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Acts Chapters 3-5

1. Peter and John were arrested for healing a crippled man in the name of Jesus. After they had healed him, Peter gave a speech to all those who saw the sign. His speech was about Jesus, through whom they performed this wonderous healing. This speech about Jesus, whom they had crucified and did not believe in, angered the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin were truly angered because Peter said that they killed the Son of God, and by doing so, had acted out of ignorance, in his speech. Ultimately they were angry because the two apostles were speaking and teaching about Jesus, who had risen rom the dead. 2. Peter and John were set free because the Sanhedrin had nothing to pin against them in order to keep them. Peter and John had only done a good deed. This whole incident made the Sanhedrin very nervous,however, because Peter and John were speaking in the name of Jesus the Nazorean. Ultimately, the two apostles were set free because the Sanhedrin feared that the people might riot or something since they hadnt done anything wrong, so they had nothing to accuse them for. 3. The community of believers was one of heart and mind, Luke writes. It was a communal life and every possesion was shared among them voluntarily. The early Christian community bore great witness to the Resurrection of Jesus, and great favor accorded all of the early believers. There werent any needy people in the community because anyone who owned a house or property would sell it, and give the proceeds to the apostles. These proceeds were then distributed according to how much one needed. The early Christian community thought of themselves as Jews at that time, and prayed the traditional Jewish prayers, like the Shema, along with Christian prayers such as the Lords Prayer. They also taught Jesus words and were always open to anyone to join. They had great faith in what would later be known as the Eucharist, and the Holy Spirit was with them. 4. Ananias and Sapphira were good people gone bad, so to speak. They were going to give much money to the early Christian community, but instead Ananias commited a great sin of lying not only to Peter, but also lying spiritually to the Holy Spirit. Ananias was sold his house and was going to give the proceeds to the apostles to distribute according to need. However, instead he sinned and kept some of the money for himself, being greedy. His wife, Sapphira, knew of this whole incident and did not try to change his mind. Peter asked them both and both responded with a lie, saying that all that had given was all that they had received. According to Luke, after the two lied to

Peter, They fell down and breathed their last. Satan had entered the two of them, and both had full control of the situation, but still made the wrong choice. 5. The high priest and the Sadducees had five of the apostles jailed because they were jealous of the apostles power and ability to heal. However, the angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison that night and told them to go and teach about this life in the temple area. Early the next day, the aposltes did go to the temple area and they taught. This shows the apostles true loyalty to God. Even though they had just been jailed for doing things in His name, they continued to teach in His name. Meanwhile, the Sanhedrin had found the jail cell of the apostles securely locked and empty with the guards outside. Then the apostles were found in the temple area, but were only flogged and let go, due to the advice of the Rabbi Gamaliel. This release shows us that God is always there for us, and ready to release us from sin. 6. The advice of the wise Rabbi Gamaliel, a Pharisee, was to be careful about what they do to the apostles of Jesus. The rabbi gives examples from a time ago, when the followers of other people who claimed to be important came to nothing. One example he gives is of the followers of a man named Judas from Galilee who also perished and his followers became scattered. The advice of the Rabbi Gamaliel was to not harm these apostles of Jesus for if they are truly apostles of an important man then the men who try to fight them might actually have to fight God. However, if the apostles werent really the followers of the Son of God and their activity is of human origin then, it will destroy itself. All the people were persuaded by the Rabbi and the apostles were released after being flogged or whipped.

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