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( A qui ck St ar t
Gui de t o
creat i ng t he
sacred f or
yoursel f )
By Sacramentos
Candle Connection
How to get it
right the first
Now that you have cleansed, made sacred, and
connected your energy to your tools, you can
do a couple of things with them. First, you can
store them in a wooden box to keep prying eyes
and hands away so they dont pick up their en-
ergies and weaken what youve done. You can
also wrap each tool in a natural cloth to keep
dust and such off them and keep them
Special when you go to use them. Sometimes
the very ritual of unwrapping and setting up
your tools sets your mind to focus on the work
to be done and gives the connecting a little
boost. If you are not worried about having your
tools on display, you can keep your altar or
work space set up for when you need it. Its a
good idea to lightly consecrate the tools and
area before starting any ritual or work and I
prefer WizardCrafts Instant Consecration.
Its an infusion of elemental stone energy to
charge the water and has all five elements in it.
All you do is pour some into a small spray bottle
and mist the area saying, I consecrate you
with air, earth, fire, water, and Spirit. Its done
in one pass and you can get on to doing what
needs to be done. (Yes, I know, its a public
service announcement, but thats what its for
in the first place.)
As you travel the path, you may find other meth-
ods and things to say that work better for you.
This is just to get you started, and if you pick up
things that work better, then use them and cre-
ate your own personal rituals that will carry
your energy and manifestation more effectively
for you.
If you have any questions, or comments,
Please feel free to write me at:
Blessings on your path!
In the service of the Olde Ways,
Rev. Stan MoryII
Ordained Minister and
High Priest of the Craft.
You want to gather any and all tools that you will
use in your work. Set these items on the table or
altar and cast a circle around the space to make
it sacred and safe from stray energies that could
contaminate your efforts. Make sure you have a
small dish of salt, a cup of water (preferably from
a natural source, like a stream, river, or rain) if
not, tap will do fine. You will also need at stick or
cone of incense and something to put it on and
light it with. You will also need a small jar or bot-
tle of anointing oil to represent spirit.
Put three pinches of salt into the water, saying,
Creature of Salt, Sacred and pure, bless this
water and purify it , that it may assist me in all
rites. Stir the water with your finger.
Then light the incense and say, I bless you
creatures of fire and air that you may assist me in
all rites.
You are ready to consecrate with the elements.
Take your tools and either sprinkle the water
from the cup or dip your finger into the cup and
touch each tool , saying, I consecrate you with
water and earth to assist me in all works of
Wave the incense smoke over the tools or pass
each through the smoke, saying, I consecrate
you with air and fire to assist me in all works of
Take a small amount of oil and touch or wipe on
each tool saying, I consecrate you with Spirit to
assist me in all works of magick.
Place your hands over the tools, breathe in the
energy around you and then connect with the
tools and exhale slowly over the tools, do this
three times. Then say, keeping your hands over
the tools, I call forth the Divine within and the
Olde Ones to bless and charge these tools to
assist me in all works of Magick.
Thank each of the elements and the Divine for
their assistance, return the energy circle back
within you and put your newly consecrated tools
After being in the Craft for over 25
30 years and through English Tradi-
tion, Tarot Magick, Elemental Energy
Working, and Hecatine Mystery
Training, ( which is still ongoing), I
began to realize that something es-
sential seemed to be missing in most
books on the subject of Magick and
the lifestyle. Most books seem to be
concerned with getting the reader
into the form or the hands on stuff
very quickly, but whats actually be-
hind it all, the real stuff seems to be
either left out all together, touched
on very lightly, or explored at the
very end of the book or series. It
would appear that what you are
about to learn is implied as you go
along or you should understand it by
reading between the lines, as it
were. The problem is that the good
and wise folks that write these books
are elders and either masters in their
own right, or magus level users.
They also write from the perspective
and perceptions of the tradition (s)
they were trained in. Now this isnt
an attempt to make things difficult
for the beginner, but it does seem to
me that if you understand the Why
first, the What and How seems to
make more sense and is more effec-
tively attained, than the Hit and
Run approach. Besides, if magick
is mostly thought energy manifested,
then it would make sense that there
is where one should start. So here
we go.
Well, to really understand these ba-
sic concepts, one must realize that
when it comes to spirit and energy,
regardless of your path or training,
everything boils down to just two
things; Energy and connection.
Everything that is a Form, that is an
object or event, has and transmits a
From the telephone on your wall to the boss on
the other end, yelling at you, it is all an energy
form and has a specific frequency that you can
connect to. It has a frequency because accord-
ing to E equals MC squared, everything is
Phase Shifting from mass to energy and back,
so it creates a waveform. Below is a diagram of
waveform characteristics that directly relate to
connection and relevancy.
To connect with any form in your time/space,
first, you must perceive it and be aware or no-
tice it. The second you focus on the form, you
adjust your own energy field to re-enforce the
perceived frequency or cancel it out. How much
personal value or Relevancy you assign (and
yes, it is a choice, always!), will determine how
much you connect with that form.
The Great ancient Egyptian magician, Hermes
Trimagestus, postulated the famous axiom, As
above, so below, as within, so without. I call
this principle, Reflective Connection. (Fig .2)
being is directly and imme-
diately manifested as a
form on earth in the physi-
cal, or Body part of the
Triangle, and/or in our im-
mediate environment.

Basically, it simply states that what hap-
pens in the Universe and within our own
being is directly and immediately mani-
fested as a form on earth in the physical,
or Body part of the Triangle, and/or in
our immediate environment.
This Triangle is made up of 3 aspects of
everyones being, and most forms. Mind,
Body, and Spirit. Spirit would be like the
conductor of an orchestra, mind like the
musician, and body like the instrument
and sheet music. (Fig. 1) The point being
that what affects
one will affect the
others, subtly or
dynamically. This is
where all quantum
ideas of
entanglement and
comes from and
takes us back to the axiom.
Basically, consecration is the process of
making a space or object or even a per-
son sacred. That is, its set apart from
the mundane realm unto a special place
all to itself. Once done, it is reserved only
for the purpose it was consecrated for,
and cannot be used for anything else. On
a Quantum level, by your will and observ-
ing, you change the frequency of the item
to resonate in congruence with the fre-
quency of the Divine within and all that is
made sacred around you. This applies to
ritual work , as well as magick work.
Once the frequency is set, its ready for
you to connect to and use as a hands on
symbol, (according to the Triangle) for
your subconscious mind to focus on the
changes you are about to create. Basi-
cally, it s ready to help you shift.

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