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My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult

Industrial Musics funkiest freak show!

By Kurt Dirt
BEST SHOW EVER, when I was fifteen in Arizona, I saw My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult. It was a call for teenagers to have sex, and take drugs. It was evil, satanic, and it totally rocked me! - Jake Shears (Scissor Sisters) This kind of music infects the youth of the world with messages they cannot handle Tipper Gore (Parents Music Resource Centre) When it comes to my own musical influences there are many crazy and colourful acts I could write about, few however have changed the way I make music the way Chicagos My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult have . They opened my mind to the possibilities of creating whole songs by myself using samplers, sequencers and drum machines as opposed to having to rely on standing around in damp basements with other band members, racking our brains to come up with something that equally feeds our egos doesn't sound like total shit. The band began in 1987 when former Special Affect front man (a post punk/ new wave band which also featured Ministrys Al Jorgensen on guitar) met up with filmmaker / music producer Marston Daley. The two planned to create their own exploitation movie in the style of John Waters and Russ Meyer called Hammerhead Housewife and the Thrill Kill Kult. The film was never completed but the soundtrack caught the ears of Wax Trax records, home to Ministry and their numerous side projects such as Revolting Cocks and 1000 Homo DJs as well as the cream of international harsh electronic artists like Front 242, KMFDM and the Young Gods. The first EP sold well so the duo became My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, re-christening themselves Groovie Mann (Nardiello) and Buzz McCoy (Daley) adopting an

(1990 line up: Buck Ryder, Groovie Mann, Buzz McCoy)

image that was a cross between the Manson Family and one of the bikers from Kenneth Angers Scorpio Rising. Their sound is equally as trippy and bizarre, a Frankensteinian mix of Industrial, Disco and Glam Rock combining pneumatic electronic percussion with funky bass lines and peppered with sound samples taken from 1960s drugs awareness films and assorted sexploitation flicks and video nasties. The bands image, lyrical themes and live shows (which featured soon saw them targeted and picketed by numerous Christian groups and organisations such as the Parents Music Resource Centre. Not only was the duo joined by backing musicians such as live keyboardist Buck Ryder (who would later go on to form the Electric Hellfire club) but also by a group of sassy femme fatale backing singers known as the Bomb Gang Girls who could have come straight out of Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!. One young journalist from South Florida interviewed the group sometime around 1990 and came out visibly shaken, convinced the band who wore animal bones and chicken feet necklaces were actual Satanists. That Journalist was Brian Warner who would later find fame as shock rock superstar Marilyn Manson! Mainstream success came when the band got signed to major label Interscope Records after the success of their 1991 psychedelic disco sleaze masterpiece Sexplosion and its lead single Sex On Wheelz featuring a trippy scorpio rising inspired video that managed to gain heavy rotation on MTV. Sex on wheelz also featured in Director Ralph Bakshis live action / animation movie Cool World . The bands music would later go on to feature in 1994s Show Girls (most memorably in the quite disturbing lap dance scene) and in The Crow in which they appear performing live. Lead actor Brandon Lee died tragically on set as a result of a faulty blank round from a prop pistol.

I caught up with lead singer Groovie Mann A.K.A Frank Nardiello to talk up about the bands influences and upcoming projects KD: Who were your early musical influences when starting the band? GM: Well wowee! There has always been a lot swirling around in my brain. At the time I was listening to soundtracks of any type and working at the Wax Trax store, the DJ Played a lot of experimental music mostly UK released stuff, the really weird stuff. It was 1984/85 after living in London for 3 years it was lacklustre in the USA, not yet the Industrial revolution ha-ha! Then here comes Nine Inch Nailzzz and dear Mary Manson. So it was bands like Current 93, Death in June, COIL, nurse w/ wound & Psychic TV, Bowie, T-Rex, Alice Cooper and Black Sabbath. KD: In the past youve used sound samples from horror / exploitation movies by the likes of John Waters and George Romero, have you ever had feedback from any of these film makers? GM: No, I always thought John Waters would like us though, love him! KD: How is the new TKK album coming along? GM: Kool enough, we are supposed to have another session soon when I am contacted by Buzz. We worked on a starter track in progress still KD: Are the rumours of a Bomb Gang Girls record true? If so who is on board and what kind of vibe are you going for ? f vibe are you aiming for? GM: Jacky Blacque will STAR + A FEW SURPRIZES!...It will be like a girl group thing, sassy & fun + little nasty, sorta hit & run vibe but wicked! KD: You are currently working on a solo album, how does your solo material differ from the Thrill Kill Kult? GM: Not really did you ever check out Darling Kandie? Something in that vein, more experi/mental as I call it! Its gonna be an EP I think for a starter unless I go back for another session for RAPEARTIST in Bologna with Justin (drummer of TKK/ skinny puppy & OGHR) KD: In the past you have been attacked by groups such as the Parents Music Resource Centre and even the Derry council for your outrageous stage shows, what has got you in to the most trouble? Is it true you were once attacked onstage in Germany? GM: I sorta remember that publicity lie ha-ha!, maybe a fan fell on top of me onstage? A ceiling fan? Silly boys! Ha-ha, Ya know we seem tame now compared to all the acts today with stronger drugs & gun fashion and all? But of course we still avoid Religious Zombies & Brainwashers (one thing)! They destroy creative virgin minds with guilt trips! KD: Its been a few years since you last visited these shores, any plans to tour over here soon? GM: I dont think the band will, maybe? but I will be over in March for a few wks. I think we will have a new line-up& show when I get there though! KD: Any collaboration planned? GM: There are a few in here in LA.... I may consider and anyone who would like to groove. I think it would be fun to work with Brian Warner. KD: Thanks for your time Groovie! Stay sexy! GM: LOVE ON! Its been fun times here with cha! Peace!

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