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CENTER CODE OF CONDUCT NorthPark Center, including its buildings, gardens, parking garages and parking lots, is private property. All guests are expected to follow the NorthPark Center Code of Conduct at all times. Any person not adhering to the Code of Conduct may be asked to leave NorthPark Center. For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, NorthPark Center kindly requests cooperation and courtesy by following the directions of NorthPark Center management and security personnel at all times and by: Accompanying anyone 17 years of age and under by a parent or legal guardian each evening beginning at 6pm, unless coming from or going to employment at NorthPark Center. Any unaccompanied person 17 years of age and under will be asked to produce an acceptable form of identification. Acceptable forms of ID include state-issued drivers license, government-issued work visa, passport, military ID and school ID with date of birth and a valid photograph. NorthPark Center management and security personnel reserve the right to ask for ID from all parents and legal guardians to verify a custodial relationship. Parents and legal guardians are expected to maintain full supervision and responsibility for the behavior of any person 17 years of age and under in their care. Parents and legal guardians may accompany no more than six unrelated persons 17 years of age and under. Any person who fails to comply with the request of NorthPark Center management or security personnel may be asked to leave NorthPark Center. Dressing appropriately for a family-oriented shopping center. Clothing must adequately cover the body. Visible undergarments are not permitted. Clothing cannot obscure the face of any guest nor exhibit lewd, obscene, vulgar or offensive language or images. Guests may be asked to remove masks, hoods or other clothing that obscures the face. Clothing likely to provoke a disturbance or involve other guests in open conflict is not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. Respecting other guests by not yelling, screaming, using offensive language or gestures, engaging in any conduct of a sexual nature, playing electronic devices loudly without headphones, or engaging in any disruptive behavior that would upset, intimidate, offend or incite any other guest. Not loitering, congregating, blocking access or interfering with the movement of any other guest. Not fighting, using any form of physical force or intimidating other guests, regardless of intent. Not staging any form of public event or protest, soliciting, or distributing information of any kind without the prior approval of NorthPark Center management or security personnel. Not leaving bags or baggage unattended. Any unattended bags are subject to search and possible seizure. Observing the hours of operation of NorthPark Center and its merchants, and promptly leaving at the close of business hours or as otherwise directed by NorthPark Center management or security personnel. Respecting the physical property of NorthPark Center by not littering, damaging, defacing or abusing the buildings, artwork, landscaping or other structure or property. Not sitting or climbing on artwork, planters and plantings, railings, walkways, escalators or any other area not intended for sitting. Not using motorized scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, Heelys or similar items within NorthPark Center or on sidewalks, unless required for health reasons. Not smoking in NorthPark Center or CenterPark Garden. Not consuming alcoholic beverages outside of restaurants licensed to serve alcohol by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. Guests are not allowed to bring alcohol on NorthPark property.

NorthPark Center management and security personnel reserve the right at any time to disperse crowds or remove any person or groups of people from any area of the property when necessary or otherwise deemed appropriate. Any person engaged in any unlawful activity may face criminal prosecution. Guests are strongly encouraged to report any behavior that is not in compliance with the Code of Conduct to NorthPark Center management or security personnel at (214) 363-7441. NorthPark Center respects the rights of all individuals and pledges the equitable enforcement of these rules, reserving the right to define and interpret conduct that may be unacceptable and to modify the terms of the Code of Conduct at any time. NorthPark Center appreciates your cooperation in adhering to the Code of Conduct.

Parking only in designated areas. No unauthorized overnight parking or camping is permitted. Obtaining prior consent from NorthPark Center management or security personnel for photography or videography of any artwork or storefronts. Photographing or videotaping other guests without their consent is also prohibited. Using only service animals that are essential for personal safety and access.


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