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Cell phone radiation health risks and protection


Two separate tests were conducted by SIRIM QAS INTERNATIONAL affiliated with the Global Research Alliance. The 1st test was conducted for the transmission and reception of airwaves in the megahertz range used for telecommunication. The 2nd test was conducted on a handphone for idling mode, calling mode, receiving mode & communication mode.

International Agency for Research on Cancer

World Health Organization
PRESS RELEASE N 208 31 May 2011

IARC CLASSIFIES RADIOFREQUENCY ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AS POSSIBLY CARCINOGENIC TO HUMANS Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classi ed radiofrequency electromagnetic elds as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.

Overseas Media Reports

US Scientists warn of link to brain cancer American scientists have warned Congress of the risks of brain cancer from mobile phones, highlighting the potential threat to children who use them. Tumour immunologist Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute said most studies claiming no link between mobiles and tumours were out of date. He called for warning labels on hand phones. Long term exposure causes a form of brain cancer. 23.07.2008 USA Today

South African study nds spike in brain tumour Professor Roder, general manager of research innovation at the Cancer Council SA says WHO is involved in a study involving 13 countries that aims to get more concrete results, particularly surrounding brain tumours and cancer of the salivary glands. He says one study found a slight spike in a type of tumour on the side of the head. Professor Roder says the risk with new technologies is that early studies often do not show any harm from repeated use, but the damage may only appear later. 17 July 2009 Web News German Interphone team nds ten year link to brain tumour A German research team, which is part of the Interphone project, has reported a 2.2-fold increase in the incidence of gliomas, a type of brain tumor, among those who had used a mobile phone for at least ten years. January 29, 2006 Web News Study Links Tumors to Cell Phone Use A study in the international journal Epidemiology nds that people who have used cell phones for at least 10 years may have an increased risk of developing a rare brain tumor. October 14, 2004, Consumer A airs Brain Tumours: the Silent Killer A pre-eminent neurosurgeon in Australia looks at possible link between 21% increase in children's brain tumors and mobile phone use. June 7, 2004, MSN Cell Phones May Lead To Lower Fertility In Males. One study nds that men who used cell phones for long periods of time have signi cantly impaired sperm production leading to lower sperm count and quality. CBS5, 14-3-2007 AUSTRIA, FRANCE, GERMANY, AND SWEDEN HAVE RECOMMENDED MEASURES TO MINIMIZE EXPOSURE TO EMF

Cell Phone Dangers

Science has discovered the human body has been exposed only to the naturally occurring electromagnetic eld of subtly low frequency range of about 7.8 Hz. And it had been in this subtle frequency range that living cell's evolved and developed normal metabolism. However, today's modern technology has dramatically changed the environment and introduced all living organisms to unnatural new high frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by all electrical appliances. With the explosion in radio and TV broadcasting stations, radio telephone networks, cordless phones and cell phones, the density of radio waves and microwaves around you is now many times higher than natural levels. Scientists estimate that YOUR daily exposure to EMF radiation is 100 Million times higher than it was in your grandparents' time. In 1994, Nobel prize winners Alfred Gilman and Martin Rodbell determined that the body's cells communicate with each other by subtle low electromagnetic signals. These signals carry all the vital information that, through the process of transduction, are translated into biochemical and physiological processes of the body. EMF can potentially distort and disrupt these cellular communication signals resulting in abnormal cellular metabolism and consequently illness.

In 1995, Dr. Henry Lai and Dr. Singh at Washington University proved that animals exposed to cell phone radiation resulted in double-strand breakage in DNA creating serious genetic alterations that can lead to cancer, cell death and mutagenic problems. (Verschaeve et al., Phillips et al. and Sakar con rmed Lai and Singh's nding.) An Adelaide Hospital animal study found cancer cell proliferation and malignant tumors in animals exposed to electromagnetic radiation. (Slddmore and Baum, Szmigielski, Chou, and Cleary all con rmed that nding.) According to a study from the Neurological Hospital of the University of Freiburg in Germany, cellular telephones' high-frequency electromagnetic elds lead to a signi cant increase in blood pressure. Pulsed high-frequency elds, as used with cellular telephones, a ect biological processes in the brain, which are measurable in electroencephalograms (EEG). It is beyond question that cellular telephones negatively in uence the brain's bioelectric activity. With the enormous increase of electromagnetic and radio wave radiation, increasing numbers of illnesses such as allergies, neurodermatitis, fatigue, asthma, heart disease, brain cancer, depression, sleep disorders and ill temper are claimed to be on the rise.

How Does It Work?

The combination of materials and embedded energy has electro-physical properties that works in seconds to reduce the harmful electromagnetic radiation from cell phones.

Without Orbix
The EMF from di erent handphones heat up the surrounding location of the head and produces negative e ects encountered by users.

With Orbix
Orbix changes incoherent electromagnetic eld produced by di erent devices. Through this transformation it substantially reduces it's harmful e ect and intensity.

** Artist Impression Only

Test Results for Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Before Orbix 11.97 mtesla

Before Orbix 2.62 mtesla

Before Orbix 0.11 mtesla

After Orbix 2.84 mtesla



After Orbix 0.04 mtesla



After Orbix 0.06 mtesla



** micro tesla is the measurement of electromagnetic radiation


Place Orbix Chip as indicated

IPhone users have to place the Orbix Chip on the back surface of the handphone
** Orbix Chip lifespan : 3 Years. Warranty 1 Yr from date of purchase

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