Está en la página 1de 31


n 5

''Wot k ifl.arciste t pith



rnsas is nat h:.

Ftnitkd n1lnu"



i otstlktl!tight"

f "".:nrh

On.e you begin to study LLa and b.ome


Yes, be.ause


had L\e int4tion of taklng


lawyer, 901, of the Lime vou wiu be applyinE the law to (r(tuJ sidatiuns.lour 'lill in doinB so. wirl der"r'nF how Sood a laF yer you will be. Therefore, it is or l' to l+F\ptrlFd the l B rnFan.F Te(r.hould

and with ihis inlention he moved


ible propcrn



Th" an-we! to the dbo\e qur"hrn ii (d, Hc-e D r melhod which will always lad you to lhe .orE.t
fIRST read the 'Trgal Pnnciple' and lreak it into s, remembd every word of the legal plin.iple is important and so is the order ol words in w ch it is sta ted 'Ihe legal Pnncitlc

From the first few questioN oI the Mrd?l lrpp. vou mbl have rFaL.ed Lhal all rl lrle\ lo am\e at the .orect aNer is a thought pro.ess, Le8al
edu.ahon i! pnmarily concehed with the development uI Uus l&ulty oI lcSrllersoninS To bemore 'pRrh"..

its componet parts. La doinS

s(bjet, thinking inevitably

leads you to


ad biasd gaeraustioB. A t)"ical legal reasoning qrestion appears as

Ev"aeELE 7

m$t appropriate

choice among many anbiSuity

2. intcnding

Lo Lak


LEGAL PRINCIPLE: Wh@ver, intending to take


possssion of my person wilhout thai pereon's coNnt moves th.t propsty jn ord. to s!.h takin& is said to

n\y Nvable

prope.ty out



<omit theft.

comits theft, shall

3. any novable properry 4. out of lhe possession of any pe.son 5. without thatperson's consent 6. moves that propeity 7. inordq to 6uch taking L is sid lo.ommit thelt. 9. Whoever.omits theft
shalL be punished 11. with impdsoMent whi.h


punished with imprisonment which may ertmd to tNie ye.B or with fin or with both


AlM *es a


belonging to ,\mya lying on a table in Amya's house. Not ventuing to misappropriate the nn8 iMediately Ior f..r of *.r.h md detection, Arb hide. $e mg udcr lhe efa covei, where it is hi8Hy improbable L\at il will ever b foud bI Amya. AIu has the intention of taking the ring froh the hiding pla.e and selling it
when the loss is forSotten.

aMly* the fa.tual sihrationi 1. Arun ses a ring belong'n8 !o Amya lyinS on a
table in

my 4tend lo lnJ@ lin orwidlboih With ttus prin.iple whi.h 6rnrly Pe(eived,
years or


2 Nor 3 Am

Amyat horse.

venturind Lo nlaPP,oPrialP the Mg imedidtel) Io, lear o{ srr.I and detechon


guilty of iheft


hides th ring sder the sofa coaer, wh6. y improbabl that it will ever b found




4 AM

Yes, b.ause Aru had the intenhon of removilg the nng ftoh Amya'6 possession.

has the intention of taking the ring from ihe hid,nE pla.e dJ .ellinS ,t ahm Ihe los ,'

Crldt to LLB. Entrinc. Exaftinatiok


I lt;;-e --

ip: !.F@;.


. ._'-_

t:: ).t:-.1,+i!,

. Arun..

he urhna,cr)


nrenboh r,


is arso iiabrc Io, rhcrt

E bmo\dolPrroDd^ ,., s.4<'Jn d/ d.e ,,.,", ._ .^,;,, .::..._ =.nbo is ro rrrte rhe rine o"r "r il ! rxse.!on

f: tlH..,",i:;.ir::.:":;r,j ;t:#f
l,:iil Ti:,:T":;t1"*





:"*,. :*,nr obv,^,!\r, ^m) r\ ;jsi'^.,*:;;o,".*'. "Jn*a .,


;.ffi f;.':l:"ji.' ; li"'li:,".::'":t 6ou8h.t \ohp t:tcr rih



H;";::;:ln*",,"'.",,;,;.;:|ffi,iJ,'; il",;i

:ii:;" ;"',::::,

:: :


f,';";{i*:i:*Ti"d*t$li;l w'hotu{Lonhts





tuav .xtend to th,e.


{b) LawofConrncr (d) Coturirurionat Law ln aforemnhoned e\ahDt. .

...,,j il.T,4",'l


"1;i1$g* j1;" ro*-".


**ir *:



F:lril.iljr^.[.iH::H" "l.,fl iT];; p*'"r..*t *,1", s*u""fr ; ;i".::..i"# #*:*Tl,ii#": "ll "* "::lhl fi,,:l




.-.*.li,.li,-.,i.1 --E.-,,-,., que,botu n, drc Lelzor Rn.s. fr :il:,:::i :il:"::r:.:r: "".'."bj*;i:,d::l:il*:

T*'ilr [::k-


::i $






:li'ir,"',r.,i.{.*;:l.J$*iil [i',,trr:ll,.".,*:F;*:]'L:*;

To equip you wi& Iegal rasoning rknb Io. law ae shall take area oI law one b] one, xplain inporlant 1e8al tri..itles .nd prcvi.l
entrancc exams,

Tlegeneral excepLion5 are nrai l lrr Ur'\ou^dn6\ ot mi.d or rnsaNI\.

illusEations or examples c\plinnnB the lc8a1 prnrciple so that you leam the way to appLl legal prin iples to giren factual situation anti a..i!e at the most concct

(b) !-uo!trca"blr.ok) 1]cr'!.olp.!$le 9


to be noted that

orls olproving




on accused who wmts to take boefit oI su.h lawful

The Principle of 'Me,s Rea' "A'1rs 11o rcu1n flisi n.ns sit /.r" is a latin maxid $hlch lals do$n a fmdamntal p.inciple of criminal la\'. It says ttial the act (4.h6) nr itsell is noL a

Unsoundnss of Mind or Insanity


(ih. ldcssiiis don with lrdrs r.r';..

It n\eans a


a guilty mind. intcntion is essential to corohhte a

LlC, t ?RINCIPIE: Nothnrg is an ollence don by a person sho, at drc time of doing it by reason of 6o6dness oI mind, is incapable of lnowing the natuie of the a.t or what he is doing is $!ong or
contrary ro


-,-1,} fnr.l|lP .r ,{r, /, j--i}e sroud u .re ena.Ed io tr$ene and proiect the -Leaulation
social and economic inte.est of thacommu4ity

Rut there might be offe.eseve withoutft.fls r.d. Svral modem statutes passed in dre intersts of pnblic safei] and social r{elfar. which imposes sEict liabiliLy. :&e 4qqlii]r o:Lqtrrlqt liability ex.luds the


|,4CTU,4! SITUATION: A takes lus son I lvho is three yars old- for a bath to ihe we]l H ttuoM hjs son iNide the well so ihal he could lrave a Sood baL\. Afte. 10 minutes, he also jumped in the wll to take a good bal\ and t@! his son out of the well. He was rescaed by villagers. His son was found dead. H is charged fo.r murder. Medical Repoit declaies him to bc

rcgui.cs sbi.t adheren e to la$s. Examples of such ena.tmsts are dle lssentirl Commodities A.t, ihe
l{oLor Velricles Act, etc.
ExAMplr 2 NIrs. Ioseph was married to Mi. loseph. Aflr one rcar she rlas deserred by he. husband. she made atl possible enquines about him. tntihately, she came to

of unsourd mind suffeling from


scnous mentil

As ,4 kiXs his en B bv dnowinJ. him in the well, he comits murd$ and be punished

(b) A c

plad lmondness of mind as

defence and he should not b chargcd fo.

G) ,4t family sholld b rcsponsible for mu.der kDw lhll her husband was on a ship bond for to ler tum take .hild to rhe well. Ameri.a wNch wns dest oyed in dre deep sea. She Of couse, the coned answr shall be (bJ. Only a slpposed herself i widow and @Eied anothe. man (an rhrow hF oM .ru d ,a l nert yar- Ir the meantime Mr. Ioseph reappeared. p{.on oI so6d nnd \{rs. losepn was (harged for the.ihinal act of well tohave good bath. evidence also supports
lhe question belore the Cout ol Appeal was lrlelher M6. Ioseph.omitted the offen.e of bigam)
Ex^MPlt 4

\.Lth a gujlly intention. The coun, by majority, applied rhe principl of "Mns Rea" and acquitted her as she had actcd hder a !o&fd. belief that her Inst husbdd \':- /1rid lqp-e q au suilry rord or a.r, -i n '>

tEGAt PRil\'cIPlEi


me as above in Exnmple 3.

L4CTU,4I SITUnTION, .4 .eceivcd divinc ordus inhis sleep to sa.rifice his yea. old.hild. He.arries out the order and kills his son Decide.

{a) (b)

A is to be puished for murder.

,4 is noL guilLy

of anl. offen.e as


as ofder

Cneral Exceptions

Ihcre nrc <crtain gcneral sdcr the crin{naL law whid piead befo.e lhe cotrt tu pruve his imocmce The burden of prool of hI {ch exception lies on rhe a.cused himself For .\imFle:.4 commiis in offcncc {hcn he is oi unsound
drintl o. insa.c. Thc burde', ul proring insaNty lies on I hnbclf, oI course, .,1! lawyer will prove on his


a (an plcad r- rdre s oI tud r' deferce dnd he.l-ould no be rlbrSeJ to, mude,. The coiieci answer is'C'

"Nothing is an olicnce rehich is done by a peison, $,ho, at the tine ofdolng it, isbyreason ofinloricalion, in.apable ot knoring the nature of L\e act o! thatwhat

Guide to LL.B. Elltnnce Exrlminntion

r*e wtu.h ,".,*i"r h- ;,,. :".;,P,^"-'ri:" rxm$i,hou,h\La-"iG;;;s;;:'.;:;'ii::"'"'" a\.c re rh,ou;h *" 0.".'o," -",.a, Ld,.s-,!rorroJrnro,Tp"u,.,h".to"i.,.:l),l:' r'crdim L(,'*hnor,e-edbl dbe.,cbri."E

b dunA^ erher h:ong or.onrra4 ro


' m:*;i:illn:;:,n;x:^.*"t1":il " *i :i,",."':::*,*":?;:il,::ft"":il':"':1:

or tus act rc. ir

' L,\ro,.- ",.r r",",or-r.,r Mo\.lcdAe and

mt6t be ver)



2 fti. .i8nr ,, "\addo." aaaubr dn dcr hr,cn cue appnhiroiu- o, dearn or :1t:*o, h'1 s-evous 'r raoc ^r L&dtpne or wtong'ul.onnr emenL arv penon. "t ' lli:+:'pt-n rni.nshiia\a,rdbeaq,i,n

i',::i:::;:,.T"''dr) rir r-o6e.b,e;tun8



j,::,:;ii;'jT*"::"y.Y:*: c:,.** or rnd on his wrv bdct hche he l'il,J:Lr',rt"i'."H;rHe is p'|o,p(ured '.i

d.^tunered i8ditut hi.

" ffjil,:,-;:r:1,i,ffi::.:::"" ,",,".^" d";,i 'eruanri. rrrbre }],[fi;1'*"; ,'h; .;;i.i.;i',i'"" -." -nNoLhnB sanurren(e r$eperonwhucom,ed ;"i:"l,liJll'::;:,t::,:;fi.'::;:j::* ,,. habre roafpre,iare +",;"*"***,. 'rh.a( r,i,"., _ "na"ro snr . ;;"-*ijfi"'_+. oue to hro\icdrio'\
.,:,cAL,DNNCtry.t. Ary d'*'b'

rFq a pubrr

iggressor or on. wt o has no riAhr of pnvate der6ce. rrr*e "rrack .ight is or pii"aie

wM -,e,re,ps


h irrana

*raour r,.

"". _rueni.


ore m,\ at.o .,,.; ;;;; i r",,. . ,;;,;;':";;:;:*" " snpvoJ.Lu'a,.".to,i

rrre a8sre.,o.

", ,obbd) hoJ,e breatre "..i,o,-,,*.p,o, bv nghr, mrd!*r

., .",*

r,v. i,.i-"aJ"'"i*p*u..

A.Pe- 1.n".

\toh,nd,. hoJ.d bc t,Jbh ,,-,-.1:i::, IrIin.,r,rn!hFrs,ns\,,'r''t"-**,*.,;a"iil Il,.L P""l: y^?-, Hp 'ri. r*" ;",^r,i.j





' il",, Fl H::,".,."'Jfl:::ilJ:l utrdr poed

bi tu" acr o"e,""t rr.t r,'(prk?, ro'.redr e*,nereba aldpricretuio-rIrq,hois,.,,u.Lqn1,.,

","*"+'*,."i,,,"",,,".,r ;TtJ.lJ;.Ii.i. *,*,., "","o. Rishr or private q;:T;';,1;11:.1L::;IT::ii.ii:t::;:f

,l ,o p.o,c( tu. tr-dv ,". "te.)i/en. - uL\ -',t.*'r'- .ghl .. g-^.a ,. -- . r, .i 'no lnc\.E.Janc,.r U,c"1Jtjr h.,.c (rr rropqrv"\hel.rir,/Lod-..ap,q_-.,",""1'"i.1 Pcr 'or I'o'n dn- ,t'',' fi I liii5c ;;' ',a ""c' o, ei( h nd,,idrd, "' ".r- ''* *r.i. i ", ijsl",l ,1.^.I- 1,,: ., p,+, "r, o. Jhd, rr anr olr-e, L,H.Jn. !,r nst 'hprt.nt LIxr g rboul rtril n"hr "r drrsei.,,rd,,rhL+b"e;,.,.:;,.;,:.;.r;^,;,-'t r,,vpl,6 .Lduhobl) rrmerr-nono*i,,,-"r.,;ui",.ii i\'J - , ttc4t P^/^(,P/ Fo, r'"rI.J.e or c\er{r.j ;;;;H : j;:i :,,J!:i :.'".,;:1.' "" p,. " n . . _ .r *p.,,, "y l: :,,J".r,,,: " ". "..,,t,; vou rh. lar-, UU,rr s Dnd) Jnd prope.ry 9o. rr -. .,,r",r, ,,r rr.".,'o,,, r..;;. jJ;i; "r. ,""L"j:l: ,,1./uAr ,,{-r.r/.or Rjr..,r u, r,. mdr.e* .,\;._"a,",;*a",',iji"Jl



;:i:i.t;''.i ur\d,. d c-,c i::;:t;::i:',.t;,*;LtJ;;;rr:illfii' ts"rlRdlu,r'dVrrur,\o.."ortertrc D'rcLlonlhrrcfteptrtlD-p.ccphon_ " ' rb

I KBht'ifn\dledcf-.\cr-a8ene,dl c(FDdon ror bp pk,-t_-J e\e; r., \',,,,8 d|one-pe,.un. ir,... a.-,,.,,,.J e'eft.seJr{neiiqt,tot.etJete.._ lt-(,,,r-cts.s_rr.d,

tqu.k This.. r-.. ,--

ill:Hl.;",il:,;;:.*,*,,*+,. i,"i,...,
'ci ldrrh.!r'.r:qhl oI D'r\,'ie itete../ rn.e Mnr r. n)d ,. or rnrtus 6,.*".. ,rjJn. or



Ex^wrr 7
IEC/1I PRINCIPIES: (l) Any pelson may se reasonable io..e ]n order to protct hjs property or pe6on.


he was fleeing away. It meatu there was

apprehe,sion of death or grievous hu.t to him E\.\\'?LE 9
W on

t.., police. Further, he kills a robber wrnl


0D Howser, the foi.e ebployed dusr

Proportionate to the apprehended ddger. FACTUAL SITUATIAN: Ravi was wall:ing on a lonely road. Maniyan .ame with a kiife and said to Ravi, "Your ljJe or your puse". Ravi pulled out his

rerolve, Oi reeinS it. Mmvdn idn Rdvi



retumin8 home late after work was accosted by a\ alned vaSabond who tried to rob her purse and vaiuables at knife point. W raised an alam but was ffiu..esstul in obtainjng help. In the eruuing struggle w snatched the lqite tom the brigand dd kiUed him

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Ravi will not b punished as thde was dmger to his FoPe.ty. Ravi win not be psished as the for.e he used was proportioMle b th app.ehnded injur),. Ravi will be phished as the force enployed

Can claim the .jght of prlvate

defd.e as she



was dispropo.tionate

to the


ran to es.ape rhele was no longe! a threat to Rnvi's p.op.ty. So Ravi wil be
shau be (d). You can appreciate


l.) to be a cloe oplion but, once Mr. Maniyan rd to scape the.e is not ar all my appreheded danger. 5o" w\en there s no thedr to a properry or body, no ri8hr
oI private

The.orct aNwe!

(a) Iandtr (b) TII (c) Iil dd Iv (d) rr ln this case, l{ .d (laim ihe right oI defence. Hence, the mwd will b (a).
Theft and Extortion

was defendinS her life dd property. Can claim private defs(e as she tried to obtain helP b!t cotld nul ifprca, h pubLc duthoribr. Camot claim privaie defen.e as to defend a lew valuables a pe6on (mot be hlled. Cauot <laim private def*.e as it was he. oMr fadt that she was coming home late ai rught.


dfen..vailable. EXMLE 8

Section 378 of IPC defines 'thff. Theft is taking

LEC,1r PRINCIPIE: l}te has right to delend his hte d Fropqry aSai,st criminal hatu provided it is noi po$ible to approach publi. authoniies and more harm thd is necessary has not been caused to avert the |ACTUAL SITU/TION: The fam of X on outsknts oI the Delhi was atlacked bl, a gang of almed robbe.s. X without i orminS rhe poli.e, at first wamed the robbeis by firing in rhe an. As rhey were fteeing fron the fan, he fired and ki ed one of theh. At the trialL X can avail the right of private defen e as he was defdding his lile and p.operty. ll X.amot avail the .ight as he failed to inform

aw,) of a movable ploperty our oI ownerr po,*sron ivith dishonest int.tion without owner's consent.
Even if the L\ing is resoved tspora.ily wiur dishonest intention, it amosts to theft. (Srp: (a) A

Ill strctions dts down a lree on Z's po$e$ion withont Zt coNent. Hae as soon as A had seveled fic lree in order to such tzkin& he has .omitted
hduce. Zc dog io follow ,r. Here. ir,1

(b) d puts a bait for doss in his pocket, and

intention be dishonesUy to take the dog o,rr of


possession withour Zt cotudr, A has comjtted theft as eon as Zt doShas b8un to


X cainot avail the right as he caused more harm tlDn was nsessary to ward off the danSer. X .an avail of the right as at first he only fired in

(a) I and Iv (b) I ody {<) [edlU id) IV or y. ANwo lo Lhi.

b<a$e X

Section 383 defines 'extortion'. Erlorlion may be of moeable o. imovabt proprty. Extortion heans putting a person in fea. of injDry to iin or any other persoi, and thereby dishonestly him to dellrer 'o dnv ppFnn any \aluable Tl-,r. F\ro.aon s djsroling a person oI his property by puturg hh

quesrion is of,ourqe .c, ftr, r. has failed to take recou* to the publk


,4 ttueatero to publish a delanutory libel conceming Z u{ess Z sives him honev He



cuae ta LL.B. Enndnce Ernnn&tnn

fiu. -du(F. ,/ ro gr\e tun monel A t-d5 c.lmitred E\rorhL,n ,b. ,,1 -\ r,rrhrq / r tp at Brie\oc nur ,r. r..e.r \ ,r tr.. Z ru.,g., or dtfi\ tu, +at ro d htanl d Jptrrer,t ro I {Sn. dnd r/l \r-. lhc to A. Hrrp, ar ^ jeleJ md\trl-- !o^\erled Inlotne paper e br a raruble Kuity.
A has conmtted exroltion. Ex^\81E 70

FRr\r /plt. wls dy pehon drlhone\dy --, -LL-qr riae\ n-) rovdble prnTsrv out ot rhe pos*ssion ui uu orer |cFon wrthuul hi5 co@t, he rs quitD of

r 4(Tu 4t 5nU4t lON.,1com. ro B; hoE ture\ awiv i b@! wrrl rhe atmrion to rerlm ir


rtxm th. bo.L /.1 ,4.coulnLs r\eft bEar,se he 1ac taks a brot \ hr.h rs movahle property ,Jl 4 c.rturuL $pfi b(ar he ras moved Lhe book from 8,r houk Answer {b), dishonst nrertion notprove{i.

(a) I coturjts theft bMuse the book has b&n taken wirhod 8! con*nt (b) I does noi comit theft b<aw he interds ro

5tatevou answer rn rwo or ttvee stenc* ,46@r. Vecrappr can not be pro*(uteJ tor thefi A tudal*ood F4 i. not a movable properry tU rt F attached lo the cdrrh Furrler, he hr'. noi m.Leu lhdr properq in order ro rd^inE it away. He mdv be 8uitt, for (omrl

po\c+ior uf dnr F^on wrLnoll Lur peNn (.oMl, m,^e. propprh n.rurr,o !u,h launq,. lard ro col]rnt 'h". then FACTUAI S|TUA. ON: Veerappm with his assocrates, entered intd a covemenr Rsetue Forest w,Ur a .ieh .r rdtjrd oul Ldtu"bh 5dnddthood Ee,. He*le(ted a .anddth ooJ nF dnJ +rrled choDpins rr. suddeilv potr.e dppeared on fe *rne ma arerea hn Tlev .ee! ro pro\true Veerdppan rnd tu. asooales ior Lneft <rale wheLher l,hev wi succ+d.

auempt ro


oi una* -i -" ,o.".




teps ir ..mnirs thpfr hFciu.e Lh. puse doec .4

bEtonS to tum

EtuMpLE 17 nr, thc rold anJ he FuBe


or hdudulenr rrenhun \o d, lo indure rhe Ltecrved

to do or

or d! olhq Ie^on. Thu,, a pe!,on who cherts dnolher. ndte. d .rta r{pre\frrarion wiri a dish(m\l
omit to do somthing.

, In(rude\ d haLdulert.r o\honer indu(emenL b) on; perion lu lhe otie! dho dctrveN dny propdry ro hih


4t5,of rhc IpC defner irrea6r,r'. gt"oon,

r.. r.


c rd

comml> $efr be(du+ he do$ not try to find the uMer ,,i doe. rur (onrnil rhcfr beldu* rhe pus

wtuch hedoes norhrn iu pa!,4 cheals. rbr ,4 by pled8rr-s a( dun";d. rrrj.te htuch h.

'rt*ly ntenhorllv JRci\e.7 and hu( dr\hun$lt) ind(p, Z ro tet hh have sooJ on (re.rr tor

prerendir lo be n rhe t.vit*Mce,

w$ nni

iiktr horn thody. po\*$ion

thr DolkP

Loturur. $efr @cdure he doe not reDofl to

krowi e ror ddmond". intenuotul.y dpcerve, 7 and the,eby di"hone{ly 2 ,o tdd


n ii.d.

Ex4MpLE 12

r'ng $id,.he hLenr;on ofdi.nune,Ut kepr;E it


dum'rd lh8 t!j.! nr a,

(.) d intstionauy de.eivs Z into a betief trDr A tL. pe,formed,4 t pad ofa (ontra.r mdde w,L\ ./le hr, not pe ormed and rhrreby ,wtu.h


Labte 4 Drc\s


ro pay


,4 ct Fd15

ibl c

rinS from Bt tablew houthis conrat ,4 doel nor conmit thefr btraue he hns s6ll nor leit ,,i hous.

c.mftr. defr bftau:e

he has mo;eo ltle

deliver the lartrr

, / tGAr PqlvLrf' r A perun i. guilry ot.hcdFnS. whe. hc raudu.ent \ i,,lu(6 b;thF pe^q ro

EhupLE 74


d { (onnt5 .\r.r.t

hirh his vatuables

noi commit thefr because

L,he[ the

is caretess

dn8 d'\honesuled iirended ro keeD rr Ex+tplE



pkts up

i.,.1/ tt \ .p. . Wh@\er intendxrA to u.e , hoaejl d... hu,able properD out ot Lhe 'r,


fi! fu,4( )/t u.4 rON 4 rrt.etv r"pre.enled ro d a -hop-ohne, dr,. he ^a, an ufriier nor rne ( olMerc rl Tc,e. DetJ-Tenr. wlx'e e\dtrrang L,re dccoMLs or Lhe +uD. 4 ,l-oweJ rntere{ h buw,6 " n'rowd\e oten Jn rturatrenl bn.r.. a readr.\ rBred w,ln Lne h^pF,hrr he qJulr ;a " raiouarre a.{smerl lrom 4.c8ard. tu.,J\ rdodrry Da,d lhe nrir rn!rathe r""" rr" t,t,.o".,e ^ or<appedred tofr rhc <-ne tne potr.e. ",m a"a t-ow_\er,

properry b Ixm

mMged to (at.h hold of A and prosecure him for

(a) ,{.onmitied

to part (ith the Mic.owale ovd, posing as though he was lioh the Come.cial raxes commlted cheating, b.auR he did not pay subsequdt iBtalment.



he induced



EWPLL 16 IECAI P i\ICIPLE: Whoever with the intent tu cause, or kno{ s thathe is likely to.ase, wronglul loss or damage to ihe public or io any pelson, causes the desbu.tlon o{ any p.operty, or any su.h chante in anv properry or in th siluation lhereof or deshovs or diminjshes its value or utilily, or aftects it injLdotrsh,
F-4CTU,4I SIIUATJON: O, knowing L\al his assets are about to be tnlen in execulion in order to Rtisfy a .lebt due from hjm to Z, destoys those assels, with Lhe



A did


cheabng, be.ause



over the article in order to get a favoEable assessment from,4.

lhe.orrect amwer wornd be (a). 4 fa sely repre"erts thar I.e F M oilcer llom Comrnercial Tax Department His i.tenddn is to get emeLhs8 fraudu-lsdy del,ve,ed lo tum Fcm a. \on payment of subsequent lstalmenis appear to be a part
ExAwLE15 Shyam by pled8ing as dianonds ariicle whi.h he lnows are not diamonds intentionally de<eives Ram,
and iheleby dishonestly Ram to lend mone!. (a) Shyan is not grilty of cheating (b) Shyam is Solty of cheating' (c) Shyam b auilty of loigery (d) No.e of ti.e above. r1 .olrect answer is (b).

ol Lhereb) p e\hbrg Z hom ohLarMB satisfaction of L\e debt and it caued damges to Z Decide whether Q has .omitted any nisJh jef . DECISlO({ (a) Q comiLs nnschet be.ause he knowingly .aused L\e damges io z.


cannot be provd on the evidence in ils support.

O does not


mis.hief be.ause hs a.t groud of law and

Q camot be punshed because Ns assers are nol sufficient to obtain stisfa.non otdet,t (d) Q can be prosecuted o,rly if debt is )aood delt The aNwer is (a)b{ause he.omnb hlschiel and
is liable lor such offen.e.


Section ,{25


dre IPC defines this o{fence

LEGAL PRINCIPLE 1: Mischiei is an injul lo prope.ty wlth L\e intention of causinE wronEtullo$ lo


tPLt 77

"Whoevei, with intenl to cause, or lnowing i\at he is likely to cause, nlongfi, loss or damage to the public or to any persoo .auses the destruction ol anl' properly, or dy su.h.hang jn any property or in the situation thereof as destroys o. diminishes its value or trtility, or affe.ts it injuiouly, comits "mischief". xpldndlio, l.-lt is not ssenhal lo the offence oI nnschiel that he offender should intend to .ause loss or damage to the orrner oI the propeity njued or dcstroycd. It is sufficient if he intends to .ause, or lnows that he is likely io cause, wronSiul Loss or dama8e to any person by injudnS any property, rvhether itbelongs to that person or not. Ixrl,natirr 2-Mis.hlef may be.omitted by an a.t aifecting properrv belonging to t}le person who rormr. rhydd,orro u,drpe-o.dnd olheF pii rli lmportantpoinls io be taken care oI are as follows (a) With intention or knowledge, causing loss or danuge to an). property of anl' pereon (b) The acl deslroys or dimnnshes tlp value of

LEGAL PRINCIPLE2 The pcrson to shom


cau5ed by mischief need not be the olarer oi the property tumselt FACTUAL SITUATIAN Ahas leased hi3 house to I lor 5 yeaF Atter one yea. ,.1 feeh the ned for the houseand reqlests I to thehouse, brt E rel8es. ,{ in order to get ts to va.ate the lbuse, .ar6es fire lo it, but I with L\e hlp oI the nelghbous qui. y extinEuihes th fire before it could rallI damge the

is $rongtully


d is gulry of nis.hief.


,a camot be #ilty of causin8 mischicf. (c) A is not tlilty of mjsclncl is thele was no

rhe answer would be (a). ,4 wolld be liablc loi mischief be.ausc he causcs fi.e lo the property to cause w.ongful loss o. dahage to B He <amot es.ape liability for being L\e owner oI the house as it is legally in occupatjon of I 'Drnuge may be rery little but,4 s knos'jngly caustrg wrongtul

sucl troP$ty.

will make him llable

42 El.:-upt

C itle to LL.B. Efltnnce



lIG.4l PaINe-lPlEi

Same as above.


FACTUAL SIIUATION: P eolMtarily throws into ring with intention of causing wrongtul loss to

midnight. Durin8 su.h p.ocess one of his frihd died when collided w,Lh tre (on-ete ot rne Itoudfl;r of Mehra & Sotu. X and his another friqd also reeived

(a) (b)

P i-. P is
P is

8{il$ ot mischief
guiltv of.heating guilty of things

(d) Noneofihe above. Ite anqwe is (a).

Criminal Attempt
.Alrempl i\ an inr"rrional prepararor) adi@ h tu\ h


entering into the jewelle.y shop and also sin.e one of then friends had died, rhy we.e not respotujble to eil\ei law or Meha & Sons,lewellers.

injuies and became bsu.cessfll to mter into rhe & SoN. On the informtion from the ni8ht watchfrn the pdiice adived at the spot and arested X and his swivinS f.iend and sent their dead tiend to l]1e AllMc lor po<trnorrem aler nece*dry leSal folmlihe.. ) dnd h s -urvivng tsrdd told tne FoU"e *ur .ice d e) were nol --r'e :lul ih hex noa e\s

u/r t47 of IPC is puishable Eith 10 years o. upto life

Idil- rn rB obJe.t Attempl ro Muder delD.d
impljsorunent. To coNtitute an offen e of atrempr to

(a) (b)

coruit d olfnce requireF (a) intention !o comnt e offence, and (b) doing an act towards rh comission of

X and hls friend noi liable becase his friend died. He along with his friend wele injued. X and his fnend not liable because &ey have
not tou.hd any jewel.


(.) x and his friend can be resporsible



A nakes an auehpr to pick ihe pocker of Z by

Ltuu.Frs n.'tn.-!

hi. hrnd into Z< pocter Z



h r poclcL. A ,\ 6L Iry for arrempr ro


.hild of tender years, erposes ft i! a deeert foratremprto muder (c) ,.1, intending to nuder Z by poiron, puchases
place. r,l is guilry

,4, with the intention oI causing the death of a

not absolve theh ftom 'r such ofience.

their a.t the other thieves that MelM & Sons has more Iewellery and in tuture it js a problem wiL\ such a big lewellery Shop. (d) X and his friend cd be respoNible be.aue they attempted to commit an ofimce ude! the Indian Penal Code and in rheir attehpr did an act iowards the comi$ion of offsEe. The d\ser r d, T\e\ dre jiablp for d empr ro rheft T}le deafi or U"L rnp,id and dju) ro hcm do6

po.." rrd tu'-!

t}|e food on


+,e rome {.Lh tood .4 cd rhe Lao.e. A l-d.


J I mr^.- Jr d,,emt! lo rcal 6ome *eL by ble,bnL up.- d boy ard hnds ilLer,o oDenirg .l,e t".;fi;r rhe"e Ir no ieBel jn jL. He ha'q do.e
an act tos'rds L\e cormission of theft and is guilly io! altemp o comit rheft
Ev,AjlPLx 19 LE6,.1l PRINCIPTE: wlroeler aftmpts to .ommit

oilence oI aLlempt to mudr.

an oflence Fuishable by the lndian remt Code wjth imprisoment for life or imprisonment, or to .ause such an oflence to be commjtted and tn su.h arrempr does an) ad towards the comission oI rhe offence,





luth E\'en.ion orar(l-. Hp ca.leo hi. Mo r,,;"ds io help him in su.h of his drive towards beins rich o\en8ltr Ths lhe tr,o maJe LI-e uderqrouo hote ruhdrd' he Metd & 5otu lrom north dunn8

Exlensjory New Delhi. One eveniaS he thought to steal Jll rhe Eold .eheller\ r,um Meka & Sotu Compu) dr

moment he takes aim at veru Jai is not guilt_v. TlLe atuq.r i' . . Ve,e \cd(hin8 for someone or loadine a gm will nol corbtu.e alremo.. TI-e momenr Jai takes ain ind pulls the t isger, he ;ould be Blitt)

EXMLE 20 PRJNCIPTIj P.eparation to comit an oflence is not a. oilen e. Aftr making the prepararlon any act done towards comml$ing rhe off$ce wiil intention 1o conhit it, is an attempt i,o comit the offen e, whi.h i5 by iLself an offence FACTUAL SITUATION: lai wants ro kilt veru. He buys a 8u and .artrid8es lor comitting ihe mdder. He thm *ts out sea.ching for Veeiu and when he sees veeru. he lodd, tu: gu anJ tdtp, irm aL hr ar d nu " the triggr. The gu did not fire (a) tai is gu ry of attempt to mu.der Veetu from the time he sets out ia sear.h of tlte la(er, (b) lai is guilry of attenpt to murder Iiom rhe time he load5 the Bm. (c) lai is guiliy of attempr to huder ftom the




Sedition The ofien.e of sedition ls doing ol ce.tain
,4NSWfRi Nlr. Kaman had no intdtion to Kll the Iorest sua.d, neithe. had he knosledse that some hman beng is relaxing in a deNe forest. He may be charged for illegal poachin8 mder forest laws and a rash aldnegligenta.t causingdealh ofa hlne bein6 E).,MLE 23 LEG, I ?TNCIPIE: The defahatory sta tement iI is based on 8lomd of huth, good laith or pubic interest, and strikes a balan e between freedoh of speech and expression Suaranted uder Constitution of lndia md individual's right of reputation, then such defamtion woDld not attract Penalty


which would the Covemment establishd by law in lndia into hatred or contempt or .reate disafiection agaiNt it. It must be noted dut in.itemot to violence a8a$t the crare F d e,srridl inFedjenr of be ofience of sedition. Ihelefore, if a leader appeaLs to the msses to remove a Sovement by democ.atic meaB say by votin& hc can not be.har6d for sedition.


rEGAI PRINCIPIE: Whoever by sords, sigs or

othetuise brings into hatred or contempt or incils dsaffe.tion iowards the golement establjshed bv



lnura "l'allbe

tri-heJ $,,h,Tpn-um-il In a pubii.


Iashpal Reddy, the leader of an opposition partv

Lootlegge6 and s.anet.s They desene
rhunders, "This




is a govement of


Neated Tach them a lesson in the .oming electiotu by voting them out of pow.". Th goremmenr is
contehplating to prose.ute Yashpal Reddl La l d'hpil Redol b 6u,lD or .e(] hdUnE



FACTUAL SITUATION: Nt Salib s friend while fadng a lrial in a.ou4was complled to pai tu 750 to PubLic Pro*cutor md Assistet Public Prosecutors for gethng thei! help to have lont dates fo! hial. Mr sahib from hls childhood hates bribe and coruption. Henc h wrote d arh(le on this lact and issue as "How the

nude inesponsible and inflamatory

tements agai^st the Yashpal Reddy is not

jlsiice stands at a distance as a helpless spectator so as ro tre mrmcr h wlxch Lhc rllicir bribe more) Irom plaintifh and defendants enters into ihe po.kets ot the Public Prosecutors and A$istant Pubiic Prosecutors and the extent toshich itreach$ and to whidr us it is

(1, (.1

Sovement gulty of sdition as he is only e\er.ising his freedom of 6pech in

(a) Mr. Sahib .amot b pmished be.alse (b) Mr. Sahib caMot be punishcd


arti.le G a lesson to the people doiig codupt

because his ariicle is like a public interesl petition andcan break sudr pra(tice in lutue.

Yashpal Reddy is guitry oI sedition, as hjs statehent would incite people to violence leading to breakdown of law andorder. The codect aGwer is (b). Mr Reddyisnoinlcjdng dre public to use violen.e or atta.k wiL\ weapons against the govement. H is telling to use democratic heaG ie. votes to oust the govemment. He <amot be held liabl foi sediiion.

(c) Mr

Sahib can b pmished be.ause this remrkis defamalorv of the 8loup of persons reiered to in afld there is no ploof of the facts

Some other Examples from

and it is not exception to the p$istsent (d) Mr Sarib .an be prosecuted because lts frisd had not lold him to wriie agajist

criminal Law

Public Prosecuto.





Prose.utor in his falour.



causes death by doing an act wiL\ the intention of .ausing death co,tunts culpable homicjde amohiing to muder, pu]rshable sder hdian Pcnal Code.



PRINCIPLEj Whoevr dishonstly misapproprjates or conve.b to his o$h us a.y

novabie shall be pmishabie FACTUAL SITUATIAN: A and B are toint O$ners ofa MdutiCar. One day,4 took hom Ft garage


L4cIU,4l SITUAI/ONT Ban&pur is a proLected area wherein hsting is totally lorbidden Kannar, a
poa.he., stealthily eniered this area and he shot at a deer He nissed lhe tar8et and the bullet hjt the forest guald relaxirB, whom Kafuan had not seen. 'I he fo:ed gudrJ h a. bJt'J. Dd,de h hpl\er hanndn i.

moming tos without !$owledge oI8. On the C et him and took L\e car to diop his son in Delhi Public School and on ihe way io School he
to have a

road,{t ftiend

metwith a! acciddt with


of .ulpable homicide

tr\e DPs bus and the car was being dcgusted on the fact of ,4's takin8 out .ar trithout his coent, blaned 4 of heft and IodEed m FIR in Local Police Stahon Decide.


Cuide to LL.B. Entrahce Euninlttian

DECi-VO-\: (a) ,1 has .omitred the offence of thefr berause he has not talen the .otuent of B. ,4 G Auilry of theft be.ause h has raken and iL') driven the car and tabng away of movabte property is the e$ential elsent in otfen.e of


Pitesh shall not be pmished because he acts

in such mame. or y during of6ce houre and betore mny employes not in an abandoned
The arower is (a). Because his act is suificient to attract the offmce of sxual hdassmqt.


guilty of rheft* he is atso one of rhe oMer. ot rhe cdr and his tabng awdy does nol amout 'o hiq intshon ro Lheft and as he b also the oMd th coNent of B is not
,4 is nor




merely required.



is not guilty of thefr rathq his friend C is

iiable for thefr. The atuwe! is (c). 4 is also one of rhe the car and he is not requi.ed to have cosmt

oMers of



/Iu,41- PRJACrPL| WFoerer. nrerdins ro inrltr rhe nodesty of any homdn uLtch dny wo;d, mt-, d-) rcfd q 8e5rue, or eJlb L any obt(.. hre-dir 8 lh.l !u.r word o- .ound.hill be heard, dnJ $dt >ucn gestue or object shau be sen, bv such woman. or

or attempts to cause any person to do dyrhing whi.h thatpersonis not legallt bomd to do, or to orLit to do ant thhg htu. \ he,s eSal v "abr'pd ro do. br i ducinS or attemptinS io induce that peFon to b"lieve that he or hy pe6on in whom he is interested will be.onr o. wilt be rende.ed by som act oi rhe ofenaer an obje.r of divine displeasure if he does not do ihe thins which it is lhe obje.t of l]re olfender to.ause him to do or ifhe does t\e thing whichitis the obiect ofoffende! to caus hjm to omit, shait bepudshed.

rlon r\e privd.) o, .u.ri -o*n. *r,,u r"

frCTU,4l SITU4TION: Ms p.av@n works

Expo.t Ho{se in Creater Noida. There are hore lhan



the month of lme otherwise his elde. son witt be pemanendy mad dle to displeaslre of cod of Death. r beleving ir such ltoids oI ( cur rtre tittle fins! of middle son at rites made du.in6 ihe sat.1 nisht. His nershbour M saw the scene and informed !oli.. The policearresied( and Lnext day morning. D;ci.te

F,4C?U,4I SrUr'lTlONi ( induced L to ro God one oI the right fin8ers durin8 a tutlmoon nighr in


'q0 pnplolee. dlonS\irh wortdtnc emp.oyee\ tulesh

rra\een1 hano a4d ,hrked he- nSIt hdrd ro- tew mnur- dga,rrt ler w.jt. Onp dav +e made uD her tud rd hrome o t-rr 8.,- B,i,n. Bo". due io lir" work efliciency of Ritesh did not rake anv a<tion. She alternativety inJomed the potice. police arested
Rltesh. Ritesh told the polic ro defend himseu thar he us-"d to shake her hand as ir is a hanner of wishjhS a

with Ms. P.aveen. But she s.olded him in front ot somc r0 \o-]'tr- implo\e! Tdbng O!. grud8e 'dnren. tu e L. ever) dd) ddinS pnhy at -ominX porreo rt.

.u(h compd) wdnreq ro turc.omr talL-

r- r dnd , b..r r,H t,dbte ro bp I ro.aureo b.oJf u,e) .J\- doae .Lch rlleBrt ho.l
(b) olrly
K is liable to be prosecuted because he


has proposed for such


offen e
hp obey"o

i- Ldo e occa,Fe

to. .rc\

(ollergte dnd rhrr tu. Bo.,



deci'le matler himcll. De.'de


.. e,,.u8t- . rdle a(don ir i. fie rorl p.d.. dld ,-. 8,., i...onperer,

dedicarion ro tlod The an,r'er is (a) ( and I both are liabLe. Thei! wo(k a.e sufficient to atract the offmce.

(d) Ki;not liable be.ause hc hasnor L\reatened I to obey hin .nd L js nor liabte to be prosecrted because he has .lone it in


hdd with a gnl

\oll be pri.hed -qJu.. .t,,tind

againsr her

witl anounts to
Boss not .en

L\e sexual harassment arworkpta.e m acr is subject to be prose.uted.


Ritesh .an be

t'! Cour or Lah ard

puished onlv by his



no larv rs there rn tndrn to Fqj5h tum Ri_e:h -haU nor be pmi.ned bHdu.e.hdLn8 lrand is no offence in lndia.

B. LAW OF TORTS ho.d 'rorr' is d.ived lron the tarin {.ord 'tortum' maning thereby'hdisred' or trooked, or 'what is noL straight' Thus, the word 'torf signifies rvrong. A tort is a civil aaon8 as opposed to pubtk hron6. A L:r,I .\ ro"; dl,o lnom r: p'.ra,r h roro i,. a qr ir8aB, '.r .n inltr.d..r drdrotr!r'\rrne-dtp ^ lu, n nappn' in tu., u' a ,r m l"t ". puo .. s ru ,H Butall (.\'lrvrontrd.p ol lo.r. B,eJ(hor,orrdcl.\a civil rvrong b(t it is nor a rort. This is because of L\e dahaEes or compefsation to be pai.t by the parry The

committinS such b.ea.h of conha.t is nomally Ii$ldated or pre-gtihald or fixed in advance in the ageement itself. lrL tort, damges are uliquidated r ?. not pre-determined or which arc to be determined by S. cout. The basi. prin iFle behind action lor bn ir
jus ibi rcnediu'. It means where there is a ri8ht, due is a rmedy. In order to constituie a to.t, it is
" ubt

Legal Damag
Le6al damge or injsy hearo inhinSement or violation oI some legal nght ol the plaintiff. Two
important maxim explain this concept and liabiliiy


1. Drnflrn 51ne htl tin. 2. Injrrio Sin. Da,nn,n

D/{MNUM SINE lN/URl,4, Damage withoul a le8alwong. D.flfl!,, meaN damage or loss in respect


The.e must be some a.t or omission on the part of delendant i.a. dre wrong doer. Such act or omission has.ased a legai damage i.e. infrinSement of some legal right of the

of none, corJort, health rc lrjrri"


in-tsingemeni oI a right conJered bv law on a plaintiff


Natdre oI a tort Natlre of a tort .an be besi understood bv

(1) Tort and crime (2) Tolt ed Breach olContract.

rhe ma\tm dannun th, .,/,,,4 me.tu tl'dl ddtubr ,suffe.ed by tlt plaintiff uithout any violation of his leSal right. For L\is there L no redress at law. The leading.ase on dre point is: d, a school leacher, opened a school next door to his nei8hbolr's schooi. studdts {iom the neighboEt s.hool ltocked to ,4 r school Held, the niShbour had

o' .ltrr tn ,nE

Tort and ci1trc

In tort, there is an inlringement of private or .ivil rights of in.ljvidual. ln.rime, there is a bradr of publl. righls $hi.h affe.t the whole comunity. (b) lJr tort, ltle main aim is to recompensate the plcinnll ro, ll e lor.ure,ed by tLm L .nme.thcr"ir aim is to prnish thc ac.usd if convi.tcd.


,!/r/rid. Leame.t ju.lge obsefled in this case 'Thus if I have a frill, and mv neishbour sels up anoiher milL, and thereby the profih of ny mili fail oft I .aruot brin8 an action against him a d ytt I have sutfered

Tort and Brcach of contru.t

(a) ln lort, L\ere is a bra.h of dut_v whnh is fi\ed by law In .ontract, lhere is a b.each of duty which is

iixcd by the contracti^g Farties,

(b) ln tort, dahages are generally udiquidated and are determined by the court on dr dd cilc@lances of the case. Danagesare lixed accordhg
te lhe Lerns

ard codiLions olconllact.

nL.l ,?\p u {'e .om4l 18 q\i.l' h. '. supposed not to have done, or husthareomitted to do
sorelhjng which he rLas supposed lo have done to the
EXAMPLES digs a pit on th rcad,

ln order to

Act or Omission succeed in an action lor to.t.


has bcen sulleled o! a le8al right is infringed or liolated but no a.hLal harnr or loss is causd to &. pbnrdff. lt is actionable under torts In a celebrated English case, Asl1b! \ |\hik, ,4 ('as wronStully prelenied by lhe Retunring Offter from dcr.ising ll]s vote at a Parliamentary election No Loss $as sufered bv A be.ause Lhe candidale for whom hc \lafted to lote 8ot elected bv a huge nargn Hel{1, A Nolld recover damages on th! ground Urat his leBil riShl lo vote *as violated t,y the ReturniiS Sinilarly. a voter's name rlas w.ongtuLly omitled from vorrs' list. This prevcnted hid lrom .asLing his !ote. Ileld, |e sullered a legaL lor which an action in htt wolld lie.

/\JUFI^ <l{I Drv\UM h m'r,. Le.J "'

lI L\erc is inirnrgederl oI legal nght of a pe6on, h can sue urdcr torts lo!



falls into it. A is liable

compensation evcn if he has not suffered any harn or


ofa sngle pemy.


on Is land and (ause some nuisance ,4 isliable to B in bit. (c) ile.lock to$er in Chandni Chowk, Delhi fell resultin8 in the death of a nsber of persons.
t epasses the Nlun.4ral Corporation lus omitted lo keep L\e doc! rorver nr proper repair. Held. Llt
CorporaLion aas Uable.

I/CTLL4I SITUATION, Mr. 8, a bank


refuses to honour a chequepresented by C, a customer

He knorvs that C has sulficient lmds h his account. Can C sue Ssdq torts and dann .ohpensarion ?

(a) Ihe Banker has violaLed legal riglt of C Ile,lopd) Lompenrdnon


Guit1. to LL.B. Enttune Etumifldti.n


The entirc moner of C in hls accout is inr.ct He suJle.s no damage. He shoutd gr

Exception to the Maxim: Rescue Cases

The defence of.olffriron,{t nrl'ra doesnor appty to rescue cases. When a pereon volhtarily udertales a .isk, out ol a sense of legal or moral duty, to rescu


1c' I .an plead exhaordnriy sihration in

banl at L\ai point of time due to which


the he

not honour the cheque.


ari{er ]s

(a). Banker would be liable for

somebody from jmjnent danger, and sustais an injuiy, he can re.over danages in rort fiom rhe person
due to whom thesituarion arose. ln a leading lnglish Case, the delendant's senanl

leBai dahaSe io C.

Thu.. when lhe oamrtr. 14+ cr rntuy s Lased on /. Ju' uf ope,ahon ol nd dl ru're. or phenoa end. \J, ". hpa\y ddhrpour <torn5. flooc. edrfiqudle., ' d'nuaht5 etc lhc escaDe lEbil,tv
The two essential llgredienrs oi r}c

Genral Dfences to Tort "Act of cod', 'A(l otCod r\r pood dct'nretodnya(hon in lorl

Left a h{o+orse lan uartended if a sh.eer. A khool boy LhJew a stone on the hoFes which we.e upset and ran wrlh lhe rd. A pcli.e co FGble o dur) .tofpHd



fedrinB lhJl Lhe\

nBl-. cdmfle

womFn d-d

chndren. ln doing so he susiaincd inlldes. Held, he was entliled to r.over dahages Exrypt t 28




// -41 PR/\i,lLl \o remeoy ror u e i.iurJ (aEed by an acr, ro which one has voluntarltv
match, Sachnl hit a lull toss .leliverv oI Shae Bond ove! the fen e lor a six. The ball fcil on the head of

{a) lle act must result




accoht oi a,orking of

ftCTUAL SIIUA?ION, h :n exhibirion cri(ket

1b) L\e occuerce must be extrao.dimry


Genral Dfences to to

"VolefltiNon Fit

ltli na"

lgghead had purchased

detandant. Yolclti non ft injvia .nfor.e d riehr wru.h he hls votu.Ld,ily rd,ved or .1 tt.l, id va-w t. It i, x,d" hrrm,ulle,ed volstirJJ (-n,,n' p FnJJted lr meMs it o pe\irn (oneenF tu take cone ihjd!] or fum I-c ca- not sue 'l c o r"' ,f a(h i.i-i- .- rL! , tcd uton hxn. tlc .onsent nay be expressed bl words or implied {infefted) L}.onduci. Butro,r5e;t mustbe

There drr cp-arn derer\es dBJrn!r rLe torhou. ',db ih hhr\ i dLlendcnr ,dr, Ttcdd -o avord ds ib ' ty uder rort Cpr?idl dpten.p( 1'. h ra\ou.or

watch the match. Egghad ar{i the organizeF of L\e ma t.h are swom eneftes (a) Esshead can .ecove. the .osts of his medicai expetues Sachin. (b) Egghead an recovd rhe cost of his medical

a spe.tator and severely injured rum. , u.ker costing Rs 1000 to


expenses lrom Shane Bond

[gghead .an recover the .ost of lis medical lrom the Olganize6. Nobody would be liable to pa), anlrlrjng to



Theansweris (d). The pdnciple of " vobr li No, rir

Examples of express consent B to a druler at his house. He camor sueSIoratesPass (b) A asb 8, a suSeon io pcilorm a lawful sugrcal

shall apply Egghead has no remedv as he has iorpliedly consented to such iniuy {hi.h mav b
caused in wat.hing a cricket match
LxAMpLE 29




rccci\ ed,n -hp. n,r.F of ofnrdhon notdu to the negligence ofL

olcribononl.|n Hr.nnrorlueBtorJn:Itry /,.\ iJ!J.t !

Examples of Ilnplicd Consent


-4 rakes pai in a wresthg or cricket mar.h He has Bleen implicd.o$en hat ifhe is injud he have no.atMof acnon.



(b) A spe.tato. in
Jton (im.elf

a horse ia.e or at a circus o. m automobile race impliedly consenlr ro take

in normal cjictnstan.A

dc, tJ. \hi, h my,on

e lo lam

principledoes not applv lo rcs.ue cases. L4CTU/L SrIU,4lONr X and y boughi tickets ro have a rlngside view of a foorbau match. Durjng the .ouree of the Same a hard kicl irom one of the pla.lers c,u{J -t- Ld.. .o \r I o,, h. nu.p r,,. l,iee. .s "s and nausea. Afts half rime rhe orEanizem altowed enhy of more +rectarors than thesearingcapacjryofthe stadiM. ln thejcsulting stampede R and S who were watchinS the mat.h since the begmg gol iniued Five minutes befor close of play, a pa.t of ttre stadih rool broke loose. Y rushed to save chitdren

|IC,4I P JNCIPIf, Danuges caMot be claimed against. riik to whl.h consent has been tiven Th


iibng bmeaL\ the roof and in the process injured heu.In separatea.tiotu filed bi' the injued pelsons,

Vicarious Liability
The geneiaL


e is that a person is liable for his


X shall not be able io .ecover as he coNmied lo lhe risk of the nrins ball.

.b' X,hdll (.)

fa ed to take

be dble lo ,ecover a< Lhe pre.lubo! dgain.l Lhe nyinS

a.ts and camot be made liable for the acts done by others. vicarious liability meaN Lability of a pe6on for the act done by another pe.son. The maxin "Oui /nct ter dtiM per se" prceldes the general piinciple oI


ball. X shall be able to ftcover as he.oNenred to wat h d1e gahe not to be injued in it

It meas he who a.ts tlrough hltreif. Vica.ious liabiliiy arises oniy in case of 6ome .elationships These relatiotu are;(a) Employer and Ehployee or Maste. and
vicarious liability.
another a.ts

(d) X slEll not be able to .ecover as


purchasing a ringsid Fat in a footbau game he coNented to all the attendant risks of such

(b) (c)

Pnncipaland agent, and

Partners ,'




is (d).

Master anal Servant

The master or ehployer is liable for the oI his


Sahe as in Example 29

serlant when L\e

a.i is done during

the course


mployment. A servantjs a person whd acts

(a) (b)


Mll not

be able to


dire.t control and supervision ol his master or mpioyer Master is not liable for any act done by
se.vant which is not in course oI employment An act ofa serant, uconnected with his master's woik, is his plivate work and being outsid th cours of the serants emploJ4nent, the Mster will not bc liable for such acle of the srvant, Futher, if L\e tort is comitted by an lndpmdsr



as pushjnS

and shoving is an nsk of &atching

Samer L\e

R and 5 will not be able to re.over as thev coNented to the risk of a pa.ked stadiunr
the organisers failed in thei. duty and they neve!

(c) R and S wil be able to re.over as

mo.e than capacity.

.ontra.tor providing his to an ehployer/

8enerally the employd shall not be liable for lhe Lorts oI independent (onhactor An independent contra.tor is a person who acts independendy and not urler Urc dnect conhol ol the emplorer.

cosenied to ihe risk of a stadium packed at


R and 5 will not be able to re.ovr as the additional spelt.tors gate crashed inro the

Th coreent

The an wer wodd be (c), as the .otuent given by R and S is to the dangeE inherent in the game itself

(a) ,a engages

as a dnve. lor his .ar. while


the car B negligentl)' knocks down C. A

happenllg on

..n not be extended to indude

or stadium.
ExA,,rpLL 37


is liable to

CasA ishisservani.


(b) X


rtrres a taxi to go to his offi.e. On say, an acjdnt takes place and Y is kno.ked down X


Sane as in Example 29.

sewant The taxi driaer is an indeFndent

conkactor andis Liable to Y.

not liable be.ause the taxi driver is not


(a) Y Bill not be able to re.over as

rb\ (c)

volntarily ruhed to res.ue the chndren y will be abk .r ! as ihe wa- ,e<s8

Principal and Agent

He who acts thiough another a.ts hinself A
principal acts ttuough his agsts. Therefore the acls ol
the agent are the a.ts of prin ipai hiNelt prolided ttr acts done by the agenl are in dr ordiMly cousc of bsine$ or as pei ilrc a8reement oI agency. Ths/ if a

clnl&s from.rtain


v will not be able

tl'e.dldJc. s r' Y will noi be able to .<over as the b.oken root pi4e nay or may not have injued th
(b). 'Ihe

10 recover as the safety noL ner rerpoarl-:hrv


tort is comilted by the agent outside the ordina.y

couse of agen.y

prin ipal.dnot


without principars auo,o.ity the


held liable.

the answe! is

(ase.elaiin8 to
Noa Fit

.rse shere the maxjm



Y is a rs.ue

Partners in Partnership Firm

Every parbre. is liable jointly with all the oL\er parbts and also in individual .apacity for th a.ts of

does not


Guile to LL.B. Entronce Examinatio

the fim o. ev parher rcpresarin8 the fitu. So, evry parrie is an a84t of all othe. parbels and his act binds aI it i5 done in the couse of parrnership

ed paid employe, and the.efore, it was not respotuible for his misconduct. she fil$ a suit agaict
its legula.

bankng fin comprising @ny actile dd sleping parhErs, has .eirain se.urftig d"no.,red wrLh ,' by d cu.roher for iare curlody Onc f "'hle' fraLdulp.d). djspoc6 ol Dre,e *cuitie, l waq held that aU ihe partners including those who are



(a) (b)

The BanI is not liable, since


was not

its salaried employee. The Banl is liable, 6ince Ananth was





were liabte.

Vicariow Liability of the State vicarios liability of the State fo. a torrious a.t lomt'ed b) d public :eNbl depend, upoF rhe

iis employee. (c) The Ban-k is not liable, sinc it did noi know about misapprop.iation by Andth. 'Ihe mwe! is (b). 8ak wordd be vi(arioGly liable for the misappropriation comitted by Mr. Aenth. Colletihg deposits on behalf of oths creates a MasterSepant or Piincipal'Ageni reladonship.

powes of the state. The Govement wolld not b liable for th tortious acts ol its trrants .omitted in

i'Fncbon beM.s and


The Legai Pnnciple is thesameasin E\mple 32. frCIUAt SIIU,4TiON, Cokul was enployed as a .Ierk in a law 6m by name Lindley & Co, dd he was looking aftei the of6ce during busine6s hous Krishna,


L\e tortious a.t has bm comitted by a publi. senant in dis.harge oI duties assigned to him not by lirtue oI he deleSabor of dny covereip- power, an action lordamges would Ue

the exrci* of sovereign 6mcuoru. On rhe orher hand,

(a) Tte police authorities, aftd recovering siold property/ deposited it in the mlkhana and from


it was aSain stolen. The Goremmenr is liable a- il! se^anr wa\ perfortug

(b) A military driver on a military rruck was .anying coal ftom military depot to Aml,
Peddqua,,er. orf,,e in 5bmld for rhe purpu.<

sove.eiSn fmction of the State.

Gokul and he happened to visit Cikul one dry h L\e office. Krishm had with him Rs. 10,000 which he had brought fo. business trama.tidro. Sin e he did not have dy a.quaintan e h tlE .ity, he requesred Gokul ro keep d\e money with him ovenight. Cokul vanished witi, that money Krishna filed a suit agaitrr Lindley & Co., fo. the retm of the money (a) Lindley & Co. would be liable, since cokul received the monev in then offi(e.

iiom a neighbouring viuage/ was a good lriend ol

'b) L6dle) &

of l-eahn6

le8liget &iving.
perforhed bI

rootu. Ac<.o"nr hippme; due to The Gove@entls liableas ir

ki lirdley & Co hould nol N Lrhl" since

safekeeplng of noney was not part of Cokul'6

Krishna was not thei!

Co. vou.o nor be ldbe clidr.


was a non{overeign

fuction which could


pivate individual.

ExA,\tPL.32 LEC,4I PRINCIPIE: A master shall be iespocible lor lhe wrongtul acts of his *wants in the .ou6e of his

vicariousl)' liable only

cour* oImPlqnent

fte aNher .. , '. An employer o- d mdsre, .\ if the ad is done dulin8 rlr

Erwpr.E 34 The trgal Prin.iple is same as in Example 32. was a well

romelibe, sio$ ]y he srarted appropriaring deposits tor his persotul le and o^e diy he just dieppeared. One F,, Ta. ,'to h,d been hbdin8 over her vr hss lo him losJ har rFdrl! ror r tunth hetore hs dsppedM@. he wa\ nor depo-.uE hs srrSr ar aU The Banl, when approached, t@k the stand tlui Aranth was rot

ll]ming a s@il savings s.heme under which its authoril aSmts would go .omd dd .otlect sha]] qiirE! several people on daily basis Thes a8nL. rrould 8et .ommission on rhe deposits 60 coll<ted -\tunth was one such agent/ .otlecting Jefo-.b nor ta.rod qdrlFrs mga8ed on daily wa8es. Tlou8i he rearjlarlv canied on hj, b6nes fo!

a.ACrU{ SlTuATiONj 'The S)ndicaie BanI, was

FACTUAL SITUATION: Iriends Tari Cohpany ldorm taxi compdy whose taxis always

The conpany had a 6d policv prohibiting iis enployees l;oh plying their taxis outside ihejr working schedule. Suesh was a .lriver wiih this Company; and me day when he was Betting back lo the garage aTter completing hb day's duty, Ranesh

bore a special emblem easjry re.ognised by lhe people.

tm ,nd requerLed fo d\r 5ep(e


Ramesh's place happded to be on the way to garage,

Suesh obli8ed him. But on the way, due to sulesht negligdce, n\e taxi .olLided agaiNt a wau and Ramesh was badly injued. He filed a sdt agaist Friends Trxi


Tte company would not b liable lor the a.i of Sresh, done in.lear violation oI its
ReEulatiorc. since Su.erh
since Ramesh was its employee.

(b) Th company would be liable

IACIUIL SITU,4TION, Shaila Deli opened i S B Accout witir oristal Bant, and a cousin of her by name Mohan, who $as clrk in tha t BanI, helped hd to complete the for@lities. Subsquendy she use.l to

(c) The.ompany wourd be liable,

beLieved tr\at he had

{as Settins to Mohan alon8with her pass book and Mohan used to retum the
entrust whatever money she
pass book

hired a taxj belonging to

Friends Taxi Compdy. The rtuwpr r< Tdu conpany E l,'blc.n,e Suesh was ilc emplovee and act was duinS tLe cours


of employrent i.d plying taxi on hire. The option (.) ale appears to be (lose but it is the relatiorohip of

wiL\ the relevant {tries. One day Shaila Devi discovered lhat Mohan, i$tead of crediting the money to hei a..omt, had been misappropriating it and the ntries in lhe pass tuok werc made by hih widrcut authorization Shaila Deri seelc cohpeNahon

emtluye, and cmployce htL,h cduse\ \ndriub

labniry. EJ@D|I 35

(a) Ointal Banl

shall be liable because lvlohan was actinS in the coEse of mplotment.

IECAI PA/NCIPLES: (l) A Prin.ipal shall be liable for all the (?)

(b) oriental

of his

Bank shall not be liable, because Mohan was not a.ting n the .ou* of
tsank was not liable, be.ause Shaila

agmt don in ihe course of emplqDreni

stEll be coNidered


d aget

df B, provided

(c) Orimtal
Devi was

I (b) I

renunerales A, and has direction and .onhol over what.4 is

^egligent. The .orect aEwe. is (b). The act of Mohan will noi.ome unde. the.ouse ol employment. EX/!@E 37
LEG,4I PRINCIPII: A master is liable for the acts co@itted by his setrant in the couse oiemploluent

ldm. The Coroolidated Motors agreed to

aACTU,4I SITUATIONi The Consolidated Motors h as a fim dealing wilh recond hand (ars. Sucsh came to the office of the firm and olfered to sell L\en La6, Frovided he lvotdd get 81t comni$ion on cars sold by

TACIUAL SITUAIIAN: Miheih bas r dne, o.hng in a cohpany Lipton and Co One.tay, the
Manager asked hinr lo drop a customer al lhe airpori and gt back al dr arliesr. On his wav back from ti,e aiport, he happened io s@ his fiancce Roopa rvatinS for a bus to go homc. He olfered to &op her at home whi.h happened to be close to his ofhce. she got into L\ and soon thereafter, somersarlted due lo the netligence of Mahesh Roopa was L\rown oul oI rhe

proPosition. One day, Suresh took out a ca. for th puposeof demonstration to a prospective client an.l in th cours of demonstratioo he knocked do$! Ramerh and iniured him. Ranesh is seking legal remedv. Thc

main isue is whether surcsh is d

CuNolidated Molors.

agert of


is lhe agent oI CoNlidated Motors, because he Sets remMeration by way of commission.

ca. and suffeied mulhple injlnes. She

comPesation from uPlon and co.


(b) slresh is not L\e asent of

(a) (b)


Motors, becas., the comission is not the


{as in

Upton & Co., shall be liable, because Maheslr the cource of thei! mplo)ment at the




MotoB bccause the latter d@s noi

is not ihe



time ofaccident. Lipton & Co, shall notbe liable.lvlahpsh $as



control o!er his activities Thc answe. is (c). Slresh work on his om telft he appeaF io be an independent conkacror as


company has

no djre.tion and control over


lher{o.e. she cmot sue an},bodr. The co.rect answcr is (b) lvlahcsh drd an sauthoriscd act when he oltcrld lift to Roop. This *as not a part of his emploleent Hence, conpinl'

not in the .ours oi emplolment when he took Roopa iNide ihe car Roopa Bot into the car at her o&n rjsk. nd

EXAMPLL 36 LEG,{I PRINCIPIE, A mastershall be liablc for the fraudulnt acts comitted by his se.vant in Lhe course

Negligence is ih. abscnce oI care on ihc part of one pariy shlch results in sohe damage to the other


50 The

Gride la LLB. E trc ce



to constitute a tort ofnegligen.e

ise the inference of negli8en e on


part of the

l. Dfmdanroheda dutyofcare to the plalntiff. I Hemade a brea.h of su.h duty. 3 Plantiff suflered damages in consequsce
Dut) oi Care' hearo duq to take.are. Ii maru a rerin sha! behave reasonably, be ca.eful and dutitul
as a reason.ble man should be in like ci..@rar.cs Tle concpt of 'duty of care' depen& upon the facts and.ncumtances of each case. For exampler a o\ring a duty of care to his parienr, an employer to his enploye and a resident to his neiShbour. Rer,onablere.. i: r.\e le. to a..crrrin duly or care 'Breach of duty' to rake care means the defodant


(a) where a pe6on going along a hishway was injtred by the fatl of a ba(ei out ol the
window ol lhe defendant's warehose

.b. where


,n empl..yec was llled by an e.plo\iol of lhe gas app atus in the defendantt factoly. Whe.e a surgeon left a towel inside the stomach
side was tut by comjng irom the wrong side df th road

ofa patistafter an operation. (d) A rickhaw 8oin8 on the orre.t

a bus


ob,erved dup cdre whicl. rs required in a partidlar situanon. Su(h brea.h of duty is Bsdtial io be proled to su..eed in d action for negligme.
'DamaSe' is thnd essenrial ingredienr ro consrirute a tort of negligen e. Even if the defendant owes a dury of care to the plairtiff and makes a breach of su.h duty,

h.- nor

careless pereon be.omes liable for his negligence s hen he owed a duty of .ar to


.ACTUAL rllLlAllON. A\ Lhe bJ, $aq leaving the platform, Kashish ruhed and boarded the bus the door open. Ashist! who was standins at 'eping of the phlfom]' ws tur by the door ol fie d,e edgc

nJ a.ho- \l-dll he Ior neSl.gcr cc. ir no ddTage ., caued. further, damage must be .easotubly

novns bus dd injded. Ashish claim conpensation


duty of .a.e. Daruge must not be too remote i... nor capable of being fores bya reasotubleman. Therefore, in one cae whle the defendanrs (hartered a ship carying drums of perrol. Due to
leaka8e in drums, pehol collected in the hold of the ship. A workd negiigently dropped a plant,s a spark resdting in huSe fire and damage to the ship. It

a! resldt of defendant's breach of


Kastu'n ,' Ldbp 'o A.lL.h ro! nur I-a\in8 rdlen crre to c.o.e Lhe door oI lhe mov,r8
Kashjsh is not liable to Ashish as it $as ihe duty of the conducto! of the bus to close the Kashish is not liable to Ashlsb as it was the duty of the laiter, to take suffi.ior ca.e, while stdding on the platform as not to expose oneself to such a..idotal harm



coNequenc of the negli8enr a.t of the defendants of Ioading broken drutu Defendants were hetd liable ro pay compmsation to the shipping .ompary.

hetd dlat lhe damage to the ship was dile.t


Noneof dre above.

In another leading .ase known as the WaSon voud case, a oil ship in L\e high seas suffered leaka8e
of fueloil due to negligen e of appellant,s sewants. The oil spread ovei. Ir rLas carried by ride to the wharf $here employees were welding a ship The spark ilom rLeldjng caused fire in S,e rvater danaging wharf ard the ship. Ii this case, it a'as d.ided that th

the ctuwer r. \"/. lf he ooor J. d bu, or,s,N orhva'dl), h aA rhe ld,r mrn .o bJdrd. vr Nalh-\
has a duty to take.a.e to close the door. He is the.efore liable to .ompensa !e Ashish.


appellants were not Lable as they codd nor have reaitublv foreseen rh.t rhe floaijnS olt tn the hish seas Rrc and damage the wha.fand the ship.

tfc,4l PRIN('Prl tverybrdy F dder a legdl obl.tar. n to rake reasondble (d-e ro a\oid a.r or omission which he can folesee wolld injlre his neiShbou. The neighbos for L\is purpose is dy person whom he should have i. his nind as likely to
tuCTU,4I SITUAIION: Krishnan, while driving

.tr,d. c:se

',." wrel'Jrn(e l r. ", i, r:"lr:rr.d

Ma-\im "Res ipsa loquiht/' Tl.. -r',m ,, nor a prnciple ul d Irbrtiry

mern< lhar Lh" dxae.

hapteninF oJ t\e accrtient should tcllits own storv and

.Fat Ior 'p llh8 a Jrd. Lj..hmi a p..gndnr womd pa.r.r8 crrctlmtar.esenab.Fhd /,un bl,,LlfereJ rrom r nerrou. 5hoct. teadnS lo dbordon of nElisence agaiffr rhe defendani. Mere Llts'rni frleJ a rL,l dqdrnn Kr,,mn , rjm.1q


ca. at a high speed in a crowded road, knocked down a .vclist. The cy.list died on the spot wiL\ a lot oi btood

i lb) icr
litrhnan r{ill b lirble, be.ause he o(,ed
Cuh of reasonable (are ro evelybody on

in iudinS tjkshmi.


noi be liable, be.aue he .ould not have loreseen r2khmi from nenous shock as a resllt of his act. Krishnan willbe Lable to Laksnhibecausehe



towards the aci of neSligen.e by ddving the scooter at much above

(c) Bwill loseashesas drivingver) (d) 8 will lose fo. sone other rcason The a$wer is (c). I has contributed


Nuisance means an

:..reeabiXryof a person drivinga car that an accidenr .;f,eJ tlv him may lead to abortion of an ontooker. igl<hDr s Liability is limited towards the death of

failed to drive caretully. rd) None of the above The coneci aNwer is (b). It is beyond reasomble

pdson/s use

uterference with comiort, heaith and saletv

other. Nuisance is of t$.o 1. PublicG\uisanc

o! enjoyneni of land. lt

udalrful interference wiih




.!(,:r ,nd

tdn no. be e\rsdFd ro

2. PrivateNuisnce.
riSht lt is a crime and pmishable mde. L\e Indian
Pub1i. N"uisance is interfe.ence with sohe public


iesl,Esce conmbure. lo thp icr caL-n8 d"mdge lo ls. fte rde i( Lhrr rl , peFon ,uker{ ddruAes oLe to :r ohn nc;lisenl acr, he cd .ol \ue ihe olhtr
prcon lor damages. In d English case, a motor cFlistwas driving his :{e ngligently. He was lnoct<ed down bv a bus - h@ drivei was also found to be ne8tigenr. The coult !o6dnolor cy.list to be onerhird ro btame. The <ou.r, icrelore awarded damages to the extent o{ t{,o rhi.ds
S m d-I. whcF rhc d?fHndr ,l n 1{ sfr .tt F, L a e r, -oi, a hiSt-hd).I tdrafirr ntu8 \,. . uutd : : r.l.(r L\c ttb$ru.noa rnd m". wifi rn d..r.inL tl qr. de.rCed onr ne td r I ol -e,.\er danrEp. .rp ": iicd ro ulp Jue ( re hJ\c '? l, acrwouju talen bpe:, Jn\,, E .d'/iu-h acc,den, Loilo hire ph.e A. r lrnqrbLro,y rn r\e r(r ('u.dA ddm"ae t.p .,r, r^l

\pa!t toom defences alailable against : f,.. C r' ibr,r, r, r'.q/lsra,, dcF a, r good deten.e n i.t\ .I neghSen(e. l, medn, u l-Fn plahh br hi: .h n

Delences to Negligence

Petul c^de for

c.drple recpinS broL'rpl. diStsrnE ench on a hiShway, selling contaminatea food, er..

essentials of a tort of nuisan.e

or tod The ar+ 1. Unlawtul intederence sith the usc or eniomcnr otldnd or olher prr{. r-.ulr..B r.
Private Nuisdce is a civil wrong
some iniuy or discomlort to him The act must iesult in a damage to rhe



Normally cotuiant noise or musual or abnornal noise, lda"tul obshu.tion, ollensive smell or fumes. loud plaln8 of mu$ic o! iLlrrumenrs at odd
hou.s, all.otutituie the tort of nuisance.
case, A snall maljng candles been emitring offensive shell ior manv !db Plaintiff took ihe r;sidencc later on It ;a; held


Inan EnEIish

d' l.crc\d.n' .dnL/.D/rerddnr,ptea


h msell (amt Lo drnu .rn.e




oa u

dann liamages in to.ts.



Pfi/NCIPIEi "If, as a resutr of carelessnrss. one injuis another, he is lesally ljablc ro ihe intured for resultin8 damags, unless the viftim,s o$.n (arele$ness also contdbutes to.ausinS ihe accidenr',


lhal every reasonable p.e.auiion consistent with rhe exer.ise o! the statutory poae6 have been t*en. In an EnglGh case, the defendant hder slatuiory aurhority -The used locomotiLe enSines on their railwavs escdpc .pdrl. rron .l--ir eng re.du+d fire r.o $" .n,d., uf t { ffpred dd rJd,. Trey we c I ot Lro.H i .L -/, . r ^c.o d. d E ni! rdL"lrll^c5onoorel"r.-,.t utu,..freven'

re r ,lrtL.e lu: I e d. rB ot I "LLror ^d uhr trr j I rrlpJre,,re l.Icn nrviv prnrideI

ft(lU,4L -//u4//O\i ,, crretest\

pole trobuding across a publl. .oad.20b hete6 hon fiat spot Ras a traftic signal indicating L\e speed timir b be at 30 kn1Ph. t, riding a Ecooter ar 60 kmph, nohced the p.otrusion a distance, bur sritl corld r i\ o.l rr. toll:deJ h rrl l..e tote dnl w.. nll-pd. ln i. Jcdon b\ E aeirrotA ra) B will ;uc.eed be.ause ,t was carelss. 1t , B hnl succed because,4 could tve avoided

tcrl rn


, odrd

e<ipe H^h?\ !, rl-- l,'h, it\ for n-rdtue ( rMJr br hhcre rhe d(l dul.o,i-cJ biUe n'tur"-h,,

'".. ""'.


ECAr P,'lINClPlE: An unla$,tu]



W 1,,


psson s use or enFyment ofland, or sohe righr ovcr, or in come.tion with it, is a nuisanceif, tort

nishap byputtingup


against Mr. Shyam for a permarenr mjmcrion io restrain hlm from installing and mming flou! mnt nr then prenjses. A..ording to Mr Plasad, it creared



prasad fited suir

.j1...,, \ + \,t,t..,.,d,.r't

Crkt. ta LL.B E,ttrit.. Enlnrntinh


nri.dnre ro rn(nr n, I fv ^-( fur o- rh- r,r. toor lhc sJmr t)rcnlsrr wrll hr! a.hun su..F,r.
-... .,,,


, pe Id Fnl.intd(hun rr,tm t. ,ruurl t,,r.,,ting ,n., runnins ol a flour hitl in a residentiat area ..,r' I'l\ tred,! nJr{rL{- rt c p".a.,;1.1" ;_;, 6.wil -. - 1 .rJtsnt, I Lhe .ime r. tdir6 Nl..trd,j,.,nortlu use and enjolqenr ofhjs land is inirinaed ..!e or pdva re nuisan e



The company wil su.ceert because the.abre was nornrLcrrering wirh the ordila.y use and!mcnr ot Mr Brla, s FroFerty lloih (bl rnd (c)

core.t answ.. is (.).



Ex.\MpLt 42
L ?n

rA tLt4t .tItAttAN. \.1r.5n"rm,r o. hi-,,r.1 Er.h i bdnv.,n re,. q.tu,t, .\ iF.rh.,c.L,h,d.,..

ruots ntu Mr Mchra

n comechon Hirh ir

INCrpIf: An ufla,{ful nrte.ference wrLh , -cr ol tdnd..r.ur, . I Aht ur,.r,

rs a

nuience jn torr

-. 5hirmir

(dn \1, M.hra {rcrl


premsecis h.ell

n tu..L.t jerrn..


ub.r,"L-u e nJr\inrp tJ t.rh Vr. \4et_r- hr.t,u!cced rr {m damiEe b Hs u\rarc s rabng Ftac
Ex^u.t.L 43

, ,^r.,.p, A hd1\i. up/ .p,eidrg rt\ rou,, nto .am( i. d hee ,prerJrq ,.. b,an(hp. dbu\ e d.c tinJ ui

D.IJm.h,n nrr.. dn J .rt d r nehon, ,,IIl, ron lr',rrl. L,.ohc, rhp irn.Upot d p;,,on r urc.ocFv Derrmd'Jn c.n.q- ur irbe'.nd .1..'J* Lr-t . , defrtur.r) nirflenr boll1pp.mdrenr nd l?], :lu ^Jhph !it.,, wn en ^ords. b) p,,.urF. b, ^b) d/r ,! rt,e pubtrdl:on ; rrrrnJr..) .r'..nq. ,,.,r-r.,ent,.rn,u.h ora. 'p,l,F. wu--. ur er-ue. Ir ln-dntJw,d-t.,rnahonb bulr d . r',1- w"l. J .rimr. to r.n.t turc d lol ct ". JcIind.,o.. ott,.w;rg e Lh" c*arra,etem, nt1 The words spoken or wrinen must be ddamdtorr ,., hhich .cnds ro luh, J pc,"on,,
lre F.undrron ol ri6hr-tlrn(rns member, or lhe

2. Thc delamatory words o. sraremeni shoutd J+.t\,rr ".th. relHr to thc pe..,,n

I rc itdra.. nr

lfcAt pRlNc_/plt: The o\.ner ot nnnovabte I ri tr r .) er'hr pd tu L. um ot d:r .t.r.a ,o {a he . nlt,r lu \pr,e ab.\e tr, rdnd r- F.t r .L,L hcrEht ,. "rr r.e(_:.rrv r. lur ord'r.'ru u.e rnd enroJment cr hi. ldnJ dnd rne lh<

rLnl.iJhun ra,1


oc puht,.nFd

pl.Innlt TleFro'e ir d I'c .on dbL... ,,,u,tr., r .r"u,r n pn\dtp it m..t nol brdpt,njhon bur iId tnrdr.c,,onb .rd-.l q t-v thn,,.ne ^orJ. wrI.ororrn,i_ ro te

ndbaB L\e detrrdtor) n' te tno$r, I, .one per on othrr .hjr.

by , nedih

r\er th. h,,J.F,,I v.".; UJirr ,r..,u:. rArr .,(." n cn I r..,,... . n;.dht" _, ' nc,lher .lr(l-eo o tu, hJu.c I u l. ,ir p_oo,r". neantnr q tuch b dcramrn,^. lh*eol .urdrtr I -", t-,.",.U",*,t,. V.. Dcl,tnntion of n ctass of perco s DJIr. . , . tor\-J l-uu.., 8,.. r-,e n, rt r .,t.lp qi ",.',",, r, wl -,c d .'rre rer . m. dc .boLt r ..d,. u, np.rnol \tr B, u"bte .. fl\ . L.! J l1r nr.,cr eruup "ir, ol /ei p n rfir.r-1lt) rrr" to tpdv, t\e rrputd.roF or .\tr oitr reoup,lel c . ,..c .,.ml...1 ro ".1/r .hL !"5u'l i,r., c..Irhtsn,.,no,,o-"ro,"_o,..t :-rha olt'r,JbL b- on,,.,rI C\...r,. \tr q..,1 .L' rhc.dble",J hL., Ld.p.t ttpa.r.t.,.eib.\" .: nril tT, trut ,. rt-,. .t n nu.,rr" Tdnh.oLe , i. r _, ll o ,,..r. hpr, ic-J.p l.(, dbtc cohp,n) I a\ . ,u,I, ;*d .t-pdr, I o I.Jrri., ,rr J t. ., 8 R.. , u .t . ,. , r r rr tc* t cr- i. j,m.ttu-e to porr dnctur r:trt] bnnSs tc6al r.tion a6arL\L \,,t BnrJr. "r .. Ure iJl fte .ompany wil not snc.eed be.ause Mr. p h..rl.'r i" lrrJ,r.l tr lhe . t:., , r Arour r) Bajaj has evd! rjght to eBurc propr 'Lll!Fnr ..n, 'rJ.c...t..r t,,rordt ro b".;,.c'.1 \ ento'mcnl of tu.,. b. r,.",\ir.z I '1 ,.'i, ,1., 'n, der.. r.. ha\ be ,dbre. r r.!..) s F-.c' a .t t 11 1t rtsr,p,i. \ I, fpr to d ,b(l.' <au.,nq ,\r.or rn .h. J:r.p,rrF ctr., our it (an rp" or',bl) rc .nrrrd"md r(,{nn,j lo d a@ve ruspropcri\ roJ rlaionabt e^rp.r r..rL(..,br The ompdy wil succeed becau5e like fFun r.tion in thit (n\e \r I \u.cceLl ie,tr'..h h.cfh.rrr ,dhte.. ti\i_a o, .url_ , ]l-:" "* o lerrnnro,, 'u\qn(iIor Jr trirt5tLbc. ..L ., ,.cmenr .-ifr,rent
- -r



e ,.ci..,v ,o .r.

SltLlAlla!\. \rt







L,ru cr,

ILr ..' -. dc'rm, ori n)temcr, ra) be d lrrecL h.... dr."n it,rv or tJc rucn(r^ r ,nuendJ d.e Lt-o." *u, mi! ,pt ,n Ln,.- I t_ ..-trI .umr.e,unda4 "hi.h ",r vr ratc.r or

cnbLr r. a cf

nmun prachce in


f iI ..,

he tLlhte ru,

:d r J.t,Tdrort

haliciocly, which is true. turtler d la,r .omenr on a ruuer or publ( rlere. F rnr d delrmatory <talemml 5imlariv ab.ulule and qudl,Ecd pDvileSl. r,e Brdnred lo ce ;in \rurtion( A
siatement L\ough staied

The correct amwe. is (c).

A has not defamed B. ,4 has not comnnnicaied the

defamtory statement to any third party

I hitueu

in pariidentary proceedings
ExAr,u.t 44

cohe mder deiamation.



shall not

shows the ltier to his lawyer after knowing its contenr. ,4's act does not in.lude publi.ation of statemnt.

lowerS the reputation of another peson in the eyes of right thinkinE people, then it is defatution. G) The person whose reputation is affe(ted.d sue the cuipnr and recover damages. fdCTU,4I SlTU,{?lONi Rama told Sita "You are a L\ief. You slole myhearl" Sita was Ldous and she felt

(I) If a person nules a statement tlDt

C. LAW OF CONTRACT law .elaring to cont a.ts coctitute the most ifrpoit nt branclr of Conmerclal
Law. This

$itshewas defamed.

(a) {b)

Rama has ilelamed Sita and hence he is ljable

Th Contra.t A.i defines contract as an ageemenr enfor.eable by law. All aSremenlc are, therelore not .ontracts. Only those agieement which are enJoreable i.. whi.h de.apable of bing enfo(ed. tlnough ll]e court oI ldw. dre (onEdcLs Agreehenb of or e.ial natue do not .rca te .onbactual obligatio.s. Fo. example: a p.omise to show a movie to a tiend or to purcha* a diamond ring for wife does not bhd the

ii govmed

by the lndian Coniract Acl, 1872



Rama is liable to pay as Sitat reputation was lowered in the eyes of riSht thinl.jng peopl. Rama is not respotuible, as .ight thinking people & ill not histake this statemet. Nore of ihe above answers is conect.

oileror to perform the promise. These are not agremenLs enforceable before law and hencc not An agreement cosists of e offcr or p.opolal from one peFon rnd the d.cetran,e ol thrr olhr rrom the othd. The peEo. who makes the offer is called offe.or or p.omisor d the person who a.cepls lhe ofier is called offeree or Fomisee. The third and most

The.onect answer is (.).

ELa^apLE 1E

elmst of m

ageemni is .oNiderarion.

I-EG,4I PRINCIPII l: A person defamesanoiher if he states alyfing which exposes the other ro hatred,

Consjderation is so impo.tant k) constihrte a contrnct that it is said L\at "No CoEideration, No Contract".

ridicule or results in Inh being shumed by oLhers or


,o'nel^jnB which F ur."rnu

.rl.( ir ar

defamation, there

injures him in his hade, business orprofe$ion. IEG4I PRJNCIPLE 2: To commlt the offence of

tlie eyes of law. So, not br gratultous

Love and affection (an not be coisideied

musi be colmmication


defamatory statement to a thnd party.

F,4CTUII SITUATIONT A, a patient of 8, is di$atisfied wiih 0E keathent. He discontinues ihe beatnmt and after sometime leaves the citv S.mprn p\ arrer tL. illn$s wiJ auromaociU\ \urcd d) laFse of time. 4 was upset because 8 had made him ipcnd a krtof money on his ilinesswhich was cured on iis own llc r'rites a letter accusnrg 8 for .h.ting Hp .lleges dut ! rugniticd L\e effects oI ihe illrcsr, delibe.alely heated hin in a marurr so that itpersisted ard al.oca6ed dele'.ordrioi,olhr! lrrlLh b shown bv I to his lawyer. ln cotuultaiion lrith the

<omideration. This isbecause"b n dapn.ta anoritltf, drr d' r.. no.du,e of Jctlon arFe. lrrm r od, e r rcn,.c. Comideration is "qu pra quo" i... somerhnr8 for something It is a rasonable equival.nt or sine valuable benefit passed oD by the promis.r to L\e

Essential Elements o{ a Contract

Section 10 of thc Contrad Act, 1872 provides for the essenrial elements of a valid contra.l To constitute a valid.ontract, following elements arc c$cntial1. Olfer and acceptance.

hwver Ir fles a suit ior damages agaiLst .4 for

(a) ,4 has dcfand B ard is liable to {b) (c)

2 3 4

Inlention toceateiegal rehtnrmhip. Pa.tiesmustb compet.t to coftra.t. Lawful coffidntion is a must

.ompettation. 4 has defamed I when ihe letter was seen by the lasyer and therelore the co;pensation
has lo be paid ,4 has not defamd B.


5. There must be free.otuent

ntding into conrtact

of lhe


6. The object ofconhacr must be hwtul. 7. Agreement musr not be expressly declarcd void brrheco,,r-,.rA. r." f^r hl LhcwLlcrhs\

G ide to LL.B. E tmncc Eronination

Offer and Acceptance

An offe' or pioposl is an expre5sion of willingns to do or not to do emething to obtain the as$nt of the othe p.en When an offe' is made by one partv &d ommhicated to the other partv to obtnin ni. al6t, the other party either acceFts it or rq<E it or h .:n tuk a .outer offer. lf he a.cepts,
hi. ad is kno$ n

road and submilted it to the Police. Can he clain the amout later on? Or, suppos Mr. Y happens to be the

neighbou oI

a.eror -An aE eement (omes into existence. II he di..5 r comt. offer, he b{omes the offeror ur i(,f\{e! and it is upon the oiiginal o1Ieio. to accefl
|ne offe. and conplete the

as 'acceFtance', he

bones or

Mr X. He finds the dog duing Ns morning walk. He takes it to the owner, Mr. X. Later on, he.om6 !o know ihat a reward of Rs. 10,000 is amom.ed ior tjndin8 ihe lost dog. Cm he .laim so, hom Mr. xr ftp r.wcr 10 bo(h lhe que>bdn. ,' negative. There was no commication of the offer to Mr Y. H6.e, notbea valid accePtance of tlE offer and hence, no .ontra.t is fomed

agrement or reiect it.


htention to Crefte Legal Relationship

An oller must be made with an iniention to create legrlrciatioNhip. An offd is not a vaiid offer iI it does nor cr.nte a leAal obligarion Dpon th othe. partt. Mere tnrles do not conshtute inoffer. For exahplHn oIler r' n iriend to show novie ora ditue..rt a livslar holel .trnnot b r valid offer. Tl1is is because an inrentnrn to

/l ,Il (lll)

An agreerecl pFlJn cdble in

(ou!l ol ldw i-

ln orJe. .., .'n .'Feehcnr ro be enfo(erblc a ' .ourt of lah, fie.e must be a meeting of hinds

blvn both

lhc parhes. do somclhing tor lhc

ro. conhactshould

..ertc lesalrelalionship is notevidenl in such.rse

oth$ prrt_!. Thc obligalion to do somellm8 for

offer and

I aitatio to olfer

the other pnrtv is mutu.l. This is callell 'consideration' and absence oI considemtion

Further an oifer is different 6om an invi&tion io olrc.. Fo. exampie, thc display of goods in a shop ivindow or th display oI books in a book store is not an offer b sell llre book.a!he. it is an invitation lor the l,!!$ to makean oifcr to purchase the book Thdelo.e, lhe buyer .amot for.e a shopkeepr to seu pa.ticular 8uotls which are displayed in his 5lrowcase. He can just

.enders the contra.t uncnfor.eable I,4C? U,41 SITU,{TION: Mohan promised to take Sudar out fo. a dinner nr Taj Corotundal. Even after t$o weeks, Mohan did not tulfil ihe tronise Sundar $ ants hr sue Mohan to enforce that promise.

IlSundir gocs to court:

mkc an offi to buy hose 8oods, ir is upon rhe nr.fkeepr to acccpt or rejcct drc offer to male a

(a) (b)

He can compl Mohan to bu! him a dinner at T.jCoromandil He can .ecovr the lalue of dimer


and Geiernl


Furrher, an oller niy be a speciiic offer or a sencral oifer. A specific olid is an offer made to a Fnrti.ulirperson and it can be a..epte.l only bv him. A offer is an offer to the $uld ar larSe Anyone .in iccetr il, fullil Ue rcrrs of the oller and mk it n,ro in aBreement. lor e\nmple, Mr X makes an oller tiut Bhoelcr finds his lost dog, w lgctlG 10,000 fiom hin, tbrouEh a nervspaper advertisenent II ]lr. Y


Ths pronnse $ill not be cnrirced by a Court of Lalv as ther is no consideration from
None oI L\e ibo\ e ansaes is .orre<t.

The an$ver is (c).


t 47
does not take notice of

',.)J. .1. ,lr(rri*n.r' .nl lind Li, l.,t o I l'. .. cntrtled to 8et the said adout, as a valid contra.l has
co,nnu'Iic a tion of o IIet


important thnrg has tr) be noted that.n offer rnrit b.oDrmunicated to tlE ollE. party i. a valid r...ftrncc is a must llhich can tike pla.eonlyafter the

f,.lCrUAl 51T|1,,111ON,,4 p.oposes to his I rlu. ,h.r l-.l ollJ q. orell'er fo, d moming walk. I agrees to the prcposal and it is decided tLat both of L\en trould meet nt . paiti.ular
re.Shbou, point at 6 a.m. fiom {her Lher would set ofl for the morning walk.lnspitL'of theagrcement a does not iunl !p..4 wails forhimat6 a.m e!e.y day {oi a continuols pe.iod olselen days Therealler he files a srit aSaiNl B daimlng damages tor the aSony and mental torture
sufie.ed by hin. D!.ide.

Lrfr'LLl{c oI L\e olfer. lake L\e .bolementnnred e\r3,.1. inJ luppose Mr. y has rot read rhe

;.a.ei5-erxenr. He has just 8ot the dog strar on the


(a) I



breach oicolrractand is lialrl. to

(b) Ihere is no intention kr


ilthough it appea.ed very deiicate, il $as quite strons .nd not easill, b.eakable. Shakmlala tlu{ she h'.s
att.acled to it orlly for the aeslhetic pleasule it gare hei a d itsothe! charactcristi.s h'ere inmateiial to her and bought the pice. Shc later discovered that it was not a pe.iod picce and noliced il developing as aell Shc proceded against the proprieror ol Ganesh Galicr)




(cJ The malre. is too small an.l lhe court sill B

as the prnrciple says about bifles, rhe malrer rppeals lo be so small Ont law 5hould not tike its
Hnce, L\e correct answerjs (.).


refuse to 8o into it. fie answers (b) rnd (c) rppear to be



Canesh Callery musl compe,Nte Shakmtala, sin.e bolh lhe characknstics athibuled to lhe arti.le were proved wrong.

| 48

.b ,

Cdn".h Cdllcry necd

n.' !umlrtu.l-..!ne

l[G,,ll PruNC]llE:

No one (an accept a proposal 8

bithoat any kro{ledBe lherel

r.lCIuAl sirun I lOV RdreJ. p'nf..ed 'o a Nsard oI Ils 1000 Lo anlonc iilorning hi


shakuntala was unconccrned aboutwhat wrs attributed to L\e article. lh" I'.oti,etor n.un .onfrc.,re Lr .1 r nrcsponsible statehents madeby him.

The.n$ve. is (b).

'Thc Daily ObseFcr"), no. Ranesh mndoncd nnrdrinS about rhc dh'ard. On the 5:h January Rahinr rame ro know about the amouncement ol d]. awa.d tiuou8h i f.iend of him and he demanded the reward oftu.1000 Ramcsh Rameshrelused topay. (a) R!me$ has to pay Lhe amoult, bccausc he had prcmised to tay lhe amorurt to anlone 8iling thc nrlormation about $edog. (b) Ramcsh ncd not p.v tl,e anunrt, becdus hr

\heleabouts ol his lost dog Th. p.oposal lvas frintcd n i diily new+1ipcr bv nime "The D.rilv otiservel', or I-1-l991 On 3 Jinua.I Rnhi,r. .r tn.nd of, hnpp&ed to se rhe dog ,fd inlohc.l Iianesh about ,t Ramesh immcdiatcit rushed to rh spoL rnll dre dog At that time, ncirhcr Rahim knew ib.out the award Gince hc was not n regdar reader of


do fotagree in the sanes.rse

E\nvA1 50
LLCAL PRll:CIPLE A clear dlfer and a..epbnft, Lad lo a.onlracLual rcl.rtioNhjp f,4CrLlAl S/TUaI]ON, A fax message from X b. Real [st.te Agency "Will you sctl i 60 {cct ! .t0 leet plol ollaDd at Nagarbhari to me? Qlote the lowelt pri.e". Thc Estate Agcncy .eplied: "The lowesr pri.e lor a site ntastrnng 60' x 40' dimensn'ns nt Nasarbhavi is Rs. 15,00,000". Il]e lollowins fa\ Irom X to the Estare Agency reid, "l agrle to buy lhc site for Rs. 15,00,000 qloted by vou. I' send me all lhe l-B,l Ju..m-nr, ur ll e -i,ts \^lr,\ ci rl,e 1.,1.$i, ,


nbout tire re$'ard. Ramesh necdnot pav Lhe amounttEcausc th. proni\e rvasmadeonly to the readrrs!f "Tbe

.;\rn tl'e rf^rmih,. \'U'our r,{Io

(i) it,)

te.] Estnte ASencr be.omes bound LL, selldr sir! to E . ft.r ,tloting thc pri.e fd it Mere quotation ofpnce willnot bind the Rlrl EstnteAeency to sell the land ro x.
Th The Real lslate Asency !ia) ticdi,rr to sell thc sitc bot must (ompensate X id .ll rhe

Thc Eencral oller of Ramesh was nut condujcated to RaNd. No valid .8reemnt is
foasible w

Daily Obsrver" The cotrcd atuwer is {b)

nrured by him in m.king



The Real EstiLe Asency euv


valni a.ceFanc.

nor desirc to scll

artre Lhar ii did rle sirc to X, bur X dL

E\aM t 49 lE6.4L PRhlcrfrEi Wren the paltles to if agrcmcnt a8r@ on rhe same thing in the same sens.,
L\re anses a leSallv binding obligaiion between rhem

freverr Lli.
the snme to

Real Estatc Ager.y tronr s.lli,'E

an)body.lse. Ex^Mnr 51

The atuwer is (b).

-siIU,,1TiONj Canesh callery $as a nell known antigue shop in thc city. SlDkutal. $ho had a fndunt for colle..ting articles of.a.e beauty, k", Ll. r uy tr Jn i, rr,( , , l) de.,;ned rl.wcr .d.p Ure shop. Tl,r rhop'keepr explained to her the vas. belor\gcd tr the vijayanagar Empne period ind


rl,l{r fl/\rlPrl
trammission so

l:"r.r r| o(e- ,
be out

complete when the a..eptan.e rs

ai to

oI tlt pohe. oI

prt hlo ihe.ouse



lfc. l

PR/NCIPLT 2: A..epran.e on


nukes L\e agreemenl bnrdint o! botl thetirLics


CLiiP to I1

B lnInnff l:.

on L\e basls oI su.h promise defendantwas L\e said amout

r,1CIU,4| SlTLitrION ,,l iccepts to buv 8's offer ol his motor car fo. Rs { lakh. The a..eptance was put inro e' Unforruflaret!, ahen th e-mil rvas put, L L-e . li-^rrr.-. d. d rc5ul-of hlx(\ I i:ror'n a posrtion lo realh read *lut,4 haswritten ai Eoth L\e parties are bodd to perfom their fart of the aE.ement. 1l' \otodv is boud to perionn the agre.ment.


notheldliableto pay


whi.h $e lalv rrill enforce. All

tEG,4! PRINCIPIE, A .ontra.t is an agreement

aSleements are

.ont acls if ttuI are made wjth tlee consent by Parher competert lo contract for a laytul .onsiderltion and



is bound Lo


the ag.eement trut not

rdi I

is bomd to perform lhe agreement but nol


yout man of 32 agiees to glve Moilt Rs l0,doo:Sotrttlails to fuliil his promise Mol'h sues f
CTU.4| SITLI.ATION: Srfian, a

h'itholt anv

So/m for

nre answer is

dr ahoul

Th moment accptance was put into t]le e-mail, it ou! of Ule power of L\e acceptor. Hence, acce|lance is.omplete ,{s per rrin.iplc 2, acceFtan e once .ompleted shall make tlE ageement bindinS on t,oth the parties Hence, both a.e liable io their tart o{ a8reement This is imaterial, $,hether B has


t wiil

su.ceed as

5o,rr made ine

pronise of his own


(b) ," will lail (c)

as ihe a8rcmdt is without coroideration. Molari will succeed as Sdiat has the.apacity
io make L\e.ontra.t.

..'J.h rr.rprdn.eJr,'ul H, ,.dl rdJy ll-+ofGnr


u V tr \..1

'u(!ccd d: lF nun.) faid fo. anr' iuegalobjcct


,'.rl 1'ri8

vonl. Cotu,de.addn is something of some lalue or $odh in th eres ol la$. [o. crample X makes an agreement \vith l-to sell his plot oI land for Rs. 50,000. Her, yt promise to pay Ils 50,000 is L\e ronsideraLion tor X!

An ageement $ithoat cotuide.ation is

Thc answc! is(b)

,r j4. Dql\. i lI <"nr r,..db.\"".dnfd |AC?UAL 5IIUATION: A, a .10 va6


Jn." ,,' :F \i. LarJ Conrdcrdtion ,. I{e! k.

thctriceofthe promise TheConhactAcL

busincssman of sound nnnd aglees oI his own !9s_l1i!1 to sell lns bungafo*-ri6ifliG:fffakhs for Rs. one lakti.

delnred io bc

oI L\ olferor or Fromiso.. Tierelore, ilan act is done widnrut/againstthe desi.e oi the promisoi, rt \Lill nol be a Bood considcration But ii d a.t is not don bcc,!sc of the d.sirc of the pronis!., it rLill be a 8ood

.. ii. c..r.!crrl,.n .r .' - mp a.t "a,F-i-cc; ol, n.- , ri! p..,1 uf p ud+- ., ,,,.pior ar rm.


n inralid

Lrecause of inadegua le .otu\idera tion isvalidbcause fiere is lawf,n consideration

is lahd hc.irsc it was ertered into




vniid tecause X has capactv to contract

A rr' n_oni " ^ , ,, .ub.c-rri.n bcco-F,, ,,t'", t': hi i e . q . ,,e' rllii if utoof c

leading cise ol hired

construct a to\Ln hall at Hor.r.h. D.fendut was heid liible to pay. FrrLhcr, il no stef has ticor taken to carr! out L\e contractor

"r (dl,u Nhl !. Coln Mrlilrrd, on the bisis of ftumi.d subs.riptior of defendant, plainriif


the b.sis oI promised subscriftion.ln L\

(b) lland III orny (.) lrlolly (d) lI, III and Iv The aNwer F (.1). All thc tluee elentnts are
essenlial fo! a ralid.ontract.


IEGAI PRlNcllllr A .ontract siL\out u'1..lor \l .\at, - -cr.f,uF,.-J'..,1-..rilr.oa. considoation is loid lvhen ar dre desn of one party, he ..nnol Lre held liable lo pav such subs.ription. ln I .h. .r.ile-rr..n '. '" rl,Hr , d \ nf.lher .as!, $trere thcie ttis no prorrer tollow up to said lo flow from the latter tLr L\ former r.."1!. lhe paymert of pronnsed subsc.4rdon L\e faCrUA/ SITUAION, A house was on fte and a lrl.ddrnt, roimtarily fut his name to the list of .rt..nbrs to subscribe 1or dre pa\.DEnt to{nrds lhe child {as batped nrsid the house. E'eryone was ot a renple slich was al'eady ludr rpan. It shoutinE for hlp. A bravc onloolei, hcanng fi. sh.ieLs * et1t nrside L\e house and bruught hih
rrtri l..elJ lnat

as rhe

r.pairs oI thc temple sas already

of clild,

ftu.:krt and no pahient

Nas nnde o. a'cik was



rlriteiul fatler oi the child promised loprr lhe

BE Rs 10,000. Su$aquentl), he lpne8ed Lhe F6ie Ihe reRer,ued L\e promj+e for lhe nea.h (.) The father ol the .hild must pay fo! the
seFice rendered by rhe resder.




Rule of Restitntio,t

Again a question ei*s as to the rule oI .est urion applying a hircr Restiturion heans io lestore

O) Ihe lquer is nor

{<) Comercial

enritled to rhe paymerr,

sitre he a.ted on his own.

oi reruo the beneft raeived by a mjno. hder an agremst. A minor is not liable ho restore rle bnetits
has obtained money or goods by mis.ePresting hjm ro be mjo!, cd be .ompelled ro resto.e the bme6t to ihe extdt he or his esrate is blefitted. I{ some bne6t of pelmanht narue has ben a..rued to him, he has to restore it. For example a minor has to r6lore a .ar o. a hou* puchased from a

lohum:nit ri,n i..fin.k

Et,\MPE 55

considerarioD (dMol be apptied

.a*s. A minor who

uder a void

conkact ex.ept und! cotain

116,41PR-r /CIPLE: Same as in above exampie

$ldrg for 1 yar. Z does sr {.} Z is nor erided to rslrd


FACruAL SITUATION: X, a social rcfoner. F-isd Z l$ard of R5. 1500 iI be reftained from
hom X
It is a valid cotuidera tim in rhe fom of an acr of absist.nce Z rs cntitled ro rsard fromX
L6th (b) and k) arecorect. ar'5ver is (d).


edtin& drintue movre., pdrties or ciorle, et, A mino.s lldbiury for [Hts*d e. suortred lj hin for his he:.rn "\l;r""."8-I"-il fidliig-g'medir ne andasainsr care ek. sder an agreehent car be enfor.ed his property. Therefore, if a minor meers a. accident
and a pr@n expends money on his hosp al expemes, he would be reimbutsed kom mino.'s properry. Or, a mino.'s pdenti are out of station. His neighbour lends him noney to buy food and .lothes for hiruetf, his .laim to repalnmt would lie agaist mino/s properiy.

mout. But he can not be for.d to lepay any money used by him for tempo.ary enjoymfrt c.S. on



Comptency of parties
psson who has arrained the age of Mjoriry d Fho has not ben disqualified liom enrding into a .!r!_.ct is .ompetdr to .onbact, Therefore, the

Fsn . :ttldml

from lam. Ihe lrny Coucii held lhir he dhey.lends F not trErled ro sel rhe money bd-l st!.h bdr rd\dnced ro a minor Thi: i. Uecau"e"nv a
(dpable of sLeri^8 rnro dgreemhr,dn mate ontE.t. No contiact took pla.e in the The was void n, initio.

are pa.ries incompetenr ro contra.tA minor !.d. a peron below the age of lB yare, (2J A pdson of 1soud mind or insme, i3) A Fson diiqualificd by any law to .onha.r. Th6, an agreement with a minor is abslutely a very popular .as e, Mohi/i BilEe \ . Dht.nod;s 'qt. I!IILR 1e03) 3lJ ( dl 53ol a minor mdsdaed Ce6", hj, ' Ld,* h Iavou o{ a mnneyltuder d re,eiv;d;eaa,n

Hbhing petsos


pe.sont mental disorder is such thar he is of shd mind for \ometimec dnd generally ot wosd minJ, he(d mte d ral,d conftacl whh he i, ot sudrud

Persofl ofu soxnd Mind Simildly, a person of lsoud mind is not (orpet t to (onda(r. An asreersr with,uch oer$.r tr ab$rurely roid. tite Jrir of mor. H"wJr., a

The.efore a palieqt_in ame{ta-l.3Fylur4 9i4 eltte.!{qgn dgreem$t dLrir&Jho* utendls when he is of jol]J:d



E1ME 56 PRINC/PrE: A minor is not comperent


FACTUAL SITUATLON: A minor mortsieed his house and rfteivd advance. The horrgage 6les a suir

Minot a'ldRule of Estoppel Fulther. a situabon tuy ari* where a tuor h;b d..lired or inLenriotully caMd ur pem,red dnorher Fson to believe hin to be a pers@ who has attained th. age o{ mjority. Upon su.h belief, iJ rhe money !ade! advd(ee eme money bo the minor, .d the mtnor be held liable to pay? The Molti, Birce !a5e ctdly ruled out ihat ihe rde of estoppel does nor
.pplv aAaiNi minor. It mearo a minor ca$or be held li.blc to repay c loan even if he tu, procu'ed ir by

a8abt rhe minor Lo rRo\Fr rhe money advanced b) hi- I}e minor mo'rtdgor Lale. LIe ple; rhal Ue \ur i"
not maintaitubie as lhere was no valid contract. D<ide. (a) An agreemqt with minor is absolurely void.

(b) It js voidable ai the optid of the parti$. (c) The minor is tiable to retm the monev
re.eived by





a6wer is


hisreprMrin8 him asa major


E AMt,Lt 57 LEGAL PNNCIPLE: At ag!eement is enfo(cable a t law if pal6B comperent to .onbact ente! into it witi free co6ent, for .oisideration. Ald the .onbact is not


Cride to LL.B. Entran.e Etu


Undue inJt-fl c. *'. #'", ;'Jr:,"1:1': '"\e, ptdce ht-e," rwo Dcr..o1. ""**a Rs : - "s,*-;i'; "ft"" dMoyed ,m of tiln ,r . rdtner b \er) 'lbd in such d -elann,, rl-d, .n" p,rrr ,, tn oo..r,nn ro wirh ,,t ar dominale r1-r w,Jt,,, "

.onrrary lo law dd rEarnlrpubLc potrcl FACTUAL stru.4rtaN.,a.; b"u

nr r,


r fl,le


daNcbor rnd


tues a

,il lte

tuir for r specrh. perforrun.e


notd oi deLre^. tl1ebuler

buver wilt obtanr relief bcaue A fretv

into rhe .ontra.t.

'b) The bul,er wil] obtain.elief be.ause lhe agreemenr is wirh consideration. ic, The buydwill nor succed beause A,r farher 'd ft?

riF.rh$ when.r. F p;, on u.F polhon to ohGin "n untru ,ovrn-d8" n\er lhe oory any agrpFmcr entcred rnr^ i. rr.Dred bv undue A Deron crn I'e ..rJ Lo doruare rll wJ,ol 'nl/uen.e. or\er crab e.o"\eK,+ MJue r uen.pove|hcolhs



does not approve oI the cont a.r.

l-e hd. rrdt or iL,l \rert,rL.tron,\ o\,. rne oncr d hF,urJ. - d rid,,c,drl re;hon h,rh lxr he md^r, d (untra(t $r t- r ferrnl wnole nentd. (np'( tu i, Fn,torral) o, p.rmanc t\ rrtec.rd due r. oil dsr :t,n".. or m*rrt ;r bod_rv

bet.w l8 yea!rof.A
atuwer is (d).

bLyer wil, nor .u(ceed bccau.e ,4 6


Cohhr r\ ,an+.a,.s rd d?n" tl motu meebnS . olqndi !I.lg::]iry{nind, l wo Lr more pe-;D tue' whcn Lhs JtTee upon

Free Consent of parties


d mb(. A (oEnr obrrined uupr ne hJedr ot ,Jercion o- hdue innuen(e s noL,l dedid.euins pn(p ot t,\c Id, d a,n 4. h,th n8e the dA.cem; ,t on r, e Lu|e'hf Dt$ r'edible ot.. y ord*s tm lu guud ol bcind u h"d br rdu, urfLs..c. rhc .ur ll) 100rihe, ot o t. M. X .end. ^t tam 1u{ .ib-\ or atuhcr i. Yes h Le, .por A ru I ,t-dr thp cunhalt \4u.ldrd ul wl-erea\ f $oJglr rr lo be .oconur u.r w,s not induced bv urduenrnup,r. rncr s nn e,schsls,d dem. Eorh Mr x:h.l] ;;;fi."il::* il:"l """" 'p".,r'. --",r""sii J the Fra d Con.ent r.. tieretore e..en.e oi d conrra.. Fruud r\ r- ,rF irivr.,, Jr h,tIut he.otuent m"+ be f-ee A cotuenr:s vid ro be d and tu.(.r,r_..,dhoc ne ur. a dt lr(1 \h,h rnJu(e. cosenr when it isnorvitiared bv_ "nou,pr.u ent.r rn L d .onbrrr. ThJ, rr"uJ . i Lt.p .arcnl.r., mJc la) .oucion, uuw,r8t\ rJ bp dnh-c wirt. rn inren or ro de(Frve (b) undue iniudce, soLher pr \ or ro Indu(c h h In entpr.nto r ,onnd\l rr'e ( olhd(r A! I dpfine. irud to near rnd irrtuie ld) rjs.eprcsentarioa and rprlrin r.t5 Jone hirl an jtennun !o de.erte nr o r^ entdr rto d cor rd(r rhe\e ar,s V{e cdssr r, .or suffr.rpnt to cotuhture a valrd
cotuent obtJrned bv frdud or msrepre\enLabon

r\dmpte VJ


\dme th,n8 in

r. he.rvrt) rdebrcd lJ Mr B, \rltisr b s.r. on r.".en".r !6-e.l by /4 iF hh cr he.c , dt. tL. tind .^ 8:. - fa.e mu(h beloq..d\ orrto..,rh uf r.,F e^j,one nJr^e
lhe mona-lcrJc, J, rhc

".rrple Nlr.,r

re {


dlo A rdtid

,on*jtr A (orsen. ii

aSreen{nr ,annot be rude

\ rrrdid


/b Tled,hrecnnrp.,lme.,ofa,d,rb\
leohledge of rlie facr

Trre sugEestion as kr a fact which is not true by on who hihslf does not believe it to be






CoeTcion is .omjlrjrt or d Ltueat ro (unhi e ,Coercjon a<r rorbrdden bv (he Indian pmt Code,.p. vrotenr dct. rt a]{ herns to delain or d Uuea, tod derrin dny propertyot a peren will d inrerhon of rau.-rq h; agremenl There.ore. on oe..i."nt tude br a pqrn sds (Fm:tur inhrdddon;r u{ier . rear Lhar hi5 $n mEhL be r.ttupped F dn dqleemenr bd hence rord. shlcJ\, ,t l]le '.u.ftnJ s,8tu d.bdtuler deed dfler a Lrued. hom q rfe


-rc'rrnl iu

c,de. qu.h a depd

L bdd

n tl.,

and nor

ou' of r.,Drulnlrd protirs nrF rdcr hd. $dl bJl re ::rpd.n{ldJ,ncL, r I n,dv\ t, ../. du,.ns rt-, .e \ cd,. ,, wd. hcid lr"t a ri.LJ i i. bce. r on, un .F; Fa ol U.,.omt,rr rnh.,..i. tr!\e h\e-ob Dv.wrrrutt) ror\edl,nd .h" t.,,,. D.recL.r h-re heU

d.vid$d.l-dd no'

A prombc made wirtrour an! iitndon oj |eifohing it. T1u. .. a (umfrn! .d.e. rhe pro.F(ru. rcmpd.r nennoneJ .r. $c compdr.) had or . fdd veJr bPsef l02l r,' ."2/ 5rmnl, hcdtu rhd, L\e contrn! hr. ," ,o"no r:.;iiai,l po.,bon md(rg l-uge pmril.. i}le r-!l} wa. .haL,1rc*
bcpn pd.d




meresilen.e docs not amomt to fraudxcept in hhere L\er s


whre silence is equivalent to spech. For exampl.: I says ro,4-"if yo! do not denv ir, I +ril alsme lhat the horse is soud' .,1 says nothing !-(e ,{'s silence is equivalent to speech and if the

r b


F,1CTU.4I S/TU,4I]O^| Praveen ng.ccs nr scll borL\ Rs.1,00,000 for lls 10 toANnd
Is the agreement

dnty tospeak, and

(a) (b)

Yes, because dre

void, p.i.e ishadequate.



fohd ffiosd,




guilty oI fraud.

(c) (d)

No, ifPraveen's conserrt to theagreementwa! iieely given. Yes, ifPraveen s coEent was not freelt sren


Bothband c. an$rer is (d).

\liirepresdtation meatu misslatemenis or :harantd stalements which are not t ue though lhe h?laF: r ro be ftue \!{et!e.'ntador r. -ra:Jenr honr 'iiaud' i,ecause the pe6on making the
be true. Whe.eas, f.aud' is also =:encnt\rilful ,_ri d a turepiesentation ehele maker of lhe ::.nenr knows and believes it not ro be r.ue


believes it

the agreement.


E)t MLE 60 L[C,4] P^INC]PLE 1: If therc is r tr,.v rc Jn ,qreenc.i, Le m')

udre iDr!!n.e



r:-; ::i

'-r-.L.ver, the mirtake m$r be relntcd ^ :.-i1 r! essential to thecontra(t,

The aontraci

\ltrtake of facl also viLiat!'s a conrract A misraken .amot have a free consent. A mlt.rke misleads a or both the parties b enter into a contracl.

LECAL PRINCIPLE 2 When one parry in an agleement is in a position to dominate 0r Will of the othe. party and he uses his positid over lhe olher partv lo 8el he other party's cosent to L\e igreement,

isudue influmce.

t eme fact

::i:l. as to a matler o1fact csscntial to theag@ment, =: atreement is void" \ti(ake is drerclorc in no -,rNus btlicl rndsamturvrls nd,Jdn ir i{rc.rng : :,rlimc tr\ing in sense, can tale placc $tu.h is =::.udin8 stone oI an agrcement For example: i!1r. I .-rs I1Lo plor5 of l<ud X and Y Mr. I wants to !el1 :-r: -r: \lr. I wlro is inturested in blying plor 1', r,+'i.n.s hnh dnd sdis, "I want to buy y.ur tlot f.r ;r' :. hN' . \1 .,4 Jdr"r{ r. .e Lhe flol X Ia, r- 1 r:e. crse oI mistake ot fact. There is no .ori.rsrs ,d r MJ hcn(e r'o ronlrJ(. cdn b< m.rJ-Ex PLE58 :i. *nc

A.t states that: r\nele both partjes b an agreement are under

FACTUAL SITUATION: The ln lord asls the tenant to agre. kr in.iease lhe rent Lo double the previous atuordt or to ra.ate thehouse Ih terant had I i 1 .i, JF ro dsre (o a \e doJble (hc pre ou re, r h,ing in the house He lherri it.r re1Grs to "' pal.

which oI the lollorvi,l8 .rnslLers lto yor

0inl i!

Tenant has to l'.y lhe olll rent and continu t.) o..op)' lhe ho!s.. (.) Tenant has to pny L\e ot.t rent bul vacate the lou*$ithif . reasonable hma Thc aror'er is lb). Tenani shall not pal L\e new

tai (t

Tdanthas lo pay the neN rent


$ill oi thc renart. He uses his position ro get thc lrnt


landlord is in a position

Lo dominnte dre

PRINCIPIIT lf boL\ fie Fa.des upon thing in th. sane sense, parties are bound bv

doubled Thc ageement is void as litiatcd by luduc iiilue.ce I Ie would va.ate the house oily according to the term and .onditioN of prerious rentnfeement

Shte slturr the parhcs are bound bi the !;r.r::Lrrl cne yolu.eason in one line : j:.i. \o valid aSreemnt is fffmed bccrlse

!:. lr

a.iCIU,,lL 5/IUATiON: Rahesh Motc to Bimal j:rrs ixnr tuscllhis hohe ft, Rs.10,000 Bimai$rore .-.. *. r lr8re- ru r'!,.1'c-e )or| L,cs FJ^J l1 '

lrlrrPr r 6r LEGI! P/iINCIPIIT l\hen a

another somethln8 as a true

person retresents



Fnrhs are notagreeingin thesamesense ExePLE 59

PRINCIPIEj An agreehent to $h.h the the relle. is freely given is not roid merell LE.r!. rlre ln.e rrinadequate.

.)a*nr nt

fict, knorving lully wcll that it is not true, he G guilty of fraud. Th! pcrson s!trie.ted to fraud nDvavoid in nsreement TACILTAL SrIUrlriON A frcscnls a 1D6c lor sale The ho6e is keft on displat so thnt anyone intrested .ould exannne it. thc hohe his a .ra.ked hoof and it c clevrty .oNe;led by dr. o$rei I telk ,4 ll jou Jo , or Je,^ , . I l L, ,nc .l , l'cLo':c : soud". Aleeps silcnt.I purchnscs thchorsc. (a) Bcanavoi.l thc agreementon discorery oIth.


Gttule to LL.B. Entlance Eadnihdti.n

(b) 8.amot zro'd on displav

ed he <ould tdve srislied pEpared to adhit him, provided he wo d pay a hefty hirelf ot rrs soundness by pe$onal sh as .apitation fa nd he wourd srve ihe .onege
the agreemenr as .1 did not rake anv representation ro mislead hih. He rrreh lep, rlsl $ rlDt I (ould frnd thins\
for 6ve years alrer his studies. Kiran paid the .apitanon Iee and compieted his studies. But he lefued to *Ne the .oltege, .laiminS dut he could avoid the conha.r. Sirte whethr he wi! succed in his (laim. Aaoer,: Kiran can avoid the conhact because the private college was in a Fosition to dominate the Will

the agement, as rhe horse

in any govement.ouege. But one p.ivate .ollege was

rc) 6 camoi aroid


The aEwer is (a). Mere silmce may amonr to iald d it misleads L\e orhs party with fut intention of

Fe.$n keeping silm.e.

Ex4MpLE 52

oI Kiro. Hen.e, the agreement was siSned by him uder mdue ilnuelce whi.h is a sul6.imt 6roud to
as an Essential Element of a Contract A contrart .amot be made and enJorced for an uilawtul o! itlegal object, .8. deg'trafEckjng o. shuggling. Supp6e, a Eader in nd.oti.s has d a$ement with a supplia to supply one quintal of

q odd squandei it awav Ramlya tlveatded her that .. .l? does noL.rgn the deed bdnsfemg the proper5

delned a colmltting or thrcatening to col]dit any a.t Io,hidden by Indun f$al Code. AHdpr ro coMit suicide i< an offffce wder tndian peMl code FACTUAL SITUATION: PaMlya wanrd his wife curilhn lo pdft qth.ome ldnded properiy gven lo her hr he, Iat}'er. Sav'Lb res.ted learins draL herhsbdd

ITCAI PRll\ClPll: A conda( procued by n'ercion F bid Md* Indian Conrrd.r Acr CMcion is

Lawtul Object

'o sd,rttu,.,gned fie oeed. Sub*qudrly.

Ll-e dFed

rxr (,.

Rimalya\. he would



on rle






was bad


supplie! stops his supply wthout notice, to the fiMn ial loss of the hader the hader can not sue rhe suppljer for dlJo(ement of rhe .onhact. This is or y bca8 of illegality oi the objecr. As pe. the Contract Act, rlE object md
(oisideratim of


every month at a pnce pre-determined.



valid because it was sigaed hder the ttueat of suicide

,4fls!r/, Savitki will suc.eed. The ded is nor

(1) ir is forbidden by law, (2) ir is of su.h narue that if permitted,

defeat the provisioru of

an agleement is



ia woutd


her husband which amomb ro coercion and vitiates

ELa],apLr 6J

(3) it is haudurst, (4) it involves iniury to the person or properry of



L\e resulting conFad.e be avoided. FACTUAL SITUATION: Dhirajlal is kcond-hdd (dr dpal.r or1e day. his rfl6d Depak came lo tns fli.c Io bu) a strond-hrd car. Deprt was anracted i'\ d F:d' cd. dnd he asked Dhndibl how thdt (ar was, Dhirajlal sid that it was a ex.ellent car. Dep&

lEG,4l P,RINCIPLE: If the coNent of a conbrcring farty is fro.ured by wrong statemdtsas to the fa(tual

(5) the .out rega.ds it

s imoral

or opposed fo

Simila y, a .ont act-hller .an not sue the othr party if h refses to pay hows*er big amomr, afte. the perfomd(e of rhe iltegal .onrract i.e. ki ing of

in his frind's statenrdt, bouAr rhe

Subsequmtlv, h di5coverd rhnt the rar was in a bad shape. He n'anted to avoid rhe .onrract. Srare whe$Er


Agrements Spe.ifically Declared Void Void agremsts are drcs agreehots whid are not enjorceable at law. The Ladid Cont a.t A(r, 182?


qilfrnt! tuirepresented rh {a<t to him dld rl anor6 ru raJd lhe agrFmmr of ,tF is
Drtr.ajlal has
Ex4upLL 54

r,arpr D*pak .an aroid rhe contract tRalE

.ertain agreements to be spe.ifi.aly void. The* aSreements a.F (a) ASreetrnt in resbaint of mariage.

(b) Agreemst in restraint of nade.

being rude certain.

(d) Agreenent which is not

(e) wagerng agrenenis.

Agreement in .eshaint of legal p.oceedings.

certain or.apable of

L whm, p*\on is n d posirion dotud'- daol]]./. wrll and u\e5 Ltu, po,rron'" an hfair contracL such (onEacis .d be



FACTUAL SITUATION: wanred ro do his post-grad@tion in medi.ine. He .ould nor gr the sear

(f) Agre4ets to do impossible acts. (8) ASreemat with a hinor. (h) Aglemmt without coGidera rion r') A$emmts hhjch ha: bRn declared bi illegaLoroppoed to public pol'.y

ldwq ac





a pe.son aBrees to or not lo

an agreemsrt
a person agrees to

farri.ular man or h'onun, such sroid,]i) nlitio and hen enotenlor.eable

Coverment As a resull, 4 formd it diillcult to .reet his comitment to a, E b.inEs a suit fl'r br.ach DI
impossibilily makes the contra.t void. Covcrnnent orde. .estricting the free saLe oI cdent maies llre aFeenent inpossible io perform The agreenrnt is
bared bv impossibililv of perlbrhancc
EtuMPLr 66

.trrr a similar business in the

Sihilarly, if

other person not to

,.,. 1.I

..,,r",.1 nLc',u'

same localiry for a

coEideration, he can noi get the agreed amount if the olher part_v refues to pay. This is be.ause, such an aBtemenl restlaining hade is void,l inirio Likewise, if a peison enters jnto an aFeemeni hith oher that he will not institute leSal proceedings atast him in relaiion io a particulnr djspuie. H pays aough money as.onsideration. Brt the other parlv is ft to instihrte legal proceedlngs aaanst him rt anv poht of time I lis a8reemst with the oL\e. { as voi d dll :.irio, havnrg no Iorcc Uncertarn agleements aie L\ose the meanjng of bhich is not certain o! capable of beint made .ertain Thus, if,.1 aBrees kr sll to 8, a hsdied tons ot oil th caeenlenrr. \o.d for utH.Jr'h bur r ,4..i de' c n rustard oil or I, L\e ageement is certain and hnce,

LEC,{I PR]NCIPLE: If the object antl.o siiIlriiion

of a conlra.t is


the contracl is void.

A sagerinS agrement or a bet is an aSreement llared upon the happening or non-happennrg ol an nridcnt. loi e$dple II Saclu hN a .enhry nr this


tch .gainst
nLJt enf

'.4 hen.e

Rs. 10,000. Or, if lndia {ins its .\usiralia, I will pay yo! Rs 5,00,000 and r?Dr. Sudt rgr.cmcnts or bets are loid!D nlilto ard

I will pa! vou


Rs. 5.000 and orfeis t. ,r.rk ior hm for the rest oi his lifc. Afte. 12 nonths ot lnpaid l'ork x lanll to Eo ba.k on hjs promise. The iindlord Nilhes to nrore lhe.o!rt kr nforce the agteemefr {a) The landlord Nould succeed b.ausi .! s.Ld Irirlibdur nf n .onsidcra iion ofRs a r)U rb) Ilre landldd rlould fall be.ause )i "as ftr) distressed to decide lreell {c) The lardlord reould iail b(arsc the ag.eement r"as one of bondd hbnD \vhrl, w.s againitla'e and publ,c polk] (d) The landlord !o ld rucceed becarst.\ had

lindlord lor a lonn oi

-slTLL4TiON, x, a famrei Ln Ka iliand', dislressed b) hunger ard dcstitution Soes to tl,r locil


Lasrly, an agreemenr to do an act nnpossible n1 ,lself is void Thelefore, iI,1 agrees to bring some slaE Iron dr! sky for Hs girl friend, the a8reement is void lior nnpo$ibilit)' of perfornun.e. lurfier a contra(t


of behg


nuy be baned


rhe ansser is 1c) {b) also afteaF ro b! ( red tu the consent glten by X.amot be said Lo be frec lr rv.s mrde unde. extrem distress. But, a lurdiiner L.rl rule ofcontract that i118alo. unh$tu1 igreem.nts i:. \ ont, shall apply to make iroperati\ e

sdllnot done nork worth of Rs


supervenlng nnpossibilitv or illegality. lor exatnple ,4 Iron hdia and B from Pakistan a. doing rpo.tjmporr busin* for lon6. Due to sudden ourbreak of rvar, fakinan is deda.ed an alier courlry 4 can mt be nelli iiable lo pelloln an asrcemc! t cnlcrcd i'rta bIore

such date The agreenent becomes void duc to .-Perqbs .llegrLiF Ldlr.,nolhF c'inr,le ,4 r4 pe

Constitution iD lhe r{'o-i]-+ fl is il mnssile d,r.xment haling special legal sanctit! s hi.h sets olt the lrame$ork and tlre trincitnl frnchons ol thr Jilturc.t

D. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW The Cotutitudon of India is tle Len'ithie(

^5i,h\ei.f.d ' .dlance II ".onera i1l to sing, thc contract is lrarred by A is too inpossibility oI perlorman.e and a .an not le lreld
liable to comp%ate th or6ani5ers fo.losses, iIanv. ELMPLT 65



lo R,


St't. as rLell as ir p()vides lor d,o rightj and duties of dle teople and policlcs ntr fien
organs oI the


Chaprr 13 oI rhis Cuide htled "CONSTITL:TION


.olers rlmost




Any .8.ement whi(h


impossible to perform becomes invalid.

U,41 SITU,IIION] ,4, a .ement deale., \{iL\ E to $rpply 200C brts of .ehent for the lalter's brnlding. By the tnne A
entered into an agrecment

ihportant conccpts, lrnrciPles, constituuonal bodres d.J dJtconh!\ rnJ Lhcir in-r F. r ' ..h t d_ ,r t nutshU You shall face fra.v qushons based rfon tie CoNtitution of lndia in the enllan.e tesL$ ol rlmost lll premie! law s.hools. These questions are oi both obic.tire a.d qlbte.tive tlpes and contaifed in

llernl sechons of the quesrion paper I^ Lhi\


supplicd 1000 fags of cement, the GovernmenL isNed an order lestricting the free sale of.emenl. Ther.after, every dealer {as supposed to Bet ins suppl! from tle

lve shall daL with sone lmpo.taft pn.dFles ol

.onstitutionallarv iron Lhe legal ieasoning feFPftiv Law School Admi$ion Tcsts oi NLSUI, Bangalore !n


Cnlde lo LL.B. Entance


prrricrJdr..Jnrah elen rpJ, feh ,tLc.tnn! upun $e rnnlioh (.n.bturioninho*,or..(b,erndde.,,:.r

r.r.., ,,,*1.''"

rerens prRrihJ rFalc or qordc %mehm.\ w.,, ,

\ttLtAlt}t\ lw:{.te . "i 1""1" *-"atAtjttAt ry .";;;;; .;il;;* t\ , rHongKunS .n"*" ,..*cbotu ",,"ii,,; iJ'..,i.liii,,** ** . c",*a ro^ rn desriptive stion, you have ro; a case bised -r."u ". ia;.;;;:;;r,;:il i.i",lX,iili"",or,,,u*. ,;:_ Jpun d r.\htubotur prin, ir'r dnd .rarc

:'-*8 y"g

o teEdt

il;'t-",.;jl::: -.:, * ,*,ii"" ;,';;; ba$. p,_.i1,r". :;:il,;-H;.i;i:! T,:Tiilil"..j#.,"i:ij: or ri..*i"r

,rl::elo:tll:.u, .ynderebndrns r"^ .rurd f,r.rn , Uturrtubon nu.r be "r vou, arc 1d\rd.o8o D,ro-AhCt-dpre, t3oiLt-d,Cu,.erohdve

;;;;;.,t " ;;; (ihzen (la,minc hia",ff ;:iJlii:ll-,TjJ:j;,,1J*::,?j1:Jj;*"li:i India or for a "
r"* r",


" c.,"-..,i


r,J; p.,;-


r",e, ."rlrr



[".:1," , *dotu

.i \nillatind

t.rcAl PRly( PLt: Urdc, tndid. cotu,irLho. I,r.rjty rl.eird-.rionl eL*\bod\.hdllbeequatberor.tah.,a, r'heco\enm.n,ha,d roqerlod oworLo sfiurl,/ov. Thc tncome-rJ\ A,r -r"p,l"r"r.,,.",;,i,'-",".h,*ar,." ,- rd Ijorrdc rhdt fo.e n\, .- atuuat -cohe L : l,:lr^a 'In-r! -r lulG li40n0'hdrr |nvro" o. Lhe ir.""e r. ."\. 'br srte,a.r rrrpo* rc",u.rbre re-n.hon rr he ' :i:,,1:::.:fi:: "1":"' rn.ome e\(edr Rs. r/50,000 i,,,"*.t.i,ri"*.".. ^.i"ii,", o. tur"""", or wnosF nmur,.eels R t,50u00 (hai.cngc Lc, F,eednm lix\ F8i:hdondrhcgrord,t-Jirl.\ar,.tibonrrrhe ,* r"a" o..rej ard c.nrc*un O"e, n.L r,*1,1. . ,lrri'1.* !r'-.Dren cq'atrl\ belu,et,, ftu., nc.tdr, ,pri-.h ",, (i) Iney will suc.eed, because rhe law rr^,_,
dFrntuates a8,.nrl rl.c peoptp hho edh more rhrn Rs 1,50,000 perdnrm b) rhv-\nr ,.r" who erm mor lhdn R. I <U.000d,e n". ee-d

" de \atiJib orrhenewiah J\;otrraclcrory ,?coon or .rec(h dnd e\pre"run whal .ruto be rtp man rrUl,me..on hehatl of rl-e Covenhenr ru

",u"iv"."",.ii.",li.oushout rndia l**." ",1*,.1 .",.,." r",:*,n". i" Cham<t "*..* xXX. tr,"" ru"Oo",r,.,,",.*",,*p,", lr* oar,i ii"i *,,, p*""i'.",111,p,"-" c",,,


p".pr" ,', il:"fl:':'i!ll:l::i.:ffi:T.XlffJlnl:





:1,:'"j1fi. ,ll.-"s"h

Ex upE.68 rEC;r piJNclprE: The consrirution 01 lndia {-i_r,snFdomof sfst-.rid e.pre.. r, .t-c ..rr{- -JF'{i ro lne nEhr JI the srdlF lo on r.e J m n Jnd ,mpr rcst icrions on lhis rrcedom n rtre rrerst
.or_rndE. the se(uity

-"*+.. .,r.",l*,rp-.".1.-.. r,*".,1, ui ;;,;,";..^ ".,,."d", Fqudr lJra ",-.1i.::l"yr:*.:,,, hive tu hp lantred lo dcr.mes8r8cdardm.L..Injnr.trw\,--.n8han. th equarp6prc Mo,e ineeuir,b. h,l bc do".,i*_" r. a"r*a rii#. t,", J"r.;;.'i;l t.^, ** -e dad d """ " r.,rpe,. rn ,he b"sn ::-::Tl-.::1""ry.:I]o.d rhanrG r,t0.000and aurhorsu gr-...,1. i.,.; ;,.;i;il"; ',;'";'.',i: ri'E'ji tdsEc person eamnS morc ics, and he {,as derained by ihem in thar l..Tl*' ":.y8. berow ,r rr" n.r qu.r r., d,e (!nrc,r,on.5hr "a r pari,, .u]rd\e. or ra\ahon lah. \ute (Jn,to.^t.,rre \.d- enh,et.n mo, ,"p,*l"n-a rn L" <o,n r."r r,. b. Uu Srnghdtud. ,nJ d'<imination $hile imposils raxes. rr.."r*., u," r"tt". .r..ii i. i"i"liu i" . **," -

.t.., _" ere..ise lris hudamenrar rjght to beca,,\e r,\i. r,,*, r"*1., ,. .r", .iii.""' ,*u ,r,". ,he sovemun, ro F.,,,,,." rrw cnabres rhc p....,r",,,,1,*,.-,ril.,'"."",,ir"..0n,. "., i1.u. es or al. l're l.eopr.,,, rp counrrv. ,i, ,ii,' .,,J^i)oi." i"'?.*u"* ., /J. ll-.r L'it, not .uc(eeq becrJ.e .i-*. . _..1 ,4 conhr rl)on " " edrunsle5.ur"R..r500o0arpn,,.p.udtLo nsl.tou",.,,".".,li r.. ..t_.ctu the tuaddn.ental



to thepeople who erm te\s rhan Rs

w,r no. .!(eed


tZt ,c



to..g!e iheforme.,s case. (a) sudt wilt succeed bcalse his ludahental IEhtuti.d.t rcJ,.e.cnkror.b.rntrro.drcn



"{)u. The ta,{y.r is Dot nr a .easonable posihor to





r.i,1,",i,i- -",ia r.";".,"a.

ot cout, defnmation, D.itemmr

ofd offde.

rhe atuweris (b)

kldl nrdso,rinj l.:1,.

tlc.1l PR.|\c/]1LE: RiBht b carry on d,,y (.rr.rco.. rrade or bL{nress is a Fsda;enht Rr8tir :a_rr In.trin Conshtution. The Srate i, unde. dn D .:rda* iEr.u.ture d-J atumdt LJ:l-,nd,, nn \s-xc b + rnd lnwdrds Lnrt 60)l t'le ..e|. ln :rabrl.orr \larrhrer ;rCIUrct 5iIU/ION, The State oI Uttaran.hal :iqi a lc8Glarion rorally prohib ing cow slauJahre!. r. ! Lukher. lrr. -E ir meat ofdt arutut, .rt;o rC ,1.1. chrllcnSed this legislation as viol.ring his
::-*mnrnl rr8hr to.arry on his business De.ide
rhe tenets


.4.:Eanrn under the Dire.tiv Prinoptes ofSr.te policv

l}r-,ind i, ru,LddFn nc.l..l I b"l. . -B .. rrliord] dnthcm in he r.uFe oi school assennny, in rrhich ever\, .hild must

IACTLIAI Sll U,4TIOl"i: A..ording io thc reliFous ofpa.ticular sect/ singinE Lhe praise olanvenlitv


,pcr. re[.'.p, L, ..' A

compuls.dl', parti.ipale When the disciplinarv achon was instituted agairst the child, the parenrs challenSed the school's order si^ging the narional anrhem Decide

4,sae, The fundamenral riShr to lreedom ol religion camot be abri.lge.l bI a fu.dament.rl dury



!dle IJru.' i r. rlc lJ...rT,nd'

duty to respecLnatid\al andrem, ir cnnnor be s.rd ro bc

C. .cAr i lheTirt rrn i-t..-e.t.,irts

rcligion of her choice and folloa

r t!r !

The State of Uttaranchal cannot tuke a la$ hking as,av any fmdamenral iighr. Such larv is nlll.nd void.

nadrnal an&rem daily Tlr. g1d is to follolr the


la$Jul prolibir co'v staughter Lo .,!.,Nscirunul I 6.ind-yon,c.eri,i, ire\

T\e -6hr .o \drr) !.- cnr .rcupabui .roJe ur FJ.rnL\. F bubtpct to rFr otuble rprtr.chun: Banning con{laughter is such a resrn.rion Lo better anihal husbandrv producrion and it is

FaiMP,F 71

LICAI PR/NClft: Righr lo .ft) on


busines! and right to form associations and uniofs are fmdamen tal rights under trdi.n Consiirurjon.
J 'n \1at sd,; , ,. opp.\iiw. ro rh. p'e.e.,l r'1.; r .rr\ ll r.. nobr,rl I pJt, c or.aun rArh L .l c a { or,.. pli.ies of dre Gole.nnrenr. In pursuance oi L\i: objective, it has called upon all institu nrs nfd .onrmer.inl esrablkhmenrs lo ,bandlr,, on a

4l <,t/AIrO\

pol.r !al prrr./ in


rhe powe! ofSrate.

Thc ansrvr is (.).

of peopte proresti,,s asainsr the a.iJr cr- he con\.Lted .wrc ror rhe.dr ,c olrcn.r. Cr, n- Flt, r., n, - c lu.r ie.. \r.,rr r. rurnrrq a - q lriclu,4l SITUaION": Thc students of a .ole8e .t.p_icc,n.rr- r^r.? l .trorl*r,n H. r..-hr.-,. 1Ld: on 5t.i1c d8ainst rlre reservatton by rh colege. A .ur t.o,((, I l-L.\( ruar'' r',1.,^. red-n,,r-rrte i:rnent tuvih the nsuln8 .onllsion arsaltted a nafi \'.. nr. ro( p ,"{ 1."rr.tu}..-".... -F!'er and iniured hin srievouty. Fo! thi! ofiercu, bandl, he files a suit in a courr of l.{ seek1.g an or.tcr :{ hr. ru,n.nrcd lrun. rhe (utt.;e. srb..,r"ertrt! thc ot l" _^u- . mpell sI a\.,l:rn!.'.'{i,,J,r^ a !.pidF(tpJtuhand\1u.ts,.heeleJ,irn tJr (,J{cE itscalllor bandh.

Exwrt t 71 LECAL PRINCIPLE: Unde.


prrticula. davnnd on thar day,


hug p.o.essjon

proloscs ro take oula

rn.rous hwt. Ihvi pleads that he is being :.: the iimc offence Lwi(e,



Prepare a

smllbrief f.r.Ahar


.l- 8r\, .r ,d

R?vj should not be punshed h'.ice fo. same offen.e This is uconsritutional.

hJ. no,,l'Mrhed

PreFaro. small bref nn taf 5rl ak san8h

d inL.rhunr

righr kr canv on an! Euahnreed uder Article 19(11(g) oI the lrdi.n Constiturion The,Bandh, called upon by lan Sevak San8h is vntadve ol rhe fundahcntal ri8lrt glaranteed to every ciiizen to carrv on hade or business and hence iileSal and rh courr

He should be acquitted as rustication is itsetf

aouSh punjshment. Rari cnturot plead doubte conviction as



Anstoyr 1. Every citizen has or business. This riSht


dd rustication cotlege does not amount to conviction.

T]'e a&qver b (d).

5Lo autho.ities are differnt Rari is not lt convl.ted as only a

LIGj/ PSIILCIPLE: While ii is a Fundamerat DuN oI a dhzen ro respecr narionat anftem, the
Lon:hhrhon Flirmrecs irredom ot retiSion
as *,e11

E1LaDLE 72

obserinS 'bandh'as is a valid rvav to mobitizc pubtr. opinion against rhe GovermrenL,s and people totrcy

form associations and urioLs. 1., a democra.; Iike lndia, a political party camor be stopped-froh

should slof su.h illegal aciilitt. 2. The Corodtution of Indja guardtees the rjAhr h)

ariJ( to LI-.B E tn
demo.ratic a.hrrtes

ce EM


'lF(oL (rnnot.omt cl l}l( rr .err^ rdrtn


ro .

op L

(a) Prcsideniiat actionwas valid. (b) Prsidenhal action was invati{i.

(c) Not-quesrionabte.
Nune oi these. Tlre.o.rect ansrver is 1b) Th president

J,n..r,:. "r'.pruLiC!. ttrdL L, <rd1 i"l ".hd\our ^ .\L.c r;.. ,.t ..r.""tu d I tui rm....l (oJ..etJt14-onJiiDs, di\onpJn.l .r,.i .., . r.\ I re.rsrun: urr propu..,i . ,,,.u '..,,"-(1 .r--ari\cJ i, .is,JJ..("".bo-d,c -r,uJ rh., n'n..:c..,,dn rrrp8-,. tJ... rp. sror lrcfrrc r bl!l tur ths \cch.l 1i .r. JhH { tu on ut, Jl' rr r-ced. m or r,liFr.n ,.., u.dl-"nr, .rdl "r , r|l",a r. r,r- r. -,1 Pe f !' lp.r. r. I ir.< e-e hr tr i, he+ ir r- d8a,r-t|uo , u_.1!. n II-,rn'oo|\ f.,,tpr \tjrnc,- no. ,Le
as av the

LLC4L Pni\CIJlEr Arhde +4 of Iie Constituhon


dissollin8 the Asscmbly wtthout $,aitinA lor


a.tion of

pproval wa; invalid

Q. The Prcsidenr of rndia issues a pro(tahation

imposing rhe Prsidenr,s rule in a Stare on the Sround rhat rhe state hns faited to curb lh on8oing <ommuoat vioience in rhe Srare which h6 re.eivd inspirarion from the issue, corotitutionally valid? (.) \o, bciuse orbing comtnhal viotencc .innor be a eood 8round ro invoke rhe fr..lrmtion rnder Arricte 356. {b) YeJ, mp.sihon oI president,s rule in rhe S,..r valid erercise ofpoNer

Is this proclamation of Adi.le


ludamental right to treedom ofrcljgion.

historl of Irdia ftore than a trhdred dmes, ano vorl

.ecently to dissolve rhe Legistative Assembtv of Utt

'_Cr'rru\.,r// tn.att,". t- \,. ..t '''-Art.ts : ,,.be.,,eJ .t...Jr..l.h.i rt q


(c) l.sid(,1d.r1 action ts

'.. (d) Non of rrlc\.


,munc kr ry


rn.J n-


rt r. retc\d1r tJr the , .e\ent

i . .i, C,1. o or n rlirr,J-.l.rp1,r\p . !jn.rpJ '1,.r : tu.t.o"h .. ./r, I n tr?t- .r Cur " "nFe, I r lhc State cdtuart Lre cairied on in a.cordan.e $.idi ihe p.o\isiotur ol this Constitlrion, rbe prlidlnr rniv hv r-.. , | ,dto. .P.otur g i rrc\,J\ r\'Jtrnf"l 1 (co.p olpoJ.?rr r! , \r .r,rt'i .r w. h.u r ' 1ll, , e.. I eto.p re c\pL.t u , rf"t tp oJ I ' r4. rer- .l.r'r. ve.t l-J (.otrr,.. ., ^j t-oth Ilou.p: or
I LJLlurE.l t1r! (n|sbhrt

-\, . .e . fo,.{ {dF. pro'td. . arlvr l 1-.t.rJ.v.,t(Jr r'tr.r { i mochrne^. )nJth.hi, ,pr tuJ. tt. r-.8,.-....
rdl J

The.ore.t in$lcr is (bi. The jmDor io. of Pre.:dcn tul- ir rlr.r ^. rh/; ound r-Jl rt,ts \ldF ' hdd ir,hd u flr^.hc r c.,,.j \,Ji!n,p..,.

E!.t. mi don mdr this hid Lcro, -J.., Hor,. , r P,, id, r".,tairkle slu b (rt.. j.. J L r

\!.iter of &c
implre, hc

l-llc.,1l t,RlNdpl_lr Au.itizens $alt have the .ight to heedom otspe.h ard rpresstun Frc7ll,1/- SITU4IION] Ashok Mehta, a iannrs
^_ovels, KliF\Lir 1.oF \-'Fl re srhe'(m l.\{,t

criti.ized a Novel w.illr br dnr s.neh \ \.rct F IuJ. .l-

<o l-riL n'-

hc (o,..r.rLo,nr. pr

o at miclMe^,n Srrr. Q. The Govemnenr in a Stare ill .tue ro the withdrdwJ o( supporr Eiven ro ir by n pdrly
rhe Srare Cotemor pta(e, the Sure undr suspendcd ,nimation. Soon rhereafrer ^,,;mbt) the Governor sends a Report to the presidenr .econmendina dissolurion of the Assembly

r..iv.. .n,d.u

de.enra^dgood No\

rot of a Aood ctura.ter,

, Ld.,eit rr, n_nd .

hc should write


DLCIDE: Whcther ,\shok t\{ehta can be liable or

" ' lr., nJ. tirl-t- L(dL-F ." h", JJ,l,.p,c. -.d hi5 D..\rnil L i.\v. (b) He is liable k) be sued for drc .ase oi


dd pro(laddrion of p'e.idenl s rute unde; Articl 3t6 in rhe Stnte. On the 1,nsis of thc Coremo!,s Reporr rhe dissotv.t the
w-ns rh

tt. intnrion (cl H. .dnnrr be liabte

said in rrl,r

his stateln.nt, was nor huc or


tundamenlal ngtrLs ro fredom of sfeectr .nd H cadot be std, bc.ause both are \{rirers and novelish and boL\can cririciseea.h other The<o.rect answer is (b) flisinle.rionis ddl1d.,





in8 rhe A\5embt) (on\lilulionn y

Presidenrial action undcr Arti.!e Js6

ExraLE 77

::;;i:,RI\CI|I[ No pivate person should be L*^al kr rale the adminishation of criminal iustic :: .: L? hmdJ of L\e judSes and place it or his own :il-l Ll.-1t S/TUiTION'j,4 heard the somd fro :<:d+bou's house dEt a L\ief has entered inlo his houe and his While -:.aou 5 thele hesiabbedhis neighbou B.B aas .. :eihed saw neighbou f-i.lsi to death. ,4 ran towards the !min8 thief Er: .:.t![eJ him by his arms and roped hlm to a pole E :! ii:l and next Dromjng he with the help oI hb
!@k the thiel to local poli.e station

F,ACTUAL SITUATION Kamiah, a student leadcr in the Fa.ulty ol Law, ABC University, Delhl assaulied a tea.her lnjuing him senously. Kamiah bis arestcd l-. poL. d.d p u,r eJ .r Ll-* or oL ,,.{ "fien(e grievous hurt. Sxbsquently, lhe Dean, Faculh of r:$ rusticatcd Kamiah lrom the laculty ol Law lor 5 yeare


the rustication.



Kamiah irill s!..ed as he $6s prosccutcd and punished fo. thesameoffen.e twl.e Ka'niah cannot succeed, as he ouSht to hav




.in be prosecuh'd, becaus he had no

L.r ldnidl ,"-r.ol .u,tapJ 4. rL.ii,...,n '.r, Iaculty of Law docs not amolml to
-vore of therbove. The.orrect ansser is (b). Kaniah is ought lo harc

known that he can be rusticated as trlI phished lor the asMult. pdishment


authorjry to a(est L\e L\ief

: c i

is not to be prose.uted because he has not t.rkcn law into his hand buthelped the poli.e .1 .an be prosecuted, bcause he has Lalen l:\( into his hdd. I camot be prose.uted, because he has not


kno{ the.epu.ation of the maller.


tiabbed ro thief
co.recr answer is (b).


not taken the larr

not be awarded to an a.cused of mrrder .ases as rt is called "The nrurder by Slate "ilseli' Also ule piea oI aboLltion of capital pmishment dates ba.k ar leist to
L\e early period of20d1 centuy bv erllightened liberals. Thehuman socieiy conti'ru$ lo be considerably violent bL, lhe 5lrre.ould,o lo dJ o Thp|nl.Fl.n-e

tECnI PRINCPIIT Cdpital fuiislnnent s]t'uld

ExAMpt E 78

iri,-il :=te to .

PRINCIPIE, Only States (Natiom) can be dispute before the Intclrotioml Coxn ol

on dorLds is a nore g.uesome fom



:rcru.4l SITU,4TION:,4, an rndian h.s troperr! -r:5 Ri 100 in lian, r'hicl the Govennent of i:i h$ nationaljsed. A, Iilcd a .ase in L\e highest irll oJ lran lo recover his property, buL did not get :d.'F his favos. ,4, notr sanis to lile a suil in the 5:.*jriotul cou.t oflusrice. Both hdia and Iran hare :r.rteJ the conrpuisor! jurisdiction of the i:efutionii cou.t oI lusticr.

f,4CTU, l- S/fU, llON:,4, a poh.e fiied n'

his office pisk)I, bt thinkirg that B rvas a wanted .riminal in fi\' murdq .ases. Rut 6 was an imocent Person of eljte socict! hdvi g tus 0$.n rpon con,panl of intematioral rePute. DECISiC)Nl


(a) I ca rot be stri.tly prosecuted sith

.rpital pu,islunent


it is calied "mu.der bv

r .l .an hle a suit agiinst Iran in


Lllehational Court oI Justi.e as he is an



'!r t. can fiie a sril ag.lnit Lan in th. Lltemahonai Court of Justice ort) ii Ir.n ( i camot fiie a suit
lrtema tional Cou allo$s him to iile

car be p()se.uted llith .apital punishmpnt ,. .r h r. . , I -Fen dL .t..t.Fo L! rc" fr- ar.;rr

k) 4


lrrn in

the the

.1 c.n lile a slit agaitut in


* ofJusrice

to the cdninrL and thr rat uf muid. cases have be. t cmendonsh .Pd,,.Pd nr Irdii (d) .a cannot be prosecuted wiin .rpjtal

orState LeSislature. h India ca'xrot bc prosectrtcd ns it has dctcrcnth

Iftphahonal Couit of lusrice on behall oi

p$ishment as the death ddared

sentence or


prdishment is ille8al and unsJcial has bcer

oil!6li.e hrs

arorse! is (c) The litehational Corrt

by the furliament and

its o$n method ofapplnadon of law.

Ex rni.nihrd
1l PnlNCIPlIr

'LE 79

No person stDll for thesame offence h{ice.


Lcgislatues in in.1la Th conect an$fer ls (b) The.rpiial tunishment \r. or )q l-pea ,Lo, . ip., b\ tilrt.n"-r ottart.lrr enactinganllaw and noL been aboljshed br Letislatuics

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