooked
3 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
1 8%-ounce can ready-to-serve
hollandaise sauce
1 cup frozen whipped dessert
topping, thawed
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
Drain asparagus. Arrange hot asparagus i n
ovenproof di sh. Top with egg slices. Blend
together hollandaise sauce, whi pped topping,
and lemon juice; spoon atop asparagus and
eggs. Broil 3 to 4 inches from heat ti ll top
is l i ghtly browned, 6 to 8 mi nutes . Sprinkle
with lemon peel . Makes 6 to 8 servi ngs .
vegetables 19
corn-flled onions, and then at serving time
spoon on the favorful cheese sauce.
Blender Hollandaise
3 egg yolks
2 tablespoons lemon juice
l teaspoon prepared mustard
Dash cayenne
l cup butter or margarine
Put frst 4 i ngredi ents i n blender container;
blend till i ngredi ents are combined. Heat but
ter i n saucepan till mel ted and almost boiling.
With bl ender slowly runni ng, slowly pour
about a third of the hot butter, i n a thi n stream,
i nto the blender contai ner. Turn blender to
hi gh speed; slowly pour in remaini ng hot but
ter, bl endi ng till mi xture is smooth and
thickened. Serve i mmediately over hot cooked
vegetables . Makes 1 cup.
20 bread
Caraway Pufs
An easy no-knead roll -
1 package active dry yeast
2% cups sifed all-purpose four
V teaspoon baking soda
1 cup cream-style cottage cheese
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
2 teaspoons caraway seed
2 teaspoons grated onion
I n mixer bowl combi ne yeast, 1 Y cups of the
four, and the baking soda. Heat together cot
tage cheese, J cup water, sugar, butter, and
salt till butter melts ; add to dry ingredients .
Add egg, caraway seed, and onion. Beat at
low speed of electric mixer for Y2 minute.
Beat 3 minutes at high speed. Sti r i n remaini ng
four. Place in greased bowl , turning once.
Cover; let rise till double, 1 Y hours. Divide
among 12 well-greased mufn pans. Cover; let
rise about 40 mi nutes . Bake at 400 for 1 2 to
1 5 minutes. Makes 1 2.
Biscuits Supreme
Best when served piping hot -
2 cups s ifed all-purpose four
4 teaspoons baking powder
% teaspoon salt
% teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons sugar
% cup shortening
% cup milk
Sift together four, baki ng powder, salt, cream
of tartar, and sugar in bowl . Cut in shorteni ng
til l like coarse crumbs. Make a well; add mi lk
all at once. Stir quickly with a fork, just til l
dough follows fork around bowl . Turn onto
lightly foured surface. (Dough should be soft . )
Knead gently 1 0 t o 1 2 strokes . Roll or pat
dough Y inch thick. Dip biscuit cutter i n four;
cut dough straight down. Bake on ungreased
baki ng sheet at 450 for 10 to 1 2 mi nutes .
Makes about 1 6 biscuits.
Apricot-Almond Cofee Cake
% cup dried apricots, snipped
1 cup water
V cup shortening
% cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 % cups sifed all-purpose four
2 teaspoons baking powder
% teaspoon salt
% teaspoon ground cinnamon
% cup brown sugar
% cup s ifed all-purpose four
V cup butter or margarine
% cup chopped almonds
I n saucepan combine sni pped apricots and
water; simmer, uncovered, 15 minutes. Cool .
Drai n, reservi ng liquid. Add enough milk to
liquid to make Y cup. Cream together shorten
i ng and granulated sugar. Add egg; beat well .
Sift together the 1 Y cups four, the baking
powder, sal t, and cinnamon. Add t o creamed
mixture alternately with milk mixture, begi n
ning and endi ng with dry i ngredients ; stir i n
apricots. Turn i nto greased 9x1 Y-i nch round
cake pan or 9x9x2-inch baki ng pan.
Combine brown sugar and the Y cup four.
Cut in butter or margari ne til l crumbly; add
almonds. Sprinkle over batter in pan. Bake
at 350 for 40 to 45 minutes. Serve warm.
Peanut Bread
1% cups s ifed all-purpose four
% cup sugar
2% teaspoons baking powder
% cup creamy peanut butter
% cup milk
2 beaten eggs
% cup chopped peanuts
In mixi ng bowl sift together four, sugar, bak
i ng powder, and Y teaspoon salt. Cut i n peanut
butter till mixture is crumbly. Add milk and
eggs all at once, stirring just til l mixture is
well combined. Stir in peanuts . Turn batter
into well-greased 9x5x3-i nch loaf pan. Bake
at 350 for 40 t o 45 minutes. Remove from
pan; cool on rack. Makes 1 loaf.
Fig-Oatmeal Mufns
1 cup sifed all-purpose four
% cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
cup chopped dried fgs
1 beaten egg
1 cup milk
3 tablespoons salad oil
Sift together frst 3 i ngredients and Y teaspoon
salt. Stir i n rolled oats and fi gs . Add egg, mi l k,
and oil; sti r just till moistened. Fi l l greased
mufn pans % ful l . Bake at 425 for 1 5 to
1 7 mi nutes. Makes 1 2 mufns .
Easy Bread Fix-Ups
Dilly Bread: I n small mi xi ng bowl combine
\ cup softened butter or margari ne, Y tea
spoon prepared mustard, and \ teaspoon
dried dillweed, crushed. Spread butter mi x
ture on one si de of 8 sl i ces French bread. Place,
buttered si de down, on baki ng sheet. Broil ti ll
gol den, 1 to 2 mi nutes. Turn and broi l 1 to 2
mi nutes more. Makes 8 slices.
Parsley-Onion Bread: I n s mal l mi xi ng bowl
combine 1 tablespoon i nstant mi nced oni on
and 1 tabl espoon mi l k. Stir i n \ cup softened
butter and 2 tablespoons sni pped parsley.
Spread butter mixture on one side of 8 slices
French bread. Place, buttered side down, on
baki ng sheet. Broil 1 to 2 mi nutes . Turn; broi l
1 to 2 minutes more. Makes 8 slices.
Cheesy Biscuits: I n smal l mi xi ng bowl com
bi ne half of a 5-ounce jar Neufchatel cheese
spread wi th pimiento (Y cup) and 2 table
spoons softened butter. Usi ng 1 tube refri g
erated biscuits ( 1 0), spread biscuits with cheese
mixture. Bake on baking sheet at 425 about
15 mi nutes. Makes 10 bi scui ts .
Sesame-Garlic Crisps: Cut 3 sl iced ham
burger buns in half vertically. Then, cut each
piece in half again horizontally (for a total of
24 half-rounds) . Combine \ cup softened but
ter and Y teaspoon garlic powder. Spread one
side of each bun piece with butter mixture.
Place, buttered side up, on baki ng sheet. Spri n
kl e wi th 2 tablespoons sesame seed. Bake at
425 till golden, 8 to 10 mi nutes. Makes 24.
bread 21
Impress guests at any meal by serving Cara
way Puffs with whipped butter. Not only are
they good to eat, they are easy to fx. Try them.
22 desserts
Immediately after pouring Peach Crepes bat
ter into a hot, greased skillet or crepe pan,
rotate the pan t spread the batter evenly.
Dreamy-High Pumpkin Pie
1 cup sugar
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
% teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 slightly beaten egg yolks
% cup milk
1 cup cooked or canned pumpkin
3 egg whites
Graham Cracker Crust
l cup whipping cream
l cup faked coconut
In saucepan mix % cup sugar, gelatin, ci nna
mon, Y teaspoon salt, and nutmeg. Combine
egg yolks and mil k; add to gelatin mixture.
Cook and stir till sl i ghtly thickened. Stir in
pumpkin. Chill til l mixture mounds slightly
when spooned, stirri ng often. Beat egg whites
til l" soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining
sugar, beating to stif peaks. Fol d pumpkin
mixture into whites. Pi le into Graham Cracker
Crust. Chill til l frm. Whip cream; spoon atop
pie. Sprinkle with coconut.
Graham Cracker Crust: Combine l Y cups fne
graham cracker crumbs , cup sugar, and 6
tablespoons butter, melted; mix. Press frmly
into 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 375 til l edges
are browned, 6 to 8 minutes; cool.
Peach Crepes
1 cup s ifed all-purpose four
1 tablespoon sugar
l teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1% cups milk
Creamy Filling
% cup fnely chopped pecans
1 29-ounce can peach slices
2 tablespoons cornstarch
l cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
% cup orange-favored liqueur
In mixing bowl combi ne frst 5 i ngredi ents ;
beat ti ll mixture is smooth. Lightly grease a
6-inch skillet or crepe pan; heat. Remove pan
from heat; spoon in about 2 tablespoons batter.
Rotate pan so batter spreads evenly. Return
to heat; brown on one side onl y. To remove,
i nvert pan over paper toweli ng. Repeat wi th
remaini ng batter to make 1 6 crepes , lightly
greasing pan occasionall y.
Prepare Creamy Fil ling. Spread unbrowned
side of each crepe wi th Creamy Fi l l ing; spri nkl e
with pecans. Fol d i n quarters.
Drain peach slices , reserving syrup. ln blazer
pan of chafng dish, gradually blend reserved
syrup i nto cornstarch. Add orange juice, lemon
juice, and butter. Cook and stir over direct
heat ti l l thickened and bubbly. Add peaches
and crepes. Spoon sauce over crepes ; heat
through. Set pan over hot water (bai n-marie).
Warm liqueur in small saucepan. Pour over
crepes ; i gnite liqueur. Serves 8.
Creamy Filling: Beat together two 3-ounce
packages cream cheese, softened; 3 table
spoons sugar; 2 tablespoons milk; Y teaspoon
shredded orange peel ; and teaspoon vanil la.
Orange-Date Medey
Peel and section 5 oranges. Place oranges and
l cup sliced dates in a l 0x6xl %-i nch baki ng
dish. Combi ne l cup orange juice and 2 table
spoons orange-favored liqueur; pour over
fruit. Bake, covered, at 350 till heated
through, about 30 mi nutes. Sprinkl e Y cup
toasted slivered almonds atop. Serves 6.
Pear Chifon Pie
A light meal ending-
1 29-ounce can pear halves
Y cup sugar
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
1 teaspoon salt
3 slightly beaten egg yolks
% teaspoon grated lemon peel
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 egg whites
Y cup sugar
1 baked 9-inch pastry shell, cooled
Whipped cream
Drain pears, reservi ng l cup syrup and 1 pear
half. With fork, mash remai ni ng pear halves ;
drai n. Combine Y cup sugar, gelati n, and
salt; stir i n reserved pear syrup, egg yol ks ,
lemon peel , and lemon jui ce. Cook and sti r
ti l l sli ghtly thickened. Add mashed pears .
Cool till mixture mounds. Beat egg whi tes to
soft peaks ; gradually add Y cup sugar, beati ng
till sti f peaks form. Fol d i n pear mixture.
Turn i nto baked pastry shel l ; chi l l . Garnish
with dollops of whi pped cream and the
reserved pear half, sl iced.
Irish Cofee Pie
Delicately flavored with Irish whiskey -
1 3-ounce package vanilla whipped
dessert mix
2 teaspoons instant cofee powder
l cup cold milk
3 tablespoons Irish whiskey
cup whipping cream
1 baked 8-inch pastry shell, cooled
In small mixer bowl combine dessert mix and
i nstant cofee powder. Add mi l k; beat at high
speed of electric mixer about 1 mi nute. Blend
i n Y3 cup water and Irish whiskey; beat at
hi gh speed till fufy, about 2 mi nutes more.
Whip cream; carefully fol d i nto prepared
flling. Pile i nto baked pastry shell and chill
for 3 to 4 hours. Garnish each servi ng with
additional whipped cream and chocolate
shavi ngs , i f desi red.
desserts 23
Pastry Shell
Si ft together I Y2 cups si fted. all-purpose four
and Y2 teaspoon sal t; cut i n Y cup shorteni ng
wi th pastry bl ender ti ll pieces are the si ze of
small peas. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon cold water
over mixture. Gently toss wi th fork; push to
side of bowl. Repeat, usi ng 3 to 4 tablespoons
more cold water, ti ll all is moist. Form i nto
bal l . Flatten on lightly foured surface by
pressi ng wi th edge of hand 3 times across i n
both directions . Roll from center to edge till
pastry is Y i nch thick.
Fi t pastry i nto pi e plate. Trim Y2 t o I i nch
beyond edge. Fold under; fute edge by press
i ng dough with forefnger against wedge made
of fnger and thumb of other hand. Prick
bottom and sides well. ( I f flling and crust are
baked together, do not prick. ) Bake at 450 ti l l
golden, 10 to 12 mi nutes.
Delight guests with light, fufy Irish Coffee
Pie, specially favored with a combination of
instant cofee powder and Irish whiskey.
24 desserts
Forgotten Cherry Torte
5 egg whites
l teaspoon cream of tartar
% teaspoon salt
1 cups sugar
2 cups frozen whipped dessert
topping, thawed
1 21-ounce can cherry pie flling
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Several drops almond extract
Preheat oven to 450. In mixer bowl beat egg
whi tes till frothy. Add cream of tartar and
sal t; beat till soft peaks form. Gradually add
sugar, a tablespoon at a ti me, beati ng till s tif
peaks form. Turn i nto buttered 8x8x2-i nch
baking dish; smooth with spatul a. Pl ace in
preheated oven. Close oven door; immediately
turn off heat. Leave oven door closed for 8 hours
or overnight. (Don' t peek ! )
Spread half the whi pped toppi ng over me
ringue. Combine pie fi l l i ng, lemon juice, and
extract; spread half over topping i n baki ng
di sh. Repeat layers with toppi ng and cherry
mixture, spreadi ng to cover edges. Cover;
chi l l overnight. Cut i n squares; top with
whi pped topping, i f desired. Serves 6 to 8.
Strawberry-Vanilla Pudding
4 to 5 cups angel cake cubes
( 6 ounces)
1 3- or 3%-ounce package instant
vanilla pudding mix
1 cup cold milk
1 pint vanilla ice cream, softened
1 3-ounce package strawberry-
favored gelatin
1 cups boiling water
1 10-ounce package fozen strawberry
Place angel cake cubes i n 9x9x2-i nch baki ng
pan. In mi xer bowl combine i nstant puddi ng
and mi l k; add i ce cream. Beat at low speed
till well blended. Pour over cake cubes . Chi l l
ti l l frm. Dissolve gelatin i n boi l i ng water;
add frozen berries. Sti r ti l l gelatin begi ns
to thicken. Pour over puddi ng; do not sti r.
Chi l l ti l l set. Makes 8 or 9 servi ngs .
Elegant Chocolate Soufe
Serve hot right fm the oven -
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
% cup all-purpose four
1 cup milk
2 1-ounce squares unsweetened
chocolate, cut up
4 egg yolks
l cup sugar
4 egg whites
% teaspoon cream of tartar
Grand Marnier Sauce
In saucepan melt butter; blend in four and
Y teaspoon salt. Add mi l k; cook and stir ti l l
thi ckened and bubbly. Add chocolate; sti r ti l l
melted. Remove from heat. Beat yol ks till thi ck
and lemon-colored. Beat sugar i nto yol ks
gradual l y. Blend chocolate mi xture i nto yol k
mixture. Beat whi tes and cream of tartar till
sti f peaks form. Carefully fold whi tes i nto
chocolate mixture. Pour i nto ungreased 5-cup
soufe dish wi th foi l col l ar. ( Measure a l ength
of foil to go around di sh; fold i n thi rds. Butter
wel l ; sprinkle with sugar. Extend collar 2
i nches above di s h; fasten wi th tape. ) Bake at
325 for 60 to 70 mi nutes . Serve with Grand
Marier Sauce. Serves 5 or 6.
Grand Marier Sauce: I n saucepan combine
Y cup sugar and 1 tablespoon cornstarch; stir
i n % cup orange juice. Cook and stir till thick
ened and bubbl y. Add Y cup Grand Marnier
liqueur and Y cup toasted slivered al monds .
Jade Cream Mold
1 2- or 2%-ounce package dessert
topping mix
1 quart vanilla ice cream, sofened
1 pint lime sherbet, softened
% cup green creme de menthe
Chocolate curls
Prepare toppi ng mix accordi ng to package
di rections. Stir together ice cream, sherbet,
creme de menthe, and whipped toppi ng; turn
i nto one 6-cup mol d or two 3-cup refri gerator
trays . Freeze. To serve, unmold and garni sh
wi th chocol ate curl s . Makes 6 to 8 servi ngs .
Nesselrode Mold
1 10%- or 11-ounce package no-bake
cheesecake mix
3 tablespoons sugar
% cup butter or margarine, melted
l cup chopped mixed candied fruits
and peels
% cup chopped pecans
3 tablespoons dry sherry
1% cups cold milk
% cup whipping cream
Combine crust mix from cheesecake mi x, 2
tablespoons sugar, and the melted butter or
margari ne. Press frmly agai nst bottom and
sides of 4-cup mold. Chil l. Combi ne fruits and
peels , pecans, and sherry; set aside. Pour mi l k
i nto smal l mi xer bowl ; add cheesecake fl l i ng
mix and remai ni ng sugar. Beat at l ow speed
of electric mixer till blended. Beat at high
speed till thickened, 3 mi nutes. Whi p cream;
fold i nto cheesecake mixture along with
candied fruit mixture. Pour i nto mol d; freeze.
Unmol d; let stand at room temperature 5
mi nutes . Garnish wi th spiced whi pped cream
and candied fruits , i f desi red. Serves 6 to 8.
Chocolate Fondue
8 1-ounce squares semisweet
1 15-ounce can sweetened condensed
milk ( 1% cups)
% cup milk
2 tablespoons instant cofee powder
or 4 ounces cream-flled mint
patties or % cup brandy or %
cup orange-favored liqueur
Cookies, angel cake s quares,
banana or pineapple chunks
I n saucepan melt chocolate; sti r i n sweetened
condensed mi l k and regular milk ti l l well
blended. Heat through. Stir i n coffee powder,
mi nt patties , brandy, or liqueur. Pour i nto
fondue pot. Place over fondue burner. ( I f
desired, thi n fondue wi th more mi l k; fondue
wi l l thicken as it stands. ) Use as di p for cookies ,
angel cake, banana or pi neappl e chunks, or
other fruits. Makes 2 Y2 cups sauce.
Select either orange-favored liqueur, cofee,
mint, or brandy to add an unusual favor to
this creamy rich Chocolate Fondue.
Lemon Fluf Squares
Double the recipe and place in a 13x9x2-inch
baking pan to make 16 servings -
1% cups fnely crushed vanilla wafers
% cup chopped pecans
6 tablespoons butter, melted
2 3-ounce packages or 1 6-ounce
package lemon-favored gelatin
1 % cups boiling water
% cup whipping cream
1 3%- or 3%-ounce package instant
lemon pudding mix
1 pint lemon sherbet, sofened
Combine crumbs, pecans, and butter. Reserve
Y cup mixture; press remai nder i nto a lx6x
1;-inch baki ng di sh. Chi l l . Dissolve gelatin in
boi l i ng water; cool . Whip cream ti ll soft peaks
form; sei aside. Add puddi ng mix to gelati n;
mi x wel l . Add sherbet; beat a t low speed of
el ectric mi xer ti l l thickened and nearly set.
Fold in whi pped cream. Turn i nto baki ng
di sh; spri nkle reserved crumbs atop. Chi l l at
least 1 hour. Makes 8 servi ngs .
26 desserts
Strawberries Romanof
An elegant, yet simple dessert -
! % pints fesh strawberries, hulled
and sliced
% cup orange-favored liqueur
2 tablespoons sugar
l cup whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
Shredded orange peel
Combine strawberries , liqueur, and 2 table
spoons sugar; chill at least 2 hours . Whi p
cream with 2 tablespoons sugar and vanilla
just till soft peaks form. Spoon berries and
liquid i nto sherbet dishes ; top with whipped
cream. Garnish with orange peel . Serves 4.
Easy Date Crumble Torte, a company-special
dessert, starts with a package of date bar mix.
Peach Posies
1 16-ounce can peach slices
1 3-ounce package cream cheese,
1 cup s ifed confectioners' sugar

1 8-ounce can date-nut roll
2 tablespoons chopped maraschino
Drai n peaches, reservi ng 2 teaspoons syrup.
In smal l bowl bl end softened cream cheese and
reserved peach syrup. Sti r i n confectioners'
sugar; mix wel l . Cut the date-nut roll i nto
6 slices . For each serving, place a few peach
slices on each cake slice. Top with a spoonful
of the cream cheese mixture. Garni sh wi th a
few chopped cherries. Makes 6 servi ngs.
To this, add walnuts, butter, and whipped
topping. To serve, top with walnut halves.
Mai Tai Banana Mold
A light, refreshing real ending-
cup sugar
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
Dash salt
2 beaten egg yolks
cup pineapple juice
% cup bottled nonalcoholic mai tai
cocktail mix

2 egg whites
2 tablespoons sugar
l cup whipping cream
3 medium bananas
In saucepan combi ne Y cup sugar, gelati n, and
salt. Stir i n egg yolks ; mix wel l . Blend i n
pineapple juice. Cook and stir till mixture
thickens and gelatin i s dissolved. Stir i n mai
tai mi x. Chill till partially set. Beat egg whites
to soft peaks. Gradually add 2 tablespoons
sugar; beat to stif peaks. Whi p cream. Fold
beaten egg whites i nto gelatin mixture; fol d
i n whipped cream. Chil l till mixture mounds .
Slice bananas ; fold i nto gelatin mixture. Turn
i nto 5-cup mold. Chil l till frm. Serves 6 to 8.
Easy Date Crumble Torte
1 14-ounce package date bar mix
l cup chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
1 cup frozen whipped dessert topping,
Walnut halves
Combine the crumb portion of the date bar
mix and chopped walnuts ; stir i n melted butter
or margari ne. Mix well. Spread in a 1 3x9x2-
inch baki ng pan. Bake at 400 for 10 minutes .
Break up with a fork; cool and crumble.
Prepare date fl l i ng followi ng package direc
tions ; cool . Place hal the crumb mixture in
bottom of 1 0x6xl %-inch baki ng dish. Cover
with hal the dessert toppi ng, then with date
mixture. Repeat crumb and whi pped toppi ng
layers. Chi l l several hours . Top each servi ng
with a wal nut half. Serves 8.
desserts 27
Chocolate-Mint Cups
No last-rinute preparation needed-
1 cup slightly crushed, crisp rice
l cup faked coconut
\ cup fnely chopped walnut' o
1 6-ounce package semisweet

chocolate pieces (1 cup)

Peppermint ice cream ' cu"'
I n medium mixi ng bowl toss together crushed
cereal , coconut, and wal nuts ; set aside. I n
heavy saucepan heat and stir chocolate pieces
till melted. Remove from heat; stir in cereal
mixture. Press about V cup mixture frml y
onto bottom and sides of greased, deep mufn
pan (or paper bake cup i n mufn pan) to form
a shel l . Repeat with remai ni ng cereal mixture,
maki ng 6 shells in al l . Chi l l ti l l shells are frm.
Fi l l each shel l wi th a large scoop of pepper
mint ice cream. Cover l ightly and freeze frm.
Remove from freezer a few mi nutes before
servi ng. Carefully remove each flled shell
from mufn pan. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Cupcake Alaskas
Fill cupcakes with your favorite ice crear-
4 large chocolate cupcakes
2 egg whites
teaspoon cream of tartar
teaspoon vanilla
Dash salt
V cup sugar
Ice cream (butter brickle, pistachio,
butter pecan, or cherry-nut)
Hollow out center of cupcakes , leavi ng about
\ i nch of cake around sides and bottom. Beat
egg whites with cream of tartar, vanilla, and
salt till soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar,
beati ng to stif peaks . Fill cupcakes with ice
cream and place on wooden cutti ng board.
Quickly cover top and sides with meringue,
seali ng edges at bottom. Place Alaskas i n
freezer. At servi ng time, bake Alaskas at 500
till meri ngue is browned, 2 to 3 minutes .
Serve i mmediatel y. Serves 4.
Fru i t Skewers or Gal a Grapefru i t
Puffy Omel et
wi th
Cheese-Mush room Sauce
Smoked Sausage Li n ks
Spi cy Marbl e Coffee Cake
Coffee Mi l k
Start of the weekend right by servi ng over
ni ght guests a hearty breakfast. Serve the frst
course, ei ther a hot or cold frui t di sh, whil e
the omel et is i n the oven. Then, ease out the
Pufy Omelet onto a warmed pl ate and cover
with smooth Cheese-Mushroom Sauce. Ac
company with smoked sausages and sti l l-warm
cofee cake. You can then l eisurel y enjoy the
delicious food along with your guests .
Fruit Skewers
1 20-ounce can pineapple chunks
1 cup honey
1 tablespoon brandy
1 teaspoon snipped fresh mint or
dried mint fakes
1 apple, cut into wedges and cored
1 pear, cut into wedges and cored
1 nectarine, pitted and cut into
Drain pineapple chunks, reservi ng syrup. To
reserved syrup add honey, brandy, and fresh
or dried mint. Place pineappl e, apple, pear,
and nectarine pieces i n shal low di sh; add
honey mixture. Marinate i n refri gerator at
least 2 to 3 hours , turi ng wedges occasi onal l y.
Drai n and thread on skewers, or serve in
sherbets with mari nade. Makes 4 servi ngs.
Pufy Omelet
4 egg whites
4 egg yolks
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
Beat whi tes till frothy; add 2 tabl espoons
water and teaspoon sal t. Beat ti l l sti f peaks
form. Beat yol ks ti l l very thick and l emon
colored. Fol d yol ks i nto whites . Mel t butter
in 1-inch ovenproof ski l l et; heat ti l l drop of
water si zzl es. Pour i n egg mixture; spread
to edges of ski l l et, leavi ng hi gher at sides .
Reduce heat; cook ti l l pufed and bottom i s
golden, 7 to 8 mi nutes. Bake at 325 ti l l kni fe
i nserted in center comes out clean, about 8
mi nutes . Loosen sides of omel et. Make shallow
cut across omelet, sl ightl y of-center and
parallel to ski l let handl e. Ti l t pan; fol d upper
(smal ler) half over lower hal f. Slip onto warm
pl ate. Makes 4 servi ngs .
Wen knife inserted in center comes out
clean, remove omelet from oven. Fold care
fully; slip onto warm plate. Serve quickly.
Cheese-Mushroom Sauce
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 tablespoon all-purpose four
1 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
% cup milk
3 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded ( % cup)
1 3-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
In saucepan melt butter over low heat. Bl end
i n four, sal t, and pepper. Add mi l k all at
once. Cook quickl y, stirri ng constantly, till
thickened and bubbly. Add cheese; stir till
smooth. Remove from heat; stir i n mushrooms .
Serve over hot omelet. Makes l \ cups.
Spicy Marble Cofee Cake
l cup shortening
% cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 cups sifed all-purpose four
2 teaspoons baking powder
I2 teaspoon salt
% cup milk
2 tablespoons light molasses
l teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
l teaspoon ground cloves
l cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons all-purpose four
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
Cream together shorteni ng and granulated
sugar. Add egg; beat wel l . Sift together 2 cups
four, baking powder , and salt. Add to creamed
mixture alternately with mi l k, beati ng after
each addition. Divide batter in hal f. To one
half, add molasses, Y teaspoon ci nnamon,
nutmeg, and cloves ; mix wel l . Spoon batters
alternately into greased 9x9x2-i nch baki ng
pan. Zigzag batter with spatula to marble.
Combine remai ni ng i ngredients ; mix wel l .
Spri nkle atop batter. Bake at 350 for 35 to
40 minutes . Serve warm.
breakast 29
Gala Grapefruit
2 medium grapefruit
3 tablespoons brown sugar
4 teaspoons rum favoring
4 teaspoons butter or margarine
1 cup faked coconut
Maraschino cherries
Halve the grapefrui t, maki ng zigzag edge.
With a kni fe, cut around each secti on t o loosen
from membrane. Spri nkle each grapefruit half
with about 2 teaspoons of the brown sugar and
1 teaspoon rum favori ng. Dot with butter or
margari ne; sprinkle coconut atop. Bake at
400 for 20 mi nutes. Garni sh wi th maraschi no
cherries. Makes 4 servings.
Satisfy everyone's morning appetite with
minty Fruit Skewers, Spicy Marble Cofee
Cake, Puffy Omelet, and smoked sausage links.
30 brunch
Orange-Champagne Cocktai l
Orange-Apri cot Nag
Mari nated Breakfast Steaks
Gri l l ed Tomato Wedges
Coconut Coffee Cake Butter
Take advantage of warm weather by havi ng a
brunch on the patio. Combine breakfast and
l unch i nto one meal featuring breakfast steaks,
grilled tomatoes , a col d juice beverage, either
alcoholic or nonalcoholic, and cofee cake.
For real convenience, cook the steaks and
heat the fresh tomato wedges on a portable
griddle plugged i nto an outdoor outlet .
Marinated Breakfast Steaks
Subtly flavored with a wine-soy marinade -
% cup salad oil
cup sauterne
l cup soy sauce
1 clove garlic, minced
teaspoon ground ginger
2 teaspoon paprika
Dash pepper

6 l- to 2-inch thick breakfast
steaks cut from beef round,
sirloin tip, or shoulder
(about 3 ounces each)
Sliced mushrooms (optional)
In small mixi ng bowl combine salad oil, sau
terne, soy sauce, minced garlic, ground gi nger,
papri ka, and pepper; mix well . Pour over
steaks in shallow pan or di sh. Let stand for
1 Y2 hours in refrigerator. Drai n; cook steaks
on greased electric griddle or skillet for 1 to
1 Y mi nutes on each side. Garnish with grilled
mushrooms, if desired. Makes 6 servings.
Coconut Cofee Cake
Serve with butler balls -
1 package active dry yeast
2 to 21 cups s ifed all-purpose four
cup milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup butter or margarine
teaspoon salt
1 egg

1 cup faked coconut
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon butter or margarine,
Coconut Topping
Confectioners' Icing
I n small mixer bowl combine yeast and 1 cup
of the four. Heat milk, \ cup sugar, \ cup
butter, and sal t just ti l l warm, stirri ng occa
sionally to mel t butter. Add to dry mixture i n
mixer bowl ; add egg. Beat at low speed with
electric mixer for Y mi nute, scraping sides
of bowl constantly. Beat 3 mi nutes at high
speed. By hand, stir in enough of the remai n
i ng four t o make a moderately stif dough.
Turn out on l i ghtl y foured surface; knead 3
to 5 mi nutes . Place in greased bowl , turni ng
once to grease surface. Cover; let ri se i n warm
place till double, about 1 hour.
Combine coconut and \ cup sugar. Tur
dough out on foured surface. Cove1 and let
rest 10 mi nutes. Roll dough to a 1 2x8-i nch
rectangle. Brush with 1 tablespoon melted but
ter. Sprinkl e with coconut-sugar mixture. Roll
up, starti ng with l ong side. Cut i nto 1 2 l -i nch
slices. Place, cut si de down, in greased 9xl Y2 -
inch round baki ng pan. Sprinkle Coconut
Topping over cofee cake. Let rise i n warm
pl ace til l doubl e, about 30 mi nutes. Bake at
350 til l gol den brown, 25 to 30 mi nutes . Re
move from pan and cool right side up. Drizzle
Confectioners' Icing over cooled coffee cake.
Coconut Topping: I n smal l mi xing bowl mi x
\ cup all-purpose four, 2 tablespoons brown
sugar, and 2 tablespoons granul ated sugar.
Cut i n 2 tablespoons butter or margari ne till
mixture is crumbl y. Add \ cup faked coconut.
Confectioners' Icing: Combine Y2 cup si fted
confectioners' sugar and 2 teaspoons mi l k.
Orange-Apricot Nog
Made in a jif in the blender -
1 orange, peeled and cut into
small pieces
1 16-ounce can apricot halves,
undrained and chilled
1 egg
cup cold milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Blend orange and undrained apricots in
blender till smooth. Add egg, mil k, and vanil l a.
Blend 1 minute. Serve immediatel y. Serves 6.
Let brunch guests help themselves to juicy
Marinated Breakfast Steaks and grilled toma-
brunch 31
Orange-Champagne Cocktail
Fresh strawberr slices make a pretty garnish -
1 4/s-pint bottle champagne, chilled
(I% cups)
2 7 -ounce bottles ginger ale, chilled
( about 2 cups)
1 cup orange juice, chilled
Strawberri es, washed, hulled,
and sliced
Combine champagne, ginger ale, and orange
juice in pitcher; stir gently. Serve with a few
strawberry sl ices i n glasses. Serves 6.
toes hot of the griddle, rich Coconut Cofee
Cake, and Orange-Champagne Cocktail.
32 luncheon
Tomato Ju i ce
Devi l ed Beef Sal ad
Bacon Popovers
I ce Cream Choco-Peanut Sauce
I ced Tea
For a pleasant change from hot main dishes ,
serve warm-weather luncheon guests i ndi vi d
ual main dish tossed salads. Accompany the
generous salads with just-from-the-oven pop
overs . To round out thi s si mpl e, yet delicious
meal , serve a juice appeti zer, an ice cream
chocolate sauce dessert, and a col d beverage.
Bacon Popovers
A traditional quick bread with extra flavor -
4 slices bacon
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup sifed all-purpose Hour
l teaspoon salt

l cup butter or margarine, softened
% teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
% teaspoon dried sage, crushed
Cook bacon till cri sp; drain, reservi ng 1 table
spoon dri ppi ngs . Crumble bacon fnel y; set
aside. In mixer bowl combi ne eggs and mi l k;
add four and salt. Beat 1 V2 mi nutes with
rotary beater or electric mi xer. Add reserved
bacon dri ppi ngs ; beat 30 seconds. ( Don' t over
beat. ) Stir in bacon. Fill 8 greased custard cups
hal f ful l . Bake at 475 for 1 5 mi nutes . Without
removi ng popovers from oven, reduce heat
to 350; continue baki ng till popovers are
browned and frm, about 25 to 30 mi nutes
more. Meanwhile, cream together butter or
margari ne, crushed oregano, and sage. Prick
popovers with fork before removi ng from
oven. Serve hot wi th herb butter. Makes 8.
Deviled Beef Salad
Horseradish adds zip to the dressing-
l tablespoon sugar
l teaspoon dry mustard
% teaspoon white pepper
Dash paprika
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
teaspoon grated onion
% cup s alad oil
% cup white wine vinegar
l pounds beef top sirloin steak,
cut 1 inch thick
l head romaine, tom in pieces
l medium head iceberg lettuce, tom
in pieces
2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved
medium onion, sliced and separated
into rings
1 2-ounce can rolled anchovy fllets
2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
To make dressi ng mix sugar, mustard, Y tea
spoon sal t, pepper, and paprika i n smal l mi xer
bowl . Add horseradi sh and grated oni on. Beat
i ng constantl y with electric mixer at medi um
hi gh speed, slowly add oi l , a little at a ti me,
al terately with wi ne vi negar. Chi l l .
Broil steak 3 i nches from heat ti l l medi um
rare, about 7 mi nutes per side; cool . Slice
steak i nto thin strips ; chi l l . I n large bowl toss
romaine and iceberg l ettuce; divide among 8
i ndividual sal ad bowl s. Arrange steak stri ps ,
tomatoes , oni on ri ngs, anchovies , and egg
atop greens. Drizzle with dressing. Serves 8.
Choco-Peanut Sauce
Be sure to serve this warm-
1 6-ounce package semisweet chocolate
1 cup milk
cup peanut butter
% cup coarsely chopped peanuts
I n saucepan combine chocolate and mi l k. Cook
and stir till chocolate i s mel ted. Stir i n peanut
butter; mi x wel l . St i r i n peanuts. Serve warm
over i ce cream. Makes 1 % cups.
Cheesy Ch i cken St rata
Buttered Broccol i
Tomato Sal ad Speci al
El egant Frui t Medl ey
Coffee I ced Tea
Company comi ng? Then why not prepare a
luncheon that requires very little last-minute
preparation ? Fix the main dish, most of the
salad, and the dessert a day ahead. Then,
starti ng about an hour before guests arrive,
slip the chicken casserole in the oven, fni sh
the salad, set the tabl e, prepare the beverage,
and put the vegetable on t o cook.
Cheesy Chicken Strata
6 slices day-old bread
4 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (1 cup)
1% cups diced, cooked chicken
1 10%-ounce can condensed cream of
chicken soup
2 beaten eggs
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons fnely chopped onion
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
% teaspoon paprika
Advance preparation: Trim crusts from bread
slices ; cut i n half diagonal l y. Arrange half the
bread triangles i n bottom of an 8x8x2-inch
baki ng di sh. Spri nkl e with shredded cheese.
Top with chicken and remai ni ng bread tri
angles . Combine soup and eggs ; stir i n mi l k
and onion. Pour soup mixture over casserole.
Cover; chill 6 to 24 hours.
Before serving: Combine remai ni ng i ngre
dients . Sprinkle over casserole. Bake at 325
till set, about 1 hour. Let stand 1 0 mi nutes
before servi ng. Makes 6 servi ngs .
luncheon 33
Tomato Salad Special
Cucumber and avocado pick up the flavor of the
herb-seasoned marinade -
1 medium cucumber
2 ripe avocados
1 cup salad oil
cup vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
l teaspoon dried marjoram, crushed
l teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
l teaspoon red pepper
1 small clove garlic, crushed
3 small tomatoes
Advance preparation: Score cucumber l ength
wise with fork; sl i ce about Y inch thick. Use
melon bailer to make balls from avocados. I n
screw-top jar combine salad oi l , vinegar, lemon
juice, sugar, crushed basi l , crushed marjoram,
salt, dry mustard, red pepper, and crushed
garlic. Cover and shake. Pour over cucumber
slices and avocado balls i n bowl ; marinate in
refri gerator a few hours.
Before serving: Cut each tomato i nto 6
wedges. Drai n mari nated vegetables , reservi ng
dressi ng. Arrange cucumber slices , avocado
bal l s, and tomato wedges on 6 lettuce-lined
i ndividual salad plates . Drizzle with reserved
dressing. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Elegant Fruit Medley
Has a touch of sherr-
1 20%-ounce can pineapple tidbits
1 16-ounce can peach slices, drained
2 oranges, peeled and sectioned
% cup cream sherry
Mint sprigs
Advance prepara tion: Drain pineapple, reserv
ing syrup. Combine pineapple, peaches , and
oranges. Combi ne reserved pineapple syrup
and cream sherry; pour over frui t. Chill
several hours . Garni sh with mi nt. Serves 6.
34 dinner
Oni on- Buttered Si rl oi n
Buttered Asparagus Spears
Fett ucci ne Al f redo
Gran-Raspberry Sherbet Mol d
Vegetabl e Rel i shes
Buttermi nt Chi ffon Pi e
Coffee I ced Tea
Want to serve steak in a di ferent and easy
to-prepare way? Then, try delectable Oni on
Buttered Sirloi n. While the steak is broi l i ng,
si mply brush on the butter mi xture.
Such a delicious steak needs equal l y i mpres
sive accompani ments and Fettucci ne Al fredo
fts the bill . If you have a chafng dish, this is
the time to bri ng i t to the table. Cook the
fettuccine and combine the butter, cream, and
cheese. Then, bri ng the i ngredients to the
table and quickly assemble the Fettucci ne
Al fredo while your guests watch.
Fettuccine Alfredo
% cup butter or margarine, softened
% cup whipping cream (room
% cup grated Parmesan cheese
16 ounces fettuccine (medium noodles)
1 6-ounce can whole mushrooms ,
drained ( about 1 cup)
In small mixer bowl cream butter or marga
ri ne. Beat i n whi pping cream, a l i ttle at a ti me,
till mixture is well combi ned. Beat i n Parmesan
cheese. Set aside while cooki ng fettuccine i n
boi ling, salted water for l O t o 1 2 mi nutes;
stir pasta occasionally. Drai n. Transfer pasta
to warm chafng dish or servi ng bowl . Add the
creamed mixture and toss till all fettucci ne is
well coated. Season with a little salt and freshly
ground pepper. Sti r i n whole mushrooms .
Serve at once with additional Parmesan cheese,
if desired. Makes 8 servi ngs .
Butterrint Chifon Pie
Garnish with dollops ofwhipped cream-
1 % cups crushed chocolate wafers
% cup sifted confectioners' sugar
6 tablespoons butter or margarine,

24 buttermints, crushed ( % cup)
1 envelope unfavored gelatin
1% cups milk
3 beaten egg yolks
Green food coloring
% cup whipping cream
3 egg whites
1, cup granulated sugar
Combine wafer crumbs, confectioners' sugar,
and melted butter or margari ne. Press i nto
9-inch pie plate; chi l l . I n saucepan combi ne
crushed mi nts and unfavored gelati n; grad
ually sti r i n mi l k and egg yol ks. Cook and sti r
over medi um-low heat ti l l sl i ghtly thickened,
l O to 1 2 mi nutes. Stir in a few drops green
food colori ng; cool . Whi p cream till soft peaks
form. Beat egg whites till soft peaks form;
gradually add granulated sugar, beating to
stif peaks . Fold egg yolk mi xture, then
whi pped cream i nto egg whi tes. Spoon i nto pie
shell ; chi l l till frm, about 5 hours . Garni sh
wi th additional whi pped cream.
To prevent a steak from curling while it is
being broiled, slash through the fat edges,
but not into the meat, at l-inch intervals.
Onion-Buttered Sirloin
A man-pleasing main dish -
I n small saucepan combine Y cup butter or
margari ne, cup sni pped parsl ey, cup
mi nced onion, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire
sauce, Y2 teaspoon dry mustard, and Y tea
spoon freshly ground pepper; heat together
till butter melts. Slash fat edges of a 4-pound
bone-in beef sirloin steak ( about 1 Y2 inches
thick) at l -i nch i ntervals ; place steak on rack in
broiler pan. Broil 3 to 4 i nches from heat for 1 0
to 1 2 mi nutes on each side for rare or 1 4 to 1 6
minutes on each side for medi um, brushi ng
frequently with butter mixture. Serves 8.
Small pieces of onion and parsley in a well
seasoned butter mixture add a distinctive
dinner 35
Cran-Raspherry Sherbet Mold
2 3-ounce packages raspberry-favored
1% cups boiling water
1 pint raspberry sherbet
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 16-ounce can whole cranberry sauce
Dissolve gelatin i n boili ng water; stir in sherbet
and lemon juice. Chi l l , i f necessary, till mixture
mounds. Mash cranberry sauce slightly with
fork; fold i nto gelatin mixture. Turn i nto
5-cup ri ng mold; chi l l till frm. Unmold on
lettuce-lined plate. Makes 8 servings.
favor to Onion-Buttered Sirloin. Serve this
juicy steak with buttered asparagus spears.
36 dinner
Radi shes wi th Sal t
Mushroom-Sauced Tou rnedos
Ti ny Whol e Potatoes
Hard Rol l s Butter
Tossed Greens French Dressi ng
Pet i ts Poi s
Pots de Creme
Bu rgundy Coffee
Want to give a continental touch to a company
meal ? Then serve a French-inspired di nner.
This exquisite meal of steak (touredos) , po
tatoes , salad, tiny peas ( Petits Pois) , and creamy
chocolate dessert ( Pots de Creme) is sure to
delight your dinner guests.
To create the mood for this special occasion,
decorate the table wi t h a t i ny Ei ffel Tower
centerpiece or miniature French tri-color
fags (broad vertical stripes of blue, white, and
red) . And for an el egant touch, provide each
guest with a hand-pri nted menu.
Mushroom-Sauced Tournedos
6 6-ounce beef tenderloin steaks,
1 inch thick
2 4-ounce jars whole mushrooms,
2 tablespoons butter

% cup Burgundy
Y cup whipping cream
Tri m excess fat from meat. In ski l let saute
whole mushrooms in butter; push to one side.
Cook steaks in same skillet over medium heat
for about 10 mi nutes (rare) , turi ng once;
remove meat to warm platter. Season with
salt and pepper. Add wine to skill et ; sti r to
loosen crusty bits from s killet. Add cream;
cook and stir over l ow heat ti l l sl ightly thick
ened, about 4 mi nutes . Serve mushroom sauce
over steaks. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Petits Pois
The name means small, green peas -
2 tablespoons chopped green onion
with tops
% cup butter or margarine
1 cup chopped Boston lettuce
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
Y teaspoon sugar
% teaspoon salt
2 16-ounce cans tiny peas, drained
In saucepan cook onion i n butter till tender
but not brown. Add lettuce, parsley, sugar,
salt, and dash pepper; cook till lettuce i s
wilted. Stir in peas ; heat through. Serves 6.
French Dressing
1/2 cup salad oil
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1; teaspoon salt
Y teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
Dash cayenne
Combine all i ngredi ents i n screw-top jar ;
cover and shake wel l . Makes about % cup.
Pots de Creme
Rich with chocolate and cream-
1 6-ounce package semisweet
chocolate pieces
1% cups light cream
2 egg yolks
Dash salt
In heavy saucepan combine chocolate and
cream. Stir over low heat til l bl ended and
sati n-smooth. Mixture should be slightly thick
but not boiling. Beat egg yolks and salt till airy
and thick. Gradually stir in hot chocolate
mixture. Spoon i nto 6 pot de creme cups or
small sherbets . Cover; chil l ti l l of puddi ng
consistency, about 3 hours. Makes 6 servi ngs.
Egg Rol l s
Chi cken-Steak Al mond
Chow Mei n Noodl es Steamed Ri ce
Cucu mber- Rad i sh Pl ate
Mandari n Meri ngues
Sake Green Tea
Take advantage of the oriental qui ck-cooki ng
technique by featuri ng Chi cken-Steak Al mond
at your next di nner part y. Have the i ngre
di ents ready on a tray, and then cook thi s
delicious main di sh at the tabl e i n a wok or an
electric ski l l et. Round out the meal with the
suggested oriental accompani ments .
Mandarin Meringues
2 egg whites
% teaspoon cream of tartar
l cup sugar
2 11-ounce cans mandarin orange
1 tablespoon sugar
1% teaspoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon lemon juice
% teaspoon ground ginger
Have whi tes at room temperature. Beat whi tes
and cream of tartar to soft peaks. Gradual l y
add Y cup sugar, beati ng ti l l very sti ff peaks
form and sugar i s dissolved. Cover baki ng
sheet with brown paper. Draw 4 ci rcles on
paper, each about 4 inches i n di ameter. Spread
each with meringue, shapi ng i nto shells with
back of spoon. Bake at 275 for 1 hour. Turn
of heat; let shells dry i n oven with door closed
for 1 to 2 hours. Set asi de.
Drai n mandari n oranges , reservi ng Yz cup
syrup. Combine 1 tabl espoon sugar and cor
starch; stir i n reserved syrup. Cook and sti r
till thi ckened. Stir i n oranges , l emon juice,
and gi nger. Spoon orange mi xture i nto me
ringue shel l s. Chi l l . Makes 4 servi ngs .
dinner 37
Chicken-Steak Almond
As shown on page 6 -
1 whole chicken breast, skinned
and boned
8 to 10 ounces boneless beef sirloin
2 ribs celery
4 green onions
1 5- or 8V2-ounce can water chestnuts,
2 tablespoons salad oil
1 6-ounce package frozen pea pods,
3 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons soy sauce
% cup cornstarch
l cup cold water
l cup toasted slivered almonds
Cut chi cken and si rl oi n steak i nto thi n stri ps.
Bias-slice the cel ery, green oni ons , and water
chest nuts. Arrange meat, vegetables , and
remai ni ng i ngredi ents on a servi ng tray.
In wok or electric ski l l et, quickly cook and
stir meats and oni on i n hot oi l . Add pea pods ,
cel ery, water chest nuts , chicken broth, and
soy. Bri ng to boi l i ng; cover and cook 2 to
3 mi nutes. Bl end together corstarch and
water; add to chi cken mi xture. Cook and stir
till thi ckened. Top with nuts ; serve with chow
mein noodl es. Makes 4 servi ngs .
Cucumber-Radish Plate
1 large cucumber, thinly sliced
( 1 % cups)
% cup sliced radish
l cup vinegar
% cup sugar
% cup water
2 teaspoons fnely snipped
candied ginger
% teaspoon salt
In deep mi xi ng bowl combine cucumber,
radi sh, vi negar, sugar, water, gi nger, and sal t ;
cover and refrigerate for 2 t o 4 hours. To serve,
drain of mari nade l i qui d; arrange vegetables
on servi ng plate. Makes 4 servi ngs .
38 dinner
Consomme Mad ri l ene
Pompano wi th Lemon Butter
Whi te Wi ne
Cher ry-Al mond Gl azed Pork
Baked Potatoes Buttered Peas
Hot Rol l s Butter
Tossed Sal ad wi th Croutons
Coffee Angel Pi e
Bri ng the elegance of a stately di nner to your
di ni ng table with this meal served i n six sepa
rate courses - ! . soup, 2. fsh, 3. entree (meat,
vegetables , and rolls) , 4. salad, 5. dessert, and
6. cofee. Surprisi ngl y, this dinner is designed
to be prepared and served without the added
expense of hiring extra hel p.
Pl anni ng and prepreparation are the keys
to making the di nner go smoothl y. So, as soon
as possible, plan the table setti ng, shopping
l i st, and preparation schedul e.
This occasion cal l s for your best l i nens,
chi na, crystal , and silver. Aside from the basic
place setti ng used for the entree -di nner and
bread-and-butter plates, glassware, kni fe, fork,
and spoon, this meal requires some extras .
You' l l need soup dishes and spoons, plates
to put under the soup di shes , plates for the
fsh, salad plates and forks, dessert plates and
forks, and cups and saucers .
When setti ng up your preparation schedul e,
pl an to do as much food preparation i n ad
vance as possibl e. Al so, set the table for the
frst course and assemble di shes for other
courses several hours ahead.
Servi ng this dinner requires careful organi
zation si nce you have only the food and dishes
for one course on the table at a time. Serve all
the courses except the entree and the cofee
from the ki tchen. Have the host carve the pork
roast at the tabl e, if desired. Then the meat,
vegetabl es , and rol ls are passed. Pour the
cofee course at your pl ace at the table. Refl l
wine gl asses throughout the meal as needed.
Cherry-Almond Glazed Pork
1 3-pound boneless pork loin roast
Salt and pepper
1 12-ounce jar cherry preserves
cup red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
teaspoon each ground cinnamon,
ground nutmeg, and ground cloves
cup slivered almonds, toasted
Rub roast with a little salt and pepper. Place
on rack i n shal low roasting pan. Roast, un
covered, at 325 for 2 t o 2V hours . Meanwhile,
combine preserves , vinegar, syrup, spices ,
and \ teaspoon sal t. Heat and stir ti ll boi l i ng;
reduce heat and si mmer 2 minutes . Add al
monds . Keep sauce warm. Spoon some sauce
over roast to glaze. Retur to oven ti l l meat
thermometer reads 1 70, about 30 mi nutes ,
basti ng with sauce several ti mes . Pass remai ni ng
sauce wi th roast. Makes 8 servings.
Cofee Angel Pie
2 egg whites
% teaspoon vanilla
teaspoon cream of tartar
% cup sugar
% cup fnely chopped pecans
1 pint cofee ice cream
1 pint vanilla ice cream
Caramel-Raisin Sauce
Beat together frst 3 i ngredients and \ tea
spoon sal t ti l l soft peaks form. Gradual l y
beat i n sugar ti l l very stif peaks form and
sugar is dissolved. Fol d i n nuts . Spread i n
well -buttered 9-inch pie plate, bui lding up
sides t o form shel l . Bake at 275 for 1 hour.
Tur of heat; l et dry i n oven (door closed)
for 1 hour. Cool . Pile scoops of ice cream i n
shel l ; freeze. Let stand 20 mi nutes at room
temperature before servi ng. Serve with warm
Caramel-Raisin Sauce. Serves 8.
Caramel-Raisin Sauce: Mel t 3 tablespoons
butter; stir i n 1 cup brown sugar, one 6-ounce
can evaporated mi l k, and dash salt. Cook
and stir just ti l l boil ing. Remove from heat;
add Y cup l i ght raisins and 1 teaspoon vani l l a.
Cool the mi xture sl i ghtl y.
Enhance the elegant tone of this meal by
serving Cherry-Almond Glazed Pork on a
Consomme Madrilene
2 envelopes unfavored gelatin
2 cups tomato juice
4 beef bouillon cubes
% cup dry sherry
Dash white pepper
Snipped chives
Soften gelatin i n 1 cup juice. Heat and stir
2Y cups water and bouillon cubes till boil i ng.
Add gelatin, stirri ng ti l l dissolved; remove
from heat. Add remai ni ng juice, sherry, and
pepper. Chill till partially set, stirring a few
times . Chil l till almost frm. Spoon i nto dishes ;
top with chives . Makes 8 servi ngs.
large silver platter. Accompany the roast
pork with the extra cherry-almond glaze.
Pompano with Lemon Butter
2 pounds fesh or frozen pompano
or sole fllets
1 small onion, quartered
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
Thaw frozen fsh. Cut fsh i nto 8 portions.
Place i n greased 1 0-i nch skil l et. Add boili ng
water t o cover. Add oni on and 2 teaspoons
sal t. Si mmer, covered, ti l l fsh fakes easil y,
about 5 mi nutes . Careful l y remove fsh. Melt
butter; add lemon juice, parsley, and dash
pepper. Serve with fsh. Serves 8.
40 supper
Cri spy Chi cken Fondue
French Oni on Pi e
Fru i t Sal ad
Brand i ed Chocol ate
"Fondue is fun" i s a popul ar sayi ng, and it' s
true for both the hostess (because it is easy
to prepare) and the guests (because they are
able to partici pate) . I possi bl e, use two fondue
pots so everybody can reach one easi l y.
To avoi d last-mi nute rus h, prepare a salad,
the fondue sauce, and t he chi cken earl y i n
t he day; then chi l l . About 1 Y hours before
the meal , fni sh the preparati on. First, set
out the chicken and start the pi e. Second, set
the table and measure the i ngredients for the
dessert hot chocol ate. Let your guests enjoy
fondui ng the chicken at the tabl e.
Crispy Chicken Fondue
Y cup catsup
cup molas ses
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Y teaspoon ground ginger
teaspoon pepper
4 large chicken breasts , skinned,
boned, and cut in strips
% cup fne saltine cracker crumbs
Salad oil
For sauce combi ne catsup, molasses, lemon
jui ce, Y2 teaspoon sal t, gi nger, and pepper;
chi l l . Coat chi cken strips wi th cracker crumbs .
Loosely thread each strip onto bamboo skewer
i n accordi on fashi on ; chi l l . To serve, have
skewered chi cken strips at room temperature
on servi ng plate. Pour oil i nto fondue cooker
to no more than Y capacity or to depth of
2 i nches . Heat over range to 400. Add l tea
spoon sal t. Transfer cooker to fondue burer.
Fry chi cken i n hot oil for 2 to 3 mi nutes.
Cool sl ightl y; di p i n sauce. Serves 6.
French Onion Pie
1 unbaked 9-inch pastry shell
( see page 23)
1 3-ounce can French-fried onions
(2 cups)
4 eggs
2 cups milk
2 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (% cup)
Y teaspoon salt
Dash cayenne
4 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (I cup)
Bake pastry shell at 450 til l gol den , about
7 to 8 mi nutes . Reduce oven temperature to
325. Whi l e pastry i s stil l warm, fl l bottom
wi th 1 Y cups of the French-fried oni ons. Beat
eggs sl i ghtl y; bl end i n mi l k, the Y2 cup shredded
American cheese, the salt, and cayenne. Pour
over French-fried oni ons i n pastry shel l .
Spri nkle t he l cup shredded American cheese
over pi e. Bake at 325 for 45 mi nutes. Spri nkl e
remai ni ng oni ons around edge of pi e. Bake
ti l l kni fe i nserted j ust of-center comes out
clean, about 5 to 1 mi nutes more. Let stand at .
room temperature 1 0 mi nutes before servi ng.
Makes 6 servi ngs.
Brandied Chocolate
1 1-ounce square unsweetened
chocolate, cut up
3 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons instant cofee powder
Dash salt
Y cup water
2 cups light cream
1 cup milk
% cup brandy
Y cup whippi ng cream
I n saucepan combi ne cut-up chocolate, sugar,
coffee powder, sal t , and water. Cook and sti r
over low heat ti l l chocol ate mel ts. Bri ng to
boi l i ng, sti rri ng constantly; let si mmer 2
mi nutes . Gradual l y sti r in l i ght cream and
mi l k. Heat just t o boi l i ng. St i r i n brandy.
Pour i nto hot cups or mugs . Whi p whi ppi ng
cream; spoon some atop each mug. Serves 6.
Serve generous wedges of French Onion Pie as
an accompaniment to Crispy Chicken Fondue.
supper 41
This quiche-like dish, rich with cheese and
eggs, is also delicious with beef fondue.
42 supper
Vegetabl e and Soy Macaroni Soup
Pu mpki n Seed Whol e Wheat Bread
Spi nach Sal ad
Fresh Fru i t or Baked Appl es
Tea Lemon Honey
Searching for an unusual party theme ? Then
treat your guests to an up-to-the-minute vege
tarian supper. Serve tasty Vegetable and Soy
Macaroni Soup, mouth-wateri ng Pumpkin
Seed Whole Wheat Bread, tangy Spi nach
Salad, and a dessert of fresh frui ts or baked
apples sweetened with honey. Accompany
with a beverage of tea, plus lemon and honey.
Most of the i ngredients i n the recipes are
available at your local supermarket. For the
few specialty items called for, check with your
local health food stores .
Vegetable and Soy Macaroni Soup
A hearty, meatless main dish -
1 cup lentils

5 cups water
4 vegetable bouillon cubes
1 28-ounce can tomatoes, cut up
2 cups shredded cabbage
% cup chopped onion
l cup chopped carrot
1 clove garlic, minced

1 cup uncooked soy macaroni
Rinse lentils ; drain and place i n soup kettle.
Add water, bouillon cubes, undrained toma
toes, cabbage, onion, carrot, and garlic. Cover
and simmer about 1 hour. Add uncooked soy
macaroni . Cook, covered, until vegetables and
macaroni are done, about 20 mi nutes . Season
to taste with sal t. Makes 6 servings.
Pumpkin Seed Whole Wheat Bread
Next time, substitute sunflower seed-
2 packages active dry yeast
5 cups whole wheat four
2% cups milk
1 tablespoon salt
2 tablespoons salad oil
l cup honey
1 cup hulled pumpkin seeds, coarsely
In large mixer bowl combine yeast and 2 cups
whole wheat four. Heat mil k, sal t, salad oil ,
and honey just till warm, stirri ng occasional l y
to blend i n honey. Add to dry mi xture i n
mixer bowl . Beat at low speed of electric
mixer for Y mi nute, scraping bowl constantly.
Beat 3 mi nutes at high speed. By hand, stir
i n pumpkin seeds and enough remaini ng four
to make a soft dough. Turn out on lightly
foured surface and knead till smooth and
elastic, about 10 mi nutes.
Place i n greased bowl , turni ng once to
grease surface. Cover and let rise in warm
pl ace till double, about 2 hours . Punch down
dough and shape i nto two loaves . Place i n two
greased 8 Yx4Yx2%-i nch loaf pans . Cover and
let ri se until al most doubl e, about 1 hours .
Bake at 375 about 45 mi nutes. ( I f crust
browns too quickl y, cover bread loosely with
foil last 15 minutes . ) Remove; cool . Makes 2 .
Spinach Salad
1 pound fesh spinach
l2 small head lettuce
1 green onion and top, sliced
V cup olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seed
Wash spi nach and pat dry with paper toweli ng.
Tear spi nach i nto a salad bowl . Tear lettuce
i nto bite-sized pieces . Toss spinach and lettuce
with onion. Combine olive oi l , lemon juice,
and honey. Just before serving, add dressi ng
to salad and toss to coat. Sprinkle sesame seed
atop. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Baked Shr i mp and Crab Combo
Di l l ed Tomatoes Arti choke Hearts
Rol l s Butter Bal l s
Apri cot Parfai ts
Coffee Tea
This supper is easy on the cook si nce the mai n
dish, tomatoes, and artichokes are al l heated
i n the oven at the same time. Serving is also
simplifed because the seafood mixture is
portioned in individual bakers.
Prepare the Butter Bal l s i n advance and
chill them until servi ng ti me. To make Butter
Ball, cut firm (not too cold) butter sticks i nto
Y-inch pats . Form i nto a ball with fngers .
Scald two butter paddles in boil ing water,
t hen chill paddles i n ice water. Put butter
ball on scored side of paddle. Holdi ng bottom
paddle stil l , move top paddle in circular
motion using light pressure. If butter cl ings
to paddles , scald and chil l paddles agai n.
Apricot Parfaits
Make these ahead oftime and refrigerate -
1 30-ounce can unpeeled apricot halves
l cup chopped pecans
l cup toasted coconut

2 3- or 3%-ounce packages regular
vanilla pudding mix
% teaspoon almond extract
1% cups dairy sour cream
Drain apricots . Puree fruit and chi l l . Combine
pecans and toasted coconut ; set aside. Prepare
vanilla pudding mix accordi ng to package
directions. Add almond extract to cooked
pudding. Chill 1 hour. Alternately layer pud
ding, pecan-coconut mixture, sour cream, and
apricot puree i n 8 parfait glasses . Chill till
serving time. Makes 8 servings.
supper 43
Baked Shrimp and Crab Combo
For added charm, serve this in baking shells -
2 10%-ounce cans condensed cream
of celery soup
l cup milk
2 beaten eggs
% cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 7%-ounce cans crab meat, drained,
faked, and cartilage removed
2 4%-ounce cans shrimp, drained
1 6-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
% cup fne dry bread crumbs
% cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
Combine cream of celery soup, mi l k, eggs, and
! cup Parmesan cheese in a saucepan. Stir
over low heat till cheese is melted and mixture
is hot. Sti r in crab, shri mp, and mushrooms .
Spoon mi xture i nto 8 large baki ng shells or
i ndividual casseroles.
Toss bread crumbs wi t h ! cup Parmesan
cheese and the melted butter. Spri nkle crumbs
over seafood mixture. Bake at 375 till mix
ture is hot and crumbs are browned, about 20
mi nutes . Garnish wi th parsley and twists of
lemon and lime, i f desired. Makes 8 servi ngs .
Artichoke Hearts
Drain two 1 6-ounce cans artichoke hearts or
cook and drai n three 9-ounce packages frozen
artichoke hearts . Put i nto a casserole and
dot with butter. Cover and heat at 375 about
20 mi nutes. Spri nkl e wi t h sni pped parsley and
chopped canned pi mi ento. Serves 8.
]illed Tomatoes
Remove st ems from 4 large tomatoes ; cut i n
hal f crosswise with sawtooth cut . (Or cut tops
of of 8 small tomatoes. ) Arrange tomato
halves in baki ng dish, cut sides up. Spri nkle
with sal t, pepper, and dried dillweed. Bake
at 375 till heated through, about 20 mi nutes .
Makes 8 servings.
44 supper
Barbecued Spareri bs
Potato Bake Corn on the Cob
Orange-Spi nach Toss
Raspberry Shortcake
Beer Frostea
Everyone likes the special favor of meat
cooked over the coal s, so get out the gri l l
and have a barbecue. Whi l e hubby' s watchi ng
the ribs , potatoes , and corn, you can put to
gether the dessert and fx the salad and
beverage. I n short order, supper wi l l be ready.
2 tablespoons instant tea powder
3 cups ice water
6 tablespoons fozen pineapple
juice concentrate, thawed
1 pint pineapple sherbet
Dissolve tea i n water; add pi neappl e concen
trate. Pour i nto 4 tall glasses; add a scoop
of sherbet to each. Sti r s lightly. Serves 4.
Orange-Spinach Toss
4 cups fresh spinach, tom in
bite-sized pieces
3 oranges, peeled and sectioned
4 slices bacon, crisp-cooked,
drained, and crumbled
V2 cup chopped peanuts

1 envelope French salad dressing mix
I n sal ad bowl combine torn spi nach, orange
secti ons , bacon, and peanuts . Prepare French
salad dressi ng mix accordi ng to package direc
tions. Pour desired amount of dressing over
orange-spi nach mixture, tossi ng l ightly to
mix. Makes 4 servi ngs.
Raspberry Shortcake
A rich, flavorful dessert -
2 10-ounce packages fozen red
raspberries, thawed
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla

1 % cups sifed all-purpose four
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
% teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 beaten egg
% cup light cream
Whipped cream
Drain raspberri es, reservi ng syrup. I n s mall
saucepan combi ne 1 tabl espoon sugar and
cornstarch; bl end i n reserved syrup. Cook
and stir ti l l thickened and bubbly; cook 1
mi nute more. Cool sli ghtly; stir in raspberries
and vani l l a. Chill thoroughl y.
Si ft together four, 2 tablespoons sugar,
baking powder, and sal t; cut i n butter ti ll
mixture resembles coarse crumbs . Combi ne
egg and light cream; add al l at once, stirri ng
just t o moi sten. Turn dough onto l i ghtl y
foured surface ; knead gentl y for Y mi nute.
Pat or rol l t o Y-i nch thickness . Cut 4 bi scui ts
with foured 2 Y-inch cutter. Bake on on
greased baki ng sheet at 450 till golden brown,
about 1 0 mi nutes. Split biscuits ; fl l and top
with raspberry sauce. Top with dollops of
whi pped cream. Makes 4 servings .
Corn on the Cob
Grill alongside the meat -
Remove husks from fresh corn. Remove si l k
wi th a sti f brush. Place each ear on a sheet of
foi l . Spread corn liberally with softened butter;
spri nkl e with salt and pepper.
Wrap foi l securel y around each ear of corn
fold or twi st foi l around ends . Place on gri l l
and roast over hot coals till corn i s tender,
about 1 5 to 20 mi nutes ; turn ears frequentl y.
Pass extra butter, sal t, and pepper.
Summer is barbecue time, and what could be
more delicious than Barbecued Spareribs,
Barbecued Spareribs
1 8-ounce can tomato s auce with
chopped onion
cup brown sugar
cup bottled steak sauce
% cup salad oil
% cup vinegar
% teaspoon salt
4 pounds spareribs
Combine all i ngredients except spareribs ; set
aside. Season ribs wi th a li ttle additional sal t.
Place, bone si de down, on gri ll over slow
coals . Grill about 20 mi nutes ; tur meaty side
down and grill till browned. Turn meaty side
up; grill 20 mi nutes more. Brush meaty side
with barbecue sauce. Continue gri l l i ng, with
out turning, till meat is tender, 20 to 30
minutes more, basting occasional l y with sauce
mixture. Makes 4 servings.
Potato Bake, and Corn on the Cob ? Accompany
this man-pleasing supper with mugs of beer.
Potato Bake
2 large potatoes, peeled and sliced
l inch thick (4 cups)
1 large onion, sliced and separated
into rings

% teaspoon seasoned salt
% teaspoon celery seed
% teaspoon garlic salt
Dash pepper
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
On large sheet of foil , layer \ of the potatoes
and onions. Combi ne seasonings ; sprinkl e
! teaspoon salt mixture over vegetables. Dot
with some of the butter or margarine. Repeat,
maki ng two more layers. Seal foil with double
fold. Bake at 350 till potatoes are tender,
about 45 mi nutes , or gri l l over medi um coals
for 50 to 60 mi nutes. Serves 4.
10 to 16 Guests
As your guest list increases in size,
choosing the right types of foods
to serve becomes especially important.
It is best to serve foods that are
easy to prepare in larger quantities,
such as casseroles, roasts, salads,
tortes, and large cakes.
Remember, too, that you will need
adequate seating space. Buffet-style or
help-yourself service proves useful
when your dining table doesn't expand
enough to handle 1 0 or more people
comfortably. Let guests balance plates
or trays on their laps or provide
seating space at several small tables.
And just because there are more guests
doesn't mean that you have to eliminate
guest participation. Instead, get
your guests involved by planning a potluck
or a make-it-yourself pizza party.
Set up several card tables to accommo
date gests at a bufet. This bufet
dinner for 12 features Rib Roast with
Onion Butter, Curried Rice, buttered
broccoli spears, fruit salad plate with
Orange Dressing, and warm rolls.
(For appetizer and snack recipes see pages 98 to
103. Recipes particularly suited for medium goups
include Caviar Log, Hot Cheese-Chive Dip, Stufed
Mushrooms, and Liverwurst Roll.)
Deluxe Fruit Cup
Drain one 1 3 Y-ounce can pineapple tidbits ,
reservi ng 2 tablespoons syrup. Combine pine
apple; one 1 0-ounce package frozen blue
berries, thawed and well drained; 2 cups
cantaloupe bal l s; and one 1 1 -ounce can man
darin orange sections, well drained. Spoon i nto
1 2 sherbets. I n small bowl combine 1 cup
cranberry-orange relish and reserved pine
appl e syrup. Dri zzl e over frui t s . Chi l l
thoroughly. Makes 1 2 frst-course servi ngs .
Creamy Vegetable Soup
% cup chopped celery
cup chopped carrot
% cup fnely chopped onion
3 cups chicken broth
cup sifed all-purpose four
1 cup milk
cup light cream
cup butter or margarine
In saucepan cook celery, carrot, and onion in
2 cups of the chicken broth till tender. Blend
four and remaining chicken broth; add to
vegetables in saucepan. Cook and stir till
thickened and bubbly. Add mi l k, cream, and
butter; heat through -do not boi l . Makes 1 0
to 1 2 frst-course servi ngs .
Zippy Tomato Refresher
Combine 6 cups tomato juice, two I OY-ounce
cans condensed beef broth, l teaspoon Wor
cestershire sauce, dash bottled hot pepper
sauce, and dash garlic powder. Chi l l . Makes
14 to 16 frst-course servi ngs .
Brunch Egg Casserole
Spread 4 cups toasted bread cubes (6 slices)
i n bottom of greased 1 3 Yx8%x1 %-i nch baki ng
dish. Spri nkle 8 ounces natural Cheddar
cheese, shredded ( 2 cups) , over bread. Bl end 8
slightly beaten eggs, 4 cups mi l k, 1 teaspoon
sal t, I teaspoon prepared mustard, l teaspoon
onion powder, and Y teaspoon pepper. Pour
over bread-cheese mixture. Bake at 325 till
egg mixture is set, 40 to 45 minutes . Mean
while, crisp-cook and crumble 10 slices bacon.
Spri nkle atop casserole during last 1 0 mi nutes
of baki ng. Makes 10 servings.
Salmon-Rice Bake
1 cup long grain rice
4 10-ounce cans condensed
cream of celery soup
% cup milk
3 16-ounce cans salmon, drained,
boned, and broken into large pieces
3 10-ounce packages fozen mixed
vegetables, cooked and drained
2 6-ounce cans sliced mushrooms,
3 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 cups sof bread crumbs
Cook rice accordi ng to package directi ons.
Blend soup and mi l k; sti r in rice, salmon,
vegetables , and mushrooms. Turn into two 2-
quart casseroles . Bake, covered, at 350 for
50 mi nutes . Melt butter; toss with bread
crumbs. Spri nkle crumb mixture around edge
of casseroles . Bake, uncovered, 1 0 mi nutes
more. Makes 1 4 servi ngs .
Twin casseroles
Next time the menu calls for a casserole, -
keep the cost low but the appeal high by
serving tasty Salmon-Rice Bake.
50 main dishes
Sour Cream-Topped Ham Bake
2 cups long grain rice
. cup butter or margarine
3 tablespoons French s alad dressing
1 tablespoon instant minced onion
6 cups cubed fully cooked ham
1 6-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
2 10-ounce packages fozen peas,
5 cups hot water
3 cups dairy sour cream
Brown the rice i n butter or margari ne. Remove
from heat ; stir i n dressing mi x, oni on, ham,
mushrooms, and hal of the peas . Turn i nto
two 8x8x2-inch baking di shes. Add 2 Y cups
hot water to each baking dish. Cover with foil
and bake at 350 for 60 to 70 mi nutes, stirri ng
occasionally. Spread sour cream atop; place
hal of the remai ni ng peas i n the center of
each baking dish. Bake 5 mi nutes more to
heat sour cream and peas . Makes 16 servi ngs .
Oyster-Corn Bread Stufed Turkey
1 10-ounce package com bread mix
10 cups fresh bread cubes (14 slices)
2 tablespoons instant minced onion
1 tablespoon rubbed sage
2 10-ounce cans fozen oysters,
V cup butter or margarine, melted
1 20-pound ready-to-cook turkey
Prepare corn bread mix accordi ng to package
directions. Cool and crumble. Toss with bread
cubes , onion, sage, 2 teaspoons salt, and Y
teaspoon pepper. Drain oysters , reservi ng Y
cup liqui d. Chop oysters ; add to bread mixture
with reserved oyster liquid, melted butter, and
Y cup water. Toss wel l . Salt cavities of bird.
Spoon stufng i nto cavities ; tie legs to tail .
Place, breast side up, on rack in shal low roast
ing pan. Cap loosely with foi l . Roast at 325
for 6 to 6Y hours. Uncover last 45 mi nutes;
cut band of ski n or string between legs and
tail . Let stand 15 to 20 minutes before carving.
Makes 16 to 18 servings.
Dilled Cheese Casserole
V cup butter or margarine
V cup sifed all-purpose four
1 tablespoon prepared mustard
5 cups milk
10 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (2 cups)
5 beaten egg yolks
1 7 -ounce package macaroni,
cooked and drained
21/2 cups cream-style cottage
1 cup fnely chopped dill pickle
2 cups sof rye bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter, melted
In large saucepan melt V cup butter; blend
i n four, mustard, and 1 teaspoons salt. Add
mi l k. Cook and stir till bubbly. Add shredded
cheese; cook and stir till melted. Sti r some
hot mixture i nto egg yolks; return to hot
mixture. Cook and stir till bubbly; stir in maca
roni . Spread onefourth of mixture in each of
two 2-quart casseroles. Combine cottage cheese
and pickle; spread atop macaroni layer. Top
with remai ni ng macaroni . Combine crumbs
and melted butter; sprinkle atop. Bake at
350 about 30 mi nutes. Makes 1 2 servi ngs .
After stufng neck cavity, place turkey,
neck down, in a large bowl. Then, spon the
oyster-corn bread stufng into body cavity.
Chicken Oriental
Cut the recipe in half for 6 servings -
6 large chicken breasts, halved
l cup sifed all-purpose four
l cup salad oil
1% cups coarsely chopped onion
1 cup sliced celery
1 clove garlic, minced
2 10l-ounce cans condensed cream
of mushroom soup
l cup dry sherry
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 6-ounce can sliced mushrooms
1 8-ounce can water chestnuts
2 6-ounce packages frozen
pea pods, thawed
Coat chicken with mixture of four, 1 teaspoon
salt, and dash pepper. In 5-quart Dutch oven
brown 4 chicken pieces at a time i n hot oil .
Remove chicken. Cook onion, celery, and
garlic i n same oil just till tender. Blend i n
soup, sherry, and soy. Drain mushrooms and
water chestnuts ; thinly slice water chestnuts .
Add to soup mixture; bring to boiling. Place
chicken i n sauce. Cover; simmer 30 minutes .
Add pea pods. Cover; simmer till chicken i s
done, 1 0 minutes. Spoon some sauce over
chicken; pass remainder. Makes 12 servi ngs .
Saucy Pork Roast
Pineaple sauce complements pork flavor -
1 6-pound boneless pork loin roast
1 cup pineapple juice
1 8%-ounce can crushed pineapple
l cup dry sherry
l cup light com syrup
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons cornstarch
Place meat on rack in shal low roasti ng pan.
Roast at 325 till meat thermometer registers
1 70, about 2% to 3 hours . Combine next 6
ingredients ; stir i nto cornstarch in saucepan.
Cook and stir ti ll thickened and bubbly. Serve
hot with roast. Makes 16 servings.
main dishes 51
Fruit-Stufed Pork Crown
1 7 -pound crown roast of pork
(about 18 ribs )
6 cups packaged stufng mix
1 medium apple, chopped
2 cup raisins
2 teaspoons grated orange peel
1 small orange, peeled
1 cup chopped celery
l cup butter or margarine
1 16-ounce can whole cranberry sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon instant minced onion
Place roast i n shallow roasti ng pan, bones up.
Season with salt and pepper. Wrap bone tips
with foi l . I nsert meat thermometer i n loin,
making sure it doesn' t touch bone. Roast,
uncovered, at 325 for 2 ! hours .
Meanwhile, combine next 4 i ngredients .
Section orange, reserving juice. Add water to
juice to make l to % cup liquid. Add orange
and liqui d to stufng; mix lightly. Cook celery
in butter ti l l tender. Add cranberries, brown
sugar, oni on, and 1 teaspoon salt; bring to
boi l . Pour over stufng; toss to mix. Fill roast
with stufng; cover stufng with foi l . Place
remai ni ng stufng in greased 1 Y2 -quart casse
rol e; cover and bake alongsi de roast. Conti nue
roasting ti l l meat thermometer registers 1 70,
about 1 hour longer. Serves 1 2 to 14.
Ham Stroganof
1% cups chopped onion
l cup butter or margarine
1 tablespoon all-purpose four
1 cup milk
6 cups cubed fully cooked ham
4 cups dairy sour cream
1 cup sliced ripe olives
l cup dry sherry
% cup toasted slivered almonds
Hot cooked noodles
Cook onion in butter till tender; stir in four.
Add mil k. Cook and stir ti l l thickened and
bubbl y. Sti r i n ham, sour cream, olives, sherry,
and almonds; heat but do not boi l . Serve over
noodles . Makes 1 2 servi ngs .
Having an extra-special dinner party? Then
choose Beef Wellington as the entree. Cover
Beef Brisket in Beer
1 4-pound beef bri sket, trimmed of fat
1 onion, sliced
1 cup chili sauce
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 clove garlic, minced
1 12-ounce can beer ( 1 cups)
2 tablespoons all-purpose four
Season meat with salt and pepper. Place i n
1 3x9x2-i nch baki ng pan; cover wi th onion.
Combine next 4 i ngredients ; pour over meat.
Cover with foil . Bake at 350 for 3 Y hours .
Uncover; bake 30 mi nutes , basti ng occasi on
ally with juices. Ski m fat from drippi ngs ;
measure l iquid and add water to make 1 cup.
Blend four and Y cup col d water; combine
wi th dri ppi ngs . Cook and sti r till bubbl y; pass
wi th meat. Cut meat across grai n. Serves 1.
a beef tenderloin with liver pate and a faky
pasty casing for this elegant dish.
Leg of Lamb Mediterranean
Combi ne 4 teaspoons salt, 2 teaspoons pepper,
and 2 teaspoons dried oregano, crushed; rub
i nto one 8-pound leg of lamb. Roast lamb on
rack i n shallow roasti ng pan at 325 for 3
hours . Remove meat and rack from pan; set
aside. Drai n excess fat from pan juices. Place
roast i n pan without rack. Arrange 1 smal l
lemon, sliced, atop lamb; secure with wooden
picks. Surround roast with three 9-ounce
packages frozen arti choke hearts , thawed.
Combine two 8-ounce cans tomato sauce, 2
cups water, and 2 cloves garlic, mi nced; pour
over roast . Conti nue roasti ng ti l l meat ther
mometer reads 1 75 to 1 80, about 45 mi nutes
more. Baste occasionall y wi th sauce. Place
roast on platter; remove wooden pi cks .
Accompany roast wi th artichoke sauce served
over hot cooked rice. Serves 12 to 1 4.
Beef Wellington
Place 4-pound beef tenderloin on rack i n
shallow baking pan. Roast at 425 till meat
thermometer reads 1 30, about 45 mi nutes .
Reserve drippings . Cool meat. Si ft 2 cups
si fted all-purpose four and Y teaspoon sal t;
cut in % cup shorteni ng till mi xture resembles
coarse crumbs. Slowly add Y3 to Y cup cold
water, tossi ng with fork till dampened. Form
bal l . Rol l to 1 4x1 2-i nch rectangle; spread
two 2% -ounce cans liver pate to wi thi n Y2
i nch of edges. Center meat, top down, on
pastry. Draw up l ong sides ; overl ap. Brush
wi t h 1 beaten egg; seal. Tri m ends ; fol d up.
Brush with egg; seal. Place on greased baki ng
sheet, seam down. Add pastry cutouts . Brush
with egg. Bake at 425 about 35 mi nutes.
For gravy combi ne reserved dri ppi ngs, 1 Y
cups water, and 2 beef boui llon cubes i n
saucepan. Heat and stir till boui llon dissolves .
Blend Y cup all-purpose four and Y cup cold
water; add to pan with Y teaspoon dried basi l ,
crushed, and Y cup Burgundy. Cook and stir
till bubbly. Season with salt and pepper. Serve
with roast. Serves 12 to 1 4.
Mexicali Meat Ring
3 beaten eggs
Spicy Sauce
2 cups sof bread crumbs
l cup crushed com chips
1 tablespoon snipped parsley
3 pounds ground beef
Hot cooked noodles
In large bowl combine eggs , 1 cup cooled
Spicy Sauce, crumbs , corn chi ps , parsley, and
I teaspoon salt. Add beef; mi x well . Press i nto
6-cup ri ng mol d. Unmold on shallow baki ng
pan. Bake at 350 for 1 Y hours . Carefully
transfer to platter. Serve wi th noodles and
warmed Spicy Sauce. Serves I 2.
Spicy Sauce: Cook % cup chopped oni on
and 1 clove garli c, mi nced, i n 3 tabl espoons
salad oi l ti ll tender. Add two 1 6-ounce cans
tomatoes , cut up; two 6-ounce cans tomato
paste; I teaspoon each salt, sugar, and chi l i
powder; Y teaspoon pepper; and I bay leaf.
Simmer, uncovered, 30 mi nutes. Remove leaf.
main dishes 53
Oriental Steak Skillet
5 pounds beef round steak, l inch
1% cups sifed all-purpose four
% cup shortening
3 10V2-ounce cans beef broth
1 large onion, cut in thin wedges
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 8-ounce cans water chestnuts
3 green peppers, cut in strips
% cup soy s auce
6 tomatoes, cut in wedges
Hot cooked rice
Cut steak i n Y-i nch wide stri ps . Combi ne 1 cup
four and Y2 teaspoon pepper; use to coat meat,
coati ng 1/s of the meat at a ti me. Usi ng a 6-
quart Dutch oven and a 1 0-i nch skil l et, brown
the meat i n porti ons i n hot shorteni ng. When
browni ng i s completed place all meat i n Dutch
oven. Add broth, 2 cups water, oni on, and
gi nger. Cover; cook till meat i s tender, 45
mi nutes . Drai n and sl i ce water chestnuts ; add
to meat with green pepper. Heat through.
Bl end remai ni ng four and soy. Add to meat;
cook and sti r till bubbl y. Sti r i n tomatoes .
Heat through. Serve over rice. Serves 1 6.
Beef with Yorkshire Pudding
1 8-pound beef standing rib roast
4 eggs
2 cups milk
2 cups sifed all-purpose four
Place roast, fat side up, in shallow roasti ng
pan. Season wi t h salt and pepper. Roast, un
covered, at 325 ti l l meat thermometer reg
i sters 1 40 for rare, 1 60 for medium, and 1 70
for well-done. Allow about 3 Y hours for rare,
about 4 hours for medium, and about 4%
hours for well-done. Remove meat from pan.
Cover; keep warm. Reserve Y cup meat drip
pi ngs. I ncrease oven to 400. Combine eggs ,
mi l k, four, and 1 teaspoon sal t. Beat 1 Y
mi nutes wi th rotary beater or electric mi xer.
Pour half the reserved dri ppi ngs i nto each of
two 9x9x2-i nch baki ng pans. Pour half the
batter i nto each pan. Bake at 400 for 30
mi nutes . Serve wi th roast. Makes 1 2 servi ngs .
54 salads
Add a cooling touch to the meal by serving
Frosty Fruit Cubes, an appetizing frozen
salad that ues instant pudding for its base.
Frosty Fruit Cubes
1 3%- or 3%-ounce package instant
vanilla pudding mix
2 cups frozen dessert topping, thawed
l cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 tablespoons lemon j uice

2 large bananas
1 13%-ounce can crushed pineapple,
l cup slivered almonds, toasted
Prepare puddi ng mix accordi ng to package
di rections. Stir in dessert toppi ng, mayon
naise, and l emon juice. Dice bananas . Combine
bananas , pineapple, and al monds. Fold i nto
puddi ng mixture. Turn i nto l l x7xl Y-i nch
baki ng pan; freeze ti l l frm. Remove from
freezer and let stand 1 0 mi nutes . Cut i nto l
i nch cubes; serve on lettuce. I f desi red, top with
additional slivered almonds . Makes 12 servi ngs .
Frozen Fruit Loaf
Spiced peaches add extra flavor -
1 8-ounce package cream cheese,
l cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
% cup sugar
1 cup whipping cream
1 16-ounce can pitted dark sweet
cherries, well drained and halved
1 17-ounce can spiced whole peaches,
drained and chopped
1 13%-ounce can pineapple tidbits,
Red food coloring
Beat cream cheese till fufy; beat i n mayon
naise and sugar. Whi p cream; fol d i nto cream
cheese mixture. Gentl y fol d in cherries ,
peaches , and pineapple. Ti nt pi nk wi th food
colori ng. Pour i nto 9x5x3-i nch loaf pan. Freeze
till frm, about 6 hours or overni ght. Let stand
at room temperature about 25 mi nutes before
slicing. Makes 14 to 1 6 servi ngs.
Creamy Asparagus Salad
An elegant molded vegetable salad-
2 10-ounce cans cut asparagus spears
3 envelopes unfavored gelatin
4 chicken bouillon cubes
1 tablespoon instant minced onion
2 teaspoons sugar

2 cups dairy sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressi ng
% cup chopped canned pimiento
2 tablespoons snipped parsley
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Drain asparagus , reservi ng l i qui d. Add water
to reserved liquid to make 2 Y cups . Soften
gelatin i n the l i qui d. Add bouil l on cubes ,
onion, and sugar. Heat to dissolve gelati n
and boui l l on cubes. Chi l l ti l l parti al l y set.
Stir i n sour cream, mayonnaise or sal ad dress
i ng, pi mi ento, parsl ey, lemon jui ce, and
asparagus. Spoon i nto 1 1 %x7 Yx1 %-i nch bak
i ng di sh. Chi l l till frm. Makes 12 servi ngs .
Vegetable-Crouton Toss
2 16-ounce cans cut green beans,
1 16-ounce can sliced carrots ,
1 16-ounce can peas, drained
1 16-ounce can whole kernel corn,
% medium onion, thinly sliced and
separated into rings

% cup vinegar
% cup sugar
l4 cup salad oil
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon dried basil, crushed
l teaspoon pepper

Parmesan Croutons
Combine beans, carrots , peas, corn, and oni on
i n large salad bowl . I n screw-top jar combine
vinegar, sugar, oi l , salt, basi l , and pepper.
Cover and shake vigorousl y. Pour over vege
tabl es, tossi ng lightly. Refrigerate several
hours or overni ght, stirring occasional ly. Drai n.
Toss with Parmesan Croutons. Serves 1 6.
Parmesan Croutons: I n large ski l let mel t 2
tablespoons butter or margari ne; stir in 1
teaspoon oni on salt. Add 2 cups bite-sized
toasted corn or rice cereal and ! cup grated
Parmesan cheese. Heat and stir till coated,
5 mi nutes. Spread on paper towel i ng to cool .
Yogurt-Fruit Combo
2 8-ounce cartons orange yogurt
(2 cups)
% cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 11-ounce can mandarin orange
sections, drained
1 20-ounce can pineapple tidbits,
1 16-ounce can pitted light sweet
cherries, drained and halved
1 cup miniature marshmallows
Stir together yogurt and mayonnai se. Fold in
fruits and marshmallows . Chi l l at l east 1 hour
before serving. Makes 10 to 12 servi ngs .
salad 55
Berry-Apricot Mold
1 8%-ounce can unpeeled apricot
halves (1 cup)
2 3-ounce packages or 1 6-ounce
package lemon-favored gelatin
1 12-ounce can apricot nectar, chilled
(1 % cups)
1 % cups sliced strawberries
% cup dairy sour cream
% cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
Grated lemon peel
Drain and coarsely chop apricots , reservi ng
syrup. Add water t o syrup t o equal 2 cups
liquid. Pour i nto saucepan and bri ng to boil
i ng. Add gelati n and stir till dissolved. Remove
from heat. Stir i n chi l l ed apricot nectar. Chill
till partially set. Fold i n chopped apricots and
strawberries. Turn i nto 5 Y- or 6 Y-cup ri ng
mold; chil l till frm. Unmold onto servi ng
plate. Stir together sour cream, mayonnai se,
and a l i ttle grated l emon peel ; serve with salad.
Makes 1 0 servi ngs .
Tangy Caulifower Salad
Cut the recipe in half to make 6 servings -
2 medium heads caulifower, separated
into caulifowerets (about 8 cups)
4 medium carrots, cut in 2-inch julienne
strips ( 2 cups)
% cup French salad dressing
1 tablespoon lemon juice
% teaspoon dried basil, crushed
2 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
( % cup)
2 small avocados, peeled and sliced
Cut cauli fowerets i n half lengthwi se. In large
saucepan cook caulifower and carrots in boil
ing, salted water till tender, 8 to 10 mi nutes .
Drain wel l . Season wi th salt and pepper. Com
bine French dressi ng, lemon juice, and basi l ;
toss with caul i fower, carrots , and blue cheese.
Cover and refri gerate at least 4 hours , stirri ng
once or twice. At serving ti me, toss lightly
and spoon i nto lettuce-lined bowl . Top with
avocado slices . Makes 12 servi ngs .
Marinate Broccoli Vinaigrette in a large bowl
or an oblong baking dish. Then, after drain
ing, top the salad with diced hard-cooked eggs.
Mediterranean Potato Salad
Double the recipe to make 20 servings -
4 cups cubed, cooked potatoes
1 16-ounce can whole green beans,
1 6-ounce can artichoke hearts,
drained and halved
1 small red onion, sliced and
separated into rings
Leaf lettuce
1 cup cherry tomatoes
% cup pitted ripe olives
3 hard-cooked eggs, peeled and
1 green pepper, sliced in thin rings
1 2-ounce can rolled anchovies,
l cup snipped parsley
Combine frst 5 i ngredients. Cover; chi l l
several hours or overni ght, stirring occa
sionally. Drain dressi ng from vegetables and
reserve. Spoon drai ned vegetables i nto lettuce
lined bowl . Arrange tomatoes, olives , eggs ,
pepper, and anchovies atop. Spri nkle with
parsl ey. Pass reserved dressi ng. Serves 1 0.
Dressing: Blend together 1 1 cups salad oi l ;
1 cup tarragon vinegar; 2 tablespoons lemon
juice; 1 clove garlic, minced; 2 teaspoons dry
mustard; 2 teaspoons sal t; Y teaspoon sugar;
and dash pepper.
Broccoli Vinaigrette
Cut the recipe in half to make 6 servings -
4 10-ounce packages fozen broccoli
1 cup salad oil
Y cup vinegar
Y cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoons paprika
1 teaspoons dry mustard
2 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
Dash cayenne
2 cup fnely chopped dill pickle
2 cup minced green pepper
Y cup snipped parsley
1 2%-ounce jar capers, drained
( % cup)
4 hard-cooked eggs, diced
Cook frozen broccol i spears accordi ng to pack
age directions ; drai n. In screw-top jar combi ne
sal ad oi l , vi negar, l emon juice, sugar, sal t ,
papri ka, dry mustard, crushed oregano,
cayenne, fnel y chopped di l l pickle, minced
green pepper, snipped parsley, and drai ned
capers. Cover and shake vi gorously to blend.
Pour dressi ng over broccol i spears ; chill over
ni ght . Drain of l i qui d. Arrange on servi ng
plate. Top wi th diced eggs . Garni sh wi th saw
tooth-cut hard-cooked eggs fl led with sieved
egg yol ks, i f desired. Makes 1 2 servi ngs .
Blue Cheese-Sauced Corn
A quick, tasty vegetable dish -
3 10-ounce packages fozen whole
kernel com
1 8-ounce carton blue cheese dip
11 cup milk
2 teaspoons instant minced onion
Cook corn accordi ng to package directions .
Meanwhi l e, i n saucepan combine blue cheese
dip, milk, and i nstant mi nced onion. Heat
and sti r over l ow heat just ti l l warm. Pour
over hot drained corn, stirri ng gently to coat.
Season to taste. Serves 1 0 to 1 2.
Easy Cheese-Mushroom Sauce
Serve over your favorite cooked vegetable -
% cup fnely chopped onion
3 tablespoons fnely chopped green
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 10%-ounce can condensed cream of
mushroom soup
1 11-ounce can condensed Cheddar
cheese soup
% cup milk
1 teaspoon dry mustard
I n saucepan cook oni on and green pepper i n
butter or margari ne ti ll tender but not brown.
Stir in soups , mi l k, and dry mustard. Heat
through. Serve over hot, drai ned vegetables.
Makes about 2% cups sauce.
Cheesy Potato Bake
Cut the recipe in half to make 8 servings -
16 medium potatoes, peeled and
thinly sliced (16 cups)
% cup chopped onion
3 10-ounce cans condensed cream of
mushroom soup
8 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (2 cups)
1 % cups milk
teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
2 cups sof bread crumbs
4 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (1 cup)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
Spread 4 cups of the potatoes i n bottom of
each of two greased 2 Y-quart casseroles . Com
bine oni on, soup, 8 ounces cheese, mi l k, salt,
and pepper. Pour one-fourth of the soup mi x
ture over potatoes i n each casserol e. Repeat
layers . Cover; bake at 350 for 1 hour. Com
bine bread crumbs, 4 ounces cheese, and
mel ted butter or margari ne. Uncover casse
roles ; spri nkl e with bread crumb mixture.
Bake 45 mi nutes l onger. Makes 1 6 servi ngs .
vegetables 57
Baked Bean Quintet
6 slices bacon
1 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 16-ounce can kidney beans, drained
1 16-ounce can green lima beans,
1 16-ounce can butter beans, drained
1 15-ounce can garbanzo beans,
1 14-ounce jar or 16-ounce can baked
beans in molasses sauce
% cup catsup
% cup brown sugar
l teaspoon dry mustard
% teaspoon pepper
Cook bacon i n s ki l l et till cris p; remove and
crumble. Cook oni on and garlic i n bacon drip
pi ngs till tender but not brown. Combi ne with
beans, catsup, brown sugar, dry mustard, pep
per, and crumbled bacon i n 3-quart casserole.
Bake, covered, at 375 till heated through,
about 1 to 1 ! hours . Makes 14 servi ngs .
Savory Vegetable Trio
3 cups sliced yellow summer squash
( about % pound)
1 9-ounce package frozen cut green
l cup water
l cup chopped onion
% cup snipped parsley
1% teaspoons salt
% teaspoon dried thyme, crushed
% teaspoon ground sage
l teaspoon pepper

2 large tomatoes, peeled and cut
in wedges
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
In large saucepan combine squash, beans ,
water, oni on, parsley, sal t, thyme, sage, and
pepper. Bri ng to boi l i ng. Cover; reduce heat
and si mmer till vegetables are tender, about
10 mi nutes. Drai n thoroughly. Add tomatoes
and butter or margari ne; cover and heat
through. Makes 10 to 1 2 servings.

58 bread
Cheesecake Bread Ring
1 package hot roll mix
% cup sugar
1 egg
cup dairy sour cream
6 tablespoons butter, melted
Cream Cheese Filling
Soften yeast from roll mix in ! cup warm
water. Combine roll mix and sugar. Stir in the
yeast, egg, sour cream, and butter; mix well .
Place dough in greased bowl , turni ng once to
grease surface. Cover; chil l 2 to 3 hours. Tur
out onto lightly foured surface. Roll dough
to an 1 8-inch circle. Gently ft i nto 6 V-cup
ri ng mold, allowi ng dough to cover center
and some to hang over edges.
Pour Cream Cheese Filli ng i nto mol d. Bring
dough from sides over top of fl l i ng; seal to
center of mold. Cut an "X" in dough coveri ng
center hole; fold the four triangles back over
top of ring, seali ng to outer edges . Let rise
till almost double, 1 to 1 Y2 hours . Bake at
350 till wooden pick i nserted i nto fl l i ng
comes out clean, 35 to 40 mi nutes . Cool i n
pan 1 0 mi nutes; turn out on rack. Sprinkle
lightly with confectioners' sugar, if desired.
Makes 1 0 to 1 2 servings.
Cream Cheese Filling: Beat one 8-ounc pack
age cream cheese, softened; Y2 cup sugar; and
1 teaspoon vanil l a til l smooth. Add 2 eggs ,
one at a time, beati ng well after each .
Mustard-Sesame Slices
cup butter or margarine, sofened
% cup snipped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped green onion
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
1 tablespoon sesame seed, toaste'
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 loaf French bread
Blend butter, parsley, onion, mustard, sesame
seed, and lemon juice. Slice bread; spread
both sides of slices with butter mixture.
Arrange on baking sheet and toast at 350
for 20 mi nutes, or reassemble buttered slices
i nto loaf, wrap loosely in foi l , and heat at 375
for 1 0 to 1 5 minutes.
Soften 1 package active dry yeast in ! cup
warm water. Scald Y cup mi l k; cool to l uke
warm. Thoroughly cream Y cup butter or
margari ne, Y cup sugar, and Y teas poon sal t.
Add lukewarm mi l k. Add 1 cup si fted al l
purpose four to creamed mixture. Add soft
ened yeast, 3 beaten eggs , and 1 beaten egg
yol k; beat wel l . Add 2 ! cups sifted all -purpose
four; beat 5 to 8 mi nutes longer. Cover; let
rise till double, about 2 hours. Stir down; beat
well. Cover; refri gerate overi
Sti r down; turn out on lightly foured sur
face. Di vi de dough i n fourths. Set asi de ! of
dough. Halve remai ni ng 3 pieces; form each
half i nto 4 balls (24 i n all) . Place balls i n
greased mufn pans . Cut reserved dough i nto
4 wedges ; divide and shape each i nto 6 small
balls ( 24 i n al l ) . Make i ndentation in top of
dough in mufn pans ; brush wi th water. Press
small ball i nto each i ndentation. Cover; let
rise till double, about 1 hour. Combi ne 1
slightly beaten egg white and 1 tablespoon
sugar; brush tops. Bake at 375 for 1 5 mi nutes .
Serve warm. Makes 24 buns.
Manna Bread
I n mixer bowl combine 2 packages active dry
yeast, 1 % cups sifted all-purpose four, and
! cup dry onion soup mi x. Cook 8 slices bacon
till cri sp; drai n, reservi ng 2 tabl espoons
drippi ngs . Crumble bacon; set aside. Heat
together one 1 2-ounce can beer, ! cup mi l k,
1 tablespoon sugar, and reserved dri ppi ngs
just till warm ( mixture will appear curdl ed) .
Add to dry i ngredients . Beat at low speed
of electric mixer for Y minute. Beat 3 mi nutes
at hi gh s peed of el ectric mi xer.
Sti r i n crumbled bacon and 2 to 2! cups
si fted al l - put-pose four to make moderat ely
stif dough. Knead till smooth and elastic.
Place in greased bowl, turni ng once to grease
surface. Cover; let rise till almost double,
40 to 45 mi nutes. Punch down. Shape into 1 6
rol ls . Place i n two 9xl Y-inch round baki ng
pans. Brush wi t h melted butter; sprinkl e with
yellow cornmeal . Cover lightly; let rise till
almost double, about 25 mi nutes. Bake at 375
for 20 mi nutes. Makes 16 rolls .
Cream-of-Potato Soup Bread
In mixer bowl combine 2 packages active dry
yeast and 2 \ cups sifted al l -purpose four.
Heat 1 Y2 cups mi l k, 2 tabl espoons each butter
and sugar, and 2 teaspoons salt til l warm;
add to dry i ngredi ents . Add one 1 0Y2-ounce
can condensed cream of potato soup. Beat at
low speed of electric mixer for Y mi nute,
scraping sides . Beat 3 mi nutes at hi gh speed.
By hand, stir in 3 to 3 \ cups si fted al l -purpose
four to make moderately sti f dough.
Tur out onto l i ghtl y foured surface. Knead
till smooth, 5 to 8 minutes. Place in greased
bowl , turi ng once. Cover; let rise ti ll doubl e.
Punch down. Cover; l et rest 1 mi nutes. Divide
i n half; shape i nto two loaves . Place i n two
greased 8Y2x4Y2x2 Y-inch loaf di shes. Let rise
ti l l double. Bake at 400 till done, 25 to 30
mi nutes . Makes 2 l oaves .
Homemade bread is always a big hit with
guests, especially when it is as tasty as this
Raisin-Nut Bread
1 cup raisins
1 beaten egg
% cup sugar
l teaspoon vanilla
bread 59
1 cups sifted all-purpose four
1 teaspoon baking powder
l teaspoon baking soda
l cup chopped walnuts
In saucepan combi ne rai si ns and 1 cup water;
bri ng to boi l . Cool to room temperature. Mi x
egg, sugar, and vani l l a; sti r i n rai si n mixture.
Sift together four, baking powder, baki ng
soda, and \ teaspoon sal t. Add t o egg-rai si n
mixture, beati ng wel l . Sti r i n nuts . Pour i nto
2 greased and foured 1 6-ounce frui t or vege
table cans . Bake at 350 till done, 50 to 60
mi nutes . Makes 2 loaves .
beer- and bacon-favored Manna Bread. For
extra deliciousness serve it warm.
60 desserts
Give the top of Chocolate Eclair Cake a pretty
weblike look by drawing a knife through
the soft icing at regular intervals.
Sauerkraut Surprise Cake
l cup butter or margarine
1 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifted all-purpose four
l cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 8-ounce can sauerkraut, drained
Choco Frosting
Cream butter and sugar ti l l light. Beat in eggs ,
one at a ti me; add vani l l a. Si ft next 4 i ngre
di ents and \ teaspoon sal t ; add to creamed
mixture alterately with 1 cup water, beati ng
after each addi tion. Ri nse and fi nely sni p
kraut ; sti r i nto cocoa mi xture. Tur i nto
greased and foured 1 3x9x2-i nch baki ng pan.
Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 mi nutes. Cool . Frost
wi th Choco Frosti ng. Serves 12 to 1 6.
Choco Frosting: Mel t one 6-ounce package
semi sweet chocolate pieces and Y cup butter
over low heat. Remove from heat ; blend in Y
cup dairy sour cream, l teaspoon vani l l a, and
l teaspoon sal t. Gradual l y add si fted con
fectioners' sugar ( 2 Y to 2% cups) t make
of spreadi ng consi stency; beat wel l .
clair Cake
4 1-ounce squares unsweetened
chocolate, melted
l cup boiling water
1% cups sugar
2% cups sifed cake four
3 teaspoons baking powder
l cup salad oil
7 egg yolks
% cup cold water
1 teaspoon vanilla
7 egg whites
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
Custard Filling
Chocolate Icing
Confectioners' Sugar Icing
Combine chocolate, boi l i ng water, and V cup
sugar; cool . Si ft together four, remai ni ng
sugar, baki ng powder, and 1 teaspoon sal t i nto
bowl . Make wel l in center of dry i ngredi ents.
Add, i n order, next 4 i ngredi ents . Beat smooth.
Sti r in chocol ate mi xture. I n large mixer bowl
combi ne egg whi tes and cream of tartar ; beat.
ti l l very sti f peaks form. Pour chocolate mi x
ture i n thi n stream over entire surface of
whi tes ; fol d i n gentl y. Bake i n ungreased 1 0-
i nch tube pan at 325 for 65 mi nutes . I nvert
pan to cool ; remove from pan.
Prepare Custard Fi l l i ng. Usi ng wooden pi cks
for guides , spl i t cake i nto 3 layers. Fi l l between
layers with Custard Fi lli ng. Frost wi th Choco
late Ici ng. I mmediately pi pe Confectioners'
Sugar I ci ng around top; draw kni fe t hrough
i ci ng at regul ar i ntervals to gi ve web efect.
Chi l l . Serves 1 2 to 1 6.
Custard Filling: I n saucepan combi ne l cup
sugar and V cup corstarch. Sti r i n 3 cups
mi l k; sti r i n 2 beaten eggs. Cook and sti r ti l l
thi ckened and bubbl y; add 2 teaspoons vani l l a.
Cover surface with waxed paper; cool .
Chocolate Icing: I n saucepan melt together
one 4-ounce package sweet cooki ng chocolate
and 3 tabl espoons butter over l ow heat. Re
move from heat; sti r i n I Y cups si fted con
fectioners' sugar and enough hot water ( 3 to
4 tablespoons) to make of pouri ng consi s tency.
Confectioners' Sugar Icing: Add enough l i ght
cream to l cup si f&d confectioners' sugar to
make of spreadi ng consi stency. Add dash sal t
and Y teaspoon vani l l a.
Tantalize guests with Chocolate Eclair Cake.
To assemble this rich dessert, cut the chifon
desserts 61
cake into thirds and spread the custard flling
between the layers. Then, add the icing.
62 desserts
Orange Rum-Yum Cake
2 17 -ounce packages pound cake mix
2 tablespoons shredded orange peel
2 teaspoons shredded lemon peel
1 cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons rum
Prepare cake mixes together according to
package directions, addi ng orange peel and
lemon peel . Turn i nto greased and lightly
foured 1 0-inch futed tube pan. Bake at 350
till done, about 1 to 1 hours. Cool in pan 1 0
mi nutes . Remove from pan to cooli ng rack;
cool 20 mi nutes more. Place on serving plate.
Us i ng long-tined fork or skewer, punch holes
i n top of cake at l -i nch i nterval s. Combine
remaini ng i ngredients ; bri ng to boiling. Spoon
syrup ver slowly over cake, allowing cake to
absorb sauce; continue till all the syrup is
used. Chill. Makes 1 2 to 16 servi ngs .
J amocha Mousse
Cut the recipe in hal to make 8 servings -
2 6-ounce packages semisweet
chocolate pieces
8 egg yolks
l cup rum
1 tablespoon instant cofee powder
8 egg whites
Dash salt
1 cup sugar
Frozen whipped des sert topping,
Reserve a few chocolate pieces for garni sh.
I n heavy saucepan mel t remai ni ng chocolate
pieces over ver low heat. Add egg yolks, one
at a time, beating after each addition. Remove
from heat. Blend i n rum and cofee powder.
Beat egg whi tes and salt till frothy; gradually
add sugar, beating to stif peaks. Stir a smal l
amount of beaten egg whi tes into chocolate
mixture; fold i nto remai ni ng egg whites .
Spoon i nto 1 6 sherbets or dessert di shes ; chi l l .
Garnish with whi pped toppi ng and reserved
chocolate pieces. Serves 1 6.
Fresh Fruit Bars
1 roll refigerated sugar cookie dough
1 8-ounce package cream cheese,
l cup sugar
2 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups sliced peaches
2 cups raspberries
cup apricot preserves or orange
1 tablespoon water
Cut refrigerated sugar cookie dough into
Y-i nch thi ck slices. Arrange cookie dough in
bottom of ungreased 1 5 Yxl OYxl -i nch baki ng
pan or 14-i nch pizza pan, overlappi ng edges
of dough sl ightly. Press to even dough. Bake
at 375 for 1 2 mi nutes ; cool .
I n mixer bowl combine cream cheese, sugar,
and vanil l a; beat till smooth. Spread on cooled
cookie crust ; arrange peaches and raspberries
on top. Combine preserves or marmalade and
water; spoon over fruits . Chi l l . Cut i nto
3x2-i nch bars or diamonds. Makes 25 bars.
Homemade Raspberry Ice Cream
1 3-ounce package raspberry-favored
% cup boiling water
1 10-ounce package fozen raspberri es,
thawed and sieved
2 eggs

1 cup whipping cream
1 3%- or 3%-ounce package instant
vanilla pudding mix
2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 quart milk
In mixing bowl dissolve raspberry-favored
gelatin i n boi l i ng water; stir i n sieved rasp
berri es. Beat eggs ; add whi ppi ng cream, dry
puddi ng mi x, sugar, and vanilla. Sti r i nto
raspberry mi xture. Pour into 1 -gallon ice
cream freezer contai ner; add mi lk and sti r
till blended. Freeze according to freezer
manufacturer' s directions. Makes 2 quarts.
Sundae Special
Double the recipe for larger goups -
1 12-ounce package semiswee
chocolate pieces ( 2 cups)
1 cup miniature marshmallows
cup light com syrup

1 7 -ounce bottle lemon-lime carbonated
beverage ( about 1 cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Vanilla or peppermint ice cream
In heavy saucepan combine semi sweet choco
late pieces, miniature marshmallows , and light
corn syrup. Cook and stir til l chocolate and
marshmallows are melted. Remove from heat ;
gradually stir in lemon-lime carbonated bev
erage. Add vanilla. Serve over vanilla or
peppermint ice cream. Makes 2 Y3 cups sauce.
Flufy Pineapple Dessert
A light, yet rich dessert -
3 cups fne vanilla wafer crumbs
cup butter or margarine, melted

1 cups sugar
3 envelopes unfavored gelatin
Dash salt
1 cups pineapple juice
1 20-ounce can crushed pineapple
2 slightly beaten egg whites
1 cups whipping cream
% cup chopped pecans
Mix together vanilla wafer crumbs and mel ted
butter. Press frml y i nto bottom of 1 3 \x8%x
1 %-inch baki ng dish. Chi l l ti l l set. In saucepan
combine sugar, gel ati n, and sal t. Add pi ne
appl e juice; cook and stir till boili ng. Remove
from heat ; stir i n undrained crushed pi ne
apple. Cool to room temperature; stir i n egg
whites. Chill ti l l mixture is partially set. Beat
at high speed of electric mixer till l i ght and
fufy, 6 to 8 mi nutes. Whi p cream. Fol d
whi pped cream and chopped nuts i nto gelati n
mixture; spoon over vanilla wafer crust. Chi l l
ti l l frm. Makes 14 to 1 6 servi ngs .
desserts 63
Ice Cream Sundae Mold
1, cup faked coconut, toasted
1 teaspoons brandy favoring
1 quart vanilla ice cream, sofened
1 quart cofee ice cream, sofened
cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 6-ounce package semisweet
chocolate pieces
% cup light com syrup
1 6-ounce can evaporated milk
Stir coconut and brandy favoring i nto vanilla
ice cream; turn i nto 6 \-cup mold and freeze
till frm. Stir together cofee ice cream and
almonds ; spoon i nto mold atop vanilla layer.
Freeze frm, about 5 hours .
Meanwhil e, to prepare sauce, combine choc
olate pieces and syrup i n saucepan. Cook and
stir over low heat till chocolate melts . Cool .
Gradually stir in evaporated mi l k.
Unmol d frm i ce cream mixture onto servi ng
plate. Drizzle wi t h sauce; sprinkle with addi
tional almonds, i f desired. Pass remai ni ng
sauce. Makes 10 to 12 servings .
Lemon-Sour Cream Tarts
3 sticks piecrust mix
2 cups canned lemon pie flling
1 cup dairy sour cream
1 10-ounce package fozen raspberies,
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon corstarch
Prepare piecrust mi x accordi ng to directions.
Roll hal t he dough Y i nch thick; cut i n fve
5-inch circl es. Fit i nto tart pans . Repeat with
remai ni ng half of dough. Trim \ i nch beyond
edge; turn under and fute. Prick bottom and
sides well with fork. Bake at 450 for 10 to
12 minutes. Cool .
Stir together pie fl l i ng and sour cream;
chi l l . Drain raspberries , reserving % cup
syrup. Mi x sugar and cornstarch i n s mall
saucepan; gradually stir i n reserved syrup.
Cook and st i r t i l l thickened and bubbly; chi l l .
Fill tart shells with l emon mixture; top with
a few berries . Spoon about 1 tablespoon glaze
over each. Makes 10 tarts .
Ch i l l ed Fru i t Cup
Cheesy Egg- Bacon Bake
Orange-Chocol ate Rol l s Butter
Coffee Mi l k
Entertai n the easy way wi th a bmnch that
stresses advance preparation. Set the table and
prepare the food a day ahead. Then, al l you
need to do the mori ng of the brunch i s warm
the casserole and rol l s and make the coffee.
Cheesy Egg-Bacon Bake
% cup fnely chopped onion
l cup butter or margarine
l cup all-purpose four
4 cups milk
6 ounces process Swiss cheese,
shredded ( 1% cups)
1 cup diced Canadian bacon
% cup chopped canned pimiento
16 hard-cooked eggs, quartered
1% cups soft bread crumbs
3 tablespoons butter, melted
Toast points
Advance preparation: In saucepan cook oni on
i n \ cup butter til l tender. Bl end i n flour,
V teas poon sal t, and V teaspoon pepper. Add
mi l k; cook and stir till bubbly. Add cheese,
bacon, and pi miento; sti r ti l l cheese mel ts.
Pl ace half the eggs i n bottom of 3-quart casse
rol e. Spoon half the sauce over. Repeat layers .
Cover; chi l l up to 24 hours. Toss crumbs with
melted butter; wrap and chi l l .
Before sering: Bake casserole at 375 for
45 mi nutes . Spri nkl e with crumbs. Bake about
15 mi nutes more. Serve over toast. Serves 1 6.
Orange-Chocolate Rolls
1 package active dry yeast
3% cups sifted all-purpose four
1% cups milk
% cup granulated sugar
% cup shortening
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg
cup granulated sugar
% cup butter or margarine, melted
1 tablespoon grated orange peel
cup semisweet chocolate pieces

2 cups sifed confectioners' sugar
Orange juice
1 teaspoon vanilla
Advance preparation : In mi xer bowl combi ne
yeast and 2 cups of the four. Heat mi l k,
cup granul ated sugar, shorteni ng, and sal t ti l l
warm, stirri ng occasi onal l y to mel t shorteni ng.
Add to dry i ngredi ents i n mixer bowl ; add
egg. Beat at low speed of electric mi xer for
V mi nute, scrapi ng sides of bowl . Beat 3
mi nutes at hi gh speed. Stir in enough of the
remai ni ng four to make soft dough. Place i n
greased bowl , turi ng once. Cover; let rise
til l double, 1 \ to 2 hour s .
Tur dough out on l i ghtly foured surface;
divide i n hal f. Rol l each half to 1 6x8-i nch
rectangl e. Combi ne V cup granul ated sugar,
mel ted butter, and orange peel ; spread half
the sugar mi xture over each rectangl e. Top
each with half of the chocolate pieces. Rol l up
jell y-roll fashi on. Seal edge; cut each rol l
i nto 1 6 sl i ces. Place slices , cut si de down, i n
two greased 9x9x2-i nch baki ng pans. Cover;
l et rise t i l l doubl e, about 30 t o 40 mi nutes .
Bake at 375 for 20 to 25 mi nutes. Cool on
rack. Wrap i n foi l ; freeze.
Before serving: Thaw frozen rol l s. Heat i n
foi l wrap at 375 for 1 5 mi nutes. Meanwhi l e,
combi ne confecti oners' sugar wi th enough
orange jui ce to make of spteadi ng consi stency
(about 2 tabl espoons) . Stir i n vani l l a. Dri zzl e
over warm rol l s. Makes 32 rol l s.
Prevent last-minute work by making Orange
Chocolate Rolls in advance and freezing them.
brunch 65
At serving time, simply reheat the rolls and
drizzle with orange-favored icing.
66 luncheon
Crab-Sauced Cheese Pi e
Buttered Asparagus for 1 2
Spi cy Peaches Rel i shes
Cranberry Ambrosi a
Coffee Tea
Don't save your good china and linens just
for ni ghttime entertai ning. Bri ng them out for
this noon luncheon, one that features a rich
cheese pie served with a creamy crab sauce.
I n fact, go all out. Pay close attention to the
placement of china, silverware, glassware, and
napkins, and accent the table setti ng with a
dainty bouquet of fowers. This combination of
pretty table setti ng and delicious food i s sure
to i mpress your luncheon guests .
Buttered Asparagus for 12
Cook four 1 0-ounce packages frozen asparagus
spears in boiling, salted water accordi ng to
package directions . Avoid overcooki ng the
asparagus so that i t remains a bright green
color. Melt cup butter. Drain asparagus
and drizzle with melted butter. Serves 1 2.
Spicy Peaches
2 29-ounce cans peach halves
cup sugar
% cup vinegar
6 inches stick cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon whole cloves
Drain peaches reserving 1 Y cups syrup. I n
large saucepan combine reserved syrup, sugar,
vinegar, cinnamon, and cloves ; heat, stirri ng
constantly, till sugar dissolves and mixture
boi l s. Simmer, uncovered, for 5 mi nutes. Add
peach halves ; simmer 1 5 minutes , turni ng
peach halves occasionally. Chi l l at least over
night. Makes 12 servi ngs .
Crab-Sauced Cheese Pie
Deliciously rich -
21 cups sifed all-purpose four
3 tablespoons milk
2 cup s alad oil
8 slightly beaten egg yolks
2 cups light cream
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
8 egg whites
12 ounces natural Swi ss cheese,
shredded (3 cups)
Crab Sauce
Si ft together four and 1 teaspoon salt. Com
bine mil k and oil; stir i nto dry i ngredients
till just mixed. Pat i nto the bottom and 1 inch
up the sides of a 1 3 \x8%x1 %-i nch baki ng
di sh. Bake at 450 til l l ightly browned, about
1 0 minutes ; remove from oven. Reduce oven
temperature to 350. Combine egg yol ks, light
cream, mil k, 1 teaspoon salt, and nutmeg. Beat
egg whites till stif peaks form; fol d i nto yolks .
Fold in cheese. Pour into crust. Bake at 350
till knife i nserted just of-center comes out
clean, 30 to 35 minutes . Let stand 5 mi nutes
before cutting. Serve with Crab Sauce. Spri nkl e
with papri ka. Makes 12 servings.
Crab Sauce: Heat two 7 Y2-ounce cans crab
meat, drai ned, faked, and cartilage removed,
in cup butter or margarine. Blend in
cup all-purpose four and Y teaspoon salt.
Add 2 cups light cream; cook and stir til l
mixture is thickened and bubbly.
Cranberry Ambrosia
6 large oranges, peeled and sliced
4 large flly ripe bananas, sliced
1 16-ounce can jellied cranberry
sauce, chilled and cubed
% cup faked coconut
2 cups catawba grape juice
Halve orange slices. Carefully toss together
oranges, bananas , and cranberry cubes. Spri n
kle faked coconut over top. Pour catawba j uice
over all . Makes 12 servings .
Teri yaki Roast Beef
Green Beans
Baked Bananas
Tropi cal Fru i t Assort ment
Fresh Coconut Cake
i neappl e Ju i ce Tea
Bring the charm of the tropical islands to
your home by having a Polynesian-style dinner.
I n addition to the delicious food, create a
Polynesian mood for this party. Start by cover
ing a low table (preferably outdoors) with
broad green leaves . Then, add some bright
colored hibiscus or orchids and a few fresh
pineapples. And be sure to wear a gaily printed
outft. Round out the mood with hula music
in the background.
Teriyaki Roast Beef
1 cup soy sauce
cup salad oil
% cup molasses
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoon dry mustard
8 cloves garlic, minced
1 6- to 7 -pound boneless beef rib
To make the marinade, mix soy, salad oil ,
molasses, ground gi nger, dry mustard, and
garlic. Add meat to marinade, turning to coat.
Refrigerate overnight, spooni ng marinade
over occasionally. Drai n, reservi ng marinade.
Place meat on rack in shallow roasti ng pan.
Insert meat thermometer. Basting several
times with marinade, roast meat at 325 till
thermometer regi sters 1 40 for rare, 1 60 for
medi um, or 1 70 for well-done. Allow about 3
hours for rare, about 4 hours for medi um, and
about 4% hours for well-done. Remove roast
from oven; cover with foil and let set 1 5
minutes before carvi ng. Makes 1 4 servi ngs .
dinner 67
Baked Bananas
Peel 14 frm ripe bananas ; dip i n Y cup lemon
juice. Brush bananas with Y cup butter or
margari ne, melted. Sprinkle with salt. Wrap
each banana i n foi l ; bake at 325 till fork will
pierce banana easily, about 25 mi rtes. To
serve, fold foil back; s prinkle with paprika and
garnish with parsley sprigs . Makes 14 servi ngs .
Fresh Coconut Cake
1 fesh coconut
2 cup shortening
teaspoon grated lime peel
1 2 cups sugar
3 eggs
2% cups s ifed all-purpose four
2l teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons lime juice
Flufy Frosting
Pierce coconut eyes ; drai n, reserving liquid.
Crack shel l by tappi ng with hammer; remove
shel l . Peel of brown covering. Coarsely chop
% cup of the coconut meat. Measure reserved
liquid; add water to make % cup liquid. Heat
liquid. Pl ace chopped coconut meat and hot
liquid i n blender container. Cover and blend
till almost smooth. Set aside.
Mix shortening and lime peel . Gradually add
sugar; cream till fufy. Add eggs, one at a
ti me, beating wel l after each. Sift together
four, baking powder, and Y teaspoon salt.
Add to creamed mixture alternately with lime
juice and coconut mixture; beat well after
each addition. Turn i nto 2 greased and lightly
foured 9x1 -inch round pans. Bake at 375
for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool 1 0 minutes ; remove
from pans. Cool . Frost with Flufy Frosting.
Garnish with s hredded fresh coconut, if
desired. Makes 14 servings .
Fluffy Frosting: Combine 1 cup sugar, Y cup
water, Y teaspoon cream of tartar, and dash
salt in saucepan. Bring to boiling, stirri ng till
sugar dissolves. Very slowly add sugar syrup
to 2 unbeaten egg whites in mixer bowl , beat
i ng constantly with electric mixer till stif peaks
form, about 7 minutes . Beat in 1 tablespoon
lime j uice and 1 teaspoon vanil l a. Spread at
once on the cooled cake.
El egant Stuffed Tu rkey*
Apri cot-Sauced Sweets Del uxe Peas
Twi nberry Sal ad
Butter horns* Butter
Pumpki n Cheesecake*
Frozen Pumpki n Squares*
Coffee Mi l k
Hol i days customari ly mean getti ng together
with fami l y or fri ends for a feast. When i t' s
your t urn to host the celebrati on, serve a menu
that ofers traditi onal foods i n some not-so
traditi onal ways . For exampl e, the turkey i s
stufed wi th an oyster-rice stufng, and the
pum ki n can be served as ei ther a frozen
dessert or as a baked pumpki n cheesecake.
You' l l have fun di scoveri ng the new favors.
Deluxe Peas
3 10-ounce packages frozen peas
1 cup chopped onion
% cup butter or margarine
1 6-ounce can sliced mushrooms ,
% cup chopped canned pimiento
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Cook peas accordi ng to package di rections ;
drai n. Cook oni on i n butter ti l l tender but not
brown. Add peas , mushrooms, and pi mi ento.
Stir i n sugar, sal t, and Y teaspoon pepper.
Cover and heat through. Makes 12 servi ngs .
Hearty fare
f Accompany the Elegant Stuffed Turkey with
Apricot-Sauced Sweets, Deluxe Peas, Twin
berry Salad, and homemade Butterhorns.
dinner 69
Apricot-Sauced Sweets
Next time, serve these with ham-
1 cup snipped dried apricots
% cup orange juice
l cup water
3 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2% pounds sweet potatoes , cooked,
peeled, and cut crosswise in
thick pieces
cup walnut halves
I n saucepan combi ne apricots , orange JUICe,
water, brown sugar, and honey. Bri ng to
boi l i ng; cover and si mmer ti ll apricots are
tender, about 20 to 25 mi nutes. Remove from
heat and sti r i n butter. Arrange sweet potatoes
i n 1 2-i nch ski l l et; spri nkl e wi th wal nuts . Pour
apricot sauce over. Cover and si mmer till
potatoes are heated through and glazed, about
15 mi nutes. Baste frequentl y. Serves 1 2.
Twinberry Salad
Apple and celery add a crunchy texture -
3 3-ounce packages strawberry-favored
3 cups boiling water
2 16-ounce cans whole cranberry sauce
3 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups chopped unpeeled apple
1 cup chopped celery
l cup whipping cream
l cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
Dissolve gel ati n in boil i ng water. Stir in whol e
cranberry sauce and l emon juice ; chi l l til l
parti al l y set. Fold in appl e and celery. Turn
i nto 1 3 Y2x8%xl %-i nch di s h; chi l l till frm.
Whi p cream; fol d i n mayonnai se. Cut salad
i nto squares and serve on lettuce-l i ned plates .
Top wi th a dol l op of the whi pped cream
mayonnai se dressi ng. Makes 12 servings.
*Recipes on next page.
70 dinner
Elegant Stufed Turkey
2 slightly beaten eggs
1 10-ounce can frozen condensed oyster
stew, thawed
1 6-ounce package long grain and
wild rice mix
1 7 -ounce package herb-seasoned
stufng cubes
1 14-pound ready-to-cook turkey
Combine eggs , stew, and Y cup water. Cook
rice mix followi ng package directions ; cool .
Add rice and stufng cubes to stew; toss.
Stuf bird; truss. Place bird, breast up, i n
roasting pan. Cover wi th "tent" of foi l . Roast
at 325 till meat thermometer registers 1 85,
about 5 to 5 Y hours . Serves 1 2.
1 package active dry yeast
4 to 4% cups sifed all-purpose four
1 cup milk
cup sugar
cup shortening
3 beaten eggs
Melted butter or margarine
In large mixer bowl combine yeast and 2%
cups of the sifted four. Heat mi l k, sugar,
shorteni ng, and 2 teaspoons salt just till warm,
stirri ng occasionally. Add to dry i ngredi ents
i n mixer bowl ; add eggs . Beat at low speed
with electric mixer for Y mi nute, scraping
sides of bowl constantl y. Beat 3 mi nutes at
hi gh speed. By hand, stir i n enough of the
remai ni ng four to make soft dough. Turn
out onto lightly foured surface; knead till
smooth and elastic, 5 to 8 mi nutes.
Place dough in greased bowl , turni ng once.
Cover; l et rise till doubl e, 2 Y hours . Tur onto
lightly foured surface. Divide dough i nto
thirds ; roll each third to 1 2-inch circle.
Brush circles with melted butter. Cut each
circle i nto 12 pie-shaped wedges . Beginni ng
at wide end of wedge, rol l toward poi nt. Ar
range rolls, poi nt down, on greased baking
sheets ; brush with melted butter. Cover and
let rise till double, about 1 hour. Bake at
400 for 10 to 12 mi nutes. Makes 36.
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Zwieback Crust
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese,
1 cup light cream
1 cup canned pumpkin
% cup sugar
4 egg yolks
3 tablespoons all-purpose four
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground ginger
teaspoon ground nutmeg
4 stify beaten egg whites
1 cup dairy sour cream
2 tablespoons sugar
teaspoon vanilla
Zwieback Crust: Combine 1 Y cups zwieback
crumbs , 3 tablespoons sugar, and 3 table
spoons butter or margari ne, melted. Press i nto
bottom and 2 inches up sides of 9-inch spri ng
form pan. Bake at 325 for 5 mi nutes .
For fl l i ng combine cream cheese, next 9
i ngredients , and teaspoon sal t in large
mixer bowl . Beat till smooth. Fold i n egg
whites . Turn i nto prepared Zwieback Crust.
Bake at 325 for 1 hour. Combine remai ni ng
i ngredients ; spread over cheesecake. Bake 5
mi nutes more. Chi l l thoroughly. Serves 1 2.
Frozen Pumpkin Squares
1 16-ounce can pumpkin (2 cups )
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup chopped pecans, toasted
1h gallon vanilla ice cream, softened
36 gingersnaps
Combine frst 5 i ngredients and 1 teaspoon
sal t ; add pecans . In chi lled bowl fold pumpkin
mixture i nto ice cream. Line bottom of
1 3x9x2-i nch pan wi t h half t he gi ngersnaps ;
top with half the pumpki n mixture. Repeat
layers . Freeze till frm, about 5 hours . Cut
i n squares ; garni sh with whipped cream and
pecan halves, i f desired. Makes 12 servi ngs .
Ri b Roast wi th Oni on Butter
Cu rri ed Ri ce
Buttered Broccol i Spears
Fru i t Sal ad Pl ate Orange Dressi ng
Vegetabl e Rei i shes
Rol l s Butter
Mocha Cream Puffs
Coffee Tea
Ever thought of maki ng the salad do double
duty as a centerpiece ? Try i t when you serve
this bufet. Choose a pretty plate or s hallow
bowl and a colorful assortment of frui ts . Then,
arrange the fruits attractively and center the
salad on the bufet table as s hown on page 46.
Mocha Cream Pufs
1 cup butter or margarine
1 cup boiling water
1 cup sifed all-purpose four
% teaspoon salt
4 eggs
1 17 -ounce can chocolate pudding
2 teaspoons instant cofee powder
1 cup whipping cream
Sifed confectioners' sugar
Melt butter in boi l i ng water. Add four and
sal t al l at once; stir vigorousl y. Cook and
sti r ti l l mixture forms ball that doesn' t sepa
rate. Remove from heat; cool sl i ghtl y. Add
eggs , one at a time, beating after each till
smooth. Drop by heaping tablespoons, 3 inches
apart, on greased baking s heet. Bake at 450
for 1 5 minutes, then at 325 for 25 mi nutes .
Remove from oven; spl i t. Turn oven of; put
cream pufs back i n to dry, about 20 mi nutes .
Cool thoroughly on rack.
Combine puddi ng and cofee powder. Whi p
cream; fold i nto puddi ng mixture. Chi l l . Just
before serving, spoon fl li ng i nto pufs . Dust
tops with confectioners' sugar. Makes 1 2.
dinner 71
Rib Roast with Onion Butter
1 5-pound boneless beef rib roast
Salt and pepper
% cup butter or margarine, sofened
% cup chopped green onion
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
% teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Place meat, fat side up, on rack in shallow
roasti ng pan. Season with salt and pepper.
I nsert meat thermometer. Roast, uncovered,
at 325 till meat thermometer regi sters 1 40
for rare, 1 60 for medi um, and 1 70 for well
done. Allow about 2% hours for rare, about
3\ hours for medi um, and about 4 hours for
well-done. Meanwhi l e, bl end butter or mar
gari ne, green oni on, Worcestershire sauce,
and pepper. Dab a li ttle butter on each servi ng
of meat. Makes 1 2 servi ngs .
Curried Rice
1 cup thinly sliced celery
4 teaspoons curry powder
1 cup butter or margarine
2 cups uncooked long grain rice
41 cups water
4 beef bouillon cubes, crumbled
1 cup coarsely chopped cashew nuts
I n large saucepan cook celery and curry pow
der i n butter or margari ne till celery is tender
but not brown. Add rice and cook till yellow
but not brown. Stir i n water, crumbled
bouillon cubes, and Y teaspoon salt. Cover
and bri ng to boili ng. Reduce heat and si mmer,
covered, till ri ce i s tender, 20 to 25 mi nutes .
Just before serving, add cashews and toss
lightly to mix. Makes 1 2 servings.
Orange Dressing
I n saucepan combine half of a 6-ounce can
orange juice concentrate, thawed ( Y3 cup) ;
l cup sugar; l cup water; and 2 beaten eggs .
Cook and stir over low heat till thickened.
Cool. Whi p Y cup whi ppi ng cream. Fold
whi pped cream and Y cup mayonnaise i nto
cooled mixture. Chi l l . Makes 2 Y cups.
72 dinner
Spaghetti and Meatbal l s
Tossed Zucchi ni Sal ad
Ji ffy Breadsti cks
Easy Zabagl i one wi th Peaches
Chi anti Coffee
Get out the checked tablecloth and napki ns
and have an I talian-inspired di nner. For the
centerpiece, use a mul ticolored candle i n a
rafa-covered bottle. Or gather together a
handful of l ong strands of uncooked spaghetti
with a bright red ribbon. Lay the bundl e i n
t he center of t he table and fank both ends of
the centerpiece wi th t al l candles .
To si mpl i fy serving, di sh up the spaghetti
i n the kitchen. Top each servi ng with three
meatbal l s, then ladl e about Y cup sauce over
meat and cooked pasta. Pass extra Parmesan
cheese i n a decorative cheese shaker.
Easy Zabaglione with Peaches
2 3%-ounce packages vanilla whipped
dessert mix
2 eggs
l cup sugar
l cup dry sherry
2 29-ounce cans peach slices, well
In large mixer bowl thoroughl y blend dessert
mix and 1 cup cold water. Whi p at highest
speed of electric mixer for 1 minute. ( Mixture
wil l be quite thick and fufy. ) Add 1 Y cups
col d water. Whip at high speed ti l l mixture
thi ckens, about 4 mi nutes ; set aside. Beat
eggs till thick and l emon-colored, 3 to 5
mi nutes . Gradually add sugar, beati ng ti l l
mixture i s very thick. Bl end egg mi xture and
wi ne i nto whi pped dessert mix. Chi l l at least
1 hour. Before serving, stir the mi xture ti l l
smoot h. Serve sauce over wel l -drained peach
slices in sherbets. Makes 1 4 servi ngs.
Tossed Zucchini Salad
% cup salad oil
% cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
l teaspoon garlic powder
2 cups thinly sliced zucchini
% cup sliced green onion
1 medium head lettuce, torn ( 5 cups)
1 head romaine, torn ( 3 cups)
3 tomatoes, cut i n wedges
I n screw-top jar combine frst 4 i ngredi ents ,
Y teaspoon sal t, and dash pepper; shake well .
Pour over zucchi ni and onion. Chi ll 1 to 2
hours . I n large salad bowl toss lettuce and
romai ne. Drain zucchi ni ; reserve mari nade.
Add zucchi ni to greens with tomatoes . Toss
wi th desired amount of marinade. Serves 1 4.
Jify Breadsticks
Usi ng 2 packages refri gerated Parker House
rol l s (24 roll s) , spl i t each rol l i n hal f. Shape
each piece i nto a 6-inch penci l l i ke stick. Pl ace
on greased baking sheet. Brush with water.
Spri nkl e wi th coarse ( Kosher) sal t. Pl ace large
shallow pan on lower oven rack; fl l wi t h boi l
i ng water. Bake sticks above wat er at 400
about 1 8 mi nutes. Makes 48.
Shape Jify Breadsticks by rolling the dough
into pencillike sticks. Brush dough with
water and sprinkle with coarse salt.
Spaghetti and Meatballs
1 cups chopped onion
3 small cloves garlic, crushed
3 tablespoons salad oil
2 29-ounce cans tomatoes, cut up
1 12-ounce can tomato paste
4 beef bouillon cubes
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons dried oregano, crushed
1 teaspoon dried basil, crushed
% teaspoon pepper
3 bay leaves
2 6-ounce cans sliced mushrooms,
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
2 pounds spaghetti, cooked and drained
Plan a dinner menu with a foreign theme.
Prepare crisp Jiffy Breadsticks from refrig-
dinner 73
I n large Dutch oven cook oni on and garl ic i n
oi l till tender but not brown. Sti r i n next
8 i ngredi ents and 3 cups water. Bring to boil
ing; reduce heat and simmer, uncovered,
2 hours , sti rri ng occasi onal l y. Remove bay
leaves. Add mushrooms and cheese. Si mmer
till of desi red consi stency, about 30 mi nutes
more. Meanwhi le, prepare Meatbal l s. To serve,
place hot meatballs atop hot spaghetti ; spoon
sauce over. Pass additional Parmesan cheese,
if desi red. Makes 1 4 servi ngs.
Meatball: Combi ne 3 beaten eggs , % cup
milk, 2 cups soft bread crumbs, Y cup grated
Parmesan cheese, and 1 teaspoon salt. Mix i n
2 pounds ground beef and 1 pound I talian
sausage. Shape i nto 42 medi um-sized meat
bal l s. Place i n shallow baki ng pans. Bake at
375 ti ll done, 30 to 35 mi nutes. Drai n of fat .
erated rolls, and pass them with the ppular
Italian entree, Spaghetti and Meatballs.
74 picnic
Sesame Chi cken
Shoestri ng Potatoes
Mari nated Vegetabl e Combo
Spi ced Peaches Appl e Ri ngs
Date-Mal t Chews
I ced Tea
Combine the beauty of an outdoor setting with
good food by entertaini ng picnic-style. At the
picnic si te start the fun with an activity, such
as swimming or a rousi ng game of volleyball
or badmi nton, and for the younger set, tag.
This i s bound to stimulate everybody's appe
tite. Then, set out the food and call your
hungry guests to the table.
Marinated Vegetable Combo
Subtly seasoned with dillweed-
1 16-ounce can whole kerel com,
1 8-ounce can cut green beans,
1 8-ounce can peas, drained
1 8-ounce can lima beans, drained
l cup fnely diced green pepper
% cup chopped canned pimiento
% cup vinegar
l cup sugar
l cup salad oil
1 teaspoon salt
l teaspoon dried dillweed, crushed
teaspoon pepper
Hard-cooked egg wedges
Advance preparation: Combine corn, green
beans, peas , lima beans , green pepper, and
pimiento. Blend vinegar, sugar, oil , salt, dill
weed, and pepper. Stir together vegetables
and dressing. Chill several hours or overni ght ,
sti rri ng occasionally. Drain. Garni sh with egg
wedges . Makes 1 0 servi ngs .
Sesame Chicken
Carry the chicken to the picnic in an ice chest or
insulated container to keep it well chilled-
! cup fnely crushed saltine crackers
( about 27)
% cup sesame seed, toasted
1 teaspoon paprika
l teaspoon salt

20 chicken drumsticks
% cup evaporated milk
% cup butter or margarine, melted
Advance preparation: Combine frst 4 i ngre
di ents . Dip chicken i n mi l k; roll i n crumbs .
Pour butter i nto 1 3 Y2x8%x1 %-inch baki ng
di sh or a jel l y roll pan. Place chicken i n pan;
turn once. Bake at 375 for 70 mi nutes .
Remove from pan. Cover; chil l . Serves 1 0.
Date-Malt Chews
6 tablespoons butter or margarine
% cup brown sugar
2 eggs
l teaspoon vanilla
% cup sifed all-purpose four
l cup chocolate malted milk powder
l2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup snipped dates
l cup chopped walnuts
l cup faked coconut
Confectioners' sugar or Chocolate
Malt Frosting
Advance preparation: Mel t butter. Remove from
heat; bl end i n brown sugar. Beat i n eggs , one
at a ti me; add vani l l a. Sti r i n four, malted
mil k powder, and baking powder; mix thor
oughly. Fold i n dates, nuts, and coconut. Turn
i nto greased and foured 9x9x2-i nch baki ng
pan. Bake at 350 for 25 t o 30 mi nutes. Cool .
Spri nkle with confectioners' sugar or frost
wi th Chocolate Mal t Frosting.
Chocolate Malt Frosting: Combine 1 table
spoon softened butter or margari ne with 1
cup si fted confectioners' sugar, 2 tablespoons
chocolate malted mi l k powder, teaspoon
vanilla, and 1 teaspoon mi l k; mi x well .
Satisfy even the hungriest picnicker's appe
tite with crispy Sesame Chicken and tangy
picnic 75
Marinated Vegetable Combo. To avoid messy
fngers, wrap the drumsticks in colorful foil.
76 supper
( 1 4 PEOPLE)
Orange-Sauced Ham
Green Beans Especi al
Lettuce Wedges Chunky Dressi ng
Hard Rol l s Butter
Chi ffon Cake
Coffee Tea
You' ve i nvi ted fri ends over to watch the game
on television, and you want to serve a si mple
meal afterwards. But what shoul d you serve ?
Resolve your di l emma by usi ng this menu.
Prepare the salad, dessert, and crumb mi xture
for the beans ahead of ti me, then you' l l need
to make only an occasional tri p to the kitchen
to baste the ham duri ng the game. After the
game, fni sh prepari ng the vegetable and
bri ng the food to the tabl e. Then, call the
famished sports fans to supper.
Orange-Sauced Ham
1 5-pound canned ham

1 cups orange juice
% cup light corn syrup
1 tablespoon cornstarch
% teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
Orange slices
Parsley sprigs
Place ham on rack in shallow roasti ng pan;
mark di amond pattern on top. Bake at 325
till meat thermometer registers 1 40, fol l owi ng
ti mi ng gi ven on label . I n saucepan combi ne
orange juice, corn syrup, cornstarch, ground
nutmeg, and grated orange peel . Heat and sti r
till mi xture boils ; set asi de. Duri ng l ast 20
mi nutes of baking, baste ham frequentl y with
orange sauce. Garni sh ham wi th orange sl ices
and parsl ey. Heat remai ni ng sauce and pass
wi th ham. Makes 14 servi ngs .
Green Beans Especial
Water chestnuts add crunchy texture -
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
% cup sof bread crumbs
1; cup grated Parmesan cheese

4 9-ounce packages frozen cut green
1 8-ounce can water chestnuts ,
drained and sliced
1/2 cup butter or margarine
2 teaspoons lemon juice
% teaspoon dried basil, crushed
I n smal l saucepan mel t 2 tabl espoons butter or
margari ne; add soft bread crumbs. Heat and
sti r ti l l crumbs are gol den brown. Sti r i n grated
Parmesan cheese; set aside. Cook frozen green
beans accordi ng to package di rections. Drai n
beans ; sti r i n sliced water chestnuts , Y2 cup
butter or margari ne, l emon juice, and crushed
basi l . Cover and heat through. Tur bean
mixture i nto warm servi ng di sh; wreath with
crumb mixture. Makes 14 servi ngs.
Chunky Dressing
Tiny pieces of vegetables zn the dressng are a
pleasant surprise -
1 cup fnely chopped cucumber
% cup fnely chopped green pepper
% cup thinly sliced radish
3 tablespoons thinly sliced green
2 tablespoons fnely chopped canned

1 cups dairy sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 teaspoons lemon juice
% teaspoon salt
1/s teaspoon pepper
Combine chopped cucumber, green pepper,
radi sh, green onion, and pi mi ento. Sti r i n dai ry
sour cream, mayonnaise or salad dressi ng,
lemon jui ce, sal t , and pepper; mi x wel l . Chi l l
thoroughl y. Makes about 3 cups dressi ng.
Chi cken Casserol e El egante
Pear-Li me Sal ad
Tossed Sal ad Dressi ng
Rel i shes
Rol l s Butter
Lemon Gl ow Angel Cake
Want to have a party wi thout a lot of work ?
Then get together wi th seven other couples
and plan a potluck supper using the menu
above. The hostess provi des the beverages ,
and gatheri ng place, and each of the other
couples provides one part of the menu: ( I )
casserole ( to serve 8) ; ( 2) casserole ( to serve 8) ;
( 3) molded salad; (4) tossed salad and dressi ng;
( 5) rolls and butter; ( 6) reli shes ; and ( 7)
dessert. Everyone i s sure t o enjoy t he food
and the fun of thi s party.
Pear-Lime Salad
3 16-ounce cans pear slices
3 3-ounce packages lime-favored
2 7 -ounce bottles lemon-lime carbonated
beverage, chilled
1/2 of a 6-ounce can frozen limeade
concentrate, thawed ( l cup)
2 3-ounce packages cream cheese,
l cup fnely chopped walnuts
Drain pears, reservi ng syrup; add enough
water to syrup to make 2 Y cups liqui d. Heat
reserved liquid to boili ng; add gelati n and
stir till di ssolved. Cool . Stir i n carbonated
beverage and l i meade concentrate. Chi l l ti l l
parti ally set. Cut cream cheese i nto 40 pieces .
Roll each piece i nto ball ; roll in nuts . Fold
cream cheese balls and pears i nto gelati n.
Turn i nto l 3 Yx8%xl %-i nch di sh. Chi l l ti ll
frm. Makes 1 6 servi ngs .
supper 77
Chicken Casserole Elegante
1 6-ounce package long grain and wild
rice mix
1 10%-ounce can condensed chicken
1 10-ounce package fozen peas
1 1011-ounce can condensed cream of
mushroom soup
l cup evaporated milk
l cup dry sherry
3 cups diced, cooked chicken
1 3-ounce can sliced mushrooms,
% cup chopped canned pimiento
- 1 cup soft bread crumbs
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Cook rice mix accordi ng to package directions,
using chicken broth with enough water added to
equal liquid called for on package. Cook peas
accordi ng to package di rections . Combi ne
soup and mi l k; sti r i n sherry. Add chi cken,
mushrooms, pi mi ento, rice mixture, and peas ;
mi x wel l . Turn i nto 2-quart casserole. Cover;
bake at 350 for 35 mi nutes. Mi x crumbs and
butter; spri nkl e over casserole. Bake 1 0
mi nutes more. Makes 8 servi ngs .
Lemon Glow Angel Cake
Cook one 3- or 3 Y-ounce package regular
vani l la puddi ng mi x accordi ng to package
di rections . Cover surface wi th waxed paper;
cool . Cut a l -i nch slice from top of a 1 0-i nch
angel cake; set asi de. Wi th kni fe parallel to
cake si des, cut around cake l i nch from center
hole and l i nch from outer edge, leavi ng cake
walls l i nch thi ck. Remove center with fork,
leavi ng a l -i nch thi ck base.
Beat vani lla puddi ng ti ll smooth; fold half
the puddi ng i nto one 21 -ounce can l emon pie
flling. Set asi de Y cup of the lemon mi xtur e;
spoon remai ni ng lemon mixture i nto hollow
cake. Replace cake top. Prepare one 2- or
2 Y-ounce package dessert toppi ng mi x ac
cordi ng to package di rections ; fol d i n remai n
i ng vani l l a puddi ng. Frost cake t op and si des
with toppi ng mixture; chi l l thoroughl y. Before
servi ng, s poon reserved lemon mixture i nto
ri ng atop cake. Makes 16 servi ngs.
(1 2 TO 14 CHI LDREN)
Drum Cake
Cherry Shakes
Candy Favors
Make your child' s birthday extra special by
having a costume party. Specify on the i nvi
tations that costumes are to be storybook
characters -Mother Goose, Drummer Boy,
Toy Soldier -made from cardboard boxes and
containers appropriately decorated with paper.
After the parade of costumes, l et the young
sters vote on the most origi nal creation. A
prize goes to the winner. Costumes may be set
aside for other games and refreshments.
Be sure each young guest takes home a
druml ike favor cup flled with candy.
Cherry Shakes
1 3-ounce package cherry-favored
1 21-ounce can cherry pie flling
1 quart vanilla ice cream
Milk (about 8 cups)
Pour 1 cup boiling water and gelatin i nto
blender container. Cover and bl end till gelati n
dissolves. Add pie fl l i ng. Cover and blend till
smooth. Chil l . At servi ng time, divide cherry
mixture evenly between twelve to fourteen
1 2-ounce glasses . Add a scoop of ice cream;
stir to muddle. Fill glasses with mi l k; stir to
mix. I f desired, serve with peppermi nt stick
stirrers. Makes 12 to 1 4 servi ngs .
A memorable birthday party
f- At refreshment time, serve gaily decorated
Drum Cake and Cherry Shakes. Fill the take
home favors with an assortment of candy.
children's party 79
Drum Cake
2 cups sifed all-purpose four
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
cup shortening
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk or sour milk
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 6-ounce package semisweet chocolate
pieces (1 cup) , melted and cooled

Flufy White Frosting
Red gumdrops
Red licorice strings
Black licorice sticks
Sift together frst 4 i ngredients i nto large
mixer bowl . Add shorteni ng, eggs , buttermil k,
and vanil l a. Bl end on low speed of electric
mixer, then beat on medi um speed of electric
mixer for 2 mi nutes. Combine 1 cup batter and
mel ted chocolate. Di vi de l i ght batter between
two greased and foured 8xl Y-i nch round
pans. Drop dark batter by spoonful s on each;
cut through t o marble. Bake at 350 til l done,
30 to 35 mi nutes. Cool thoroughly. Fil l and
frost with Fl ufy White Frosting.
To decorate the cake, place small red gum
drops around bottom edge and top edge of
cake; crisscross red l icorice stri ngs on sides .
For drumsticks on top of cake, cross two black
licorice sticks ; add a large red gumdrop to
the end of each licorice stick.
Flufy White Frosting
1 cup sugar
% cup water
l teaspoon cream of tartar
Dash salt
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla
In saucepan combine frst 4 i ngredients. Bring
to boil i ng, stirri ng till sugar dissolves. Very
slowly add sugar syrup to unbeaten egg whi tes
i n mixer bowl , beating constantly wi th electric
mixer till stif peaks form, about 7 mi nutes .
Beat in vanil l a. Spread on cake.
80 pizza party
(1 0 PEOPLE)
Pi zza
Crackers and Chi ps Pol ka-Dot Di p
Rel i sh Tray
Ice Cream
Easy Choco Sauce Peppermi nt Sauce
Soft Dri nks
Pizza is popular with young and ol d al i ke,
especi al l y when everyone can have thei r
favorite pizza toppi ng. Al though provi di ng
thi s many diferent pizzas may sound l i ke a
l ot of work, it' s not. All you do is set out a
variety of toppi ngs and l et everybody make
their own pizza. You can even have guests
pat out the pizza crust. Just provide the
bal l s of pizza dough and 9-inch corrugated
cardboard circles covered with foi l .
3 cups warm water (110)
3 13%-ounce packages hot roll mix
Salad oil
Canned pizza sauce
Using the warm water and- no eggs, prepare the
hot rol l mixes accordi ng to package di rections.
Do not let rise. Divide i nto 1 0 pieces . With oil ed
hands , pat each piece i nto an 8-inch circl e on
greased, foi l -covered round; cri mp edges .
Brush each ci rcle with salad oi l . Cover wi th
pizza sauce. Fil l with desired toppi ngs. Bake
at 450 ti l l crusts are done, about 20 mi nutes .
Makes ten 8-i nch pizzas .
Suggested Toppings: Diced Canadi an bacon
or ham, browned ground beef, browned sau
sage, sliced pepperoni , cooked shri mp, ancho
vi es, shredded mozzarel l a cheese, grated
Parmesan cheese, sl iced mushrooms, sl iced
ol ives , chopped onion, chopped green pepper.
Polka-Dot Dip
Colorful with radish and geen onion pieces -
2 3-ounce packages cream cheese,
1 cup dairy sour cream
1 cup chopped radish
2 tablespoons thinly sliced green
onions with tops
l teaspoon dry mustard
Combine cream cheese, sour cream, radi sh,
oni ons, and mustard; add enough mi l k to make
of di ppi ng consi stency. Chi l l . Serve wi th
assorted crackers and chi ps. Makes 1 Y cups .
Easy Choco Sauce
Starts with instant pudding-
1 3%- or 3%-ounce package instant
chocolate pudding
l cup light corn syrup
1 6-ounce can evaporated milk
3 tablespoons milk
l cup faked coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla
Combi ne puddi ng mix and corn syrup; mi x
wel l . Gradual l y sti r i n evaporated mi l k and
mi l k. Sti r i n coconut and vani l l a. Chi l l . Serve
over i ce cream. Makes about 2 cups.
Peppermint Sauce
2 7-, 9-, or 10-ounce jars marshmallow
% cup milk
l cup fnely crushed peppermint candy
Red food coloring (optional)
I n saucepan heat and stir marshmal low creme
over l ow heat ti ll softened. Blend i n mi l k and
crushed candy. Ti nt pi nk wi th food colori ng,
i f desi red. Sti r before servi ng, addi ng addi
tional mi l k i f necessary to make of desi red
consi stency. Serve warm or cool over ice cream.
Makes about 2Y cups.
Super Dagwood or Barbecue Bu rgers
Potato Ch i ps
Vegetabl e Rel i shes
Peanut Butter Bars
Soft Dri n ks I ced Tea
The i ngredients needed for a s uccessful teen
party are few -lots of music and lots of food.
Let guests help provide the music by bri ngi ng
records , and you concentrate on t he food.
The easiest way to serve this kind of a party
is bufet-style on paper plates. This way,
everybody can help themselves as often as
they want and cleanup is a snap.
Super Dagwood
2 12-inch loaves unsliced dark rye
or white bread
l cup butter or margarine

16 slices fully cooked ham
12 ounces Provolone cheese ( 12 slices)
1 cup Thousand Island salad dressing
Leaf lettuce
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced

14 or 16 slices cooked turkey
16 to 20 slices s alami
Cut each loaf bread lengthwie i nto four slices ;
spread with butter. For each loaf place bttom
slice on platter or board; top with half the ham
and cheese. Spread with some of the salad
dressi ng. Place second slice bread atop cheese
and ham; top with lettuce, hal the tomato,
and more salad dressi ng. Add thi rd slice bread;
top with half the turkey and salami and some
salad dressing. Add top slice bread. Skewer
loaves from top to bottom; cut i nto servi ng
sized slices . Serves 1 4.
(Sandwich may be made ahead, covered with
clear plastic wrap or foi l , and chi l led. )
teen party 81
Barbecue Burgers
3 pounds ground beef
l cup chopped onion
2 102-ounce cans condensed tomato soup
% cup water
l cup vinegar
% cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons chili powder
2 teaspoons Worcestershire s auce
l teaspoon celery salt
2 bay leaves
Hamburger buns
I n Dutch oven brown the ground beef and
onion; drain of excess fat. Stir i n soup, water,
vinegar, brown sugar, chi l i powder, Worces
tershire sauce, cel ery salt , and bay leaves .
Bring to boil i ng; reduce heat and si mmer,
uncovered, for 30 mi nutes. Serve on ham
burger buns. Makes 18 to 24 sandwiches .
Peanut Butter Bars
1/2 cup shortening
2 cup chunk-style peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1 % cups brown sugar
1l2 cups sifed all-purpose four
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
l teaspoon salt
% cup milk
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,
l cup chunk-style peanut butter
2 cups sifted confectioners' sugar
Light cream
Cream shorteni ng, % cup peanut butter, and
vani l l a; beat i n eggs . Mix i n brown sugar. Si ft
together four, baki ng powder, and salt. Stir
i nto creamed mixture alternately wi th mil k.
Spread mixture i n a greased 1 3x9x2-inch bak
i ng pan. Bake at 350 till done, about 30
minutes . (Center wi l l be slightly soft . ) Cool .
For frosti ng, cream butter and Y cup peanut
butter. Sl owl y beat i n confectioners' sugar
and enough light cream to make of spreadi ng
consistency. Spread frosting over cookies .
Cut in bars. Makes 1 8 to 24.
Rcie a
M /r Large
Are you confronted with entertaining
1 8 or more guests? Don't panic!
It's not as difficult as you might imagine
-as long as you entertain in a style
to which you are accustomed. This isn't
the time to be formal if actually you
enjoy more casual occasions and
surroundi ngs.
When planning the food for a large
gathering, try to keep last-minute food
preparation to a minimum by making
as much of the food ahead as possible.
Then, store the food until it is
needed. Enlist some extra help, if
necessary, and call on your local rental
service to provide any extra equipment.
Stick with buffet-style service, whether
you're hosting an open house gathering,
an appetizer buffet, or a buffet supper.
Invite a large group to your holiday
open house. In addition to Minted
Punch, provide Chewy Nut Bars, Sugar
Cookies, Holiday Fruit Bread,
Braunschweiger Pate with crackers,
Egg-Filled Cups, and Tuna Pinwheels.
(For appetizer and snack recipes see pages 98 to
103. Recipes especially suited for a large goup
include Prairie Fire, Ham-Cheese Logs, Salmon
Boats, and Nibble Mix.)
Meat Loaf Trio
3 beaten eggs
1 cups milk
3 cups sof bread crumbs
1 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
5 pounds ground beef
1 pound ground pork
% cup catsup
% cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon dry mustard
Combi ne frst 5 i ngredi ents , 1 tablespoon sal t,
and 1 teaspoon pepper. Add meats ; mi x.
Shape i nto three 7 \x4-i nch loaves ; square of
ends. Place i n a 1 5 \x1 0\x1 -i nch baki ng pan.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Spoon of excess fat.
Combi ne remai ni ng i ngredi ents. Spread over
loaves . Bake 15 mi nutes more. Serves 24.
Chicken Barbecue
6 ready-to-cook broiler-fryer
chickens, quartered
Salad oil
2 cups catsup
cup fnely chopped onion
cup butter, melted
cup molasses
% cup vinegar
Brush chi cken quarters wi th salad oi l . Season
with salt and pepper. Place chi cken, bone side
down, on gri l l . Grill over slow coals 20 to 30
mi nutes. Turn; grill till done, 20 to 30
mi nutes more, turning occasional l y. Duri ng
l ast 1 5 mi nutes of gril l i ng, brush occasionally
wi th a mixture of the remai ni ng i ngredi ents .
Makes 24 servings.
Pear-Sauced Pork Roasts
2 9-pound boneless pork loin roasts
4 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon pepper
2 29-ounce cans pears
1 cup dry white wine
% cup cornstarch
2 cups seedless grapes, halved
Rub roasts with a mixture of 3 teaspoons gi nger,
2 teaspoons sal t , and pepper. Place on racks
i n shallow roasti ng pan. Roast, uncovered,
at 325 till meat thermometer registers 1 70,
about 3 \ to 4 hours . Drain pears , reservi ng
syrup. Cut up pears . I n a saucepan bl end
wi ne and cornstarch. Add reserved pear syrup,
pear pieces, 1 teaspoon gi nger, and 1 tea
spoon salt. Cook and stir till thi ckened and
bubbly. Cook 1 mi nute longer. Add grapes ;
heat. Spoon some of the sauce over roasts ; pass
remai ni ng. Makes 24 to 30 servi ngs .
Fruited Turkey Roasts
2 3-pound fozen boneless turkey
1 16-ounce can crushed pineapple
2 10-ounce jars cherry preserves
% cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Prepare turkey roasts , followi ng package direc
tions. Drain pineapple. In saucepan combine
pi neapple, cherry preserves , lemon j uice, and
ci nnamon; heat. Before servi ng, spoon some
of the hot pineapple mixture over turkey.
Pass remai ni ng sauce. Serves 22.
Turkey that's easy to serve
When you're challenged with cooking for a _
crowd, take advantage of convenience prod
ucts and prepare Fruited Turkey Roasts.
86 main dishes, salads
Barbecue-Glazed Ham
1 10-pound fully cooked, formed ham
1 4-ounce jar strained apricots
(baby food)
% cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons chili sauce
1 tablespoon vinegar
l teaspoon ground cloves
Have meatman sl ice ham i n servi ng-sized
pieces and tie together in origi nal shape. Place
ham on rack i n shallow roasti ng pan. Do not
cover or add water. Bake at 325 about 2
hours. Combine strained apricots , brown
sugar, chili sauce, vi negar, and cloves. Brush
over ham and continue roasti ng 30 mi nutes
l onger, brushi ng occasi onall y with apricot
mixture. Transfer ham to servi ng platter and
untie. Makes 20 to 30 servi ngs .
Shellfsh Newburg
3 pounds fresh or frozen shrimp in
6 10-ounce cans condensed cream of
mushroom soup
2 cups light cream
6 beaten egg yolks
1 cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 16-ounce package fozen crab meat,
thawed, faked, and cartilage
Patty shells or toast points
Snipped parsley
In large saucepan bri ng 2 quarts water and
3 tablespoons salt to boi l i ng. Add shri mp.
Heat to boil i ng; reduce heat and si mmer ti l l
shri mp turn pi nk, 1 to 3 mi nutes . Drain.
Peel shri mp and remove black vei n. Spl i t
peel ed shri mp l engthwi se.
In large Dutch oven blend soup and cream.
Heat just to boil i ng, stirring occasional l y.
Sti r a moderate amount of hot sauce i nto egg
yol ks . Return to sauce. Stir over low heat
till thickened. Stir i n wi ne, l emon juice,
shri mp, and crab. Heat through. Serve sauce
in patty shells or over toast poi nts . Garni sh
with parsl ey. Makes 20 to 25 servi ngs.
Stroganof for a Crowd
8 pounds beef round steak, inch
% cup shortening
% teaspoon pepper
2 cups chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 6-ounce cans sliced mushrooms
4 10-ounce cans condensed cream
of mushroom soup
1 10-ounce can condensed beef broth
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
3 cups dairy sour cream
18 ounces noodles
Parti al l y freeze meat for easier cutti ng. Cut
meat i nto 2x Y- i nch stri ps. I n large kettle or
Dutch oven brown t he meat , one pound at a
ti me, in hot shorteni ng. Return al l meat to
kettle; spri nkl e wi th pepper. Add onion, gar
lic, and mushrooms. Combine soup, beef
broth, and tomato paste; blend ti ll s mooth.
Add to meat. Cover; si mmer til l meat is tender,
about 1 hours , stirring occasi onal ! y. Sti r
some of the hot mixture i nto sour cream;
return to meat mi xture and heat through (do
not boil) . Cook noodl es i n large amount of boi l
i ng, salted water accordi ng to package direc
tions. Serve meat over hot noodles . Serves 24.
Pineapple-Berry Freeze
2 14-ounce jars cranberry-orange

1 13l2-0unce can crushed pineapple
1 10l2-ounce package miniature
1 cup chopped pecans
l cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 cups whipping cream
In large bowl combine reli sh, undrained pi ne
appl e, marshmal lows , pecans , and mayonnai se.
Whi p cream; fol d i nto frui t mixture. Ti nt pi nk
wi th red food coloring, i f desired. Turn i nto
two 9x5x3-i nch loaf pans . Freeze till frm. Let
stand at room temperature 10 mi nutes before
unmol di ng. Sl ice; serve on l ettuce-l i ned plates .
Makes 20 to 24 servi ngs .
Scalloped Succotash Bake
Cut the recipe in hal to make 12 servings -
4 17-ounce cans whole kerel com,
2 16-ounce cans green lima beans,
2 14%-ounce cans evaporated milk
4 beaten eggs
12 ounces process Swiss cheese,
shredded (3 cups)
l cup sliced green onion
l cup chopped canned pimiento
1l teaspoons salt
l teaspoon pepper
4 cups sof bread crumbs
3 tablespoons butter, melted
Combine corn, l i mas, evaporated mi l k, eggs ,
cheese, onion, pimiento, sal t, and pepper.
Turn i nto two I 3 Yx8%xi %-inch baki ng dishes .
Toss together the crumbs and butter. Spri nkle
hal of the crumbs atop each casserol e. Bake at
350 about 40 minutes. Let stand 5 mi nutes
before servi ng. Makes 24 servi ngs .
Greens and Beans Salad
2 cups salad oil
l cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon celery seed
1 teaspoon paprika
4 16-ounce cans cut green beans,
16 cups tom lettuce, chilled
8 cups tom fresh spinach, chilled
8 ounces natural Swiss cheese,
shredded (2 cups)
I n large jar wi th tight-ftting lid, combine frst
5 i ngredients and 2 teaspoons sal t ; cover and
shake to mi x. Pour over beans ; marinate i n
refri gerator at least 2 hours . Just before
servi ng, drain beans , reserving marinade. I n
several large salad bowls or a large plastic
bag toss - beans with lettuce, spi nach, and
cheese. Add enough of reserved marinade
to thoroughly coat greens. Serve in large salad
bowls . Makes about 30 servings.
vegetables, salads, bread 87
Party Potato Salad
Soak 4 teaspoons mustard seed and I table
spoon celery seed in V cup vinegar for several
hours or overni ght . Cook, peel , and cube
6 pounds potatoes (about I5 cups) . Sprinkle
potatoes wi th salt. Toss potatoes with 2 cups
chopped celery; 1 cup fnel y chopped green
onion and tops ; and 6 hard-cooked eggs ,
chopped. Combine 4 cups mayonnaise, seed
mixture, and 2 teaspoons salt. Add mayon
nai se mi xture to potato mixture; toss to mix.
For thorough chil l ing, refrigerate salad in 2
l arge bowl s . Garni sh with hard-cooked egg
wedges. Makes 24 to 30 servings.
These are extra good served warm-
Cream 1 Y cups butter and Y3 cup si fted all
purpose four. Roll between waxed paper to
1 2x6-inch rectangl e. Chill at least 1 hour.
Soften 2 packages active dry yeast i n Y cup
warm water. Scald % cup milk. Add l cup
sugar and 1 teaspoon salt to mil k; cool to
l ukewarm. Add yeast and I beaten egg; mix
wel l . Usi ng 3% to 4 cups sifted all -purpose
four, add enough of the four to make a soft
dough. Knead on foured surface 5 mi nutes .
Roll to 14-i nch square. Place chilled butter on
one half; fold over other hal f and seal . Roll
to a 20x1 2-inch rectangle; seal.
Fold dough i n thirds. ( I f butter softens,
chi l l after each rolling. ) Rol l to a 20x1 2-i nch
rectangle. Fold i n thirds and rol l twice more;
seal edges. Fold in thirds to a 1 2x7 -inch
rectangle. Chill 45 mi nutes . Cut dough cross
wise i n fourths . Roll one-fourth of dough
( keep remainder chilled) to paper-thin 22x7-
i nch rectangle. Cut i n 1 0 pie-shaped wedges ,
4 i nches at base and 7 i nches long ( put together
extra Y wedge from each end) . To shape
each rol l , begi n with base of wedge and roll
loosely toward poi nt. Repeat wi th remai ni ng
three-fourths of the dough.
Place rol l s, 3 inches apart , on ungreased
baking sheet, point down; curve. Cover; let
doubl e, 30 to 45 mi nutes . Beat 1 egg yolk
with 1 tablespoon mi l k; brush on rol l s. Bake
at 375 for 12 to 15 mi nutes . Makes 40.
88 desserts
Strawberry-Nut Bread
Small loaves are easy to slice and serve -
1 cup butter or margarine
1 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
% teaspoon lemon extract
4 eggs

3 cups sifed all-purpose four
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
l teaspoon baking soda

1 cup strawberry jam
l cup dairy sour cream
1 cup broken walnuts
In mixi ng bowl cream together butter or mar
gari ne, sugar, vani l l a, and l emon extract ti l l
fufy. Add eggs , one at a time, beati ng wel l
after each addition. Si ft together four, sal t,
cream of tartar, and baki ng soda. Combine
jam and sour cream. Add jam mi xture al ter
natel y wi th dry i ngredients to creamed mix
ture, beati ng ti l l well combi ned. Stir i n wal nuts.
Divide among five greased and foured 4 Yzx
2%x2 Y-i nch loaf pans. Bake at 350 ti l l done,
about 50 to 55 mi nutes . Cool 1 mi nutes i n
pans ; remove and cool completely on wire
racks. Makes 5 loaves.
Melon Medley
11 watermelon, cut lengthwise
2 cantaloupes, peeled and seeded
1 honeydew, peeled and seeded
1 4/s-quart bottle rose wine
2 quarts raspberry sherbet
Scoop pul p from watermelon, usi ng a melon
ball cutter; di scard seeds and juice from
watermel on. Leave shel l i ntact ; scal l op edges ,
if desi red. Cut cantaloupe i nto smal l chunks.
Cut honeydew in t hi n sl ices. Combine water
melon balls , cantal oupe, and honeydew; return
to watermel on shel l . Pour rose wine over frui t.
Refri gerate several hours to thoroughl y chi l l .
Serve frui t mi xture over scoops of ras pberry
sherbet. Makes 20 servi ngs .
Petits Fours
% cup butter or margarine
% cup s hortening
11; cups sugar
l teaspoon vanilla
% teaspoon almond extract
2 cups sifed cake four
3 teaspoons baking powder
% cup milk
% cup egg whites ( 6)
Petits Fours Icing
Cream fi rst 2 i ngredients . Gradual l y add 1
cup sugar, creami ng ti l l l i ght. Stir i n vani l l a
and al mond extract. Si ft together four, baki ng
powder, and Y teaspoon sal t; add to creamed
mixture al ternatel y with mi l k, beati ng well
after each addi tion. Beat whi tes ti l l foamy;
gradual l y add remai ni ng sugar, beati ng t i l l
soft peaks form. Fold i nto batter. Turn i nto
greased and l i ghtl y foured 1 3x9x2-i nch bak
i ng pan. Bake at 350 about 40 mi nutes . Cool
10 mi nutes ; remove from pan. Cool .
Cut cooled cake i n 1 0-i nch di amonds ,
squares , or ci rcles , usi ng a stif paper pattern.
Place cakes on rack with cookie s heet below.
Spoon Petits Fours Ici ng over cakes . Let dry;
add another coat. Decorate wi th sliced al
monds , marshmal lows or frui t sl ice fowers ,
or fowers made wi th Oramental Frosti ng.
Petits Fours Icing: In covered 2-quart sauce
pan bring 3 cups granulated sugar, Y teaspoon
cream of tartar, and 1 Y cups hot water to
boi l i ng. Uncover; continue cooki ng to thi n
syrup ( 226) . Cool at room temperature, not
over i ce water, to l ukewarm ( 1 1 0) . Add 1 tea
spoon vani l l a and enough sifted confecti oners'
sugar ( about 2 Y cups) to make of pouri ng
consi stency. Ti nt wi th food colori ng, i f desired.
Ornamental Frosting: With electric mi xer
blend I cup shorteni ng and 1 teaspoon vani l l a.
Sl owl y add 4 cups si fted confectioners' sugar;
beat just ti l l combi ned. St i r i n about l Y table
spoons mi l k. Make trial fower to check frost
i ng consistency. If frosti ng i s too stif, add
a few drops more mi l k. Ti nt to desired color.
Make fowers wi t h pastry tube on si li cone
paper or waxed paper. Place on cooki e sheet.
Harden i n refrigerator or freezer 1 hour.
Transfer to cake wi th spatula.
Chocolate Revel Bars
1 cup butter or margarine
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2l cups sifted all-purpose four
1 teaspoon baking soda
3 cups quick-cooking rolled oats
1 15-oun : can sweetened condensed
1 12-ounce package semisweet chocolate
pieces (2 cups)
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 cup chopped walnuts
2 teaspoons vanilla
In l arge bowl cream 1 cup butter and brown
sugar. Beat i n eggs and 2 teaspoons vani l l a.
Si ft together four, soda, and 1 teaspoon sal t ;
stir i n oats. Stir dry i ngredients i nto creamed
mixture ti l l blended; set aside. I n heavy
saucepan heat together sweetened condensed
mi l k, chocolate, 2 tabl espoons butter, and
Y2 teaspoon sal t over low heat, sti rri ng ti l l
smooth. Stir i n nuts and 2 teaspoons vani l l a.
Pat % of oat mixture in bottom of 1 5 Vxl OVx 1 -
inch baki ng pan. Spread chocol ate mi xture
over dough. Dot with remai ni ng oat mixture.
Bake at 350 for 25 to 30 mi nutes ; cool . Cut
i n 2xl -i nch bars . Makes 75.
Fruited Layer Squares
Sift together 1 Y cups si fted al l -purpose four,
I tabl espoon sugar, and Y teaspoon sal t. Cut
i n 6 tablespoons butter t i l l mixture resembles
coarse crumbs. Combine 2 egg yol ks, V cup
dai ry sour cream, and Y teaspoon vani l l a;
sti r i nto four mixture. Pat i nto greased
1 3x9x2-inch baki ng pan. Bake at 350 for
20 mi nutes. Combine 1 cup fnel y sni pped
dates , % cup dairy sour cream, V cup apricot
preserves , and 2 teaspoons grated orange
peel ; spread over baked l ayer. Beat 2 egg
whi tes to soft peaks. Gradual l y add 7 table
spoons sugar and Y teaspoon ground ci nna
mon; beat to sti f peaks. Careful l y spread me
ri ngue atop date mixture; spri nkl e with V cup
chopped wal nuts. Bake at 350 ti l l browned,
30 mi nutes. Cool ; cut in squares. Makes 48.
desserts 89
Strawberry Delight
Next time, use }1-ozen raspberries and rasjberry
jlavored gelatin -
1 11%-ounce frozen loaf pound cake,
3 3-ounce packages strawberry
favored gelatin
3 cups boiling water
2 16-ounce packages frozen sliced
2 cups whipping cream
Cut pound cake crosswise i nto 16 thin sl ices .
Fi t cake sl ices i nto the bottoms of two 9x9x2-
i nch baki ng pans. In l arge bowl dissolve straw
berry-favored gel ati n i n the boi l i ng water.
Add frozen strawberries and l et stand ti l l
berries are thawed and gel atin thi ckens
sl i ghtl y. Sti r occasional l y. Whi p cream just
ti l l soft peaks form. Fold i nto parti al l y set
gel ati n mixture. If necessary, chil l ti l l mixture
mounds. Pour half the strawberry mi xture
over pound cake i n each pan. Chi l l several
hours or overni ght . To serve, cut i nto squares .
Makes 1 8 servi ngs .
Chocolate Surprise
1 12-ounce package semisweet chocolate
pieces (2 cups)
2 tablespoons sugar
3 beaten egg yolks
3 stify beaten egg whites

2 cups whipping cream
1 small angel food cake, cut in bite
sized pieces (10 cups)
l cup toasted chopped almonds
In top of doubl e boil er, mel t chocol ate pieces .
Add sugar and stir ti l l mel ted. Blend in beaten
egg yol ks ; mi x wel l . Remove rrom heat. Fol d
i n beaten egg whites . Set aside to cool . Whip
cream. Fol d i nto chocolate mixture. Pour
chocolate mi xture over cake pieces ; fol d
together careful l y. Spread i n a I 3 Y2x8%xl %
inch baki ng di sh. Spri nkl e al monds on top.
Chi l l several hours. To serve, cut i nto squares .
Makes 1 8 servi ngs .
Braunschwei ger Pate Crackers
Tuna Pi nwheel s Egg-Fi l l ed Cups
Chewy Nut Bars Sugar Cooki es
Hol i day Fru i t Bread
Mi nted Pu nch
When holiday time arrives , hold a festive open
house for your friends. Create the appropriate
joyous mood with colorful decorations and
cheerful background music.
Si nce this party wi ll span several hours ,
serve the food from a bufet table repl enished
frequently from the kitchen.
Sugar Cookies
As shown at the beginning of this section -
1 cup butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
1 beaten egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifed all-purpose four
Y teaspoon baking soda
Y teaspoon cream of tartar
Red and green colored sugar
Cream butter and 1 cup sugar till fufy. Mi x
i n egg and vani l l a. Si ft together four, soda,
cream of tartar, and ! teaspoon salt. Bl end
i nto creamed mixture; mix wel l . Shape dough
i nto small balls about the size of a nickle.
Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Di p bottom
of small glass i n colored sugar ( to get sugar
to stick, frst press bottom of glass in cookie
dough) ; use glass to fatten cookies . Bake at
375 till lightly browned, 8 to 10 mi nutes .
Makes about 60 cookies.
Chewy Nut Bars
Line bottom and sides of 1 3x9x2-inch baki ng
pan with foi l . Mel t ! cup butter i n pan. Si ft
together % cup si fted all-purpose four, !
teaspoon baki ng soda, and ! teaspoon sal t.
Sti r i n 2 cups brown sugar and 2 cups fnel y
chopped nuts. Bl end i n 4 beaten eggs and 2
teaspoons vani l l a. Carefully spoon batter over
butter i n pan. Don't stir. Bake at 350 about
25 mi nutes . Don' t overbake. Dust wi th con
fectioners' sugar. Place waxed paper under
wi re racks. Immediatel y i nvert pan onto racks
to remove cookies ; peel of foi l . Cool . Dust
wi th confectioners' sugar. Cut i nto 36 bars .
Egg-Filled Cups
Combine 4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped; 2
tablespoons each chopped radish and mayon
naise; l tablespoon each chopped green oni on
and I tal i an salad dressi ng; and ! teaspoon
each Worcestershire sauce and sal t. Chi l l . Cut
1 loaf unsl iced whole wheat bread i nto l -i nch
thi ck sl ices . Cut slices i nto rounds wi th smal l
cutter. Hollow out rounds wi th ki tchen s hears ,
leavi ng about ! i nch on sides and bottoms .
Brush i nsi de of bread cups wi th mayonnai se;
fl l wi th 2 tablespoons egg mixture. Trim wi th
radi sh and parsley. Makes 30.
Holiday Fruit Bread
Cream Y cup butter and 1 cup sugar. Blend i n
2 large bananas, mashed; 2 beaten eggs ; and
l teaspoon vani l l a. Si ft together 2 cups si fted
all-purpose four and 1 teaspoon baki ng soda.
Bl end i nto creamed mixture. Mi x i n Y cup
semisweet chocolate pieces, Y cup chopped
maraschi no cherries , and ! cup chopped nuts .
Fill 5 well-greased and foured 1 0 \-ounce
soup cans hal ful l of batter. Bake at 350 ti l l
done, about 40 mi nutes . Remove from cans ;
cool thoroughl y. Wrap i n foi l ; refri gerate ti l l
used. Slice to serve. Makes 5 loaves .
Tuna Pinwheels
Dainty party sandwiches -
1 loaf unsliced white bread
% cup butter or margarine, sofened
2 6%- or 7 -ounce cans tuna, drained
and faked
% cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 tablespoons mashed canned pimiento
1 tablespoon prepared mustard

40 very thin strips green pepper
Have bakery cut bread i nto 8 lengthwise sl ices
about \ inch thick. Trim crusts . Rol l bread
lightly with a rol l i ng pi n. Spread bread with
softened butter or margari ne. Combi ne tuna,
mayonnaise or salad dressi ng, pi mi ento, and
mustard. Spread each sl ice of bread wi t h about
\ cup fl l i ng. Place 5 strips green pepper,
equal di stance apart, atop fl l i ng on each
bread slice. Rol l up jel l y-roll styl e, begi nni ng
at narrow end. Wrap i n foi l or clear plastic
wrap; chill. Sl ice i nto %-inch pi nwheel s.
Makes 40 sandwiches.
To make Egg-Filled Cups, snip out the center
of bread rounds to form cups. Then, fll with
egg salad mixture and garnish with radishes.
open house 91
Braunschweiger Pate
I n mixer bowl combine 1 pound braun
schweiger, broken up; half of an 8-ounce pack
age cream cheese, softened; 1 tablespoon each
mi l k and grated onion; and 1 teaspoon each
sugar and chi l i powder. Beat s mooth. Form
i nto an i gloo shape; pl ace on pl ate. Cover; chi l l .
Whi p remai ni ng half package cream cheese,
1 tablespoon mi l k, and Y teaspoon bottled
hot pepper sauce till smooth. Spread evenl y
over braunschwei ger; chi l l . Garni sh wi th
sni pped parsley. Serve wi th crackers .
Minted Punch
I n saucepan mi x three 1 0-ounce jars mi nt
favored appl e jel l y and 4 cups water. Heat
and stir ti l l jel l y mel ts . Mi x 3 cups sugar and
6 packages unsweetened lemonade-favored
soft dri nk powder; stir i nto jel l y. Add 8 cups
pi neappl e j ui ce. Chil l . Pour chi l l ed mixture
over ice i n punch bowl . Add four 28-ounce
bot t l es l emon- l i me carbonat ed beverage ,
chi l l ed. Makes about 5 5 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
For Tuna Pinwheels, spread bread with flling
and place green pepper strips atop. Carefully
roll up as shown. Chill, then slice.
92 supper
Cu rri ed Ham Condi ments
Oven Ri ce
Mari nated Bean Sal ad
French Bread Butter
Fresh Frui t Pl ate
Coffee I ri sh Coffee
Havi ng a crowd over for supper ? Then, treat
them to this tasty, yet si mpl e meal . Place
all the food, i ncl udi ng the fresh frui t dessert,
on a bufet tabl e and let guests serve them
selves. After the meal , ofer your guests a
choice of a second cup of hot cofee or a cup
of whi skey-laced I ri sh Cofee.
Curried Ham
1% cups chopped onion
6 tablespoons butter or margarine

% cup all-purpose four
2 tablespoons curry powder
2 10%-ounce cans condensed cream of
mushroom soup
5 cups milk
12 cups cubed fully cooked ham
4 cups dairy sour cream

Toasted slivered almonds
Snipped parsley
In large Dutch oven cook oni on i n butter till
tender but not brown. Bl end in four and
curry powder. Add soup. Gradual l y stir i n
mi l k; cook and stir ti l l thickened and bubbl y.
Add ham and heat through. Add sour cream;
cook and stir t i l l heated through (do not boil).
Garni sh wi th toasted sl ivered al monds and
sni pped parsley, if desired. Serve wi th Oven
Rice and Condi ments . Serves 24.
Condiments: Chutney, sl i ced green onion,
sl iced preserved kumquats, and faked coconut.
Oven Rice
Place 2 cups l ong grai n ri ce i n each of two
2-quart casserol es. Add 2 teaspoons sal t and
5 cups water to each casserole. Cover; bake at
350 for 30 mi nutes. Fl uf wi th fork. Cover;
continue baki ng ti l l tender, 20 to 30 mi nutes
more. Makes 24 servi ngs.
Marinated Bean Salad
Boiling water
4 9-ounce packages frozen French
style green beans, thawed
2 large onions, thinly sliced and
separated into rings
2 6-ounce cans sliced mushrooms ,
1% cups Italian salad dressing
6 medium tomatoes
Pour boi l i ng water over beans ; l et stand 5
mi nutes. Drain thoroughl y. Combine beans,
oni on ri ngs, and mushrooms ; add sal ad dress
ing, 1 teaspoon sal t, and ! teaspoon pepper.
Toss together. Mari nate i n refri gerator several
hours or overni ght, tossi ng occasional l y. At
servi ng time, spoon bean mixture i nto servi ng
bowl l i ned wi th romai ne. Cut tomatoes i nto
wedges and arrange them decoratively around
the edge of the bowl . Makes 24 servi ngs .
Irish Cofee
For each servi ng pour 1 ji gger I ri sh whi skey
(1 Y ounces) i nto a glass or mug. ( Pl an to get
16 servi ngs per 4/s-quart bottle of whi skey. )
Add 1 t o 2 teaspoons sugar t o each gl ass ; sti r
to dissolve sugar. Fi l l glass wi th very hot,
strong cofee. Top wi th a dol l op of un
sweetened whi pped cream.
Buffet for a crowd
Accompany Curried Ham and Oven Rice, _.
placed on a warming tray, with Marinated
Bean Salad, French bread, and fresh fruit.
94 appetizer bufet
Sweet-Sou r Franks Tomato Ti dbi ts
Smoky Cheese Bal l Crackers
Shr i mp Di p Vegetabl e Di ppers
Lemon-Appl e Sparkl e
Want to have a party without prepari ng a
ful l meal ? I f so, feed your guests the easy
way by serving the appeal i ng assortment of
appetizers shown on the cover.
Plan the party around an activity such as
table games or cards. Then, set up the bufet
table in a handy spot so that guests can help
themselves to the food whenever there is a
break in their game.
Sweet-Sour Franks
3 tablespoons corstarch
% cup sugar
1 cup pineapple juice
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce
% cup vinegar
4 5-ounce packages cocktail
fankfrters (64)
I n blazer pan of chafng dish, combine corn
starch and sugar; blend i n pineapple juice.
Stir in tomato sauce and vinegar. Cook and
stir over direct heat till thickened and bubbly.
Cover; simmer for 5 mi nutes. Add frank
furters ; heat through. Keep warm over hot
water (bai n-marie) . Makes 64.
Smoky Cheese Ball
Combine two 8-ounce packages cream cheese,
softened; 8 ounces smoky Cheddar cheese,
shredded ( 2 cups) ; Y cup butter or margarine,
softened; 2 tablespoons mi l k; and 2 teaspoons
steak sauce. Beat till fufy. Chill slightly.
Shape into ball ; coat with 1 cup fnely chopped
toasted almonds. Serve with crackers.
Tomato Tidbits
Mi x 1 cup fnel y chopped cooked chicken;
cup fnel y chopped celery; 1 tablespoon
fnely chopped onion; 1 tablespoon pickle
reli sh, well drai ned; and teaspoon each
curry powder and sal t. Moisten with cup
mayonnaise. Chi l l . Cut smal l portion of
bottoms of 40 cherry tomatoes so they wi l l
sit fat. Cut thi n s lice from tops of tomatoes ;
with small mel on bailer or spoon careful l y
scoop out centers and discard. Sprinkle i nsides
with salt and pepper. I nvert; chill. Fill tomatoes
with chicken mixture, usi ng 1 to 1 Y teaspoons
for each tomato. Makes 40.
Shrimp Dip
Combi ne one 4 Y-ounce can shri mp, drained
and fnely chopped; 1 hard-cooked egg,
chopped; 1 cup dairy sour cream; cup may
onnaise; 3 tablespoons thinly sliced green oni on
wi th tops ; 1 tablespoon l emon juice; 1 teaspoon
prepared horseradish; 1 teaspoon Worcester
shire sauce; and Y teaspoon dried dillweed,
crushed. Mix wel l . Cover; chill. Serve with
crisp vegetable di ppers. Makes about 2 cups .
Lemon-Apple Sparkle
12 cups apple juice
8 inches stick cinnamon
24 whole cloves
3 whole allspice
4 6-ounce cans fozen lemonade
Ice cubes
2 28-ounce bottles ginger ale,
Yellow food coloring
Lemon slices
In saucepan combine 3 cups apple juice and
the spices . Si mmer, covered, for 15 mi nutes ;
strai n. Stir in concentrate till melted. Add
remai ni ng apple juice. Chill. At servi ng time,
pour lemonade mixture over ice in punch
bowl . Slowly add ginger al e. Tint wi th food
coloring, if desired. Garni sh with lemon s lices .
Makes about 35 ( 5-ounce) servings .
Party Sandwi ch Loaves
Mi nts Nuts
El egant Fru i t Pu nch
Fou r- Fru i t Punch
Are you hostessi ng a bridal shower or a baby
shower? No need to worry about refreshments.
Just serve the delicious foods in this menu.
And, since most of the food preparation can
be done several hours ahead, you' ll have plenty
of time for last-minute decorati ng.
Elegant Fruit Punch
2 cups cranberry juice cocktail
1 6-ounce can fozen orange juice
concentrate, thawed
1 6-ounce can fozen lemonade
concentrate, thawed
1h cup sugar
2 25-ounce bottles sparkling pink
catawba juice, chilled
Advance preparation: I n large bowl combine
cranberry juice, concentrates , and 3 cups
water. Sti r to blend. Add sugar; sti r till
dissolved. Chill thoroughly.
Before serving: Slowly add catawba juice;
blend. Makes 24 (4-ounce) servings.
Four-Fruit Punch
Advance preparation: I n large bowl combine
3 cups apricot nectar; 2 cups pineapple juice;
one 6-ounce can frozen orange j uice concen
trate, thawed; Y cup lemon juice; and cup
sugar. Sti r to dissolve sugar. Chi l l .
Beore serving: Slowly add one 32-ounce
bottle gi nger ale, chilled; mi x till blended.
Add 1 pint pineapple sherbet in scoopful s .
Makes 24 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
shower 95
Party Sandwich Loaves
1 loaf unsliced white bread
1 loaf unsliced whole wheat bread
Butter or margarine, sofened
Chicken Salad Filling
2 5-ounce jars process cheese spread
with pimiento
Egg Salad Filling
3 8-ounce packages cream cheese,
% cup milk
Snipped parsley
Advance preparation: Remove crusts from bread.
Slice each loaf lengthwise i nto 4 layers . Spread
layers with butter. Spread frst layer of each
loaf with hal the Chicken Salad Filling. Spread
hal the cheese spread on second layer of
each loaf. Spread hal the Egg Sal ad Filling
on third layer of each loaf. Assemble loaves ,
alternati ng white and whole wheat l ayers .
Place fourth bread layer on top. Beat cream
cheese with milk till fufy. Frost top and
sides of loaves. Cover sandwich loaves loosely
with clear plastic wrap propped up with
wooden picks . Chill a few hours .
Before serving: Usi ng 2 spatul as, transfer to
servi ng plates . Tri m with parsley. Serves 1 8.
Chicken Salad Filling
2 cups ground cooked chicken
l cup fnely chopped celery
% cup fnely chopped green pepper
% cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
I n bowl combine all i ngredients and tea
spoon salt ; mix well . Makes 2 Y cups .
Egg Salad Filling
6 hard-cooked eggs, fnely chopped
l cup fnely chopped dill pickle
1 tablespoon fnely sliced green
l cup mayonnai se or salad dressing
I n bowl combi ne all i ngredients and tea
spoon sal t ; mix well . Makes about 2 cups .
Snacks, and
When you don't want to serve a complete
meal, try between-meal entertaining
that requires only appetizers and snacks.
These kinds of foods are suitable
for groups of all sizes. The larger the
group, the greater the variety and
quanti ty. When entertaining a smaller
group, you might choose two or
three appetizers or snacks. Then, as the
party size increases, add extra foods
and increase the quantity of food. Be
sure to have enough of each item so
that guests can sample some of everything.
To accompany the food, choose from
the assortment of punches, beverages, or
cocktails on the following pages. If you're
a bit unsure how to stock your bar or
serve wines and after-dinner drinks,
check the information on pages 1 09-1 1 1 .
Choose from this tempting assortment
of appetizers and beverages when
entertaining at between-meal parties.
Included are Nibble Mix, Peach
Spike, Hot Malted-Mint Drink,
Raspberry Punch, hot Mock Quiche
Squares, and elegant Caviar Log.
Fruit Kabobs
Subtly gnger -avored-
1 13-ounce can pineapple chunks
% cup orange marmalade
% teaspoon ground ginger

1 ll-ounce can mandarin orange
sections, drained
1 cup maraschino cherries, well
1 cup honeydew balls
2 large oranges
2 small bananas
Drain pineapple, reservi ng syrup. Combine
reserved syrup, marmalade, and ginger. Add
pineapple, mandarin oranges, cherries, and
honeydew. Chi l l . Drain well , reservi ng mari
nade. Cut thin sl ice of bottom of oranges so
they will sit level . Slice bananas ; di p i n reserved
marinade. Skewer pieces of frui t on long
wooden picks. To serve, anchor twelve of the
kabobs i n each orange. Makes 24.
Nibble Mix
As shown at the begnning of this section -
6 cups bite-sized shredded corn
3 cups pretzel sticks
1 3-ounce can chow mein noodles
Y cup butter or margarine, melted
% cup grated Parmesan. cheese
1 tablespoon garlic salad dressing
In 1 3x9x2-inch baki ng pan heat corn squares ,
pretzel sticks, and chow mei n noodles at 300
till warm, about 5 mi nutes. Remove from oven.
Pour t he melted butter over mixture; sprinkle
with cheese and dry salad dressi ng mi x. Stir
well. Return to oven and heat 15 to 20 mi nutes
more. Makes about 12 cups.
Stufed Eggs
8 hard-cooked eggs, peeled
3 tablespoons creamy Italian salad
1 tablespoon milk
Dash Worcestershire sauce
Cut eggs i n half l engthwise, using a zigzag cut
or a crinkle cutter. Remove yolks. Combine
yolks , salad dressing, milk, Worcestershire,
and dash pepper. Pipe egg yolk mixture i nto
egg whites. Chi l l . Makes 1 6.
Dill-Sour Cream Dip
1 cup dairy sour cream
Y cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 tablespoon fnely chopped green
2 teaspoons dried parsley fakes,
1 teaspoon dried dillweed
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
Crackers or vegetable dippers
Combine frst 6 i ngredients . Cover and chil l
several hours. Serve with crackers or vegetable
dippers. Makes about 1 Y cups .
Smoked Oyster Dip
1 3-ounce package cream cheese,
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon fnely chopped onion
2 teaspoons chopped canned pimiento
1 3%-ounce can smoked oysters,
drained and chopped
As sorted crackers or chips
Combine cream cheese, mayonnaise, mi l k,
onion, pi mi ento, and oysters ; mi x well . Chi l l .
Serve wi th crackers or chips . Makes 1 cup.
Prairie Fire
For a smaller party, cut the recipe in hal-
4 16-ounce cans red kidney beans
l cup butter or margarine
8 ounces Provolone cheese, shredded
( 2 cups)
l to cup fnely chopped hot peppers
2 tablespoons minced onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
Corn chips or tortilla chips
Drain beans, reservi ng % cup liquid; mash.
In saucepan combi ne beans, reserved liquid,
butter, cheese, peppers, oni on, garlic, and
Y teaspoon salt. Heat and stir till hot. Transfer
to chafng dish; place over hot water (bai n
marie) . Serve wi th chi ps. Makes 6 cups.
Loking for a good appetizer or snack recipe?
Choose from a variety including Notches (page
appetizers, snacks 99
Hot Cheese-Chive Dip
1 8-ounce package cream cheese,
4 ounces sharp process American
cheese, shredded (1 cup)
l cup dry white wine
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon snipped chives
l teaspoon dry mustard
Shredded wheat wafers
In saucepan heat and stir softened cream
cheese and shredded American cheese over
low heat till blended. Stir i n dry white wi ne,
mi l k, chives, and dry mustard. Pour i nto small
chafng dish, addi ng more mi l k i f mixture
becomes too thick. Serve with shredded wheat
wafers . Makes 1% cups.
102), Hot Cheese-Chive Dip, Stufed Eggs,
Tiny Ham Pufs (page 101) , and Fruit Kabobs.
100 appetizers, snacks
Yogurt-Cuke Dip
1 cup plain yogurt
l teaspoon dried dillweed
l teaspoon onion salt
l teaspoon dried parsley fakes
2 cucumbers, peeled and cut in sticks
Combine frst 4 i ngredi ents ; chi l l . Stand
cucumber sticks around edge of smal l , deep
bowl . Fill with yogurt mixture. Makes l cup.
Creamy Blue Cheese Dip
1 cup dairy sour cream
l cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
2 ounces blue cheese, crumbled
( % cup)
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Vegetable dippers
Blend sour cream, mayonnai se, and half the
blue cheese. Add milk and l emon juice; beat
smooth with rotary beater. Chi l l . Garni sh
with remai ni ng blue cheese. Serve with
vegetable di ppers. Makes about l Y cups .
Accompany Creamy Blue Cheese Dip with crisp
celery sticks, bright red cherry tomatoes,
crinkle-cut carrots, and cucumber sticks.
Avocado-Beef Spread
1 4-ounce can corned beef spread
or deviled ham
2 avocados, peeled and mashed
1 tablespoon fnely chopped canned
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon fnely chopped onion
Crackers or tortilla chips
Combine frst 5 i ngredients and teaspoon
salt. Place i n servi ng bowl ; spri nkle with
papri ka. Serve wi th crackers or torti l l a chi ps .
Makes about l cups.
Ham-Cheese Logs
4 ounces sharp Cheddar cheese,
shredded (1 cup)
1 B-ounce package cream cheese
1 4-qunce can deviled ham
l cup chopped pitted ripe olives
l cup fnely chopped pecans
Have Cheddar and cream cheeses at room
temperature. I n smal l mixer bowl beat to
gether cheeses till blended. Beat i n devil ed
ham; stir i n chopped ol i ves. Chi l l . Shape i nto
two 8-inch l ong logs . Rol l in pecans. Serve
with crackers. Makes 2 l ogs .
Caviar Log
As shown at the beginning ofthis section -
1 4%-ounce can liver pfte
1 2-ounce jar black caviar
4 3-ounce packages cream cheese
Melba toast rounds
Have pate, caviar, and cheese at room temper
ature. Pl ace cream cheese on waxed paper. Use
the paper to rol l and shape cheese i nto a l og.
Spread evenl y with l iver pate, then careful l y
cover wi t h caviar. Lightly cover wi t h cl ear
pl astic wrap; chil l at l east l hour. Serve with
melba toast . Makes l log.
Mock Quiche Squares
As shown at the beginning of this section -
5 slices white bread
5 slices bacon
2 hard-cooked eggs, thinly sliced
- cup sliced green onion
5 slices process Swiss cheese
Trim crusts from bread; toast. Cook bacon ti l l
crisp; reserve dri ppi ngs and crumble bacon.
Brush toast with dri ppi ngs. Cut each slice of
toast i nto quarters ; spri nkl e wi th bacon. Top
each with egg sl ice; spri nkle wi th onion. Cut
cheese sl ices i nto smal l squares and place one
on each appetizer. Broi l 3 i nches from heat ti l l
cheese melts , about I to 2 mi nutes. Spri nkl e
appetizers with papri ka. Makes 20.
Smoked Salmon Rolls
l 3-ounce package cream cheese,
2 teaspoons milk
l teaspoon grated onion
l teaspoon dried dillweed
- pound smoked salmon
Cocktail crackers
Blend frst 4 i ngredients and Y teaspoon sal t.
Spread evenl y over sal mon. Cut i nto stri ps
about 3x Y inches . Rol l each jel ly-rol l style.
Chi l l thoroughl y. Pl ace sal mon rol l s on cocktai l
crackers . Makes 18 to 24.
Liverwurst Rolls
l package refrigerated crescent rolls
2 4%-ounce cans liverwurst spread
5 slices bacon, crisp-cooked,
drained, and crumbled
- cup thinly sliced green onion
Separate rol l dough at perforations. Spread
with l iverwurst; cut each triangl e i nto 4 tri
angl es . Spri nkl e wi th bacon and oni on and
pat i n l i ghtl y; rol l up. Pl ace on baki ng sheet;
bake at 375 for 1 mi nutes. Makes 32.
appetizers, snacks 101
Hot Beef Spread
l 8-ounce package cream cheese,
2 tablespoons milk

l 2V2-ouncevjar sliced dried beef,
fnely snipped ( about % cup)
2 tablespoons instant minced onion
2 tablespoons fnely chopped green
l teaspoon pepper
l cup dairy sour cream
- cup coarsely chopped walnuts
Assorted crackers
Blend softened cream cheese and mil k. Sti r
i n dried beef, i nstant minced oni on, green
pepper, and pepper; mi x wel l . Sti r in dairy
sour cream. Spoon i nto 8-i nch pie pl ate or
smal l shal low baki ng di sh. Spri nkle chopped
wal nuts over top. Bake at 350 for 15 mi nutes .
Serve hot wi th assorted crackers .
Tiny Ham Pufs
2 cups ground fully cooked ham
( % pound)
V cup fnely chopped celery
V cup fnely chopped chutney
2 tablespoons mayonnaise or
salad dressi ng
Dash pepper
% cup water
l stick piecrust mix, crumbled
2 eggs
In mi xi ng bowl combi ne ham, cel ery, chutney,
mayonnai se, and pepper; mi x wel l . Chi l l .
I n smal l saucepan heat water to boi l i ng. Add
crumbl ed piecrust mix; sti r vi gorousl y over
low heat ti l l pastry forms a bal l and leaves
sides of pan. Cook 1 mi nute more, stirri ng
constantl y. Remove from heat. Add eggs and
beat on l ow speed of electric mixer for 2 mi n
utes . Drop dough by teaspoons onto ungreased
baking sheet. Bake at 425 ti l l gol den brown
and dry, about 20 to 25 mi nutes. Cool on rack
away from draft. Spl i t pufs ; remove i nsi de
webbi ng, i f desired. Just before servi ng, fl l
wi t h chi l led ham mi xture. Makes 42 pufs .
102 appetizers, snacks
To make dainty Salmon Boats, roll pastry out
atop foil. Cut through pastry and foil to make
rectangles. Shape into boats as shown.
Shrimp Wheels
Combine one 4V-ounce can shri mp, drained
and mashed; ! cup mayonnaise; 2 tables poons
chopped pimiento-stufed green olives ; 2 table
spoons chili sauce; and 1 tablespoon fnely
chopped celery. Using 1 package refrigerated
crescent rolls (8 rolls ) , unroll dough and
separate crescents i nto 4 rectangl es. (Don' t
separate i nto triangles. ) Spread about ! cup
shri mp mixture on each rectangle. Starti ng
at short end, roll up jelly-roll fashion. Cut
each rol l i nto 1 0 slices . Place, cut si de down,
on greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 for 1 0
to 1 2 mi nutes. Serve hot. Makes 40.
Cut 2 ounces natural Cheddar cheese i nto 24
pieces , each piece measuri ng %x%x Y i nch.
Di ce 1 mild chili pepper. Arrange 24 taco
favored tortilla chips on baking sheet. Place
1 teaspoon refried beans or canned bean di p
i n center of each chi p. Top beans with pieces
of cheese and chili pepper. Broil 4 inches
from heat till cheese begi ns to mel t, 1 to
3 mi nutes . Makes 24.
Salmon Boats
2 sticks piecrust mix
1 7%-ounce can salmon, drained,
boned, and Raked
Y cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 tablespoon drained capers
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
Pimiento, cut in strips
Prepare piecrust mix accordi ng to package
directions; divide in half. On a large s heet
of foil , roll each hal f of the pastry to a 1 2x9-
i nch rectangle. With kitchen shears , cut pastry
and foil i nto 2 Yx1 Y-inch rectangles . Fold
rectangles in hal f l engthwise. Pinch ends
together to seal . Place upright on ungreased
baking seet, pressi ng down and i n s lightly
to form "boat. " Prick bottom of dough with
fork. Bake at 450 till golden, 7 to 8 mi nutes .
Careful l y remove foi l . Blend together sal mon,
mayonnaise or salad dressi ng, capers , and
mustard. Fi l l each baked boat wi th about 1
teaspoon salmon mixture. Garnish with
pimiento stri ps. Makes 60.
Stufed Mushrooms
2 ounces process Swiss cheese,
shredded (% cup)
1 hard-cooked egg, fnely chopped
3 tablespoons fne dry bread crumbs
% clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons butter or margarine,

1 pound fesh mushrooms, each about
1 to 1% inches in diameter
% cup butter or margarine, melted
In mi xi n
bowl combine shredded Swiss
cheese, chopped egg, crumbs, garlic, and the 2
tablespoons softened butter; blend thoroughly.
Remove stems from mushrooms ; place unflled
mushrooms, rounded side up, on baki ng sheet.
Brush tops with ! cup melted butter. Broil 3
to 4 i nches from heat till lightly browned,
2 to 3 mi nutes. Remove from broiler. Turn
mushrooms ; fl l each with cheese mixture.
Return flled mushrooms t o broiler; broil 1
to 2 mi nutes more. Makes about 36.
appetizers, snacks 103
Cornucopias : Tri m crust from bread slices. Spread each
tri mmed sl ice with softened pineapple cheese spread. Care
fully roll each slice i nto a cornucopi a as shown. Tri m cornu
copias with petal s made from ri pe ol i ves. Pl ace on fat pan
or board, seam side down, and chill till servi ng ti me.
Fold-Ups : Tri m crust from bread slices ; spread wi th soft
ened cheese spread. Bri ng two opposi te corners of bread
slice together at center. Secure with wooden pick and add
a watercress sprig for garni sh.
Pinwheels : Have bakery trim crusts from 1 l oaf unsl iced
sandwich bread and cut loaf lengthwise i n slices \ i nch thick.
( Or, at home, use an electric kni fe for ease i n slici ng bread. )
Spread each slice wi th softened cheese spread, a meat or
seafood salad mixture ( ham, chi cken, tuna) , or parsley butter
(combi ne butter or margari ne and sni pped parsley) . For
pretty centers, line up a row of pi mi ento-stufed green olives ,
crosswi se, near end of each slice as shown. Starti ng at short
end, rol l up jelly-rol l fashion; wrap in foi l or clear plastic
wrap. Chi l l , seam side down. Before servi ng, place roll ,
seam side down, on cutti ng board; usi ng sharp kni fe, careful l y
cut rol l i nto %-i nch slices .
Jigsaws : Usi ng half whi te and hal f whole wheat bread, cut
bread sl i ces i nto two-inch rounds . For sandwich bottoms ,
spread half the rounds of each color wi th seafood or cheese
spread. Make tops by cutting ci rcles from remaini ng bread
rounds wi th hole of doughnut cutter. Fit tiny whole wheat
circles i nto white ri ngs and vice versa. Assemble sandwiches
by placi ng tops and bottoms together. Or, cut bread rounds
i nto stri ps or quarters; arrange atop spread, alternati ng
colors. Another ti me, use ti ny sandwich or cookie cutters
for a variety of diferent bread shapes.
Checkerboards : Have bakery tri m the crusts from two un
sl iced sandwich loaves -one whi te bread and one whole wheat
or rye bread. From each loaf, cut si x lengthwise slices about
Y2 i nch thick. Use your favorite fl l i ng or spread t o put four
sl ices bread together, alternati ng white and whole wheat.
Repeat to make a total of three loaves ; wrap in foi l , clear
plastic wrap, or waxed paper; chi l l . Slice each loaf i nto
si x lengthwise slices as shown. Put four of these slices to
gether with additional fl l i ng, al ternati ng colors to make
checkerboard loaf (see picture) . Repeat to make a total
of four loaves. " (There will be two slices remai ni ng; cut
each of these i nto 4 or 5 ribbon sandwiches. ) Wrap loaves
and chill once more; cut each loaf crosswise in about Y-inch
slices to make checkerboard sandwiches .
l- 2- 3 Easy Party Punch
Double the recipe to make 20 servings -
1 6-ounce can fozen orange juice
concentrate, thawed
% cup light corn syrup
1 28-ounce bottle ginger ale, chilled
Combine concentrate and syrup. Add gi nger
ale. Pour over ice in small punch bowl . Garish
with orange slices and strawberri es, i f desired.
Makes 1 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
Ruby Fruit Punch
1 28-ounce bottle ginger ale, chilled
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Orange slices
1 32-ounce bottle cranberry juice
cocktail, chilled* (4 cups)
1 cup apple juice, chilled*
Combine gi nger al e, lemon j uice, and a few
orange sl ices in punch bowl . Add cranberry
j uice cocktail and apple juice; stir to blend.
Makes 1 6 (4-ounce) servi ngs.
* I f desired, substi tute cranberry-apple dri nk
for the cranberry and appl e juict.
Amber Tea Delight
4 cups hot tea
2 12-ounce cans apricot nectar
2 cups orange juice
1 cup sugar
1 cup lemon juice
1 28-ounce bottle ginger ale, chilled
Ice cubes
Combine hot tea, apricot nectar, orange juice,
sugar, and lemon juice. Chi l l . Before servi ng,
add ginger al e. Pour over i ce cubes to serve.
Makes about 24 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
Strawberry Sparkle Punch
Ginger ale add sparkle -
2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled
1 3-ounce package strawberry
favored gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 6-ounce can fozen lemonade

1 32-ounce bottle cranberry juice
cocktail, chilled (4 cups)
3 cups cold water
1 28-ounce bottle ginger ale, chilled
Put strawberries i n bl ender contai ner; cover
and bl end at l ow speed till frui t is pureed.
Dissolve strawberry-favored gel ati n in boi l i ng
water. Sti r i n l emonade concentrate ti l l mel ted.
Add cranberry juice cocktai l , col d water, and
strawberry puree. Pour over i ce i n l arge punch
bowl . Sl owl y pour i n ginger ale. Makes about
30 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
Spiced Grape Punch
Serve this hot punch when it's cold outside -
6 cups water
4 cups grape juice
1 cup sugar
1 6-ounce can fozen lemonade
1 6-ounce can frozen orange juice
4 inches stick cinnamon, broken
6 whole cloves
I n l arge saucepan combi ne water, grape juice,
sugar, and concentrates . Tie ci nnamon and
cloves i n cheesecloth bag or place i n tea bal l ;
add to punch. Si mmer about 1 5 mi nutes ;
remove spices before servi ng. Serve hot. Makes
about 20 ( 4-ounce) servi ngs .


Rosy Champagne Punch
Dark sweet cherries add color and flavor -
2 16-ounce cans pitted dark sweet
1 12-ounce can pineapple juice
l cup brandy
1 cup lemon juice
2 4/s-quart bottles champagne, chilled
Drain cherries, reservi ng 2 tablespoons syrup.
Combine drained cherries , pi neappl e juice,
brandy, lemon jui ce, and reserved cherry
syrup. Chi l l thoroughl y to bl end favors. Just
before servi ng, pour i nto punch bowl ; care
ful l y add champagne, pouri ng down side of
bowl . Makes 20 (4-ounce) servi ngs.
Feature Hot Apple Wine, Rosy Champagne
Punch, or Sherried Chocolate Frappe (page
Hot Apple Wine
3 cups apple cider
1 cup sugar
beverages 105
3 inches stick cinnamon
6 whole cloves
Peel of 1 lemon, cut in strips

1 4/s-quart bottle dry white wine
2 tablespoons lemon juice
In saucepan combine apple cider, sugar, ci n
namon, cloves , and l emon peel . Bri ng to boi l
i ng, stirri ng ti l l sugar dissolves . Si mmer,
uncovered, for 1 5 mi nutes ; strain to remove
spices and peel . Add wi ne and lemon juice.
Heat through, but do not boil . Serve in pre
heated mugs . Makes 6 to 8 servings.
106) at your next Jrty All three of these
beverages are sure to delight your guests.
106 beverages
Sherried Chocolate Frappe
2 cups milk
l cup chocolate syrup
% cup cream sherry
1 pint vanilla ice cream
Ground cinnamon
Combine mi l k, chocol ate syrup, and sherry.
Spoon i ce cream i nto 4 tal l glasses ; pour choco
l ate mixture over. Muddle mi xture sl i ghtl y;
spri nkl e wi th cinnamon. Makes 4 servi ngs.
Raspberry Punch
As shown at the begnning ofthis section -
1 10-ounce package fozen raspberries,
1 6-ounce can fozen limeade
concentrate, thawed
cup sugar
1 28-ounce bottle lemon-lime
carbonated beverage, chilled
Ice cubes
Sieve berries ; discard seeds. Mi x berries ,
l i meade concentrate, 2 cups water, and sugar.
Chi l l . At servi ng time, add carbonated beverage
and ice. Makes 15 (4-ounce) servings.
Daiquiri Punch
2 6-ounce cans fozen limeade
concentrate, thawed
1 6-ounce can fozen lemonade
concentrate, thawed
1 6-ounce can fozen orange juice
concentrate, thawed
1 4/5-quart bottle rum
4 cups carbonated water, chilled
Ice Ring
Combine concentrates with 8 cups water. Chi l l .
To serve, combine with rum i n punch bowl .
Careful l y pour in carbonated water. Float Ice
Ri ng i n punch. Makes 30 ( 5-ounce) servi ngs .
Ice Ring: Al ternate canned pineapple slices ,
halved, and green maraschi no cherries i n
bottom of ring mol d. Fi l l with water; freeze.
Pitcher Champagne Punch
1 6-ounce can fozen lemonade
concentrate, thawed

cup orange-favored liqueur
1 4/s-quart bottle champagne, chilled
Mi x half the concentrate and 1 Y cups water;
freeze i nto ice cubes. At serving time, combi ne
liqueur, remai ni ng concentrate, and 1 cup
water in 2-quart pitcher. Add l emonade cubes .
Slowly pour in champagne; stir gentl y. Makes
about 8 ( 5-ounce) servi ngs.
Peach Spike
As shown at the begnning of this section -
1 10-ounce package fozen peach
slices, partially thawed
1 6-ounce can frozen lemonade
concentrate, partially thawed
I lemonade can vodka or rum (% cup)
12 ice cubes
In bl ender container combine peaches , con
centrate, and vodka or rum. Blend ti l l peaches
are chopped. Add ice cubes, one at a time,
blendi ng at lowest speed till sl ushy. Garni sh
wi th maraschi no cherries and l emon wedges ,
if desired. Makes 6 to 8 servi ngs.
Hawaiian Rum Drink
1 6-ounce can fozen pineapple
juice concentrate, thawed
1 cup rum
V2 cup light corn syrup
1 cup lemon juice
1 quart ice cubes
In blender container combine hal each of the
concentrate, rum, corn syrup, and l emon
juice. Add hal the ice, one cube at a ti me,
bl endi ng at l ow speed till sl ushy. Pour i nto
smal l servi ng glasses . Repeat with remai ni ng
hal f of i ngredients. Garnish wi th fresh mi nt
leaves, i f desired. Serve immediately with
short straws. Makes 8 to 10 servings.
Spiced Mocha
I n small mixer bowl combine Y cup whippi ng
cream, 1 tablespoon sugar, I teaspoon i nstant
cofee powder, teaspoon ground ci nnamon,
and dash ground nutmeg; whi p till stif peaks
form. Put 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup i n
each of 6 cofee cups. Fill cups with hot cofee;
stir gently. Top wi th dollops of t he spiced
whipped cream. Serves 6.
Hot Malted-Mint Drink
As shown at the beginning of this section -
6 chocolate-covered cream-flled
mint patties
5 cups milk
l cup chocolate malted milk powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
Whipped cream
In saucepan combi ne mi nt patties and 1 cup
mi l k. Heat and stir over low heat till mi nt
patties are melted. Sti r i n remai ni ng mil k,
malted mil k powder, and vanil la. Heat slowly
just till boiling. Beat with rotary beater till
frothy. Pour i nto cups and top with dollops
of whipped cream. Makes 6 servi ngs .
Lime-Frosted Punch
2 cups sugar
3 envelopes unsweetened lemon-lime
favored sof drink powder .
3 cups pineapple-grapefruit drink,
l cup lemon juice
1 quart lime sherbet
1 32-ounce bottle lemon-lime
carbonated beverage, chilled
In punch bowl combine sugar and soft dri nk
powder. Add next 2 i ngredi ents and 6 cups
col d water; sti r till sugar dissolves . Stir half
of the sherbet to soften; bl end i nto punch
mixture. Top wi th scoops of remai ni ng sher
bet. Resting bottle on rim of bowl , careful l y
pour i n carbonated beverage; sti r gently.
Makes 36 (4-ounce) servi ngs .
beverages 107
Delicious with or without the liquor -
12 eggs
cup sugar
4 cups cold milk
% teaspoon salt
cup bourbon*
to % cup light rum*

2 cups whipping cream
Ground nutmeg
Separate eggs . I n s mall mixer bowl beat egg
yol ks . Gradual l y add sugar and beat ti l l thi ck
and l emon-colored. Add mi l k, salt, bourbon,
and rum. Whi p cream. I n very large bowl beat
egg whites till stif but not dry. Fold egg yolk
mixture and whi pped cream i nto egg whites .
Serve i mmediately in chi lled punch bowl .
Sprinkle ground nutmeg over each servi ng.
Makes about 25 ( 5-ounce) servi ngs .
* I f desired, substi tute cold mi l k for the
bourbon and light rum.
Quantity Egg Cofee
2 slightly beaten eggs (reserve
21/4 to 2 cups regular-grind cofee
10 quarts cold water
In a large kettle combine eggs, crumbled egg
shel l s, and cofee. Pour i n water. Bri ng to
boi l i ng. Stir when foam starts to appear and
conti nue stirri ng until foam disappears.
Remove from heat; let settl e. I f necessary,
add 1 cup cold water to aid settl i ng. Strain
with fne mesh strainer or cloth before servi ng.
Makes 50 ( % cup) servings.
Quantity Tea
Tie 1 cup tea leaves loosely in cheesecloth bag.
Place tea leaves or 40 i ndividual tea bags i n
large kettle. Bri ng 9 quarts cold water t o a
boi l ; i mmedi ately pour over tea. Cover; steep
tea 3 to 5 mi nutes . Remove tea and serve.
Makes 50 (about %-cup) servings.
108 beverages
Traditional: Combine 1 ji gger dry gin or vodka
( l Y2 ounces) , l tablespoon dry vermouth ( Y
ounce) , and cracked ice. Stir and strain i nto
a chi l led cocktail glass. Add a l emon twist
or an olive. For a Gibson, add a pearl onion
instead of the ol ive. Makes l .
Dry: Use 5 parts dry gi n or vodka and 1
part dry vermouth.
Extra Dry: Use 7 pa-rts dry gi n or vodka ( i f
onl y extra dry, not extra strong, use SO-proof)
and 1 part dry vermouth.
Traditional: Combine 1 ji gger bl ended whi skey
or bourbon ( 1 Y ounces) , 1 tabl espoon sweet
vermouth (Y ounce) , a dash of bitters , and
cracked ice. Stir and strain i nto a chi l l ed
cocktail glass. Garni sh with a maraschi no
cherry. Makes 1 .
Dry: Substitute dry vermouth for sweet
vermouth and serve with an ol i ve.
Perfect: Combi ne 1 ji gger bourbon, Y ji gger
dry vermouth, Y ji gger sweet vermouth, and
cracked ice. Stir and strai n i nto chi l led glass .
1 jigger light rum (1% ounces)
% jigger li me juice ( % ounce)
Confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon Triple Sec (optional)
Crushed ice
Bl end in blender or shake in cocktail shaker
rum, jui ce, confectioners' sugar to taste,
Triple Sec, and ice. Strai n i nto stemmed
cocktail glass . Makes 1 .
Bloody Mary
Shake in a cocktail shaker 2 ji ggers tomato
juice (3 ounces) , 1 ji gger vodka or gin ( 1 Y
ounces) , juice of Y l emon, dash Worcestershire
sauce, celery sal t to taste, pepper to taste,
and chopped ice. Strain i nto a 6-ounce cocktai l
glass. Garni sh with l emon sl i ce. Makes 1 .
Whiskey Sour
Shake i n cocktai l shaker 2 ji ggers bourbon,
Scotch, or rye ( 3 ounces) ; Y ji gger l emon or
l i me juice ( % ounce) ; 1 teaspoon confec
tioners' sugar; and 3 or 4 ice cubes . Strai n
i nto glass . Gari sh with l emon sl ice and
maraschi no cherry. Makes l .
Combine i n a cocktail shaker l ji gger vodka
or gi n (1 Y ounces) , 1 Y teaspoons superfne
sugar, and juice of Y l emon. Shake wel l .
Pour i nto an ice-fl l ed highball gl ass and add
cl ub soda to fl l . Makes 1 .
In a hi ghbal l glass combine 2 or 3 ice cubes
and 2 ounces Scotch, rye, or bourbon. Fi l l
glass wi th water, cl ub soda, or gi nger al e.
Sti r to mi x. Makes 1 .
1 jigger white creme de cacao
1 jigger green creme de menthe
1 tablespoo heavy cream
3 or 4 ice cubes
Shake al l i ngredi ents i n cocktail shaker Strai n
i nto a cocktai l gl ass. Makes 1 .
Pl ace 2 or 3 ice cubes and 2 ji ggers vodka
( 3 ounces) i n hi ghbal l glass . Fi l l wi th orange
juice; sti r. Garni sh with an orange s lice or
a maraschi no cherry. Makes 1 .
Combine juice and rind of Y l i me; 1 ji gger
gi n, vodka, or tequi l a ( 1 Y ounces) ; and ice
cubes i n a tall gl ass. Fi l l with tonic water.
St i r t o mi x. Makes 1 .
Stocki ng a bar can pose probl ems i f you don' t
know what and how much to buy. To avoi d the
expense and the embarrassment of mi stakes ,
follow these guidel ines :
Good dri nks are made of good i ngredients ,
so buy the best l iquor and mixes you can
aford. Buy unfamiliar liquors i n small quan
tities unti l you' re sure of your preferences ,
then buy larger, more economical si zes. Use
the followi ng list to deci de what you need.
Liquor for minimum bar
Scotch and/or bourbon and/or blended rye
whi skey
Dry and/or sweet vermouth ( keep dry
vermouth refri gerated after openi ng)
Before-di nner dri nk (aperi ti f) -dry or
medium sherry
After-di nner dri nk -brandy and/or liqueur
Beer (i f cold, keep refri gerated)
Liquor for a full-capacity bar
I nclude al l the l i quor given above for mi ni
mum bar pl us vodka, rum, tequi l a, and
a selection of l i queurs and brandy.
Bar tools
Both a corkscrew and a bottle opener
A good paring kni fe
Juicer with coarse strainer
Ice crusher and ice cube cracker
Bar spoon; bar strai ner
Two-sided measure -ji gger (I Y ounces) on
one si de and pony ( 1 ounce) on the other
Ice bucket and tongs
Plenty of coasters or jackets
Long and short straws
Dri nk mixer-shaker; blender
Glassware -assorted types
Other needs
Mixers including club soda, gi nger al e,
col a dri nks, tonic water, other carbonated
beverages, and tomato juice
Citrus frui t for jui ce, peel , and slices
Syrups and liqueurs as needed
Angostura and other bitters as needed
Sugar and/or si mple syrup (equal parts of
sugar and water boiled for 5 mi nutes)
Pitted green olives, cocktail onions, and
maraschi no cherri es wi th stems
Pitcher of water and bucket of ice
(see i ndex for page numbers of recipes)
A selection of alcoholic and nonalcoholic
beverages plus
Yogurt-Cuke Di p
Stufed Eggs
Notches or Smoked Salmon Rolls
Creamy Blue Cheese Dip
Avocado-Beef Spread
Mock Quiche Squares
A selection of alcoholic and nonalcoholic
beverages plus
Dill-Sour Cream Di p
Hot Beef Spread
Nibble Mi x (hal f recipe)
Shri mp Wheels or Liverwurst Rolls
Hot Cheese-Chi ve Di p
Stufed Mushrooms
Pi nwheel s ( half recipe)
A selection of alcoholic and nonalcoholic
beverages plus
Prairie Fire
Nibble Mix
Pinwheels or Cornucopias
Creamy Blue Cheese Dip (double
reci pe)
Hot Cheese-Chive Di p ( double
Nibble Mix
Tiny Ham Pufs
Are you confused when it comes to choosi ng
the right type of wi ne to serve wi th certai n
foods ? You needn' t be because there are no
defni te rules that must be fol lowed. However,
some guidelines have been established to hel p
you enjoy wine to the ful l est.
Wines can be divided i nto four general
classes : appetizer or aperitif wi nes, di nner
wines , dessert wines, and sparkli ng wi nes. The
name of the cl ass generally i ndicates the use
of each. Appetizer wines , for exampl e, stimu
l ate the appetite and are usual l y dry. ( I n
reference to wines, dry means "not sweet. ")
The dinner wi nes, also called table wines ,
incl ude both red and whi te wi nes. They are
usual l y served with the main course. Red di n
ner wines are predominately dry and rich
and sometimes have a tart or astri ngent char
acteristic, so they are best with hearty or
highly seasoned foods . White dinner wines ,
on the other hand, are l i ghter in favor and
can be very dry and tart or sweet. Serve white
wines with delicately favored foods so that
the favor of the wine doesn' t overpower the
entree. Rose wine is an al l -purpose dinner
wine, compatible with any type of food.
Dessert wines are sweeter wines , and, as the
name i mpl ies, they are served at the l ast course
of the meal or i n pl ace of dessert.
Like Rose, sparkli ng wines complement any
food, or they can be served by themselves .
Sparkl i ng wines are al l -purpose and can be
served before, during, or at the end of the
meal . Familiar sparkl i ng wines include Cham
pagne, Sparkl i ng Burgundy, and Col d Duck.
When deci di ng how much wine to buy, al l ow
4 to 6 glasses from a ffth ( 25. 6 fuid ounces)
of di nner and sparkl i ng wines, and 10 to 1 2
glasses from a ffth of appetizer and dessert
wines . Each glass of wine i s based on 4 to 6
ounces of dinner or sparkl i ng wine and 2
to 2 Y ounces of appetizer or dessert wine.
Be sure to plan for refl l s.
Store unopened wines away from t he sun at
a cool , constant temperature ( about 60) . Place
a corked bottle on its side so that the cork wi l l
stay moi st. A bottle with a screw cap can be
placed upright or on its side.
Knowi ng the correct servi ng temperature
for the various wines is also hel pful . The
majority of the Rose and whi te wines are
served prechi l l ed to a temperature of 45 to
50. Sparkl i ng wi nes are served at a tempera
ture of 40 to 45. Appetizer, dessert, and
red dinner wines are generall y served at a
cool room temperature (60 to 70) , except for
dry Sherry and dry Vermouth, which are
chil l ed to 45 to 55 or served over ice.
There are a few additional pointers you
shoul d know about servi ng wine. Open red
di nner wi nes about 1 hour before serving to
allow the wine to "breathe" and to devel op
its bouquet . However, wait unti l just before
servi ng to open other wines .
When serving wine, use clear, stemmed
glasses that are completely dry and free of
lint, fl m, and waterspots . Pour a smal l amount
of wine in your gl ass frst and sampl e i t. (Thi s
i s done to remove any stray pieces of cork
and to detect a vi negary favored wine. ) Then,
fl l each guest' s glass V to Y ful l for a sti l l
wi ne. For s parkl i ng wines , pour wi ne i nto the
glass unti l the foam reaches the rim; continue
fl l ing the glass unt i l i t is % to % ful l .
After-dinner drinks include both brandy
and liqueurs. Cognac, a top-quali ty grape
brandy from France, and other fne brandies
are usually served straight i n sni fters. Brandy
is al so served i n cofee or over ice. In addition,
there are other fruit-favored brandies . These
are usual l y identifed by the fruit name, such
as appl e brandy or pear brandy. However,
some fruit brandies have their own names ,
such as Kirsch (cherry) ; Framboise (raspberry) ;
Calvados ( apple) ; Quetsch, Slivovi tz, and
Mi rabelle ( pl um) ; and Will iami ne ( pear) .
Liqueurs , al so called cordial s , are sweet
and have various favors . Examples of fami liar
liqueurs include Grand Marnier and Cointreau
(orange) , Kahl ua (cofee) , Creme de Cacao
(chocol ate) , and Creme de Menthe ( pepper
mi nt) . Benedictine and Chartreuse are l iqueurs
prepared with s pecial herb formul as.
Serve l iqueurs in smal l glasses , straight
or over ice i n larger glasses. Or, i f you wi sh,
pour liqueurs over ice cream.
Appetizer wines, also referred to as aperitifs ,
are those served before a meal or as a cocktail.
Dry wines are usually preferred over the
sweeter types . Appetizer wi nes include dry
Sherry, Vermouth, and favored wines . Serve
them i n an all-purpose wi negl ass, or choose
the 6-ounce glass. These wines are best with
all types of appetizers .
Red dinner (table) wines are generally
robust i n favor, thus, they complement hearty
foods such as red meats (beef and pork) ,
cheese, egg, and pasta dishes , and highly
seasoned foods. Red dinner wines include red
Burgundy, Claret ( Bordeaux) , red Chianti ,
and Rose. Serve red di nner wi nes in the 8- to
1 0-ounce all-purpose wineglass.
wines 111
White dinner (table) wines are delicately
favored and are generally served with light
foods such as poultry, fsh, shel l fsh, and
veal . Examples of whi te wines include Chabli s,
white Burgundy, Rhi ne, dry Sauterne, and
white Chi anti . The favor varies from very
dry and tart to sweet and full-bodi ed. Use
the 8- to 1 0-ounce all-purpose wi neglass.
Dessert wines have a special sweetness and
richness. Because of these characteristics, they
are served as the dessert or as a dessert accom
paniment. Dessert wines go especially well with
frui ts, nuts, and dessert cheeses . Examples
i nclude Port, Tokay, Muscatel , sweet Sauterne,
and sweet or cream Sherry. Serve dessert
wi nes in 4-ounce glasses.
Par lnt
Whether you're new to the world of
entertaining or a more experienced
homemaker who is searching for
additional ideas and help with
entertaining, you'll find information here
that will make party planning enjoyable.
You will find tips on how to be the
relaxed and organized hostess-
from planning the party to seeing your
guests to the door at the end of the
party, plus a few tips on how to manage
unexpected company.
In addition, this section provides
information on table appointments
and how to set the table for a sit-down
meal or for buffet-style service.
You'll also find ideas for some easily
created centerpieces that will make
your table look impressive and give it
that individual touch.
Flowers of all types make colorful
centerpieces, whether it's a fresh
bouquet of brilliant Ranunculus, a
handful of cardinal red geraniums, or
fowers handmade with plastic pellets
or straw daisies made on a loom.
A relaxed, confdent hostess is the key to a
successful party. I f you show signs of uneasi
ness or act unsure of yourself, the guests will
sense your discomfort and may not have a
good ti me. The best way to avoid entertai ni ng
catastrophes is to pl an well .
I f you are a really good hostess, you' ll plan
everythi ng well i n advance, from deci di ng
how many guests to i nvite to what style of
food service wi l l be used. Then, when guests
arrive, you and the host will be in complete
control of the situation. If your entertai ni ng
attempts thus far leave much to be desired,
read through thi s section before planni ng your
next party. It will be time well spent.
The very frst thi ng you should do when
pl anni ng your party is to deci de how many
guests to invite. This is a relatively simple
matter, but don't forget to consider four
thi ngs -how many you can comfortably handl e,
the capacity of your home, the type and amount
of equipment you have, and your budget.
The organized hostess
How many you can comfortably handle is the
biggest factor as far as the number of guests is
concerned. If you' re entertaini ng a very large
group, it is best to get some hel p. Thi ngs will
go much s moother that way.
The capacity of your home also has a direct
beari ng on the number of persons you can
i nvi te. If you are pl anni ng a sit-down meal , the
size of the di ni ng table is also i mportant. One
thi ng that many people fail to realize i s that
entertai ni ng i s not limited to the livi ng and
di ni ng rooms. You can al so use the fami l y
room, patio, porch, or the basement .
The type and amount of equipment you have
may also mfuence the number of guests, and
as such, i s worth considering. However, if you
want to have a large party even though you
l ack certai n necessities , you can always rent
tables , chairs , di nnerware, glassware, cooking
containers , heating equi pment, and other items .
Churches and local women' s clubs are also
good sources of entertaini ng equi pment, espe
cially i f you' re looki ng for a large cofee maker
or tables and chairs. If you serve large num
bers of people onl y once or twice a year, i t
i s usually easier and less costly to rent or
borrow what you need than i t is to buy and
store i tems that you seldom use.
Your budget, that ever-present guardian
agai nst overspendi ng, also may be a decidi ng
factor i n the number of people you can invite
to your party, or i n the type of party you give.
For exampl e, a brunch for eight often is less
expensive than a di nner for si x or a cocktail
party for twelve because of the costs of the
foods and beverages served.
Here are some hi nts that may hel p you to
cut the cost of party giving. Have parties on
successive days or try two ki nds of parties
on the same day, such as a brunch i n mi d
morni ng and a cocktail party i n the eveni ng.
By doi ng thi s, you can use the same fowers ,
perhaps cook some of the foods i n quantity,
and have al l of your party equi pment set out,
clean, and ready to use. In addition, the house
wi l l require onl y a l i ttle picki ng up and a l i ght
dusti ng between occasions .
Another way to cut party costs is to go easy
on liquor. Punches made with wi ne are less
expensive to serve than are cocktails , and a
bottle of liquor extended with various frui t
juices and mixers goes a l ong way. If you
decide to have a bar with mi xed drinks, keep
control of the pouri ng and mi xi ng yourself.
I f after-dinner dri nks are on the menu, i nstead
of ofering an assortment of liqueurs, serve
Irish cofee or a nonalcoholic cofee such as
Espresso or Cappuccino. Al ways make sure
that you have something speci al to ofer guests
who prefer nonalcoholic beverages.
Now that you know approximately how
many people you' re goi ng to invite, decide
what kind of party to have. While making your
decision, keep i n mi nd what your guests will
enjoy and the type of entertaini ng you like to
do best. Both of these thi ngs will add to the
relaxed atmosphere of the party.
If your guest list is small , you probably can
manage a sit-down dinner. For a medi um-sized
group, however, consider havi ng a bufet-type
meal where either you prepare all the food,
or where guests bring some of i t, potluck
style. An assortment of snacks and beverages
i s usually best for a very large group.
Regardless of t he type of party you have,
you will spend a considerable amount of time
trying to decide what and where to serve your
guests -that i s, if you' re l i ke most people.
This needn' t be the case. Consider the follow
i ng advice. If your party i s to have a special
theme, let this decide your menu. For example,
at an oriental -themed party, consider servi ng
a stir-fried entree cooked at the di nner table
i n a wok. If you decide on an appetizer bufet,
set up a bufet table i n the di ni ng room and
serve snack-type foods. This way, the guests
can circulate between the di ni ng and livi ng
rooms. Should you decide on a bufet supper,
set up tray tables or card tables i n the li ving
room, and set food on the bufet table i n
the di ni ng room.
One of t he easiest tasks i n planni ng for a
party is maki ng up the guest l i st. I f you
i nvi te the right combination of people -those
with common i nterests and a mi xture of occu
pations -everyone will enjoy themselves . I t' s
as si mple as that. I f, on t he other hand,
you try to ful fl l all of your obl i gations at
one time, the results can be disastrous .
hostessing 115
Remember: You should consider your guests'
enjoyment, not your own social obligations,
so i nvi te people to a party that you know
they'll enjoy attendi ng.
By the way, so that you aren' t disappointed
by a poor turnout at your party, make sure
that guests know the correct party date.
I nvitati ons can be written or telephoned for
most types of i nformal and semi formal occa
si ons. If you are sendi ng invitations, whether
they are hand-written or whether you fll in
the i nformation on preprinted invitations,
mai l them to your guests from 1 0 to 1 4 days
before the party date. Thi s allows your guests
time to R. S.V. P. ( please reply) to the invi ta
tion. Telephoned i nvi tations are also permi ssi
ble and shoul d be done at least a week before
the party. If possibl e, try to call all your
guests the same day, especially i f you are
planni ng a smal l gathering. When telephoni ng
invi tations, be sure that you let guests know
the date, ti me, type of party, and type of
attire that is expected.
After the guests have been invited, the
best thi ng for you to do is to put yourself
on a schedule -a written schedul e. From now
on, timing is very i mportant so as to avoid
last-mi nute chaos. Writi ng out the menu, along
wi th the servi ng di shes you intend to use,
The unorganized hostess
116 hostessing
shoul d be at the top of the l i st. Other i tems
that you' l l want to incl ude are cl eani ng the
house, checki ng the table l i nens, pol i shi ng
the si l ver, pl anni ng table setti ngs and style
of service, centerpieces, candl es, and other
decorations, writing up the market order for
both food and liquor, orderi ng any specialty
foods , pl anni ng ti me for purchasi ng both
staples and perishables, pl us ti me for food
preparation. I n addition, pl an what you are
goi ng to wear and be sure to allow some ti me
on t he schedule t o relax and get ready before
guests are expected to arrive.
Plan to do as much of the work ahead as
possible. Chores such as heavy housecl eani ng
and preparation of foods that can be frozen
or refrigerated shoul d be compl eted before
the day of the party.
When you are pl anni ng the menu, be sure that
you consider the use of make-ahead foods. Try
not to plan a menu that i ncl udes more than one
or two i tems requiri ng l ast-mi nute preparation.
Al so, check to see that table l i nens are spot
lessly clean and pressed wel i n advance of
the party so that you will have ample time to
l aunder and iron them, i f necessary. I n addi
tion, make sure that you have enough napki ns
that are ready to use.
One duty that defni tel y shoul d not be l eft
to the day of the party is shoppi ng for the
food. I l eft to the l ast minute, shoppi ng wil l
take up much of your preci ous time, and there
i s al ways a chance that you mi ght forget an
i ngredient that is needed i n recipe prepara
tion. Staple items, such as canned goods, and
l iquor, can be purchased well ahead of time.
Then , a day before the party, you can shop
for the peri shable foods .
I f you don' t already have a party log, now
i s the time to start one. It can prove i nval uable
for future parties. Use a notebook, card fle,
or any other system that works for you.
I nclude in your l og any i nformation about
parties you' ve given that you thi nk wil l be
hel pful i n planni ng future parti es. Thi ngs
that you might i nclude i n the l og are the date
and time of the party, who was i nvi ted, who
accepted and attended, the foods that were
served and servi ng dishes , how the food was
served, how you organized the party, equip
ment used, a sample table setti ng, decorati ons,
and possibly the entertai nment provided. You
mi ght also incl ude your party clothes, the
l i kes and di sl i kes of guests , and any other
hel pful i nformati on.
When the day of the party arrives, make any
fnal food preparati ons and do a bit of touch
up cl eani ng. Just before the party, check to
see that the guest bathroom is spotless and
that fresh soap and towel s are handy. You
might al so arrange a beauty tray for femal e

ests. On i t pl ace a new comb, a can of hai r

spray, and a box of faci al tissues .
Al so, before guests arrive, be sure that you
have pl enty of ashtrays and coasters pl aced
around the party room. Ashtrays shoul d be
emptied at regular i nterval s, so have a sui table
container for thi s purpose.
You' re relaxed, confdent, and ready (thanks
to careful pl anni ng) . Now, handl e each si tua
ti on as i t comes and follow through wi t h pl ans.
If possibl e, both host and hostess shoul d
greet guests at the door and make them feel
welcome. Al though thi s may become di fcul t
as more guests arri ve, make sure that someone
i s al ways near the door to greet l atecomers .
What to do wi th guests' coats may pose a
problem, so clear out the hal l closet ahead
of ti me and have plenty of hangers avai lable.
For large parties, hang the men' s coats i n
t he closet and l et t he women pl ace thei r coats .
in one of the bedrooms. Thi s wi l l give the
ladies a chance to freshen up a bi t before
joi ni ng the party.
If yours i s a small party, i ntroduce the newly
arrived guests to everyone. However, for a
larger party, onl y i ntroduce the new arrival s
to a few peopl e, then l et them i ntroduce them
sel ves to others . The host and hostess shoul d
visit wi th each guest duri ng the party.
There are several other poi nts to keep i n
mi nd duri ng t he party, too. I t' s a good i dea
to try to avoi d havi ng both the host and hostess
out of the room at one time. Al so, be aware
of your guests' comfort duri ng the party. I f
the room temperature gets too warm, open a
wi ndow or door, or turn down the thermostat.
Shoul d you or your guests become bothered
by ci garette, cigar, or pi pe smoke, l i ght some
candl es to hel p cl ear the ai r.
I you are hosti ng a sit-down di nner party,
be sure that guests are not crowded together
at the tabl e. At a sit-down meal for more than
si x, i t's best to have pl ace cards to avoid the
scramble for chairs . Use pl ain whi te cards on
which names are clearl y written. For parties
with less than six people, have the seati ng
arrangement i n mi nd before you announce
tha t di nner is ready to be served.
Traditional l y, the hostess is seated at one
end of the table ( cl osest to the ki tchen) and
the host i s seated at ' the opposi te end. Seat
a male guest of honor to the ri ght of the
hostess or an honored female guest to the
right of the host. The di nner partner of the
guest of honor should si t at the opposi te end
to the right of either host or hostess , depend
i ng on whom the guest of honor i s . The second
most i mportant male guest shoul d be seated
to the hostess' l eft and the second most
i mportant female guest shoul d be seated to
the host' s left. Al ternate men and women
around the tabl e, i f possi bl e.
When you' re servi ng s nacks rather than a
si t-down meal , pl ace the food in an easi l y
accessible area and have pl enty of napki ns on
hand. For thi s i nformal type of gatheri ng,
consider usi ng coaster trays, as they wi l l hol d
both dri nks and snacks easi l y.
At the end of the party when guests are
leavi ng, the host shoul d get the coats from
the closet and the hostess shoul d accompany
women guests to the bedroom where they
have placed their coats . The host and/or
hostess should then see the guests to the door
and remain at the open door unti l the guests
are safel y on thei r way.
One of the items on your schedule that needs
to be thought out wel l i n advance of the party
i s how you are goi ng to serve the food. There
are several service styles that can be used.
These styles i ncl ude conti nental service, En
gl i sh service, fami l y-style, country-style, blue
pl ate service, and bufet-styl e.
Continental service, also referred to as formal
or Russi an service, requi res servants, so i t
i s rarely used. When i t i s used, the food i s
arranged on the pl ate, then the fl led plate
hostessing 117
i s placed before guests ; or empty pl ates are
pl aced before guests who help themselves to
food passed by servants ; or empty plates are
placed before guests and the food i s served
onto the pl ates by servants .
English service is another service style. The
di nner plates are stacked i n front of the host,
who serves the meat. He, i n turn, passes the
pl ates to the hostess , who serves the vegetabl es.
Then, the pl ates are passed to guests . A
variation of thi s style is family-style service,
someti mes called compromise service. For
this style, all the food for the entree i s served
by one person, then the fl led pl ates are
passed to . guests in an orderly manner.
Other popul ar service styles i ncl ude country
style service and blue-plate service. For country
style service, fi lled servi ng dishes are placed
on the table and the guest closest to the di sh
hel ps hi msel f and passes the di sh to the person
on hi s ri ght. Blue-pl ate service entai l s fl l i ng
the plates i n the ki tchen, then pl aci ng the
fl l ed pl ate on the table just before guests
si t down at the di nner table.
Buffet-style is another type of service. Con
tainers of food are pl aced on a sui table sur
face, such as a si de bufet, tabl e, or counter.
El ectric warmi ng trays or el ectric ski l lets
are ideal for keepi ng foods hot on the bufet
table. Guests hel p themsel ves to the food,
then they si t down at set tabl es , balance pl ates
or trays on their l aps , or set plates on smal l
tray tabl es placed around the room.
There always seem to be occasions when you
don' t have ti me to prepare for guests , such
as when fri ends stop by. To avoid embarrass
ment on the part o' your surprise vi si tors ,
be prepared for such occasions by havi ng an
emergency suppl y of food. Foods that are
handy to have on hand include casseroles that
have been frozen or the i ngredients for di shes
that can be qui ckl y combi ned. Tapi ng a quick
to-prepare recipe to a paper bag fl led wi th
shel f-stable i ngredi ents for the reci pe i s al so
a good idea. Thi s el i mi nates hunti ng for a
reci pe and i ngredi ents when ti me is short.
Taki ng precautions l i ke these wi l l make your
unexpected company feel welcome.
A di nner table that looks attractive makes any
meal more enjoyable for your guests. Thi s
bei ng the case, make sure that your table
appointments -di nnerware, glassware, fat
ware, holloware, table coverings , napkins ,
and decorations -blend together in color,
scale, and proporti on. Your guests will appre
ciate the extra efort, and you' ll know that
you have done your utmost to make the meal
a pleasurable occasion.
The most promi nent i tem on any dinner
table is di nnerware. There are many types of
dinnerware on the market today -chi na, earth
enware, pottery, stoneware, plastic, glass, and
glass-ceramic. I t' s helpful to have two sets , one
for everyday or for more i nformal entertai n
i ng, and a second set of fner chi na for special
occasions . However, some types of di nnerware,
such as a si mply designed, fner type of
earthenware, will do doubl e duty and are
suitable for almost any occasion.
When entertai ni ng, most people need at least
six place setti ngs of matched di nnerware. I f
you entertain larger groups fairly often, how
ever, you' ll probably want to i nvest i n addi
tional setti ngs. A place setti ng usually includes
a di nner plate, dessert or salad plate, bread
and-butter plate, and a - cup and saucer.
Glassware is another i mportant table ap
pointment. There are two styles of glassware
stemmed and unfooted -both of whi ch come
i n many sizes. If you have Co sets of dinner
ware, you' ll probably also want two sets of
glassware, one for casual occasions and one
for more formal occasions . For example, when
using fne china, you mi ght use stemmed
crystal ; however, with heavy-looki ng pottery,
unfooted, colored glasses are a good choice.
And don' t forget the fatware, the i mple
ments used for eati ng and servi ng. Sterli ng
silver, plated si lver, and stainless steel are the
most popular types. Choose fatware that i s
appropriate wi th your di nnerware. For ex
ampl e, i f you are using casual pottery, you
probably would use stainless fatware.
Hol loware, too, is an item to consider. These
are the metal containers , such as pi tchers ,
trays, and beverage containers, used to hold
foods. They are available i n the same types
of materials as the fatware, pl us pewter,
copper, and brass.
I f you already have your di nnerware, glass
ware, fatware, and holloware, one easy way
to give your table setting an entirely di ferent
look is by purchasi ng new table coveri ngs .
And what a selection there i s. Tablecloths ,
place mats , and table runners come in a wi de
range of easy-care fabrics and materials and
i n a variety of col ors and desi gns.
Here are a few guidelines t o hel p you deter
mi ne whi ch table coveri ng to use. When usi ng
heavily patterned di nnerware, use a pl ai n cl oth.
However, si mpl y desi gned or plain di nnerware
harmonizes with either plain or patterned
cloths. If the di nnerware is heavy looki ng,
choose a textured fabric; use more delicate
looki ng cloths wi th fner china and gl assware.
Be sure that you know the size -both l ength
and width -and the shape of your table when
purchasi ng tablecloths. Pl an to have at least
a 1 0- to 1 5-i nch overhang on the sides and ends
of the table for an i nformal di nner cloth.
Place mats often are used for i nformal
entertai ni ng. They come i n various sizes and
shapes, ranging from 16 to 18 i nches l ong and
from 12 to 14 i nches wi de.
Table runners also can be used as a table
coveri ng, either directly on the tabletop, coor
di nated wi th place mats , or over a cloth.
Runners should be about 1 2 inches wi de and
may ft the l ength of the table exactly or
have a drop of 8 to 10 inches on both ends .
Napki ns also need to be considered when
planning the tabl e setti ng. Oftenti mes, they
come i n sets with the tablecloth or place mats .
Dinner napki ns should be made of fabric and
be at least 18 i nches square; for formal occa
sions, 24 i nches square is a better si ze. Lun
cheon and breakfast napki ns are 1 5 to 1 7
inches square, whi l e cocktail napki ns are 4
by 6 i nches or 6 by 8 i nches . Paper napki ns
may be used for some i nformal occasions.

Maki ng your dinner table a trul y enjoyable
place to eat i nvolves more than just havi ng
the right combi nation of table appointments .
You have to know how to set the table correctl y,
too. Here are some basic rules to fol l ow.
Dependi ng on the styl e of service you use
(see page 1 1 7) , the dinner plates are set i n the
center of each place setti ng, or i n a stack i n
front of the person who wi l l be servi ng. Al l ow
about 15 inches between place setti ngs .
When arrangi ng forks, kni ves , and spoons ,
remember to place these items from the out
side i n, i n the order they wi l l be used. The
chi na, fatware, and napki n should be placed
i n a line about one i nch from the table edge.
Forks are placed t o the l eft of t he pl ate. The
salad fork, i f used, may be placed on either
side of the dinner fork, dependi ng on when
the sal ad is to be served. I f the salad i s served
before the main course, the salad fork goes
to the left of the di nner fork. I f the sal ad i s
eaten wi th or after the mai n course, the salad
fork usually i s placed to the right of the dinner
fork. A salad fork is not essenti al i f the salad
accompanies the mai n course.
Knives and spoons are pl aced to the ri ght
of the pl ate, wi th the kni fe cl osest to the pl ate
and the blade faci ng the plate. If the dessert
requires a spoon, pl ace two teaspoons to the
right of the kni fe. If desired, you can bri ng
i n the dessert fatware with the dessert.
Place napki ns to the left of the forks with
the open corners of the napki n at the lower
right. Opti onal placements of the napkin are
on the di nner plate or i n the center of the
pl ace setti ng between the forks and kni fe.
These al ternate napki n placements often are
used when space i s l i mited.
I f a bread-and-butter plate is used, place
i t above the forks, wi th the bread-and-butter
kni fe straight across the top of the pl ate.
Omi t this pl ate if space is l i mi ted.
The salad plate may take several pl acements .
I a bread-and-butter pl ate i s used, place the
salad plate to the l eft and below the bread
and-butter plate. When no bread-and-butter
plate i s used, pl ace the salad plate at the ti p
of the forks .
When pl aci ng glassware on the table, set the
water gl ass or gobl et at the ti p of the kni fe.
The wi ne gl asses are placed above t he spoons ,
below and to the right of the water gl ass.
Table set for family-style service.
120 table settings
Drawi ngs at left show how to set the tabl e.
(l) Appetizer course: Provide seafood fork, i f
needed, napki n, and si lverware and gl ass
ware for the rest of the meal . Serve the
appetizer on an underl i ner plate. (2) Soup
course: Provide a soup spoon. Pl ace soup bowl
on underl i ner pl ate. (3) Main course: Provi de
di nner plate, sal ad plate (optional ) , bread-and
butter pl ate and kni fe (optional ) , di nner fork,
sal ad fork (optional ) , kni fe and spoon. Provi de
a gl ass for each beverage. If no previous
courses have been served, include a napki n.
(4) Dessert course: Serve dessert from the
kitchen accompani ed by the silverware needed
and cofee, i f desired.
One-line buffet
To make sure that everythi ng proceeds
smoothly when you are servi ng a bufet meal ,
heed the fol lowi ng advice.
First, plan what table you are goi ng to put
the food on and where you are goi ng to place
this tabl e. I f space permits , pl ace the bufet
table i n the center of the room so that guests
can walk around i t. Thi s wi l l permi t you to
use either the one-line bufet, which i ncl udes
beverage service, or, for large groups, the
Two-line buffet
two-l i ne bufet. I f the bufet table is smal l
or needs to be placed agai nst a wal l , use a
separate table or cart for the beverage.
Next, pl an t he placement of food and
appoi ntments on the tabl e. The i mportant
thi ng to remember i s to pl ace thi ngs i n a
logical sequence -di nner plates, main di sh,
vegetabl e, sal ad, rel i s hes, rol l s, si l verware, nap
ki ns , and beverage. When setti ng the bufet
tabl e, be ure to al l ow room near each servi ng
di sh so that guests can set thei r plates down
whi le they serve themsel ves.
Buffet with beverage cart
Does your table setti ng sti l l l ack that certai n
somethi ng? Then maybe a centerpiece is just
what you need to add.
I f thi nki ng of an idea for a centerpiece i s
a probl em for you, start wi th the tradi tio1 1 al
material s -fowers and candl es . An attractive
bouquet of fowers or an arrangement of
candl es wi l l beautify any table. To gi ve a new
look to those old standbys, use a unique
hol der. For example, odds and ends of gl ass
ware make attractive vases, a large champagne
glass i s just right for hol di ng a si ngl e foati ng
fower, decorative casserole dishes hol d large
fower arrangements nicel y, and a trivet is an
attractive base for a candle. Al so try bui l di ng
a candl e i nto a fower arrangement. The
resul t wi l l be enchanti ng.
Actual l y, almost anything can be used i n a
centerpiece. Make use of materials found
around the house. For exampl e, use a smal l ,
unframed mirror as a background for ti ny
glass swans , fl l a wicker basket with an assort-
Arrange real vegetables and vegetable candles
on a scale for an unusual centerpiece. Fold
the napkin decoratively for more interest.
ment of fresh frui t, turn a l arge brandy sni fter
i nto a Christmas centerpiece by fl l i ng i t with
colorful Christmas balls , make a treasure
chest from a shoe box, or use several cl ocks
for a New Year' s Eve centerpiece.
You can also take advantage of nature' s
materi al s. Turn a small tree branch i nto a
mi ni ature tree and fl l it with Easter egg or
gumdrop blossoms, gather colorful fal l leaves
and use them as a background for ceramic
forest ani mal s, or make a pretty fal l center
piece from dried fowers and I ndi an corn.
Remember, these i deas are onl y a begi nni ng.
Now, just use your i magination.
When arrangi ng and placi ng centerpieces ,
there are a few rules to remember. Make sure
that the centerpiece will not i nterfere with
the view of the person across the tabl e. When
candl es are used, be sure that the fame i s
either above or bel ow eye level . At formal
di nners , always place the centerpi ece of
fowers and candl es i n the center of the tabl e.
Other times , pl ace the centerpiece on the table
wherever i t looks the best.
Combine a bouquet of daisies and a glass fgu
rine for a springy centerpiece. Unite the two
centerpiece parts with a cloth background.
1 cup cake four = 1 cup mi nus 2 tablespoons
all-purpose four
1 tablespoon cornstarch ( for thickeni ng) =
2 tablespoons all-purpose four or 4 tea
spoons quick-cooki ng tapioca
1 cup chocolate wafer crumbs = 19 wafers
1 cup fnely crushed graham cracker crumbs =
14 square crackers
1 cup fnely crushed vanilla wafer crumbs =
22 wafers
1 cup whipping cream, whipped = 2 cups
whi pped dessert toppi ng
1 clove garlic = Y teaspoon garlic powder
l teaspoon dry mustard = 1 tablespoon pre
pared mustard
1 tablespoon fresh s ni pped herbs = 1 teaspoon
dried herbs
1 cup uncooked macaroni = 2 cups cooked
l cup uncooked noodles = 1 cup cooked noodles
1 cup uncooked l ong grain rice = 3 cups
cooked rice
1 cup uncooked, packaged precooked rice = 2
cups cooked rice
7 ounces uncooked spaghetti = 4 cups cooked
Bouquet Garni -A bundl e of herbs, basically
made witb thyme, parsl ey, and bay leaf.
Caf-The French word for cofee.
Canape -An appetizer wi th an edible base.
Canapes are usually fnger foods .
Chafing Dish -A piece of cooki ng equipment
consisti ng of two pans -a metal pan for the
food (blazer pan) and a container for water
(bain-marie) -that ft together and si t on a
frame above a heat source.
Chateaubriand-A very thick, center cut taken
from the beef tenderloi n.
Clariied Butter -The clear, oil-like top layer
poured from melted butter.
Consomme -A clear, ri ch soup made by boi l i ng
down meat or poul try broth until i ts volume
i s reduced by about half.
Coquille -An authentic or arti fcial scallop shell
used for baking and attractively servi ng many
seafood and creamed mixtures.
Crepe -A thi n, delicate pancake.
Crouton -A small cube of bread that has been
oven-toasted or browned in butter.
Demitasse - 1 . A dark, fragrant cofee usually
served after dinner. 2. The small hal f-size cup
used for serving the dark cofee.
Escargot -An edible l and s nail .
Fillet - 1 . Boned meat removed from poultry,
fsh, or game. 2. The process of removi ng meat
from the bones of poultry, fsh, or game.
Flambe -The French word for the fami ng of
food, ei ther duri ng preparati on or when
brought to the table for serving.
Hors d'oeuvre -A small , usually el egant appe
tizer served before a meal or at cocktail parties
where no other food i s served.
Liqueur-An alcoholic beverage made of a
distilled s pirit, a syrup, and favorings.
Liquor -A distilled alcoholic beverage, such as
whiskey, vodka, or rum.
Marinate -To al l ow a food to stand several
hours i n a seasoned liqui d.
Pate -A spreadable mixture made of meat and
seasoni ngs. The meat used for pats i s so
fnel y chopped or mashed that the mixture
i s the consistency of a paste.
Petits Fours -Small , i ndividual cakes, biscuits ,
cookies , or confections. Best known are ti ny
pieces of cake coated with a fondantl i ke ici ng
and i ntricately decorated.
Saute -To cook quickly in just a little fat.
Vinaigette -A thi n, clear mixture of vinegar,
oi l , and seasoni ngs that is essentially the
original French salad dressing.
Almond Coffee Cake, Apricot- . . 20
Amber Tea Delight . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 04
(see also Dips, Spread)
Braunschweiger Pate . . . . . . . . 91
Caviar Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Checkerboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Christmas Onion Soup . . . . . . . 8
Consomme Madrilene . . . . . . . 39
Cornucopias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Creamy Vegetabl e Soup . . . . . . 48
Deluxe Fruit Cup . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Egg-Filled Cups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Fold- Ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Fruit Cup Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Fruit Kabobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Fruit Skewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Gala Grapefruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Ham-Cheese Logs . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
j igsaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Liverwurst Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Mock Quiche Squares . . . . . . . 101
Nibble Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Notches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 02
Oysters en Brochette . . . . . . . . 8
Pinwheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Salmon Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Shrimp Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 02
Smoked Salmon Rolls . . . . . . . 101
Smoky Cheese Ball . . . . . . . . . . 94
Stuffed Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Stuffed Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . 1 02
Sweet-Sour Franks . . . . . . . . . . 94
Tiny Ham Puffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Tomato Tidbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Tuna Pinwheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Zippy Tomato Refresher . . . . . 48
Apple Sparkle, Lemon- . . . . . . . . 94
Apple Wine, Hot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OS
Apricot-A! mond Coffee Cake . . 20
Apricot Parfaits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Apricot-Sauced Sweets . . . . . . 69
Berry-Apricot Mold . . . . . . . . . . 55
Orange-Apricot Nog . . . . . . . . . 31
Artichoke Hearts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Artichokes a I a Ham Curry . . . . . 10
Asparagus Divan . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Buttered Asparagus for 12 . . . . 66
Creamy Asparagus Salad . . . . . 54
Avocado-Beef Spread . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Bacon Popovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Baked Bananas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Baked Bean Quintet . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Baked Shrimp and Crab
Combo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Banana Mold, Mai Tai . . . . . . . . . 27
Barbecue Burgers . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Barbecued Spareribs . . . . . . . . . 45
Barbecue-Glazed Ham . . . . . . 86
Chicken Barbecue . . . . . . . . . . 84
Baked Bean Quintet . . . . . . . . . 57
Green Beans Especial . . . . . . . . 76
Greens and Beans Salad . . . . . 87
Marinated Bean Salad . . . . . . . 92
Avocado-Beef Spread . . . . . . . . 100
Barbecue Burgers . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Beef Brisket in Beer . . . . . . . . . 52
Beef Fondue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Beef Wellington . . . . . . . . . . " . . 53
Beef with Yorkshire Pudding . . 53
Chicken-Steak Almond . . . . . . 37
Deviled Beef Salad . . . . . . . . . . 32
Hot Beef Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Marinated Breakfast Steaks . . . 30
Meat Loaf Trio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Mexicali Meat Ring . . . . . . . . . 53
Tournedos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Onion-Buttered Sirloin . . . . . . . 35
Oriental Steak Skillet . . . . . . . . 53
Rib Roast with Onion Butter . . 71
Saucy Steak Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Sicilian Meat Roll . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Spaghetti and Meatballs . . . . . . 73
Stroganoff for a Crowd . . . . . . 86
Teriyaki Roast Beef . . . . . . . . . . 67
Berry-Apricot Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5
Bloody Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Brandied Chocolate . . . . . . . 40
Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Daiquiri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Daiquiri Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Eggnog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Grasshopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Hawaiian Rum Drink . . . . . . 106
Highball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Hot Apple Wine . . . . . . . . . . 1 OS
I rish Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Manhattan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Martini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Beverages, alcoholic, cont.
Cocktail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Peach Spike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Pitcher Champagne
Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Rosy Champagne Punch . . . 1 OS
Screwdriver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Sherried Chocolate
Frappe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Tonic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Whiskey Sour . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Amber Tea Delight . . . . . . . . 104
Cherry Shakes . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Elegant Fruit Punch . . . . . . . 95
Four- Fruit Punch .

. . . . . . . . . 95
Frostea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Hot Malted-Mint Drink . . . . 107
Lemon-Apple Sparkle . . . . . . 94
Lime- Frosted Punch . . . . . . . 107
Minted Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
1 -2-3 Easy Party Punch . . . . 104
Orange-Apricot Nog . . . . . . . 31
Quantity Egg Coffee . . . . . . . 1 07
Quantity Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Raspberry Punch . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Ruby Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . 104
Spiced Grape Punch . . . . . . 104
Spiced Mocha . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Strawberry Sparkle Punch . . 1 04
Biscuits, Cheesy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Biscuits Supreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Blender Hollandaise . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Bloody Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Blue Cheese-Sauced Corn . . . . . . 56
Brandied Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Braunschweiger Pate . . . . . . . . . . 91
(see also Biscuits, Coffee Cakes)
Bacon Popovers . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Brioche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Butterhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Caraway Puffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cream-of-Potato Soup Bread . . 59
Croissants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Dilly Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fig-Oatmeal Muffins . . . . . . . . 2 1
Holiday Fruit Bread . . . . . . . . . 90
J iffy Breadsticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Manna Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Mustard-Sesame Slices . . . . . . . 58
Orange-Chocolate Rolls . . . . . . 64
Parsley-Oni on Bread . . . . . . . . 2 1
Peanut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Pumpkin Seed Whole
Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
index 125
Breads, cont. Cherries Corn
Raisin- Nut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Cherry-Al mond Glazed Pork . . 38 Blue Cheese-Sauced Corn . . . . 56
Sesame-Garl ic Crisps . . . . . . . . 21 Cherry Shakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Corn on the Cob . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Strawberry- Nut Bread . . . . . . . . 88 Forgotten Cherry Torte . . . . . . . 24 Corn-Stuffed Onions . . . . . . . . . 18
Bri oche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Layered Cherry-Cheese Corn-Stuffed Pork Chops . . . . . 1 1
Broccol i Casserole, Special . . . . . 18 Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cornucopias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Broccol i Vi nai grette . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Chewy Nut Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Crab
Brunch Egg Casserol e . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chi cken Baked Shrimp and
Buttered Asparagus for 12 . . . . . . 66 Cheesy Chicken Strata . . . . . . . 3 3 Crab Combo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Butterhorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Chicken and Spaghetti . . . . . . . 14 Crab-Sauced Cheese Pie . . . . . 66
Buttermint Chi ffon Pie . . . . . . . . . 34 Chicken Barbecue . . . . . . . . . . 84 Land and Sea Sal ad . . . . . . . . . 10
Chicken Casserol e Elegante . . 77 Shel l fish Newburg . . . . . . . . . . 86
Chi cken Liver-Sauced Pasta . . 1 5 Cranberry Ambrosia . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Chicken Oriental . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Cranberry Pork Chops . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Cakes Chicken Salad F i l l ing . . . . . . . . 95 Cran- Raspberry Sherbet Mol d . . . 35
Chocol ate Ecl air Cake . . . . . . . 60 Chicken-Steak Al mond . . . . . . 37 Cream-of- Potato Soup Bread . . . . 59
Drum Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Chicken Vol -au-Vent . . . . . . . . 1 5 Creamy Asparagus Sal ad . . . . . . . 54
Fresh Coconut Cake . . . . . . . . . 67 Crispy Chicken Fondue . . . . . . 40 Creamy Bl ue Cheese Di p . . . . . . 100
Lemon Gl ow Angel Cake . . . . 77 Sesame Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Creamy Fruit Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Orange Rum-Yum Cake . . . . . . 62 Chocol ate Creamy Vegetabl e Soup . . . . . . . . 48
Peti ts Fours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Brandied Chocol ate . . . . . . . . . 40 Crepes, Peach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sauerkraut Surprise Cake . . . . . 60 Chocol ate Ecl air Cake . . . . . . . 60 Crepes, Sausage-Filled . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Caraway Puffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chocolate Fondue . . . . . . . . . . 25 Crispy Chicken Fondue . . . . . . . . 40
Casseroles Chocolate-Mi nt Cups . . . . . . . . 27 Croissants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Brunch Egg Casserole . . . . . . . . 48 Chocol ate Revel Bars . . . . . . . . 89 Cucumber- Radish Pl ate . . . . . . . . 37
Cheesy Egg-Bacon Bake . . . . . 64 Chocolate Surprise . . . . . . . . . . 89 Cupcake Al askas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chi cken Casserol e El egante . . 77 Choco- Peanut Sauce . . . . . . . . 32 Curried Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Di l l ed Cheese Casserol e . . . . . so Easy Choco Sauce . . . . . . . . . . 80 Curried Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Ham- Rice Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 El egant Chocol ate Souffle . . . . 24
Sal mon-Rice Bake . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Orange-Chocol ate Rol l s . . . . . . 64
Sour Cream-Topped Sherried Chocol ate Frappe . . . 106
Ham Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so Choco- Peanut Sauce . . . . . . . . . . 32 Daiqui ri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Caul ifl ower Sal ad, Tangy . . . . . . . 5 5 Christmas Onion Soup . . . . . . . . . 8 Daiquiri Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Caviar Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Chunky Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Date Crumble Torte, Easy . . . . . . 27
Champagne Cocktai l , Orange . . 3 1 Cl am-Baked Lobster . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Date-Mal t Chews . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Champagne Punch, Pitcher . . . . . 1 06 Coconut Coffee Cake . . . . . . . . . . 30 Date Medl ey, Orange- . . . . . . . . . 22
Champagne Punch, Rosy . . . . . . . 1 OS Coffee Del uxe Fruit Cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Checkerboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 Coffee Angel Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Del uxe Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Cheese I rish Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Desserts
Cheese-Mushroom Sauce . . . . 29 I rish Coffee Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (see al so Cakes, Cookies, Pi es)
Crab-Sauced Cheese Pie . . . . . 66 Quanti ty Egg Coffee . . . . . . . . . 107 Apricot Parfaits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Creamy Blue Cheese Dip . . . . 100 Coffee Cakes Chocol ate Fondue . . . . . . . . . . 25
Di l led Cheese Casserol e . . . . . so Apricot-Al mond Coffee Chocol ate-Mint Cups . . . . . . . . 27
Easy Cheese-Mushroom Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chocol ate Surprise . . . . . . . . . . 89
Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Cheesecake Bread Ring . . . . . . 58 Cranberry Ambrosia . . . . . . . . . 66
Ham-Cheese Logs . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Coconut Coffee Cake . . . . . . . . 30 Cupcake Al askas . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hot Cheese-Ch i ve Di p . . . . . . . 99 Spicy Marbl e Coffee Cake . . . . 29 Easy Date Crumbl e Torte . . . . . 27
Layered Cherry-Cheese Col l ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Easy Zabagl i one with
Mol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Consomme Madr i l ene . . . . . . . . . 39 Peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Mol ded Cheese Ri ng . . . . . . . . 16 Cooki es El egant Chocol ate Souffle . . . . 24
Smoky Cheese Bal l . . . . . . . . . . 94 Chewy Nut Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Elegant Fruit Medley . . . . . . . . 33
Cheesecake Bread Ring . . . . . . . . 58 Chocol ate Revel Bars . . . . . . . . 89 Fl uffy Pineappl e Dessert . . . . . 63
Cheesecake, Pumpkin . . . . . . . . . 70 Date-Mal t Chews . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Forgotten Cherry Torte . . . . . . . 24
Cheesy Biscui ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fresh Fruit Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Frozen Pumpkin Squares . . . . . 70
Cheesy Chicken Strata . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Fruited Layer Squares . . . . . . . . 89 Homemade Raspberry
Cheesy Egg-Bacon Bake . . . . . . . 64 Peanut Butter Bars . . . . . . . . . . 81 I ce Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Cheesy Potato Bake . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sugar Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 I ce Cream Sundae Mol d . . . . . 63
126 index
Desserts, cont.
Jade Cream Mold . . . . . . . . . . 24
Jamocha Mousse . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Lemon Fl uff Squares . . . . . . . . . 25
Mai Tai Banana Mold . . . . . . . 27
Mandarin Meringues . . . . . . . . 3 7
Melon Medley . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Mocha Cream Puffs . . . . . . . . . 7 1
Nessel rode Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5
Orange- Date Medley . . . . . . . . 22
Peach Crepes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Peach Posies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Pots de Crme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Pumpkin Cheesecake . . . . . . . . 70
Raspberry Shortcake . . . . . . . . . 44
Strawberries Romanoff . . . . . . . 26
Strawberry Delight . . . . . . . . . . 89
Strawberry-Vanilla Pudding . . . 24
Sundae Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Deviled Beef Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Deviled Lamb Chops . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Dilled Cheese Casserole . . . . . . . 50
Dilled Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Dill-Sour Cream Dip . . . . . . . . . . 98
Dilly Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Creamy Blue Cheese Dip . . . . 1 00
Dill-Sour Cream Dip . . . . . . . . 98
Hot Cheese-Chive Dip. . . . . . . 99
Polka- Dot Dip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Prairie Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Shrimp Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Smoked Oyster Dip . . . . . . . . . 98
Yogurt-Cuke Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Dreamy- High Pumpkin Pie . . . . . 22
Drum Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Easy Bread Fix- Ups . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Easy Cheese-Mushroom Sauce . . 57
Easy Choco Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Easy Date Crumbl e Torte . . . . . . . 27
Easy Zabaglione with Peaches . . 72
Brunch Egg Casserole . . . . . . . . 48
Cheesy Egg-Bacon Bake . . . . . . 64
Egg-Filled Cups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Egg Salad Fi l ling . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Poached Eggs i I a King . . . . . . 1 4
Stuffed Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Eggnog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Elegant Chocolate Souffl{ . . . . . . 24
Elegant Fruit Medley . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
Elegant Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Elegant Stuffed Turkey . . . . . . . . . 70
Fettuccine Al fredo . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Fig-Oatmeal Muffins . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Fluffy Pineapple Dessert . . . . . . . 63
Fluffy White Frosting . . . . . . . . . . 79
Fold- Ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Beef Fondue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
Chocol ate Fondue . . . . . . . . . . 25
Crispy Chicken Fondue . . . . . . 40
Fondue Sauces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
Forgotten Cherry Torte . . . . . . . . . 24
Four- Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
French Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
French Onion Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Fresh Coconut Cake . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Fresh Fruit Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Frostea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Frosty Fruit Cubes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Frozen Fruit Loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Frozen Pumpkin Squares . . . . . . . 70
Fruited Layer Squares . . . . . . . . . . 89
Fruited Turkey Roasts . . . . . . . . . . 84
Creamy Fruit Salad . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Deluxe Fruit Cup . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Elegant Fruit Medley . . . . . . . . 3 3
Elegant Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . 95
Four-Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Fresh Fruit Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Frosty Fruit Cubes . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Frozen Fruit Loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Fruit Cup Starter . . . .. . . . . . . . . 8
Fruit Kabobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Fruit Skewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Fruit-Stuffed Pork Crown . . . . . 5 1
Holiday Fruit Bread . . . . . . . . . 90
Ruby Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 1 04
Yogurt-Fruit Combo . . . . . . . . . 55
Gala Grapefruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Grasshopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Green Beans Especial . . . . . . . . . . 76
Greens and Beans Sal ad . . . . . . . 87
Artichokes a I a Ham Curry . . . 1 0
Barbecue-Glazed Ham . . . . . . 86
Curried Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Ham-Cheese Logs . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
Ham- Rice Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Ham Stroganoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1
Orange-Sauced Ham . . . . . . . . 76
Sour Cream-Topped
Ham Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Tiny Ham Puffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 01
Hawaiian Rum Drink . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Hearts of Palm Salad . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Hens, Wine-Glazed . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
Herbed Potato Fluff . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8
Highball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Holiday Fruit Bread . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Hollandaise, Blender . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
Homemade Raspberry
I ce Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Hot Apple Wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OS
Hot Beef Spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 01
Hot Cheese-Chive Dip . . . . . . . . . 99
Hot Malted-Mint Drink . . . . . . . . 1 07
Ice Cream, Homemade
Raspberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
I ce Cream Sundae Mold . . . . . . . 63
Irish Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Irish Coffee Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
Jade Cream Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
Jamocha Mousse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Jiffy Breadsticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Jigsaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03
Lamb Chops, Deviled . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Land and Sea Salad . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Layered Cherry-Cheese Mold . . . 1 6
eg of Lamb Mediterranean . . . . 52
Lemon-Appl e Sparkle . . . . . . . . 94
Lemon Fluff Squares . . . . . . . . . 25
Lemon Glow Angel Cake . . . . 77
Lemon-Sour Cream Tarts . . . . . 63
Lime- Frosted Punch . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Liverwurst Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 01
Lobster, Clam-Baked . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mai Tai Banana Mold . . . . . . . . . 27
Mandarin Meringues . . . . . . . . . . 3 7
Manhattan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Manna Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Marinated Bean Salad . . . . . . . . . 92
Marinated Breakfast Steaks . . . . . 30
Marinated Vegetable Combo . . . 74
Martini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 08
Meatbal l s, Spaghetti and . . . . . . . 73
Meat Loaf Trio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Meat Ring, Mexicali . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Meat Roll, Sicilian . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Mediterranean Potato Salad . . . . 56
Melon Medley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
After-the-Game Supper . . . . . . 76
Appetizer Buffet . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Barbecue Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Buffet Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1
Buffet Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Children's Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Cocktail Parties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 09
Fondue Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
French Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hol iday Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Holiday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
I tal ian Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
index 127
Menus, cont. Oranges, cont. Pitcher Champagne Punch . . . . . 1 06
Ladies' Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Orange-Date Medley . . . . . . . . 22 Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Make-Ahead Brunch . . . . . . . . 64 Orange Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Poached Eggs a I a King . . . . . . . . 1 4
Make-Ahead Lunch . . . . . . . . . 33 Orange Rum-Yum Cake . . . . . . 62 Polka- Dot Dip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Make-Ahead Picnic . . . . . . . . . 74 Orange-Sauced Ham . . . . . . . . 76 Pompano with Lemon Butter . . . 39
Make-Ahead Shower . . . . . . . . 95 Orange-Spinach Toss . . . . . . . . 44 Popovers, Bacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Make-A-Pizza Party . . . . . . . . . 80 Pork Loin with Orange Pork
Oriental Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Stuffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Barbecued Spareribs . . . . . . . . . 45
Patio Brunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Oriental Steak Skillet . . . . . . . . . . 53 Cherry-Almond Glazed Pork . . 38
Polynesian Dinner . . . . . . . . . . 67 Oven Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Corn-Stufed Pork Chops . . . . . 1 1
Potluck Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Oyster-Corn Bread Stuffed Cranberry Pork Chops . . . . . . . 1 1

Seafood Supper . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Fruit-Stuffed Pork Crown . . . . . 51
Semiformal Dinner . . . . . . . . . . 38 Oyster Dip, Smoked . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Meat Loaf Trio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Steak Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Oysters en Brochette . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pear-Sauced Pork Roasts . . . . . 84
Summer Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . 32 Parsley-Onion Bread . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 Pork Loin with Orange
Teen Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Party Potato Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Stuffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
Vegetarian Supper . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Party Sandwich Loaves . . . . . . . . 95 Saucy Pork Roast . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Weekend Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pasta Sausage- Filled Crepes . . . . . . . 1 1
Mexicali Meat Ring . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Chicken and Spaghetti . . . . . . . 1 4 Potatoes
Minted Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Chicken Liver-Sauced Pasta . . 1 5 Cheesy Potato Bake . . . . . . . . . 57
Mocha Cream Pufs . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Fettuccine Alfredo . . . . . . . . . . 34 Cream-of- Potato Soup Bread . . 59
Mock Quiche Squares . . . . . . . . . 1 01 Spaghetti and Meatbal ls . . . . . . 73 Herbed Potato Fluff . . . . . . . . . 1 8
Molded Cheese Ring . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 Pastry Shell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mediterranean Potato Salad . . 56
Mousse, Jamocha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Pate, Braunschweiger . . . . . . . . . . 91 Party Potato Salad . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Muffins, Fig-Oatmeal . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 Peaches Potato Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Mushrooms Easy Zabaglione with Pots de Creme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Cheese-Mushroom Sauce . . . . 29 Peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Prai rie Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Easy Cheese-Mushroom Peach Crepes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Puffy Omelet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Peach Posies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Pumpkin
Mushroom Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Peach Spike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 06 Dreamy- High Pumpkin Pie . . . 22
Mushroom-Sauced Spicy Peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Frozen Pumpkin Squares . . . . . 70
Tournedos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Peanuts Pumpkin Cheesecake . . . . . . . . 70
Stuffed Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . 1 02 Choco-Peanut Sauce . . . . . . . . 32 Pumpkin Seed Whole
Mustard-Sesame Slices . . . . . . . . . 58 Peanut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Wheat Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Nessel rode Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Peanut Butter Bars . . . . . . . . . . 81 Quantity Egg Coffee . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Newburg, Shellfish . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Pears Quantity Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07
Nibble Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Pear Chiffon Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Notches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 02 Pear- Lime Salad . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Nut Bars, Chewy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Pear-Sauced Pork Roasts . . . . . 84
Nut Bread, Raisin- . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Peas Raisin-Nut Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Nut Bread, Strawberry- . . . . . . . . 88 Deluxe Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Raspberries
Petits Po is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Cran- Raspberry Sherbet
Peppermint Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Petits Fours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Raspberry Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 06
Omelet, Puffy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Petits Pois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Raspberry Shortcake . . . . . . . . . 44
1 -2-3 Easy Party Punch . . . . . . . . 1 04 Pies Rib Roast with Onion Butter . . . . 71
Onions Buttermint Chiffon Pie . . . . . . . 34 Rice
Christmas Onion Soup . . . . . . . 8 Coffee Angel Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Curried Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Corn-Stuffed Onions . . . . . . . . . 1 8 Crab-Sauced Cheese Pie . . . . . 66 Ham- Ri ce Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
French Onion Pi e . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Dreamy- Hi gh Pumpkin Pie . . . 22 Oven Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Onion-Buttered Sirloin . . . . . . . 35 French Onion Pi e . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Salmon-Rice Bake . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Parsley-Onion Bread . . . . . . . . 2 1 I rish Coffee Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Rosy Champagne Punch . . . . . . . 1 OS
Rib Roast with Onion Butter . . 7 1 Lemon-Sour Cream Tarts . . . . . 63 Ruby Fruit Punch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 04
Oranges Pear Chiffon Pie . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Salad Dressings
Orange-Apricot Nog . . . . . . . . . 3 1 Pineapple-Berry Freeze . . . . . . . . 86 Chunky Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Orange-Champagne Cocktail 3 1 Pineapple Dessert, Fluffy . . . . . . . 63 French Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Orange-Chocolate Rolls . . . . . . 64 Pinwheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 Orange Dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
128 index
Sal ads Sesame-Gar l i c Cri sps . . . . . . . . . . 21 Teri yaki Roast Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Berry-Apri cot Mol d . . . . . . . . . . 55 Sesame Sl i ces, Mustard- . . . . . . . 58 Ti ny Ham Pufs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Broccol i Vi nai grette . . . . . . . . . 56 Shel l fi sh Newburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Tomatoes
Cran- Raspberry Sherbet Sherri ed Chocol ate Frappe . . . . . 1 06 Di l l ed Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Mol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Shri mp Tomato Sal ad Speci al . . . . . . . . 3 3
Creamy Asparagus Sal ad . . . . . 54 Baked Shri mp and Tomato Ti dbi ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Creamy Fru i t Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . 16 Crab Combo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Zi ppy Tomato Refresher . . . . . . 48
Cucumber- Radi sh Pl ate . . . . . . 37 Land and Sea Sal ad . . . . . . . . . 10 Toni c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Devi l ed Beef Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . 32 Shel l fi sh Newburg . . . . . . . . . . 86 Tossed Zucchi ni Sal ad . . . . . . . . . 72
Frosty Frui t Cubes . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Shri mp Di p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Tuna Pi nwheel s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Frozen Fru i t Loaf . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Shr i mp Wheel s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Turkey
Greens and Beans Sal ad . . . . . 87 Si ci l i an Meat Rol l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 El egant Stuffed Turkey . . . . . . . 70
Hearts of Pal m Sal ad . . . . . . . . 16 Smoked Oyster Di p . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Frui ted Turkey Roasts . . . . . . . . 84
Land and Sea Sal ad . . . . . . . . . 10 Smoked Sal mon Rol ls . . . . . . . . . 101 Oyster-Corn Bread Stuffed
Layered Cherry-Cheese Smoky Cheese Bal l . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Mol d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Souffl e, El egant Chocol ate . . . . . . 24 Twi nberry Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Mar i nated Bean Sal ad . . . . . . . 92 Soups Veal Steak Al aska . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
Mari nated Vegetabl e Combo . . 74 Chr i stmas On i on Soup . . . . . . . 8 Vegetabl es
Mediterranean Potato Sal ad . . 56 Consomme Madr i l ene . . . . . . . 39 Creamy Vegetabl e Soup . . . . . . 48
Mol ded Cheese Ri ng . . . . . . . . 16 Creamy Vegetabl e Soup . . . . . . 48 Mari nated Vegetabl e Combo . . 74
Orange-Spi nach Toss . . . . . . . . 44 Vegetabl e and Soy Macaron i Savory Vegetabl e Tri o . . . . . . . 5 7
Party Potato Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Scal l oped Succotash Bake . . . . 87
Pear- Li me Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Sour Cream Vegetabl e and Soy Macaron i
Pi neapple-Berry Freeze . . . . . . 86 Di l l -Sour Cream Di p . . . . . . . . 98 Sou p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Spi nach Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Lemon-Sour Cream Tarts . . . . . 63 Vegetabl e-Crouton Toss . . . . . . 55
Tangy Cau l i fl ower Sal ad . . . . . 55 Sour Cream-Topped Zucch i n i Sweet-Sou r
Tomato Sal ad Speci al . . . . . . . . 33 Ham Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Medl ey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tossed Zucch i ni Sal ad . . . . . . . 72 Spaghetti and Meatbal l s . . . . . . . . 73 Whi skey Sour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Twi nberry Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Speci al Broccol i Casserol e . . . . . 18 Wi ne
Vegetabl e-Crouton Toss . . . . . . 55 Spi ced Grape Punch . . . . . . . . . . 104 Hot Appl e Wi ne . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Yogurt- Frui t Combo . . . . . . . . . 55 Spi ced Mocha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07 Wi ne-Gl azed Hens . . . . . . . . . . 1 5
Sal mon Spi cy Marble Coffee Cake . . . . . . 29 Wi ne Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Sal mon Boats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Spi cy Peaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Yogurt-Cuke Di p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Sal mon- Ri ce Bake . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Spi nach Sal ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Yogurt- Frui t Combo . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Smoked Sal mon Rol l s . . . . . . . 101 Spi nach Toss, Orange- . . . . . . . . . 44 Yorkshi re Puddi ng, Beef wi th . . . 53
Sandwi ches Spread, Avocado-Beef . . . . . . . . . 100 Zi ppy Tomato Refresher . . . . . . . . 48
Barbecue Burgers . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Spread, Hot Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Zucch i n i Sal ad, Tossed . . . . . . . . 72
Party Sandwi ch Loaves . . . . . . 95 Strawberries Zucch i n i Sweet-Sour Medl ey . . . 18
Super Dagwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Strawberri es Romanoff . . . . . . . 26
Sauces Strawberry Del i ght . . . . . . . . . . 89
Bl ender Hol l andai se . . . . . . . . . 19 Strawberry-Nut Bread . . . . . . . . 88 Reci pes that can be doubl ed
Cheese-Mushroom Sauce . . . . 29 Strawberry Sparkl e Punch . . . . 104 Chi cken Li ver-Sauced Pasta . . . . 15
Choco- Peanut Sauce . . . . . . . . 32 Strawberry-Vani l l a Puddi ng . . . 24 Ham- Ri ce Bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Easy Cheese-Mushroom Stroganoff for a Crowd . . . . . . . . . 86 Lemon Fl uff Squares . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Stroganoff, Ham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Medi terranean Potato Sal ad . . . . 56
Easy Choco Sauce . . . . . . . . . . 80 Stuffed Eggs . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 1-2-3 Easy Party Punch . . . . . . . . 104
Mushroom Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Stuffed Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 02 Speci al Broccol i Casserol e . . . . . 18
Peppermi nt Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Sugar Cooki es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Sundae Speci al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Wi ne Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Su ndae Speci al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Saucy Pork Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Super Dagwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Reci pes that can be hal ved
Saucy Steak Rol ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Sweet-Sou r Franks . . . . . . . . . . . .
94 Broccol i Vi nai grette . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Sauerkraut Surpri se Cake . . . . . . . 60 Cheesy Potato Bake . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Sausage- Fi l l ed Crepes . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Chi cken Ori ental . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1
Savory Vegetabl e Tri o . . . . . . . . . 57 ) a mocha Mousse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Scal l oped Succotash Bake . . . . . . 87 Tangy Caul i fl ower Sal ad . . . . . . . 55 Prai ri e Fi re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Screwdri ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Tea Del i ght, Amber . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Scal l oped Succotash Bake . . . . . . 87
Sesame Chi cken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Tea, Quant i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Tangy Caul i fl ower Sal ad . . . . . . . 55
An organized hostess wi, is prepared when guests arrive
The unorganized hostess who should have done some planning
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